#eww jemma
carebooks · 2 months
Emma and Daniel did not belong together.
After extensively rewatching Every Witch Way during Spring Break (yep, that's how I spent Spring Break), I went through tumblr and saw people wondering if this fandom still exists. Well, even if there's only like fifteen people on it, let's discuss Emma and one of her main love interests: Daniel.
I would like to disclose that I am a Jemma fan, after Jax showed up in S2, Daniel went out the window for little thirteen-year-old me. This isn't a Daniel VS Jax post, this is just about Emma and Daniel's relationship. This post will mainly reflect on why I think that, in the long run, they did not belong together. They're definitely a first loves ship, but not an endgame ship.
In S1 both were still young and finding their footing, but mainly Emma. Daniel had already dated Maddie for a while and then went through the whole first season flirting and liking Emma after his break up with Maddie. Daniel was also on top of his game, being the Sharks Swim Captain, and other than Maddie being his girlfriend, his life was happy and fine. Emma coming in merely improved it, she was nicer, thoughtful, and down to earth. But Emma's story was just beginning, she was discovering being a witch, having to deal with her powers, a witch bully Maddie at school, and daily shenanigans that entailed the magical world. Daniel is the last person to discover Emma is a witch and he also has the worst reaction to it. Not that surprising considering how regular his life has been, but that kind of tells us where this was headed.
In S2 Emma and Daniel have been together for months now, all through the summer. The thing is, Daniel's been happier than ever and he thinks Emma's powers never came back, something that she's been hiding from him this entire time. Lying to your SO is never a good thing, especially about something this big, something that is literally part of you. There are reasons for both of them however:
Emma knew how happy Daniel was that she was 'regular' and didn't want to ruin what they had by bringing in all her witch stuff, which tended to bring all sorts of chaos and antics.
Daniel didn't want Emma to have powers out of fear that other evil witches would come after her because she was the Chosen One.
While these are reasonable explanations for both of them, they're not fixing any of their real issues. Emma should not be lying to her boyfriend, eventually, it did catch up to her and she tried using magic to make him forget. Also not a good thing, even if she wanted a 'redo' at telling him. When he does find out, it causes their downfall. The thing is, Emma lied because Daniel just can't handle her being a witch. He's said that her powers being back would "ruin everything" and has shown a fear of witches when magic was brought up in S2E05. Emma keeps telling him that powers or no powers, she's still a witch. Still, she chose to hide a part of herself to try to have a normal relationship with her boyfriend. But hiding a part of yourself is never the answer and it eats away at you.
S2 also explores the fact that witches can't date humans, it's not allowed. The Council tries to have Emma break up with him otherwise they must take the witches magic away, but Emma being the Chosen One is a special case. Her magic removal is not on the table and she wants to keep her powers regardless. (I mean I agree with Emma, let the girl date whoever she wants) But it is another thing that drives them further apart, unfortunately, the Council ended up being right, most humans just can't handle the magical world. (Andi can handle it, so can Katie and Sophie, but Daniel can't.)
When it comes to the Fool Moon, it has a different effect on all sorts of witches. Jax's greed and envy magnify, Desdemona turns vindictive and wants Emma's powers, and Emma's impulse control is gone. This leads to Emma casting spells without really thinking about the consequences and out in the open. The Fool Moon is just a witch or wizard's desires coming to the surface. In retrospect, Maddie was just as affected, she started improving (slightly, but still progress) and didn't run from her feelings toward Diego. She was more open and entered a relationship with him.
We also see Emma's clones in this season. Her first clone, E, encompasses her dark side with none of the good. She calls Daniel dull, she's bored with him and his ideas for dates, and she finds Jax fun and wants to do magic whenever she wants. She's happy when Daniel breaks up with Emma because 1. She found him boring and 2. They get to keep their powers now and the Council can stop hounding them. This may be Emma's darkest side but it's still Emma. Some part of her does believe that Daniel is dull and finds Jax fun. Granted, her third clone, the Nerdy Emma is all about Daniel. This is why the clone spell is so very illegal, a witch is essentially pulling out a part of themselves and without the rest to balance it, they become a paragon of just one emotion or drive or aspect of their original personality. They're not whole. The Real Emma shares all these traits inside herself, she does like Daniel, she does find him dull sometimes, she does like math, she does find it boring at times, and she does like Jax but she does think he goes overboard sometimes.
See, this is where we come into an important piece of dialogue in S2 E16 between Maddie and Daniel talking about their romantic troubles.
