#explain that liberals 🙄
femmesaint · 3 months
if cats and dogs don't get along how come my kitties love me
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mortysmith · 1 year
<- he is now transgender
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not-goldy · 7 months
Why do you think Jimin laughed out loud when yg said he want to get red line tattoo? He found it funny that men want to be connected by a tattoo representing love ? Pretty homophobic of him tbh.
Homophobic and Park Jimin in one sentence sounds oxymoronic if you ask me.
Jimin is the leader of the Mens liberation movement in BTS. He is the one member who consistently opposes toxic male gender ideologies.
Taemin recently explained how he and Jimin are similar in that their androgy allows them to embody both masculine and feminine identities in their performances.
He's the member who showed BTS it is okay for men to give each other gifts wear rings on their pinkies without that being gay or weird and his constant shipping of Jin and Namjoon and himself and Jungkook as a couple should imply he is not repulsed by the idea of men loving eachother.
He's constantly pushing for BTS to allow themselves to be emotionally vulnerable with each other, share intimacy, say I love you to one another without feeling weirded out by that.
But I also understand that us queers can internalized homophobia and we can be the strongest homophobic individuals and threat to each other especially when we don't live in out truth.
I can't tell if you are coming from a place of wanting to objectively discuss these pertinent issues or you just throwing out words out of spite or to prove you think Jm is straight ergo homophobic and that he hates gay people.
Because he can't find it funny that men want to get tattoos representing love when he's fond of wearing tattoos representing love and devine femininity.
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He is the goddess of love. The perfect blend of masculine and feminine energies.
The crescent tattoos, jewelry, channeling Artemis, venus, Appolo and he dares to make fun of another man channeling his inner love is just wild to me.
If he laughed its because he has a sense of humor.
He laughed because yoongi said that with a straight face.
He laughed because Yoongi is hilarious
He laughed because he laughs at everything
He laughed because- well I would have laughed too that shit pretty gay😭😭😭😭😭😭
I mean if you are a man and want to get a red line tattoo on your pinkie with your home boys you should totally go for it. Power to you honey. Best bros 4 life
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I guess I'm homophobic too then shit cos I'm rolling off the floor 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Most of the time, my reaction when BTS does any gay shit is to laugh. Wait, same as Jimin🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
No, but the fact that he clocks the gay shit they do faster than anybody in there sends me too🤣🤣🤣
BTS personal gay detector Park Jimin.
Most people, especially Korean people, will do shit without even clocking it comes off as gay- But Park Jimin KNOWS. HE KNOWS.
Jungkook was in the corner busy trying to substitute red for purple like purple would fix the gay
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Bet at the tattoo shop he looked confused when they told him he can't put J above the M on his finger because that comes off as gay.
His shook pickachu face 👁👄👁
B-b-but it's JM. I could be JM you never know😭🤧
Sure clown. You are Jm I a n MR AB JK Sty
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This was literally Jikook in that live. 2 gays in a pod
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And it seems you don't know this but Yoongi himself found it preposterous when he was directly asked the gay question in an interview😔
He made it seem it was ridiculous for two men to be in a relationship 🙄
So no, Jimin laughing is not homophobic towards him. Because Yoongi isn't gay.
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wawamouse · 5 months
Oz Rewatch 3: S2E03: Legs
This week, leading up to the midseason finale, we have another episode that felt a little filler-y. A lot
I'll just bullet point them first to refer back to:
Resolved/continuing from last episode:
Miguel refuses to name Glynn’s daughter’s rapist after learning who it is / Glynn refuses Schibetta's help in getting the name
Diane returns to Em City and gets the cold shoulder from McManus
Kenny's rehabilitation progress regresses after Adebisi interferes
Schillinger out of Solitary, charged with Conspiracy to Murder
Augustus + Beecher tension resolved through extended fart joke lol
Ryan gets his breast tumor surgery
New storyline introduced:
Augustus’s retrial w Said
Giles’s babbling and Sister Peter
The Aryans kill Alexander Vogel, Schillinger starts his revenge plot against Beecher
Busmalis starts digging a hole
Cyril is introduced
Shirley is introduced
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Of course, we started out the episode with Sister tittering gleefully over Glynn and Mukada's "lover's tiff". She would be disappointed to realise as the episode progressed that her little soap opera from last week's episode had basically come to an end, though.
