bl00dysk1es · 2 months
out of the shower,, no shower thoughts or ephanies
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waitinginthecorner · 2 years
Seriously though I've always known it wasn't my fate to keep mouth shut or stay in the periphery forever. I mourned for myself before I ever knew what it meant to mourn. Im growing and learning and preparing myself to put everything on the line for my principles and beliefs and dreams and I won't stop until my goals are achieved. I may be passive but that's only because the ebb and flow of the tides come so naturally to me. Warm salty tears and ice cold tap water; the sought after estuaries resides within me already. Everything about me is something else, and that amalgamation of such is what creates the whole of me.
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under-loch-n-key · 3 months
just came across your art, Goomens and Malpractice MD are my 2 favourite shows ever and to see this cross over is like a fever dream come true!! I love it so much, I know you're just drawing the characters but would you mind if I attempted to write some sort of crossover fic?
also, Tritter as Metatron?? because he pretty much caused the same kind of chaos in a way!!
Samee!! I was just had this ephany while half asleep and I just needed to draw them.
OMG absolutely!!!! Please do!!! Once you get done with it I would love to read it! I'd be happy to make art for it too!
Yesss, I thought about making Tritter Metatron! I'm happy to see someone else agree with me!
Having people do fics about my art makes me so happy!! 😭💛💛
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Freylin kids info;
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Full name: Stephanie Guinevere Ambrosius.
House: Ambrosius.
Age: 16 years old.
Birth place: Avalon.
Current location: Camelot.
Titles: Daughter of the Lady of the Lake, the Only Daughter of Emrys, and the Lost spawn of Emrys.
Occupation: None.
Known as: Steph, Hanie, 'Ephanie, Stephie, and Ste.
Known for: Assisting Percival in a quest as a young child and disappearing at 14.
General outfit: An emerald green, long peasant dress with no shoes.
Weapons/Equipment: A green handled battle axe.
Extra accessories: A dragon hair clip.
Fears: Dying young, not being able to help people, losing her family, losing her friends, being cursed like her mother, bears, etc.
Dreams: She wants to be a Physician.
Likes:  Reading, helping people, reading, horseback riding, doing spells, swimming, healing , etc.
Dislikes: Evil sorcerers, bullies, classit people, her friends in danger, curses, being threatened with curses, etc.
Favorite Color: Emerald green.
Favorite Food: Cheesy bread.
Favorite Drink: Apple cider.
Favorite Animal: Cows.
Favorite Season: Winter.
Favorite Weapon: Battle axe.
Friends:  Lucan the Butler, Ywain, Melehan, Duran, Sanddef, Morfydd,and Calogrenant.
Parents: Freya and Merlin.
Siblings: Dragonet Ambrosius.
Love Interest: None.
Children: None.
Animal companion: None.
Childhood: Stephanie Guinevere Ambrosius was born in Avalon to Freya and Merlin a few years after the battle of Camlann.
She spent most of her youth helping people on quests and hanging out with her friends. Occasionally helping Giaus and her father in the medical ward before her disappearance.
Life: Eventually disappears at age 14 never to be seen again.
Death: Has not yet happened.
Quote: "Follow me and you will be a step closer to your goal. "
Theme Song: "Losing your memory."
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Full name: Dragonet William Ambrosius.
House: Ambrosius.
Age: 11 years old.
Birth place: Avalon.
Current location: Camelot.
Titles: The Spawn of the Lady of the Lake, The Only Son of Emrys, Dragonet the Jester, Daguenet the Fool, Daguenet the Coward,  Danguenes the Craven of Carlion, and Royal Jester of Camelot.
Occupation: Jester, (unoffical) adviser, and Honorary knight of Camelot.
Known as: Dra, Drag, Drago, Dragon, Draggie, Gonet, Nettie, and Net.
Known for: Being a honorable, loyal jester and honorary knight.
General outfit: Brown linen pants, muddy black boots, and an oversized, maroon ubiquitous tunic.
Weapons/Equipment: A small, maroon handled dagger.
Extra accessories: A black belt with a clip on holster and pouch.
Fears: Suffering like his parents did, being persecuted because of his magic, being used, disappearing like his sister, dying like his mother did, being cursed like his mother, having a destiny, fire, having to kill someone, and lamias.
Dreams:  He wants to be an adviser or a knight.
Likes: Juggling, telling jokes, his friends staying out of trouble, reading, climbing trees, learning spells, riding horses, helping people, feeding strays, swimming, pulling pranks, doing magic tricks, horseback riding, and writing comedic poems and plays.
Dislikes: His father being made fun of, himself being made of, people joking about his sister's disappearance, fire, his friends in danger, his family in danger, either of them suffering, being cursed, assassination attempts, destiny, his pranks being halted, Kilgharrah and people going through his things.
Favorite Color: Maroon.
Favorite Food: Strawberries.
Favorite Drink: Goat's milk mixed with meshed up strawberries.
Favorite Animal: Dragons.
Favorite Season: Anything but winter.
Favorite Weapon:  Small daggers.
Friends: Helior, Artie, Everard, Menw, Tom Thumb, Penpingion, Taliesin, Cerdan Jr., Mabon,  Galeholt , etc.
Parents: Freya and Merlin.
Siblings: Stephanie Ambrosius.
Love Interest: Thitis.
Children: none as of now.
Animal companion: A cow named Moonamer.
Childhood: Dragonet William Ambrosius was born in Avalon to Freya and Merlin nearly a decade after the battle of Camlann.
He spent most of his youth helping out the servants in the castle, going on hunts with The Round Table and Arthur's kids, helping Giaus gather herbs, and doing tricks at feasts.
Being spoiled greatly by his many non official aunts and uncles along the way.
When he wasn't doing any of that he was hanging out with Arthur and the knights' several children, and trying to keep them out of trouble.
Life: Eventually, he becomes a court jester and is made an honorary knight by Arthur. The knights take him along so he can make fun of and play jokes on their enemies, making things much more entertaining.
Death:  Has not occurred yet.
Quote:  "Thou may wear riches like a king, but me thinks that thou is nothing more than a cumberworld churl."
Theme Song: "Run Boy Run."
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marthashlyn3 · 17 days
🛑 Elephant Urine 🛑
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When Ansie is just Ansie, Phanie is Phanie (Ephanie). (Innocent, probably taken advantage of somewhere, stuck in anger)
When Ansie is Melissa, Phanie is Lize. (🖤, 🟠)
One was born without a soul.
One was dedicated to the devil at a few months old.
I can flow through both worlds. I have balanced white going on.
3 is like me in the white but once removed stuff, still learning. Not stable enough, emotionally. Kidding (baby goating), childishly living. Crazy. Stud.
The air in grey is lie about trauma, find toxic way through; and they cannot feel.
The air in black is covalent.
Those two cave-manning. Primitive as ever right now.
They look soft, sweet, approachable, a full of light & conversation. They’re not. Very sassy.
They WILL lie.
Both resort to passive aggression behind your back. Your things may be destroyed.
Everyone is learning
NOT a sideshow of exploitation.
Always seek more understanding first.
Everyone can make it through 3’s world, you’ll need patience & facts. Pencil, pen, crayons, & markers will help. The world is yellow, lemonade, & “pissy” (arrogantly argumentative).
All 3 are haunted.
Every day is ‘All Hallows Eve’
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highflyerwings · 1 month
Is there any mukbanger like S*ephanie S*o who talks about true crime/horror/fun type stuff, but…isn’t S*ephanie S*o?
