#everyone ignored it last week and he kept ut so just keep doing what your doing
elitehoe · 2 months
You know ignoring Matt's beard might actually work, keep up the work babes don't give him your attention!!
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katherinemallory · 3 years
#5 Everyone’s got their own soft spot
Things have got quite complicated... If you want to know how, check it here: #1 #2 #3 #4
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I kept shouting his name, but he ignored me. His silver Aston Martin DB10 has quickly disappeared. Great, I thought. I am soaking wet... And Bond seems to know my deepest, darkest secret. This is even worse than being out of active service.
I went up the stairs to my apartment. It turned out that I had difficulties with putting the key into the keyhole as my hands were shaking. I didn't know what I wanted to do, I didn't know anything, I was so overwhelmed. I just dreamed of taking a *really* long bath. A bath so long that it would take a week, and no one could disturb me... But before I took my wet clothes off, I searched my bag, looking for my phone. I checked on Amanda.
“Hello, this is Amanda Clarke speaking.”
It was the first time I've heard her real surname.
“Amanda, it's me, Katherine,” I uttered, feeling that my body was still shaking. Somehow I managed to keep my voice sweet. “It's good to hear you... Is everything alright? You didn't want to talk to me earlier.”
For a while there was no response.
“Yeah... I'm sorry, Kath,” she said like a person who doesn't have any hope left. “I'm really sorry I ruined everything.”
It was simply painful to hear that defeated tone.
“Hey, Amanda, you did ruin nothing. I asked how do *you* feel?”
There was a long moment of silence again.
“Honestly... I don't know anymore,” said Amanda, and then began to cry. “It was a-all my fault! I-I ruin-ned our mission and n-n-now... the whole se-e-ection is endange-e-red... it's-s... a nightmare,” she sobbed. “E-even M didn't spe-eak to me f-f-for long... H-he wa-anted me ou-ut of the-e office as soon a-as we e-e-entered...”
“Listen, it's not that,” I replied. “Surely he was angry, but believe me, not as angry as he could have been... I assume he just didn't expect us to get in trouble,” I kept wandering around my apartment, talking to Amanda as if I wanted to convince both her and myself that nothing serious has happened. “M will get over it soon. He knows the nature of our job. Just give him time,” I added in a single breath.
“T-t-thanks, Kath... it m-mea-ans a lot... and how-w are-e you...?”
I stopped in front of a mirror that was hanging on the wall next to my bedroom’s door. Hair: wet. Clothes: wet. Mood: would punch anyone who'd be standing near.
“Fine,” I sighed, “apart from the fact I just had an argument with Bond.”
“Wh-hat happene-ed??”
As soon as I realized what I've just confessed, I regretted it. From now on I had to be more cautious. No one could know the truth... or perhaps one person could, but definitely not one of the double-0s. And apart from that, Amanda’s got bigger problems on her mind than some pathetic life stories.
“Nevermind... You wouldn't believe me anyway... just some spy stuff.”
I took a long bath as I had planned, then changed into my pyjamas and went to bed. I felt like doing absolutely nothing, but there was one thing I couldn't take off my mind.
Despite being pretty angry at him, I tried to call Bond three times. And guess what, every single time my call went to voicemail. I quickly gave up and sent him a message instead:
James, I know you're upset, but we have to talk. I hope you’ll meet me when you're back... please take care of yourself.
I looked at my phone once again (just to make sure that I have sent the message), and felt that my eyelids began to close...
I woke up early the next day, even though I did not set the alarm clock. Perfect, I thought just after I have woken up, I don’t have to hurry. It’s going to be a long day and I have plenty of time to prepare myself for it.
I looked at my phone to check if Bond has answered me. As there were still no new messages, I had only one option left: the smart-blood programme.
Hi Q, it’s Kath. Has James landed in Maldives already?
There was a response within a minute.
Hello Kath. I’m sorry, but I promised James that I’d not tell anyone except M. Hope you’ll have a good day.
I glanced over the message a couple of times in disbelief. Mr. Bond pretends not to care anymore... Bastard, I said to myself as I went to the bathroom.
The fact I got suspended from any field operations, didn't necessarily mean that I didn’t have to show up at the MI6 Headquarters - there was plenty of paper work, waiting there for me and Amanda... M didn’t give us any days off (unlike he did with other double-0s), and it felt like a punishment... A punishment we deserved without a doubt.
I wanted to look elegantly that day. Not only because I needed to improve my mood after recent events, but also because of my meeting with Eve. I always liked to dress-up for the meetings with my friends. I was really looking forward to our dinner, as I missed her dearly when I was in Switzerland. And, what is more, it was her whom I wanted to tell everything about my disagreement with Bond.
There was this gossip spreading in the double-0 section that Eve was head over heels in love with Bond, but I didn’t quite believe it. When we all met on my first day after promotion, I got an impression that from the whole double-0 section it was Bond himself who was most convinced of the rumours' genuineness. He assumed that Moneypenny had a huge crush on him, but Eve didn’t seem too worried about Bond taking me on a date. She didn’t try to interrupt him when he was talking to me, and, what is more, she didn’t even seem interested in our conversation. Maybe Eve was a good actress after all, but my instincts told me something weird was going on there.
I have chosen one of my least favourite suits - a bottle green one (I was never a big fan of that colour, but I guess I’ve changed my mind a bit after realizing *someone’s eyes* were green...) - and a white shirt. Simple, but not too classic. Ideal to make a statement, I thought as I took the last sip of my morning cup of Earl Grey.
Both me and Amanda were quite busy with all the paper work we had to do that morning, but we didn't complain. We obediently accepted the "punishment", even though it took its toll... After a few hours of intense work, I decided to take Eve for lunch as I had promised her the day before.
I went through the long corridor on the last floor that led to M’s office. It was a lovely, sunny morning and the walls were *radiant* because of the sunshine that was coming through the windows. Even the colour of the door at the end of the corridor appeared to be a bit more brighter that day.
When I came in, M was standing next to Moneypenny’s desk. He was holding a few pieces of paper, probably some important documents, and it looked like he was telling her a story. M stopped talking, and they both looked in my direction. Eve was a bit astonished, but Mallory smiled at me mildly, almost imperceptibly.
“Good morning, sir,” I said, feeling both uncomfortable and excited to have met Mallory unexpectedly. “Hi, Eve.”
“Morning, 002,” replied Mallory. “Did you come here to see me or Miss Moneypenny?”
His voice sounded warm and gentlemanly. I could tell he was in a good mood.
“I came to see Eve, sir. Forgive me, if I’m intruding, I can come back later...”
“No, it’s fine. Miss Moneypenny can take some time off,” he looked at her, and then at his watch. “It’s time for lunch after all.”
“Thank you, sir,” said Eve, then stood up and walked around her desk. "Hi, Katherine," she added, touching my right arm.
M gave us a glance and put his hand on the doorknob. He was just about to go inside his office.
“Oh, sir,” I said shyly, but loud enough for him to notice. “I actually wanted to ask you something...”
“Yes, 002?” he responded as he turned his head towards me.
Damn, today he’s more hot than ever, I thought. He was wearing a very dark (definitely not black) suit, and one of his blue shirts, but I couldn’t take my eyes off his hair. It looked a little different than usual as Mallory was standing in front of the room's window. The sunlight highlighted his receding hairline and made me focus on the colour of his hair. His magnetic green eyes were observing my face, while he was waiting to hear my question. It was a wonderful moment. I wanted it to last forever.
“Katherine, I’ll wait for you outside,” announced Eve and left us alone.
I followed her with my eyes and then looked directly at Mallory. So hot... if only I could... Damn, Kath! Stop it. Don’t forget that he is your supervisor. And you’ve got a question to ask.
“Sir... has 007 reported to you already? Has he landed in Maldives safely?”
