#even if their roles end up being small i'll still be So so happy to see them on-screen
mastersoftheair · 7 months
I’m already thirsty for Buck Egan 😆 he has that swagger 🫡 I don’t want to wait another 2 months! Who are you anticipating to be your favourite?
i wouldn't say i'm "thirsty" for any of the guys lol, but i'm Very eager to see how they portray rosie rosenthal (and rosie's riveters). his life story is incredible! i'm also interested in harry crosby's role, both bc of his memoir ("a wing and a prayer", which is a great read btw) and the fact that he's being portrayed by anthony boyle (i've already seen him in hbo's "the plot against america", which is a Fantastic miniseries, albeit stressful as hell! i really enjoyed his acting in that show, so it was exciting seeing he was also attached to MotA)
the other men i'm looking forward to have Really been influenced by individual actors! as a MotA blog, combing the internet for crumbs of content just to keep the damn thing running, i Cannot Express Enough how much i appreciate the actors who posted stuff that i could work with, wrt semi-regular behind the scenes pics/videos! so, people like luke coughlan, josh bolt, raff law, and luke baker have made me so much more interested in james johnson, pappy lewis, kenneth lemmons, and vern best than i likely would've been otherwise!
so i've got potential favs due to historical and personal reasons lol
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mirai-e-jump · 8 months
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Hero Vision Vol.37 (2010/Summer) ft. Kamen Rider OOO Cast Members Watanabe Shu & Miura Ryosuke Interviews (translations below)
Publication: September 7, 2010
Watanabe Shu (Eiji Hino)
"Playing the role of the main character Eiji Hino and Kamen Rider OOO in "Kamen Rider OOO," is Watanabe Shu-kun. He's always thought, "I've always wanted to become a Kamen Rider," and the passion he has for this production has only seemed to have intensified. Watanabe-kun has only just started to create the role, but what's the main appeal of OOO and Eiji? We present to you this hot interview."
-I'm going to become a Kamen Rider!-
Ever since my first year of elementary school, starting with "Kamen Rider Kuuga," I've watched all of the Heisei Kamen Rider series in real time. At first, seeing a Kamen Rider defeat a monster was just so cool, and I couldn't stop watching. Around the time of the third series, "Ryuki," and fourth series, "Faiz," I was able to better understand even the smallest of details, and I began to think, "I'm going to become a Kamen Rider!"
While I continued to think like this, the chance to audition for "Kamen Rider OOO" was presented to me. I was more determined than any of the other contestants to win the audition, and it's not an exaggeration to say that I was putting my life on the line. That's why when I was chosen, I was so happy that I burst into tears.
Out of all the Heisei Kamen Rider series, the one I like the most is Kamen Rider Faiz. When he transforms, this area (his face and the 5 sections of his body) beeps and lights up, and when he does a Rider Kick, there's a flash of red…..the transformation and battle scenes are really cool!
Not only Faiz, but I've been influenced by the previous works of my seniors in many ways. In particular, when the Producer told me that Eiji's character is similar to that of Ryuki's main character (Shinji Kido), I had a fresh new look on him.
However, I don't want to end up copying his character, rather, I want to make sure that Eiji's own character comes through. When I think, "The feeling of Eiji," it's…..that he doesn't sweat the small stuff, and that he doesn't care about looking cool. Still, he'll face anyone directly, and has a strong will to protect what he wants to protect at all costs. I think that Eiji's a very straightforward guy. I also think the fact that he carries around nothing but his underwear and some coins means that he doesn't worry about appearances. My personality is that I also don't sweat the small stuff (laughs), and I'm not shy, so I have many similarities with Eiji. I'd like to play the role of a reliable hero by incorporating the coolness of Eiji and OOO into my own personality.
-A carefully crafted transformation scene-
It's been about 3 weeks since filming began (this interview takes place in early July), but the scale of the show's production was beyond my imagination. From the number of people involved, the methods used for filming, and everything else was massive. I get really excited when I think about being in such a production. I'll never forget the excitement I felt when I filmed the transformation scene for the first time! In Kamen Rider W's film (Kamen Rider W Forever), there's a scene where OOO appears, and by saying, "Henshin!," I realized just how hard I'd been working to get here……and I almost started to cry without thinking.
OOO's transformation is so cool! There's lots of attention to detail, like with the 3 medals in the belt and the elaborate moves. The Action Director, (Tsuyoshi) Miyazaki, came up with the basics, and we worked together on the detailed hand movements and positions. I suggested that since my left hand was facing the camera, my palm should be facing towards it, and also thought up ways of saying, "Henshin!" It's an important scene throughout the show, and I want to create the image of Eiji and the hero that I envisioned, so I was very specific about it. In W's film, Eiji is supposed to have experienced transforming many times before, so I made sure he looked confident. But, the transformation in the first episode of our main story is Eiji's first transformation, so it gives off a fresh feeling. I hope you enjoy both!
On days where I was taught how to pose, I'd practice by myself at home until midnight. In my mind, I created the image of becoming OOO as if I were in CG (laughs). I can't wait to see it, as the end result will be even better than that. I definitely have to go to the preview screenings! (laughs).
Eiji's a guy who's on the move alot, so I'm looking forward to seeing more action scenes. We shot alot in episodes 1 and 2, with me being grabbed by the monsters, being thrown around, being blown up, and rolling around. I'm still abit awkward at it, but with the help of Director Miyazaki and Suit Actor (Seiji) Takaiwa-san, I hope that in the end, I'll be able to jump off a building.
Ah, I mean, I want to improve that badly, but whether I can really do it or not is another story! (laughs). My dream is to punch and kick the monsters untransformed, so I'd like to make that happen too. If I keep talking about it like this, it'll come true someday, right? (laughs).
-Teamwork is the best!-
Things are so much fun on set. Ankh's actor, (Miura) Ryosuke-kun, is currently 5 years older me, and Shintaro Goto's actor, (Asaya) Kimijima-kun is 3 years older, but once I started talking to them, we quickly became friends. Miura-kun is the person I interact with the most in my role, so we're often together on set, and we talk about things other than acting, like my favorite manga (laughs). You get to know Miura-kun as he performs during filming. When the cameras aren't rolling, we talk about different topics, and I'd to get to know Miura-kun better when we're not acting.
As for Kimijima-kun….I was already a fan (laughs). When I was in middle school, I saw Kimijima-kun as a model in a fashion magazine, and it made me happy. Both of them are like kind older brothers, so I think it'll be alot of fun for the 3 of us to be in the same dressing room together.
We're off to a good start, and I have a feeling that the teamwork on set will keep getting better. We'll create an interesting show together, so please look forward to it!
-Watanabe Shu's Body-
Head: I'm a super positive person, so I just get through everything with the attitude of, "Well, I'll just figure it out." Who do I take after…..maybe it's a mutation? (laughs).
Ear: I've been told that I have "Hell Ears," because I carefully listen and remember the various things people say (laughs). I don't have any piercings…..making a hole looks like it'd hurt.
Eyes: I used to play sports, so my eyesight is well developed. I can even dodge punches, which I think will help me with action scenes!
Nose: I'm sensitive to the smell of food, and can guess what kind of food it is without looking. By the way, I love the smell of meat. I'm like a cave man (laughs).
Hand: I like to draw, and got the highest scores in art. But, I was more involved with sports, so now I'm abit rusty. Women probably prefer slimmer fingers anyway (laughs).
Mouth: I'm not shy at all, so even if I just met someone, I'll talk to them as much as I can. In other words, I'm annoying (laughs).
Foot: I'm fast! I used to run short distance and hurdle races, but I'm especially good at 400 meters races, and once took 3rd place in a prefectural competition with a time of 51.24 seconds!
Mind: I don't get upset about things too much. Maybe it's because a girl called me "insensitive" when I was in elementary school. Now that I think about it, that word seems to carry a serious meaning (laughs).
OOO: The theme of OOO is "Desire," and my "Desire" was to become a Kamen Rider. I think it's because I kept that in mind that I was able to encounter this production. Now, OOO is "Desire" itself. _
Miura Ryosuke (Ankh)
"Playing the double role of Shingo Izumi, a detective, and Ankh, the monster who possesses him in "Kamen Rider OOO," is Miura Ryosuke-kun. With the aim of, "Playing a beloved monster," he seems to be exploring for new ways to express himself everyday."
-Aiming to become a beloved monster-
I met with the Producer and Director through an interview, where I was given the opportunity to be apart of this production. The day before the interview, I was so nervous because my mind was racing (bitter smile). But, in order for people to understand you, you have to enjoy yourself, so that's what I did, and from the beginning, everyone talked to me in such a friendly manner…..I immediately felt relaxed and at ease.
When I was chosen for the role of Ankh, I thought to myself, "I'm grateful." I've been an actor for about 9 years now, and I was afraid that I'd only be doing on the spot performances. But, I now feel that it's because of my previous experience that I was able to get a role that'll last as long as a year. That's why I'm "grateful."
After filming began, the separation of the roles for Shingo Izumi and Ankh become a major point for me. Director (Ryuta) Tasaki, who shot episodes 1 and 2, asked me to, "Make some differences," for my tone of voice, facial expressions, and movements. Looking at the script, it's obviously different. But, when I tried playing the role, it was very difficult. Shingo becomes possessed by Ankh in the first episode, so we don't know much about his personality. His younger sister (Hina Izumi, played by Riho Takada-chan) is worried about him, so we know he's a good older brother, but, I think he's actually more of a troublesome brother, which is why his sister is so strong (laugh). I'm looking forward to finding out what kind of person Shingo is through Hina.
I'm still struggling with Ankh. The only thing I've clearly decided on, is to make him a "beloved monster." This was also brought up by Director Tasaki. Ankh's ideas and actions are pretty mischievous. One example is in episode 2, when he ate some popsicles, saying the reason was he wanted to, "Get some nourishment" (laughs). I'm sure that if I play the role without hesitating, my character will be loved by everyone. I wonder if Ankh will become more like a human by being with Eiji, or if a monster will always stay a monster…..I can't wait to see how things turn out.
Before we started filming, we had 2 rehearsals, but for the first one, time went by and I wasn't really grasping anything……I was certain that everyone was worried and wondering, "Is this guy gonna be okay?" I was so frustrated, that I would watch anime that reminded me of Ankh, I just couldn't stop thinking about him. I began to think that there was more to him than just being a right hand, and that there was a "heart" to him. Then, at the second rehearsal, I was able to get into being Ankh. The Director actually told me, "You're overdoing it" (laughs), but, those words helped me to get rid of any doubts, and I began to understand the "balance" of being Ankh.
-Creating Ankh together-
I'd like to draw your attention to the craftsmanship of Ankh's arm. It's been finely crafted down to the smallest details, and is very beautiful. It made me wonder how great it'd be to design the whole body. I can't tell you what material it's made of, as it's a trade secret (laughs), but, it's so light that I no longer feel uncomfortable wearing it. The index and middle fingers are my own fingers sticking through, so I can make detailed movements.
I've learned alot from Eitoku-san (Suit Actor), who moves Ankh's arm. Even though only his arm is shown in the show, he uses his whole body to express himself to the fullest. Just when I was thinking that I didn't want to be outdone, I had a very happy experience. The scene in the first episode where Ankh possesses Shingo was expressed through my own arm…..When I performed the moment when Ankh enters his arm and takes over, the camera man called Eitoku-san over and said, "Eitoku, this is how the acting should be done." The person who was filming was able to understand my performance. It made me incredibly happy. It made me think, "I can really do it as Ankh!" Through Eitoku-san and Ankh, I'm learning the importance of expressing my thoughts and feelings from the tips of my fingers, toes, and head.
The Director, makeup artists, costume designers, lighting crew……all of their hard work has been positive, and has helped me with becoming Ankh. I'd like to express myself as much as I can so that you can see it in a better way.
As of now, many of the actors are younger than me, but in the past, I'm often the youngest on set. I'd like to view this from the perspective of an older brother…….I want to, but it's abit difficult (laughs). The teen cast members are all so strong, that they often end up helping me out.
I think that (Watanabe) Shu is "free" in a good way. He says things like, "I want to express it in this way," without hesitation. In this world, people tend to hold back by saying, "I can't do this," or, "I can only do this much," but Shu doesn't have such an attitude. That's why I feel good and at ease when we're together. His presence in my life has grown so much, that I feel like we've already been together for a year. The only thing I wish he'd stop talking about, is his favorite manga. Every day when he comes to the set, he asks me, "Miura-kun, have you read this one?" I'm not really into reading manga, so one of my favorite things to say right now is, "Will I last a year….?" (laughs).
I'm grateful for being on such a set where we can have such innocent conversations. I'd like to build a relationship with Shu and all the cast members, so that we can motivate and support each other even during the hardest shoots. I'd like to work with everyone to grow not only within the work, but myself over the next year.
