#energy healing sydney
nantahensom · 9 months
For women experiencing trauma past and present. The new goddess healing is gentle, safe, fast and brings you the Divine Feminine energy of Source healing to clear your systems of trauma. Tap into this natural source of rejuvenation today.
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awarenesshealing · 10 months
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thechembow · 2 years
Flash flood warning for millions of Australians as massive “rain bomb” explodes over the east coast
July 1, 2022 - Daily Mail
Residents in the Sydney and Illawarra regions were warned flash flooding is 'essentially guaranteed' with three months' worth of rain to fall in the next five days.
The Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) issued a severe weather alert for metropolitan Sydney, Illawarra and parts of the South Coast, Central Tablelands and Southern Tablelands on Saturday morning.
Although flooding is an unfortunate side effect of flipping the atmospheric energy, this is wonderful news for Australia during this time of great planetary healing across the globe. The American media calls them “bomb cyclones.” Australia calls them “rain bombs.” Dane Wiggington called them “chembombs.” Gotta make sure the word “bomb” is in there. They have to make sure the rain sounds as scary as the non-existent droughts. I guess we could call our work “orgo-bombing” and we have plenty of it planned for later this month.
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yannaryartside · 2 months
an analysis in Sydney, Pete, Tiffany and Stevie
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We have met the romantic interest/partners of the Berzattos, and I think the story is telling us something on why they are good to their partners, pariculary in they way they could help them heal from the toxic family dinamics they were raised on. And again, it comes all to food, Donna's food, in particular. Let me explain:
The Burden of Donna's food:
So, when you are feeding somebody, you provide care for them. Food is a metaphor for the biological need for feeding, but Donna never served bad food to her kids, she has decided to put emotion, time, and energy into preparing these meals. With food, she will prove her intentions to care for them. In preparing meals, her family will gather, and her sons and daughter will bond. But in this activity, and eating at the table, it will be the moment for Donna to punish them, to ridicule, gaslight, and hurt them. So her food is nutritious and poisonous at the same time.
So, I have noticed that in the Berzatto family, there are two types of people, the enablers/participants in keeping the family running the way it is (in the case of Carmy and Nat, they do it even when it doesn't benefit them, while everybody else benefits someway) and the other type is the non-conforming/change maker. This last category only can be applied to the inlaws: Sydney, Pete, Tiffany, and Stevie.
The Change makers/Inlaws:
Why do I call them non-cormorning? Because they are. Neither of these individuals is looking at the family dynamics in the Berzattos and says "Yeah, this is okay" Examples follow:
Sydney calling on everybody's bullshit on those first days of her working at the beef. She managed to fight the water with fire and turned everybody around.
Pete defending Carmy.
Tiffany calls Richie out for ruining the sweater she gave him, especially because Richie minimized to please Donna. She also calls them psychos.
Stevie talking about them calling him gay
None of them have a tendency to respond in an aggressive way toward conflict, if anything, they do righteously get angry and try to defend themselves but they never lower themselves to the level the aggression was made. They try to introduce kindness into the equation. The worst part, the show at times lets people describe them as "naive," "soft" and "too demanding" (Tiffany and Sydney), or shames them in other ways.
And you know what? all is symbolized in the way each reacts to Donna's food/system.
Sydney was able to take control of the kitchen without (and despite) toxic dynamics previously established. She is also trying to create a new menu with Carmy based on his mom's recipes. And the worst part? Carmy didn't co-create the menu with Sydney, he didn't let her (as far as we can see) modify the essence of Donna's recipes in the restaurant. If they had done it, maybe this food would have acquired something else for Carmy, a chance to heal the past trauma (metaphor).
Pete trying to collaborate with Christmas Dinner (bringing something new, kindness)
Tyffany not being able to eat Donna's food due to her pregnancy (she was already fed up and relieved to being far from them) which may be also a signal for her wanting to protect her baby from all that madness.
Stevie is the only one who insists on helping Donna to cook. He also is the only one who gives Nat the confort she asked for, not the one other thought she needs (Richie and Mickey for example).
