#es el standing emoji
hakchs · 24 days
🪁 ¿qué es algo que hayas logrado recientemente y te sientes orgullose de hacerlo?
por fin terminar un libro de haruki murakami. no parece mucho, pero me ha costado más que algunas misiones, eh. me gustaría lograr algo más grande, de igual forma. no bajaré los brazos.
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mikrokosmcs · 6 months
Bueno Jisu, cuando te confiesas a la linda bailarina que conoces muy bien? 🤭💜
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- —Tal vez nunca — -una risa natural emana de entre sus labios, sin sonar burlona o que fuese una broma real, simplemente era su forma de liberar el pequeño estrés que esa cuestión le causó. - —Ya sabes, no quiero arriesgar a perder una bonita amistad y esas cosas por tontos sentimentalismos que tal vez no sean recíprocos — -y aunque sus padres nunca criaron a una cobarde, al contrario, no iba a arruinarlo todo. - —Seguramente sueña con un príncipe azul, de esos con los que puede bailar y hacer lindas coreografías. Yo soy tosca, nunca funcionaríamos.
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Hola rosa
Soy el chico que te escribió por el tema de que la niña con la que hablo tarda mucho en responder.
Respondiendo a tus preguntas si la conocí un día antes de que fuera a viajar, pero estuvo Nuevamente en la ciudad unos días y también se tardaba demasiado en responder ahora volvió a irse y esta aún peor el tema de la conversación.
Yo de verdad trate de hablarle y como tú dices desearle un buen día y feliz noche y que la pasara muy bien, pero es que hubo un comentario que ella hizo en donde afirmaba que ya alguien le había hecho saber que ella no era comprometida con las relaciones porque no le gustaba hablar por chat con sus parejas pero que ella iba a cambiar eso… incluso me dijo a mi hace días que iba a ser un poco más constante conmigo… aspecto que no mejoró.
No siento que sean las vacaciones lo único que la hace escribir tan poco, si no que ya efectivamente me admitió que alguien ya le había manifestado anteriormente incomodidad por la forma en la que se comunica
Igual debo esperar a que nos veamos y demás cierto ?
Es que me siento incómodo con la charla cada 6 horas la verdad aunque debe ser también porque estoy acostumbrado a hablar medio seguido con las parejas que he tenido y bueno con quien me interesa y pues esto me hace pensar que no hay interés.
El whatsp querido por muchos y odiados por otros tantos, yo soy del último grupo, odio el whatsp, prefiero hacer una llamada que pasarme con mensajitos 2 horas, no lo soporto porque además si estoy haciendo otras cosas, como ver una peli, hacer la cena etc los mensajes me matan, sobre todo cuando van acompañados de mil emojis y se que hay muchas personas como yo.
Para mi el wspt utilizado de forma descontrolada me resulta una forma de controlar a alguien.
Ella ya te ha dicho claramente que su fuerte no son los mensajitos y eso es algo que no va a poder cambiar, hay quien prefiere el cara a cara y si ya otras parejas le han recriminado el mismo asunto y ella no cambia es porque piensa que quien la quiera la ha de aceptarla como es.
Habéis pillado un mal momento para conoceros, si de por si se tarda en responder en vacaciones lo hará mas, pero como te he dicho es porque no le ha dado tiempo a cogerte cariño, le gustas, le pareces lindo y puede que interesante de conocer pero primero son las vacaciones.
Espera a conoceros en persona y ver por ti mismo como es y como reacciona y se comporta contigo, será entonces cuando puedas tomar una decisión firme y si por el contrario crees que ahora estás perdiendo el tiempo con ella, pues tampoco es que la conozcas tanto como para echarla de menos y ella no creo que en estos momentos ni lo note.
No ha sido el momento correcto para conoceros, así que hagas lo que hagas será comprensible, tampoco es necesario que vivas con ansiedad o estresado esperando una respuesta.
Ten en cuenta que no vas a recibir mas de lo que ahora estás recibiendo, puedes dejar la "relación" es stand by y tu seguir con tus rutinas diarias y cuando vuelva, intentar conocerla en persona.
Daros carta blanca, al fin y al cabo no hay nada entre vosotros y cuando terminen las vacas, pues ya todo volverá a su normalidad.
No puedes vivir pendiente de una pantalla 💪
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weird-dere-fics · 11 months
From this
UWU 💕💕💕💕
Hola amorcita :3. Muchos abrazos ❤️❤️❤️. Ojalá que el día es simpático a ti uwu. Te quiero a la luna 🌜.
I assign u animation, my dear!
Probably not too surprising, but I just feel like it fits :D. You are someone that likes to have so much fun, Ane! You're always making someone smile or laugh, and joining in with them heartily. The most supportive bean around and a lovely presence on this app uwu. You have nice words to say about everyone and their work. And if someone is being a BUTT you are strong in your standing against them, in a way that's also funny sometimes but still so very very supportive owo. I feel like in animation you could use your artistic abilities ofc, but also be the ultimate support to the characters or scenes you're bringing to life. Cheering them on, deep diving into the minds of these characters, making them have dimension in relatable ways that we all love during the process of their creation. You would go above and beyond to create things people would absolutely love in all senses of the word. Hobie would see your work, and like that it's different. It's noticeable to him that there's a true passion behind your work that he sees in no one else's in his world. He doesn't believe in media, or the people who create it, who wish to push their agenda and their lackluster versions of morals to make money. But he believes in every sketch, every note, and every animatic he sees from you. Especially late at night when he sees the way you smile at the screen you're drawing on. You're a keeper for sure and he won't let u go >:))))).
Had to throw a couple memes in there for u lmao luv u
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Send in an emoji and I’ll tell u what study vibes u give me :3
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bookdragonlibrary · 5 years
He was there. Alive. For a few seconds Eduardo thought his novio was dead. Right in front of him. Again. Being on the Team was useless. He was still hopeless to save Bart from deadly wounds. 
But Kid Flash just phases that pile of rock, as if a wall didn’t fall on him five seconds ago. He was a mess, dirty but breathing. Ed cannot stop himself but kisses him, relieved. He didn’t mind the weird mud taste on his lips as he can feel the warm ones of his querido.
And then he sees the flash. Not a flash like his novio or the Flash himself. But a light flash. A camera flash he understands.
Someone saw them kissing and took a picture. It went viral. Teenagers are so pleased to see superheroes can be gay too. Well technically he’s bi but still. They’re a gay couple. The person didn’t think to hurt. They would think it was great and important for people to see other like them. Eduardo doesn’t care that the world knows his superhero persona loves a boy. But he cares as a person as he wasn’t out to people outside the Outsiders. Ironically.
Wendy sends him a text saying she’s so happy for him, with a lot of exclamation marks and an emoji with heart eyes. Yep, definitely the supportive little sister he wished for when he was younger. Tye calls him the next day, telling him he was happy for him and they should go on double date as they do with Jaime and Traci. Ed blushes lightly as he remembers he first questioned his sexuality with Tye but quickly push the feeling away, bury what might come with him. And he buried it even deeper when he started to date Asami. At that time, he had so many things to deal with he didn’t want another one.
But now he has to. He has to deal with the person he was the most afraid to tell his sexuality, his feelings for a boy. He has to go back in the Center one day.
“Hey dude, welcome in the gay club!” Livewire greets him.
“I’m bi Leslie, but thanks.”
“So you’re in the same club than Andy.” As he passes by her, she takes his arm. “If you need to talk about it, to someone who can relate, go talk to her, counselor.” Her smile softens. “And your boyfriend is pretty cute, well you know, for a boy.”
She winks at him and walks away.
He was supporting these kids in their trauma but if feels good that they’re supporting him too. He should have noticed it before. He wanted to be a councelor because he knew the kids can relate to him, but that also means the contrary is possible. If he listens to himself, he sould be on their side in the Center, but helping them means he doesn’t have to think about his own experience.
He exhales. He has to keep going. He soon arrives in front of the office. Too soon for him. He opens the door, the physical and simplest one. Now he has to open himself.
“Papá, soy yo.”
“Eduardo, ¿estás bien?”
“Si, yo... yo estoy bien. ¿Has visto las noticias?”
“Si, Eduardo.”
“Ah. Lo siento...”
When his papá and him have finally a good relationship, without anger, arguments or misunderstanding, he is going to loose all of these. But he can’t choose between his love for Bart and his love for him. He needs them both. 
To his surprise, his papá embraces him.
“No te disculpes. Me alegro que estés vivo y estoy orgulloso de ti.”
Ed draws back, surprised.
“Pero... no soy el hijo que querías...”
He wasn’t good at maths, physics or science in general. He ran away, developed super powers. And now he is bisexual and dating a boy. How his papá could be proud of him?
“Has crecido tanto, mijo. Haces un bueno trabajo aqui y... si, tengo miedo ahora que te uniste a los Outsiders, pero todo está bien.”
“Incluso... que soy bisexual? Bart y yo?”
“No me importa, Eduardo. Bart es un buen chico. Y inteligente. ¿Eres... feliz con él?”
Of course his papá would love Bart - who wouldn’t? - and maybe Bart was closer to the son he wished to have... He was kind and clever, a genius at science. Jaime even told him he even built his own timemachine. His papá would turn loco if he knows that. When Jaime asked Bart how he managed to find the theory of time travel, Bart revealed he got inspired by the Zeta technology used by the Team and he salvaged pieces in the Mount Justice ruins. So Bart was pratically a fan of his papá’s work. Genial. Now he fears the two of them would become unstoppable about zeta technology while he, the living Zeta machine, would just stand beside them, not understanding a word. He brushes the thought off. His papá nor Bart ever made him feel stupid when they talk about science in front of him. He is just freaking out.  
“Si, por supuesto.”
“Entonces es todo lo que importa, mijo.”
Ed initiates the hug this time, relieved and happy.
Despite being a hero with superpowers, helping kids through their trauma and with their powers and having a boyfriend from the future, his life was finally in order.
“How was it? You know... with your dad.” asks Bart when he arrives at the Center.
“Bien. He wasn’t angry at all. I think when your son has superpowers, nothing can surprise you anymore...”
“Yeah, that puts things in perspective! Oh by the way, Gramps wants to meet your father. What do I say?”
“Yeah, he wanted to know your secret ID so I told him - wasthatbad? - and he connects the dots whith your father and now he wants to meet him because he wants to talk science. Maybe he’s a fan? WhatshouldIdo?”
“I repeat: ¿Qué?”
“We’re moded, right?”
“Ugh... I just hope they will get along thanks to science...”
Now it would not be only his papá and his novio talking about science at a family dinner but the Flash himself too. But if that means the four of them getting alone, he will be fine with that. 
“I hope your father will get along with my grandfather, because I’m not sure he’s into babysitting, right?”
And that was sufficient to make Ed laugh again with the picture of their fathers.
Well, I’m more fluent in English than I am in Spanish so I hope I didn’t make too much mistakes... 
With our first explicit rep, I wanted to write something positive. I think Eduardo Senior is a loving dad but sometimes doesn’t know how to show it. 
As Ed and his father are Argentineans and not American Spanish speaker, I think they will switch back to their native language whenever they speak to each other, at least alone. 
For the @zetaflash-week : Public heroes / Private life or when the two crashed in a big way... 
(I know it’s an old piece but I didn’t find idea for today...)
