floofsta-x · 6 years
It's 2:00 am for me lol but y'all are gonna be getting a late Christmas present here soon, before I go to bed 😙❤️❤️ 🎄🎁
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ellynefics · 7 years
Of an Angry Wizard Named Kihyun, Part 1/5
Bane (you are here) | When You Wish (coming soon) | Blind | Curseblock | UNTITLED 5
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genre;; Realistic, Civilian!AU, Bad Boy!Minhyuk
pairing;; Lee Minhyuk x fem!reader
@exomyapotheosis: “I would like to request a Minhyuk one shot in which he is a "friend" with whom you're always fighting. He keeps on piking [sic] up on you every time you're out with your friends to the point that you got mad about it. You decide to ignore him, after a while he gets upset. And when one of your friends ask him about that he confesses to you in front of everyone.” (a/n: The wording of this request wasn’t quite clear to me, so I did my best to interpret. I also threw in the bad boy and cursed twists so I hope you don’t mind !! Enjoy and thanks for being my first requester ever ❤︎)
Lee Minhyuk. AKA, that dangerously handsome guy in the leather jacket; the thorn in your side; the closest you’ve had to a worst enemy since that bitchy girl in seventh grade. Every time you go to the bar with your friends on a Friday night, he’s there, without fail. If there’s one thing you hate most, it’s being teased mercilessly, and he seems to know that. He’s always spouting some terrible--or sometimes even downright rude--pick up line. What gave him permission to act so entitled? Well, little do you know, that you’ll find out.
warnings;; slight bit of angst, smoking, drinking
words;; 5114 (5.1k)
“You know that if you don’t want to come here anymore, we really don’t have to, (Y/N).”
“I’m serious, it’s okay. I have fun here with you and the rest of the girls.” Smiling encouragingly over at the young woman by your side, you set a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it.
The two of you were walking into your favorite little establishment on a Friday night, as was routine. Despite the familiarity, you were still excited. Your hearts fluttered in your chests, looking forward to whatever might happen tonight. However, Luna, your best friend, had concerns, which you understood. There was one negative thing about this place, and that, to her, was:
“Even if you have to deal with him every time?”
“Yeah? We’ve had too many good memories here to let them go over a stupid boy who won’t leave me alone.”
“You're right, of course. But ugh, one of these days, I’m going to snap. He chases off your dates. That makes me so angry, I swear.” It wasn’t every day that you heard calm, sweet Luna lower her voice and hiss through her teeth because of someone. Her eyes swept the room. “Is he here? I don’t see him.”
“Oh, trust me, he is.” You could practically feel a gaze boring into you. It wasn’t even necessary to turn and see who it was, because this scenario was familiar.
Sometimes you wondered why Lee Minhyuk, the epitome of bad boy, stuck to you like glue. He would be able to have any girl (or guy) he wanted with his trim, lanky, but somehow muscular body and stellar looks. Not to mention, how he always managed to somehow be hot and casual at the same time. Leather jackets and torn, stone-washed jeans were his go-to. Honestly, how good he looked was so unfair. His killer smile got hearts pounding with little effort. You didn’t usually consider smokers fair game; however, you would admit that the cigarette constantly between his lips didn’t diminish his attractiveness. It was always obvious when he was near because the aroma of nicotine and cologne rolled off of him. Alcohol often faintly joined those, as well. Just the thought of him was a cocktail of swirling emotions, one of which was definitely lust. 
He confused you, because at first, things were natural and relaxed between the two of you. Over drinks, you talked for hours about relatively normal things. Conversation flowed easily. He was charming and alluring, treating you to flashes of that smile between puffs of smoke. Minhyuk had this aura about him that had you falling in love easily. Breathtaking was the first adjective that popped into your head at the thought of him.
No amount of thinking helped, though. It was impossible to compute that his approach was pretty much a given for every time you showed up. During the many times you had been at the bar, you had become accustomed to all that was Lee Minhyuk. His intense gaze, something you had been hypersensitive to from the beginning, would always catch you right away. Then he’d approach within the first hour.
And then, things changed. Drastically. One Friday, you stepped into the bar, went to order a drink at the counter, and almost instantly felt him at your side. Something seemed off, but you really couldn’t quite put your finger on what it was at that moment. (Later, you’d realize that his confident atmosphere was missing.)
“Mm,” He purred into the shell of your ear. “Are you made of chocolate? Because you look so sweet and delicious, baby.”
You turned and gawked, slapping him on the arm. “Lee Minhyuk!”
“But I’m serious,” His eyes got wide. “Can I take you out? Because you look like trash--”
You slapped him for that one, and he sported a large red handprint on the side of his face for the rest of the night. When the other girls heard, they cheered. That was the beginnings of a love-hate relationship for the ages. It seemed that now he spouted nothing but bad pick-up lines whenever you were around. Every time one would come flying out, he’d get redder in the face. Though his eyebrows would furrow in frustration, he didn’t stop. Which, of course, you took as being unwilling to stop.
Yeah, It was annoying as hell. Somehow though, it was impossible to bring yourself to hate the guy. Tonight would be no different.
You pushed the thought out of your mind as you and Luna approached the counter. Expecting to see the usual, more heavyset tender, it came as a shock when you noticed a new guy pouring drinks. And no, this wasn't any ordinary new employee. Really, there was no other way to describe him than glorious. He had soft, feathery pink and purple hair, thick, muscled arms, an obviously toned figure under a gray polo and black apron, and--last but not least--a sculpted ass and thighs. Both you and your best friend's brains were blanking, struck dumb in an instant.
Neither of you thought it could get any better, but then, he turned around. A chorus of angels descended from heaven. How was he simultaneously sexy, but also so adorable? His ears stuck out cutely and his droopy nose made you want to coo. Flush, plump lips rimmed a wide, sparkling white smile. His name tag read, simply, Wonho. Personally, instead of his protection, you just wanted him to choke you with his biceps. When you glanced over at Luna, you knew she was far gone. There were stars in her eyes. An instant crush, no doubt.
Wonho smiled, and asked in a smooth baritone, “Welcome, ladies. What can I get you to--”
“I’ll have some of that pink stuff!” Realizing she probably sounded dumb by jumping in too early, Luna blushed furiously. There was no way she would leave him hanging, though, so she hurried on, “You know, what a lot of the other girls on the dancefloor have.”
The sexy tender broke into a grin and chuckled. “Yeah, of course. And for you, Miss?”
The question took a moment to register in your head as your brain started on a different path entirely. “Oh, ah, a Piña Colada, please.” That was your standard, mindless answer. All thoughts of how the tender looked underneath his clothes were gone from your head. Minhyuk, over on the other side of the bar, was draining shot glasses one after another. From the look and color, they were probably filled with tequila.
Luna groaned once Wonho was out of earshot and busy preparing the concoctions. “Ugh, help, I can feel my pocketbook getting slimmer already.”
“Don’t spend all night up here, and it’ll be fine.”
“But how can’t I? Look at him...he’s an entire five-course meal walking around. And his thighs, God, I wanna cry.”
“I feel you, Luna.” You gave some semblance of a chuckle.
At that moment, though, Minhyuk, who was finishing off his last shot, stole your attention again. His gaze flickered over to you for a second, but darted away. He leaned his head on his left arm, blocking his face from your view. What was going on? Despite his annoying behavior, you still considered him to be a friend, so worry crept in.
“What’s got your tongue, (Y/N)?” You sighed when you realized that Luna had caught you staring over your other shoulder.
“Nothing much really. Just...Minhyuk. He’s acting weird tonight.”
Your friend perked an eyebrow. “Oh yeah?”
“He--” It was only then that you caught yourself about to admit something sensitive. Truth was, you paid more attention to your supposed worst enemy than you let on. There was a long pause, but eventually you decided to heck with it and let it fall out of your mouth. “He never tries to get drunk, but he just finished five shots and--oh God, I think he’s ordering more.” Indeed, Minhyuk was chatting with Wonho. It was too loud to hear what they were saying, but you caught when the tender frowned, and nodded slightly.
Then he turned, and you noticed he had your drinks in hand. Your best friend was good as gone now, distracted temporarily again. It might have been you, but you thought the tender turned slightly red the moment it happened. An adorable smile on his face, he slid your drinks in front of you. “Enjoy, ladies.” Of course, he just had to throw a wink at Luna as he left. Hm, maybe your imagination hadn’t been overactive. A twinge of jealousy might have run through you then if you weren’t so hung up on the other lovely boy down the bar.
“Don’t worry about Minhyuk. If he wants to act dumb, he’ll act dumb, and it’s none of your business.” Luna commented from beside you, making you snap your head back in her direction. Fuck, yeah, you had been staring again and didn’t even realize it.
The sigh didn’t fall out of your mouth easily, but you managed a, “Right.” Your chest tightened at the thought that Minhyuk might be hurting, but why did you even care? It flashed through your head that maybe you were still hiding a bit of a crush on him. Your brain screamed at you that you shouldn’t be, though. He was constantly rude, for Chrissake.
You shook the thoughts away in favor of focusing on drawing Wonho’s attention to Luna. They’d be cute together, and you knew that your best friend had been wanting some new life adventures for months. Whether that meant a new man, travel, whatever--you just wanted to see her happy.
Around an hour, and two drinks apiece later, you had successfully gotten Luna to break the ice with the hot bartender. The two were now flirting back and forth nearly every minute they sat there, talking. Of course, you looked on, sipping on your Colada, proud that your instinct had been right.
Your best friend reached across to drag her fingertips down Wonho’s--or, rather, Hoseok's--apron. (He had supplied his real name not too far into the conversation.) “So, what does the reward for that time in the gym look like?”
“I’d certainly show you,” A gigantic, blinding grin grew on the bartender’s face. “But I might kill everyone here if I did. Not to mention, it’s against company policy, my dear.”
“Then where’s a better place?”
“How about at my apartment, after I get off?”
“Hm,” she tapped her cherry red nails on her equally cherry red lips. “Perfect.” Well, it certainly seemed that Luna was going to have a nice night. Though disappointment lingered in your breast that you were a different story, you found it in your heart to be happy.
But it only lasted for a moment. Next thing you knew, Luna’s gaze was moving, and she gasped at something behind you. There was only barely time to turn and face Minhyuk before his arms were caging you in, between him and the bar. Instantly, your senses confirmed that his shots had, indeed, been Tequila. The scent rolled off of him like a tidal wave, and your nose scrunched up. Ew. Did he know how wasted he was?
“A--are--ya m’daughter?” Every now and then, he’d interrupt himself with a hiccup. “B’cause I wanna be your daddy t’night.”
“No, thank you, now p--please get off of me.” You shoved him away by the chest, a little more forcefully than you intended, but oh well. His terrible line was like a punch straight to the chest. Daddy--the nickname definitely did not mean the same thing to you as what he was implying. Instead, it recalled fond, loving memories of your biological father. To call someone else daddy would be a stretch, and you couldn’t imagine yourself doing it. The hurt that coursed through you made you choke up. How was he so insensitive and come after you like this? Not that he hadn’t used dirty icebreakers before, but with “daddy”, he had crossed the line, and knew it.
If that wasn’t enough, he recovered quickly and came for you again. His lips drifted closer to your face, smirk taking up every inch of your vision. “Aw, c’mon. I love e’rrry bone in your body, but it would be better if I could put one’a mine in ya too--”
“Stop,” you pleaded, and shrunk back into yourself, tears pricking at your eyes. “I said no, please, let me go.”
“Lee Minhyuk,” Came a low, warning voice from behind the counter: Wonho.
And then fingers curled tightly around your arm. It was Luna, and she stood up to push Minhyuk away, as well. “What the fuck, dude?” He might have broken into flames because of her angry stare. “Come on, (Y/N), let’s go.”
“But--the tab--and Hos--”
“It's taken care of.” Taking a quick glance back toward the counter, you realized she was telling the truth. There was more than enough in won bills, and a little slip with a phone number on it: hers. Hoseok was already separating his tip and the small white paper from the payment.
It all happened so fast that your mind was reeling. You were sure that you’d have fingerprint-shaped bruises on your arm tomorrow morning. Luna had a vice grip on you as she dragged you away, towards the front entrance. Every nerve in your body was waiting for Minhyuk to grab onto you again, but he didn’t. Daring to look one last time, you were able to spot him through the crowd, struggling to move out of a bear hug. Wonho must have hopped the counter, and was trying to hold his rowdy customer back. “That shirt is sooo b’coming on ya! Take it off, an’ I’ll b’coming too--”
Not for the first time, and certainly not for the last time, fuck you, Lee Minhyuk flashed through your head.
The next night, in the same place.
“I did--what?”
“Spewed three bad, dirty lines in a row, the first of which visibly upset her, and you were too drunk to notice.”
Lee Minhyuk’s head hit the wood countertop with a hard thunk, and a low, incredulous groan left his lips.
“You ok, buddy?”
“No...just gave myself a headache. But ugh, I screwed up really bad this time, huh?”
“Uh, yeah. If she comes back next week, she'll officially be a trooper in my eyes.” Wonho sighed, his eyebrows peaking. Minhyuk almost hated him in that moment. Doubtless, something like at least I got her cute friend’s number was running through his head. “But you know that you tend to use those ridiculous starter lines when you’re drunk, anyway?”
“I had to try something different! I thought maybe that stupid curse Kihyun put on me would void if I didn’t know what I was saying.” Minhyuk whined. He rubbed the red spot as he pulled his forehead up.
“That’s what you get for messing with an angry little wizard.”
“He would have your ass on a platter if he knew you said that out loud.”
“But he isn’t here, so if you never tell him, he won’t find out.” The smirk on Wonho’s face said everything.
Minhyuk couldn’t find the will or strength for a retort. Completely and utterly defeated, he sighed and drained a nearby glass of water. No drinks tonight. He wasn't rich enough for that, anyway. Crossing his arms on the bar, he laid his head on them. What rotten luck. He was sick of it following him around, and wanted to be over and done. Five months was far too long to be spouting bad pick-up lines, especially to you. Now, he was afraid he had lost you completely, with the idiotic stunt he had (apparently) pulled.
He hadn’t asked for this. He, too, actually really enjoyed your company. After those first two chats you shared at this very spot, he had wanted to get to know you better and ask you out. He had even stopped entertaining others’ flirting when he realized his crush. However now, some stupid bit of magic had ruined everything. Minhyuk would probably never, ever be able to say anything to your face again. Maybe even look at you.
And it was all, as mentioned before, because of an “angry little wizard”--Kihyun. Yoo Kihyun, to be more specific. Minhyuk had been close with him since a young age. Together, they were part of a bunch of boys that hung out all the time. This also included Hoseok (aka Wonho), a dimpled, energetic kid named Lee Jooheon, and his opposite but compliment, a more easygoing but very random and spontaneous boy named Im Changkyun. Everyone knew that Kihyun was more than a bit irritable, and his temper flared easily. Almost as well known was that Minhyuk was one to constantly push the spitfire to his limit. Five months ago, there was a night where Kihyun must have decided he had enough. “Fucking--I swear, when you see the love of your life, you won’t be able to do anything but tell them terrible pick-up lines. And it’ll hurt so, so bad.” Then he had raised his hand and snapped right in Minhyuk’s face. The taller boy blinked in confusion at the strange gesture.
Both, at that time, had failed to realize some key things about each other. For Kihyun, it was that Minhyuk had already met the love of his life, in you; and in Minhyuk's case, it was that his friend was an actual wizard. Apparently others in their group knew, including Hoseok-hyung. A twinge of jealousy pinched Minhyuk in the heart at that thought.
In any case, Minhyuk had quickly found out that the curse was legitimate. When he went back to the bar that Friday, expecting to have a nice chat, it didn't go as planned. He went up to you, opened his mouth--and something else than what he wanted to say fell out. Something about you being chocolate, because of your sweetness. What a cringe; that was certainly one for the ages. After that, he found himself unable to stop, following it up with one about trash. Horrified didn’t seem like a strong enough word to describe his feelings in that moment. In return, he had gotten a (much deserved) slap.
It took a couple of weeks, but he came to realize that this was serious. He couldn't seem to say anything that wasn't dirty or cringey when looking you in the face. With every week that passed, he got more and more frustrated. What was worse, though, was that Kihyun refused to tell him how to end the curse. Minhyuk apologized, of course, but still the wizard didn’t let his secret go. Hell, Minhyuk had even promised not to antagonize him ever again, at least five separate times. 
He voiced this to Hoseok, whining to his bartender friend, "What if this turns out like it did with Son Hyunwoo? He's been stuck in the bear charm for forever now." It had been five years since that whole shenanigan had gone down. Though apparently Kihyun still kept tabs on him, the wizard’s friends felt concerned about the whole thing. What if he never found love or changed his heart, the two things the wizard had said would break the spell?
Nowadays, Minhyuk worried about more than just himself. He had never felt anything so strong toward anyone than what he felt with you. However, apathy for him grew in your heart; he saw it in your beautiful eyes. Your brain filed him away as a nuisance more and more, and that was the scariest thing. Minhyuk felt hopeless, except for the fact that he knew, there was only one thing he could do. That was, to keep trying. Even if it killed him, he wanted you and only you by his side. Curse or no curse, winning you over was his first priority. 
He needed all the faith and strength he could muster. If he didn’t lose any, he’d push through.
At least he hoped.
One week after everything, you were still pretty shaken up from having drunk Minhyuk in your face. Yet, when Luna asked if you could handle going to the same watering hole the next Friday, you accepted. Minhyuk was probably just a particularly big jerk that night, and wasn’t actually trying to hurt you. What he said still stung, though. A voice in your head whispered that he wouldn’t be sorry, so avoid him at all cost; but the optimist inside also insisted that there was hope. He was acting odd...there must be something going on that you didn't understand.