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bootlegramdomneess · 10 months
The Bear Season 2 thoughts
After watching The Bear season 2 and letting things marinate, I think I’d like to share my thoughts. First, as a therapist, for me this show perfectly depicts trauma and its effects in its most raw form. It was so uncomfortable and heartbreaking to watch at times, I felt like one of the themes of this season is sacrifice. What are you willing to sacrifice to A. Discover your purpose and B. is it worth sacrificing so much for success? I saw this theme numerous times throughout the season particularly with the Star convo and from Chef Luca when Marcus asked if it is all worth it and the convo Carmy had with uncle Jimmy about the story of failure
 The Xmas episode: This was hard to watch. I had to keep pausing it. Donna is so dysregulated and disturbed. But what I really want to discus and Mikey and Carmy’s dynamic. Mikey is so troubled. He is so unwell. Mikey is Carmy’s hero, but I think Carmy doesn’t see how deeply troubled his brother is. Mikey admires Carmy so much because Carmy was brave enough to get away from the family to pursue his dreams. So heartbreaking.  SO MUCH DYSFUNCTION.
 Claire- Her character wasn’t fully developed, but I feel like maybe it was done purposefully. We are seeing her through Carmy’s eyes and Carmy doesn’t seem to really know how he feels about her, or know her.  He says he’s in love after being forced to choose a feeling, but really he’s only just connected with her. I think perhaps he is equating that feeling of enjoying being with her with love, or maybe even having sex with her with love. He latched onto Claire because she is good at comforting him. Many people who come from dysfunction struggle with this and will latch onto people who appear to be good at this.  He’s with her because he thinks, oh, this is fun and normal. He used the term seeking “FUN” but he is searching for normality without a clue as to what normal is. Even deeper, he’s searching for a true path to becoming a healthy adult.
  Carmy: I empathize with him so much.  I do see Carmy has made some progress. His insight has improved a bit as he recognizes how much trauma he has experienced and how it has manifested in his adult life.  He is trying. He is seeking to change. He has recognized the need to be less emotionally inhibited. His judgement is a little impaired though. He sort of thrives In Chaos. That’s why the alarm going off wasn’t bothering him. That’s why he created this entire scenario by getting in a serious relationship with a stranger. He is so emotionally inhibited: The excessive inhibition of spontaneous action, feeling, or communication, usually to avoid disapproval by others, feelings of shame, or losing control of one’s impulses. inhibition of Positive impulses (e.g., joy, affection, sexual excitement, play); (c) difficulty expressing vulnerability or communicating freely about one’s feelings, needs, and so forth; or (d) excessive emphasis on rationality while disregarding emotions. I think this is his main Schema. Yah boy is messed up and needs some one-on-one therapy. I can go on and on about this. There’s so much. Carmy’s actions are pretty on point for someone coming from trauma, dysfunctional parents, and alcoholic parents. He behavior breathes asshole, but really, he has a deeply wounded, lonely, angry, abandoned and abused inner child and his adult self needs some serious healing.  
 Sydney: I love how they wrote and expanded her character this season.  I love how vulnerable they showed her to be. How hard she worked to deal with the growing anxiety. I felt her loneliness when she was eating that giant sundae alone, but I also loved seeing her in her element. Her dad is an ace. She has such a grounding, funny, hardworking energy.
 Carmy and Sydney: my babies. Their dynamic is so sweet. So genuine. So raw and real. How many times has he had a panic attack and thoughts of Sydney grounded him? Like..sir. I also feel he’s trying to protect Sydney in a way, and I see this in the star conversation. Underneath his words he is saying: I had to give up so much to get this and I don’t want that for you. It’s hell. It’s fucking terrible pressure. You don’t want this, but also not saying it because maybe he doesn’t want to shatter or shit on her dreams and ambitions. The foreshadowing of the growing anxiety she’ll likely face in the next season with the receipt machine going off in her head was telling. I think this is what Carmy is warning her about. I love when she jokingly teases him. I appreciate how he notices things about her: “you like making people happy.” I like that she calls him out and communicates her needs to him. This is a slow burn. They’re so awkward. They want to hang out. I don’t think they realize they may have feelings yet or if they ever will. They are so much a like in certain aspects but so different in how they view the world because of how they were raised.
Lastly, Richie is the MVP for me this season. I have a soft spot for him.
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threadsun · 2 months
Flanon Asks: "Omg okay, biting.
TDV, DOL, your OCs, anything. I want to see biting/marking headcanons or writing!!!
I had a friend (I don’t wanna say Situationship or fwb but we have a vibe ig) who bit me on the arm the other day and hoooooly shit oh my god 😫
Maybe the bitten/biter experiences some sorta euphoria or like, ‘click’ after experiencing it for the first time?
- 🍮"
Ooooh I love biting!! I'll give a selection of who I think would be most into it >:3c
Content: biting, sadism, marking
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To Do Valley:
Abigail bites people both as a stim and because she thinks it's funny to see how they react! She'll bite anyone she likes, especially her friends and partners.