Day 1 ; Day 2 ; Day 3 ; Day 4 ; Day 5; Day 6 ; Day 7
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cieloxcnco · 6 years
yo te haré mía (cnco) - ch7
Chapter 7
Words: 3,900+
Warnings: little suggestive sexy stuff, nothing too awful. but God knows i’m not the best judge. Only two sentences of a sex scene frfr
A/N: pretty major note- now fully in third person POV. hope that hasn’t thrown anyone off.
chapter 1 is here chapter 2 is here chapter 3 is here chapter 4 is here chapter 5 is here chapter 6 is here if you need to catch up
Upon entering the agreed upon location for brunch, Isabella stormed directly to Kaja and swatted at her arm. “Ow! What was that for?” she squealed, rubbing the afflicted area. “Still can’t believe you didn’t tell me he knocked you up,” Isabella grumbled as she sat down across the cafe table from her friend. “The pill isn’t perfect,” was all Kaja could surmise, shrugging her shoulders as she too sat down. “Not only that,” Isa conjured. “I’m just shocked you both finally lost your virginities to each other. Like it was about time. But now from that idea alone to suddenly being engaged was unreal. I felt badly because Naomi kind of took over discussions that night and I didn’t get to really talk to you about much.” “It honestly just all happened so quickly. I missed my period, I told Joel because I was nervous, we took a test, we went to the doctor who confirmed it, and a week later he got down on one knee. I didn’t expect it, but I honestly think when he told his family about it that they pushed the idea into his head. You know how traditional they are in their ideals. He never really so much as kissed anyone before me, and now all of a sudden there’s a baby involved? It was almost all instantaneous and then he was telling me I’m the love of his life and he wants to spend it all as my husband.” “He also,” Isa interjected, “might be considering a lot in the idea of his public image. Not that it minimizes the fact that he does want to get married, of course, but he’s always been el inocente and now he’s gotten his girlfriend pregnant. He went from not even knowing whether he wanted to be arriba or abajo to now he obviously as done enough of both to have successfully put a baby up in there.” Kaja laughed and playfully smacked at Isa’s shoulder. “Will you shut up?” Isa giggled to herself. “While we’re on the subject, which does he in fact prefer?” “Oh my god,” Kaja choked, her face flushing bright red before she hid it in her cupped hands. After taking a small sip of coffee, she straightened in her chair. “Well I have the new sonogram pictures, but there’s no point. You can’t see much more than a speck. Joel at first thought it was an habichuela.” Isa cackled at the thought of Joel spinning the print of the ultrasound in his hands, searching for his baby behind what he thought was a bean. “Well you know,” she began once she stopped laughing, “that if you ever need any help with anything, Jasmyn and I are here for you. I’ve been there and back with everything pregnancy related so no question is stupid and I’ll be there when the boys are stuck traveling around and Joel can’t be with you.” Kaja reached for her friend’s hands across the table and squeezed them between her own. “Thanks, Isa. Love you.” Isa winked. “Love you too, mama. You know that.” Kaja let her hands go so they both were able to grab their drinks and sip. “So, we both have babies incubating, and that’s great, but I want to check on you.” Isa’s eyes widened slightly and she sat a little more straight in her chair.  “So have you talked about names and what gender he’s hoping for?” Kaja rolled her eyes. She had expected deflection. “Isa. I only want to help.” Isa’s shoulders fell, her body surrendering and abandoning its defensive stance. “I know that, mama. I just… There’s nothing to help.” “There’s always a way to help,” Kaja offered. “It just has to be discussed to find out what that help can be.” The waiter stopping to take their orders was a distraction for only a moment. Once they thanked him and he stepped away, Isa knew just by the look in Kaja’s eyes that she wasn’t going to let it go. Isabella nervously tucked loose hair behind her ear. “Zabdiel and I had a bit of a… discussion the other night and he’s been avoiding me more than usual the past two days. We haven’t really spoken.” Kaja sighed quietly. It killed her to see two people she cared about so deeply start to lose grip on a relationship she had always admired. Perhaps she’d only liked the way it appeared looking at it from the outside. “What was the discussion?” Isa busied herself with stirring her spoon idly around her teacup. “God, I could use a mimosa instead right now.” Kaja waited patiently for a response without interrupting. Her friend might need to be given a moment, but she would come around and speak. The quiet was broken by Isa’s phone vibrating on the tabletop to alert her of a text message from her lover. Cada segunda que no estas conmigo es una eternidad. He decorated the beginning of the lyric with musical note emojis and the end with his favorite smiley sticking its tongue out. Pensando en ti siempre, nena. Te amo tanto. A second buzz from another text from Christopher. ¿Que haces, mi vida? Her fingers danced across her screen in a fast reply, eager to take advantage of a moment when the band wasn’t engaged in an activity that he could correspond with her. Comiendo brunch con Kaja, hablando del bebe y todo. Te extraño, mi principe. ¿Que hacen ustedes? “Isa?” Kaja pushed to bring her focus back. Seeing her friend would not relent, she placed her phone face up on the table and sighed. “He had promised he would spend the evening with Joaquin because he’s gone so much. He spent time at the studio but afterwards went out to dinner with Carlos and had too much to drink. As soon as he came home, I was angry because Quin was so upset all night and all Zabdiel wanted to do was forget about that and have sex. I said no and that our relationship should be more than that. It should be fun, love, caring about our family and I feel like he’s putting that to the wayside. I know he’s working on the new music a lot, but at some point make me feel like I matter. Right now I feel like a broken record, repeating however many times that I should mean more to him than just being there to have sex and have his kids.” Kaja broke from nibbling her lower lip to speak. “He does love you, Isa.” “He may,” Isa offered. “But this has been so stressful it’s enough to make the baby pop out at any minute. So I told him… Maybe it’s time to let this go. And he posted a very fitting cover on his instagram the next day after the radio show like a petty teenage girl.” Kaja gently rolled her cup around between her closed hands. “So you think it’s over?” Isa took a short gulp of tea and let out an unsure murmur as she swallowed. “We haven’t said the words. But we know where we both stand.” Kaja tapped her nails along the table anxiously. “At this precipice in limbo, neither of you wanting to make a move to better it or cut ties?” She laughed in spite of herself. “Yeah, I suppose.” Her phone shook against the table again so she looked down and read a reply from Christopher. Estoy aqui solo en la oficina del director. ¿Recuerdas que el gestor iba a organizar un camefeo papel para mí en esa película este verano después de la gira? She had forgotten. But that proud feeling was immediately washed away by realizing that Zabdiel was not with the band recording as he had said he would be. “He’s still avoiding me,” Isa said, clicking her tongue in her mouth. “I thought he was recording with the band today. Chris just said they’re not all together.” Kaja tried to change the subject to bring her friend’s anxiety down. “Is that Chris who keeps texting you?” Isabella nodded immediately, not realizing until after she had that the safer response probably would have been to deny it. Kaja scoffed. “You both get on so well and when he isn’t being his wacky, weird self he’s really thoughtful and insightful. I’m sure he’s probably been helpful through all this. You always light up when you talk to him.” Isa nodded again, slower this time. “You know how his stupid comments just make you laugh.” Kaja laughed at an obvious memory. “Claro. So maybe try and get some feedback from him about it. I’m sure he’s the most understanding and mature about it. That is… if you want to try to work it out.” Isa’s upper teeth gnawed on her lower lip. “I feel like… everything we built our life on was only because I got pregnant. Since Joaquin was born we’ve just been trying to hold together, pretending that it’s alright. Maybe the foundation that we had wasn’t strong enough to support the weight and responsibility of a family.” Kaja took the final sip of her coffee and gave a hesitant smile. “Sometimes when there’s a weak foundation in something, all that’s needed to make it better is to stop, go back to where you started, and reinforce it.” Isa bit the end of her drinking straw rather than continue to bite her lip. “How?” The waiter came and interrupted again, setting their plates down on the table. Kaja smiled and took a quick bite. “Marriage is proving difficult. Go back and date again like teenagers - build it up from the start. Don’t have sex immediately, let it be about getting to know each other again. See if that helps, if that makes it worth it. I know Joel told Zabdi to do the same thing.” Isa had picked up her knife and fork but, upon hearing that, instantly put them down, almost offended. “Joel suggested that to him? He spoke to Joel about all this?” A cringe flashed across Kaja’s face, realizing the slip of her tongue that she shouldn’t have allowed, but her friend also deserved the entire truth. “This bothered him just as much. He doesn’t know exactly how to handle it either. So maybe taking that step toward the same idea might help things. But I mean, Isa, you have to vent about it or you’ll lose your mind. You don’t think he’s entitled to do the same?” As suddenly as she’d become angry, she exhaled the emotion and relaxed. “I guess.” Her phone vibrated on the table again and she realized she’d forgotten to answer Chris so he’d probably written back with something. But her husband’s name flashed across the screen with a new message. Erick y Yanelis van a llegar a la casa con Joaquin a la 5. Yo estare alli pa pasar un ratito con el. Despues, tenemos que hablar. All she could muster to type back was an Okay. Kaja tried to study Isa’s change in expression to sense the emotion of her thought process. “I mean, do you really want to fix it?” Isa anxiously pressed the lock button on the side of her phone repeatedly, only to have that make the lock screen picture of Zabdiel holding Joaquin high in his arms flash on and off. Joaquin’s smile while being in his father’s arms couldn’t be denied. It didn’t matter if her heart was sad, that happy smile on her baby boy’s face meant more. He was everything. This family deserved a chance to rebuild. “Yeah, I really do.” - Zabdiel rapped his knuckles against the front door to his bandmate's mansion, then shoved his hands into his pockets anxiously. Spilling his soul to Joel during a moment of frustration was one thing. He'd just been frustrated, quiet, and tense, so when Joel had asked what was wrong it was the dam breaking. Zabdiel told him everything. Almost everything. But Chris he could be a little more candid with. Closer in age and experiences, as well as being a close friend with his wife, Zabdiel figured that Christopher would be able to give him more insight as to the direction he should begin taking. He was a little taken aback when a female figure clothed in only an oversized t-shirt answered the door instead of his friend. "Krista. ¿Como estas?" She smiled widely at Zabdiel, shifting her weight to her other leg, her bare feet still arched as if she were wearing heels. "¿Bien, y tu?" He focused his eyes on hers, ignoring how scantily she was dressed and how long her legs appeared when she stood on the balls of her feet as she was. "Bien. ¿Donde esta Chris?" She shrugged, turning around and walking across the foyer. "Meeting at management about a small role in a show or something. Should be back early evening." Zabdiel stepped inside and shut the door behind him. "I won't bother you, then. I just wanted to talk to him for a bit." She giggled, sitting on a barstool at the kitchen island. "Is that really why you're here, Zabdiel?" His eyebrows knit together. "¿De qué hablas?" She let her hair down from her ponytail and let her clasped hands fall between her spread legs. "He is one of your best friends. You didn't know he had that meeting today and wouldn't be home? You didn't want to come over when we would have the house to ourselves for a few hours?" "Krista," Zabdiel groaned, his tone warning. "Obviamente no. Ya te lo dije." "¿Que tu me dijiste, papi?" she laughed innocently, biting her lip and flipping her hair over one shoulder. “Lo que hicimos fue un error," he gulped. "Y no va a pasar otra vez." She stood, padding softly over to where he remained still, leaning up to whisper in his ear. "¿Que no va a pasar otra vez, papi? Que no me vas a tocar, no me vas a besar, no me vas a comer?” Krista subtly moved against him so her hips rolled against his. “¿No me vas a coger?” "One time," he mumbled. "We were drunk. It was a mistake. I told you it was never going to happen again." She smirked, letting her fingertips trace over his belt. "You let your inhibitions go when you were drinking and finally did what you wanted to. You still want it now." He gulped down the heavy lump in his throat. "Estoy casado. No puedo hacerlo otra vez. Mi esposa… esto va a romper su corazon. No puedo.” Her smirk grew as her lips pressed against the side of his neck. "Pero tu lo quieres, tu lo necesitas. I see how you look at me." She arched up higher on her feet and lightly gripped his collar, pulling his head down to meet