Maddie: But if you two were still together, you'd want her to stop using her powers? Daniel: Maybe. Maddie: Then you don't accept Emma for who she is. And as a fellow witch, I'm offended for her!
This is an interesting moment in which someone like Maddie, someone who doesn't like Emma but is a witch just like her, sees that while Emma lied to Daniel, she did it because Daniel doesn't accept her as who she is.
Daniel has openly expressed anger and disinterest at the magic world. And hey, I understand, after all the spells Jax has cast on him to make him look bad in front of Emma's dad, or just the usual magic hijinks from Emma or Maddie, magic is not Daniel's friend. He doesn't find it fun or cool like Andi, he's not desensitized to it like Katie and Sophie. He's suffered from it and doesn't want anything to do with it and hey I can respect that. But this isn't good when you're in a relationship with a witch, the most powerful one in fact. So he's tiptoeing a line constantly between wanting to be with his girlfriend but disliking and fearing something that's part of her (and part of his friends' lives: Maddie and Diego).
Let's get to S3 when he was marked by Mia with her Kanay spider. Spider!Daniel broke up with Emma, started dating Mia, was a general jerk at school, even tied up his little siblings. It turns out that Mia's Spider doesn't cause him to act strange or evil, it just unleashes someone's 'inner wild'. It makes them do what they most want to do. So, Daniel did want to break up with Emma. He called Emma and Maddie trouble-brewing witches and had no problem telling a complete stranger all about their powers.
Now we could get into how Daniel's life was turned upside down more than plenty of times because of magic, but nothing beats S4 when Emma literally rewrites time when Daniel disappears. He and his family end up running an animal sanctuary and dating Mia. Then his life gets put back and it's for the worse because now he has no animals, no girlfriend, and he's back in a school hated by the principal. Overall, Daniel was not having a good time in S4. One of the many reasons why Emma puts him back where he was happy. (I would also like to remind everyone that Mia and her previously deceased parents were alive in the new accidental timeline of S4. I believe that Emma also was the cause of this, not only did she unintentionally give Daniel a better life but the same to Mia. And then she restored that life at the end of the season.)
In conclusion, Jemma forever.
But really, I hope someone reads this and enjoys or sees the situation from both sides and how they weren't really a good couple. Kind of doomed in the end when you think about it. I mean the girl loves butterflies and he's allergic to butterflies. I don't think the writers were subtle with that one, huh.
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twopoppies · 2 months
https://www.tumblr.com/2tiedships2/745127996768272386/dailytomlinson-louis-in-philadelphia?source=share how Gina?! how does it look like that he is wearing a light of eye shade/shadow even when we all know that he ain't. guess he not only has beautiful eyes and eyelashes but pretty eyelids too (eww I sound like a creep jhdfghkf) i'd like to conclude by saying that Harry is one lucky man and I am oBvIoUsLy not at all jealous of him :') (#het hours) good day/night <33 oh wait, wait. I was also curious how do you pronounce your name? like is it pronounced as 'geena' or ..? (idk, you are the first person IK with this name, sorry) and while we're on it, how do we pronounce Gemma as well? is it pronounced as 'jemma' ...? apologies and thank you!!
TBH, I really don’t know if it’s eyeshadow or not. I’ve seen that same rose-gold sparkly looking tint on his lash line for years which makes me think it’s got to just be his skin. But who knows? He’s obviously made of stardust.
And my name is pronounced like: Jeena. And Gemma is Jemma. 😉💙
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lovelyserpentines · 4 years
tv ship questions
rules: answer w gifs then tag!¡
favorite ship?
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2. first ship?
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3. first ship you were crazy for?
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4. newest ship?
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5. ship you like but no one else does?
6. ship everyone else likes but you’re
indifferent about?
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7. ship you wish had more screentime?
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8. ship you wish were endgame?
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9. ship you wish had been canon?
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10. ship you want to be canon?
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officiallallorona · 4 years
AOS thoughts 3x08-3x18
the latest in opinions no one asked for
Hunter’s hacker persona when they break into the ATCU is fantastic. Love Daisy feeding him hacker jargon as Mack pretends to be the FBI hotline. Lincoln looks impressed af and honestly me too. The team just doing classic spy hijinks is my fave.
Oof. I KNEW Rosalind and Coulosn wouldn’t end well. I was hoping they’d just have a “sorry it didn’t work out” sitch that ended with her put on a bus. But of course they fridged her. *eyeroll* It’s not as if Team Coulson doesn’t already have 1000 valid reasons to kill Ward.
