#even though he's furious
normaltothemax · 2 years
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cracks in the armor @waywardfeathered​ said: “ i-i didn’t mean for any of this to happen… ” / for the doctor
"It doesn’t matter what you meant to happen.” It certainly didn’t matter that the Doctor was angry with him---oh, so angry! No, what mattered was that he’d made a mistake, gone and done his own thing, and people had gotten hurt. People might die. “What matters now is how you fix it.” That had to be the priority. So, the Doctor reigned in his righteous fury, took a deep breath, and met the other man’s eyes.
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“How are we going to fix this, Castiel?”
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ladyrijus · 9 months
Thinking about how Link trembled before Mipha's statue in Breath of the Wild as he remembered who she was to him, and how his heart must have ached in Tears of the Kingdom when he saw her again in the beautiful court built in her name.
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buttercupshands · 17 days
wait a minute
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stop it.
#bnha#bnha manga spoilers#mha spoilers#mha 423#I didn't hate this chapter before that#but now I am#because this is just cruel level of REMEMBER THIS?????#yes. I do remember this. I rewatched and reread this arc VERY recently#so... he killed Kurogiri with a punch like the one he did in USJ and again to save Izuku#I don't care honestly.#I reread this chapter and I cried again bc I REALLY refused to believe that Kurogiri died then#but he did with a death words to Shirakumo's friends and recall of old chapters#even if people want Tenko alive I doubt that Kurogiri will ever materialize again#and I'm deadly serious when I say that this is the worst part of this chapter#I worried for Kurogiri's existence ever since it was revealed that Shirakumo is in there#but that literally took FIVE YEARS TO APPEAR AGAIN HAVING AN IMPORTANT ROLE#and he left while crumbling just like Tomura's body before Katsuki hit him#and the last thing he thought about was about protecting Tomura even though he was partly Shirakumo's dead corpse appearing more and more#even Mic now understood that it's really is him in a way ending his arc from back in Tartarus with Aizawa#and you know what's worse??? TOMURA KNOWS THIS#the way he used “...........” with Kurogiri's name while the page literally showed his black smoke disappearing was heartbreaking before#it's worse now#like... okay he's dying too and he doesn't even know if spinner is ALIVE or not and he saw Kurogiri disappear#all while protecting him from harm one last time#AND WE STILL HAVE NO FUCKING FLASHBACKS OF HIS TIME WITH TOMURA OUTSIDE OF WHAT WE HAD IN MANGA#I'm getting more and more furious by the minute HAHA#I need to find that one sketch I did way back in 2019 with them after spoilers of Kurogiri in Tartarus#I NEED SOMETHING LIKE THAT NOW AND I CAN'T DRAW#I want to just curl up and cry myself to sleep like a 13 y.o that found out the bird that she looked after died while she was sleeping#kurogiri
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akarai-the-mage · 4 months
Obessessing over Vinsmokecest for the past couple of days.
Like, a Germa Sanji who was born like his brothers but ended up gaining emotions anyway, who ends up leaving and is presumed dead for years?
His brothers would destroyed and they wouldn't be able to fully articulate why or even fully realise how, they just lost one of their own who was with them from birth and they cannot fully comprehend it since their emotions are very faint thanks to Judge.
Judge tells him Sanji was killed due to pirates and the brothers swear revenge against them and are ruthless to pirates. They somehow become even more feared and eventually they have to set their sight on the strawhats due to their notorioty and fame.
They don't think much of the blonde man named Sanji with a kick based martial arts. Afterall, their brother had black hair and was a swordsman. It isn't until much later, when Sanji slips up and becomes invisible in front of them, do they consider the possibility that could actually be their brother.
Maybe they pin him down and look for a brand, a sign that he is Germa owned like the rest of them. Maybe the capture him or test his DNA and confirm it scientifically that its actually him. Or maybe Sanji says too much and they watch him and notice how deep the similarities ran and are utterly convinced.
No matter what though, now that they are aware that Sanji is alive, they are going to do everything in their power to make sure he comes back and stays with them. They'll fix him even, make sure he regains his modifications and previous strength. Point is he is coming back with them.
Sanji is theirs, and no one is taking him away from them ever again.
