#fandom: nanatsu no taizai
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When I say I will do my baby girl justice, I MEAN I will do her justice, and that starts with a redesign!
After Meliodas, it’s only natural to do Elizabeth. I had a lot of thoughts about what to do with her, because her previous waitress outfit was just not a vibe; gratuitous fanservice aside, those shirt ruffles were atrocious and the bright pink was kind of an eyesore. So I decided to take a bit of inspiration from her co-owner outfit and gave her a button up, a slightly longer skirt, actually matching shoes and another stocking for symmetry, and gave her a little bow to tie her hair back in! A little better suited for waitressing and travelling while still sticking to the same idea. Also a little more dignified for a princess.
I always think it’s a bit weird when a character’s eye is constantly covered and there’s no real reason for it, especially since it didn’t seem like there was anything up with Elizabeth’s eye in season 1 until she awakened her Goddess powers. So I decided to give her partial blindness in that eye, carried over from my plan for Liz who was fully blind in that eye due to an injury. Retaining scars from past lives and all that. Also gives her a little bit of a better reason to be clumsy rather than it just being for the “cutesy moe fanservice just because” gag. Clumsy ain’t sexy no matter what Lucky Star says.
Our girl deserves to be adorable and thus she shall be. I’ve always thought Elizabeth has some of the best outfits in the series but her main one at the tavern just wasn’t a vibe.
Obviously it’s not illustrated here, but I also plan some minor changes to Elizabeth’s arc and character—I absolutely adored her in season 1, eager to help however she can and prove herself worthy of the Sins’ aid (even though she didn’t need to) and I want that reflected more. You telling me this girl wouldn’t ask Ban to teach her how to stab someone just in case she needs to defend herself and none of them are around? After she tried to take King’s giant war spear to go stab someone herself? After she ripped the hypnotic bell off of Ruin’s staff with her TEETH and SMIRKED at him when she did? You are incorrect, because I know in my heart of hearts she would.
Anyway, that’s all on Elizabeth for now. I’m sure I’ll be back relatively soon with more!
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theprinceofliones · 2 months
I tagged it so ya’ll can’t come get me *runs off*
Tristan tastes like what Lancelot thinks rose petals would.
He's soft at his core, soft and slick, and so very /pink/. His tongue laps up the sweetness spilling from his cunt, his fingers dipping into the softness of his insides that wrap around his digits like a vice---as though it never wanted them to leave.
Lancelot's hair is tugged on harshly, causing lightning to shoot up and down his spine every time Tristan pulls on his golden locks, his fingers tangling in thick strands to pull him closer, to feel /more/.
He sighs into Tristan's core, wraps his lips around the sensitive bundle of hot pink nerves atop his cunt, sucking on his clit and Lancelot thought Tristan was going to yank his hair straight off with how wound tight he was and the powerful grip he had on his blonde strands, as if he needed some sort of grounding or else he’d fall apart.
Tristan’s chest heaves and his legs shake atop Lancelot’s shoulders. He whimpers and whines and squirms and /fuck/, he’s the most beautiful thing to ever walk this mortal plane.
Lancelot uses his thumbs to spread his folds open and he /spits/ right onto his open core. Tristan jerks with a gasp before he moans as Lancelot doesn’t hesitate for another second, diving right back into his meal.
The younger Prince shakes like an uncontrollable leaf, his hands suddenly releasing Lancelot’s hair to reach up and tangle in his own silver strands. It’s as though he doesn’t know what to do with them, like he doesn’t know what to do with all the sensation that Lancelot is gifting to him.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Tristan pants and suddenly sits up, running a hand through his hair before grabbing onto Lancelot’s strong shoulders and /digging/ into his skin. “Lance, Lance, Lance—“ Is the mantra he’s repeating and Lancelot can’t help but grin cheekily into his slick folds.
He reaches behind Tristan and pulls him impossibly closer by his bare ass, his digits digging into the meat of his bottom and Tristan squeals with it as he twitches sharply.