Harvey tends to bite out of a mixture of sadism and curiosity. He loves how startled people are by it since he doesn't seem the type, and he loves to watch the way bite marks develop and heal.
Sebastian and Maru both make the cutest sounds when you bite them~ They'll squeak and whimper and squirm and it's absolutely adorable, especially when they get flustered after!
Sam gets flustered if you bite him and definitely enjoys it, and he'll bite you right back! He's got kinda sharp teeth too, so he always leaves some deep marks that he admires later.
Degrees of Lewdity:
Robin and Sydney blush and make cute sounds when you bite them too! If you rile them up enough, they might bite back, though they'll be apologetic about it afterwards.
Kylar will leave you covered in bite marks to claim you and will demand that you do the same for him. Everyone needs to know that the two of you belong to each other.
Whitney bites you for fun, he likes watching you yelp and squirm! He also thinks it's hot if you get overwhelmed during sex and bite him to let out some of that pent up energy~
Black Wolf is obviously a biter. She's gentle because she knows you can't handle the full strength of her jaws, but she uses it to hold you in place and show her ownership.
Avery will bite you as a warning when you upset her. For her it's not a sexy thing, it's an anger thing, but if it turns you on then she'll definitely mentally file that away to use against you.
Izzy enjoys biting and being bitten, she gets real giggly over it. You can tell she's going to bite you because she starts giggling first. And if you bite her, you'd better be ready to fuck~
Weird Earth:
Zander is a biter, especially in golem mode but just in general. His teeth are sharp and jagged~ He'll also moan if you bite him and ask you to do it again, harder.
Glitch bites out of anger, annoyance, being overwhelmed... really any strong emotion is enough to make him sink his fangs into you. Especially if you ignore his hissing.
Lin bites for fun and curiosity. He gets bored easily, and biting always gets a fun reaction from people. He also loves to see who does and doesn't get turned on by it~
Yana enjoys startling you by biting you suddenly and for no reason. She wants to keep you on your toes. She'll definitely mock you if you get turned on when she bites you.
Gin and Aisling both have very sharp teeth and like to bite for fun. Gin's teeth are slightly jagged and she loves marking you. Aisling enjoys riling you up whenever she can~
Callum loves to bite and be bitten. It's pretty much inevitable if you're getting frisky with him. Expect to be covered in drool and bite marks whenever you start kissing him.
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mod-doodles · 9 months
Depending on how the show progresses I may change my mind but currently there seems to be a theme of manifestation, fate and destiny? This isn’t anti Claire…its a running on thought.
Claire’s insertion into Carmy’s life in the way that she appears can be considered fated just like Sydney, I don’t know if the writers room of the bear is religious/spiritual or just the show with the religious iconography being consistent and strong.
Maybe we are to consider that Claire was Carmy’s manifestation of fun and amusement.
Within modern spirituality we have the ideology that if you put certain energies into the universe you can attract/manifest your wants into a reality. In the christian religious space as shown in the ‘The Bear’ there is a similar ideology where God presents you with what you ask for or need if they/them/she/he sees fit. The presentation of that thing/want maybe because it is meant for you or its a lesson that you’re being thought. Similar sentiments to this can be seen across multiple spiritual and religious frame works but I’m a bit rusty on the topic.
They/them/she/he - *I’m point out that is God is a genderless being*
So back to Claire, Carmy at the beginning of season 2 was primed and ready for some ‘fun’, we get some foreshadowing during his conversation with Richie about purpose; Richie is looking at pictures of his lost love Tiff whose friends with Claire. By the end of the episode we see Carmy attempts to ask Syd out but fails then he goes to his empty home which is when I believe he had time to sit and ruminate about his lack of a social life. This is when that manifestation would have happened, for Carmy it probably wasn’t actively manifesting or praying but the energy of want was placed into the universe by the act of google searching.
He manifested a ‘cool fun girl’, they made her this badass ER doctor, who has a perfectly balanced life, friendships galore, a social life and she’s already loved and accepted by his community. Claire is kicking ass and taking names, literally the antithesis of everything that Carmy is (lmaoooo @ the funniest but sad part is she accepted by his people while he isn’t). He missed out on the college atmosphere with Claire he gets a version of that, he experiences having his first girlfriend and love??? well what he thinks is love and he never has to apologise. It’s a whirlwind romance and everyone whose said that she’s a ‘manic pixie dream girl/doctor is right; she sounds unreal, everyone has some demons in their closet.