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[No words; I hear a soft, dejected sigh from Sister over my shoulder]
Unfortunately, Giles is introduced this episode. As I have made clear in my posts in the past, I don't really care much for his storyline or that fact that this is the only real storyline Sister Pete has that is disconnected from many of the other characters she usually deals with. Thinking it over, I believe what might've improved this arc would've been if the lack of resolution over Sister Pete's husband's dead had been introduced earlier on as something affecting her, with the story revolving more around Sister Pete's lingering feelings on the matter and less on Giles and the mystery his babbling presents. I just don't think Giles is that compelling as a character, and if he is really only supposed to be there to unlock some of Sister Pete's back story, I would have liked the whole plot to actually focus more on her.
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I sorted of tipsily ranted about it on my Season 1 finale post, but once again something about this bugs me. I don't really have any problem with Said being characterised as arrogant and somewhat foolish, but on this third viewing, I'm starting to see more flaws with the way Said is written. I'm still not sure how to explain it necessarily. In my season 1 rant, I chalked it up to the fact that the writers don't seem familiar with any of the concrete viewpoints a character like Said would have, and therefore he's always just saying vague things about black liberation or prison abolition or revolution or what have you. At the same time, my suspicion that maybe Said is actually sort of just dumb (to put it bluntly) seems like a viable option; Sister mused while we were watching Said boast about Augustus's chances that maybe he was just supposed to be daft about the law... After all, if he understood how things actually worked in the world, maybe he wouldn't be in prison. I think the "Said is actually just that dumb" theory falls flat, though, because in-universe he seems like a pretty highly regarded thinker (except by Querns? lol).
I sort of forget how Said's arrogance plays out in the long run in this season (beyond failing Augustus), so maybe this is a thought I'll put a pin in for now... But I do find it a little 🤨🙄 how he is painted as so delusional in this particular arc. I did sort of think he had been coming down to earth at the end of season 1 after his heart problems but season 2 has him back to doing Too Much. Having Busmalis as the voice of reason, telling Said that he couldn't overthrow the system felt very much like a moment where the writer was speaking to those who Said is meant to represent. Maybe I'm reading too much into that one, but I just feel like it's a cheap move. Of course Said's vague and radical views are going to look preposterous! He hasn't been written from a concrete understanding of any particular ideology or framework! Idk. They should've made Said a communist or something 💀
Moving on, we have a continuation of Ryan's cancer storyline.
I must say, me and Sister were very ???? about Ryan's story to Gloria about how he knew his wife since high school, they impressed their friends by fucking like bunnies minus the babies and then he married his wife because he felt bad she was barren, before cheating on her "a lot" and somehow, the conclusion of this story was... that he didn't want to die in prison? And somehow this monologue earned sympathy points from Gloria? Lol? GIRL? Were you even listening?
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Sister: Aw, he does actually love his wife... [long, dubious silence]... I think.
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Sister: Ummmmm... what about SHANNON...?
Takeaways & Stray Thoughts:
Sister: I only remember Shannon Me: You only remember her name because she’s pretty Sister: [cackling wildly] That’s true! You know me so well… I don’t even remember the brother’s name—I just remember Shannon saying “what are we going to do about your brother?” 😜… I don’t remember the commissioner’s name… or the girl whose legs we were looking through in that one scene (Diane; there was a scene where McManus was doing sit-ups and the camera was shooting from ankle level behind her) 🥴… I don’t remember the commissioner’s name (Glynn)🤣, or the priest (Mukada)🤨. I remember Sister Peter Marie’s name, but she’s pretty, too... I also remember Miguel’s name but that’s because I’ve become his guardian angel 😌…… Hm, the fiancee (Said’s ex-fiancee) was pretty too… Is Shannon coming back? [sighing, flopping around] Probably not... I bet she'll be too busy supermodeling to be on this show again... 😭
Let it be known that between our episode viewing/discussion and me making some decaf to type this up, Sister kept musing about prison health insurance premiums, at one point saying something about "...She™—Shannon. You know, Shannon?"