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caroluselled · 1 year
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The Torja family’s crest is ‘per bend azure and vert, a horse argent.’ The symbolism in the crest essentially states that this noble family is ‘loyal and true, believing in peace but ready to act on behalf of Ylisse.’ This is true for the family lineage of Sumia, and by extension Cynthia.
The Torja family is not, by any means, old blue-bloods. They’re a recent nobility, only ennobled four generations before Sumia, but a proud and respected one. The Torja family were horse breeders before they were ever nobles, and even into their nobility they kept this up as a mercantile craft with their warhorses being considered among the finest a mounted unit could ask for by the time of Awakening.
The one to earn the nobility was Faris Tariqa. He was an immigrant from Plegia. This was generations prior to any Ylissean crusades against Plegia, and so while relations were tense, they were not yet hostile. Faris came to Ylisse with a few Plegian horses – light and fast breeds unlike the breeds Ylisse produces. He faced many hardships, but having brought along his own knowledge of horses with him, he found stable work at a stable. It was in his work that he ended up saving the life of the Exalt. It wasn’t bravery, or love for his country, but luck and circumstance when the Exalt was taking a royal tour of the halidom – a big scene of pageantry to assert authority and remind the common folk of who their sovereigns were. Faris was on horseback, working to train one of the horses, when he saw an archer on a roof, aiming for the Exalt.
He tried to warn the Exalt of the assassin, but instead ended up taking an arrow to his shoulder meant to kill the exalt. It hurt, but Faris Tariqa lived. Grateful, the Exalt ennobled Faris, giving him a small plot of land and arranging a marriage for him to an Ylissean noblewoman named Ephanie, who hailed from an old but poor and out of favor household. What’s more, the Exalt gave Faris a new Ylissean surname, Torja, to cement his title and position.
Faris Torja, a noble in technicality, would never join the military, but kept money in his house through his trade - horse breeding and training. When he and his wife (now affectionately called ‘Ephie’) had their first and only son, he would give him a Ylissean first name; but his middle name would be what his surname should’ve been had they been in Plegia.
Phillip Al-Faris Torja had an uphill battle to climb. He had a Ylissean name, a title, but there was no escaping the Plegian features he possessed. He felt he had to make a name for himself, and so he strove to become a knight. It was not easy, he faced a lot of hardship and discrimination, but eventually his horsemanship and skill with a lance would become widely known and recognized - thanks in part to his skill at the joust - and Phillip would see to it that the Torja family name was one to be respected.
Phillip would marry for love, meeting his future wife at a soldier’s ball. Her name was Pernella, a general’s daughter. She was fair and had hair of flaxen gold and bright blue eyes and was a counterpoint to him with his dark hair, dark skin, and amber eyes. Her father did not approve, but Phillip courted her and eventually eloped with her. It’s only thanks to the fact that his father saved the life of the current Exalt, who still lived, that he wasn’t arrested for the elopement. When Faris died, Phillip inherited the family estate, where he and Pernella set up a happy life together.
Their daughter Rosalind Torja inherited her mother’s features, but had the rebellious spirit of them both. Where Phillip earned some respect for his martial skill, Rosalind caused a scandal by becoming the first woman in generations to actively serve as a cavalier. She faced her own hardships, the snickerings over her being ‘unpure’ as she didn’t become a pegasus knight, but she refused to give up. Eventually all the scandal and jokes were forgotten when she saved the life of the current Exalt upon the battlefield, mirroring what her grandfather had once done and paving the way for many other women to become cavaliers and knights after her.
Rosalind loved being a cavalier, but she did not enjoy battle. The Exalt, out of gratitude, saw that Rosalind would have a seat at his war council. She heard the voices there crying out, shouting for war with Plegia, and felt disgust. She knew who her grandfather was. But, she would hear a voice, softer and advocating for peace. Ellised was a diplomat, an unlanded lower noble, who did not want war. Even as Rosalind stopped joining war councils, she and Ellised would meet and talk, and eventually fell in love. He would become her husband, a happy arrangement for them both.
Ellised and Rosalind had one son together - Theodore Torja. Having grown up knowing how the other nobility mocked his mother, he never was charmed by any noble damsel. Rosalind taught him how to fight, and Ellised taught him various philosophies, moralities, and ethics. Theodore followed in his mother and grandfather’s footsteps and served as a knight, horsemanship unrivaled. Before the crusades against Plegia would began, Theodore would find happiness be charmed by a no-nonsense common woman named Cecelia, a milliner’s daughter, and eventually ask her to marry him. As his father said, nobility was a social construct anyway.
Theodore would be called away to fight in the new Exalt’s war early in their marriage. It weighed heavily on him. These were his great-grandfather’s kin. He was helping commit a genocide and he despised it. He hated the bloodshed of this ‘Holy War.’ Faris Tariqa founded their house and Theodore still has one of Faris’s old silk prayer rugs hung on a wall out of respect.
When on leave, Cecelia hands him his newborn baby girl, and she is heavy in his arms. There are a million Ylissean names he could give her. He names her Sumia. He names her a Plegian name, a Grimleal name, and tells his wife why she must be Sumia. Theodore Torja wanted to remind the world, remind himself, of where his bloodline began. He wanted to fight back against this war he was forced into. Her name meant ‘the one who listens’, and while he doesn’t know if he’ll survive this war, he wants their daughter to be the one who listens to the stories of their house even if he someday can’t teach her how.
Theodore doesn’t survive the war. He dies when Sumia Torja is young. The Torja family, led through a still living Rosalind, would be vehement supporters of Emmeryn’s rule, and held no prejudice against the Grimleal.
Theodore would be proud to know that his daughter grew up to be gentle and kind, that she listened and remembered all the stories, and that she had more bravery than many others could ever wish for, bravery enough to stand up for what is right, even to the Exalted family themselves.
Cynthia is very proud to be a member of such a heroic family.
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( Thanks to tomestobetold for collaborating with me on this headcanon and allowing me the initial use of the Torja surname to begin with )
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7pm Est Premiere!
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darthmirel · 3 years
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concept: Roxanne deliberately lowering her voice, so people will take her more seriously, until she slips up in front of everybody and leaves everybody in shock nfdjksnfa
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peterxwade24 · 3 years
Safety Found in Red Sleeves
Chapter 5
Here is the long awaited Chapter 5. Also, due to my own desire, all of the temporary heroes will have suits fashioned after outfits from “Avatar: the Last Airbender”.
Con trai means “son” while Con gài means “daughter”, or at least that’s what the website I found them on says. (the website is www.vietnamesepod101.com if you’re wondering)
Also, I made a typo in chapter 2/3 with Marc’s pronouns but since then, I’ve changed it. I hope you all will continue to receive this fic with the same enthusiasm you have thus far.
Jason danced around his kitchen with Damian on his hip, his sisters sitting on some of the kitchen counters. Bobby Day’s “Rockin’ Robin” poured into the kitchen from his bluetooth speaker.
Tim wandered into the kitchen, one hand rubbing at his eye and the other on the wall, and ran into Steph’s legs. “‘ephanie?”
“Hey Tim.” Steph gently pushed Tim in the direction of the fridge and laughed as she watched him stumble to the fridge.
Jason ruffled Tim’s hair as he walked passed and smiled. “Good morning Timbers.”
“Good morning Uncle Tim.” Damian murmured from where his head was resting against his dad’s shoulder.
“Wha-?” Tim turned to look at the pair. “When did-?”
“Just went through yesterday.” Jason smiled. “Don’t worry too much.”
Tim nodded and got his glass of water before returning to the girls and settling between them. “Have you told Dick yet?”
Jason shook his head and opened the oven door to peek at the muffins he was baking. “No. But he, Wally and the kids are supposed to come over for lunch today.”
