#emma has had to be convinced/forced into every single kiss she's ever had with hook before they got into a relationship
wickedheadache · 1 year
OUAT sucks so much at writing romances that the only "straight woman" that seems to be actually attracted to men is Snow. Literally everyone else's attraction is just compulsive heterosexuality, they kiss a man and I just. can't believe them.
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hopeduckling13 · 5 years
A Wish Come True: Chapter 18
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Summary:  How quickly can your mood change from pure happiness to pure horror? In a millisecond.The day Killian and Emma found out they were true love, they were ecstatic. That is until, they were forced to say goodbye to each other. For forever. Or so they thought.Can they still manage to find their true love for each other after five years of seperation or is it too late?
Fandom: Once Upon A Time
Ship: Captain Swan
Rating: M
Setting: 5 years after 5x20 Firebird
Also on AO3, FF.net and Wattpad
Catch up on Tumblr: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9] [Chapter 10] [Chapter 11] [Chapter 12] [Chapter 13] [Chapter 14] [Chapter 15] [Chapter 16] [Chapter 17]
Reblog to be tagged in future chapters: @mcakers
~~~ EMMA’S POV ~~~
He got here yesterday, and I didn’t even know. He obviously didn’t even want me to know. Otherwise, he would’ve visited me, right? 
It just doesn’t make sense. Why wouldn’t Killian want to see me? He loves me, I know that without a doubt. He told me many times and I can feel it 24/7. He wouldn’t lie to me - especially not about loving me. He can’t fake his feelings for me. They just run too deep.
Not that he could lie to be about this since we’re true love. It was confirmed by that door in the Underworld.
The only reasonable explanation for everything is, that he saw me with Carter. But where? Please tell me it was only the Sheriff’s station. And not anytime in my home. I don’t remember much from last night due to quite some amount of wine. Alcohol mixed with my depressing thoughts yesterday isn’t a good combination, so whatever happened, it can’t be good. 
All I can hope is, that Killian didn’t come anywhere near our house.
I don’t wish that on him. I already hate, that he had to see Carter calling me disgusting pet names and kissing my cheek. And just in general the fact, that he knows I’ve been dating Carter for the past few years.
I hurt him enough, so I want to spare him any extra pain.
I never should’ve tried to make my mother happy. Now all of this is coming back and messing with my relationship. 
And the worse thing is, that my mother still seems to think, that Carter is what’s best for me. She’s messing with Killian’s head and his heart. I seriously need to pay her a visit and set her mind straight! She can’t just act like Killian being back is a bad thing. How crappy is that? Wishing your daughter’s boyfriend dead? Or even just wanting any good person to be dead!
I need to get her to stop talking like that before she gets her wish and breaks us up!
She’s causing enough trouble already. I can’t let it go on any longer. We’re going to have a nice little chat. As soon as I fixed this problem she caused.
Killian isn’t even back for a whole day, and we’re already fighting. That never used to be us. Well, except the Dark Ones phase, but I don’t count that. That wasn’t either of our fault. It was the darkness.
I just can’t take this anymore. Fighting with Killian is the last thing I want. It’s exhausting. It breaks me. I have to fix this.
I can’t lose him. I’d never forgive myself, if he’d walk out our door today. I just got him back.
I look up at Killian. He’s facing me with sad eyes.
“You’ve been here since yesterday? Why didn’t you tell me? Where were you?” My voice is still weak from the crying. I’m sure these won’t be the last tears for today, either. But this has to be done now. I can’t let fear control me.
I’m the Savior after all. I fought a dragon and countless other villains. I can do this!
I scoot closer to Killian again, needing his warmth to get me through this conversation.
He sighs and takes a deep breath.
“I got back yesterday evening. I went to the Sheriff’s station to check up on you, but Carter arrived a moment before me. I followed him. At first, I still had every intention to walk inside, but he gave you those flowers and hugged you. You looked so happy. I didn’t want to take that away from you. I didn’t want to complicate your life, so I went back to my ship.” He tells me, looking at me completely broken. His eyes search mine for forgiveness.
I caress his cheek with my hand in order to comfort him. Also, to tell him, that everything will be alright - that we will be alright.
Luckily he only visited the station. Good.
That is until I realise something else is off.
If Killian thought I was so happy, why did he come to my house this morning? Did he for a second accept, that I don’t have any feelings for Carter?
“And this morning you just suddenly changed your mind about wanting to see me? Not that I’m complaining, it’s just weird.” I ask.
He takes my hand and looks down at it. Squeezing it as if he’s trying to get strength from it. What the hell happened?
It can’t be that bad, can it?
“Actually, no. I didn’t. I’m sorry, Swan, but I intended to leave town. I saw you moved on and I didn’t want to reopen old wounds, so I thought it was for the best.”
My hand slips from his face. The tears spill once again.
Everyone always left me. First my parents put me through a magical wardrobe. Every single foster family I ever had threw me out like trash. Neal let me go to prison like I never meant anything to him. I probably never did.
I found my parents again, but it was too late. They just replaced me with my brother. At least that’s what it felt like ever since mom revealed her darkest secret. If it wasn’t for that, it’d be normal to have a little sibling.
Graham died and left me with that. 
Walsh turned out to be a fucking flying monkey. On top of that, he tried to kill me.
Even Henry sort of left me by starting to favour Regina more and more.
No one ever stayed with me. I was never enough for anyone.
I always believed, that Killian was the rare exception. But now he intended to leave me, too. 
That’s why he keeps acting like I’m in love with Carter, doesn’t he? He still wants to leave. He realized, that he’s better off without me. 
I really am still that lost little girl, who doesn’t matter. Apparently, I have some big issues.
I can’t even manage to get my true love to love me forever.
Am I really that unlovable? Am I just that unfixable?
I’m sobbing hard, and suddenly Killian’s arms are snugly around me. He holds me in his arms, hand in my hair and kisses my cheek repeatedly. I want to push him away. I want to be angry with him, but I just can’t. Not physically and not emotionally.
Killian is my anchor. He’s the one person, that can always comfort me. He saved me in more ways than one, even though I’m supposed to be the Savior. I just can’t let go of him.
Hell, I spent five years grieving him and it didn’t get better for even a percent. People always say that time heals, but I never recovered a bit from losing Killian. 
He pulls away from me a little, keeping me close with his hooked arm. He looks at me with sadness. There are tears in his eyes, too. He puts his hand on my cheek and starts to talk, kissing every inch of my face, except my lips, between words.
“I’m sorry, Swan. I’m so sorry. But please understand, that none of this is your fault. I didn’t want to leave – not ever. You’re the only thing in my life, that makes sense to me. Of course, I didn’t want to lose you. I just thought you loved him. I see now, that that was wrong. I was wrong.”
I lie my head back on his shoulder.
I continue sobbing into Killian’s chest, but the sobs begin to fade, eventually. His arms always have that effect on me.
He’s great at comforting me, but that doesn’t mean I forgive him. 
I pull away and see that Killian still has tears in his eyes, too. So, I didn’t imagine them earlier. Besides that, his whole gaze just screams fear. He thinks this might break us, doesn’t he? Well, I won’t let that happen.
“Yes, you were wrong.” I say, my tone cold as ice. “You let jealousy get the best of you. Why would you do that, Killian? We’ve been confirmed true love! So, why would I want to be with anyone but you? How could you think, that anyone could compare to you even in the slightest?” 
“I’m sorry, love. I never should’ve doubted you and I promise, that from now on, I’ll trust you completely.” Killian takes my hand carefully. I let him and interlace our fingers. “And I won’t ever even consider leaving again. Luckily, your lad talked some sense into me before I did something, I’d regret.”
I raise my head in confusion. “Wait. What did you just say?”
“Henry came by this morning to check on my ship. He saw me and well, convinced my that I should stay here. If it wasn’t for your lad, I’d probably be far away by now.” He looks down again, obviously embarrassed and sad at the same time.
I’m still mad at him, maybe even more because he really would have left this morning. He doesn’t seem to make this up. 
But I put that aside for now, and give his hand a squeeze. My hand touches his cheek softly. He automatically leans into my touch. It’s still like second nature to us. It’s like the last five years never happened. Maybe that’s what true love is all about.
“I’m glad you didn’t leave.” I smile at him. His eyes meet mine. They’re still filled with sadness. He seems to be as angry with himself as I am deep down. He’s beating himself up about this.
Good. Regret means, that he won’t do it again. It means that he really is the person, that I’ve missed for five years. The person I love.
I know now more than ever, that we’ll get through this.
I peck his lips. Then, I lean my forehead on his and whisper. “We’ll be alright.”
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Magnus/Alec fandom favorites - The full list of nominated fics!
Thank you to everyone who submitted the fics for our poll! We’re excited to present the full list of nominated works.
The list is in order of author pseud from A - Z. Have fun reading! 
Breakfast by Accal1a (Explicit | 1/1 | 2,765)
Alec thought it was very sweet that Magnus made them both breakfast and loved the new dining room table, only to find out that his boyfriend had an ulterior motive all along… 
The Club by Accal1a (Explicit | 1/1 | 5,985)
Magnus has a membership to a very special club, which Alec can't stop thinking about. So, one evening, he gets up the courage to mention it...
A Spanish Revolution by Accal1a (Explicit | 50/50 | 130,740)
Lorenzo Rey breezes back into town wanting to help Magnus Bane with a new revolution, after Magnus' failed attempt with the Seelies. What he wasn't prepared for was a contrite Magnus who wanted nothing to do with him. He decides to convince him, using Magnus' love against him. Can Magnus keep everyone he loves safe while still trying to convince Lorenzo this is a bad idea? Can love win out when the chips all fall after the battle is over?
Far From Gone by Agnes Joseph (Explicit | 7/7 | 124.596)
When the Soul Sword is threatening all of the Downworld again, Magnus’ solution comes with a price. A price Alec finds too high to pay.
Call You Home by Airuna (PG13 | 7/7 |  62,247)
Alec Lightwood was pretty content with his life, he had a successful job leading a law firm with one of his best friends, a great relationship with his siblings and a perfectly acceptable apartment. He really wasn’t looking for anything more but when he finds a little girl waiting all alone in a coffee shop his life will change irremediably and maybe that’s not such a bad thing after all. Or,The one in which Alec makes up with his mother, gets a boyfriend and adopts a little girl. Just not necessarily in that order.
i get to love you by alineppenhallow (PG13 | 1/1 | 1,378)
I get to love you, it’s the best thing that I’ll ever do.
Magnus thinks back on past holidays now that Ragnor is gone, luckily Alec makes an unexpected visit to draw him out of his sadness…
nocturne by alineppenhallow (PG13 | 1/1 | 2,310)
“Stay for just one more drink…and then decide.”
Music to my Ears by Alistoney (PG13 | 1/1 | 10,913)
“Emma,” Alec says startled, but he’s smiling, “do you need something?”
Emma grins as she looks between Magnus and Alec and her eyes turn mischievous.
“I did come to ask whether you’d found out about the all-state audition music, but I can see that you’re quite busy so I’ll come back another time.” She winks and turns to Ty and indicates that they’re leaving.
Or the one where band teacher Alec and drama teacher Magnus have a special connection and their students make it their goal to get them together.
Don’t You Wanna Stay by AlxSteele (Mature | 2/2 | 38,014)
Alec Lightwood and Magnus Bane have hated each other since the moment they met, both working at a small coffee shop. Five years later, the hate is still going strong as they blame each other for the fact that they were fired from the coffee shop five years before. But, will all that change when they end up hooking up after a bad day? And…keep doing that. They do still hate each other… Don’t they?
Hate and love. Sex and feelings. Things are getting a little… Complicated.
Paparazzi by AlxSteele (Not Rated | 31/31 | 219,060)
Magnus Bane is a pop star best known for his break up songs and wicked dance sequences. Alec Lightwood is an actor best known for being the object of Magnus’ songs.
When Alec’s new tv show gets picked up, a series of events throws Magnus back into his life, bringing up a mess of memories and confusion. Forced to spend more and more time together, will they ever figure their feelings out?
Plus One by AlxSteele (PG13 | 3/3 | 75,206)
When Alec’s invite arrives for his brother’s wedding, he allows his best friend Magnus Bane to convince him to check “plus one”, insisting he’ll find a date by then. Only, he doesn’t. Clearly, the only thing to do is bring Magnus to the wedding as his fake boyfriend. Nothing could possibly go wrong.
Strange Love by Arandomfan91 (Mature | 17/17 | 46,632)
Alec is in love with Magnus. Magnus needs Alec to be his fake boyfriend. What could possibly go wrong?
The Language of Flowers by Astudyinfic (PG13 | 8/8 | 19,099)
Following the loss of his brother, florist Alec Lightwood wants to do something to remember him by. Enter tattoo artist Magnus Bane who brings beauty and love into his life. What starts as a one-time thing blooms into an expression of love for all the important people in Alec’s life.
To Fly is to Risk Falling by Astudyinfic (Explicit | 8/8 | 25,923)
Thrown out by his parents and forbidden from seeing his siblings, when Alec's grandfather Andrew passes, he loses the only family he has left. One night Alec receives a mysterious package in the mail, his birthright from Andrew whose death left Alec alone in the world. Inside, he discovers his family secret: the firstborn Lightwood of every other generation has wings.
With the knowledge of how to unlock his wings, Alec takes to the skies over New York every night, as a way to escape the sadness of his life. One night, he sees a man far too drunk to be standing that close to a railing and catches him just in time.
So starts a tentative relationship between the 'broken' Magnus Bane and his guardian angel who appears on his penthouse balcony every night. Together the two start to heal on their own and as a pair.
Universally Acknowledged by Astudyinfic (Explicit | 26/26 | 70,168)
Alec Lightwood knows what he wants. He also knows he can't have it. So he focuses on making his sure his siblings are happy, despite all the challenges thrown at him by family, society, and his own mind. But when his sister falls for the new owner of DuMort Park and Alec is required to be her chaperone, he wonders if he might be able to have what he wants after all with Mr. Lewis' flamboyant and beautiful brother. A self-made man named Magnus Bane.
I Think I'm Falling For You by Baneofbrooklyn (PG13 | 1/1 | 4,333)
" 'Do you think you could ever fall in love with me?' Alec asked, his hands stilled on Magnus’ side, and he dropped their hands, laced together still, against his own chest on top of his heart.
Magnus didn't reply. He wanted to tell Alec he already had fallen for him.
Instead he tried to convey those feelings through a tone, and he uttered softly, 'It would be an honor to fall in love with you, Alexander Lightwood.' "
Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood discuss what it's like to be in love, and Alec confesses that he never loved Jace.
Good Our Whole Lives by Beatperfume (Explicit | 9/9 | 34,833)
They say that prostitution is the world’s oldest profession, and it’s just as true for the Downworld as the mundane one.
But this is the first time Magnus has ever heard of a nephilim hustling his crowd.
Per Aspera by Beatperfume (Mature | 1/1 | 16,366)
Captain Alec Lightwood goes to Atlantis, fights Wraith, gets soul bonded, gets kidnapped, gets sex pollened, blows stuff up, and falls in love. Mostly in that order.
A Stargate Atlantis AU.
Owe you a mistake by BookAdictArchiver (PG | 16/16 | 44,114)
Magnus Bane is a TV heart-throb who doesn't want a bodyguard, this wasn't what Alec was thinking when he signed up to be one either. But Alec needs the job, so he's gotta suck it up and work for a man who may look like an angel, but if more than difficult to please. And Magnus needs his producer off his back. After all, its not like they are gonna be spending most their time together. 
Inimitable by Bumblebeesknees (Explicit | 1/1 | 13,515)
Stuck in London in 1882 without Magnus’ magic, the way back to New York in the 21st century requires securing a charmed amulet from the Magnus who lives in that time. Thankfully, Alec has a proven track record of being the kind of man Magnus wants. This is both good and bad news. -
“It’s the only way,” says Magnus, grim. “And it’ll work. We already know that just one look is all it’ll take for him to go for you."
lionheart by Bumblebeesknees (Explicit | 1/1 | 8,350)
Magnus’ bed hasn’t felt like his own without Alec in it. His body hasn’t felt the same without Alec’s warmth pressed up against it. From the second Alec takes his hand, Magnus doesn’t waste any time fixing either of those things. [Coda to 2x20] -
When Magnus asks, “Do you want to get out of here?” it really, truly isn’t his intention to imply anything. He doesn’t even know what he expects. To finally pull Alec back into the loft, maybe. Sit on the sofa, conjure up another drink. Maybe rest his hand on the steady, reassuring beat of Alec’s heart and lean in to kiss his waiting lips.
Midas by Bumblebeesknees (PG | 1/1 | 4,930)
Magnus gets tangled up in a spell that has everything he touches, living or not, turn to gold. Thankfully, the key to breaking any fairy curse is true love’s kiss. Alec would be the simple solution to this dilemma – except that despite his best efforts he and Magnus are still not together, an uncrossable line drawn on the sand between them. -
“Is anything different for you now?” Alec asks quietly. “If I tell you again that I’m sorry, if I ask you again to give us a shot, that I really think we can make it work – will that make a difference?”
Permanent Resident by Bumblebeesnees (Explicit | 1/1 | 15,015)
Alec is Persephone and just wants to spend a weekend with his boyfriend in peace. Only issue: Magnus is Hades, and visiting him means taking a trip to the land of the dead. Magnus is understandably wary, but Alec’s not deterred – all they have to do is make sure Alec doesn’t eat anything from down there and everything will be fine.
Also starring Jace as a traumatized Hermes, Maryse as a furious Demeter, and Izzy, Clary, and Maia as the Fate Sisters reeled in to help with an unprecedented dilemma. -
“I think I would remember if I had–” And then the words catch in Alec’s throat as a single, terrible thought occurs to him. He slowly turns to look at Magnus, whose face has gone deathly pale from the same realization. Against his will, his gaze drops to Magnus’ crotch. Alec – Alec definitely had something in his mouth while he’s been down here.
Reconstruction by Bumblebeesknees (Explicit | 3/3 | 80,115)
It takes months for Valentine to find the Mirror, and longer still to defeat him. Afterward, Alec has another first that he shares with Magnus: the strange and tentative transition from being not together to back together.
He’s not handling it as well as he’d like.
State of Grace by Bumblebeesknees (Mature | 1/1 | 21,620)
It’s Rafael’s wedding day, which makes for a somewhat hectic morning for the Lightwood-Banes. Things are pretty close to perfect though – if only Magnus could stop teasing Alec about the most embarrassing incident of his life that took place in this very same hall at the Institute over twenty-five years ago. -
Alec says, "Raf called in a panic this morning and there's a slight situation with the wedding.”
Magnus is instantly on alert.
“Of course there is,” says Max, eyes moving heavenward. “Typical.”
“Excuse me, no, not typical,” says Magnus. “I planned this wedding, and things don't go wrong when I plan weddings.”
The Chariot by Bumblebeesknees (PG13 | 1/1 | 15,025)
Every so often, Magnus breaks out his tarot cards and does a reading for Alec. A series of codas set after 1x06, 2x07, 2x15, and 2x20 (and one more in an undetermined future). - “Tarot cards,” says Alec, unimpressed. He frowns at the worn, faded deck that Magnus places on the table. “Do you really believe this stuff? That it can tell your future?” “This craft is less about divining the future and more about... getting perspective on the present,” corrects Magnus. “Would it really be too much trouble to indulge your newest – and by my guess, only – warlock friend in a harmless hobby?”
Traveler by Bumblebeesknees (PG13 | 1/1 | 15,880)
Alec’s not sure how to process that Max, his five-month old baby, is apparently a dimension hopping private investigator 140 years in the future. Magnus has a much easier time dealing with it. -
“Sorry,” says Max, blinking rapidly. He doesn’t look away from Alec. He looks – Alec doesn’t know how to describe the expression on Max’s face. “It’s just... it’s been a long time since I saw you, Dad.”
Waiting Game by Bumblebeesknees (PG | 1/1 | 7,485)
Magnus has never hid the fact that he’s endlessly curious and an unabashed snoop, but the ring he discovers in Alec’s dresser is genuinely by accident. He thinks he can wait for Alec to reveal this secret in his own time. -
The box is made out of a dark mahogany. When Magnus picks it up with shaking fingers and without conscious thought, he sees that it has the marriage rune seared on the side in deft, elegant strokes.
But that’s just absurd, Magnus thinks as his mind comes to the only logical conclusion. It can’t possibly, possibly–
How Alec became Magnus's favourite pizza topping by Candidshot (PG13 | 14/14 | 31,080)
When Magnus had ordered his favourite BBQ beef pizza with extra meat and cheese, he didn't expect to have gotten a special delivery on that order.
This is a story on how Alec became Magnus's favourite pizza topping. Sorta.
Appassionato by Chonideno (PG | 2/2 | 35,866)
Alec plays the piano every day, with great talent. One night, a note slips under his door: it’s a request from an anonymous neighbor. Before he knows it, Alec picks up the habit of leaving his window open so his neighbor can listen to him. Requests keep coming. Slowly, two strangers start a conversation without words and let the music do the work for them.
Destiny Calls by Clockworkswan (Mature | 23/23 | 300,283)
A Knights of the Round Table/quest inspired AU. When Prince Alec and his knights venture into the mysterious Shadowlands - home to downworlders, and fearsome creatures - to retrieve the Mortal Cup, they soon learn about an upcoming war. Dark magic has begun to call to creatures and mortals alike. A race to prevent the Cup from falling into the evil, exiled Lord Valentine's hands adds even more danger to the prince's quest. On the way, he finds himself falling for the warlock, Magnus Bane. There, they must battle demons, test their courage and maybe take on the most dangerous task of all; falling in love. Loyalties are tested and hearts are swayed, but who will destiny call to?
Eyes On Me by Clockworkswan (Mature | 5/5 | 102,076)
When a new same-sex dancing rule gets people talking, Magnus Bane decides to take the jump from Latin to Ballroom in order to prove that change is a good thing. Looking for a new challenge, he’s determined to win the Ballroom Championships and be crowned victorious in the first same-sex partnership.
Now all he needs are the right shoes, the right music, and the right partner.
Alec is well on his way to securing another victory for his parents’ prestigious dance school, yet a new face, and surprising feelings, might change that. When Magnus turns up, he sweeps more than dancing traditions off their feet.
As the competition rounds heat up, and dreams hang in the balance, can the pair prove themselves to a worldwide audience of fellow dreamers, critics and cynics?
Kiss With A Fist by Clockworkswan (Mature | 26/26 | 240,899)
When agent Alec Lightwood is given his first kill hit, he doesn’t expect much trouble. Of course, he also doesn’t expect it to be a cheerful assassin who lands him in a whole load of trouble. Enter Magnus Bane: an assassin turned thief who reluctantly teams up with Alec - and The Clave - after he pisses off a very important and powerful crime boss, Valentine Morgenstern. In a world of violence and unjust laws, can the two put aside their differences and work together? Aka: in which Alec is sent to kill Magnus, doesn’t, and then really wishes he had. (but not really). Enemies to friends to lovers. 
Wild Life by Crazyellephant (Not Rated | 4/4 | 69,044)
Alec Lightwood likes to go on road trips. He doesn't pick up hitchhikers. But the one time he does, it's Magnus. He's in for an adventure or maybe even fall in love.
"Can Alec help this Magnus out? like this is not safe to search for a car this way." - @Malecwings Malec AU.
Nothing Impossible to Him Who Will Try by Cytheriafalas (PG13 | 1/1 | 7,109)
So, here's the soulmate!Highlander!AU nobody asked for. I honestly have no idea what compelled me to write this. (And if anyone is worried about Losing Sleep, I promise, it's still coming.)
The character death isn't permanent, so don't worry. It is a soulmate!AU after all.
Dear Diary by deathdario (Mature | 1/1 | 3,417)
It took them a few minutes to realise they were sleeping on each other's side of the bed, and when Magnus rolled onto his side and slid a hand beneath the pillow that was meant for Alec's head, he felt a solid object. “What's this?”
think of me when you shoot your arrows by deepbutdazzlingdarkness (Explicit | 6/6 | 11,904)
Five times Alec gets off thinking about Magnus and one time he doesn’t have to.
AKA a character study of Alec and his thirst throughout season 1.
Don't Mourn Me If I Go by deNOrthernLIGHTs (PG13 | 1/1 | 3,376)
Alec shakes his head. “Tell me you didn’t just spend the entire day thinking you were going to die.” The smile falls. “It was a fair assumption, considering.” “But-“ Alec swallows a lump in his throat. “But it wasn’t just an assumption. You sounded certain.” “I just didn’t want to make you watch me die.” Magnus’s voice is so quiet Alec barely hears it. “That wouldn’t have been fair to you.”
What if Magnus realized he didn't need to choose between Alec and the downworld before the alley conversation? What if the way he acted in 2x20 was just that, an act?
please stay with me by doggo_fiends_on_a_spaceship (Mature | 1/1 | 3,026)
Magnus could still feel Alec’s warm breath on his neck. In other circumstances, he would’ve enjoyed this. He would’ve loved Alec’s hands gently exploring his body, his lips claiming Magnus’. But he wasn’t ready. Not for this much.
Darkest Before the Dawn by Donttalktomeimfangirling (Jillian_k) (Mature | 1/1 | 27,345)
Alexander Lightwood has been forced to be a servant in his own home after his parents die and his beloved siblings are taken from him. It isn't until he meets a handsome stranger in town that he begins to have hope for the future. However, the universe, and his horrible step family, have always seemed to have it out for him, and Alec must do what he can to escape his past and take a leap of faith with Magnus, the man with a mysterious backstory that he has quickly fallen in love with. You know what they say though- it's always darkest before the dawn.
Through the Frozen Heart by Donttalktomeimfangirling (Jillian_k) (Mature | 9/9 | 47,883)
From the very first moment Alexander Lightwood laid eyes on Magnus Bane, his whole world changed. Years later, now a decorated junior figure skater himself, an injury prevents him from participating in his senior debut. Considering giving up the sport for good, one video posted by his brother will send Alec down a new path, one that becomes intertwined with that of his long time idol, Olympic Gold Medalist and three time world figure skating champion Magnus Bane.