hers. Krista's lips brushed against his as she gently spoke, "Don't deny yourself what you need, mi amor." No longer able to resist, he leaned down and kissed her with the fever he had been fighting. They swiped their arms across the counter behind her, clearing it of anything that might get in the way of their bodies as the heat rose between them. And without thought of consequence, they repeated the mistake he had promised himself he would never make again. - Thiago and Joaquin started racing across the front yard to see who could get to the front door fastest as soon as Erick and Yanelis let them each out of their carseats. No sooner did they reach the door did they see Zabdiel’s Escalade following up the driveway and ran back to greet him. “Tio Zabdi!” Thiago yelled, squeezing his leg as he exited the car. “Papi!” Joaquin screamed, jumping up into Zabdiel’s arms. Zabdiel struggled to grip onto his little boy, not having expected the leap he made. “Hey mijo,” Zabdiel chuckled, kissing his forehead and ruffling Thiago’s hair. Joaquin tugged at Zabdiel’s shirt with a cautiously hopeful question. “Papi, are we going to play futbol like you said?” “Claro que si, Quin,” he said with a wide smile. Joaquin’s eyes went alight in disbelief. “¿De veras? You promise?” Zabdiel nodded. “Si, antes de la cena, papo. Did you have fun with Tio Erick?” “No, amigo,” Erick interrupted. “You ask the chicos, ‘Did you torture Tio Erick?’” Both boys laughed, running back off to the house. Thiago touched the latch that opened the front door for them and they continued to run into the house. Zabdiel clapped Erick’s hand in his in greeting, leaning in for a half hug. “Pero la verdad- ¿se portó bien hoy?” Erick rolled his eyes while his sister laughed and kissed Zabdiel’s cheek. “Claro que si, Zabdi. Como siempre. No te preocupes.” Zabdiel kissed her cheek in return. “Muchisimas gracias por cuidar a mi niño hoy, Yanelis. Te lo agradezco.” “¿Y que de mi?” Erick huffed. “¿Que de ti, bro?” Zabdi laughed again. Erick, jokingly offended, was about to storm off but Zabdiel caught his shoulder to stop him. “Esperate - You think you could watch him inside for just five minutes? Tengo que hablar con Izzy for un momentito.” Erick’s expression changed from smiling and playful to a solemn one. “Por supuesto… ¿Todo está bien?” He tried to hide his defeated sigh under a soft laugh. “Pues, vamos a ver.” Yanelis had already gone inside behind the boys and ran out into the backyard onto the trampoline with them. Isa had just watched the whirlwind run by her, hand on the bump of her belly. “Did you sugar up my son?” she questioned Erick as he headed out the back patio door. “Of course not,” he laughed innocently before running to catch up to the screeching children outside. “Carajo," she giggled with a roll of her eyes, rubbing over her belly as she made her way over to the counter to continue preparing dinner. “Is it okay?” Zabdiel murmured, slowing his approach. She didn’t turn to face him, only busied her hands with chopping the lettuce for the salad she was making. “Is what okay?” “The baby,” he said simply. “You keep rubbing your stomach like the baby is bothering you.” She shook her head, her face stoic. “Not bothering. Just kicking.” His eyebrows raised and his mouth hung slightly agape. He hadn’t realized it was far enough along now that he would be able to feel his baby moving within her womb. “You can feel it?” She couldn’t suppress the smile that crept across her face. “Si.” He took a few steps closer. “Can I?” Isabella paused, but soon turned and grabbed his hand to press it to the swell of her stomach. “Right here.” It took a few moments, but as soon as Zabdiel began to whisper, “I can’t feel it,” the baby knocked against the spot where he rested his hand. His face instantly lit up, joyously laughing and pressing his hand harder against his wife in an attempt to intensify the contact if it were to happen again. She was careful as to the phrasing as to not reveal the gender he wanted to keep secret. “The baby reacts to your voice. Hearing you talking makes the baby kick and move around- dances around when they can hear your music.” His eyes welled with excited tears. “Hola, mi bebe. No puedo esperar a conocerte.” “Pues, tienes que esperar, Zabdi. Baby isn’t done cooking yet,” she chided gently, his smile contagious. But his grin faded as he searched for the words. “Izzy… Can we talk, please?” She turned her attention back to the food preparation in front of her. “¿De que?” “Izzy… Please. We’ve needed to talk for a long time and haven’t. Por favor, mi vida.” And even he didn’t know if he was using the endearment sincerely or out of pure habit. She grabbed for his hand and allowed him to lead her to the kitchen table to sit. She wanted to allow him to speak first since he had wanted to initiate this talk, but she could see he was struggling to find the words. He finally managed, “I don’t like what this is now, what we are now.” “Yo tampoco,” she whispered. Zabdiel cupped her clenched hands between his own, only able to stare down at the floor. “I don’t want it to remain like this. I want to live up to the words I told you at our wedding, the promises we made. We made a family, and for our babies we ought to give it more of a chance than giving up and pushing the other away when things get hard.” She looked out the window, hearing Joaquin shouting and laughing from the other side of the backyard, and then back to where her hand rested on the rise of her belly. “I know we do.” Zabdiel didn’t realize he was squeezing her hands so tightly until he felt his palms sweating and let go. “I know we can’t fix what’s already happened - how I’ve made you feel with me being distant and how I’ve felt you pushed me away. But we can try to start from the beginning. We can date again, learn more about each other like we should have from the start, back like it was before the stress of kids and worldwide music releases.” She was quiet, lost in thought, but in reality it was just spinning in the same circle. She had to give this a try- for her family, for the vows she took, for her son and daughter to get the chance to have the household she never did. “I want to try anything, Zabdiel. I hate how tense it’s been and how uncomfortable I’ve been feeling.” He nodded. “We’re having a new baby. Our family is growing and deserves a happy home. Let me take you out tomorrow night?” She took the initiative of leaning in and pressing her lips to his. “It’s a date.” He smiled and cupped her cheek, leaning back in to kiss her soundly. “As much as I want to begin now, I have a date with a little soccer star outside first.” Joaquin hopped off of the trampoline as soon as Zabdiel joined them in the backyard. “Papi! Time to play!” Erick stopped Zabdiel and silently showed him an email from Renato about their time at the recording studio and their upcoming deadlines for new music. “Is he serious?” Zabdiel snapped. “We were supposed to have more time. What do they expect us to do?” “Well, we have tomorrow. We have to head over there then to finish Alejaste de Mi,” Erick supposed. Zabdiel huffed. “We have no choice. But we could get some mixing done before dinner. Sound good?” Erick nodded and began texting the band’s group chat the details of what they’d just worked out. “Papi?” Joaquin questioned, tugging gently on his pants’ pocket. Zabdiel shook his head “Not now, buddy. Papi has to do something quickly. Later. I know I promised.” As Zabdiel walked away, Joaquin threw the ball he’d been holding onto the ground and began kicking it around alone, missing the goal by a few inches. The truth was his father could make any sort of promise he wanted, but unless he lived up to it what was the point?
if this sucks, blame @cncocubanita she rushed me
chapter 8 is now here.
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ifdispatch-blog · 5 years
¿Tienen algún cambio de opinión sobre cada uno de los miembros de KO?
Si soy sincera a estas alturas ni siquiera estoy segura de quienes siguen en K.O, siendo más sincera, algunas veces no sé si estoy mirando Idol Factory o Juego de Tronos, como sea, si no fallo tenemos a Siho, Sumin y Shine, con un menor de edad más Siho podría montarse una guardería, quizá quieran cambiar el nombre del grupo a Siho’s Day Care…o mejor aun, TRIPLE S, pero en fin;
Siho: muerto por dentro, le gustan las cerezas, finge que sabe lo que esta haciendo pero la verdad es que no, cambiaría a sus miembros por un pepero, en el fondo es más cachorro que los de playground, minty stand. // @sswho
Sumin: caótico, aunque pide el menú infantil cuando sale a restaurantes, textea y conduce al mismo tiempo, sinnamon roll, demasiado interesado en el cuidado de la piel y la belleza, no le gusta el agua porque se derrite así como la bruja del mago de oz. // @msuminn
Shine: probablemente tiene una colección de joyería y accesorios, su personalidad es estar salty todo el tiempo, solo come kim chi, más bello de lo que nosotros los mortales podemos aspira, underrated, sigue usando O-o como emoji. // @s-shinc
No exactamente opiniones, pero a estas alturas, ¿qué les puedo decir?, tag yourself: #soysumin #istandtriples
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npcactividades · 6 years
¿Tú teléfono ha comenzado a recibir mensajes desde hace un par de días? ¡No te asustes! Es la señal que parece que esta semana ha querido funcionar de maravilla, ¡es hora de no desperdiciar el tiempo y enviarle un texto a tus amigos!
envía un símbolo
envía “✆”  para un mensaje en la mañana.  envía “☎” para un mensaje urgente. envía  “⁇” para un mensaje en estado de ebriedad. envía “✿” para un mensaje sugestivo.  envía “ø”  para un mensaje de anoche. envía “✘” para un mensaje enojado. envía “#”  para un mensaje sobre cualquier cosa. envía “@” para un mensaje asustado. envía  “&” para un mensaje cariñoso. envía “%” para un mensaje curioso. envía “ツ” para un mensaje emocionado. envía “$”  para un mensaje accidental. envía “♀” para un mensaje emocional. envía “☢”  para un mensaje desesperado. envía “☁” para un mensaje triste. envía “♘” para un mensaje de aburrimiento. envía “⁂” para un mensaje provocativo. envía “✍” para un mensaje sobre tu personaje (que era dirigido hacía otra persona pero fue enviado a tu personaje por error).
envía un mensaje
[ 📲 • sms ] —— what are you doing? [ 📲 • sms ] —— are you trying to drunk text me rn? [ 📲 • sms ] —— hey what are you doing? [ 📲 • sms ] —— didn’t you get my last text? [ 📲 • sms ] —— are you ignoring me? [ 📲 • sms ] —— i’m so bored! [ 📲 • sms ] —— hey you 😉 [ 📲 • sms ] —— blue is definitely your color 😉 [ 📲 • sms ] —— ugh i wish you were here! [ 📲 • sms ] —— i think you’re going to like what you see 😉 [ 📲 • sms ] —— you’ve been on my mind all day today. [ 📲 • sms ] —— i can’t stop thinking about you. [ 📲 • sms ] —— are you gonna fall asleep on me? [ 📲 • sms ] —— NO don’t fall asleep on me again tonight! [ 📲 • sms ] —— you fell asleep on me last night! you owe me now [ 📲 • sms ] —— send me a picture 😉 [ 📲 • sms ] —— hey cutie! haven’t talked to you in a while! [ 📲 • sms ] —— why did you stop texting me? [ 📲 • sms ] —— hey can i call you now? [ 📲 • sms ] —— call me rather talk on the phone [ 📲 • sms ] —— sweet dreams….with me in them 😉 jk [ 📲 • sms ] —— oooooh, i like the sound of that 😉 [ 📲 • sms ] —— what are you doing tomorrow? [ 📲 • sms ] —— do you wanna hang out tomorrow? [ 📲 • sms ] —— what do you wanna do tomorrow? ☺️ [ 📲 • sms ] —— you looked really good today. [ 📲 • sms ] —— can’t wait to see you xoxo [ 📲 • sms ] —— talk dirty to me [ 📲 • sms ] —— maybe i can stay the night with you tomorrow [ 📲 • sms ] —— dang you take long enough to text back. [ 📲 • sms ] —— you are the slowest texter ever. 😒 [ 📲 • sms ] —— i hate texting you sometimes. you take forever. [ 📲 • sms ] —— you take forever and a day to reply. [ 📲 • sms ] —— i was wondering where you went. [ 📲 • sms ] —— what happened? where did you go? [ 📲 • sms ] —— k. [ 📲 • sms ] —— ok that’s cool. [ 📲 • sms ] —— what’s wrong with you? [ 📲 • sms ] —— hey where was you today? [ 📲 • sms ] —— do you wanna come over? [ 📲 • sms ] —— why are you texting me? i’m standing right beside you… [ 📲 • sms ] —— i hate one word texters. [ 📲 • sms ] —— stop one wording me. 😒 [ 📲 • sms ] —— are you mad at me? [ 📲 • sms ] —— what do you wanna talk about? [ 📲 • sms ] —— do you like me? [ 📲 • sms ] —— i love you 😍 [ 📲 • sms ] —— miss you 😘 [ 📲 • sms ] —— stop sending me that wink face. [ 📲 • sms ] —— are you okay? [ 📲 • sms ] —— i’m gonna take a shower brb [ 📲 • sms ] —— hold on i gotta do something real quick. [ 📲 • sms ] —— are you trying to sext me? [ 📲 • sms ] —— my dog/cat said he/she missed you. [ 📲 • sms ] —— what’s your dog/cat doing? [ 📲 • sms ] —— what are you watching? [ 📲 • sms ] —— i see how it is 😜 [ 📲 • sms ] —— you can’t text me but you can be on facebook/twitter/instagram/ [ 📲 • sms ] —— how come you never text me anymore? [ 📲 • sms ] —— i gave you my number so you could text me punk 😛 [ 📲 • sms ] —— you never text me back anymore ☹️ [ 📲 • sms ] —— sorry didn’t mean to bug you [ 📲 • sms ] —— you only text me when i text you first. [ 📲 • sms ] —— you never text me first! [ 📲 • sms ] —— wanna go catch a movie tomorrow? [ 📲 • sms ] —— what do you mean by that status you posted? [ 📲 • sms ] —— guess what emoji is next to your name in my phone? [ 📲 • sms ] —— hey stranger. stop being a stranger. [ 📲 • sms ] —— did you miss me? 😆 [ 📲 • sms ] —— i’m looking through your pictures right now. [ 📲 • sms ] —— i saw that selfie you just posted. [ 📲 • sms ] —— you text me after i upload a bomb selfie i see. [ 📲 • sms ] —— it’s okay you don’t to lie to me. [ 📲 • sms ] —— aww, that was so sweet. ☺️   [ 📲 • sms ] —— aww, that just made me smile. ️☺️☺️ [ 📲 • sms ] —— i s2g i’m punching you so hard the next time i see you. [ 📲 • sms ] —— i s2g you get on my nerves. [ 📲 • sms ] —— hey there ! remember me ? [ 📲 • sms ] —— are you going to ignore me again tomorrow?