Jason carefully pried the sleeping form of his son off of his hip and passed him to Roy with a smile before looking at his brother. “So, Dickiebird, how are you holding up?”
Dick shrugged, playing with Mar’i’s hair to distract himself, before smiling. “I’m fine.” He glanced over at Wally for a moment. “Wally and I have been helping each other with this single parent thing.”
Wally smiled before turning to watch Jai and Iris chase each other around the dining room table. “Dick’s a great help with those two, they always have so much energy.”
Jason chuckled and shook his head. “Of course they have so much energy, look at who their father is.” Jason was about to say something when someone knocked on the door. “Give me just a moment.”
Wally and Dick sent him a pair of thumbs up as he stood up and walked towards the door.
Jason opened the door and simply raised an eyebrow. “What can I help you with Mr. Wayne?”
“There’s a French class coming to Gotham. They’re staying in one of the company hotels in the heart of the city. You and your brothers had best be on your best behaviour since Dick is the tour guide for their tours through the company buildings and you’re the acting bodyguard for their tours around the city.”
Jason rolled his eyes. “Hey Dickiebird! I didn’t know you signed up to give some tours to some hoity toity French kids.”
“I didn’t know I signed up to give some tours either.” Dick leaned on the wall next to the door. “When did either of us sign up to help you?”
Bruce sighed and looked at his two oldest sons. “Don’t do it for me. Do it for Alfred, he would like it if any of you came around.”
“Mmm, no can do B. My son is the child of a rogue and the grandchild of a rogue, my sister is the child of a rogue, my sisters are children of rogues, my brothers and I associate with rogues. Alfred is more than welcome to come around. You can give him my address and then forget it.”
Dick nodded and slung an arm around Jason’s shoulders. “When is the French class supposed to be here?”
“They’re flying in on Saturday but don’t start their tours until the following Monday to allow for them to get used to the time change.
Jason nervously tapped his foot on the floor, hoping and praying to whatever deity came to mind first a certain god of destruction that everything would turn out alright. He took a deep breath, shook out his hands and knocked on the door to the apartment.
The door opened and Selina appeared, dishevelled hair and shirt falling down her arm. Selina was sleepily rubbing at her eye with the other hand still held the door, just open enough she could see whomever was at her door but not open enough that anyone could see into her apartment.
“Aunt Selina?” Jason whispered while praying again to the deity. “Do you remember me? I’m-”
Selina let go of the door to wrap her arms around Jason, pulling the much taller boy against her chest. “Oh Jason. Why didn’t you come to me immediately after you breached city limits?” She pulled back just enough to hesitantly trace her fingers over the scars that marred his otherwise conventionally handsome face. “My poor bird. My poor, poor, little bird.”
“Aunt Selina. I’m fine now. Dick and Tim have sided with me against Bruce. I know how much you care for him and I understand if you’re taking his side, I just, I needed to see my Aunt Selina one last time.”
“Jason Peter Todd. I’m not the Joker. My one goal in life isn’t to be the Bat’s one and only. The day he brought Dick on the scene I decided then and there that you all weren’t his birds. You were mine. And cats are just as likely to attack bats as they are birds.” Selina’s fingers paused on top of a set of three very faint white-silver scars just under his jawline. “I am sorry that I ever caused you pain my little bird.”
Jason nervously straightened things around his apartment, Damian, Roy and Lian sat on the couch watching his mad dash around the apartment while Stephanie and Cass sat on a pair of counters with Tim standing between them. Dick, Wally, Mar’i, Jay and Iris were nervously looking out the window as Jason continued to clean.
Dick, Wally, Mar’i, Jay and Iris suddenly scrambled away from the window to sit down around Damian, Roy and Lian.
A few minutes after they sat down, a firm knock came at the door. Jason brushed the dust off of his shirt and approached the door. Jason opened the door and smiled. “Hi Aunt Selina. Hi Grandpa Alfred.”
Alfred smiled at Jason and glanced down at the covered dish in his hands. “I made my key lime pie.”
Selina simply chuckled. “Little bird. At this point, I’m your mom. Just call me Mom.”
Thana looked at her friends, Chloé steadfast in her loyalty, Nino firm in his friendship, and Kim unshakable in his protection, and smiled. “I love you guys so much. You are my family.”
Chloé smiled and wrapped her arms around Thana. “We love you too.”
Nino and Kim joined their hug, the four friends uniting in their found family and solidifying their bonds. “You’re our family too Thana.”
Desgracia watched as Marc took a deep breath before looking at Kaalki. “Kaalki, full gallop.”
Marc was encased in a pale brown light. When the light disappeared, they stood in a loose-fitting gray bodysuit with brown knee-high boots with dark orange-red bands around the top of the boots and around the ankles, dark red wrist gauntlets covered in orange horseshoes with dark golden yellow bands around the top and bottom of the gauntlets. Over the gray bodysuit, they had a dark red tunic which crossed over their chest which was hemmed in a red-orange. The bottom half of their face was obscured by the turtleneck of their gray bodysuit while they had a dark orange-red domino mask with light gray eye lenses. The domino mask had a thin golden yellow outline, akin to glasses, while their hair had reddened. While their hair had previously been pitch black, it was now a dark chestnut that had lengthened to resemble Sesshomaru’s.
“What’s your name?” Desgracia’s eye lenses were blue-green and flicked over his suit in vague interest.
Desgracia’s eye lenses darkened to green and hissed. “Hero name. We don’t use names in the field.” A gruff voice repeating the same words to a much younger version of her older brother sounded in her head.
“Oh, uh, um.” Marc frowned and tapped their chin in thought.
“Well, you’re using the Horse Miraculous so it should be something horse related. Poulain, because you’re new at this so you’re like a foal.”
“Poulain rouge.” Marc smiled and shook out their shoulders. “Poulain rouge because my hair is more red now.”
“Welcome to the team Poulain rouge.” Desgracia smiled and leaned over to ruffle their hair.
Thana sat under the stairs which lead to the second floor of the school, sketching an outfit for a client when another person tripped over her legs. She glanced up to see it was Marc before looking back down at her sketch.
“Sorry. I didn’t-” Marc started before Thana cut them off.
“Would you wear this?” Thana pushed her sketchbook towards them and tapped her fingers on her leg.
Marc looked over the sketch and nodded. “Yeah. Looks good. Who’s it for?”
“A client. Hey, you’re good at writing, right?” Thana looked at them and seemed to be imploring them to answer.
“Could you look over my website and figure out what’s wrong with it?” Thana smiled. “You can come over to Chlo’s to look over it. Well, Chlo’s or Kim’s.”
Marc nodded. “Sure.”
Thana and Marc followed after Kim as he walked into his home.
“Mẹ! Mèo con and our friend came over, I hope that’s okay.” Kim called as they entered the house. Kim and Thana toed off their shoes on instinct while Marc just copied their movements.
“Con trai. Con gài.” Kim’s Mẹ wrapped the two up in a hug before pressing kisses to their foreheads. “Ni hao. I’m Kim’s mom, and Marinette,” Kim’s Mẹ noticed how she flinched at the use of the name and corrected herself, “Thana has practically become my daughter.”
“My name is Marc Anciel.” Marc shook Kim’s Mẹ’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you ma’am.”
“None of that ma’am stuff. Just call me Mẹ, those two do.” Kim’s Mẹ was, arguably, a very attractive woman. She had short black hair and warm caramel brown eyes and she was just a few centimeters shorter than Kim. “Come on in.”