In the end premature fun and amusement tends to mask your problems, the bear will eventually rear its ugly head in some capacity soon or later once it remains unaddressed. Carmy unfortunately skipped some steps as there is a lot of self work and healing to be done, which we saw as Carmy’s deferred problems returned to haunt him. Escapism is avoidance; the bear was still on his trail and it ended up biting Claire in the ass.
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voldemorts-tap-shoes · 10 months
Not sure if there’s a way to make the ultimate lost love song into an otp fic that’s NOT full of angst, but I tried y’all 😅
@cruelsummer-ficfest era #5 folklore/speak now
if one thing had been different
Hermione can’t completely explain why she’s here. Why she thinks a man she hasn’t seen or spoken to in multiple years—God, how many has it been now?—will have answers that she doesn’t have. Why she hopped on a plane yesterday morning to fly halfway around the world without the faintest idea of what she’s looking for or what she’ll say if he turns up. When he turns up. Because he will. She knows that, at least.
She’s not sure of anything in her whole fucking life right now except the fact that Ron will meet her for the sole reason that she asked him to, no explanation required.
Which is a good thing, because she doesn’t have one. About this, or anything else. It wasn’t any one thing, any huge monumental decision that led her to where she is now, but rather a series of tiny little decisions that painted her whole world a different set of colors than the one she had planned. It’s like she woke up one morning and looked around and didn’t recognize her own life and can’t quite pinpoint where things shifted.
Hell, she barely recognizes herself anymore. But if there’s one person who knows her better than anyone—better even, maybe, than she knows herself—it’s Ron. Even now. She’s sure of it.
Her heart jumps into her throat every time the little bell over the front door announces a new patron to the little coffee shop, but so far, none of them have been Ron. She hasn’t spotted anyone else she recognizes either, but that was by design. Meeting Ron somewhere in Diagon Alley would have meant a chorus of “long time no see” and “didn’t know you were in town” that she doesn’t have the energy to respond to. No, meeting him in Muggle London is the safer option.
She checks her watch for what must be the hundredth time, even though it’s still a few minutes ahead of the time she gave him. And just like that, as if summoned, the next chime of the bell announces Ron’s arrival.
Tucked into a little corner in the back, she allows herself a moment to watch him before he spots her, and her heart thunders in her chest as she drinks him in. So much for moving on. Is there ever going to be a day when he doesn’t have this effect on her? Five years apart ought to have done it, but apparently not.
She’s told herself time and time again that she’s over him, and it’s easy enough to believe all the way in Sydney. And a second chance with Ron isn’t why she came to London on this impromptu soul-searching mission, truly. Hermione just needs a friend. Someone who understands her. Her friendships in Australia all seem superficial in comparison. People there know her day-to-day: where she works, how she always gets takeout on Fridays, that she has a cat. Ron is big picture. Ron knows her, down to the very fabric of her being.
Even if she wanted to dig that grave up another time, Ron has more than moved on, too, as far as she knows. The couple of times she’s seen him since she left, he’s always been with someone, though never the same someone twice. Besides that, he’s the one who put the brakes on them in the first place. He wasn’t ready, after the war, so soon after losing his brother, and she understood that. She assumed once he was ready, he would have reached out, but he never did. At some point he must have healed enough for a relationship—just not with her.
His eyes finally lock on hers as he scans the room, and his steps pull up short. She gives him a tentative wave, and he smiles in return, though it’s not the big cheerful grin he used to give her. Ron weaves his way through the cafe to her table, hesitating a moment before he takes the seat across from her. “Hey.”
“Hi,” Hermione returns. “Thanks for meeting me. I hope I haven’t taken you away from anything important.” Or anyone.
She hears the awkwardness in her voice, but she’s not sure where to start. Small talk will have to do for now.
Ron shrugs and folds his hands on the table in front of him. “Nah. We just finished up a big case at work, so I’ve got a bit more free time at the moment.”
“Oh. Good. You still like being an Auror, then?”
He raises one eyebrow, blue eyes laser-focused on her. “Hermione.”
She feels herself coming unglued under the scrutiny, but she meets his gaze determinedly despite the tremor in her voice as she responds. “What?”
“That’s not why we’re here.” It’s not a question. It doesn’t need to be.
“No,” Hermione admits, “it’s not.”
They sit in silence for a moment before Ron speaks again. “You look…” He hesitates, searching for the right word. “Lost.”
It took him all of two minutes to cut right to the heart of how she’s feeling, summing up every doubt and insecurity swirling in her mind in a single word. Tears pool in her eyes, and Ron shifts forward in his seat.
