#file system
fuzzyghost · 2 years
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jpegthedogthing · 4 months
I can't watch Flushed Away normally because the fuckin main rat dude looks EXACTLY like Zip but just if .. he was a rat. Like mannerisms and clothing choice is pretty much exactly the same too. Slicked back brown hair and everything. It's terrible /pos
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elbrunoc · 1 month
#RaspberryPi – 1st setup no monitor 📺: Wifi 📶 auto connect, SSH, rename, update, docker 🐳, rust and more! Update 2023-Jan-04
Latest version 2024-Apr-30 here Content Create SD card using Raspberry Pi Imager Configure Wireless connection (if needed) Enable SSH (if needed) Find the IP address in your network Access via SSH Change Password (if needed) Rename the device (if needed) Expand FileSystem Update the device Install neofetch Install Docker Setup SSH password-less access to the Raspberry Pi Setup…
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magodelpc · 9 months
Qual'è la differenza fra FAT32 - exFAT e NTFS
In questo articolo voglio aiutarvi a fare chiarezza sui principali file System di Windows, parleremo di FAT32 – exFAT e NTFS, ora cercherò di spiegarvi le principali differenze, i vantaggi e svantaggi di ogni file System. Introduzione FAT32 è più vecchio ma offre una compatibilità quasi universale con diversi sistemi operativi e dispositivi, rendendolo ideale per unità flash e unità…
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infamouslydorky · 2 years
Stop removing ports, headphone jacks, and cd players from technology
I don't want to put my information on a cloud! I want physical media
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vumigumied · 10 months
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Got stuck in a portal call that portalstuck
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hardinternetkid · 2 years
A Complete Guide To Distributed File System Replication (DFSR)
A Complete Guide To Distributed File System Replication (DFSR)
Often used by organizations, Distributed File System Replication (DFSR), as its name suggests, is a replication engine that aids in synchronizing folders. It is designed to make your work more accessible in this digital era wherein web traffic has increased significantly and backup procedures are strenuous. With DFSR, you can access data from several locations in an easily secure, convenient, and…
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overseer-picard · 1 year
Me, going through my files "What the hell is a 'Saddle Punch'?? Why can't I just name files in ways that make sense?"
*opens file*
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mispatchedgreens · 6 months
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communal spaces! are the heart of any throuple! (2 versions bc im just an indecisive baby)
it's @zukki-week and day 1 was domestic
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idonutcareforyou · 2 months
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sciderman · 2 months
How did your meeting go with the surgeons?
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it was memorable
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i-made-a-bg3-blog · 5 months
Look, it’s not like Astarion intended on becoming a Harper, it’s just - well, burglary and pickpocketing are a little more difficult when you can’t enter homes without an invitation or go outside during the day, and he’s grown rather accustomed to a certain elevated lifestyle. There are other places he could turn to for money: the city owes him an estate and a title at the bare minimum. But, there’s something to be said for self-sufficiency, and, though he hates to admit it, he wouldn’t make it through three weeks as a noble without being bored out of his mind.
The Harpers need warm bodies (or cold ones, as it were) to rebuild their ranks after Orin’s doppelgangers, and Jaheira’s a savvy old crone who never learned to take no for an answer. She pinpoints Astarion’s two weak spots: a heavy coinpurse and kidnapped children, street kids, the kind no one would miss.
They’re decidedly amateurish criminals, and it doesn’t take him long to track them down and dispatch them, messily and painfully. Four children sit huddled in a cage, and Astarion knows he must look every bit the monster as he picks the lock with hands covered in gore, but they don’t shy away in fear when he opens the door. One of them slips his chubby little hand into Astarion’s and refuses to let go until they reach the safehouse. It’s…odd.
“Good work, Harper,” Jaheira tells him after, and Astarion makes it explicitly clear that he’s simply an independent contractor, an expensive one. 
Jaheira just smirks like the witch she is.
So he contracts. He infiltrates the Guild (and feels insulted when Nine Fingers doesn’t recognize him; he’d like to think he’s rather unforgettable), foils an assassination plot or three, even teams up with Minsc and a turncoat Thayan to stop a gaggle of Red Wizards from doing…whatever it is they do. It’s a good business, he supposes. A hero’s reputation is a small price to pay for a hero’s coffers.
Jaheira’s wise enough to know when to hang up her blades, and it makes her more of an insufferable busybody than ever, which - somehow - becomes Astarion’s problem. First, it’s his own cell, then suddenly he’s the field contact for four others. He’s dragged to the most dreadfully tedious logistical meetings imaginable. The only reason he agrees to any of it is that Jaheira can turn an offhand comment and a raised eyebrow into the kind of challenge that itches beneath Astarion’s skin. It should be all too familiar and just as unwelcome, that burning need to prove himself, but it’s not. It’s different, perhaps, when he isn’t being set up to fail.