The three teens smiled at the woman before they went back to Kim’s room. Thana pulled up her website and moved out of the desk chair to allow Marc to look it over.
Marc looked over the website while Kim and Thana did their homework. “Are you sure you want the whole webpage to be gunmetal gray? You could mix it up with the background being light purple so the gray stands out.”
Thana nodded and let out a quiet “huh”. “Hey Marc? Do you care if I hug you?”
Marc’s eyes widened and they smiled shyly. “Sure.”
Thana wrapped her arms around Marc. “Thank you so much.”
Desgracia looked over the field, making sure each of her teammates weren’t being overwhelmed with this Akuma’s minions, when she saw the Akuma gunning for Poulain rouge.
Desgracia lept from the rooftop, landing on her toes in front of Poulain rouge and glared at the Akuma. She twirled her baton in her hand, keeping it low enough to not hit Poulain, before she looked back over her shoulder at Poulain. “Go get Monsieur Punaise. Tell him to hurry.”
Poulain nodded, turned around and ran to get their fearless leader who had one fear and it was Desgracia.
By the time Poulain returned with Monsieur Punaise, the Akuma was barely holding on. Monsieur Punaise called for his Lucky Charm, a plane ticket (specifically one for the flight they were taking soon), before deakumatizing the Akuma and throwing the Lucky Charm in the air with a call of “Miraculous Monsieur Punaise”.
Desgracia wrapped an arm around Poulain’s waist before jumping away, leaving her more even tempered teammates to assist the Akuma victim.
Desgracia landed on a rooftop and put Poulain down on the rooftop. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. He didn’t get close enough to take a swipe at me.” Poulain rouge chuckled and shook their head. “Don’t worry about me. Are you okay?”
“Poulain. I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. All damage dealt in the battle was rendered useless and disappeared when Monsieur Punaise cast his final charm.” Desgracia cupped Poulain’s face in her hands. “You have to be on guard at all times in battle. I won’t always be here. You need to trust your teammates to protect you in battle.”
Trâu landed on the rooftop and chuckled. “Desi, you can’t just kidnap our Foal.”
Desgracia turned her green eyes on him, however after assessing him as no threat her eye lenses turned back into their normal blue. “Trâu. I didn’t kidnap them. I just needed to ensure that they were fine.”
@southamericangothamite @maribat-is-lifeblood @mystery-5-5 @our-preciousss @mochegato @chocolatecatstheron @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @2confused-2doanything @wannajointhecrabcult @dreamykitty25 @tomanyfandomsonmymind @moonlightstar64 @justafanwarrior @mialuvscats @pheony1882 @pepelachanel @moongoddesskiana @abrx2002 @ladybug-182 @greatcatblaze @thatonecroc @vixen-uchiha @superbwhispersconnoisseur @lilkymilky @susiej1118 @thatonecroc
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banji-effect · 3 years
Chanting, She Knew Them
She began her calming chant in her mind, shouting within herself to be heard over the panic and raging din, the flood. I am Ephanie Atencio. Ephanie Kawiemie Atencio. I am myself. This is Teresa who walks beside me. The sun is shining and I am on my way back to California. I know who I am. I will not give in. This is my hand. These are my eyes. My mouth belongs to me. I am Ephanie Atencio. Ephanie Kawiemie Atencio. No one else can possess me. No one else can control me. No one else can speak for me. Through me. 
...But she knew that others owned such bodies, such eyes, such hair, such hands. That her own had come to her from another time and from people who were not her, who invaded her so long ago, before she was born. She looked like many others and she knew that even her flesh was not hers to own.
If my own dear mind, the words, the memories, the beliefs, the understandings, if the mesas I se in memory, the water my skin recalls, the food my tongue thinks it tasted, the painful, tearing, ugly, beautiful, loving, tender words my ears think they heard, my mouth thinks it ever spoke are not true, not mine. If I cannot believe that one single thing in me, in my mind, in my body, my brain, is of me, is mine, is me, then how will I know which is me and which is the other, the others, the not-me?
Which is I. Which them. And wondered how she had come to believe herself possessed, how she hand known, decided the possession was final.
Paula Gunn Allen, from The Woman Who Owned the Shadows 
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Debra winding up to be a not-actual friend has fucked me up mentally/emotionally more than I realized. If I'm doubting even Cat's friendship that shows that I'm not thinking clearly. Cat has been my close friend for a decade. She used to not invite her boyfriend over on Tuesdays because she knew I had therapy and didn't want him being there to make me uncomfortable. She managed to throw a fucking surprise party for me while housebound as we were living in the same apartment! I'm one of maybe 5 or 6 people that she actually gives a damn about (since she's a sociopath and all). So yeah. I'm just going to try to not judge whether my friends are actually my friends for a while because people work differently and looking for signs of 'do they actually not care about me' ain't healthy. Like for instance. Wil doesn't message me really. But the man likes like 3/4 of what I post, If not more. He comments regularly too. Clearly he's just not a 'instigate conversations via messenger' type of guy. So rather than thinking 'I should disappear from Wil's inbox and never message him because I'm annoying him and he's just responding to be polite' I should think 'we have different preferred types of communication. Again Wil, an example of my f*ed up thought processes right now. Please don't take this personal! I do know better when I think more clearly.
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kachinnate · 4 years
reblogn’t, there’s nothing too triggery about this it’s just semi personal re: how one of my ex-best friends ruined lgw from b//mc for me and also just like... in the same vein the Less Discussed portion of my spring of ‘19 Traumas bc this ex-best friend out of 3 caused the least damage and therefore in my mind he got away with a lot more
i’ve just been thinkin about it a lot, idk. i don’t think i’ve ever talked about this specific thing to anyone (explicitly or in detail) and it’s bothered me for so long and i know talking about it on here fixes nothing rlly but.. idk! some kayla lore if you wanted it, mayhaps this will get deleted in like ten minutes after being posted so get it hot while you can
just for context my junior year of high school (aka the Worst One) i drove my at-the-time best friend to school every day -- we lived like a street away from each other, and he didn’t like the Bus and he wasn’t always able to take his mom’s car because we both did theatre together and therefore would be at the school for a Long Ass Time, and like... he was my friend! so i drove him to school! and.. in times like that, it was a good incentive to get myself up, too, cuz shit was lowkey rough back then and i’d feel bad if i made both of us late. 
said best friend was super into musical theatre - like, he wanted to be a musical theatre major, so he’s super well versed on like Most Musicals all the classics w/e .. snob doesn’t feel like the right word bc sometimes he genuinely Did like stuff that was simply Silly/dumb for the sake of it being Silly/dumb but it’s the closest word i can think of. i was constantly embarrassed that my favorite musical was d//eh, and to this day he still barely knows anything about it because 1. he himself didn’t listen/pay much attention to it and 2. despite it literally being my hyperfixation since like my sophomore year, i didn’t feel comfortable talking to him about it bc of what few criticisms he gave it. but he did know it was my fav, he knew that i had a Love for w/rol bc i talked abt him a lot. 
lgw was the first thing from b//mc broadway to get released - and i know like 3-4 different versions of it got released too lmao but this was like the Very First One, i’d never heard it before! i didn’t realize it’d been released until i was idling in front of his house so naturally i was like “oh bet let’s listen to it together” 
he didn’t really like b//mc either for the same reasons he didn’t like d//eh, but it was like... much less so, idk - he liked m//itb so like i figured it was indifference at best.. but regardless uh my fuckin car i’m gonna listen to it if i want to <3 also like if it was good i doubt he’d care abt what it was from 
anyway, he got in, and i played it. the drive to school isn’t that far, so it finished like, while we were in the busy lane waiting to turn into our high school
and like i was really “:DD” bc like it was good that w/rol note held out at the end was kinda Magical and also in context of the musical??? wow YES jeremy finally getting his Protagonist Song(tm) he deserves it and it makes me feel !!!
