sunstone-smiles ยท 1 year
Hi! I see you have requests open!
So idk about you but Arval is my favorite character in Three Hopes. I love their personality and their dynamic with Shez.
I was wondering, could you please write a fic for the two of them? I was thinking of something like Fire Emblem Heroes where Arval has their own physical form. Letโ€™s say theyโ€™re feeling sort of lonely and out of place in the world, and Shez helps to cheer them up and reassure them (with tickling of course ๐Ÿ‘€)
Letโ€™s go with F!Shez for this one.
Thank you!!
You got it anon! Honestly, the last time I played Heroes was when I redownloaded it to get the exclusive items for Engage and then uninstalled it again right after, Lol. But I still tried to make it work! I hope you enjoy!
Conquering a Crowded Concern
Series: Fire Emblem
Characters: Shez and Arval
Word count: 1,171
Summary: Arval looks a little glum, so Shez decides to get to the bottom of it while cheering her friend up at the same time. Enjoy!
The castle halls are bustling in the Askr Kingdom. Heroes from different worlds converse with one another, filling the main hub that lies in the center. They all stand on blue and gold colored carpet as wooden boards with written quests tacked on to them are hidden behind the crowd. Despite how lively everyone looks, a mysterious being with white hair keeps their distance. They lean back on the blue patterned walls, peeking behind the corner. While watching, they let out a sigh, long with drooping shoulders.
The mysterious being whips their head forward to see a familiar purple-haired mercenary approaching. โ€œShez! You scared me,โ€ Arval releases the tension in their body.
โ€œSorry, I didnโ€™t mean to. I saw you staring at everyone behind the wall. What are you doing over here anyway?โ€ย ย 
โ€œIโ€™m justโ€ฆobserving.โ€ Arval turns their head away to continue staring at the sea of heroes.
โ€œArval, I know that tone in your voice. Whatโ€™s wrong?โ€
Shez would be the only person that could see right through their guise. Theyโ€™re two out of the few heroes that come from the same world, so the mercenaryโ€™s presence allows them a comforting feeling of familiarity. But even so, Arval doesnโ€™t want to drag Shez into their troubles. Itโ€™s better to keep it to themselves and conceal any distress that may be trembling in their words.
โ€œNothing,โ€ Arval finally responds. โ€œIโ€™m alright.โ€
Shez places a hand on her hip. โ€œArval, I want to know. If thereโ€™s something I can do to help, please tell me.โ€
โ€œYour kindness is soothing to hear,โ€ Arval shows a soft smile. โ€œBut really, Iโ€™ll be fine.โ€ The mysterious being turns their head back to the crowd of people in the distance, keeping a lock on whatโ€™s on their mind.
โ€œArvalโ€ฆโ€ Shez lowers her shoulders. Thereโ€™s clearly something bothering them. The mercenary is going to get to the bottom of it. When a friend is in need, she canโ€™t just stand idly by.ย 
Shez walks over to her friendโ€™s side. โ€œHey. Arval, listen to me,โ€ she gives her friend a poke to the rib to get their attention. To her surprise however, Arval suddenly jolts with a squeak, quickly wrapping their arms around their body.ย 
โ€œWhat was that for?โ€ the mysterious being looks at the mercenary.
Shez blinks at them. โ€œWait a minute,โ€ she replies before approaching even closer.
โ€œShez? What are youโ€”ah hey!โ€ Arval starts twisting away from the mercenary when they begin poking their torso through the unprotected spaces between their arms, causing the powerful being to release soft puffs of giggles with every poke. Arval closes their mouth to prevent any more of their quiet laughter from being heard, but once their back is turned to the mercenary, Shez switches out of easy mode. Shez darts her hands forward, using all her fingers to scratch at Arvalโ€™s sides, earning a back-arching yelp from their partner in destiny.
