#faith roleplay
burdenedwithfaith · 7 days
((I'm sorry that I haven't really posted anything here for a while. I've just kinda lost enthusiasm for it. All the people I talked to have gone, all a friends I thought I met from it weren't, and of course there's just Tumblr being a piece of shit.
Im sorry to everyone who sent me something, or has been waiting on a response, or expecting an answer to an ask, but I've just lost all interest, because I know most of you have too.
I'm truly thankful for everyone who ever interacted with me, and it was fun while it lasted. But you're not losing anything by me leaving. There are plenty of other FAITH blogs you can roleplay with. You don't need me.)
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prpfs · 7 months
✨🍄 Heyo, 21+ F searching for other 18+ partners for a few fandom RP’s. The characters I write for and preferred ship preferences are in parentheses alongside the list of fandoms, with my most preferred being in bold.
Hetalia (Germany, Russia, America, North Italy, Prussia, Finland, Canada, Hungary. I’m okay with MxM, FxM, CCxCC and CCxOC. I’m also not a huge GerIta shipper so I’m not your gal if that’s what you’re after.)
Star Wars (Rey, Padme, Leia, Ben Solo, Obi Wan, Anakin Skywalker. I’m okay with FxM, CCxCC and CCxOC)
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey (Kassandra. I’m okay with FxF (which is sort of preferred), FxM, CCxCC and CCxOC)
Faith: The Unholy Trinity (I’ve only written as my OC from this fandom, but I would be down to try writing as Lisa. I’m okay with FxM, CCxCC and CCxOC)
I also love doing fandomless Historical RP as well! I know I said I was searching for fandom RP’s, but I thought I’d throw this one in too if anyone is interested.
I consider myself to be adv. literate and expect the same from my potential partners, I also like to match length too. I only roleplay on Discord, and I am fine with NSFW as long as it doesn’t overtake the RP. I’m also down for 🕊️ topics and can send those in more detail for those interested.
Give a like and I’ll get back with you as soon as possible. 🍄✨
give a like and anon will get back to you
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jacks347 · 3 months
Albus will never let the BW family meet the BvZ family, not because of any real reason (other than the fact that he doesn't want to taint the good family that he's built with the blood and apathy of the mercenary one but that's a different post-) but because he knows Faith would not take any of Attila's shit and would backhand his bitch ass into next week (because he is WEAK) and he really doesn't want to have to have the responsibility of keeping them apart from each other so they don't rip each other apart.
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grim-has-issues · 4 months
you know he’s right ; i am in love with you faithful , but i’ll never act upon it. i’ll never hurt you. your innocence is what gives me so much life. it reminds that there is undying goodness in this world. yea no wonder you feel useless in this place, its a bad place where only the worse can survive. you look out on this place. i do love you, i do love you faithful and its because i love you that i cannot be with you.
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Messy repbloc]]
Everyone gets mad, it's a way of life!
Yes, but not everyone KILLS people! Not everyone is from a family of criminals!
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This Tumblr has NOT been approved by the vatican...
Mostly RP account, may make ooc stuff too. No promise of scheduling. I'm either very busy or not at all. I have a LOT of headcanons. They may not match your own. It's all gonna be crappy pixel art because I'm so so lazy and I don't wanna force myself to draw for every single post-
Run by @10itemsorwes :3
Don't spam please
Magic anons enthusiastically allowed
No derogatory or hateful words or phrases. Jokes are ok, but be aware of limits.
Limited NSFW. Jokes are fine always. Be aware that I am Asexual, though.
Shipping/implying romance is allowed (literally any ship I will play into any ship)(unless it's a minor or smth ew)
Have fun, ask away!
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celluzu · 8 months
I really hope that the inevitable egg rescue can be a big break for everyone. I hope it helps them to finally discover something the feds are after, a big piece of this puzzle they've been taunting everyone with for months now. This feels like too much of a climax to be a loss in the end, I really hope its a win.
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hellmouthheritage · 10 months
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HELLMOUTH RPG est à la recherche du personnage légendaire de FAITH LEHANE.
