#even if theyre the privileged ones
whoviandoodler · 9 months
I sometimes feel bad for skinny people bcs they'll gain a bit of weight (often via natural weight fluctuation) and immediately have a system failure and thirty two identity crises and then start weeping instead of considering their relationship to fatness and the implications of being terrified to no longer be skinny like. this your first rodeo bud?
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lyss-butterscotch · 1 year
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I wanted to draw sunstone but I'm also itching to draw a fight scene so have their weapon concepts. They get to be badass because i said so.
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agentark · 1 year
R Verner, opening their mouth: 😎😏😉
S Dorran, milliseconds later: 🤨😑🤔
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exhibit a
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exhibit b sofia, we're all about to die can you roast ruby later
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constantvariations · 9 months
One of Hello Future Me's videos on revolution brought up an event from the Philippines back in the 80s: the dictator sent a battalion to crush a supposed revolt, only for the soldiers to be met with nuns and children offering food and water. The majority of the army defected as a result
I'm going to use rwby to try hammering this abstract concept into a coherent thought, but this incident got me thinking about how nonviolent protest is theater
If a similar event were to occur in rwby, for it to be successful, the protestors would have to be the cutesy faunus types: rabbits, cats, dogs, and the like because they're non-threatening. Attacking a sweet cat faunus would be akin to attacking a child or nun, paragons of innocence and virtue respectively. Only a monster could cut them down, and no one wants to be seen as a monster
A scorpion faunus, though? Their mere existence is a threat. That tail is dangerous, a weapon available at all times. Bull faunus have horns they can use to gouge out eyes and organs. Claim they attacked and most people would agree that killing them in self-defense is justified
Because nonviolent resistance relies on public perception, people who could possibly taint the image of the movement will get left in the dark no matter how important they are. Bayard Rustin was the one who taught Dr King about civil disobedience and was an organizer for many major events, but he opted to ride to events in the trunk of people's cars so his status as an openly gay man wouldn't harm the movement's image
There would be little wonder why the White Fang would be more popular with the "scarier" faunus. Public perception is already against them, so it's not going to change much for them if they join a violent organization, but this in turn will be seen as justification for discrimination against these types of faunus. A hellish self-perpetuating cycle
These faunus would also be far more likely to experience violence at a much younger age, akin to how black children are treated as adults even if they're literally six years old
The strategy behind nonviolent protest like the ones Dr King did is to show the world the mistreatment of the innocent, but when your existence is deemed a threat, there's little hope that you'll ever get enough support to change the system. This is why bigots constantly spew the "queer groomer" and black crime "statistics": by portraying someone's freedom as a danger to the innocent, any level of violence is justifiable defense. The police aren't attacking queers, black, and brown folk discriminately, they're attacking dangerous criminals, so it's okay!!1!