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dermontag · 2 years
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Zverev lobt, König gratuliert Spanien feiert Tennis-Teenie als neuen Nadal 09.05.2022, 14:03 Uhr Rafael Nadal spielt noch, doch nicht nur in Spanien umjubeln sie bereits seinen potenziellen Nachfolger. Carlos Alcaraz ist das neue Tennis-Wunderkind. So beeindruckend, wie er auch Alexander Zverev abfertigt, avanciert er zum Mitfavoriten bei den French Open. Spanien hat ein neues Tennis-Wunderkind. Zwei Wochen vor Beginn der French Open kennt der Jubel über Carlos Alcaraz in dessen Heimat keine Grenzen. Nach dem beeindruckenden Triumph beim Masters-1000-Event in Madrid mit dem Finalsieg über Alexander Zverev meldete sich sogar König Felipe VI. beim 19-Jährigen. Der Jungstar schickt sich an, in die Fußstapfen von Grand-Slam-Rekordsieger Rafael Nadal zu treten. Der Monarch nahm sich während eines Besuchs im mittelamerikanischen Costa Rica die Zeit, um Alcaraz anzurufen und ihm zum Erfolg zu gratulieren. Auch Ministerpräsident Pedro Sánchez meldete sich via Twitter mit einem Beifall-Emoji: "Riesiger Alcaraz!", schrieb Sánchez und sprach von einem "epischen" Erfolg. In der Tat war es beeindruckend, wie Alcaraz in der Woche von Madrid auftrumpfte. Sieg im Viertelfinale gegen sein großes Idol Nadal, Sieg im Halbfinale gegen den Weltranglisten-Ersten Novak Djokovic und dann im Finale eine Lehrstunde für Titelverteidiger Zverev. 6:3, 6:1 hieß es nach nur etwas mehr als einer Stunde für Alcaraz - danach stand er im Lametta-Regen auf dem Centre Court im Caja Magica und ließ sich von Zverev eine Flasche Schampus über den Kopf gießen. "Dieser Centre Court hat 15 Jahre lang Rafael Nadal gehört, die nächsten 15 Jahre wird er wahrscheinlich Carlos Alcaraz gehören", hatte Zverev bereits vor dem einseitigen Endspiel gesagt. Zwar wies Zverev zurecht daraufhin, dass er nach seinen beiden Nachtschichten gegen Felix Auger-Aliassime im Viertel- und Stefanos Tsitsipas im Halbfinale nicht im Vollbesitz seiner Kräfte gewesen sei. Allerdings räumte die deutsche Nummer eins auch unumwunden ein: "Selbst wenn ich fit gewesen wäre, hätte ich gegen Carlos heute wohl keine Chance gehabt. Er wird noch viele Grand-Slam-Titel feiern." Plötzlich Mitfavorit in Paris Das sehen auch die meisten Experten so, die Entwicklung von Alcaraz ist wirklich beeindruckend. Erst bei den Australian Open im vergangenen Jahr qualifizierte er sich erstmals für das Hauptfeld bei einem Grand-Slam-Turnier. Vier Major-Turniere später reist er in der kommenden Woche als einer der Mitfavoriten zu den French Open in Paris. "Es ist beeindruckend, wie ruhig und abgeklärt er schon in seinem jungen Alter auftritt", lobte Djokovic den Senkrechtstarter der Szene, für den es bereits der vierte Turniersieg in diesem Jahr war. "Er bringt alles mit. Ich freue mich sehr für ihn", sagte Nadal. Der 35-Jährige muss sein Wohnzimmer in Roland Garros nun in zwei Wochen nicht nur gegen Djokovic, Daniil Medwedew, Zverev und Tsitsipas verteidigen, sondern auch gegen seinen 16 Jahre jüngeren Landsmann. "Er ist kein Kind, er ist ein Ungeheuer", titelte am Montag die Zeitung "La Vanguardia". "Alcaraz übernimmt das Kommando", war auf der ersten Seite von "ABC" zu lesen, "Alcaraz ist auf dem Weg zur Nummer eins", schrieb "El Mundo". Derzeit formstärkster Spieler Der Umjubelte selbst blieb bescheiden. "Nur weil ich in Barcelona gewonnen und Djokovic und Nadal in Madrid geschlagen habe, halte ich mich nicht für den besten Spieler der Welt", sagte er. Doch sein druckvolles Spiel, seine Fitness und sein großes Kämpferherz machen ihn zumindest zum derzeit formstärksten Spieler der Tour. Während Djokovic nach seinem Australian-Open-Trauma erst langsam wieder in Schwung kommt und Nadal nach seinem Rippenbruch noch nach seiner Topform sucht, dominiert Alcaraz die Szene und startet mit breiter Brust nach Paris. Auf das nächste Event der Masters-1000-Kategorie in Rom in dieser Woche verzichtet er zuvor noch wegen leichter Knöchelprobleme. "Dieser Sieg in Madrid gibt mir viel Selbstvertrauen für Roland Garros", sagte Alcaraz in Madrid. "Ich werde in Paris mit aller Kraft um den Titel kämpfen."
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biidibom · 2 years
✶ — ›  karma productions presents : anastasia rhodes casey.
*  musa abierta
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sol en tauro. luna en cáncer. veintidos años. cantante en bares juntando monedas para pagar la luz hasta que se enteró de que es en realidad la hija de un cantante tremendo de los noventa. the liv tyler/steven tyler story, so true. ahora se viste de marca y se siente impostora en el departamento que su papá le paga solo por culpa. simplemente el standing man emoji, un sim con las tareas canceladas.  
inspirada en: izzie stevens ( grey’s anatomy ) ; pam beesly ( the office ) ; mia thermopolis ( the princess diaries )
゜・。.    𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐚́𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐚  ・゜  tasia .  
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Antes de entrar:
—Obviamente, sólo se permiten a personajes de Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, aunque también se permitirán OCs de esta temática. Nada de reservar a Goku o a Naruto o persojes reales famosos.
—Con respecto a los personajes, se permiten elegir a los mismos si son de diferentes arcos. Por ejemplo, si hay un Jotaro de Stardust Crusaders, igualmente puede haber un Jotaro de Diamond is Unbreakable.
—Se debe preguntar a la cuenta máster por si el personaje que desea rolear está disponible. Se deben decir el nombre completo y el arco al que pertenece.
—Una vez reservado, se darán 72 horas para que se cree la cuenta. Si han pasado y aún no se ha unido, se cancelará la reserva.
—Se debe poner en el arroba las siglas "JJR". Por ejemplo: @Hamon_JJR, @JJRHamon, etc.
—Antes de unirse debe seguir a todos los miembros del rol, para ello recomendamos usar las listas, donde los miembros están ordenados por arcos. También puedes mirar los seguidos en la cuenta master
—Una vez tenga la cuenta lista debe avisar a la cuenta máster. En cuanto le presentemos podrá comenzar a rolear.
Después de entrar:
—Se tiene que respetar tanto a los users como los ships que haya en el rol. Si se esta en el grupo comunitario y se incumple alguna de estas normas, sera expulsado del grupo comunitario(no del rol de twitter, solo del grupo de WhatsApp)
—La actividad debe estar presente en el rol. Si su cuenta está inactiva después de un mes será avisado, siendo el máximo dos avisos, después se le echará por inactividad, pero podrá regresar de nuevo si lo desea, como mucho dos veces.
—Si va a estar ausente, avise a la cuenta máster y póngase "AU" en el nombre. Tendrá como máximo 60 días, donde la actividad se pedira al menos un tweet cada dos semanas. Si después de ese tiempo sigue inactivo se le dara un aviso.
—Si quiere darse de baja, lo único que tiene que hacer es avisar a la cuenta máster y ponerse "OFF" en el nombre.
—Se permite todo tipo de parejas, ya sean heterosexuales u homosexuales. También pueden ser entre personajes de diferentes arcos (por muy raro que parezca). Pueden comenzar a salir cuando quieran, sean canon o no.
—Pedimos que los personajes sean canon. Si por ejemplo alguien trae a DIO siendo dulce y muy buena gente, estará rompiendo lo canon, por lo que le llamaremos la atención.
—No está permitido el metarol y, mucho menos, el godrol. Vale que hayan personajes súper poderosos, pero que se moderen un poco, por favor.
—La TL irá variando cada mes. Según vuestras votaciones en las encuestas que haremos, el sitio será el más votado. Por ejemplo, si hacemos elegir entre Nápoles y la ciudad de Morioh, si el más votado es Nápoles la TL estará ambientada allí.
—Nada de hablar, rolear y seguir a externos, ni siquiera a los que están reservados y aún no han entrado.
—Respecto a la actividad, debe ser activo por la TL o en menciones (siempre que sea un rol con más de 3-4 respuestas, hacer muchos hilos y no contestar más que un par de veces, no será contado). Publicar fotos, poner "—Da señales de vida.—" o algo fuera de la temática del rol, NO cuentan como actividad.
—Se pide al menos actividad de un tweet por semana, ya sea en contestaciones de hilo o en tl. Se entenderan casos en los que no se pueda por fuerza mayor vease: examenes, problemas personales, etc. (Para eso ultimo se recomienda ponerse el AU.)
—Si desea mutar a su personaje deberá avisar a la cuenta máster, y cuando tenga todo listo le presentaremos. Sólo se puede mutar una vez por mes.
—Las semimutaciones están disponibles. Deberá avisar a la cuenta máster sin esperar confirmación, y deberá durar entre 48 horas y tres semanas. Después su cuenta volverá a la normalidad.
—Se pueden manejar tantas cuentas como creas poder llevar. Se tendrán que coger de una en una para que los admins vean si tienes actividad suficiente y buen ritmo de rol.