Sunnydale 2023 :
La nuit du 2 octobre 2001, Faith était en prison lorsqu'elle a senti son corps commencer à geler. La tueuse a crié de toutes ses forces, mais ayant la réputation qu'elle avait à l'époque, aucun policier n'a voulu s'approcher de sa cellule et lui venir en aide. Lorsque l'équipe tactique du matin arriva devant une cellule remplie de cristaux de sang au sol, ils déclenchèrent l'état d'alerte. En analysant le sang qui était dans les morceaux de glace, le médecin légiste déclara que la fugitive avait belle et bien été tuée par un froid glacial qui avait gelé son corps en entier. Les policiers de Los Angeles ont voulu étouffer l'affaire et n'ont rien déclaré aux médias au sujet de sa mort.
Le 1 juin 2023, le corps de Faith se reconstitua dans la cellule là où elle était morte il y a 22 années. La tueuse regarda autour d'elle complètement désemparée et traumatisée. Elle grelottait et n'avait pas encore conscience de ce qu'il lui arrivait. Elle frappa de toutes ses forces la prisonnière qui résidait maintenant dans son ancienne cage. La tueuse prit possession des vêtements de la femme qu'elle venait d'assommer sans aucune pitié, avec rage. Faith posa ses deux mains sur les barreaux et les écarta avec facilité comme si ce n'était que des cures-dents. Dans le couloir, son regard croisa celui d'un policier qu'elle avait connu autrefois. Le jeune homme commençait sa carrière à l'époque, l'officier ouvrit grand les yeux et reconnu la fugitive qui avait été tué il y a 22 années. Il fonça sur elle, mais malheureusement la tueuse avait toujours ses réflexes de tigresse. La brune haussa le bras dans les airs et fonça sur lui le faisant traverser une fenêtre pour entendre son corps tomber du troisième étage de l'établissement.
Faith en profita pour sauter par la fenêtre et courir rapidement pour escalader le grillage de la prison. Le bruit des voitures de police criait dans tous les sens, mais elle croyait fortement qu'elle allait réussir. La tueuse passa par dessus la grille et sauta dans une voiture en agressant le conducteur, le jetant dehors de son véhicule en pleine conduite. Elle savait très bien quelle direction prendre. La route vers Sunnydale était la seule destination envisageable. Elle regarda rapidement son reflet dans le rétroviseur et elle remarqua qu'elle avait une vingtaine d'années en plus. Elle n'en croyait pas ses yeux, elle continua de se regarder quelques secondes sans remarquer que son véhicule était entrain de dévié de la route. Elle donna un coup de volant pour ramener sa voiture sur la bonne voie juste à temps pour ne pas heurter un autre véhicule qui venait de la klaxonner.
Quelques heures plus tard, elle débarqua à Sunnydale. Une ville hantée par les monstres et par les erreurs de son passé. Elle ressentait la présence de Buffy, mais aussi d'une nouvelle élue. Après 22 années passées dans la noirceur de la mort, elle savait très bien qu'il allait falloir qu'elle se trouve un refuge où habiter sans avoir à payer trop cher, mais la tueuse avait toujours su se débrouiller seule. Faith décida de se rendre dans un lieu qu'elle connaissait bien, elle y avait passé son adolescence. Le Bronze. N'ayant pas reprise complètement ses esprits, la brune défonça d'un coup pied la porte du propriétaire et le poignarda dans le ventre sans pitié utilisant le couteau ensuite pour ouvrir la serrure du coffre-fort de l'établissement où elle trouva quelques milliers de dollars en liquide. La tueuse décida de se débarrasser du corps et de prendre en charge la grande responsabilité de propriétaire du Bronze sachant qu'elle retrouverait rapidement ses anciennes connaissances.
Faith Lehane découvrira qu'à sa mort en 2001, elle était enceinte. Son fils créé par la magie des puissances supérieures Lukas Lehane. Apprenant que la tueuse est en route vers Sunnydale, il essaiera de la retrouver pour se présenter à elle et en connaitre un peu plus sur la véritable nature de sa mère.