Mallory raised his right eyebrow. The questions surprised him.
“No,” he said calmly, “not yet, but I’m sure he’ll do that soon.”
He glanced at me suspiciously.
“Are you really *that* worried about him?” he asked in his most kind manner, putting the documents on Eve’s desk. Then he leaned against the wall next to the door to his office.
“No, sir,” I lied. “But we had an argument yesterday and I wanted to make sure he’s alright.”
“And do you think I know if Bond’s alright better than the man himself? Try to contact him.”
“I tried many times, sir,” I blurted, “but he ignores me... it seems like he has disappeared...”
Mallory was still very polite, but acted indifferent.
“It’s the fate of glass to break... well maybe it’s the fate of spies to just disappear,” he said slowly.
“Perhaps, sir, but he was really furious...”
At first, Mallory seemed like he really tried to understand my point of view. But I was dead sure he wouldn’t agree with me. He looked through the window and sighed while I was still explaining my concerns. The light hit Mallory’s eyes. He interrupted me, sounding semi-friendly.
“002, please behave like a professional,” Mallory instructed me in his deep, dry voice, as he picked up the documents from the table. “Private business between you and Bond is not a concern of mine. Save your energy for your main objective for today. There's plenty of paper work to deal with.”
Harsh. He went from being understanding to uncompromising very quickly. I looked down and blushed.
"I promise we’ll get the work done, sir.”
I noticed him smile as I lifted up my face to meet his eyes.
“Bond will be fine. Don’t worry,” said Mallory dryly. “Is that all...?”
“Yes, sir. Thank you.”
“See you later then, 002. And please remember your lunch with Miss Moneypenny shouldn’t take longer than half an hour.”
I agreed to meet Eve outside the MI6 Headquarters, so I took the elevator and went the way down. I couldn’t stop to think about Mallory... I’ve been analyzing the way he spoke to me just a few minutes ago. He sent me a lot of mixed signals. At first he was so understanding, and then he just *had* to remind me of my professionalism... Clearly he wasn’t satisfied with some private stuff going on between me and Bond. And I don't blame M - I can’t imagine myself as the Head of MI6 who has to deal with some conflict, or worse - romance, between my two double-0s...
I went outside and saw Eve, who was wearing a checkered coat and looking more adorable than ever.
“I’m sorry, Eve, I just *had* to talk to M for a while,” I said, being ashamed of myself that I made her wait for me.
“Please, don’t apologize, Kath,” she replied as she took my arm. “Now I’ve got you all for myself. Let’s go!”
“Now we look like a proper couple!” I said, as I turned my head to her and we burst into laughter.
We didn’t have unlimited time for our dinner, so we stopped at an Italian restaurant just around the corner. We could have eaten together in one of the cafes in the MI6 building, but we didn’t want to. It was safer to go somewhere more private. Obviously, leaving the SIS building couldn’t guarantee not being eavesdropped by one of your colleagues, but without a doubt it reduced the probability.
“So, Eve, how are you?” I asked, just after we both ordered our meals. “How was the life in the MI6 recently? Tell me everything.”
“Oh, it was nothing special. All the fun has gone together with you!” Eve giggled. “I had a lot of paper work to do, as usual, because nearly the whole double-0 section was away... and Bond kept coming to me and repeatedly asked about your reports to M...” she rested her left hand on the table and placed her head on the hand. “Of course I didn’t inform him of anything. He was convinced that I was aware of the content of the reports, but it’s not true. All the reports always go directly to M. And M forbids me from reading them. I'm sure Bond knows that as a double-0...”
She paused for a moment when the waiter came to our table with her glass of still water.
“And M... he has been quite nervous since you and Amanda left for Geneva...”
She gave me a glance and took a sip from her glass.
“... I don't know why, but he has been kind of irritated all the time,” she continued, looking directly at me. “And it all culminated when the Chief of the Swiss intelligence informed him of the planned kidnapping. It seemed like he was very concerned about that mission. He reacted immediately..."
“Yeah, I noticed his immediate reaction," I laughed, looking at the table. "You probably shouldn’t be telling me that.”
“Yeah, I shouldn’t,” added Eve. “But when you work with him every day...” she hesitated, “... you get a bit tired. It's not because of him, but rather all the stuff that is always going on... It can be really stressful sometimes, and after a few intense weeks in a row you feel exhausted... I have *no idea* how M is still capable of leading this whole organization... those emotions can drive you *crazy* if you let them... at the end of the day you have to vent to someone.”
"I get it," I replied, scratching my right hand. "You can vent to me whenever you feel like venting. I wouldn't want you to go crazy."
"Thanks, Kath. It feels good to know someone cares for your own sanity.”
The waiter came again, this time bringing our dinner.
“Speaking of M,” I trembled, “there is something I *have* to tell you.”
"I'm all ears."
“I know that... we don’t know each other for long, but... you’re the only one I trust with this...”
And I told her *everything*. How I left the double-0 section meeting with Bond, how he confessed his feelings for me, and how he accused me of having a crush on M.
"So, what's your opinion on this?” I asked when I finished the story.
“It’s no big deal,” said Eve. “Everyone’s got their own soft spot.”
“I do not follow you.”
“Oh, Katherine,” she replied. “It’s obvious. You’re Bond’s soft spot. And... it seems like M’s yours.”
I looked her straight in the eye, but quickly moved my sight to the flowers in a little vase that was standing on our table. Eve continued to talk.
“Yeah, I remember exactly what you’ve told me *that* day: ‘I’m not interested in men at my age’... And the look on your face when you left his office... I could tell there was something more in your eyes than just the excitement before the mission. Something more... private,” said Eve, looking at my shocked face. “Then this Christmas present.... and Bond’s jealousy. It all fits together.”
She left me speechless for a while.
“I just... I just hope it’s not too obvious...”
“I have no idea, Kath. But perhaps Bond noticed your behaviour because he’s interested in you,” she speculated. “Do you think he really had his reasons to figure it all out?"
“I’m not sure... but probably yes,” I confessed with a worried look on my face. “I told him how M let me chose my double-0 number, how he reacted to the present... Do you think for Bond it was enough?”
“Judging by the way you stared at M earlier today, I think it might have been enough.”
“Hey, I wasn’t staring at him...”
Eve smirked and started to shake her head.
“Right...” I said. “Thanks for being honest with me, Eve.”
I felt really embarrassed.
“Do you think it’s wrong?” I asked, sounding pretty concerned about my romantic feelings.
“Wrong? There’s always some excitement associated with a love triangle!” quipped Eve.
“No, Eve... I’m serious,” I insisted, while looking at the other tables, making sure no one observed us. Even though we were at some random restaurant, I was scared that there might have been someone from the SIS. “Is... is it wrong that I fell for M?”
She smiled at me mildly.
“No. It’s not wrong,” she assured me. “But you'll have to be very careful with what you do about it. Anything you do right now might make things very much complicated.”
After the dinner we came back to the MI6 Headquarters, as we both had a lot to deal with. We said goodbye in the main corridor. Eve left for M’s office and I left for the paper work.
“Thanks so much for listening to me, Eve. I just... I just hope that talking about Bond didn’t bother you...”
“No, it’s perfectly fine. You were right to assume it’s just a stupid rumour.”
“It is?”
“Yeah,” said Eve. “It used to be true, but it’s not true anymore... I have to go, Kath. I’m already three minutes late and M’s going to kill me!” exclaimed Eve, and then gave me a hug. “And don’t worry much. We’ll come up with the solution.”
“Thank you, Eve. You’re the best,” I replied, as I placed my head on her shoulder and returned the hug. I closed my eyes for a moment.
“Miss Moneypenny,” said a male, stern voice, “would you mind coming back to work?”
I opened my eyes and saw Mallory who has just appeared in front of me out of nowhere.
“I’m s-s-sorry, sir... I’m coming,” said Eve quietly.
