#fang the sheep
wildinstyl · 4 months
I didn't forget to post my art to tumblr neverrrrr In all fairness i made this in seven hr long fever state but HEY. Sometimes the sheep gets ya.
Go watch my pmv!!! Learn about Fang the Sheep. She's cool n normal.
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neonsheepe · 6 months
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Those fangs bite.
Sakumo needed some love ❤️
I came across this cool photograph with hard lighting and was inspired to do a speed paint referencing it. It’s been a while since I did more realistic style but when I’m in the mood, it’s so fun!
And on a side note: I really do think there could have been something else going on behind the scenes to drive Sakumo to do what he did. Like, there is no way someone saving their comrades could be ostracized so badly when that’s uh… kind of one of the main things nost shinobi get taught? Is teamwork? Like, I get it, complete the mission at all costs but with everything fucky that happened within the government of the leaf, there is no way that something *wasnt* going on, yanno?
Anyway my HC is that Sakumo committed seppuku to restore honour to his family name so that Kakashi wouldn’t have to be punished for his own mistakes. It was either that or he was going to die in a “mysterious accident on mission”.(not by his own hand of course.) (I have thought too long about this).
Sakumo deserved so much better.
(HE WAS FAMOUS. HE HAD A NAME. He was a genius and a giant asset to the Leaf! It makes no sense they would do that to him!)
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bambiraptorx · 4 months
the way that i characterize draxum in term of biology is so funny honestly. i've referred to him as a goat man but i've changed my mind about that. i draw heavily on horse traits when trying to figure out how his legs and hooves work. he growls and hisses and bares his fangs at people. what's even going on with this man
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ffangedd · 3 months
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furnia · 3 days
Part 3 (Last part)
so this is the last part of ‘What should I draw?’ In the Sonic The hedgehog fandom. Of course, I’m still going to draw sonic characters, but this is the LAST what should I draw.
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star-critter · 1 year
All of my Sonic Spotify Playlists :
Surge & Kit
Dr. Starline The Platypus
Mimic the Octopus
Sonic IDW : Bad Guys
Clutch The Oppossum
Zavok The Zeti
Team Hooligans
Diomond Cutters (Whisper, Tangle & Lanolin)
Nine (Sonic Prime)
Infinite the Jackal
Sonic Fanfiction Addiction
Playing Sonic Games & getting comidicly competitive
Dr. Starline & Zavok (can be interpreted as platonic or ship)
Faceship Trio : Dr. Starline, Rough & Tumble (Pre-Infection)
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lea-andres · 4 months
On more BugBear bullshit. This has been lovingly dubbed my "White Collar AU", but you don't need to have seen the show to get the concept.
Only guaranteed ship is BugBear. Other stuff will strongly depend on how the story goes.
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soudlenoop · 5 months
“What even happens in this AU of yours, Mr. Big Time Gambler?” Part 2
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Theme: https://youtu.be/PvT8Kx1WC64?feature=shared (Soviet Connection - GTA4)
What’s popping gamers, I’m back and I’m coming in swinging with Hyperchrome AU Chapter 2! This one is where things really start to pick up, because it’s where GUN is introduced. This summary might be a little bit longer than Chapter 1, but bear with me.
Chapter 2 takes place around the end of November, about 5 months after the events of Chapter 1. Basically, what happens is that Sonic and Tails are relaxing when they hear about GUN agreeing to help South Island by stationing a buncha soldiers there.
Anyways, there’s a ship that pulls up to the ports, and that’s where the soldiers are, and everybody gets situated. Cue the events of Sonic Adventure 2 with the Hyperchrome flare.
Eggman’s plan this time around is that he made his way up to an abandoned space colony, called the ARK. It appears to have a storied, but confidential past. It also appears to HAVE A FUCKING LASER- oh it needs 72 hours to charge. Well, that’s still bad, but manageable.
Somewhere along the lines, Sonic meets up with a few of the odd soldiers of GUN. He meets Major Rouge Mauve and Major Lanolin Forbes, who I talked about, Private Duo the Cat and Private Tangle Gillette, who share one collective brain cell, Private Nack Stilgram, who is a know-it-all when it comes to weapons and all that, and Captain Whisper Watanabe, the voice of reason who puts up with everybody’s antics and is also a REALLY good sniper. But of course, we can’t forget about Private Mi- well, actually, he’s on a separate solo mission, he’s not here right now, but you’ll meet him later, friend!
Also, there’s Shadow the Ultimate Lifeform. Apparently he came FROM the ARK, and was locked away for 50 years when the ARK was raided. He’s only here now, because Eggman freed him for nefarious purposes. Shadow ain’t all about the nefarious purposes, though. Being locked up for 50 years makes him wish for nobody to go through what he did.
Shadow may seem intimidating, but he’s rather nice when you get to know him. In fact, he saves the world from destruction! One of the dormant Ultimate Lifeform prototypes, the BioLizard, goes crazy and takes over the ARK with intent to ram it into the Earth. However, Shadow takes it upon himself to stop it, using the Chaos Energy built up for 50 years inside him to become Super Shadow! Luckily, Shadow eventually stops the BioLizard and makes it back safe, and everyone lives happily ever af- Uhh, Sonic, what’s up? What’s with the angry look… and why are your eyes so damn green?
A few months later, everybody’s moved on and everybody’s happy- hey, that airplane just exploded…
Ok that took way too long, I’m tired, GOODBYE. Oh wait, also, there will be subchapters, like as in point-five material, so keep on the lookout.
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irldragonart · 5 months
Oh forgot to post these earlier but Lamb-sona! (aka Eddy)
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Bonus Alt versions
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also the fleece is supposed to have only seven crystals (one for all the big bosses) but the mini one has an extra don't mind that (also fun detail but on the close to cannon colors one the five black crystals are for each bishop with the middle being Narander well the two green ones are for Aym and Baal maybe i'll make them the crown's colors next time but i like it like this for now cause who knows maybe each gains the crown's color as that one falls) also the fleece is based on a snowflake!
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voidedpumpkin · 6 months
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joyburble · 1 year
I am sorry, but:
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1 and 2: The Wrong Trousers, Aardman Animations, 1993. 3: Shaun the Sheep, the Movie, Aardman Animations, 2015.
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Watched Chirin's bell today..........
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(thinks about Habit parallels with it and goes insane)
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pmryuu · 1 year
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bmp-cat · 8 months
I hate Halloween but I will take the opportunity to draw my fursona as a vampire
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chilopodacrudus · 1 year
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This is Remek; he's a sleepy sheepy who's obsessed with rats and eats people.
Peyton hates his guts but Remek loves him.
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kingsmedley · 2 years
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@strawberry-barista​ asked: 🌟 {For whoever!}
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Send me 🌟 and I’ll make you an icon in my style
I made one for everyone! :D
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(Yes, that does say “RAT” in the background lmao)
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