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marcethegeek · 1 year
"I was just her meal ticket"(?)
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We got some good snippets of what Albus recollected of his mother, and I had a reference to work from!
All de brainwormies are working, lads
Sketched a scene abut the first of many attempts of his mother just avoiding the mark to get into Clan York. (cursing involved)
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maramirror11 · 5 months
Reminiscences of the past
This is my Darling's POV throughout those 3 years they were separated from Makarro. Thank you @haradasaya for being the beta reader!
TW: Slight mentions of eating disorders.
I hope you enjoy it!
Pronouns: They/Them
As I was washing the dishes, I realized that it has been a week since I last saw my husband. The day after the feast, he left to continue his work. Now, the Guardian is locked up and there is no one capable of interfering. Nonetheless, I'm worried.
He hasn't come home nor contacted me at all. I know he can lose himself in his work, but not like this. I know him, he hasn't been taking care of himself.
I have this feeling that something is wrong. So, I'm writing them down to help me understand.
Lately I wonder why I am going along with all of this. It's not like I don't want my throne back, but it feels like he's hiding something from me.
I need to remember when all of this started…
It was an awful full moon night. I got the new evidence after my case became cold. Even if it was a trap, we needed to try. My dearest Makarro said we'll reunite at the shipping yard. I ran as fast as I could but someone followed me.
When we got reunited with my dearest, we finally solved our case. My brother Kayble admitted that he was responsible for my threat letter and the senator hired the assassins. 
Since we found out about this, Kayble sent Makarro to a place called Black Site. He was being sentenced for kidnapping and high treason. I tried to explain that I escaped and took refuge with him. But Kayble didn't listen. As he was taken away, we both promised we'll see each other again.
My brother knew if the citizens found out about the real story, the government reputation would fall. So, he wanted to make sure no one could speak about this incident.
"Don't take him away" "Let him go!" I kicked and screamed as I was dragged into the carriage.
As always, my orders were ignored. After a year and a half, I was going back "home".
It felt like an eternity on the ride back to the castle. We arrived a few hours before the sunrise. I stayed in a cell until Kayble finished the preparation to spread the news. 
Early in the morning, he announced my arrival at the castle’s balcony in front of all the people present.
"Dear citizens. As you know, the heir of Manas disappeared a long time ago. Our hearts prayed to the Guardian for their safely return to us"
"As your prince, it was my duty to find and bring back my sibling…"
He narrates the story of how he found out I was kidnapped by an evil wizard and bravely rescued me.
I was behind him, inside the castle, during his speech. As he finishes, Kayble turns around, extends his hand and makes a gesture for me to come out.
At first, I decided I wouldn't go out. He took everything I loved, why would I follow his plan?
Suddenly, I heard the cheers from my people, happy for my safety. They were screaming my name and begging me to step out. I couldn't refuse to see them. Slowly, I went outside smiling and waving my hand.
I carefully chose my words.
"My dear citizens, I'm sorry for upsetting you but thank you for keeping me in your prayers. I'm honored to be able to see you again. May the gods bring us a better future for our great nation"  As the sound of applause got higher, I went back inside.
It wasn't hard, being part of an aristocratic family, acting was a basic skill. But, I wasn't aware that would be the last time I'll feel like I had a choice.
Afterwards, my brother escorted me to my new bedroom. When we arrived, all my stuff was already there. My bed, bookshelf, jewelry box, etc. Except that something was bothering me. Why would he change my room?
When I stepped inside, I heard a click sound behind me and realized the door was locked.
“You should be thankful I even let you live. Enjoy your stay, dear sibling”. Then he walked away.
I immediately tried to open the door with all my strength but I couldn't, not even shouting and hitting would do something.
It didn't work before but I needed to try. While I was away, Kayble built this room and prepared it to prevent any possible escape. Yet that didn’t stop me.
After that day, I had many escape attempts. But, there was little I could do with just one small window and a door with locks on the outside. It was me against the entire castle guards and servants.
I wanted to test them at first, so I tried the predictable ones. Run away whenever they open the door, carve my way to another room, convince others to help me, and more.