Mallory didn’t reply and they headed towards the elevator. I watched them until the elevator’s door have closed.
Eve’s such a great person, I thought. What a relief... I’ve told her everything and now I feel a lot better. But should I feel any better...? I’m in the middle of some stupid love triangle and there is nothing to be proud of. It’s not even a triangle since it’s only Bond who is interested in me.
How is it possible what whenever Bond leaves, I miss him dearly, but when he is close I can’t think of anyone else but Mallory? And when I see Mallory I can barely think straight?
Time to get back to work.
To be continued.
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ladyamber · 5 years
Sirenade: Chapter Sixteen
Good evening everyone and welcome to Sirenade once again. I hope you’ve all had an eventful week I know I have I’ve been super busy this week, but that won’t stop me from posting chapters. I know I always say this, however, I do mean it. Thank you so much for reading and enjoy Sirenade and as always Stay Tuned!
Start: Prologue
Previous: Letter One
Next: Chapter 17
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 16
The beach remains peaceful, no hunters or unknown threats in the area either
Ryan thought to himself as he walked down the shoreline. Even though it’s been weeks since the so-called “Cutter Boys” were arrested for abducting three adults and severely wounding one of them. Ryan hadn’t stopped scouting for any potential threats that had made its way into their little town. Granted he easily erased their existence from their memories leaving them clueless as to why the police had taken them in. Plus he hadn’t seen or heard of them since then, but it still didn’t take the tension off his shoulders that there were hundreds just like them waiting to get their greedy human hands on them. He couldn’t afford to almost lose someone, siren or not. Brock continues to feel guilty about the whole ordeal, Craig refuses to the cavern after sunset, and Smitty’s attitude changed ever since. He and John have been avoiding each other, while Brock and Brian have been getting closer and closer. Everyone has been walking on eggshells since then, not wanting to bring up the incident at all costs.
Ohm continued to walk on the warm sand, creating a path of footprints only to be washed away by the cool tide. The crispy breeze that playfully blew through the beach and into the forest sent a small chill throughout Ryan’s body. It had been 2 hours since the sun barely peaked above the horizon, and with the warm sun rays beaming down mixed with the refreshing breeze. Ryan felt himself relax as he aimlessly continued his walk. The relaxation drifted out of his body when he saw a familiar roof, eventually, the small home came into view and he stopped in front of it.
Delirious is out of town, but maybe Cartoonz’s home?
Days turned into weeks since he and Luke had spoken about them. Ohm always changed the subject averting getting into details or using the excuse of “I need more time” and Cartoonz had gotten the hint immediately dropping that side of the conversation. Truth be told, Ryan had been thinking about them more than he wanted to. It’s not that he didn’t want to be with Luke, to touch him, to love him… he was afraid of the consequences of falling too deep. Ryan kept telling himself to keep walking, to move away from the home and avoid talking. However, the urge to knock on the door keeps him standing there right by the front door. He wasn’t even thinking about what he’d say to him once Luke opened the door.
I’ll just knock, if he’s not home then it’s a sign that I don’t need to do this.
Ryan hovered his fist over the wooden door, before knocking three times. Nothing. Another three knocks, and still nothing. He let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d held in. Was he hoping Luke would be there? Yes, but maybe this was a sign from the gods telling him to stay away from human romance. For once, a decent amount of foreshadowing from them. Ryan chuckled to himself as he backed away from the door, turning around glancing once more at the small home, and walk passed the small front garden. “Jon sure does have a lot of plants.”
“Indeed he does.” Ryan yelped at the southern voice that scared him. Throwing a glare at the older male, fighting the shivers that creep down his spine at the deep laughter. He turned away to hide his glow, “What brings you to my humble oasis?”
Luke flashed a smile, readjusting his grocery bags, as he walked around Ryan to open the door leading to his so-called “oasis”. Ohm watched him carefully, unconsciously following through the purposely open door. “Like I said what brings you to my paradise?”
“I wanted...I wanted to talk. About us?” Ohm flinched as Cartoonz stiffened for a moment at the counter before resuming with his groceries. The only sound that could be heard was the crinkling of the reusable produce bag Delirious forced Cartoonz to use. It was too much for Ryan to bear, “Well say something. Anything.”
‘Luke please.” Ryan watched his movements. The shifting of his shoulders, the change in his posture, his breathing. Watching him place the last fruit on the counter and fold up the bag, he turned to Ryan studying him as well.
“It’s not about what I want Ohm. You already know what I want, the question is what’d you want?”
“Y-you.” Ryan could hear the hesitation in his voice.
“But?” Luke’s eyes softened.
“I’m s-scared of what he might do to me. T-to you.” Tears swelled up in his eyes threatening to spill if Ryan continued to talk, but this whole scenario was abnormal for him. He never wanted to appear weak in front of anyone, especially his friends. Luke changed that though as if his mind and body were reacting to the long-awaited comfort he’d always wanted to receive. It was almost like Luke had control over him, and Ryan wasn’t sure how to counter that emotion. “What are you doing to me?!”
“Why do I feel different?! I’d never felt like this until you came along. So what is it, a spell, a wish, a curse?” The tears grew larger and larger with every word that poured out of his mouth.
“No, really I’d love to know. You have to be the reason why I feel this way.”
“Ryan.” Luke held his hands pressing them against his chest. The action alone made the tears he’d detained for so long finally fell. Following the path down his face they marked his grey shirt, Luke let go of Ryan’s hands to wrap him into that comforting embrace. He couldn’t control how his body so easily relaxes, letting its guard down around Luke. The thought had him cry harder, the sobs begin silenced by the red shirt he cried into. “I know it’s scary to feel somethin’ you can’t explain, but you are the only one who knows what you want.”
“B-but b-ut I-”
“What’s holding you back?”
“I was made to protect...someone. Someone who means a great deal to Poseidon. You wouldn’t understand…” Ryan so desperately wanted to tell Luke everything, but he couldn’t not because he didn’t want to. It was because he simply couldn’t.
“Then help me understand. I wanna help you, I love you, and not even Poseidon can change that.” That was the final seal Ohm couldn’t control his emotions. He’d made up his mind, there was no turning back without any hesitation Ryan looked at Luke and closed the space between them. Fire exploded within them causing an ignition with each touch, clashing lips and teeth. Too caught up in the heat both ignoring the long-forgotten groceries sitting patiently on the counter top. Never breaking the space between them afraid the other would be lost to the void of emotions they stumbled onto the spare bed in Delirious home. Finally breaking away to admire their work of swollen lips and lustful looks.
“I love you too. I want to tell you everything, but there are some things that I can’t. Not yet.”
“Is this what you want?” Those cooper eyes would be the death of him. The flush and dilated eyes told Ryan that Luke wanted this as much as he did, but behind that look was a pool of concern and love. Not lust as it was perfectly displayed right now, however, it was the same look he’d seen on Luke since they’d first met. Love, real love for him. Not showing any doubt about who or what Ryan was, only caring for the man under Luke. Him.
“Yes, Toonzy.” Just like that, they both gave in to the desire they’d been missing their whole life. This would be a day to remember.
“Stop messin’ with the bandages. You’ll mess ‘em up.” Brian warned the figure that fidgeted with his bandages.
“Sorry.” He chuckled.
“Tyler did a good job patchin’ me up though, I’ll heal in no time ‘specially with you motherin’ me.” He moved closer to the warm body that wrapped itself around him.
“You could’ve lost your arm Bri.” He rolled his eyes as he snuggled into his boyfriend’s hair. “Don’t roll your eyes at me I’m serious. You know I can heal, but I can’t regenerate limbs.”
“I know, I know but it’s better for me to lose an arm then to lose you Brocky.” Those warm cinnamon eyes shifted away from him, so he redirected them back his own sea-colored eyes. “You know it wasn’t your fault, you’re safe and so is everyone else.”