A taste of DIRECTOR MACK this early? In season 3? Be still my beating heart.
God, these Malick’s stay annoying, don’t they? Although I think Nathaniel will still prove to be the most annoying.
Fitz is so SOFT for Jemma, and it’s really cute. Homeboy’s heart is breaking trying to help her with Will but he’ll just do whatever. Fitzsimmons is still far from being “the draw” for me like they are with most of the fandom, but I do enjoy them.
Kinda sad they killed Will off. He had the makings of being a good character. Now it just seems like he was contrived Fitzsimmons angst that they neutralized immediately.
Omg OF COURSE Hunter tried an Inhuman fish oil pill. That’s one of those little character things just thrown in that I love.
I’ve seen the Spy’s Goodbye in GIF form but I didn’t expect it to hit so hard? I nearly cried! I already miss Bobbi and Hunter so much.
Oooh! Surpise Bethany Joy Lenz! Is Haley James Scott here to fuck shit up?
I have a lot of thoughts about 3x15 in particular because I love this damn episode.
I love Coulson having trouble not calling Daisy “Skye.” The fact that he slipped up for the first time in awhile in this ep when telling her to come home really emphasizes their father/daughter relationship. Skye is the girl he found out in a van and “adopted.” So that’s who he thinks of when she’s going off into a more dangerous than usual situation.
Great job, effects people. Those fleshy skeletons Hive leaves behind genuinely squick me out.
Fitz explains the concept of space-time SO MUCH BETTER than anyone in Endgame did.
May and Andrew have such a beautiful, tragic story. Ming-Na Wen and Blair Underwood’s acting is just top notch.
Oh, Lincoln has indeed grown on me. I no longer find him boring. I still don’t think that he’s Daisy’s soulmate or anything (I think they’re both too similar in letting their emotions get the best of them that they wouldn’t have worked long-term even if he hadn’t died), but I do enjoy them. And they are sweet/helping each other grow even among the chaos.
Fitzsimmons in the “snowy” ashes saying “I think we’re supposed to hold hands now...maybe some things are inevitable” is lovely.
This stuff with Daisy and Charles Hinton is really sweet too, if devastating. He’s just so HAPPY he finally made a difference. And she’s promising to protect his daughter (not unlike the agent who protected baby Daisy). I’m EMOTIONAL.
Damn it. So much for Bethany Lenz fucking shit up. Fridged for Malick. I swear, when they introduced her in the stinger, they were implying that she would be just as formidable as her dad. But nope. Disappointing.
Oh that’s nice that they got the same dude to be young Gideon in S7 as they did in S3.
Eww Malick dying was gross. This show goes pretty hard with gore for a basic cable show.
YoYo and Mack learning each other’s languages. She was practicing “nice to see you again. You’re looking well” specifically for him? GIRL I LOVE?!!!!
Also God, I love Daisy as the leader of the Secret Warriors. The show is NOT going to give me enough of this. I already feel robbed.
Bruh, 3x17 was fantastically suspenseful. Who’s the mole? The Inhumans feeling hunted by SHIELD and trying to regroup. And Dark, Brainwashed Daisy is one of the things I knew was coming, but my jaw still dropped. 
Wow, the team really doesn’t like Lincoln, do they? They’re doing everything to save infected Daisy but Coulson is willing to nuke Lincoln the second he gets infected? I’m glad May calls Coulson out on it. Also, Lincoln saying that he bets they’d like if he died so “you three can go back to being a small, messed up, family.” While I like the emphasis on them being a family (and doing the classic “I don’t like our daughter’s bf”), it seems a little unwarranted. Lincoln’s volatile, but I don’t think he’s any more chaotic than Daisy. And sure, he’s there for his girl and not the cause, but such was the case with Hunter and the only one who gave him shit for that was May. In this case it seems like so many--Coulson, May, Mack--are kinda just dealing with Lincoln for Daisy’s sake and I don’t know that strong of a dislike/distrust is earned.
However, it does make me smile thinking of the future in which everyone is on-board with Daisy/Sousa.
Mack saying “If [Dr. Radcliffe] is the only way to cure Tremors, you know where I stand” when it comes to Fitzsimmons performing unethical surgery. Listen, I know it’s protagonist-guided morality with how the team would flame anyone else for staking so much on one person vs the greater good, but honestly Daisy deserves people who love her that much. Who say “fuck it. You do what it takes to get her back.”
NEEDLE IN THE EYE. I DID NOT NEED THIS. Also omg, it’s Jonathan from The Mummy!