i hadn’t said anything yet, but literally the first words out of my friend’s mouth were some semblance of “wow, that was terrible” which like. yeah. killed the mood pretty quick skdjgnsdf
he like started digging Into it like making fun of the chorus and will’s voice and i was kinda just quiet like “oh,,, i guess,,” bc i didn’t know what else to do, like i felt bad immediately trying to defend it bc i’d only heard it that One time and also confrontation is hard and confrontation specifically w him was hard, especially bc he was like Genuinely ragging on the song, not in a jokey way
and like.... he eventually stopped because he could tell i was genuinely getting distressed and he kept going like “hey it’s nbd kayla it’s not like you wrote the song” which jsdkgsd to this day i’m not sure what that means or why he thought it’d be comforting but. whatever. the whole thing made me feel really bad and inferior 
in the coming weeks of the actual b//mc soundtrack getting released he also made fun of ilpr at one point, how st/ephanie h/su was “”too much”” or something - idk. those criticisms didn’t bug me as much bc at that point i’d already been resigned about the whole thing, and it’s not like i played that song for him and he said that, he’d listened to it on his own time and just thought for some reason to mention it to me. 
and it’s frustrating, because i can’t even be like “he just doesn’t like new musicals”, bc he really liked h//adestown and there’s usually a musical or two from the tony’s every year he gets into, it was just like... the ones i liked he didn’t [pensive] and i know i know it wasn’t personal, he’s just LIKE that, but .... aughhh it really bothered me when he’d dig into stuff i liked and was always just like “u didn’t write it u didn’t make it” like that was supposed to make my interest in this Thing despite his Distaste ok.... 
and like despite this he was still the person i was closest to - this was merely a blip in the whole grand scheme of things, just.. something that bugged me. it took me until after i graduated to realize he’d been a sociopath, that he was never choosing me, i was just.. around, which. sucks. i spent a lot of time sitting with him in my car in front of his house talking about musicals and life for more hours than i’d like to admit. when he broke down crying on his 18th birthday telling us that he didn’t know if he’d ever be enough, i thought that i’d actually started to understand him. 
he’d been my ‘best friend’ since elementary school. i dated him at one point before we both realized we were queer. we’d been the only two seniors who’d been in every show together. despite all the bullshit, he was always there. he assimilated to the personality of our friend group every year when we were around different people, but he was still around, i was still always there for him - he couldn’t assimilate to my personality because to him there were no traits to take, we’d known each other for too long. 
a couple weeks into senior year, i full on sobbed to him in my car telling him about how he and the friend group made me feel so bad last year, told him about how i stopped taking my meds during the musical. he told me that he had no idea that i was feeling like that, that he didn’t know. but i’d driven him to school every day.
the last time we’ve talked in person was march 14th, the last day school for the 2019-2020 year was in session. 
i haven’t taken it off, but i skip lgw whenever it comes on my musical playlist because it still makes my chest feel tight.
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zen3to5 · 4 years
J/H 3-25: The Promise Ring
And here we are - the end of Season 3! Subtext from last time comes out as text, and the path into Season 4 is laid. How's it look? Read on!
(I had originally planned on re-writing the "B" story of "Canadian Road Trip," but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I had no real ideas that would tie into a Jackie/Hyde project like this. All I had was a dislike of Jackie's line about never having to think again if she were a model. I still hate that line, but as I said at the off-set, I wasn't looking to "correct" anything about the series just because I don't like it. To the extent you can talk about "filler" in a sitcom, "Canadian Road Trip" is filler anyway, a fun one-off episode that could play at almost any point in the series, with the characters at their most basic.)
FF.Net AO3
SHOW TITLE   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT - NIGHT   A chill night in the usual hangout. ERIC sits on the couch, counting dollar bills. KELSO paces behind him, whacking a paddleball continuously and loudly.   HYDE enters through the basement door and nods at Eric.   HYDE: Hey.   He starts to cross to his chair but is blocked by Kelso, who keeps paddling as if he hadn’t noticed Hyde’s entrance. Hyde’s head bobs slightly as he watches each whack of the paddle, the noise becoming more and more pronounced. Finally, Hyde rips the paddle from Kelso’s hands, pulls the ball free, tosses it back toward his room, and whacks Kelso in the arm with the paddle before shoving it into his hands.   Eric looks up from his money and smiles at Hyde.   ERIC: Rough day down at the precinct there, champ?   A scowling Kelso wags the paddle at Hyde.   KELSO: (slow, deliberate) It’s not the paddleball’s fault you’re on probation, Hyde.   He stomps back toward Hyde’s room to look for the ball. Eric resumes counting money and Hyde makes his way to his chair.   HYDE: (to Eric) What are you up to?   ERIC: Just counting my secret stash. I’m getting something special for Donna. ‘Cause, you know, she and I have been fighting a lot lately...   Kelso, with the ball in one hand and the paddle in the other, jumps over the back of the couch and sits at the other end.   KELSO: I wish Jackie and me were fighting. I’m used to that. But ever since the Ted Nugent concert she won’t even talk to me.   Hyde stirs with interest. Eric takes note.   ERIC: (flat, to Kelso) Oh, no. How awful.   He gives Kelso a look of mock-sympathy. If Kelso gets the sarcasm, he ignores it.   KELSO: Man, I thought for sure we were gonna get back together there. I mean, that second first date kicked ass. But she got all upset right at the end and wouldn’t even tell me why. I don’t get it.   He shakes his head, turns his attention to the broken paddleball. He looks back and forth from the paddle to the ball, trying to puzzle out how to reconnect them.   Eric and Hyde regard him coolly, then turn to each other when they realize he’s not going to figure it out.   ERIC: (to Hyde) I’m gonna get Donna a promise ring.   HYDE: Careful, Forman. You get mushy with Donna, she’s gonna see the secret girl inside the man. Now trust me. You won’t wanna let Erica out.   KELSO: (laughs) “Erica.” That’s a good burn. You can’t do that with Michael, I’m lucky.   HYDE: Oh, really, Michelle?   Kelso pouts, turns to Eric.   KELSO: Don’t listen to him, Eric. Hyde obviously doesn’t understand mature relationships, but I do. And a promise ring is not only a gift from the heart, but it also means more sex and less mouthing off.   Eric gives him a long look.   ERIC: Really, no idea why Jackie wouldn’t want to get back together?   KELSO: None!   He throws his hands up in the air as Eric and Hyde share a look.