So you decided that you’d attempt to strike a balance between the two. 
“Luna,” you said quietly as the two of you strolled in, “If Minhyuk comes over to chat tonight, please ignore him. I’m not going to say a word until he apologizes. If he tries to get physical again, I’ll shove him away and we’ll book it...ok?”
“You got it.” Your best friend smiled, seeming pretty proud. “Good plan.”
Tonight, you stopped at your little circle of friends before anything else. Even as you stood there and chatted, the familiar under-the-microscope feeling was creeping up. Finally, you and Luna turned and approached the bar. You expected his dark eyes to be firmly fixed on your figure, but much to your surprise, that wasn't it. In fact, it was clear Minhyuk wasn’t staring. His gaze kept flitting everywhere: toward you and away, at Wonho (when the tender would come to chat quietly for a brief moment), and then to the untouched drink in front of him. He seemed scatterbrained and affected. Where was the vivacious, lively Minhyuk that you had come to know at first?
Once Wonho caught sight of Luna, his wide white smile overtook his entire face. You would probably bet that by the end of the night, they’d be calling each other baby. For now, however, the greeting was just an enthusiastic, “Heeey! What’s up?”. Both you and your best friend ordered the usual. Also as usual, you sat by and third wheeled the resulting conversation. It was basically a repeat of last week, except this time you barely even thought of Minhyuk.
That was, until there was the squeak of a barstool: the sound of him getting up. Then a tap tap of rubber soles on the floor until you knew he was right at your back. Though you felt him tremble, and sensed that he wanted to touch you, he didn’t, thankfully. He cleared his throat, and then, slowly began: “Did the sun come out, or did you just smile at me?”
At least tonight, he was being tactful and decent. Still, you ignored him, chipping in on Luna’s discussion about classes at college.
Minhyuk let out a frustrated breath. It sounded like he had been holding it for a while. “I swear you’re wifi, because you and I, we have a connection...” he trailed off, probably waiting for a reaction. Well, he wasn’t going to get one. God willing, he would keep getting this cold shoulder until you heard a proper apology. What was going through his head? Minhyuk wasn’t dumb; he was fully aware of the effects his stupid attempts at picking you up had. Why didn’t he just say sorry? He had to know that you would accept it if he did. 
After a few more lines that flew without success, he finally seemed to get the point. By that time, he sounded very defeated. Sighing, he turned away, and made his way back to his stool. As he sat, you thought you heard him say, under his breath, “Fucking curse. Can’t even say my favorite.”
This strange game went on for three more weeks afterwards. Like clockwork, you and your best friend would show up together. Once a conversation started with Wonho (who now unashamedly called Luna ‘dear’, no matter the time or place, and took her on late-night dates after his shifts), Minhyuk would stand, approach and speak a few bad one-liners (he always backed off on the dirtier ones), and retreat again. It was hard to stay mad at him when he looked like a whipped puppy. You were glad that he never noticed you stealing glances. Most of the time, you wanted to turn and wrap him in a hug. The only things holding you back were the scary memory of his arms trapping you, as well as the single, misplaced daddy line. Besides, ten or eleven of those terrible, meme-worthy compliments was enough on any given Friday. The tension was unbearable; something needed to happen. You weren’t sure what, though, that was the thing.
It was on the fourth Friday after you began the silent treatment that everything exploded. Strangely, it wasn't from either you or him, though. That night was slightly different; you and Luna ordered your drinks from Wonho as normal, but immediately left afterwards to go chat with your gal pals instead. They were a good group, and you oftentimes regretted not spending as much time with them as you did with Luna.
Not five minutes into the conversation, some of the girls’ stares into the space behind you clued you in to a familiar presence. No doubt flickered in your head that Minhyuk was there. The suspicion was only confirmed when he finally spoke, softer than usual. So soft, in fact, that you barely caught it over the thump of the bass. “Isn’t your name (Y/N), or can I call you mine?”
It would have been fine. All fine. 
That was, if Luna hadn't butted in. It only took a single moment for her composure to snap, in front of the girls huddled around the table. In a moment, her face filled with rage, lips trembling. Irate yelling filled the establishment. “Lee Minhyuk! You should be ashamed of yourself, pestering (Y/N)...she doesn’t even like any of your pick-up lines. Hell, you even offended her that night--you know, the one where you got too drunk to remember what the fuck you even said? And of course, you don’t have the heart to apologize. Piss off! Leave her alone! Why do you even do this anyway?”
Though you hadn’t turned to face him yet, you could practically see his eyes widen. No doubt, they were threatening to engulf saucers, and flickering back and forth between you and your best friend. He was being stared down by ten or so girls, all of whom you were sure would knock him flat with a single swing. Later, Luna would tell you that his eyebrows knit together tightly, lips pressed flat and thin. Finally, in frustration, he exclaimed, “Because I love her, ok? It’s crazy, I know, but...”
At that moment, you experienced that fabled feeling of the world slowing down just for you. A confession? Now? It wasn’t entirely unexpected, but also a little bit of a shock. Also, you realized that it was the first thing you had heard out of his mouth other than icebreakers in months.
As you took the second to think about it, you realized you felt the same way about him. Even before you had a chance to process everything, your body acted on instinct. Turning, you came to him, gazing up into his eyes, laying one hand lightly on his hip, the other on his shoulder. “Well, why didn’t you just say that in the first place, silly boy?”
“Ah, because, baby, you make me stutter. Wi--wi--will you come home with me tonight?”
You rolled your eyes and groaned; yet, your palm slid up his neck to pull him down for a brief, slow kiss. “You can stop with those now, seriously,” were the first words out of your mouth afterwards. “They’re terrible. And besides, I’ve heard enough.”
“Gladly,” he replied. The excited smile that grew on his face was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen.
Later that night, tangled together with him in bedsheets, you hummed happily. Minhyuk’s eyes blinked, near to sleep as you rubbed his chest in small circles. You had always loved the early hours of the morning, finding them calm and peaceful, before the new, busy day arrived. You had never experienced them while feeling blissed out and in love, though. It brought you a whole new perspective. There was nothing you wanted more than to spend forever here, in this warm pair or arms.
He had explained everything to you, so there was no more need for words. Apparently, one of his friends was a wizard, and had cursed him to only say ridiculous conversation openers to the love of his life. Minhyuk gave you the option to not believe him, but you did. It certainly explained how weird he had been acting for the last few months. 
However, there was one loose end, and something you wanted to ask him. A question had been pricking at the back of your brain for quite a while now, and you wanted to get it out before you forgot. (Well, not like you’d just let this whole shenanigan rest, but you wanted to hear his answer.)
“Minhyuk, baby?”
“Mmhmm?” He ran his fingers through your hair.
“One time...I heard something about how the curse wouldn’t let you 'say your favorite'. Though I’ve had quite enough of your icebreakers for a long time to come, ah--I was wondering what it was?”
If all you had to listen to for the rest of your life was his laugh, you would be happy. “Sure, I’ll tell. But, you gotta promise to not make fun of me.”
“I can’t guarantee that,” you giggled, leaning into him. “But that's part of my love, you know. Just spit it out already.”
“Ah, fine, okay.” Minhyuk wet his lips before slowly continuing, “I’ll make sure your shoes are always tied, (Y/N). Because I don’t want you falling for anyone else.” Your heart fluttered as he whispered the last few words and leaned over to kiss you sweetly.
Sometimes, good things begin with a terrible pick-up line.
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ellynefics · 7 years
‘Round Midnight
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genre;; realistic, college!AU
pairing;; Im Changkyun x fem!reader, mentions of Showhyuk and Kiheon
@astroisk said to @floofsta-x: things you said when you were drunk !!
       Send me a prompt and a ship! (✻Ask Box)
You always act like Changkyun’s drunk appearances at your dorm room door bother you, but really you don’t mind. You’d rather he be sleeping in your bed than in a stranger’s.
warnings;; angst!! slight platonic fluff!!
words;; 1929 (1.9k)
Why did time have to pass so slowly? Straightening up, you sighed and rubbed your forehead. The muscles in your back ached in complaint, not wanting to leave their hunched position. Homework was consuming your evening; you had spent the majority leaning over your notes and laptop keyboard. All your concentration went to the task at hand, and you were deep in the throes of writing an English paper. Sure, the topic wasn't overly interesting (some bull about Shakespeare’s works compared to Voltaire’s), but a paper was a paper. At least it wasn’t a rush job; the due date was a little more than a week away, so you weren’t half-assing everything.
You told yourself that when the clock said quarter to midnight, you would wrap it up. Snuggling under warm blankets sounded amazing, as well as closing your tired eyes and catching a few winks of sleep.
But there was another motivation, besides bed: the treat that awaited you in your mini fridge. This was the thing that truly made it worthwhile. About an hour and a half before, you had pulled a can of peach slices from your drawer of food. Dumping the contents into a soup mug, you proceeded to stick that in the freezer. If you left it long enough, the juice would become slushy, and the fruit itself delightfully frosted over. Then it was a delicious treat, and the perfect end to a long day of hard work and toil in the name of higher education.
One more sentence, you told yourself. Just a few more words, and you’ll probably look up and it’ll be five minutes past.
You were right. After typing in a little more of what you had in mind for your research paper, you glanced up to find eleven forty five was come and gone. In a flash, you had packed everything up into your backpack. Then you hopped out of your chair and grabbed your pajamas from your bed. It took only seconds to change. Excitement filled you to have that cold mug in your hands, and be popping peachy goodness into your mouth. Shutting the light off in the bathroom, and then the main light, you went to your small fluorescent lamp. Soft, white luminescence permeated the room when you pressed the button on its top. Then, grabbing a fork from your silverware cup, you practically ran to the fridge and pulled open the door.
The mug was so cold, at a perfect temperature. Poking the top of the fruit, you found that it was right at that most delicious stage, too. If it wasn’t so late, you would have been singing and dancing. Peeling back the covers of your bed, you hopped underneath them and pulled a cute cat video up on your phone. You were now warm, cozy, eating a cold, sweet treat, and watching kittens. Again, truly the perfect end to the day–and also the week, you realized. It was Friday. Oh, how easy it was to forget in the swing of things. Classes overwhelmed your days, activities your evenings--the days often blurred together.
You had barely gotten through half the mug and three compilations of cats when you heard the outside door open. That was, the one to the common room, that divided your suite from the one across the way. Unsteady, stumbling footsteps approached your side. Then there was a knock, and you immediately knew who it was. They almost didn’t even have to call through to you. “(Y/N)? Ya in?”
“Coming, Changkyun.” With a sigh, you set aside your snack. Sliding off the bed, you made your way over to the door, flipping the light on before unlocking it. Your eyes had to adjust to the sudden brightness; so, for a moment, he was a hazy figure as you pulled it open. You, as well, were probably out of focus for him, considering his state. 
Usually, Im Changkyun was a clean-pressed, organized young man with a proud posture and great fashion sense. However tonight he was clearly messy and disheveled. The effects of copious amounts of Soju dulled his normally-sparkling eyes. It was so unlike him, that to anyone less of friends with him than you, the difference would be shocking. At least he still had a wide, white, blinding smile and his signature swagger.
Yeah, Really, this wasn’t much of a surprise. It was part of the normal routine. See, sometimes, after a night out at the bar, he would appear here, wanting to hang out. You’d let him in, and banter back and forth for a while before he’d inevitably fall asleep in your bed. Good thing you had a comfortable futon. Why he sought you out in particular was a mystery, but you trusted him. At least, enough to let him be alone with you, even in an inebriated state. Everyone knew you as the motherly friend, even from the beginning. For some reason, Changkyun was often the recipient of this strange affection. You worried about him when he wasn’t taking care of himself.
“Changkyunie, please don’t tell me that you walked here. Or, worse–drove.”
“Nah,” he answered sloppily and traipsed in. You stepped aside to let him past, and of course he headed straight for your bed. “Jooheon dropped m'off. Had t'go get t'others.”
“Okay. If you insist, I suppose I’ll believe that.” As much as you loved to tease and act annoyed at his sudden visits, you never were genuinely angry. Besides, you would much rather have him be here than somewhere unfamiliar. The absolute last thing you wanted to hear was a story out of his mouth about waking up scared and confused, in a strange bed or on a couch in an apartment he’d never seen.
He plopped down on the mattress, grinning as he bounced up and down a couple times. Then he toed his shoes off onto the floor and slid his legs under the covers. He always acted this way, like an unashamed little kid. It was aggravating sometimes but also endearing. You grabbed your mug of peaches (which was still fairly cold, thank goodness) and settled down on the other end of the bed, facing him.
“So, good night tonight?”
“Yeh,” Changkyun smiled and leaned back. In seconds, you were trying to pick words out of his drunken babble. He was so unashamed in telling you what had gone down earlier with him and his six good friends. A bottle of Soju had made the rounds, (“we all had, like, a loooot,”) they had nearly injured someone while trying to play darts, pool hadn’t been much better, and eventually they had just decided to stick to hanging out. Hyungwon met a lady, and they had gone home together. Quite unsurprisingly, Minhyuk and Hyunwoo had abruptly left side by side, too. (“Whennare those guys gonna date? C’mon, we ge'it, we know they sleep t’gether.”) Then Changkyun told you he had asked Jooheon to bring him here, to be with you. Still, nothing too surprising. That was also something in the normal routine. (“Jooheonie din’ have anything ta drink,” the boy in your bed reassured you, eyes wide. His hands waved sloppily in front of his chest. “Someone had ta take us’all home. It was his turn.”) Then his dimpled friend had gone back to pick up Kihyun and Hoseok. (“Jooheonie 'n Kihyun hyung looked like they were ‘bout to eat each other up,” Changkyun chuckled with perhaps too much glee.)
You couldn't help noticing that the whole time, he had his gaze fixed firmly on your hand, and bites of your succulent yellow fruit. Curiosity must have overwhelmed him because he stopped his story telling to ask. “So, whaddya eatin’?”
“Peach slices,” you answered, grinning back and spearing some on your fork. “Want one?” you held it out to him, cold fruit glistening enticingly on the prongs.
He didn't answer, but really he didn’t need to. All he had to do was lean forward and open his mouth. You stuck the bite in, and was almost instantly met by, “Hm, 's cold. Yum.” As he chewed thoughtfully and swallowed, he shot you one of his winks. Ah, Changkyun’s winks were disarming and oh-so-cute. Despite yourself, you chuckled and felt your cheeks heat up. There was a playful grin on his face, too, and that didn’t make things any better.
It must have been when you dropped your gaze; you could swear that someone else replaced him. Though his voice was still his low, rich own, all a sudden it was clear as a bell. “(Y/N)...d--do you know how beautiful you look right now?”
You dared to glance up and saw that his wet eyes were clear. You stopped, mind blanking for a moment. Obviously he wasn’t sober, he couldn’t be just like that, but...did he just confess to you? Eventually, you were able to croak some words in reply. “C--Changkyun, you know I have someone…”
To say that you hadn’t thought about yourself with him would be a lie. Changkyun was handsome, kind, considerate, romantic, and as far as you knew, single. His lips were probably sweet and soft (not that you thought about that more than once a blue moon). A girl could fall for him so easily, and without a doubt, you would have. That was, if you hadn’t already found the love of your life.
The two of you met in high school and were inseparable from the very beginning. It hurt at first that considering your different majors, you each selected different colleges, too. Being so far apart from each other had been a change, but nothing could kill your love for him. If you had concurrent free hours, he Skype called you, without fail. When you pulled up the screen to the sight of the man you wanted to spend your life with, your heart fluttered like it was the first time he kissed you. Before you had moved away to your respective schools, you had pledged to be faithful to one another. Even now, you wore his promise ring. When you twisted it on your finger, you could almost feel the warm touch of his lips on yours and his gentle hands as he cupped your cheeks. The trinket was a tangible reminder of his adoration, and that his heart was always with you.
Not to say there weren’t temptations, though, and Changkyunie was definitely one of them. Especially at times like this, when he looked so vulnerable, sitting just feet from you. He trembled a little, like he wanted to reach out, but he wasn’t going to let himself.
“I know.” He sighed at last. “Sometimes I like to imagine that you’re mine, though. I hope that’s ok. If it’s weird, I’ll stop. I understand how much you love your boyfriend...”
“No, it’s fine. Ah--honestly, I think about it, too.”
A sad smile spread across his face at your words, and he gave a little sigh, burying himself under your covers. It wasn’t long before he was asleep, snoring softly, peacefully.
As you watched him for a little longer, you knew that he’d probably not remember this in the morning. It meant so much to you, though. The love you felt in your heart for your handsome friend felt more stable, more justified. 
You were glad he came to you. You were glad you let him in.
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floofsta-x · 7 years
me as I start another project: 🚨🚨 YOU DON’T NEED ANOTHER PROJECT 🚨🚨
12 notes · View notes
ellynefics · 7 years
Visions of You | Part Two
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parts;; One | Two (you are here) | Three (coming soon)
genre;; Realistic, business college!AU
pairing;; Hyungwon x Reader [feat. OT7]
After discovering that you’re going to go to the same college for business, you and Chae Hyungwon strike up a steady and strong friendship. But at some point… it becomes more than that.
The boys throw a movie night at your house to cheer you up after the death of your grandmother. Also, henceforth, your relationship with Hyungwon is never the same. Something about sleeping in the same bed has changed the way you view each other.
title;; Visions by Cheat Codes
warnings;; lots of angst!! fluff, mentions of masturbation
words;; 6866 (6.9k)
You bolted up in a panic, alert and on guard. Who was in your house? However, as your mind cleared, you came to realize that it just was that damn alarm clock, crying for you to give it some attention. 10:31, it flashed steadily. With a groan, you reached out to silence it, hitting the button a little harder than you had intended. No wonder you never used that annoying, dumpy thing. Maybe you should, though. If anything, it was effective in waking you.
