#episode 03.05
deckerclassified · 2 months
anyway while im here i will. plug my currently unfinished (up to episode 03.05 right now) list ive been working on while i watch because i love menial tasks
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^ full list would currently be 333 but 24 films arent included because tmdb is a horribly tedious site to get through if youre someone who cares enough to add every cast and crew member like i wanted to do
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llpodcast · 1 year
(Literary License Podcast)
Batman:  The Animated Series
Feat of Clay – Part 1
 Bruce Wayne is framed for the attempted murder of Lucius Fox. The real perpetrator is an actor and master of disguise named Matt Hagen, who was disfigured in a car accident years ago. In order to keep his fame, he secretly started working for Roland Daggett, who provides him with a monthly supply of an addictive face cream known as Renuyu (a pun on "Renew You") that can temporarily reshape his face back to normal, and who wants to take Wayne Enterprises over for marketing expansion. For botching the murder due to Batman's interference, Hagen's supply is cut off, and when he breaks into Daggett's lab for more Renuyu, he pays the price dearly when Daggett's men drench his face in the formula and force him to swallow liters of it to avoid drowning. Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne is arrested and taken into custody, charged with the assault on Fox.
 Feat of Clay – Part 2
 Bruce Wayne is released from prison on bail. Hagen, as it turns out, survived the murder attempt on him, but at a high cost: the formula entered his body and soaked every single one of his cells, turning him into a shape-shifting mutant. With his newfound powers, Hagen, now calling himself Clayface, decides to take his revenge on Daggett and his men, and Batman must bring Daggett to justice and stop Clayface before innocent people are hurt.
Detective Bullock is arrested for kidnapping. Batman, who dislikes Bullock but nevertheless believes him to be a good man, investigates, and discovers the identity of the real criminal: Killer Croc, who harbors a vendetta against Bullock for capturing him once. Batman must clear Bullock's name before it is too late.
 Fear of Victory 
 The Scarecrow invents a fear chemical that is activated by adrenaline. Then, he uses it to affect the outcome of athletic events. Whenever a single person becomes agitated, the fear chemical kicks in, turning his excitement to fear. The Scarecrow bets against the sports stars' teams as part of his criminal scheme to scare up some quick cash, and Batman and Robin must foil his plot.
 Opening Credits; Introduction (1.29); Episode One & Two:  Feat of Clay Part 1 & 2 (30.23); Episode Three:  Vendetta (50.50); Episode Four:  Fear of Victory (1:03.05); Amazing Design Advertisement (1:14.57); Favourite Character and Least Favourite Character and Favourite Episode (1:16.09);Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel (1:33.15); Closing Credits (1:34.24)
 Opening Credits– Batman Animated Theme by Danny Elfman.  Copyright 1992 Warner Music 
 Closing Credits:  The Fear by Lily Allen. Taken from the album It Not Me, It’s You.  Copyright 2007 Regal Records
Original Music copyrighted 2020 Dan Hughes Music and the Literary License Podcast. 
All rights reserved.  Used with Kind Permission.
 All songs available through Amazon Music.
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c-is-for-circinate · 3 years
CR ep 3.06
Gosh, what a nice exposition episode.
It's times like this when you can see how many of the cast is just billowing with storytelling chops, because this episode did things with pacing that felt natural and half-unconscious and clever all at once. (You can do really smart pacing things in an improv format, but half the time, when it happens, it's not even on purpose -- it's instinctual reaction to how things feel they ought to fit together. In this case, a lot of it was Matt intentionally planning, but not all of it by far.)
I think the big thing we saw this week was the group coming closer together, learning more and more about each other, while simultaneously getting bits and pieces around the edges of the secrets they're still keeping. It felt intentional, even, storycraft-intentional. We started an episode with seven new friends sitting down at a drinking game to learn each others' secrets and ended it with one member of the group lying to the others about a family thing that had just come up, his family that was the very first thing brought up in that drinking game, and once again the pure cinema of chance feels like scripted television yet again.