“Fuck, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
“No, it’s not—” Hermione shakes her head and almost smiles. This is exactly why she’s here, isn’t it? Because Ron has always known how to see through the bullshit to what’s real? “You’re right.”
His eyes sweep across the empty table. “Want a coffee?”
“Please.” Hermione reaches for her purse, but Ron waves her off as he stands.
“I got it.” He hands her a tissue, and she shoots him a grateful smile. “Be right back.”
He returns a few minutes later and hands her a hazelnut coffee with just the right amount of cream—no need to ask her coffee order, either—before he sits and waits, letting her speak first this time.
She takes a few soothing sips of the drink as she collects herself. “Do you ever think…maybe there’s a single moment…that if you could change just one thing that happened in the past, your whole life might be different?”
Ron weighs her question before answering. “Not really, I guess. I mean, there’s definitely moments that make more of a difference than others, but…” He pauses to fiddle with the paper sleeve on his cup. “I don’t think you can boil your whole life down to a single moment. Seems like a lot of pressure.”
“Maybe you’re right.”
“Maybe. But if you’re thinking about it, what would you change?”
She doesn’t want to answer. Even though she’s fairly certain she can trace the alternate path of her life back to the moment she left to find her parents in Australia. Looking back, nothing feels right after that point. But that would require admitting that the real mistake was leaving Ron. Or was it? She’s not even sure anymore. He didn’t come after her, either. What did she leave behind, really?
“You don’t have to answer that.” Ron gives her a reassuring smile. “But is it something you can change? Now?”
“I’m not sure.” She could move back to England, easy enough. Her parents have made clear that they’re not coming back, which is why she stayed in Sydney, but at some point she’s got to start living life for herself. Moving back won’t erase the last seven years, though. What good would it do her now to come back? “Did you love me?”
The words slip out before she can resist the temptation to ask him. Both of Ron’s eyebrows shoot up to his hairline, but she doesn’t take the question back even though she probably should. They really had something, she thought, until they didn’t, and she’s always wondered if maybe she made more of them in her head than what they really were.
“Does that matter, after all this time?” he asks softly. “Is that why you’re here?”
“No, it’s not why, but…” But maybe it does matter. Or maybe it doesn’t. It’s not like either answer will make her feel better. “Never mind. I didn’t mean to put you on the spot like that.”
“I don’t mind. But is anything I say going to be the answer you’re looking for?”
Hermione chuckles. “I see you’ve mastered Legilimency. I was just thinking the same thing.”
She stares across at him and Ron meets her gaze without wavering. These aren’t the answers she came for, but if he’s willing to give them to her, is she really just going to leave well enough alone? Leave without the truth she so desperately needs, in whatever form it’s offered?
“Okay,” she says, the word escaping her on an exhale. “Sure. What the hell. Did you love me?”
At least if he puts words to what she’s long-suspected—that she was just a Hogwarts crush, that he hasn’t thought twice about her that way since she packed her bags and moved down under—then maybe she can stop wondering what if and put that part of her life to rest for good.
Ron’s head tips back with a laugh, but he’s serious when he looks back at her. “Yeah,” he replies simply. “Fuck, Hermione, of course I did.”
Hermione draws in a long breath, then lets it back out with a laugh of her own. “Nope, that didn’t make me feel any better.”
“So…” Ron smiles at her over his coffee cup. “New topic, then?”
They get lost in easy conversation after that, talking and laughing and catching up while the cafe clientele turns over and over around them. The bright daylight shifts to a murky evening grey, and finally to a dark night lit only by the streetlights above them as the cafe shuts down and forces them out to the sidewalk. Hermione hesitates to voice a goodbye; once she says it, she’s not sure how long it will be before their next hello.
“So, how long are you in town for?” Ron asks, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he too makes no move to leave.
“Just a couple of days. I’ve got to get back to work.” The words feel heavy in her mouth. Wrong. But until she figures out what to do next, she has a routine, and responsibilities.
Ron nods, still not moving. “Well, don’t be such a stranger, okay? Did this…did I…help?”
“You did. Thanks.”
She reaches for him then, folding herself into his open arms. It’s the first time they’ve touched all afternoon, and Hermione doesn’t want to let go.
“I hope you’re happy, Hermione,” Ron murmurs, his voice muffled into her still-too-bushy hair as he holds her tight. “And if you’re not, I hope you find whatever you’re looking for.”
She just nods against his chest, not saying what she knows now to be true. Even though she’s maybe always known it deep down. That she found what she was looking for a long time ago. That it would’ve been fun—would’ve been great—with Ron. That he should’ve been the one.
