magicalaugirl · 1 year
To everyone being told their unbearable menstrual pain is normal
Today is endometriosis visibility day
To everyone being denied medication for menstrual pain when needed
Today is endometriosis visibility day
To everyone being accused of exaggerating when describing menstrual pain
Today is endometriosis visibility day
To everyone that had to go through outrageous numbers of ginecologists before being given a diagnosis
Today is endometriosis visibility day
To everyone that only found out they had endometriosis because they were trying for pregnancy and were infertile
Today is endometriosis visibility day
To all the scientist advocating and being denied funding for the study of endometriosis and women’s menstrual rights
Today is endometriosis visibility day
To every single person that up to this date have to take contraceptive pills because there is no treatment for endometriosis
Today is endometriosis visibility day
To everyone being denied medical leave by their jobs despite not being able to get themselves to work due to menstrual cramps
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bpod-bpod · 2 months
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Space to Grow
A hormone-responsive lab-grown model (organoid) of endometrial tissue [womb lining] provides potential for investigating processes involved in pregnancy, such as implantation and foeto-maternal interactions
Read the published research article here
Image from work by Shun Shibata and Shun Endo, and colleagues
Department of Informative Genetics, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Science Advances, February 2024
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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lydlove7 · 2 years
Hi everyone! My sister is looking to create a sustainable life for herself as a person with a chronic illness. To lower her monthly costs and widen her scope of places to live (she spends 95% of her time at home to take care of herself), she's wants to live in an RV! Please check out the link for more info and consider donating to a worthy cause!!!❤️ 👍🏾🚙🏡
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mamahoe · 2 years
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Hi friends, my sister has been suffering with endometriosis for 5 years and has been having to make endless trips to the hospital, endless medical bills, and has constant day to day suffering to her organs being covered in cysts. She is fighting hard with stage 4 endometriosis and looking to hopefully have a surgery that will hopefully get rid of some of her pain. Anything you can give will really help her and hopefully improve her state of life. Thank you in advance!
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prashanthfertility · 3 days
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The thickness of the endometrium is critical during pregnancy because it allows the embryo to implant and receive the nutrition it requires. https://zurl.co/RVoS
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random-bookquotes · 22 days
We used to believe the endometrium didn’t have nerve endings, so the actual sampling from the lining shouldn’t be painful, but some people find this part excruciating, while others, like me, experience a brief cramp. It turns out that some people have more nerve endings in their endometrium than others, and hence are more likely to find the biopsy painful. People with conditions that cause pain, such as endometriosis and adenomyosis, are more likely to have more nerve fibers and experience pain with biopsy. People who have pain with sex or pelvic pain might also feel more pain during these procedures.
Jen Gunter, Blood: The Science, Medicine, and Mythology of Menstruation
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Unlocking the Secrets of Endometrium: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions
Introduction: Welcome to the Art Fertility Clinic blog! Today, we're delving into the intriguing world of the endometrium – a vital component of a woman's reproductive health. Whether you're curious about the causes, concerned about symptoms, or seeking effective solutions, we've got you covered. Join us as we unveil the secrets of the endometrium and explore how Art Fertility Clinic can guide you towards optimal reproductive wellness.
The Enigmatic Endometrium: What You Need to Know: The endometrium, often referred to as the uterine lining, plays a crucial role in a woman's fertility journey. This intricate tissue undergoes dynamic changes throughout the menstrual cycle, preparing the womb for potential pregnancy. Understanding the endometrium's inner workings can provide insights into your reproductive health.
Unveiling the Causes: From hormonal imbalances to lifestyle factors, there are numerous causes that can impact the health of your endometrium. Hormonal fluctuations, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and even stress can influence the thickness and receptivity of the endometrial lining. By identifying these causes, Art Fertility Clinic can tailor solutions to address your specific needs.