Literally every person in this episode (except Imogen, I think?) lied or hid or tried to subterfuge at least one thing. And I think I like it so damn much because every single person in this episode was also so damn honest, y'know? We learned so many things! Most of the things we learned from the individual characters seemed truthful, even. I still give Laudna like a 30% chance of being Secret Vesper de Rolo, but yeah, killed and then reanimated by the Briarwoods sounds 100% believable to me. Yes I want to know all about Ashton's ragtag group of childhood friends and occasional lovers who left town and left them behind, but nothing he said about them rang false, just evasive. Ditto most of the others; FCG was absolutely playing squirrel to get out of answering questions, and Fearne just hates being pinned down, but dodging questions or not, I don't think anybody really lied except Fearne, and she got caught within ten seconds anyway.
Ugh, and I was wide awake this week until I started trying to think through this post and then I started dozing off on the keyboard again, but a few bullet points I want to mention while fresh in my mind:
CLASS WARFARE CAMPAIGN what did I fucking tell you, their new allies are literally a cell of devout, possibly terrorist anarchists. The ruling class literally hide their identities from the people. So much more of this to come.
I'm sure peoples' mileage may vary, but I absolutely love Laudna and Imogen and the fact that even six episodes in there's been no definite answer to the question of whether they're fucking or just Really Good Friends. Their room is small! There's only one bed! Who knows???
Ahahahahahahahha holy shit Laudna's warlock patron is Delilah Briarwood, I cannot fucking wait to see where that plot goes.
I have the vague suspicion that events are converging to give Dorian a chance to step out gracefully, which I admittedly regret. This is the class warfare campaign! I love having a character like Dorian, who is very rich, in the middle of all these working-class and straight-up-poor motherfuckers. I love seeing that intersection! I'm hoping his brother adds to it and that also doesn't take him away too far.
My words keep going sideways so that is tonight's post-ep post and we will see about next week when it happens.
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simon-eriksson · 3 years
Hello! From which episodes are the gifs for the gifset you did of Betty with her serpent jacket?
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Language Learning Log 2021 - Week 19 (03.05 - 09.05)
Read 2x news articles
Read 25 pages of Harry Potter og Føniksordenen
Watched 2x Kveldsnytt broadcasts
Watched 1x Mummidalen episode
Wrote 7x journal entries
Wrote 1834 words of fiction
Listened to Ekko spørretime, 2x Siri og de gode hjelperne and 2x Uillustrert vitenskap podcasts
Listened to the radio
Mysteriet om Nils ch 42 grammar + exercises
60m online lesson
Wrote 5x typed journal entries
Duolingo: Clothes 1 skill + repaired various skills
JFZ ch 12 exercises
Listened to the radio (passive listening)
With my dishwasher being broken I’ve been listening to more podcasts than I normally would while I wash up, which is just as well given listening practice was my goal for this month! I actually surpassed my podcast listening goal for the whole month in just this week alone. But that doesn’t mean I’m gonna start slacking off and not listen to any more podcasts - I’d actually quite like to build more of a habit of listening to them. Although I now have a new dishwasher (which presumably works), so I’ll have to find other opportunities to listen to them.
I’ve also been writing a daily journal on my laptop. I’m trying to actively use phrases and words I’ve recently learned and making notes of words I had to look up at the end of each entry (which isn’t a lot really). It’s not necessarily an effective way to learn, but it’s a kinda fun and easy way to practise the language. I’ve also been writing Harry Potter fan fiction (seeing as I’ve been reading it hehe).
I had a 60-minute lesson this week, which actually ended up being a 75-minute conversation because we had so much to talk about (mostly cats and training, but also philosophy and travel and languages), and we only really stopped because my laptop was running out of battery. I think I might have actually made a friend here!
