neopornouns · 2 years
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werdom | wifdom mascudom | femidom
werdom: a male gender related to being dominant/a dom
wifdom: a female gender related to being dominant/a dom
mascudom: a masculine gender related to being dominant/a dom
femidom: a feminine gender related to being dominant/a dom
anon asked for mascudom and i figured i’d coin a few more terms! each flag is the genderdom flag with stripes added for the gender quality. ‘wer’ and ‘wif’ are old/middle english terms for men and women, ‘mascu’ is from ‘masculine’, and ‘femi’ is from ‘feminine’!
flag id: four flags with 8 stripes, with the first and eighth being largest, the third and sixth being smaller than those, the fourth and fifth even smaller, and the second and seventh much smaller. the top left flag’s stripes, in order, are dark teal, sky blue, silver, faded red, dark red, silver, sky blue, and dark teal. the top right flag’s stripes, in order, are dark teal, light red-pink, silver, faded red, dark red, silver, light red-pink, and dark teal.
the bottom left flag’s stripes, in order, are dark teal, turquoise, silver, faded red, dark red, silver, turquoise, and dark teal. the bottom right flag’s stripes, in order, are dark teal, purple-pink, silver, faded red, dark red, silver, purple-pink, and dark teal. end id.
dni transcript here
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kondomerbilligarese · 2 years
Att välja Femidom köpa rätt
Many people strongly feel that excellent sex is the basis of a healthy relationship; as a result, they try it out on a potential partner to see whether there is chemistry. Additionally, it aids in pregnancy prevention. Therefore it is very essential to know about femidom köpa.
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This is like reverse childbirth, getting a baby into the Femidom.
Sally Phillips (series 05, episode 05: A wind-dried puffin) Put the biggest thing inside this balloon.
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demons-main-hell · 1 month
Fantasy Medicine
Something that occurred to me recently was about how satisfied i felt with how a drug for a fantasy-specific medical issue was handled, and it made me think about it a bit more to realise why
For an example, i will be comparing to contraception while I make my points, so here are some things to consider when delving into your fictional medicine
Most important first:
Side Effects
To consider the side effects a developed or developing drug may have, ask yourself first
What is the drug supposed to be treating? What symptoms are alleviated?
For a medicide to be considered worth developing and producing, the side effects cannot be worse than what is being treated
Many contraceptives exist for afab use, but none for amab, why is that?
This is because, for what it is treating, any amount of negative side effects are considered worse than not using any
The amab user would not be experiencing any pregnancy, afterall, so when compared to not taking a drug, it's not worth using
Headaches of contraception can include headaches, nausea, mood swings, and acne, among other things, so when compared to pregnancy, these are reasonable risks
When compared to nothing, as the amab partner would be experiencing, they are not reasonable risks
This is why attemps to produce contraception for amab people typically fall short because of the risk factor
Does your medicine come in different forms? Pill, injection, gel, etc.
Medicine can affect people differently, meaning that different types of medicine can be produced to treat one thing
This one is a lot more dependant on what exactly your fictional disease or condition or whatever else is
The reason contraception can come in so many forms is simply because of the sheer amount of ways pregnancy can be prevented, but it usually comes down to stopping or otherwise disturbing the menstrual cycle
Their use and effectivity, however, varies from person to person
This links back to the side effects point, in that someone can experience some of the worse side effects on one type of contraception, but next to none on another
Are there subtle differences between the types of medicine developed to consider this? Is it a new medicine so there aren't many being developed? Is it not in high demand? Are there not enough people willing to or able to drug test? Does the administration method contribute to the side effects?
Why are or why aren't there different varieties of your medicine? Do they treat the symptoms slightly differently (e.g, Drug A treats symptoms x, y, and z but Drug B only treats symptoms x and z)
There also physical contraceptives, being condoms, femidoms, or caps
These are not medicines or drugs, but there are still different types because of how varied people are
They may be more effective or more comfortable with different types of people
May come back and add more points later!!
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sapphic-sex-ed · 2 years
hello! I have several questions so i have sent two asks, sorry for that. And they arent only about sex but just afab reproductive health and anatomy really. You dont have to answer all. Condoms? how do i wear it(afab)??? also do condoms prevent STDs transferred from skin to skin contact or no?
No need to apologize, anon!
Regular condoms are worn on the penis so if you don’t have one, you won’t be the one wearing it. A condom is put onto the penis by pinching the top “bump” on the condom and then with the other hand rolling it down the shaft of the penis. The condom should stay on for as long as you’re having sex, and be changed if needed.