Sister: I feel like Mr Religious Guy (Said) is becoming crazy...
New nicknames earned: Miguel, "the rat king" (due to how he tends to hunch his shoulders when he's walking "like a little rat, scurrying around", according to Sister) (frankly "the rat king" is just what she has been calling me all week due to a sweater I have been wearing so I think the name was already on her mind)
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The Rat King in motion
I noticed that there were a lot of amusing background details happening in this episode. I wonder if different directors for episodes pay particular mind to having extras do stuff in the background (does the 2nd AD change between episodes? Maybe I should start looking up the crew, too...) Anyway, this episode seemed especially rife with extras amusing themselves in background scenes and moving around more to look busy. Likewise, I feel like this episode had a couple more fun little character/interaction moments compared to past episodes... Augustus and Beecher bickering, Agamemnon "Mm, me too" Busmalis, etc...
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Arm wrestling, basketball, reading and walking—all in one shot; Adebisi terrorising Fiona and Tony; McManus keeps ketchup in his important looking cabinet, it turns out; a push-up contest, possibly
Sister: Faces smushed this episode.... two
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Why was this episode titled Legs? Besides Diane's leg?
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Sister is not a fan of Peter Schibetta so far
During Hanlon's scene with Mukada where he was talking about how he loved to take it up the ass, Sister mistakenly thought I said he was one "one of the gang" instead of "one of the gays", which led her to thinking he was one of the Italians
...Immaculate side eye....
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ae-neon · 1 year
Controversial ACOTAR Crackship?
This is just my opinion, I'm not an unbiased source. Don't like? Just scroll
Was explaining to my lovely mutual how :
Feyris is what Fey.sand should have been (and is actually better than Ne.ris) because the material conditions necessary to "excuse" bad behaviour exists for Eris but don't exist for R.hys
(and for some reason F.eyre's narrative is obsessed with excusing / always explaining why her side have the moral high ground 🙄😕 so, here's how it might actually work and not come off as cognitive dissonance + hypocritical nonsense)
R.hys has been the HL for his court for over 400 years. He is the Most Powerful™ and his nepotism circle are the Most Powerful™
Eris on the other hand is still under the very real threat of his father and his brothers as well as being isolated and lonely. This makes the "mask" necessary and, more importantly, BELIEVABLE.
Therefore F.eyre's (+the narrative's) exoneration and sanctification of the love interest doesn't come off as hamfisted and self righteous as in canon.
It also doesn't force F.eyre to give up her action heroine archetype as the overall plot of the AC is one of an impending rebellion (the Illyrians don't count, they are no threat and especially no threat in comparison to B.eron and an Autumn succession war)
It would fit for F.eyre to be the bridge that reconnects Lucien to Eris as she has/ would have a separate personal relationship with both (Nesta doesn't work here)
As always I maintain the Valkyrie plotline belongs to her and it actually makes sense for there once to have been a female warrior group who now no longer exist in the current sexist climate (aka Beron's reign) this could be a key point in the rebellion (again I'm not a warrior Nesta supporter so she doesn't fit)
Also fits F.eyre as liberation figure, to help the AC rebellion, cause she's doing fokol for the Illyrian women.
It even makes more sense for Eris to have a secret enclave he considers his home outside the capital
And last but not least Eris has no mind fuck abilities so even the idea of manipulation or threat of control
(this is where the opposite pairing does have merit because Nesta isn't as vulnerable to R.hys' mind fuck powers or even his plain old manipulation, he could never convince her to get half naked or pretend she's a sexual pet)
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Full disclaimer, I'm a monolingual American from a privileged background (though I suspect that much would be pretty obvious frim reading).