-Miura Ryosuke's Body-
Head: I'm someone that wants to have "fun." I want to take things in a fun direction, and for people to think, "He's smart." I don't want to show my efforts behind the scenes.
Eyes: I may have a hard time looking at people and other things. But, the feeling of taking in everything is always there. Because by doing so, I'll encounter something that'll move my heart.
Mouth: I like talking, but I'm not good at it. I'm often asked, "What was that last part?," because I tend to get carried away and say things too quickly…..
Nose: Like laundry fresh out of the dryer, I like scents that give off a warm feeling (laughs). Sleeping on them is ideal. Floral fabric softeners are the best.
Mind: I've always been stubborn, and I'm very consistent when it comes to my way of thinking. In order for people to understand that, I have to be firm with myself first.
Foot: I'm not slow, but I don't think I'm fast either. I do like to exercise and dance, and I like to just move my body. I'd be happy if I can make use of that in my action scenes.
Ear: I have really good ears. Even when I'm talking to someone, I can hear the conversations of those next to me, and I'll get angry and say, "What'd you say?!" (laughs).
OOO: This is the "start" for me. I'm confident that what I learn here will remain with me for the rest of my life, so I want to make this an important first step for me.
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imamxdel · 5 months
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Daehyun still felt like a stranger to her. Their wedding was less than three days away, yet she barely knew anything about the man she was supposed to be marrying.
He seemed too good for her family. Sorom was still aspiring in her role as a designer; small little jobs to fill her time when she didn't model, and though recognized by her work for the pieces she'd made, she really was an amateur trying to make her way in an incredibly difficult career.
He was a successful lawyer with a big family name with an even bigger reputation. Perhaps if she'd known how badly his own parents hated their son that they were okay with him being paired with an essential no one, she might've been offended at the choice. She was still blind to his families hatred of their own son.
Her own parents were elated by the offer and pairing. It was exactly what they always wanted -- a handsome, rich man that could take care of their aging daughter.
"You're not getting any younger. This is a good match. He's handsome, he's in the papers whenever he wins a case! You should be thankful you're getting this opportunity, Sorom. He's good for you."
Sorom had agreed to it before even meeting him. It felt so odd to go on a date with someone she knew she'd end up marrying, and there was relief to learn he was at least respectful and didn't try pushing boundaries. Their marriage would bring her an opportunity to invest more in her career without worrying of financial strain -- he was very handsome, and she felt that maybe there was a chance that if the two of them couldn't love each other, they could at least be friends.
By the third date, she'd walked up to the table of a too expensive restaurant to find an engagement ring waiting for her. How nonchalant Daehyun had seemed with it. Not even a proposal; though she couldn't be disappointed. If she knew that this was arranged, she should have never set expectations.
The end of their fifth date, not even six months from having met, Sorom nodded her head towards Daehyun. The engagement ring felt heavy on her hand. No part of the wedding taking place at the end of the week had been planned by her, and she assumed he had taken no part in it, either. Her mother was happy to choose everything from the flowers, to the dress. Sorom hadn't seen the guest list, though she assumed his family had made it as big of an event as they could.
"...it has to be nerve wracking for you," she said. Her voice was low. The music playing around another expensive place they met seemed to fade while she spoke. "To get married to someone and pretend to love them in front of strangers..." Sorom still didn't know him well enough to start speaking informally. "I don't...expect much from this. I just ask that we never lie to each other. I don't come from the same type of family as you. I'll be a good wife...if you can tell me honestly what I'll be getting in to." @dencesin
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mooncello · 2 months
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What a fun Sunday so far. ⚡ thank you for the tags @bookish-bogwitch (LOVE seeing some of your writing process), @shrekgogurt (still haven't recovered from ch 13 of ikabikam in the best way possible), @emeryhall (happy anniversary!) & @you-remind-me-of-the-babe (anguished Baz is such a vibe fr).
For today's update:
Enter Niall & Dev.
Truly one of the most unexpected delights of writing this fic has been the insistence of Niall and Dev to show up and take a prominent role in the story. I adore them. I adore them as individual characters, and I love who they are for Baz.
Here's a little from chapter 2 of lost boys. This chapter will publish next week! I'm traveling this week, so I'll post once I'm back.
Under the cut because of length. It's a 30+ sentence Sunday, y'all.
Baz POV, 16 yo, year 12 (school).
Towards the end of lunch, I hear a familiar booming laugh across the canteen. I figure I have two minutes until impact. I tuck my sketchbook and pencils away and twist the lid back onto my thermos of tea. “Just a head’s up,” I say to Niall, who is still contently working away, “we’re about to be interrupted by the demon of chaos hims—” “Bazza!” There’s the solid thump of a hand against my shoulder and the dramatic collapse of tall, muscular limbs into the seat beside me. “My favourite nerd. How’s it going, cuz?” Dev flashes his white, perfect teeth at me before snatching my remaining bourbon biscuit. His fingernails are painted turquoise today, his dark hair is swept away from his face, and he’s wearing eyeliner. The bastard looks amazing. Despite being cousins, we never really hung out as kids. Always kept to different social circles. Which is to say Dev constantly had a roving pack of friends, and I had nobody (save for the lost boys in my dreams). But when I got outed this past spring, Dev decided to take a more active presence in my life. He even convinced me to join the football team with him. He’s charismatic and popular in his own way, and so unabashedly and loudly himself that even the nastiest bullies don’t bother him. It's been nice, having Dev in my life. Even though it means I now deal with his chaotic, abrasive personality all the goddamn time. “Dev, this is Niall.” I make a small sweeping motion to the boy across from us. Dev raises his chin in greeting. “New kid. Hey.” Niall smiles faintly. He looks rather disoriented. Possibly awestruck. I don’t blame him. Dev tends to have that effect on people. I’m almost envious of it. Another smack hits my upper arm. “Did’ya hear about practice this afternoon? Thirty minutes later than usual.” “Yes, I received the same team-wide notification, Dev, thank you.” Dev is now peering at Niall’s drawing tablet without shame, while continuing to talk to me. “A bunch of us are getting ice cream after the match on Friday. Wanna join?” “That’s a very solid maybe,” I tell him in a tone that communicates I’d rather eat grass laced with slug poison. I like playing on the pitch, but I’m not about to huff dairy with a bunch of footballer lads. “Great.” Dev stands, all six feet of him, and squeezes my top knot. I sigh and bat his hand away. Clearly I need to have another conversation with him about acceptable physical contact. “See you at practice then. Nice meeting you, Niall.” He’s off in a swirl of flair and overpriced body spray. “Sorry about him,” I murmur to Niall. I really hope he’s not scared off.
hellos & tags! xoxo
@thewholelemon, @best--dress, @facewithoutheart, @cutestkilla, @whatevertheweather, @artsyunderstudy, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @fatalfangirl, @youarenevertooold, @raenestee, @orange-peony, @ileadacharmedlife, @nightimedreamersworld, @rimeswithpurple, @iamamythologicalcreature, @shemakesmeforget & @arthurkko (your merwolves ... still thinking about your merwolves)
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ty-bayonet-betteridge · 6 months
Tattletale's story is so tragic because outwardly it LOOKS like a success story. Through her arc she gets brilliant insight after brilliant insight, helps bring down the man who was looming over her life, becomes internationally recognizable, plays a key role in reversing the end of the world, and when the dust settles ends up a wealthy and powerful criminal lord. She gets all the things that SHOULD define her ending as happy, but it's all hollow, because she doesn't ever get what she needed.
The other Undersiders got what they needed in the end. They all have their own tragedies, large and small, mostly large, but they have proper happy endings. Aisha finds her own identity, a way she can make a difference that she's happy with, separate from the people in her life but still carrying on their legacy - not only that, but she finds a family that properly celebrates her for her and that she can be a part of, with the Heartbroken. Alec DOES find someone who he can genuinely connect with, even if he dies before that connection is able to go anywhere. Brian sees Aisha healing and finding her own way in the world, and when he does die its the way he would have wanted - a brave fall in the middle of battle that makes him look larger than life. Lily and Sabah get eachother, and they get to distance themselves from the drama, and they get to make a difference for the people who were close to them. Taylor gets her father, and she gets Anne, and she knows that she isn't nothing anymore, that she has strengths, even if she doesn't know what that looks like in a non-superpowered context. Rachel gets a space where she can just exist, in the company of a few people she cares about and who put in the work to really get her. No more running or fighting for things larger than herself and her pack - just peace, or something that looks like it.
But Lisa? Despite it all, her emotional needs are left unfilled. She doesn't get to stop blaming herself - she's shouldering more guilt than ever, guilt over Taylor and Brian and Alec, over Gold Morning, on top of the guilt she never got away from over her brother. She doesn't find anyone she can be vulnerable too - she loses the person who she was closest to being able to rely on, and now has to pretend she's untouchable as this crime lord she's built herself into being. Even the one thing that she saw as her redeeming accomplishment - saving Taylor - even that comes apart in the end. And you see her in the Post-Worm world, and she's become this imposing information broker and gang leader, at the center of this web of power, and she acts like this is what she wanted, because she never learned another way to define success. The best models she got for what a happy ending "should" look like are her rich parents and Coil's plans to take over the city. So when she does get power, and money, and recognition, and influence, she acts like that's a good outcome, acts hard enough that she even convinces herself. But it's all so hollow, because she still hasn't realized that that isn't what she wanted, and she never will realize, because she hasn't trained herself to ask the hard questions, to really interrogate her own feelings. Her power actively disincentivizes it. So she'll keep being unhappy, and reaching for greater things, and wondering why she isn't satisfied with what she assumed was everything that success should look like.
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Keith Howell (JP)
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Dramatic & Romantic Spoilers
Emma showed no sign of getting up even though I carefully folded her clothes that had fallen to the floor and placed them beside her.
(Maybe it's because I got carried away last night and did something reckless.)
(If I'm not careful, I'll end up asking for even more.)
I stared at her, took her hand, and lightly kissed her fingertips as she continued to sleep.
I didn't have any deep intention, but my hand naturally reached out to Emma as I watched her.
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(How did she manage to accept me with such a small body?)
(If she didn't fall in love with me, I'd probably be alone right now.)
Keith: "Thanks. For saving me from that guy."
I wasn't sure if the words reached the sleeping Emma.
I didn't want someone to pick up my pent-up feelings that were spilling out, but I wanted to dissolve the feelings that I couldn't hold on to.
Keith: "I'm always attracted to you. I wonder what you'd look like if you knew I fell for you first."
I was already attracted to her from the moment she found out who I was.
In a way, I am probably simpler than "that guy."
Keith: "But I ain't gonna tell you."
I put a little force into my fingertips as I clasp her hand.
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Keith: "You liked me, I liked you, and you acknowledged my existence."
Keith: "I'm still here, even though I'm no longer in that role."
(Honestly, I thought I was supposed to disappear when that guy stopped being a piece of work.)
It's because of her and "him" that we have a future.
(It's not just him. I'm allowed to like you, too, right?)
Keith: "But that wasn't enough."
Keith: "I thought just looking at you was enough."
(When you are in love, next comes greed.)
(You taught me that I have a normal, human side to me.)
I kissed her again on her fingertips.
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Keith: "It's your fault. You made me fall in love with you, so take responsibility, okay?"
Romantic End
Keith: "Will you dance with me?"
In the rain of dancing flowers, I pulled Emma's hand and put my other hand on her waist.
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Emma: "You're too kind."
Keith: "No. I just wanted to dance with you."
Keith: "Look, you've danced with 'him' before, so it's not fair."
Emma: "Hehe. Well, Let’s do it."
(I'm good at dancing because I'm uselessly unathletic.)
(I always thought I was good at it, but I never thought it would come in handy here.)
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I stared at the blushing Emma as we danced, and I could see my reflection in her clear eyes一it was an irresistible feeling.
Keith: "I want to stare at you until the dance is over. Is that selfish?"
Emma: "That's what mean Keith said too."
Keith: "I didn't realize that."
(So he's me, too, after all.)
Keith: "Then I want to stare at you even after the dance."
Emma: "You've become greedier than before."
Keith: "When it comes to you, I just can't help it."
Emma smiled and cupped my cheek with her slender hand.
The place where she touched me as if she was saying I love you, felt a little hot.
(Even if she can't touch me, just being around her makes me happy.)
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(Maybe not just me, but her too.)
My heart beats wildly as I shared this moment with her.
Keith: "I love you, and "he" loves you too."
Keith: "I can't give you normal love, but I don't want to let go of your hand.”
Keith: “I only want to love you."
(There will be many unusual things that will annoy her in the future.)
(I might even annoy her.)
I'm not sure if I've blown it completely out of the water, but what matters is not how I feel but how Emma feels.
Emma: "Then, please love me more."
Emma: "I will love both Keiths with all my heart!"
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(It's truly a miracle that I met a woman who could say that.)