Decoding the Symptoms: Irregular menstrual cycles, heavy or light periods, and even difficulty conceiving can be signs that your endometrium requires attention. Understanding these symptoms can empower you to take proactive steps towards seeking professional guidance. Remember, knowledge is the first step towards finding solutions.
Empowering Solutions at Art Fertility Clinic: At Art Fertility Clinic, we're dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of the endometrium and guiding you towards comprehensive solutions. Our team of experienced specialists combines cutting-edge medical advancements with personalized care to address your unique needs. Whether it's hormone therapy, lifestyle adjustments, or assisted reproductive techniques, our goal is to optimize your reproductive health journey.
A Multidimensional Approach to Treatment: No two individuals are alike, and that's why our approach at Art Fertility Clinic is tailored to your specific situation. We understand that addressing endometrial issues requires a multidimensional strategy. From diagnostic assessments to customized treatment plans, we're committed to helping you achieve the best possible outcomes.
Embarking on Your Reproductive Wellness Journey: The journey towards unlocking the secrets of the endometrium begins with a single step. Whether you're seeking answers to underlying causes, relief from troublesome symptoms, or a comprehensive fertility plan, Art Fertility Clinic is your partner in this journey. Your dreams of starting or expanding your family are within reach, and we're here to guide you every step of the way.
Conclusion: The endometrium is a fascinating piece of the fertility puzzle, and understanding its intricacies is key to achieving reproductive wellness. By exploring the causes, symptoms, and solutions associated with the endometrium, you're taking a proactive approach to your overall reproductive health. Art Fertility Clinic stands ready to support and empower you as you navigate this exciting journey. Remember, your dreams are our priority, and together, we can unlock the secrets of the endometrium for a brighter fertility future.
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deinheilpraktiker · 1 year
Mehr Babys, geringeres Risiko für Gebärmutterschleimhautkrebs Während viele hochindustrialisierte und entwickelte Länder aufgrund eines raschen Rückgangs der Zahl der jedes Jahr geborenen Babys von sinkenden oder negativen Bevölkerungswachstumsraten berichten, verstärkt ein neuer Bericht die Beweise dafür, dass das Tragen eines Babys eine schützende Wirkung auf das Endometrium hat Gebärmutterschleimhaut, wodurch das Risiko für Gebärmutterschleimhautkrebs verringert wird. Diese Ergebnisse wurden in der Zeitschrift veröffentlicht BMC-Medizi... #Abbruch #Androgen #Ausbildung #Baby #Body_Mass_Index #Einzelnukleotid_Polymorphismen #Endometrium #Endometriumkarzinom #Fasten #Fehlgeburt #fett #Forschung #Geburt #Geburtenkontrolle #Genetisch #Genom #Hormon #Hormonersatztherapie #Insulin #Krebs #Medizin #Menopause #Mutterleib #Nukleotid #Östrogen #Ovulation #Progesteron #Progestin #Schwangerschaft #Testosteron #UK_Biobank #Verhütungsmittel
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pickasblog1 · 2 years
What You Need to Know About Endometrium
What You Need to Know About Endometrium
A woman’s body is as complex as it is sensitive, but fascinating. Let’s talk about one of the parts of the women’s reproductive organs, their function, and the conditions that can affect it.  The endometrium is the inner lining of the uterus, also called the womb (the hollow, pear-shaped organ in a woman’s pelvis that houses the fetus and supports its growth and development throughout the…
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ihrindia · 2 years
Endometrial Preparation for Embryo Transfer
Dr. Preeti Moond Fellow Infertility Specialist Institute of Human Reproduction
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Endometrium is the inner dynamic lining of the uterus (womb) where a baby develops. Each month under the influence of hormones like Estrogen and Progesterone, the endometrium prepares itself for the implantation of an embryo.
How to prepare endometrium for Embryo transfer?