Sighing, you rolled over and relaxed again, trying to calm your still-rapidly beating heart. The more you thought about getting up, the more you wanted to not get up. Snuggling under the covers with a carton of ice cream sounded absolutely fantastic. It wouldn't pay the bills, though. So, after a long mental struggle, you pulled yourself up and headed to the bathroom for a shower. The warm water washed a lot of your worries away, and you came out feeling a lot better.
You even felt pretty good as you drove to work. That wore off fast though; not long into your shift, you came to the realization that you were feeling kind of foggy. Counting change was hard today for some reason, and usually it was nothing. A couple of customers had to correct you, and you flushed, humiliated. The clock seemed to slow to a crawl after that, and it quickly became the longest four hours of your career at the grocery yet.
The time to clock out did come eventually, however, and you sped back home. As soon as you were inside, you got rid of your uniform, replacing it with a spare change of clothes by the door. Then, the remote was in your hand and you were on the couch, watching some brain-numbing reality show. It was cheesy and obviously scripted, but any distraction at this point was ideal. You needed to get your mind off that shift and the events of the past weekend. 
Not fifteen minutes in, though, you heard two familiar voices approaching your front door. Then there were footfalls on the porch, and bickering over whether to knock or use the doorbell. Knowing who it was, that was not a huge surprise. It made you roll your eyes and chuckle a little. With a grunt of effort, you pushed yourself up and went to let your visitors in. The door swung open to reveal, of course, your friends Wonho and Kihyun. The former jumped at your sudden appearance, and his eyes widened. Still, the smile on his face grew. “Hi (Y/N)!”
“Hi Kihyun, Hi Hoseok... what’s up?”
“We come bearing the box of fun!” Wonho gestured to the black rolling tote sitting behind him. Ah, yes, the box of fun. Fun as in, stuffed to the top with dvds.
“Yeah, we decided that it was long past overdue for a movie night at your house.” Kihyun chuckled and stepped in first, leaning over to wrap one arm around your shoulders in a side-hug. His eyes, often so steely and hard to read, had a soft, worried look in them. “How are you doing?”
“Ok, I guess.” You sighed. “Better now that you’re here. Though, whose fault is it that this is a surprise and I didn’t have time to get the house ready or clean?”
“Exactly why we didn’t tell you.” Hoseok half-sang and waltzed in, pulling the box with him. “You would have worried yourself sick over it, even after work and the hard weekend you had.”
“Well, we wanted it to be a pleasant surprise, too, but we didn’t want you to strain yourself.” Kihyun wandered over to the coffee table and started putting stuff in piles. Every once in a while he'd ask if you needed things like magazines and old homework assignments. Nah, you told him, it was ok to trash everything.
You were about to close the door again, but realized at the last moment that more familiar faces were approaching. One was Shownu, looking impressive. He had five twelve-can packs of soda or beer under each arm, and more beer in hand too. He seemed to have it under control, and you grinned. That was Hyunwoo, the strong one. You held the door open as the tall, heavy-armed boy contorted himself through the entryway. “Geez, that’s a lot of beer.”
“We'll need it.” Hyunwoo might seem like a strong, quiet type, but once he was comfortable with you, he became a different person. He was never afraid to say what was on his mind, even if it was something slightly inappropriate or blunt. He found the (now-clean) coffee table, and started to unload things from under his arms. You couldn’t help but notice that he was careful to keep the drink weight on top of the legs. If he didn’t, he ran the risk of splitting the whole thing in half.
Moments later, Jooheon and Changkyun ducked through the doorway, too. They had obviously come with Hyunwoo, since there were only still two cars parked outside. The load they carried was considerably lighter, as they had snacks. Bags of chips and candy hung from their fingers, and you spotted some of your favorite treats, as well as the other boys'. As soon as they had set everything down, they came right back over to you. You found yourself engulfed in hugs, all at once. First, Jooheon wrapped himself around you and let you hold him for as long as you wanted. Like Kihyun, he could be scary but once one got to know him, it became obvious that he was actually a cinnamon roll. He doted on you sometimes if he knew that you had a bad day. His smile and dimples were always a major mood booster. Then, Changkyun offered his arms too, and you took them eagerly. He ran a hand through your hair and pressed you against his shoulder. Before you had a chance to stop them, tears were threatening to run down your cheeks. You had a gigantic soft spot in your heart for him. His easygoing ways, sincerity, and prevalent sense of humor were so endearing, and though he was the youngest, he had lots of love piled on. Nobody would know what to do without him, the mature maknae, a sensitive and incredibly caring boy.
After that, you made a point to get a hug from Shownu, too. You knew he’d squeeze you a little too hard, but that was ok. There was safety in his eager embrace, despite an inability to breathe for a few seconds. How had you managed to find such good friends? Many men would balk at skinship with another girl. Your little circle of seven, though, picked up quickly when you were in need and gave it so willingly.
Speaking of seven… five were here, that only left two. 
“Make yourselves at home, guys, pick a movie or something while you’re at it, too," you told them, and went back to the door. Your only intention had been to check to see if anyone else was here yet, but you ended up pulling the door open right on Hyungwon. For the second time that day, you caught someone off-guard with your sudden appearance. The tall boy scrambled to catch the big edition of Cards Against Humanity tucked under his arm. There were a couple packs of cards and poker chips there, too, you couldn't help but notice. Memories returned of other nights like this one; sometimes, if movies didn’t sound good to any of you, card games did.
“Oh--oh, I’m so sorry!” You gasped, reaching out a hand by instinct to help.
Part reaction and part out of embarrassment, he grinned sheepishly. “It’s ok. You’ve done worse things to me.” Your eyes met at last, and suddenly it was like that old cliché--the world seemed to slow and stop. For some reason, you knew right away that something was different in the way he was looking at you. What it was, you weren’t sure, but you could see it so plainly in his gaze.
You, too, felt small, giddy, and nervous at the same time. It didn't help that you wanted to ask a bit of an uncomfortable question. The events of the night before had been pricking at the back of your brain all day. Whether they were real or dreamed up became less and less clear as the hours had passed. It hurt your heart a little, but there was only one way to find out for sure. “Uh–can I talk to you out here for a sec, Hyungwonnie?” 
He nodded and stepped back, so you could hop out onto the porch and close the door behind you. “So, um, thank you so much for the last few days. You didn’t have to come home with me, attend the funeral and everything, but you did and I can’t thank you enough.”
“Hey, what are friends for?” He replied, shrugging a little, the smile on his face growing. “You’d do the same for me.”
“Yeah. You don’t think about it until something like that happens.” You were shaking. What was this wild, crazy butterfly feeling in the pit of your stomach? Your next question squeaked out. “Oh, and also, about last night. I was so tired, but I remember getting home, and it was still raining. You pretty much had to carry me inside… right?”
“Yep. You tried to crash on the couch, but you needed to be in bed.” The already-soft look in his eyes got even more tender, and you felt like you were about to melt.
“So--I really asked you to stay, and you--you--”
“pulled off my shirt and shoes and stayed the night in bed with you? Yes. You needed the comfort for sure. I just felt that skin to skin was the right way to do it.” Hyungwon’s matter-of-fact voice made you feel a little better about asking. “Also, you know how uncomfortable it is to sleep in a dress shirt?”
“When did you leave?”
“Around seven-thirty. I had to go home, get showered and dressed, and go to work. Oh, I--uh, set your alarm clock too. I hope it didn't scare you too much. But I know you're like me, if you don't have something to wake you up, you won’t.”
You let out the breath that you had been holding in, and nodded your head a little. “Of course. You're right.” Why were you making this out to be such a big deal? It wasn’t like you had been fooling around. There was a slim to none chance that your friendship would suffer because he chose to spend the night in your bed. Calming yourself down, you smiled at him. “Thank you again. I slept like a baby.”
“Yeah, you did. I couldn't budge an inch when I woke up because you had a death grip on me.” He got a little teasing grin on his face as your cheeks heated up for real this time and you punched him on the arm. Still, he had managed to dissipate some of the tension.
“Are you calling me clingy, Chae Hyungwon?”
“Oww.” His high, fake whine made you laugh. “Yeah, but I was also going to say that a certain (Y/N)’s clinginess was actually kinda cute.”
“Now you’re just being cheesy. I’m gonna give you a big purple bruise on the arm if you don’t stop.” At the adorable giggling fit that followed that, you felt yourself relax the rest of the way. “Let’s go inside and join the others, huh?”
You pushed the door open behind you and walked back inside, Hyungwon close on your heels. As you had expected, five boys had their long legs sprawled about. On chairs, the couch, the floor–wherever there was room, a foot seemed to rest. Shownu and Kihyun were chatting amiably, but the rest were on their phones. Jooheon popped his head up and called, “Hey, Hyungwon’s here! And he brought Cards Against Humanity. Sweet.”
“Where’s Minhyuk?” You started, realizing that you hadn’t heard a word about him yet. He was usually early on movie nights, too, wearing a huge smile and eager to help pick the flicks. 
Right on cue, your phone buzzed in your pocket.
L. Minhyuk🤗🌻😎 : Shift is over. Have food. b there in a few
“–Never mind.” It was Friday afternoon, of course he’d be finishing up at the pizza place. Everyone was hungry for pizza on Fridays. He was probably sick of making round trips to the underclassman dorms, as usual. Sometimes he complained about the stacks of boxes he took to professors’ meetings, too.
Hyungwon set the games down on the table, and took a seat on the couch. Without a second thought, you claimed the place right next to him, and snuggled in a little. “So have you picked movies?”
And thus began the normal routine. Everyone had different things they wanted to watch and weren’t afraid to push buttons. Changkyun, of course, suggested a scary movie right off the bat. Jooheon hated horror films. He whined and complained, making it very clear that Finding Nemo sounded better. Normally, Minhyuk would break in with a suggestion for some artsy animated film, but he wasn't here yet. Shownu brought up Demolition Man, which was a new addition to the collection. Kihyun said he didn’t care, and Wonho piped up with Howl’s Moving Castle, in place of Minhyuk.
"What do you want to watch, (Y/N)?” A familiar, gentle voice cleared up the confusion. You glanced up to see Hyungwon gazing lovingly at you, like he had been when you first opened the door. 
“Oh yeah, (Y/N) should choose, huh?” Jooheon mused. In a second, all eyes were on you, the air thick with anticipation as everyone waited for your response.
You chuckled, flattered that they thought of you this highly. They were such sweet, sweet boys. "Well, now that I have a copy of The Thirteenth Warrior at my fingertips…"
Wonho nodded. “Hey, that doesn’t sound too bad.”
Agreement went around the room. Sudden discussions about how it was a bad movie but a good idea sprang up here and there. You heard Changkyun admit he had never seen it before, and the rest of you broke out into cries of incredulity. You eventually realized that come to think of it, you knew that it was in the collection, but couldn't recall having watched it together before. Odd, considering that it was one of your personal favorite films of all time.
As you were getting up to load it in the player, the doorbell rang. “Whup, just a sec.” You hopped over everyone’s legs and skidded to the door in your socks, jerking it open again. Standing there was a tall, sunny, lanky boy with five boxes of pizza in his hand and a red and gold delivery uniform on. “Miss (Y/N)?” He questioned, in classic pizza boy style.
He nodded curtly and handed over the warm, heavenly-smelling boxes. “On the house. Some new employee named Minhyuk ordered them right after he got off work.”
“Oh, Minhyuk-ah.” You broke out into your own big grin and reached your free arm out for a hug. “You didn’t have to.”
“Well, I was there, and we haven’t had a movie night since I started working delivery, so...” He leaned down to meet you, being careful not to disturb the food in your other hand, and gave you a peck on the cheek for good measure.
“Huh, right, I don’t think I’ve even seen you in uniform yet.” As he stepped in the house and took off his hat, you glanced him over. He looked good, even with marinara sauce on his front. He also smelled quite temptingly of crust and oil. More than likely, there were some ladies who ordered pizza more consistently now. Not for the food, of course, but instead hoping to see the handsome red-haired delivery boy on their step.
“Hey, guys. So, what are we watching?” Minhyuk asked, turning to the living room. He lazily unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it off, revealing a black tank top underneath. In moments his uniform was on top of yours, by the door. Kihyun gestured casually to the TV, where the menu screen was looping. Changkyun had loaded the DVD in your stead and was just settling back down in his spot on the floor. Minhyuk beamed happily at the familiar cinematic. “Oh, The Thirteenth Warrior. Awesome.”
You dove into the kitchen for a quick second to grab plates and napkins (This was your house, but you couldn’t let the boys run totally wild with the pizza). While you were there, you also pulled the parmesan cheese from the fridge and some forks. They'd probably want to eat with their hands, but someone could want one, you'd never know. Then you returned to where the others were. Everyone’s eyes lit up as you set the food down. “Ok, now be careful. My landlady would kill me if we got grease stains in the carpet.” With the pizza next to the drinks, and the snacks, and the games, the table was full. But it was a good kind of full, a satisfying full. Like your heart was at that moment.
You took your place next to Hyungwon again and grabbed the remote. “Ready, everyone?”
The yes was resounding, so you didn’t waste a second in pressing the enter button. For a moment the screen was still, then it went black and the Touchstone logo appeared. Wind kicked up through the speakers.
Not even through the first, stormy scene, Wonho dove for the pizza. Soon he was munching on a piece and had the first pack of beer open too. “Anyone want a drink?” Pretty much everyone said yes, and cans made the rounds. Wonho held some beer out to you quizzically, but you politely declined. “Thanks, Hoseok, but I’ll just have a cream soda.” He nodded and swapping out the drinks, handed you one. Most of the time, you were up for a little alcohol, but not right now. Maybe later.
As the movie played out, every once in a while you’d look around the room, and get a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. The familiarity of the boys gave you so much comfort. Hoseok and Kihyun sitting together on the floor, the latter snuggled into the space between his friend’s chest and bicep. Wonho had his muscular right arm draped over his friend’s shoulders. Changkyun was watching the flickering screen with interest in his eyes. When the "scary" parts rolled around, Jooheon buried his face in Minhyuk’s shoulder. Papa bear Hyunwoo would tear his eyes away from the movie every once in a while to see how everyone was faring. Last, but certainly not least, you could feel Hyungwon’s strong, steady heartbeat. There was no doubt in your mind that this was where you belonged. Sandwiched here among your friends, you had found paradise.
The end credits started to roll, and there was a collective sigh of relief. Everyone shifted their weight, stretched in some way, yawned. Though you all loved movies, the boys were active types. It was hard for them to sit still for too long, as they had a lot of energy. Not to mention, most of them were constantly running around a baseball field, or, in Hyunwoo’s case, a football field, too. Despite this, they agreed that you had chosen well and wanted to watch another.
Hours ticked by; you watched three more movies. Of course every once in a while, someone would get up to get more food or another drink. Partway through the second flick (The Amazing Spider-Man), you finally had your first beer. The alcohol worked its curious magic on your once-serious mood. You were conscious of the new flush to your cheeks, and your racing mind slowed down, too. Another side effect was that you became more snuggly with Hyungwon. He didn't seem to mind, though, just smiled down at you and made sure you were comfortable.
The clock in the hallway struck two am right as a movie finished, pulling you out of your warm little bubble of boys. You considered letting them crash in your living room. Being sleepy against Hyungwon was heavenly. Also, you quite enjoyed the peaceful looks of the others as they succumbed to their exhaustion. Regrettably, though, you couldn't be so kind. As much as you loved spending time with them, you had work again the next afternoon. Sleep was something you desperately needed. So, you nudged them towards the door.
They insisted on cleaning up their mess, and so everyone helped to pick up plates and trash. Meanwhile, you, Shownu, and Kihyun moved the leftover food, soda, and beer into the refrigerator. You had told them that they were free to take whatever looked good, lowkey meaning everything. However, at this Hoseok tapped his chin and mused, “It’ll disappear the fastest here. Right, guys?" Obviously, it was a total ploy to stick you with the leftovers. You knew for a fact that over at Jooheon and Changkyun’s apartment, it wouldn’t last any more than twelve hours. Everyone agreed with the muscled boy, though, and so you didn’t protest. It wasn’t worth it; they’d only remember and make you take the food home again the next time, too.
As you walked into the kitchen, your eyes immediately gravitated to Hyungwon. You had seen him disappear into here earlier with the stack of trash. Now, he was at the sink, doing the neglected dishes. Maybe because of the beer in your system, your eyes got teary when you realized. Why was he like this? You could do a thousand years worth of unpaid work for him, and it wouldn’t even come close to making up for the debt you owed. 
The moment the two of you were alone, you went for a hug. Settling yourself in his back, you wrapped your arms around his middle. “You don’t have to do that.” Your voice was a little slurred, but your thought processes were fine. "I’m perfectly capable of washing my own dirty dishes."
“Hush. I wanted to." Always the gentleman, he finished scrubbing off the last couple plates and racked them in the dishwasher. Then he turned around in your arms to meet your embrace. The two of you stood there for a long while, listening to the others. Still congregated in the living room, the tipsier ones (namely, Jooheon, Minhyuk, and Wonho) were laughing loudly and joking.
“This movie night was your idea, wasn’t it?”
You glanced up to look him in the eyes, and he nodded back. “I figured the rest of the guys would be a better healing balm than just me alone.”
“I would have been perfectly happy with just you, Hyungwonnie.” You gave a frown. It always made you uneasy when he talked even the slightest bit down on himself like that. “But thank you for the nice night. I’m so glad you’re my friends.”