After all, who the hell needs air anyway? It’s overrated, if you asked Lancelot. Why would he want to do something as stupid as breathe ‘air’ when he could spend the rest of time right here between his sweet prince’s legs—right where he could give Tristan everything he /deserved/?
Suddenly, Tristan seizes up and his breath hitches and Lancelot knows he close and resumes his licking and sucking with a newfound vigor.
“Close,” Tristan gasps out. “/Fuck/, Lance, I’m so fucking close, /please/.”
Lancelot promises to deliver.
He slips two of his long fingers back inside of his cunt again and Tristan falls back against the mattress of his bed with a moan of pure relief as soon as he does.
He curls his digits upward so fast and hard, over and over again and Tristan can do nothing but take it.
It’s all too much, that tongue sucking on his clit, those fingers beckoning him closer and closer to release—it’s all too much.
With a long, drawn out moan, Tristan clamps around Lancelot’s fingers and orgasms against his tongue.
Lancelot groans as soon as that sweetness, deeper and warmer now, floods his tastebuds and he licks it up like a madman starved. He draws out Tristan’s orgasm until the younger prince is whining sweetly and twitching in overstimulation, pushing at his head gently as he whimpers now that his pleasure has turned to borderline pain.
He released the hold his mouth has on his cunt and ever so carefully slips his fingers out of his pussy, watching as a string of slick still connects his wet fingers to his now swollen core. Lancelot sighs and licks his digits clean and Tristan flushes in mortification.
“Gods,” Tristan pants for air, still thoroughly wiped out. “What the hell are you, anyway? Some kind of sex demon or something?”
Lancelot laughs and licks his soaked lips. “Nah,” He says, voice a little hoarse and Tristan sits up to nuzzle their cheeks together as a ‘thank you’ for treating him.
“I just like the way you taste, is all.”
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kikinsipo · 9 months
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After so long a fanart of my favorite character of all nanatsu no taizai :3✨🌱
Después de tanto tiempo un fanart de mi personaje favorito de todo nanatsu no taizai :3✨🌱
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taeloke · 2 months
My Turn on Fandom Opinions
This on its own generalizes my thoughts more than I'd like, so I'm supporting it with some clarifications below the keep-reading line.
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I like Escanor (Night). I dislike Escanor (Day) for Sunshine's powerscale hyping.
Before the 4KOTA anime came out, I read Percival in a Paimon-esque voice. That's my bad.
I wish Cath had more depth and that his arc didn't feel so shoehorned in at the end of SDS.
derieri put some clothes on plz
"Similar personality" is more like a blend of Nasiens, King, Merlin, and Gowther, but imagine trying to fit all of that into one opinion square.
Aside from the obvious, I dislike how sudden Lancevere is. I'd like to emphasize that more than you-know-what. Though it makes sense, a romance that starts with knowing a couple's future simply doesn't vibe with me, even if that future isn't their future anymore.
I always enjoy making friends, but I'm the kind of person who mostly makes friends by crossed-paths circumstances instead of sought-out interest. Otherwise, I keep to myself a lot. Therefore--it's really hard to say which characters I would or wouldn't befriend.
Can you tell how King-centric I am yet? My opinion of nearly every 4KOTA character is too neutral to point out.
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banana454 · 2 months
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my-secret-sketchpad · 4 months
You're welcome @yume-tsuki 🤗
I found an old sketch of King yesterday I think you might like it
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nunnimushka · 5 months
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my little meow meow
I rewatch anime and I LOVE HIM SO MUCH MY SON💕🤲
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nnthyperfixation · 1 year
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i love my genocidal maniac
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moelang-d · 2 years
The whole truth 🥲
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earmo-imni · 1 year
Just read your fic!!! ❤️💛❤️ here’s a meme ficlet. As a treat.
Meliodas technically earning his title of traitor the same way he technically earned his title of commandment of love is so funny to me
The Demon King: *cursing Meliodas and Elizabeth* this should teach you to defy ME your MAKER your KING and then double down on it when I show you the pointlessness and utter foolishness of your rebellion like some sort of slobbering lap dog
Meliodas, wandering the human kingdoms: *commits treason with an Elizabeth*
DK: wh. What.