Jaheira passes away peacefully in her sleep at the ripe old age of one hundred and ninety-two, and Astarion’s convinced he can hear her grumbling about that all the way from the Fugue Plane. She would have rather gone out fighting, but, privately, Astarion feels like she deserved something gentler than bleeding out on a battlefield. He never did tell her how much he admired her (though he doubts she would have appreciated such open sentiment: ‘I did not realize I looked so terrible that you’ve already started my eulogy.’), but she must have known. He thinks he’s really going to miss her.
Right up until the moment Rion is handing him a pin and leading him to a library full of dossiers and documents. Then, he’s ready to cross the Astral Sea just so that he can bring her back and kill her again. Independent. Contractor. What part of that did she not understand? 
He goes home and locks the door with the full intention of ignoring every Harper that comes knocking. But Harpers are nosy little shits, and after he nearly disembowels one who surprises him by breaking into his house just to tell him the most idiotic plan to dismantle a smuggling ring he’s ever had the misfortune of hearing, he realizes hiding isn’t going to be an option. Besides, Astarion cannot be privy to such levels of incompetence and sit idly by. 
So he helps. Provisionally. Just long enough to find a decent replacement, and then he can wash his hands of the whole thing.
Unfortunately, it’s not as easy a task as he had hoped. Every potential candidate lacks something: consistency, creativity, confidence, the common sense to understand Astarion’s eminently logical filing system. It takes him three decades to accept that not only is he excellent at the job, but that he enjoys it immensely. 
When they make him take a title, he chooses Spymaster. It suits him - dashing, mysterious, questionably moral, because he’s never been a hero, and it would be foolish to pretend that he is.
They all call him High Harper anyways.
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jpegthedogthing · 26 days
They should invent an alter who's just a normal ass middle aged dude that has his shit together and can take on a job for us.
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elbrunoc · 1 year
#RaspberryPi – 1st setup no monitor 📺: Wifi 📶 auto connect, SSH, rename, update, docker 🐳, rust and more! Update 2023-Jan-04
#RaspberryPi – 1st setup no monitor 📺: Wifi 📶 auto connect, SSH, rename, update, docker 🐳, rust and more! Update 2023-Jan-04
Latest version 2023-Jan-05 here Content Create SD card using Raspberry Pi Imager Configure Wireless connection (if needed) Enable SSH (if needed) Find the IP address in your network Access via SSH Change Password (if needed) Rename the device (if needed) Expand FileSystem Update the device Install Docker Setup SSH password-less access to the Raspberry Pi Setup password-less access to…
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buwheal · 3 months
If it has a pen and a canvas spamton will be drawn‼️
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Never finished the neo XP piece </3
Plus also my DS case !!!
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Get turned into a sticker idiot (he looks weird though its been a month or two)
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meltedheartz · 3 months
yan!paul atreides is such a freak :(
you’re one of the emperor’s kids, introduced as his daughter despite insisting you’re a boy. you’re so pretty in his eyes :((
he loves you sm, presses kisses on your face, hands in yours, all gentle and adoring :(((
but you know for a fact there’s an underlying, deep obsession that he has with you under all that tenderness.
paul follows you like a lost puppy — constantly lingering around like he’s your second shadow
is he apologetic? not at all! he needs to make sure you’re safe at all times!! even when he’s out and about, too busy to watch you himself
‘course, the aloof idiot gives you all sorts of gifts. he buys you flowers, clothes, food, and anything you’re even remotely interested in, despite you not needing all of it :(
how else are you gonna end up dependent on him and solely him! he has to prove he can properly take care of you, duh.
not to mention how whenever he’s near you, he’s callin’ you dumb things. his pretty boy, his star, his fucking everything.
it should be unsettling — but you’ve been around him long enough to be used to it! it’s all good!!
paul also loves to visit you. a lot. stays for a few days, talks with you, does any and everything he can possibly do with you.
nd when the weirdo seeks to become the emperor? shit, best believe you’re the best candidate for that.
he does everything in his power to make it happen. and fuck, does he make it a reality, forces fate, changes his and your path when he’s wed to you :(
paul’s starin’ at you like you’re the only person in the room, clinging to you like he wants to never let go.
and paul really, really doesn’t wanna let go of you. not ever.
so when he ends up alone with you? no one else around, everyone gone home or elsewhere?
he immediately falls to his knees and takes off all your attire, pressing kisses on your tummy, all the down to your cunt.
the entire time, he’s drooling all over you, lickin’ and sucking while praising you.
“you’re so fuckin’ pretty.”
“all mine now, yeah? yeahhh, that’s it.”
“you gotta loosen up if you want me to put a baby in you, y’know. can you do that for me?”
he makes you cum all over his fingers, knuckle deep inside of your cunny with hearts in his eyes.
it’s the way he talks to you — praising you all nice nd sweetly despite the filthy words he’s saying :(
when he’s done, paul licks his fingers and stands up. he came in his pants twice just from tasting you, how many times is he gonna cum when he’s inside?
the thought has you shuddering.
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