Bitter Sweet Symphony by DownworldShadow (Mature | 22/22 | 159,540)
When young, up-and-coming cellist Alexander Lightwood heads to Aspen, Colorado to attend the prestigious Aspen Music Festival he has no idea what destiny awaits him there. This is an alternate universe Malec love story full of twists and turns, triumphs and tragedies. Asking one of life's most difficult questions... does true love really conquer all?
Anything Beautiful by em_the_gem (PG13 | 8/8 | 40,278)
Alec Lightwood is a small town florist with big dreams of opening his own shop. Magnus Bane is a big city photographer a desire to reinvent his craft. Alec gets by with his simple life full of routine and a boss to please, but when a storm brings Magnus into his life, everything he has ever dreamt of seems to crumble.
And while both men have lead completely different lives, they have more in common than they initially thought: everything nature and anything beautiful.
everything he could never be by em_the_gem (PG13 | 1/1 | 21,659)
In between jobs, Alec and his son, Max, move to Alec's mother's country home where they meet Magnus and his son, Rafael - the small family Maryse rented the 1st floor out to. As a big city MD and single dad, Alec finds himself fascinated by Magnus' eccentric healing practice, parenting methods and deep brown eyes.
And while preparing for the move to London, finally spending time with his son, and juggling his growing affection towards Magnus, the ghosts of Alec's childhood threaten to disturb the peace he'd found surrounded by his family.
Unlocked by Evil_Keshi (Mature | 22/22 | 93,101)
"So, Alexander," Magnus said, fully enjoying the lack of etiquette in the way he addressed the Crown Prince, "What can I do for you tonight?"
"Well... I want... Can you..."
The prince stuttered and trailed off, staring at Magnus with wide,frightened eyes that, to the warlock's utmost horror, filled with tears in a second. He didn't have the time to ask what was wrong though, because the boy took a breath and then blurted out:
"Please, can you make me normal?"
5 Times Magnus Thinks Alec Would Make A Great Dad + 1 Time He Does by fancyachatup (Not Rated | 1/1 | 4,661)
Magnus admires Alec's parenting abilities on other people's children
natura nihil frustra facit by fancyachatup (Not Rated | 2/2 | 4,426)
Max & Rafe accidentally travel back in time and meet their dads.
Not On Drugs, Just In Love by fancyachatup (PG13 | 3/3 | 10,735)
Alec Lightwood is drugged by a Seelie, resulting in some interesting non-pg truth bombs
lost in hell by fictionalrobin (PG13 | 4/4 | 4,909)
asmodeus brainwashed magnus
oh lover, hold on by fireblazie (PG13 | 4/4 | 33,168)
The mask and goggles clatter to the ground. Isabelle makes a choked noise, and Jace whispers, paper-thin, “Alec?”
Magnus stops breathing as Alec’s gaze—cold, dead, and empty—comes to rest impassively on them.
“Who the hell is Alec?”
don't break my faded heart by firstaudrina (Explicit | 1/1 | 5,721)
It's not entirely unheard of for a Shadowhunter to be in Pandemonium, but it is unusual for one to be here alone. Magnus will have to deal with that, but not yet. He's having too good a time.
Make You Feel Beautiful by FlightlessAngelWings (Explicit | 1/1 | 2,431)
“Magnus, you’re beautiful.”
Magnus smiled softly as he wrapped his hand around Alec’s wrist. Never in his long life had someone made him feel the way this man made him feel; nor could he remember the last time someone called him “beautiful” in such a loving tone. He felt his heart skip a beat as he studied every inch of Alec’s face, memorizing every single detail. All of his previous insecurities left him as he gazed into the shadowhunter’s eyes, and he gently pulled his face closer to his.
I'll Miss You When You're Gone by GideonGraystairs (PG13 | 1/1 | 6,151)
And then, because his mind has always been a traitor, he thinks about Camille, and how Magnus has known her forever, and then he thinks about how long forever is for him and how long it is for Magnus. In a moment of cold realization that should have been creeping up on him for weeks now, Alec realizes that their definitions are different.
Or five times Alec and Magnus don't talk about Magnus's immortality, and the one time they do.
just hold on (it won't be long) by gingergenower (Explicit | 1/1 | 1,054)
The night after Magnus returns from Edom.
The Queen Who Reigns by GoldenDaydreams (Mature | 40/40 | 10,109)
Old magic resurrects an ally. An important artifact is lost after an intense battle. A Clave official takes over the Institute. If all that isn't enough, the Seelie Court falls into Civil War, it causes hostility felt through the entire Shadow World. One Queen offers freedom from the rules of the Clave; another promises an alliance with the Shadowhunters. One wrong move, and the Seelie Court might end up Valentine's puppets.
Three's A Crowd by GoldenDaydreams (Explicit | 9/9 | 40,205)
“Two can play at this game.” Alec had the pleasure of watching Magnus go from confused, to a slow smirk, and understanding coming to his eyes. “I might not be able to kick him out, but I can make him want to leave.”
A.K.A The story where Jace keeps interrupting Alec and Magnus's 'alone time,' and they're both super fed up.
Knives at the Ready by harrysglasses (PG13 | 9/9 | 38,012)
The Institute is New York City's finest dining establishment, winner of two Michelin Stars and currently chasing after its third. Head Chef Alec Lightwood is notorious for running a tight ship in his kitchen, but everything is about to change with the arrival of their newest recruit, renowned pastry chef Magnus Bane.
In the competitive, cut-throat world of the restaurant industry where pressure runs high and tempers run hotter, can Alec keep his team under control, win a third Michelin star, and ignore his ever-growing attraction to a certain charming pâtissier, whose smile is even sweeter than his desserts?
A Different Kind of Hero by heartsdesire456 (Mature | 1/1 | 6,704)
When Alec receives a letter from an anonymous source, he realizes that his bravery in choosing to kiss Magnus at his wedding had far more of an impact than he could have ever imagined.
The Arrangement by heartsdesire456 (Explicit | 12/12 | 42,411)
When a meeting with a debt collector at a randomly chosen night club starts to go wrong, Alec meets a man who might just change his life with one unique offer.
The Time Alec Suddenly Became a Dad by heartsdesire456 (PG | 1/1 | 7,770)
When Alec finds an abandoned warlock baby on the steps of the institute and they can't find anywhere he may have come from, Alec decides to keep him and raise him as his son. When his son's magical powers begin to manifest early in life, the accidents that happen around him quickly become dangerous
be my light in the dark by hufflebee (PG13 | 1/1 | 21,238)
Going to Camp Half-Blood is something Alec, a son of Apollo, looks forward to every summer, but when he arrives, he finds one of his best friends is missing. Suddenly nothing is as important as saving Magnus, even if it means going against Magnus’s father, Hades himself. With the help of Maia, Simon and Izzy, Alec goes on a journey to find his best friend, one he may be in love with, as well as the truth about why he was taken to begin with.
(demigod AU)
We Break that Way by ifallonblackdays_fics & valfromrome (Not Rated | 22/22 | 72,956)
It's no secret that Alec's revolutionary politics where the Downworld is concerned are not entirely popular. But what lengths will some of the dissidents go to, to stop him? What lengths will Alec go to, to protect what he believes in? And what lengths will Magnus, Jace, and the others go to, to protect him? And when they all break in their own unique way, what will it take to piece each other back together?
Body And Soul, Free To Withhold by Inrainbowz (PG13 | 1/1 | 5,427)
Alec was almost never the one to initiate sex.
It’s not that he didn’t think about it or didn’t want to. Or well, maybe it was a little bit of that.
Alec starts to think that maybe there's more to it, and tries to make sense of what he is feeling, with some help along the way.
Deeper Than the Truth by insieme (Mature | 15/15 | 149,820)
Alec Lightwood is a world-famous author, though the world knows him only under his pseud: Gideon Archer. Magnus Bane is a fashion designer who just happens to be a big fan of Gideon's work.
a love that won't sit still by Insomiak (Explicit | 1/1 | 6,643)
“You’re starting to,” Clary says, “And I get it—I’m sure Magnus gets it too. Jace is gone. But the whole time my mother was missing…” She shakes her head. “You don’t just forget everyone else, Alec.” Clary puts a hand on his arm. Alec looks at it like it’s something he’s never seen before. “Okay?”
Firsts by Insomiak (Explicit | 1/1 | 4,939)
Everything with Magnus is so new, there’s just first after first, so many things Alec never thought he would think or feel.
(Or: Alec really wants to give his first blowjob).
a billingual beginning by iwillstayalive (Not Rated | 1/1 | 836)
“Yo te estoy diciendo, Sherwin, él es el amor de mi vida, aunque no lo sepa todavía. ¡Deja de voltearte como que estás en el exorcista! Dios, disimula” I’m telling you, Sherwin, he is the love of my life, even tho he doesn’t know it yet. Stop turning around like you’re on the exorcist! God, be smooth.
Alec perked up at that. He looked up, and a few tables down, there were two guys talking in hushed tones. Or well, trying. One had brown hair, with a slightly crooked pair of glasses, smiling wide into the conversation he was having, gesturing with his hands, looking at him not so subtle.
Worshipped Skin by Jinko (Explicit | 1/1 | 3,318)
“Of course I’m comfortable with phone sex. It’s far better than using telegrams, I can tell you that. No, the question is if you’re comfortable with it.”
Rather, the one where Magnus uses his magic to facilitate phone sex.
A Dream of Peace by Ketz (Explicit | 13/13 | 87,642)
A long time ago, King Valentine, of the rich kingdom of Alicante, attacked the southerner kingdoms. He searched for triumph and annihilation, for uniting the realm under his rule and his alone.
Instead of the easy victory, though, the greedy king found defeat and death, for the four kingdoms united for the first time in history, forging the Downworlder Alliance. As a result, the great families of the north were forced to deliver their firstborns to the Kings and Queens of the Downworlder Alliance, and so ensure their fielty and crush any further rebellions before they even sparkled.
Only, boring history lessons had always annoyed the Prince of Darkness and heir to the Kingdom of Edom, Magnus Bane. As the anniversary of his Mark Day arrives and with it the Victory Tournament, he figures the only good thing the Mortal War really brought was his father’s hostage, the quiet Alec Lightwood, eldest son to the once great Lightwoods of Alicante.
Good could become great, though. Magnus needs only figure out a way to get that boy away from the practicing arena and into his bed.
After all, he couldn’t possibly celebrate his day of honor without a suitable gift, could he?
One Show Only by KouriArashi (Explicit | 7/7 | 29,410)
It's hard to stay in the closet when the guy you had a one-night stand with two nights ago turns out to be your new partner ... but Alec will be damned if he isn't going to give it a try.
The Last Thing I Expected by KouriArashi (Mature | 12/12 | 47,848)
On every warlock's 25th birthday, there's a ritual to choose their perfect match. Normally it isn't a big deal, but for Magnus Bane - the son of Asmodeus, an Underworld crime lord - it's the party of the century. Everyone is more than a little surprised when Magnus' match turns out to be the bartender, Alec ... who's actually an undercover police officer. Alec's bosses want him to play along to get close to the organization, but Alec isn't sure he can mislead the man who's apparently his soulmate...
Love is a Gamble by la_muerta (Explicit | 20/20 | 44,768)
Upholding law and order in gold-mining town Nephilim Falls, population 1,700 souls, is the responsibility of Sheriff Alec Lightwood. As it is, Alec already has his hands full with the saloons and whorehouses making tempers rise and the men rowdy when the day's mining goes badly, and the constant threat of bandits in the hills. The last thing he needs is some no-count gambler setting up a gambling hall in his town. And what kind of name is 'Magnus Bane', anyway?
The Lavender Code by la_muerta (PG13 | 9/9 | 18,896)
Alec Lightwood is a young, honest private detective hired by Camille Belcourt to investigate her fiancé, who she suspects is hiding something scandalous from her. What starts out as a simple case turns out to be a lot more complicated than Alec bargained for, and when the death toll starts to rise, Alec finds his own life in increasing jeopardy.
pillow talk by lacheses (Mature | 5/5 | 26,592)
Alec Lightwood falls in love, one nap at a time.
Made All The Difference by LadyMatt (PG | 1/1 | 8,340)
Since finishing work, Alec had been reflecting on how Magnus, and their beautiful relationship, had changed his life for the better in just a few short weeks, so when he arrives back at the loft to enjoy yet another evening full of love, laughter and liquor, he takes a few private moments to appreciate just how great it is to be in love - especially with Magnus Bane!
An Apple A Day by Lecrit (Explicit | 1/1 | 15,804)
Alec only likes getting up at four in the morning to get to the hospital because he has always dreamed of becoming a doctor and because he finds a childish excitement in besting Dr. Glitter and winning a battle in their little war for his favorite parking spot.
It has nothing to do with Magnus’ incorrigible, shameless, incessant flirting. Nothing.
And the Oscar goes to... by Lecrit (Explicit | 1/1 | 21,494)
Working for Magnus isn’t easy. Magnus is out of control and Alec has to yell more often than not to get him to listen to him. He hates everything formal because it means he has to watch his mouth. Most importantly, Magnus is an incorrigible flirt.
Which would be alright if Alec wasn’t utterly, irremediably, unfathomably in love with him.
Bright Lights, Small Town by Lecrit (Explicit | 4/4 | 104,298)
When Magnus gets to Nashville, Indiana to handle his late mother's will, he doesn't expect to be forced to stay there for six months. Six months away from New York and lost in the wildness of the countryside.
It quickly appears that he is going to go through six months of living hell.
The fact that he hates the local veterinarian on sight isn't helping.
Dead men tell no tales by Lecrit (Mature | 1/1 | 17,486)
Magnus looked up when Alec stopped in front of the rusty gate and quirked an eyebrow upon seeing him.
“Your Highness,” he muttered, deadpan.
“Don’t,” Alec sighed.
“Aren’t you afraid to tarnish your royal blood by coming to visit a pirate?” Magnus continued, his lips twitching with the beginning of a smirk, lacking the humor Alec had witnessed so many times before.
His mesmerizing eyes told a different story, though. They were defeated, tired and it only made Alec feel worse.
“I tried to explain it to them but they wouldn’t listen,” he murmured in a desperate attempt at defending himself.
In which the prince of Idris and an infamous pirate find themselves stuck together on a deserted island and have to face the consequences when they get back on land.
Invictus by Lecrit (Mature | 1/1 | 30,222)
“You should get a tattoo.”
Alec firmly believed in coincidences, in the serendipity that could bring the hazards of life, but even he could admit that sometimes, things seemed to happen for a reason. He was too much of a pragmatic person to truly believe in fate and destiny.
So even when Jace blurted those words at him as he stumbled into his shop, they remained abstract concepts to him, no matter how it nudged at the back of his mind.
It's Always Your Move by Lecrit (Explicit | 1/1 | 15,453)
Maryse Lightwood is fierce, determinate and she is standing right in front of Magnus, on the threshold of his house, the scowl on her face announcing nothing good.
Magnus hasn’t seen her since the Oscars ceremony three days ago. To be fair, he hasn’t really seen anyone, too busy that he had been catching up on lost time with Alec.
Magnus thought he could be tranquil forever after winning an Oscar and finally confessing his feelings to Alec. Magnus was wrong.
The Avengers Initiative (Or Something Like That) by Lecrit (Mature | 21/21 | 117,213)
“Do you really think it’s going to work? I know they are good,” Hodge sighed, “but that’s a lot of egos we need to get to work together.” “It will work,” Luke said with assurance, nodding. “They can do it.”
In which Luke Garroway and Hodge Starkweather put together a team of world-class thieves to steal from Valentine Morgenstern and everything goes according to plan. Or not.
Vodka Cannot Kill a Dragon by Lecrit (Mature | 1/1 | 2,894)
“It’s my bachelor party and you’re my best man,” Jace had said. “You owe me to get drunk.”
The thing is, Alec doesn’t really drink. He never does. He doesn’t like the way it makes his head foggy and his long limbs out of control. Even with Magnus, who quite surely can hold his liquor, he never goes past one or two cocktails. So, after Jace has managed to shove drinks in his hand time and time again, Alec is not drunk. He’s hammered.
Set Me In Motion by lemonoclefox (Mature | 20/20 | 132,055)
One night, Magnus spots a handsome stranger in the elevator of his apartment building – which wouldn’t be a big deal if said stranger didn’t turn out to be dating Magnus’s neighbor. The stranger soon becomes Alec, and their paths end up crossing more than once. A tentative friendship develops as they slowly get to know each other, and they both find that it’s effortless in a way neither of them has ever known. It's only when other kinds of feelings start getting involved that things become a bit more complicated.
What’s It Gonna Be by lemonoclefox (Mature | 4/4 | 49,338)
Fairchild’s bakery is a second home to not just Magnus, but also to most of his found-family. As a pastry chef, he works long hours and takes great pride in his craft – so much so that he has little time or attention for much else. Least of all romance. After plenty of experience with heartbreak and disappointment, he has come to expect the worst from anything in that department, and the arrival of the wealthy Lightwoods in the neighborhood isn’t about to change that. Especially not when their eldest son might just be the most insufferable prick Magnus has ever met, no matter what anyone else has to say about the guy.
(aka the Pride & Prejudice/bakery AU no one asked for)
A Horse That Loves You by Lemur710 (PG13 | 1/1 | 5,563)
Magnus rushes into battle to rescue Jace—and comes to terms with what it means to love a shadowhunter with a parabatai.
Binding Spell by Lemur710 (PG | 1/1 | 7,880)
“He watched with a sadness he couldn’t define as Alec drained the last drop of his drink. A toast to the dying, he thought, and took another sip of his own. Magnus supposed Alec had stuck to their agreement: One more drink and then decide. He’d decided.”
Force of Nature by Lemur710 (Mature | 1/1 | 5,844)
A note from the past causes Magnus to contemplate the loves of his long life, and leads to an unexpected turning point in his relationship with Alec.
Or, Why Magnus Never Married
Statements by Lemur710 (Mature | 6/6 | 11,907)
Five times Magnus was told “I love you,” and the one time he believed it.
Picking up the Pieces by lilyhearted (PG13 | 1/1 | 5,884)
They've made a life for themselves, after the world fell apart.
Contains: Malec being an awesome battle couple but also managing to be domestic as hell.
a kind of magic by magicmagnus (PG | 1/1 | 8,151)
After teaching at Hogwarts for years, Magnus thought he had seen it all. Dragons smuggled onto campus, students returning at all times of the night with mysterious bruises, a summoning or two -- Magnus was no stranger to the kind of mischief young wizards were capable of. When a powerful love potion begins taking students under its sway, Magnus must get to the bottom of it -- even if it means missing lunch with a certain Defense Against the Dark Arts professor...
above and below by magicmagnus (PG13 | 1/1 | 37,437)
It’s the end of the world as we know it. The Four Horsemen are riding, reality is shifting, and someone has lost the Antichrist. After thousands of years living on earth and swaying human souls to their sides, Magnus (a flirtatious demon with a heart of gold) and Alec (a somewhat rude and antisocial angel) have become quite accustomed to life on earth, and neither one of them are too happy about the impending Apocalypse. The two hatch a plan to avert the End of All Things, only to have it rapidly spiral out of control -- something they might be able to handle, if they could just put their personal feelings aside…
A Good Omens AU
Purer Than Any by MagnusCaresaLot (PG13 | 1/1 | 2,128)
Alec gets curious, of course. Everyone get curious. But this curiosity was eating at Alec. Ever since the first time, he wanted Magnus to show them again. He wanted to touch and feel them. God, he wanted to wrap his wings around Magnus'.
The Shadowhunter Wing!AU that no one asked for.
Days of Dark by magnusragnor & ohprongs (Mature | 9/9 | 97,115)
Alec clutches the worn out comic book in his hands, his eyes sweeping over Captain America’s stance on the cover. He still remembers how excited Max had been when he’d gotten it, going on and on about how Captain America helped people, how he just wanted to stop the bullies - how he was a hero.
Staring down at the star on Cap’s shield, Alec pushes away all his anger and grief, focussing on the single most ridiculous idea he’s ever had. He can hear Hodge's voice, clear as day:
“With great power, comes great responsibility.”
(or, the the amazing spider-man ish au)
melt me down by maialec (PG | 6/6 | 23,073)
When Luke and Alaric invite their daughter, Maia, and her friends on a week long family vacation at their log cabin, Izzy, Maia’s girlfriend, takes it upon herself to send the invitations. However, when she realizes that everyone except for her brother would be coupled up, she gets a fantastic idea. One that includes Alec having to bring a date so that he wouldn’t feel alone.
In response, Alec gets a less fantastic idea. One that includes bringing his best friend, Magnus, as a date.
can you keep me close? (can you love me most?) by maiaslightwood (PG13 | 1/1 | 4,752)
Alec has made his choice a long time ago, though he has trouble putting his finger on the when. Maybe when he had rushed out that first, desperate 'I love you' or when he had realized after those painful days apart that he couldn't live without Magnus; when he had let Magnus take his hand and drag him back to the only place he ever called home. Or maybe it had been some other moment, some everyday feeling in the morning light or kitchen or settled on the balcony. However, it takes a demon wound and a day of sleep for him to finally say it.
Contact by MalecCrazedAuthor (PG | 1/1 | 5,518)
It’s a game, you see.
Not that it was intended to be. The evolution of Alec’s contact in Magnus’s phone started out innocently enough. Almost by accident, even.
But now it’s taken on a life of its own.
One Easy Answer by MalecCrazedAuthor (Mature | 11/11 | 36,963)
Magnus warned Alec he wouldn’t ask again.
And he didn’t.
Alec called off his wedding, but the next day walked in on Magnus with Camille and hasn’t spoken to Magnus since.
Now, months later, relations between the Shadowhunters and the Downworld are growing increasingly turbulent as the Downworld blames Jace for Valentine’s massacre of dozens of Downworlders.
It’s up to Alec, as Head of the New York Institute, to forge a peace that could save thousands of Downworlder and Shadowhunter lives—even if it means re-evaluating everything he once thought mattered.
Fools Rush In by Maleciseverything (PG | 4/4 | 85,198)
Alec, Jace, and Simon go to Vegas for Jace's bachelor party and things get a little bit ridiculous.
Alec wakes up the next morning and...wait a minute, who's that in his bed?
If You Love Me by Malteser24 (PG | 1/1 | 11,029)
Alec isn’t like anybody that Magnus has dated before, unlike anyone he’s ever met, and it’s terrifying and exhilarating and more than Magnus knows what to do with
Of Immeasurable Talent And Beauty by Malteser24 (PG13 | 1/1 | 7,268)
Alec's a notable and credible photographer, his hobby turned career meaning he faces many kinds of people, often in the tight space of a few hours.
But then he meets Magnus Bane, a popular model, with an eccentric flair for the dramatics and an insatiable need for flirting.
Especially with Alec
A Day In The Life by mansikka (Mature | 6/6 | 21,078)
Alec doesn't want to work today. There are too many things that would make him angry, too many terse words on his tongue that he knows better than to say out loud. With Magnus' schedule full, the thought of spending the full day watching him work gives Alec something else to focus on. Though will a busy day provide an adequate distraction from the things that are on Alec's mind, that he knows he has to deal with, but wants a day off from thinking about?
Stripped Bare by mansikka (PG13 | 1/1 | 3,573)
Magnus is having a day where he doesn't like himself.
oh, i've waited for you by manticoremoons (Explicit | 1/1 | 12,359)
He’d been willing to maybe try messing around with a shadowhunter—his first—but a married one? Hell no. (And he’d been to hell before, so he knew exactly how serious it was).
I love you wholly & I love you forever. by melbopo (PG13 | 1/1 | 5,797)
Alec's not sure if something is in the water again or if there is a betting pool in his family that caps at 6 years, for suddenly everyone he knows is emotionally invested in when and how he is going to propose to Magnus. At this point, Alec's not even sure if he unknowingly agreed to be secretly filmed for the next season of Real Housewives of Idris.
------ (alt summary: Alec receives 5 different suggestions for how to propose to Magnus and the one time he actually succeeds.)
Quite Magical by MenckensChrestomethy (PG13 | 2/2 | 9,917)
Magnus is a potions prodigy, and a rebellious loner, his only friends at Hogwarts are professors and the nurse.
Alec is the Quidditch Captain, Prefect and...Terrible at potions.
Obviously, Magnus has to tutor him.
Who Ya Gonna Call? by MenckensChrestomethy (PG13 | 1/1 | 7,463)
“You have to—“
“Help you?” Magnus filled in dryly.
Or: The Six Times Magnus helped someone, and the one time they try to help him
Between the Lines by msalexiscriss (Explicit | 33/33 | 240,680)
AU. Special Agent Alec Lightwood’s been chasing the renowned thief and conman extraordinaire Magnus Bane for five years now. When a criminal from the past, Valentine Morgenstern, threatens their city and both their reputations, the duo will have to do the unimaginable and team up to restore the peace in the big old city. Between secrets, betrayals, heartbreaking truths, and sick games, Alec and Magnus will have to learn to play between the lines of good and evil in order to carry out their mission and make it out alive. Will they succeed?
Sanctuary by MuscleMemory (Mature | 6/6 | 92,735)
Sometimes you have to find a sanctuary. Sometimes you don’t have to travel very far to find it. And sometimes you find it in a person.
Magnus arrives in a small town. There are pumpkins, a dog, and a very intriguing stranger.
No Stopping the Zombie Apocalypse by Nerdy_fangirl_57 (PG13 | 1/1 | 3,731)
It's been 20 years since the rise of the zombies. It's been 20 years since everyone was evacuated into safe zones for the unforeseeable future. Alec never minded staying in the parameters of Idris, it was peaceful here, boring as hell sure, but, peaceful. Idris was safe.
So of course Isabelle and Jace force him to leave the sanctuary with them one night to go 'explore' the outside world. Even though he's explained to them several times that the outside world is crawling with zombies. Brain eating zombies. That eat people.
Sometimes Alec wonders if Izzy and Jace even have brains. They never seem to use them.
Back to the Future by notcrypticbutcoy (PG13 | 1/1 | 6,443)
Magnus Bane has spent his life being watched over by a strange man, who claims he's a Shadowhunter, acts like an angel, and, logically, can only possibly be a demon. The voice in his head whispers that he can trust him. Magnus isn't so sure.