Then, I started to create more elaborate plans, but never got too far. Later on, the security knew practically all my strategies and made it impossible for me to come up with new ideas.
In the end, I decided to take some time to observe and analyze any new opportunity instead of rushing it.
I was in that cell, or bedroom as they called it, all day. The only exceptions were when I needed to be present for an event and then back to the same place. Just like an animal you take out of their cage for display. A big cage filled with precious items, but a cage nonetheless.
What bothered me the most was that I barely had people visit me. I got used to having someone to talk to and be my real self. Then again, I had to be on high alert.
Servants came from time to time. They'll come to clean and bring me new clothes or food. However, they were ordered not to talk to me nor give me anything else, they were being watched all the time.
The only one who stayed enough time was Kayble, but his visits weren't exactly pleasant.
"That's the summary of the last reunion. You know you could've left this place a long time ago, right? All you need to do is follow my instructions"
"Since you insist on being so stubborn, I guess you need more time alone”
Then, he’ll leave me again. 
My father never said anything, when he wanted to see me, I'll go to him. I'm not sure if he knew about this or not.
I don’t know how I kept myself sane. I was left alone with my thoughts all day.
How did we end up like this?
After everything, how Kayble, my own brother, could do this to me? How couldn't I see this coming?
Was my dearest all right? Was he even alive at this point?
Would he like to see me again? It’s my fault that he’s in prison.
HOW can I LEAVE this place? Can ANYTHING GET BETTER after this?
My routine was sitting on my bed and trying to find answers. However, that only made it worse. So, I tried to keep my mind occupied.
“Alright, I’ve finished reading my book today. I couldn't have predict the ending, it’s just the fifth time I read it”
“The sun is already going up? I’m just halfway through my writing”
“Talking to myself isn’t that bad actually. Still, I wish I was with my dearest, at least we’ll find a more interesting topic than guessing clouds shapes"
Sadly, everything became dull after a while.
Even when my body was occupied, I had this persistent question on my mind.
How did my little brother turn into this monster I don’t recognize? 
The coldness in his eyes when I was captured was terrifying. I've never seen him with so much hatred.
He used to be so kind. After our mother died, I practically raised him and taught everything since our father was occupied with his duties.
"Are you free to play a match of wingball? Father said he's too busy"
"Of course Kayble, but don't be mad at me when I win. You know I'm a great player"
"You won again?! You'll see next time, I'll win for sure!"
I'll give everything just to play a match with you like the old times.
"One day I want to be like you!" He used to tell me. I can't help but get emotional every time I remember those moments.
Even as grown ups, we had our differences but we got along well. He always looked down to himself, unable to see how amazing he is and looked for validation from others. 
Unfortunately, he found it with the other leaders when our family took the position of heirs after Mazzel died and all her children escaped.
Even with that, I still can't believe he was ready to make me paranoid. Be afraid to die at the hands of assassins if that means I’ll do what he wants.
There was a small part of me that hoped we'd get along again, but everyday Kayble shows me how impossible that dream is.
I wonder if we were a normal family, everything could've ended differently. 
My life took a drastic change when I became the heir of Manas. I am from an aristocratic family, our title had a lot of weight in Tyrannis.
I was trained in everything an heir needed to know. Etiquette, how to walk properly, what to say to get my way and infinite resources to do anything I want.
Even so, I felt that I could do more to help others. That’s the reason I specialized in healing magic and potions. At that moment, it was the only thing I was able to do. Now, I had the opportunity to make a real change.
But my problems started when I worked with the other leaders. We’ll have our differences, they want to continue the traditions which means they are afraid of the new possibilities outside help can provide.
Mazzel's consequences are worse than we thought and we really need to ask for outside help. However, my words, despite my title, were irrelevant. I was alone with my beliefs, no one was brave enough to go against the prince.
It was destiny that all the events that happened after the reunion. Receiving a threat letter was the best and worst thing that happened to me.
On one hand, I was aware of the real intentions of someone I worked close by. On the other hand, if I didn’t escape, I wouldn’t have found the love of my life.