Theater can't save those already condemned and to try is wasted effort
#rwde#antiblackness tw#<- in the link#Claudette Colvin refused to give up her seat a whole 9 months before Rosa Parks yet wasnt the face of the movement#good choice considering she was only 15 and shoving a teen into the racist public eye is Not Good but her pregnancy was also a major factor#idk hopefully i got the point across#somewhat related is the trend of the privileged being the biggest advocates for peaceful protest#while the ones who've endured violence - both economically and physically - are the ones who call upon violence#which almost always means violent *self defense*#the few occasions ive read where there were actual attacks its been targeted like the BLA ambushing cops#cant say i blame them considering the mcfucking everything the cops had going on#the bpp was basically destroyed by the police and fbi at this point and that was probs a major factor in their decision#and targeted violence was exactly what the white fang was doing before cinder showed up and ruined everything#literally nothing the wf does in the show is actually for faunus liberation bc its all cinder/salems orders!!#and no one is allowed to have a brain or personality or anything so no one questions why theyre suddenly switching targets#gr8 discussion abt activism here shawluna. love that you reduced the anti racism movement to mercenaries to avoid saying anything at all#ffs they even fucked up weiss's side of the convo! obvs the fumbling of blakes ball is much worse but come the fuck on#'the wf may have assassinated company board members and family friends but were teammates now so who cares!! team rwby go!!'#fucking barf
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snekdood · 1 year
Some of yall deeply underestimate how much some cis men are threatened by trans men and our masculinity. How theres so many cis dudes out there that want to rape us, thinking that will make us detransition. How many incels out there are mad at us for betraying womanhood and not sucking their dick. How much they want to force us to detransition, how much they want to kill us and force us into hiding which, to me, minus well be killing us since theyre smothering who we are for the sake of a status quo. We shake their fundamental understanding of the world. Its one thing for a GIRL to be a tomboy to them. They think its cute, like a baby pretending to be an adult. Its a whole other thing for someone percieved as a woman to try to actually be a man to them. They think thw fact we have the gal to assume we can escape their grasp, to escape the kitchen or whatever tf, means we're disrespecting them and trying to "destroy" them, rather than what it really is, us trying to be independent. We're the exact thing these types of cis men hate. Sometimes they tolerate (emphasis here bc im not saying they accept yall. Dont twist my words)trans women bc they fetishize them but they want to completely eradicate us becayse we threaten the patriarchy by virtue of deciding we dont need a man to take care of us, we want to be the man that takes care of ourselves.
#and bc ik how some of yall are on this site and how uncharitable you are let me be clear: just because they TOLERATE trans women/fems#sometimes. doesnt mean i think they actually respect you or see you as you. im not abot to say you somehow have it easier. they want to use#you and then dump your body somewhere. im well aware of that. but they *also* want to entirely entrap us and our identities and keep us#smothered with no escape. its why were seeing child marriage laws. its why were seeing anti abortion laws. its why we're seeing rights#stripped away from ppl wrongly percieved as women becayse theyre so threatened by us and how we think we can be on our own#that they have to try more extreme measures ro control us our bodies and self expression. its why candace owens goes on saying#'does women voting actually do any good for anyone??'#and no. entrapment isnt them somehow caring about us mlre than you. thats their alternative to killing us but its not an alternative bc it#fundamentally strips us of our rights and autonomy. and also. entrapping us and forcing us out of our gender. like i said. minus well be#killing us. its not likely we'll just get to run away free from these men if they get this type of power. its more likely they kill us for#even daring to betray them their values and words.#so how tf is anyone more privileged in this situation? in trans spaces? can we really fucking say someone has it worse rn.#is it really worth it to try to divide and weigh who has it worse. bc they want both os us dead for being who we are.#and its not like they dont offer yall an out to. its just their out is ALSO basically killing yourself bc they want you to conform to#cishet white manhood.#also it goes both ways. cis women are like this towards trans women. its the proximity effect.#where you get more upset with different people who are also more like you than other ppl#the difference i'd argue though is cis men- at least the ones in power- have more of an ability to remove us than cis women#like its easier for them to do.
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moodr1ng · 1 year
once again i am begging you to realize that using "european" to mean "white people" is shitty to european people of color and that if youre going to talk shit about white europeans and their racism (as you should) you oughta realize that some of the principal victims of that racism are the people of color LITERALLY LIVING WITH IT. the us is 75% white. france is 85% white. those numbers are not so ludicrously far apart that you can keep pretending like your countrys diversity is evident and needs be respected while obviously other countries are white only bc theres a white majority.
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tumblr liberal, you attempting to change your dress code policy as a teenager by spitefully wearing spikes to school is not the same as “spitefully” opting to not vote for a presidential candidate who is gleefully shipping weapons every 36 hours to another country to commit genocide. You not being allowed to wear spikes for 6-8 hours for 5 days a week for 9 months every year is not the same as millions being murdered, starved, etc, in other countries. Do not fucking lecture me if you cannot conceptualize human lives beyond the abstract. god.