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silly-bees · 11 months
i know we shit on miguel for beating up miles and how it was unnecessary and stuff, and that's totally true. he should not be beating the hell out of children. he definitely should spend time in spider-jail for that. but can we talk about how terrified this man must be?
the loss of his daughter is fresh- possibly within less than a year fresh, and it was all his fault (at least that is what is interpreted by him). an entire UNIVERSE got destroyed because of his actions and now some punk kid who he was been trying to hard to keep out of this operation suddenly appears and starts making the same mistakes miguel did.
miguel sees this kid preaching that he can fix it all and miguel 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘴. he can remember thinking those same things. he can remember the naivety of being someone new to multi-dimensional travel; but understanding doesn't change the risks, and this kid threatens everything miguel has seeked to fix.
miles is thinking like miguel did and that terrifies him. it terrifies him that what happened to his world would happen to everyone else's and it would inevitably be 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘦𝘭'𝘴 fault. not miles', not anyone else, miguel's (in his mind, anyway).
so, yes. yes he shouldn't have chased miles, but fear does things to the brain. fear leads to desperation and desperation leads to miles' determination and that leads to more fear and it continues in this vicious cycle of pain, danger and pure, guilty terror.
i'm not excusing his actions, but i understand them. i understand them and it hurts so bad in a good way.
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asgardian--angels · 7 months
...prayer circle for izzy hands
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Now I’m older I’m starting to realise I’m becoming like Pete from Shaun of The Dead lmao
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dayurno · 2 months
we’ve talked about nurse jean but have you ever thought about nurse kevin. have u. worlds most awkward most attentive nurse in the world. picturing him in scrubs as we speak
OF COURSE I HAVE i listen well obviously i have thought about it. first of all i am into nurse costumes with the little dresses so you can jot it down if you want, but even besides that its really cute……………. little scrubs……….. i feel like although kevin is not a nurturing person at all he would be such a good nurse, if a forceful one….. i think he would do great at telling people what to do and how to do it to get better and all things considered might even be a good nurse. plus if you hit your head really hard and ended up in a hospital and saw kevin day over you checking your vitals wouldnt you think he was an angel?
i wrote a kevjean fic once lovingly titled nurse kevin because it was about the stretch of time jean stayed in palmetto before usc where kevin kind of helped abby take care of jean’s injuries (mostly out of guilt, mostly out of a secret second reason). he was really good and diligent but not gentle at all… truly bulldozing jean back to health…. here’s a funny scene
“Don’t Kevin me, I am serious. If you hurt yourself for any reason, I will make you regret it.” He tilts Jean’s chin back, pushing the mouth of his own bottle through Jean’s lips and forcing water down. As a nurse, Kevin makes a tremendous athlete. “Drink. It’s good to get some water in you every few minutes.”
Cool water slips down his throat. A bit of it drips down the corner of Jean’s mouth, and it must soften the nasty stare he gives Kevin over the bottle. Kevin swipes it away with his thumb, squeezing Jean’s chin, and only pulls away when Jean cannot take it anymore and forcefully grips his wrist.
This is… this is babying, even for Kevin Day.
“I am not an invalid,” Jean tells him, but he is so thoroughly ignored in lieu of Kevin checking on his bandages that it doesn’t matter. “Kevin, I’m fine.”
“You’re fine when I see that you’re fine,” Kevin dismisses him. At last, he straightens up, then taps on the small of Jean’s back for him to do the same. Out of habit, and perhaps something else, Jean does as he says. “Keep your posture up. You might upset your stitches otherwise.”
SO YEAH horrible horrible nurse who does not care at all if you dont want to be healthy…… i need him. he could fix me. he did not fix jean but me for sure he would
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bloomfish · 2 months
My controversial and long-winded Willow/Tara thoughts
I honestly don't mind, narratively speaking, that Tara was killed. Obviously I love Tara with all my heart and was devastated when she died but I keep trying to see another way forward for Willow's arc and... I can't? Honestly I think this would have been Oz's fate had he not been written off because Seth Green had to leave.
I also think that nowadays we're very conscious of the "bury your gays" trope and there's obviously a lot to criticise about this when it's gratuitous. But especially given what Willow and Tara represented at the time... It was a different world in terms of LGBT representation. It's common knowledge that they had to fight for the onscreen kiss in The Body, the fact that a main character was even portrayed in a lesbian relationship at all on a show like Buffy was groundbreaking. All that being said, I personally don't think Tara's death was gratuitous.
The only other permadeath of a Scooby love interest until the finale is Jenny Calendar, and you can definitely make a case here for the "killing off a female love interest for manpain" trope but where would S2 be without Jenny's death? Like it just doesn't make sense without it. Passions is the moment where the stakes of the series as a whole suddenly explode into astronomical new levels. Sure, Giles could have been a woman and Jenny a man, but that also undercuts many of the themes and ideas behind the Giles+Buffy relationship and the Watchers in general.