I knew I couldn't trust anyone inside the castle for help. Then I remembered these rumors about a brilliant detective who wasn't associated with the MCPD. Since I had nothing to lose, I went looking for him.
Even with his rude introduction, he didn't look like he had bad intentions. I can judge people pretty well, he seemed like someone I could trust. His name is Makarro Aetherward.
I ended up staying in the detective’s house while we investigated the case. Surprisingly, we got along and quickly it became my home as well.
It was unreal how happy I was there, it felt like someone took a huge weight from me. Sure, I needed to learn how to cook and clean for myself, but I was free.
No more being bossed around by the others nor be worried about pleasing everyone. I could truly be myself.
Also, Makarro's company was pleasant. The best moments of my day were when we could spend time together, mundane things turned out as fun experiences.
Cooking became my new hobby, making food and then tasting it with him is something I couldn’t trade for anything. How his face went from faking a smile to actually enjoy it, was enough to try my best the next time.
“Do you like the new recipe? It's from my books”
“This is really good, I'm surprised” His face lit up when he put the spoon in his mouth.
“Oh, so you didn't like my food before? You were lying to me?” I put my hand on my mouth as dramatic as possible.
“No! That's not what I-”  He quickly shakes his head. 
“Oh, you are so gullible” I couldn’t contain my laugh any longer. He can't do anything but look in defeat with a smile.
“Don't worry, I know my cooking wasn't the best. Honestly, those spices make the difference”
When I felt comfortable enough, I started to re-decorate the house. It screamed “I don’t live here because it feels lonely” and didn’t feel like a home someone would like to return.
I started with some plants, not flowers because I’m allergic to pollen, then vases, paintings and my own stuff. Even if I barely got outside, hanging out together at home felt like a dream I didn’t want to wake up. 
I went outside mostly when I helped with cases but I enjoyed myself every time, even when we ran for our lives from the assassins. Normally, it'll be scary but I felt safe with him. I knew together we'll find a way out.
Later on, he told me I brought color into his life, and so did he to mine. After a couple of dates, we got together officially.
My favorite ones were when we went to dance, both outside and inside the house, it was just us in the world.
For that year and a half, I forgot how cruel it was back at the castle, what it was like to be invisible. Sometimes I wonder if it was better if I never ran away, at least you could've been safe...
I thought I could handle being alone with nothing but my thoughts but I was wrong. 
There was nothing I could do but to walk in circles in my tiny room.
After a while I started to feel that they’ll try to eliminate me again, despite doing everything right. When I thought I was being paranoid, I remember that they, in fact, tried to kill me.
I had nothing but my brother's empty words, with the promise to keep me alive. At the end of the day, their mission is the same. As long as I live, they can’t do what they want. 
Perhaps they will be more cautious, the next time it could be an “accident”. It is easier to tell people I died because of food poisoning. Also, everything I eat is served by them.
I ended up eating less and less until I stopped eating all together. At the same time, I asked the staff to stop coming to my place. I couldn’t take any chances, so I cleaned up myself.
It kept me occupied for a while. Maintaining my room clean and organized felt like I cleansed my own mind.
I got weaker and weaker with time, my hopes of going outside were fading. I could barely get out of my bed and I didn’t have a reason to do it either.
The dust started to pile up, my wrinkled clothes stayed on the floor and the window was covered with a curtain.
I could only hear the sound of my own breathing and sometimes, a few steps outside. There was nothing new to experience, even the hunger couldn't bother me. There was nothing but my thoughts. 
And suddenly, I got the realization that nothing will change even if I get out. It shattered the few sanity I had left.
All these negative thoughts plagued my mind until the idea of finally doing what they wanted crossed my mind. Tears slowly fell down on my face as I accepted my defeat.
Being a puppet for someone was my greatest fear and it was closer to becoming inevitable. After many months, I still couldn't find a way out and staying locked up wasn't a great plan either. 
I was thinking of explaining to my brother my change of mind, when a sudden breeze moved the curtains. The sunlight came right to my face, interrupting my plan.