“I’m pretty sure that we all are too.” With a smile, he ran a hand through your hair and sighed. “You know that if you ever need to talk about anything, I’m here, right?”
“Of course.” 
Hyungwon hoped that you couldn’t tell that his heart was trying to beat out of his chest. 
Oh, it wasn’t that he had never been this close. Actually, this was a scenario that was comfortably familiar. He had always let you hold him as much as you wished, because he felt content just like this. There was nothing he treasured more than the relationship he had with you--the hugs and words of comfort, and always being there when you needed a loving hand or listening ear. However, recently, something had started to feel different. He couldn't quite put a finger on it. Maybe it was how you had been especially touchy over the last few days. Or, the butterflies that formed in his stomach as he woke up and realized he was next to your peaceful smile.
“You better go to bed, (Y/N).” He said finally, as he noticed you start to drift off to sleep because of his warmth. “Let’s go send the other guys home, huh?”
You nodded, but Hyungwon could tell that it was hard for you to peel yourself away from him. He stayed right behind as you padded back out into the living room. Someone had to make sure you weren’t going to trip or hurt yourself.
Each boy got their own special warm hug and goodbye. Of course Hyungwon couldn’t miss how you watched them go with teary eyes. Finally, he was the last to remain, and he pulled you into one more big hug, in the threshold of the open front door. “Go get some sleep, now. You have to work again tomorrow, right?”
“Yes, unfortunately. And, I will, Hyungwonie. Thank you again, for probably the millionth time.”
“It’s not a problem.” Leaning down to press a kiss to the top of your head, he unwrapped himself from you and turned out onto the porch. He could sense only a brief second of hesitation from you before the door closed softly behind him. As he dug around in his pocket for his car keys, he made a last, lingering wish that you would fall asleep quickly.
The other boys were just getting into Shownu’s suburban and Kihyun’s Mazda roadster. Hyungwon made his way to his own little blue car, waving at those whose eyes he caught as he passed. Everyone was telling each other good night, as always. Some of the playful banter was missing though, but that was understandable. It was late, and a pervasive tired feeling was clouding everyone's heads. The tall boy, especially, was out of it, ready for a soft bed. However, he did register the ‘wait a sec, Hyunwoo’ when it hit his ear. Moments later, a hand clapped to his shoulder, and he turned to find Changkyun there. For some reason, the smile spread across his face made Hyungwon nervous. He did his best to return it, and was about to say something like thanks for bringing snacks. Before he could, however, Kyun suddenly fired off a question that had the older boy raising a confused eyebrow.
“When are you going to tell her?”
“Huh? Tell who what?”
Changkyun groaned and sighed. “Oh my God, it’s worse than I thought.” This time, he elaborated a little more. “You’re planning on telling (Y/N) that you love her, right?”
“Uh--She already knows. She’s always known.” Hyungwon glanced away, uncomfortable.
“Does she really? Ok, then, are you going to ask her out? Actually, hell, you guys have been acting like a couple for a long time. How about a proposal? Have you guys slept together?”
Hyungwon’s head began to reel. Wait--love, dating? Proposing? Sleeping together? “Oh, it’s not--not like that--”
“Come on. Are you sure? Hyung, you’ve always been sappy and soppy around her, but lately it’s been so bad, even my thick-headed mother would see it. You admitted to us that you've had deeper feelings for her for years--”
“Lay off on me about that, ok? You know that night was the closest I’ve ever been to drunk.”
“--even so, just, like...think about it. Obviously, she really cares about you, too. If you have romantic longings at all, it’s now or never. Who knows, one day she might find another guy, or you might go your separate ways. She’ll forget about you, but you’ll be stuck with regrets. Take it from me, ok?”
He was right. Hyungwon knew it deep inside, but his mind wasn’t allowing his emotions flow to the surface. Instead, he nodded, mostly to get Changkyun off his back, and walked over to the other side of the car. Smiling and waving at his younger friend one more, he slid in and turned the key in the ignition; the engine purred to life.
As he sat behind the wheel, he replayed the past twenty-four hours in his head. You were so radiant when you were with him--radiant even in sleep. Should he take a chance and ask you to be his? A small voice deep inside, and now Changkyun’s, too, told him yes. His fear held him back, though, as always, and it shut out all notion of wanting, needing something more with you. He loved how it was now: how comfortable you were with each other, how you could speak your mind, the inside jokes you shared. It was perfect, and he didn’t want to risk spoiling it by involving romance or sex.
So he would stick to being your best friend, the most generous and comforting presence in your life. That was all he really wanted, anyway.
Six months later.
“You’re--you’re what?” He blubbered, incredulous.
“I said, I’m dropping out, Hyungwonnie.” You said, a sigh escaping your throat, sad smile playing on your lips. “Don’t worry, I’m not leaving town yet, but I–I can’t focus on the homework and the classes anymore. Maybe I’ll go back someday, but for now I think it’s best that I stick with my job and save as much as I can.”
The two of you were standing out in front of the administrative offices. You had asked him to meet you there after class that day. Hyungwon fought to understand why and how you could decide to do something as drastic as quit school, but wasn’t having much luck. His frustration flew to the surface, more than he really meant it to. “So you’re giving up on three and a half years of hard work. You’re almost there, (Y/N), why don’t you just stick it out?”
“Oh, so you’re yelling at me over my decision, too.” Despite your bitter words, Hyungwon watched your eyes fill with tears. You struggled to keep the sob in your throat from slipping out. “I’m not giving up, not really. I still have my knowledge. I just need some time. You saw how many classes I failed last semester.”
Running a hand through his hair, Hyungwon sighed. “It was only two of them. That isn’t even that bad. Everyone fails classes.”
“N--not you. Or Kihyun.” You were sobbing full-force now.
“Oh my God, come here.” The tall boy found it to be impossible to be mad anymore. Finally giving in to his affectionate nature, he stepped forward to wrap you in a hug. “Kihyun and I are not everybody.”
Slowly, he felt your breathing calm and the tears dry up. At long last a whisper floated up to his ear. “You are pretty special.”
He couldn’t stop the chuckle that shook his chest, nor the new teasing edge to his voice. “Not as much so as you.”
“Oh come on, this same old thing again?” He fully expected an instant retaliation, and you did not disappoint. “How many times do I have to say it? Give yourself credit that’s due. Here’s a clue: it’s a lot.”
“I’m not the one who can look at a business chart and accurately predict its curve ten years out.” 
“That was once! I totally got lucky. It’s not my fault if my instincts are spot-on.” Hyungwon could feel the smile growing on your face.
“What was that? It’s not your fault if you’re right? You pretty much just blew your own point.” He almost broke out into giggles again, but all at once, his mood dipped at a sudden thought. “I’m going to miss you in class. Even Kihyun’s hoity-toity, Mazda-driving ass will, though he won’t admit it.”
“I’ll miss being there with you guys, too, but I think this is the right decision. Oh, please, will you keep trusting and supporting me, Hyungwonnie?”
“Of course.” He pressed his lips to the crown your head once, twice, three times. “Until we’re both dust.”
Boy, did life become a rollercoaster after that. It was nice to not have to stress over tests and deadlines. However there were still a lot of other sources of anxiety, too. The heaviest one was probably keeping up on the bills when a lot of your income went to pay off student loans. So sometimes all you ate for weeks on end was ramen. Still, you were happy. Though you doubled up on hours at the grocery, it didn’t hold you back from spending time with your friends. You saw Hyungwon every hour, practically. Through the ups and downs you had over postponing school and choosing to work full time, your tall best friend was there to comfort you. He still came over and did homework while you watched and talked with him. Often, if he knew that you hadn't eaten well in a while, he brought food. You still appreciated him more than anything.
It was just–why did he have to be so adorable, with that little loving glance he gave you constantly? You only saw him as a best friend and number one supporter, so why was it getting harder for you to resist your desires? You didn’t want to think of him in that way, but the first time–oh, it was even harder to admit it to yourself–the first time you got off to the thought of him hovering over you, perfect lips planting kisses down your neck, pressed close without clothes in the way, you enjoyed it more than you wanted to admit to yourself. Your cheeks burned with embarrassment immediately after. Laying there in bed, you promised yourself that you would never, ever, repeat that mistake. So you redoubled your efforts to enjoy every moment you spent with him as a friend.
Some of the most important–and fun–of these were baseball games. Five of the seven guys who had showed up to your house on movie night played on the team. In the past two years, you and the two who didn’t (ironically, those in business, Hyungwon and Kihyun) had gone to every game. Those who knew you and the five guys on the team insisted that you were the real heroes, your friends' true fans.
Of course, there were some changes this year as it came time to consider the start of the season. Without a valid student ID, now you had to buy your season tickets. Also, Kihyun started to ride with the team, as Hoseok had convinced him to become manager. Still, none of this dampened the experience any. You and Hyungwon travelled together still, to be on your feet for long hours in familiar stands. It was everything to watch and holler, encouraging your friends on. Home, away, tournaments, it didn’t matter how far you had to drive, you were there. Through ups and downs, wins and losses, you waved school flags and tried to out-cheer the home crowd. 
One of the sweetest moments that season was during one of the first games. It was a chilly, early Spring day. Everyone was practically freezing, but the boys were trying their best. Finally, Wonho, in all his muscle-bound glory, seemed to find a small streak of luck, hitting a long outfield shot that bit the dirt. After that, the guys burned up the turf. They managed to come from behind by eight runs down and clinch the game in the last inning. Both you and Hyungwon watched in complete awe and admiration. After, when they tied and finally passed, you turned and wrapped each other in a gigantic, warm hug.
But the real experience, your content place, were the car rides with Hyungwon. Often tired after a game, the two of you would do anything to keep each other awake. Sometimes that meant singing along to the radio. He had a wonderful baritone voice. You scared people away, though–and made him laugh that wonderful all-cares-abandoned laugh–with your cat-like screeching. You also played word games on your phone on several occasions. Inevitably, he’d try to make things up to tease you, and deserve the whacks on the arm you gave.
Then, sometimes, you’d slip into pure, unadulterated conversation. For a little while, you could forget about how he was very, very attractive and talk about anything. You’d sit backwards, quite illegally, in his passenger’s seat as you spoke your mind. The hesitant glances you gave weren't out of shy feelings, simply your need to look at him. It was the only way to ground yourself after talking his ear off for half an hour straight. Sometimes, it even came down to crying right there in front of him. Especially, if you were thinking about how everything at home was a train wreck at the moment. Every time you went back, the strained emotions that lingered made you uncomfortable. Your mother still felt guilt over your grandmother’s death, and your father was growing more aloof and distant from everyone. Nothing was like it used to be, and you hated it. 
Even if he didn’t or couldn’t give any advice, your tall, handsome best friend listened and comforted you. He even let you lean as well as you could across the console and rest your head in his lap. He drove with one hand and calmed you with the other, running his fingers through your hair.
Why couldn’t those nights last forever? They were moments of peace you had between times when doubts flooded your mind. You knew that, like it or not, there was going to come a day of reckoning between the two of you. Or, worse yet, he would graduate, find an internship somewhere, move away, and that would be the end of that.
You didn’t want to think about the future, really. At least you had him here, now.
For Hyungwon, it was during times apart from you that he had to face reality. His own feelings were getting out of control. It had started the night he slept at your side. Then, Changkyun had confronted him with those goddamn questions, no more than twenty-four hours later. Afterwards, things had started to change. Unbeknownst to you, he, too, often found himself breathless and whipped. Sometimes, he would allow himself to sink into fantasies that you were his and his alone. It all became too much and he needed to hold you ever closer. Feel you shiver underneath his warmth. Burn in hunger at the glaze in your eyes when you stared into his big, deep brown ones. He touched himself, too, at the thought of it, stroked his needy length because he didn’t know what else to do. Then, in the morning, he managed to convince himself that it was okay, he could move on and forget his lust. He buried it time and time again.
The tall, handsome boy was afraid of many of the same things you were. However he was slightly different. At the heart of the situation, it boiled down to a single, ever-deepening cause. Nothing terrified him more than the possibility that, in revealing his affection, he would lose yours. He knew deep down that it was probably a silly thing to think. After all, you were the one who was often approaching him for physical comfort, initiating things like hugs, holding hands, and the long, intimate conversations in his car. Not to mention the head-in-his-lap thing, which was just as therapeutic for him as it was for you.
If he had any idea how much pain he was causing you by holding back, he did not consciously acknowledge it. Hyungwon was stubborn, and also too caring. He did not see how every time he wiped away your tears and smiled his widest, more pain shot through your heart. It was because of him, but couldn't wrap his head around the fact that he was the direct cause. So he only brought you closer.
Likewise, you never saw how when you would sometimes take a different risk and dress for others’ eyes, his breath would hitch. His hand, too, would wander a little more, though without fail, he pulled it back when it did. The both of you were in limbo, stuck; caught between each other. If you didn't do something soon, like plan and execute calculated steps to break the ice, it would all snap. The plunge would be into either misery or ecstasy.
And oh man, would it snap.
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ellynefics · 7 years
Sing Me My Destiny | Part Two
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parts;; One | Two (you are here) | Three | Four | Five (coming soon)
genre;; medieval semi-fantasy; Royalty!AU
pairing;; Kihyun x fem!reader
Whisked away at a young age to live in a strange castle, you have no idea as to when you’re going home, and as the years pass, your hope all but disappears. One day, you are exploring the dark stone hallways when you hear a boy singing sweetly to himself behind a locked door.
Your friendship with the boy prince Kihyun develops, and as he regains his strength and–impossibly–his ability to walk, you find that love for him is blooming in your heart. Using an ancient ritual and strengthening bonds between princes and future kings, he begins to form an inner circle of loyal comrades and friends–a clan.
warnings;; fluff, smut to come in later parts
words;; 9180 (9.2k)
After that first, fateful meeting, you never had to worry about not being able to see Kihyun. His door was always unlocked, at his request. Though he was sometimes gruff, blunt and stubborn, especially when he wasn’t feeling his best, you sensed that he looked forward to your company. For you, too, the excitement you felt every day as you walked by the North Wing guards and made your way up to his room never faded. Though you still saw Seulgi and your friendship with her hadn’t weakened, she was growing up, too, and didn’t visit as often. Now you came to rely on Kihyun more. In the back of your head, you knew it was the same for him, too, but it wouldn’t be until later on that you would come to realize the full extent of this.
Conversation with the prince was, without fail, easy and laid-back. He was a professional at finding things to talk about. Oftentimes he asked you about your own home kingdom, and if you had heard any news. The answer was often no, but you were always happy to recount your memories to him. He particularly enjoyed hearing you talk about playing in the lavish gardens your parents kept, when the flowers were fully in bloom and nature alive with color.
“…and you should have seen the cherry and apple trees in the spring, when the birds were singing and there were butterflies everywhere. The scent and the sight was so beautiful. That was always my favorite time of year at home.”
Though you were sure you had told him this on at least fifty occasions, he never seemed to grow tired of hearing about it. The dazed, faraway look in his eyes was no different from the first telling. At first it had been a little disconcerting, but now he gazed at you with his chin in his palm. “And even the bees were so docile, you could hold them in your hand. Right?”
“Right.” You giggled. Sometimes if you left out a part you had mentioned to him before, he would repeat it back to you. That was something you had learned about him early on: he never forgot. It was even to the point that he remembered every word that had passed between you on certain days.
Steadily, with the sunshine and fresh air now constantly circling through his room, Kihyun started to look healthier. His cheeks took on a new glow, and his skin darkened a little. Most of all, though, his eyes glowed with the light of hope. You had helped him discover his authority and his confidence, and he ran with it, reveled in it. Now, you could truly believe that he was a prince, from the way he sat in bed, his speech, and his leaps and bounds in knowledge. (Not like he wasn’t already well-learned; he read a lot on top of tutoring with one Sir Taekwoon. What else was there to do all day in bed?)
It seemed that his health responded to this shift in attitude, too. When the doctor next visited, he was of course disappointed that his orders had been gone against, but then pleased that Kihyun did seem to be getting better.
Of course, like all sick people, his condition fluctuated. The first day this happened, you received a surprise, early-morning visit from an unfamiliar boy, wearing leather, the garb of a squire. He seemed to be only a couple years older than you, and his black hair was short and styled like the prince’s. His skin was tan and smooth, and though he had tried hard to get it off, his hands had a black tint to them. He must work with a forge. The boy’s plump lips twitched, and he took a knee. “His Highness Kihyun wishes to inform you that it would be unwise for you to visit today. Unfortunately, he has fallen ill and does not want you to catch his sickness."
“Thank you,” was your simple reply. Head still bowed, the messenger backed out and left you alone again. It was only when he had disappeared from view that your curiosity hit you. Who was that? How did he know the prince? You thought that Amberdin’s sick heir was a pretty well-guarded secret, so how would a forgehand boy be close enough to Kihyun to deliver his news?
So the next day, when he came back, you steeled yourself in preparation to ask.
“His Highness is unfortunately yet sick. I shall return when he is well enough for you to visit without worry. Until then, he will miss your company.”
You didn’t want to seem like you had ignored his message, so you quickly gave an understanding nod. Then, “Forgive me if I seem rude, sir, but who are you, and what is your connection to the prince?”
“My name is Shin Hoseok, but many call me Wonho, armory master’s apprentice and loyal servant to the kingdom of Amberdin. Kihyun and I have been close friends since childhood.”
Oh. Why hadn’t Kihyun told you about him before? His highness had mentioned having a small group of important friends around the palace, but never named any names. You wondered if this boy was lying, but something deep inside told you that he was sincere. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Hoseok. Or would you rather I call you Wonho? There is no need to bow any longer.”
