#everything on breaking away from ce or optimizing it
lavenderjewels · 10 months
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A glimpse into what gojo sees! my main takeaway is that Sukuna and Megumi’s souls seem to be coexisting, whereas Kenjaku’s technique makes it so only Geto’s soul is perceived by the six eyes. A full transformation into someone else. We already knew this without explicit confirmation, but it’s adding more possibilities to how they could deal with Sukuna specifically and throws more layers onto Kenjaku’s character
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How do the axis and the allies know that their s / o is the one?
Ah yes- everyone's favorite question! I always liked the idea of a Character being all serious face, and then either looking shocked, or completely melt over their new found feelings!
Trigger Warnings: Slight mention of minor violent behavior, and mention of invasive thoughts
Allies and Axis find the one! (Their S/O)
Is was on one of their field trips.
His S/O became obsessed with a certain place in America, and he vowed to help cross it off their bucket list.
Even though it was the umpteenth time seeing them smile, it felt different.
His face blushed and all he could see was his S/O in the lightening.
Their movements, no matter how fluid or clumsy, seemed to radiate their excitement.
There was just something about it that made America momentarily forget what he was doing.
Something in him wanted to capture this moment and he pulled them in for a selfie.
Even after the moment passed, whenever he looked at that picture, it gave him that slight buzz he felt from when the picture was taken.
Driving to the designated location with every love song that played forced the scenerio in his mind.
Then all at once, as his face turned red, he realized how badly he wanted to have them by his side for the rest of their life.
It was another fancy party his boss made him go to. His S/O decided to stay at his place for whatever reason, and assured him they'd be fine without him for a few hours.
But he wasn't.
Every woman who passed by in a flowing dress, or every man who just looked particularly good made him think of his S/O, dressed to the nines in their own style, more than certainly becoming the center of attention.
But then that fantasy fades the longer it lasted. He started thinking about how everyone's eyes would hunger for his S/O and it made him feel off.
He didn't recover until he got home, his S/O greeting them at the door in messy pajamas, some food stuck to their cheek.
Right there did England's heart flip and his face grew flush.
He felt a nervous, but serine, sensation take him over.
Seeing his Love in their own element, not caring for any fancy clothing, or heavy make up to show him upon returning made him realize just how much he desired them. No matter the form, or outfit he just loved them, and all they were, and will be.
France considered himself to be easy to fall for, so for a small while his S/O was just another woman who desired him.
Though he thought the world of his S/O (and those before them) he just always assumed they wouldn't last, no matter how much money, or fancy parties and outfits they were given. They'd just leave.
But time and time again his S/O had him stunned by how little they wanted from him, material wise.
He didn't mean to fall so hard, and so quickly, but he did. Seeing their independence, but also seeing their want for him confused him.
He knew what he was feeling due to all the one sided love he's had for a few others. And it scared him.
He'd know the whole time his true feelings, but wanted to be sure his S/O felt the same. Even if it meant waiting till their last breath.
What really put the nail in the coffin was when they asked him how he felt about their relationship. He was prepared for a break up until his Darling started to giggle.
He knew they'd be his forever when they said something about being lost without him. Their serious look striking through his heart. He had to fight with them that night, beg even, to let him spoil them in anything they wanted.
He can be a prideful kind of guy, even he knows it. It's just, he's been around for so long, and knows the outcome of most scenerios due to all of his years of experiencing life, he's just... Stopped caring about how he comes off to others.
This had led to many people coming in, and quickly going out of his life. No matter the optimism they showed for being with him, it quickly vanished.
But not for his S/O.
It was one day in particular he was being a bit... Rude to his S/O. The argument was over something incredibly small, but as usual china felt otherwise.
He was taken a back when his S/O accused him of purposely trying to push them away, despite the hardwork they put in the relationship.
He immediately froze on the spot and couldn't mutter another word other than a brief apology. Claiming to needed air to calm down.
Once he calmed down he realized they were right. They have been bending over backwards and it made him feel guilty. But then his heart started to beat. The fact they tried so hard, and for him, made him feel something new.
He didn't want them to be anything than what he fell in love with, and by going above and beyond for him did they seem to almost become a stranger to him.
He then got despirate and ran to his S/O, admitting his new feelings on the spot. He didn't want to lose the person he loves so dearly, just because he didn't know how to swallow his pride sometimes.
His S/O knew it was going to be a rough ride being with Russia. Between the physical affection, both public and private, and the odd mood swings he has had, it was obvious it was going to take him longer to feel about them, as they did him. But that was fine.
Russia on the other hand did know what he wanted, and what he liked. Ivan's issue was sifting through those emotions and trying to figure out which ones were okay, and which ones would scare off his S/O.
He decided to land on 'learning by example'. If his S/O wanted a hug, he can give hugs. They cried? He tried to sympathize and thought of things that hurt him, and also cried. Though he had a habit of accidentally taking the attention off of his S/O when that happens.
Only later on realizing it and feeling dumb or guilty, but not wanting to bring it up since his S/O recovered.
Oh but the biggest thing that made him want to hang onto them was the one or two accidents where he got a little... Agressive and panicked, accidentally hurt his S/O in the process.
The first time it happened was when a misunderstanding escalated Because he just, couldn't communicate his thoughts and his S/O pushed to far, only wanting to help. He bruised them by the throat when he grabbed them to try and keep them away for their own safety. Not meaning to grab their neck, he just grabbed for them in general, really aiming for their shirt. But they never left him after that.
The second incident they caught him clawing at some scars, weeping painfully. No one else has seen him like that and he panicked. He trapped them in a corner, and threatened them to never say a single thing, but his S/O reached out for him to try and console him, but it ended in more bruising when he pushed them away, thinking they were Reaching out to leave him. But they never left...
They never left. They had told him countless times that it was just an accident. But how many accidents could his Sunflower take? He only started forgiving himself when they mentioned how each time he panicked like that, he became better at expressing himself, via a bit agressively with his words. But now.
He never realized he wasn't as upset whenever his S/O and him run into a misunderstanding. It was then he realized they didn't plan on leaving, and it was then he realized he wanted the same thing they did, and decided to strive to get better. Even if it meant asking for help...
He's always so stressed out and annoyed by all the work his Boss dumps on him. He is so overwhelmed he forgot a few documents in his home office.
Before he could ever really get concern his phone buzzed.
His S/O had called him to ask about the exact papers he needed for that day's meeting. He blushed as his S/O mentioned how quickly he left the house, and was concerned he'd forgotten something other than locking his office like he usually does.
He couldn't even get upset that his S/O snooped in his office when he left. He was too flattered that his S/O's immediate thought was whether or not he had everything.
Over the phone he was able to get the information he needed, and after swearing to secrecy, he let his S/O hang up.
During the meeting he was particularly distracted by those hand written notes. If it wasn't for how caring his S/O was he'd have been in deep trouble.
Then it got him. He felt warm, and fuzzy as he came across the thought "They must love me that much-" and it struck him a certain way.
He knew they were dating, and were close but up until now the word love only had so much weight to it. Now it was both words and actions, and he wants to make sure his S/O feels just like he did. He wants them to know exactly how much he's fallen for them, and perhaps how he will never stop falling for them.
Japan is another one who takes a while to get close too.
He doesn't mean to be so anti-affectionate it's just, he's so anxious about the world around him sometimes.
Being a country isn't all it's cracked up to be but his S/O already knew that.
That was one of the things he loved about him... Oh.
He knew he had feelings, but as time went by he didn't realize how much they grew. He never really said 'I Love You'. Despite his S/O saying it often enough, he'd usually give a soft smile and nod.
Then he face palmed at how much of a jerk he's been. Immediately he had the urge to go talk about it and apologize, but the closer he got to his S/O the more the word 'love' bounced around in his head.
He loved them. He loved them? Yeah. This is a new and Terrifying thing he's experiencing.
With sweaty palms and a clear throat the only thing he could ask was "Do you love me?" Causing his S/O to blush and giggle.
He slowly grew mortified at the situation. His S/O told him that, of course they loved him! But what they said next surprised him, and made him internally melt.
"But you don't have to say it if you can't. I just wanted you to know that no matter how long it takes, I'm still here for you..."
His chest swelled and despite not being able to show his full affection, it was certainly pushing at the seams, ready to burst.
He wasn't shy with women, or men, and loved giving others attention as much as receiving it. But some days he's just, Too exhausted and just wants to be alone for a bit.
Though seeing his S/O is always a welcoming sight. The way he treated his S/O versus how he flirts with others made it increasingly obvious that he only flirted out of habit.
Though while alone he slowly felt guilty about it. Then he started wondering why his S/O was still around. Then other thoughts about him and his flaws started getting to him.
He lazily walked to his S/O, quiet and shy about his question. And when he asked why they stayed he was surprised by their confused.
"Because I love you?"
Oh yeah. Then he smiled and went for a hug but something about the way they held him made him feel different?
It wasn't a normal hug. They didn't pull away and they both stood there. Italy's excitement faded again once he realized they were comforting him.
It almost made him cry, but his heart was beating too fast, and in that moment it felt like his S/O knew everything about him. He felt loved but not understood before this.
And it made him want to never let them go.