Reluctantly, I got up and slowly approached the wall.
"I don't remember the sunlight being so bright"
When I was about to close the curtains, I stopped and looked outside. I could see the city, people doing their normal routine.
They still have hope for the future even with the war scars on them. They deserve it and I know for sure my brother won’t give them that. No one in this castle cares for them.
But I do.
I care and CAN make that future happen.
I felt a boost of motivation. I took out the curtains, cleaned my bedroom and organized my stuff.
At that moment, I swore, even with my last breath, I’ll do my best for them. Not only that, also my dearest is still looking for me.
I need to get myself together, we’ve promised to see each other again and I don't break a promise.
I needed to be stronger, I wouldn’t let them down. But, in order for me to do that, I had to start eating once more. Still not everything on the plate, but enough to give me energy. Just one step at a time.
Who knew three years went by until I got to see my love and freedom again. It was like any other day, I was sitting on a chair reading when Kayble visited me.
Once again he tried to convince me to follow his story. Then he dropped the phrase that I feared the most.
"I most definitely HATE YOU"
At that moment, my heart shattered, I knew there was no going back to how we used to be.
But I couldn’t show him my emotions, I had to keep my ground. My unwavering gaze stayed focused on his eyes as I desperately tried not to cry.
When he left, I heard a familiar voice. It came from the shadow next to my window.
It was my dearest Makkaro! I could barely believe my eyes. I was ecstatic, he was alive! I wanted nothing more than to give him a big hug. 
But when I tried to approach him…
"Wait, no, don't move"
I stopped. Wasn't he happy to see me?
"Did you betray me? Was my love a game to you?"
I couldn’t see his face, but his voice was enough to know his feelings.
At first, I was in shock, does he really think I'm capable of that?
Then I realized, the story my brother created probably traveled to the place he was trapped.
"It's not true, my dearest" "I love you… I really really missed you" I could barely contain my tears.
He sounded relieved. Despite that, I couldn’t get close yet. It was until he got into the light that I understood. To say that he looked horrible was an understatement.
He had bruises, scars, burn marks. WHAT did they do to him? I was looking at an undead. He was more dead than alive. 
At the moment, he just said they did terrible things to him, and even cried. 
I couldn’t do anything to comfort him, still, what could I even say? He suffered because of me and no amount of words could take his memories away.
He told me how learned necromancy and escaped. That was impossible, necromancers lose their minds almost immediately and yet he sounded mostly like he used to be.
Finally he mentioned the Karmic Touch, a curse upon necromancers. Anything in contact with skin, it melts. The only exception is a protection spell.
He asked me if I could accept him like this. I didn’t even think twice and made the protection spell right away.
I immediately ran to him and we hugged tightly. It has been so long since the last time we could be together, I didn’t want it to end.
I could feel how slim he was. I have no idea how he could keep himself standing.
Suddenly, we heard noises from outside and were brought back to reality. We weren’t safe and he offered to escape in his own way. He asked if he could kidnap me. My dearest has the worst choice of words in the worst moments, and I love it. 
"Are you asking me to marry you?" I said with a grin and tears of joy.
He confirmed. 
"I'd love to"
Then we made a vow. I’ll take any chance to be with him again, even if I need to leave everything behind.
I won’t abandon him again. Besides, there is nothing left for me here. He is my new home.
After that, we teletransported to a safer location while destroying the room with fire. We arrived at this place far away from the castle when I saw it, a talking skeleton. 
Certainly, I should've expected that but nothing really prepares you when you see it. His name is Frank, a friend of Mak. Despite the way he talks, he seems trustworthy.
And my new life began.
After writing down everything we went through, I remember. We've been through hell to get where we are now. There are sacrifices we need to do to get what we want. 
I know necromancy surely will take over my dearest someday. But this is the reason, even if it's just a small chance to save him from this and get enough strength to change the future of my city, I’ll take it.
But the uneasy feeling hasn't gone away completely. 
I should check up on him.
The End.