“Thank you, Princess.” The boy straightened up and smiled. His eyes had a pleasant sparkle. Many women here probably swooned over him, and how his muscles rippled under his tunic. “Either is fine.”
“What does the Prince call you?”
“Hoseok,” he replied; puzzlement crossed his face. “Why?”
“You really must be close with him, if both of you are on a first-name basis. In any case, I think I’ll opt for Hoseok, as well. Until I have reason to call you Wonho.” You were fully aware of the meaning of the secondary name: protector. In your kingdom, you had known a man called that; he had earned it.
“Of course, Princess.”
Three long days later, Hoseok finally returned to inform you that the Prince was doing much better. It was fine to start going and visiting again. Of course, you promptly did. You had been so lonely without Kihyun to talk to, though you understood that he worried for your health and he needed his rest. It was then that you realized that he meant a lot to you.
Soon after the two-year anniversary of meeting Kihyun, the doctors pronounced him free of pneumonia. This was a joyous occasion. That day, when you pushed open the door and announced your presence, he wouldn’t even let you finish your greeting because he excitedly cheered, “The sickness in my lungs is gone!”
“Really?” A smile widening on your face, you hopped up on the bed as usual and settled down.
“Yep! They said that if I want to, I can start going outside."
This seemed to you like something that a doctor wouldn’t mention offhand. “Kihyun, did he just say that of his own volition, or…did you ask him?”
“Oh, I asked,” He replied, cheerily. “I’ve been thinking, (Y/N), do my parents keep royal gardens, too?”
Of course that’s what would be running through his head. “Yes. I have to walk through them to get here.”
“Are they as grand and lavish as the ones at Mindenhal castle?”
“Ah–I’m not quite sure. However, they are certainly a beautiful sight.” Tapping your chin, you scrunched up your mouth. You really had never thought about it before. Here in Amberdin, the climate was a little different than that of your home. The plant species that grew here weren’t the same, either. Maybe it was your childhood ideals, but they were a little plainer. In any case, you finally decided that the royal gardens here were just as well tended to as Mindenhal’s.
“Take me there, won’t you, please, (Y/N)?”
“Of course, Kihyun. I would, to see the happiness on your face.” Even the sight of him at the suggestion was making your heart leap. Yet, there were a few problems. “But, how? I can’t carry you. Well, not for very long, anyway. And how are we going to get past the guards at the gate? Certainly they know your parents’ orders not to let you out.”
Kihyun chuckled. “Both are easy solutions, actually.” He gestured to a corner, and your eyes fell on something that you had never noticed before: a dusty, yet sturdy looking chair with wheels on its legs. “The kingdom’s best craftsman made that for me when I first fell ill, but we haven’t had a chance to use it until now. As for the guards–do you see that bookshelf on the east wall?”
“Yes.” You hopped off the bed and made your way over to the tall oak case. To ordinary eyes, it seemed like just another dusty place in the room. “What about it?”
“Pull the red book on your right.”
Scanning the shelves, you almost immediately saw what he was referring to, on the second row from the bottom. You knelt a little and tried to take it out, but it didn’t budge. Instead, a click hit your ear, then loud creaking and grinding started from behind. You couldn’t help but step back and gasp as the bookshelf slid ever so slowly to the left, revealing a secret passageway. The steps led down into darkness. “Wow.”
Now, you had no more excuses or reasons why he shouldn’t be able to go out. Kihyun must have sensed this because he started to detail a plan, one that you were sure that he had thought of well in advance. “Take the wheeled chair to the bottom of the stairs, where there’s a secret outside door. Then, do you think that you’ll be able to carry me down?”
You were strong for your age and being a girl, but you still were unsure how long you could bear his weight. “I can try.”
“You don’t have to carry me in your arms. I can hold on to your neck and try to support myself a little behind you. If you need a rest, just tell me and I’d be glad to sit on a step while you catch your breath.”
“What if I fall and hurt you?”
He sighed and smiled. “I might be weak, but I’m tough. Also, in that case, I think I’d be more worried about you.”
The Prince was right. You were getting yourself worked up over nothing. “Alright.–I’ll be right back.” Dusting off the wheelchair a little, you pushed it to the secret door and down the stairs, being careful not to jostle it too much. 
Just as Kihyun had said, there was a barely-outlined door at the bottom. When you pushed on it, it opened right up. There was a hedge on its other side, that seemed to be carefully-kept in order for easy access to this door. This didn’t lead anyplace else, so–who did that? The thought flicked across your mind that someone else might consistently visit Kihyun. This was quickly forgotten, however, at another realization. The garden beyond was secluded, and better yet, not visible from the King and Queen’s room. So as long as the two of you weren’t too loud, you could safely take the prince out here and no one would notice. It seemed like he would get his wish.
You placed the chair in a small nook at the bottom of the stairs, and went back up to Kihyun, who was waiting expectantly in his bed. As you emerged from the secret passageway, the sight of him twiddling his thumbs and whistling must have triggered something in you. Before you could stop yourself, you blurted: “Sing for me.”
“What?” Confused, he glanced up and raised an eyebrow. “Sing for you?”
“I’ll take you outside and show you the gardens, and you’ll sing for me in return. Anything. Even things you’re learning with Hyungsoo, if you need to–“
He didn’t need to say anything to cut you off. His surprised face and slack jaw did that for him. “–that’s a ridiculous request. You could have asked for so much more.”
It’s everything, flashed through your head.
“But if it’s really what you want–then yes. I’ll sing whatever you like.” 
Getting used to carrying Kihyun down the stairs was hard. You were very weak; that first time was the worst. You required several periods of rest before you even got him to the chair. Also, you probably would have given up if your passenger wasn’t so understanding that day. The fact that he sang softly for you when you set him down made it better, too. He said that even in the dark, he could see you brighten at the sound of his sweet voice.
The look of wonder and joy on the prince’s face as you wheeled him through the beautiful green gardens was every bit as priceless as you expected it to be. No matter how many times he emerged into the daylight, his smile would inevitably become brighter than it. He really enjoyed the fresh air, and the breeze, and seeing how much the flowers had grown since he was last outside. The first day you were out, he abruptly said that he hadn’t been beyond the walls of his room in ten years. After you got over your sadness at that fact, you became really glad that you had agreed to start taking him.
As you reached the end of the first excursion, you abruptly realized that you hadn’t considered having to carry him back upstairs. Dread weighed on you. However, you set your jaw, started the work, and ultimately decided that it wasn’t as bad as you had expected. You kept your legs going, convincing yourself that you had just one more stair, and before you knew it you were back on the carpet by his bed. After you lowered him to the mattress, he could get himself situated again. His arms were strong from years of having to adjust his position, and he often sat at the edge of the bed, letting his knees hang over.
Together, you decided to only go outside every other day until both of you got more used to it. Not only did you become sore afterwards, but Kihyun did, too. He was just as exhausted after your afternoons in the garden. Mostly, because he was starting to use his feet to support his weight and aid your strength going up and down the stairs. This caused aching and soreness in his almost-useless legs. Often you heard him let out a sharp breath when he tried doing too much. It was hard for him because progress was so slow, and his pride was so large. You had to encourage him by reminding him that it all meant he was getting stronger.
Before you left your room to go visit him now, you reminded yourself to grab your lute. Both of you enjoyed it immensely when you’d play a tune and he’d sing along. If you could, you joined him in harmony as well.
“You have a wonderful voice, (Y/N).” Kihyun cut in, after the first time you did. “I suspected, but often, even the most melodic-toned person can’t sing a note. You’re taking lessons, of course?”
“Yes. With Sir Youngbae.”
Kihyun nodded and stared off into space for a minute as you strummed a tune and hummed it. “You should ask my mother and father if you can start with Hyungsoo. He’s a tough teacher, but you will get better.”
“I don’t know. Usually he decides to take you under his wing, am I not mistaken?”
“Yes, but I’ve never known him to turn down sitting in a voice lesson if he’s asked.”
“Ok. I’ll bring it up at supper sometime, then.”
Kihyun was so determined to walk again, but the two of you didn’t do anything to help him directly at first. You knew that it would inevitably become a thing, though. It was just a matter of time, and confidence.
There was a round, stone fountain with carved gargoyles in the secluded place right outside the secret door. It was clearly meant for admiration from afar. You could lean against the side and just miss bumping your head on a small overhang. For Kihyun, who was slightly taller, he could probably reach up and grab the ledge if he stretched to full height. One day, as you drew close to it, he asked if you would help him stand and do just that. “I’m going to try to walk a little ways around. I’ll probably need your shoulder, even when I’m up. Try not to let me depend on you too much.”
“Alright.” You nodded. The day had come. Readying your now-strong and supple shoulders, you hauled him out of the wheel-chair, making yourself as tall as possible so that his feet were flat on the ground. Much to your surprise, when you eased your support, he adjusted nicely and managed to keep his weight steady on his own, though his knees trembled.
His right hand clung, white-knuckled, to the outcropping and he took a deep breath. “Ready?”
“Whenever you are.” Your arm was around his waist for support.
Kihyun clenched his jaw determinedly and lifted his left foot off the ground, pushing forward with the other. He nearly stumbled and fell, but you braced yourself and managed to help him keep upright. It wasn’t a true step quite yet, but you knew that if you kept at it, soon he would be taking many. You breathed out slowly as he huffed in frustration, trying to keep him calm. “Let’s try again, yes?”
He reset himself and determinedly continued on, with the other foot this time. You couldn’t help but notice that he depended on you a little less, and managed to complete the heel-toe motion fully. “That, Kihyun, is the first step you’ve taken in eleven years.”
A grin grew on his face. “Yes, it is. I suppose I’m moving up in the world.”
You beamed, soft for seeing this boy so happy. A quarter way around the large fountain and about ten steps later, he was sweating and exhausted, but proud with what he had accomplished. You picked him up (the strength you had gained carrying him up and down the stairs allowed you to) and carried him back to your starting point, setting him back down in the safety of the chair.
Every day, the two of you repeated this routine until he was able to complete a full circle around the fountain without your constant support. He still gripped the ledge, but he’d be walking on his own soon. For the time being, though, he relied on the wheeled chair and you.
You waited a long, long while before returning to If You Come [With Me], My Love, the old song that reminded you of your parents and the first you had heard him sing. He was on the cusp of nineteen, and you were already safely eighteen when you finally worked up the bravery to suggest it. The melody was so special, and you felt that it was very important to make sure that what you had with Kihyun was strong before you heard it from his lips again.
It was a bright, sunny day. Together, you finished singing one of the prince’s favorites and he glanced over expectantly, waiting for you to start the next tune. Taking a deep breath, you chose a key and started,
I found a place where the river runs clear, and the stag, he drinks without fear, without fear.
Kihyun’s eyes widened, and a grin grew on his face. Joining in, he closed his eyes, scrunched up his nose in that way you loved, and harmonized perfectly with you,
I found a place where the fish jump and play, the leaves and the trees and the rocks beckon, stay.
If you come with me, my love, I can show you the river, and the deer, the fish, the rocks, the trees; stay close, I’ll whisper my love on the afternoon breeze.
It gave you goosebumps. His voice was so perfectly suited for that song. It was just as amazing, no, even more amazing than it had been first time you had heard it from out in the hall.
Kiss my cheek, hold my hand, tell me you’re mine alone; you’re beautiful, I’m proud to call you my own. Whisper to me, whisper your dreams, your hopes, your fears, your desire; of your voice, I’ll ne'er, ne'er tire.
If you come with me, my love, I can show you the river, and the deer, the fish, the rocks, the trees; stay close, I’ll whisper my love on the afternoon breeze.
There was more, but you suddenly, unexpectedly found yourself unable to pick at the strings on the lute, let alone continue to sing as a huge pang of homesickness descended on you. It was of an intensity the likes of which you hadn’t felt since you had first come to Amberdin. Starting to cry, your shoulders shook. You sobbed for your family, for the people you loved so much; how they were probably still embroiled in a terrible, hopeless war. Also, you cried for the princess they forgot, who went away at a terrible cost: her identity and validity. You.
Hesitant, shaky footsteps made their way toward you and a familiar body sat down at your side. An arm snaked around your waist, and pulled you closer, the warm, gentle breaths at your ear so familiar. 
You felt his lips at your temple, pressed there, moving with animation as he sang. Somehow, the vibrations of his voice calmed your grief-wracked body and aching soul.
This is our place, our river, our rocks, our trees; we can stay as long as we wish, and never, never leave. Here in my arms, what is there to be scared of? Tomorrow cannot touch us, cannot break us, cannot fade our love.
If you come with me, I can show you the river, and the deer, the fish, the rocks, the trees; stay close, I’ll whisper my love on the afternoon breeze.
“I’m here for you, (Y/N).” He murmured, stroking your hair. “I will always be.”
It didn’t hit you until later that you had never seen him walk without support, until then.
After that, he grew better by leaps and bounds. Another year slipped by, somehow, but in that time he hit many milestones. One day, you walked in to see him and he wasn’t in bed, but sitting in an armchair by the bookshelf, reading. He made it all the way up and down the secret passageway stairs completely by himself. Then, was able to spend an entire afternoon walking through the gardens, arm in arm with you. It was a challenge, but he became able to sit down, fold his legs, and stand up again. He walked into the kitchens and sampled that night’s menu; the entire staff had looked at each other and wondered who he was. Finally, he jogged and then ran through the garden. As he returned to your side, he wrapped you in a tight bear hug.
Somewhere along the way, you fell in love with Prince Yoo Kihyun, heir to the throne of Amberdin. His sharp face and piercing eyes; those heart-shaped lips. The new joy he took in his ability to walk and run, and confidence he now had because of it. He was bold, he was smart; he would make a fine king someday.
His parents, with whom you still kept your promises, were utterly blind to this all. You knew that he couldn’t hide it forever, especially considering how the palace staff closest to him now knew: Miss Hyolyn, Sir Hyungsoo, Sir Taekwoon. Hoseok. On several occasions, when you mentioned that Kihyun should tell them about his recovery, he darkened perceptibly and changed the subject. He had to get over his anger and realize that his familial responsibility was something he couldn’t run from forever. If he wanted to be King someday (like you knew he did), he had to prove to his mother and father that he could be that kind of man.
You promised yourself you’d work on him about it. But for now, all you could do was love him and pray. 
“I have something I need you to do.” He said, one lovely day, as you sat together on your favorite stone bench. It was a peaceful spot near a small pond dotted with water lilies and ringed by cattails.
“And what might that be, your Highness?” You giggled and turned to face him, elbowing him in the ribs. Using a title nowadays was mostly just fun and games, strictly teasing.
A grin growing on his face, he sighed and laughed, shaking his head. “Your highness, the time has come to bring together my inner circle. They’re spread around the castle, and I need you to be my messenger.”
“Why not do it yourself? You can walk.”
“That would be too obvious. Besides, it’s traditional that a beautiful maiden deliver the news. So will you help me?”
At his implied compliment, you turned a little pink. “Yes, Kihyun. I will, for you. What do I say?”
“Approach, and tell them this: ‘Speak to me not of absolute monarchy, for we are brothers in spirit; If I can have your camaraderie I can do anything. If you truly belong to the clan, your Majesty Yoo Kihyun requests your presence in the midnight hour, at the moon pool’.”
Sighing internally, you resigned yourself to the task, carefully repeating the poetic invitation in your head.
“Meet me here at midnight. Then, I will perform the ceremony for the one you invited, and give you your clue for the next member. Find them before the following moonrise. Oh, one more thing, we can’t see each other between ceremonies.”
This better be a very special ritual, if you had to follow all these rules. Your heart hurt a little at not being able to see Kihyun every afternoon. Just one more thing to accept, you tried to convince yourself. “Alright, I believe I understand. Who is the first member of the circle?”
“I think you already know.”
The last colors of the sunset were just fading from the sky when you approached a small, cosy stone attachment to the East Wing. This was the armory, and in addition to housing all the royal weapons and guards’ equipment, constant metalwork went on there. It was probably unbearably hot most of the time, making you wonder how Hoseok managed working in such heat, especially in the summer.
You peeked in the small grimy window, which was lit up by an orange glow. A wash of relief overtook your mind as you detected only one muscled, powerful figure inside. It was the one you needed, too, which was a huge comfort as well.
The sturdy wooden door gave at your touch, and you stepped gently in to see Hoseok working feverishly at the forge, pounding out a blade, folding the metal to multiply its strength.
He must have heard you over the din, because he glanced up and met your eyes. As you approached, head raised and water lily poised perfectly in your hands, he stood, entranced. You gave your message softly, every word pulled from deep within you. That was the moment you realized there was magic here. Nodding, Hoseok tenderly took the lily and didn’t stir until you had left.
That night, at the pool, Kihyun gave you a hug as the two of you waited for Hoseok. “I’m so nervous,” he sighed and wrung his hands. “Nobody has done this ritual in over a hundred years. I’m afraid I’ll mess it up.”
“You’ll be fine, Kihyun-ah.” You said, putting a hand on his chest. “Just be confident. clear your mind.”
Wonho appeared, dressed in what was clearly his best (though slightly dirty and torn) leather pants and tunic. Kneeling in front of his Majesty, who had taken his spot on a grassy knoll by the water, he waited for blessing or beheading. Kihyun pulled a long, silver sword with a sapphire-inlaid hilt out of the scabbard at his side, and set the flat blade on Hoseok’s shoulder.
“My dearest friend,” He started gently, his voice expanding and rising above the night sounds as he continued. “You may not be of royal birth, but to me you are as close as a brother. I can never repay you for your constant devotion and encouragement.” The prince raised the sword and pointed it straight up. “O powers that be, please look upon me, as the future King of Amberdin, and hear my request. This man has proven himself loyal and wise and capable, may the spirits of his ancestors look upon him favorably. Grant him knighthood, by my upstanding word and command.”