Or: In which Alec is Magnus' (sort-of) guardian angel, Ragnor Fell is a good friend even in death, and Ragnor and Alec prove to Magnus that he is loved.
Five Times Magnus Isn’t a Good Boyfriend and One Time He Is by notcrypticbutcoy (PG13 | 1/1 | 7,112)
Being a high profile celebrity makes it difficult for Magnus to find enough time for his personal life. Alec's feeling lonely after spending yet another night alone.
Or, in which Magnus is spending too much time at work, Alec confides in Chairman Meow, and Magnus tries to make everything better.
I'll Be Home (For Christmas) by notcrypticbutcoy (PG13 | 1/1 | 12,875)
The universe had really come through with this fine specimen of a man. It would be a horrible, cruel cosmic joke from the universe if she revealed that he was straight. Or taken. Or both. Magnus would probably sell his soul to get a kiss from him.
In which Alec is a soldier struggling with himself, Magnus is a student who adores Isabelle Lightwood's Christmas parties, and Christmas kisses don't always have to be under the mistletoe.
I'll Love You in a Thousand Lifetimes by notcrypticbutcoy (Mature | 2/2 | 18,625)
The first words their soulmates will ever speak to them are marked on the wrists of every person on the planet, and Magnus and Alec are no exception. And across countries and centuries and lifetimes, they will find each other.
(i.e. The soulmate AU with reincarnation that nobody asked for)
Or: in which Magnus and Alec are soulmates, memory is a fickle thing, and love will always prevail.
takes on any shape by oh_la_fraise (PG13 | 9/9 | 26,351)
Alec hesitated. He’d never lied to Magnus since his aborted wedding, and he wasn’t about to start now. “You’re probably wondering how you got here, right?”
Magnus shrugged. “Magic?”
Alec grinned. Now that Magnus seemed a little more settled, his cheekiness—apparently a biological trait—was rising up. “Yeah. We’re still figuring out exactly what it was, but. Something brought you to the future. You know how warlocks live forever?” Magnus nodded. “Well, as an adult you live here in the city. And you and I are best friends.”
Magnus wrinkled his nose. “I’m best friends with a white Shadowhunter?”
with bones unbuttoned by ohfreckle (Explicit | 1/1 | 4,473)
Alec may still be figuring out the day-to-day aspects of their relationship, they both are, but this, here—Alec Lightwood was born to fuck.
and my heart is set on you by ohprongs (PG13 | 2/2 | 18,710)
or the, 'we're putting on a fund-raising play to save our old drama department' au (ft. bonus: 'we had a thing in high school but i haven't seen you in years and oh god you're even more attractive than i remember')
i just want your kiss, boy by ohprongs (PG13 | 1/1 | 5,130)
“Alexander!” Magnus says, trying not to smile too hard. It’s a while since they’ve seen each other, and though they message regularly, it’s not quite the same. It’s nice to finally get a chance to see his friend.
Plus Alec’s shoulders look lovely in his denim shirt. Yeah, there’s that too.
“Come on,” he says, holding out his hand and trying not to think about it too much, “let’s get you a drink.”
The Lies Mirrors Tell You by Once_Upon_A_Ghost_Story (PG13 | 1/1 | 1,029)
Magnus is having a bad day, that's it. It's nothing more.
No matter how much he tells himself that however, he can't believe it.
The Scars You Can't Forget by Once_Upon_A_Ghost_Story (PG13 | 1/1 | 3,106)
Magnus wasn’t sure which part hurt the most, the fact that he had trusted Alec so much...
Or that he couldn’t bring himself to open the door.
Never Stand Between Two Mirrors by oncethrown (Mature | 15/15 | 51,758)
Alec has enough on his plate right now. His parents are furious at him, Magnus Bane is making him feel things he's trying so hard not to feel, his wedding is coming up, and his world is breaking apart.
What he doesn't need is a fussy mundane version on himself showing up in the Institute basement. What he doesn't need is Magnus telling him that they'll just have to wait for Seelie Magic to suck that version of himself back to his own dimension.
But since when does Alec get what he needs?
Alternate Dimension Alec gets trapped in the Shadowhunter reality at some point after the "I know you feel what I feel" scene. The gang desperately tries to stop chaos from ensuing.
The Right Kind of Love by onyxmoon (Explicit | 1/1 | 30,242)
It starts during their first fuck after “The Incident” as Magnus was calling it now. Alec had been hovering over him, effectively turning Magnus’ brain into mush when it happened. It wasn’t the sentence that Alec uttered out in the midst of the heat, but the way he looked at Magnus.
Like he was something invaluable.
Something worth saving.
It scares Magnus because Alec looked like he sincerely meant that. And even more he fears that he might actually believe it himself.
terra incognita by orphan_account (Mature | 1/1 | 21,1176)
There’s a growl, there’s a bang, there’s the gentle splashing of water, there’s the sound of his own breath, there’s something just out of range that’s whispering something. But he’s not thinking about that.
Basically the events from Jocelyn's death to the aftermath of Alec's suicide attempt, but Alec has a psychotic episode throughout.
Home by otppurefuckingmagic (PG13 | 16/16 | 6,967)
magnus disappears on a thursday. there’s too much alec remembers about that day.
ever the years you wept by Pameluke (PG13 | 1/1 | 5,250)
Magnus has lost faith, Alec has lost hope.
The Hunter's Moon Hustle by Pameluke (PG13 | 1/1 | 1,546)
The minute he walked into the bar, Magnus Bane knew he was in trouble. He was a Nephilim Shadowhunter, a real hard-ass. But he handled a pool stick like a pro, and he had a wicked smile–Magnus could testify to that. Yes, sir, Alexander Lightwood had all the right moves. And he had something else, a hint of innocence that lured Magnus right in.
Walk A Little Closer by Pameluke (PG13 | 1/1 | 3,357)
Nothing beats a late-night stroll through the city.
Adventure XXL by RedOrchid (Explicit | 9/9 | 26,858)
Tune in for a breathtaking adventure—Reality TV like you’ve never seen it before. Join us on an exhilarating ride where contestants are both pitted against each other to complete challenges and forced to find ways to cooperate—as we determine who has the intelligence, strength, creativity and charm to make it to the top.
Six teams. One game.
This is Adventure XXL.
(Aka Jace signs himself and Alec up for a stupid reality show. Once Alec’s there, he meets fellow contestant Magnus, and suddenly the stupid show doesn’t feel quite so stupid anymore)
Home by redskyatmorning (Mature | 1/1 | 30,775)
A few weeks after the wedding incident, the Clave has Alec arrested and put on trial to have his runes stripped for what seems like no reason. Faced with exile, Alec must come to terms with himself, his feelings for a certain warlock, and the world that he was raised in.
Don't take it easy by sarcasticfluentry (Explicit | 1/1 | 1,537)
"Magnus loves seeing him like this, muscles straining, mind completely blank except for the need to come, because normally Alec keeps himself under ironfast control.
Magnus is so, so lucky to be the one that gets to take him apart."
...or, Magnus and Alec spend a lazy afternoon in front of the television.
night highs by sarcasticfluentry (Explicit | 1/1 | 10,021)
The Book of the White turns out to be encrypted, so they're unable to immediately wake Jocelyn up. Magnus returns home to his loft feeling defeated and wonders where he stands with Alec.
pro bono by sarcasticfluentry (Explicit | 1/1 | 7,195)
After the Clave drops the charges against Isabelle and declares her free, Magnus decides he doesn't want Alec's bow and quiver after all. He gets something even better.
All Love's Loving Parts by satonawall (PG13 | 1/1 | 16,082)
Five gifts Alec gave Magnus, five gifts Magnus gave Alec + one time they both gave each other something.
Change The World, Get The Guy by satonawall (PG13 | 1/1 | 27,851)
Isabelle leaned against the doorframe. “Any progress?”
Magnus looked around at the notes spread around him. “As dear old Thomas used to say, I’ve found 10,000 ways that won’t work, so we’ll call it a productive day.”
Magnus Bane has dedicated his immortal life to science, new inventions and discovering everything magic can do. After years of hard work, he is so, so close to revolutionising transportation by creating a magical portal that actually works, but he has let his work take over his whole life. However, when Isabelle, his mundane assistant researcher, brings around her brother Alec, Magnus’s obsessive focus wavers for the first time in a decade. Maybe giving himself a few breaks will actually help him figure out the magical theory behind portals.
night vision by serendipitiness (Not Rated | 2/2 | 15,637)
“N-no. No. No.” There were a thousand directions this could have taken, and this isn’t one. Shouldn’t be one. Alec is tripping over the words, his thoughts a mess because it’s true, his timer had been down to the last minutes when he’d closed his eyes and then now…
His soulmate is a stranger in the dark, someone without a face. A man.
(or how Alec finds his soulmate, inspired by the myth of Cupid and Psyche)
Blue Bolt and the Birth of the Warlock by ShadowMystic (Explicit | 16/16 | 47,588)
The city of Idris is corrupted by gangs and power hungry tyrants. After ten years of absence Alec Lightwood has returned to fulfil his destiny. By day he's stinking rich and running the family business. Trying to juggle competitors and a meddling Journalist. By night he's The Blue Bolt. A crime fighter armed with ancient gifts and the heart of a warrior.
And We Did Not Walk Away Unscathed by SilverMirror12 (PG13 | 4/4 | 10,245)
Magnus advanced steadily. There was no compassion, sympathy or mercy in his blank eyes. His outfit and makeup gleamed under the summer sun, reminding Alec of creatures who wrapped their poison in the brightest colors possible.
(Alec and Magnus try to kill each other, then try to live with themselves.)
He is Love by simonsprettyface (PG13 | 6/6 | 8,808)
Alec hates Valentine's Day.
Why wouldn't he? He's chronically single and doesn't exactly see that changing anytime soon. He's happy with his life and is only sometimes lonely, he just hates seeing all the pressure to show someone you love just how much you love them one day of the year with flowers or candy or whatever cheesy, cliche gift you can come up with.
That is until his sister talks him into attending a Valentine's Day speed dating event.
We can solve this together by softshumjr (Explicit | 15/15 | 90,189)
Alec and Magnus have been friends since high school. They both love each other but are afraid to say anything because they believe the other one doesn't feel the same way and it'll ruin their friendship. Alec and Jace are working on an overdose case and are stuck. Can Magnus be the one to help them solve the case?
The Red String of Fate by Someone_aka_Me (PG13 | 1/1 | 5,294)
In a world where everyone is born with a red thread on his hand, tying him to his soulmate, Magnus Bane is born with a closed loop. He waits a long time to find the other end.
Holding the Stick by StarWitness42 (Mature | 12/12 | 80,323)
Alec Lightwood has dreamed of hoisting Lord Stanley since he was eight. It's in his blood. He's spent the last five years trying to make that dream a reality, only managing to fall short each time.
Until a scandal leads to a multi-team trade that sends Magnus Bane his way. One of the top performing wingers in the league. An up and coming star.
And the most handsome man Alec has ever met.
He's doomed.
It's a kind of magic by Thealmostrhetoricalquestion (PG | 5/5 | 10,910)
Alec frowns at a point just over Magnus’ shoulder, and then his eyes widen. “Magnus… did your house plant just wave at me?”
Magnus freezes. He whirls around and glares, hissing, “Figmund, youpromised.”
Figmund wiggles its leaves unrepentantly.
first of so many things by Thealmostrhetoricalquestion (PG13 | 1/1 | 6,140)
"You're being dramatic," Alec said fondly, unsurprised. "Again."
“I think a little drama can be forgiven,” Magnus said, mock-indignantly, conjuring a cocktail glass out of mid-air with an elegant flick of his fingers. There was a little paper umbrella floating inside it, an alarming shade of yellow, and Magnus fished it out and pointed it threateningly in Alec's face. “Considering I almost choked to death during what should have been an intimate, sensual experience.”
(Five times that Magnus wins an argument and one time that they both sort of win.)
unmentionable by Thealmostrhetoricalquestion (PG | 2/2 | 5,601)
Magnus takes pity on him. “I didn’t catch your name, which puts me at a bit of a disadvantage here. Of course, I can just call you darling, if you prefer.”
The woman on the phone beside him throws them a dirty look and wanders off to the other side of the laundromat.
“Darling’s fine,” Alec mumbles, and then makes a wounded noise. “Alec. My name’s Alec.”
Journey To The Past by theloverneverleaves (PG13 | 10/10 | 61,015)
Magnus has spent his whole life in an orphanage. He has no memories of his childhood, and no clues to what happened to his family other than a single necklace wrapped around his neck, and three little words - 'Together In Paris'. On leaving the orphanage, it will take a leap of courage to go and chase down his dreams - and a little help from a kitchen boy turned forger called Alec.
aka anastasia au
all the things I'd say but couldn't by thenorthface (PG13 | 1/1 | 10,525)
“Last time we called the memory demon--” Alec starts.
Magnus theatrically rolls his eyes. “When we called Valak you were a miserable teenager, in love with your brother. You had something to hide. It isn’t going to be like that this time.”
When Magnus had changed, he’d pulled on tight pants and an ornate emerald green jacket, open to his sternum to show off the necklaces he has layered on. His makeup is perfect now, smudges of kohl transformed into dark black lines. He looks every bit the High Warlock again, no longer like some late night fantasy created solely to torment Alec.
Alec forces a brittle smile. “Sure,” he says.
Yellow-Eyed Demon by thenorthface (Mature | 1/1 | 9,286)
Alec is absolutely certain he hasn’t moved. He’s still seated at his desk, catching his breath; still has the heels of his palms pressed to his eyes. Despite knowing that, being fully aware of his body’s position the way he’s been trained to do his entire life, somehow he opens his eyes to find himself lying down in a dark room.
There’s a man in his arms. With every exhale, Alec’s breath ruffles someone else’s hair.
The first time by theonetruenorth (Explicit | 1/1 | 6,529)
“Alexander, my darling,” Magnus whispered, leaning over Alec once more to tenderly stroke his thumb over Alec’s lips, red and sensitive from kissing. “You take my breath away.”
as your sun sets (i know you in bleary-eyed 3AM) by theprophetlemonade (PG13 | 1/1 | 50,121)
[“Alexander, does it not scare you,” Magnus says at last. “Knowing that you can feel so strongly about someone that some part of you still believes you can hardly know? Because it terrifies me. Someone flitting into your life one day, out of the blue, and leaving you with no choice in the matter.”]
Alec meets a man in his bathroom mirror who says he's from the other side of the world. Things spiral from there.
(Malec + Sense8 clustermates AU.)
the world's a little brighter by thessalami (PG | 2/2 | 25,667)
"Alec." "I'm Magnus. I'd offer you my hand but you've been holding it for the past minute."
Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood, the two that act like a couple. But definitely aren't. They're just friends. Totally not in love with each other. Nope.
your hands (guided me home) by thesorrowoflizards (PG13 | 1/1 | 2,292)
If someone who truly loves and trusts a werewolf, they can call them by name, and bring them home.
this type of mine by thisissirius (PG13 | 1/1 | 27,816)
alec and magnus have a bond. it's probably going to be telepathic.
or the one where the lightwoods are put on trial in more ways than one and alec slowly falls in love with magnus one day at a time.
to endure by thisissirius (PG13 | 1/1 | 7,372)
“I can’t watch you die again,” Alec blurts out. He rubs his hands against his knees, looks up at Magnus through his lashes. “I don’t want to do this anymore.”
a time loop threatens to confine alec to a lifetime of losing magnus.
A Tangled Web We Weave... by Tiger_Tiger_Burning_Bright (Not Rated | 12/12 | 57,452)
Home. It was an odd word really for someone who'd never really felt like he belonged anywhere but it was only stepping through the door and being greeted by the lines of yellow cabs waiting for fares that it struck Magnus that yes, New York, was exactly that, his home. Even though it was well into the night the bustle around him felt comforting and relaxing, the sounds and smells that were essentially New York, that were familiar and strangely safe. Here was a city where you could lose yourself, where the crowds would engulf you no matter how flamboyant you were and that kind of anonymity was exactly what Magnus craved right now.
It's been five years since Magnus Bane, infamous conman, left New York but when an old friend calls for help he can't resist coming home again.
News of the return of Magnus, the so called high warlock of grifting, isn't something that can really be kept quiet and for Jace, Isabelle and Alec Lightwood this may be the break they need.
Can Magnus reunite the old team and succeed with his task or has he bitten off more than he can chew this time.
The Gift of Choice by tinylilremus (PG13 | 5/5 | 44,594)
Neither Alec nor Magnus is particularly thrilled at the discovery of their soul marks. Alec because he knows that the design of it means that his soulmate is a Downworlder, something practically unheard of in Shadowhunter society. For Magnus, the idea of being permanently attached to a joyless demon-killer is hardly a thrill. Given that they can choose if they accept their soulmate or not, the decision seems like a no-brainer.
But when Alec finally meets the beautiful, other-worldly Magnus and Magnus meets the gorgeous, self-sacrificing Alec, it becomes clear that the decision might not be as easy as they thought it would.
The Burden of Atlas by tomfoolery14 (Mature | 9/9 | 38,261)
Alec Lightwood is a low profile, high success assassin. He’s the son of two lawyers notorious for flying in the face of justice for the love of money, who he retaliates against by taking on cases that require working outside the law to ensure justice is served. Magnus Bane is underworld royalty as the divergent son of a highly respected crime lord. He dissolves drug cartels, prostitution rings, and any other monopoly that threatens to poison his beloved Brooklyn. The two of them together are the perfect storm. When a new threat arises that combines the case of Alec’s new prospective client and a drug cartel Magnus has been keeping tabs on for years, the pair is out for blood.
don't judge a book by its cover by WendigoBaby (PG | 1/1 | 1,517)
Maybe it’s just a coincidence or a sign from the universe. Either way, it’s Magnus’ chance to introduce himself, find out the name of the person he’s been subtly fawning over.
But is he more than just a pretty face?
(or the biker!alec au fic nobody asked for)
everything is fine when your hand is resting next to mine by WendigoBaby (PG13 | 1/1 | 3,610)
They’re teetering.
Always walking a thin line of something more, of a touch a second too long, of a heartbeat just on the side of too quick. Magnus loves it, hates it, a little bit of both. It makes him lie awake at night, imagining the moment when the tide breaks.
so i bow my head and pray by WendigoBaby (Mature | 1/1 | 2,515)
Cheers get even louder, threatening to burst everyone’s eardrums when Magnus’ fighter walks into the arena. He’s already shirtless, hands wrapped in boxing tape, skin covered with tattoos, dark hair sprawling the expanse of a muscular chest and stomach. Jaw tight, brows pulled together and calculating, he pays no attention to the public; focused on the goal, his hazel eyes trace the nervous movements of his opponent.
Magnus feels a tug of nostalgia in his heart, where there was a boy laughing once, there is now a man with only one wish. With nostalgia come questions and with questions comes guilt, but it’s foreign, trapped behind thick walls, as this is not the time nor the place for deeper thoughts.
veni vidi amavi by WendigoBaby (PG | 1/1 | 5,663)
Alec still looks so young, bright-eyed and with morning scruff covering his face; there are no grey hairs on his head, no wrinkles embedded in his skin, except for little crow’s feet around his eyes that came from smiling. The golden band around Alec’s right ring finger catches the light as he cuts the tomatoes, quick and efficient.
It’s an unspoken rule that warlocks rarely marry. Usually, it’s the fear of commitment with mortals - the promise of heartbreak after they pass lingering like a ghost over your shoulder or people not wanting to spend the entirety of their lives devoted to one soul. But Alec has always had a tendency to surprise Magnus.
349 notes · View notes
theonceoverthinker · 6 years
OUAT 3X06 - Ariel
Who’s ready to hear an amazing TAIL that only slightly FISHY?!
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Yeah, yeah. They’re not all winners. Hit me up under the cut to read my thoughts!
Press Release
Back in the Fairy Tale Land that was, when Ariel saves Snow White from drowning in the ocean’s depths, Snow returns the favor by helping her new friend get acquainted with Prince Eric, with whom she has fallen madly in love with. Meanwhile, Emma, Mary Margaret, David and Hook attempt to save Neal, who is imprisoned in one of Pan’s encampments, and Regina and Mr. Gold begrudgingly team up to find a way to take down Pan.
Main Thoughts - Characters/Stories/Themes and Their Effectiveness
Ariel is the main focus of this segment. Her character introduction is the reason for it.
And honestly, that’s pretty great.
I think that’s pretty evident by how much the fandom loves Ariel as a whole. I’ve never met a single person who doesn’t love her and there’s a good reason why. She’s energetic, kind, has a solid introductory story that gives you everything you’ve ever needed to know about her character. Johanna’s performance is so enjoying to watch as she captures the innocence of the character of Ariel as well as the bubbliness that made the Disney version so memorable.
So, we all agree, the main focus of this segment are the secrets. It’s not to say there isn’t more meat there (Ex. Rumple and Regina), but I cover more of it in other segments and my thoughts on the secrets is what you want to hear.
”The deeper the lie, the more truth in its echo.” I guess that means the more you deny the truth to yourself and others, the more true or big it really is.
And to be experimental and do something different (And because I don’t really feel like delving into the revelations that will come to pass in future seasons), I’m going to just focus my review of the present by tackling these secrets as they are and with that mindset in mind:
Killian: Killian reveals that he kissed Emma and that the kiss exposed that he can move on from Milah and love again. I buy this as a secret. To keep this short as to not get too shippy (You can find THAT bit of shippy goodness in it’s home), it makes perfect sense to me that with Killian’s redemption underway and that he’s at least willing to let Rumple live, the idea of him moving on romantically works as both a story concept and a character concept. I also like how he was apparently fighting it at every step of the way, only being fully convinced with last episode’s kiss.
Snow: Snow reveals that for as much as she loves Emma and their life together, she longs for the firsts that were denied to them and thus, wants another baby. I feel like Snow addresses David more with this secret than she does Emma and for the secret of ‘I want another baby/another chance,’ there are too many instances of “our daughter” and not enough “Emma”s for me. Now, with that out of the way, the secret itself is very in-character for Snow. I like it in terms of enjoying it as something very in-character. It’s a believable desire for her to have and Ginny really sells how badly Snow wants it. It’s also heartbreaking for Emma and that de-emphasis on her (Or rather, de-EMMA-sis -- holy shit, that may have been my best pun ever) as she tells it really sticks out because of it. It sucks that this is never brought back up too because this is sort of another case of Emma being told she’s not enough and by her own parents who she saved.
David: David, of course, reveals that he’s trapped on the island. There’s really nothing else to elaborate on here. I like how the focus is on Snow and her anger at the lie is hard and fast. It builds on what she was saying about secrets and honesty in both segments of the episode.
Emma: Finally, Emma reveals that while she’s never stopped loving Neal, the pain of losing him again caused all of the pain from long ago to return with a vengeance, and that rather than being forced to deal with the pain that their past together caused her, she wished that he’d died. Again, I’ll try not to talk about all of the shippy goodness here (Again, there’s more down below), but some will be delved into, so fair warning. Looks like I’m 4/4 because I like this one too. I get that wanting someone to die as their best self seems better than having to come to terms with the complications in their relationship. When Neal “died,” he had just apologized to Emma and made a heroic sacrifice for her and Henry. That was his last impression and believing him to be dead allows for Emma to close the book on the pain that was between them. Him being alive brings those problems to the present and makes them active again and Emma would rather that pain not be the thing that ultimately impacts her memory of Neal the most. I also love Neal’s response and fast forgiveness. For a few episodes now, Neal has been discussing all of his regrets concerning Emma and how he felt about her and that hug really says a lot about just how sorry he is.
Insights - Stream of Consciousness
-”Did you really think you could hide from The Evil Queen?” “Actually, yes.” This line never fails to crack me up! The shrug and surprise in Ginny’s voice really sells it.
-Look at the synchronized swords on those guards! How long do you think they practiced that?
-Damn, the water here is beautiful. The way the lighting is done paints something mystical and yet deadly af!
-”No. There has to be a way without going dark.” No, Emma. Anger does not necessitate going dark. Anger is an emotion that everyone’s entitled to feeling and it’s one that can be a force for good. The way Regina’s teaching you at the moment doesn’t go against that. Coming right after the stellar subplot in “Good Form,” this really is a disappointment to hear from Emma. Emma knows righteous fury better than anyone. That said, I completely agree with this scene for framing Regina as in the right because it’s completely warranted.
-YASSSS! Thank you, Killian for telling the truth about Neal!
-I’m fully with David and Killian here. Emotionally and strategically, it made the most sense to keep Emma in the dark about Neal being alive until they could confirm it.
-”Can you keep a secret?” Fuck no, she can’t!
-Rumple, while trying to look into the future, looks like he’s either trying to summon a Final Flash from DBZ or the Doctor Strange magic hands.
-I spend a lot of time thinking about Rumple and his future telling abilities and why they never came up after this season. Like, I honestly don’t care that much about plot holes, but they can matter when they’re character-based. When a character has a power like that (One that’s been established since the pilot), there needs to be a reason for them not to use it, and Rumple, who has an over-reliance on magic as a major character trait, would use that as often as he could. In Neverland, Pan made it clear why he couldn't. But why not afterwards? Is the power just that vague that we can infer that he was using it? My personal HC is that they just went away after his first death.
-Okay, Pan is the one hell of a villain, but he’s also one hell of a chef, too! No wonder Fiona loved him!
-”You’ve lost your son Neal. Again.” You’re such an asshole, Pan, but it is like the greatest thing to watch.
-Okay, so real talk: I have misophonia and loud chewing and talking with one’s mouthful often enrages me. And Pan didn’t! I was ready to cringe when he picked up that egg in a basket, but he was fine. Pan, you may be the villain of this arc, but you’re the Savior to my ears! Thank you, Robbie Kay for enunciating properly as you eat!
-”That by killing you, all our troubles end?” Rumple: Sass Master Extraordinaire.
-Okay, so it looks like Rumple specifically has to die to kill Pan. Da fuq?
-”Have you forgiven YOUR father?” Wow, the writers of this show were just milking that twist with everything they had, didn’t they?