Meliodas: *commits treason with an Elizabeth*
DK: no.
Meliodas: *commits an even more elaborate and audacious treason with an Elizabeth*
DK: you cannot keep this up. This coping mechanism of yours is not only straight bonkers but as hopeless as you standing against me
Meliodas: *commits treason by himself* *commits treason* *commits-*
The Demon King: I fucking. If I had made you piety instead would you have still done this. Do I even want to know what is going on in your brain
DK: at least I have one sane son. Zeldris?
Zeldris, who has been technically commiting treason by being his own person since childhood:
DK: ...Zeldris? What do you have there?
Zel: uh...
Gelda: :3
DK: that can be fixed.
DK: wait...
DK: child of mine. Faithful servant. Harbringer of death. what are THOSE
Zel: ... dreams of a peaceful demon realm..?
DK: ...
Zeldris: it's okay. Don't try to pretend you understand what autonomy and human rights are. We all know you don't. And yes I talked to my people about that.
DK: how dare you. I understand exactly. what I don't understand, is how you're so stupid you think your sleep habits have anything to do with this
DK: whatever you're going through that's making you...think... I'm sure it's all in your head. Just a little juvenile sickness. A bit more weakness to stamp out. Just explain and I can clear it all up for you.
Zeldris, exasperated: I was having ideas without your explicit permission. Something that norm-
DK: UNDER MY ROOF??? Well, I suppose I should have expected that from someone like you, but why are you disobeying me right now?
Zel: vague passive aggressive guesturing
DK: come now. You won't think your little rebellion could possibly be coming from some rational place in your mind, do you?
Zeldris: no father. We all know treason grows from the ass, not from deliberate choices influenced by past experiences. where the hell did you think Meliodas got his treasonous thoughts from. You, dumbass! FROM LIVING HERE WITH YOU!
Meliodas, actively commiting more treason: sup little bro
Zeldris: traITOR
Zeldris: omg why are you... w h y...Okay it doesn't matter just stay away from me we all know you only care about peace and Elizabeth
Zeldris: 👀...U...unless...?
The DK, watching them from hell: FORGIVENESS?? forgiveness is for chumps literally what are you doing. Treason this is so much treason
- Zeldris and Meliodas, drinking tea in the demon realm -
Meliodas: I like the new throne chairs you picked, very nice
Zeldris: I'm surprised you didn't throw yourself onto them the first time you saw them
Meliodas: that would be disrespectful. Now as for father’s throne I vote we throw it out into the wilderness and make it a tourist trap
Zeldris: a what
Meliodas: for lovers
Zeldris: whut
Meliodas: come on. The symbolism. You know what I'm talking about
Zeldris. Of course but I'm surprised you have the... The energy to conceive of that. What with the infant and all. I figured you would be... Half dead that's why I invited you over here for so long. You look very alive though
Zeldris: also the baby is right there
Tristian, who was of course brought along for the first couple hours of this visit bc yes and also it will be easier for Ellie to pry their son out of his arms this way: :D
Zeldris: aren't you going to like. Tone it down when you're around him
Meliodas: nah
Hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!
Lmaooooooooooo this is great, I love it. As horrifying as it is to consider the possibility that just being your own person might be considered treason under the Demon King, it does make for some very funny jokes.
Also thanks to this I am actively coming up with possible ideas for a “Five Times Meliodas Committed Treason and One Time He Didn’t,” which is probably going to turn out angstier than the title would suggest.
So far I’ve got:
A Robin Hood-esque situation where Elizabeth Number ?? is the Robin Hood figure and Meliodas is the sidekick supporting her and her band of merry men rogues in her quest to overthrow the king and save the common folk (featuring Meliodas getting captured and almost hung before Elizabeth saves him, both of them getting captured and actually hung, or both)
Literally Just Dishonored (basically: Meliodas as the bodyguard of an empress and her daughter (Elizabeth); empress gets assassinated, her daughter kidnapped, and Meliodas gets accused of treason and thrown in prison. Eventually he escapes and proceeds to rescue little Elizabeth, bring down the people responsible for everything (thus debatably committing actual treason), and restore Elizabeth to the throne. Or she dies again for some reason.