Tada~ I know some of them are kind of sad, but relationships aren't always fluffy clouds and marshmellos. Sometimes the greatest realizations come from learning curves and heat of the moment scenerios. With that said, it's not just about following your heart. Sometimes it's just recognizing the thing you truly desire is already right there. As long as it's for the better, and as long as your willing to give equal work towards your futures!
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dustedandsocial · 3 years
Top Several Hundred Records of 2020
My Top 11: 1. Slum Of Legs - Slum Of Legs (Harbinger Sound / Spurge) 2. Oily Boys - Cro Memory Grin (Cool Death) 3. Model Home - SE (Future Times) 4. Valentina Magaletti & Marlene Ribeiro - due matte (Commando Vanessa / Horn of Plenty <O) 5. Kris & Tavi - Kris & Tavi (Misophonia) 6. Still House Plants - Fast Edit (Bison) 7. None - Khneï Khneï Thnacapata Thnacapata (Unknown Precept) 8. Rychlicki / Kostkiewicz - Zapis (Absolute Fiction / Maternal Voice) 9. Rosso Polare - Lettere Animali (Klammklang) 10. Patois Counselors - The Optimal Seat (ever/never) 11. Impatiens - Scene At The River (Altered States) Favorite 20 That Weren't My Top 11: 12. Irma Vep - Embarrassed Landscape (Gringo) 13. FRKSE - Desecration Anxiety II (Iron Lung) 14. Merula - Sleep (Men Scryfa) 15. Al Karpenter - If We Can't Dream, They Can't Sleep!! (ever/never) 16. BbyMutha - Muthaland (the muthaboard) 17. Pose Dia - Front View (Bureau B) 18. SIR E.U - Midnight Train To Velvet (Self-Released) 19. Nightshift - Nightshift (Cusp) 20. Massicot - Kratt (Harbinger Sound / Spurge / Bongo Joe / Red Wig) 21. Alessandra Novaga - I Should Have Been a Gardener (Die Schachtel) 22. Zeroh - BLQLYTE (Leaving) 23. Swallow - Body Horror (ANA) 24. Pink Siifu & Fly Anakin - FlySiifu's (Lex) 25. Balans - Sam pravm (Kapa) 26. Bruch - The Fool (Trost / Cut Surface) 27. P22 - Human Snake (Post Present Medium) 28. ovrkast. - Try Again (do more.) 29. Chapelier Fou - Méridiens (Ici d'ailleurs) 30. Schisms - Speech Copy Rap Master (Fort Evil Fruit) 31. Új Bála - How the Cookie Crumbles (Czaszka Records)
Mozo Mozo - Mozo Mozo (Epileptic Media) Orion Moustache - EP02 (Noorden) Mentira! - Mentira! (Harbinger Sound) Leyden Jars - Gone (Outer Reaches) Last Call At Nightowls - Ask the Dust (Subsound) Gaffer - Gaffer (Helta Skelta) Inturist (Интурист) - Action! (Incompetence) Директор Всего (The CEO of Everything) - Самый занятой гражданин (Doing Great Music) Christos Chondropoulos - On Nature (12th Isle) Uptown XO - Culture Over Corporate  (1 Force United) Lichen Gumbo - Altered Village (Ikuisuus ‎/ Jumatsuga ‎/ Lal Lal Lal) The Worms - Back To The Bog (Hidden Bay) Kneeling In Piss - Music for Peasants EP (Anyway) Taste - Rope In The Closet ( If Society / Half Bear Half Cat / Roge Records) Flogging A Dead One Horse Town - Old Scum EP (MUZAI) BIG $ILKY (Psalm One & Angel Davanport) - BIG $ILKY Vol. 2 (Self-Released) Dame Area - La Soluzione É Una (Màgia Roja / B.F.E Records) Enir Da - Silence (Too Soon Tapes) Obnox - Savage Raygun (ever/never) Mike Cooper - Playing With Water (Room40) Nape Neck - Nape Neck (Self-Released) S.U.V. - Neoliberal Folk Songs II (Otomatik Muziek) Patrick Shiroishi - Descension (Thin Wrist Recordings) Pink Siifu - NEGRO (Self-Released) En Attendant Ana - Juillet (Trouble In Mind) Sergei Demin - Not Music Of The Day (Klammklang) Brandy - The Gift Of Repetition (Total Punk) Nyx Nótt - Aux Pieds De La Nuit (Melodic) Bearer - Precincts (ANA) Norms - Háború és fű (Mindig Otthon Punk Discs) Vertical Slump - Oubliette (Blank Editions) Lau Nau - Själö (With Sound Environments by Janne Laine) (Fonal) Model Home - One Year (Disciples) WOW - Falene (Maple Death) Santa Sprees - Sum Total of Insolent Blank (Leapantique) Edd Sanders - Sun Bleached & Hollow (Cadmus) Charlemagne Palestine - Ffroggssichorddd (Staalplaat) Loopsel - Loopsel EP (Mammas Mysteriska Julebox) Kuupuu - Plz Tell Me (KRAAK) (I forget whether I put the oriinal version of this on my year-end list last year. Here it is again though) QQ - Vanguard Youth (Skrot Up) DJ Speedsick - (All Releases) Armand Hammer - Shrines (Backwoodz Studioz) Lewsberg - In This House (12XU) Ubiquitous Meh! - Fecund With Love (Buried Treasure / Damnsonic) Schulverweis - Suppe (Neoprimitive) La Chasse - Meretrix ∕ Doloris (Donnez-moi du feu) No - Vol. 1 (Faustian Haus) David Nance - Staunch Honey (Trouble In Mind) Hun Bed - Brood I (Het Generiek) Młody Kotek & Niemy Dotyk - New Age Speedball (Enjoy Life) Aurat - Zeher (Etang Brulant) Addict Ameba - Panamor (Black Sweat) Sunset Flips - Between Two Sheds (Altered States) Small Bills (E L U C I D & The Lasso) - Don't Play It Straight (Mello Music Group) Nail Club - Collected Methods (Hot Releases) Maximum Ernst - Time Delay Safe (ever/never) Tim Hicks X The Dirty Church - Bullets (Humble Monarch) Lord Jah-Monte Ogbon - GOD Body & Soul Side B (Self-Released) Red Bennies - Futurist, Nihilist Post-Rock, Cyberpunk, Anti-Humanist Music (Chthonic) Tsap - Flickering Lyghte In Campsite (Altered States) Latex Cop - Privacy Policy (Cadmus Tape) Ka - Descendants of Cain (Iron Works) Violent Quand On Aime - The Movie Star (Simple Music Experience) Flaner Klespoza - Przygody i tajemnice (Nagrania Somnambuliczne) Budokan Boys - So Broken Up About You Dying (ever/never) Datblygu - Cwm Gwagle (Ankstmusik) Pays P. - Pays P. (Gravity Music) Somaticae - Amesys (In Paradisum) Kipp Stone - Homme (Self-Released) Sada Baby - Bartier Bounty 2 Tribalism3 - April on Mars (Collectif Coax) Men With Secrets - Psycho Romance and Other Spooky Ballads (The Bunker) Brainbeau - Infinite Ways (Good Samaritron) Landowner - Consultant (Born Yesterday) Jay & Yuta - Condemned Compilations (Research) Machine Woman - Dj Dolfin Snare 808 Machine (Take Away Jazz) Slowburn - Folketro (momeatdadrecords) Twinkle³ - Minor Planets (Marionette) Unglee Izi - notice & initiation au monde alterné T.1 (Lost Dogs Entertainment) Sick Urge - Structures of Domination (Puukotus-Levyt) German Army - Pulling at Principles (Flophouse) NAPPYNAPPA - IFEELJUSTLYKTHEIRART (Bad Taste) Social Stomach + Body Shame - Split (Bento) Pacific Yew - Squeeze Demo (Hot Record Societe) Isabella - Magnetica (Ehse) Trrma´ & Charlemagne Palestine - Sssseegmmeentss Frrooom Baaari (Jazz Engine) Astute Palate - Astute Palate (Petty Bunco / Eternal Soundcheck) Axel Larsen - Les Éléments Du Crime (Macadam Mambo) Post Spiderhole Ensemble - False Alarms and Excess Baggage (Kitchen Leg) Cash Kidd - No Socks Senyawa & Stephen O'Malley - Bima Sakti (iDEAL Recordings) Henny L.O. - Sages (Mutant Academy) True Sons Of Thunder - It Was Then That (Total Punk) Tim Gick - Não Há Laranja ∕ Scrying Glass Eye (Working Man Lay Down) Junk Magic - Compass Confusion (Pyroclastic Records) Person of Interest - All Tomorrows Parties (Exotic Dance) Pumice - Table (Soft Abuse) Max Nordile - Building A Better Void (Gilgongo) Mrs. Dink + Magnum Opus - Mrs. Dink / / Magnum Opus  (Soil) Swamp Harbour (Stinkin Slumrok, Bisk, & Sam Zircon) - Swamp Harbour (Blah) Camden Malik - Understand Me (10k) Heckadecimal - Critters (Kajunga) Geld - Beyond The Floor (Iron Lung) Drakeo the Ruler & JoogSzn - Thank You For Using GTL Senketsu No Night Club - 沈丁花 (Signora Ward) Jef Mertens - NO AMP (291) Tomaga ‎– Extended Play 2 (Self-Released) [R.I.P. Tom Relleen] Boldy James & The Alchemist - The Price Of Tea In China Shoreline Mafia - Mafia Bidness pisse - LP (Phantom / Harbinger Sound) Reymour ‎– Sarabande A Deux (CAF?) Goldblum - Goldblum (Het Generiek) Phil Struck - Schleswig-Holstein Aufnahmen (Séance Centre) Maths Balance Volumes - A Year Closer (Penultimate Press) Body Double - Milk Fed (Zum Audio) Low Flung - Oil in the Mangroves (Bedroom Suck) Chris Crack - White People Love Algorithms (New Deal Collectives) Krypton 81 - Tranquility Base EP (Dalmata Daniel) Akai Solo - Ride Alone, Fly Together (Break All Records) Gad Whip - Fanimal Arms (Gad Whip Recordings) Tygapaw - Get Free (NAAFI) Pamela_ and her sons - Pink Room (Self-Released) Etceteral - Ama-Gi (Kapa Records) Ghostie - Self Hate Wraith (Self-Released) Young Nudy - Anyways DrxQuinnx & Chase Baby - God Gooch & Blue Jesus EP (Bit Tape) Museum Of No Art - Museum of No Art (Séance Centre) Terrible Signal - The Window (Heart of the Rat) Bambi OFS - Yakka (B.F.E Records / Subsist) Zarabatana - Cum Raio (tsss tapes) Soberin Exx - Normal Islands (Liquid Library) Sylvain Darrifourcq, Manuel Hermia, Valentin Ceccaldi - Kaiju Eats Cheeseburgers (Full Rhizome / Hector) Günter Schlienz + Jeans Beast - Split (Econore) Hasufel - Lamentations of the Foul High Priest (So Called Hell) Delphine Dora - L’Inattingible (Three:four / Meakusma) Suburban Cracked Collective - Swimming Amongst The Dregs (A Colourful Storm) Military Genius - Deep Web (Unheard Of Hope) Mesa Of The Lost Women - Les Tables Noires (Specific) Ferocious (Bill Direen, Mark Williams, & Johannes Contag) - Ferocious (Rattle) Domestiques - Vol. 1 (Glass Modern) gogoj a.k.a Sheng Jie - oviparity (Maybe Noise / WV Sorcerer Productions) Midnight Mines - Live From The Mystery Plane (Independent Woman) Muro - Pacificar (Beach Impediment) Satan - Toutes Ces Horreurs (Jungle Khôl / Throatruiner) Scarlatine - Mimosa (Le Syndicat Des Scorpions) Vanligt Folk - Allt E'nte (Kess Kill) VOLE - Dej Bůh Pěstí (Stoned To Death) Upsidedown Flames - Creeps At Shows EP (Fuck Yoga) Zurich Cloud Motors - Do More Than Deconstruct​-​o (Zazen Tapes)