There are a type of condom called a “female” condom, or “femidom”. They’re larger and have two “rings” in each end of the tube — one is hollow and one is not. The part that isn’t hollow is inserted into the vagina and the outer ring rests on the outside of the vaginal opening.
Both condoms and femidoms (idk if this is an exclusively Swedish term? I don’t think I’ve heard it in English but it’s the main word in Sweden) do protect from spread of STIs, though not all. For example, crab lice are spread when pubes touch, and herpes sores as well as syphilitic chancres can develop on parts of the genitals that may touch that aren’t covered by the barrier and thus can spread. Obviously, a barrier protection like condoms is safer but it can’t guarantee protection against all infection. Infections such as chlamydia and HIV are protected against as long as the condom is used properly and doesn’t tear.
-mod liz
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annalangtrees · 3 months
Claire Karenina - Blue - eyed Blonde lady
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If you have been dreaming to meet a petite, blonde lady make sure you come and meet Claire. You can also book this lady for an outcall.
She loves offering GFE and PSE with a softer style of intimacy that stays in your mind for long.
You can enquire for her femidom and fetish services too.
Call or text us - 0481 312 033 or use Live Chat option for booking -
you can check more of her sexy images and detailed stat in our website -
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kunstdiary · 4 months
Křičím "To jsem já."
příběhy českého fanzinu od 80. let po současnost
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Toto je jedna z knížek, kterou jsem si koupila kvůli absolutoriu, přestože se mi k teortické práci ve výsledku moc nehodí. Zabývá se českou kulturou fanzinů, která se mnohými způsoby liší. od té západní americké/britské. Slouží jako fajn úvod do tématu s několika "case studies" různých druhů zinů. Spíše než zdroj informací pro mě sloužila jako zdroj inspirace a pomalé seznámení s tématem. kterým se budu zabývat. Zmiňovala spoustu různých zdrojů a publikací, které se chci pokusit dohledat:
Český a slovenský archiv subklutur
How to publish a fanzine – Mike Gunderloy
Ziny: Femidom, Q_Kvér, Bloody Mary, Wicca, Esbat, Potměchuť, Drzost, Obrovská
Diplomové práce Miloše Hrocha (Samizdat v post-digitální době: Vliv nového materialismu na proměnu zinové scény a subkulturního kapitálu. Samizdat v informační době: Jak ovlivnil Web 2.0 kulturu fanzinů)
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Ještě teda nevím jak dobře to půjde, hlavě s těmi ziny, ale je to téma, které mě vážně chytilo a chci vědět víc. Skoro až si říkám že jsem "narozenx ve špatné generaci" a že bych za totality taky mohlx vydávat nějaký xeroxovaný punkový zin.
Každopádně knížka je i krásná sama o sobě, zajímavá vazba, spousta naskenovaných zinů pro inspiraci. Na sazbu si člověk musí trochu zvykat, tím že je dvojjazyčná, ale celkové estetice knihy to neubírá.
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Some silk and lace
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taskmastercaps · 3 years
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[ID: Three screencaps from Taskmaster. Sally Phillips attempts to stretch an uninflated red balloon over a small wooden artist’s manikin, managing to get its head inside. She says, “Little out of practice with this kind of thing. It’s just like reverse childbirth, right? Getting the baby into the Femidom.” She grins. End ID.]
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neopornouns · 2 years
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femiwerdom | femiwifdom mascuwerdom | mascuwifdom
femiwerdom: a feminine male gender related to being dominant/a dom, and/or a gender related to being a feminine male dom
femiwifdom: a feminine female gender related to being dominant/a dom, and/or a gender related to being a feminine female dom
mascuwerdom: a masculine male gender related to being dominant/a dom, and/or a gender related to being a masculine male dom
mascuwifdom: a masculine female gender related to being dominant/a dom, and/or a gender related to being a masculine female dom
some combos of these terms/flags!
flag id: four flags with 8 stripes, with the first and eighth being largest, the third and sixth being smaller than those, the fourth and fifth even smaller, and the second and seventh much smaller. the top left flag’s stripes, in order, are dark teal, purple-pink, silver, faded red, dark red, silver, sky blue, and dark teal. the top right flag’s stripes, in order, are dark teal, purple-pink, silver, faded red, dark red, silver, light red-pink, and dark teal.
