#fall oit boy
lord-of-the-weird · 1 year
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nekofra · 1 year
Trigun brainrot be like I've never associated songs to anyone or anything but in the span of a month I paired one to Wolfwood and one to Vashwood
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falloutgirlboy · 1 year
congrats on the new album!!!!! (which are your fave songs of it? mine are i am my own muse and so much (for) stardust ;o; ♥)
WAAAAH fall out boy world......... i have to let it marinate and listen to it about 500 more times but my favs rn are heaven iowa and so much for stardust❤️❤️❤️
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blackhakumen · 11 months
Mini Fanfic #1113: All in This Together (RWBY)
Pyrrha Nikos. A huntress very well known by many to have a promising future ahead of her. A future that was taken too soon by the hands of Cinder Falls during the Fall of the Becon Academy.
She was believed to be dead after that, as hard and heart shattering for her closest love ones to accept overtime. But in some, twisted miracle, she was given the second chance in the living....but as Salem's emotionless puppet whose sole purpose is to physically mess with our group of heroes, Jaune especially. But fortunately, after a long, emotional fight, the gang was able to break their friend free from the witch's control and get to live oit the continue her to live her previously taken life with the people she holds dear, but even that has it draw backs.
Recurring nightmares, anxiety over the future ahead.....It wasn't easy for the young woman to endure, even with the help her friends and family provides for her, which she is eternally grateful for. Try as she might, the past memories would always find some way to mess with her in her dreams until it was too much for her to handle. Like tonight for example. It was bad enough to make her wake up and leave her bedroom without waking up three of her teammates/lovers.
As Pyrrha sits herself down on the living room sofa, letting the TV play on mute, she closes her eyes and let out a sigh, wondering how she's going to handle her recurring problem for good.
?????: Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: (Quickly Opens her Eyes to See a Familiar Farm Boi Standing by the Hallway Entrance) Oscar? What are you doing up so late? Is everything okay?
Oscar: (Sighs While Making his Way to the Living Room) Not completely. (Sits Next to Pyrrha on the Sofa) I just woke up from another bad dream of mines.
Pyrrha: (Starts Getting Worried) Another dream of yours?
Oscar: (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) Yeah, it....has been ongoing for a while now I'll admit-ack! (Gets Pulled into a Loving Hug by Pyrrha)
Pyrrha: Oh my poor baby. Why didn't you tell anyone of us about it sooner? What have you even been dreaming about?
Oscar: Mostly everything Salem related. And everything I've been through up until we've finally took her down fpr this time. Kidnapped, tortured, being left for dead....It's a miracle I managed to survived all of that.
Pyrrha: And I'm very thankful for that....(Gives Oscar a Motherly Glare) But still, you should've told us about this sooner! You know as well as I do that we would've done everything we can to help.
Oscar: I-It's not like I wanted to keep this under wraps! You guys are already having a lot on your plate to deal with: rebuilding becon, forming new alliances, hunting down any remaining Grimms. (Looks Away While Frowning a Bit) The last thing I wanted to do is to have you waste your time worrying over me.....
Pyrrha: It's true that we all have been a lot more busier since the world is finally at peace. But you have been through just as much pain and suffering as the rest of us here, if not more. The least any of us can do is provide you all the care and support you need.
Oscar: I know. (Turns Back to Pyrrha) And trust me, I appericate everything you guys done for me so far. I just wish I could return a favor.
Pyrrha: (Smiles Softly) You've being in our lives is far more of a favor than we could ever ask for. And I don't think I need to explain how much we love you to pieces now, do I?~ (Starts Kissing on Oscar's Cheeks)
Oscar: (Chuckles Ticklishly by Pyrrha's Kisses) Okay, okay!~ I love you guys too~ B-But seriously though, what are doing up in this hour? You had bad dream too?
Pyrrha: (Frowns a Bit Sadly) I did unfortunately....It was sort of a back and forth between what happened back at the academy to me becoming Salem's pawn. Among other things I.....don't feel uncomfortable talking about right now.....
Oscar: I see. How are you feeling now that you're awake?