Kihyun brought the sword back down, and turned the point to Hoseok’s cheek. Neither boy flinched as the former drug it forward, down his friend’s face, leaving a cut from which a few drops of blood seeped.
There was a flash, and much to your astonishment, the next time you opened your eyes, Wonho was fully clad in silver armor, unlike any you had seen before. Cerulean light shone around him, giving rise to small, beautiful blue flowers out of the grass. A gleaming silver object speared into the dirt: a sword, just as finely made but less intricate than the crown Prince’s. After a moment, Hoseok rose and took off his helmet, revealing that the cut Kihyun had made was no longer there. He looked his king in the face and you could see the tears pool in his eyes.
The two came in for a big, tight hug, Wonho’s new armor gleaming in the still-radiant light. His highness whispered to him, and drew something out of his pocket. It was small pendant, shaped like a shield, made out of a clear, faceted stone. Most likely, diamond or some sort of similar, precious material. It was fitting considering how much Kihyun loved and adored Hoseok. The prince unclasped the latch and put it around the knight’s neck, underneath the hard armor shell.
Sir Shin Hoseok, Wonho. Personal guard, servant, and loyal friend to His Majesty.
“You may not be aware, but he watches you and knows you. But do not fear, he is gentle as a lamb. His spear does not attack, but is a symbol of his protective nature.”
In fact, you were aware. You had always kept a close eye on the palace staff, and had suspected before that the King’s bodyguard knew things he didn’t let on in his motionless stance. Once, you had seen him talking with Hoseok; he was kind, fatherly, and powerful. No wonder he protected his royal highness with his life. However, now, you knew his loyalty lay elsewhere. Maybe it always had.
Again, a lily rested in your hand as you approached the tall, broad-shouldered guard alone. Hyunwoo (or, Shownu, so they called him) seemed to understand immediately what you were here for. He made eye contact and cupped his palms underneath yours, fingers brushing your wrists ever so lightly. The message flowed from the depths of your heart, in a voice almost not your own. You dropped the flower into his outstretched hands, and he gave a slow nod.
It was strange to see such a big man kneel in front of Kihyun, but the latter crackled with the electricity of nobility, of authority. “Your mother did not want you, and your father does not know about you.” Kihyun said, a frown crossing his features. “But you have made a family here and grown strong; it is your destiny to rule your kingdom someday.”
Hyunwoo was a prince? This surprised you. At the same time, considering his stature and bearing, it wasn’t a wonder. Also, how the King had been subtly raising him up as a man of importance.
Like he had with Wonho, including the words and cut on the cheek, the prince completed the rite. When the light cleared and the blue flowers grew, Hyunwoo received a set of armor and sword as well. He rose; Kihyun stepped forward to place his charm around his neck. It was a gold spear. There, they met as equals, as fellow future rulers.
Sir Son Hyunwoo, Shownu, true Prince of Goldwraith and loyal friend to His Majesty.
“I often fear that your father is grooming me for the throne, Kihyun,” Hyunwoo said, softly, gravely. “You must reveal yourself to him, how strong you’ve grown, and resume your place as rightful heir.”
The prince only clenched his jaw and nodded.
“Dukes and duchesses, kings and queens meet him first in this land, and he is also the one to see them off. Do not treat him lightly, for he keeps a powerful secret.”
You had heard whispers about the handsome foreign mediator before you had even seen his face. They called him Minhyuk, Lee Minhyuk; it was a common name, but there was only one of him. He was very good at his job and pleasant with guests, even if they spoke another language.
The two of you first got acquainted when one day he had approached to ask about your home. You thought you had never seen a smile so cheerful or radiant in your life (except for Kihyun’s). He said that he was gathering information for a book of his authoring, but his questions covered everything from the mountains in the north, to the great river in the West. If he wanted to be writing about Mindenhal, he was in the complete wrong place. Most suspicious was his inquiry into how your kingdom thought of magic. Nevertheless, you told him everything he wanted to know. His charms were too irresistible, and you sensed that he was a much deeper man than he let on.
When you first approached, lily in hand as usual, Minhyuk was walking on a garden path you and Kihyun had trod many times before. A breeze kicked up, and you thought that you could hear voices in the wind, a thousand men and women muttering enchantments and spells. When you were still a ways off, he seemed to notice you and snapped his head around; a fierce gaze bore straight into your soul. Sudden fear overtook you, but something kept you from turning away and running. The wind grew until you felt that you were walking against a gale, but at his side and all at once, things were calm. How it was that you weren’t shaking, you didn’t have a clue.
You must have said your part, because the tall, brown-haired boy reached out and took the flower lightly from your hand. The moment he did so, it started to burn, tongues of orange flame consuming the wet, delicate petals like paper. The fire did not scorch Minhyuk’s hands, by some miracle, but in seconds only ash remained in his palms. Magic was so thick around, that you could breathe it, taste it there.
He arrived that evening not in leather, but in long, flowing robes. Unseen forces shifted in the air around him. You had a feeling that like the unstable power that emanated from his entire being, he had a storm brewing in his mind. Minhyuk seemed hesitant to bow, and he faced Kihyun on the knoll for a long second.
“I do not doubt where your heart lies, Minhyuk,” The prince stated, slowly. “I also know what troubles you. You have heard the tales of the Great Witch Agatha stirring up trouble in the northeast.”
The brown haired man dropped his gaze. “My liege, I have tried my hardest to not make my life’s mission revenge, but it is hard not to in hearing of her exploits…families, gone, like she took away mine.”
“Your time will come.”
Minhyuk nodded, and finally took a knee. The accolade began, like twice before. Kihyun requested Minhyuk’s ancestors to look upon him favorably, grazed his cheek with the sword. You braced yourself.
There was a flash–but not of light, of fire. Flames leapt down out of the sky, covering the Prince and Minhyuk. Your eyes bolted wide open, and you cried out and reached forward for them. However as you managed to peer into the fire, you came to the realization that, like Minhyuk’s hand touching the flower, neither man was burning. It just seemed to be the air. Not even the little blue blooms on the ground wilted.
“The great sorcerers of old have recognized our friendship and pledge.” Though his lips didn’t move, you could hear Minhyuk’s words clearly. “I am bound to the clan by devoted heart and solemn word.” He reached out for the sword at his side, and it sang through the air, changing his robes into shining silver armor.
Kihyun’s trinket of choice to Minhyuk was a pendant made of rowan wood, in the shape of a seven-pointed star. “Though you are a prince in title alone, I do not look down on you. Have patience and steadfastness, my friend.”
Sir Lee Minhyuk, Warlock Prince, foreign mediator of Amberdin and loyal friend to His Majesty.
“Master of the most majestic creature on Earth, the equine, he is free as the soaring swallow and transient and beautiful as the morning dew. Contrary to his title, his hands know hard work.”
A grand black stallion ducked out of the trees and trotted over as you swung the gate open and stepped inside, latching it securely behind. Curious, the horse nuzzled your shoulder before sniffing the water lily in your hand and trying to eat it.
“No, Trink,” you grinned and pushed his muzzle away. “Not a treat, and not for you.” The King’s horse, unfazed, snorted and started bumping at your sides. There was a carrot in your pocket, and he homed in on it, giving you a pleading eye and shaking his head cutely. You laughed. “What a charmer. Oh, stop, you silly horse.” Scratching between his ears, you rubbed the stallion’s face and cupped his jaw in a hand. “I’ll give it to you if you help me find Hyungwon.”
Somehow, maybe by magic, the horse seemed to understand, and bobbing his head, turned away and led you across the field. Your thumb stroked the soft coat at his shoulder, and he seemed to have a purpose in matching your stride.
Kihyun had been right when he said that the tall, slender prince was as transient as the morning dew. When he was awake, he was never in the same place for very long. He much preferred the company of horses to that of humans, and spent whole days out in the pasture, talking to the horses or working with them.
After about ten minutes of walking, you came upon another grove, and there he was, peacefully asleep in the shade, leaning up against a tree trunk. The rest of the royal horses grazed around him. You couldn’t help but laugh again as Trink bumped the pocket with the carrot. “Ok, you’ve earned it. Here you go.” You reached in with your hand and pulled out the long orange vegetable, and the stallion took it, happily crunching down and chewing.
Your voice must have woken up Hyungwon, because he was getting up sleepily when you turned to face him. The two of you met in the middle, the horses’ ears the only audience as you gave him Kihyun’s message and the lily.
Hyungwon seemed to glow that evening by the moon pool. He was such an ethereal boy. Even the blood that ran down his face when Kihyun drew it didn’t detract from his visuals. When the light flashed and silver armor coated his form, you almost wished that the red drops lingered, still. 
The prince gave him a silver horseshoe pendant, and Hyungwon clutched the charm in his hand.
Sir Chae Hyungwon, Prince of Coutillar, master horseman and loyal friend to His Majesty.
“Thank you, Kihyun. I wish I had better words of appreciation for you.”
“You saved my life.” On the fateful day of the accident, Kihyun could have died if it wasn’t for Hyungwon. He had squeezed his six-year old body under the fence and rescued the Prince from an angry stallion, stroking the great grey beast’s shoulder and backing him away slowly. “I should be the one thanking you.”
“Words come so easily for this boy with a mischievous nature. Pen and paper is his creed and not a day passes where he doesn’t bless our halls with verses of indescribable beauty.”
The first time Lee Jooheon read his work aloud at the evening banquet table, everyone, including you, had sat enraptured. The smooth, flowing verses carried you along and the rhythm of the poetry was concise and clean. Most of all, his animated performance of the work drew you in. No one could look away as his facial expression shifted and changed. Anger, happiness, jealousy, contentment, and every other emotion the human heart feels flickered in his eyes. Since that time, the Queen and King had asked him to come back many times, and on each occasion that he read, it was the same. He was an incredible poet and speaker.
So, it had been no surprise to learn that he was prince of Talkaskin. His kingdom was familiar to you since it lay just over the great river West of Mindenhal. You knew his mother and father: wise and powerful people, who were greatly admired by all. They were also very beautiful, and Jooheon followed in that vein too. He was well-proportioned and attractive without trying. Often, he got requests to poke his deep dimples. By now his usual reaction was a laugh and a nod.
Of course your next wondering was why he was here. Apparently, after a long debate about where he would go for an education, it was finally decided that Amberdin would be the best choice. So, Jooheon had come to live in the palace. The people that had come with him had mentioned that they would be back to collect the prince. However, no one had followed up on that promise, even though he had long finished his formal schooling. Now, he reveled in his employment as a palace scribe, correspondence overseer, and librarian.
When he was still young, he had gotten in trouble a lot. You remembered times when you noticed his spot at the dinner table was empty. Not too much later, a palace servant would drag him by his ear or have a firm grip on his upper arm. They had inevitably found him tearing pages out of books, tromping in the mud right by the Queen’s prized white roses, or sneaking around the castle. You wondered if that’s how he had found Kihyun, an unexpected side effect of curiosity.
The corners of Jooheon’s mouth tipped up cutely when you approached him with the lily in your hands and gave the message. Unexpectedly, he bowed deeply and stepped forward to give you a kiss on the forehead. Your cheeks dusted with pink.
That night you learned that the friendship between the prince and Jooheon had always been a slightly strained one. As the scribe knelt, their auras clashed, friction palpable in the air. Yet, you also sensed that Kihyun did not for a moment question his decision to include his friend in the clan. Their agape–brotherly love–must always have remained true and steadfast. After all, neither had given up on the other yet.
Kihyun said the implorement as naturally and easily as he had said Hoseok’s or Hyunwoo’s. Hot tears mixed with blood as the blade made its mark down Jooheon’s face. Even after the deep-dimpled man was clad in silver armor, wet rolled down his cheeks. Jooheon removed his helmet and dared to look the Prince in the eye. Neither spoke a word. Kihyun stepped forward to clasp the chain around Jooheon’s neck. He had chosen a jade feather for his friend’s pendant, and you knew not lightly.
Sir Lee Jooheon, Prince of Talkaskin, expert wordsmith and loyal friend to His Majesty.
“I am sorry for many of the things that have happened between us in the last few years,” Kihyun said finally. “I hope we can look to the future with no regret or grudge.”
Jooheon ducked his head. “Me too. I only wish the best for you, Kihyun. If you dare to wipe clean your slate of bad memories, I shall as well.”
“Many enemies have fallen under his sword, as he has turned his gift with a blade into an art. Many have tried and failed to best him. But more than that, his perseverance has made me stronger.”
Of course, Prince Kihyun talked the most about Wonho and his unwavering companionship. However, another name also often came up in your conversations with him. It was a name that, ironically, was better known in the kingdom of Amberdin than Kihyun’s was. This didn’t seem to faze the prince any though when he spoke of the talented warrior and refugee prince, Im Changkyun.
No one was exactly sure why Changkyun had come to Amberdin, but it was generally known that his home, Lymten, was dying. Any hour, a stronger kingdom could invade, and they’d be virtually unresisted. The once-prosperous kingdom was becoming a ghost town. The number of babies born were decreasing, and at the same time, adults were growing old and passing away or succumbing to illness. Rumors abounded that his parents had sent him away so that he didn’t have to see his people in their last throes. Many considered it a miracle that the King and Queen had been able to have a healthy son at all.
In any case, the reason the young prince was so famous was because of his unmatched skill in combat. He could do it all: wield a broadsword on foot or on horseback, hit crazy targets with a longbow or crossbow, or use a tower shield and pike. Even, take another man down hand to hand (albeit using some questionable methods). There was a tale that he had once fought off an entire calvary with nothing but a dagger and a bit of a broken spear. No one would expect it from a young, young kid like him, but he was strong, supple, and talented. He travelled all over, holding contests, daring men to try to beat him in anything. No one could.
Everyone got a surprise when the king offered Changkyun a position at the castle and he accepted. ‘Combat specialist and tactician’, was the exact title. True, it came with lodging, food, and good pay, but no one had seen him as a homebody until then. He was still enough of a kid to have permission to be a drifter. Explore the world and not let anything (or anyone) tie him down. By all outward appearances, though, the boy seemed to be happy with the new, secure job.
Part of his contract and duties involved helping improve the crippled prince’s body strength. So, Changkyun had started giving Kihyun private swordsmanship lessons from bed. At first, things were tense and unfamiliar, but the two boys warmed up to each other. Kihyun found the younger boy’s teaching style, personality, and knack for conversation entertaining. When Kihyun had first learned to walk on his own, Changkyun had made him get up, no matter how much he complained. He had a talent for ignoring the older boy’s angry outbursts and pushing him to be better. They often parried back and forth for hours, every day. Though at the time, Kihyun had fumed, now he looked back with fondness and appreciation. The repetitive and active movement made the prince’s legs stronger, building his endurance and stamina as well.
You found Changkyun out in the main courtyard, of course. He was giving another nobleman hand-to-hand pointers. They were just getting done; the young man turned and spotted you. His eyes lit up with recognition, small mouth widening into a huge smile. He dabbed his sweaty, tan skin with a towel as you delivered your message and gave him the lily.
If you were to be frank, this felicitous, effeminate boy mesmerized you. How could he be so hardened by combat and yet act so innocent? Apparently, even the ancestors’ spirits found him cute. The blue light seemed gentle around Changkyun that night. The blue flowers also pooled closely around his feet. Kihyun’s gift, a dark garnet charm of a sword and arrow crossed over each other, as well as his smile, was telling. The prince had a special place in his heart for the maknae.
Sir Im Changkyun, prince of Lymten, master swordsman and loyal friend to His Majesty.
Kihyun told you that he only had one more riddle, one more thing to give.
“Such strength–and beauty radiates from her every pore. Yet, she is so selfless. Never have I owed a greater debt or held a higher regard, and it all started when she heard a lonely boy sing.”
A finger to your lips hushed you up right away. Kihyun’s gentle smile melted you, as well. “Just meet me tomorrow night.”
You put yourself to bed, but spent a long hour laying awake, clutching your pillow close to yourself. He certainly meant you, right? Had you heard him correctly? You weren’t a strong warrior or a magician. Beautiful poetry didn’t flow from your lips, and you couldn’t calm an anxious horse with a word. The six he had already chosen were strong. They would grow to be important figureheads and together rule the entire world.
Even the next morning, when you woke up and went about your daily business, the doubt lingered that Kihyun’s words weren’t real. What if they had come out wrong in your head or even out of his mouth? It took a good part of the day for it to cement itself that it was you, and after that you felt like you were floating. Midnight suddenly could not come fast enough.
As the hour approached, your heart leapt into your throat. You prayed for the hundredth time that Kihyun had meant what he had said. With every moment that passed, it was becoming more real that the prince wanted you to be part of his inner circle. There was nothing that made you happier than the thought of serving him for the rest of your days.
Before the appointed time, you changed into a pale blue gown. It specifically had been on your mind because Kihyun had once told you he liked it on you. Maybe it was your imagination, but you often caught him staring when you were wearing it.
Making your way down to the pool, you found Kihyun standing on the knoll, watching the silver water. He gave you a gentle smile as you went straight to his side. Arms slid around each other’s waists, and you leaned into his side.
Neither of you spoke for a long time. However, eventually curiosity got the better of you and you queried, “The rite?”
He seemed to understand what you were getting at, and chuckled. “That’s a knighting. I would be glad to do it once more, but that’s–probably not what’s best. It goes against my deepest wishes for you.”
“Oh.” You turned a little pink, and buried your face in his shoulder to hide your blush. Yes, of course it would be pointless to give you a knight’s title and position.