MAIN CREDITS   BUMPER   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT - DAY   The next day. THE CIRCLE. Eric, riding a good high, holds up the PROMISE RING he’s purchased.   ERIC: Ah, the ring of love. Just holding it makes me feel mellow and content. (beat) Actually, that might not be the ring.   Pan to Kelso.   KELSO: Guys, what if the reason Jackie didn’t wanna get back together is because she doesn’t wanna be with a guy like me? I mean, sure, I’m good-looking – but I can’t be trusted!   Pan to Hyde.   HYDE: Come on, Kelso. Don’t be so hard on yourself. I mean, sure, you cheated on Jackie, lied to her all the time, and kept talking about breaking up with her behind her back – but it’s always great for us watching all that come back to bite you in the ass.   Pan to FEZ.   FEZ: Why is everyone but Fez in love? If I don’t get some romance soon, I’m going to give myself a blister. Well... another blister.   Pan to Eric.   ERIC: (to Kelso) Yeah, Kelso. You and Jackie are like the perfect couple. You do the bad stuff and she tries to catch you. She’s Smokey to your bandit. (beat) God, it’s like that movie applies to everything!   Pan to Kelso.   KELSO: Man, why is everyone always against my love? Especially you, Hyde. When it comes to Jackie, you’re always bringing up the bad times, trying to get me caught doing bad stuff, or cutting in on all my master plans. You’re like one of those bitchy cheerleaders on Jackie’s squad. Hyde... alisha... (to Eric) Quick, what’s a girlie name for Hyde?   Pan to Eric.   ERIC: Uh... Hyde-ringa?   Pan to Fez.   FEZ: Hyde-ephanie?   Pan to Hyde.   HYDE: It’s Heidi, ya morons! Heidi!   He shakes his head in disgust.   BUMPER   EXT. FORMAN DRIVEWAY – NIGHT   A calm, peaceful night. The Vista Cruiser is parked in the driveway. Eric and DONNA lie on the hood, looking up at the stars.   ERIC: That was fun, huh? It was a good movie. It was one of those love movies like you like, huh? And who took ya? (points to himself) This guy.   DONNA: Yeah, it was great.   ERIC: You know what else this guy did for you?   He pulls out a ring box with a red ribbon and a card attached.   ERIC (cont’d): Got you a present.   They both sit up. Donna takes the ring box and reads the card.   DONNA: “To Donna. Love, This Guy.”   ERIC: Yeah, that’s me.   Donna gives him a smile and opens up the box. She takes the ring out, holds it up.   DONNA: Oh, my God.   ERIC: It’s a promise ring.   DONNA: Eric, it’s... it’s beautiful.   ERIC: I’m so glad you like it. ‘Cause... look.   He takes her hand, the one holding the ring.   ERIC (cont’d): Even though things have been a little weird lately...   With perfectly bad timing, RED and KITTY step out from the kitchen and see the kids.   KITTY: Oh! Look how cute on the car! (laughs)   Eric and Red look mortified, but Donna smiles and hops down. She holds out the ring for Kitty to see.   DONNA: Here. Look at what Eric got me.   Kitty takes the ring.   KITTY: Oh, my... (to Red) Red, go get the camera.   RED: Kitty...   ERIC: Mom, I -   KITTY: (to Red) Go! It’s – it’s in the drawer near the cheese grater.   Red heads back inside.   ERIC: Mom, no.   KITTY: Hush. (to Donna) Donna, now, make the face you made when Eric gave you the ring.   She hands the ring back. Donna rolls her eyes.   KITTY (cont’d): Oh, now, see – I don’t think you rolled your eyes! (laughs)   Red appears in the patio doorway, but doesn’t come back outside.   RED: Kitty, I cut myself on the cheese grater.   Kitty tuns to look at him. Eric and Donna, seizing their chance, take off down the sidewalk. Kitty turns back around, too late.   KITTY: Oh, now you get back here and smile, dammit!   They do no such thing. Defeated, Kitty heads back inside to tend to Red.   BUMPER   INT. HUB – DAY   A sunny afternoon, modest business. Donna and JACKIE are at the wall table, Donna in the booth seat and Jackie across from her. Donna has the promise ring on her left index finger. She holds her hand up so Jackie can see the ring.   DONNA: Can you believe it? Isn’t it pretty?   JACKIE: Oh, it’s beautiful... and Eric found a ring size big enough for your giant hands.   Donna gives a quick eye roll, then turns back to admiring her ring.   JACKIE (cont’d): Donna, why aren’t you wearing it on your left ring finger?   DONNA: (shrugs) I dunno. ‘Cause I like it on this finger. What’s the difference?   JACKIE: Donna, a promise ring is sacred. If you don’t wear your promise ring on your left ring finger, it totally cancels out the promise that you’ll be together forever.   DONNA: Wait, that’s what I promised?   Her right hand closes around the left, hiding the ring from sight.   Hyde enters and crosses to the girls’ table.   HYDE: (to Donna) Hey.   Jackie looks up at him and glowers.   JACKIE: Oh, hello, jerk.   HYDE: Good afternoon, wench.   The insult cuts. Jackie stands and elbows Hyde as she runs into the bathroom.   HYDE (cont’d): (to Donna) Hear that? The sweet sound of silence.   He grins and sits. Now Donna glares at him.   DONNA: Shut up. Jackie told me what you said to her after the Ted Nugent concert. You know, that’s why she and Kelso aren’t back together yet.   HYDE: Oh, yeah? Hey, you think that would get me off probation early? You know, for the vital public service of keeping morons split apart.   DONNA: Hyde, the “distant jerk” act’s not gonna work on me, okay? We’ve been friends for too long. I know what’s going on: you like Jackie... for some twisted reason... but you’re too in denial to own up, so now you’re mad at her for wanting to get back with Kelso and you’re worried he’ll hurt her again.   Hyde pulls a stunned face.   HYDE: Oh, my God, you’re right! And that dream I had last night, where I was Sonny Corleone and kicked ass at the toll booth, that was really my unconscious mind telling me how I want to kill my father! Thanks, Sigmund!   He blows a raspberry. Donna wipes the spittle off her face.   DONNA: Look, I think it’s a bad idea too, but believe it or not, Jackie has thought this through. It was weird, sophomore, cheerleader thinking... but she has been more careful this time. And Kelso actually has worked really hard to show her that he’s changed.   HYDE: But he hasn’t, because people don’t change.   DONNA: Come on. That’s not true.   HYDE:  It’s true where I come from.   Donna leans back and regards Hyde. She sees where he’s coming from now.   DONNA:  Yeah, well, Kelso is not your parents.   Hyde jerks in his chair, but Donna doesn’t stop.   DONNA (cont’d): He’s your friend, and so’s Jackie. She really looks up to you, and this time, you’re the one who hurt her. And you could’ve taken a shot yourself if you weren’t so proud. If you’re not going to do that, you could at least respect that Jackie made a choice and thought it through, even if you think it’s wrong.   Hyde gives Donna a long look, his shades a mask to what he’s feeling.   Jackie comes in from the bathroom. Hyde gets up and leaves before she finishes sitting down. Jackie looks away from the door.   Donna looks back down at her ring. Jackie takes notice.   JACKIE: You know, Donna – I really need to introduce you to my good friend, nail polish.   She holds up her perfectly manicured nails. Donna frowns at her, then turns back to her ring.   CUT TO:   EXT. FORMAN DRIVEWAY - EVENING   Later that day. The Vista Cruiser is out in the driveway. Hyde and Eric play basketball while Kelso and Fez lean against the car.   KELSO: (to Fez) Man, I just – maybe I should go to Jackie, you know? Lay it all on the line. But what if... what if that’s it? I don’t think I can take that again.   FEZ: I understand. You are a sensitive man, Kelso. Tender. Delicate.   HYDE: Girlish, even.   Donna and Jackie come up the driveway. Eric, who has the ball, tosses it to Hyde and crosses to Donna.   ERIC: Oh, there you are. The movie’s about to start.   He takes Donna’s left hand and starts to lead her around the car when he notices: the ring isn’t there anymore.   