-”She looks fertile.” I repeat: Da fuq?
-I feel like I’d hate Snow a lot more in this episode if it weren’t for her tracking abilities finally being put to good use.
-I like Regina’s decision to leave the group from a character perspective. While the group should definitely try to save Neal, Regina, who doesn’t care about him would have no interest and after the second stop in their journey AND after talking to Henry, I can understand how all that frustration would just explode at the thought of another deviation.
-”It [the fork] is really not that valuable.” I don’t know. That is a really well made fork. XD
-”I may be heartbroken, but I’ll understand.” People, I give you Prince Eric: The only true unproblematic fave.
-Ooh! That mirror transition effect from the party to Regina’s castle was amazing!
-”Come home to Storybrooke.” Rumple, that’s as big of a red flag as there can be that that’s not Belle!
-”Are you really going to fall for this?” My sentiments exactly, Regina!
-You know, this is some great acting on Emilie’s part! She has to pull off a suffocation scene as the victim with no physical help from another actor. She really sells fake Belle’s desperation and panic!
-Speaking of good acting, look at Robert’s face when he discovers that Pan’s shadow was fake Belle. For the first time, we see a full display of the true fear Rumple has for his father!
-For as much as I’m apprehensive about Snow in the present segments, I’m LOVING her in the past. She’s so kind and supportive.
-”Thanks. For nothin’.” A little ungrateful there, aren’t you, Ariel?
-I giggled for a good twenty seconds at Regina saying “Ah-riel!”
-”You’re not gonna die at anyone’s hands but my own.” Honestly, Rumple dies at EVERYONE’S hands but your own!
-”Because I came here to kill him and die in the process!” Rumple, you are so fucking extra! Still bring the freakin’ weapon! You are so gloriously extra!
-Lana is having such a fun time playing Regina playing Ursula and I’m loving it! XD
-I took another five second giggle at “Dil-EMMA.”
-”I lost half my crew inside those rock walls.” Wow. This has gotta hurt.
-”He believes once we do [Reveal our secrets], we’ll destroy each other.” I love how this just doesn’t happen. It threatens to happen, but the strength of the group is strong enough to overcome them.
-Okay, so Snow’s a total boss during this Regina confrontation! Not only is she once again completely supportive of Ariel, BUT she decides to egg on Regina as much as she can before dying at her hands by saying that she’ll never be happy. For this point in Regina’s life, it’s an incredibly satisfying sight to see.
-SAME GOES FOR ARIEL! She fucking stabs Regina in the neck! WITH A FORK! Not even Snow or Charming could do that with a sword!
-”I don’t know the particulars. Only what I’ve been told.” So Killian didn’t go in?
-I love the video game that is the Echo Caves!
-”You know that’s not how this works.” Emma’s reaction to this line is just the best, her body screaming “can’t blame me for trying.”
-Anyone feel like if they were trapped in the Echo Cave that they wouldn’t know their own deepest secrets?
-REGINA! FUCK YOU! It’s an amazing evil plan and as a viewer, I’m loving this, but for breaking Ariel’s spirit, FUCK YOU!
-Real Ursula. Both powerful and kinky as all hell. <3
-”Storybrooke.” Regina’s so proud of the name, and to be fair, quite rightly!
Arcs - How Are These Storylines Progressing?
The Mission to Save Henry - We have a way of defeating Pan! XD Once again, the main plot focuses on something else than this mission, but I don’t think it was a bad idea. The subplot keeps the momentum going quite nicely.  
Killian’s Redemption - GREAT on Killian for telling the truth about Neal! That’s really the biggest point here, but it’s an important one nonetheless that speaks to how seriously he’s taking his redemption. He doesn’t hesitate telling her family and only keeps Emma in the dark temporarily as to spare her further pain.
Regina’s Redemption - Regina gets some great moments here! First, how she teaches Emma is fantastic! Like, I’m so glad that she showed the value of anger and how it and darkness are not necessarily one and the same! Second, she saves Rumple’s ass! Third, “maybe we can find another way.” The third way has been the heroes philosophy for a while and to see Regina trying that outlook rather than sacrificing Rumple is a nice bit of foreshadowing to her eventual fates and abilities! I actually think Regina may be in her best form this season! She’s still snippy and hates everyone, but she’s focused on doing right by her son. Because of that, she’ll use the darkness for the noble cause of saving him, and rather than waste time (As she puts it), she’ll look for faster means when working with those that are good isn’t making what she deems as acceptable progress.
Rumple’s Redemption - Despite Neal’s betrayal and his doubts from “Nasty Habits,” Rumple is still sincerely all in for his redemption, as much as he can be, at least. His self preservation habit is still eating at him, making him trust more in Shadow Belle, and it really works!
Favorite Dynamic
Regina and Rumple. Regina came to Rumple at just the right time. She dragged him fighting and screaming away from danger and self loathing and back to reality and the point of this mission. It’s actually a great relief to see Rumple again with someone who won’t take any of his shit. Characters like that challenge Rumple and with Regina, it allows for us to see just what happens when they combine their dark magic and few fucks together for a good cause. It’s as Regina says: “We’re the two most powerful practitioners of magic who have ever lived. The Evil Queen and The Dark One joining forces? I’d say we can find another way of handling some smug teenager.” And together, they’re effective at coming up with a real strategy to defeat that smug teenager!
Adam and Eddy are “Ariel’s” writers and I really like what they did here. All three stories are balanced well, everyones motivations are really understandable in the present and that fits the framing of everyone being sympathetic, and the material in the past is just engaging.
10/10. It’s a great episode! Ariel is a compelling character and watching her learn the value of honesty is a nice story that cleanly fits Snow and Regina into it. The present really delves into the further conflicts of the main characters and shows how honesty can be both an aid and a curse. The episode itself is given nuance because of that and the sets of interactions chose for the most part do a lot of good for expanding on the character’s mindsets. Also, as you’ll see below, this episode is FILLED TO THE BRIM WITH SHIPPY GOODNESS!
Flip My Ship - The Home of All Things “Shippy Goodness”
Captain Swan - I think it says so much about how Killian cares for Emma that he’s willing to tell her family immediately that Neal’s alive, only holding out on telling Emma herself so that they can confirm it and save her from more pain. Pan said it himself: There is a good chance Emma won’t return his affections after its revealed that Neal’s alive. But he does it anyway because he knows how devastated she was from his loss. Whether you believe he’s completely in love with her or not, that is what caring for another person truly is. Also, look at how Emma looks to Killian to confirm whether or not that’s true when the beans are spilled (Thanks, Snow). She really does trust him now! And on Emma’s side, she actually tells her mom she kissed Hook! “I was feeling good.” And she says it in such a gossipy practically bursting way! It’s not-at-all giddy, but still a little giddy at the same time! And when Snow asks her if it meant anything, she says “i-it was just a kiss,” but everything from her tone to the fact that she actually told someone about this kiss means that it definitely was more! Now let’s talk about the Echo Cave. Killian reveals his secret and Emma’s first response is “It’s just a kiss.” But just look at the vulnerability in her eyes! And the first panel comes roaring out once he reveals what it fully meant to him! Truth! And as Emma goes towards Neal, there’s this dark acceptance in him, but it’s a respectful possible resignation.
Swan Fire - I genuinely adore how soft Neal is with Emma. The entire time he’s in his cage, he gives Emma gentle nudges in the right direction and oodles of comfort. And Emma’s confession to never stop loving Neal was beautiful. Jen’s performance here is just beautiful, soft and tender features all around as she admits that. And even as she’s admitting that she wished Neal was dead, she’s crying, clearly wishing to herself that it wasn’t true because of the love she has for him. And what’s Neal’s response to this when he gets out? An IMMEDIATE hug. It’s a tender, desperate, emotional hug. I actually found myself choked up here. He completely understands what she means. Emma gives this genuine apology for how she feels and Neal just gets it. And he’s still going to fight for her.
Ariel/Eric - Damn, Eric is romantic af! He cares about no one’s thoughts but Ariel’s and it’s really charming. “If I want to dance, I can.” <3 I almost find it a touch too forward for him to ask her to explore the world with her after one date, but given that they’re going full in on the Love at First Sight trope and Ariel says twice that she wanted to see the world, it works! He’s also a full on gentleman, stepping back (Literally) the second he feels she might decline for her comfort and even says” “I’m pressuring you: That’s unfair!” The dude’s an honest-to-goodness heartthrob! And Ariel really cares about him too! She doesn’t want him to be forced to choose between her and his dreams. And together, they’re just a cute, optimistic, lovey-dovey pair!
Millian - Short blurb, but I think it really says something about the depth of Killian’s feelings for Milah that he could NOT move on from her for over a century and when he finally found someone, he had to kiss her to finally push the denial out of his system. Like, that’s some powerful love.
Snowing - “At least not with me.” Okay, so David definitely lied and that sucks, but holy shit. In this one line, David gave his blessing for Snow not only to move on, but to have another child with someone else. And that’s gotta hurt! Like, LOVE! That’s love!
This review was admittedly much shorter than I usually make them, and I’m sorry, but not too sorry because ONCE CON!!!! If you want to keep up with my con adventures, I’ll try posting some pics to my Instagram, protochan44, and hell, maybe I’ll do a live video at some point! And yeah, I’ll probably post some shenanigans on my blog too! But yeah, I am so excited and also pretty relieved that I was able to get through all of these!
Thanks for reading and thank you to the beautiful folks at @watchingfairytales, at least two of whom I’ll be meeting either tonight or tomorrow! Next time, we hit up “Dark Hollow!”
Season 3 Total (59/220)
Writer’s Scores: Adam and Eddy (19/60) Kalinda Vazquez (10/40) Andrew Chambliss (10/50) Jane Espenson (10/30) David Goodman (10/40) Robert Hull (10/40) Christine Boylan (10/20) Daniel Thomsen (10/30)
Operation Rewatch Archives
16 notes · View notes
terreisa · 7 years
The Savior and The Scoundrel: Strangers in a Strange Land
Emma has had a few titles attributed to her in her life: princess, captain, pirate but none sat so heavily on her shoulders as Savior. When fate forces her to step into the role prophesied before her birth the only saving she wants to do is to bring back the man she loves. Fulfilling the Prophecy along the way is an additional reward. Sequel to A Crown and A Captain.
Prologue, Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7
ff.net, AO3
Once, when Emma was six or perhaps seven, she had been thrown from her pony when he had been spooked by a rabbit darting out in front of him.  The pony hadn’t been overlarge but Emma had been tossed off his back from a higher point than she’d ever fallen from before.  She vividly remembered the surprise of flying through the air and the shock of all the air being forced from her lungs when she had landed flat on her back on the unforgiving ground.  Worst of all were the few terrible seconds where she hadn’t been able to move a single muscle and she had truly believed she had died.
Every heart stopping sensation returned to her as Killian stared at her without a single spark of recognition in his eyes.
Emma realized she was still in his arms, clinging to him desperately.  She quickly stepped back but all rational thought had left her.  Killian looked the same, sounded the same, his arms had felt the same wrapped around her but somehow it wasn’t him at all.  He was watching her with a bemused smile and seemed about to ask her a more pressing question when she felt a warm hand on her elbow, pulling her further away from him.
“Apologies.  We’ve had a bit o’ drink tonight and me cousin though yous was someone else.”
Roland squeezed her arm gently, she supposed to comfort her and to indicate she should go along with whatever ruse he had planned.  He was swaying almost imperceptibly on his feet and Emma caught a whiff of rum coming off him.  The harsh smell of the alcohol broke through her stupor and she began to tremble.  Roland’s grip tightened as he stepped slightly in front of her.
“No harm, no foul, mate,” Killian grinned up at Roland.  There was a sharpness to it Emma had never seen before as his gaze slid back to her, “Whoever he is he’s quite the fool for letting such a beautiful woman go.  I can assure you if your, er, cousin was mine the only reason she’d have to drink would be to rehydrate herself for another round.”
Grace gasped from behind them and Roland’s hand flexed painfully around her arm.  The lewd comment coming from Killian, who hadn’t always had a proper tongue but never one so vulgar, was as shocking as getting doused in a bucket of ice cold seawater and just as effective at getting Emma’s thoughts moving again.
“As though I’d stoop so low as to sleep with a man who skulks around a harbor in the dead of night and tries to seduce a woman who’d mistaken him for another,” she retorted, stepping back in front of Roland and settling her hands on her hips.
“Oh, you have fire, lass,” Killian whistled, rocking back on his heels, his eyes glittering.  He gave her a short bow, “Names Kieran.”
“I didn’t ask for it,” Emma said steadily, despite her heart beating furiously in her chest.
“And yet you have it anyway.  I suppose it’s too much to hope you’ll give me yours in return?  I have a feeling it just rolls off the tongue-” Killian’s own tongue darted out from between his lips to touch the corner of his mouth before he bit his lip and winked at her.
“That’ll be enough of that, mate.”
Roland stepped up beside her again, hostility radiating off him, all pretenses dropped.  Emma had never seen him upset, let alone angry, and she had to fight against the urge to put herself in between the two men with Killian safely at her back.  Killian was the unknown element on the dock and she was quickly becoming aware of exactly what she was up against.  Zelena’s dark curse seemed to not have only stolen Killian away from her, it had stolen away the essence of who he was and replaced it with something else.  Something Emma wasn’t sure she had the strength to fight against.
“No need to get your panties in a twist I’m just having a bit of fun.”
Killian held his hands up in surrender and the sight made Emma gasp involuntarily.  Much like in her dreams, the ones she’d had to convince herself for hours afterward weren’t real, his left hand had been replaced by a shiny hook.  Although, it was unlike any hook she’d seen before, almost pincer-like in its appearance.  At the sound of her surprise a dark look shadowed Killian’s face and he dropped his arms with a scowl.
“Appears the fun’s been cancelled for the evening,” Grace’s steely voice floated across the dock causing all three of them to focus on her. “We’ll be on our way and you can be on yours.”
“Ah, but I find myself intrigued as to why the three of you were down here at all,” Killian’s taunting voice had Emma looking back at him.  He tilted his head towards them, eyes slowly taking them all in, “It’s far too late for a pleasure cruise and despite the whiff of rum I’d bet none of you lot have let a drop pass your lips at all this night.  Not to mention you’re all wearing clothes far more suited for a voyage with Jack Sparrow than a dockside rendezvous in rural Maine.”
“I could wonder the same about you,” Emma said, tilting her own head to the side measuring him up.  She didn’t know how much of her Killian had been changed, how much of him was left inside the man standing before her, but she was willing to push a few buttons to find out, “The smell of alcohol on you is pervasive, like you dip yourself in a cask of it before going anywhere but over that I smell mischief.  You aren’t down here for a casual stroll yourself and judging by the look of the ships bobbing in their slips behind us and the set of tools not so hidden in your coat pocket I’d guess you’re the one who was thinking about taking a pleasure cruise.  What you were looking for was a distraction from whatever it is you need distracting from and instead of stealing a ship you’ve decided we’re far more interesting.  Am I right?”
He gaped at her in wonder before shaking his head.  A smile slowly unfurled as he stepped closer to her, leaning into her space, “Well, you’ve got fire and a brain to boot.  You seem to have gained quite the measure of me in our short acquaintance and yet somehow still remain shrouded in mystery yourself.  A name lass and I’ll see fit to forget to mention our strange meeting to the sheriff of the lovely town you find yourself in.”
“If that was a legitimate threat I might consider it,” she smirked and hoped it didn’t tremble. “You can’t tell your sheriff about us without telling them why you were down here in the first place.  We’ll be going now.”
It took all of her remaining strength to force her feet to move forward and push past Killian.  She refused to look back, even as she heard him chuckling behind her and the strange lanterns along the docks seemed to flicker in her wake.  He couldn’t be allowed to see how much talking to him had broken her and she was grateful that Roland was right behind her, effectively shielding her from Killian’s view.
“I look forward to our next tet-a-tet, lass!” Killian’s voice called out after her, amplified as it echoed across the water. “I hope it will be as pleasurable as this one has been!”
Roland’s hand settled on her shoulder and continued to guide her forward.  She was grateful for it because the tears in her eyes made it nearly impossible for her to see where she was going.  Focusing on the sound of their footsteps and the warmth of Roland’s hand she walked, keeping the sea to her right.  For a good while they traveled along the unforgiving pathway leading away from the town but once it diverted back inland Emma led them into the woods lining the shore.  The crunching of twigs and soft loam beneath her boots grounded her as her tears dried on her cheeks.
“Do you think it was the curse?”
Grace’s gentle question came at the point when the orange glow of lights from the town became indiscernible through the trees.  Emma slowed to a stop at a fallen log and sat down heavily upon it.  Roland and Grace sat on either side of her, patiently waiting for her answer.
“I’m sure of it,” she croaked out.  Clearing her throat she dug one heel into the dirt at her feet, “Killian would have never talked to me that way.  Even when he was pretending to be someone else when I first met him he was flirtatious but not like that.  The curse changed him, made him forget who he is.  It made him forget me.”
Roland’s arm draped over her shoulder and pulled her into his side.  She had no more tears to cry.  All that she felt was left of her was an exhausted husk that was too close to admitting defeat.
“But it’s still a curse.  It can be broken,” Grace said emphatically, grabbing onto Emma’s hand almost desperately.
“With True Love’s kiss!” Roland jumped up and began pacing excitedly, “We can’t go back now, he’s probably already gone.  We’ll have to scout the town and wait for him to be alone again.  Maybe if we go-”
“It won’t work,” Emma said dully, slipping her hand out of Grace’s grasp.
“What?” Roland stumbled to a halt and gaped at her, “Of course it will!  True Love’s kiss breaks any curse.”
“Not if one can’t remember the other,” she said desolately.  Despite feeling as though she had cried all the moisture out of her body the tears gathered in her eyes once more, “How can you share True Love with someone if you can’t remember ever knowing them?”
“Then we make him remember,” Roland said vehemently. “Or- or we find your father or mine and break it that way.”
“We don’t even know if Killian is the only one who lost his memory or what else this fucking curse has done to them,” Emma fired back, through with trying to come up with yet another plan for the ones that had gone awry. “I don’t have my magic, we’re in a realm we know nothing about, we don’t know if we’ll have anyone on our side or if it’s just the four of us against Zelena.  Who, by the way, has every advantage over us.  I don’t- I can’t handle another blow.”
The fight drained out of Roland and he slumped back down onto the log with an air of defeat.  Emma felt a moment of guilt for snapping at him and effectively stomping on his hopes but they all had to face the reality of their situation.  They had been terribly naive in their preparations and were facing the consequences of believing they had been equipped to handle the unknown.
“Okay, it’s okay,” Grace said in a soothing voice.  She began to gently rub Emma’s back in a way that reminded her of Snow, “We’ve all been awake since dawn at least and with the fight with those pirates and the search for the bean we’ve pushed ourselves to our limits.  We just need a few hours of sleep and I bet we’ll find things won’t look so bleak come morning.”
“We’ll make camp here tonight,” Grace continued, talking over her, “Tomorrow we’ll scout out the town as best we can without drawing attention to ourselves.  Killian most likely won’t be telling anyone of authority he saw us, you might be right about that Emma.  That should at least keep Zelena from immediately discovering we’re here.  Then we’ll return to the Jewel at dusk and discuss with Turner and Marty how to proceed.”
Emma nodded tiredly.  Grace gently patted her shoulder and stood from the log, dragging Roland with her.  She watched as they began to gather wood and clear a spot for a fire.  In what seemed like the span of a single blink a small fire was burning cheerily in front of her and Grace was gently coaxing her to lay down in the circle of its warmth.  Even with the unforgiving ground and dark thoughts swirling in her head she was asleep within moments of closing her eyes.
The next morning was grey and gloomy.  She woke to the low murmurs of Grace and Roland and the smell of roasting meat.  The fire was burning as high as it had been when she had fallen asleep with the added sight of a rabbit roasting on a spit over it.  Sitting up she listened to Roland as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.
“-never saw me and if Killian truly doesn’t talk then no one will be suspicious.  She’ll still have no idea we’re here until it’s too late.”
“Zelena knows who you are,” Emma said gruffly, her throat slightly raw from the crying she had done the night before and unhelped by sleeping outdoors.  She took a quick drink from the flask Roland handed her, “Even if she didn’t use a mirror to spy on me after we met Thompson would have been made to tell her about the Merry Men camp and everyone in it.  Taking your father but not you was probably her way of punishing you for being so eager to help us right off.  Grace and Marty are the only ones Zelena doesn’t know about.”
“Then maybe we should be the ones to scout out the town,” Grace said with a frown.
“No-” she shook her head as she shuffled as close to the fire as she could without getting singed, “Marty is young and inexperienced, no matter how much he’d argue otherwise.  I’m not going to send you out there without someone to back you up and I’m also not going to stay away just because Zelena might recognize me.  We’ll play it safe at first to get an idea of what we’re dealing with but I’m not going to hide in the shadows forever.”
Grace and Roland beamed at her.  She felt steadier and more resolute than she had the night before.  The light of day and a night’s rest had greatly improved her outlook, even if she shied away from thinking about her interaction with Killian completely.
They stayed at their makeshift camp only until the fire burned down to embers and they could snuff it out easily.  The clouds above were a steely grey and Emma could smell a storm edging its way towards them as they buried the bones from their meal and removed any signs that they had been there.  Roland was the one to lead them back towards the town due to him being the most familiar with travelling through a forest and having actually paid attention to where Emma had blindly taken them the night before in her distress.
Once they were within sight of the solid, dark roadways they stayed within the shadows of the trees as Emma pulled out her spyglass to observe the town spread out below them.  From what she could see it was moderate in size with a good amount of people milling about, either walking from place to place or in strange carriages that moved without the assistance of horses.  She also saw no signs of distress or displacement from the inhabitants which gave her more reason to believe that not only Killian’s memories had been tampered with.
As they moved on Emma took the lead.  They maintained their distance from the road but kept it in sight as they moved along the perimeter of the town.  All too soon it veered off in two separate directions one leading deeper into the woods and the other back towards the heart of the town.  Loathe as she was to leave the safety of the trees she knew she couldn’t hide in them forever, not if she wanted to find the answers she needed.
“We need to stash our weapons here,” Emma murmured grimly, scanning the forest for a suitable hiding place.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea-” Roland scowled, resting his hand on the hilt of his sword. “What if we need to defend ourselves?”
“Then we’re not doing a very good job of laying low,” she huffed. “Look, there’s never been a time that I walked into a room where I wasn’t immediately suspicious of a sword or bow on a person.  I’m almost certain we’re going to stick out in people’s minds because we’re strangers that have come to this small town but we’ll draw even more attention if we’re armed.  You can keep the knife in your boot but the cutlass has to go.”
Roland looked at her in shock as his right foot kicked out reflexively.  She grinned, a small but genuine smile, and began removing her own sword as she walked towards a somewhat hollowed out tree that could serve their purpose.  Grace’s short sword and Roland’s cutlass joined hers in quick order and using strips of bark and fallen branches from other trees they were able to hide them relatively well.
Despite feeling on edge and exposed Emma couldn’t help feeling fascinated by the new realm they had found themselves in.  The dark substance on the roadways seemed to be a type of pitch that was curiously untacky under her boot and as hard as the cobblestones back in the courtyard of her parent’s castle.  The raised pathway that ran alongside it was seemingly made of stone slabs the like of which she’d never seen before but it was clearly meant as a footpath only as the strange carriages were too wide to travel easily upon it.  They spent a little time inspecting the carriages, which were forged of metal and glass, but continued on when they couldn’t figure out what made them move.
What surprised her most wasn’t the fantastical oddities around her but the general air of desolation that pervaded throughout the town.  The roadway was pocked with divots and cracks, many of the carriages had their wheels missing and were placed upon stone blocks, and more than once they passed a stranger that took just as much interest in them as they did in their appearance, which was to say none at all.  The cottages they passed seemed almost uniform in build with only slight alterations in their facade and yet there was something more that united them aside from their repetitious build.
It was the warped wood of the walls, the rusting metal fixtures and decorations, the unkempt and weed choked gardens enclosed more often than not by sagging or incomplete fencing that spoke to Emma of the conditions the people lived in under the curse.  In her travels it had never escaped her notice that even the poorest villager would take pains to make their humble dwellings feel as though it was a home to be proud of.  Unless, of course, they were in a kingdom that neglected or even terrorized their subjects.  She hadn’t seen much of Misthaven under Zelena’s rule before the curse but she had heard enough from others to know that it could have been a mirror for the town she found herself in.
The closer they traveled to what appeared to be the main thoroughfare of the town the more well maintained the buildings and gardens became.  Emma didn’t have much of a chance to observe her surroundings with much scrutiny due to the increase of people walking about.  They stealthily ducked into an alleyway once they came across one that seemed to head into the heart of the town.  Once they reached the opposite end she quietly told Grace and Roland to remain in the shadows so they could watch the goings on before them.
Emma watched silently as the movement past the mouth of the alley steadily increased.  The wonder at watching the horseless carriages speed by wore off quickly as the odor of the mechanism that enabled them to travel permeated the air.  In contrast her fascination with the clothing of the realm increased the more of it she saw as people strolled by.  She had never seen such riotous colors outside of tropical isles or exotic lands and never had she seen the number of women in trousers far outnumber the ones in skirts or dresses, especially ones that had been tailored to such scandalously short lengths that the only purpose seemed to be to show off the hose they wore underneath.  Even with the cool autumn morning the varieties in clothing that both the men and women wore astounded her.
“We’re going to have to find new togs if we want to blend in,” Roland commented as a man walked by wearing a dark grey knit cap that slouched off the crown of his head, a deep maroon woolen overcoat, and dark blue trousers that were so tight they appeared to be a second skin. “No wonder Killian made that comment about our appearance last night.”
“We don’t even know if the shops in this realm take our gold coins let alone if the tailor has anything already made that will fit each of us,” Emma murmured as she watched a chattering trio of women in quilted coats and brightly colored, patterned trousers speed past. “I think I prefer my own clothing, even if I somehow still stand out because of them.”