Pyrrha: ('Sigh') Well, I dom feel the need to cry my eyes out this time around, so there's that at least.
Oscar: But the thought of everything that happened to you is getting too difficult to ignore completely.
Pyrrha: Exactly. (Looks Up at the Ceiling) I should blessed, thrilled even, to be given another opportunity to live out the rest of my life with all of you. But as wonderful as this experience has been so far, these thoughts.......(Softly Balled up her Fist Together) the memories........They continue to find ways to haunt me and make me lost sight of what I'm fighting for and needless to say, I'm quite frankly getting tired of all of this
Oscar: Pyrrha.....
Pyrrha: So after giving it some thought, I figured.....maybe it might be time that I take Glynda in on that offer of hers.
Oscar: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Offer?
Pyrrha: (Nodded in Agreement) It's high time I take therapy sessions. And I want you to do so as well, Oscar.
Oscar: Okay, time out for a second. You're telling me that Ms. Goodwitch is a psychologist now?
Pyrrha: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm. She actually gotten a master's degree on psychology years before becoming becon's headmistress, even started doing this kind of profession as a part time occupation for quite sometime now.
Oscar: Good to see her do something other than trying to fix the acemdey up back herself. That must've taken a lot out of her.
Pyrrha: I couldn't imagine what she was going through during that time, but that's neither here or there at the moment. (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking Again) I know this will probably take a lot of getting used, but if we really want to continue living our lives without the harshness of our past holding both of us back going through, then we have to start from somewhere. I can't really guarantee that it will solve our problems completely......
Oscar: But it could us help us gain the confidence we need to conquer our own fears, am I right?
Pyrrha: Yeah, exactly. Or....at least I hope that'll be the case.....
Oscar: (Place his Hand on Top of Pyrrha's While Giving her a Reassuring yet Determined Look on his Face) Then let's give these sessions a fair shot then.
Pyrrha: (Stares at Oscar For a Brief Second Before Smiling Back With a Determined Nod as She Gently Squeezes the Top of his Hand) Right. Let's. (Let's Out Another Sigh) I'm really starting to feel a lot better now that you're here with me for tonight, Oscar.
Oscar: (Smiles Softly) I'm just glad I was able to help you in some way. You seemed really out it when I first saw you sitting here minutes ago.
Pyrrha: You weren't entirely wrong on that assumption. All this thought about the future has got me feeling on edge as of late.....
Oscar: Make sense. No one can tell what the future has in store for each of us. The best we can do now is keep living the present and see where it takes us from here. (Rests his Head Onto Pyrrha's Shoulder) And honestly, I don't really mind do that so long as I get to live it with you guys.
Pyrrha: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness) Ruby was right about you.
Oscar: Hm?
Pyrrha: (Happily Hugs Oscar Once More) You really are the biggest sweetheart ever!~
Oscar: (Starts Snickering) And you're almost as bad as Nora when it comes to smothering~
Pyrrha:: (Smirks Playfully) Oh come now, how could Nora possibly be worse than me, hmm?~
Oscar: The woman literally declared that I'm her son the moment we first saw each other. And don't even get me started on all the times she hug tackled me so far.
????: Hey!
The duo turns to see the rest of their teammates and family standing by the living room entrance way.
Nora: (Pouts at Oscar With her Hands on her Hips) I thought you love my motherly affections!~
Oscar: I do. Doesn't make it any less embarrassing.
Pyrrha: (Smiles Softly at her Three Lovers) You three are finally awake.
Ren: We've noticed you two weren't in respective beds at the time.
Jaune: (Frowns Worryingly) Are you guys okay in here?
Oscar: We are now that we have each other's company.
Pyrrha: And you three are more than welcome to join watch TV for the rest of the night if you like.
Nora: (Smiles Brightly) Would I!?~ (Rushes Over to the Sofa Sitting Next to Oscaron the Other Side) Whatcha you guys watching this time of hour?
Oscar: Uh.... (Takes a Look at The Screen) A western movie I think? We barely even paid any attention to the to.it really.