Endometrial preparation is just like preparing fertile soil for the sowing of good quality seeds. This is usually done in cases of oocyte donation, embryo donation and frozen embryo transfer (FET) cases. The thickness of the uterine (endometrial) lining is a useful predictor of implantation of embryo and pregnancy success. A thin endometrium can interfere with the process of implantation and it may be a rate-limiting factor for successful IVF. You can know more about the success rate of IVF in the linked article
What is the recommended endometrial lining thickness for Embryo Transfer?
For successful implantation of an embryo endometrial lining should have:
Thickness of at least 7mm (though successful pregnancy and delivery with as low as 4mm is also reported)
Multilayered ( triple line ) pattern Thickness and pattern of the endometrium is assessed by doing TVS (Transvaginal Sonography). Read more about Ultrasound and TVS here
Good endometrial blood flow for proper oxygenation (assessed by looking at the blood flow in the blood vessels supplying the uterus i.e uterine artery Doppler).
Endometrial volume (assessed by 3D vaginal sonography (TVS))
Activation and inactivation of genes, assessed by ERA. Click the linked article to know more about Endometrial Receptivity Assay (ERA)
What is the best method to prepare endometrium for embryo transfer?
There are multiple ways by which endometrial lining can be prepared. In normal ovulating women ovaries can be stimulated to use the natural hormones produced in the ovary i.e Stimulated Cycle Endometrial preparation.
In some women with decreased ovarian reserve, when aged more than 35 years, endometrial preparation is carried out by giving estrogen hormone starting from the day2 / day3 of menstruation after doing the baseline TVS (vaginal ultrasound). Estrogen is usually given in oral and/or topical (application on the skin) form approximately around the 9th day from the start of treatment TVS (vaginal ultrasound) and blood estrogen level is measured. If the thickness is lower than expected (Thin Endometrium) or blood estrogen level is less, the possibility of increasing the dose of estrogen and addition of some other supplements like sildenafil, ecosprin, G-CSF injection is assessed and vaginal ultrasound is repeated in 3-4 days. If the endometrial lining is not improving, the cause of thin endometrium is looked for.
Some of the causes of thin endometrium can be:
Deficiency of the estrogen hormone
Poor blood flow to the uterus
Damage to the endometrium from previous surgery causing adhesions (uterine synechiae)
Lack of physical activity (sedentary lifestyle) etc.
Once the endometrial lining is ready, progesterone hormone is given for 4, 5 or 6 days depending upon the stage of the embryo, to match the “Window of Implantation” for timely attachment of the embryo to the uterus. At last, Embryo transfer is done under USG guidance on the scheduled date.
To Consult with our Infertility and IVF Experts please visit our website:
Click here 👉 Best IVF centre in Guwahati
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bpod-bpod · 4 months
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Early Influence
Greater understanding of the molecular regulation of DNA passed in extracellular vesicles from the mother's endometrium [womb lining] to the implanting embryo influences the embryo's metabolic rate and bioenergetics
Read the original research article here
Image adapted from work by David Bolumar and Javier Moncayo-Arlandi, and colleagues
Ingenomix Foundation and Carlos Simon Foundation, INCLIVA Health Research Institute, Valencia, Spain
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in eLife, December 2023
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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wetslug · 1 month
i need a raise straight up i found a very macerated embryo in a sack of soft squishy tissue bc i saw a 1mm long finger 👍now mum can bury if she wants :^)
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
Not to medicalize or religiousize my transgenderism or anything, but I'm convinced that the proof that God did not intend me to be female is the absurd fucking rock-and-a-hard place they stuck me in reguarding uterine health and estrogen processing. I don't believe that the divine have any plans for us other than to live with the conditions we were given but there's no fucking way what's going on right now isn't some sort of cosmic oopsie
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doctorwormcore · 4 months
not me being like 2 days after my period.......and immediately having two hs boils show up on my tit. bOOOOOO
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The moment your period comes and everything makes sense
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kindaeccentric · 5 months
I'll be like 'lemme watch crimes of the future before my surgery I feel like that's adequate'
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