Similarly, from the moment Willow's use of magic was introduced, EVERYTHING in her arc was leading up to Dark Willow. We got a taste of it in S5 but if the show had ended there it would never have actually reached a true conclusion. She's not punished for her Dark Moment, she's rewarded. It would have gone unresolved, and the looming threat of Willow turning to the dark side would have been hanging over the heads of the surviving Scoobies forever. Tara being mind sucked by Glory feels like a sort of... idk hasty first attempt at killing her thematically (an idea that was obviously in the works) except that her death in S5 would undercut those of Joyce and Buffy. So it's natural to resolve this in S6.
The reason I think Tara had to die for Dark Willow to emerge is that we're shown that Willow needs a grounding presence to keep her from losing control. Her 'darkest moments' almost all occur when she feels abandoned. When Oz cheats on her in S4 she tries to curse him and Veronica, when he leaves Something Blue ensues. When Tara is mind-sucked she goes apeshit on Glory. When Buffy dies she does the resurrection spell. When she and Tara fight in S6 she uses magic to make her forget, the subsequent breakup causes her to spiral. Like this is a HUGE pattern for Willow.
Oz and Tara function fairly similarly in that they are stabilising presences that pull Willow back from the brink, and so nothing short of the complete, permanent removal of Tara could force her to completely go over the edge. She couldn't have "just left" because that leaves the glimmer of hope that, like Oz, she will return. She had to die and Willow had to try and fail to bring her back.
Obviously it's not a pleasant thing. But it's just... Idk, it's narratively cohesive for me. It's so far from being even close to the worst moral failing of the writers in that single episode, let alone the series as a whole. The reason it stings so much is because Tara's death wasn't just shock value, she was a character that made a lasting impact on the show and had visible effects on characters outside of Willow (mostly Dawn and Buffy but still) so even though she was doomed from the start I don't think it's a case of a lesbian character being gratuitously killed off for angst. I get that it's a touchy subject but I also don't think it's accurate to paint every single instance of a gay character dying as 'bury your gays' when it's not necessarily so.
Anyway. There's a lot to criticise about Buffy but this isn't a personal gripe of mine- even as someone for whom Tara and her relationship with Willow was deeply and personally important at the time.
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aldoodles · 2 years
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have some super sketchy and pixelly lighting studies because I literally cannot stop thinking about these three or the year they were separated during the war
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tswwwit · 2 years
Any more headcanons for that oneshot you made where Bill is Ford's familiar? How does Ford react to Bill getting close to his nephew? How does Bill use this to his advantage? If Dipper can't get a slice of Bill's power, how does his magic shape up in the end?
Sure, why not!
This got longer than I wanted, so it's under a read more. Also, here's the link to the snippet in question.
I think that Dipper and Bill end up hanging out a lot, honestly. Dipper's a lonely guy, and Bill's bored out of his angles, so he's going to be on at least sorta decent behavior, since Dipper's providing more entertainment than he's had in decades. (Ford is unaware of this)
Still very much Bill, though; he absolutely tries multiple tricks in the book to try and get Dipper to break him out, or subtly trick him into getting Ford into a fatal accident. Dipper's been warned, though - I don't think any of them work!
Eventually Dipper gives in and offers a deal: He'll banish Bill back to his realm (He's been trapped in a basement for thirty years, no surprise he wants Ford dead, that sort of thing just straight-up sucks-) as long as Bill doesn't harm him or his family. Bill, once again in a terrible position to bargain, is happy to get the hell out of reality rather than be stuck in a circle for another decade or so.
This.... probably ends up in a pretty big fight between Ford and Dipper. Once he notices Bill is missing. If the Stans weren't already at odds, that'd be the kicker to set it off.
Little does Dipper know, but now that Bill's 'free' - he's gotten his stuff in order, hummed a little tune to himself - and decided it's the perfect opportunity to start courting that cute little mortal in earnest.