“Maybe we can at least find some of those coats to at least conceal our own clothes,” Grace said thoughtfully, plucking at the hem of her waistcoat. “We don’t know how long we’ll be in this realm or how harsh their winter will be.”
Grace’s casual observation jolted her back to why they were skulking in the alley in the first place.  She had almost forgotten in her wonder at the strangeness around her that they had no idea how to proceed with their original plan.  Before she could even gather herself enough to make a response a flash of bright blue caught her eye and she turned just in time to see an achingly familiar profile disappear from the view of the alley.
Emma bolted out of the alleyway but the man who had caught her eye was already down the roadway, climbing into a larger carriage with an open back that looked similar to a hay wagon.  She stood frozen on the walkway as she waited with a pounding heart for him to glance back so she could confirm that it actually was her father.  Her wish was granted after his carriage roared dully and he peeked over his shoulder for the shortest of moments.  The last time she had seen David it had been through a mirror and after more than eleven years of separation but there was no mistaking the man in the carriage for anyone else.
The excitement that had flared briefly in her chest at seeing her father was snuffed out when she realized the carriage was quickly moving away from her.  She looked frantically back at the mouth of the alley where Grace and Roland were both shaking their heads at her with twin looks of panic before quickly looking back to where her father’s carriage was turning down another roadway and out of her sight.  Without a second thought she gave chase, ignoring the strangled shout of Roland behind her and the shocked looks of the people on the walkway in front of her.  As she darted across the road she caused several of the carriages to halt to a stop with loud blaring noises seemingly coming from within their depths but she paid them no mind as she made the turn down the roadway she’d seen her father take.
To Emma’s dismay the carriages moved much faster than she anticipated.  David was already a fair distance ahead of her.  There were less people walking along the road she’d found herself on but that only made her mad dash all the more conspicuous as they merely stood in her way, gaping at her.  She dodged around them as efficiently as she could, cursing as she watched the carriage David was in turn once more with a brief flaring of red at its back.
By the time she turned down the road she believed David had turned down there was no sign of him or the carriage.  She bit down a curse and the urge to sob as she slowed her pace to a light jog and looked through the windows of shops and down the other roadways that branched off in a dismaying number of possibilities.  After passing by several such roadways she finally turned down one based merely on the discovery that no one else was on it and she wanted a moment or two to collect herself before Grace and Roland found her.  She was far from ready to face them and their lectures on her impulsiveness.  It was bad enough she was already chastising herself about it as she walked aimlessly.
The roadway she found herself on was unlike any of the others she’d seen that morning.  On the side she was walking on the buildings were much like the shops she’d passed while she’d chased David, though a bit larger and without any wares on display in the windows.  Directly across from her was a large, white building set back from the road with an expanse of lush green, short cut grasses and hedges before it.  Her steps slowed to a stop as she contemplated what purpose the building served as the sign out front declaring it as ‘City Hall’ made only a small amount of sense to her.
The vague ideas and musings over the uses were interrupted when a small, dark green carriage sped down the road at an incredible speed before jolting to a screeching halt near the front doors of the hall.  Emma’s thoughts stopped altogether when a woman emerged from the interior of the carriage.  Her skin was no longer green and the elaborate gown Emma had last seen her in was replaced by something sleeker and somehow more form fitting but there was no mistaking the fiery red hair or screeching voice for anyone but Zelena.
“I don’t give a bloody fuck how it’s done.  I want that rat trap of a cabin demolished by the end of the week.  Is that understood?”
Emma knelt down slowly so as not to draw attention to herself as she went for the blade in her boot.  She would have preferred her sword or even her magic but she knew her short dagger could be just as effective a weapon.  Straightening back up she concealed the dagger between her body and her arm as she watched Zelena rant at some unseen person.  With a deep breath she stepped forward, whether to force the witch to answer questions or to kill her Emma wasn’t sure, when a rough hand clamped over her mouth and an arm wrapped around her torso, pinning down her arms, and pulled her backwards.
Her paralysis only lasted a few seconds before she began to struggle.  The person who grabbed her grunted in pain as her bootheels connected with their shins but it only caused their grip to tighten as they drug her further down what she vaguely noted was another alley.  She continued to kick out and back at her attacker, trying to set them off balance and simultaneously cause them enough pain that they’d inevitably release her.
“Bloody hell, lass, I’m trying to keep you from doing something you’ll regret.”
Emma stiffened in shock at the winded and pained voice panting in her ear.  Her eyes darted down and she could just make out the odd hook at the end of the arm that was keeping hers pinned down.  Killian squeezed her middle sharply, causing the air in her lungs to huff out through her nose.  In retaliation she nipped none too gently at his hand and was pleased by his quiet yelp.  When he did nothing more to strike back at her or give any sign he would release her she hesitantly relaxed in his arms but remained cautious.  She still had no real idea of how much the curse had changed him.
“If I let you go are you going to stab me with that wicked looking knife of yours?” He growled, still breathing harshly.
She shook her head as best she could under his hand.
“Excellent.  I don’t fancy having to spend any more time in hospital than I already have-” Killian dropped his hand from her mouth and tapped her arm gently with his hook before stepping back from her.
Needing a moment to steel herself to confront him again so soon after the disaster of the night before she focused on the building across the road.  To her dismay, and slight relief, Zelena was nowhere to be seen and had apparently taken no notice of their struggling.  She felt Killian step up beside her but she wasn’t ready to look at him, let alone talk to him, and she was scared she never would be.
“Our illustrious mayor is probably already safely ensconced in her office,” Killian said conversationally, as though he hadn’t prevented her from attacking Zelena only moments before. “Her security in there is a bunch of brainless oafs but they’re surprisingly good at their jobs.”
Emma fought to keep an impassive look on her face as memories of Killian joking with her in the same way assaulted her.  He was going in and out of her peripheral vision, as though he was rocking back and forth on his heels, trying to force her to pay attention to him.  Instead she spun away from him and began pacing the length of the alley to try and get her thoughts in order, keeping her eyes firmly on her boots.  She hadn’t anticipated seeing Killian, her father, and Zelena in such a quick succession, let alone try to decide which one would be her best chance at breaking the curse.
“Are you some sort of reenactor?”
His absurd question caused her to pause and finally look at him directly.  He was sitting atop a stack of empty crates, his blue eyes watching her carefully.  The seemingly single pieced uniform made of a dark blue heavy material he was wearing was just as odd as the other clothing she’d seen in the realm, yet despite its way of giving no shape to his form it somehow fitted him perfectly.  On his chest was a small patch that read ‘Jones’ and with a pang she remembered the first time he’d used that name with her back at Granny’s tavern in Senlikli.
“You’re clearly not a hit woman,” he said with a tilt of his head as he regarded her. “You’ve the stealth of a freight train and are oblivious of your surroundings if I was able to sneak up on you without actually trying.  You’re far too beautiful to be one of those nutters that gets off on dressing up and going to one of those nerd convention things.  I’m going to stick with reenactor, seeing as Founder’s Day is in a few weeks and Ruby does enjoy torturing her ex and his boss in interesting ways.”
Emma didn’t even try to make sense out of what Killian had said.  She vaguely wondered if the Ruby he mentioned was Red but couldn’t muster the courage to talk to him in any capacity.  Instead she went to move past him back out on the roadway without saying a word.  His eyes flashed and he stood quickly to block her way.
“Now, now.  You can’t possibly believe I’d let you escape without some sort of explanation, lass.  You and your friends show up in the dead of night in a mere rowboat where you throw yourself at me, crying, before clamming up faster than a shot and disappearing into the darkness.  Then, when I have the great fortune of seeing you again after wondering about you all night you’re tearing through the streets and preparing to attack the mayor in some manner,” Killian said it without menace or suspicion but with something akin to wonder.  He leaned close to her, his eyes darting between her own, “Just who are you?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” She quipped back in spite of herself.
“Perhaps I would,” Killian said softly, swaying towards her.  Then he seemed to catch himself, shoving his hand and hook into the pockets of his clothes, adjusting his stance so he was leading with his hips, “I’d be more than willing to learn all sorts of things about you, preferably in the bedroom.  Just say the word, lass.”
She was spared from having to come up with a response when she heard the pounding of feet and Roland’s relieved call from behind her.
“Emma is it?” Killian’s eyes glittered. “Lovely name for a gorgeous lass.  It’s a pity I couldn’t get it to fall from your own luscious lips.”
“If I had it my way you’d still be waiting,” she grit out even as it pained her to be so callous towards him.
“Of that I’m well aware-” he licked his lips and winked, “Emma.”
With a roll of her eyes she turned her back on him.  Roland was standing at the other end of the alley, silhouetted by the midmorning sun.  Emma saw the moment he realized exactly who it was that was with her, he straightened to his full height as his hand went for the cutlass that was no longer at his hip.  She decided to ease the tension as quickly as possible and walked towards Roland without looking back.  The look on his face was thunderous, leaving her wondering if it wasn’t only Killian’s presence that had him upset.
“I look forward to our next run-in, lass!  Each one has been-” Killian paused and she could picture him slowly licking his bottom lip, “-illuminating.”
“Let’s go,” Emma murmured as she drew close to Roland, tucking her dagger back in her boot.  He was glaring over her head and only looked at her when she tugged at his elbow as she straightened, “Where’s Grace?”
“Back where we came into town-” his eyes darted back down the alley and from his deepening frown she knew Killian was still there. “Did he do anything to you?”
“No, nothing happened,” she reassured him quickly.
Unable to help herself Emma looked back to see that Killian hadn’t moved.  He was watching them with a scowl that not even the shadows of the alleyway could mask.  She wondered at his change in demeanor from flirtatious to annoyed when it hit her that she had seen him look that way before.  It had been back when they had been barely civil with one another and she’d catch him looking at her with a similar scowl when she was with Pinocchio.  It wasn’t until Red laughingly teased her about it that she realized he was jealous.  Seeing the same expression on his face even with no memory of her sparked a small glimmer of hope in her chest.  She turned back to Roland before Killian could catch the grin threatening to break out across her face.
“Emma?” Roland asked, seemingly taken aback by her fight against the smile.
“Not now,” she whispered with a joyous tremor to her voice.
Tugging on his arm again she prodded him into walking away from the alley.  She was only slightly disappointed when Killian didn’t call out after her again.
“Was it him?  Your father?” Roland asked tersely once they were well away from the alley.
“It was,” Emma answered quietly, her elation fading as she remembered the reasons she had found herself with Killian in the first place. “I also saw Zelena.”
“What?!” He yelped as he stopped dead in the middle of the walkway, grabbing her arm to turn her to face him. “Is seeing her all that you did?”
“Keep walking,” she hissed, glad there were only one or two people that could possibly hear them but others were starting to take notice.  She blew out a frustrated breath when he stood his ground, “Killian stopped me from doing anything more than that.  Keep walking.”
Roland started forward again but didn’t say a word.  As they moved along the roads he constantly checked over his shoulders and looked up and down the crossroads twice before continuing on.  The tension radiating off him caused Emma to start paying more attention to the goings on around her even though she was sure it was her revelation about Zelena that had him both more alert and determined to ignore her.  She knew better than to try to explain herself until they were in the cover the woods where the risk of any yelling that would occur from being overheard was minimal.
There were far less people walking around the roads than there had been before.  Emma wondered if it had to do with the later hour of if there was some decree that required the townsfolk to be indoors by midmorning.  Back in even the smallest villages of their realm there had been constant movement down the roads or between various shops and taverns.  The lack of people made it easier to spot someone following them but it also meant the two of them stuck out even more than they had before.  Emma quickened her pace and Roland easily matched her strides as they wend their way back to the forest.
Grace was waiting for them at the treeline.  When she caught sight of them she gave them a tight smile but remained in the shadows of the trees.  She let Roland pass without comment when they reached her but pulled Emma into a brief, squeezing hug.  It reminded her of how Roland had been when he had found her with Killian, upset and concerned for something more than just her disappearance.  Whatever had happened to them after she had run off had clearly affected them both.
As they rearmed themselves with their weapons Emma addressed Grace, hoping she’d be more forthcoming and less hostile than Roland.
“What happened after I left?”
“After you abandoned us you mean?” Roland snapped angrily, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. “You were the one going on about not drawing attention, getting a lay of the land.  Then you go and dash through countless people after a man who doesn’t even remember you, risked being seen by the one person who would gladly kill you if they do remember, and ended up alone with the one that can’t decide whether to fuck with you or just fuck you.  Not exactly the way to go about breaking a curse is it, Savior?”
Emma saw red, her pulse pounding in her head, blood coursing hotly through her veins.  She had her sword half out of her scabbard before Grace was grabbing onto her wrist to stop her and stepping between them.
“Enough!  Roland that was out of line!” Grace scolded him before turning to Emma with no less fire in her eyes. “He was out of line but he was also right.  You risked too much running after your father and if I understand right seeing Zelena and then Killian as well?  I know this is entire situation is unprecedented but what were you thinking Emma?  We cannot afford to make any mistakes!”
Slamming her sword back in place she shook off Grace’s hand, “Was I supposed to just let my father go without even trying to find out if he remembers me?”
“I had to!” Roland roared, “Looked him straight in the eye and kept going.  I have no problem remembering what’s at stake here.”
She stood dumbfounded as Roland stalked off into the woods, seemingly back the way they had come.  Grace sighed deeply and giving her a troubled look turned to follow.  Emma went along quietly, unable to form any words that would seem sufficient.
“You ran past him when you went after your father,” Grace murmured quietly, her voice almost lost in the sound of twigs snapping under their boots. “Luckily for us Robin was busy with a man Roland called Little John and paid little attention to you or us as I made excuses for your behavior.  He’s a constable of some kind, Robin is.  I think that was the bigger shock for Roland.”
“I- I’m sorry.”
Emma wasn’t sure if she was apologizing for running off or for forcing Roland to meet his father in such a way.  It didn’t much matter with Roland nearly out of sight ahead of them forging a new path with his heavy tread.  Grace seemed dissatisfied with her apology, frowning as she looked towards what they could see of Roland’s wide back.
“After we lost sight of you we split up.  Roland being the better tracker went after you and I kept a lookout as I made my way back to the weapons.  We both knew that if he didn’t find you you’d make your way back there.  Either that or you were taken by someone and we had an even bigger problem on our hands,” Grace said pointedly, her eyes unforgiving as they focused back on Emma.
“If it had been your kids would you have done nothing at all?” Emma retorted, nettled into defensiveness.
“No, I wouldn’t have,” Grace answered unabashedly, pivoting to a stop in front of her. “I would have followed them as far as I could have but kept my head about me as I did.  I would have made a plan with the other people I’m stuck in this confusing realm with.  I would have continued to believe that even if they couldn’t recognize me that they would in time.  We need to rely on each other in this fight and we can’t do that if we’re divided.  You are the Savior, Emma, you will break this curse but only if you accept your destiny.  It’s that or we’ve come here for nothing.”
Grace began to walk after Roland again and Emma was left fighting against the slight tremor in her hands.
It took several minutes for Emma to gather herself enough to continue down the path Roland had created.  By the time she caught up to them she wasn’t entirely sure if they were closer to the town or to where Turner and Marty might have hidden the Jewel.  In trying to determine where they were she didn’t notice until she had almost walked straight into them that Roland and Grace had come to a dead stop in front of her.  She was about to ask why when she noticed they were both gripping the hilt of their weapons tightly.
Taking similar precaution Emma unsheathed her own sword before stepping around Roland.  She was shocked to see a woman standing there and when she realized who it was her grip faltered.
The former Evil Queen was a far cry from the regal and haughty portrait Emma had found once in one of the many rooms they had only used for storage when she was little.  Regina also looked only marginally better than she had when Emma had first seen her as a prisoner in a tower of her own palace.  Standing in front of her was a woman who had been defeated in every way and her appearance showed it.  Her hair was unkempt and matted, her clothes a mismatch of ill-fitting and dirty rags, and although she looked as though she was eating better than when she was a prisoner her cheeks were still hollow and her skin sallow.
She was standing with her hands on her hips, glaring at Roland and Grace.  When she noticed Emma her dark eyes widened marginally in surprise before a wide smile unfurled.  Emma knew better than to believe it was from happiness at seeing her before realizing with a shock that somehow Regina recognized her.
“It’s about damn time you got here,” Regina sneered.
“You know me,” Emma said as more of a statement than a question, ignoring the uneasy shuffling of her companions.
“Of course I do,” Regina spat back with an exaggerated roll of her eyes. “Precious Princess Emma finally come to do what she was fated to do.  Tell me, was your twenty-eighth birthday one worth remembering?”
“What do you know about this curse?” Emma asked ignoring Regina’s dig. “How do we break it?”
“Oh, no no no.  You’ve kept me waiting long enough.  You owe me a heart, Savior, and I intend to collect.”
Regina moved quicker than Emma thought her capable as she pulled a small blade from the depths of her sleeve.  She barely heard Roland and Grace’s yells as the knife left Regina’s hand with a flick of her wrist, spinning towards her with frightening accuracy.
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Tagging: @teamhook, @galadriel26
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and though I walk through the valley of the shadow (2/2)
[read on ao3] [part 1]
“Good. Now follow my lead, and when I say run- run.”
“Lead on, Swan,” he says, gesturing grandly to the path ahead with his hook. Emma smirks up at him, the tight lines of worry around her eyes easing somewhat as he winks at her. “Let’s go home.”
They take off together, hand in hand, just as a fireball whizzes past Killian’s head. Glancing over her shoulder, Emma lets loose a stream of expletives that even Killian would find excessive, were they anywhere except the Underworld, and begins to run even faster.
“Almost- there- keep- going-” Emma gasps, her grip on his hand tightening as they skid around a corner. “You’ll be able to see it- there.”
“That’s- the bridge?” he pants. “You’re- bloody- joking.”
It’s an intimidating structure, an enormous slab of dark rock arcing high into the fog. The river below emits a faint greenish glow as it oozes past, the moans and screams of the damned echoing dully against the stone. Killian’s fairly confident, looking at it, that he could sail a ship five times the size of the Jolly Roger beneath it with ease; crossing it, with what sounds like an army of lost souls hot on their heels, seems a rather more difficult prospect.
“Shut up and run,” Emma shoots back.
Something explodes behind them, sending chunks of rock flying, and Killian smells smoke.
“This is the part where you go ahead,” she pants, not slowing her pace. “No matter what you hear, just keep running. Don’t turn around, don’t stop, and don’t let anything touch you.”
“Regina should be waiting on the other side of the bridge, if Hades hasn’t done anything to them,” she continues. “She’ll take you to Underbrooke. I’ll catch up with you there.” Another explosion splits the air behind them, smoke billowing towards them in a dark column. “You have to go,” Emma calls over the noise, coming to a halt. “Killian, go .”
“Love, I’m not leaving you here on your own,” he says, stopping beside her, and she groans.
“Seriously, we don’t have time to do this again,” she snaps. “You’re going, I’m covering you, end of story. I can handle the Human Torch and his minions, you can’t even look over your shoulder. Which one of us is better equipped for this situation?”
The walls shake ominously, a furious roar echoing towards them.
“You have to go,” Emma says again, shoving him towards the bridge. He loops his arm around her waist, pulling her close, and kisses her.
“I love you,” he breathes against her lips, tangling his fingers in her hair for a brief moment.
“I love you,” she says. She looks up at him, managing a tiny smile before she takes a step away, turning to face the path behind them. “Now go.”
Gritting his teeth, he obeys, directing his focus to the enormous structure in front of him. He picks up speed again, ignoring the loud clash of magic somewhere over his shoulder. She told him to run- she has a plan-
Emma screams.
He freezes, unaware of doing so, his heart hammering in his chest. If something’s happened, if she needs him-
“Killian, run!” she calls, her voice echoing strangely, and his heart slams back into a normal rhythm.
He starts again, racing towards the bridge, the shrieks and sighs of the river drowning out the sound of the battle raging behind him. His boots hit the first step and everything slows down; he’s still running as fast as his legs can move, but the world seems to flicker strangely around him. The walls of the cave are fading, replaced by an iron-gray sky, and he could almost swear that he can see rooftops ahead, swimming through a thick fog.
Killian takes the last few steps of the bridge in a single, huge leap, sending a puff of dust into the air. The silence hangs heavily around him, nearly forcing the breath from his lungs with its weight against his skin.
“Well, if it isn’t the One-Hand Wonder. Or should I call you Captain Corpse? ” a familiar voice drawls, breaking his concentration. Regina smirks at him from her perch on a half-broken park bench, getting to her feet as he approaches. “I thought we might’ve managed to get rid of you for good.”
“Aye, and I’d thought that after our last encounter, I’d never have to suffer through another one of your bon mots again,” he retorts. “And yet, here we stand.”
“Pity.” Her lips curl into a real smile, the relieved one she’d worn in Camelot when they’d talked Emma down from killing Merida, the one that had convinced him to allow her to watch over the dagger rather than attempt to talk Emma out of her decision.
(And though under pain of death- or, he supposes, the tortures of the Damned- he would never admit the words aloud, he feels a surge of relief at the sight of her face. As real as Emma had seemed, warm in his arms and wearing his ring, seeing Regina serves as proof that he hasn’t imagined all this; while he can very well picture the Underworld tormenting and tricking him with visions of Emma, he doubts they’d bring Regina into the mix.)
“Where’s Emma?” Regina asks, glancing past him. Sweeping her hair out of her eyes, she conjures a small fireball, squinting through the gloom at the bridge behind him. “I can’t imagine she sent you roam the Underworld alone, not after all she’s done to get back to you.”
“She sent me ahead while she dealt with Hades,” he says, struggling to tamp down on his frustration. “He was catching up to us, and she insisted.”
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Regina hisses between her teeth, and it would be startling (he doesn’t think he’s ever heard her curse, not even when Robin had nearly died in Camelot) but he’s too preoccupied by the thought of Emma putting herself in danger to actually care. “I was supposed to meet you after I cleared the way off the bridge, but-”
“His wife?” Killian interrupts. “Emma mentioned something about her being-”
“Very persuasive, yes,” Regina cuts back in. Pinching the bridge of her nose between her fingers, she groans under her breath. “You have no idea.” She pauses for a long moment, staring at the structure behind him, before she turns to lead the way away from the bridge. “Come on, I’ll take you to the others, then I’ll come back for her.”
“I’m not going anywhere until we have Emma with us,” he retorts.
“None of us are,” says another familiar voice. David appears out of the fog behind Regina, followed by Snow, Belle, and Robin. With a half-smile, he steps forward, extending his hand. “Killian. It’s good to see you again, mate.”
Killian can’t help a small chuckle, taking the other man’s hand and allowing himself to be tugged into a brief hug. “Likewise, Dave.”
“You’re all supposed to be waiting at the house,” Regina snaps, reaching instinctively for Robin as he comes closer. “This isn’t the plan.”
“The plan also didn’t include your mother showing up and ruining the timetable,” Snow fires back, and Killian snorts because of course, of course Cora’s still out for their blood, even after her own death. “When Hades left to see what was happening, we couldn’t just wait around.”
“What’s the point of having a plan if nobody’s going to follow it?” Regina says.  
“Enough of this. We have to go back for Emma,” Killian says. The words have barely left his mouth when Regina’s hands land on either side of his face. He reels backwards and she follows, maintaining her iron grip on his head. Even Robin, who generally reacts to Regina’s antics with what Killian considers an enviable amount of detachment, raises his eyebrows in alarm; this, even more than the power her can feel pulsing in Regina’s palms, makes Killian come to a standstill.
“Don’t even think about it,” Regina hisses. “If I see you so much as roll your eyes too far back in that thick skull of yours, I will knock you out so fast you’ll travel through time.”
“Regina-” Robin begins, but she ignores him.
“I know Emma told you the rule, even if she didn’t tell you anything else. No. Turning. Back.”
“I didn’t think you cared, Your Majesty,” Killian mutters through gritted teeth, using every shred of his (admittedly battered) self-control to keep himself from knocking her out of the way and taking off towards where he’d left Emma.
(Gods. He’d left her.)
Regina rolls her eyes, a humorless laugh spilling from her lips. “We’ve been looking for you for ages, pirate. Do you really think I’m going to let all that time go down the drain just because you’re feeling a bit fidgety?”
Ages. That word again.
He takes another look at Regina, at the deep circles under her eyes and the new hollows in her cheeks. Glancing past her, he realizes that the rest of the group looks similarly worse for the wear, all with minor wounds and puffy eyes. Belle’s got a nasty cut across her cheek, slicing up from chin to temple in a dark streak, and David’s sporting a half-healed black eye. The soft blue coat Snow wears hangs off her thin frame ludicrously, a rust-colored stain on the collar sitting just below a section of hair that’s been shaved down to the skin to show a line of neat black stitches. A makeshift splint covers Regina’s left wrist, and Robin has what looks like the remains of a broken nose, hastily repaired by magic.
A hot swoop of guilt burns his insides. He’d never expected- never even considered- that they’d come after him, that they’d risk their lives like this for him. When he’d realized what he needed to do, when he’d paid the price to get rid of the Darkness once and for all (or, at least, tried to- and when he gets his hands on the Crocodile again, he’s going to make him pay), he’d resigned himself to never seeing Emma again, let alone the odd assortment of people who make up her family.
“She’s right, Killian,” Belle pipes up, interrupting his train of thought. “If you try to turn around and go back, and Hades comes for you, there won’t be anything we can do.”
“Then you’ll really be trapped here, and I have a funny feeling that this place will be a walk in the park compared to what Emma will be like, moping around Storybrooke again,” Regina says. “You should’ve seen her after you died, it was-”
“That’s enough, Regina,” David cuts her off, and she closes her mouth, releasing Killian’s head to raise her hands in surrender. “What happened in Storybrooke doesn’t matter right now. What does matter is that we’ve got to find Emma and get back to the ferry as soon as possible.”
“I think we should take Killian to the house,” Snow chimes in. “He can stay there with Belle and-”
“I’m not going anywhere without Emma,” Killian insists, and Regina groans.