I think part of the reason Americans always act like everything should be translated not just to English, but to American English is because up until very recently, almost everything WAS "translated" for us.
We Americans are so babied about language & culture, it's embarrassing. The Harry Potter books had to be "translated" because apparently we couldn't be trusted to figure out that a jumper was a sweater. I heard about an author of a true crime book just last year complaining about how "mum" had to be changed to "mom" for US release.
Then there's the American idea of exceptionalism which shows up not just as "we're the best, why would you want anything else?" but also as "wow, how weird are you for liking something that's FOREIGN?" At least when I was growing up, if you watched or read stuff in any other European language you're a snob. If you like anything from Asia you're a weirdo. (Of course, during my formative years, I was implicitly taught that Africa and South America did not produce any media worth consuming. If they had, clearly it would have been on TV because American TV had the best of everything /sarcasm)
Like when I got into anime in the 90s, Sailor Moon episode sequences had to be mirrored so american kids wouldn't get confused about the cars driving on the wrong side of the road, half the characters in anime were constantly eating "jelly donuts" because we apparently had no chance of comprehending rice balls. I was freaking astounded when Netflix started hosting K dramas with only subtitles, no dubs. Just the other week I was watching an anime that actually kept the honorifics in the dubbed version and my jaw dropped because I remember my friends and I (pre-speedy internet) trying to parse mysterious words like "chan" and "kun." My well educated and generally liberal father reacted to my announcement that I was going to study Japanese in college (10 years ago) by listing the war crimes committed by Japan in WW2 (tell me you have a white American dad without telling me you have a white American dad 🙄).
It's also the way foreign languages are taught in US schools. Not just the fact that we start late, but that it's rarely viewed as a priority. I distinctly remember thinking "why am I learning French? Even if I ever go to France I'm only gonna visit for like a week, definitely not enough to need a whole language." There was almost no effort made to explain that 1) there are other countries that speak French, 2) there are people IN THE US who speak French as a first language and 3) you'll have a much better time overseas if you don't come off as a dumb American tourist. Culture being tied to language was never addressed at all. And I went to a well funded private high school where half the teachers held PhDs with language teachers were native speakers. (Actually I think it was one of my French teachers who explained that we 15 year olds were too old to really learn a language successfully, so that's awesome)
Do not get me wrong, this is not an excuse for Americans being, ya know, American about language and cultural literacy. But this is not an easy mentality to shake and pointing it out to a lot of your fellow Americans will get you a rant about how ungrateful you are for "attacking" the best country in the world. Sometimes I look back on the kind of cultural censorship that is so damn prevalent even now and it gives me a headache because this whole country feels like a cult sometimes. I wish I could have studied language earlier in life, I wish I would have seen it as more than just a graduation requirement, and I wish I had the time to prioritize it now, but I didn't and I can't.
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spikrock · 1 year
my mad t party lgbt hcs explained
very messy post below! some are genuine reasonings and others are just "yeah haha trust me bro"
tarrant: bisexual & nonbinary
i mean for all the bi characters the hc is pretty self explanatory, i mean look at them yknow. hes a little too fruity with mally and thackery 🤨 but tarrant and alice are literally bi4bi couple of all time as for the nonbinary hc, i dont know! id like to know if anyone else sees him this way or if its just me :) hes just got too much enby swag 
alice: bisexual & trans
its all spiderwebs fault!!!!!!! it made her gay!!!!!!!!! /j but seriously, kissing ladypillar and different numbers such ho hey (you know how every now and then theyll switch alice standing with mally to someone else like thackery or absolem, the few times she did it with ladypillar are so funny because they cant rhyme the pronouns 😭). also ik this sounds silly but i really appreciate that in the mtp shows once ladypillar was added they didnt stop doing spiderwebs or change it to be like “haha were both girls 😵‍💫blehh this is so weird 😂”/play it off as a joke or anything because they very easily could have done that. shes trans. i already made that post with her and mally but again, if shes not trans then why is her color palette blue and pink? checkmate liberals. 