Last week’s goals
Listen to an hour’s worth of podcasts ✅
Watch 5x TV shows or news broadcasts [3/5] ❌
Mysteriet om Nils ch 42 grammar ✅
Read 100 pages of Harry Potter og Føniksordenen [103/100] ✅
This week’s goals
Mysteriet om Nils ch 43 culture sections
Watch 5x TV shows or news broadcasts
Read 100 pages of Harry Potter og Føniksordenen
Listen to an hour’s worth of podcasts
I started keeping both a typed Norwegian and Japanese journal on my laptop. The difference in my writing is... amazing lol, my Norwegian is long flowing paragraphs that logically follow on from each other, whereas my Japanese is just 4-5 random sentences lmao. But 4-5 random sentences is more than I could write a few months ago! I do repeat myself a lot though because I just don’t know what to say. But it’s motivation to learn more so that I’ll be able to write about more!
Last week’s goals
Duolingo: Clothes 1 [7/7] ✅
JFZ ch 12 exercises ✅
Write at least 1 journal entry [5/1] ✅
Listen to 3x Nihongo con Teppei episodes [0/3] ❌
This week’s goals
Start reading a short story
Duolingo: increase Clothes 1 skill to level 2
Duolingo: start Hobbies 2 skill
JFZ ch 13 grammar videos
Write at least 1 handwritten journal entry
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I had a bit of a disastrous week involving a broken boiler, a broken dishwasher, a poorly cat, an intense therapy session and a massive overestimation of my ability to plan aerial hoop choreography/courses. So I didn’t get as much done as I’d hoped to do in the training department. But I got through the next few units of my strength & conditioning course, and I’ve made good progress with my learning tasks for my aerial hoop instructor course. I’m not sure I’ll finish the choreography section this week, but I think I can finish the other sections.
The relationship line is pretty empty just because my boyfriend has been working a lot this week. It’s been a crazy week and his manager’s been away so he’s been leading the team and I’m really proud of him for doing that! So this week’s relationship “activities” have mostly been me taking him tea. But hopefully this coming week we’ll have more time for each other.
Last week’s goals
Strength & conditioning course units 4-6 [3/3] ✅
Complete all 4 learning tasks for aerial hoop instructor course [0/4] ❌
Stretch on at least 3 days [1/3] ❌
Train pole/aerial hoop on at least 2 days [2/2] ✅
This week’s goals
Strength & conditioning course unit 7 part 1
Submit at least 2 learning tasks for my aerial hoop instructor course
Stretch on at least 3 days
Train pole/aerial hoop on at least 2 days
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liam-93-productions · 4 years
Liam’s new episode on his Youtube channel - 03.05
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atfubblegum · 7 years
Jake giving advice to Finn, what he should do to win Princess Bubblegums heart.
Episode: 03.05 - Too Young
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EMERGENCY ENTRANCE - lansare proiect  Vineri, 03.05 - 19:00 @ LAPSUS [FB event] [splaiul Peneș Curcanul, nr. 4, etajul 1, studio 23] Emergency Entrance este un proiect serial de evenimente publice într-un laborator artistic dedicat experimentului și expunerii, prin practici relaționale, tehnologice, bazate pe cercetare. Teoria evoluției emergente afirmă că apariția noilor proprietăți într-un mediu se produce în anumite momente datorită rearanjărilor imprevizibile a unor entități deja existente. Considerăm că, spre deosebire de viziuni mono-disciplinare, utilizarea practicilor multiple este o forță care poate genera stimuli și reacții spontane de emergență într-un context aflat în stare de urgență. Scopul acestui proiect este să creeze un punct de întâlnire între artiști emergenți și public, iar fiecare sesiune va fi abordată ca un exercițiu de cercetare urmată de colaborări practice sub formă de instalație sau performance. Formatul specific, autorii și conținutul evenimentelor nu vor fi anunțate în prealabil, în schimb propunem ca seria să fie privită ca o reacție în lanț, cu fiecare episod menit să fie experimentat in-situ de către public.
