#even for an American court
ennaih · 5 months
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Not Every Film I Watch In 2024
9. Any Day Now (2012)
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luckyricochet · 1 month
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"Une silhouette d'homme, pas de mollusque."
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zooophagous · 1 year
"Copying a photo to near perfection in a painting is a valid and true display of skill and artistic merit"
"Not every photo you find online is yours to be used as a stock photo however you want"
Are two takes that can and do exist together lol.
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months
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Guys, I—- I—-
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moongirlwidow · 5 months
I now apparently have been voted by the police as "NYPD's Favorite Vigilante" and MJ is currently ranting about how ridiculous it is that it exists and has actual funding behind it.
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jakowskis · 2 months
Day 2 - Who’s your favorite Torchwood member? (And if it’s not one of them, who’s your favorite character?) Why are they your favorite? Do you have any secondary favorites (maybe a one-off or minor character that really stuck with you)?
owen, infinitely. i could write essays on why i love owen - hell, i have written essays. and at this point, you know when a character means so much to you there’s not even words for it anymore, they’re just kind of a fundamental part of you? Yeah. but nonetheless, i guess to majorly sum it up, he’s just one of the most utterly broken and fascinating characters i’ve ever had the pleasure of coming across. there's just a visceral sadness and anger to him that immediately reeled me in and i don’t think i’ll ever get over it, like he actually haunts me. and he made his way into my top 3 characters of all time in just a few months, which is pretty damn impressive. something just kinda clicked there. (and i highlight how fucked up he is, but then he's also complex enough that he's got a silly/dorky side too, which im super endeared by as well. i love his complexity. perf character for me, hes got like 30 things going on and im intrigued and compelled by all of them. i love him endlessly.)
also, okay, i’ve observed my favorite characters tend to unintentionally fit certain criteria, like when i look back at all my favs i can sort them into three categories. namely, it's 1) characters that make me lose my mind bc theyre so interesting (and/or endearing), 2) characters i relate to, and 3) characters i’d smash. fhdjkf. i tend to visualize it as a venn diagram, and most characters sit in one or two of the circles - owen is, i believe, the absolute only fav i’ve ever had who’s firmly in the middle. which probably has something to do with why he’s top 3. dhfdsjk
as for secondary favs… well, i absolutely adore the rest of the team, especially ianto and the girls (including suzie!!!!!!!! my girl suzie). i’m not sure why, gwen’s become a particular favorite. she gives me like cuteness aggression HFKSDF i wanna squish her (lovingly). she’s so fucked up n interesting, but also a lil gremlin to me. i love her playful side she’s such a love.
one-off characters… actually, quite a few have stood out to me and made an emotional impact. torchwood has had some wonderfully talented guest actors who really managed to get me attached to their characters, despite having so little screentime. carys, eugene, and beth all come to mind. i think about beth a lot. and maggie, ohhhh maggie. ill talk about aditd a bit tomorrow, ff.
also the episodes with mothers, oh g-d. eugene’s mom, and jonah’s, and jasmine’s. all really heart-wrenching, and damn good actresses. i always get emotional with plotlines about parents + their kids, fff. parental pain + fear just hits diff idk. i used to watch a ton of criminal minds and that was about the only place my empathy jumped out fhsdkfjd.
i also love the various romantic interests - john, diane, mary, lisa, mark (cough), katie, tommy. rhys!! i love you rhys. torchwood is such a character-focused fixation for me like g-d i just adore every character sm. so many good ones. AND HOW COULD I FORGET MY FAV GUY OF ALL - ANDY!!!!!!!! ily pc andy <3 <3 <3
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glitradora · 1 year
I literally just have one thing to say as an Egyptology student about the Jada Picket Smith Cleopatra “documentary”
This is a statue of a fully ethnically Egyptian priest, named Ka-aper, from around  2400BCE (aka over 2300 years before Cleopatra was even born)
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When he was found the people in the town named him Sheik Balal. Because he looked so much like their local governor.
Modern Egyptians and Ancient Egyptians are the same people - you’re just Islamophobic.
Egyptian People are not “invaders” of their own country. Saying that Cleopatra was “before the arab invasion” is Islamophobic. Perpetuating the idea that modern Egyptians “took over” their own country and it’s history is ISLAMOPHOBIC
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normalaboutorcas908 · 8 months
In the us Saul would have no problem getting light to walk free but in Japan he would get ace attorney’d
yknow that's what my friend told me too, that's why I think Saul's biggest achievement would be to get the court case moved to America, and then prove that there's no way to prove Light DIDN'T killed American citizens. If he can't do that, then my friend said that he'd hire one of the guys from Ace Attorney because they're international lawyers and can work as extension. But I really don't know anything abt Ace Attorney aside from OBJECTION and miles edgeworth to really know how that would go. But in Japanese court I do think Light would go to jail.