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kaikree · 4 months
something that isn't talked about much when it comes to healing yourself is that it might end up killing relationships (both romantic and platonic)
and i don't mean that in a way that should dissuade anyone from trying to heal. i mean you are where you are, on a path to try and get better, to do right by yourself and take care of the child inside you and nurture the things that have been hurt and sometimes you look around and realize that the people that you used to stand beside are a half-mile back on the track, so far that you can barely see them
and you want them to be with you still. you know that if they can get themselves up this hill with you that they'll feel better. things can get better and it's hard but you're up here climbing a hill, you know that it's possible and they can do it too! they can climb the hill with you and look out at this great view
you can't move their legs for them. and no matter how you wave or cajole or promise that it's not as hard once you get into it, they will not move from where they are. and you can sit there and try to talk to them from afar, but the healthier you get the harder it is to yell back to where they're standing.
sometimes there comes a point that you have to turn around completely because the path they want to stay on will only leash you back to a lower point. and that's... not actually your fault.
and yeah that can get so very frustrating. there have been times in my life where while talking to friends who were in bad spirals i would get frustrated b/c no matter what i said or did it seemed like they were hellbent on staying exactly where they were no matter how much they hated it or how much it hurt them. i could sit down and walk with them through resources and venting sessions and so many ways to to get out of the place they were in and it just... repeated. in a cycle. at some point i had to come to terms with the fact that you can't help someone who refuses to take the first step to help themselves and sometimes sticking around someone like that is only going to keep you tethered to that mental state.
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theygender · 2 years
Mine and my girlfriend's special interests are so funny to me bc I'm just like "hi I'm autistic and my special interest is dinosaurs uwu" and then you ask what her special interests are and it's like
The wreck of the Titanic
The Russian Revolution
The assassination of JFK
Unsolved murder cases from the 1800s
Stage magic
#my special interest is way more than just dinosaurs im oversimplifying ahdjska#dinosaurs are actually one of the least interesting parts of deep time to me#but theyre easier for me to talk about bc its the part everyone is already familiar with#my FAVORITE part of deep time is the animals that came before the dinosaurs#ESPECIALLY all the funky little dudes in the cambrian period#but also the beginning of life itself and all the animals that preceded and evolved into the classifications we know today#(the first vertebrates! the first land animals! the ancestors to amphibians and reptiles and mammals and dinosaurs!)#and also the things that came after them? like megafauna are really cool#and i love learning about the evolution of human ancestors too#and maybe even a bit of archaeology instead of paleontology if im feeling spicy (which would be humans less than 10000 years ago)#and theres other cool fields too like paleogeography?? like the study of ancient supercontinents and how they formed??#anyways im rambling. my point is that i think its funny that i have a somewhat stereotypical special interest with facets that all connect#while she has a lot of seemingly more random ones#a while back i picked up my qpp while i had some of trixies books in my car that she had asked me to return to the library#and as i moved the 6-7 books about the russian revolution out of my passenger seat i was just like#well. you probably can tell which special interest trixie is hyperfixating on right now 😂#other times she'll check out a bunch of jfk books or titanic books or magic books at once and go through them like crazy#and shes done a lot of personal research into different unsolved murder cases from the 1800s. even wanted to write a book at one point#i know im poking fun here but my gf is one of the coolest people in the world and has really cool special interests#it is my honor and privilege to listen to a goth girl infodump about historical murders and tragic accidents and magic o7#rambling
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britneyshakespeare · 6 months
Another Thing Wrong With The Former Gifted Kid Discourse, Since I Can't Stop Thinking About It:
people have such an unhelpful tendency to universalize their own experience when talking about the plights and struggles about Gifted Kids™—and what they are talking about is not necessarily invalid, but they're more often talking about their individual responses to their particular schools' policies. This Is Not A Systemic Analysis. it's helpful; i sympathize with you. But You Are Not Dismantling The Inequities by saying this or that happened At Your School when you were a child, and it affected you this or that way because of Who You Are.