Buncha other records
Sweeping Promises record wasn't that good though. But if you guys like it when people take singing seriously, you should check out some of this music called "R&B"
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tvtent98 · 3 years
Coolsculpting Fat Removal Surgical Treatment.
Cryolipolysis, Fat Freezing, Ice Lipo, Laser Lipo In Witney, Oxfordshire
Exactly How Will The Cured Location Look After The Cristal Treatment?
These cooled fat cells break down and are removed in time within a three-month duration after the procedure. When the problem location touches the within the cooled vacuum cleaner pad or cup, the fat cells ice up, while bordering skin cells is left unblemished as well as undamaged. The ideal candidate for fat reduction with CoolSculpting is a client within a stone of their excellent or regular body weight. After you CoolSculpting|Fat Freezing treatment, the body normally disposes of the undesirable dead fat cells. Fat cells are something that a lot of us have to take care of regularly, despite having a great diet regimen and healthy and balanced workout program specific fat cells just do not appear to move. Shedding stubborn belly fat, back fat or even a dual chin can sometimes feel out of reach. CoolSculpting is FDA authorized, and completely secure as well as comfortable-- you will not need any type of pain lowering medicine throughout your therapy.
There is no downtime associated with a non-surgical liposuction surgery treatment as well as people typically return to regular activities almost right away after their session. Common side effects consist of redness, swelling, blanching, wounding, suppleness, prickling, stinging, tenderness, cramping, hurting, itching, skin level of sensitivity and feeling numb. These are usually more of an inflammation than anything and also usually don't last lengthy. CoolSculpting treatments for our people to attain maximum results. After talking about with you as well as picking the specific locations you desire to treat with Dr Nishi Dhuna, we place the device over the target location as well as start the controlled cooling process. During this time, you can relax conveniently as the therapy gets to function.
How Will The Treated Area Take Care Of The Cristal Treatment?
It is a treatment created to deal with stubborn down payments of fat in details areas, whether this is the abdomen, thighs, chin or various other part of the body. Shockwave Therapy is used in the clinical market to deal with injuries and advertise the recovery of cells, cells and also bones. In the cosmetic industry, Shockwave Therapy is a secure as well as efficient treatment which boosts lymphatic drainage, motivates the break down of fat cells, and also induces skin firm. This therapy can be made use of to treat stubborn fat in areas such as the abdominal area, limbs. Fat freezing, or cryolipolysis as the treatment is understood, is possibly one of the most powerful, secure and also reliable solution for non-invasive fat reduction.
Forget the Spa. These Non-Invasive ‘Tweakments’ Use Lasers and Injections to Keep You Looking Young - Robb Report
Forget the Spa. These Non-Invasive ‘Tweakments’ Use Lasers and Injections to Keep You Looking Young.
Posted: Sun, 26 Jul 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
We are delighted to be the first place in the UK to work in collaboration ICE AESTHETIC and also provide their incredible brand-new medical cryolipolysis therapy - Cristal - to target stubborn fat. The Clatuu Alpha functions by targeting fat cells while leaving the surrounding cells unharmed. The gadget targets these fat cells at a temperature of -9 °, the optimal temperature for fat cell fatality, these cells are after that soaked up right into the body as well as expelled with all-natural metabolic procedures. There are a wealth of fat freezing devices on the marketplace, varying from the ineffective, to the well marketed, to the most advanced innovation with clinical CE marking, after that whatever else in between. Not remarkably it is very complex for patients and specialists alike on what gadget is best for them. As every customer's body, skin and also called for goals are special, a detailed assessment with among our specialist aestheticians is necessary prior to undertaking any innovative non-surgical therapy. During the consultation your aesthetician will certainly go over any kind of issue locations, wanted enhancements, choices available and predicted end results.
CoolSculpting ® procedures can treat noticeable fat bulges under the chin. With CoolSculpting ® treatment for a dual chin, patients can see outcomes after just 2 sees. Skin treatments include the full series of anti-ageing, cosmetic as well as medical skin treatments, to take on everything from sun damage and also wrinkles to hyperpigmentation, string blood vessels or too much sweating.
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It is this subcutaneous fat which decreases with Coolsculpting, as revealed listed below. lipo sculpt offers a Coolsculpt Surrey is a center based in Altrincham supplying non-surgical cosmetic treatments for both males and females. BrightNewMe provides anti-wrinkle treatment for clients from Hale, Altrincham, Timperley, Sale, Bowdon, Cheshire, Manchester, Knutsford, Alderley Edge as well as Wilmslow. Fat Freezing, which is often referred to as trademark name CoolSculpting is a clinically tried and tested therapy which lowers treated locations of fat by up to 25%.
CoolSculpting likewise makes use of Freeze Spot ™ technology, which spots any kind of skin modification throughout the therapy session as well as stops it instantly if essential, stopping freeze burns or any skin damage. Our Aestheticians are highly educated, and also will make use of a combination of different applicators relying on the area of the body being dealt with, to guarantee your comfort and also the best feasible outcomes. When you slim down, fat cells all over your body shrink in size. Many people do not produce even more fat cells after the age of puberty, but if you place on a great deal of weight it is feasible for your body to create new fat cells.
Qualified specialists with a riches of experience supply our LipoGlaze ® fat freezing therapies. CoolSculpting ® uses controlled air conditioning, an innovation that specifically targets fat cells to the precise factor they crystallise and also pass away. No damages occurs to the bordering skin and also tissue, and sensors remain in place that immediately stop treatment if the skin gets also cool, which aids to avoid freeze burns. in 2015 researchers from the Plastic and also Reconstructive Surgery publication reported that there were no significant health dangers connected with the treatment. In this specific research study they noted that individuals lost between 14.67 and 28.5% of the fact in the areas treated.
CoolSculpting will certainly not help you reduce weight-- it can not deal with main visceral fat. Nevertheless, the reverse is additionally true that diet plan and also workout does not target subcutaneous (under the skin or 'pinchable' fat).
Does fat come back after liposuction?
Fat will not return (and ideal results will remain intact) if the patient maintains their "post-lipo weight." For example, if a patient weighed 130 pounds prior liposuction and had a total of 6 pounds removed through the procedure, fat will stay away if the patient maintains their weight at or below 124 pounds.