thackery: bisexual & bigender
yeah hes bi i dont know what else to say he and mally are in love frfr i actually just completely made up bigender. made it up, i dont know where i got it from i just remember early february drawing mad t party on my laptop and suddenly thinking “bigender thackery” and its stuck with me since then. (the two genders i hc him with are male/female though so) i wouldnt say he feels just one or the other, he feels both at the same time
mally: bisexual & trans
he is top ten bisexuals of all time,, whenever they do the pretender and tarrant and alice stand on either side of him and take turns singing he is DYING. passing away HE IS TRANSGENDER!!!!!!! we all know it. instead of coming out as trans he made up some crazy story about being killed in a war and then coming back as a man 🙄/j hes just dramatic like that
chessur: gay & trans
haha this is mostly because of @thatrandomartistjavi's hcs xd chessur is special in the sense that hes the only mtp character that never really gets a chance to flirt with anyone else since hes always hiding behind that drumset. from what ive seen he was shipped with dinah a lot, presumably just cuz theyre both cats since they rarely interact, so ive never really understood it :p i usually hc cheshire cats as nonbinary/something under that umbrella but this guy gives me transgender vibes. idk
absolem/ladypillar(? dont know if she ever got a real name): lesbian & trans
shes very much a lesbian. just. just like yeah. i think the most prominent character that she flirts with (other than alice) is mally. from what ive seen it only really happens when its el dormouse on stage but before i started seeing that i always saw mally/absolem/thackery as like, a trio. i mean obviously everyone in the band are friends, but idk. i have lots of drawings of those three hanging out so maybe thats just something my delusional brain has completely made up. but anyway the point is i dont ship those two and i sort of see them with a more sibling dynamic. mally always holds her back when shes trying to touch the little castle music box thing, at the end of sets he’ll pull her antennae to take her off stage/she'll pull him by his scarf, etc. (also theres a clip where she kisses him on the cheek and as they begin to walk off stage she turns to the crowd and mouths “no” and does the throat slitting gesture thing which makes me think theyre sorta just playing around :p)
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sooo in a post a while back i said i hc her as genderfluid but ive changed my mind?? actually before i made that post i headcanoned her as trans but then switched to genderfluid and now ive uhh changed my mind again. im very indecisive like that and very easily swayed on my opinions haha,,, @ticktockteapot's metaphor for her “becoming the beautiful butterfly she was always meant to be” is very nice i like it lots. also the fact that ladypillar has a much higher stage presence than absolem (obviously not including the spiderwebs number…or crazypillar) was always so sweet to me cuz like,,,aw shes finally more comfortable being herself and performing :’)
tl;dr none of them are straight none of them are cis. happy pride month and thank you for coming to my TED talk
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rachaeljurassic · 2 years
I haven't been able to stop thinking about Phryne's dad today. And about how much he can fuck up 🙁
So, some speculation...
There's the very obvious fact that Phryne wants him nowhere near her. He's a piece of shit dad who locked her in a cupboard (and I don't know whether or not I want Jack to remember his rather flippant reply to that becasue yikes. I get that Phryne throws these things around like she's not serious about them but she wouldn't lie about that, argh many feels about that exchange).
So what age-old crap is going to be dragged up by him or just by him being near by. Am I ready for that (spoiler, I am not!) And is that going to actually be the catalyst for something. But I'm getting ahead of myself 😉
The things is, I don't see him being at all pleased when he realises quite who Jack is to Phryne. Aunt P isn't exactly keen on the idea but her untimely interuptions do at least seem to be accidental. I'm not sure that would be the case for Phryne's dad.