“Killian, please,” Snow says, taking his hand between both of hers. Her eyes look slightly hazy with exhaustion, and they’re the same shade of green as Emma’s, and gods, but that hits him hard. “I know you want to wait for her here, but it’s too risky. It’ll be safer to keep you out of sight until Emma’s back.” He opens his mouth to interrupt her, but she squeezes his hand, her lips thinning in a hard line. “You have to trust that we love her just as much as you do, and that we’re going to fight just as hard to help her.” She tilts her head, studying his face. “You aren’t the only one willing to die for her, you know.”
He nods, swallowing the lump in his throat. “Aye, I do know that.”
“Good.” Snow smiles, releasing his hand and turning back to the group. “I think we should split up. Belle and Robin can take Killian to the house. The rest of us will go back across the bridge to find Emma.”
“Snow,” David begins, but she narrows her eyes at him.
“No,” she says, tone ringing with finality, and Killian wonders what it would’ve been like, had she been given the opportunity to rule as she should have. “I’m going after her.”
“Fantastic. Now that we’ve spent all this time chatting, can we actually get down to business?” Regina says, knotting her scarf around her neck. “Not that I don’t think Emma can handle herself, but-”
“Good luck, my love,” Robin interrupts, pressing a kiss to her lips as he begins to lead the way into town.
“Go on, Killian,” David says. “We’ll be back with her in no time.”
Nodding to his friend, Killian follows Robin and Belle, fighting every instinct telling him to turn around and race back across the bridge.
“There shouldn’t be too many Reapers wandering around right now,” Belle says, slowing her pace to walk beside him. “Most of them went off with Cora, after she alerted Hades, but you can never be too careful. And you can’t trust the Lost not to summon them- some of them are so paranoid.”
“The Lost?”
“Right, sorry, you’ve been in the tunnels. Most of the people here are the Lost- they’re dead but they can’t move on. This isn’t exactly Hell, more like a sort of limbo, but some of the Lost have been here for ages.” She rests a hand on the hilt of the dagger at her waist, squinting into the fog ahead of them. “The Reapers work for Hades. They’re a nasty bunch, but easy enough to fight.”
“So the place where I was- not everyone goes there.”
“No, they don’t,” she says, looking over at him thoughtfully. “It’s pretty rare, from what I’ve been able to find out since we’ve been here.”
“I have much to atone for,” he says softly. Belle steps closer to him, looping her arm through his.
“I think it may have been the circumstances of your death, actually,” she says. “You made quite a sacrifice, Killian.”
“After hundreds of years of evil deeds, and after nearly destroying Storybrooke,” he points out.
“It was heroic all the same,” she says. “But you tried to channel the Darkness, to get rid of it- and Rumple got in the way. I think that Hades wasn’t even sure what to do with you.” Belle squeezes his arm. “No matter what- I’m glad we got you back, Killian.”
The clock tower looms out of the fog in front of them, imposing even in its destroyed state. Killian sees the shell of Emma’s car sitting on the street corner, the yellow paint streaked with scorch marks. The town looks bleak and cold- nothing like the quaint place he’s grown to see as his home.
“Gods,” he mutters, as Robin circles back around to walk with them.
“Nobody’s out here,” Robin says, holding his bow at the ready. “It’s still as a tomb.”
“Fitting,” Killian says, and the other man smirks.
“Belle, what time have you got?” Robin asks. Belle glances down at her wrist, pulling back the sleeve of her jacket to reveal a watch similar to Emma’s.
“Looks like we’ve got plenty of it,” she says, frowning down at the stone face. “Charon’s not back yet, and the path will be open for a while.”
“Excellent.” Robin jogs ahead of them again, leading the way down a side street.
“What exactly is that?” Killian asks, nodding down at the watch.
“It’s a sort of reference clock,” Belle says. “Time doesn’t work the same way down here, so it’s difficult to keep track of things. This- and the one Emma has- keeps us on schedule so that we don’t miss our exit window.”
“Exit window?” he echoes.
She nods, shivering slightly as a breeze whisks down the street. “Getting in and out of the Underworld is a bit complicated. We had to leave the passage open for as long as Charon- he’s the ferryman- would let us. If it closes, it’ll be difficult to re-open.”
“And we’ll be trapped here,” he finishes.
“Not permanently. Well, probably not, at least.”
They turn down another street, and Killian feels a bolt of dread. “We’re going to my- to Emma’s home.”
“It’s the safest place down here,” she says. “Unoccupied, easy to defend. We’ve been using it as our base since we found it.”
Robin takes the stairs to the porch two at a time, dodging a hole in the planks easily, and vanishes inside. Killian and Belle follow him, Killian unable to restrain a wince at the sight of the house. It’s not just that it reminds him of how neatly his plans were destroyed- or how his heart was broken here, when Emma’s deceit was revealed- or how it hurt, to remember the cruel ways he’d taunted her when he’d embraced the Darkness. He’d wanted to build a home here, and even if it isn’t actually the same house, seeing it in tatters- with broken windows and faded paint- feels like he’s failed, somehow.
He wonders if Emma will still want to live in the house in Storybrooke.
The door creaks heavily on its hinges as Belle closes it behind them, locking it with a thick bolt. “Now we wait,” she says, leading the way to the living room and settling on the couch.
“Wonderful,” Killian mutters under his breath. He begins to pace in front of her, back and forth on the worn carpet, and Robin sighs heavily as he sits down in a battered armchair.
“There’s nothing you can do,” he says. “And if anyone can beat Hades, it’s Emma. She’s already taken him on a few times. She’ll be fine.”
“And if she isn’t?” Killian snaps. The walk through the fog had distracted him somewhat, with Belle’s conversation and the sight of the ruined town, but being trapped between four walls (and with nothing to do but wait) makes him feel worse than useless. Robin sighs again, letting his eyes drift shut.
“She will be,” Belle says, meeting his gaze calmly. “Have a little faith, Killian.”
“I have plenty of that.” He pauses in his pacing for a moment. “Why does the Underworld look like Storybrooke?”
She shrugs. “We’re not entirely sure, but my theory is that this realm reshapes itself based on who is down here, as a defense mechanism.” Toying with the band of her watch, she tucks her legs up underneath her. “It certainly threw us off when we arrived.”
“And when was that, exactly?” Dust puffs up around his feet as he resumes his pacing.
“How long would you say, Robin?” Belle asks. Robin shrugs, not opening his eyes. “We didn’t get the watches until after we’d been here for- well, I want to say a few weeks, but it could’ve only been a few hours.”
“Why couldn’t I stay with Emma?” he asks brusquely. His question is met with silence, and he turns to see Belle and Robin exchanging a significant look. “What is it?”
“To be honest, we don’t know,” Belle says at last. “Emma went off on her own after we got here- don’t look at us like that, it’s not like we let her, she snuck away while we were sleeping- and when she came back, she…” She trails off, glancing over at Robin.
“She what?” Killian snaps, staring from one to the other.
“She knew things,” Robin finishes. “How to find you, how to distract the Reapers, how to get home safely.” He shakes his head, fidgeting with the cuff of his jacket. “Everything. She came back with an entire plan, and she made us swear that if she got you out of the tunnels, we wouldn’t let you turn back. She said if you turned around, the Underworld itself would take you, and it would be even harder for her to find you again.” Shrugging, he lets his eyes drift closed again. “I realize I have no room to talk, but that woman of yours can be terrifying.”
“Always told her she’d be a hell of a pirate,” Killian says under his breath.
“She found the way here herself, you know,” Belle says. “I mean, I helped with some of the research, but she actually did everything.” She smiles up at Killian. “Just wait until she tells you the whole story. She’s been incredible.”
“She’s always incredible,” Killian says. “She’s-”
All three of them jump as someone knocks on the door, a rhythmic series of taps that sends Belle flying to her feet. “Stay here,” she hisses at the two men, shooting them a formidable glare before vanishing into the foyer.
“Killian? Belle? Robin?” Snow’s voice carries easily through the silence of the street outside.
“We’re here, Snow,” Belle calls back, and Killian hears the door swing open. Several pairs of feet clatter inside before the door slams shut again, a flurry of hushed voices spilling into the living room.
“…the bed,” he hears Regina say, followed by more heated whispers.
“…stairs…too far. We’ll use the couch,” David says, his words becoming clearer as the group enters the room.
They look, for the most part, only slightly worse than they had when the group had split up. One arm of Regina’s coat is singed, the cuff in tatters, and she’s glaring down at the burn as if it has personally offended her. Snow and David both look like they’ve crawled through a chimney, ashes clinging to their faces and hair, but otherwise appear unharmed.
It’s Emma who draws Killian’s focus, held up between her parents and swaying on the spot. Her arms hang loosely around their shoulders, her head drooping slightly, her eyes half-closed and unfocused.  She has ashes in her hair and a gaping rip across the front of her leather jacket, and the faint wheeze of her shallow breathing sounds, to his ears, like broken ribs. Her parents help her to the couch, easing her down onto the cushions, and Killian finds himself on his knees at her side, wrapping his hand around hers.
“What happened?” Robin asks quietly behind him.
“She almost had it under control, but-” Snow says, her voice fading as she settles on the arm of the couch.
“He had more than just Reapers back there,” Regina says grimly. “I don’t know what that thing was, but it was big. I’ve never seen anything like it.” Killian hears her moving across the room, the old armchair protesting as she drops into it.
“Was she already hurt when you found her?” The armchair squeals again as Robin sits down.
“No,” says David, his voice a mixture of exhaustion and pride. “If Hades hadn’t managed to get in that hit when we arrived, I think Emma might have managed to finish off that monster by herself.”
“And the rest of you are all right?” Belle asks. “Regina, do you need anything for that burn on your arm?”
Emma’s eyes flutter open, slowly focusing on Killian’s face, and she manages a small smile. “Hey there, sailor.”
“Emma,” he breathes, and her smile widens. She tries to sit up, wincing as she presses one hand to her injured ribs.
“Take it easy,” says David, hovering over her behind the couch. “Hades got you pretty good, kiddo.”
“I can’t take it easy,” she says, struggling to catch her breath. Killian stays where he is, kneeling in front of her, and she squeezes his hand. “We have to get out of here.”
“You can’t go anywhere like this,” Snow argues. “Hades just hit you with a boulder and you can barely keep your eyes open. We’re staying until you’ve had some rest.”
“We don’t have time for me to rest, Hades could show up here any second.” Emma manages to lever herself up into a sitting position, a stream of profanity leaking out between her gritted teeth, and her gaze lands on Regina. “Do you still have that potion?”
“I don’t think-” Regina begins, but Belle cuts her off.
“I have something better.” Pulling a tiny bottle out of her pocket, she shakes it gently, squinting at the contents.
“What is this, exactly?” Emma asks, fingers closing around the bottle as Belle offers it to her.
“This and that, but mostly phoenix tears,” she says, clasping her hands in front of her. “Should fix you right up.”
“Where did you get phoenix tears?” Regina sounds almost impressed, and Belle laughs.
“After we got back from Camelot, I raided Rumple’s cabinet. I’ve been saving it for a rainy day.”
“Well, it’s raining now,” Emma mutters, tugging Killian up to sit beside her. She tips the bottle toward him with a wink. “Cheers.” Bringing the potion to her lips, she tosses it back in one swallow. Instantly, a halo of light settles over her, spreading across her skin in a blaze of gold, before fading to a faint shimmer.
“There you are, love,” he says softly, watching as the tension in her face eases with each breath. The tight knot in his chest loosens just a bit.
“The glow will disappear in a few minutes,” Belle says. “How do you feel?”
“Like the Lord of the Underworld didn’t just try to take me out with a boulder.” Emma rolls her shoulders, stretching her arms and shaking out her hands. “Thanks, Belle.”
“Did you have that the whole time?” Robin asks, sounding slightly irritated.
Belle gives him a stern look. “We had other potions and amulets to use for everything else, and I only had one bottle of that. It’s for times of dire need.” Tapping the face of her watch, she raises her eyebrows at him. “I would say this more than qualifies.”
“Enough arguing about the deus ex magica, guys. We have to go,” Emma says, getting to her feet. Turning, she offers her hand to Killian, who takes it as he stands up next to her. “Charon isn’t going to wait forever, and the sooner we get out of Hades’ control, the better.”
“There aren’t many Reapers out,” Robin offers. “I did a sweep of Main Street when we were on our way here, and I didn’t see any Lost wandering around, either.”
Snow moves off the couch, pulling aside the ragged curtains over one of the windows and peering out into the street. “The coast looks clear around the house, too. We should get moving.”
“Robin and I will take the lead,” says Regina, climbing out of the armchair and helping Robin up behind her. “This house is giving me the creeps. Let’s go.”
Emma rolls her eyes, meeting Killian’s gaze with a smirk, but follows Regina and Robin outside without comment, her hand still tucked into his. Belle takes up a position on Killian’s other side, dagger at the ready, and Snow and David bring up the rear. They begin to walk quietly down the street, weaving between the rusty corpses of old cars as they move.
“Heads up,” Robin calls back, flinging out an arm to stop them as they pass by the shattered clock tower in front of the library. “Looks like someone found their way back to town.”
Killian catches sight of the threat almost instantly, gaze settling on a man standing motionless in the middle of the street. He’s tall, dark hair hanging in lank curls around his face, dressed in filthy tunic embroidered with a coat of arms that Killian remembers from Camelot. Staring blankly into space, he looked like little more than a poorly-placed statue.
“One of the Lost?” he says quietly, and Emma nods.
“Looks like he’s alone, though.” Glancing down at the watch on her wrist, she bites her lip. “What do you think, Belle?”
“Fighting will only attract Reapers,” Belle points out. “If we move quickly, we can get past him and to the ferry before he can summon anyone else.”
“Good point. Regina?” Emma says, and the other woman nods.
All of them move at once, picking up the pace slightly as they pass by the man and continue down the street. The eerie silence bears down on them, and Killian has the distinct feeling of being watched, but nothing else moves.
“He’s not following us,” Emma says softly, glancing behind them to check. “That’s good.”
The remainder of their journey proves uneventful, the quiet of the town giving way to the cries and moans of the river as they arrive at the shore. Killian eyes the tiny ferry distrustfully, watching as it bobs placidly in a stream of screaming souls, and finds himself thinking- perhaps for the first time in his life- that he’d prefer to stay on dry land.
“Okay.” Emma frowns, shifting closer to Killian as she surveys their group. “Do all of you still have the tokens I gave you?” The group nods, each of them reaching into their pockets or around their necks to reveal tiny bronze discs. “Good. Give those to Charon when you board, and once the boat leaves, don’t-”
“Look back,” the others chorus.
“Exactly.” She glances up at Killian, toying with Liam’s ring with her free hand. “We’re taking a different way out.”
“Good luck, both of you.” Regina makes a stunted half-movement towards them, arms almost opening, but instead offers them both a regal nod. “I’d hate to have to come back here for round two.”
Robin claps Killian hard on the shoulder. “Best of luck, mate. We’ll see you back in Storybrooke.”
“Don’t forget the rules, Emma,” Belle says, embracing her gently. Turning to Killian, she smiles, pushing up on her toes to press a kiss to his cheek. “And you. You still owe me three books for the library and a round of lessons with that spare pistol.”
“Aye,” he agrees. “Remind me never to play darts against you again.”
“As soon as you’re safely home, I will.” Belle gives both of them a small smile. “Be careful.”
She joins Regina and Robin as they ease down into the boat, nearly vanishing as a gust of wind sends a cloud of mist over the riverbank.
Emma releases his hand as her father gathers her up in his arms, murmuring something Killian can’t quite make out. He takes a small step away to give them a moment of privacy, nearly bumping into Snow as she appears at his side.
“Be safe,” Snow says, pulling Killian into a tight hug, and he flounders a bit before returning it. “Don’t make her- make us lose you again.”
“I don’t intend to,” he says solemnly.
“Good.” She steps back, eyes bright with tears as she surveys him. “We’ll be waiting for you with Henry at Granny’s once you arrive. Make sure you both make it back in one piece.” She’s gone before he can respond, reaching out to cup Emma’s face between her hands, and David shifts over to stand by him.
“Does this finally make us even for the alternate universe?” David asks, and Killian snorts. “You know, one death, one resurrection, seems pretty fair to me.”
“I’d say we’re more than even, mate,” Killian says. “Thank you.”
“I won’t tell you to be careful, because I know that if anything puts Emma at risk, all of your promises will go right out the window.” David grins, though the tension around his eyes doesn’t fade. “But Storybrooke wasn’t the same without you- not for Emma, and not for any of the rest of us, either. So do your best not to get too damaged on your way back, all right?”
“Aye,” Killian says, swallowing hard against the lump in his throat.
David nods once, extending a hand to Killian and yanking him in for a hug. This time, Killian’s ready for it (he thinks that he’s starting to get a handle on the Charming family method of attack-hugs), slapping the other man’s back forcefully.
“Time to go,” Emma says softly as they separate. Snow adjusts her grip on her bow, moving to David’s side, and they both look at Emma for a long moment. “We’ll see you both soon, okay?”
“We always find each other,” David agrees. “Granny’s. Don’t be late.”
They step into the ferry, passing off their bronze tokens, and settle in their seats. An loud chime wells up from somewhere under the river, the echo reverberating all the way down to Killian’s bones. Within moments, the boat glides smoothly away from the shore, a ribbon of light snaking across the surface of the water to guide their way.
“Okay,” Emma says, tearing her gaze away from the ferry to look up at him. “You know how I said earlier that things were going to get complicated?”
“Aye, right before you went to battle with the Lord of the Underworld,” he says, raising an eyebrow.
“Right.” Emma pauses for a moment. “Well, things are about to get even more complicated. Sort of. Getting you out of the Underworld requires a… a test.”
“Honestly, love, I’d be a bit suspicious if all it took to come back to life was waltzing out of the right doorway,” he says. The corners of her mouth tip up in a smile and she snorts, bumping him lightly with her hip. “What do you need me to do?”
“It’s not just you, it’s both of us. It’s a test of faith.” She points ahead of them. “See that path, right along the shore?” He follows the line of her hand, nodding as his gaze falls on the small footpath running parallel to the river. “That’s how we’re getting out of here.”
“I’m assuming this is not as easy as strolling along hand in hand,” he says dryly. In the oppressive near-shadow of the Underworld, with the ominous swirl of the Styx alongside it, the path is nearly invisible; he doubts he would have noticed it if Emma had not called his attention to it.
“Not quite.” She runs her free hand through her hair, tugging at the ends anxiously. “I have to go first, and you have to follow behind me- no looking back.”
“Just like when you found me.”
“Exactly. Hades didn’t create it, but since it’s part of his realm, it has to bend to his magic.” A muscle jumps in her cheek as she grits her teeth. “His way of keeping people here. It’s easy to get lost if you can’t look back at where you’ve been before.”
He squeezes her hand. “This test sounds simple enough.”
“In theory, yeah,” she agrees, “in practice, not so much.” Swaying forward, she wraps her fingers around his hook, her gaze intent on his. “This isn’t a very friendly place, especially if you’re attempting to leave. It’s going to try to trick us.”
“Aye, but that’s where they’ve underestimated us,” he says, bending to brush a kiss against her forehead, “because if there’s one thing I believe in- one thing I know I can trust- it’s you, Emma Swan.”
“How inspiring,” drawls a voice from a few feet away. They both look over to see Hades smirking at them, leaning against thin air with exaggerated nonchalance. “How sweet. It’s as easy as that, is it, Captain?”
Emma steps in front of Killian in one smooth movement. “We’ve already been through this, Hades. The price has been paid.”
“Oh, certainly, certainly.” He raises an eyebrow, checking his pocket watch before making it vanish in a puff of smoke. “And I allowed the rest of your motley crew to depart, didn’t I? But you have one of my souls, Miss Swan, and I can’t allow you to walk out with the merchandise.”
“The price has been paid,” she repeats, light beginning to pool in the palms of her hands.
“You tricked my wife into eating the seeds,” Hades agrees. “And for that, I granted you safe conduct.” He ignores Emma’s derisive snort, examining his fingernails. “It wasn’t a flat fee for everything you want.”
“I didn’t say that I only paid you,” Emma points out. Hades looks up sharply and she laughs, low and cold. “You aren’t the only one with power down here.”
“The Fates,” Hades hisses, and Emma laughs even harder. “What could you possibly have that they would want?”
“That’s for me to know.” She presses her wrists together, the light in her palms growing brighter, and takes a small step forward.
Hades licks the tip of his finger, holding it up in the air, and scowls. “Fine.” He redirects his gaze to Killian, baring his teeth in a grotesque smile. “I’ll particularly enjoy adding you back to my collection, loverboy.” With a loud crack and a burst of flames, he vanishes from sight.
“You traded something to the Fates?” Killian asks at once.
“Nothing I couldn’t afford to give them.” She whips back around, eyes slightly wild. “We need to go, before he comes back to make it more difficult.”
“What did you trade?”
Reaching for his hand, she doesn’t respond immediately, the faint buzz of power in the air sending chills across Killian’s skin. He wants to push- needs to know that she hasn’t done something to herself, to her life, to get this chance- but holds back, rubbing circles across her skin with his thumb.
“A memory,” she says at last. “They asked for one happy memory with you, in return for the chance to bring you home. I think they’re old romantics at heart.” Meeting his gaze almost cautiously, her lips quirk in a faint smile, and he’s torn between gods, what have you done and gods, I love this woman.
He quells the desire to ask which memory, instead pulling her in to press a brief kiss to the crown of her head. “With any luck, we’ll have more than enough of those to make up for it, love.”
“Exactly,” she says. “I’ll start first, like I said, and you’ll follow after me. The path itself should be pretty straightforward, but there will be all sorts of distractions trying to trick us into turning around.”
“I shall continue not looking back,” he promises. “You’ll be safe, on this path?”
“As safe as it’s possible to be as a mortal crossing the borders of the living and the dead,” she says cheerfully. “It’s slightly less dangerous than the place we’re standing right now, I think.”
He finds this less reassuring than she does. “Onwards and upwards, then, love.”
Emma nods, and he pulls her closer, crushing her to his chest as he bends to kiss her. Letting go of her hand, he tangles his fingers in her hair, relishing the low moan he draws from her throat. He isn’t sure how long they stay like that, wrapped tightly around each other, but at last they draw apart, foreheads pressed together.
“I’ll see you on the other side,” she says, her hands tight on the lapels of his jacket even as she takes a tiny step back. Reluctantly, she releases her grip, squaring her shoulders as she turns to the challenge at hand. Inhaling deeply, she steps onto the path.
And promptly vanishes.
Killian follows at once, walking onto the trail without hesitation. The next instant, everything around him shifts, the trees and sky and river blinking out of existence like little more than a dream. High stone walls rise around him, unmarked and endless, arching up into darkness. Silence presses in on him, and though he can see for what seems like miles ahead, there’s no sign of Emma anywhere.
“Run out of ideas, then?” he says under his breath, barely breaking stride. “Finished the tunnels and couldn’t come up with anything better?”
He’s barely gone fifty feet (he thinks- he’s better at measuring out space than most, but the vastness and the lack of any defining markers makes moving through this space feel like he’s walking in place) when he hears footsteps.
“Killian?” Emma’s voice echoes from behind him. “Killian, wait, I think something’s gone wrong, I shouldn’t be able to see you yet.” He pauses for a moment, and she calls again. “Come back to the entrance, we’ll figure something out.”
Don’t turn around. The memory of Emma’s face when she’d found him winds through his head, cutting through the cries. Whatever happens- whatever you hear- don’t stop, and don’t look back.
He ignores her, plunging forward until silence buzzes in his ears again.
A figure appears on the path ahead, leaning casually against the rock wall. It turns as he approaches, brushing nonexistent dust from its coat, and his heart catches in his chest as Liam swims into view. He grins down at Killian, young and healthy as the day he died.
“Little brother!” he crows, and it hurts, to hear what he sounds like after all these years, when the memory of his voice faded so long ago. “Thought I might’ve missed you on your way out.”
“Liam,” Killian whispers, unable to tear his eyes from his brother’s face.
“I met your Lady Emma as she passed by.” Liam’s smile widens, the corners of his eyes crinkling, and he chuckles. “Quite the firecracker you’ve got there.”
“You’re not real,” Killian says slowly. “This is all just another trick.”
“I’m as real as you are, brother.” Reaching into his pocket, Liam pulls out a small flask and flips it open. “Have a drink with me, won’t you? We’ll toast to your lady love.”
And that’s…wrong, it’s wrong, and now Killian can see where Liam’s edges are blurred, as if he’s fading slightly into the background. His hands look distorted, fingers blending with the flask, and his stance is too predatory. The smile is right, but the warmth behind his eyes is missing. Reaching out, he tries to grasp Liam by the shoulder, but his hand passes through little more than air.
“I’ll get you yet, Captain,” the thing that looks like Liam hisses, his face contorting as he fades from view.
Killian starts to run.
He ignores the gentle hum of his mother’s voice, the sea shanties of his childhood curling around him and calling him back; he pays no heed to the figure of his father, who runs alongside him for a time, begging for mercy. The path hurls Emma’s voice at him again and again, filling the sound with anguish, with pain, with anger, with loss, with longing, with every emotion that should bring him to his knees.
(And it hurts, but he thinks privately that none of it is worse than watching the Darkness take her, that night in Storybrooke- let the Underworld do what it will, but they’ve already survived far worse.)
The tunnel floor starts to rise bit by bit, and he knows he must be nearing the exit. He can see the high arch of the walls beginning to slope lower, the ceiling slowly coming into view, when he notices the woman sitting calmly in the middle of the path ahead. She climbs to her feet, shaking out her dark hair as she meets his gaze with a challenging smile.
“Killian,” she says softly, and he stops several feet from her. She’s in her full pirate regalia, the leathers and jewels she’d loved so much, the custom pieces he’d stolen and bartered for and dug out of rotting treasure chests. “Finally.”
He doesn’t respond, doesn’t think he can pull the words out through the hard knot in his chest. She’s standing here, in front of him, looking like she’d never died, looking like the Crocodile had never tried to hurt her, looking at him the way she always did when she had a surprise waiting for him. Gods, but she’s more beautiful than he’d remembered.
(Time is a cruel mistress, especially to a man who has escaped her clutches for centuries.)
“I’ve been waiting for you,” Milah says. She steps forward slowly, like he’s a skittish animal. “I’ve been waiting for you for a long, long time.”