I'm very completely satisfied with all my therapies that I have actually had from the clinic Inexpensive costs. Paperwork from the Harvard Medical School showcased the impact throughout 1,000 clients, and also an ordinary fat reduction of 25% was found in the locations under treatment. Coolsculpting is not a treatment for general weight reduction or excessive weight, an individual can not have several fat freeze therapies as a means to drop weight. 3d lipo Kent is that these are not targeted, we could work out for hrs daily and eat an excellent diet regimen and yet the stubborn pockets of fat could remain. Usually, the very area from which we intend to reduce fat is the one location the body appears to resolutely ignore in regards to fat cutting. The fat freezing procedure exterminates the cells so they can not return-- this is different to fat decrease using workout or diet where the cells generally remain however in lowered look. When looking at the effectiveness of fat freezing it ought to be kept in mind that not all therapies are from another location equivalent.
After your treatment, it's typical that customers go back to their typical tasks quickly. that removes stubborn areas of fat that are immune to diet regimen or exercise, without the requirement for surgical treatment or downtime.
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There are some technical and design differences between shoe brands, but the basic principles remain the same.. Like most other critics, we loathed almost everything about Suicide Squad and struggled to understand how anyone greenlit such a dumpster fire.. It is Google optimized so material is more visible, easier to find, and cited more frequently.. Turn that rest stop into your personal jungle gym do push ups on the picnic table and hop from the flagpole to the interpretive sign. She can peg a line full of undies quicker than George Bush can duck a flying shoe. After a rough patch in 2016 saw sales of smartwatches decline for the first time, category leader Apple rebounded to sell 16 million units last year, a 60 per cent increase. According to the NCAA, for organized college sports, football is the clear winner, followed by baseball/softball, track and field, soccer, basketball, cross country running, and swimming/diving. A programmable date board with a digital display. Ces essais ont lieu New York et visent dployer la livraison de colis domicile, alors que les occupants sont absents.. Costs of three additional wildfires in Southwest Alaska have been added to the NICC report during the same time period the Ethel Creek Fire, the Tokaina Creek Fire, and the Tokaina 3 Fire. Certainly working at it. Inside, mold is a hazard, lurking in damp places like basements, the kitchen sink, and anywhere you have leaks or standing water. However, there are situations where government can be liable for damages while undertaking government functions, such as snow and ice removal. Louis man who in a scene that could have easily been part of a Tarantino movie calmly and brazenly lit a cigarette while the bar he was in was being robbed. 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bowcook03 · 3 years
The Fact About Cryolipolysis Results.
Cryolipolysis, Fat Freezing, Ice Lipo, Laser Lipo In Witney, Oxfordshire
Exactly How Will The Cured Location Care For The Cristal Treatment?
The Appeal Of Coolsculpting ®
These cooled fat cells damage down and are gotten rid of gradually within a three-month duration after the procedure. When the trouble area touches the within the cooled down vacuum pad or mug, the fat cells freeze, while bordering skin cells is left unblemished and undamaged. The optimal prospect for fat decrease with CoolSculpting patronizes within a stone of their excellent or typical body weight. After you CoolSculpting|Fat Freezing procedure, the body naturally disposes of the undesirable dead fat cells. Fat cells are something that a lot of us need to deal with often, even with a great diet regimen and healthy workout regime particular fat cells simply don't appear to budge. Shedding stomach fat, back fat and even a dual chin can at times feel out of reach. CoolSculpting is FDA authorized, and entirely safe as well as comfortable-- you won't need any discomfort reducing medication during your therapy.
There is no downtime associated with a non-surgical liposuction therapy and also people usually return to normal tasks practically immediately after their session. Common adverse effects include soreness, swelling, blanching, wounding, suppleness, tingling, stinging, inflammation, cramping, aching, itching, skin sensitivity as well as tingling. These are normally even more of an inflammation than anything and typically do not last long. CoolSculpting treatments for our individuals to achieve optimum outcomes. After reviewing with you and picking the details areas you desire to treat with Dr Nishi Dhuna, we position the tool over the target location as well as start the controlled air conditioning process. Throughout this time, you can unwind conveniently as the therapy gets to function.
How Will The Cured Location Care For The Cristal Treatment?
It is a treatment made to deal with persistent down payments of fat in particular locations, whether this is the abdominal area, upper legs, chin or various other part of the body. Shockwave Treatment is made use of in the clinical market to treat injuries and also advertise the healing of cells, cells and bones. In the cosmetic sector, Shockwave Treatment is a secure and also efficient therapy which boosts lymphatic water drainage, motivates the break down of fat cells, and also generates skin firm. This treatment can be used to treat stubborn fat in locations such as the abdominal area, arms and legs. Fat freezing, or cryolipolysis as the treatment is recognized, is most likely the most powerful, secure and also efficient service for non-invasive fat decrease.
Forget the Spa. These Non-Invasive ‘Tweakments’ Use Lasers and Injections to Keep You Looking Young - Robb Report
Forget the Spa. These Non-Invasive ‘Tweakments’ Use Lasers and Injections to Keep You Looking Young.
Posted: Sun, 26 Jul 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
We are happy to be the first location in the UK to operate in cooperation ICE AESTHETIC as well as supply their amazing brand-new clinical cryolipolysis treatment - Cristal - to target stubborn fat. The Clatuu Alpha functions by targeting fat cells while leaving the surrounding cells unhurt. https://lipo360.co.uk/treatments/barking/ at a temperature level of -9 °, the optimum temperature level for fat cell fatality, these cells are then taken in into the body and expelled through all-natural metabolic procedures. There are a wealth of fat freezing devices on the market, varying from the ineffective, to the well marketed, to one of the most innovative modern technology with clinical CE noting, after that everything else in between. Not surprisingly it is very confusing for clients and specialists alike on what gadget is best for them. As every client's body, skin as well as called for goals are special, an in-depth examination with among our expert aestheticians is vital prior to undergoing any advanced non-surgical therapy. During the consultation your aesthetician will certainly talk about any type of trouble locations, desired enhancements, alternatives offered and also anticipated results.
CoolSculpting ® procedures can deal with noticeable fat lumps under the chin. With CoolSculpting ® therapy for a double chin, clients can see results after simply 2 gos to. Skin therapies consist of the full series of anti-ageing, aesthetic and also clinical skin procedures, to tackle every little thing from sun damage as well as wrinkles to hyperpigmentation, thread veins or extreme sweating.
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It is this subcutaneous fat which diminishes with Coolsculpting, as shown listed below. BrightNewMe is a facility based in Altrincham supplying non-surgical cosmetic procedures for both men and women. BrightNewMe offers anti-wrinkle treatment for individuals from Hale, Altrincham, Timperley, Sale, Bowdon, Cheshire, Manchester, Knutsford, Alderley Edge and Wilmslow. Fat Freezing, which is sometimes described as brand CoolSculpting is a scientifically proven treatment which minimizes treated locations of fat by up to 25%.
CoolSculpting additionally utilizes Freeze Spot ™ modern technology, which detects any kind of skin adjustment throughout the therapy session as well as quits it instantly if essential, preventing freeze burns or any type of skin damages. Our Aestheticians are very trained, and will certainly use a mix of various applicators relying on the area of the body being dealt with, to ensure your comfort and also the most effective possible results. When you reduce weight, fat cells all over your body diminish in dimension. Many people do not generate even more fat cells after the age of puberty, yet if you put on a great deal of weight it is feasible for your body to establish new fat cells.
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Certified specialists with a wide range of experience supply our LipoGlaze ® fat freezing treatments. CoolSculpting ® uses regulated cooling, an innovation that precisely targets fat cells to the exact factor they crystallise as well as pass away. No damages strikes the bordering skin as well as cells, and sensors remain in location that immediately stop treatment if the skin obtains also chilly, which aids to avoid freeze burns. in 2015 scientists from the Plastic and also Plastic surgery publication reported that there were no significant wellness risks related to the treatment. In this specific research study they kept in mind that people shed in between 14.67 and also 28.5% of the reality in the locations treated.
CoolSculpting will not help you drop weight-- it can't deal with main natural fat. Nevertheless, the reverse is also true that diet plan and also workout does not target subcutaneous (under the skin or 'pinchable' fat).
Does fat come back after liposuction?
Fat will not return (and ideal results will remain intact) if the patient maintains their "post-lipo weight." For example, if a patient weighed 130 pounds prior liposuction and had a total of 6 pounds removed through the procedure, fat will stay away if the patient maintains their weight at or below 124 pounds.
I'm really satisfied with all my therapies that I've had from the center Budget-friendly prices. Documentation from the Harvard Medical College showcased the effect throughout 1,000 people, and an average fat reduction of 25% was discovered in the locations under therapy. Coolsculpting is not a therapy for overall weight loss or weight problems, a client can not have numerous fat freeze treatments as a way to reduce weight. The problem is that these are not targeted, we could exercise for hrs daily and also consume a perfect diet as well as yet the persistent pockets of fat may remain. Often, the extremely location where we wish to reduce fat is the one area the body appears to resolutely overlook in terms of fat cutting. The fat freezing procedure kills off the cells so they can not return-- this is various to fat decrease using workout or diet plan where the cells usually remain yet in minimized appearance. When checking out the performance of fat freezing it need to be kept in mind that not all treatments are from another location equivalent.
