tmmyhug · 7 months
it's already the 31st for me >:3 trick or treat!!
sorry the only thing we have in the pantry is um. this thang
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you can eat him if you want ig
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polyamquackity · 2 months
gay 🤨
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metfell · 10 months
i don't exactly know what it is that makes your art so recognizable but i'm pretty confident i'd recognize it anywhere. i guess maybe the combiantion of your neat shapes and vibrant (they look vibrant) and soft (they look like they'd be soft to the touch) colors
I’ve got that traditional art flare 💪
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nho-jungle · 4 months
congrats on the aromanticism :3
thanks!! ^-^
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fun fact! i was once IP banned from trump's official website because i sent the whole bee movie script in one of the surveys they did
Whdgfbfbf iconic actually.
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sexchangedotcom · 1 year
BANGER url 10/10
thank you i love her as well
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rozugold · 2 years
trick or treat! :D
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Little snack for you
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genderqueeradrien · 2 years
i think screaming "how's it feel? how's it feel to be so loved? how's it feel to be so loved yet so alone?" in a room full of people at the top of my lungs would fix every single one of my problems
GENUINELY. i will never know peace until i see lovejoy live
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cozycreaturescorner · 2 years
you're very pretty, rocking the outfit!! :D
aaahh thank you so much! :D
i love a comfy and practical costume that still looks cute
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esynk · 1 year
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tmmyhug · 8 months
i wanna get into working out or at least stretching or something but if i don't see results right Now i will not do it again :( i wanna become magically strong and have more stamina
anyway that leads to a question for you, as a fellow adhder. how did you start and manage to mantain working out?
ITS ONLY BEEN A FEW WEEKS DONT JINX ME i havent maintained crap yet... (if anything the reason im able to go so far is bc of leftover muscle from hiking everywhere in france this summer). but as someone whos been trying to start working out for 2+ years now this is how i finally got started:
first u gotta break it down into itty bitty little steps. decide what youre going to do. your brain will never get you in motion if all you know is that you need to do this nebulous thing called "working out." is it cardio? stretching? strength training? pilates? for me i decided on 40 minutes of running + 20 minutes of cooldown stretching. its ok if you're unsure bc this can always change later ofc.
next figure out Where u can do this and how to get the resources. do you have space at home? do you need a to go to a local gym for certain equipment? do you need weights? youtube video guidance? a yoga mat? workout clothes? etc. list all of this down very deliberately. even if it feels obvious! it helps frame it to yourself as if you are just considering it. ie. if I was going to work out, how would i do it? not. i am Going To Work Out and Therefore I Need This Stuff Immediately. that will just overwhelm you.
this will give you a roadmap to sidestep all the little places we get Stuck when we're trying to do something. for example, i've had moments in the past where i was suddenly struck by motivation and decided to go workout immediately, but then my dri-fit shirts were all in the laundry and i didn't want to wear anything else to get sweaty, so I just. stalled and never ended up going. but this way, I knew beforehand to keep my dri-fit shirts aside, so they were ready when I wanted them. prepping helps get these obstacles out of your way before you start trying.
routine. routine routine routine!!! i am slowly learning that the magic of Getting Stuff Done is like 10% actual motivation and 90% just making it a regular habit. plan this into your schedule like it's rocket science. for example, mine looks like this. 12:00 PM: get out of class 12 - 12:30 go home 12:30 - 1 eat lunch (pre-prepped, because Food Is Hard) 1 - 1:30 scheduled zoom meeting 1:30 - 2 change into workout clothes and go to the gym 2 - 2:40 treadmill workout 2:40 - 3 stretching 3 - 3:30 go home 3:30 - 4 shower this won't always happen beat for beat, but that doesn't matter. it just needs to be a guideline that makes it feel doable.
make sure you put the workout at a time where you'll actually feel up to doing it. you can say you want to get up at 6AM and go workout all you want but when the time comes if you just lay in bed it won't happen. be realistic about what you can accomplish or you'll just beat yourself up over not doing it.
go easy on yourself. there are no deadlines for this and if you push too hard too fast you'll burn out or injure yourself and it'll be even harder to get back into it. make your goals as small as they need to be! 10 minutes of stretching is way more approachable than a full hour of working out, so if that's where you start, that's totally fine! i started with a five minute ab workout video like. once a week. the most important part is doing just what you can rather than what you want to but can't.
ending here before i get too preachy. i sound exactly like my adhd coach gdi. but this is what seems to work for me!! i hope it helps you <33 also if anyone has tips they want to add feel free!
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aropride · 5 months
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beloved mutuals spotted liking my post. likely place for them to be :}<3
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metfell · 1 year
one of the very few ships im a really huge fan of i think theyre fucking awesome great ship
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nho-jungle · 1 year
kisses u. hi ^w^
hiiiiiii kissie kissie kissie kissie
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c!tommy ^_^
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What I mean about “I fuck with the aesthetic” is that he’s Dave striders aesthetic and the homestuck in me finds it endearing.
Anyways ramble time about ctommy is that like. The universe keeps throwing shit at him and he keeps going regardless. Even exile wasn’t enough to bury him in the sea (literally) because he is filled with so much love, even for those who hurt him because inherently he cares. Inherently he is bonded to every other thing on that server. The other members might not get it but they all have an opinion on him and most of them were willing to show up for him and tubbo at the disc finale because punz basically said “yeah he paid me to help out who wants to join me” and they DID.
Anyways side tangent is that if he were Homestuck he’d be probably an heir of blood and the whole schtick about blood as an aspect is that it’s bonds and loyalty and tbf Ctommy is an annoying shit! BUT! The people keep coming back for him anyways.
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faggerardway · 1 year
everyones relationship truthing my mutuals when is it my turn :[
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