Nora: (Notices Oscar's Head is on her Shoulder Now) What's this? (Playfully Crosses her Arms) I thought you said my motherly affections was embarrassing~
Oscar: (Already Has a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Nora, we both know that doesn't either one of us from loving each other any less. Besides.....(Starts Blushing a Little) I love having you as a mom.....
Nora: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness) Oh Oscar!~ (Finally Hugs Oscar Very Lovingly) Momma Nora loves you sooooo much!~
Oscar: ('Sigh') Love you too, Nora.
Pyrrha: (Starts Pouting at Oscar) Hey!~ You're supposed to be my cuddle partner for tonight, you traitor!~
Nora: Oh don't be such a crybaby, Pyrrha, I don't mind sharing~
Pyrrha: Oh well if that's the case.....(Smiles Brightly With her Arms Spread Wide Open) Don't mind if I do!~
Oscar: ('Sigh') Oh boy......
Pyrrha happily joins in on the Oscar Hugfest.
Jaune: (Starts Chuckling at What's in Front of Him and Ren) Awwww~ It looks like the girls form themselves an Farm Boi sandwich~ Really wish my scroll isn't charging right now, I would've a billion pictures. Pretty sure you'd do the same too, eh Ren?
Ren: (Too Busy Staring at the Trio) ...........
Jaune: Uh... Ren?
Ren: (Immediately Comes Back to Reality) Oh! S-Sorry. I couldn't help but notice that Pyrrha is still here with us right now.
Jaune: (Smiles Softly) I know, right? We've been living together for a while and I still can't believe it. We'll do better in looking out for her this around.
Ren: (Nodded in Agreement) Right. In the meantime......(Pulls Out his Scroll his Pajamas Panrs Pocket With a Bit of a Sly Smirk on his Face) I believe we got some pictures to take, don'tcha think?
Jaune: (Smiles Brightly at his Boyfriend Next to Him) My man.
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pnuk-r0ck · 2 months
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infectiouspiss · 10 months
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cashandandrogyny · 10 months
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blood-injections · 7 months
trying to work on TSKOM and keep kicking myself for deciding to do the background in past tense and also I can't stop thinking about
this as a Suitehearts song. idk if I can explain it because I haven't looped the song enough to figure it out for sure but there is SOMETHING there and it is making me BONKERS
FIRST OF ALL OUGH OW SECOND OF ALL NO YOURE SO RIGHT IT IS A SUITEHEARTS SONG IDK HOW YET EITHER BUT. I mean. Okay lets dissect this. Its like somber and lonely but like hopeful in a way too? It just screams like soulmates to me despite it all and thats essentially what the suitehearts are. Soulmates despite it all. And theres tensions and shit between them sometimes and wacky stuff and fights but theyre thick as thieves too and like theres periods of closeness. "sometimes you let me read your mind, then there are nights you say you don't remember" like nights where things are quiet and close and they just fucking talk and are honest and after the moments passed of its brought up again its like erm yeah idk what youre talking about man. But then the lyrics also "then there are nights you say you don't remember, when you stepped on the gas and you asked if I'm ready to die." And thats just such a danger days fucking line like AUGH facing death and the fact theyre probably gonna die young and thats gotta be terrfying but takes like. Idk. To look at your other halves and go are you ready to die. Are you ready to do this with me. And if they yes theyre pledging themselves as your crew that theyll be there at the end. Gah fuck im getting emotional. But that would be so like. For the suitehearts especially with the shit they have between them but despite it all going we're crew, we're family, I'm sticking with you. And then not remebering it after, dodging it, because the memory of a day you all almost died together would be fucking rough. Maybe not all the lyrics are suitehearts but the vibe is and a lot of them are. These are out of order but i was really focused on that are you ready to die part. "I used to believe no one could love you like I do and I'm startin' to think that it might be impossible not to" again. Soulmates. Also fall out boy ass lyric i wouldnt be surprised if the same line showed up in the last of the real ones or something. Idk about you but this bit screams benzecrab to me btw. Like benze to crab specifically. Fuckinggg loving eachother and knowing eachother and maybe getting jealous but just realizing like. Fuck youre so good its impossible for the whole world not to love you. Even if i want to be the one to love you the most. This also ties into the last line i feel like the "You took it from me, but I would've given it to you." Maybe less benzecrab or maybe hm maybe the other way around? Willing to give him the world but like benze or whomever or even like just metaphorically fucks up and is greedy and takes what they want, maybe out of fear? Not knowing there was someone willing to give them what they wanted all along out of love. Like for example of this was benzecrab to me itd be like. Crab follows benze oit of loyalty and love but maybe benze thinks crab thinks he just owes him or something or is just there for the others so instead of like. Crab getting to give his love and prove his loyalty benze takes it by like being kind of an asshole being greedy or bossy because he thinks crab isnt going to stick around very long so hes taking advantage of his loyalty while hes there. Uh. This is spiraling, i could have left this at the soulmates despite it all bit, that summed this up. I'm just Thinking now. this is making me bonkers too. Anyway yeah. Suitehearts song