“You don’t know that.” Brock adjusted his position to hold Brian’s arm against his chest without hurting him. He shrugged.
“No, I don’t but I’d rather look at the good rather than try and anticipate the bad.” He smiled sweetly at him. “I’ll be more careful next time, I wanna keep my arms so I can hold ya properly.”
Brian lifted Brock's chin, looking down at his lips before locking onto them. Move together with warmth and love, Brock laughed into the kiss as Brian’s hands roamed around him finding places to tease. “Attention whore.”
“You love it though.” He lifted the hem of Brock’s shirt to reveal the lovely scar he’d created a month ago when Brock fulfilled his promise of a night he’d never forget. He traced it along the shoulder blade, kissing around it receiving shivers from above.
“You know i-it’s sensitive.” Brock's face flushed as Brian continued his actions.
“Want me to stop?” Teasing the question with light brushes on the skin.
“Gods no.” Brock sat up and moved to where Brian sat, placing himself on his lap.
“Who’s the attention whore now?” He spoke into Brock’s ear gaining the response he wanted more shivers traveling throughout his body.
“It’s still one hundred percent you.” Brian kissed along his jawline continuing his journey of teasingly nips and kisses every chance he got. Get the reaction he wanted. Hands stopping at Brock’s sweats and lips hovering over his.
“Wanna find out?”
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Sorry, I forgot to specify which skelebros I wanted to see for this question: ╳ How would they react to seeing a loved one become possessed? UT, UF, US, and SF Papyrus please
{ Omg! That’sgoing to be very angst and long, yey!
Related to thesequestions: if someone else of you would like to send me one of those questions,I will be happy. I love the angst a lot~ }
💔 Pappy  💔
You andPapyrus were in a relationship from a long time and everything was going well.
You were sohappy with Papyrus, because he was such a sweet and adorable skeleton, youcould not ask for someone better. You were his everything as well, from thefirst time he saw you his soul has started beating faster without knowing why. Youbrought to him many magical and fantastic things. You two were a perfect coupleeveryone would envied.
One daysomething weird happened to you, a mysterious feeling took possession of yourconscience. The days before you had some horrible nightmares. You woke upin the middle of the night sweating and disoriented; imagines of bloodsurrounded your mind. It was as if you had a black veil in front of your sightthat could not let you see clearly. Papyrus was so apprehensive about you,trying to comfort you the best he could. You did not say nothing about your dreamsto him since you did not want to scare him and you were still so confused. Itwas difficult to realize, maybe you were just too stressed, and you needed somerest from all these working weeks. You ignored these episodes by continuing tolive your life with your beloved one.
Thenightmares, as the days passed, were becoming more shocking and surreal thanbefore. Your behaviour changed as well, because you could not sleep at all, soyou remained awake until the morning came. Papyrus kept telling that you shouldhave sleep and it was wrong, but you said you must not sleep because thosescenes were too horrible and you could not tolerate them any longer. You havescreamed against him, too. It was not your intention, the anxiety and the fearspoke for you and your intellect was obscured. After, you started paying noattention to your job, until you lost it, just like your individuality.Becoming apathetic and grey, it was no more you. Papyrus was shocked as well,he could not recognize you anymore but he would have never give up on you,because you were still a fundamental part of his life. Nothing could havechange your mind and you decided to sleep alone on the couch because you had aterrible feeling, you heard a voice inside your head and this voice wasunfriendly and malicious. The owner of this voice wanted to harm Papyrus andyou could not do anything to make it stop! So it was better if you stayed faraway from him, the last thing you wished for was hurt him. You would have neverforgive yourself.
One dayhappened the inevitable; you lost your mind and heart. Fighting against thatvoice has been useless since they were stronger than you were. When you lookedto the mirror, a stranger smiled at you. That stranger was you. Your iriseswere red as the blood in your veins. The blood you wanted to feel on your skinand body. A bath of blood. That was your only desire.
That was themoment Papyrus saw you, in the bathroom staring at your own distress figure. Heunderstood your transformation the very instant he saw your eyes and the colourof your soul was mutated. He called your name, reaching for your hands, butyour eyes were glacial and empty.  Yourvoice was an unemotional echo. You were still smiling in that terrific way.
There wasnothing Papyrus could have done to save you. He screamed your name with tearsin his eyes. Then, you touched his shoulder saying «Tag, you’re it!», runningaway while you laughed like an evil child. You wanted to play a game with him,now. The stranger wanted to play an awful game with your Papyrus. Who was goingto win it?
Papyrussearched for you in every room in the house, all the lights have been turn off.He could hear incomprehensible laughs from the darkness, his mind was becomingheavy, and his eyes could not see clearly. He could see your sweet face in hismemories; he wanted to keep them as a treasure. Papyrus told to the void allthe beautiful moments the two of you have passed together, the dreams and thehopes you had. Until… GAME OVER. You won this game, said the stranger’s voice. Papyruscut down on the ground, lifeless. Your and his tears of sorrow fell to thefloor, mixing each other. Then, with your last life force, sealing the lastbreath from your tired lungs, you raised the knife you used to eradicatePapyrus, stabbing yourself in the middle of your heart.
💘 The edge Lord 💘
Dangerous wasthe watchword in Underfell, everyone knew it.
Since youlived here, you learnt to fight and to protect yourself from the malevolentcreatures who wanted to kill you. This place was left  in a total anarchy and death was somethingusual, like a sort of routine you could not still realise, but your kept fightingbecause that was survival’s rule.
Papyrus hasbeen the one to train you, he taught you everything he knew about battling, hewas the best here and you could not ask for someone better. He alwaysremembered you how lucky you were having him next to you, you were glad as wellbecause you loved him so much. You loved all of him, even his selfish andarrogant sides.
You havenever killed anyone here because you were still a pacifist person and you couldnot tolerated violence. That was a peculiarity, he appreciated about you, evenif he did not say it aloud because of his pride. You were still yourselfdespite anything, and that was great and admirable.
Sadly, youwere not going to remain yourself any longer.
One day youwere on the Snowdin’s woods cleaning up Papyrus’ traps and puzzles since he wasbusy with other jobs and you knew very well his arrangements and methods. Aftersome minutes, your attention has been captured by something; it appeared as avoice or a soft scream. It seemed a kid’s lament. Someone was crying in thewoods and you could not comprehend who was this person. You shouted searchingfor the possessor’s voice because if it was a youth he would have been indanger and this place was unsafe even for an adult, so it was surely terriblefor a little kid.
Then, youfound the owner of the voice and it was a little child, you could not say ifthey were a girl or a boy, they stared at you with an eccentric smile. Theirscarlet eyes were intimidating, burning like flares and you could say you sawhell for a moment inside those irises.
It did notseem they were crying at all, as you thought. You approached them, your moveswere slow and circumspect, you even try to take their hand gently, but insteadof a hand, it seemed you were shaking a blade. The blade of the knife they washolding. Then your vision became black. You fainted out.
In themeantime, Papyrus could not find you and he was worrying but he trusted you,knowing you were able to take care of yourself. Then, you came back home aftertwenty minutes, your conditions were not so vigorous since you were seriouslyinjured. Papyrus did not think twice before healing you with his magic, makingyou the third degree, too. Your mind was damaged as well. No words came outfrom your mouth and you stayed silence for the rest of the day as you werebecame mute. You stayed like this for the rest of the days after, and Papyrusdid not know what to think and he was angry because being your partner, he hadthe right to know how you are. You refused to communicate with anybody. Oneday, he took you by the shoulders screaming ferociously, asking for anexplication. When you looked back at him, he was shocked because your eyes wereblank like the eyes of a dead person.
Somethinghorrible happened to you that afternoon when you were in the woods, that child wasthe responsible. Then, they disappeared living you seriously injured without anexplanation.