ERIC (cont’d): Where’s your ring?   DONNA: Oh, I put it on a chain so I could wear it around my neck.   She lifts the ring and chain up to show him, crosses to the patio. The others start to make their way around the car.   KELSO: BURN! Oh, super burn! The wedding’s off!   ERIC & DONNA: Kelso, shut up.   Eric crosses to Donna. The others all follow, right behind him.   ERIC: Donna, why aren’t you wearing the ring on your hand?   DONNA: I don’t know. I didn’t really think it was a big deal.   JACKIE: That is not true! (to Donna) I told you – (to the others) I told her it was a big deal!   DONNA: Look, Eric, why don’t we talk about this later?   ERIC: Well, there’s not really anything to talk about. Unless – you don’t want to wear the ring.   KELSO: OUCH!   Everyone gives him the same dirty look.   KELSO (cont’d): Sorry – I’m sorry.   He gestures for Eric to continue.   Eric looks back to Donna. She looks back at him, then laughs and shakes her head.   DONNA: It’s great. The ring is great.   She unhooks the chain and slides the ring onto her left ring finger. For good measure, she holds up her hand.   DONNA (cont’d): See? It’s great.   ERIC: So... we’re good?   DONNA: Yeah, fine.   ERIC: Okay, good!   They head to the passenger side of the Vista Cruiser. Eric opens the door for Donna. Just as she’s about to step inside, Kitty rushes out from the kitchen, camera in hand, and snaps a picture of them. Eric flashes a sheepish smile; Donna wears a long face.   Kitty looks up from the viewfinder.   KITTY: It’s my God-given right as a mother!   She disappears back into the house. Donna gets inside the car.   FADE TO BLACK   COMMERCIAL   BUMPER   INT. FORMAN KITCHEN - DAY   The next day. Red, Kitty, BOB, and MIDGE sit at the kitchen table. Red has a PHOTOGRAPH in his hand; it’s the picture Kitty took the night before. The parents study it carefully.   KITTY: (beat) Well, now – now that is just so... oh, dear.   MIDGE: When they got home, I asked Donna how it went, and she said “fine.” (shakes her head) But she didn’t seem fine.   KITTY: And Eric has never been good at knowing when “fine” isn’t fine. It runs in the family.   RED: (to Kitty) No, it does not!   KITTY: (cold) Fine.   RED: Okay! Good.   He smiles, oblivious.   Bob takes the photo.   BOB: I dunno. She doesn’t look that unhappy. (to Midge) She kind of looks like you.   MIDGE: I’m unhappy, Bob.   They all look amongst themselves. Kitty breaks the silence with a nervous laugh.   CUT TO:   INT. DONNA’S BEDROOM – DAY   Concurrent with the previous scene. Donna is in bed for an afternoon nap. The promise ring is in her right hand. A slow zoom in as we cut to:   INT. GAME SHOW STAGE   DREAM SEQUENCE. Donna is on LET’S MAKE A DEAL, complete with stupid carrot costume. She bobs on her feet as MONTY HALL comes up to her, microphone in hand.   ANNOUNCER (v.o.): Welcome to “Let’s Make a Deal!”   MONTY: All right, Donna, which is it going to be? Your future behind Door Number 1, Door Number 2, or Door Number 3?   DONNA:  Oh, my God, I don’t know!   She jumps and claps.   DONNA (cont’d): Okay – Door Number 3!   MONTY: Door Number 3? All right, let’s take a look at what you didn’t choose behind Door Number 1.   Door Number 1 opens. There is a writing desk with a typewriter and a coatrack with a leather jacket hanging on it.   MONTY (cont’d): It’s a leather jacket and a typewriter, which you could have used when you became a globe-trotting rock n’ roll journalist!   Donna’s shoulders slump.   DONNA: Wow... that would’ve been nice.   MONTY: Yeah, too bad. All right, let’s take a look at what was behind Door Number 2.   Door Number 2 opens. The U.S. Constitution, framed, is displayed between the Wisconsin and American flags.   MONTY (cont’d): The U.S. Constitution, which would come in handy when you became the first woman president!   DONNA: Oh, Monty, these prizes are bitchin’!   MONTY: Yeah, truly bitchin’. Now, let’s take a look at what you did choose behind Door Number 3.   Door Number 3 opens. Eric is sitting on a donkey, beaming and waving, as terrible country music plays.   MONTY (cont’d): It’s your boyfriend and a promise ring!   ERIC: I love you!   He blows Donna a kiss. The “zonk” sound plays. Donna’s face falls as we cut to:   INT. DONNA’S BEDROOM – DAY   Donna wakes from her dream. She curls her right hand in toward her and looks at the promise ring.   BUMPER   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT - DAY   Concurrent with the previous two scenes. Kelso is in Hyde’s chair, his leg restless, while Fez reads a comic on the couch.   KELSO: This is it, man. If Jackie won’t take me back, I’m done with chicks for good. I’ll be like a monk. Or an ugly person.   Hyde comes down the stairs, a beer can in hand. He’s almost on a march.   KELSO (cont’d): (to Hyde) Hey, how’d you sneak the beer? Is Red still looking at that -   Hyde tosses the can aside. He grabs Kelso by the collar, hauls him out of the chair, and throws him back against the water heater.   HYDE: Are you now, or will you ever again be shacking up with Forman’s skanky sister?   He isn’t completely drunk, but the beer’s loosened his tongue and temper. Kelso, cornered, tries his best to shrink down.   KELSO: Why, did she say something about me? (Hyde frogs him in the arm) OW!   HYDE: I’ll ask the questions here, dirtbag! Now – yes or no?   KELSO: No!   HYDE: Do you now, or will you ever again sneak out back behind the gym to make it with Pam Macy?   KELSO: It was also in the gym. And her car. (Hyde frogs him in the arm) OW! No!   HYDE: Are you now, or will you ever again look to get any action on the side with whores, trash, or sluts from Sacred Heart?   KELSO: NO! And – dude, Hyde, you need to get off probation, ‘cause all that time around cops is having a bad influence on you!   FEZ: I disagree. Once he outgrows his rebellious phase, I think Hyde would make an excellent cop. He projects an air of masculine authority.   Kelso and Hyde give Fez a look, then turn back to each other.   HYDE: I’m not kidding around here, Kelso! Now, I’ve had a shot! I’ve had a good shot! And I’ve been holding that shot! And if I keep holding it, so you can have your shot, because that’s the shot she wants to take, then I need to know damn well that you’re not gonna blow your shot!   KELSO: (beat) Wait, I’m confused. Are we going hunting? (Hyde frogs him) OW! Why the violence?   FEZ: (to Kelso) He means Jackie, fool!   KELSO: All right, fine! Look, Hyde – I don’t know what’s going on with you and Jackie – if you like her, or if her dad hired you to be, like, her secret bodyguard – and, if he did, he’s getting his money’s worth, because – damn!   He massages the spot on his arm where Hyde’s been hitting him.   FEZ: (to Hyde) See, another career opportunity for you. What a productive afternoon.   KELSO: (to Hyde) Look, I don’t need you or anyone telling me I screwed up before with Jackie. I know, okay? I know every time I see her. And I can’t do anything to take it back. And when I try to change, and be a better guy, nobody believes me. But I think I have changed. And I think Jackie does too, which means more to me than anything. So, if I have a shot, I’m gonna fight for it.   He stands up a little taller. Hyde regards him, his hands clenched in fists. His shades mask his thoughts.   Hyde grabs Kelso by the collar again and drags him behind as he marches to the basement door.   KELSO: No, wait – I didn’t mean that kind of fight! (to Fez) Fez, come on, man! I NEED A WITNESS!   Hyde throws the door open, and they exit. Fez runs after them.   CUT TO:   INT. THE HUB – DAY   A short time later. Business is slow at the Hub. Jackie sits alone at a small round table near the center of the Hub. An empty food basket is on the table. Jackie gathers her purse and stands to leave.   Hyde enters just as Jackie reaches the door. They each take a step back from the other.   HYDE: (beat) Hey.   He gives her a chance to reply; she just regards him coolly.   