โ€œCould it be?โ€ Shez smiles with a smirk in her tone. โ€œThe mysterious and powerful Arval is ticklish?โ€
โ€œYehehehes! Yehehes I am! Nohohohow quhihihit it!โ€
โ€œNope! Not until you tell me whatโ€™s bothering you! Besides, I think this helps cheer you up anyway, don't you?โ€
โ€œShehehez!โ€ Arval squirms around in the mercenaryโ€™s hold until theyโ€™ve turned their body enough to face her. With Shezโ€™s hands still clinging to their sides, Arval tries to pry the mercenaryโ€™s fingers away while tugging themselves backwards.
โ€œLehehet gohohoโ€”AH!โ€ Arval lets out another yelp when Shez crawls her fingers up to their ribs. Arval crumbles to the floor with Shezโ€™s hands still following them all the way to the ground. The white-haired being squirms on their back, their arms squeezed to their sides as their physical form is reduced into giggles.
โ€œShehehehez! Peheheheople are gohohoing to hehehear us!โ€
โ€œNah, itโ€™s fine. Theyโ€™re all busy with their conversations. No one comes over hereโ€ฆWell, except for me of course. Now tell me whatโ€™s wrong!โ€
Despite their wild wriggling, Arval resists the persuasion to give in. โ€œI rehehehefuse!โ€
โ€œOkay then, suit yourself,โ€ Shez grins. She inches her fingers even higher up Arval's ribs until she reaches their underarms.
โ€œEEEK! Nohohohot thehehehere!!!โ€ย 
โ€œAha! A tickle spot! Oh, youโ€™re in trouble now, Arval,โ€ the mercenary smirks and continues wiggling into the spot. Arval kicks their legs behind Shez in giggly mirth and tries to pull themselves up, but they easily fall victim to the power of the tickles.ย 
โ€œOhohohkahahahay! Yohohou wihihin! Iโ€™ll tehehehell yohohou!โ€
โ€œGood!โ€ Successfully getting Arval to agree, Shez pulls her hands away to allow Arval a rest. Soon after, the mercenary pulls them by the arm to help them sit upright, then kneels down next to their friend with ears open and ready.
Arval tilts their head away before speaking and rubs the side of their arm, their chest still slowly rising and falling. They finally let out a sigh.ย 
โ€œIโ€ฆI feel lonely,โ€ Arval pauses. Shez stays quiet and listens.
โ€œThere are so many heroes in this world that itโ€™s almost overwhelming,โ€ Arval continues. โ€œOur world feels so small compared to the rest of them that I seemโ€ฆout of place.โ€
โ€œOh, Arval,โ€ Shez finally replies with sympathetic eyes. โ€œI wish you would have told me something sooner. Youโ€™re looking at a person that canโ€™t stand to see their friendโ€™s upset. I want to help, no matter what.โ€
โ€œI didnโ€™t want to burden you with my own worries.โ€
โ€œBurden? Arval, your feelings will never be a burden to me.โ€
Arval lifts their eyes upwards. โ€œAreโ€ฆAre you sure?โ€
โ€œOf course Iโ€™m sure. Thatโ€™s what Iโ€™m here for.โ€ Shez still sees the droopiness in Arvalโ€™s gaze. โ€œHey, come on. No more of that frown,โ€ the mercenary reaches a hand out and flutters their fingers into Arvalโ€™s side.
Arval gasps. โ€œShehez!โ€ they recoil back with a few giggles.ย 
โ€œThereโ€™s that smile again,โ€ Shez chuckles and pulls her hand away. โ€œFeeling better?โ€
Arval stays quiet for a moment, feeling that their mind is less dreary than it was before Shez came along. It seems all they needed was a good laugh with a friend.ย 
Arval lifts their head up and smiles at them. โ€œI guess, I do.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m glad. And remember, youโ€™ve always got me. We are partners in destiny, right?โ€
โ€œYes, meaning Iโ€™m unfortunately stuck with you,โ€ Arval teases.