He turns his head to place a kiss on her temple, his lips searing against her skin, before he pulls away and sets her at arm’s length. “Take care of yourself.”
“You too.” She turns away before Ron can catch the tears in her eyes, but only makes it a couple of steps before her name stops her. When she turns back to Ron, he’s looking at the ground, toeing a pebble with his shoe.
“This probably isn’t what you want to hear, but…” He sighs and then presses on. “Australia. That’s your moment, I think. If that one thing had been different, then…” He doesn’t finish, but he doesn’t have to. Then everything would be different today.
She doesn’t have the words to argue; he’s right. She just needed to hear it from someone that isn’t the voice in her own head.
“If that’s my one thing…do you think it’s too late to change it now?”
It’s a loaded question, but Ron doesn’t flinch. “I’d like to think it’s never too late to start over on the things that really matter.”
His answer is just as loaded, but now she’s the one who’s not in the right headspace for this. For them. And she thinks they both know it, because neither of them have made any move to snog the other right there on the sidewalk even though she wants to, even though she sees the same desire reflected back at her in his eyes. But they can both read between the lines. It’s a start.
“Then…I guess I’ll see you soon.”
Hermione gives Ron one final smile and wave as she turns away again. He doesn’t stop her this time, but there’s a lightness, a hopefulness in her heart that wasn’t there a few hours ago.
Maybe the greatest love of all time isn’t over, after all.
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nantahensom · 8 months
Unlock your psychic potential with our Professional Aspiring Psychic Course. Develop your intuitive abilities, learn various divination methods, and master energy reading. Expert guidance, practical exercises, and Calmness are provided. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and mystical insight. Your psychic future begins from Nantah Ensom. Visit now: www.nantahensom.com.au
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awarenesshealing · 10 months
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retiredficwriter · 4 months
now that i’m back on my percy jackson brain rot, here are what i think each melrose fam’s greek godly parent would be:
sydney - athena, goddess of wisdom, reason and strategy. c’mon, you saw that coming.
adrian - dionysus, god of wine, festivity, theatre, madness. i thought putting him as a child of apollo but dionysus makes more sense for adrian (his vices, his struggle with spirit, being an unofficial theatre kid)
eddie - hestia, goddess of home and family. I think that aligns with eddie’s need to protect his friends (and plays into their little found family trope)
jill - poseidon, god of sea, storms, earthquakes and horses. she is a water-user, making her a child of the big three would be in line with her lineage being important and having people/monsters go after her. also, jill is a horse girl (affectionate) to me.
angeline - ares, god of war and violence. it matches her unhinged and chaotic energy.
trey - apollo, god of sun, archery, prophecy and healing. aligns with the warriors’ beliefs and how charming trey is.
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archivist-crow · 4 months
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On this day:
On January 1, 1927, in British Honduras, seventeen-year-old Anna Mitchell-Hedges discovered an exquisite crystal skull in the dust beneath the altar of a Mayan temple, during an expedition led by her father, F. A. Mitchell-Hedges. The find was not mentioned in expedition reports; Anna later explained that if it had been included, the skull would have gone to a museum. Instead, the skull was returned to the Mayans. On the Mitchell-Hedges' departure, the Mayans made a gift of it to them. In the 1940s, the skull was auctioned at Sotheby's by Sydney Burney, who had received it as collateral against a loan. Mitchell-Hedges bought it back to pay off the loan and to establish legal ownership.
The Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull has attracted worldwide attention. In 1970 Hewlett-Packard Laboratories examined it and discovered that the skull has light pipes, which are similar to modern fiber optics. The eye sockets are concave lenses; the interior contains a ribbon prism and a tiny light tunnel. The "crystal," actually a quartz material, holds electrical energy and oscillates at a constant and precise frequency. Incredibly, it had been carved against the natural axis of the quartz without the quartz shattering, and a lack of microscopic scratches indicates metal instruments were not used to carve it. It rests in perfect balance. The slightest breeze causes the skull to nod back and forth, and the jaw opens and closes as a counter weight, making the skull look as if it is talking. The technique that created it is impossible to duplicate today.
The skull is also reported to change color, emit odors, create sound, change temperature, and possess psychic and healing powers. It is thought to be 2,000 to 4,000 years old, and theories about who made it abound. Was it carved by the Aztecs? The Knights Templar?Extraterrestrials? An Inner-Earth society? Mitchell-Hedges himself?
Legend says thirteen such skulls exist and that when they are brought together, they will reveal ancient wisdom.