Despite Papyrus’screams, you seemed unconscious and you still did not say a word. Then, youmoved, jumping backwards, walking out the door, your destination was thewoods. He followed you, confused and irritated. No one could say what you hadin your mind. You run in the middle of the forest, you and Papyrus were alonein this desolated space, only the trees would have been the witnesses of whatwas going to happen soon.
A sound leftyour mouth after all this time of mutism: an evil laugh. That was not yourvoice; it was too childish and acute for being your voice. Papyrus understoodsomething in you was not right, actually, he had realized it a long time agobut he could not believe it. He did not want to believe it. That was a dream,just a horrible dream. No, it was not. Papyrus asked to the stranger whathappened to his mate. No answers came. Then, you attacked him, but it was notyou since the maleficent child has devoured your conscience. Papyrus defendedhimself by your attacks but he could not harm you, because you were still yousomeway. He was unable to hurt you, so he decided to keep fighting until yougot tired. It was the most difficult fight Papyrus has had in his life, sincehe was not combatting against a regular person, since a kid possessed you, youcould not be considerate normal anymore.  As the two of you were fighting, the weather waschanging; the wind howled like a pack of hungry wolves, and the snow fell coldand menacing. Everything became white, and it was difficult to see. It was nota real problem for Papyrus but you… Your eyes were still human, you could notsee well in all this snowy hell. Papyrus was tired of all these baby games andhe wanted to give it a rest. He hit you with his greatest attack when yourdefences were low. He did it, so you flew away and your human body was stillweak and exhausted. You could not resist any longer.
After thatshot, you precipitate into the icing lake nearby, beating hard your head.Then, Papyrus found your lifeless body in a pool of blood in the icy lake. Itwas not his intention. He did not want this. Papyrus fell on the ground tryingto wake you up but you were dead. All of this had any sense for him. He couldnot forgive himself for this because he did not protect you as he should havedone.
It seemed theevil child was gone since he did not have a vessel; you were gone with them aswell.
 💓 Stretch 💓
Everyone knewthe beautiful things were not designated to last forever.
The thoughtthat you could be possessed by some evil entity has passed his mind sometime,because he was an untrusting skeleton and he could never know the realintension of a person. You have been always gentle and polite with him and hisbrother so he thought he had nothing to worry about you. Even the best of usget it wrong sometimes.
The few lastdays your behaviour was different from usual, you acted as if you did not careabout anything. Your sensitive and generous soul was becoming as black as coal, metaphoricallyspeaking.
At thebeginning, Papyrus thought it was all a play of yours. You were a person with abig sense of humour; it was one of the many reasons that made Papyrus fell inlove with you. The last period, you have developed a strange black humourPapyrus could not understand. You told jokes about death, pain, blood andviolence, as if these things were funny and innocent. These were the weirdestjokes you could have ever said to him because they were not funny and he wasbecoming nervous. He did not like the way you said those jokes, because youappeared sadistic and cruel in your habits. One time you started saying allthese horrible things in front of his brother making the both of the skeletons uncomfortable.Other than that, you played with knives and sharps objects, laughing andsmiling like a child. He has never heard that laugh from you. Then, he was realizingthe truth, but everything was too much strange and he did not want to believethe crazy theory he was thinking about. Another day, you tried to harm hisbrother with one of those knives. You said it was just a mistake, Sans forgaveyou even if he was shocked but, being the nice skeleton he was, he ignored itwithout saying nothing to his brother, but Papyrus found it out because he wascheeking on you after all those weirdness. It was the moment when he decided tohave a private chat with you. The two of you had a conversation in Waterfallsince that was a calm place and he did not want to be seen by anybody. Papyrusknew very well what was happening to you and he did not know what to do to saveyou. The only thing he could do was one.
Papyrus was smokinghis cigarette smoothly as his usual, remaining in silence for a time that seemedeternal. He asked the reason why you were acting like an infamous. You shakeyour shoulders, laughing harder than ever. The echo flowers imitated your evil gigglesand the surrounding environment became disturbing and ambiguous. Papyrus couldnot tolerate it anymore. He threw away his cigarette, moving faster than you couldhave ever imagined. He attacked you. Sometime the hardest choice is the best,too. The battle begun and you were craving his life. While you and Papyrus werefighting, you told that so many people desire get cremate after their death andyou were going to vacuum this place after he became a bunch of dusts. How gentle you wereto say these things. Papyrus did not respond at your provocation. He was mercilesstowards you and your wicked sense of humour.
None of you wasgoing to surrender but Papyrus was aware about your weakness since you havebeen his date mate. He would have treasure all the beautiful memories about thereal you. You were finished now.
After he gaveyou the final blow, he cried above your lifeless body, praying for your soul. Hehas never prayed in his life for anybody but you did not deserve this finale. Youpaid this fate’s joke with your own life.
💕 Rus 💕
Since youcame to the Underground, life appeared better for Papyrus.
He could see beautyin all this pain once in his awful life. It seemed everything had sense withyou by his side. Obviously, he was still anxious because the danger was behindthe corner and this place was too ailing for every soul. Papyrus has beenalways a sensitive person so he understood your change the very instant he saw yourexpression. He was shocked and incredulous because from all the persons thatcould have been possessed it happened to you. It was misfortune. How could lifebe so cruel? He did not know. He hoped it was one of his usual nightmares; hewas going to wake up from it seeing the real you. No, it was the infamousreality.
He could notrecognize you anymore but, despite everything, he knew you were still alive somewhereand he was intended to make you going back to your original self!
You were suffering;he could understand that, he took you from the shoulders shaking you, screamingyour name. He was imploring you to fight back that demon. Even if you werelaughing at him, he still hugged you. You screamed in pain, cursing him. Sayinghe was nothing to you anymore. You have never truly loved him. He was going todie like all the idiots here. Papyrus did not listen you; he believed you couldwin this pain and come back to him as soon as possible. Then, when you startedto become more violent, he knocked you out. Then, you faint.
While youwere sleeping, inside your subconscious, you could hear his voice clearly. Thatwas the moment when you decided to rebel against the evil child, because none couldtake control of your mind without your permission. You fought with all yoursmight. You were more determinate than that demoniac entity. You won.
After youwoke up from your unconscious state, Papyrus was afraid and he stared at you silently,he could not think rationally. He looked at you with confusion. It was as ifyou were re-emerged from the ocean’s abyss. Then, he comprehended it was thereal you, the two of you hugged tightly. You were laughing and crying at thesame time. You and Papyrus were happy to be together again, but worried at thesame time. Nobody could say what happened to the evil child.  
20 notes · View notes
Trumpcare is here...what can you do....
Today, Mitch “Voldemort” McConnell finally let America see his disaster of a bill. It is worse than anyone expected after the House passed their bill in May . While it is described as slightly less austere than the House version, it isn’t anywhere near the “much better” bill that Upton kept promising.
Fred Upton walked out of the House Trumpcare vote and promised that the Senate would give us a much better bill and that the House bill would then be reconciled or reworked giving the impression that the horrific parts of the House bill would never come to fruition. But that didn’t happen. Fred needs to answer for this and explain his vote.
President Obama commented and as ever it was personal, eloquent, beautiful, intelligent, and thought provoking. Something we haven’t seen in 6 months (see below for the entire statement)
This is everything I know to date about Trumpcare House Version and Senate version. This is long but please read it all carefully and share it with. We need Americans to understand this.
I published this at 6:00 am after writing for 8 hours so if there are mistakes, please forgive me.
Indivisible :How the TrumpCare fight will play out
Ezra Levin Indivisible Founder sent out an email yesterday with this presumptive time table for Trumpcare Senate Version Senate Republicans have promised a vote by the end of next week. But there are still several steps between now and passage of TrumpCare. Here’s how the former congressional staff at Indivisible Team think the fight will unfurl:
Tomorrow, we’ll get a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) score, which will quantify exactly how many millions of Americans will be screwed by this bill and in what ways.