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daggerqueen · 10 months
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sappymix1 · 1 year
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cynical-crypt · 11 months
i feel like a strangled balloon because i mbe squeaking so damn high every time i see fall oit boy
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i havent listened to it yet, i havent found the time tbh, but i do like love on the otherside and hold me like a grudge iirc
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mercuryallen · 1 year
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punkoverlord · 2 years
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bubbleteagrunge · 5 years
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Only You
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-TASM!Peter Parker
- A relationship with Peter takes balance
-TW: Mentions of fire, burns, death, angst, fluff, mild NSFW
- Not edited
Reblogs and comments are super appreciate! Send requests!
You’re knee bounced anxiously as your lower lip cot caught between your teeth. It was hard to focus on what the news reporter had to say. You were honed in on the red and blue suit that would cut in and out of frame.
The apartment building was completely engulfed in flames and smoke. The red lights from the fire truck couldn’t wash out the fires orange that painted the scene. The horror struck bystanders gawked at the scene, doing their best to console those who were losing everything.
On any other day, you would be sharing your sympathy for them. But here and now you were focused on Spider-man climbing in and out of the building, bringing children down to the fireman’s reach, then rushing in to find the next. You heart was in your stomach, gripping the remote with fierceness.
This cycle of his rescue continued for the next serval minutes, your anxiety continuing to grow. When would it be the last time you saw him go in?
Then, suddenly, he didn’t come back out. The news reported commented,” All residents have been accounted for. Search and rescue has commenced.”
“N-no. No. Peter is still in there,” You began to panic. No one was going to check for the super hero. But he was just a boy. What if the heat got to him? Or the smoke inhalation? What if he got caught? You fell to your knees in front of the TV, now letting panic induced tears stream down your face.
“Please, no. My Pete,” You mumbled, anxiously awaiting a report of his safe exist from the building. Where was here?
At some point the panic was too much to bear, so you clocked out mentally, your body frozen on the ground. There was passing of time, but you would be hard pressed to give a time.
The next thing you could remember was someone calling your name. It was distant. But you could recognize that voice anywhere. He was here. Peter.
“Y/N, are you okay? Are you there?” You could here him more clearly now, you eyes adjusting back to reality. He was there. His hands held your cheeks, gently brushing them. His eyes were wild and bewildered. There was ash covering the majority of his face. A dark red burn sat on his collarbone, along with a few others across his body.
“Oh my god, Pete,” You said out of relief and horror. He was here, but he almost wasn’t. And he was barley holding on now. Without having to focus, you could hear the rasp of his breathing, a clear indication that his inside were just as bad off as his outsides. You internally cringed at the hot burning pain he would be in for the next day or two.
Your hands reached up, gripping around his wrists. The contact was enough to push you over the edge. You let out a sob, pushing his hands further into you, having the need to feel him, all-the-while not wanting to hurt him in his fragile state.
“I’m here my love. I’m sorry, I’m here,” He responded, placing your forehead to his.
“Pete, I didn’t know what to think, when you didn’t come out. They didn’t show you coming out!” You cried, trying to make sense while being flooded with emotions. You whispered,”I thought you were gone.”
You felt his grip tighten around to the back your neck, pulling you forward despite the clear pain Oit caused him. But you didn’t have it in you fight him off right now.