Text from: Almanac of the Infamous, the Incredible, and the Ignored by Juanita Rose Violins, published by Weiser Books, 2009
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cooki3face · 1 year
💌~ new moon solar eclipse reading: April 20,2023
“What will it bring you”
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Pile two 💌:
Affirmation: "I can trust that all things will get better for me with time & that there is always solutions.
Someone may not want this message to get to you pile two. This has deleted like so many times lol. I’m fed up but but let’s hope it works this time. I immediately channeled “How you gonna” by Sydney Renae, specially her version because I know the original is by Tyrese. If you’ve never heard the song please listen to it, it might resonate with you.
There’s something here about courage or independence coming through for you pile two or even self respect and re-establishing yourself in some way shape or form. There’s some type of change that could be taking place or has taken place already within your life at this time pile two. Something very sudden and quick or maybe even something unexpected. This all has to do with alignment though and plenty of things around you could be being moved around in your favor even though it doesn’t seem like it at the moment. Something wasn’t meant for you or your spirit guides knew it wasn’t meant for you and is simply saying that they no longer felt the need to allow this person, this situation or whatever it was to continue to be in your orbit or around you in your energy the way that it has before. Two of cups in reverse here, there’s an energy of breakups and disharmony or distrust within your relationships or connections. There’s also something coming through about self-love. You could be in a connection that was placed within your life to shake you up so you can learn what it truly meant to have self love. You could have past life karma or may even be in need of a past life regression or guided meditation.
⭐️~ there are plenty of guided past life regressions on YouTube and I would recommend that for you pile two. This may answer many questions about your life, about your experiences and about how you feel currently and what you’re going through.
You are set to learn a very large lesson within this lifetime about self love and about your self worth. There could be aspects of your life that have been very traumatic or have very violently affected your self esteem or your self concept or your idea of self worth or your ability to love yourself. And a lot of the times when we’re put on this earth to live a life there are certain circumstances and experiences that are chosen for the greater good or so that you can be able to fully ascend or grow the way you are meant to, finally, and once and for all. Even if those experiences are traumatic or aren’t beautiful or desirable or ideal.
This new moon, the month of April, have been leading up to this resolution of some type of pattern within your life rearing it’s end or flaring up to the point where it must be addressed or it just be seemed clearly and honestly. You may have a lot of self limiting beliefs, you may suffer from anxiety, you may be your own biggest critic, you may suffer from an eating disorder or an entrapment of the mind that causes you to see yourself in a way that isn’t really real. But this is a time of being open to new perspectives and for new perspectives to come to you. There’s patterns within your life, within your behaviors, within your relationships, within the relationship or connection you’re dealing with currently, within your household, etc. sooo many patterns and I think it’s now time you start to be awakened to those things and make proactive choices.
There is also a very strong possibility for manifestation at this time. Deciding what you want is a very powerful thing and people underestimate it often. By being proactive, by taking tiny steps towards putting yourself first or allowing things that are apart of your life that kept you down to not have access to you anymore you are manifesting something, manifesting a new life, manifesting healing, manifesting peace and better days. You are someone who may need to learn a lot of lessons within your life pile two, you are someone who may have had to learn things by repetition when it comes to life experiences, you may be someone who has to repeatedly go through hard things to finally have a breakthrough and make a change, and you’ve had your cycle and now it’s time to break it and move forward.
I keep hearing “you have to grow up” you may be entering adulthood or entering a part of your life that requires some maturity or some sort of proactive thinking or behavior or some type of self discipline and awareness regarding many things even things such as relationships and behaviors. There’s something coming up that I’m channeling about accountability to, you could be in the process of practicing accountability or practicing holding yourself and holding others accountable but it may be taking you some practice to truly gauge what accountability truly means. What it means to take accountability for the right things and not carry burdens or responsibility that does not belong to you, what it means to take accountability for your actions and show yourself grace and respect at the same time, etc.
Mental clarity and the truth is coming for you pile two it’s very violently and clearly on its way lol. You have to find authority within yourself. There’s something here about being a leader or taking the initiative or taking responsibility or being the person within your life to break generational curses, to break through barriers or to make conscious decisions and choices to live better and do better. For a long time you may have considering yourself to be someone who sort of goes with the grain, goes the way that other people wants to them to go, or someone who tries not to rock the boat or cause disturbances for fear of rejection, being mistreated or rejected, etc. but it’s time for you to really shake shit up, it’s time for you to be the leader, it’s time for you to be the advocate and to move to the best of your own drum.