the bottom left flag’s stripes, in order, are dark teal, turquoise, silver, faded red, dark red, silver, sky blue, and dark teal. the bottom right flag’s stripes, in order, are dark teal, turquoise, silver, faded red, dark red, silver, light red-pink, and dark teal. end id.
dni transcript here
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kondomerbilligarese · 2 years
Att välja rätt kondom
Det verkar som att samhället nuförtiden blir mer och mer involverat i sexuella relationer. Många människor känner starkt att utmärkt sex är grunden för ett hälsosamt förhållande; som ett resultat testar de det på en potentiell partner för att se om det finns kemi. Människor måste informeras om säker sex och preventivmedel eftersom de är allt mer utbredda i dessa dagar. Man minskar risken att drabbas av hiv och andra sexuellt överförbara sjukdomar för både sig själva och sin partner genom att använda kondomer eller andra preventivmedel. Dessutom hjälper det till att förebygga graviditet. Därför är det mycket viktigt att känna till femidom köpa.
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Tonåringar som inte ens vet hur man använder kondom eller använder preventivmedel behöver ha en större förståelse för hur man väljer en, vad man ska göra med den och vad man inte ska göra med den. En av de mest avgörande är att välja rätt storlek eftersom en kondom som är för tight eller för lös kan gå sönder eller fly från partnerns könsorgan.
Underskatta aldrig värdet av att använda kondom, särskilt i dessa tider. Gör det till en nödvändighet att bära kondom om du inte är i ett seriöst, monogamt förhållande och är beredd att uppfostra ett barn. Man måste skydda sig mot potentiella infektioner och spridning av könssjukdomar. Som ofta sägs är förebyggande åtgärder att föredra framför behandling. Berätta för din partner varför det är viktigt att använda kondom, och om du vill lära dig mer eller behöver hjälp finns det massor av hälsoinrättningar som ger råd och vägledning om sexuell hälsa. Naturligtvis kommer ingen av dina identiteter att avslöjas.
Man kan till och med gå med femidom köpa, som deras alternativ.
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turkerrojelmu-blog · 4 years
Safe Sex and the Big City
The issue of safe sex is very significant in the big city and no-one should under-estimate the importance of STD testing. Los Angeles in particular is one city who takes this matter seriously and there are many opportunities to have it done quickly and confidentially. In this article we'll explore some of the issues behind this sensitive subject - though please keep in mind that this is not qualified medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, you should always contact a medical professional.
A Quick Refresher - the Basics
The harsh reality is that you can catch a number of diseases if you're sexually active - and not necessarily only through full sexual intercourse. The good news is that for many such conditions, treatment is often available and full cures may be achieved in many cases. That's why when it comes to STD testing, Los Angeles is not the only city where it's is important.
Unfortunately, not all STDs are quite so easily treatable. Some infections are becoming more resistant to standard antibiotics, and some viral infections cannot be cured as such, although they can be treated and hopefully kept in remission. In the case of HIV, if full AIDS subsequently develops then obviously it can be potentially life threatening. Where STDs are concerned, prevention is ALWAYS better than the cure.
STDs - Prevention
You may well know this already and if you're sexually active, you sure should do! Even so, let's revisit the principles 'just in case'.
• Abstinence. OK, fair enough, not an attractive proposition for many. In reality though, it's the only way to be near 100% sure that you won't contract an STD.
• Reduce your number of sexual partners. Whatever your sexual orientation, it's now commonly accepted that the more partners you have and the more 'casual sex' you engage in, then the higher your chances are of encountering an infected person. This is not a morality issue - it is just statistics.
• Practice safe sex. The only widely accepted method of protection when engaging in full sexual intercourse is the use of a condom for men or a femidom (female condom, Reality condom) for women. This is not just a form of contraception because, as it reduces or eliminates the exchange of bodily fluids, it also offers significant protection against infection. It's worth noting though that this is not a 100% foolproof method.
• Pre-sex STD screenings. This form of prevention is often controversial and certainly it's not something that can be done spontaneously in the heat of passion. Even so, it's logical enough. The idea is that you don't engage in sex with your partner until you have both had some form of STD check (for STD testing, Los Angeles services are listed on the Net and elsewhere) that shows you're both clear. This does, of course, only have meaning if both partners remain entirely 'monogamous' from the point the test results are in.