On Monday or Tuesday, Republicans will officially announce the vote is happening by the end of the week and start debate on “the bill,” which is just a draft bill intended to make it look like they’re being transparent but in reality is a trick to hide just how awful their finished product will be.
Over the next couple days, Senators will submit amendments, most of which will fail and none of which would make this bill redeemable.
On Thursday, the Senate will plan to VOTE on the legislation, but first they will vote on all submitted amendments (known as “vote-a-rama”).
At the last possible minute, Senate Republicans will replace the entire bill they just got finished “debating” with an alternative TrumpCare bill secretly crafted behind closed doors.
By the end of Thursday, there will be a final vote in the Senate.
As soon as that same Thursday, the House may then pass the legislation and send it to Trump to sign. This could take longer, but this is the worst case scenario and quite possible.
Next weekend, one week of congressional recess begins. They’ll either have the bill done by then, or they’ll have to wait another week.
Throughout this process there will be precisely zero public hearings in the Senate. Make no mistake, this is a historically partisan, secretive, and undemocratic process for one of the most consequential pieces of legislation of our generation. This is atrocious.So let’s fight it. All you need to pressure your Republican Senators, including DAILY scripts and new materials, is on our
website. Need more background materials? We’ve got ‘em for you
. It’s critical that you’re showing up and that when you’re not showing up, you’re calling your Senators every single day. (Indivisible Guide Email 6/22)
This is imperative that we all do- Add your own amendments to the bill based on your own story. Submit them to
Legislators are using these amendments to add to this bill and we can filibuster by amendment as they have to consider each one. Again this is NOT to actually improve this disaster of a bill but to slow down the vote so more Americans aware of how much this is going to hurt all of us.
Indivisible Group Facebook Live
Indivisible did a great FB Live Last night that explained a lot of the scheduling and answered some questions and explained Vote-A-Rama
American’s Don’t Like Trumpcare
According to a POLITICO/Morning Consult poll released 6/21
only 35% approved of the House Bill passed last month
49% disapprove of the House Bill
16% don’t know or care
This is a decrease from the poll taken after the House passed the bill in May
only 17% think it will decrease costs for their family
46% think it will make their costs increase
only 27% think it will make the US health care system better
41% think it will make the US health care system worse
65% of all voters want the Republicans to compromise with the Democrats for reach bipartisan reforms
Even among Republican voters 54% want a bipartisan bill
Trumpcare hurts Special Needs Kids.
Public schools use Medicaid funds to provide services for special needs children
$4 Billion in Medicaid services will be eliminated under the House version
Schools use the money on services, professionals, and equipment necessary to provide a safe and healthy environment in order for special needs children to attend public school.  
Let me point out the most disgusting part of this.attack on literally our most vulnerable citizens is that this was not a thoughtless regulation that wasn’t intended as such or a mistake nobody caught. This was a deliberate regulatory change written into the House version of Trumpcare passed in May. Trumpcare deliberately decimates the entire $4-Billion  Public Education Special Needs Medicaid program. The House version of Trumpcare changed the regulation so that public schools to no longer  eligible Medicaid providers. . “Under the bill, states would no longer be required to recognize schools as eligible Medicaid providers or pay them for those services, which schools will still be required by law to provide.”
Survey of 1000 schools in 42 states shows schools use the money for 70% use money for salaries for health care professionals who serve special education students such as speech, behavior and physical therapist
equipment such as feeding tubes, wheelchairs, communication devices, vision and auditory assist devices, appropriate gym equipment and other adaptive devices
vision and hearing screenings
Oh the Games the GOP Plays...
Everyone is talking about the game that McConnell and the GOP is playing. Tell me if you have heard this one before ....Four GOP Senators have announced they cannot support the bill in its current form. Rand Paul of KY, Ron Jonson of WI, Ted Cruz of TX and Mike Lee of UT released a joint statement  “...we are not ready to vote for this bill but we are open for negotiation and obtaining more information before it is brought to the floor” Where have I heard this before?  It just seems to familiar but I just can’t put my finger on it....
The 4 go on to talk about how the draft “as written” doesn’t let them keep the promises they made to their voters- to repeal Obamacare and lower health care costs-though they do concede this bill is better than Obamacare in its current form.   UGH. None of them have a soul.
Remember, under reconciliation- the game they are playing to get this bill through- they have to save money but they need a simple majority of Republican votes meaning they can only lose 2 votes with Pence as tie-breaker. Otherwise they have to deal with the Democrats and they are not interested in working with the Democrats on this bill AT ALL.  
It seems that only Rand Paul is actually against the bill and that is because it is too liberal for his taste. That man is beyond obtuse.  
One of the 4 game players will pretend to offer some ridiculously paltry amendment-say an $8 Billion amendment to compensate for the deplorable high-risk pools. The AHCA high-risk pools are underfunded by $200 Billion meaning the $8 Billion injection covers about 4% of the funding gap. The Senator who plays this role gets an extra cookie for dinner if he then goes around proclaiming that if that 4% underfunding isn’t enough then he will personally be up there fighting as hard as he can but then just ignores that every group who looks at the breakdown calls out how little it does to help those high-risk pools...said Senator just continues to stand in the corner, slowly picking the chocolate out of his cookie before sliding them into his mouth to suck on.
Expect 1 or more from the group of 4 to suddenly declare they found THE amendment suddenly makes the bill acceptable for them... even though it actually changes absolutely nothing of substance in this abhorrent bill.  This is a the worst game of bluff I have ever seen.
NO AMENDMENT WOULD MAKE THIS BILL BETTER because it is just that bad. No amendment or group of amendments would help that.
It boils down to a horrific dystopian disgusting bill made more gross because of the tax cut.
Trumpcare DEFUNDS Planned Parenthood.
THIS IS ABHORRENT. I have discussed before how this will affect access to birth control and women’s health services.
This is about more than just getting affordable birth control but having access at all.
Women throughout American will be HARMED by this as they are unable to get birth control which will increase the abortion rate- unless the GOP is able to make it illegal whic his there goal for sure.
More women will have  unplanned pregnancies ensuring they will never get out of poverty and often making single moms.
Unplanned pregnancies in low income women with Medicaid Cuts is a recipe for NO prenatal care and babies with long term health problems from lack of prenatal care. With no resources to pay for services for these children, the kids will suffer for life.  I cannot express this enough. Lack of prenatal care leads to maternal and fetal complications that can and will affect babies for life.
Problems with Trumpcare according to Indivisible Guide Resource page
Lowers the percentage of consumer costs covered by insurance. The ACA requires that plans cover 70% of the cost of health care but Trumpcare only mandates they cover 58% of the cost so you will pay MORE out of pocket PERIOD.  
Lowers the threshold for tax credits. The ACA gives tax credits for anyone who makes less than 400% of Federal Poverty Level- around $48K for a single person. Trumpcare lowers that to 350% BUT it is made worse by the fact that the Trumpcare plans will be lesser quality meaning even more out-of-pocket expenses
Allows states waivers for 10 Essential Health Benefits. Let’s review what those 10 EHB are shall we?
Emergency Room
Prescription Meds
Rehabilitation -post accident, stroke, illness
Mental Health and Substance Abuse aka opioid addiction programs  
Ambulatory Care  aka outpatient doctor appointments
Maternity and child Birth
Preventative Health and Birth Control
Hospital care
5 ways Trumpcare is an assault on our freedom by LOLGOP
Trumpcare Chains us to jobs again- the ACA allowed people to change jobs without fear of losing their health insurance. Trumpcare will make insurance more expensive and also take away the freedom to move jobs. Trumpcare does away with the Individual Mandate in exchange for a rule that allows insurers to charge more to people who have an insurance lapse of over 63 days a year.  