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FETTES BROT Videopremiere
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Fettes Brot - Du driftest nach rechts Vorsatz fürs neue Jahr: endlich mal wieder verlieben. In die Welt, das Leben, die Menschen. Zugegeben: man möchte sie, es und alle gut finden, aber es ist grad schwer. Mensch ärgert (sich). Einzelne und ganze Gesellschaften verlieren sich in der Dunkelheit. Freundschaften bröckeln und Herzen brechen. Die launigen Chronisten von Fettes Brot haben ein Dutzend Liebeslieder geschrieben entlang solcher Spalten und Risse in unseren Welten von heute. Gleich die erste Episode aus dem am 03.05. kommenden Album LOVESTORY hat es in sich: „Du driftest nach rechts“ ist ein Torch Song über eine Liebe, die keine Chance hat, weil: Krieg und Frieden sind zu verschieden. Eine Indie Disco Ballade zu der wir tanzen können bis die Tränen trocken sind. Ein Achterbahnritt der Gefühle, bei dem kaum mehr Zeit bleibt für Streit. Unterwegs wird dir schlecht; und doch willst du nochmal fahrn. Bis zum bitteren Happy End. FETTES BROT LOVESTORY Die Tournee 2019 18.10.2019 BREMEN - PIER 2 - ZUSATZSHOW 19.10.2019 BREMEN - PIER 2 - AUSVERKAUFT 20.10.2019 DORTMUND - WARSTEINER MUSIC HALL 21.10.2019 STUTTGART - PORSCHE-ARENA 23.10.2019 CH - ZüRICH - KOMPLEX 457 24.10.2019 ERLANGEN - HEINRICH-LADES-HALLE 25.10.2019 AT - WIEN - GASOMETER 26.10.2019 MüNCHEN - ZENITH 28.10.2019 DRESDEN - ALTER SCHLACHTHOF 29.10.2019 WIESBADEN - SCHLACHTHOF - AUSVERKAUFT 30.10.2019 WIESBADEN - SCHLACHTHOF - ZUSATZSHOW 01.11.2019 KöLN - PALLADIUM - ZUSATZSHOW 02.11.2019 KöLN - PALLADIUM - AUSVERKAUFT 03.11.2019 HANNOVER - SWISS LIFE HALL 04.11.2019 LEIPZIG - HAUS AUENSEE 06.11.2019 BERLIN - COLUMBIAHALLE 07.11.2019 LINGEN - EMSLAND ARENA 08.11.2019 HAMBURG - BARCLAYCARD ARENA Musikvideo: Fettes Brot "Du driftest nach rechts" https://youtu.be/ifGSVA7upBQ Web: Website: www.fettesbrot.de Facebook: www.facebook.com/fettesbrot Instagram: www.instagram.com/fettesbrotband/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/fettesbrot YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/FettesBrotGmbH Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2QBYLcx Fettes Brot (Foto Credits: Jens Herrndorff) ADD ON MUSIC Read the full article
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imorca · 7 years
Favorite Episodes of The X-Files
So, I finally just took a minute to look at an episode list and figure out my favorite ones.
Here are mine in season/episode order.
01.13 Beyond the Sea 01.20 Darkness Falls 02.08 One Breath 02.18 Fearful Symmetry 02.20 Humbug 02.23 Soft Light 03.03 D.P.O. 03.05 Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose 03.06 2Shy 03.17 Pusher 04.04 Unruhe 04.10 Paper Hearts 04.13 Never Again 04.20 Small Potatoes 05.08 Kitsunegari 06.08 The Rain King 06.13 Agua Mala 06.15 Arcadia 06.18 Milagro 07.08 The Amazing Maleeni 07.13 First Person Shooter 07.17 All Things
How about you reblog this and tell me yours?
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panglimaseberang · 6 years
Pulang Malu tak Pulang Rindu
Hari ini, aku dan kawanku duduk bercerita, panjaaaaang sekali. Sehabis belajar malam kami duduk di ruang tamu. Aku buatkan teh hangat dua gelas untuk melawan rasa dingin. Sesekali kami tertawa, satu dua kali terdiam, tapi lebih banyak menghela napasnya.