“If you would like a ritual, though,” Kihyun said at last, and turned to face you, “how about this?” He drew you close, gently lifted your chin, and beautiful brown eyes locked onto yours. With a hand he wiped a stray lock of hair off your forehead. Warm lips left a chaste kiss there, then drifted down to the point of your nose to plant another. Clearing his throat, he said softly, intimately, “(Y/N), princess of Mindenhal, this is my solemn declaration of my love for you. I pray and hope that you feel the same. Will you marry me? Nothing would make me happier than to hear you say that you’ll sit at my right hand as my wife and queen.”
Tears pooled in your eyes as it all hit you what he had just asked. A smile spread across your face, and you couldn’t stop yourself from reaching up to kiss him properly. His breath was warm, and your nostrils filled with his scent. It was so intoxicating that you had to make an effort to pull away and verbally acknowledge your answer. “Of course, Kihyun.”
He shone as radiantly as the day that he had been able to run and feel the wind in his hair again. Lacing his fingers with yours, he smiled over at you and indulged himself in your lips one more time. Then, he seemed to remember something, and took a charm out of his side pocket. "My necklace is of a deep, royal blue, a sapphire." He pulled the neck of his tunic down slightly, so that you could see. It was a simple flat cut, with a delicate engraving of a crowned lion. "Yours is made of a sister stone, red and luminous, a ruby." He unclasped the chain, and went to place it around your neck. You moved your hair for him as he did so. "I--I hope that you like it. It symbolizes how you have made a home in my heart.”
Your mother’s locket hung there as well, and you gently told him, “It’s fine to take it off.” You were a different woman now, older and wiser, and she had faded in your memory. In a way it was like--replacing Mindenhal with Amberdin, your mother with Kihyun.
He nodded and unclasped the chain of the old necklace before replacing it with his, dropping the locket in your hand, which was promptly pocketed. 
Gingerly, you took his token in between your fingers, running your touch over the smooth sides of the little red heart. "Kihyunie, it's beautiful. I love it."
He wouldn't admit it, but he was filled with so much happiness momentarily that he almost cried. Kihyun's bicep squeezed you flush and tight against his body. Sighing contentedly, you dropped your head to his chest. All at once he began to sing as you swayed there in the moonlight together. The familiar tune and beautiful voice melted your ear.
This is our place, our river, our rocks, our trees; we can stay as long as we wish, and never, never leave. Here in my arms, what is there to be scared of? Tomorrow cannot touch us, cannot break us, cannot fade our love.
If you come with me, I can show you the river, and the deer, the fish, the rocks, the trees; stay close, I’ll whisper my love on the afternoon breeze.
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floofsta-x · 7 years
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ellynefics · 7 years
Here With You
genre;; Realistic, Idol Minhyuk x Civilian reader
pairing;; Minhyuk x Male!Reader -- Mentions of Showhyuk
warnings;; fluff, angst
words;; 2175 (2k)
this work is experimental !! I decided to write something within the span of 12 hours, and this is what came out. It hasn’t gone through the million or so revisions that I usually put my work through (lol), so please forgive any mistakes! Inspired in part by Here With You by Lost Frequencies and Netsky
"Hello, Lee Minhyuk? Um--my name is Ahn Seungyoun; (Y/FL/N) and I are housemates and I got your number from his phone. I’m so sorry to bother you, I know you’re an idol, and might not even be in Korea right now. But I’m scared for him. I don’t think he’s moved from his spot in bed for the whole weekend, except to do absolutely necessary things--go to the bathroom, mostly...he whimpers and cries in the night, and I’ve tried to get him to eat, to drink, and he won’t. Please, I don’t know what else to do. He won’t talk to me. You’re so important to him, maybe he’ll listen to you. Call me back at--”
Minhyuk’s heart dropped deep into the pit of his stomach, and he brushed back the purple-blue hair on his brow. He hadn’t known what to expect as he had stepped out in the hall to listen to his voicemail, but this was definitely a shock.
It was a fine summer day at Starship HQ. As usual, Lee Minhyuk was lounging in a chair in the studio, watching Jooheon and Changkyun record something and drawing a little cartoon on a piece of paper. He was taken by surprise when phone buzzed in his pocket, and he pulled it out to an unfamiliar--but local--phonecall. Not thinking much of it, he let it ring through, and a minute later, the cell buzzed again, letting him know that someone had left a message.
“Jooheonie, Changkyunie,” Minhyuk poked his head back in and quietly called to his friends. “I’m sorry to bolt like this, but there’s something I need to take care of.”
Minutes later, Minhyuk was calling your housemate to let him know that he was on his way, and hopping onto the nine o’clock bus at the same time, mask pulled full width over his face. No one paid much attention to him, which he appreciated because it gave him a moment to think.
Minhyuk didn’t keep in touch with many of his old friends from before he became an idol, but you were an exception. The two of you had been best buds in High School and through his turbulent audition days. When Seungyoun had said that Minhyuk was so important to you, he wasn’t wrong. Likewise, you had meant the entire world to Minhyuk--for a while. The tall, beautiful boy remembered everything: long, loving gazes; passionate kisses. Warmth and close heartbeats under the sheets; the feel of your rough fingers laced in his own. How handsome and beautiful you looked when you were locked in hot embrace; the contentment that pooled and settled in his heart when he woke up at your side.
But then Minhyuk had started training, and you were accepted into Seoul National University’s Engineering program. These were dreams come true for both of you, but paths that differed greatly from one another. Together, you decided that once he moved out and into the dorms with the other trainees, that would be the end of your love life, and it would be back to good friends. Now, the only contact you kept was the occasional text and/or phone call. You lived your life, and he lived his. Still, he cared enough that he’d drop everything in your moment of need. 
Seungyoun’s news troubled Minhyuk deeply. He had seen you at your lowest points before, but never had anything been this bad. It almost felt like his heart was being torn from his chest. Guilt, shame, and sadness washed over him as he chastised himself for not seeing this coming earlier. You had been going through a rough patch lately. The last time you had called, you sounded weak and less confident than usual. Minhyuk heard straight from your lips that your passion for engineering, the one that had carried you through your younger years, was gone. After spending a few months floundering to find something to replace it, you had dropped out of school, expanding to full time hours at a menial job. This was temporary, so you claimed, as you decided what the fuck you were going to do now.
Half an hour later, Minhyuk was knocking quietly on the door of your apartment, and a skinny boy with dark circles under his eyes opened it. He stood up straighter and bowed, almost in disbelief, as he registered who it was. “Hello, Minhyuk, come in. I’m Seungyoun, it’s good to meet you.”
“You as well,” the idol replied distractedly. “Where is he...?”
“Still in bed. Down the hall, to the left.”
Of course Minhyuk knew where your room was, but that wasn’t important right now. The taller boy just nodded and kicked off his shoes at the doormat before making a beeline for there.
The room was dark when he turned the knob and let himself in. The stuffy, hopeless air hit him like a tidal wave. Just barely, he could see you huddled under your gray comforter, a rock-like lump except for your gentle breaths. They were too rapid for you to be asleep; you must be brewing in your own disappointment and discontent. Minhyuk’s already-broken heart shattered further.
“(Y/N)?” He said, lowly, and came over to seat himself on the edge of your mattress, grabbing your shoulder and shaking it a little. “It’s Minhyuk. What’s wrong? Your housemate told me that you’ve been like this all weekend.”
No reply, not even a muscle twitch. Minhyuk’s brow furrowed, mouth pressing into a line and his lip corners twitching down. He reached over to tap the base of the little gray lamp on your nightstand. Soft light illuminated the room. 
“(Y/N)?” He queried, again. 
“Please, You should get up and get some food to eat. It’ll make you feel so much better. Go outside, breathe the fresh air.”
“Even I remember to eat. (Y/N)--remember when I announced that I was going to become a trainee at Starship? You smiled and said that you’d be happy as long as I didn’t starve myself. I think about that every day.”
He finally got a deep sigh out of you, but nothing else.
“You shouldn’t starve yourself, either. Come on.” Attaching himself to your arm, he hauled up and managed to pull you onto your back. Suddenly, however, you retaliated, jerking yourself out of his grasp and pushing him away, making him fall off the bed and onto the floor with an umph. Minhyuk felt a flash of anger rip through him, and his cheeks heated up. “Fine, if that’s how you want it to be. I care about you, (Y/N), I was just trying to help but I guess I’ll leave now.”
Your small, weak voice cracked, and immediately the other boy regretted his frustrated words. In the low light, he saw that fresh drops were retracing the old tear streaks on your cheeks. Minhyuk gave a sigh. “Ugh--I’m sorry. Just--please tell me what the matter is. I might be an idol now, but I’m still Lee Minhyuk, your friend, confidante, and former lover. I don’t like seeing you like this.”
You couldn’t do anything but sob for a few minutes. Minhyuk got back up on the mattress and laid down next to you. Almost instantly, you were pressed into his chest, hands clutching at his shirt. 
“I’m such a failure,” You managed to gasp at last. “I left my job, applied for another I actually was excited about--after feeling like shit for months and months--but I didn’t get it, and I hate myself. I have an incomplete degree and crushing college debt. I don’t hang out with anyone anymore, except--Seungyoun, and I push even him away when I’m drunk and angry. I just want to die here.”
“Shh, shh.” Minhyuk ran a hand through your hair, and your breathing gradually slowed. “You’re not a failure. You have your whole life ahead of you. You can pick yourself back up and find happiness, I believe in you.”
“Wh--why are you still my friend, Minhyuk?”
“Because you’re my friend, too. We’ve known each other for so long, and when we talk, we still understand each other, though we can’t see each other often. I still have love in my heart for you.”
There was a long silence.
“Sometimes I wish that you’d hold me like you used to, my sexy boy.” The quiet whisper flowed from your lips before you could stop it.
Minhyuk smiled gently, and leaned forward to give you a peck on the forehead. “You know I can’t, baby.”
You sighed. Wet filled your eyes, and Minhyuk’s chest tightened as he imagined how maybe you were remembering the disappointment you felt when during your last phone call, he told you that he had fallen in love again. “Yeah. Hyunwoo, right?” 
“Yes.” Minhyuk and Hyunwoo had started dating about two months ago, and it was bliss. Minhyuk hadn’t felt anything so strong for anyone since--well, you.
“I’m happy for you, really. He seems like such a caring person, and definitely a much better boyfriend than I ever was.”
“Yah, don’t you dare say that,” Minhyuk’s eyes widened and he scolded you harshly, more so than he really wanted. “You were the perfect boyfriend. I’m frankly jealous of the person that I know is out there, waiting for you.”
“I don’t think there’s anyone, Minhyuk-ah, but--thank you. You always say the right things.”
“There is, there is. Don’t doubt me. You know I’m always right.” Minhyuk started to cry as well, as he squeezed you tight to him. “I’m sorry, I regret not--not talking to you more. I just don’t think about it enough. I’m always so tired from everything we do--I’m living my dream but I shouldn’t forget the past and how you helped bring me to this point.”
“It’s ok, Minhyuk.” Your hand stroke his side, soothing his sudden weariness. “I haven’t been calling you, either. I’ll try to do it more, too.”
Silence reigned again for a little while, but now it was understanding, peaceful silence. Minhyuk took that moment to clear his mind of his worries, unload himself of the things that had been cluttering his thoughts. 
Finally he asked, “(Y/N), you mentioned...a job you were excited about? What was it, maybe there are other places that are hiring similar positions.”
You chuckled, an unexpected sound against his breast. “You’ll laugh at me, Minhyuk-ah.”
“Try me.”
“It was--a kid’s sports camp.”
Minhyuk’s jaw went slack. “Why would I laugh at you for that? I’ll tell you a secret, I’ve always wanted kids.”
“That’s not a secret. You’ve said it in interviews, and what was that thing you did--Monsta X-Ray?”
A sunshine smile spread across Minhyuk’s face. “I didn’t know you followed me that closely, (Y/N)-(y)ah.”
“I do.” Your face went a little red. “My family and friends all think I’m crazy, but I still support you.”
“Ahh--You have no idea how much that means to me.” Minhyuk could barely continue through his tears. “And it is a secret. No one knows that I’ve always wanted to--even since the time I was with you.”
You smiled. Minhyuk wondered if you were thinking about all those times when the two of you would see a cute baby or toddler, and Minhyuk’s face would light up.
“Anyways, come on, let’s get you some food. Your stomach is growling like an angry tiger. Also, I think you’ve got a very worried housemate to apologize to and make up to.”
The two of you untangled yourselves, and you shakily got up, following Minhyuk out to the kitchen. Seungyoun was there waiting, finishing a bowl of ramyun. His eyes widened when he saw you, and how terrible you looked, tear stains running down your face, hair dishevelled, face pale like a ghost. Yet, he brightened too. “Oh my God, (Y/N)! I was so scared, I thought I’d have to call a hotline and the emergency room and everything--let me make you something to eat--nice and gentle on the stomach. And water! You need a glass of water!”
He dashed around, preparing things. You sat in a chair, and while Seungyoun’s back was turned, Minhyuk took your hand one last time. “Promise me you’ll take care of yourself. Next time I call, I also want to hear that you’ve been looking for a counselor or psychiatrist or something. That’s the most important thing. For me, ok?”
You nodded, smiled, and gave his slender hand a squeeze. “For you, Minhyukie.”
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floofsta-x · 7 years
I brought up the fact that nearly every fic writer I like uses the word ‘card’ in their writing,,, (“she carded her fingers through his hair”) at the supper table tonight with my family and we looked it up. I’m still confused as to who started this trend and why the heck it’s caught on….like yeah you card wool but that’s not quite the same??? :///
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floofsta-x · 7 years
I lowkey feel like my dreams just came true….
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floofsta-x · 7 years
Please send help, I am destroying myself with sinful thoughts of pitcher!Jooheon
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ellynefics · 7 years
Visions of You | Part One
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parts;; One (you are here) | Two | Three (coming soon)
genre;; Realistic, business college!AU
pairing;; Hyungwon x Reader [also a little bit of OT7 in coming chapters]
After discovering that you’re going to go to the same college for business, you and Chae Hyungwon strike up a steady and strong friendship. But at some point... it becomes more than that.
title;; Visions by Cheat Codes
warnings;; lots of angst!! fluff, smut in coming chapters
revised;; 08/04/2017
words;; 6,637 (6.7k)
Technically, you could say that you first met Chae Hyungwon in high school. You were in the same graduating class, after all, and also happened to be in the same program at the same time. And yet, then, you were complete strangers, your paths never crossing. Well, why would have they? With 500, plus kids set to walk alongside you at graduation, and the school building being larger, too, it wasn't a huge wonder. Not to mention that though you were both heavily involved in business, there was a learning gap. He had always known what he wanted to go for. You were a different story, though, dabbling in various things--education, biology, chemistry--before finally finding your love and settling on it. Because of your past indecisiveness, you had to play catch up on classes, and so were never in the same room as him.
The tall, handsome man was well known to you, though, and you could pick out what he looked like. After all, the teachers touted him as one of the top students in the program. Your business teacher kept articles of him from the the school and local newspapers on the walls of his room. Also, there was a full color photo in the awards display cases next door. So, when you thought of Chae Hyungwon then, you always had a specific vision in your head. No doubt he was a relaxed young man, his plump lips always turned up in a smile and suit pressed impeccably. One of his favorite things to do was go to fancy events. They would give him awards trophies, and he would eat up the attention. He especially loved to have his photo taken and shake the hands of influential people.
You didn’t dwell on him much, however, as you were too engrossed in your own life. After deciding what you wanted for a career, you quickly found that you had gotten yourself into a lot. Often you would be up all night doing a project or assignment, and the next day feel like a dead woman walking. Still, you'd be at school, against the odds. It was hard; the course load you chose to take on might have broken some other people. The only thing keeping you sane was that you had finally found the thing you wanted to do.
After three semesters of grueling work, it seemed that your struggle was almost over. Senior year was drawing to a close; graduation was right around the corner. It made your chest swell with pride when they told you that you would be able to stand as an honors student. More than all that, though, another chapter of your life was going to start. After the hell that was High school was over, you would be able to move out into the big wide world. Like all graduates, you had a choice: to work, or continue your education. Deciding on which one to pursue wasn’t hard at all. When college was as much as mentioned to you, excitement bubbled up within.
Still, fear remained, even going into the meeting with your academic advisor. What if she didn’t agree with that path? Much to your surprise, though, a huge stack of college application materials waited for you on her desk. She said that despite the fact that you started uncertainly, you had finished strong. That alone was far more valuable than a straight 4.0 average. You had all the qualifications and prerequisites, and knew the path you were going to take. Thus, post-secondary school was a perfect option.
So, you (or rather, you and your parents) started to look at what institution would be the best fit. From the beginning, standards were extremely high. Your mother wanted campus to be a safe place, and dormitory life not too wild or toxic. Dad could only settle for the best school, the most knowledgeable teachers, the best method and curriculum. Despite their worry and input, ultimately, they had no say in the final choice. You were the one going off to college, becoming more independent, after all.
Many college tours filled your days to the end of the year. Out of all, one in particular stood out: Pierce College. It came highly recommended and you fell in love instantly. A small school and relatively inexpensive, Pierce was clean and well-kept. The staff and faculty were so friendly, intelligent, and well-learned in their respective fields. Also, they were genuinely interested in your success. You walked away from that visit bound and determined to call Pierce your school. The only worry in your mind was the tough application, but that would work itself out.
You had never worked for something so hard in your life. Every last detail of your application was perfectly formatted and filled out. On the entrance exams, your intensive studying must have helped something. You made higher scores than most of the boys in your class, landing yourself in the top five percent in fact.