HYDE (cont’d): Um... I’m just dropping off...   He glances behind him; no one’s there. Scowling, he throws open the door to the Hub and sticks his head outside.   HYDE (cont’d): (shouting) Will you get in here, you big baby!   Kelso skitters to the door, Fez right behind him. They stay as far back from Hyde as they can while still making their way inside.   KELSO: (to Hyde) You are a scary, scary man, Hyde!   Hyde cuts him off with a look. He jerks his head in Jackie’s direction and motions for Kelso to go to her. Jackie looks back and forth between them.   JACKIE: Michael, what’s going on?   With one last nervous look to Hyde, Kelso takes Jackie by the hand and leads her back to the middle of the Hub. Fez hangs back by Hyde.   KELSO: Okay, Jackie – look, I know our second first date didn’t end so great. And I know we’ve got some bad history, and I’ll understand if you don’t want to go back to that. But I just – there’s something I need to tell you: from the first minute that I saw you, I knew that I wanted to fool around with you.   Jackie’s face scrunches up. She looks over at Hyde, who shakes his head and shrugs.   KELSO (cont’d): And then, after we did that, and I still wanted to talk to you, I knew that I never wanted to be without you. And I feel like we’ve got another chance to make that happen now, and I want to take it, but it’s up to you. So... will you please take me back?   Jackie studies Kelso’s face. She looks back to Hyde, who gives another, smaller shrug. “Love is the Answer” by Utopia comes on the jukebox.   JACKIE: (beat) Yeah. Yeah, Michael, I will.   She smiles, and Kelso smiles back. They both open their arms wide and embrace, Kelso lifting Jackie off her feet.   Over Kelso’s shoulder, Jackie looks up at Hyde. He gives her the smallest of smiles. Eyes watering, she smiles back before pulling her head back to kiss Kelso.   Hyde looks away, and he sees Fez struggling to hold in tears.   HYDE: Oh, God, what are you crying about?   FEZ: (sniffs) You know what, you magnificent, selfless bastard!   He throws his arms around Hyde. Hyde tries to fight his way free from the hug, but Fez just keeps holding on as Jackie and Kelso continue to kiss.   CUT TO:   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT - NIGHT   Much later in the day. Hyde sits in his chair, sunglasses off. He has a pack of cards in hand; one by one, he tosses them on the coffee table.   Eric comes down the stairs, crosses to the lawn chair. He looks over at Hyde and grins.   ERIC: Hey. So, I hear Jackie and Kelso got back together. And I hear they didn’t do it alone, nuh-uh. I hear they had help from a curly-haired cupid. An angry, violent, curly-haired cupid who may have just broken his own heart and Kelso’s humerus.   He laughs silently. Hyde doesn’t look up, just keeps tossing cards.   ERIC (cont’d): Man... could you just tell me what you were thinking when you -   HYDE: Where’s Donna?   ERIC: (beat) She said she had to study.   HYDE: Huh. So, everything’s cool?   ERIC: (beat) Okay, look. I don’t know what everyone thinks is going on, but Donna and I are not only fine, we’re great. Everything’s finally settled, so... (beat) We’re happier than ever.   HYDE: Well, one of you is.   ERIC: What is that supposed to mean?   Hyde lets out a long sigh. He sets what’s left of the deck down on the table and looks straight at Eric.   HYDE: Look, Forman. I get what you’re trying to do. You know, you’re trying to lock her up. Seal the deal. And I’ll I’m saying is... maybe Donna’s not that kind of girl.   Eric’s face hardens. He stands and points at Hyde.   ERIC: Okay, you don’t know as much as you think, Hyde. So you need to just shut up.   He runs back up the stairs. Hyde glances after him, then leans back and puts his feet up on the coffee table.   CUT TO:   EXT. FORMAN DRIVEWAY - NIGHT   Immediately following. Donna sits on the hood of the Vista Cruiser. She has her promise ring in her hands; she fiddles nervously with it.   Eric steps out from the kitchen, still seething. He brightens up when he sees Donna, crosses to sit on her right.   ERIC: Hey. What are you doing out here?   DONNA: Um... I wanted to talk to you.   She looks up at a still-smiling Eric.   DONNA (cont’d): Oh, this is gonna be hard. (beat) Um... Eric, I love you. A lot. But I have to give you your ring back.   ERIC: What? Why?   Donna looks up, as if searching for the words. She turns to face him head-on.   DONNA: Okay. How do you see the next twenty years?   ERIC: I don’t know. I guess I always figured that we’d go to college together and come home -   DONNA: Yeah, but Eric, you know that’s not what I want. I mean, I’ve told you that. And who knows? I may want to go to school back east, or maybe in Paris.   ERIC: Okay, well, you know what, Donna? Whatever, okay? The important thing is that when you see yourself in Paris, or... wherever, I’m there, right? (beat) Right?   DONNA: I don’t know... not always. I mean, it’s not like there’s anyone else, but sometimes I’m... by myself. I mean, all I’m saying is, I don’t know. Neither of us does. And this ring is just a stupid high school promise. If we’re meant to be together, then we’ll end up together.   ERIC: No, the way we end up together is by saying we’ll be together, and then – being together.   DONNA: Eric, come on! We’re together now! Isn’t that enough?   ERIC: No!   He gets off the car and begins to pace.   ERIC (cont’d): I mean, damn, Donna! If you can see a future for yourself without me, and that doesn’t, like, break your heart, then - we’re not doing what I thought we were doing here! And you know what? Maybe we shouldn’t be together at all.   DONNA: Wait a minute...   She stands too.   DONNA (cont’d): Are you breaking up with me?   ERIC: Well... are you giving back that ring?   Donna tries to choke down her tears; she can’t.   DONNA: Yes.   ERIC:  Then... yes.   Donna tries to say something, but the words won’t come. With one last look at Eric, she leaves the promise ring on the hood of the Vista Cruiser and runs down the street, crying.   Eric picks up the promise ring in his right hand (MUSIC NOTE: “Thirteen” by Big Star). Slowly, he climbs back onto the hood of the Vista Cruiser and lies back. Looking up at the night sky, he slams his right hand down in a fist. Tears come to his eyes as we slowly crane up.   FADE TO BLACK   CREDITS   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT - NIGHT   Another night. Eric and Hyde sit on the couch. Hyde’s shades are back, but both boys look forlorn. The radio plays in the background.   DJ (aud. only): Well, it’s a beautiful night out tonight in the greater Oshkosh area, and I hope all the lovers out there are making the most of it. But for those poor fellas without a lucky lady, you don’t have to spend the night alone and inside. We have just the place for you to go to...   “Heartbreak Hotel” by Elvis Presley begins to play.   ELVIS (aud. only): Well, since my baby left me Well, I found a new place to dwell Well, its down at the end of the lonely street At Heartbreak Hotel Where I’ll be – where I get so lonely, baby I get so lonely I get so lonely, I could die...   HYDE: You know, I’m really starting to hate this station.   Eric rolls his eyes and throws his head back.   END.
Okay, so - before you get mad...XD
1. This re-write runs through the beginning Season 5 - we've got a long ways to go.
2. Remember that a major goal of this was to keep the Jackie/Hyde tension going through this period of the show in proportion to everything already there. It's been tough to do that without sacrificing Kelso's character development, which is there at this point in the series - he does try to change and be faithful to Jackie. But I think I've found some fun ways to work with that in Season 4 that you'll all enjoy.
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23percentalive · 4 years
I blame Ephany and the Amazon's for my gay awakening.
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