…She’s probably going to die in most of these, isn’t she.
At least there would be cute platonic Melizabeth feat: baby Elizabeth?)
The story of Diarmuid and Grainne but it’s Meliodas and Elizabeth instead (iirc: Diarmuid was one of the greatest of an ancient Irish king’s warriors, but was too beautiful for his own good, as the king’s fiancée, Grainne, fell in love with him. Diarmuid and Grainne run away for the sake of love and go into hiding, pursued by the rest of the king’s warriors. Grainne gets pregnant only for Diarmuid to die protecting her from a wild boar and also because his friend and leader of the king’s warriors refuses to betray his king by helping Diarmuid). I’m not entirely sure this counts as treason, but like. It could. Also not sure how I feel about Elizabeth getting pregnant prior to her curse getting broken. Or how to avoid this ending in a demon-goddess hybrid baby several centuries too early.
OOH WHAT ABOUT PIRATE MELIZABETH! Okay, so Meliodas is a ship captain turned privateer, tasked by the queen of such and such kingdom with fighting off pirates. Meliodas goes after the most famous one of them all, only to discover it’s Elizabeth! He then betrays the kingdom to join her. This probably also ends in both of them getting executed, just for piracy this time.
…Okay, I’ve actually checked the definition of treason now, and I don’t think the Diarmuid and Grainne idea would count as treason, but the other three probably would.
You know what would be really funny? The Sins/Zeldris/both somehow hearing all these stories about ancient traitors, figuring out that they were all Meliodas/Meliodas+Elizabeth, and just going up to him and going “What the fuck”
Anyway if you have any ideas (that you would be willing to let me use) or thoughts on my ideas, please do let me know! This is fun hehe
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Well hello and welcome to this shitshow I’ve decided to tackle.
I’ve decided that I simply cannot allow Seven Deadly Sins—a series that I still think has great potential and squandered it—to remain as bad as it is and I am going to take a crack at improving it one delusional piece of artwork after another.
Anyway, here’s my redesign of Meliodas. He can look as youthful as he wants but there will be no borderline-toddler faces in this house. Still a short king wearing heels, but this time it’s boots! Redid his vest to have coattails instead of whatever it was doing before, gave him black pants because it balanced him out a bit better, and gave him a green bow tie because the red just seemed way too out of place in the original design.
I’ve said before but I will say it again for the masses: let 👏 the humanoid 👏 demons 👏 have more 👏 demonic 👏 features. And if no one else will then I may as well do it myself. Obviously he looks more human most of the time to hide his race, but he’s got slightly different demon eyes, fangs, retractable claws and horns (still working on the positioning and proportions) and a whole tail! Because we all know that the Demon Race are probably just oversized cats, am I right lads?
In my version if canon, the Demon Race used to be Goddesses or at least an angelic race of some sort until The Fall, which I like to imagine Meliodas was there for because someone’s gotta drop the deep lore. And because I think it gives a new layer to the Demon Race’s hatred for the Goddesses. Does it contradict the canon lore? Sure, but I’m in charge here and I, unfortunately for everyone, do what I want, and I always love me some biblical imagery and themes.
Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for now, so I should stop ignoring my schoolwork now. Let me know what you think, if ya’ll are so inclined!
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the-breadgoblin · 2 years
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saharthings · 1 year
What I love about the nnt fandom in tumblr is the fact that the fans can turn anything into fanfiction
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blvcklizard · 2 years
Prisoners of the Sky is so funny outside the main plot, though.
It's the king's birthday. We'll prepare a special meal for this occasion, using literally legendary ingredients which we indirectly risked our lives for.
And Meliodas will cook.