โ€œNow thereโ€™s the Arval I know!โ€ Shez stands up, then holds out her arm towards them. โ€œHere, take my hand.โ€ย 
โ€œHm? What for?โ€
โ€œWell one, to help you stand back up,โ€ Shez gives a silly grin. โ€œAnd two, weโ€™re gonna go meet some people. Youโ€™re with me, right?โ€
Arval glances at Shezโ€™s reassuring eyes before returning their gaze to the mercenaryโ€™s outstretched hand. For a moment, Arval hesitates, but they know that wherever Shez takes them, they can trust.ย 
Arval grabs Shezโ€™s hand, then is immediately pulled to their feet. With great enthusiasm, Shez tugs Arval towards the circle of heroes. Arval may be anxious about meeting new people, but with someone like Shez by their side, theyโ€™re given the newfound confidence they need to ease those worries.
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singingshutin ยท 2 years
This drastically changes my headcanons now that I know Ignatz's mother was a pegasus knight.
Maybe she knew what would be waiting for her boy at Garreg Mach. The best instruction in the entire continent, yes, but also pain. Physical pain, of course, but also the soul-tearing agony of witnessing death for the first time. Causing death for the first time. For the second, and third. Fourth, fifth, and six-thousandth times. The blood on one's hands that can never be washed off.
I wonder if she tried to convince her husband no, don't send him. Let him stay. Apprentice him to some tradesman. Have him work under Bastian.
But that headstrong nature she fell in love with won out.
She helped Ignatz pack. She pretended not to see as he slipped hand-crushed pigments into his bags - tucked full sketchbooks underneath his crisp new academy uniform. She knew about the few tired tears that slipped out when he thought no one was looking.
But he kept a brave face. He even smiled at her as he stepped out of the door that morning. She held onto her baby tightly, willing the hug to last until the sun's last embers fizzled out and the world was plunged into the darkness of final eternity.
And as the horses clicked away, all she could do was close her eyes and mouth a silent prayer.
Sothis, protect him.
Protect his body and his mind.
Most of all, protect his soul. Don't let him grow hard or unfeeling. Keep him safe in your arms - as a mother would.
As I would.
As I can't anymore.
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arysthaeniru ยท 2 years
There are so many media properties that I fall headfirst into the fandom for because the Canon has so much potential it just wastes. I can't say I think that FEW:TH is a GOOD game, but it intrigues me. There's so much interesting implications politically, the characters are chock-full of childhood trauma, and the gameplay is fun, even when the dialogue is...wow...did a cliche robot write this????
The problem with loving fandoms for trying to fix canon is eventually you start wanting to write fic to improve on Canon and....I don't have time for this! I have 4 hours of Japanese hwk a day, I can't be here hyperfixating on making Petra better.
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azzandra ยท 2 years
I finished FEW:TH! Or at least I finished the Golden Wildfire route, still got the other two to go. Here are some random thoughts I had on Byleth and the temporal meta-narrative (spoilers under the cut)
Hereโ€™s a fun thing I noticed: Byleth has A, B, and C supports with all the characters, but no support convos with anyone but Jeralt and Shez. I like this on a meta-narrative level. This implies that FE3H still happens on some level, that all the routes in that game happened, that the bonds exist and somehow transcend time, and I think itโ€™s a nice thought.
I have a lot of feelings about Byleth, BUT BUT BUT consider the fact that I love Byleth. Their flat affect and emotionless personality are referenced in FE3H, but in this game we really see it on full display with Bylethโ€™s robotic voice and occasional insensitive remarks. Jeralt takes it all visibly in stride, even when the people around them are shocked, and I kind of love it.
Now, back to Shez. I played on the casual/easy settings, because I CANNOT deal with characters dying. I cannot. So they just retreated, except for a few deaths, and Iโ€™m fine with that.
The thing about FE3H is that even on the easiest settings in that game, characters can still die. I am still shaken from having killed Ferdie because I couldnโ€™t recruit him in time during the student phase tbh. When he showed up again in this game, I was TERRIFIED Iโ€™d see a repeat of that. So imagine my relief when he just retreated!