You see, thinking about it from a writing perspective it seems clear that these bastards in the writers' room want to keep Phryne and Jack away from each other until the final second of the final fecking episode (to torture ME, obviously 😡). So how do they do that? Aunt P can only do so much. She's been a trooper so far. Every time the writers accidentally got the two of them a bit too close they could always count on dear old Aunt P to come in and fuck it up for them. But they can't KEEP doing that! They needed to bring in a wingman for her tbh So, enter Phryne's dad. Except I don't think he's going to he half as benign as Aunt P (as much as I want to string her up I still love her 😊).
And sure, he could tell Jack he's not good enough for Phryne, which given their respective places in society is likely what he thinks no matter where they started out. But that would probably just make Jack angry and more likely to stick around to be contrary. And if Phryne ever found out she'd kick dad to the curb. No, I can see her dad being a lot cleverer than that. And I think the one thing he could use was that Jack can't provide for her. Not, at least, in the way that she's used to.
And no, I don't think Jack would think that Phryne would care about that, but I think HE would care. Even today there are plenty of men who are not comfortable with earning less than their gf's/wives. How much more so would it be in the 1920's. As much as Jack has come to accept/love that Phryne is daring and brave and won't ever be told what to do, I'm not sure he'd want to be seen as a kept man. The sort of men who hook up with wealthy women who pay all the bills are shiftless loosers. What would Phryne's friends think of him? What would he think of himself. He is something of a liberal man but he is also a product of his time and him upbringing. Jack has a lot of pride. How would he deal with sly and subtle comments from Phryne's dad about men who live off their wives money? Eventually I could see a crisis. But how angry Phryne would be when she finds out what it was all about. At her dad AND Jack I would imagine. How dare her dad, obviously. But how dare Jack think that she cared a jot about what anybody thought. Phryne is a thoroughly modern woman who enjoys flipping societies expectations and damn the consequences. I can see Jack saying something along the lines of 'but what do I bring to this?' And in the end, after some heartbreaking scenes where they're not talking to each other probably 🙄 I would just love Phryne to explain. She would say how Jack is the first man she has loved who loves her for who she is, the first man she has ever trusted, the first who did not want to control her/change her/use her for their ends. That he taught her what love was, and that it was OK to admit that you need help. Which brings me back to the comment at the beginning. Phryne NEVER needs help, or at least never admits it, but perhaps everything that her dad will drag up will mean that for once in her life she NEEDS somebody. And that somebody is Jack.
We'll see I guess 😁
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alexstorm · 8 months
Just a random thought, the band members really give traditional conservative vibe lol / I can't understand you, explain better//// Matt voiced his objection to Roe vs Wade being overturned, Alex signed a poster along with Dave Grohl and Lady Gaga are among over 100 stars to have signed a guitar to raise donations for Planned Parenthood, Alex also voted against Brexit. I think they are what is called "fiscally conservative, socially liberal" which I believe alot of celebrities are this way.
I guess we're back in the politics corner. 🙄
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let-them-eat-rakes · 1 year
You're all nothing but disgusting vile creeps and pedos like Jeffrey Marsh, fucking stay the fuck away from children, disgusting creeps. Just because you don't have anything to whine and bitch about in your pathetic lives that doesn't mean you have to keep inventing all sorts of nonsense such as this, don't expect other people to indulge and endorse in this kind of bloody nonsense 🙄 You people have the fucking audacity to compete in women sports even though you're not biologically a woman. It doesn't make you a woman even if some man prances around with a skirt and makeup, he's nothing more than a failure of a man. Women sports are reserved ONLY FOR ACTUAL WOMEN, lemme explain in simple terms so your tiny woke leftist liberal delusional brain can comprehend the information: Women who have ovaries and can biologically give birth have the right to call themselves women, stop using the female term like you're wearing a fucking costume, lousy pedos
first off, I'm so excited. My first anon hate mail!
hey, anon, while you're here, could you try on this makeup and costume I have been working on? it looks like this:
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By the way, I'm not trans and I'm gonna guess you grew up in the bible belt, like me. I'm not religious, but I think the Bible says to only stone them to death if they have intercourse, so existing is perfectly fine, right? Word of God Himself.