“Milah,” he croaks.
“I’m here,” she breathes. “Stay a while. You’ve been running for such a long, long time.”
“Yes.” A faint buzzing fills his ears.
She’s looking up at him, one eyebrow raised, and her eyes are so, so blue. “We’ve both waited for so long.”
“Yes.” He vaguely realizes that he can’t remember how he got here, but he finds that he doesn’t mind it.
“I can help you rest, my love,” Milah whispers. Her hand comes up, hovering near his cheek, not quite touching him. “Trust me.”
You have to trust me.
He blinks, shaking his head as the voice breaks through the haze.
“No.” It takes every bit of his self-control to step out of her reach, but he manages it. “This isn’t- you’re not really here.”
“You’d prefer that, wouldn’t you?” she says placidly. As he watches, blood drips from the corner of her eye, leaving a dark streak across her pale cheek. “Not here. Not Lost.” Another drop slides from the edge of her mouth. “After all those years, you’re willing to leave me here.”
“No,” he says again, ignoring the way his stomach twists with every word she speaks.
“You let me die,” Milah continues, “and now you’re leaving me to rot.”
“You aren’t Milah.”
Milah laughs, but the sound is harsh and unforgiving, utterly absent of warmth. “Are you certain of that, Killian Jones? Are you quite certain that I will not be there, tortured in the tunnels, even as you try to forget me? What were your vows worth, to avenge me, to remember me, to love me, if you’re willing to risk leaving me with Hades?”
Something in her face flickers, shifting for the briefest moment, and Killian catches sight of Hades’ twisted scowl.
“No need to talk about yourself like that, Hades,” Killian says, forcing levity into his tone as he takes another step away. “I’d say you should work on your self-esteem a bit, mate.”
The illusion shatters all at once. Milah vanishes, flying apart in coils of smoke; Hades, draped in black, stands in her place.  “You’re not leaving, Captain,” he snarls, diving for Killian’s legs. Killian dodges, vaulting over him, and takes off down the tunnel. “Get back here!”
He ignores the shouts from behind him, keeping his gaze focused straight ahead even as a shrill scream pierces the air. A faint circle of light appears ahead of him and he puts on another burst of speed, diving through it, and he’s flying through the air, falling-
-onto grass.
Swearing under his breath, he sits up, rubbing his shoulder where it smacked into an unfortunately placed rock. He can hear the faint sound of the town clock chiming out the hour, ringing out over the gentle lapping of waves against the lakeshore. The sun is just beginning to rise, dusting the world in a golden haze, and a faint breeze stirs the treetops.
He’s on his feet in an instant, turning to see Emma sprinting towards him. She hurls herself into his arms, nearly sending them both toppling as she drops kisses along the line of his cheek. Tangling his fingers in her hair, he presses the curve of his hook against her spine, tugging her closer as he attempts to press his lips to every bit of her that he can reach.
“You made it,” she gasps, burying her face in his neck. “You’re here, you did it-”
“Did you ever doubt I would?” He feels her smile against his skin, here and alive and safe, and can’t resist the urge to take a small step away, just far enough to cradle her face in his hand. For a long moment, they simply look, drinking each other in with an intensity that makes the rest of the world fade away. “You’re a bloody hero, Swan,” he says softly, bending to kiss her.
And it’s like the time she’d slammed his heart back into his chest- the same rush of feeling sweeping from his lips through the rest of his body, the overwhelming urge to fall into her and never climb out, to live out his days in a world of Emma Swan.
“Wow,” she breathes, looking slightly dazed, and he chuckles. “That was-”
“Not a one time thing,” he says firmly, leaning down to kiss the laugh that bubbles across her lips.
The sun is well and truly risen in a brilliantly blue sky when they finally manage to tear themselves apart and head into town, hands clasped. Grumpy catches sight of them before they hit Main Street and takes off, shouting the news of their arrival at the top of his voice, and they arrive at Granny’s to see most of the town peering through the windows at them. Henry comes flying through the door, wrapping both of them in an enormous hug.
“You’re both safe?” he asks, looking from one to the other. “No magical loopholes? No enemies you accidentally brought back to Storybrooke? No weird rules about only being allowed to visit during certain seasons?”
“Yes, no, no, and no,” Emma says, hugging him tightly. “We’re home for good, kid.”
Henry raises an eyebrow at Killian. “You’re not evil anymore? And you’re staying?”
“Aye, lad.” Killian smiles and wraps an arm around his shoulder. “If your mother will have me, you’ll never get rid of me.”
“Good,” says Henry. Grinning, he hugs both of them for another moment, then wriggles his way to freedom. “Come on, Grandma and Grandpa are waiting. I’m pretty sure Granny’s going to lock them up if Grandpa doesn’t stop trying to demonstrate his perfect pancake recipe.”
“Right behind you,” Emma says, reaching out to ruffle his hair fondly. Turning to Killian, she pulls him down for a quick kiss, her lips warm against his. “Ready?”
“For anything, if I’m by your side,” he says. “Lead on, Swan.”
They walk into the diner hand in hand.
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acrobat-elle · 7 years
Make A Wish (4/4)
Stuck in the Enchanted Forest after her wish was granted, Emma seeks out Killian. She doesn’t expect what she finds. Canon divergence from 6x10, including spoilers for 6x11 in this chapter.
Endless thanks to @caprelloidea for reading over this for me and just being an amazing fic cheerleader in general. Also tagging @laschatzi because she asked :).
Rating: T for this chapter, M overall
Word count: 5141
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
AO3 | FF.net
Killian takes her to the beanstalk on horseback. Emma is grateful for the few hours it takes them, an excuse to shamelessly wrap herself around him as she sits in the back of the saddle. Her hands start off holding his hips before eventually clasping themselves across his front, her cheek resting between his shoulder blades.
They won't have much longer if their mission is successful, the threat of the Evil Queen loose in Storybrooke more than enough to hurry them along. But when her hand reaches up and closes over his where he holds the reins she closes her eyes, squeezing him tight against her. It's all they have left - all he has left - and she won't spend a single moment without her hands on his skin if she can help it. They don't talk, don't need to, and Emma is grateful that she can't see Killian's face as they ride, knowing she couldn't handle it.
It looks much the same as it did before, towering up into the sky and forcing them to lean back to take all of it in. "Do you think this thing is still enchanted by the giant?" she asks, squinting her eyes against the sun. "I don't have any memories of his story being different in this version of things."
"Nor do I," he confirms, still looking up. "I suppose there's only one way to find out." Before she can protest, he approaches the beanstalk and places a tentative hand against it.
The force of its magic throws him a good ten feet before he lands on his back.
She's at his side in an instant. "Well," he gets out when his breath returns to him, "that answers that question."
Emma laughs, relieved that he's only injured his pride. "You are such a dumbass, you know that?"
He grins up at her. "And you love me for it."
She smiles back, grasping his hand and helping him to his feet. "Knock it off with this whole throwing-yourself-in-the-line-of-fire thing. I don't need you to break a hip."
"I'm quite spry, thank you. Or was last night not proof enough for you?"
She can feel her cheeks flush at the memory, burning even hotter when he raises a cocky eyebrow. "Look, we don't need to climb. I can just poof us up to the top." She reaches into their satchel, pulling out the royal scroll she prepared before they left and holding it up between them. "You ready?"
"Aye." He nods to the parchment in her hands. "Do you think this will work?"
"It has to. If it doesn't I'll freeze him with magic and just take the bean he has, but I…" she trails off. "I don't want it to come to that. He deserves more."
He sighs, but keeps his expression light. "We all do."
"Yeah," she says, her voice catching in her throat. "You do."
He holds her hand as she transports them to the top.
The giant is so startled by her sudden appearance - whether it's because a princess has deigned to visit him or because he's shocked at her display of magic - that he nearly forgets to be angry. Emma summons every memory of her childhood in this place, every lesson in deportment and diplomacy drilled into her from a young age when she announces herself and hands him the scroll. She made it as large as possible but it's still comically tiny in his hands, but the way his face changes as he reads it calms her rapidly beating heart.
As it turns out, Anton's soft heart is surprisingly receptive to a formal royal apology for the treatment of giants at the hands of humans. It doesn't hurt that the purveyors of the message are two orphans thoroughly in sympathy with his predicament. It takes some convincing - he's not stupid, after all - but when they finally get through to him it's a weight lifted, Killian's joyous smile and Anton's tears only adding to the occasion.
When he offers the damaged bean hanging around his neck, it's all Emma can do not to cry.
Lake Nostros is vibrant and beautiful, so unlike the dried-up landscape Emma remembers from her last experience there. She pulls the bean from around her neck, looking from Killian to the water and then back again, and the finality of it all settles heavy on her shoulders.
She glances to Regina and Robin. "Can you give us a minute?"
"Of course." Regina grabs at Robin's arm and pulls him away, giving them the privacy they need. Regina's been uncharacteristically contrite since their last conversation, and while it's not quite a real apology, it's a start.
He sidles up to her and she sighs when his forehead touches hers, his hand soft at her hip. "So," he says, waiting quietly.
"So." She swallows hard, stepping closer into his space, hands pressed to his chest.
"Remember the last time we were here?" he asks, and she smiles at the memory, at how far they've come. "I think I prefer holding you to fighting you with a sword."
"You liked the sword fight."
"That I did," he chuckles. "Despite what I said, your form was terrible."
"Give me a break. That was like the second time I ever held a sword, okay?"
"And you've gotten much better since then," he says fondly, nose just touching hers.
"Yeah, well, I had a good teacher."
"Aye," he whispers, just before pressing his lips to hers. His kiss is soft and light, just a whisper against her skin and her heart aches at the sweetness of it. His eyes remain closed when he pulls back and only then can she see how nervous he is, the tension in his shoulders and the shallowness of his breath. Death is terrifying enough but this, the knowledge that everything about him will cease to exist in a few minutes is something else entirely.
Her hands find his face, her thumbs rubbing gently at his cheeks, and his eyes are damp when they finally open. A pained smile crosses his face. "I'm getting quite tired of saying goodbye to you, love."
She sighs, bitter around the edges. "So am I. I just… I love you. So much. And I'm so sorry. I don't know what else I can say, I just - "
"Shhh." He shakes his head and leans in to whisper in her ear. "You don't need to say anything. Just be here with me for a moment."
His arms circle around her and she follows suit, sinking into the warmth and the strength of him as they sway together. She won't let herself cry, determined to be strong for him, but still buries her face in his shoulder and breathes him in while he does the same. It's not enough, nothing will ever be enough for Emma when it comes to Killian, but she holds him and waits, letting him decide when he's able to let go.
It's far too soon when his grip loosens and they pull regretfully apart. "You'd best be getting home now."
"Yeah," she says, a little shaky. "Just let me do one thing first." He eyes her curiously when she grabs his left wrist, looking down at the false hand he still wears. She takes a deep breath and pulls from within her, summoning the warm glow of her magic and bringing it forth in a burst of light. She watches his face as he examines her handiwork, and his grateful smile when he realizes she's returned his hook to its rightful place threatens to break her where she stands.
"There we go," she manages to get out, and his smile softens in understanding.
The fingers of one hand lace with his and she takes his hook in the other as he steps in close. "Thank you, love. For everything." That he's able to pack so much into so few words astonishes her.
She can only nod and he kisses her once more, long and deep and she can feel the thanks in it, the love in it, and she does her best to give it back to him.
"I love you," he whispers against her lips. "Safe travels, Emma."
"I love you too," she chokes out as he backs away. She holds his hand as long as possible, the tips of their fingers sliding across each other's as they finally break apart. She turns, knowing she won't be able to go through with this if she looks at his face, and makes her way to the edge of the water.
She's joined in short order by Robin and Regina. "You ready?" Regina asks.
"As I'll ever be. Let's do it."
Emma removes the bean from around her neck and hands it off, happy to give this task to Regina while she braces herself. The waters restore the bean easily, but she's not ready for the gust of cool air as the portal opens, her chest tightening while Regina and Robin jump through.
She can't help herself - she turns and looks back, needing to see him one more time. He's moved back to the treeline but she can still make out his features - the tiny, loaded smile he gives her and the encouraging nod to follow.
She nods back, turns, and jumps.
Killian guides Emma through the front door of their home, Henry close on their heels. Killian nearly carries her, taking most of her weight with her arm slung over his shoulder as her feet drag across the hardwood. She wants to protest, tell him she's not an invalid, but her legs are hardly obeying her wishes as it is, much less her mouth. He deposits her on the couch and kneels before her to look directly in her eyes, grabbing her hand in his.
"You're shaking."
"I'll get you some hot chocolate," Henry volunteers immediately, completely misreading the situation, but she simply nods as he disappears to the kitchen.
"I'm not cold," she finally says, low enough that her son can't hear.
"It's all right, love," Killian assures her, just as quiet. He smiles then, squeezing her hand. "I told you you can overcome anything."
She stares at him blankly until she realizes he's not talking about her time in the wish realm. She feels slow and stupid, hardly able to organize her thoughts, not after arriving in Storybrooke only to walk straight into the swordfight that haunted her dreams for so many weeks.
She may not have vanquished her cloaked foe, only able to send him running with a blast of magic that took everything in her power to summon. It nearly failed, an aborted, hopeless attempt until Killian and Henry arrived and she somehow found the strength to bring it forth.
The burst of energy didn't last, the weight of the last few days and the preceding weeks lifting and crumbling in on her at the same time. She'd collapsed on the street, damn near had a panic attack and it was only the arms of the men she loved around her that kept her together, soothing and real and coaching her to breathe her way through it.
She can't even remember how they got her back home, struggling to recall but only coming up with a frenzied blur, and it's Killian's voice that snaps her back to reality.
Her eyes meet his, wide and full of concern, and it's the first time she's really looked at him since arriving home. It startles her, to see him young and vibrant and full of life in a way his other self hadn't been, no more of the silver-streaked hair and wrinkles she'd done her best to memorize. But as much as she sees the Killian she knows and love she also sees him, and her heart jumps and breaks all at once behind the numbing fog of shock.
Henry returns just then, breaking the moment and she forces a smile, strange as it feels on her face. "Thanks."
"Are you okay, Mom?"
She pauses before answering, and she can't bear to lie to him. "I will be. It's, uh. It's been a rough few days. I'll tell you about it later, okay? I think I just need to go to bed."
Henry nods, obviously worried but taking her at her word, and Emma is grateful when Killian takes the mug of hot chocolate from him, knowing her shaking hands wouldn't be able to carry it. "I'll let Grandma and Grandpa know you're back."
It's another piece falling into place, knowing she'll be able to see her parents once more, young and alive and it almost cracks through the numbness when she pulls Henry into a hug. "Thanks, kid."
Killian brings her upstairs, his hook pressing lightly at the small of her back as he patiently follows her wobbly steps. She pauses once they're in the bedroom, glancing towards the bath. "I think I need a shower."
"Of course," he says, his voice soft as he sets the mug aside. "Take all the time you need."
The thought of being alone, being without him for even a moment shocks her into reality even more, and she grabs his wrist when he reaches to hand her a towel. "Come with me?"
He laces his fingers with hers in response. "Anything."
He turns the water scalding hot and undresses her with deliberate care, as though she were some delicate, breakable thing. She feels that way now, fragile and raw down to the tips of her toes as he divests himself of his own clothing and leads her into the shower.
Perhaps it's the heat of the water that finally brings her into the present. Maybe it's the look on his face as he runs his fingers through her hair, or the last of the adrenaline leaving her body, but once they're thoroughly soaked and he asks her, nearly inaudible, "Are you all right?" she breaks.
His arms go around her as she buries her face in his chest and sobs. There's so much for her to get out, so much fear and tension to process and it all unfurls at once, the anguish of the last few days and the realization that no, she will not die as fated squeezing her heart until it bursts, a relentless torrent that pours out of her until she feels no more than a shell of herself in his embrace.
He brings her back slowly as it subsides, a gentle hand at her back and whispered nonsense in her ear, I've got you and safe and love still coming through and it gives her the strength to remain standing. He waits, patient as always, and when she finally stops shuddering he acts as though nothing has happened, working shampoo into her hair with calming fingers and gently washing every inch of her skin.
It's only when they're finished, only when he's turned off the water and drying her carefully with a fluffy towel that she realizes how grateful she is, how lucky she is to be taken care of and she doesn't have the words to express it, hoping that her quiet "I love you" is enough.
He pauses at her words, dropping the towel to take her face in hand as he leans in, his lips just a caress against hers. "And I you."
When they're finally in bed they don't talk, laying on their sides to face one another and his hand is sweet against her cheek, thumb gently grazing her skin.
"Do you want to sleep?" he asks.
"I don't think I could," she admits.
He hesitates, and then: "Do you want to talk?"
When she can't answer right away, he continues. "I know this isn't just about your swordfight and the prophecy. You don't have to tell me now, but will you? I don't know what happened in that other realm, but…"
"No," she confirms. "You're right, it's not that. It was… God, I don't even know where to start."
He's reluctant before he speaks, but when he does it's just the push she needs. "Do you want to try?"
Her story is painfully disjointed, awkward and inelegant and she keeps having to backtrack, filling in details she'd forgotten, but by the time she gets to her goodbye at Lake Nostros, Killian scoots in closer, his legs tangling with hers as she whispers the details.
When she finishes there's not much to say - his sympathetic "Oh, love" sets off tears for the both of them - but it's enough to unburden herself, to tell her story to the only person who can come close to fully understanding. They hold each other tightly as they fall asleep, broken but slowly mending.
It's just past lunchtime when Emma returns home the next day. Her breakfast with her parents runs shorter than expected (they welcomed her with several too-long-but-not-enough hugs, but shooed her out as soon as humanly possible and insisted she go home to rest), but her meandering walk afterward takes longer. She thought it might help, to work through her jumbled thoughts, maybe cry a little for the man she left behind. Neither happens.
Her mind remains as scrambled as ever, living through those few days with Killian again and again, sometimes in fleeting moments and others in achingly perfect detail. His eyes, how over the years the blue of them had grown a shade lighter than she remembered. The way he smiled as though he hadn't done so in years. The feeling of his hand on her skin, more careful and cherishing than she was used to. Her eyes remain dry as she relives the memories, the catharsis of the night before leaving her emotions too depleted to allow much of a reaction.
She sees him as soon as she's through the front door, seated on the couch and his gaze trained on something in his lap she can't see. He doesn't look up at the sound of her entrance, and something in the set of his shoulders alarms her.
"Killian?" she asks, afraid to approach, the oddest feeling that she's interrupting something important.
It takes a beat before he turns his head to acknowledge her. "Hello, love."
The look on his face unnerves her immediately. He doesn't even attempt to muster a smile, but beyond that his eyes are red. His cheeks aren't wet - if he's cried over anything it hasn't been in the last few minutes - but there's no mistaking the set of his features.
"What's wrong?" she whispers, stiffening where she stands.
He does smile then, just a bit, and the knot in her stomach loosens fractionally. "I'm all right," he assures her, tilting his head in invitation. "Come here. I've got something to show you."
When she sits next to him she sees it's a piece of parchment, neatly folded and, despite being old-fashioned, not withered with age. He turns it over and over in his hands, restless but careful with the letter, and Emma sees a similar-looking envelope on the coffee table in front of them, "Killian" scrawled across it with his familiar handwriting.
"Regina dropped this off earlier," he tells her. "She said he'd asked her for a favor."
Emma swallows, her eyes trained on the folded paper. "He mentioned a favor to me, but never told me what it was about."
"And this was it," he confirms, holding out the letter to her. "Would you like to read it?"
Her eyes fall to the parchment before meeting his. "Do you want me to?"
There's a pause before he answers, but when the smile spreads slowly across his face she knows she's asked the right question. "Yes."
Her hands faintly shake as she takes it from him, delicately unfolding the paper and feeling her breath catch as she first sees it - the writing is the same beautiful penmanship she knows, almost. It's a little bit shakier, slightly sloppier, but still a work of art unto itself. She feels Killian's hand at her back as she begins to read.
It's quite strange to write a letter to myself. I assume Emma has told you about me; if she hasn't done so yet, please don't hold it against her. It's obvious how taxing this experience has been for her - I'm certain you see it as well - and if she hasn't yet gone into detail about her trip to this realm I know she will soon. Give her time if she needs it.
She squeezes her eyes shut, suddenly realizing what he'd done before she woke after their morning together. Despite all his pain he'd thought of her own first, and it's not the first time his selflessness has brought tears to her eyes. She swipes angrily at her face as Killian leans into her side, his hand a comforting slide against her ribs. "I'm here," he whispers, his breath warm on her shoulder. "Keep reading."
It's also strange to write to you when Emma was so insistent that we're the same person. She's partially correct; we both share identical memories up to a point. I know everything you know. But I also have another generation of experiences within me: returning to the Enchanted Forest with a toothless Dark One and no curse, no scheming with Cora to guide me. I'm older than you by a few decades (still handsome, lest you worry about that) and so at least the smallest bit wiser. Given that, I hope you'll take to heart what I have to say.
I don't need to tell you what a gift it is to be loved by Emma Swan. But I do know how you think, and the way your head can sometimes poison what you know in your heart to be true. So I'd like to tell you a story.
Emma can't stop her laugh, short and breathless as it is. "This sounds familiar."
His nose is still pressed to her ear and she feels him smile against her skin, his hand tightening around her waist. "Classics never die, Swan. Keep reading."
She does, her heart firmly in her throat.
I was a useless old pirate. Not even that, an ex-pirate who hadn't had a ship or a crew in decades. I had no home, never staying in one place too long, far too much of my time spent at the bottom of a bottle because I had nothing else. I spent years that way, because once my vengeance was taken from me there was nothing left to do but grow old and wait to die. I didn't even have the courage to end it myself, choosing the passive way out, as it were. We always did have a talent for self-destruction.
But then a princess marched into a tavern and sat directly across from me. She needed a favor and I refused, thinking I had no way to assist her and wanting to get back to my bottle. She could have left then, finding another way home (and we both know she would have) and leaving me in the dark with the demons we both know so well.
But she saw me and the state I was in, and she stayed. I wish you could have seen her, how kind and determined she was, desperate to make me believe I was more than the failure I'd become. She reassured me, held my hand, and chased me down when I fled. Finally, she told me she loved me. I suppose I'm luckier than you in that regard; I was privileged with hearing Emma say "I love you" for the first time on two separate occasions.
She made me believe and I remembered. I don't need to tell you it was the best thing that ever happened to me, because Emma is the best thing that ever happened to either of us. She didn't have to do it; she could have left me in the dark and gone home to you and I'd be none the wiser. I'd have disappeared into the ether when she left, some tragic footnote that didn't warrant any further attention.
But she refused to let that happen. Even though I was just a temporary copy of you, she wasn't able to leave me like that, and as poor as my own opinion of myself is, she refused to let me wallow in it. We know the generosity of Emma's grace better than anyone.
Despite all that, I know it's not enough for you. You know what you have is True Love but you still doubt yourself. You still worry that you feel more deeply for her than she does for you. You still worry that you're not worthy of her. I know you, mate. I AM you. And so I hope you'll take the advice of a (slightly) older version of you: never, ever doubt the love of Emma Swan. It runs as true and as deep as yours for her, if not more so. Cherish every moment of it. Hold her every chance you get, make love to her every time as if it's your last, and believe her when she tells you she loves you. Trust her in this as you do everything else.
You're going to show this letter to her, aren't you? I know us. In that case, Emma, hello, darling. I love you until the end of the world, or time, just like the man right next to you. Be good to each other.
Kindest regards,
Killian Jones
Her breath catches at the final paragraph and Killian is there for it, the warmth of his hand at her waist and his breath on her skin grounding her as she swallows down her tears. "He's pretty great, isn't he?" she finally gets out, hoping he can read between the lines.
"Aye," he agrees, his lips gentle against her cheek.
"He's right," she says, still unable to look at him. "About how much I love you."
His breath stops against her skin, his fingers tapping a gentle rhythm against her ribs. "I'm glad to hear it," he murmurs.
They sit quietly for a few minutes, Emma's head on his shoulder, savoring the luxury of silence. It only breaks when Killian chuckles to himself, a low, sweet sound that rumbles in his chest.
"What is it?"
"Nothing, love. Just thinking that he's right about you, too."
Things slow down somewhat a few days after Emma returns. The Evil Queen remains in her cage and Gideon is nowhere to be seen, giving them what is most certainly a false sense of security, but it's enough for her to return to work and pretend. And she's definitely pretending now, playing Minesweeper on her computer and truly learning the concept of "Hurry up and wait."
The buzz of her phone distracts her, causing her to set off a mine and she curses as she goes to check her messages, but the words die on her lips as she reads it.
It's a video file, sent to her by Regina. The accompanying text is simple but sets her heart racing as she reads it: Watch this alone, and only when you've got some extra time.
Emma looks up immediately, glancing around the quiet station. Her father is out on a routine call but there's otherwise nothing to do, and so she gets up and locks her office door before sitting, taking a deep breath, and hitting "play."
She nearly drops her phone at the sight of his face once the video starts, lined and creased and just as beautiful as she remembers it, the face she never thought she'd see again staring back at her.
"Hello, love." His expression is sweet, a little melancholy, and she recognizes the castle walls behind him and the clothes he's wearing - he recorded this before she awakened after their night together. There was far more to his favor, it turns out, than a simple letter.
"I convinced Regina to let me use her talking phone before the battery died," he confirms. "I considered writing a letter to you as well, but I thought you might prefer a message from this devilishly handsome face instead."
Emma laughs through her tears, swiping at her face as he goes on.
"I assume by now you've read the letter I wrote to myself. And rest assured, I meant every word of it. But I wanted to speak directly to you."
"I love you," he says, somehow deadly serious but joyful at the same time. "More than anything in this wretched life. I always wanted to be a better man but you were the catalyst, the spark that made it happen. And as unfair as our current plight is - " his voice catches and he looks down, away from the camera, " - please, Emma, just know that you've made me a better man twice over."
It takes him a moment to find his voice again and she swallows heavily, wiping away her tears while she waits for him to recover.