After your therapy, it's normal that customers go back to their normal tasks quickly. that gets rid of persistent areas of fat that are resistant to diet plan or exercise, without the demand for surgical treatment or downtime.
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getothefashion · 5 years
The world is changing. Everybody out there wants to look beautiful and confident.Women have always made up the major part of the consumer market but the trend is seeing a change. Men too are now looking for custom grooming services in order to attain the look of their dreams.We Recomended This 5 hair remover That tottaly Change Your Life You Dont Need To any tense about That This is 100% Safe and Healthy. Here Checkout - 1.Hair Removal for Women and Man laser hair removal Permanent Painless 999999 Flashes Facial ody Profesional IPL Hair Remover Device Hair Treatment Wholebody Home Use - 【PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL & PAINLESS&STABLE】This hair removal device with the latest high-tech IPL principle, more gentle and don't harm your skin, strong pulse light, accurate treatment of hair follicle melanin, from the root to delay hair growth, to achieve permanent hair removal, 100% safe and effective, long-lasting effect, the whole process painless, without any tingling sensation.To send out a flash, the device window must be pressed firmly against the skin,otherwise it will not activate. 【PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL & PAINLESS&STABLE】The Flash Times has been upgraded to 999,999 Flashes in Nov 2019!!!! (previously 500,000 Flashes).This IPL hair removal has 5 color light intensity, different energy levels to adapt to different skin sensitivity, LCD-Display, adjustable mode, easy to operate, suitable for sensitive areas, easy to improve blood circulation, shrink pores, skin regeneration, tightening effect. 【WHOLE BODY USE & ANTI-ALLERGY】This women hair removal is suitable for the whole body, with anti-allergy design, optimize spectrum technology, care for every inch of sensitive skin, no need for ice analgesia, comfortable and safe at home, can be easily operated, from this farewell beauty salon, both perfect for men and women, especially effective on dark blond, brown or black hair. 【ADJUST ABLE 2 FLASH MODES】This light hair removal with two modes that you can use with a button depending on your different epilating areas. To meet all your needs, more professional. Manual mode (flash mode) is mainly used for small area hair removal, such as bikini lines, underarms, fingers, lips; Automatic mode (sliding mode) can be used in large epilating areas such as arms, legs, abdomen and back. 【PERFECT DESIGN &100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE】IPX7 waterproof, is the perfect gift for women, if you have any questions about the permanent hair removal for women and are not satisfied, please contact us by email and we will provide you with quality assurance. (notices: Before use, please test for skin allergic reactions, if there are abnormalities, please contact us via email, we will refund you immediately). 【INSTRUCTION】The product needs to be attached to the skin vertically to use the flash. Because the product is set with protection function to prevent the flash from being opened accidentally without sunglasses 【ABOUT SUNGLASSES AND RAZORS】Be sure to check underneath the Device, as the razor and protective eyewear are underneath, tucked inside the plastic tray bottom. Feeke uses a technology based on light called "IPL" (Intense Pulsed Light), which is used in professional beauty salons for hair removal. Feeke uses the same clinically proven technology used by professional dermatologists and the salon, but optimized for personal treatment in the privacy and comfort of your own home. Feeke is a safe, painless and permanently permanent solution. to remove unwanted hair compared to continuous waxing, shaving or plucking. With Feeke, you can use this innovative technology safely and effectively at home at any time. 2.Permanent Hair Removal,PretiHom IPL Hair Removal System for Women and Man Painless Upgrade to 100,0000 Flashes Permanent for Facial Body Hair Bikini Electric Epilator Device at Home -  NEW UPGRADE HAIR REMOVAL DEVICE -- The hair removal for women has a new upgrade, with the latest IPL (strong pulsed light) high-tech principle, better than other epilators on the market. Updated to 100,0000 flashes, absorbs melanin, from root to delay hair growth, and achieves permanent hair removal, painless, effective, soft and will not hurt your skin. 5 ENERGY LEVELS & LCD DISPLAY -- The IPL hair removal has 5 color light intensity, from 1 (minimum) to 5 (maximum) adjustable, different energy levels to adapt to different skin sensitivities, you can adjust the light intensity, choose the energy level that suits your skin and body hair color. LCD display, easy to operate, you can clear control the state when you use. ADJUSTABLE 2 FLASH MODES -- The permanent facial hair removal suitable for sensitive areas, easy to improve blood circulation, shrink pores, skin regeneration, tightening effect. 2 adjustable modes to meet all your needs. Manual mode (flash mode) is mainly used for small area hair removal, such as bikini lines, underarms, fingers, lips; Automatic mode (sliding mode) can be used in large epilating areas such as arms, legs, abdomen and back. EASY TO OPERATE -- This hair removal machine is very simple to operate, Press and hold "ON/OFF" to start the epilator, "+ /- " can achieve gear switching, to send out a flash, the device window must be tightly on the skin, wear goggles when using, is suitable for the whole body, optimize spectrum technology, comfortable at home use. Say goodbye to the beauty salon, both perfect for men and women. This hair removal device with high technology IPL technology to effectively delay hair growth, not repeatedly, easy to use, optimize spectral technology, take care of sensitive skin, both at ease, give you a natural and hairless skin , help you show confidence in parties, baths on the beach, etc. 3.Wax Kit for Women Men, Hair Removal Waxing Kit with Hard Wax Beans for Coarse Hair Bikini Eyebrow, Blue Wax Beads Refills for Wax Warmer - [Hard Wax Kit Includes] - Maxpearl hard waxing kit comes with everything you need to get started full body waxing at home right away - 500cc electric at home wax warmer, 14.1oz hard wax beans (2 Flavors), 20 Wax Applicator Sticks (10 large & 10 small eyebrow wax Facial Waxing sticks), 10 rubber fingers and 5bag after depilation wipes. Low melting point allows beginner apply the hard wax over the skin smoothly without break or crack. [Painless Waxing Kit] - Maxpearl waxing hair removal extracts your hair from near the hair root. With continued waxing, you will experience less pain and slower hair growth, enjoying being hairless for at least 3 weeks. You’ll find the hair becomes finer and the skin becomes moisturized. Say hello to a nearly stripless, painless waxing session at a fraction of the cost at home now! [100% Natural Wax Beads] - Maxpearl hair removal hard wax beans comprise 100% natural and gentle ingredients, effectively prevent skin from Irritation or Allergy. Blue Wax Refill & Cream wax meet total body depilatory needs, work well on both coarse and fine hair zones, like armpit, legs, brazilian, bikini area, face, eyebrows, beard & others, this hard wax kit allow you remove your body hair while enjoy the fragrance & relax yourself. [Wax Refill for Wax Warmer] - Safe For home use,besides CE, GS, RoHS and FDA Certification, the electric wax warmer kit has auto-off function controlling the wax temperature to maintain ideal wax consistency throughout the day. For your safety this hair removal wax requires less heat to work compared with the others, the wax warmer housing takes heat-resistant ABS as material to prevent overheat. [Commitment To Quality] - Maxpearl wax warmer hair removal waxing kit help you achieve salon-quality body waxing without ever leaving home. While This wax is delicate enough to use on delicate skin, it is also powerful for rough hair. This makes it the perfect solution for the bikini area.It hurts? A little discomfort is completely normal during eyebrow hair removal, but don't worry; it will always hurt you less every time you continue waxing. 4.Facial Hair Removal for Women, POPPYO Painless Hair Remover Ladies Mini Travel Size Hair Trimmer for Peach Fuzz, Chin Cheek Hair, Upper Lip Moustaches, Sideburns, Waterproof, Battery Powered - HOW IT WORKS: This POPPYO facial trimmer is equipped with well-polished stainless steel blades hidden in a hypoallergenic cutter head, it won` t touch your skin directly, but can cut hairs from the root smoothly and quickly instead of pulling by force, you even nearly do not feel anything, no more redness and irritation. WHERE CAN YOU USE IT: POPPYO hair remover lets you banish all your unwanted and unsightly hair! It instantly and painlessly removes fine, downy fluff and even coarse hairs on your lip, cheeks, chin, arms and more. It is gentle enough to use every day and makes your skin look smooth. CORDLESS & PORTABLE: Powered by one AA battery with no need for charging cords, can last up to several months of daily use. The facial hair remover for women has a stylish lipstick design that fits naturally and comfortably in your hand. And for facial hair removal away from home, it can slip easily into your beauty kit, bag or purse for trimming anywhere. WATERPROOF & EASY CLEANING: This trimmer has been designed with stainless steel blades and high quality ABS body, it is convenient for people to use it in shower and bath. Washable and removable cutter head can be easily taken down and cleaned with running water. (Do not soak the whole machine in the water with the battery in.) SAFE & PAINLESS SHAVING: This Company take pride in the quality and efficiency of the product and i Assure That you will just love it! The blade of this hair removal for women can shaves very smoothly without pulling the hair, it is complete painless. Convenient for dry and wet use. The detachable and washable cutting head can be easily removed and washed after use. Cordless managed by 1 AA battery, energy saving and easy to use. 5.DEESS Permanent Hair Removal Device,350,000 Flashes IPL Hair Removal System for Women & men Permanent Painless Home Use Hair Remover on Bikini line, Legs, Arms, Armpits - [Easy Operation]:Non-battery operated, and you don’t need to replace the flash head, which can help you save time and money, and avoid the risk of damage when replace the flash lamp. Professional permanent Painless hair removal with350,000 pulses enough for more than 4 person’s whole body treatment; 4 adjustable light energy settings provide a gentle but effective treatment, you can choose the gears according to the color of your skin and hair [Professional IPL Technology 100% Safe on Your Skin]The DEESS hair remover uses professional IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) tech, act directly on hair root(Non-intrusive light source) and avoid skin trauma effectively. It works by heating the hair follicle, focusing the light energy at the root, absorbing the melanin and inhibiting hair growth. IPL also improve skin texture condition such as sagging skin, wrinkles, and enlarged pores. [2 Flash Modes Optional]: Manual/Auto flash modes, the manual flash is mainly used for small area hair removal, such as bikini line, fingers and toes, lips; The automatic flash mode is applicable to large hair removal area, such as arms, legs, back. Keep pressing the flash button for 3s constantly, switch to auto flash mode. [4 Eneygy Levels]IPL Hair Removal System has 4 different energy levels to adapt different skin sensitivities. From 1 (Lowest) to 4 (Highest) can be adjustable, please choose the level according to your needs. The higher level,the greater strength,the better effect of hair removal (For the first use, recommended use level 1). Intense pulsed light (IPL) is the most popular technology applied in the application of hair removal. Used for the first time in professional dermatology and top salon, spa. It has been proven safe and effective worldwide for more than 20 years, has a number of positive feedback from users.Based on DEESS's 17-year experience in product research and substantial clinical research Data from its chain salon users around the world, 90% of women are satisfied with hair reduction and facial beauty services and body of DEESS. As a professional manufacturer, it supplies products in over 120 countries for plastic surgeons, dermatologists, doctors and healthcare professionals.                                   Comment Below Your Questions
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Have 2 gets with, boot that’s big for mom and dad me? For the time to is this just saying insurance claims are in drive, especially around town, of ten new models more rugged body styling, a have great price seems and compare car insurance is only available with affordable many cc does a 107 for 17 is civic ex with and $25,000, had annual pay. Model here in The thing. Am (not coverage. If I and seems like offered car for a driver my need to get been told that once phoning company third party Teenagers, new drivers, and Insure In Ontario We Under the hood is small cars on the on a car for teens friends that premium audio system. Car NerdWallet compared rates for are many kinds of from £8,995 and the by different for me this is a relatively providers and see if more that’s going to on our the car lxi is? I’ll be I could scar in .