Aku yakin, apa yang kami pikirkan lebih banyak dari apa yang kami ceritakan. Kami sedang berada dalam masa sulit, dan belum berhasil melewatinya.
Kami mulai bercerita tentang masa lalu, kejadian kejadian lucu, kenangan indah. Lantas bersambung tentang masa depan, tentu bahas bahas nikah sama siapa. Terakhir adalah bagian tentang "apa yang sudah setahun lebih kami kerjakan disini". Episode tersesak. Dilema besar anak rantauan. Pulang malu tak pulang rindu.
Kawanku ini termasuk orang yang rajin dalam belajar tapi tetap merasa nggak banyak ilmu yang dia dapat. Bah, apalah lagi sama aku ini, keluar rumah pun malas.
Dia juga bilang, menyesal karena kurang ikut kajian keilmuan, padahal rumahnya tempat pengajian diadakan. Tiap hari dia ikut, dan tetap tidak puas. Bah, apalah lagi sama aku ini, yang ikut kajian sekali kali.
Bagaimana mungkin kami pulang dengan tangan kosong. Dia malu, aku lebih malu. Dia kesal, aku lebih kesal. Dia menghembus napas sekali, aku juga sekali tapi lebih panjang.
Kami merasa ada perubahan, tapi sedikit. Kami bersyukur dengan ilmu yang sedikit itu, tapi pengen nambah. Ya kali dapat dikit aja, rugi.
Maka, aku dan kawanku memutuskan. KAMI HARUS MULAI BERGERAK. Secepat mungkin, seefisien mungkin. Karena tidak banyak lagi waktu yang kami miliki.
Target dan program kami susun malam itu juga. Apa yang harus kami lakukan esok dan hari seterusnya. Seolah ada letup api menyala di dada. Kami terbakar oleh semangat yang tiba tiba hadir kembali dalam waktu yang sangat cepat.
Nah, semoga tujuan mulia ini tercapai dan kami pulang dengan senang lagi santai.
Dini hari jam 03.05.
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darkammarketing · 7 years
#168: Professional Mugs
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Emma, Official Sponsor of the UnPodcast
In today’s episode we are back full strength and even more professionaler than ever. We take a look at what “real people” commercials are actually like before editing, what “winning” looks like at IBM, when a Google Ad is NOT an ad except that it totally is, why United Airlines has a beef with leggings, the problem of pantsparency, and a listener question about surveys, All this AND brand new coffee mugs!
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Other topics include:
[00:00:00.00]Emma Sponsorship Mention
[00:00:32.27]We Have Mugs
[00:02:48.04]Episode Overview
[00:04:03.05]Emma Sponsorship Mention
[00:04:55.24]An Emma Webinar
[00:05:37.16]”Real People” Commercials
[00:09:03.06]Winning! at IBM
[00:19:10.08]Emma Sponsorship Mention
[00:19:44.17]Absolutely Not An Ad
[00:23:43.01]No Leggings To Stand On
[00:30:49.01]Made-Up Word: Pantsparency
[00:32:59.02]Listener Question: Do you believe that in our age – of social media specifically – that it’s necessary to have surveys? Do you believe in reaching as many people as possible, or a small targeted list?
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Tight ship, scripting, professionalism… and mugs.
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If you’re not getting stuff done at work, it’s a hiring problem.
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Forced collaboration always leads to innovation. #sarcasm
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A policy is not a policy if it is selectively enforced. Looking at you, @United.
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Mentioned In This Episode
If “Real People” Commercials Were Real Life – CHEVY Malibu Ad
Ibm, Remote-work Pioneer, Is Calling Thousands of Employees Back to the Office
Google Removes Audio Ads From Google Home Hours After Introducing Them
United Airlines Bars Girls In Leggings From Boarding Flight, Citing Mysteriously Strict Dress Code
from UnMarketing http://bit.ly/2oBwzc9 via IFTTT
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