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thg-rcg-simps · 11 days
Another Takumi hair boi (suit) in our collection <3
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-TakumiHairGuy & RikkaCatGirl
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librathefangirl · 7 months
OK so. i’m (hopefully) writing a long fic that boils down to hurt/no comfort demon hunter x demon king meli and i was wondering if you had any brittania lore to spare ‼️‼️🙏🙏 i’m trying to work everything ik and what i’ve gotten from reading nnt stuff into the worldbuilding and I Need More
hope you have a wonderful day/night!!!!
omg i can't believe i forgot this was in my inbox, october hasn't been kind to mee help (she said as if october wasn't already over)
Anyway- Hi!! Heey! Hope the writing is going well! That story sounds good (*sees HURT and MEL* *makes grabby hands*)
Ah yes world-building, my biggest writing frenemy... It's moments like this when I wish my hcs/lore was a little more structured (i def have some hcs that contradict each other; like how most of my fics have different demon features for Mel (in one of my current wips his blood is a color more similar to the red demon's than humans')). But let's see what I can pull out of the void 😅 And if not so much lore maybe I can offer some thoughts to (hopefully) guide you on your way?
(And when I say some I mean a whole fucking lot probably because I've got no self-control oops)
So. The 2 most solid hcs/lore pieces I've got (about the demons ofc because it's me lol) it about the demons' thermoregulation and their sleep. My demon thermoregulation is something I've used in a few of my fics (and that I kinda wished had a better origin than I wanna whump Mel with these 2 prompts but they're not compatible in the way I want so Imma change his whole physiology). It basically boils down to that demons are more connected with nature/the environment around them than humans, and therefore, are also more dependent on the environment. Maybe not cold-blooded in the way we might be used to, but always striving to maintain an optimal internal temperature (their temperature rising with the cold and falling with the heat, constantly compensating for the environment). That said, it's a fine line between maintaining an optimal temperature and overheating/freezing, especially in extreme temperatures.
My thoughts about demons' sleep contains 2 parts. Meliodas' sleep is fucked up by his upbringing. Demons also naturally follow a different sleep schedule than human (nocturnal?). Because they are a different race than humans, but also because not only is the Demon Realm a different place, it's literally a completely different realm! I'm not gonna go into the whole "we see 2 moons in the demon realm in Cursed by Light but apparently there's no day and night there yet at the same time it's a known fact that demons are much stronger at night" thing and just say that the Demon Realm is weird (from a human/non-demon realm native perspective).
Which is another point to consider. Because if the Demon Realm is weird to humans than Britannia must be weird to demons, right? And that's something you can do a lot with, if you just want to. The Demon Realm, and with it, the demons, aren't limited by human expectations and reality. We see in canon that demons and the demon realm don't always follow human possibilities, like being able to literally reattach limbs, or having seven hearts (or being able to sacrifice six hearts and still be alive), and the creatures that exist in that realm. One thing I like to ask myself when writing about demon characteristics/features or differences between the realms is what do I want to achieve? (oh god, I sound like my teacher - what is the point of this, what do we want to know...) What do these characteristics or lore or whatnot bring to the characters, the plot, and the story? Why is it important? Like take that example of Mel's blood I mentioned at the beginning. In that fic, one thing that is important to the progression of the story and the characters interactions is that Mel is toeing the line between human and definitely not human. Most people can tell that there is something "wrong" or off about him, like the color of his blood or how he looks like a literal child but can drink anyone under the tables or etc, etc, but not enough for people to point at him and scream demon. And all of this isn't about just physical or environmental things, but behaviors too.