example. i always see people talking about neurodivergence in this conversation, which is actually helpful in spotlighting how the Gifted Kid discourse often glosses over such complex intersectional issues. you can talk about how you were Gifted & Neurodivergent and how those experiences lead you to future disappointment. this is, i must stress, valid. but your analysis of your own life Is Not A Systemic Analysis. your experience alone will never speak for how the educational system and trends in policy among schools across the united states affect ALL neurodivergent people negatively because there are neurodivergent people who are Different From You. not to mention that when people point out that very often "Gifted Kid" usually correlates with some degrees of privilege, people push back and go nooooo I'm neurodivergent. people across all other marginalized identities who are systemically disadvantaged by the educational system can be neurodivergent. this does not make you, initially, when you were as a young Kid determined to be Gifted, NOT also in fact privileged.
if you are not ready to discuss experiences that were different from your own growing up, you aren't really engaging in the discourse of how to improve public education in the united states. it's a diiii-verse country we live in. not only in the ways we traditionally think of. when we think of "marginalized" or "oppressed" people, some specific and historically significant groups come to mind. when it comes to advantages that set up a child for future educational success, these broad categories often leave gaps because they lead people to generalizations, and ultimately, fatalism.
but there's really so much hope in early childhood education if we were to make things more equitable, ie like i always say UNIVERSAL PRE-K. these kids who are determined as "gifted" more often than not were just from more enriched home environments that prepared them for learning how to read, write, and do math. it's often not special innate abilities that leads to differences in outcomes for different students, but That's How The Kids Interpret It When Some of Them Are Called "Gifted." they're more often than not, not doing something that's truly exceptional or precocious for their age. they're displaying signs of age-appropriate development, when often, the kids who may be lagging behind them skill-wise just Haven't Practiced Those Skills As Much.
so yes, that's why there's a correlation in things like upper- and middle-class white kids being seemingly more successful in school (and more commonly deemed "gifted") at a young age. it's from privilege. it's not even just the implicit biases of their educators already working in their favor for their race and class. it's the fact that being more privileged, generally, means their family and parents had all of their basic needs provided for. they had more time to read with you. they could buy more development-promoting toys. they probably had better mental health to cope with the demands of child-rearing. if they suffered chronic or sudden physical health issues, they were insured. privileged children are usually less exposed at a younger age to the harshnesses of this world, as every child should be. ALL of these little advantages build up, in terms of what a child can be provided with before they go to school. anything that's going wrong in a child's family system can negatively impact them without them even being old enough to understand it.
you may not think of yourself as Privileged. you might prefer to think of yourself as Gifted. Gifted is so nice, even if it's demoted to Former Gifted. at one point you were told you were superior and it felt really good. and You, reader, i do not know You. i'm not calling You privileged, even if you are! hell, everyone's privileged in some way. i am at the point in the post where for transparency's sake i think i should say I Could Be What Some People Call "Former Gifted". i was called smart as a kid and given special homework sometimes etc. i'm not calling any Former Gifted people stupid for not realizing this either. what i mean is that this kids Are Not Usually Actually Gifted. this is a compliment given overwhelmingly to children who were just simply not deprived. when people say they were once Gifted, they're more often than not saying I Had The Early Opportunities To Learn Everyone Should Have, But Doesn't. this doesn't make you an outlier. It Might Just Be A Sign of Privilege.
