sirdanjin · 7 months
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FCF and Jocktober
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the-endless-storm · 3 months
Happy Fat Cock Friday. I wonder if this will get by the Tumblr censors?
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bbyfacedx · 13 days
i just think that eris morn is someone who is habitually addicted to sleeping with her coworkers/mentees/mentors/bosses. god forbid a woman have hobbies
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blvck-coffee-dad · 11 days
I want y'all to know that even though I no longer celebrate Fat Coochie Friday via reblog, I still do so in spirit.
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fantasychickfights · 3 months
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Last time Kaity & Lisa hooked up, it was total DOMINATION by the older blonde as Lisa thoroughly took over the match and completely destroyed Kaity, knocking her out in minutes, leaving everyone shocked as Kaity was brutally beaten. Kaity now wants a rematch...but outside...
Lisa’s brutal style picks up right where it left off, only this time she vows to be more violent and destructive than ever. In this one, Kaity is called out by Lisa, and the two engage in a vicious back and forth affair, with Kaity gaining the early advantage. But Lisa eventually begins attacking Kaity’s rock-hard abs, and pounds away until Kaity begins to feel the effects.
Lots of punching and kicking in this one, along with hard head & body blows, ground pounds, lift & carries, and more. These two just don’t seem to respect or like each other, which makes for a great fun MATCH!!! Stay tuned for highlights and the shocking ending....
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virginstoner666 · 2 years
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Grimes x Yeule 🥺🥺🥺
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flop-tropica · 1 year
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So sad we don't have fat cock Friday here
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sparring-spirals · 2 years
I'm glad it only took about six or seven conversations with Jiana Hexum for the Bells to accidentally try dating her. They're nothing if not consistent.
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paisainvestss · 1 month
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sentimentarlequinat · 2 months
El Filial ensopega amb l'Atlètic Lleida
El Sabadell B ha perdut 1-0 al Ramón Farrús davant l’Atlètic Lleida. Malgrat el bon joc desplegat pels de Conrad i les constants ocasions per endur-se el partit, els petits detalls els van condemnar. L’encert lleidatà, obra d’Adrián Motes, va ser determinant en el triomf local. Resum Primera part La primera acció de perill del duel la va tenir Albert Morral amb un xut llunyà un pèl fluix,…
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fcfnational · 4 months
🔥 Safeguarding Your Enterprise: Unveiling the Fire Detection System 🔥
In the intricate landscape of business safety, the Fire Detection System emerges as the stalwart guardian. Let's delve into the essentials - from the robust measures of AS1670 Standards to the pivotal role of Certified Fire Professionals. Together, we navigate the Australian Fire Standards, fortifying businesses against the unpredictable nature of fires.
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🚀 Exploring the Core: Fire Detection System
At the heart of every business's safety strategy lies the Fire Detection System - a technology-driven defense ensuring commercial spaces stay secure.
📜 Navigating Regulations: AS1670 Standards
AS1670 Standards guide the design, installation, and commissioning of fire detection systems, aligning businesses with Australian law.
👩‍🚒 Heroes Behind the Scenes: Certified Fire Professionals
Meet the unsung heroes - Certified Fire Professionals. They play a pivotal role in orchestrating the Fire Detection System, ensuring resilience in ever-changing scenarios.
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🛡️ Holistic Safety Strategy: Smoke Alarms and Commercial Building Safety
While the Fire Detection System takes center stage, elements like Smoke Alarms and Commercial Building Safety contribute to a holistic safety strategy.
🌐 Unified Approach: Australian Fire Standards
Consistency is key in the vast landscape of fire safety. Unraveling Australian Fire Standards ensures businesses meet legal requirements and industry best practices.
🚨 Integrating Safety: Emergency Preparedness and Zoning
Effective emergency preparedness and proper zoning are crucial for a seamless response in real-world scenarios.
⚙️ Ongoing Commitment: AS1851-2012 Section 6 Unveiled
A reliable Fire Detection System demands an ongoing commitment. Unveiling the maintenance dance in AS1851-2012 Section 6 keeps systems ready to face any challenges.
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❓ Clarifying Misconceptions: Fire Detection vs. Smoke Alarms
Addressing common myths ensures businesses make informed decisions about their safety strategy.
🔄 Adapting to Change: Future-Proofing Your System
In the ever-evolving business landscape, adaptability is key. Let's discuss strategies to future-proof systems, considering changes in tenancy, technology, and evolving Australian standards.
🌈 A Safer Tomorrow: Protecting Your Business
Beyond technicalities, it's a commitment to business and occupant safety. Armed with insights, businesses empower themselves to meet legal requirements and stand resilient against the unpredictable.
📚 As businesses implement and refine fire safety strategies, safety becomes not just a legal obligation but a commitment to the well-being of all who step through their doors. Here's to a safer tomorrow, built on awareness, adherence to standards, and the expertise of Certified Fire Professionals.
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fantasychickfights · 3 months
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virginstoner666 · 2 years
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wsport-shatoy · 6 months
Победы и наказания
14-15 октября 2023 года в г. Ессентуки Ставропольского края прошел отборочный Кубок России по полноконтактному рукопашному бою FCF среди юношей, юниоров и взрослых (отбор на Кубок Мира) посвященный 20-летию IF FCF (Международная Федерация полноконтактного рукопашного боя). В соревнованиях приняли участие 11 команд из 10 регионов России. От Чеченской Республики выступали две команды – собственно…
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