(Maybe I've used up all the luck in my life.)
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weebsinstash · 11 months
Ok good you've finally seen it. What gets me in atsv (at least the version I watched) Miguel isn't even stated as having and loosing a family BEFORE he just up and leaves for that other dimension. Like dude decided he wanted a different life and a family and went and took up someone else's, instead of starting his own.
I was thinking about this last night and I eventually went back and watched the scene and it's like. Yeah bro you're right they do in fact never specify if he even had a family before
In the comics, he loses his pregnant fiance, and I, assumedly with a bunch of other people, was just kind of assuming that he had the same backstory in ATSV and it was sometime after her death that he tried a second time around. I'm assuming the canon he broke by going to another universe was HIS OWN canon: as a Spider, you are apparently supposed to lose your first love/first crush and move on, but by him jumping ship into another universe, that was breaking the rules (*cough cough* "but what if Miguel realizes being with Reader in his own universe doesn't break canon and he goes apeshit with it" *cough cough*)
But GOD wouldn't it be fucked up if it really was as literal as the way he phrased it. "I found another universe where I was happy" not "I found a universe where my family survived" is kind of sus phrasing. Like yeah bro you technically uh stole the life of a completely different person and helped raise his daughter and presumedly fucked his wife
But one thing a few people have mentioned that kind of took a while to sink in was like. Him losing that second family was RECENT. He didn't form the Spider Society until sometime after Miles became Spiderman, which he's only been wearing the mask for about a year and a half. Peter B was in the flashback where Miguel lost his second family, so like. It's literally been less than two years since Miguel accidentally broke canon. This man has some piping hot FRESH TRAUMA like he's probably still in a stage of grief???
Like I understand he's an antagonist but I'll be legit angry if he becomes like monstrously evil and it becomes "oh no we gotta defeat miguel" in the third movie because his trauma and his actions are completely understandable, like he could be an antagonist but he better not be like Final Boss. Like yeah yeah "he's technically killing people by not letting people break canon" but I mean as far as he's concerned, for all that he knows, what the evidence shows and what he's lead to believe, saving one person could potentially kill an entire universe and destabilize others so like. YEAH it sucks but no one should have to explain the math. Like the man literally had a small child he was helping raise literally vanish in his own arms as she cried "dad help" and people are like "UGH MIGUEL IS EVIL" like bro at the WORST he is obsessed with making up for his sins, dude isn't DELIBERATELY tryna cause shit. Like when you really get into analysis mode you can completely understand why he's so angry at Miles, Miguel was literally chanting "no puedo mas" ie "I can't anymore" at the concept of another hole being torn in the multiverse, like he's literally shouting and throwing shit around because for him it's "oh great here we fucking go, tons and tons of people will die if I don't get this under control, when does it end, how do i fix this"
His line on top of the train really kind of cements it, where he's all "and I'm the only one who's been keeping everything together" because he's not saying that from some source of narcissism, he's BURDENED by this, he's TRAPPED by this, but he feels a responsibility and a duty to make up for what he did. The man is essentially using his role leading the Spider Society as a punishment for breaking canon.
"Miguel is selfish" "Miguel is evil" bro Miguel is literally just one really really bad accident away from straight up killing himself, like tearing his own hair out as he beats his head into a wall. Miguel is like when you're so extremely stressed out that when you dropped your fresh toast on the floor jelly-down you legit contemplated suicide "because why can't even one thing go right for me". This man is hanging on by a thread but like I'm convinced the third movie will have a happy ending because it just. Doesn't feel right if it doesn't? The entire first two movies were about finding your own identity and making your own expectations and I feel like the whole canon event narrative inherently challenges what the movies stand for, so, really interested in seeing how the third movie goes, waiting will fucking kill me, and also with all the articles coming out about ATSV having insane crunch, I have a good feeling Beyond The Spiderverse is gonna be delayed. I kinda like that though because like, idk, do you guys ever get sad when a show or series ends. It's like the journey is over and then you move on and kind of forget about everything. I'm enjoying these movies and these characters and I don't mind marinating with em a little while longer
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snowwolflover · 7 months
A deal is deal
part 9
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"Wait, what do you mean? I am taking her seriously about changing my clothes a bit but..." Grace stammered before I cut her off with "No buts, Miss Rae is right. Some of what you have is just flat out not appropriate, Especially for someone like you. I warned you about wearing things like you wore today and you did it again anyway. You also agree to behave and do as your told. Your my little sister now and live with me at the house and I promised to take care of you. You also see Miss Rae like a mother and her and I seem to both think this is what's best for you. We are going to get you all taken care of. This weekend you and I will be going in and changeing your WHOLE wardrobe to something more appropriate, end of story." With that I pat her diaper. It was wired, He eyes looked as if she was sad. Maybe even about to cry but I could see her trying not to let out a smile in the corner of her lips. "Now give me a kiss and let's get the rest of what we need so we can get back, Miss Rae is waiting on us." I said. Grace reached over and gave me a kiss on the cheek and we went over to the store. We Made quick work of the list from Miss Rae and got back on the road.
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We pulled back up to the house and started to unload everything. Miss Rae had hired a serving staff for the evening and as we entered we saw them setting everything else up. We dropped off the stuff we just picked up in the kitchen and let them take over. Miss Rae came from the back yard and said hello again and let us know where she was with everything. "Everything down here is taken care of, Go ahead and go check on the children Grace. They are your job for the evening. once they are in bed then you may join the party too if you would like" Miss Rae tells her. I jump right in and add "If your not to tiered and cranky by then, since the party will probably be going on well after your ned bed time little one" Graces mouth fell open at that comment. I kept going and said, "Also before you go why don't you show Miss Rae the new clothes we just got you to start your new wardrobe?" I tell her. Grace is a little reluctant but reaches in the bag and pulled out her new dress and showed it to Miss Rae who looked very happy seeing it, Then Grace pulled out the package of Minnie mouse panties and showed those to her as Well. "Well those look more better then that STRING you had up your butt earlier. Very nice. Ok now run upstairs and take care of the kids" Miss Rae said. As Grace turned around to head up Miss Rae added in "if at any point you need to be changed tonight you come get Tiffany or I and we will take care of it, Don't you dare do that yourself". This made Grace go even faster as if she was running from those words.
Miss Rae looked at me after Grace was gone and told me to come see everything. She walked me out back and we looked at the yard being set up. It looked so amazing, like a royal Galla. After so small talk about the party she then told me "I know today was a long day for everyone, expecilly Grace. I want to help as much as I can. When you have time you may take her shopping and use my card. "Get her a new laptop to replace her lost one, New clothes and anything else she needs. I'll pay for it, no problem. Also since she seems to be fitting in this new role so we'll pick up a new ebony hair brush that you can use to spank her if she gets out of line and some pull ups likes she in now too. I want her to grow up to be a true lady." "Yes ma'am, I can do that. Thank you for your kindness." I tell her. "Also if there is anything you need, Please feel free to get it on me as well. I want to support the soon to be president of my sorority and ""Mother"" to my little nanny." she added with a laugh. "Wait, how do you know about that?" I asked. She looked at me with a smile. "I told you before, I still talk to my sister's. I still live this close to my old school and sorority. I sponsor and donate alot to the house and sorority as a whole. As alumni council we keep our eyes and ears open. Also Flora is a legacy and her mother is a close friend of mine. Flora is my god daughter. They should both be here tonight as well." I couldn't believe I didn't know all this. After everything with the house and I now I'm meet someone who does so much and didn't even know it.
We stood around and talked more about her time with the sorority and things she still does until it was time for her to get ready. "I need to go get changed myself, Why don't you go check on the kids and I'll meet up with you soon. Guest should be arriving soon." She said. I agreed and walked up to the kids space. I stood at the top of the stairs watching as Grace played with them kids for a little bit before I said anything, it was too cute to interrupt. Once I saw a good point I did come all the way in the room and Grace gave me a big hug and introduced me to all the kids. We said hi and talked about there toys and everything. As we were sitting there one of the twins yelled I need to go potty, and ran to the bathroom. The other twin seeming to agree said me too and ran to the room as well. Grace followed right behind them "Ok...ok" she called following them in. I walked slowly behind to see Grace interact with the kids. She got the princess training seat down and in place on the toilet and then helped the first girl, then the second. They washed hands and ran back out. I turned and looked at Grace "It's been a while since you have gone? or are you already wet?" I ask. "I'm not wet" Grace said with her stubborn tone. "Then maybe you need to try and go" I teased. She gave me a look for a minute... "Only because I happen to need to go, Not just because you said it" she grumbled... "Yes Baby" I replied sarcastically. Grace reached to pick up the training seat. "Ah ah ah, Don't." I say stopping her. She just looked back and then pulled down her pants and pull up and sat down. With the bathroom door wide open, her pants and pull up pulled down to her ankles and while sitting on a training potty with me watching she went potty. "Oh such a good girl" I praise her. "Now wash your hands for me." I added.
Grace pulled up her pull up and I reached in and check to make sure it was still dry and then she pulled up her pants and washed her hands before returning to play with the kids and I went back downstairs.
Some of the guest had started to arrive and gather in the backyard. I didn't see anyone I knew yet but I started to wonder and meet people. I was introduceing myself as just a friend of Miss Rae's to everyone, unsure what else to say. The music started to play and the grand door to the back yards opened up and out walked Miss Rae and her husband. She was dressed as Bella from beauty and the beast and he was the beast. They went all out on the costumes and looks amazing. The two made there way down the steps in to the courtyard. Miss Rae was handed a microphone and she made a quick speech to the party thank everyone for being her and wished everyone a good night. They started to greet everyone going around the party. When they made there way around to me Miss Rae stopped and introduced me to her husband, "Tiffany this is my Husband, Ryan. Ryan This is a new friend of mine Tiffany. Shes the one I told you about that from the sorority and she is friends with Grace" . Ryan reached out and took my hand in his and gave the top of my hand a kiss "It's very nice to meet you" he says. "Thank you, it's nice to meet you as well Sir." I said. "Oh no, Just Ryan. please " he corrects me. I nodded my head "absolutely, Thank you Ryan." I corrected. "Where is your drink at?" Miss Rae asks me. "Oh I haven't gotten a chance to get one yet." I tell her. "Oh we can't have that, Ryan go get Tiffany and I a drink. please" She says to her husband. without missing a beat he turns "Yes Miss Rae." he says and leaves to go get drinks. I look over at Miss Rae "Your husband calls you Miss Rae also?" I asked. She smirked a little and said "Yes. Everyone does"
"Come on I want you to meet some people" she tells me as she takes my hand and we start to walk deeper in to the party. We walked around for a little bit meeting several lady's ranging from some who were only a couple of years older then I was to some who were more around my parents age. All of them very nice and very well kept. Most were introduced as Miss in front of there name but some were Lady. I did sneak a moment to ask Miss Rae in between greetings why the all were called Miss or Lady. She simply said it was a dignified way of greating. We did run in to Ryan again and he gave us our drinks before Miss Rae dismissed him to go and socialize. Then we came upon a group of 6 women. Miss Rae brought us in to the group and I looked around. I saw that one of them was Flora. We gave each other a quick hug and said hello before Miss Rae started introducing everyone else. First was Miss Amanda, she was Flora mother or as she was introduced Lady Flora. I could tell right away Miss Amanda was the one who everyone else in the group was looking up to but even she seemed to look to Miss Rae. Then we went down the rest of the lady's. Miss Sharon, Miss Ruth, Miss Sylvia and Lady Anna. The it was time for Miss Rae to introduce me. she told the group "This is Tiffany, She is a current members of the sorority and soon to be president of the house when Lady Flora graduates this year." Everyone clapped at that. "She is already showing great promise and I think might also make a good addition to our world as well" Miss Rae added. everyone seemed very excited at this idea. What did she mean? there world? And what about announcing me is the next president? it hasn't even been brought up to the house yet?
My mind was going a thousand miles a minute at this point but I tried my best to stay calm and just smile. All the lady's got in to small talk and the. Miss Rae's phone rang. She looked down and looked at the message and then simply put her phone back in her pocket. She looked at me and said "Tiff, would you be a dear and go check on the kids for me. Grace says everyone is down and the rooms cleaned up." "Yes Miss Rae, I would be happy too." I said as I started to excuse myself from the group. "I'll go with you if that's ok" Flora spoke up. I need to stretch my legs a bit anyway. For a quick moment I was worried, What if I needed to check or even change Grace? what if she didn't have everything done up there? Miss Rae suddenly spoke up and said "That's perfect, it will give you lady's a chance to talk some more as well." So I accepted and Flora and I started to walk back to the house.