—Se requiere un mínimo de ortografía. No se permiten los emojis y kaomojis, use el rol para expresar sus emociones.
—Cuando dos personajes estan en pareja se permite: Casarse, hijos (embarazo/adopcion/OC e incluido Jouta en el caso JotaKak si se quisiese).
Ficha para los OCs.
En este rol también se permiten OCs con esta temática. En la biografía tendrá que especificar de qué arco son, aunque lo ponga en la ficha. También debe poner su ficha en un tweet fijado o en un enlace en su biografía. Hemos hecho nuestra ficha propia para poder guiarle:
Fecha de nacimiento:
Orientación sexual:
Arco al que pertenece:
Usuario de (hamon o Stand):
[En caso de Stand] Nombre del Stand:
Referencia musical (si la tiene):
Habilidad del Stand:
Con respecto al FC (es decir, la apariencia del personaje) puede dibujarlo o coger la imagen de un personaje de otro anime o manga, siempre y cuando el estilo no esté demasiado alejado del de Jojo's. Al reservar a su OC debe pasarnos la foto de su apariencia, para poder darle la bienvenida.
Gracias por leer las normas y querer unirse. Aquí está la frase secreta: Pensabas que era una reserva, pero era yo, DIO.
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ragdollem · 7 years
Recuerdo que en mi anterior cuenta de Tumblr me habían taggeado en ésto. 
No responderé en inglés porque soy únicamente buena traduciendo, no formulando; i’m a queso. 
Hágalo el que quiera.
1- Favourite place to sleep?
1- Si nos paramos en la realidad, obviamente que en mi cama; me cuesta mucho dormir en casa ajena porque siento que no encuentro mi espacio, así que ÚNICAMENTE en MI cama; con MIS sábanas, MI olor, MI almohada (Y mis peluches, claro).
Ahora, si me voy por el lado de la fantasía: En un lugar que me otorgue paz, por ejemplo, en una cabaña en lo profundo de un bosque.
2- Winter or summer?
Invierno, no soporto el verano, LITERALMENTE me enferma (Me baja la presión, me agoto, me dan más problemas estomacales). El invierno es lo mejor del mundo<3
3- Do you like rainy days?
Sí, las tormentas me relajan. Aunque odio la humedad que provocan, ugh.
4- Favourite song?
Haré un Top 5:
(5)- “Sirens” - Pearl Jam.
(4)- “Cirice” - Ghost
(3)- “Saving Us” - Serj Tankian
(2)- “A 7 days wonder” - Ling Tosite Sigure
(1)- “Children of the Sea” - Black Sabbath. 
5- Favourite TV show?
No miro TV. Quizá los programas de Stand Up.
6- Favourite anime OP / ED?
El primer OP de “Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis” (”Existence” - SiM)
Aunque también AMO el OP de Tales of the Abyss. (”Karma” - Bump of chicken)
El ED de Koutetsujou no Kabaneri ( ”Ninelie” - Aimer)
7- If you were a candy, what candy would you be?
Eh... Uno de esos medallones de chocolate con menta dentro.
8- Favourite emoji?
9- Have you had a crush on a fictional character?
ha... hahahaha... hahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAsí
Aquí algunos:
Asch The Bloody (ToA)
Leon (Reine des fleurs)
El trío maravilla/ la ot3/ los de Deuil (EN ESPECIAL ASH<3)
Todo el Date Masamune que exista en el anime/videojuegos (En especial el de Pop’n Music y el de Senbura)
Usotsuki (Yume Nisshi)
Sayaka Miki (PMMM)
Kirara / Shion / Mori (GJ-Bu)
Judith (ToV)
Miyu / Kikyo / Shinobu / MZD / Nakaji / Miku / Kagome / Roki (Pop’n Music; y no, no son los únicos que tengo)
Shiro / Ariasu / Kyochi / Sakura / Youma / Mieko (Time Traveler; tampoco son los únicos que tengo de aquí)
Y muchos, MUCHOS más
10- If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
No deprimirme por cosas tontas. 
Eso o una dakimakura de Ash.
11- How’re you feeling today? :D
Hm, aún tengo ciertos pensamientos molestándome, pero estoy bien.
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cieloxcnco · 6 years
yo te haré mía (cnco) - ch4
Chapter 4
Words: 2,600+
Warnings: hardly even bad language in this chapter. I know, I’m surprised too.
A/N: i’ve been so busy and MIA lately- i’m sorry! thank you so much for being patient with me. on the upside, i’ve already started chapter 5, so let’s do this.
chapter 1 is here chapter 2 is here chapter 3 is here if you need to catch up.
Richard's booming voice always changed the energy in the room. "¿Que lo que, muchachos?" he bellowed, clasping each of his bandmates' hands in greeting as he entered the studio. “Ay, llegaste finalmente,” Joel playfully taunted. “I was wondering if you'd wind up showing up today.” “I had a rough morning with Aaliyah," he huffed, ruffling his hair under his hand after taking off his baseball cap. “She’s with Isa and Joaquin now. I just hope she doesn't give her a hard time.” At the mention of Isa's name, Christopher looked up from his phone, his eyes only halfway hidden behind his sunglasses lowered on the bridge of his nose. “She’ll be fine,” Zabdiel offered, swinging his jacket onto the back of the production chair. “Of course she will,” Richard replied. ”I dropped Jasmyn and Miguel there with her.” Joel tapped his toes rhythmically under the production desk. ”What was Aaliyah’s issue?" Richard shrugged. “She’d rather be here with Papi y los Tíos. You can imagine what it would be like trying to lay a track down with a five year old running around going, 'What's this button do? What's this button do?'" Zabdiel stretched his arms out in front of him and opened up the tracks they would be recording today on the computer monitor. ”You all want to come over then when Rich goes to pick them up? Isa will make everyone dinner." Chris was the first to interject. ”Isn't she probably exhausted with the pregnancy and then all kids there? We can order out for all of us so she doesn’t have to do all that." Zabdiel shrugged, indifferent to the idea. "I guess. But that's fine.” “Alright guys,” Joel interrupted, reverting the focus back to where he had his laptop on his legs, going over pages of notes in a word document. “We know we have a radio single sound with Eres Mía, and the tracks we have already laid down are a good base and definitely have good dance beats. A lot of focus I think that what we seem to be missing though is the lovesick ballad. We have the songs of initial attraction, the betrayal and heartache, but we don’t seem to have anything yet about being head over heels in love.” “Ingles es un idioma tan ridiculo,” Erick tutted, placing his palms against the carpet in front of him and lifting his lower body until he was doing a handstand against the wall. “What the hell are you doing?” Joel asked, tapping the top of his shoe against Erick’s wrists. Erick walked his hands forward so his legs could ease down the wall and stand back up, turning to face his friends. “There, my head it go over my heel. I in love.” “¡Jódete, idiota!” Chris laughed, blowing the straw wrapper off the end of his half opened straw towards Erick. “Pues,” Richard continued, having tuned out the youngest and retained his focus on the tracklist. “You all know I have that one song for Jasmyn but I can’t put that on the album. That’s our anniversary gift just for her.” “El otro hombre casado aquí debe escribir algo,” Erick suggested, rubbing his palm over Zabdiel’s cropped hair. Zabdiel’s nose scrunched “¿Creen que debo escribir una cancion para Izzy?” “Pues, you’re in love with her, no? Joel is saying we need a sappy love song,” Richard offered. “I didn't say sappy,” Joel protested. “Just a ballad. A love song. Something truly from the heart. Do you think you could write something about Isabella?” Zabdiel rested his cheek in his palm, contemplating. “I don’t know how to get my… emotions about her… down in words. And marriage is… a lot different than new beautiful love. Is not poetry, is not flowers and hearts. Is difficult.” Concern and confusion immediately fell over all of their faces. Richard was the first to break the awkward silence. “Yeah, but… You guys are okay? I mean, you still love her, right, bro?” Zabdiel chuckled, clearly uncomfortable but trying to lighten the mood.”Claro que si, that’s not how I meant it. Ella es mi esposa y la amo, pero you can’t write songs about life at home with bills and changing diapers. No es tan romantico.” The others laughed lightly, save for Christopher. Fury etched over his features. Zabdiel was taking the most beautiful thing in the world for granted. He didn’t know how lucky he was. Zabdiel had everything he ever wanted and everything he could never have. Zabdiel shrugged. “I was thinking of taking her away for a little vacation before the baby is born. I’ll try to make it sooner so I can find something to write about." “Ya, pues,” Christopher interjected, “We do need the ballad but we need to finish recording the bridge for Nenita. Richard, can you get in the booth and lay that down?” Richard saluted and checked all the lighted switches on the soundboard before he entered the booth and put on his heavy headphones, ready to sing. Christopher clicked the option to work the front-facing camera on his iPhone and began recording himself, spinning in the reclining desk chair to show the group hard at work behind him. "Hola mi gente- ¿que tal?" He began, sweeping his fingers through the angle of his bangs. "Estamos aquí en el studio grabando canciónes, escribiendo mas para un proyecto nuevo. Solo quiero decir gracias por todo el apoyo, el amor, y todos los mensajes." He clicked the button to end the clip. He hit the record button once again, with barely a breath between to let anyone know it was a new video. "I feel so lucky to have you and your love and support. You're honestly just amazing. I love you so so much." He zoomed in on his mouth and blew his trademark kiss to the camera, winking and laughing when he zoomed back out. He ended that clip, tried to inconspicuously hide his phone screen with the sleeves of his hoodie, and shared both of them - the first to his instagram story, the second only to the wife of his best friend beside him. Christopher tried to inconspicuously peek over his shoulder to check if Zabdiel was looking but his attention was focused on the sound waves on the screen. Christopher’s phone buzzed with a response almost instantly. Her name couldn’t be marked in his contact list in case anyone ever saw a notification, but five emojis with hearts for eyes alerted him that Isa had texted him back. Pensando en ti ahora y siempre. Te amo tanto. “¿Quien te ama tanto, muchacho?” Zabdiel said with a sly grin, his chin nearly resting on Christopher’s shoulder. He tried to hide how his face had just gone stark white. “Una mujer,” he answered simply. “Well you all say I should write about my wife,” Zabdiel replied, stretching and returning his focus to the sound. “Yours can be inspiration. Maybe you should write about the woman you love.” Christopher took Erick’s ever-present notebook out of his backpack and opened it to the final lined page. “I can try.” Zabdiel gave Chris another smile over his shoulder. “¿Como se llama ella?” Christopher shook his head. “Tu no la conoces.” That was satisfactory enough of an answer for his friend as they both turned away from the conversation and continued their work. And with that, Christopher wrote the starting line on the top of the page. Nadie Te Conoce Como Yo.