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daeluin · 5 months
i really don't wanna go all ☝🏾🤓 well acktually on tumblr of all places but i am begging you all... pick up a book. wikipedia is free. the ICC (the International Criminal Court) doesn't have ANYTHING to do with the UN. yes they're both in Hague. No, they're wildly different international organizations. You're thinking of the ICJ (the International Court of Justice), which is also in Hague. and no, the ICJ doesn't have jurisdiction to deal with these affairs
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alexcabotgf · 5 months
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the-og-gay-cousin · 6 months
Making the annual "Merry Christmas"/"happy holidays" posts this year is just wild for me. There is a fucked up war in Ukraine and an outright genocide in Palestine. America, a major world power, is falling apart at the seams and is attempting to silence and remove its own people, along with its own democracy. Neonazis were allowed to roam the streets. North Korea is testing more and more missiles. It feels like the beginnings of world war 3, and meanwhile, all of us are expected to go about our daily lives. A lot has happened in my personal life on top of that, including leaving my job when management went to actual shit, so one can imagine what it's like living as a young woman in 2023.
Christmas hasn't felt like Christmas in a while. As a kid, I woke up to abuse every Christmas morning, but it still felt more like Christmas than it does now. It hasn't felt like Christmas since before COVID, to be honest, but this year takes the cake for an unexciting Christmas morning. There's no anticipation, there is only me going through the motions as innocents are killed in Palestine en masse. There isn't any buzzing anticipation, there's just a sense of time flying by with a side of dread regarding what will happen because America's politicians won't get their heads out of their asses so that they can have the sense to stop supporting genocidal actions. To be frank, I feel like the only thing stopping American politicians from supporting Russia's actions is the heavy anti-communist agenda America has always had in the name of freedom and democracy for cishet neurotypical white men. If America had any political agendas in Russia, I'm fairly certain that America would be supporting its invasion of Ukraine too, along with the bullshit Israel is pulling.
Christmas doesn't feel like Christmas. It hasn't in a while, but I'm really getting that this year.
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anotherpapercut · 6 months
something I will never ever forget as long as I live is seeing a post in 2020 that was like "I don't care how you feel about Biden, you HAVE to vote for him NO MATTER WHAT because Republicans don't care what their candidate does. they'll vote for a rapist just because it says Republican after his name!!" like within weeks of credible assault allegations against Biden surfacing lol. like can you guys at least TRY to pretend you're not advocating for the exact same thing you claim Republicans are doing
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anyataylorjoys · 6 months
People continued to die and are still dying from Covid or long term Covid. Under Biden, they stopped counting the deaths. Do whatever you want, but do not try to shame people from not voting or for voting third party this time. There was so much that Biden could've done or could do now during his presidency to codify Roe v Wade or even stop the genocide of Palestinians. Under Biden, more money went towards the police, miltary, and Israel then when Trump was in office. There is no lesser evil, that is bs to keep liberals voting and getting nothing in return. Democrats holds your rights and your healthcare as hostage and then do absolutely nothing to protect said rights or healthcare while in office. Politicians HAS TO EARN your votes or they straight up don't deserve them. It's simple as that.
Are you saying you'd rather have a dictator as president cause that's all I'm hearing out of this monologue.
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burst-of-iridescent · 2 years
holy fuck the Supreme Court actually overturned Roe vs Wade.
this shouldn’t be happening in the twenty first century. this shouldn’t even be a DEBATE. i can’t even express the depths of my horror and sorrow right now. fuck this ruling & fuck anyone who allowed it to happen and condones it in any way.
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britneyshakespeare · 2 years
It seems hard to me when I look at her sometimes, and think how many without one tithe of her genius or greatness of spirit have granted them abundant health and opportunity to labour through the little they can do or will do, while perhaps her soul is never to bloom nor her bright hair to fade, but after hardly escaping from degradation and corruption, all she might have been must sink out again unprofitably in that dark house where she was born. How truly she may say, 'No man may care for my soul.' I do not mean to make myself an exception, for how long I have known her, and not thought of this till so late—perhaps too late. But it is no use writing more about this subject; and I fear, too, my writing at all about it must prevent your easily believing it to be, as it is, by far the nearest thing to my own heart.
Dante Gabriel Rossetti writing of Lizzie Siddal's health in a letter dated 23 July, 1854
#european date orientation even tho it feels unnatural to my american brain#quotes#pre raphaelite#dante gabriel rossetti#rossetti#lizzie siddal#elizabeth siddal#elizabeth eleanor siddall#he really did admire her. not just the vague and vain concept of 'love' but he truly respected and appreciated her.#as much as a young victorian man could anyway......#this book by jan marsh is so insightful. it's truly flipping a lot of my expectations and previous assumptions#i didn't realize how deeply he cared for her in all the years they were just courting. ppl made it sound like he encouraged her only a bit#in her artistic pursuits but he gave her all the credit and praise for everything.#lizzie could make one stroke on a canvas and he'd start crying#i think ppl confuse his later lurid affairs as a widower w him being a playboy in his 20s. which doesn't appear to be the case.#i remember reading somewhere years ago that there was no evidence he committed adultery in their (albeit short) marriage but ppl assume#based on what they know about him. but he and lizzie were still very young when she died and he was much more bright-eyed and bushytailed#it seems in her very early adulthood.#didn't yeats also lose his virginity when he was like 40??? and he of course got around w a lot of women once he did.#ppl always make assumptions of what historical figures must've been like based on their modern assumptions of how ppl behave#jan marsh is smashing my entire schema of dgr as a young man and im kinda here for it#the girlies are gagging for guggums
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siobhanromee · 1 year
Had the most frustrating nightmare last night
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