STD testing Los Angeles - Because Life isn't Risk-free
Few things in life are entirely free of risk. Condoms and femidoms can slip or tear and even a long-term partner can 'cheat' and thereby make immediately useless their previously clear test results. The harsh message is, that unless you want to become entirely and permanently celibate, the risk of contracting an STD will always exist. If you behave responsibly and sensibly you can hugely reduce the risk but you can't eliminate it altogether. However, this isn't cause for panic and the fitting of security locks on your bedroom door! What it may suggest is that it might be sensible and practical to keep a close watch on your sexual health.
Unfortunately, assuming you're fine because you are completely without symptoms isn't always a safe way to go about things. Some STDs are notoriously 'sneaky' and can rest dormant and asymptomatic in your body (although you may be infectious and perfectly capable of passing on the condition to others). So, it may make sense to get regular checks at any of the Los Angeles STD testing centers. The testing is typically simple, often involving only some swabs, blood tests and general examinations. If the results are all clear then you're reassured and if they're not - well, at least you know the problem is there and can get it dealt with!
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wnnieruez · 4 years
Where Do You Buy Female Condoms?
Have you caught wind of female condoms however you continue asking "Where do you purchase female condoms?" doubtlessly this item is one that is somewhat rare yet right now are going to speak increasingly about the femidom and where you will have the option to get it.
Female condoms are a fairly new advancement and are being supported by well known family arranging rehearses. There was an enormous occasion in Washington D.C. where they were offered out to help ladies in the zone shield from getting sexually transmitted maladies just as having unintended pregnancies. As indicated by the examination there were twenty three ladies that didn't contract HIV due to have these condoms for females.
Spots to Buy Female Condoms
At whatever point you are on the hunt to make a buy the best thing you can do is investigate on the web. There are diverse online grown-up stores that offer these items at a sensible cost. They will be more costly than male condoms right now yet the cost might be going down sooner rather than later.
In the event that you have a grown-up store in your general vicinity you might have the option to discover a store that will stock this thing. Standard stores are as yet dealing with making up for lost time to this improvement. Numerous stores are not buying them because of the curiosity of this item.
For what reason to Use a Condoms for Women
Numerous ladies have inquired as to why you would need to use one of these inside condoms. The main explanation answer would be for control. On the off chance that you rely upon the man to have security or wear insurance you might not have as much control as you would like. In some cases men convey condoms that are terminated or perhaps even harmed. This implies they could be ineffectual. You generally need to ensure that you realize that you are secured.
On the off chance that you realized the contrast between having a sexually transmitted disease and not would be playing it safe, I am certain you would avoid potential risk. While there is as yet a change that you might have the option to get a sexually transmitted disease and even have a unintended pregnancy there is a much lower probability at whatever point you use a female condom. This will empower you to comfort your psyche during intercourse and have the option to completely live it up and quit agonizing over whether you are ensured or not.
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official-erwachsen · 7 years
aka Femidom, internes Kondom
Das Fem-dom ist eine dünne Kunststoffhüllle (Polyurethan), die gleichzeitig vor ungewollter Schwangerschaft als auch vor sexuell übertragbaren Krankheiten schützt. Es verhindert das Eindringen von Samenflüssigkeit in die Gebärmutter. Es ist etwa 17cm lang und 7,5cm breit (etwa doppelt so breit wie ein Kondom). Es hat an beiden Enden jeweils einen flexiblen Ring, einen kleineren, der eingeführt wird, und einen größeren, der nicht eingeführt wird. Da der äußere Teil des Femidoms Teile der Vulva bedeckt, schützt es besser als das Kondom vor Krankheiten, die über Hautkontakt übertragen werden (z.B. Herpes).
Kann im Gegensatz zum Kondom jederzeit eingesetzt werden, nicht erst direkt vor Penetration mit Fingern, Penis oder Sexspielzeugen. Kann von Personen mit Latexunverträglichkeit verwendet werden. Es ist geeignet für die Stillzeit. Es kann mit allen Gleitmitteln verwendet werden und auch mit Spermizid.
Das Fem-dom ist nicht besonders gut für Analsex geeignet, weil es hineinrutschen kann. Wenn das passiert, bekommt man es möglicherweise nicht mehr von alleine heraus, und das schreit nach einem peinlichen und unangenehmen Arztbesuch. Man kann es beim Oralsex an der Vulva verwenden, um die Übertragung sexueller Krankheiten zu vermeiden, da der äußere Ring des Fam-doms auch Teile des äußeren Geschlechts abdeckt.