#answers#Ford's still bonded to Bill and that'll be true until he dies#But since it likely wasn't an accident in his case he doesn't have Mindscape access#His prisoner has escaped and he's absolutely furious. Does Dipper have *any idea* how much havoc Cipher could cause#Dipper meanwhile has gotten Emotionally Attached at some point and goes off about maybe keeping PRISONERS for thirty years is fucked up#Dipper has a restless night of upset sleep#And wouldn't you know it Bill pops in with some creepy gift (flowers?? A screaming head? In a bouquet of flowers)#What can he say? The kid's real cute. He's been pretty decent company. He betrayed his uncle for Bill!! VERY Sexy of him#And MAN that MIND#He's straightening his tie and spritzing cologne on as he comes up with Date Ideas#Cue: Dipper Not Getting that Bill's 100% after him romantically now#Bill might be stuck with a familiar bond to Ford but since he's not powering THAT guy#Nothing stops him from going 'aw you're cute. Have a little magic why don'tcha' to Dipper#Like a rich man slapping a huge wad of cash in their partner's hand and pinching their butt while they tell 'em to go shopping#Demons *can* give power to mortals - they just don't usually do it without taking something in return during a deal#I enjoy the mental image of Bill taking a page from Hua Cheng's book and going 'oh you need some energy?? Sure!!'#'We gotta lock lips to make the transfer though so pucker up'#Dipper has no reason to question this statement even if he is skeptical#Anyway it probably all works out well in the end! With presumably Bill causing chaos more directly this time#Dipper all not realizing he has a crush until Bill shapeshifts human one time and he goes 'oh no I'm in danger'#I should stop before I get tempted to write this#I have other stuff to do damn it
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jenanigans1207 · 2 years
I love the idea that ADA!Dazai is on call for Chuuya only to get rid of abilities.
Chuuya can kick anyone’s ass, we know that. But sometimes shit happens and people get away. Or he’s ordered to keep them alive. And sometimes he faces people with really stupid or inconvenient abilities.
So when he’s hit with an ability that makes him tell the truth, or gives him a tail, or anything else equally unbearable, he calls Dazai and demands that Dazai find the bastard and nullify his ability so Chuuya can go back to normal.
And Dazai does, sure he does. But not before he has his fun with whatever ability has been inflicted on Chuuya first.
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More expression practice! This time with my mutant-sona, River :)
(If I draw her with characters from Rise, which I would like to do someday, I’ll probably stylize and simplify her a bit more. )
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siriusblackisdead · 1 year
The monsters driving hcs
Nicky: I think Nicky is a pretty good driver considering being something like a personal taxi driver for a couple years for the twins but he cannot parallel park for the sake of his life. Normal parking? Fucking nails it every single time. But parallel parking? (Kevin actually gets out of the car every time before it because he “doesn’t want to die at such a young age.”)
Andrew: while Nicky drives pretty well, it’s NOTHING compared to andrew. Like that bitch is the literal road god and can pull the most impossible stunts in the middle of traffic which causes the rest of them to fear for their lifes: Nicky always complains about heart attacks, Aaron acts unbothered as always but secretly agrees with Nicky (he would never admit it though), Kevin is just too scared to brag about it and Neil think it’s actually hilarious and hot and he loves it so much. (Andrew would also randomly stop for a moment and then continue in his way just because he knows it pisses Kevin off.)
Kevin: he never drives. He has now idea how to and doesn’t even want to know. If you put a steering wheel in his hands you will end up in the nearest trench and probably die.
Aaron: also cannot drive. He inherited the same talent as Andrew but since Andrew never lets him drive he never learned how to. If there was some kind of emergency one day (Kevin being accidentally pushed down the stairs or something) and he would have to drive he would totally eat it up and everyone would be so confused because they thought he never drove before (he didn’t) and they would then start second guessing if they got the right twin (only Neil knows the right answer but he never tells them because he thinks it’s funny)
Neil: a pretty solid driver, not the best, not the worst. He isn’t as good as Andrew and Nicky but he has to be able to not crush for Andrew to trust him with the car. But parking? Absolutely not. When he was younger and used to drive when on run with his mother, they usually stopped for a break at some detached place like in a middle of a field or an empty parking lot of some abandoned store, so he never really learned how to properly park and now when he has to he either just leaves the car at some random place on some platform or park through three parking places. By some miracle the police never catches him.
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featherisderp · 10 months
There are certainly some downsides to having Galacta around throughout Dedede's 'Clobbah that there Kahbi!!" days. He's got quite a temper and having his brother ordered to go and fight Kirby literally three days after the baby spawned was more than enough to get him angry.
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And Meta Knight has to deal with keeping him from stabbing the king and his snail.
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one day im going to create a TV Tropes account just so i can edit the pages about the httyd books, because hoo boy they need a lot of edits.
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