Just play the part you wish. All the world's a stage, and existence is one hell of a audience.
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herladyshipssoapp · 1 year
You're all nothing but disgusting vile creeps and pedos like Jeffrey Marsh, fucking stay the fuck away from children, disgusting creeps. Just because you don't have anything to whine and bitch about in your pathetic lives that doesn't mean you have to keep inventing all sorts of nonsense such as this, don't expect other people to indulge and endorse in this kind of bloody nonsense 🙄 You people have the fucking audacity to compete in women sports even though you're not biologically a woman. It doesn't make you a woman even if some man prances around with a skirt and makeup, he's nothing more than a failure of a man. Women sports are reserved ONLY FOR ACTUAL WOMEN, lemme explain in simple terms so your tiny woke leftist liberal delusional brain can comprehend the information: Women who have ovaries and can biologically give birth have the right to call themselves women, stop using the female term like you're wearing a fucking costume, lousy pedos
breaking news, despite claiming feminism and womens rights a terf once again manages reduce womanhood down to their ability to reproduce or serve men.
amd remember kids, not all cis women can have or want to have kids, there's a lot more to being a woman than ovaries or a womb, and if you disagree you have no understanding of feminism, so educate yourself.
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cordeliaflyte · 1 year
I remember my dream being insane but so much has already dissipated... SAD. Okay first thing was that a classmate who I wouldn't expect to text me texted me and I was like 🤔🧐 but then there was this family in the undefined past and it mainly focused on a brother and sister and the brother was amnesiac and in love with one of his servants but also he was involved in matters of state and saw many an ambassador except he was. Amnesiac. So his sister orchestrated the meetings and told him what to say because she couldn't do it due to her sex and to reveal that he was amnesiac would be disastrous. And I know so many interesting things happened but I cannot remember them 😭 then there was a museum exhibition showing a film. First, it was a truck driver who spent a lot of time away from home and was near retirement going on a road trip with his wife, and their car breaking down. But there was a nun driving past in her car and he stopped her and used her phone to call for roadside assistance. Then, a different scene - a young woman in a bustling city seeing a nun in public and slapping her. And there are two young women watching this film. As soon as it ends, they gasp, because they both realise the woman in the second film is one of them. And she's like omg I can explain. I did slap a nun but that was in my past life. I was reborn and now I no longer slap nuns. And the other woman was like no I believe you! Because actually in my past life I was the truck driver! And the other woman was like what is this woke liberal bullshit what do you mean you can't have been a man in your past life 🙄
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babyjakes · 2 years
tw: men being trash, body/weight themes, ed mention // this is a rant so feel free to ignore lol but— men will just never get it, i’m convinced.
yesterday bf told me he gained x amount of weight since the beginning of the year (something he’s wanted to do) so i was like “nice! awesome. ik you were working hard on that, way to go.” he told me his current weight and i was like “cool. i support you.” we started to compare weights and i made the point that on some people (like me) breasts often contribute noticeably to our overall weight. and out of nowhere this bitch says “yeah well you can work out to get smaller tits.”
and i was like… 😐 “dude” lol. “no thanks.” (like?? i wasn’t even saying i wanted smaller tits. did not say that. he brought himself to that conclusion.) so he pulls out his phone and starts looking up specific exercises and i’m like “once again. no thanks 👍” and now he’s starting to like. debate whether or not it would work with me which i’m not trying to do. i was like “my own doctor has said there’s no way to like target one area for weight loss, especially the chest” but he’s brushing me off pulling up all these articles and whatever and i’m like 😐😐 i was trying so hard to keep it light and playful and not get serious but at one point i literally said “i do not want to have this conversation with you. i have talked to my doctor about it” and he was being like “yeah well i have 4 articles here, all from doctors” and he really made it out like i was just wrong and refusing to listen to him, he sat there smirking and laughing as i was getting upset, as if i was just a crazed liberal lol. but like that’s not even the point. i did not fucking ask. he just started going on about it. and i told him i didn’t want the conversation. but he felt like entitled to have it with me bc what, he could pull up google on his phone??