“Hola, mi amor,” Richard said beaming, leaning down to kiss Jasmyn. She started glowing at the mere sound of his voice, leaning her head back so he could reach her mouth upside down from where she sat. “Missed you, baby,” she whispered against his lips when he stood back up behind her. Zabdiel lifted his chin in his wife’s direction, a simple acknowledgment her only greeting where she stood at the patio table. Isa tried to hide the immediate dejection she felt with a muted smile. Christopher shoved his hands in his pockets, smiling widely at  while his bandmates were all looking in the direction of the pool. Isa responded with a gentle smile to not be as obvious if anyone turned around. “Papi!” Joaquin shouted, running towards Zabdiel and squeezing his leg awkwardly, the floats on his arms obstructing his way. “You come in the pool too?” “Hola mijo,” he chuckled, lifting him up and kissing his forehead. “Not right now. We’re gonna get pizza for dinner soon so we need to get you dressed, give you a bath.” His brow immediately knitted. “No bath.” “Si, un bath,” Zabdiel replied, walking over and setting his son on his wife’s lap. “Izzy, everyone is staying for dinner. I’ll order pizza if you get him washed and dressed?” Isa adjusted herself to get a better grip on her wriggling baby boy. “Of course, amor.” Christopher’s smile instantly faded. “Five minutes mas, Papi?” Joaquin pleaded. “Ta bien,” he replied with a sly chuckle, picking him up under his arm floats and tossing him back into the water. “Zabdiel! ¿Que estas haciendo?” Isa hissed, standing straight up, ready to jump in to the pool behind him. “Relajate, nena. It’s not deep water y tiene los floaties. He is okay. Mira.” He pointed to where Joaquin surfaced, laughing hysterically. Zabdiel lifted his eyebrows toward her, emphasizing his point. Isa let out a sigh of resignation and he winked at her with a quick smile. That expression had always made her weak in the knees, and though it wasn’t that sort of strong sensation now, the memory of the feeling made her stomach flutter. “Si haces eso con el bebe, yo te voy a matar, te lo juro,” Isa said with a soft smile, sitting back down. Erick patted her growing belly and piped up, “El bebe esta en una piscina ahora mismo. No hay una diferencia.” Isa rolled her eyes, playfully smacking his hand away. “So how did the recording session go?” “Muy bien,” Chris interrupted, giving her a blank look that tried to deliver a message beneath his words. “Zabdiel va a escribir una cancion de ti para el album nuevo.” Zabdiel rolled his eyes and bit his lip in frustration, not having wanted that detail revealed. Isa tried not to laugh at the irony. “¿De veras?” Zabdiel coughed and rolled his shoulders back. “Una cosa tan facil, amor- escribir todo lo que siento por ti en una canción.” Isa could only imagine the page in front of him - as blank as his daily looks at her. She chided herself - as he had thrust into her those nights before and claimed to miss and love her so, maybe he really did. Maybe some spark he had felt for her once still kindled deep down inside. Maybe he had just wanted a warm body underneath him to satisfy him and that and the love for their kids was the extent of what feelings remained between them. “I can’t wait to hear it, amor.” Chris covered his mouth with his hand so no one would see his condescending smirk but Isa knew him all too well and could see what he was hiding from her sight. “Tío Joel, miranos!” Aaliyah screamed from the top of the small waterslide, drawing the attention of everyone else around. Christopher and Isa, of course, never removed their gazes from each other. He moved to stand at a seat beside her at the patio table and touched her lower back gently out of sight of the others. “Obviamente no lo amas todavia,” he mouthed to her. “Por favor ahora no hagas eso,” Isa countered in equal silence. His lips moved slowly enough for her to hear the words he wasn’t saying aloud. “Yo te amo mas y tu lo sabes. Yo tambíen voy a escribir algo para ti- de amor de verdad, una cosa que Zabdi sabe nada.” “He is going to find out if you’re not more careful,” Isabella hissed barely above a whisper. His face soured. She knew that was exactly what he wanted, but he cared too much about her pride and feelings to do something that went against them. “Good job, Aaliyah. Bien hecho, mijo,” Zabdiel shouted across the pool. “Now come, time for bath.” Aaliyah immediately got out and ran into the Dora towel waiting in Jasmyn’s arms. “Pero Papi,” his son protested, still bobbing in the water. “Mijo, tienes que escuchar a tu padre,” Isa warned, her eyes moving to Joaquin as Chris’ hand moved lower. She hit his knee with her own to signal him to stop and he recoiled reluctantly. Joaquin trudged over, the pout on his lower lip growing with each step he took towards them. “Okay.” Isa dropped the towel covering her wet bathing suit to the back of the chair in order to pick Joaquin up. “Bueno, mira,” Jasmyn shouted quickly. “Look at her bathing suit. Doesn’t she look perfect? She won’t listen to me.” Isabella rolled her eyes at the start of this discussion again. My black monokini was a direct rip from what I’d seen Leslie Grace wear on the cover of a magazine - low cut with rhinestones alluring the eye to the edges of her cleavage and down over her sides.  Her growing baby bump was a little constrained by the material but it flattered every curve of her body. Richard scanned her over and noncommittally shrugged. “It looks fine, Isa.” Zabdiel would probably not have bothered responding if his friends had not been around to see him. “What are you worried about, mi amor?” Isa knew by his inflection that he used the endearment more out of habit and language than sentiment. Christopher flashed a genuine smile. “You look phenomenal in it, Isa. You really do.” Isa tried not to blush. “Thanks - I guess just feeling like a house with this little one in here doesn’t make me feel good in much of anything.” His eyes wouldn’t tear themselves away from the crystal accents dancing in the sunlight over her breasts. “Don’t even say that. You’re drop dead gorgeous in anything you wear, but you’re stunning in this.” Her eyes widened when they locked on his, trying to silently send a message to him to shut up. “Thank you so much.” “Mi mami es tan bonita,” Joaquin muttered, snuggling his head against my shoulder. “Gracias, mi amor,” Isa mumbled into a kiss on his forehead. “Te amo mucho.” “Entonces no tengo que bañarme,” he chuckled, locking his arms around her neck. “Don’t even think about it, mijo,” she laughed with another kiss to his cheek. “Come on. Let’s go get clean and you can show tíos your new Paw Patrol pajamas.” His energetic smile showed just how she had made the perfect negotiation. “Vamos ya!” Isa readjusted her hold on him as they waked inside and upstairs to the bathroom. Jasmyn asked Richard to help her grab the glasses and dishes we had left outside and Joel loped in with Miguel in his arms and Aaliyah behind Zabdiel to ensure he got the pizza order correct. "Coqueto," Erick chided, giggling as they too walked to the sliding glass door. “¿Yo?” Chris laughed innocently, but concern knitting his eyebrows together. “¿Como?” “Hablando con ella asi, mirando a ella asi… Cuidado, bro. Yo te conozco, pero if anyone else see that, they think bad.” “Bad? Like what?” He knew exactly what but wanted to cover up the guilt in his voice and see just how obvious he had been. “Like something going on with you both,” he answered as if it had already been clear. “¿Algo entre Isa y yo?” Chris looked up and studied the way I walked away, trying to not bite his lip. “Well, we would not want that, would we?”
chapter 5 is now here.
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solocasiones-blog · 4 years
Cómo Usar Un Beanie Sin Parecer Un Idiota
Un sombrero de beanie es un práctico accesorio de invierno que va con más looks de los que pensarías. Esto es cómo usar un beanie de una manera elegante y los mejores diseños que usted puede comprar hoy
El paisaje de los cabezales del clima frío es un área notoriamente difícil de atravesar. Las beanies son básicamente la única opción vagamente aceptable, y vamos a enfrentarla, apenas son mantenidas en alto respeto por los seguidores de la moda. Realmente no puedes culparlos de verdad. Después de todo, por lo general cuando estos calentadores de lana se apartan en la conciencia de la moda pública, ha habido terribles, terribles consecuencias.
Por ejemplo, David Beckham y sus legiones de discípulos de estilo pasaron la mejor parte de los nughties con orgullo mecedora de una mirada que dijo, "Tengo un turbante en mi sombrero"; y durante la primera venida de Craig David, el R 'n' B/Garage crossoer crooner ejemplificó perfectamente por qué los condones siempre deben ser de goma y desgastados en su pene, en lugar de lana y desgastado en su head.
Sin embargo, como es el caso de tantas cosas en el mundo del estilo-no es solo una cuestión de lo que usas, también se trata de cómo lo llevas. Y con ese razonamiento muy en mente, nos gustaría llevar al stand en defensa de uno de los accesorios más incomprendidos del invierno.
Si alguna vez has pronunciado las palabras, "Hats simplemente no me conviene" puede ser porque simplemente has estado usando las equivocadas. Beanies trabaja bien con el amor actual de ropa de trabajo utilitario, y hay una serie de estilos para igualar incluso las formas más extrañas y más leves.
Elegir un gorro adecuado para tu cara
"Un beanie es un gran elemento básico de su armario de invierno", dice Sarah Gilfillan, estilista y fundadora de SartoriaLab, un servicio de estilismo personal de hombres con sede en Londres. "Pero antes de salir a comprar uno, recuerda que los pequeños detalles pueden hacer la diferencia en cuanto a si el estilo te conviene o no".
Si eres redondo o cuadrado de cara, evita diseños que te harán lucir como Harry desde Casa Sola. "Elija un beanie sin un doblez de espalda, con ribete y un estilo más suelto que pueda añadir un poco de altura a la cara", sugiere Gilfillan. "También, llevarlo ligeramente de vuelta de su cara en lugar de tirarlo hacia abajo sobre sus oídos."
Un sombrero de bobble es otra buena opción para esto, pero mantenerse alejado de cualquier cosa demasiado "por ahí". No quieres parecer a Kevin, tampoco.
Si tienes un rostro más largo, un beanie puede trabajar muy bien. "Opta por un doblez de espalda, que incluso podría ser en un color de contraste o tener detalles de rayas", dice Gilfillan. "Usa un estilo de ajuste más ajustado que se sienta bien en tu cabeza para evitar agregar más altura".
Estilos de gorro para adorar
Para mantener tus oídos calientes en estilo, estos son los beanies en los que puedes confiar. Pónganse a estos sombreros de invierno a prueba de fallos, y no se puede ir muy por mal camino.
El gorro con puños clásico
Cuando se escucha 'woolly hat' esto es lo más probable de lo que se piensa-y hay una buena razón para eso. Este estilo es uno de los más populares y versátiles en la existencia y ha sido defendido por la realeza del hip-hop, los trabajadores y todos los demás en medio.
En cuanto a las beanies, este es el abuelo.
The Fisherman Beanie
Puede que se haya convertido en la cabeza de la elección del clima frío de los hipsters, pero no dejes que eso te apague. Estilo como parte de un look inspirado en el trabajo, el pescador beanie realmente llega a su propio.
Este sombrero de lana miniatura cuenta con una vuelta y se sienta en la parte superior de la cabeza, terminando justo por encima del oído.
Photo by Michael Benz on Unsplash
The Bobble Hat
Un pompom no es exactamente el más pequeño de los detalles decorativos, por lo que puede resultar una sorpresa para aprender que en realidad tiene sus raíces en los militares. La infantería de Napoleón y los regimientos escoceses de Highland utilizaron ambos pomps en sus sombreros para diferenciar entre compañías y hoy todavía es posible usar uno sin parecer como un cantante de carol.
Steer claro de colores neón, patrones demasiado festivos y cualquier cosa con más de una burbuja de tamaño modesto.
Photo by Haran Amorim on Unsplash
Beanies a evitar
La tercera ley de Newton de headwear: por cada bonito sombrero, hay un sombrero de cangrejo igual y opuesto. Esto es lo que hay que buscar.
The Baggy Beanie
Como se mencionó anteriormente, durante varios años en los arados, cada hombre y su perro llevaba un beanie de gran tamaño y slouchy. Huelga decir que no era una buena mirada.
David Beckham, como suele ser, fue fundamental en la difusión de esta moda. El ex capitán de la selección inglesa fue constantemente pateado vistiendo su baggy beanie en los aeropuertos del mundo, dejándonos a todos haciendo la misma pregunta: ¿qué exactamente estaba tratando de pasar de contrabando a través de las aduanas?
Foto de Christopher Burns en Unsplash
Visor/Peaked Beanies
Si un niño de 13 años de edad en una camiseta de gran tamaño de Limp Bizkit y jeans baggy piensa que está "enfermo", el resto de nosotros probablemente debería dejarlo bien solo.
A menos que usted sea un personaje mal representado llamado 'Otto' en un juego de snowboard de Nintendo 64, esta pesadilla de cabeza es mejor dada un atracadero extremadamente amplio.
Novedades en Beanies
Usted debe saber realmente por ahora que en el mundo de la ropa masculina, cualquier cosa con el prefijo 'novedad' debe ser evitado como la peste, y las abejas no son la excepción.