"You asked me what I needed from you. It's not much, darling, and nothing more than you're prepared to give." He looks directly into the camera and smiles. "Tell me - tell him - tell him you love him every opportunity you have. Be there for him as he will be for you. And you already told me you would, but say yes when he asks you to marry him. He's quite nervous about it." His soft smile spreads into a grin. "And I know I asked you to acquire a pair of stockings once you returned home, but I was hoping that perhaps we could keep that just between us."
Emma laughs again and she can't deny him anything, a small part of her rejoicing at the idea. How perfect, how utterly perfect of him to suggest -
"I have to go now, love," he tells the screen, an amused smile playing at his lips. "It's time to wake you up for yet another adventure, one that I'm sure will end with you as the victor."
His face grows serious once more and she braces herself, knowing what's to come.
"I love you. Did I already tell you that? Well, allow me to say it again: I love you. And even if I only have ten or twelve or sixteen hours with you in this life, all of it was was bloody worth it. Love always is." His smile returns. "Go live, and love, for me. We both know I'll see you again someday."
Emma can't watch the final seconds of the video, her eyes screwing shut as he says goodbye.
He asks her on a lazy Sunday morning, when they're both sleep-drunk and fuzzy and just waking as the sun streams through the curtains, their limbs tangled sweetly together.
She says yes.
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truthofherdreams · 7 years
@deputyhook asked me for a fic where Killian’s mother is still alive and bonds with Emma, and I too happily obliged because I love myself some Maureen Jones. set in early 6A without all that Emma-is-dying crap because I’m not about that life.
The income of people from the Land of Untold Stories is overwhelming to say the least. Emma didn’t expect so many refugees at once, and it takes everyone quite some time before they manage to agree on how to proceed and to keep things going. Granny welcomes most of the people, packing families into cramped rooms and offering hot meals to the most hungry. David finds old cots and requisitions the town hall, turning it into a makeshift camp. Mary Margaret makes sure everyone is accounted for - names and fairytale of origin, just in case they know someone in Storybrooke and can be reunited with them.
It’s a slow process, taking up most of the morning then afternoon, and Emma feels the exhaustion creeping into her bones after a few hours. She switches from hot chocolate to coffee after lunch, proof that she needs more than a few hours of sleep, and Killian steals glances at her whenever he can, worry in his eyes. She dismisses him with a wave of her hand every time, but can’t wait to be back home, in her bed and in his arms.
Emma just explained a woman that they don’t have healers in this realm, but she will find the hospital a few streets away from the dinner, and waves her goodbye, when Killian tenses by her side. He’s thrown an arm around her shoulders the way he so often does, and his muscles go stiff all of a sudden, a breathless gasp caught in the back of his throat. She frowns at him with a mix of confusion and worry, before following his sightline.
A woman just entered the room, black hair tumbling around her shoulders and dusty blue dress hugging her body. There is something deeply familiar about her, about the way she moves and holds herself, but Emma doesn’t make the connection straight away.
Not until Killian lets out a small, broken, “Mama.”
Emma’s head spins a little, but she forces herself to focus on the way Killian’s fingers tighten on her shoulder, as if holding to her like a drowning man to a life belt. His face has gone pale, his lips quivering slightly, and she has never seen him so distressed - not even in the Underworld, heartbreak in his eyes and Milah’s name on his lips. He takes a tentative step toward the woman, and Emma has to gently push him so he keeps going, so he plants himself in front of the woman.
She looks up at him with surprised eyes, before a small frown settles on her brows as she looks at the man in front of her. Emma sees the resemblance more clearly from up close - they share the same bright, blue eyes, and nose, and hair. Hers falls in beautiful curls around her face, and her lips stretch into a tentative, quivering smile, dimples in her cheeks as she takes him in.
“Killian?” she asks, unsure.
Killian makes for replying something that turns into a mess of wordless sounds, lost for words for the first time since Emma met him, before he simply goes for a hug. His arms wrap around his mother’s waist, his face pressed to her neck, shoulders slumped.
Emma has to look away for a moment, tongue darting to her upper lip as she ignores the way her vision goes blurry all of a sudden. She remembers it all too well - rushing Henry into clothes and out of the hospital, standing still in the middle of the street. How her mother had reached for her face, her father had cradled the back of her head in his hand. The hug, stiff and unfamiliar, and her mind running with too many thoughts at once. How it’d felt wrong and awkward and how she still didn’t believe it, but refused to say it out loud, to break their hearts even more.
She find Granny’s eyes across the room, the older woman pouring coffee into cups on the other side of the counter. She smiles to Emma, kind and warm, and she would probably squeeze her hand too in a comforting manner if they were closer. She’s taken to Emma in the time since she broke the curse, the closest thing she’ll ever get to a grandmother, and Emma is glad that she is here now instead of her parents - less fussy but still as protective, keeping an eye on her even as she busies herself with her array of new patrons.
When Emma looks back to the Jones (oh, god), they are no longer hugging, his mother’s hand cupping his cheeks as she stares at him with no small amount of pride and wonder in her wet eyes. A single tear rolls down Killian’s cheek, a broken and throaty chuckle escaping him when she brushes a thumb against the scar next to his nose with a disapproving tut.
Killian looks like he has de-aged a decade or two (a century or two), soft smiles and sad eyes and making himself smaller than he actually is. Emma’s heart aches for him, in ways she didn’t think possible, yet she stops herself before reaching for him, knows this moment is not for her to break.
Still, Killian must see her moving from the corner of his eye, for he stops whispering sweet words to his mother so he can glance at her. He asks her to move closer with a tiny nod, and Emma does so with a shyness that is rare for her. Killian’s hook comes to rest on the small of her back, but Emma doesn’t have the time to wonder if he is hiding it from view before his mother is looking at her curiously.
“Mama, this is Emma.” And then, puffing his chest a little, “My True Love.”
She wants to smirk and poke fun at him - she wants to kiss him and tell him how much she loves him, but then his mother’s eyes travel between Emma’s face and her son, a little widen and surprised, and the words die on Emma’s tongue. She has never been introduced in such a way before - he’s never claimed her so blatantly, so proudly.
“Oh my gods,” the woman replies. Emma finds herself engulfed in a tight hug only seconds later. “Nice to meet you, darling.”
There is still so much to be done before calling it a night, but Emma convinces Killian he isn’t that needed and they can cope without him for a few hours. He argues for the sake of it more than anything, quickly convinced to take his mother home and away from that mess. They need their time alone, to talk, to share so many things at once, and he very much can’t do that with so many prying eyes around them. So he agrees quietly, and kisses her goodbye before leading his mother outside.
Emma sighs once they’re gone, rubbing her face with both hands, and eagerly accepts the cup of warm coffee Granny gives her. Together they do a final round of the bed and breakfast, making sure that everyone is settling well and not in need of anything. By the time they are done, Granny stretches her back, hands on her hips, and declares that she is getting too old for this, has seen too much. Emma manages to get a few stories out of her, of the war against Regina, before her father comes back from the town hall. He looks as exhausted as Emma feels, and they both agree to call it a day after debriefing the events of the day. They agree to meet again in the morning, and then David kisses her cheek and bids her goodnight before going home. Emma finishes her cup of coffee, and does the same.
Henry’s sneakers are in the middle of the entrance when she comes home, and Emma kicks them to the side before she gets rid of her own shoes with a little groan of satisfaction. The house is quiet and dark but for the one lamp in the living room, Killian and his mother both staring at her as she makes her way inside. They’ve both been crying, that much is certain - his mother’s eyes still red and puffy while Killian doesn’t look any better - but he holds his mother’s hand in his and doesn’t let go even as he smiles to Emma.
“Good evening, love.”
She smiles too as she sits next to him on the couch, her tight pressed to his. “Everything okay?” she asks, even if she knows the issue goes deeper than a simple yes-no question.
Still, Killian nods, and replies, “I was just telling Mama about our first adventures in the Enchanted Forest.”
She hums under her breath and settles more comfortably in the couch, taking her phone out to send a quick text to Henry. He replies ‘in my bedroom. btw our family tree is fucked up,’ which makes her snort so much she forgets to chastise him about his language.
The next two hours or so are spent with Killian telling his mother everything there is to know about their latest adventures, Emma only chiming in every so often for a comment or a snippy retort. He rolls his eyes at her with a smirk of his own, but doesn’t stop his tale until Camelot, until his voice breaks over the words and Emma finishes for him. She doesn’t spend time on the details, still too recent and hurtful, but she gets the job done alright, leaving his mother to nod and ponder on everything. It is, after all, quite a lot to take in.
She wipes the tears away from her cheeks with one hand, the other still in Killian’s, and Emma decides to put them both out of their misery by asking if it may be time to go to bed. Everyone agrees and they get the guest room ready for her before Emma sneaks away to give them some privacy and kiss Henry goodnight.
She’s already in her PJs, her face clean of makeup, sitting on the bed and checking her texts, when Killian comes into the room. He closes the door behind him before leaning against it, eyes closed as he sighs deeply. He doesn’t move, head tilt back.
“You okay?”
“Aye,” he breathes. It takes him two more minutes before he finally pushes himself away from the door and starts stripping off his clothes. There is something peculiar about the dreadful Captain Hook only wearing grey sweatpants to sleep, Emma smirking a little when he comes to lie by her side, head in her lap as if begging to be petted. Her fingers find their way to his hair, making him purr happily.
“I’m exhausted,” he adds after a while.
Emma leans against the bed frame, still playing with his hair. “You and me both.”
She doesn’t ask - doesn’t even know where to begin, to be honest - but Killian has always been good at reading her mind. Or maybe he needs to share so badly that he doesn’t even need prompting. “I thought her dead. I -- all those centuries, I thought her dead when she was not.” He clears his throat, gets rid of the knot stuck there. “All those years he lied to us about it, that bastard,” and Emma doesn’t ask. Doesn’t have to.
Killian doesn’t offer more details than that, but hugs her thigh a little tighter, cuddles a little closer. They stay silent after that, relishing in each other’s company and comfort as they so often do. After a while, Emma shifts a little, and Killian lets her lie next to him, a sad smile on his lips when she kisses his cheek before she pulls him closer, his head against her collarbone. It is soft and warm, their private bubble against the world and, not for the first time, Emma wonders what is still keeping her away from asking Killian to officially moving in, beside the fears and anxieties rooted in her bones that will never truly go away.
“She’s beautiful,” Emma comments.
His smirk and raised eyebrow, the vain comment she can feel coming before he even says it, are all Emma needs to know Killian is okay. Or at least he will be, soon.
And it’s all that matters.
Killian is still asleep when she wakes up the following morning, his mouth opened into a silent snore and his arm holding her to his chest. She has to move slowly, inch by inch, to escape his embrace without waking him up - god knows he needs some rest. They both do, after too many days unable to sleep, but Emma still has work to do, royal duties she cannot put aside no matter how warm her pirate and how comfortable her bed.
She takes a quick shower and puts on some clothes, grabbing her phone, keys and sheriff badge before she leans over Killian and kisses his bare shoulder. He stirs in his sleep but doesn’t wake up, and so Emma sneaks out of the room.
Henry is already eating breakfast when she goes to the kitchen, greeting her before he focuses back on his phone. She starts the coffee machine and slips two slices of bread in the toaster, chitchatting with her son until he grabs his school backpack and wishes her a nice day. Sometimes, she misses the time when she was walking him to the bus stop, even more so when she remembers he walks to Violet’s house first, then to school. Her boy, so grown up.
Emma is going through her phone, checking texts and emails and the news as she sips on her cup of coffee, when the stairs start creaking loudly. She glances to the side quickly, before doing a double take when Killian is not the one to make his way to the kitchen. His mother is wrapped in a fluffy nightgown, her feet bar against the cold tiles and her arms folded on her chest. She smiles at Emma, kind and a little shy, before Emma motions for her to sit at the table.
“Did you sleep well?” Emma asks, feeling awkward and out-of-sorts.
Killian’s mother nod, and thanks her when Emma gives her a mug of coffee. “Very well, thank you. Those beds are way better than what I am used to.”
Her accent is the same as Killian’s and it makes Emma grin, along with what she just said. “One of the perks of this realm, really.” And then, with a wrinkle of her nose, “Killian didn’t give me your name.”
“Maureen. Maureen Jones.”
“Nice to meet you, Maureen.”
They both smile at each other, then Maureen decides to go on with, “So, True Love?”
A high-pitched laugh escapes Emma before she can swallow it down, one that makes her sound very much like her mother all of a sudden. Emma sighs then, trying to even the features on her face -- she is a grown-up woman in a serious relationship, she can handle talking about it with her boyfriend’s mother, surely.
“Apparently,” is all she finds to reply, shaking her head a little. “He shares the title with my son, actually.”
Is it supposed to be awkward, telling Maureen about the son she had with another man? It has never been a problem before; Killian and she don’t shy away from their past romantic lives. Still, Emma fears the questions that could follow, the discussion that she can’t even start with Killian quite yet -- about how she is fine with only having Henry, even if she has no idea how Killian would react.
“Fine young man,” Maureen replies with a nod, before she takes a sip of coffee. “I’m glad. That Killian found someone.”
Emma’s throat closes a little, as she swallows around the feeling arising in her. She has never looked for anyone’s approval, beside Henry’s -- she never really cared what people thought or said about her dating Captain Hook. But, still. It feels entirely different now, to have Killian’s mother approving of their relationship. Not that it changes anything, but it soothes Emma’s mind, if only a little.
She smiles around a sip of coffee, before she asks, “How was he? As a child?”
Maureen laughs a little, rolling her eyes to the heavens. “Wonderful. He was so bright, even as a wee boy. He loved it when I read stories to him, and when we danced. He was so sweet and quiet.”
“Quiet? Killian?” Emma can only smirk at that. There isn’t a day where he doesn’t have a quick retort on his lips, a sharp insult, a witty comment. She barely manages to picture him as a quiet boy, with his bright blue eyes and his love of adventure stories.
“Yes,” Maureen laughs too. “He wanted to be a knight. Probably to have some courtly love with a fair maiden, mind you. He spent hours with his wooden sword, trailing behind Liam…”
Emma must have visibly tense at the sound of Liam’s name, because Maureen stops in the middle of her sentence with a frown. Emma forces herself to chase the memories of the Underworld from her head, but they linger anyway -- the feeling of not being enough, of not deserving Killian, not being good enough for him. Her own insecurities taste like ash and gunpowder on her tongue, sparkled by the harsh words of a man who barely knew her yet meant the world to Killian.
“Killian took most of his personality from me,” Maureen goes on, carefully. “But I’m afraid Liam was too much like his father for his own good. Prideful. Easily prejudiced.”
Emma smiles sadly, even more so when Maureen grabs her hand on the table and squeezes gently. It doesn’t ease her fears -- nothing will ever erase them, at this point -- but it comforts her a little.
She is about to thank Maureen for her words, when Killian loudly tumbles down the stairs. He thankfully pulled on a t-shirt to go along with his sweatpants, but his hair in an artful mess on top of his head and he looks like he isn’t quite awake yet, eyes heavy with sleep. He makes his way toward the coffee machine, now definitely addicted to the stuff, but not without stopping next to Emma’s chair, hand on her shoulder and lips on her temple.
“Morning, love,” he mutters. “Hey, mama.”
“Hello, sweetheart,” she replies in that voice Emma has too when she talks to Henry. But then, with a tiny smirk, “I was telling Emma about the first time you tried to shave like a grown man.”
Killian groans loudly even as he pours himself a mug of coffee, which makes Emma laugh in return, then turns a pointed glare toward his mother. “I was five. This is slander.”
His mother grins at him now, and he rolls his eyes dramatically before plopping down on the seat next to Emma’s, making a scene of pouting and otherwise showing his discontentment. Maureen ignores him with a flick of her wrist before she focuses back on Emma and comes up with as many embarrassing childhood stories as she can.
Emma’s cheeks are hurting from laughing too much by the time she puts her mug in the sink and grabs her leather jacket. Killian trails behind up to the front door, only stopping her for a proper good morning/goodbye kiss before she opens the door.
“Are you certain I am not needed?”
“We managed just fine before you strutted your way into our lives.”
“Swan!” Killian looks offended for a moment, before he settles for, “I don’t strut.”
“Yes, yes, you do,” she replies with a smirk, rising on her tiptoes to kiss him. “Like a peacock.”
He makes a face, but it’s only halfhearted -- he gets to spend an entire day with his long-lost mother while they’ll be taking care of their new refugees. Anyone in their family would trade with him in the blink of an eye, and they both perfectly know it.
It takes about two weeks for them to find a little cottage for Maureen, and for her to take over Ruby’s job at Granny’s -- she gets along so well with Granny it’s almost worrying, but the older lady helps her fitting in quite nicely.
Killian’s smile every time he looks at his mother is worth the world to Emma.
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berjhawn · 7 years
Wicked Love - Part 1 - Leaving Storybrooke
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Warnings: Fear, abandonment, ETC
Pairings: OUAT X Reader
“I’m home,” You say as you walk through the front door and as you look around drop your keys and purse down on the wooden stand next to the door. I wait for a reply but don’t hear anything, “Mom?” You say as you walk through the house looking for her when the sound of the TV catches your attention. “And in other news Mafia boss ‘King’ Louie Lucchese has just been released from prison on 1.5 million dollars bail, when he was asked about the charges against him he just said, ‘I have recently become aware of my daughters whereabouts and I am on my way to retrieve her, ________ I’m coming for you.’”
Your body freezes as you stare wide eyed at the TV not hearing Regina walk in behind you and watch as your body starts to convulse in front of her. “_______, are you okay?” You jump at the sound of her voice and placing a hand on your heart say, “Yeah sorry just got a little scared by the news.” She raises an eyebrow as she says, “You do realize you can’t lie to me right?” You sigh as you say, “Sorry mom,” You turn back toward the TV and taking a deep breath point at it and say, “That’s my father,” 
Regina folds her arms over her chest as she says, “And?” Sighing you run a hand through your hair as you say, “He says he’s coming for me and that he won’t stop looking until he finds me.”
Regina raises her brow as she says, “I see, ______ you don’t have to worry about him finding you. I won’t let anyone hurt you or take you from me.” You walk over and wrapping your arms around her say, “I know mom.” You feel Regina wrap her arms around your slender body and as she holds you tight let out a sigh of relief. “Now how about we go eat, it’ll take your mind off of it.” You smile as you say, “Sure mom, Granny’s?” She smiles as she says, “Why not, besides I don’t feel like cooking anyway.” You smile devilishly as you say, “And maybe have a beer afterwards?” Regina raises her eyebrow as she gives you the mom look of disapproval. “Please?” You say as you clasp your hands together and lift them up to your chest to try to look innocent.  
She rolls her eyes as she says, “Alright, but just a couple we don’t want a repeat of your graduation night, I had a hard enough time convincing Graham why you were acting like a complete buffoon.” You giggle as you say, “Buffoon?” She raises an eyebrow as she says, “You know what I mean.” You smile as you say, “Okay, sweet so I’m gonna go change.” You say as you give her a quick smile and then run up the stairs to your room where you rush to your closet and pull out an outfit Ruby had given you when you had graduated high school.  It was a beautiful (F/C) Cocktail dress that covered your chest but left your back bare. You smile as you hold the little (F/C) cocktail dress up against your body and look into the mirror.
As you stare at your reflection in the mirror you smile as you momentarily forget about your problems and worries. You quickly change your clothes before you dig through your jewelry box full of beautiful jewelry that Regina had given you and smile when you find a ruby necklace and matching earrings. As you look down at the shiny red jewel you remember the first Christmas you had when you came to Storybrooke, Henry had picked them out personally for you from Mr. Gold’s store. He said that the red brought out the color of your eyes and ever since you had been very close to Henry. After you clasp the necklace around your neck you walk over and brush out your (H/C) hair and gently make it shinier with a wave of your hand.
As the (H/C) starts to shine brightly you remember when magic first came to Storybrooke, You at first had been scared but then insisted Regina teach you a thing or two so that if push came to shove you could protect Henry. You were glad that even though you weren’t Regina’s daughter you surprisingly resembled her. You walk back over to your closet and smile as you reach in and pull out your Chuck Taylor’s and quickly put them on before you open your bedroom door and start down the stairs when you see Regina standing at the door talking to someone.
“Who is it mom?” You say as you descend the stairs only to stare wide eyed at the person you wished never to see again, your father. “This gentleman was just looking for his daughter.” She says as she turns back toward you and winks at you. You take a deep breath and force a smile as you play along with her. “________,” you hear him say and you tilt your head in confusion as you say, “I’m sorry do I know you?” 
“I’m sorry you just look like someone I know.” He says as he keeps his eyes fixated on me. “Well I can assure you that the two of you have never met, this is my daughter _________.” Regina says as she wraps her arm around you helping to ease your nerves.
“Now I assure you sir that I haven’t seen your daughter anywhere around here, but if I do happen to come across her I will let you know. Now if you don’t mind my daughter and I have dinner plans.” Regina says using her Evil Queen tone. You watch as your father looks at you one over one last time before he nods and leaves. As Regina shuts the door you let your emotions get the better of you as you collapse to the floor having an anxiety attack. “Mom what do I do I can’t go back there!” She quickly wraps her arms around you as she says, “Don’t worry _______, I won’t let them take you.” You look up at her with a confused look on your face as you ask, “How, no matter what he is not going to leave until he takes me back.”
You watch her face harden as she says, “_______, I know a place where you will be safe, but it means leaving the world and all of us behind. Can you do that?” You look deep into her eyes and see the sadness in them and say, “Leave you and Henry behind?” She nods as a single tear falls from her left eye. You feel tears well up in your eyes as you throw your arms around her and say, “I don’t wanna go!” Her grip tightens on you as she says, “I don’t want you to go either but you have too. I will have a friend go with you to protect you until your father leaves town then I will cloak Storybrooke from the world and bring you back.”
You pull away from her and looking up into her eyes say, “I understand mom, but what friend?” She smirks as she says, “A pirate. Now go pack and I’ll give him a call.” You nod as you say, “Can I go by and say goodbye to Henry before I leave?” Her face softens as she says, “Of course dear.” You nod as you force yourself to stand and with one last look at Regina slowly make your way up the stairs. When you make it to your room you look around and tears fill your eyes as you realize that you will have to leave the only place you had every really called home. You walk over to your closet and pull out the backpack you had come with and quickly start packing the necessities, like underwear, socks, clothes, and last but not least you pack your scrapbook of pictures of the life you had created in Storybrooke.
When you were done you throw the backpack over your shoulder and start back down stares where you hear a man with an accent talking with Regina. “Now your majesty I can’t just protect a girl I have never met especially back in the Enchanted Kingdom.” You hear him say and you tilt your head. “Listen Hook, I know you want your revenge on Gold but right now I need someone to look after my daughter and protect her from an evil you have never witnessed before.” 
“Daughter?” He says confused. 
“Yes, I have a daughter and she means more to me than you will know; although I have never told her.” “So why does this evil require your daughter?” “I don’t think it’s my place to explain, if she trusts you she’ll tell you in due time. Now do we have a deal?”
You hear the man sigh but then say, “Aye you have a deal, how long will I need to keep her in the enchanted kingdom?” 
“I’ll notify you when the threat has passed.” She says then walks into the foyer to see you standing on the stairs looking confused. “_______, you know I don’t like eavesdropping, please come down here I want you to meet someone.” You nod as say, “Sorry mom,” then you quickly walk down the stairs and when you look into the living room see a man in a long dark overcoat with his back to you. Regina wraps her arm around you as she moves you toward him and says, “______, this is Killian Jones; he will protect you until it’s safe enough to come back.” Your heart stops as he turns around and his deep blue eyes meet your (E/C) eyes.
He was the same man that you bumped into outside the grocery store. He had short disheveled black hair and a five-o’clock shadow beard forming on his face.  You had to admit he was very handsome for a pirate. “I take it we’re going to be shipmates for a while.” He says as he holds his hand out to you, “Jones, but most people take to calling me Hook.” You take his hand and clear your head of all thoughts about him as you say, “_______ Mills, and most people just call me _______.” He smirks as he says, “You can tell she’s your daughter, she even looks like you.” You smile happy with even just a bit of his complement. 
“Thank you Hook, my mother is really pretty.” Regina clears her throat obvious of my attraction and says, “Okay, we don’t have much time. Hook, we’ll meet you at the docks after I let _______ say goodbye to Henry.” Hook nods as he reaches down and lifting your hand up to his lips gently leaves a kiss atop in.
You stare at him wide eyed as your face starts to flush. “Hey enough of that, you keep your hand and hook off my daughter!” Regina says as she pulls our hands apart and then the three of us leave the house where Hook heads to the dock and us to Mary Margaret’s apartment. When we arrive and Emma answers the door your emotions get the better of you as you rush through the door and looking around for Henry find him sitting at the dinner table with Mary Margaret and David. “______?” he says and tears fill your eyes as you run over to him and wrapping your arms around him say, “I love you Henry!” 
“What’s going on?” Mary Margaret asks as she walks over to us and gently rubs your back.
“Can I talk to the three of you outside for a moment?” Regina says to Emma, Mary Margaret, and David as she stands cross armed in the doorway. When you and Henry are alone you pull away from him and say, “I have to go away for a little while, I need you to be strong and promise me you’ll take care of mom. She’s more fragile than she lets on and please don’t let her go back to being the evil queen.” 
“What’s going on? Why are you leaving?” He asks his eyes wide with confusion.
“Henry, there are many things I wish I could tell you but it for your own safety that I don’t. So please do me a favor and take care of mom.” 
“But I don’t want you to go, you’re my sister and family is supposed to stay together; can’t you stay?”
You shake your head as you say, “I will come back I promise, but for now I have to go.” You wrap your arms around him and with one last squeeze quickly let go and running from the room try not to stop and run back into his arms. You run past the adults outside and out of the apartment building where you stop and looking up into the sky try your best to keep from crying. “I’m sorry, ______.” Regina says as she walks up beside you and gently rubs your arm as she tries to console you. “I’ll be okay, I just need some time.” She nods as she takes your hand and the two of you slowly make your way to the dock.
Will Continue in - Journey to the Enchanted Forest
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