So this is the thing that makes Shezโ€™s timeline seem much brighter than Bylethโ€™s. Thereโ€™s just a lot less death. Thereโ€™s a lot less suffering: Monica doesnโ€™t get flayed so Kronya can wear her skin like a cheap coat, for example, and Dimitri doesnโ€™t go full on one-eyed rampaging, raving rage monster. Even at his most antagonistic, he doesnโ€™t seem to rant about chopping Edelgardโ€™s head off, and oh boy, Iโ€™m relieved he seems to be doing much better in this timeline.
And the other thing is, while Byleth had up to S-supports, Shez does not. She has A-supports maximum. And the impression I get of this is that Byleth forms much more visceral relationships with other characters, despite their initial lack of emotional displays. It almost comes across as trauma bonding. Shez is a friend to all the characters; but Byleth is a strange constant. Is this the influence of Sothis? Is this the omnipresence of a goddess?
Hereโ€™s an idea: Sothis, even if not a literal goddess, has powers over time. Do these powers spill over into Byleth, giving them the uncanny quality of existing in every reiteration of the timeline? Is Byleth, in some strange way, doomed to haunt every iteration on Fodlan?
Arval/Epimenides speaks about cycles. The cycle of destiny. The cycle of time. But it seems as though space is their domain, as demonstrated by the power to warp. Time is instead the domain of Sothis. Is that why they hate Sothis so much? Because she is the one who constantly breaks the cycle by killing them/their host Shez? But as we established, Shezโ€™s timeline is a lot brighter, especially if they choose to ally with Byleth instead of antagonize them.
With Shez gone, the one who takes a central spot is Byleth. And in FEW:TH, the moniker you constantly hear is: Ashen Demon, Ashen Demon, Ashen Demon.ย  You hear it more in this game than in FE3H, but it carries more weight knowing that Byleth, in some way, portends different kinds of small doom in any timeline in which they success in killing Shez and breaking the โ€œcycle of destinyโ€ that Arval references.
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maximuswolf ยท 1 month
Various - NME Poll Winners Concert 1965 - Pop R&B Rock
Various - NME Poll Winners Concert 1965 - Pop, R&B, Rock NME poll winners Concert - Empire Pool 1965https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RD5OjFIVxqI&t=4527sI'd say this is an important concert in history that nobody talks aboutThe Beatles after their setThe bill on the concert was some of the most amazing pop and rock and roll acts of the time, to name a few:The BeatlesThe AnimalsThe Rolling StonesThe KinksDusty Springfield and the EchoesTom JonesThe SearchersThe Moody BluesThemDonovanThe SeekersWayne and The MindbendersFreddie and The DreamersSome of you may find the acts a bit old, but these people set the foundation for music that we hear now with their inventive styles at the time. Submitted May 04, 2024 at 11:22PM by WurlizterEPiano https://ift.tt/rUESkDv via /r/Music
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pinecan9 ยท 2 years
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wrymbloods ยท 2 years
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butwhatifidothis ยท 2 years
we take a break from the break to give you
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now back to the break
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saviourkingslut ยท 2 years
sylvain baby im so sorry those evil bitches did that to you
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onwegolove ยท 2 years
actually the fact that the trailer specifically showed off that you can pick bylethโ€™s gender too is making me think that itโ€™s going to be revealed that byleth actually isnโ€™t the bad guy and shez is going to have to put aside their grudge to team up with them against arval and the agarthans
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cobwebinthecorner ยท 2 years
Yeah, about half of them just look like an in-between or a kinda lesser version of their time skip designs but just to comment on them in no particular order
I love that Hilda's hairstyle is different for each of her designs. The cloak is also great too. She's just trying a bunch of things out and all of them work. I love it.
Ignatz really looks like he's in the process of coming into his own with this design. He looks more confident in general and I love his paint splatter bow attack thingy.
Leonie... idk, she just kinda looks like one of those in-betweens; gameplay-wise she looks fucking FIERCE though. You can tell she's definitely gone through some character development in-between the School Arc and this game.
Raphael is just... there's no fucking doubt at this point that they just designed him with pro wrestlers in mind this entire time. I was already feeling hints of Andre the Giant from him in Three Houses, but this time they didn't even try to hide it. He's literally just Hulk Hogan for this one.