Si usted tropieza en una tienda de esquí y mancha un sombrero de fleecy, decorado con un mohawk furry azul, gire rápidamente alrededor, salga de la puerta y nunca regrese. Eso es sólo el sentido común.
Cómo usar un Beanie
Aquí hay algunas ideas seguras para el fracaso en cómo estilizar un beanie, junto con las mejores versiones que puede comprar para lograr cada aspecto.
Beanies de cercanías
Sólo porque usted necesita vestirse un poco más inteligente de lo normal, no significa que su pan debe tener que sufrir el frío.
Un tradicional beanie esposado es su mejor opción aquí, aunque un sombrero de bofble también puede funcionar siempre y cuando usted opta por una coloración sutil y neutra. El gris, el negro, el marrón y la marina son opciones seguras y apropiadas para el trabajo: no se quiere rozar a la oficina mirando como una baliza de Belisha, después de todo.
Considere la mezcla de textura también. Añadir otra pieza de knitwear en tu equipo de cercanías puede garantizar que no te parezca otro dron de oficina. Intente usar su beanie con un traje de franela y un abrigo de lana o un cuello de rollo de punto para algo un poco más casual de negocios.
Acne Studios
Si la idea de gastar más de 100 en un sombrero de lana no te hace temblar, Acne Studios es un buen grito. La etiqueta sueca tiene una reputación de larga data por su estética típicamente escandinava, minimalista y la calidad superior de sus materiales.
Usted puede esperar estos rasgos en abundancia cuando se trata de las beanías de la marca, junto con sus detalles de emoji directamente reconocibles al instante.
Comprar ahora: 110.00
Siempre puede confiar en Topman para entregar los bienes, sin importar lo que esté buscando. Las beanies no son diferentes, y la variedad que se ofrece no es nada menos que vertiginosa.
El favorito de alta calle es bien conocido por proporcionar a las masas una mezcla de productos tanto atemporales como de tendencia a precios asequibles.
Comprar ahora: 10.00
Proyectos nórdicos
El sello de cruce de streetwear/casualwear danés Norse Projects encapsula a la perfección todo lo que hay que amar sobre la moda escandinava. Las colecciones de temporada de la marca están constantemente a caballo entre la línea intemporal y la contemporánea, y el beanie es una de sus piezas básicas.
Tanto el beanie como el beanie de los pescadores han aparecido fuertemente en las colecciones de Norse y pueden ser reconocidos instantáneamente por sus característicos parches de marca blanca y negro.
Comprar ahora: 50.00
Granted, Moncler's beanies no son exactamente baratos, pero el infierno sangriento se ven bien. La etiqueta italiana de ropa deportiva alpina ha construido una reputación como uno de los nombres más cool en las laderas, y sus sombreros son algunos de los mejores alrededor.
Woven from the finest wools and puntuated with the iconic Moncler tricolor branding and signature fielt tab-if you're looking for some headwear that chilles 'lugury', this is it.
Comprar ahora:  210.00
Beanies urbanos
En toda la mayoría de los géneros de ropa masculina, es justo decir que la popularidad de la beanie ha fluctuado-en el mejor de los casos-. Sin embargo, en el mundo del streetwear, su atractivo se ha mantenido muy firme. Junto a sudaderas, entrenadores y gorras de béisbol, las beanies son una de las verdaderas grapas del streetwear.
En lo que respecta a los colores, todo vale mucho. La clave para conseguir el aspecto correcto radica en la marca y los gráficos. Tanta cultura de streetwear es sobre qué etiquetas llevas puesto. Si usted está atrofiando como los niños que acampan fuera de Supreme y Palace cae, usted está a mitad de camino.
Vaya por el denim crudo y relajado, un hoodie en capas bajo una chaqueta de entrenador, luego simplemente lo primero con una de las marcas de abajo, y usted es bueno para golpear las calles.
Si usted encuentra streetwear un poco puerile, Noah bien puede ser la etiqueta para cambiar su mente. La marca es idea del ex director creativo del Supremo Brendon Babenzien y probablemente se describe mejor como 'streetwear for grown-ups'.
Si eres un poco aprensivo por usar algo demasiado marcado, o con gráficos que son un poco demasiado llamativos, el clobber de Noah es una apuesta segura. La etiqueta siempre tiene unos cuantos beanies de punto chunky en sus colecciones.
Compre Now:  31,00
Si no hubiera sido por la etiqueta de surfwear con sede en California del homónimo de Shawn Stussy, ¿el streetwear como lo conocemos hoy en día incluso existe? Tal vez no.
Stussy fue fundada todo el camino allá por 1980 y a menudo se le atribuye ser una de las marcas que encabezó el movimiento. Como resultado, su logo es uno de los más reconocibles. Si usted estaba después de un beanie con algún grave patrimonio de la calle detrás de él, usted necesita no mirar más allá.
Comprar ahora:  29.00
Un Mono Bañador (a menudo abreviado y estilizado como BAPE) es una de las etiquetas más grandes en la escena del streetwear. Su fundador, el DJ japonés y diseñador de moda Nio, es uno de los nombres más respetados en el juego y su ropa tiene fama de agitar niveles inconmensurables de bombo.
BAPE es conocida por sus estampados en negrita y gráficos llamativos, así como por su icónico logotipo de la cabeza de simio. Las beanías son uno de los elementos clave de la marca y el ex jefe honcho Nigo a menudo se puede ver sacudiendo a uno mismo.
Comprar ahora:  85.00
Workwear Beanies
La obsesión por el uso de trabajo en la moda masculina ha estado pasando por mucho tiempo, y no muestra ninguna señal de dejar de lado. Los sombreros de Woolly son uno de los accesorios clave del look, pero hay un camino correcto y una forma equivocada de hacerlo.
El pescador beanie es el estilo más adecuado para esta estética resistente y al aire libre y un clásico beanie puede funcionar también. Para hacerlo bien, querrá optar por algo con poco o nada de marca en un color de bloque, estilo con un poco de denim pesado, botas de trabajo, una camisa de franela y chaqueta de chore.
Ya sea que esté talando árboles en el Yukon, o simplemente dirigiéndose a una media pinta de oficio ale en Dalston, vaya a trabajar con una de estas marcas clave a continuación.
No se puede pensar en el desgaste y no pensar en Carhartt. La etiqueta americana ha estado haciendo lo suyo durante más de 100 años y ha sacado a todos de los trabajadores agrícolas cubiertos de barro a los niños europeos frescos en el proceso.
Esperan una calidad robusta, buenas miradas y un montón de atractivo del patrimonio.
Comprar ahora:  35.00
Okay, por lo que ASOS no es exactamente una salida de trabajo bien establecida, pero sin duda tiene las herramientas adecuadas. El gigante minorista en línea tiene una gran selección de beanies de marca propia, pero sus estilos de pescador son particularmente útiles cuando se trata de la mirada de trabajo.
Con una amplia gama de colores y precios que te dejarán con el cambio de un tenedor, es difícil quejarse.
Comprar ahora:  5.00
Si desea salvar el planeta y verse bien al mismo tiempo, la Patagonia estará en su calle. La etiqueta basada en California tiene sus raíces en actividades al aire libre y se enorgullece de ser ambientalmente racional.
Lo que es más, hace que algunos beanies de calidad de materiales resistentes que son más que capaces de tomar lo que usted o el clima decida lanzar al mismo.
Comprar ahora:  29.00
Para una moda actualizada a precios de ganga, BohooMAN es una opción sólida. El sitio tiene una gran selección de sombreros para elegir, pero cuando se trata de perfeccionar el aspecto de la ropa de trabajo, sus sombreros de Docker son lo que hay que añadir a su cesta.
Con una textura acanalada, un ajuste de tamaño inferior y una vuelta hacia arriba-este clásico de ropa de trabajo es la manera perfecta de poner una tapa en su aspecto.
Comprar ahora: 4.50
Beanies Winterproof
Cuando el frío realmente se pone en, seamos honestos, un pequeño pescador no va a cortar la mostaza. Para mantener realmente el frío a raya vas a tener que salir todo. Estamos hablando de telas especiales de clima frío, forros de flequillo y marcas que fueron construidas para el aire libre y no, por ejemplo, Instagram.
Simplemente, póngase en capas con sus termals, parka y botas de nieve y luego termine con una de las marcas de abajo para batallar los elementos en estilo.
Canadá Goose
Cuando se trata de ropa exterior construida específicamente para soportar las condiciones más duras, pocos son más conocidos que Canadá Goose.
Las beanías de la compañía pueden ser un poco sobre el presupuesto para algunos, pero si usted realmente quiere permanecer en la oplastia en condiciones sub-cero, vale la pena splurging the extra cash.
Piense en una protección superior frente al frío, la calidad de la construcción robusta y la marca icónica de la insignia de Canadá Goose.
Comprar ahora:  150.00
The North Face
El especialista al aire libre con sede en California The North Face ha sacado a muchos una expedición polar, por lo que puede poner su plena confianza en la marca cuando se trata de mantener la cabeza caliente cuando las picaduras de invierno fuera del Círculo Polar Ártico.
El bono con North Face es que se ve muy bien. Por lo tanto, incluso si la única expedición que ha planeado es caminar el perro después de la oscuridad, un beanie de esta etiqueta legendaria seguirá siendo más que adecuado.
Comprar ahora:  25.00
Las compañías como The North Face y Canada Goose pueden ser las que equipan a los exploradores árticos de hoy, pero de vuelta en los primeros años, Woolrich fue la marca que llevaba la antorcha.
La etiqueta de ropa exterior con sede en Pensilvania salió de la expedición antártica de Richard E. Byrd en 1939, así como también suministro de ropa para la Guerra Civil Americana. Si usted está buscando el calor, la calidad y el patrimonio, no encontrará nada mejor que esto.
Comprar ahora:  73.00
El outfitter sueco Fjallraven puede ser mejor conocido en estas costas por sus mochilas Kanken, pero de nuevo en su territorio y con entusiastas al aire libre en todo el mundo, su línea de ropa exterior más amplia se mantiene en muy alta consideración.
Para un sombrero de invierno técnico, garantizado para mantener el frío lejos e inyectado con una dosis de estilo escandinavo, no busque además.
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                   Capitulo Cuatro: “Me Llaman Enbrujada”
Movie Star Oscar: How do you feel about movies? The text arrives at 3pm on a Thursday; 2 days after Oscar gave Mari, his phone number. She didn't really think he would ever text her. She stares at his text longer than is probably socially acceptable. "¿Mari?" Her father's voice breaks her concentration and she immediately pockets her phone, when she meets his eyes. "Sorry, Pa. ¿Qué decias?" ("What did you say?") Her father, Amando, smiles fondly at her. "¿Té estaba preguntando sí querías mas?", he motions to her plate, already overfilled with food. ("I was asking if you wanted more?") She smiles, "No, Pa. Sit down, eat." He nods, gathering his plate from the counter and brings it to the small table near her. It's then that she hears her phone beep once more. She smiles apologetically towards her father as she quickly checks her phone again. Movie Star Oscar: & movie stars? Mari wants to desperately answer but one look at her father's face tells her that Oscar can wait. "¿Y quien té esta molestando tanto?" ("And whose bothering you so much?") She blushes, "Nadie, Pa. No mas un amigo." ("Nobody, Dad. Just a friend.") Amando raises her eyebrow as he begins to eat. The food calls to Mari as she begins to grab a tortilla and dig into her meal of frijoles, queso fresco and salsa roja. (...beans, fresh cheese, and red salsa.) "Pues no mas ten cuidado. Uno nunca sabe quando esos niños se ponen bravos." ("Well, just be careful. One never knows when those boys become aggressive.") He frowns and fixes her with a stern look in her direction; one that she ignores, knowing exactly who her father is talking about. "Oscar no es así," she whispers as she stuffs a scoop of tortilla and frijoles in her mouth. ("Oscar isn't like that.") "¿Oscar? ¿No es Emilio?" ("Oscar? It's not Emilio?") "No." "¿Y éste Oscar, cómo lo conocistes?" ("And this Oscar, how did you meet him?") "En la calle con su gata." (“In the street with his cat.”) "¿Mari, que tipo de persona-?" ("Mari, what kind of person-") Mari laughs, cutting off her dad's question. She loves teasing her dad. "Oscar, no más es un amigo. Me ayudo a conseguir el trabajo alla en Brooklyn. No se preocupe." ("Oscar is only a friend. He helped me get the job in Brooklyn. Don't worry.") Amando finishes chewing his food before speaking. "Lo quiero conocer." ("I want to meet him.") Mari's blush comes back, redder than before. "¡Pa! ¿Para qué?" ("Dad! For what?")