#also I Am Privileged#i wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth in fact my parents were unemployed for much of my childhood#and there were many medical stressors for multiple of my immediate family members that complicated things#my father was diagnosed w type 1 diabetes when he was recently laid off in a pre-affordable care act world.#but in terms of having basic needs met and provided for. i did!#i didn't know the differences for my family's circumstances#also both of my parents are college-educated which helped them get out of that and helped provide for the privilege i was born into.#I Acknowledge These Privileges Not Because They Make Me Bad But Because Not Everyone Has These Things Handed To Them!#privilege doesn't mean you don't struggle. it means you don't struggle as much as you could've.#things couldve been worse#rant#long post#im not making it rebloggable bc i dont trust this website lol#people wanting to say 'im not privileged im neurodivergent' in this convo just grinds my gears#theyre making it seem like 'gifted' = neurodivergent which is NOT true#even if what they were praised for seems in retrospect to them to be their neurodivergent qualities. and#how that might emotionally interact with the future disappointment of realizing you're Not Special.#or even the social isolation you MAYBE experienced from your own school's policies for students like you!#that's again though not a systemic analysis but a personal one. and that's fine. that needs room#but people will assign a disproportionate amount of importance on their individual experience. and deny they could be privileged!#it feels very 'oh officer id never kill my husband' but about privilege lol.#its ok to be privileged. its ok#if those privileges are that you were regularly fed and lived in a stable home and your parents were there for you then thats a good thing.#universal pre-k is what ive been driving home but really all other systemic inequalities affect educational success is what im saying.#much like suicide prevention is more than just having a hotline. it's correcting the injustices of the world that make ppl feel hopeless.#educational justice is providing an equitable world for all children SO THAT they are capable of being reached by education#let's acknowledge the layers please. please
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artemisaed · 11 months
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#from kile#vi feel like vi shouldn't call vyself gray-aroace anymore#not because vi don't connect with the term. vi absolutely do connect with the term and it just Clicks in a way that other terms dont#but every post vi see says ''aroaces dont feel love'' ''aroaces dont ever want relationships'' ''all aroaces have 38034083480 qpps and HATE#and DESPISE all allos and any normal relationships'' and similar stuff#and like vi absolutely support people who dont want romantic/sexual/normative relationships! if you dont feel love then thats awesome!#one of vy best friends is a loveless aro who doesnt want any romantic relationships and vi think ze's amazing for that#vi think amatonormativity is stupid and dumb and nobody should be forced to conform to any standards of ''your relationship has to be like#this!''#but vi just. dont feel like vi should be in the community. vi feel romantic love and vi am in an at least semi-normative mono relationship#vi dont hate allos or relate to even most of the ''all aspecs relate to this'' posts or want to be poly or hate all romance or any of the#other things that are defining features of the aspec community. vi feel stupid and privileged and like vi dont belong here and vi feel like#vi'm taking away their safe spaces by being here because vi'm not aspec enough and vi don't share their hatred for romance/love and vi'm#basically the amatonormative person that theyre all supposed to be fighting against because vi'm just so extremely not aspec. if you ignore#the fact that vi dont feel attraction very often then vi'm literally just another 100% allo person. vi dont belong in aspec communities and#vi'm afraid that vi'm hurting people by being here because vi'm not really aspec enough. vi cant really put into words exactly why vi have#this uncomfortable lonely hated feeling?? vi cant even describe the feeling well its just. every time people talk about ''omggggg allos do#this and aspecs do that'' vi relate to both of them but usually vi relate to allos more because its always like. ''allos need relationships#and aspecs dont lol we're so much better and cooler aren't they sick freaks for wanting love and romance wow how childish and gross''#and vi just feel. so alone
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notoriousmasc · 1 year
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not to be rude but I think you should be torn apart by meat hooks
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oatbugs · 2 years
@ west asians what do u do when a census/form asks you for ur racial identity ? personally i cry
#bc YOU KNOW when they say asian theyre almost always referring to east asians and like#and like esp if ur a pale west asian some ppl will literally tell u youre white . like some ppl straight up say u r white#bc u benefit from some of the privilege even tho white ppl have literally appropriated west asian features#and like u could put down just 'other' or 'asian other' but what does that even mean . what is the other#personally when asked that question i cry for 5 mins. put down asian other or smth.#gonna rant but feel free to respond or rb or w/e i talk a lot in tags in doesnt mean anything#anyway its so annoying when ppl equate white privilage and colourism bc like#my skin tone can appear so so much darker irl if im under the sun for longer than 4 seconds . u only see my face#from the front online . u also were not there when i was getting called uncivilised by like 10482 people at the ripe old age of#12 when i came here . like bro come on. if im having one of those days where my skin tone is paler and i my foundation matches my skin and#i havent been under the sun in a while yes i do benefit from colourism and i try to dismantle that where i can and acknowledging it etc#but to call . west asians in general but iranians specifically...white. bro#bc why are pale south asians not white and why are pale east asians not white but were white just bc u took our features and decided yh#lets have this be the beauty standard but westernise it and bastaedise it and not acknowledging where were getting this from and call the#ppl we stole these features from TERRORISTS . except theyre also white sometimes :) xoxo . fuck u . im so angry rn goodnight its 5 AM.