As we walked back to the house I looked at Flora and said "I didn't know you knew Miss Rae". Flora smiled at me and replied "Oh yes I have known Miss Rae for a few years now. After my mother joined the group she had the lady's all over at her house and soon I was introduced to them all. I got to see what being in the group did for her and knew I needed to join when I could. So now I am." "Well that's so great to hear." I said. Truly unsure how to respond to all of this. "What about you, It sounds like you have a good connection to the group now and could be joining very soon, And with Miss Rae's and the group backing you your a sure thing for the next president" Flora added. "Well to be honest I haven't really thought about it yet. I was still focused on the president role and everything else going on. The group seems like so much more right now." I said. Flora laughed a little said "It's fine, I know it's a lot but you'll be ok. I'm here for you to help make sure you have anything you need right now. You are me sister first and foremost." By this point we were reaching the top of the stairs in the house. We made it to the kids playroom and both looked around. Grace was sitting in the couch waiting. "Oh hi Flora, what are you doing here" Grace asks in shock at seeing her with me at the moment." Flora just said "Miss Rae and My family have been friends for a long time."
I walked in the room and looked around a little and yes it looked like everything was cleaned up. I peeked in the bathroom and it was also all cleaned up with the princess potty seat still sitting on the toilet Incase any little ones needed it over night. I came back over to the main room where Grace was now standing and talking to Flora and said "Well sweetie, It looks like you have everything ready. Did you want to come down with us or did you want to go lay down for a while and I can come get you when its time to head back to the house.?" Grace said she would like to come down with us for a while so I agreed and we turned to start walking back. Flora suddenly spoke up "Before we go back you should probably check on her, Tiff". Grace went pale as soon as she heard the words and I turned back to look at Flora "What?" I asked. "It's fine lady's. I don't care about it but you should probably make sure she doesn't need to change or go potty before we head down." She replied so nonchalantly. "How....How did you know" Grace asked. Flora just said "Grace, sweetie I suppose to know about my house. It's fine, I haven't told anyone. Your secret is safe." I reached over and grabbed Graces skirt and lifted in a little and reach for her pull up to check it. It felt dry at the moment so I said "She's right baby, you don't need to worry about anything. You feel dry right now but do you need to go potty?" I asked "Why don't we try to be safe" I added. I grabbed Graces hand and started to walk her to the bathroom. Grace didn't say a word and just followed. I helped her pull down her legs and Pull up and sat her on the potty. See took a second and then made a little tinkle and looked up at me. I check the pull up since it was down, I took the time to check it again, It was a tiny bit wet but still ok. I just gave her a little look and pulled everything back up and had her wash her hands.
The 3 of us started to go back to the party, Grace and I holding hands. when we reached the back door and Grace looked out she had a shocked look on her face at everything. "Wow" she said. We reentered the part and Flora excused herself to talk to some others and Grace and I went on to find Miss Rae. We found her a few minutes later walking around "So how was everything, In order?" Miss Rae asked. "Yes Ma'am, Grace did a great job." Miss Rae smiled happily "That's good, and did our little one need to change?" Miss Rae added. "No ma'am she was fine and I made sure she tried before we came back down" I told her. "Very nice. Well you two enjoy the part" She told us. The rest of the of the night went without incident and we just had some fun at the party. About 2 hours later I could tell Grace was getting tiered and we were going to have a big day tomorrow so I suggested we head home. Grace agreed and we started to head back to the house. On the way back up we found Miss Rae again and let her know that we would be heading out for the evening. She wished us a good night and again thanked us for everything. Grace and I went back in to get out things, we went upstairs to the guest room where we left our bags and grabbed everything. I decided it would be better to change Grace to the dress we got her before going home so she would be more comfy on the ride. We got the maid outfit off and I grabbed the dress. As I turned to put it on her I noticed her pants were a little puffy. I stopped and checked her and she had wet her pull up. "Grace your wet, why didn't you say anything?" I asked her. "Well ummm, I didn't think it was that bad and it just happens we were walking back...I'm sorry" she said. I stopped her and just laid her down. I walked to the other room and grabbed a pull up and came back in. I changed her really quick in to a new pull up and got the dress on her. we stopped and tossed it in the diaper pail on the way out.
We loaded in the car and made our way home. By the time we got there she was asleep in my car. I woke her as much as I could and helped her to our room. I stripped her down to just her diaper and got her in her bed and then got myself changed and in my bed for the night. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.
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case-of-traxits · 5 months
for the ask meme: Reeve
For the Opinion Meme || Still accepting!
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Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual, but functionally gay. Because I write Reeve as being Cetra (I feel the need to link this every time I mention it because it's such a wild-ass take that any time I don't, I have confused people messaging me), he's basically extremely paranoid about sexual situations that could end in children. Especially since his mother is always trying to set him up on dates (and he's half-wondering if she's trying to arrange for him to produce more little part-Cetran babies) and the President is always setting him up on blind dates (I have a whole headcanon about this, but basically, Reeve's concerned that President knows).
So with him being so paranoid about it, he just... doesn't have sex with women. Ever. It's much safer that way.
Gender Headcanon: Cis man. Although, that said, I used to RP as girl!Reeve, and that was fun as hell.
A ship I have with said character: HAHAHAHAHA. All of them.
No, but seriously, there's very few people I haven't written/read/shipped Reeve with.
Reeve/Tseng? Delicious.
Reeve/Lazard? Omg, yes, please.
Reeve/Genesis? Don't mind if I do (ship of my soul, currently).
Reeve/Reno? Talk about fucking up my heart okay.
Reeve/Rude? They're wonderful together.
Reeve/Sephiroth? Yep. I could do that.
Reeve/Veld? I can get behind that.
Reeve/Vincent? Mm. So wonderful.
Reeve/Barret? I expect some angst in there, but that's delicious too.
Like, not all of these work with all of my HCs, but I am happy to jettison/rework HCs to make things happen.
A BROTP I have with said character: No matter what I'm doing, if Reeve and Tseng aren't an active couple, then they're best friends. I just. I love the two of them together, especially with all the potential angst between them with their secrets and everything. It's just wonderful.
A NOTP I have with said character: I think the closest thing I really have to a NOTP is probably Reeve/Hojo, but that's a holdover from an old RP partner who uh... we did some pretty dark stuff with that. Like, I can see it, but man, it is fucked up. Especially with my Reeve in particular.
A random headcanon: Hm... I've already talked about Reeve being a Cetra and Reeve being an Inspire... Here, since I went light on the ship descriptions this time, have a small handful of random headcanons instead:
I would say my biggest "obscure" headcanon is that Reeve lives in a 3,000 sq foot custom-built penthouse in Upper Eight.  And yes, I have a floorplan.  One day, I'll do some drawings of the rooms.
Reeve’s blood type is type O negative.
Reeve requires every single Urban Dev employee to wear a carbon bangle with Restore, Ice, and Lightning materia equipped.  They’re also required to annually attend a training known as “Materia Camp,” to ensure they’re comfortable with the basic use.  This is because Urban Dev employees are, statistically speaking, the most likely to be first-on-the-scene of any sort of emergency situation.
Reeve has three small tattoos along his spine.  They’re three Wutaian characters in a straight line, each character a few inches from the previous one, and from top to bottom, they read: Courage, Inspiration, and Resilience.  They’re the same characters his father wrote in the front of each of his sketchbooks.
General Opinion over said character: My babygirl. Look. Reeve is my angel and ... yeah, I'd say he is probably my favorite character in the game.
BONUS! A song I associate with the character:
Where am I today? I wish that I knew 'Cause looking around there's no sign of you I don't remember one jump or one leap Just quiet steps away from you lead I'm holding my heart out but clutching it, too Feeling this sort of a love that we once knew Calling this a home when it's not even close I'm playing the role with nerves left exposed
-- "Reasons Why," by Nickel Creek.
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guplia · 1 month
My third fic for @badthingshappenbingo!
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Fandom: Ninjago
Trope: Rendered Mute
Also available on AO3!
A Voice Gone With the Wind
It was another night in Ninjago City, and Lloyd was going to go to bed in peace.
It had been a week, but it was still hard to believe that Cole was no longer a ghost. Lloyd was really happy for his brother because he personally could not imagine watching all your friends grow old while you stay the same age forever. And not being able to touch water! That's torture!
Little did Lloyd know, tonight he was gonna learn what real torture was.
He entered the bathroom, and locked the door because he knew from unfortunate experience that someone was bound to open the door. He hadn't even made a move yet when the lights turned off. Okay, no big deal. As long as the Bounty's engine was still working everything would be just fine. And Lloyd couldn't hear any screams or feel himself descending so it was just a small problem. But as he couldn't see anything, he had to get out of the bathroom and use it when the power came back. He unlocked the door and tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge.
Okay. Just call someone. Lloyd opened his mouth to scream ‘HELLO?’ when someone gagged him with a cloth and handcuffed him with what was most likely vengestone. The blond turned around and was able to see his enemy as he was holding a lit matchstick. Morro. How…?
Lloyd made muffled noises when Morro spoke up. “If you make even the quietest noise, I'll punish you. I know what you're thinking. Let me explain.” He smirked. “Long story short, I became a human again by entering the rift before Cole did.”
He hung Lloyd to the pole that held the curtains for the bathtub. “Now I'm so sick of you. I never got to have my revenge for not letting me get my rightfully earned role as the Green Ninja! Speaking of which, I think you can handle a little pain… right?”
Before Lloyd could understand what he meant, a muffled scream came out of his mouth as he felt a knife digging through his skin. “Shut up!” Morro yelled. He dragged the knife through Lloyd's torso, but not enough to hit any vital organs. Lloyd screamed again. Morro grabbed him by the collar. “If you make one more noise, there will be consequences.”
He kept ripping Lloyd's skin with the knife, and the blond kept quiet this time, praying that Kai or anyone else would come in the bathroom and put an end to this. Or even better, this whole thing was a terrible nightmare.
Eyes closed, he felt the knife leave his skin, and that was when he started sobbing. He forgot about Morro for a blissful second. He felt a hand squeeze his neck. “What did I say about making noises?” Lloyd thought that would be the end. Morro would choke him to death. Instead, his fate was way worse.
He felt the cloth coming out of his mouth, but as he couldn't breathe anymore, he kept it open for vain attempts at gasping for breath. And that was a horrible mistake.
Morro forced the knife down his throat, and Lloyd had never felt more agonising pain in his life. He kept gagging out blood, knowing this would be the end. He tried kicking Morro, but he knew it was useless.
He then heard a familiar voice. “What's going on in there? Lloyd?” Morro pulled the knife out of his throat and jumped out of the window, to who knows where. Lloyd was hyperventilating now. He was coughing up blood.
He didn't notice Cole breaking the door open, or the scream for Wu to come immediately. What he did notice, however, was Kai at his side, rubbing his back, staring at his body with panicked eyes. Then it all went black.
Lloyd didn't really know what was going on. He could hear unfamiliar voices discussing “damage to larynx”, “rendered mute” and “trauma” He finally opened his eyes to see who was stroking his hair.
It was Kai, sitting by his bedside, in what looked like a hospital room.
“Hey, buddy.” He whispered. “I hope you're feeling better.”Lloyd tried to talk, but no noise came out.“Don't try to talk, Greenbean.” Lloyd already knew what had happened. “I'm sorry.”
Kai pulled Lloyd into a tight hug, letting the latter cry into his shoulder.
No noise came from Lloyd's sobs, however. There would never be any noise coming from him again.
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fluffalpenguin · 11 months
@arcvmonth day 24: the manga
oh man oh MAN it's vj day!!!!!
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it's pretty funny how all my gifs are mostly yuri-centered huh
Under the cut:
revisiting my review of the manga from last year
Headcanons and fic/comic ideas
rambling about an old WIP
small playlist! (with write-ups!)
First of all, here's the 3,000 words analysis/blog thing I wrote last year when I first finished it.
One and a half years later, I still largely agree with it! There's some headcanons I wrote in there that I completely forgot about, lol, so I'm glad past me posted it somewhere for current me to relieve it again! (The rants were also kind of funny to re-read too)
Next, headcanons!
Lately, I found myself wondering about Yuto and Yuri's outfits; specifically-
...Why are they walking around Maiami with dramatic red/black capes?
After some time in the kitchen, I decided that when Yuya was younger, he was really into good versus evil roles when rehearsing his dueltainment lines. And who else better to serve as his practice opponents than his two brothers who aren't off busy making rounds at the stadium on a D-Wheel?