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mimoo-bib · 1 year
okay, so now…
part 2 :
- John W. and Michael D. from FAITH
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- ocs (+ background)
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- Mark from a roleplay (inspired from Alt!Mark by @shmorp-mcdurgen) this Mark doesn't have a hole in his skull, he just has a black surface that covers all the wounds on his body (his skull exploded, hence the remaining skins).
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burdenedwithfaith · 11 months
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"I can only have FAITH that I did the right thing..."
Roleplay/in-character blog for John Ward, Lisa Pearson and Father Garcia from FAITH: The Unholy Trinity.
Independent and semi-selective
Multifandom and OC friendly
15+ years rp experience
18+ topics (potentially triggering content, including blood, harm, depression and death, among others.)
Will answer anon asks. Named anons can interact via consecutive asks. (Example)
Open to shipping and smut - Separate NSFT sideblog available at request.
Topics/Tropes include: Religious/Occult/Psychological horror, Catholicism, Demonic activity, Holy experiences, Potential violence/gore, Temptation, Hierophilia, Worship/Corruption.
Happy to interact with most characters, but prefer: Angelic/Demonic characters, Other priests/members of the church, The penitent/confessing sinners, "Unholy" characters (vampires, Nephilim etc.), People who are "lost souls"/needing guidance, Hierophiles (😈)
You don't need to have played or be familiar with FAITH to rp with John, I'm quite happy to play him as a regular priest, or generic exorcist.
This John is set after the events of FAITH, in a slight alteration of the best ending, where he settles down with both Father Garcia and Lisa (the secret third ending!) His bio is based either on direct canon, 'word of god', or speculation upon canon hints that have not yet been fully confirmed.
✞ Rules ✞ Mun ✞ Muses ✞ Verses ✞ Relationships ✞ Tags ✞
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rody-thelover · 2 months
I love the random crossover rp because then I do shit like this.
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jacks347 · 2 months
(After the latest BVZ episode, I have to get this out of my brain. Enjoy Albus visiting home out of panic.)
Faith barely heard the door open and slam shut over the low buzz of the early evening. Faith was working on dinner, Kerano was doing her homework at the kitchen table. If anything, she expected the sound to be Devlin. It wasn't until she felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around her in a tight grip, burying his face in her hair.
It was...odd. Faith almost didn't want to breathe, lest she break the atmosphere. Albus didn't do hugs, Faith would know. But here he was, clinging onto her like she'd disappear if he didn't. If she really listened, she could hear him mumbling something. "She's safe, she's okay, he can't hurt her now." Over and over like a mantra. Just what had happened out there?
She slowly reached up, smoothing over the warrior's hair. "Albus? Are you okay?" That seemed to snap him out of it as he lifted his head, his near death grip loosening. "Huh? Oh, I'm fine, Faithful. Just...had a rough mission." Faith leaned her head back to raise an eyebrow at him, unable to resist a teasing smile. "What's this? The impervious Albus York admitting he had a bad day?" He snorted, almost offended as he pushed her away. "Yeah yeah, laugh it up. Next time I'll just leave you to worry like an old housewife." "Don't you dare, I will march out to Maya myself and hunt you down if I have to." Faith warned, brandishing her spoon like a sword. Albus only chuckled, pushing her spoon down and kissing her forehead. "You're cute when you think you're intimidating, you know that?"
The healer could only sputter and blush, unable to find the words to counter him before pointing towards the table. "Just...go sit for dinner. You came all this way, you're not leaving until I know you're not going to drop over dead from hunger or something." "Stickler as always, Faithful." "Go!" "Alright, alright, I'm going."
Albus wandered to the table, settling into the chair across from Kerano with a sigh. "How ya doing kid? Listening to your sister?" Kerano’s head popped up with a toothy grin. "Mr. Albus! When did you get here?" "Ah only a couple minutes ago, you didn't miss much." "Oh well that's good! Big sister really misses you when you go away for so long." "Oh does she now?" "Yeah! I mean, she has Mr. Devlin and she's always happy with him but she talks about you a lot. Wonders where you are or what you're doing or if you're okay. She really worries about you. She tries not to show it but she acts different when you haven't been around for a while." Albus raised an eyebrow at that. "Acts different? How?" "Her shoulders get all tense. They get closer to her ears bit by bit like a wind-up toy. And she gets really nervous. Then you come by and she relaxes again. It's kinda funny to watch." Kerano giggled as Albus’s heart flipped. She really worried about him. Gods above, if only she knew how much he put on the line to protect her.