Nachdem man die Verpackung geöffnet und das Fem-dom entnommen hat, drückt man den Ring an der geschlossenen Seite zusammen und führt ihn tief in die Vagina ein. Die offene Seite bleibt außerhalb der Vagina. Jetzt führt man nochmal einen Finger durch die Öffnung des Fem-doms ein und schiebt den Ring so weit wie möglich hinein.
Nach dem Sex wird die offene Seite des Fem-doms zugedreht und herausgezogen. Man kann es verknoten und im Restmüll entsorgen.
Bei Bedarf sollte man zusätzlich Gleitmittel verwenden, in dem man es direkt auf dem Finger/Penis/Sexspielzeug verteilt.
Bei richtiger Anwendung genauso sicher im Verhindern von Schwangerschaft und der Weitergabe von Geschlechtskrankheiten wie das Kondom. Pearl Index 2-12 (88-98%).
Kann Intensivitätsgefühl für den Penis erhöhen
Weniger Wundscheuern als beim Kondom für die Vagina oder den Anus
Online und in manchen Sexshops. Man kann es auch über viele Apotheken bestellen. Preis ist höher als beim Kondom, nämlich etwa € 4 für ein einzelnes, und ca. € 9 für 3 Stück.
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dmdlive · 5 years
Listen to the latest #dmdpodcast SoundCloud! This week on DMD we cover our weekend antics. - William hill store closures. - Impact of legalising weed in the UK - Femidoms or condoms? - Do men fake orgasms? - Is there a difference between men and women cheating? - Different strokes for different folks. Bangers of the week: Big Romes: D Block Europe- Home Smokez: Headie One Ft Skepta - back basics Iyke: K Trap- Big Mood Stephen: PW Ft Mercston, Youngs Teflon, Scorcher, and Avelino - I Swear (Remix) All of this and more on DMD. We are also on the following Social Media, Video and Audio Platforms : ► Twitter : twitter.com/dmdpodcast/ ► Instagram: https://ift.tt/322diBu ► FaceBook : https://ift.tt/2NngeFq ► Tumblr : dmdlive.tumblr.com/ ► Soundcloud : soundcloud.com/dmdpodcast/ ► Website : dmdlive.co.uk/ ► Spotify : open.spotify.com/show/1PFUqTDLlkCIVXe52frOH2/ ► Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmA06nl1umOazi-bgjbRn7w/ ► Subscribe to DMDTV : www.youtube.com/channel/UCmA06nl1…b_confirmation=1/ ► TuneIn Radio : tun.in/pjpRWtopicId=130308529 ► Enquires : [email protected] Hosts : ► Twitter : @SMOKEZ_OFFICIAL ► Instagram : @SMOKEZ_OFFICIAL ► Twitter : @NORTHLONDONPOW1 ► Instagram : @NORTHLONDONPOWER ► Twitter : @GODBLESSIYKE ► Instagram : @GODBLESS_IYKE https://ift.tt/32exFLN web : dmdlive.co.uk twitter : dmdyea insta : dmd_official
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kondomerbilligarese · 2 years
Det bästa sortimentet Femidom Köpa för dig
Förutom Femidom Köpa kan du även köpa en mängd andra produkter – främst glidmedel som är följande:
• Durex-smörjmedel, Pjur-smörjmedel och EXS-smörjmedel
• Aquaglide-smörjmedel, Bioglide-smörjmedel och vattenbaserat glidmedel
• Silikonbaserat glidmedel, analsmörjmedel och orala smörjmedel
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Det finns olika andra typer av kondomalternativ som du kan välja mellan. Dessutom erbjuder de dig också ett brett utbud av andra produkter som kommer att göra dina intima stunder minnesvärda och ge dig det fantastiska nöjet av fantasi som du vill njuta av på det sätt du vill. Du kan köpa penisringar och penisskydd, stimulerande geler för henne, onanileksaker, fördröjningsmassageoljor, afrodisiaka, sexiga underkläder, graviditetstest, vibratorer, bondage & fetisch, knipkulor & geishakulor, analleksaker, intimhygien, penis pumpar, sexleksakssats, starkare erektion och större penis.
Det finns olika andra produkter som du kan välja mellan enligt dina krav. Här är det mest avgörande att söka efter rätt butik som är bekväm för dig och som ger dig de bästa kvalitetsprodukterna för ditt ultimata nöje.
Gå online så får du de bästa lösningarna och produkterna för Femidom Köpa. Alla dessa produkter kommer säkerligen att förbättra ditt nöje av intimitet. Kontrollera alla detaljer och få det bästa sortimentet levererat i tid.
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