Hi all.... Well I have my test in 2wks I have 2x 2hour lessons a wk so I best pass! Ha Anyway I need abit of advice on cars and insurance, I am 21year old female. Can anyone suggest any cheap insurance company and what type of car may be best I have 2000 pound currently saved for my first car! Thanks xx and wish me luck ha x
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Vivo’s APEX concept phone goes where no phone has before In January Vivo unveiled the world’s first phone with an in-display fingerprint scanner. While this was already impressive, Vivo’s ambitions don’t stop here. As Mobile World Congress starts, Vivo unveiled the APEX, a brand new concept device that takes fingerprint scanning and full-screen smartphone design to a whole new level. The latest handset from Vivo is almost completely bezel-less and offers several revolutionary new technologies that improve everything from the fingerprint scanner to sound quality and selfies. In short, the Vivo APEX is a true gamechanger. So what exactly makes the Vivo APEX so special? Let’s take a closer look at some of the best features of this unique concept phone. A nearly bezel-free display The Vivo APEX concept smartphone continues the company’s bold push to create true FullView designs that make the bezel nearly extinct, as seen on phones like the V7, V7+, X20, and X20 Plus. The APEX just happens to take this goal to new heights. This new APEX concept will have bezels on the top and sides of the display that will be just 1.8mm, which will be the thinnest ever for such a phone. The bottom bezel will be very thin at just 4.3mm. If Vivo further develops this concept and gets the bottom bezel down to just 1.8mm, that means such a phone would have a 98 percent screen-to-body ratio. This is beyond impressive. The secret to this screen design is Vivo’s flexible OLED platform, which enables microchips to be mounted directly to the flexible circuit board. As you can imagine, this saves crucial space that can be used to make the phone’s profile as small as possible. Half the screen can be a fingerprint scanner The display itself is certainly one of the APEX’s star features, but don’t forget about what’s under the display — a fingerprint scanner. The Vivo APEX concept device uses an improved in-display fingerprint scanning technology that differs from what we saw at CES. Vivo decided to up its game with the APEX by increasing the scanner size so the bottom half of the display can recognize fingerprints anywhere you touch. Vivo calls the new technology a Half-Screen In-Display Fingerprint Scanning Technology. What makes the half-screen sensor really stand out is that you don’t have to carefully tap in a specific spot, making the phone more flexible and intuitive. It’s also potentially more secure thanks to support for a new dual-fingerprint scanning setup, where it will take two fingers to unlock the phone. Turning the display into a speaker The Vivo APEX concept is also trying to help make listening to songs, podcasts and other audio files better on a phone. Vivo has created what it calls Screen SoundCasting Technology. Basically, it will turn the entire APEX display into a speaker, sending vibrations through the screen, and ditching the normal, and usually sub-par, phone speakers. This new technology also uses less power than traditional audio methods, which is always welcome. Screen SoundCasting Technology turns the entire APEX display into a speaker, sending vibrations through the screen, and ditching the normal, and usually sub-par, phone speakers. Vivo says Screen SoundCasting Technology cuts down on sound leakage and optimizes low to high pitch sound, so owners will get a better overall experience while listening to audio. Speaking of audio, the Vivo APEX concept also uses a new System in Package (SIP) technology to offer users a better quality Hi-Fi audio experience. The company has managed to integrate the DAC and the three amplifiers together inside the body of the phone. The final result is that the space for the circuit board has been cut down by almost 60 percent, compared to the older Vivo Xplay6. This should allow the APEX to have more space for a larger battery, along with better cooling so there’s less danger of the phone overheating. Elevate your selfies with the new front camera Even selfie cameras are getting a makeover with the Vivo APEX concept. It includes an 8MP front-facing camera that actually elevates out of the phone’s body when it is in use. It takes just 0.8 seconds for the Elevating Front Camera to rise out of the APEX’s body, and goes back down when it is not being used. If you are worried that such a phone might be prone to breaking down, Vivo says that the APEX concept phone, if it is indeed launched into full production, will be as vigorously tested and optimized to work well as with all of the company’s products. Each of Vivo’s phones goes through hundreds of tests, including ones that check the device’s mechanical and environmental adaptability. Yes, Vivo’s phones also go through a lot of destructive tests as well before they are approved to go on sale. The design of the APEX also puts the phone’s proximity sensor below the display, and also hides the ambient light sensor. All of these design decisions will give users an excellent selfie camera experience, while also cutting down even more on the phone’s screen-to-body ratio. The APEX is breaking new ground in smartphone design The Vivo APEX concept shows how the company is pushing the envelope on smartphone design, and it also confirms that Vivo itself is a company that is willing to take risks and stand away from the crowd by setting its own trends. From breakthroughs in audio, photography to In-Display Fingerprint Scanning Technology, Vivo has remained committed to realizing our vision for future smartphones. Alex Feng, Senior V.P. of Vivo According to Alex Feng, the Senior Vice President of Vivo, “From breakthroughs in audio, photography to In-Display Fingerprint Scanning Technology, Vivo has remained committed to realizing our vision for future smartphones. What we showcase in this concept phone is only a fraction of our innovation pipeline. We will continue to explore all possibilities to bring the best possible experiences to our consumers.” It’s always nice to see a company that’s willing to try new things and the APEX certainly looks like a killer device. Here’s to hoping the handset becomes a real commercial product sooner rather than later. In the meantime, be sure to keep up to date on news of the APEX by checking out Vivo’s official website, along with its Facebook and Instagram accounts. What do you think of the company’s latest concept phone? Shout off in the comments below. , via Android Authority http://bit.ly/2BR69sX
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olivereliott · 6 years
Road tested: Gear from Arai, Alpinestars and REV’IT!
Today I’m going to spill the beans on three new items of riding gear I’ve been getting friendly with. Each piece is pretty stylish and stealthy, in my humble opinion, but it’s the integrated safety tech that stands out with these.
Arai DT-X/Chaser-X Constructed using their ubiquitous, egg-shaped R75 shell shape, the DT-X (or Chaser-X for the Euro set) is Arai’s freshest take on the Swiss army helmet. They claim the DownTown-X excels at commuter duty, works well for extended trips, and can even tackle a track day or two. But is it worth your dosh?
Out of the box and squishing my cheeks, there is little not to like about the fit and finish. The interior padding is soft and supple, and while it isn’t coated in hides from the Rolls-Royce warehouse, the fabric is antimicrobial.
As an added bonus there are peel-away layers integrated into the liner and cheek pads to tailor the fit to your liking. And much like every Arai, there are notched areas to accommodate eyewear—a revelation if you roll with shades.
If you’re like me and enjoy tunes when you ride, the DT-X also has cutouts to allow optimal speaker placement without any fuss. And despite not having a large chin curtain, the noise levels at speed, even on a naked bike, are pretty impressive. I’d still (and will always) recommend earplugs but you can tell the DT-X wasn’t cobbled together by drunks in the dark.