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ellsey · 5 years
Agents of Shield Rewatch 1x19 The Only Light In the Darkness
A romantic title for a semi-romantic episode. Wheeeeeeeee!
This guy borrowed Dumblydore’s Put-outer?
Jk he has random light powers or something
That includes like your soul light I guess? Honestly I have no clue.
It doesn’t really matter this guy is not the point.
Fitz is super concerned about his “buddy” Ward
Nice juxtaposition of what Ward is telling them vs what he actually did
Coulson looks vaguely suspicious of Ward?
Orientation! I have a looooooooooooooot of thoughts about this. Sorry in advance.
JK I’m not.
I’m going to separate this out by person.
May: This is where we find out May’s been married. Once. She looks perfectly at ease here. This is not her first rodeo. On the egg and rock question, May is very no-nonsense. In other words, she’s very Melinda May. Again with the deserted island box question, May wants a weapon she can use to defend herself and feed herself. Melinda May is a woman who knows what it’s like to have to survive without any backup. When asked why she’s still there though, she very readily answers, “Coulson.” That’s the reason she’s doing everything she’s done. Which makes their fighting even more painful.
Fitz: Fitz looks kind of uncomfortable, but more interested in how it’s all working? So typical Fitz. It’s just him and him mum he says. I feel like this can explain some of his reticence to say anything to Jemma. He’s been abandoned before. On the egg and rock question, Fitz (and Simmons) take this as a chance to analyze it from every different angle. So once again, very Fitz. And then we get to the deserted island box question. At first, Fitz clearly wants to over analyze everything again, but when forced to give an immediate answer he says, “Simmons.” For him, the one thing he never wants to be without is Simmons. He knows they can survive anything if only they are together. So for him, the box contains the only thing he really needs in this world-his partner. In answer to the question as to why he’s still there, Fitz says he’s got to stay close to the people he trusts. It’s obvious he’s very rattled by everything going on.
Simmons: I love that Simmons and Fitz clearly are giving the same answer here on the egg and rock question. PSYCHICALLY LINKED. For the deserted island box question, Simmons chooses the Tardis. I know this is kind of a throw away line to relax some of the tension in the scene, but it shows just how different a place she and Fitz are in. Fitz has had to consider his life without Jemma multiple times. Jemma hasn’t really had to as much. I think that’s part of why Fitz’s confession under the water in a few eps seems to be a shock to her. Picturing life without Fitz just isn’t something she’s doing at this point. In answer to the why are you here question, Jemma very honestly says she’s not sure. I think this is the first clue that she’s starting to realize how much her life is changing.
Daisy: Mary Sue Poots is an awful name. I don’t blame her for taking a different one. Poor Daisy is also having to reevaluate her place in this world again, and I think that’s reflected in her answer to the deserted island box question. She’s just so unsure. This is backed up when asked why she’s still there. She says it’s the only home she’s ever known. She doesn’t know where she fits in anymore, but she knows this is her family.
Trip: Aha! So Trip’s grandfather was a Howling Commando. He’s so awesome y’all. In contrast to May, when Trip answers the deserted island box question, he says a sat phone. While this is a very good and valid answer, it shows that he is used to having backup. While I’m sure he knows how to survive, he’s used to having a team there. Which follows considering the second he knew what Garrett really was he latched on to Coulson’s team immediately. I mean he obviously liked them, but I think Trip very strongly needs to have a team. In answer to the question of why he’s still here, Trip gives a marvelous answer about his legacy and the good guys winning which is so Trip because IT’S JUST SO PURE LIKE HIM.
Ward: I mean the beginning questions are easy for him. He doesn’t even have to lie really. Note he does want a weapon in the box though. And not a useful one like May. One to take out people. I mean I guess it could take out animals too, but I doubt that’s what he’s thinking of. And now Ward is having to lie about being an agent which is HILARIOUS to me. Oh how I wish Koenig would have just shot him already. In the end though he’s able to just tell the truth and say Daisy, so I don’t know what all this rigmarole was all about anyway. You’re so dumb Ward.
Ok they explained the bad guy’s powers but eh it’s not important at this point.
Haha Fitz’s face at having Trip be their pilot is funny, but also be nice Fitz. Trip is a good guy.
I understand though.