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reyeslonestar · 2 years
hi if you think actual human people can queerbait their own sexualities you can fuck off actually 
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floralovebot · 1 year
I think Riven was poor in the show... I think Riven hated Sky for being a prince too. They're fighting was because of that too. Are you saying that Riven did not hate Sky because he is a prince? Riven said a lot that he did not like Sky because he is rich and rich people are unfair. Please share your thoughts for me.
I'm pretty sure this is in response to this post? But let me know if not!
Anyway, Riven coming from a poor or even "middle class" background isn't canon, it's just a really good headcanon. I say it's a headcanon because when it comes up, it's always a vague implication that could also be about something else. Like his mother abandoning him could definitely have led to him growing up poor, but it's also not an exact confirmation. His mother leaving for money could mean they were poor, but it could also mean she just wanted More Money. Darcy saying he has "a darkness inside him" is likely about mental illness and trauma rather than him being poor and taking it out on the others (also anyone who uses this as an example just know i am beam blasting your house so hard). Riven calling out nepotism and classism could definitely be more personal but it could also be an example of his very high morality and moral judgment. (like riven is extremely intelligent and stands up for people in less fortunate situations a lot.)
Like,,, it's never directly stated that he's poor and the implications that people usually see could very easily be about something else. Kind of like the headcanon that Helia grew up at RF or comes from a military family; lots of good implications, but not canon. Or s1 implying that Flora could be a lesbian or wlw; lots of implications, but not canon. On the flip side, there are tons of things about Riven that are directly stated or directly implied (like his trust issues, issues with administration, his mental health issues, and even his mother leaving him). But Riven coming from a specifically poor background is something that's more often than not just an implication that could be implying something else. I'm not saying that implication isn't there at all, but it can definitely be read in other ways (for example, I've seen people headcanon that Riven comes from a noble family and hates classism because he's seen it up close). But regardless, Riven being poor is just an implication because it's not stated or shown in canon.
Also, I should note that my post wasn't about shitting on this headcanon. I like the idea that Riven comes from a poor background. It makes sense within canon, I do think it's implied (even some of the weaker implications are still fun to me), and I often use it in other headcanons and aus. But again, it's not Canon and his rivalry with Sky and the other specialists had a lot of components that aren't related to classism. My post was specifically about how the Sky vs Riven rivalry wasn't just about classism. Riven absolutely does not like royalty or the idea of different classes in general. However, his rivalry with Sky was never just about Sky being a prince.
Riven calls Sky out for having advantages over them, yes. Riven calls out the other characters for not knowing something, for being privileged, for nepotism, etc, yes. But his dislike of Sky specifically didn't stem from classism. Like I said in that post, classism was absolutely a factor but it wasn't the Biggest Factor.