Tying his own fluffy, white towel around his shoulders, Yuya throws a nearby black blanket to Yuto. The oldest is initially a little embarrassed about the notion, but no one can ever say no to the baby of the Sakaki family, can they? (He'll just have to live the shame down from the twins later on... They barely even respect him as they are right now, anyway) In the middle of the duel, Yuri walks in onto the two of them after having finished his homework (or tweaking his deck). He raises an eyebrow at Yuto's appearance, but gets the gist of the situation when he sees their duel disks activated and Yuya standing on top of the sofa in a similar attire. As Yuto steals Yuya's schtick and becomes a tomato, Yuri pouts about being left out and quickly leaves to hunt for something that will allow him to join the fun. When the duel ends, Yuto passes the baton to Yuri. As he watches the two rattle off silly, goofy lines like, I will destroy the planet, the universe, all the worlds! and, Never! I'll stop you, fiend!, Yuto sighs in relief. At least Yuya now has Yuri to LARP with. Maybe Yugo would volunteer too, once he returned from driving practice and hears about it. Though, he'd likely ask to play the part of the hero himself. Anyway, Yuto's already almost in middle school; he's getting a little too old to play with costumes now. Then afterwards, at dinner, with an angelic smile Yuya says, "Yuuto, can we play like that again sometime? You look so cool with a cape!"
Yuri on the other hand, always had a tendency for the melodramatic, his own personal spin of the theatrics he's seen from his dad! Deep down he really loves playing the villain.
(This was meant to be a short description but I couldn't help putting some fic-like sentences in there tehe also yes that's a reference to the conversation between Yuya and G.O.D./Eve)
(warning: angst ahead)
Another headcanon I have that I want to write/draw something for is that in the postcanon where Reiji, Yuya, Isaac and Ren travel through space and time together, Yuya has moments where he falters to his grief.
He's used to his brothers commenting and nagging him on almost anything and everything (A midnight snack? Think about your complexion, Yuya!) and his world is suddenly a lot more quiet. In his hurt, he starts to avoid Ren, not wanting to be reminded of what he's lost (He doesn't feel good about it).
Eventually Reiji intervenes and Yuya opens up a little. He's been unable to properly let himself grief for his brothers. All he wants to say is that he misses them.
But he doesn't feel like he has the right to do so, having being the one to seal their fates by personally destroying the one method of bringing them back to life. He doesn't regret his decision of course, but he's unable to stop himself from feeling this way too.
It has a happy ending; Reiji convinces Yuya to talk to Ren. Yuya shares stories about Yugo at Ren's request, making the both of them laugh. Yuya realises that there are other methods of bringing back people to life, too, even if only momentarily.
But it is enough.
Misc hcs:
Yuya's charisma and attitude is a combination of his three brothers fawning over his cuteness from birth and Yuya being so star-struck with Yusho's performances he attempted to replicate the movements ever since he could walk.
Being the oldest, Yuto feels a sense of responsibility for his brothers and pledged to take care of them in place of his always-missing parents. However, he oft times finds himself not having to do much because Yugo and Yuri are so determined to win over Yuya's heart (and be proclaimed 'favourite brother') that they also make sure to set a good example for the youngest when possible. This causes Yuto a little bit of an identity crisis (/j it's just for fun) until he settles into his role as the househusband cook.
"All of us... are connected by... the arc of destiny!"
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Reiji and Yuya are supposed to be silhouetted by their fathers, so Yuzu is meant to seem like she's looking at Yuya, but is in fact looking at Yusho. I also think VJ Yuto should be allowed to smile more!
This drawing is meant to be my love letter to the manga as a whole, and ESPECIALLY the last duel between Reiji and Yuya. I talked about it a whole ton in the review linked above already, so go check that out if you haven't!!
I was really happy with the composition when I first made this, especially with Sora/Ren/Isaac Versus the Yus mirroring their duels! (Well, okay, I know Isaac didn't duel Yuto but.... just give this to me)
Anyway I really wanted a fun and positive energy for it! Every month I think about returning to this but I get slightly demotivated when I realise I have *zero* colour references for both Ren and Isaac... Please send in your headcanons...
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Last but not least, last month I got brain worms for another animatic/hand-drawn MV for Eve's Fight Song! I'll never ever have to time to go back to it, but I wanted to take the chance to talk about other songs that make me ill when I think about them with the manga.
Don’t give me an eternity Even if that’s all I can believe Press pause on the flow of time In the shadow of the blink of an eye I don’t wanna fall into a sleep ‘Cause now you are my remedy Now knocking on, knocking on, knocking on my brain Even for the temptation of a nightmare Fate demands a costly reparation for its fare
Translated lyrics mostly from lyrical-nonsense, but I made some changes for better rhyming and flow yahoo!! This song is what I imagine the OP would be in my dreams when it received an anime adaptation, I've always dreamed of making my own animatic to it!!
Not just the chorus, but the ENTIRE SONG (pleeeease go take a look at the lyrics) feels like it's made for the manga please please go take a look
2. MYTH & ROID - -to the future days
I cast my wishes to the future days If we can meet on the other side of eternity… I cast my wishes to the future days What should we talk about first? Sadness and even joy will, eventually Will sleep together That's the way life is If such a world could be granted Would nobody feel hurt anymore?
Yeah I like M&R quite a bit, how'd you know
If T:E was the hypothetical OP, this is my pick for the ED theme, like AAAAAAAA for me it encompasses the yu's story so so so so so so so well, though
Both despair and also life come to end eventually Take this future into your hands and let it run its course Spin it ’round…… The hands on the clock spin around Like flowers, petals falling and fluttering Once we blossom, we dissipate in the moment THE BRIDGE THE BRIDGE THE LYRICS ARGHHHHHHHH This is definitely for me, the moment when the three yus start to fade during Yuya's battle with Eve, their last conversation they have with yuya..... *lies onto the ground in a pile of misery*
Rest of the lyrics HERE shoves it into your face
3. MAISONdes - Tokyo Shandy Rendezvous
It's no joke, no it's not! Tokyo Shandy Rendezvous Even when the time comes nothing will come of it Vague truths only become melancholy Come on and snatch me away now, take on me!
This is a fun one, when I watched the PV and in the chorus Lum was spinning I instantly went wow what if that was Phantom.. and then the lyrics bared their claws and sunk them into my brain and hasn't really let go since
Unlike the above two songs, not all of the lyrics are a perfect match, of course, but I adore how in general the whimsical yet lonely nature of the song feels like it fits Phantom so well!
4. Eve - Fight Song
As the night still refuses to end, let’s dream
Last but not least the song I posted the above storyboard for! CSM fans (as well as Eve fans, lol) are probably already familiar with the song, and full lyrics here, though like the song above, only parts of the song (particularly the chorus) really resonated with the vj brainworms in my head lol Even for me, y’know Let’s make a break for the future Towards the verge of death like we pray for A boy that gave his word Today, just like back then As if there’s no more future ahead
Sigh.... Yuto, Yugo, Yuri................ Just let out your voice Let’s take it easy We don’t even know common sense, so we know the world through wise eyes These overflowing feelings, behold Greet me with an applause
I love the first half a lot, I can easily imagine Yuya saying it to the other three... and of course, the latter, from him to the world! (or perhaps even G.O.D...)
As always thanks for reading GOODBYE I GOTTA GO DRAW SOME ARC-V OCS
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zombiedumbie · 6 months
Idk, but this is living free on my head and i just thought about it. I don't know if this request or not. Or maybe HC. But, Law as Howl from Howl moving castle. Like, maybe he got his surgeon power from magic or something, and decide to take his heart out because it's have heavy burden? Maybe he doesn't wanna feel anything and already hurt himself too bad since Corazon died. And he grew up as handsome man but also cold.
Idk, you can continue the headcanon XD
I love this movie with all my heart!! And this HC made me rewatch this movie, thank you so much. I'm not so good with HCs, this one turned out quite long, but I think I expressed my ideas well. ugh i really want to write more about it later
Law would definitely have a feud with Doflamingo (who is a very powerful and sadistic wizard) precisely because of Rosinante, maybe Doflamingo is even the cause of a war. Rumors of the Surgeon of the Death would spread throughout the country, people would say, "Law will take you to his castle and steal your heart!" and I imagine Law's castle to be an earthly version of the Polar Tang, yellow and full of gadgets on the outside, but empty and dusty on the inside.
I was thinking of Law living alone, but I'm really tempted by the idea of Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin playing the role of Markl and being Law's assistants (or maybe just Bepo? but I imagine Law saving all 3 somewhat as he did in his Light Novel).
Unlike Howl, Law doesn't make a deal with a demon; he just used his powers to remove his heart in exchange for not feeling the pain of losing Rosinante anymore. However, since he could easily die if his heart were attacked, he keeps it constantly moving in his castle, which uses his heart to move.
Since wizards without their own hearts slowly become monsters, Law thought he could use this to get stronger and fight Doflamingo, without thinking much about how he would slowly lose his humanity and never return to who he was since his feelings had practically been torn away with his own heart.
Until he meets you. I would change Law's powers a bit just to recreate that iconic scene when they walk in the air (and he's a wizard!! His powers are not limited to surgeries, but definitely focused). He would be running away from Doflamingo's magical henchmen and find you being harassed by soldiers. He definitely only helps you thinking he can use you to escape (we're talking about a man without a heart here!), but it doesn't work out so well, and he uses magic to escape with you walking in the air (he still has a bit of a sense of justice)
"Don't be dramatic", if you're scared. "Just look ahead and walk as if you're on the ground, or I'll drop you", this shouldn't be a threat; he just didn't have enough energy to carry both of you in the air, but his tone of voice certainly sounded rude.
He suspects when he finds you again in his castle, scared for being attacked by Doflamingo (that damn guy thought you were challenging him, you know, sadistic stuff), but only believes you when he sees the paper in your pocket, with that cheeky and cut grin, but he's still suspicious.
He denies your request for help, you try to negotiate and say you'll help with the cleaning, but he denies that too. Then you just sigh and say that with this curse, you can't go back to your normal life.
Tired, Law just accepts that you can stay if you really keep your promise to help with the cleaning.
You end up making friends with his assistants, who are more than happy to have someone to help clean, as the 4 of them were not at all organized, and the place is a complete mess.
Law cries when he realizes you cleaned the small room that hid his heart and even removed the thick layer of dust covering the blue film that protected it; the place became brighter and easier to enter without all that dirt. He doesn't even understand why he's crying; everyone gets confused and worried when he starts melting into a puddle of yellow goo, but you just ask them to fill the bathtub with hot water.
After that, Law becomes a bit more present during meals, and even talks more with you. The change in his mood, always so down, is obvious, but you prefer not to comment on anything to avoid making him uncomfortable.
Slowly, he began to feel more comfortable with the idea of having feelings when joy filled his castle, but still too scared to take back his heart.
The turning point comes when Law realizes that it's becoming increasingly difficult to return to his human form, and at some point in the next few days, he probably won't be able to return anymore. The fear of feeling that weight on his chest again is too much, but Law still wants to be human; he wants… to love.
He would probably postpone as much as possible to put his heart back in his chest, thinking that he would be too weak to fight Doflamingo this way. He still wants to protect you all; that's why he doesn't want to tell you what's happening to avoid worrying you.
This selfish little shitty brat would only get his heart back at a very critical moment (probably when he's near death lol) and when he realizes that he doesn't have to fight alone to protect everyone, especially when Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin are his wizard apprentices, and when he also realizes that you wouldn't be happy to see him die for you when he could save himself and save his own humanity.
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Hello guys guess what I (finally) saw Les Mis on the west end today so I need somewhere to rant about it bear with me here
(under the cut because 1- spoilers and 2- I have no idea how long this is going to be)
First of all just a small disclaimer : I am not in any part of this trying to be like "A was better than B in this role " or whatever it's just me being happy I got to see this show :)
Just hearing the opening live for the first time was amazing. Same goes for the whole show obv but this opening is the best
Also I did not know there were changing backgrounds this was so cool I really liked them
And the whole stage was super impressive I didn't expect everything to be that big it was amazing
Valjean was so good ??? I really liked his acting and his voice is actually incredible. Especially for Bring him home, I think it was one of my favorite versions of this song he has a really intense voice
Javert was incredible as well- I believe it was Stewart Clarke ? Point is he was a very good Javert I love him in this role
Anyway both of them have amazing voices so the Confrontation was very intense (or maybe it's just because it was the first time I saw it live ig)
Moving on but um. Lucie jones ??? Fantine ??? Like ma'am. Please. Your voice.
Literally I dreamed a dream ? So good. Made me tear up. If I am being honest I never cared for this song a lot but I can't even begin to explain how much I loved it here
Anyway she was definitely one of my favorite highlights of the show like yes queen
Also the factory scene was pretty great because I could finally know what was being said in the background- shoutout to whoever says "you bitch" to Fantine because I was not ready for that and the delivery was perfect
Just- her mocking Cosette and her husband, the way she screams "COSETTE" when Thénardier messes up the name... Everything about her was so enjoyable I loved her
+ gotta love Thenardier just for the way he was sleeping and his head shot up when Valjean mentionned money for the first time
Also for being so funny in that moment after look down when Javert just comes to arrest them and he does his whole "may I go" act and then goes back to the policeman previously holding him and places the baton back on his neck I loved that for him
Anyway moving on to my favorite characters ever- tho actually I wasn't expecting to enjoy the beginning of the show that much but hey I did
Okay so Marius right ? If I'm being honest I had doubts about him, mostly because Ropert tripolino looked so much like a grantaire to me so I had a hard time picturing him as Marius but he was great
Very good at playing the part of the lovedstruck dumbass. Which is all it takes for me to like a Marius actually
No but also I loved his voice, maybe a bit shaky but it didn't strike me and I think it fit marius's character well so + it mixes really well with those of both Cosette and Eponine so that was cool, tho sometimes he was a bit drowned out by both of their voices but still.