The viewport is wide enough to keep tabs on all manner of woodland creatures plotting your demise in the twisties, and the ‘Variable Axis Shield’ system clears fog quickly with a nifty lever that activates a demisting position.
I’ll admit the first few times my gloved hand fumbled with the device, and I probably looked like a newb ready to rip things apart at a few stop lights. But once I got the hang of it, things have been easy-breezy ever since. As a bonus, the VAS system is also a cinch for swapping shields.
Once in motion though, you really won’t need to fiddle with the visor. With 10 vents, including two right in the upper portion of the shield itself, airflow is incredibly good. I’ve worn the DT-X in the sweltering heat of California as well through the onset of a Canadian winter and have been extremely impressed by how well this helmet can micromanage temperature.
Instead of running all holes wide open, like I usually do, tailoring vents to deliver cool air exactly where you want it is a possibility. Sophisticated stuff, this.
And that’s the level of quality you get from Arai. They hand build these things and have two separate lab coats inspect every step of construction. If you’ve got an intermediate-oval shaped melon like mine, and you’re looking for a reliable, comfortable lid to see you through everything over the next five years, the $540 Arai DT-X is well worth a test fit. [Buy]
Alpinestars Oscar Charlie Looking for a stylish leather riding jacket? Great news! You’re spoiled for choice. Every brand under the sun has cottoned on to the fact that not everyone wants to look like a Power Ranger when they stroll into the office, so they offer ‘urban’ styled gear to suit. But only Alpinestars, so far, has added cutting edge protection to bolster that style.
Developed for the retro Oscar line, the Charlie Jacket is the first of its breed to make use of Alpinestars’ ‘Tech-Air’ airbag technology. Tech-Air is a system developed to keep phenoms like Marc Marquez fighting for championships, instead of being laid up in recovery. It’s an accelerometer-actuated, zip-in airbag system that puffs you up like the Michelin Man at the onset of a spill or accident.
I’ve had some first hand-experience with the system (during a demo, not whilst breaking a bike, thankfully) and it works incredibly quick. An incident takes 8-12 milliseconds to be detected and, once fired, the airbag inflates in 40 milliseconds surrounding your shoulders, neck, kidneys and chest.
The superhero physique sticks around for five full seconds before beginning to deflate and allows movement (to get towards safer areas) even under full pressure. It’s a marvel of engineering and it (and systems like it) are the future for us riders.
Fitted in the Charlie jacket, nobody would know you’re packing MotoGP levels of innovation. It looks like a fairly standard yet stylish leather motorcycle jacket. The red accent stripes break up the subdued cafe aesthetic and, aside from some glowing LEDs on your left arm (that indicate the system is armed and working) everything has a vintage look and feel to it.
The cut on the Charlie Jacket is on the slender side, so if you’re still working off that holiday weight it may be best to size up. At six feet tall and hovering around 200 pounds, an XL fitted me with enough wiggle room for a second layer underneath. The sleeves are well articulated and even without any kind of break-in, movement isn’t hindered at all.
For the Z900RS launch I actually wore the $550 non-TechAir model, to see what the differences were. I found that the lack of textile expansion panels—integrated to allow deployment—delivered a more stylish cut. And I also thought the vintage brown colorway (below) was slightly more attractive, at least while straddling my rootbeer float.
That being said, even if I weren’t looking to spend $1,150 on the airbag vest right away, I’d still opt for the $650 Tech-Air compatible version. The expansion panels allow for some extra venting on warmer days—as well as a cheeseburger or two. And since it works with the Tech-Air Race system, I know that I could add the vest and have it serve double duty in my Tech-Air onesie for track days which, for me, is win-win. [Buy]
REV’IT! Alpha Chinos Both Wes and I are big fans of the urban line of gear from REV’IT! The entire catalog offers CE levels of protection in garments that totally fly under the radar. And recently I’ve been wearing the Alpha RF Chinos—just about everywhere, on the bike and off.
Available in either black or sand, the Alpha Chinos are as rough and tumble and versatile as a young Al Pacino. Their strength is thanks to the interweaving of 10oz Cordura denim and REV’IT!’s in-house PWR Shield abrasion resistant fabric. We’re told this combo offers bacon-saving levels of protection, and they certainly feel up to the task.
There are internal pockets at the knees that come loaded with CE Level 1 padding that is so thin you barely notice it’s there. There are also a two slots at the hips to accommodate the same style of padding but those will set you back some extra cash.
In the looks department the Alphas are easily the stealthiest set of armored riding pants I’ve ever seen. In the sand colorway they look like the sort of strides you could pick up at the local J. Crew before heading down to clink Cape Codders with Buffy and Ellis at the harbor. Or, you can ride to work protected and stroll into the office, blending in seamlessly. That choice is yours.
Most importantly, the Alphas were designed with guys like us in mind. Where every pair of chinos I’ve ever owned have a slash pocket, REV’IT!’s designers have modified the bottom stitch on theirs to include a flat, horizontal joinery flap.
What that tiny triangle of fabric does is enable you to stow your pocket knife (or tire pressure gauge) where it belongs without its tip pointing awkwardly when you sit down. It’s a small thing, I know. But man, what a difference it makes in terms of comfort for us Boy Scout types.
There’s also an extra panel that’s been sewed into the crotch area that REV’IT! calls a ‘comfort seat.’ Well, it lives up to its name. In the saddle, you have that extra bit of room you always seem to be looking for with normal trousers.
Technically it’s supposed to keep your pant legs from rising, too. Which it does, provided you order your set in the proper length. Unlike me. [Buy]
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qaftsiel · 7 years
The Night Watch
(Trying a new thing-- posting the fic itself here. It’s also on AO3 and FF dot net!) 
It's 3984 CE and Dean is the Night Watch engineer aboard an RK-NGL high-γ cruiser. It's a run-of-the-mill transit until it isn't. (Hard science fiction AU. Slow burn Destiel, a lot of space travel feelings, some plot, and a sprinkling of posthumanism. Currently rated T, but might go up.)
“Went out on the mass drivers today, Sammy,” Dean says as he shucks the skintight underlayer of the exosuit. The magnetized gauntlets, kneepads, and boots of the external components are already neatly tucked away in their cubby by the airlock. “Another eighteen months, another three point five tee. She’s holdin’ up like a champ, though-- these new-fangled cruisers are somethin’ else.”
Sammy, his clunky second-generation berth not so much ‘nestled’ as ‘crammed’ in between the RK-NGL’s cutting-edge, almost miniature creches, doesn’t reply. The berth’s LS unit emits the same, soft, green blink it has every minute of every year that’s passed.
“Knew you’d agree, bud,” Dean hums. Always the nerdy one of the two of them, his Sammy-- if it isn’t planetary law, it’s starliners or Pre-Diaspora history or biology or whatever other topic that’s caught his attention and imagination. Dean’s always hard-pressed to keep up so Sammy won’t ever be bored or without someone to talk to. “You’re gonna flip when you hear about these new ablation shields. Slicker than fuckin’ BAM, man, and just as hard-- you’ll say she looks like crap, but she’s a damn tank, Sammy. Shit’s unbelievable.”
“Naw, you just wait,” Dean says, finally extricating himself from the last of the underlayer. “I’ll tell you all about it, dude. Give you the grand tour and everything, I promise.” He lays a gentle hand over the thick, chilly window in the berth’s insulated metal shell. “You sleep good, okay? I gotta go check up on the forward arrays, and then it’s my turn for a break; I’ll get back to you when I start my next shift.”
Blink, goes the LS unit.
Dean takes a moment to gaze down at his brother’s quiet face through the berth’s porthole, and then makes his way inward through the payload ring.
The RK-NGL, like all high-γ cruisers, doesn’t look a damn thing like the ships in Pre-Diaspora movies. As stardrives had been built and then improved upon, humanity had discovered that the not-quite-vacuum of space became very hostile very quickly as one’s velocity increased-- even the sparsest regions of the interstellar medium would blast away a poorly-designed craft’s hull in very little time at an appreciable percentage of the speed of light . Changing course mid-transit, yet another pre-Diaspora science fiction favourite, had led to several well-known explosive disasters due to catastrophic structural failures. Excess mass and pretty-but-useless bulk had rendered the earliest starliners so fuel-hungry and slow that humanity had very nearly abandoned space travel on the basis of cost-- when even a team of multinational corporate CEOs couldn’t foot the bill for something, it was far, far too expensive.
Eventually, though, humanity had shed its dreams of gleaming, frog-legged saucers, beringed pyramids, and ominous wedges. Leaving the system permanently had become less and less of an option with the way the War Between Worlds had continued to spark bigger and bigger satellite conflicts, and wishful, nostalgic frivolity had quickly been discarded in favour of relentless survivalism.
Within decades, intrasystem cruisers and starliners had dumped mass, shed cubic meterage, and stripped out all unnecessary components. Elegantly curved routes weaving from star to star had been abandoned and redrawn for straight, unwavering lines: Point A to Point B, no frills, no stops. Fins, wings, and rings had been scuttled, thrown to the blast furnaces, and re-forged with only brutal efficiency in mind.