Ward and Fitz’s exchange is veeerrryyy interesting here. I do think that Ward was being genuine here. First of all he obviously knows that Fitz is in love with Simmons, but he takes it one step further by telling Fitz to tell her how he feels. I almost think Ward is still hoping to find a way to get the job done without having to cross every one off. Despite himself he has come to care for them in his own way, no matter what he says. Or maybe he just wants Fitz to have a moment of happiness because Ward knows he’s supposed to kill them soon. At any rate, Ward is correct that Fitz needs to just tell her.
Phil is a super bitter Betty about May. I do understand, but also be nice to her Phil. She just loves you.
Uh oh, this is clearly Audrey Nathan and she’s in trouble
Whaaaaaaat? Shield was being shady and trying to make him stronger??? Color me shocked.
Except not.
“Let’s live dangerously” oohhhh poor Koenig if only you knew
Ha Simmons has read enough fanfic to figure out the plot of this story that Audrey is telling about the Shield agent swooping in
Fitz has clearly not
Again, Ward is being sincere with May here. He’s talking about following orders because he’s having to do it even if he’s starting to question some of them
:( Don’t go May
Anyway if I had any slight sympathy for Ward I don’t anymore. Monster.
“Our best agents are watching” more like our two most lovesick agents
The things Daisy is saying about May is clearly VERY APPLICABLE to Ward here
She just doesn’t know it
Awww Fitz is very clearly watching Jemma and admitting he’s too scared to talk to her MY HEART
Man, I think we’re getting more honesty from Ward in this episode than in this entire season so far
I still find it hard to tell what is true about Ward’s family and what’s not
Eww this is not the kissing couple I requested
What a beautiful juxtaposition of these two scenes though
The terror of both Audrey and Daisy at the affection of two very dangerous men
Not to mention, it’s put up against the very pure love that two other men have. Coulson and Fitz are willing to put the well-being of the objects of their affection before their own in every way possible. LEARN SOMETHING WARD AND CREEPY CELLO GROUPIE.
Daisy figuring out Ward is Hydra kills me every time
I’m glad Phil got a moment with Audrey, even if he couldn’t stay
Daisy is so strong here. Queen.
Coulson now realizes he needs to make things right with May, but unfortunately it’s too late
Poor Fitz looked like he was going to say something to Jemma for a hot second, but he changed his mind. Sigh.
Daisy needs to decrypt the hard drive, and Ward must really be blindly in love with her because you can definitely see her wheels spinning here
I love May’s mom with all my heart
May’s going to find Maria Hill!
Man I had a lot more feelings about this episode than I thought. It’s just so dense though. It get’s a 10/10 on the JUST TELL HER YOU LOVE HER ALREADY scale and a 10/10 on the Ladies Who Are Scared to Death but Still Getting Things Done scare. My ladies really stepped it up this ep.
The song for this episode is the very aptly titled “Tell Her You Love Her (Acoustic)” by Echosmith because LISTEN TO THE WORDS PHIL AND FITZ AND JUST SAY IT ALREADY.
This is legit one of my all-time favorite songs, and it fits so well with this episode so I’m excited to get to use it.
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 years
Uhm, Eww || -
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She doesn’t really want to answer Jemma’s question because she knows it’s stupid for a grown woman, who happens to be a nurse-practitioner and part alien, to be afraid and bothered by something so childish. But Jemma can’t know what it’s like. To know there’s things that live in it that no one can see, living writhing shadows always waiting for your guard to be let down.It would be easier to admit to her fear of heights. Her fear of flying. Her fear and actual hate of her own father. A thousand of her little insecurities that lie quietly below her surface. But of them all…
“…Da dark. I’ve always been afraid of da dark. Jus’ t’inkin’ about it makes me…I dunno.”She lilts one delicate shoulder and wraps her arms around her. “I know is irrational but I guess dere some t’ings no can help, right?”
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aglasgo · 7 years
I don't know how others feel but I really liked this episode! I mean, eww to the whole AIDA and Fitz thing but I was honestly shocked by so many things. Fitz is number 2 at Hydra?! Ward is a part of the resistance?! To protect Skye?! Jemma literally crawling out of her own grave?! I love that this show can keep surprising me. I read a lot of speculation leading up to the episode and these things didn't even make my radar. And the best part, none of its real and will all go back to normal once they get out!