so at this point i’m not laughing or casual anymore. i’m looking at him like 😐 lol. i said “dude. i am telling you that i don’t want to have a debate about my body and you are sitting here trying to tell me to exercise when i am a recovered anorexic.” i tried to explain that like, he should really actually shut the fuck up about women’s bodies in general (those weren’t my exact words lol) and that really pissed him off. it took so long, so much of me saying “dude this is not a good look” “dude, in this social climate???” “dude you are saying this to a bitch with an eating disorder” “dude i did not fucking ask” for him to finally drop it and say sorry. but even in the end he said he couldn’t understand why i wouldn’t just be open to trying to exercise but like 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ MY BROTHER IN CHRIST. I DID NOT SAY I WANTED SMALLER TITS ONCE IN THIS DISCUSSION. I SAID A PERSON’S NUMERICAL WEIGHT WHEN THEY HAVE BREASTS MIGHT BE HIGHER BC OF THR EXTRA TISSUE. IT IS FUCKING DISGUSTING OF YOU TO START TALKING ABOUT LOSING WEIGHT TO A PERSON WHEN THEY LITERALLY DID NOT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT WANTING TO LOSE WEIGHT OR CHANGE THEIR BODY, ESPECIALLY SOMEONE YOU KNOW IS RECOVERING FROM AN EATING DISORDER. DISGUSTING BEHAVIOR.
so. anyway 🙄 sorry for all that. i just needed to rant about it somewhere. part of me wants to revisit it with him and be like “listen fucker this was actual dick behavior and i will not stand for it” but who knows how that would go.
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scary-ivy · 3 months
Growing up whenever I was criticizing someone for being racist or whatever my siblings used to hit me with "well not everyone was raised liberal like us🙄" but like. We weren't even raised liberal. Our dad is a libertarian atheist who taught our that gay sex is inherently gross and our mom is a politically illiterate antivaxer who's stance on the issues is whatever will let her win the current argument. And I had to explain to you that reverse racism isn't real last year.
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galactic-marvelettes · 11 months
Man, why are conservatives / homophobes so fragile? All you have to do is simply point out their weird obsession with the LGBTQ+ community and all hell breaks loose.
They start… angrily yelling about how “liberals” 🙄 are “clinically insane.” And that they “need to be educated.” Worse… they make the valiant, but fruitless effort to do so.
And when they can’t (although we didn’t ask)… they angrily ask you why you’re engaging with them. And then try to school you on… 🤢 the First Amendment. Crying about how we “all have a right to free speech.” And that if you can’t handle it, “go cry about it”. And then when you try to explain that “free speech” isn’t an absolute because of the Fourteenth Amendment (right to privacy), they block you. Ooooh…. ☹️
Anyways stay mad, conservatives / homophobes! And Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈
Your Worst Nightmare 😘 – an Angry Liberal
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vyyrm · 1 year
You're all nothing but disgusting vile creeps and pedos like Jeffrey Marsh, fucking stay the fuck away from children, disgusting creeps. Just because you don't have anything to whine and bitch about in your pathetic lives that doesn't mean you have to keep inventing all sorts of nonsense such as this, don't expect other people to indulge and endorse in this kind of bloody nonsense 🙄 You people have the fucking audacity to compete in women sports even though you're not biologically a woman. It doesn't make you a woman even if some man prances around with a skirt and makeup, he's nothing more than a failure of a man. Women sports are reserved ONLY FOR ACTUAL WOMEN, lemme explain in simple terms so your tiny woke leftist liberal delusional brain can comprehend the information: Women who have ovaries and can biologically give birth have the right to call themselves women, stop using the female term like you're wearing a fucking costume, lousy pedos
is this a copypasta
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