Lorenz looks good, I actually kinda prefer this to his full timeskip design. You can tell he hasn't been introduced to Hot Topic/Spencer's or MCR/P!ATD yet, but he's clearly gotten to that point by the War Arc in Three Houses.
Claude is another one of those in-betweens, but he looks way more like a leader than he ever did in the School Arc, and it obviously only gets better after the events of this game.
I don't have all that much to say about Lysithea except that I like the longer hair and the pretty dress. She probably hits like a truck in this game too.
Saved the best for last. Best girl Marianne. My 3H waifu. What can I say, she's just perfect. I'm also starting to think I just have a thing for characters voiced by Xanthe Huynh. Or maybe it's just Xanthe herself that I have a crush on. Anyways, I absolutely love her semiskip design. Her outfit is beautiful, her long hair is beautiful, and I absolutely love that she gets Dorte as part of her moveset.
Edit: also @yusuke-of-valla and @lyteupthenyte thank you so much for being generally awesome and super into this too, it's really nice to have other people who I'm sorta close with on Tumblr that are as enthusiastic and excited about this stuff as i am. it just feels good to be able to share something with others since irl I've never really had that
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sylvainjosegaytier ยท 2 years
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With his bangs down he looks like Marianne (Happy Deduesday!!!)
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danzafila ยท 2 years
someone on reddit referred to the lords' new designs as the middle stage evolutions of the 3H starter pokemon and my god, they're right
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yusuke-of-valla ยท 2 years
Ok so I translated the profiles on the JP website to see if it gave me anything interesting (please note that this is Google translate soooooo not all that accurate Please feel free to give a more accurate translation)ย 
ๅคฉๆถฏๅญค็‹ฌใฎๅ‚ญๅ…ตใ€‚โ€œ็ฐ่‰ฒใฎๆ‚ช้ญ”โ€ใซๆ•—ๅŒ—ใ‚’ๅ–ซใ™ใ‚‹ใ€‚้›ช่พฑใ‚’ๆžœใŸใ™ใŸใ‚ไฟฎๆฅญใ—ใฆใ„ใŸใจใ“ใ‚ใ€ๆฃฎใฎไธญใงๅฃซๅฎ˜ๅญฆๆ กใฎ็”Ÿๅพ’ใŸใกใจ้ญ้‡ใ™ใ‚‹ใ€‚
A mercenary who is lonely in heaven. Defeated by the Ashen Demon.When I was training to fulfill the humiliation, Encounter military academy students in the woods
So Shez might take Bylethโ€™s place as far back as saving the lords, but given Shez is not Byleth, Rhea doesnโ€™t offer them a teaching position becuase thatโ€™s a weird thing to do with a random mercenary who isnโ€™t secretly your mom/child. I donโ€™t know why Google gave meย โ€œlonely in heavenโ€ and I donโ€™t think it means anything in particular I think itโ€™s the translation being weird
ไธปไบบๅ…ฌใฎๅคขใซ็พใ‚ŒใŸไธๆ€่ญฐใชๅญ˜ๅœจใ€‚ใพใ‚‹ใง้ ญใฎไธญใซไฝใพใ†ใ‹ใฎๅฆ‚ใ่ชžใ‚Šใ‹ใ‘ใฆใใ‚‹ใ‚ˆใ†ใซใชใ‚‹ใ€‚
A mysterious existence that appeared in the hero's dream, You will talk to them as if you lived in your head.
So just confirmation than Arval is to Shez what Sothis is to Byleth which we already kind of suspected
Princess of the Adrastea Empire and the only successor to the throne. Despite being shackled by many shackles inside and outside the empire, Search for the future to break away from that curse. A glimpse of a tense atmosphere in the dignified nobility and dignity.