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horrorlesbion · 7 years
I can't believe potato face is a good guy like way to go aos, he's now the least interesting character on the whole show (again) like seriously pre-hydra reveal w*rd was just a boring shitty character and we're gonna have to deal with them lot again defending him and shipping them and I just can't tbh. Overall though I agree with you it was a pretty interesting episode especially compared to this whole season but god damn I just wanted Daisy/Jemma saving the day. Also eww to Shitz tbh like damn
Ah well I think we’re gonna get Daisy and Jemma saving the day eventually! And actually lmao I like this version of Shitz more than the real one? He’s way more tolerable as a straight up scifi Mengele than he is as a supposed good guy who’s still a piece of shit to everyone. Also props to Iain he makes a great ice cold villain!
But yeah the same can’t be said about Bread lmao I mean his acting was never really outstanding but GOD the writing is not doing him any favours right now. As someone who actually loves the real Ward I was cautiosly excited for his semi return (if gagging at the prospect of his disciples rearing their ugly heads again) but this is… such a letdown lmao. This simulation is just every annoying gross dudebro I’ve ever seen with extra fascism and every jerk trait Ward couldn’t keep from shining through in his fake persona. I’m….tired. I hope to god there’s a twist in there somewhere and we get some semblance of the real Ward because this version is gonna make me mute my laptop every time he’s on screen.
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agl03 · 7 years
AOS 4x11: Through a Child’s Eyes
Okay, I was the cool mommy and let the kiddo stay up and watch the episode live with me tonight....shhh.   So we’ll get her reaction up first and my usual meta will follow later.
High pitched squealing as we begin
Mace Speech
She doesn’t look happpy
Is he lying about that mom?
Oh Mack is dressed up.
I vote girl scout cookies
Who was that?! That Daisy ran into?
They just left her!?  That was rude.
You stop possing them around
Get away from him
No you can’t have the head back
You leave Fitz alone Radcliffe
You were naughty and cant’ come over to play anymore
Ha they got him to talk
Quin Jet
Oh the peek
Keep your seat belt on dude
Told you
Oh no they are gonna crash
On the ground
Oh he’s soo dead
Eww told you
The hand phone is broken
He doesn’t want Burrows he wants his box
Poor May, she is gonna kick your butt
You kidnapped her, here was harm
Yeah she did, Jemma is smart
Yeah you messed up
The girls
Don’t mess with them
Ha he doesn’t like the spectrum
Dude really?
Someone hit him
Yeah the package went flying
The boys
The box has something important
Maybe the Darkhold?
Oh look out here come Watchdogs.
At least Fitz isn’t with Coulson
He wants to work together, come on Jemma you can help him
And no they aren’t dead
Awww he did it to protect her
Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss 
Fight May
You can do it!
No not May
You deserved that Radcliffe
Poor May
Radcliffe you need to be nicer to AIDA
You aren’t supposed to touch Lola
Heck yeah May can, its May
May doesn’t want to talk Daisy
LOL Coulson with a mustache, he can look like Talbot
Well something is off your a robot
The Boys
See he was dead
You need to tell them what is in the box
That hammer thing was a clue right
Don’t hack of Fitzsimmons dude
Yeah the big bad guys, there is a big bad guy hiding
Yeah what aren’t you telling them
You go Jemma
Who is the superior mom
The boys
Go mack and coulson!
Mace doens’t look well
He looks scared
Shots!  That is a big needle mommy, does he get to take his stuffed animal when he has to get them.
Mace needs shots
Did he just shoot Mace in the Butt?
You ready to talk now Mace?
Yes they did need to know
Is he the superior
Yeah go Fitzsimmons
You tell him
Hyde is Daisy’s dad right?
Mom why are you screaming?
Mace you lied 
Here come more baddies
Mack where is your ax
LOL you go Jemma
Hehe Jemma is gonna get him
Yeah you better be scared of the girl
EW go Fitzsimmons
That was gross
BUt effective
Yeah we leave you in the woods next time
Aww they are bonding
GIve him a pep talk Phil
Mace go scare them
Oh its the guy from earlier
He washed his face
Well they can cut your hand of too
Look Mack found a grenade, how lucky
Gee everyone is running out of bullets...oh look Mack found another ax
Super music!
Wow this is a good bad guy he can fight May and Mack
yes design a dragon!  I want to see May fighting a Dragon!
That’s kind of creepy Fitz
Ohh Radcliffe won’t be happy when he finds out Fitz is looking into AIDA
The boys
He’s right there you know
Mace needs to stop pouting again
He’s been lying to everyone
Coulson really, you don’t want to be the boss
Bad idea
This is a bad idea, really bad idea guys
Mom they are going through with the bad idea
You can see the parts!
She’s hiding it!
I dont’ want to wait until next week!
Okay, going to start on my own meta now.  I see asks are coming in already.
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