You may even feel the urge to really take over and move things around the way you like them and do as you need to do for yourself but there is many distractions and delays within your life right now. And there’s a large need to cut them out. If there is a lack of direction I encourage you to find some and you may do that by cutting out things within your life that bring confusion, bring lack of direction, bring uncertainty, bring frustration or bring upon you emotions that don’t serve you or cause you to feel stagnant, depressed or stuck. Sit with yourself for a moment and find some inner clarity or be open and honest about the people and the situations in your life, this is a good moment to hold people around you accountable for their actions and to act upon it as well. There is no need to keep around people or keep around things that cause you distress, cause you pain or are not kind or good to you within your life. It feels as though there is a reason but those are really just excuses and that is the truth. Things will improve for you if you welcome change and welcome the idea of accepting people and situations for their actions/circumstances , for who/what they are, and even for their “mistakes”/ or for their unfortunate events and identifying that you no longer would like to put up for those things.
Someone apart of your spirit team is asking “why don’t you care about yourself more?” And that is a good question. There’s something here about giving and receiving and one sided situations or connections. A lack of boundaries or understanding. Situations that aren’t serving you that you’re in denial about… I’m hearing that you’ll miss out on opportunities or the chance to have a good life or live a better life if you continue to make the decisions your making or a lack thereof. Or if you continue to move in the direction that you’re moving in at this time. There is still this big emphasis on “you need to grow up.” Coming from your spirit team and it is not in a negative or harmful way but really truthfully saying that you need to learn to make good choices and be the energy that you’d like to receive or see in life and start making decisions about people and situations in your life. Accountability is coming up again. You may not be holding yourself accountable for your part in your own misfortune, in your own hurt feelings or your own pain. Repetition is coming up again, someone or something has revealed itself to you as it is repeatedly and you’ve not fully listened or have not listened at all or refuse to make the choice to really be done and over with it and move forward because it makes you uncomfortable to a certain extent but discomfort is necessary.
I hear, “I’m tired of watching you hurt.” To. You need to start trusting your intuition, you need to start stepping into your divine feminine energy and putting yourself first and practicing being in the energy of receiving good things and not allowing bad things to continue to play around in your energy. The subconscious mind is very significant and a past life regression may truly be something you need or something that will set forth a good amount of change within you.
You’ve dealt with a lot of betrayal and deception in the past from the people around you. Maybe even from the people closest to you, family, lovers and friends and it’s about time you stop letting people get away with these things and continue to be in your life after doing them. You could try to see the best in everyone or try to give people chances or the opportunity to change but sometimes even change isn’t enough to excuse those things. Nor does change mean that those people deserve to be in your life again, you may have to learn lessons about leaving people where they are indefinitely and that may be very hard for you.
You may need to stop being so forgiving here pile two. You need to find some balance and some moderation in your need to see the good in others or allow people space for change. There is a possibility to respect people or respect the possibility of change within someone and wish them growth and peace from a distance without ever involving yourself with them again. You need to understand that you can forgive someone without forgetting what they’ve done and continuing to give them access to you so you can let things go when it’s time instead of holding onto them pile two. You’re being unfair to yourself, you’re not holding people accountable especially the people who cause you the most pain, you’re being dishonest with yourself and probably being dishonest with others about where you stand and how you feel about their choices and actions. And you may be heart broken for a while having to move away or distance yourself from situations and people who’ve played these parts within your life but you will heal. That is what we all are sent down to live the human experience and do.
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heardchef · 2 years
Hi! I had wanted to ask: how do you think it will go when Carmy inevitably finds out he made the best meal Sydney ever had? 👀 I feel like the writers had her say that, and in the way she did, for a reason. And I think it’s just another one of the parallels and weird unspoken connection between their characters even though neither of them are aware of it.
oo, i'm not entirely sure!
i think he'd feel absolutely honored but also validated, like all of the energy and effort he's put into his career, his life, is being seen in a meaningful way—possibly for the first time outside of carmy's cherished moments with mikey. food is a huge point of connection between characters in the show, especially for syd and carmy, but that connection isn't always reciprocated.
their connection to food, to each other, is partially influenced by the worst aspects of their pasts, but i think carmy being aware that he made the best meal syd ever had would continue to break down the remaining barriers they have with each other. it wouldn't be about ego. it'd be about that simple but purehearted desire to make people feel good with food.
i don't know, i think it could be very healing. it just depends on the circumstances that lead us to the conversation and who's the one telling carmy. i want it to be a nice moment but it could just as easily get fucked up 😭
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