Trumpcare and 1 serious illness or accident puts you at risk for bankruptcy. The ACA did away with annual and lifetime caps but guess who is brining them back?  If you think you are healthy and it won’t happen to you think again (my Fox News Loving neighbor told me that  “only poor people get sick” but that isn’t true. Also remember that by definition accidents are accidental...and innocent people get caught in them all of the time.  Remember that as you munch on kale chips and goji berries and chug Kombucha right after you post your latest tell-me-how-great-I-look Facebook photo cross-linked to Instagram #Progress #GynRat #HealthyLifrestyle. Someone else can smash into your car as you drive home from the gym and you are at suddenly playing the medical-bankruptcy roulette right along with the obese noncompliant diabetic and the family history heart disease. It CAN happen to you and I have seen it happen to people.
Trumpcare threatens the entire insurance market. The GOP -lead by Lord Voldemort - decided that something that affects 1/6 of our economy doesn’t deserve careful discussion and consideration.  It is appropriate that a bill that affects 1/6 of our economy...
Trumpcare dooms Everyone.  Trumpcare dooms anyone who has family or loved ones who may get old, sick, disabled, or have an accident but doesn’t have hundred’s of thousands of dollars saved for their care
Trumpcare gives the wealthy even more control of our politics. The richest 400 Americas get a $7 Million tax break EACH YEAR paid for by cutting Medicaid $880 Billion. 400x7,000,000=2.8 billion which just happens to be the cost of the last presidential election. Republicans are counting on a payback “Thank You” from those  400 wealthiest Americans in the form of donations for vulnerable MoC.
is simply a “win” and not actual reform.  
is a bill that gives the wealthy a significant tax cut is more important than actual health care reform.
is rushed given an arbitrary “due date” that leads to an extreme rush through
is done so with the input, knowledge, and experience of as few people as possible, making sure that no experts represent the American people, disabled Americans, rural hospitals, teaching hospitals and large medical centers, Medicaid, nursing homes, AARP, nursing and doctor groups or even a doctor or a nurse. Ir does appear insurance lobbyist were involved.
even if it is based on choosing a due date that has more to do with getting a “win” on the books beside Trump’s
even if the rush job is caused simply because passing it before a recess is crucial...otherwise MoC might be talked out of voting “yes” by their constituents or they might find their conscience  or realize that there have been terrific economic gains from Medicaid Expansion
by specifically excluding ALL Democrats in the House and Senate from the process
by excluding all Republican Senators except those in the working group
by including only wealthy, old, white men in the working group
by allowing lobbyist to work on the bill that had not even been seen
by pretending that a huge tax cut for the wealthy is actually a health care bill
by allowing NO time for public comments
by ignoring the precedent the legislative process
by ALL of the Democratic Senators ,
by ALL of the female Senators (there has been contradictory reports of  1 women maybe in the working group maybe at times)
by ALL of the minority Senators
keeping bill under lock-and-key from all but 15 Senators
by only allowing 15-man working group and lobbyist to see bill until it was entirely written
by giving the bill to CBO very late in the process; score expected Monday or Tuesday with Vote coming before end of next week (recess starts Friday)
by not allowing any women on the working group
by not working at all with democrats  
by not bringing bill to committee for mark ups before brining it to floor
by only allowing 1 week  to read and discuss the bill
by not allowing public hearings and time for public to get their comments to the MoC
by not allowing time for proper amendments
Trumpcare will cost everyone more money
According to a new report by the DHHS that hasn’t got much press, Trumpcare will
Lower Premiums- yes it will but beware of 2, 3 and 4.
Deductibles and Copays will be 61% higher
Because government assistance will end costs will be even higher to most people
The tax cut will cut into Medicare solvency by 2 years
Trumpcare will hurt our economy
(according to University of Michigan Study)
30,000 jobs per year  
$2.4 billion dollars ANNUALLY in increased revenue
$1.5 million in tax revenue that is paying for itself by this increased tax revenue  
Will hurt older Americans as 80% of Nursing Home expenses are covered by Medicaid
According to CBO the House version will cause 23 Million Americans to lose their health insurance
It’s about the Money Honey.....
The ACA requires insurers to spend 80% of premiums on health care costs and NOT on things like administrative overhead, CEO salaries, Ads, or PROFITS.
Money collected for premiums, not used for health care costs and above the 80% is refunded back to families.
The ACA returned $396 Million to 4.8 Million families in 2015.
On average, families that paid premiums got a rebate of $138 taken out of shareholder profits.
This my friend is why I suspect many companies got out of the exchanges....Not ENOUGH PROFIT and CEO PAY.  
The Government documented this data by State and for the USA. Let’s look at Michigan and the US, shall we?
2015 MLR Rebates by State- click link for other states .
MiCHIGAN And USA Total llll
All Markets: Total Rebates
All Markets: Consumers Benefiting from Rebates
All Markets: Average Rebate per Family
Individual Market: Total Rebates
Individual Markets: Consumers Benefiting from Rebates
Individual Markets:Average Rebate per Family
Small Group Market: Total Rebates
Small Group Market: Consumers Benefiting from Rebates
Small Group Market: Average Rebate Per Family
Large Group Market: Total Rebates
Large Group Market: Consumers Benefiting from Rebates
Large Group Market: Average Rebate Per Family
MI $34,316,590
USA $396,684,376
MI 635,603
USA 4,850,555
MI $120
USA $138
MI $2,876,430
USA $107,360,358
MI 40,247
USA 1,188,509
MI $119
USA $124
MI $26,640,351
USA $153,761,425
MI 323,179
USA 1,928,008
MI $166
USA $142
MI $4,799,809
USA $135,562,593
MI 272,177
USA 1,734,038
MI $47
USA $146
Trumpcare eliminates this regulation starting in 2018. Individuals States will decide whether to keep protecting consumers from insurance wasteful spending.  
Republicans think it is ok to radically alter Medicaid
without input, discussion, pubic hearings, expert advice
Trumpcare essentially ends Medicaid as we know it, radically changing
who is eligible including infants, prenatal care, disabled Americas  and children and nursing home patients.
how much money states are given by changing the system to block grants and decreasing the program by $880 Billion
while also taking away the source of women’s health and BIRTH CONTROL for 3 million women
if they also make abortion illegal we will have a crisis of severely disabled babies born with life-threatening conditions including fatal a chromosomal abnormalities (Trisomy 13, Trisomy 18), Potters Syndrome, Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, Ectocardia, gastroschisis, anencephalic, hydrocephalic,
Trumpcare will devastate our economy in Michigan and hurt the US
According to the
Commonwealth Fund
By 2018 Michigan loses
15,700 jobs
17,400 health jobs
$804 Million Gross State Product
$895 Million Business Output
By 2026 Michigan Loses
50,800 jobs
30,600 health jobs
$5,070,000.000 Gross State Product
$8,032,000.000 Business Output
* Gross state product (GSP), or gross regional product (GRP), is a measurement of the economic output of a state or province (i.e., of a subnational entity). It is the sum of all value added by industries within the state and serves as a counterpart to the gross domestic product (GDP).(Wikipedia)
Is 1 week enough time to read, debate and vote on a bill that affects 1/6 of our economy?
Lindsay Graham and John “the flip flopper” McCain
pretend...er, I mean think-they THINK- so.
Fred Upton Lies
The Michigan legislature was very hesitant to pass the Medicaid Expansion and wrote a provision that if the Federal Match Rate (normally is 65%) must offset all costs to the state or the Expansion is automatically terminated. According to a
Memo released by the state Senate:
barring any legislative action to change the Medicaid expansion ("Healthy Michigan") statute, would result in termination of Medicaid expansion in Michigan after FY 2019-20 (it should be noted that the SFA has projected that the Healthy Michigan statute’s net State costs provision would lead to the termination of the program after FY 2020-21 even absent any Federal changes).