The Gavroche actor was incredibly cute and funny I loved him so much- his mimicking javert was everything he is the best and must be protected at all cost
I'm doing this in no specific order so might come back to other things but I have said it before and will say it again... I don't like that little dance in one day more. It just kind of kills the vibe in my opinion because I find the dance rather funny but yeah
Anyway just because I have been dying to talk about him and he's all I've been thinking about for the past hours- shoutout to whoever was playing Grantaire. Like really. It was a cover so not sure who it was since I failed to look at the cast list (I wanna say ollie wray but I might be wrong) but oh my god. Sir. He ate it.
Everything about him was so great- I'll come back to him later just to pretend I'm keeping an order here (spoiler : I am not) but his part in Red and Black was incredibly funny it was just grantaire messing around and annoying Enjolras and I love that for him
Talking about Enjolras he was really good actually. I always have a moment of confusion when I see a brunette Enjolras just because I am not used to it but once I could actually focus on him he was very enjoyable
She is. Really bitter I want to say. Like my brain isn't braining rn so I don't have words but she was rather sarcastic in a sad way. If that even makes sense. Anyway this attitude was great I loved everything about her
The whole part with Marius asking her for Cosette's adress just showed this and I really liked their dynamic it was exactly how I always imagined them to interact. Like Eponine obviously not being excited by this and Marius just blatantly missing every single cue
Point is I loved both of them
Okay just before I move on to the barricade's part which is all I wanna talk about, I am in love with this Cosette. That's it that's the post but lulu-mae has a beautiful voice, which again mixes really well with that of marius
Oh and also Marius trying to find a way to climb over the fence will never not be funny he's such an idiot I love him
Cue Eponine basically having to protect him while dealing with her own existential crisis- queen
Actually moving on because this is getting long and I suck at ordering those notes but still
Firstly. Eponine singing On my own. I am actually not okay. She has such an amazing voice oml ??? 10/10 song I love her so much she made me tear up it was the best thing ever
So the barricade scenes
This is actually mostly me ranting about Grantaire and Gavroche because I literally missed a solid part of the barricade moment due to focusing on them
In my defense they were incredibly cute okay ? It's just the way Grantaire looks out for Gavroche and cares for him
And I love them so much I swear
Just two things before I just go on a full rant about them
1- A little fall of rain ?? Just Nathania Ong slaying all over again this was the saddest thing I heard her voice is just the best here
On the over hand this was one of the moment when Roberts voice seemed very much drowned out by hers but. She still carried the song. So it was very cool.
2- drink with me was so sad as well. Mostly because of grantaire. Again. Also I think it's always sad but seeing it live just made it worse- anyway it's just the way grantaire comes to feuilly's face to sing his verse. The way enjolras hugs him very tight when he's done. The way grantaire just pushes him away angrily and goes to stand in a corner. I am actually not okay about this
Also when Grantaire goes stand in a corner Gavroche comes to hug him from behind and he turns around to hug him back and that's basically where I lost it. Everyone was hugging all around but I was just looking at them because they were so cute okay bye
Sidenote but I still don't understand why the musical made Courfeyrac so angry and agressive- like the whole thing with Javert is kinda weird to me ? "Kill the bastard" is a good moment still just his cheering thing or whatever when valjean comes back- I am sorry but Courfeyrac would not do that like ever
Okay I already talked about bring him home and it slayed so yup
And anyway after this point I basically stopped looking at the barricade because I was just watching grantaire and gav so bear with me
During the attack grantaire just seats on a bench and does absolutely nothing. Just stares hopelessly into the void.
But after that there is the whole thing with ammunition and Gavroche volunteering
And okay first of all I really liked how everyone just zooms toward the barricade like Gavroche no- except then Gavroche is on the other side of the barricade right ? And nobody is moving. And you just have grantaire who gets up and starts walking slowly toward the barricade and it's absolutely agonizing
And after that Gavroche throws some ammunition to the guys and there is a short moment of victory- and then he gets shot and everything goes down from there
Enjolras gives his body to grantaire who is just below saying nothing. And it's utterly devastating.
Anyway after that Grantaire just kneels in a corner next to Gavroche's body
But when Marius gets shot him and Enjolras hug over marius's body and that was so sad
When Enjolras gets shot Grantaire just rushes on top of the barricade and starts screaming at the soldiers. And gets shot as well. And I did not know this happened I did not know Grantaire died after Enjolras I was not ready for this moment it destroyed me in so many ways
Anyway after that I basically zoned out because of what had just happened but what I can say is uh
I still don't like how javert's suicide is staged like it just looked to me like he was running backwards and the background was moving so. Yeah
Empty chairs at empty tables was- not the best. I liked the actor for all other moments but I just felt like his voice was kind of weak in this song ? It just didn't move me the way it usually does idk
Tho I still like how the women just laid candles down on the floor and then les amis arrive and pick them up
The Thénardier slaying again at the wedding <33
"I should have married your sister" always a highlight of the show actually
Lucie Jones again like love the voice love everything thank you queen
And just that moments when everything stops before the final "tomorrow comes" yeah that was that
Okay that's it that's the post if you read it down to here you're crazy and I love you
But still big shoutout to Fantine Eponine and Grantaire because those three really were the best parts of the show for me
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fundielicious-simblr · 5 months
I finally bit the bullet and did an updated group photo for gen 3 because I wanted to replace the header I have for this account right now. I'm still stuck on what to do for a profile picture, but I'll figure it out eventually I guess. When planning out the posing for this, I was inspired by @duggardata to do some info points for my sims, so I'm going to be doing some basic and random facts about these little bunches of pixels to end the year. This ended up being a mini thesis, so grab a snack if you plan on scrolling down, and I'll put the post under the cut to save your scrolling the TL. When I started this it was meant to be a small cute post with random information, and has now become an actual analysis. If I've missed anything or if i find more that I can talk about, there definitely can be more of these later down the line.
I'm going to queue this for 11:30pm my timezone, so I wish you all a very happy new year, may you get everything you desire and more!
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This is all 36 people that make up the 3rd generation. I've arranged them in birth order, so this is technically chronological I guess. I did mess up when I got to the end because I forgot about Ashton (Allan & Casandra's 13th - the irony 😂) and plopped her further down than she should be.
Names L-R:
Back: Adalynn Leonard, Barrett Collins, Macie Collins, Carter Paulson, Abbey Hill, Brittany Dahlmann, Zoe Moreno, Valentina Townsend, Alan Paulson, Tanner Collins, Maggie Wright, Celeste Paulson.
Middle: Kyra Shearer, Reece Collins, Kristyn Crocker, Sabrina Crawford, Beckett Collins, Amira Eichelburg, Priscilla Roberts, Annette Collins, Jarrod Paulson, James Hunt, Charles Collins, Zachary Paulson.
Front: Rory Godwin, Ruby Rae Godwin, Parker Collins, Ava Grace Godwin, Conner Paulson, Jarrett Paulson, Gabriela Hunt, James Lee Collins, Matthew Collins, Ashton Collins, Amelia Godwin, Archie Collins.
Now onto the stats!
Out of the 36 :-
Men: 17
Women: 19
The split between men and women is 49/51 (don't quote me on my maths, I dropped maths classes as soon as I was able to 😂) Within the siblings groups it's definitely not as even, though the final results even themselves out. Gender roles are heavily enforced in these households, so ones that are female heavy (Allan and Casandra's 8 girls to 5 boys) compared to those that are male heavy (Claire and Ryan's 6 boys to 4 girls) will have different experiences. Having girls being born earlier in the birth order definitely helps lighten the load when there's a new children every other year.
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Marriage is definitely a stage of life that fundies emphasise for their kids, with purity culture pushing for them to be married as soon as possible to (A) prevent sin and (B) produce children as fast as possible. Of course, there's those for whom marriage doesn't happen at the desired time, but in times like this the advice is to wait "on the Lord's timing".
For those eligible for marriage out of the 36:
21 are married
1 is engaged
1 is in a courtship
The average age for marriage is 22. The youngest age being 18 (Maggie, Reece, Priscilla) and the oldest being 29 (Abbey)
I don't have exact data for the courtships so I can't do an average, but I can say the longest relationship prior to engagement was Abbey and Adam's - they dated for two years before getting engaged.
Speaking of dating, fundies and many other conservative christians push courting rather than dating. They reason that it's more serious and with the purpose of marriage, and if you add in purity culture there's the argument that they're saving 'pieces of their heart' for their future spouse. Out of the 23 couples who are either married or on their way there, only 2 couples kissed before marriage: Abbey & Adam and Brittany & Colton. These two couples weren't held to as strict standards as their cousins due to their parents outlook on things, they already knew that their daughters didn't personally agree with the convictions on purity (plus with brittany marrying into a well known political family, they saw it as a means to an end 😂) The other 19 couples (soon to be 20) saved their first kiss for the altar, as will the one courting couple (Zachary & Kelsey). Only 3 couples had no touch courtships the whole way through (and this number is debatable because I myself couldn't keep a storyline straight hehe - but from the character personalities and different plotlines let's agree with 3): Reece & Stacie, Alan & Tessa, and Tanner & Tabitha. In all 3 cases it was the girls family that set the stricter rules, which is more common as girls are engineered to guard their purity.
As if common with real life fundies, the older the kids get the faster they get in courtships that end in marriage. This is one of that things that you can't really predict since people's stories are different, Adalynn was the first one to get married 13 years ago, and the next family wedding was Barrett's 3 years later. In the first 9 years since the 3rd generation started getting married, 8 couples were married. The beginning of the next decade is when things started to happen in a flurry, 5 couples got married with four of them having their first child in the same year (this wont make sense, but if i try to make it fit real world parameters i'll acc go insane HAHA - this is fictional so it's allowed not to make sense) The most couples to get married in a year is 7 couples, and with the 13 left I doubt that there will be the same back to back that was happening earlier. The girls have gotten married faster than the boys, but that was to be expected when you consider that gender roles play heavily into fundie culture. It's easier to marry off a daughter to be a wife and mother than having to marry of a son, she will be provided for but he needs to be in the place where he can provide for a family that has the potential to grow exponentially. Obviously because this is a game where reality is suspended, the men in the game don't have to do much to be providers.
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Education is important as it shapes a person's thoughts and opinions, therefore fundies are more than likely to homeschool their children so that they are in control of what their child is exposed to. For those who think total at home education isn't where the Lord is leading them, there are other options available such as a homeschool co-op and private christian schools, with the last resort being the public education system.
The 2nd generation are quite diverse with their belief systems, influencing their thoughts and opinions around how they educated their children - and let's be honest, finances do play a certain role here whether you like it or not.
Allan & Casandra - Casandra totally homeschooled all 13 of their children through K-12.
Branden & Lea - Lea homeschooled their 3 children from kindergarten through to grade 8, and for high school the kids attended a private christian school.
Claire and Ryan - Claire totally homeschooled/currently homeschools their 10 children.
Danielle and Sebastian - Danielle totally homeschooled/homeschools their two children.
Elaine and Taylor - Elaine homeschooled/homeschools their 5 children through a homeschool co-op that she taught at prior to having children. The kids are educated by various teachers that specialise in different subjects using an approved curriculum.
Fletcher and Cara - They've chosen to send their son to a private christian K-12 school.
Grayson and Keira - Keira homeschools the kids until they're in grade 8, then they send the kids to a private christian school for high school.
When it comes to university, fundies definitely don't push it onto their children as they see it as a place where they'd be brainwashed. As the times have changed, there have been more and more conservative christian universities that have opened up that cater to fundies, so there are more fundies getting a tertiary education.
Right now there are only 8 out of the 36 sims that have gotten degrees or are actively pursuing them:
Beckett - He's the only one of his siblings to attach themselves to a university, even if his degree was in Bible & Missions at a very conservative bible college. His siblings' skill sets are either self taught or they were mentored by someone, though his sister Amira is doing an associates degree at some point (I just haven't figured out in what yet).
Abbey - She has an distinguished degree in biology and currently works as a marine biologist. I sent her and her sister to the in game university and physically sent them to classes and everything (which is something I'm never doing again HAHA). Back then I also didn't have the thought to send them to a christian university, so let's pretend she just skipped everything evolutionary for her degree.