Again nothing major but reinforcing that the Insurrection DID happen, meaning TWSITD arenโ€™t completely a non-factor in this timeline
ใƒ•ใ‚กใƒผใ‚ฌใ‚น็ฅž่–็Ž‹ๅ›ฝใฎ็Ž‹ๅญใ€‚็Ž‹ไฝ็ถ™ๆ‰ฟใฎใŸใ‚<br>ๅฃซๅฎ˜ๅญฆๆ กใซๅ…ฅใ‚‹ใŒใ€ไป–ใซใ‚‚ๆžœใŸใ™ในใ็›ฎ็š„ใ‚’ๆŠฑใˆใฆใ„ใ‚‹ใ€‚ๅ‹‡ๆ•ขใง่ช ๅฎŸใ€ไบบใฎใŸใ‚ใซใŸใ‚ใ‚‰ใ„ใชใ่‡ชๅˆ†ใ‚’็Š ็‰ฒใซใ™ใ‚‹ไธ€ๆ–นใ€ๅฟ…่ฆใชใ‚‰ใฐๅทฑใฎๅ„ชใ—ใ•ใ‚’ๆฎบใ™ใ“ใจใ™ใ‚‰ๅŽญใ‚ใชใ„ใ€‚
Fergus Prince of the Holy Kingdom. For succession to the throne He enters the military academy, but has other purposes to serve. Brave and sincere, without hesitation for others, while sacrificing yourself. I'm willing to kill my kindness if necessary.โ€
Again, Tragedy of Duscur happened so what the hell TWSITD are doing is still up in the air. I hope we get to see him crush another personโ€™s skull with his bare hands though.
่ฒดๆ—ใฎๅ…ฑๅŒไฝ“ใƒปใƒฌใ‚นใ‚ฟใƒผ่ซธไพฏๅŒ็›Ÿใฎ็›Ÿไธปใงใ‚ใ‚‹ย ใƒชใƒผใ‚ฌใƒณๅฎถใฎๅซกๅญใ€‚ไบบๅฅฝใใ—ใใ†ใช็ฌ‘้ก”ใง็š†ใซๆฐ—ใ•ใใซๆŽฅใ™ใ‚‹ใŒใ€้ฃ„ใ€…ใจใ—ใŸ่จ€ๅ‹•ใง่…นใฎไธญใ‚’่ชญใพใ›ใชใ„ใ“ใจใ‚‚ใ€‚้ŽๅŽปใ‚’ๅคšใ่ชžใ‚‰ใšใ€ใใฎๅ‡บ่‡ชใซใฏไฝ•ใ‚„ใ‚‰็ง˜ๅฏ†ใŒใ‚ใ‚Šใใ†ใ ใ€‚
The leader of the aristocratic community, the Lester Lords Alliance The son of the Regan family. I treat everyone with a smile that seems to like people, but You may not be able to read in your stomach with simple words and deeds. He doesn't talk much about the past, and there seems to be some secret in his origin.
Honestly was not expecting much with Claude but I hope the fact that theyโ€™re hinting at the Almyra stuff in preview materials means weโ€™ll get details.
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azzandra ยท 2 years
I think Iโ€™m like halfway through FEW:TH, and (spoilers under cut)
Iโ€™ve recruited Jeralt and Byleth. I was initially disappointed to see that they only have support conversations with each other and Shez.
But also, like, I love this whole thing? Byleth is like โ€˜hm, everyone has been weirdly welcomingโ€™ and like YEAH! Those are your students from the other timeline! None of you remember that but they love you! :D
And Shez and Bylethโ€™s first support convo is hilarious, itโ€™s like. โ€œdo you ever have like... a secret head friend?โ€ โ€œare you asking because..... you.... also have a secret head friend?โ€ โ€œ....no, thatโ€™s ridiculousโ€ YOU BOTH HAVE SECRET HEAD FRIENDS! TALK ABOUT IT! (But the A support is locked until later in the game)
And Jeraltโ€™s supports with Shez are also a hoot. I think he adopts Shez at the end. So if Jeralt had a nickle for every mercenary child with inexplicable magic powers stemming from a secret invisible entity he was father figure to, he would have two nickles. Which isnโ€™t a lot, but weird that it happened twice.
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petuniapolar ยท 2 years
I want a playable Gatekeeper on FEW:TH
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