“No, never. I would never leave my lover behind,” He whispered right next your your ear, leaving a small kiss below it. His comment overwhelmed you, more tears falling.
“Sweetheart,” You started, “I can’t lose you. I can’t keep doing this.”
“What?” Peter sat up quickly looking frightened and yet again bewildered. “What are you talking about? What do you mean you can’t keep doing this? Like us? Or Spider-Man? Y/N please…”
Pete now held both your hands tightly in this lap as you bowed your head letting more tears fall. After a few seconds of silence Peter continued quietly, “I’ll give it up.”
This caused you to look up at him. His eyes were completely sincere, meaning very word he said.
“I couldn’t ask that of you. It’s who you are,” You shook your head, refusing his solution.
“No, you are. You are my home, my happy. I don’t want Spider-man if it means losing you. It’s not worth. Not even close,” Peter rambled, anxiously awaiting a response for you.
“I could never ask you to give up Spider-man. I just can’t bare the thought of being in a world with no Peter Parker. He’s more important to me that Spidey,” You responded, finally meeting Peter’s crazy eyes.
“Please don’t leave me. I can’t do it without you. Please my love,” Peter begged.
You heart clenched at this heart broken face, his expression completely defeated. And the fight was no longer putting up. You slid forward, completely disregarding injuries, laying flat on his chest. His arms where quick to pull you in and hold you impossibly close.
“I’m sorry, I’m not leaving” You amended, knowing you would never have the heart to truly let go of Peter Parker. Your sweet boy. He nodded quickly, taking in a deep breath trying to get his hands to stop shaking.
“Maybe a compromise? I just need assurance that you are okay,” You offered after a minute. He hurriedly nodded his head, agreeing to your plan.
“Baby let me help you with your burns. We need to wrap them,” You commented after giving Peter the proper time to compose himself. But there would be time later for cuddling, he needed medical attention.
Peter groaned in protest but eventually followed you to the bathroom. He sat on the closed toilet lid, completely striped for the suit, left in his boxers. You ran a wash cloth under the Luke warm faucet them began cleaning off his face. On each bump and bruise you’d leave a light kiss on his skin. After wiping away the ash and dirt, you began to put on a medical cream on the burns and then placed bandaids atop of that.
Some how the two of you ended up in the bed, cuddling gently. You continued to leave littered kisses on his face, neck, shoulder, back. You couldn’t really tell if you did it for yourself or him, but no one seemed to mind.
“I can’t lose you,” Pete mumbled after the silence had settled in the room.
“I know love, I know,” You mumbled back, one hand on his cheek, the other running through his hair.
“But I can’t keep watching you go into burning buildings and now knowing if you are going to come out,” You continued, still holding him close.
“I’d leave it behind if you asked me to,” He responded, full heartedly. And you didn’t doubt him. Pete couldn’t lie to you.
“I could never ask you to do that,” You said shaking your head at the idea. Peter placed a free hand on your chin, finger gently pulling out your bottom lip where it had been stuck between your teeth.
You looked up slowly, meeting his eyes. They held so much love and admiration that it was hard to keep the gaze held. So you didn’t. You leaned in slowly, letting your eyes shut slowly. You lips met his slowly, both needing.
His teeth grabbed your lower lip, pulling at it, leading a moan to fall from your mouth. Despite the pain he might have been in, Peter pulled you over to sit on his lap, pulling you flush to his skin. Your shirt went flying across the room in a matter of moments along with your bra.
You let Pete’s lips travel your skin, letting him leave hickeys and love marks all over your chest and neck. You help his body as close as you could get it. He slowly leaned you back, leaving you laying in the center of the bed, breathless and topless.
“May I?” Peter asked quietly referring to your shorts. Your heart swelled at the fact that even after all this time together he still asked for permission. Ever the gentleman.
He finished you quickly and with perfection. The two of you payed breathless in the messy sheets, holding each other as close as possible.
“I don’t know how we are going to fix this. But no matter what we are going to do it together,” Peter mumbled into your neck, “At the end of the day its you. You are all I’ll ever need. Only you can make my heart bloom.”
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