He stares at her, a solemn expression on his face.
“No más quiero ver que te tranta bien, mija.” (“I just want to make sure he is treating you right.”)
And with that Mari knows that her dad is still seeing his little girl, who six months ago had a bleeding messed up face from just ‘talking’ to Emilio.
Mari reaches out and intertwines her hand with his.
“Okay, pues, voy a ver si quiere. Y sí dice que no, pues ya no lo voy a ver.” (“Okay, well, I’ll ask him. If he says no, then I’ll stop seeing him.”)
Amando nods, sqeezing her hand before he collects her empty plate as well as his. He walks into the kitchen and she gets up to help him when her phone beeps again.
Movie Star Oscar: Mari?
Mari: Well, movies are always good and since you’re the only movie star i know, I would say movie stars are okaay when not surrounded by their fans
She goes to put her phone away when it beeps again.
Movie Star Oscar: Would you mind performing for a small party of mine? I’ll pay you!
Mari: It’s a small party, right?
Movie Star Oscar: yesss, only 10 people
Mari: Ok, no problem! When?
Movie Star Oscar: YOU’RE A LIFESAVER! & that’s the catch… it’s tonight at 9. Sorry for asking so late!
Mari: wttfffff Oscar! ! !
Movie Star Oscar: I forgot that I promised live music. Please please por favor Mari 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Mari: Did you just use an emoji to sway me?
Movie Star Oscar: =͟͟͞͞ =͟͟͞͞ ヘ ( ´ Д `)ノ por favor, Mari
Mari: Okay, send me the address and is it casual or fancy?
Movie Star Oscar: Casual and here’s the address
Mari searches up the address and it’s quite a ride from her apartment (aka the apartment right above her dad’s). She looks at the time - 4pm - and knows she has a bit of time before she truly has to leave.
Her father walks back to the table and puts her arm around her shoulders. She soon realizes that she left her dad to do the dishes by himself.
“Sorry, Pa. I just got a text about a job tonight. In Brooklyn again, actually.”
He nods, understanding. “Tienes tiempo para tocar unas canciones?” (“Do you have time to play a couple of songs together?”)
Mari nods, “Siempre pa tí, Pa.” (“I always have time for you, Dad.”)
Mari pulls on her dress as she stands outside the building that Oscar had texted her to be at. She knows she should head in soon - with it being 8:45 - but finds herself, hesitating.
Her phone soons beeps.
Movie Star Oscar: you close???
Mari: yeah downstairs actually
Movie Star Oscar: QUE BUENO! I’ll get you!
Mari grins; she can practically hear his enthusiasm through her phone.
She looks up when she hears the door open and Oscar stands at the entrance and-and-
‘He looks so beautiful,’ she thinks as her heart begins to beat faster than before. She tightens her hold on her guitar, still without it’s case.
“¡Mari, vámonos! We’re on the roof!”
Mari smiles, as she enters the building. Oscar smiles and motions to the stairs, which he lets her go up first.
“Were you far?”
“Yeah but it was a nice ride. Are people here yet?”
“Yeeah, but there might be a slight change from what I texted you.”
That makes Mari stop in the middle of the stairs. She turns around to Oscar, who’s already sporting a sheepish look.
“What do you mean?”
He shrugs, “The party count may have risen.”
She frowns, “May?”
“Okay, it definitely did. There’s 25 now.”
Mari can feel the cold dread spread throughout her body. She can’t entertain 25 people. That would be 50 eyeballs on her judging her every move.  She can’t. She can’t. She ca-
“Mari? Mari, please listen to my voice. Deep breath in, deep breath out. In, out.”
She closes her eyes and follows Oscar’s whispered instructions. Once she feels like she can actually breath without being prompted, she opens her eyes.
The first things she registers is that Oscar is holding her hand. She begins to blush, knowing that she likes his hand’s warmth in hers.
“I’m so sorry, Mari. I didn’t think that  many people would show. But I guess when people hear free liquor, they just come.”
‘He’s still holding my hand!’
“Are they expecting live music?”
He nods, “Yeeah… but I don’t want to force you into a situation that you’re uncomfortable with.”
Mari glances at their intertwined hands before meeting Oscar’s eyes.
“I can do it, Oscar.”
The words tumble out of her mouth before she has time to think about when she had just agreed to.
He smiles, and it makes her heart lurch.
“Thank you so much, Mari. I can perform with you as well, if you want.”
His shy tone makes Mari’s heart melt.
“You play?”
“A bit and sing, too. Some say, I have a pretty good voice.”
And Mari would probably agree. Someone as handsome as Oscar would know how to sing beautifully.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t mind sharing the stage.”
He smiles and it makes Mari wants to dive in for a kiss.
“Okay. Let’s go up. They’re probably wondering where we are.”
And he holds her hand while he leads her all the way up.
When he opens the door to the roof, she can barely register all the people that fill the space with Oscar still holding her HAND.
“Oscar, where have you been?!”
A british voice makes Oscar let go of her hand while he hugs what can only be described as a really beautiful, beautiful young dark haired woman. Next to her, is an equally beautiful young man, who smiles at her.
Before she can introduce herself to the beautiful young man, Oscar puts his arm around her shoulders, which really stalls any sort of thought in her head or words from being spoken.
He squeezes her shoulder, and Mari can feel the heat of his arm on her shoulders.
“This is Mari, the greatest acoustic guitarist ever and our special guest tonight.”
The young man grins before offering his hand, “Name’s John and the over excited peanut to my left is Daisy.”
Mari smiles, shaking his hand before being abruptly pulled into a hug by Daisy. She makes sure to not let her guitar poke her.
“So good to meet ya. Oscar told us all about your awesome guitar skills!”
When she looks over at Oscar, he shrugs, “Just telling truths.”
She pulls away from Daisy, “I don’t know about being awesome but I know my way around a guitar.”
John laughs, “Oscar definitely made you sound like you invented the flamenco type of strumming.”
Daisy grins, “Like you were the goddess of Flamengo.”
At that, Mari raises her eyebrows.
“Okay, now they’re being asses.”
Mari laughs.
“Okay, see you later. Mari and I have to get ready for our set.”
“You’re performing together?”
Mari nods, “ Yeah, any special requests?”
Daisy smiles at John before whispering, “Moon River, if you can.”
John smiles back at Daisy and it clicks in Mari’s head that those two are a couple.
Oscar grabs her hand again and begins her pull away towards the little makeshift stage area. Every once in awhile, they stop and Oscar introduces her to more people.
She can only nod, because all she feels is the warmth of his hand in hers.
When he lets go and she can finally think, she registers that there are a lot of people here. A lot.
Some have already began to turn towards them, halting their conversations now that the entertainment has arrived and it makes Mari want to leave. Want to turn Oscar and tell him sorry, I can't and run away.
And she tries to; she turns around and the words are at the tip of her tongue, but she sees him with his guitar in his hands, tuning it and then he looks and grins at her. The soft lights that hang above them hit him softly and all she can think is: ‘He looks so beautiful.’
He strums his guitar once and he looks at her as if asking her if it’s tuned correctly. Mari nods; knowing she can’t speak right now and it's not because of her anxiety.
He smiles at her as he grabs the mic.
“¿Lista?” he whispers. (“Ready?”)
The light makes Oscar seem like  angelic and it makes suddenly hard to believe that Mari is sharing the stage with such an incredibly beautiful man.
Mari knows she should speak but all she can do is nod and smile.
He grins, “Let’s begin then.”
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technopatas · 7 years
Para darles a los niños la independencia que desean y a los padres, la tranquilidad que necesitan
BERLÍN – 4 de septiembre de 2017  –TCL Communication y Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. anunciaron hoy el lanzamiento del reloj MOVETIME Family Watch de TCL – MT30, basado en la plataforma Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ Wear 2100, que ayudará a los padres a mantenerse conectados con sus hijos utilizando la más moderna tecnología. El nuevo reloj conectado por celular es un divertido compañero diario para los niños que les permite llamar o enviar mensajes a sus padres y amigos, y a la vez, permite realizar un rastreo preciso de la ubicación, con función de geovallas si los niños salen de una zona predeterminada.
“Los padres que trabajan quieren darles a sus hijos la libertad de crecer y obtener independencia para explorar el mundo de una forma segura,” señaló Vittorio Di Mauro, Vicepresidente Senior de TCL Communication. “Con el lanzamiento del MT30, basado en la probada plataforma Snapdragon Wear 2100, estamos muy entusiasmados por ofrecer fluida conectividad y características confiables de seguridad que ayudarán a los padres a monitorear la seguridad de sus hijos mientras estos disfrutan de usar e interactuar con este divertido y completo reloj.”
“El fenómeno de relojes para niños que surgió en China durante los últimos dos años está despertando mucho interés por parte de clientes y consumidores de otras partes del mundo,” comentó Pankaj Kedia, director senior de gestión de productos de Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. “Es un placer trabajar con TCL Communication, una compañía bien posicionada para llevar dispositivos wearable a los niños de todo el mundo. El Movetime Family Watch MT30 de TCL combina lo mejor de la tecnología Snapdragon Wear 2100 con lo mejor en diseño y trayectoria de fabricación de TCL para brindar una experiencia conectada, completa y divertida para los niños y ofrecer tranquilidad a los padres.”
Funciones divertidas y fáciles de utilizar
El MT30 cuenta con una pantalla en color y es fácil de utilizar para niños pequeños. Pueden agregar amigos por Bluetooth, enviar mensajes y emojis divertidos, y jugar con los juegos precargados.
El mejor amigo de todo niño moderno
Compacto y diseñado para adaptarse a muñecas pequeñas y con conectividad celular, permite que padres e hijos intercambien llamadas y mensajes de voz, con hasta dos días de duración de batería con una sola carga. El MT30, además, cuenta con calificación IP67 por su robustez y su resistencia al agua y al polvo (hasta un metro en agua estática).
Tranquilidad para padres
El MT30 incluye una variedad de funciones de localización, brindando posicionamiento en interiores y exteriores, llamadas bidireccionales y geovallas, gracias a las capacidades GPS integradas a la plataforma Snapdragon Wear 2100. El botón SOS del reloj permite que el dispositivo realice una llamada de emergencia y se localice con gran precisión, y la función de geovallas puede enviar alertas si el dispositivo sale de una zona predeterminada. Los padres también pueden ver la ubicación del dispositivo de su hijo durante todo el día mediante la app dedicada, y contactarse con el dispositivo.
El MT30 también ofrece para los niños una función de lista de tareas y recordatorios para ayudar a enseñarles a administrar su tiempo. Facilita la vida diaria de los padres con una fácil manera de señalar fechas y citas importantes.
Se espera que el reloj MT30 de TCL esté disponible a nivel mundial a partir del cuarto trimestre de 2017. Los precios y la disponibilidad para Latinoamérica variarán en función del mercado y se anunciarán posteriormente.
Visítanos en nuestro stand #104, Hall 21B, IFA.
TCL Communication y Qualcomm anuncian el dispositivo conectado MOVETIME Family Watch MT30 Para darles a los niños la independencia que desean y a los padres, la tranquilidad que necesitan…
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