"Kerano, honey! Can you clear the table? Dinner's ready!" "Yes big sister!" Kerano hopped down from her seat and quickly cleared her papers off the table, setting out dishes as Faith brought in a delicious smelling meal. As they both took their place at the table, talking and dishing out food, Albus sat quietly and watched. He watched his girls talk and laugh, watched them be happy like a mom and daughter.
This was his mission. This was the thing he fought so hard to protect. Fuck whatever he told people, fuck his own life, he fought for his family. For the woman he loved, the girl he cared for as his own, and the brother he'd grown to have. He would never deserve it, never deserve a place in their picture perfect life, but he'd be damned if he let his actions be the thing that destroyed it. So he would defend them with his life.
"So Kerano tells me you get all jumpy when I'm away. Haven't convinced Vinny to give you any stress relief, eh?" "Albus!!"
(There. Brain worm satisfied. I can finally finish my homework in peace-)
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grim-has-issues · 5 months
as much as i love albus and faithful, i want to see him go nuts with his degeneracy.
i want to see him go ape shit (again)
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handgiven · 6 months
@talentforlying, cont. from here.
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eyes that do not see through their light, yet somehow see all instead, do take a while to take constantine in. if the face is capable of any sort of expression, it is detached, disinterested, perhaps even ever so slightly disappointed. "̵̻̪̟͚̋͑̑̓̂̓͌̚ţ̴̨̧̮̞͙̝̤̫̯̙͔̓̒̂̈̀̏̔͂̎͐͜͜͝ḩ̴̧̛̳̹̪͕͓͉̅̔̋͑̌̾͌̅͒̆̒̓͘͠e̷̢̫͉̲̭̮̪͚͈͊̈́̅̍͛̓͗͂̃̄̀̅̒̉̚͜ÿ̴̡̠͔̖͕͚̝̪͖͈́̅͗̔̊͜ ̵̨̢̟̦̣̲̼̓́̏ͅw̴̧̙͔̭̏̏̀̑̔͝e̵͍̬͔̫͂͌͊̈́̈́̽̇̀͊̕͠ŗ̶̡̛̰̥̘̘̝͍̾̒̍̂̀͑̇̒́͗̑e̸̡͍̻̗̤̣͑̈ ̷͚͚̆̐̽̄́͋̀͂͑̆̚͝r̷̨͚̰͔̼͚̤͉̉̓̓̂̑̓̍͘ͅi̶̧̛̩̱̞͔̫̐͠g̴̯̩̣͉͖̥̪͍̿͆̈̎̎ḩ̴̲͔͖͍̗̩͕͓̮̻̯̭̿̓̀̾̂̋̔̄͑̕̕̕͝t̴̡͈̟͌̉͒̓̀́͝ ̶̨̛̮̻̺̺̪̹̟͕͈̾̓̈̑̓̀̓͋̄̿́͘͜͝a̵̠͚̤͕̬̱̱̱̫̣̔̇̿̆ͅḇ̷̡̧͚̩̠̯̦̆͂͗o̸̞̱͉̲͖̖̟͈̼͝u̴̧̨̨͉̘̲̤͔̟̎̄̍̏̓̂͆́͋͐̈͜t̵̙̬̤̮̼̜̝͎̤̺́̓̒̉ ̷͈̗̬͎̠̤͇͇̲̗̇̕y̸̬̹̝͖̟̺̾̈̓̌͊̊o̷̧̹͔̲̙̬͈̺̒͗̅̍ǘ̶̳̩̬͉͖̪̠͎̈̇.̵̧̲̼̠̥͈̖̺̫͓̼͒͂͌̍̿̐͝"̴̢̘͚͚̝̭̹̜͎͖͕̬̱͛̚
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