Riven had a lot of internal issues in s1 and all of them played a factor in his rivalry with Sky. Sky being a prince was the icing on top. It really cemented everything that Riven thought of Sky before, but it was never the First Reason, the Big Reason, or the Only Reason. Riven didn't like the specialists because they were constantly undermining him, constantly insulting him (sometimes in a direct insulting way and sometimes in a "playful/joking" way), always assuming the worst of him, and never taking his side in literally anything. He also has extreme trust issues, felt like he would be better off alone, and used everything they said and did as a confirmation of why. Like s1 Riven had a really bad case of confirmation bias and was constantly looking for reasons to hate them (Sky being a prince was One of those reasons).
Like I said in that post, the Riven vs Sky rivalry had a lot of depth and both parties played into it. In canon, it was never just Poor Boy Hate Rich Boy. Sky being a prince and therefore having a lot of privilege was absolutely a factor in Riven's dislike of him, but it was never the only thing or the biggest reason. If Sky hadn't been the prince, Riven still would've hated him. Like,, that's important! Riven didn't hate Sky Just because he's a prince. He didn't trust Sky, hated that Sky looked down on him (regardless of their class standing), and hated that Sky "saw better in him". He hated that they were both extremely stubborn, irrational pricks who took it out on each other. He hated that Sky clearly didn't like, trust, or respect him.
And again, I really do think his relationships with the other royal and/or rich characters back this up. If Riven hated Sky simply for being a prince, that energy would've been directed toward Brandon first and it would also be directed toward Bloom, Stella, and Aisha. But it isn't. In fact, Riven often shows that he respects and likes Aisha! Even when he does call the other royal/rich characters out, it's never with animosity. It's usually in this, "yeah you're rich and dumb and privileged here I'll show you how it's done 🙄" kind of way. With Sky, it's more "i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate myself fuck off i hate you AND you're a prince god could you get any worse???". Yknow?
#long post#like again i want to make it clear that im not shitting on the Riven Poor headcanons#i Like them and theyre very juicy to me#but it is still just a headcanon and even if it was canon its still not the only factor in the rivalry#like i was specifically talking about how people have a sort of... well this is gonna sound mean but a very one dimensional -#understanding of the sky/riven rivalry#classism IS a factor and sky being a prince IS a reason but thats not the Only component#and it genuinely bothers me when people think classism is the ONLY factor because it really brings the rivalry down so much#there are So Many factors in their rivalry and when people boil it down to Just Poor Boy Hate Rich Boy its really awkward#it erases a lot of what riven was feeling and how he took it out on people#it also erases a lot of sky's involvement in their fighting beyond his privilege#because again his being royalty does play a factor but he's also stubborn and judgemental and assumes the worst in people#and riven Hates those kinds of people and sky was always taking it out on Him#like sky didnt treat anyone else like that ???#sky was his worst fucking nightmare ajhdflg#and again sky being a prince really just solidified Everything that riven Already thought#sky and riven both had a Lot of internal issues and they were taking it out on each other#that would stay the same if sky was genuinely not a prince or even if he was poor#because it was never Just about him being a prince. that Was one factor - not the entire rivalry#so again headcanon whatever you want about riven's background! i for one will continue to think he grew up poor#but its still just a headcanon and their rivalry still has a lot of components that arent related to classism or nepotism#answered#i hope none of this comes off as mean anon i promise im not trying to shit on your thoughts#like.. i think besides the riven poor in canon thing we're in agreement?#i think another aspect of riven hating sky for being a prince is that sky hates being seen as A Prince and riven really doesnt get that#like they just Do Not understand each other and they often refused to try#after s1 we see both of them actually trying and their relationship gets better because of it
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nicolos · 1 year
sometimes i feel so isolated. your friends aren't your therapists. stop oversharing on the internet. don't trauma dump. all of this is true im doing my best not to but at some point that just means not being able to talk about my life. i'm not looking for pity or sympathy or help or anything like that, i just want to be able to talk about myself with the confidence that i'm not discomfiting people or scaring them away
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