Brittany - She has a distinguished degree in communications and worked as a political commentator before getting married. She and her sister were the first girls to go to university from their cohort (as well as the first to not be homeschooled), especially since they're in the first phase of the 3rd generation when the 'vibe' in their extended family was very conservative.
Tanner - He has his MD and is now working as a doctor (using the in-game university mechanics) he was also the first boy to attend a secular university, but there obviously weren't as many opinions on him doing it than on his sisters doing it.
James - He has his degree in Bible Counselling with a focus on Youth and Ministry from a local bible college in his area. It was a two year degree to help create missionaries that could be sent out to help churches. He met his wife whilst at university and they married as soon as they graduated, they now live in henley on Bagley as missionaries assigned to help grow a church there. His sister Gabriella doesn't know what she wants to do (i also have no clue), so that will be revealed in due time.
Kyra - She got her degree in early education and is now a kindergarten teacher at a private christian school, she even met her husband at the school through his niblings. Her mother (Elaine) being a teacher and her father also being college educated was definitely an inspiration to her. Being educated in a homeschool co-op also helped her realise her love of teaching.
Rory - Rory is currently at a local university getting a law degree (for my game i'm using a mix of education systems, incase you get confused) and is currently enjoying it. He initially wanted to join the police force like his uncle and cousin, but decided on enrolling in university instead. His parent's are encouraging him down the political route, but with a law degree he can do anything.
Ruby Rae - She's currently in nursing school and is enjoying learning the curriculum. In my head she's always been that character that I'd send off to nursing school, especially with her uncle marrying a nurse, it just felt meant to be for her character. I initially envisioned one of allan and casandra's girls maybe going to nursing school too, but in the end it didn't pan out.
The only ones I can say are definitely attending college in some form are James Lee (Fletcher), Matthew and Archie (Grayson). They'll be like their parents and go to fairly conservative universities and go on to live your average fundie-lite conservative life.
CW: There will be mentions of pregnancy, problems with getting and staying pregnant, pregnancy loss, and infertility of various kinds.
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Fundies think of children as gifts from God, with many taking that ideology and running with it, usually ending up with children in the double digits if their fertility agrees with it. The notion of being 'quiverfull' implies that a couple don't use any methods of contraception, with the idea that if God wants them to have a child then they will conceive and birth one. 6 couples of the 2nd generation (Allan to Elaine, then Grayson) were all open to whatever kids the Lord would give them, and they ended up with a variety of children - one couple having 13 and another having just 2. Life throws various curveballs, or as they say "the Lord works in mysterious ways", so there can be many plans that don't work out - let's not forget that people's fertility isn't always textbook. Casandra had 2 miscarriages that I didn't plan in game, the mod I have gets triggered by certain conditions and the alert was a surprise to me. I don't roll for pregnancy losses, unless difficulties getting and/or staying pregnant are part of that character's story for whatever reason e.g. Madelynn, Stacie, etc.
Out of the 21 married couples, only 4 don't have children: Abbey & Adam, Beckett & Mandy, James & Emma, and the newlyweds Parker and Lana.
Abbey and Adam - They're not quiverfull so they've got a timeline for when they'll have children, but they definitely want them.
Beckett and Mandy - They've been married for around 4 years and have not yet had children, they're marked as a quiverfull couple so they're not preventing pregnancy, there's just no children as of yet. Honestly speaking, I haven't thought that far about the ways that children appear in their storyline but I have 3-4 options about where things could go.
James and Emma - These two are in the same boat as Beckett and Mandy in terms of their views on children, they want them but haven't 'been blessed' with them yet. In the actual game they're side characters, so I let the 'Neighbourhood Stories' take over their story unless I see it necessary to intervene.
Parker and Lana - They're newlyweds, so there could be a pregnancy announcement from them any day now. Though I have taken real life parameters into consideration with how fast a couple does conceive, since in real life it can take the average 'healthy' couple up to a year to get pregnant. So you'll just have to wait and see when Lana will be posting a sonogram 😂
Of the 17 couples that have children, they have birthed a whopping 50 children that make up the ever growing 4th generation. There are currently only 2 pregnant women that are gestating 3 children, which is I think the lowest to ever happen by holiday season. The speed at which they have children has definitely sped up the more couples get married. When Adalynn got married in 2010, she had cousins still being born, so for the first five years (2010 - 2015) the 10 grandchildren that were born came from her, Barrett, and Valentina (let's not forget that Kyleigh had triplets then twins back to back, so she went from zero to five children in 3 years)
The 10 children born in the 4 years after that are from Adalynn, Barrett, Carter, Valentina, and Brittany. The next 3 years (2020-2023; i use years to count so i don't get lost, but I make it a point not to mention years in the posts cause that adds opportunities for confusion 😂) were a wedding and baby boom, bringing us to the present day. 2020 had 5 couples marry and birth four children, 2021 holds the record for the most weddings and the most children born: 7 couples married and there were 12 children born. 2023 isn't finished in the game, but so far there has been 1 couple married with another set to marry at the end of the year. So far in 2023 there have been 5 children born, and the pregnancies that are in game aren't set to give birth this year so that's the number for that year.
With all these births happening in waves essentially, how fast are these sims multiplying? In true duggardata fashion I've got the intervals ready for you:
Adalynn & Mason - 9 children in 13 years of marriage: 7 singletons and 1 pair of twins, 8 boys and 1 girl.
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Fundies are known to have their kids learn a skills, usually in the form of musical instruments. From my own childhood as well as research I've gathered via many hours of watching and reading, a musical instrument is the best thing to learn as the 'easiest' way to glorify God is through music. Music plays an important role in worship services, and so having children that can play instruments well allows for them to 'be of use' for worship; families also capitalise on said talent and travel around playing music as a ministry.
The skillset of the 2nd generation does play a role into how their children ended up:
Allan worked as a carpenter (and by carpenter i mean he reached level 10 of the woodworking skill and would just make things to sell) whilst being a Pastor, before retiring and working as a Pastor fulltime. He didn't learn how to play an instrument as he was focused on learning a skill that would help provide for a family.
Branden found his skills in writing, he worked as a writer in the writer field and wrote books that now provide him with royalties, like his brother, he wasn't enrolled in music lessons as his parents had other priorities set for him.
Claire was enrolled in music lessons and found she had a real skills for playing the piano as well as writing music, her mother also had her and her sisters learn homemaking skills such as gardening, cooking, balancing a checkbook and how to run a household. Claire put being a wife and mother first, but also continues to use her skills to minister for the Lord. She's become well known for her performance as well as her hymnal music arrangements (think Kim Collingsworth-esque vibe) and also teaches music as various music camps from time to time.
Danielle learnt how to play the violin as well as learning how to be a homemaker, and as she got married later in life she was the person who stepped in to run the house after her mother passed. She uses her skills whenever asked, like playing at church or at various worship events, but she's mainly focused on gardening and baking.
Elaine learnt how to play the piano and used to play at church and various events, but found her joy was in teaching. She took over homeschooling her younger siblings and went on to earn her teaching qualifications.
Fletcher was taught the piano by his older sisters, but lessons weren't pushed on him by his parents. He went on to focus on fitness and joined the police force after finishing highschool.
Grayson was more book focused and didn't learn an instrument, similar to Elaine he focused more on books and studying and ended up going to medical school.
Harley is the youngest girl and learnt how to play the guitar as a girl, as she was the youngest she didn't have to perform as often as the older siblings did. She went on to get a degree in Fine Arts and now works as the editor in chief at San Myshuno's biggest fashion magasine.
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It's easiest to display the information based on the sibling order from gen 2, so here's the list of the various skillsets of the 3rd generation:
A -
Casandra being your typical conservative fundie woman, made sure that all the kids got music lessons, whatever she couldn't teach herself she found someone to teach them. Piano: Since Casandra plays the piano she taught the kids until they were in their teens, then if they chose to continue they could get lessons with Claira. Adalynn, Macie, Zoe, Beckett, Charles and Ashton chose to learn the piano and so far Zoe is the only one who has taken that and made it a career of sorts like her aunt Claire. Violin: Macie also chose to learn violin, with Amira, Priscilla, and Annette also learning the violin. Guitar: The boys mostly chose to learn the guitar, Barrett, Reece, and Parker all chose the guitar, with Maggie being the only girl to choose to learn the guitar. Of the 13 kids to learn a musical instrument, only Zoe has taken it and made it something that monetarily supports her.
B -
Lea learned how to play piano growing up, and enrolled all three of her children in piano lessons. Abbey, Brittany, and Tanner all had piano lessons until they were in their teens and focused on different extracurricular activities once they joined the private christian school.
C -
Claire made sure all her children know an instrument, the four girls (Valentina, Celeste, Kristyn, Sabrina) all know both the piano and the violin, with the 6 boys all learning piano and Carter and Alan also learning how to play the guitar. There were many suggestions of them starting a family band, but Claire and Ryan didn't feel that the Lord was leading them in that direction.
D -
Both James and Emma have learnt to play the piano, James' wife Emma can play the piano, violin, and the flute and has her degree (from a biblical college) in music with a focus on worship music.
E -
Elaine put all the kids into either piano or violin lessons, Kyra did lessons in both until she was a teenager, Rory did piano until he was a teenager, Ruby Rae did violin lessons and still plays at church, Ava Grace continues to play Piano, and Amelia still does violin lessons.
F -
Fletcher and Cara put their son into organised sports, so no music lessons this side.
G -
Keira wanted her boys to have some musical knowledge, so Matthew does guitar lessons and Archie does piano lessons.
That's all I've got for now, but as I was doing this I definitely found more things that I could write about in a few months. I hope you enjoy this!
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catastrophicgay · 1 year
Dorothea x Augustine Theory!!!
Something has been bugging me about the resolution to the folklore love triangle.
We know that Augustine doesn't end up with James, but that Taylor does think she deserves to find love in the end. What if she does?
We also don't know who Dorothea's narrator/lover is, and it seems strange to me that Taylor would leave this character completely unnamed, a complete mystery.
But who is the only other character implied to have a happy ending but who's future is left mysteriously open-ended? Augustine.
Disclaimer, I'm aware that evermore is a collection of stories independent from folklore. However, since Taylor has confirmed Dorothea and Augustine attend the same school, I'm assuming they must have known each other somehow. I'll also be explaining how Dorothea's songs from evermore and the love triangle songs from folklore are intertwined.
Buckle up because this is a long one. But it is color coded! And gay! So there's that.
Here's the evidence I've compiled for each song:
damn, Dorothea They all wanna be ya But are you still the same soul I met under the bleachers?
We know that this song is about a high school relationship (and likely ongoing after graduation), meaning it's fully possible for it to be from Augustine's perspective, as her fling with James only lasted for one summer.
Skipping the prom Just to piss off your mom And her pageant schemes
This line implies some sort of disapproval from Dorothea's mom of their relationship, as well as the fact that they couldn't or didn't want to go to prom together. These lines along with the meeting "under the bleachers" adds to the forbidden romance themes that definitely have queer undertones to me. This is also one of the only described relationships that walks the line between romance and friendship, adding to the queercoding.
The 1
Roaring 20s, tossing pennies in the pool And if my wishes came true It would've been you
I feel that the general consensus is that this song is about James. However, couldn't be about Betty and James, since Taylor has explained that they do stay together.
What's more, the "roaring 20's" seems incredibly inconsistent with this theory. It could mean time period, but the phrase refers to the 1920s, which doesn't make sense considering lyrics like "meet some woman on the internet." If it refers to age, it has to be about Dorothea and Augustine, since James and Augustine got together and broke up as teenagers.
Since the tone perfectly matches the mournful longing tone of the previously mentioned song, dorothea; the 1 could be a role reversal. A perspective switch of a jaded Dorothea singing about Augustine after having to leave. Here are some lyrical parallels that drive me insane:
The 1: I guess you never know, you never know
Dorothea: Oh, I guess I'll never know
The 1: I have this dream you're doing cool shit Having adventures on your own
Dorothea: You got shiny friends since you left town A tiny screen's the only place I see you now
'Tis the Damn Season
We could call it even You could call me babe for the weekend
There's so much gay in this song I'm not even sure where to start.
First off, he idea of calling their friend "babe" for the weekend has undeniably sapphic undertones to me. I mean, think about it. Straight crushes doing something like that would be seen as undeniably romantic, with none of the ambiguity and tension from the first Dorothea song. Girl friends calling each other by pet names is something that has probably been the bane of every sapphic's existence at some point. Myself included, obviously.
'Tis the damn season Write this down I'm stayin' at my parents' house
Something about taking very traditional values like the holidays, and cursing them, keeps so well with the theme of small town gays.