“The bill would repeal ACA reductions in Medicaid disproportionate share hospital (DSH) allotments. It appears that this is being done to provide more money to states that, unlike Michigan, chose not to expand Medicaid. The intent would be to offset uncompensated care costs in those states.”
“The bill would reduce retroactive eligibility for Medicaid from three months to the month in which a person applied for Medicaid. When an application for Medicaid is approved, Medicaid covered services for the person are reimbursed by Medicaid retroactive to three months before the date of application”
“The bill would implement, beginning in FY 2019-20, a per capita Gross cap on Federal Medicaid reimbursement” AKA  BLOCK GRANT
Mitch McConnell Lies
McConnell keeps saying that the ACA was kept under secrecy as well but he is lying.
“Simply put, if there’s a chance you might get sick, get old, or start a family – this bill will do you harm”
President Obama posted a perfect post today. I am sure most if not all of ou read it but I wanted to post it again and to highlight the parts that i found the most important or poignant. “Our politics are divided. They have been for a long time. And while I know that division makes it difficult to listen to Americans with whom we disagree, that’s what we need to do today.I recognize that repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act has become a core tenet of the Republican Party. Still, I hope that our Senators, many of whom I know well, step back and measure what’s really at stake, and consider that the rationale for action, on health care or any other issue, must be something more than simply undoing something that Democrats did.We didn’t fight for the Affordable Care Act for more than a year in the public square for any personal or political gain –we fought for it because we knew it would save lives, prevent financial misery, and ultimately set this country we love on a  better, healthier course.Nor did we fight for it alone. Thousands upon thousands of Americans, including Republicans, threw themselves into that collective effort, not for political reasons, but for intensely personal ones – a sick child, a parent lost to cancer, the memory of medical bills that threatened to derail their dreams.And you made a difference. For the first time, more than ninety percent of Americans know the security of health insurance. Health care costs, while still rising, have been rising at the slowest pace in fifty years. Women can’t be charged more for their insurance, young adults can stay on their parents’ plan until they turn 26, contraceptive care and preventive care are now free. Paying more, or being denied insurance altogether due to a preexisting condition – we made that a thing of the past.We did these things together. So many of you made that change possible.At the same time, I was careful to say again and again that while the Affordable Care Act represented a significant step forward for America, it was not perfect, nor could it be the end of our efforts – and that if Republicans could put together a plan that is demonstrably better than the improvements we made to our health care system, that covers as many people at less cost, I would gladly and publicly support it.That remains true. So I still hope that there are enough Republicans in Congress who remember that public service is not about sport or notching a political win, that there’s a reason we all chose to serve in the first place, and that hopefully, it’s to make people’s lives better, not worse.But right now, after eight years, the legislation rushed through the House and the Senate without public hearings or debate would do the opposite. It would raise costs, reduce coverage, roll back protections, and ruin Medicaid as we know it. That’s not my opinion, but rather the conclusion of all objective analyses, from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, which found that 23 million Americans would lose insurance, to America’s doctors, nurses, and hospitals on the front lines of our health care system.The Senate bill, unveiled today, is not a health care bill. It’s a massive transfer of wealth from middle-class and poor families to the richest people in America. It hands enormous tax cuts to the rich and to the drug and insurance industries, paid for by cutting health care for everybody else. Those with private insurance will experience higher premiums and higher deductibles, with lower tax credits to help working families cover the costs, even as their plans might no longer cover pregnancy, mental health care, or expensive prescriptions. Discrimination based on pre-existing conditions could become the norm again. Millions of families will lose coverage entirely.Simply put, if there’s a chance you might get sick, get old, or start a family – this bill will do you harm. And small tweaks over the course of the next couple weeks, under the guise of making these bills easier to stomach, cannot change the fundamental meanness at the core of this legislation.I hope our Senators ask themselves – what will happen to the Americans grappling with opioid addiction who suddenly lose their coverage? What will happen to pregnant mothers, children with disabilities, poor adults and seniors who need long-term care once they can no longer count on Medicaid? What will happen if you have a medical emergency when insurance companies are once again allowed to exclude the benefits you need, send you unlimited bills, or set unaffordable deductibles? What impossible choices will working parents be forced to make if their child’s cancer treatment costs them more than their life savings?To put the American people through that pain – while giving billionaires and corporations a massive tax cut in return – that’s tough to fathom. But it’s what’s at stake right now. So it remains my fervent hope that we step back and try to deliver on what the American people need.That might take some time and compromise between Democrats and Republicans. But I believe that’s what people want to see. I believe it would demonstrate the kind of leadership that appeals to Americans across party lines. And I believe that it’s possible – if you are willing to make a difference again. If you’re willing to call your members of Congress. If you are willing to visit their offices. If you are willing to speak out, let them and the country know, in very real terms, what this means for you and your family.After all, this debate has always been about something bigger than politics. It’s about the character of our country – who we are, and who we aspire to be. And that’s always worth fighting for.
Choose the facts that upset you the most or you feel Fred should have to answer for and call his office. Call
the list of people is also pinned to the front page of our homepage  
Call Mitch McConnell
Call John Cornyn
CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVE find your Representative at www.house.gov 
CALL YOUR SENATOR. Find your Senator at www.senate.com
Mitch McConnell (R-KY) 317 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510 (202)224-2541 http://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/
They may ask you for your Zip Code: Lexington, Kentucky zips are 40501-05, NOT 06, 40507-11, NOT 12, 40513-17. OR find zip codes for another city in Kentucky at USPS.
John Cornyn (R-TX) 517 Hart Senate Office Bldg. Washington, DC 20510 Main: 202-224-2934 Email: https://www.cornyn.senate.gov/contact
Lubbock zip codes (I picked it because we used to live there) 79401-07, NOT 08, 79409-24 or pick any TX city  and look up a zip code
Washington 202-224-6621Grand Rapids (616) 233-9150
Call the White House White House 202-456-1111
Please consider donating to Indivisible
The Indivisible movement has profoundly changed the course of history in America.  After the 2016 election many of us were devastated; terrified about the unwanted and dangerous changes that seemed destined to come to our country.  We were confused about how to use our voices in a political system that I- and I know a lot of you-had no idea how to navigate in a way that would effect change. Prior to the Indivisible Movement, the only way I understood how to use my voice was by voting and I couldn’t wait two years...I had things to say in 2017 and I needed someone to tell me how to do that.
Ezra Levin and Angel Padilla stepped up and gave us the Indivisible Guide... a tangible and simple plan for using our voices TODAY.
The guide was a hastily typed, typo-laden document, released online with the expectation that a maybe a few hundred people would see it. Instead it quickly gained traction and became a beacon of hope for so many of us because it was so simple and based on a movement that had been shockingly effective in shutting down Obama’s agenda. Based on the Tea Party strategy of communicating with one’s local Members of Congress to act in our best interest. The Indivisible Movement expressly shuns the portion of the Tea Party’s strategy that involved abhorrent behavior like spitting at lawmakers, starting fights at town hall meetings, and using disgusting and rude signage to get our point across.    
Ezra, Angel and some of their friends quickly formed a loose group under the name Indivisible Guide and partnered with Move.On to start the Ready To Resist calls that gave me the information I need to get this group started. Since January, they have become a formal group providing information and encouragement as well as a platform for exchanging ideas with other Indivisible Groups. They are constantly  updating the materials and resources available online at Indivisibleguide.com.
They are pushing back hard against Trumpcare and are distributing a digital ad informing Americans what Trumpcare really will mean for America.  They are asking for donations to pay for this push.
If you can, please consider donating to the Indivisible Guide.  
To read their June Action Plan here.
Need a Script? Indivisible has Daily Call Scripts
To see a breakdown of how each state will be effected by Trumpcare here.
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