Britannia is filled with different races! Demons and humans (and the other races) will react to things differently, have different thought processes and behaviors. Like *gently holds hc about demons nuzzling to show affection* or *hc about demons using sounds and non-verbal communication to a much higher degree than humans* or even *potential hc about demons and goddesses sharing a third language (outside their native languages and the language shared between all races) because they both hold themselves higher than the other races and even communicated with each other enough for a sort of truce(?)*
Another thing about Britannia is that it is oold. Like, we follow 3,000 years worth of history in canon. We know that the landscape changes drastically over the years (enough for King to be like hey this isn't our britannia, and also the 10C are surprised to find Edinburgh castle (or what's left of it anyway) because that spot used to be empty), but we don't really know how the people/culture/all that stuff changes. Because like... there's no way that things remain the same for 3-freaking-thousands years. Especially not with the huge change of the gods (goddesses) and monsters (demons) of the world all simultaneously disappearing. That said, it's interesting to think about how open to change the different races are/would be. Would the giants and fairies, who both have looong lifespans, be more prone to keeping things the way they are, than humans who might see change happening over the passing of generations? And then there's the demons and goddesses, who (if following canon events) have been gone/sealed/STUCK for 3,000 years...😅 But also like, how do the demons/goddesses feel about the changes to Britannia and the other races? We don't see a lot of this in canon (besides wow humans have gotten even better at making alcohol and wow humans are so weak now).
Oh wait! Actually another thing canon does touch upon is the shift in the magical power in Britannia. After being released the 10C feel like the magical power has dried up and it's making it harder for them to regain their own, but Fraudrin points out it isn't gone but instead the power that "once gushed from the earth" now "flows into the wildlife and plants" and that over the years it's been "absorbed by the beings" in Britannia. I'm not sure how much thoughts I have about this because it literally just caught my attention (😅) but it's something to think about. What was it like before when the power was in the earth rather than the plants and beings, what does this change mean, why did it happen, what relationship do the demons have with the natural magical power in Britannia? It's also of note to point out that this power, according to Monspeet, was the reason for the start of the war between the five races.
(ooh this makes me think about my own writing bc i've wanted for a while to do a fic where demons are a lot more connected/dependent on the natural power/energy in the demon realm and this affects mel once he gets stuck in britannia and maybe this can add some further complexity to the whole thing because the relationship between magic and land has changed in britannia - hmm def worth some thinking - Anyway! Side note. Ignore this, lol)
One way I do think Britannia has changed over the many years is that it is much more connected now. It feels, to me at least, that "back in the day" the different villages and whatnot were a lot more isolated. While now, for better (traveling, trading, alliances) or worse (war, humans being fucked up little shits to each other), Britannia is a lot more connected. We do see the characters being pretty well-aware of the surrounding kingdoms/villages/even locations of other races (there's even a map! - we do not know if there was a map of the land 3,000 years ago...?)
Anyway! Ramblings ove- No. Wait. Language! I definitely think language/communication is worth a couple of some thoughts (because I'm a nerd when it comes to communication. First of all, like a briefly mentioned before, I love the idea of demons being a lot more non-verbal than humans. Like in my Monster Sins AU, the demons' sounds/non-verbal communication is at least as complex as their verbal one. Humans might pick up on the warning of a growl or the particular emotion of whine or purr, but to demons there's actual communicated messages in those sounds. Personally I like taking inspiration from dogs and cats with a flair of demon/fantasy for how these sounds sound (but I'm also open to the potential of other animals - I haven't gotten that far in my own world-building yet). I also imagine demons have more rough/non-clear sounds, and more sounds "located in the throat" or have you wanna explain it...
On the topic of 3,000 years passing, I also think it's important to point out the changes in language. Because whether we are talking about the demons being sealed away for 3,000 years or just different races keeping to their own realms/race, there will be communication problems happening. Again, there's no way things haven't changed. I mean, if I look at a Swedish text from a couple centuries ago I'm like *confused noises intensifying*. And like we know that demons have their own language. With how the demons/goddesses superiority complex, I don't see why they would keep to the "common language" when speaking with each other either. So there would definitely be some differences in the language used between the different races. The demons in canon, after the seal breaks, must have a very old-sounding language with like idioms no longer used. Similarly, they must find the language of humans and whatnot hard to understand at times, because there are new words/phrases they aren't familiar with. And this isn't just about time either, there gotta be a lot of different dialects in Britannia. No way all of Britannia speaks in the same way (same language sure, but not the same way).
Okay, now I am done. Not sure how much of this was coherent or *makes vague gesture* useful to you but it's some thoughts, I guess.
Happy writing! 💜
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