As for the following two lines, I don't see these being relevant to the song if not as a warning. We've already unpacked how it's very likely Dorothea's parents don't approve of her close relationship with Augustine. Later in the song, these lines add to that theme:
The holidays linger like bad perfume You can run, but only so far I escaped it too, remember how you watched me leave
Back to the chrous, this interpretation is only exacerbated with the next line:
And the road not taken looks real good now
This is line of the biggest clues to me, and for a couple of reasons. I think it's fairly apparent that the road not taken is an analogy used to describe unconventionality, and it is very often used to reference queerness in that sense. This coincides perfectly with Augustine and Dorothea's secret relationship and how others disapprove.
But this line also serves as more evidence that Augustine and Dorotheas songs are intrinsically linked. This song is very clearly sung from Dorothea's perspective. And in a song very clearly sung from Augustine's perspective, this line shows up.
Illicit Affairs: Take the road less traveled by
To me, this shows the contrast between Augustine leaving her relationship with James to entering (and re-entering) her relationship with Dorothea. James casts Augustine off to take the road by herself, to hide from society's disapproving glare. But Dorothea chooses takes that road with Augustine. Their relationship has Augustine hiding her love once again, but this time she's not alone.
There's an ache in you put there by the ache in me
The central theme in their relationship I've just explained is also very present in this line, as it is in the following song.
You're not my homeland anymore So what am I defending now? You were my town Now I'm in exile, seein' you out
This song is about Dorothea and Augustine's relationship coming to an end when Dorothea has to leave their town to pursue her dreams. While this song is sung from the perspective of two characters, assumedly representing Dorothea and Augustine, I'll focus mainly on one. From Augustine's perspective, we see her suffer through the same heartbreak that she did when her secret relationship with James came to an end, hence the lines:
I think I've seen this film before And I didn't like the ending
This song proves to me that Dorothea and the folklore love triangle must be connected, there's no denying that the lyrical parallels between Dorothea's songs and exile are unmistakable.
Exile: To pack us up and leave me with it
'Tis the Damn Season: To leave the warmest bed I've ever known
Exile: You're not my homeland anymore / You were my town
'Tis the Damn Season: It always leads to you in my hometown
Exile: Like he's just your understudy
Dorothea: And you'll go on with the show
Exile: Second, third, and hundredth chances
Dorothea: It's never too late to come back to my side
Exile: Those eyes add insult to injury
Dorothea: The stars in your eyes shined brighter in Tupelo
Exile: You didn't even hear me out
'Tis the Damn Season: Now I'm missing your smile, hear me out
Since dorothea and 'tis the damn season take place after exile, this song is here to establish the cracks that broke down their relationship in the past and how they are mended in later songs.
Gold Rush
What must it be like to grow up that beautiful? With your hair falling into place like dominoes My mind turns your life into folklore I can't dare to dream about you anymore
I'll say it, this might be the most queercoded song on the album. The theme of envious attraction, being unable to tell if you want someone or want to be them, and having to hide from your feelings all the while because you know you can never truly have a future with them... I cannot be the only one who sees it.
To me, this is about when Augustine first starts developing feelings for Dorothea. I've seen people argue that if this is connected to the folklore love triangle, that it must be Augustine singing about James. However, the only connection the evermore songs have to folklore Taylor has specified is the character of Dorothea, so it doesn't make sense for there to be an evermore track about two characters from folklore.
I don't like anticipating my face in a red flush I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch Everybody wants you Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you
The love interest being this attractive character that everyone is drawn to makes perfect sense for Dorothea, as we know she eventually moves to Los Angeles and becomes a star.
Not only must this song be about Dorothea, but being the only song that directly references folklore heavily implies that is must be connected to one of its characters in some way, namely Augustine.
I see me padding 'cross your wooden floors With my Eagles t-shirt hanging from the door At dinner parties I call you out on your contrarian shit And the coastal town we wandered 'round had never seen a love as pure as it And then it fades into the gray of my day old tea 'Cause you know it could never be
The most curious part of the song is that when the narrator finally allows herself to imagine a future with the person she loves, she quickly remind herself that "it could never be," and that the object of her affections knows this as well.
All that the narrator, Augustine, wants is to have a comfortable and happy future with Dorothea, but she cannot bring herself to imagine the two of them ever finding this coastal town that sees their love as "pure." This hopeless and resigned tone about her assumedly unrequited love and unattainable dreams is exacerbated in the final chorus when the lyrics change to "the coastal town we never found will never see a love as pure as it."
Also, I feel the need to point out a few lyrical parallels because:
Gold Rush: Walk past, quick brush
'Tis the Damn Season: It's the kind of cold, fogs up windshield glass But I felt it when I passed you
Gold Rush: My mind turns your life into folklore I can't dare to dream about you anymore
Dorothea: I have this dream you're doing cool shit Having adventures on your own
Gold Rush: And the coastal town we wandered 'round 
'Tis the Damn Season: And it always leads to you in my hometown
Invisible String
Green was the color of the grass Where I used to read at Centennial Park I used to think I would meet somebody there
Anddd we're at the final song! Fittingly, I believe this song is from the perspective of Dorothea after she and Augustine reunite, wrapping up their story with a happy ending.
And in true full-circle Taylor Swift fashion, their story ends the same way it starts, with Centennial Park. If you don't recall, dorothea starts with these lines:
Dorothea: Hey Dorothea, do you ever stop and think about me? When we were younger, down in the park
And this isn't the only recall to Dorothea's evermore songs. Almost every line in this song references a line in one of the previous songs that I've analyzed!
Teal was the color of your shirt When you were sixteen at the yogurt shop
Remember the "eagles t-shirt" from gold rush? Taylor confirmed this was a deliberate reference to the Philadelphia eagles, who's team color is teal. Again, this song could only be about dorothea's narrator, Augustine, as gold rush is from evermore while invisible string is from folklore, and Dorothea is the sole connection between the two albums.
Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs Were there clues I didn't see?
This is a direct parallel to exile, where Dorothea laments over how Augustine "never gave a warning sign." But now the tone has shifted, and she readily admits that maybe she had missed the signs all along, and looks back on the nature of their relationship as fateful rather than chaotic.
All along there was some Invisible string Tying you to me
Sound familiar? Even though Dorothea has tried to leave in the past, time and time again, it always leads back to Augustine and their hometown.
On your first trip to LA You ate at my favorite spot for dinner
In the end, it seems like Dorothea does end up leaving back to LA, like she says at the end of 'tis the damn season. But this line implies that the leaving wasn't necessarily marking a bad ending to their relationship. It implies that Augustine comes with her, and they finally get that coastal town they had always wanted but never thought they could have. Outside of the pressure of their small town, they can finally host their dinner parties and voice their contrarian bullshit.
Bold was the waitress on our three year trip Getting lunch down by the lakes She said I looked like an American singer
To me, this line solidifies the idea that this folklore song is about Dorothea. No other character in either of the albums is implied to be famous and have a performance career, which narrows the possibilities to just about one person. And this "three year trip" makes perfect sense for Dorothea, who Augustine says never liked the stuffiness of their hometown.
Chains around my demons, wool to brave the seasons One single thread of gold tied me to you
"Wool to brave the seasons" seems to me like a reference to not only 'tis the damn season, but the album cover of evermore as well.
The color of the invisible string that ties the two together being gold also seems to be a reference to gold rush. The East Asian folk myth the song is based off of describes a red string, not a gold one. So if the color were to be changed, it would have to have been very deliberate. And this theory is only reinforced with the next line:
Gold was the color of the leaves When I showed you around Centennial Park Hell was the journey but it brought me heaven
Another reference to gold, and another reference to Centennial Park. The description paints a picture of the so called gold rush that Augustine had been trying to avoid, being finally embraced by the two of them.
The song offers one final parallel to close this analysis off:
'Tis the Damn Season: But if it's okay with you, it's okay with me
Invisible String: And it's cool, baby, with me
Thank you so much for sticking with me for this whole analysis! I would love to hear what theories or criticisms you guys have as well.
I did make the songs out of chronological order for a smoother analysis, but if you're confused about the timeline, here's a playlist I made of all the songs I find to be part of their story, including some that I have not analyzed here. It starts with James and Augustine's relationship in mirrorball, and continues from there in chronological order.
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Happy Follower milestone! You definitely deserve it! I'm glad people are recognizing it! I saw that requests for the 500 follower milestone was open so I hope I'm not bothering you. Reader is in the world already.
Dear Jamil
Forgive me for such a letter, I know you're a busy guy. I thought that this was a better way to express my entire feelings without being dragged off by Grim or some task Crowley needs. I hope you don't mind.
I'm glad that you've finally opened up more to everyone, though I'm sad that it took an overblot to do it. I know it can be difficult to express yourself without comparing yourself to your role and Kalim but it's a start. People should see how intelligent and hard working you are, along with how much control you have over yourself and your magic.
As a magicless person, I find it amazing. The kind of power you hold is incredible, a little terrifying but amazing nevertheless. I think that by having your unique magic, it truly shows your characters. A smart individual who, on the inside, is a bit more caring that he would like to admit. You could have used your magic on anyone, to do pretty much anything, but instead you worked for it. I admire that determination.
I guess what I'm saying is that I hope you continue to show more of yourself, your true self. Not just to me but also Kalim and your family. I can't imagine how hard it must've been for you to constantly hide yourself away, always playing the perfect servant and guard. In the end, you're still a person with dreams and goals. I'm sorry it took us this long to see your pain. Have some confidence in yourself. You're not a shadow.
Thanks for looking out for Kalim and I. I know you get embarrassed when someone praises you too much but it needed to be said. If I can help in any way, please let me know. I'll even babysit Kalim if you need so you can take some well deserved time for yourself. Devotion goes both ways for me so whatever you need, I'll try my best to help. You're always welcome at Ramshackle if you need a break from the chaos. Though it might not be as grand as Scarabia or the other dorms, its comfortable. See you around~
Sincerely yours
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Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, murder, death, poison, obsession, obsessive behavior
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Jamil Viper-A capable servant
Stretching you noticed that you had fallen asleep. Not for long as the light of the day told you but long enough to make you miss lunch. At least it was a break that you missed. Nothing in the world could make you miss one of Treins classes. Standing up you gathered your things. Just as you were to stand up a letter poking out of your bag was noticed by you. Since when did you have one in there? Putting it in there more safely so it couldn't get lost you made your way to your next lesson, curiosity about the letter not fading.
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Dear Prefect of the Ramshackle dorm,
I am honored to receive such a letter. At first I was worried that it was another one from Kalims relatives which offered me something so I would smuggle poison or something like that into his food. They truly never learn. So when you wrote me I thought that someone smuggled something into the food I ate earlier and that I was hallucinating things. But it seemed like it was all real. Do not worry about wasting my time. I am more than happy to hear from you and I can allow myself small breaks. The one who inspired the sorcerer of sands was writing me themselves so how could I ever be angry about such a thing?
At the moment I am still trying to find a good balance between being myself and a perfect servant. Opening up to others is a bit of a challenge after I had been taught all my life to hide my true emotions and life for another person. But dear Overseer, I am nothing compared to you. You were the one that mapped out the stars which the sorcerer used to map out the future. You are the one whose legend and influence survived from a time before the great seven until today. My life will hardly have any impact but you shine brightly. Who knows when you will ever be forgotten? Some argue that something like that will never happen. I also doubt that. Such a great mind like yours is something I could never dream of achieving. Even if I were to be a sultan could I never compete with you.
The fact that you are magicless is either the truth or a lie to hide the true extent of your capabilities. If the second one would be true then I shall follow your will and I will not ask questions about why and when you were to show us them to their true extent. However, if the first one were right then that would make you even more admirable. Someone who is not able to see the world from the view of someone who is capable of magic and even surpassing them in something that should be impossible in is something as good as impossible to achieve. Your wisdom truly does not know any bounds! It's no wonder why they say that you are able to control the strings of fate then! I usually do not use such language but, oh dear! How amazing! That I am able to witness a great new discovery about our greatest scholar!
You think too highly of me. I'm just a simple servant who only recently has experienced the breeze of freedom. One day I just couldn't take it anymore and plotted against the one I was supposed to serve with my it must loyalty. Loyalty, how interesting. They should know that it lies in truth with you. If you were to ask me to poison Kalim so that my full attention was on you I would do so with a smile. Any preference for what poison I should use? Or maybe you want him as a marionette to rule over the scalding sands from the shadows? In this case I would use my special magic immediately.
So please, don't put yourself on my level. You do not need to look after Kalim for me. It is my duty to be a servant. All my life you had been that gradient light for me, always out of grasp yet your legends always present. Allow me to witness your glory and let me be the one who also defends it from the shadows. No ruler, no matter how powerful they are shall ever think of surpassing you. It's not something many know but I am rather knowledgeable about poisons and other ways of getting rid of others. You and you alone belong to the highest of the high. Tell me if that were ever to be endangered. I will take action immediately to ensure that they wouldn't dare that again. Well, if they still would be able to do that physically. Some poisons don't kill people, you know? Some leave them caged in a body that won't move for all eternity. But of course you are aware of that.
Jamil Viper
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