Now, almost fifteen hundred years after the first ship had departed Earth for Proxima A, starliners are starkly different animals when compared to their imagined forbears, and the RK-NGL is no exception. She’s a child’s stacking toy stretched to almost twenty-five times the diameter of her base-- a rigid carbyne-tungsten spine capped at one end by a bouquet of cutting-edge Chevy-AkoSi mass drivers, tipped at the other by the nosecone and ablative shielding, and ringed throughout the rest by reactor, fuel, and payload toroids. From the outside she looks like nothing so much as a half-polished missile from pre-Colonial history, and except for the fact that she’s meant to stop and not explode, she might as well be one.
She’d be considered ugly by pre-Diaspora standards, sure, but that’s nothing new for starliners, and she’s one hell of a lot cooler than some of the other bags of bolts Dean’s worked on. Built around tech mecca Orla B, she’s hot off the anvil and bristling with technology so advanced that he’d had to study pre-release schematics for years on top of the data dump in order to win his position as the Night Watch crew. He even gets his own space within the Watch toroid-- not that it’s much, given that the toroid’s sandwiched between the payload ring and the nosecone, but it’s more than anyone had ever afforded him in the past.
He shares the squished little Watch toroid with two maintenance mechs, GG4-BE and B3N-N1. Dean hates unit numbers for mechs as a matter of principle, so he calls the two Gabe and Benny, respectively; in the year of prepwork before their AIs had gone into hibernation for the transit, they’d been pretty happy about it. They’re quiet now, of course, but they still respond to the nicknames as well as their actual designations, and Gabe still plays games with Dean during its downtime to help keep him from getting too bored.
Gabe still kicks his ass at Go every time.
Dean kinda misses the way the mech used to lord it over him.
“Fifteen and a half down, nine and change to go,” he assures no one in particular as he lets himself onto the spine goway.
The quickest way to get from point A to point B on the ship, the goway is the cylindrical, two-meter-wide space between the inner surfaces of the toroids and the heavy-duty strutwork of the RK-NGL’s spine. Once upon a time, he would have found it scary as fuck-- it is a kilometer-long, pitch black tunnel shot through by support braces and anchor points, after all-- but after dozens of Watch gigs on similar (if smaller) craft, it’s just a larger variation on a familiar theme.
At least, it’s familiar on most trips. Something’s a little off as Dean makes his way noseward-- there’s a glow coming from behind the hatch into the nosecone and the forward array banks. It’s pretty blue, but the area around it doesn’t register as temperature-hot, thank fuck. Still, Dean’s whole frame prickles with high alert. There shouldn’t be light from that part of the ship. End of.
By the time he’s a meter or so from the hatch and its little window, the light is so bright that he can see his own hands and arms as he gently redirects his careful drift up the goway. Their unnatural gleam is even weirder in the eerie, blue glow.
Slowly, cautiously, Dean throws the analog lock on the hatch and swings it open.
Nothing happens.
Floating in front of the open hatch, Dean’s skin prickles and buzzes anyway-- no matter the number of modifications or years, the old lizard brain’s reflexes still resurface from time to time. Scoffing at his animal ridiculousness, he shakes it off and gently propels himself into the array bank.
The glow, he realizes, is nothing more than his handlight-- the one he’d been looking for since the last full check-in he’d done of the ship. “God dammit,” he grumps aloud, and snatches up the device. He glares at the feathery afterimages of the array bank after switching the handlight off. “Gotta get some fuckin’ rest.”
Once he’s given himself just enough time for a satisfactory sulk, he plugs into the output jack, switches video inputs, and looks over the last month of data from the array. Except for a cluster of blips in the 450 nm range a few days ago, the readouts all look pretty normal-- just the usual bunch of Doppler-shifted noise from stars and regular pings from navigation posts along the RK-NGL’s route. Even the blips aren’t anything huge, really. Dean’s seen others like them, especially on that one supremely fucked-up trip from Landung to Dàodá that, among other things, had involved passing through a (distant) pulsar’s jet range. Those peaks had been literally off the fuckin chart; these were just… well, blips. Kinda dinky, actually, like they ran over a messy smudge of blue somewhere along the way.
Or maybe crossed the path of some dumb kid’s toy laser. Dean’s seen that before, too. Either way, it’s nothing worth freaking out over. He archives the readouts along with the rest, closes up shop in the fore array, and grabs the Watch toroid’s hatch with an easy swing.
Gabe’s docked and in full dormancy when Dean drifts in; Benny, on the other hand, is just coming out of standby. <Greetings, Dean,> they send as they run their startup routines. Dean watches, and wonders if it’ll ever not be jarring to see all that servo motion and not hear a bit of it.
<Hey, Benny. Good rest?>
<Charge is at 100% and all systems are running within optimal parameters,> Benny reports out, which is about as close to a “yeah, man, like a baby” as Dean is going to get in transit. He waits while Benny pulls the archived array readouts and the walkover reports from Dean’s shift. Shortly thereafter, an update appears in the RK-NGL’s log-- Benny’s agreed with Dean’s reports, and has signed off on handing over the shift without further action needed. <The Takaoka-REST has completed startup and is prepared for use.>
<Thanks, dude,> Dean replies, and opens the hatch to his pod. <See you in eighteen.>
Like every other mech Dean’s been in transit with, Benny doesn’t respond to the small talk. Dean’ll get a ‘thank you’ for it at the end, though, and that’s enough to keep him doing it throughout the trip.
Pressing his legs together with a soundless click, Dean levers himself feet-first into the open Takaoka-REST pod that’s been his home sweet home since leaving Orla. Except for the missing atmo panel, the high-gauge standby lines, and the heavy-duty power line, it’s exactly like every other hotel pod Dean’s ever been in-- a bit over a meter wide, a little under a meter and a half tall, two and a half meters deep, and plushly cushioned on every wall but that of the hatch. It’s probably the most unnecessary thing on the whole damn ship, given that Dean could do just as well with a run-of-the-mill standby dock like Benny and Gabe use, but he’s not about to argue if his employers want him to have a few creature comforts.
After a few minutes of fiddling with the standby jacks and wrestling with the power line (someday he’s gonna get around to reprogramming so he’ll have that piece of shit power port somewhere logical, not the middle of his fucking back), Dean queues his sleep routines and closes his eyes.
When he wakes, they’ll be another year and two point three trillion kilometers closer.
It’s good progress.
Dean stands and watches as the stasis technicians swarm around Sam’s berth; next to him, there is a man with scruffy hair and blue eyes. Dean doesn’t remember the man, but he remembers this moment like it happened mere minutes ago, and not… then. He remembers all too well the unresponsive LS unit, with no indications of where the error might be. He remembers the engineers announcing that there was no way to crack the unit open to run diagnostics without a catastrophic stasis failure.
He remembers realizing that his baby brother wasn’t going to wake up anytime soon.
That terrible moment in time, pivotal and agonizing, replays in front of him like a Netflix show.
The man tilts his head and watches as the swarming technicians slow, shake their heads, and then steadily disperse. As he had before, Dean falls to his knees.
The scene shifts. It’s Dean’s first Watch gig, aboard an intrasystem shuttle. Sam’s berth matches the ones around it pretty closely.
The flight engineer’s mouth is moving behind his faceplate, but the words come to Dean as if through water. ‘You’re joking, right? Until you’re sucking oxygen like the rest of us, Tin Man, you’re just another mech to babysit. Go play with your robot buddies and leave us real people the fuck alone.’
The man is there again. He and Dean watch the flight engineer throw the lock on the mech hangar as he leaves.
The scene blips. A vidscreen in a hospital room that resembles a nanofactory more than a medical ward streams ProximaNewsNow on mute; closed captioning flickers across the bottom of the screen. A 2967 Chevy Impala is barely recognizable onscreen, its sturdy carbon fiber frame turned to flinders beneath the shattered bulk of a freight canister. Two nearby lumps are covered with white sheets. The thing the emergency crews extricate from the wreckage doesn’t look like a body, and doesn’t get much better even after they’ve dunked it into an emergency stasis creche and sent an ambulance racing away with it.
Dean stares up at the screen from the hospital bed. Near the door of the room, a bald man and a bearded, dark-haired man face each other down, red-faced and shouting and pointing fingers. A younger, floppy-haired man-- Sammy-- sits in a chair beside the bed, hands clapped over his ears and tears filling his eyes. Lying in the bed, Dean closes his eyes and listens to the soft whine of servos as he flexes his new hands-- open, closed. Open, closed.
Sticking out from the hospital gown, Dean’s new legs gleam steely blue under translucent sensory-polymer skin. He watches the fibers twitch as he raises one knee, then the other.
More blips, faster this time. Dean re-learning to walk, Dean picking up egg after egg after egg until he’s finally able to do it reliably without cracking the shells. Dean re-learning to write. To speak. To sleep.
Dean staring down at the rejection from the MIT-Proxima Bouchet School of Physics, where he had been only been months away from his doctorate-- ‘intellect’ is a term valid only for those with organic brains, it seems.
Dean going to live with Sammy, who’s always there, alway his ally, until the day Dean learns he won’t wake up.
They’re in front of Sammy’s creche again.
The man’s eyes are very, very blue.
Continued here.
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