The day your acceptance letter came in the mail--complete with scholarship awards--was unlike any other. Stop talking about it? What was that? You couldn’t have been more excited. Now all there was to do was finish out the year. The last day of class was palpably close, within sight and mind. Then you could spend the summer working your job as a cashier at the local grocery store. Saving up a little was high on your priority list. Maybe between shifts, you could get some good hangout time with your friends, too. Then it would be off, and you'd have to move a little more than five hours away.
One afternoon, you were suddenly and inexplicably called to the office. Your English teacher handed over the hall pass, and you stared at it a minute, almost in disbelief. Not like you had reason to worry; there was no way this was a disciplinary issue. Finishing up a worksheet you were in the middle of, you excused yourself, taking your things along. You didn't fool around or stop anywhere else, just headed right to the main office. The well-oiled door swung open with a whoosh of air. Sitting at her desk, working on some paperwork, the secretary only needed to look up and see who it was. She promptly pointed you to an adjoining conference room.
There, a familiar face was waiting--Dr. Osbourne. She was one of Pierce College's business faculty, and one of the reasons you were so determined to apply. She had a pervasive, optimistic attitude, and seemed very passionate about her job.
“Miss (Y/N)!” She smiled as you turned to close the door behind you and approached the table. “How are you?”
“I’m great! You?” There was no way you could resist grinning back.
“Awesome, thanks. Put down your books, and take a seat. I’m here to get to know you a little better, and find out what you’re thinking of doing in our program. We’ll get started in a minute, we're waiting on another student.”
You sat down in a plush rolling chair, sliding your stack of binders and textbooks away from yourself. Dr. Osbourne's last statement almost didn't register, though it was important. It was just that--you suddenly felt out of place in this huge, spotless room. It didn't help that you were with a formally-dressed teacher. You, by total contrast, were in a pair of comfy jeans and an Aeropostale tee shirt. She didn't seem to care, though, and momentarily you realized what she had said. Your eyes widened. “There’s someone else from my graduating class who’s coming to Pierce?”
“Yes. I guess you don’t know, then? This is a pretty big school I suppose. Anyway, his name is--”
Footsteps outside the door interrupted her; then there was the sound of a turning door handle. A head popped into the room, then a tall body.
It was Hyungwon. At the time your thought was ‘oh, ok’. You weren’t like the girls who giggled his name in the hallway. Some of them even told stories of bumping into him with a smitten look on their face. There was even one who had stolen an article from the business teacher’s wall, cut out his picture, and taped it to the inside of her binder, with little hearts drawn all around it. This was the ‘Chae Hyungwon shrine’. Some called it that legitimately, others jokingly. As for you, it wasn’t that you thought he was ugly; it was just that you were too worried about yourself to dwell on how cute or handsome he was.
“Dr. Osbourne,” he said with a hint of surprise in his tone. For such a tall, slender person, his voice was surprisingly low and melodic. “It’s good to see you.”
“You as well, Hyungwon.” She flashed her signature smile at him. “Sit down, I was just explaining to (Y/N) that I’m here to get an idea of what you two plan on accomplishing at Pierce.”
He took the chair right next to yours, his left hand coming to rest on the table casually. He was wearing nice slacks and a dress shirt, which didn’t make you feel any better about your casual clothing. His gaze flickered to you, and when he noticed that you were looking at him too, smiled and stuck out a hand. “Uh--I’m Chae Hyungwon. You’re (Y/FL/N), correct? I don’t think we’ve met before, but know who you are--I often help grade business projects and things.”
For some reason, just by smiling in your direction and making himself friendly, he put you at ease. True, he was a bit awkward still, but he worked through it wonderfully. If he had this effect on everyone, no wonder he was so popular. You shook his hand. “Pleased, Hyungwon. I’ve seen your picture and heard of you, of course, but yeah, I don’t think we’ve ever met.”
You spent the next hour or so deep in conversation with Dr. Osbourne and Hyungwon. Ironically, in that time, you came to know him better than anyone else in the school probably did. It was pretty much strangers to friends in minutes. He was a gifted student. Though many had been trying to push him into a larger sector, his real dream was entrepreneurship. He wanted to start a small business and be his own boss. He hadn’t quite decided on what the focus of this business would be, but figured it wasn’t a pressing matter now. 
When he had finished, and the conversation turned in your direction, you were up front and honest. Like Hyungwon, you didn’t know what you wanted out of a degree. You loved the idea of a small business though, too. The science of economics was fascinating to you, and the logistics of everything. You wanted to do more with the passion you had found in the past few years.
By the time the three of you finished, the bell was about to ring. With the seconds ticking down, Dr. Osbourne wrapped up. “It was nice visiting with you two. We really look forward to having you at the college. I’ll do my best to get you started the right way, I promise.”
“Thank you,” Hyungwon and you replied, almost in tandem. As you stood and reached forward to shake the professor’s hand, you dipped your head in thanks. Hyungwon followed in short order. A few strands of dark brown hair fell out of line with the rest of his carefully-combed style. His famous wide, white smile pushed up his cheeks. In that moment, you came to understand his nickname of “Prince Hyungwon”. Maybe those giggling girls weren't so crazy after all.
The familiar sharp ringing that marked the start of the lunch hour came through the PA. You grabbed your things and headed for the door, the tall boy right behind. If you would have realized what he was going to do, you would have said something, insisted that he didn’t need to bother. However, Hyungwon quickly hopped in front and pulled the door open for you. “Ladies first.”
“Yeah, but--uh--hey, actually, would you like to, um, go out to lunch somewhere together?”
You stopped and turned around, brows furrowed; this kid was full of surprises. His question had certainly caught you off-guard. “Like, on a date, or...?”
It was Hyungwon’s turn to be a little flustered. Though he was pretty good at hiding it, you could tell that it was what you had just unintentionally done. “Wha--what? Yah, we only met like, forty-five minutes ago. You seem pretty cool, and I want to get to know you, I mean since we’ll probably be seeing each other a lot. We’ll have the same classes next year.”
“That’s true. Sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you. It was just the first thing that flashed through my head,” you admitted. “I’d love to go to lunch. Can we stop by my locker first though? I don’t want to have to carry these...” The arm holding your things had gotten tired already, and you hefted everything onto your other.
“Yeah, of course. Lead the way.”
You sat together in his car, duking it out over where to go for almost ten minutes solid. In the end, you both decided on going to McDonalds, driving through, and taking it back to the school. When it came down to it, your personalities were very different. Still, you found that you had a lot of common ground, and to an extent chemistry as well. A lively conversation over your one McDouble and his five was the beginning of your unlikely friendship. Though you might have not guessed that day, the both of you would come to cherish it through the next few years.
That summer, you saw him occasionally at the store, and traded texts every once in a while. Most of your chatter was business things. Your lives were still too different, and so you didn’t really get another chance to hang out.
Then, suddenly, you were moving away from home and into the dorms. You had your schedule, and sitting down in an entry-level business class, clean and primped. No more denim and Aeropostale tee; this was your chance to get ready for the big leagues. You were sparing nothing in looking professional. Not too long after you had a seat, Hyungwon took one next to you, looking equally sharp in a blazer. Like old friends, you fell into conversation. Things flowed easily from one topic to another, until the teacher started class. You traded questions about how the summer went, what you did, your jobs; the weather, your pets, your cars even. You were both on the second floor of the Freshman dorms, though in different hallways, of course.
After that day, the two of you were inseparable. You saw each other all the time, since pretty much all your classes were the same. Before long hanging out during class bled into hanging out outside of it. You ate in the cafeteria together. Studied for tests together. On quite a few projects, you were even paired together. Last but not least you joined all the business clubs together. College would have been lonely at first if you didn’t have each other. Certainly, that was why you stuck to him like glue.
Eventually, a close group of mutual friends and acquaintances started forming around you. In particular, there was a group of six boys. They all had dramatically different interests, and were special in their own ways, but felt a connection to each other. There was Shownu, a math education major and a member of the football team; Kihyun, another business major and lead in the Vocal Jazz ensemble; Jooheon, a talented poet and English major; Hoseok, whom everyone called Wonho, campus hunk and 100% certain that he didn’t know what to do with his life; Minhyuk, elementary education major and definitely the light and sweetheart of the group; and finally, Changkyun, the youngest, Jooheon’s best friend, and also an English major.
Excursions with all or a few of these guys were always bound to be a good time. There were many, many late night drives, on pavement or up to the Ridge. It was a wayside path that led to a spot high above campus, and had a beautiful view. If you took Shownu’s suburban, which you often did, the eight of you would play musical chairs at every stoplight. It was loud, constantly, but you wouldn’t trade it for the world. You felt that you belonged.
As three semesters passed, other people came and went. Always, however, your constant and rock was Hyungwon. He was solid in mind and emotion, yet empathetic (even when PMS turned you into a demon, thank God). Never did he fail to be ready at a moment's notice, willing to listen or dispense advice. Even, do something as simple as smile when you most needed it. He made it explicitly clear that if there ever was anything you wanted to talk about, vent about, or just tell him about, he was there. You never could figure out how he was able to answer texts within five minutes. Like clockwork, your phone would ping, no matter where he was, what he was doing, or what time it was.
Reciprocating this was a top priority for you. Perhaps you weren’t as good at it as he was, but you never got tired of hearing him complain. Oh, he had a lot to complain about: endless, boring assignments, mostly. Then there was the issue of his mom, who kept nagging her handsome son to find someone to be his wife.
You knew some people whispered about how there must be something more in your friendship with the tall, handsome boy. Some of the single (and not-so-single) girls on campus discreetly stared when he was by your side. It reminded you of the little cliques in the hallways in high school. (Well, some things hadn’t changed.) The assumptions and unwarranted attention weren’t too hard to ignore. You didn’t really care; they could gossip all they wanted. Yes, you certainly loved Hyungwon, but as a best friend, and it was never a secret that he felt the exact same way. Nothing romantic or sexual ever happened between you. 
Though, sometimes, you had... moments. It would be the tiniest of triggers, like seeing his picture somewhere. Perhaps even, a good long reminisce about the time you had spent with him that day. In seconds, you would find yourself thoroughly soaked, mind wandering in directions you hadn’t anticipated. Mainly, down. Each time, you channeled the desire somewhere else, rode it out, chalked it up to your hormones, and moved on.
Besides, he had a love life of his own. He wasn’t one of those boys who was easy to woo; in fact, he almost never paid attention to girls who batted their eyes at him. Every once in a while, however, he would find someone and develop a romantic interest. For the most part, he chose well.
That was, except for this one girl who was very coy, catty, and controlling. Everyone agreed that she was a total bitch. She'd talk behind everyone's back, excepting her ‘Hyungie’. Worse than that though was that she was trying to isolate him from everyone else in his life except her. Hyungwon's love for her blinded him to this. Oh, you and the other six guys tried to get him to see the light of what she was doing, but he wouldn’t take it seriously. The fact that he dodged your advice, made excuses, and defended her hurt only a little less than knowing what she was doing.
It wasn’t until she tried to cut his ties with you that he realized her true character. They got into a big fight over the whole thing, and it was a gigantic mess. The kicker for him was that she accused him of seeing you on the side. That got Hyungwon thinking that maybe you were right. If she didn't know the difference between a strong friendship and an affair, she was either clueless or malicious.  After that, it was only a matter of days before he was single again. 
You had a couple of boyfriends too, but none of these relationships lasted very long. Most of the reason for this was life, and unavoidable life at that. Dating and boys still wasn’t a high priority on your list of life focuses, so you never took any of it very hard. Plus, you had your tall, slender best friend if you needed comfort.
Junior year started like any other. Three weeks into classes, everything was pretty smooth sailing. The coursework wasn't as hard as you had expected; it certainly wasn't the worst. There were challenges, of course, but Kihyun and Hyungwon were always eager to help if you needed it. Likewise, you were there for them. You had just come off of a summer of spending lots of time with the boys between working a full-time job, so you were happy. There was money in savings and food in the pantry of the house you were newly renting. Hyungwon, of course, never went far. His place was a little ways down the street. So you two often stayed over until the wee hours of the morning, watching movies, studying, and talking.
Then, one night, during one of these peaceful, content times, you got a sudden call from your mother. What you heard when you answered and said your hello was completely unintelligible. However, your stomach still dropped like a stone. “Mom--mom, calm down. Say that slower. Please,” you pleaded. Momentarily, your glance flickered up to Hyungwon. He was sitting cross-legged next to you, working on his laptop--well, not really, anymore. Instead he had abandoned his work to gaze at you intently.
For a minute, your mother was sobbing too hard for anything to make sense, despite your efforts to calm her down. Finally, though, she was able to control it enough to deliver the heartbreaking news. Your beloved grandmother had taken a turn for the worse that morning. It was sudden, but definitely not unexpected. She had been sick with cancer for the past half-year, and your parents had taken her in for hospice not too long ago. No one knew how much longer she would last.
You knew that Hyungwon couldn’t hear anything, but picked up that something was wrong. All the blood drained out of your face, and you sounded like a broken record, repeating ‘oh God’ and ‘no, no’. Quietly, he put aside the computer and leaned forward, folding his hands together. His eyes followed your every movement as you pushed yourself up from the couch and paced a trail in the middle of the living room.
"Sweetie, I love you. If you’re so involved in work and classes that you can’t leave, I understand, but your family really needs you right now.”
There was no need for a push; you were already making a beeline to the bedroom. Grabbing a duffel bag, you started to pack, pulling clothes out of your dresser and stuffing them haphazardly in. “Oh God mom, I never thought it’d be so soon.”
“None of us did.” Her breathing became ragged; she choked and nearly broke down again. “Please hurry. I love you so much.” Your phone beeped and the call ended. As you stood there next to the bed, an overwhelming dread and despair washed over you. Why? repeated in your head. Why does it have to be now?
There was a noise to your left. Hyungwon was most certainly there, leaning against the whitewashed doorframe. Though he didn’t say a word, the worry and concern in his eyes asked everything he wanted to know. “It’s--It’s Gramma.” a sigh escaped your lips and the tears rolled down your cheeks as you covered your face with your hands. “She was doing great, well this morning mom came in and she was unresponsive...”
“Oh my God. (Y/N). I’m so sorry.” He was almost immediately at your side, one hand on your shoulder. Practically tackling him, you clung to your best friend’s torso, helpless. There was nothing you could do to stop your tears or hiccuped sobs. In an attempt to muffle the noise, you buried your face in his chest. The weight of his slender arms on your shoulders comforted you a lot. More than that, though, was his steady breathing and knowing that he was with you through this.
When he must have noticed that your emotions leveled out a little, he cleared his throat. “You’re not driving all that way tonight, are you?”
“I--I don’t have a choice.” You answered, and loosened your death grip on him. Lifting your head and wiping the wetness from your cheeks, you turned back to the duffel bag. You had to take stock of what you had placed there in the heat of the moment. “I want to be home tonight, just in case...”
“We’ll take my car.”
The decisive tone in his voice put you beyond words. You were so shocked that your cheeks heated up, and you felt a fresh batch of tears start to form again. “Hyung--Hyungwonnie, no. I can’t let you disrupt your life for me.”
“It’s just a couple of days. I want to make sure you’re safe on the way. Also, it’s probably time that I go visit my mom and dad.”
Again your brain screamed to not let him. You would have protested more, but suddenly you felt stressed. Everything that was about to happen flashed across your mind. There was whether you’d make it back to see her in her last hours; a funeral and dinner; lots of tears; many friends; meeting many strangers. Everyone in the family would be heartbroken. You felt five times heavier, physically, from the thought alone, and so you simply nodded at him.
Half an hour later, you were on the road, a bag of McDonalds sitting in the center console. He had half a McDouble in his mouth at once; you could only nibble on yours. Sitting there, staring out the window, watching the road go by, you were acutely aware of how tired you were. Maybe it was for the best that it was him in the driver’s seat. Normally, he drove within the laws. That night, though, he was doing ten to fifteen miles an hour over the speed limit. Still, he was quiet, calm, and loving Hyungwon. Every once in a while he’d look to check whether you were asleep, or working away on your burger and fries. The two of you didn’t talk the entire way, and, really, didn’t need to.
You made it home in record time, a little under four hours and fifteen minutes. Hyungwon dropped you off in the driveway of your house, putting the car in park and hopping out to grab your duffel bag out of the trunk. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” He said as he handed it to you. “But do you want me to stay nearby tonight? Sleep on the couch? I came down for you, (Y/N).”
Looking up to meet his tender eyes, you shook your head and the corners of your mouth tipped up in a little smile. “No, that’s ok. Thank you so much.” Reaching forward, you wrapped him in a close, tight hug again, like earlier. Maybe you savored his scent a little more, too. Patient as ever, he let you stay there for as long as you wanted. To be quite honest, you wanted it to be forever. That was impossible, though. So after a long time, you finally pulled away and turned to go, trying not to think of him or turn back for another look.
At the door, your father was waiting, and he engulfed you in another bear hug. “Welcome home, sweetie. Who was that young man? Did he drive you here?”
You nodded. “That’s Hyungwon.” He often came up in phone and text conversations with your parents; how could he not? He was your best friend. “He wanted to see his family, too. And he was worrying about me being on the road at this hour.”
Just then your mother appeared, her eyes red and puffy. Her sad countenance brightened when she saw you and she immediately rushed forward to give you a hug, too. “Oh sweetie, I’m so glad you’re safe. I didn’t want you to put yourself in danger by hurrying. If you would have waited until tomorrow, though, it would have been too late.”
“Is she resting now?” You asked, quietly.
“Yes, in a sense. She’s too weak to move, talk, or open her eyes.” It took a huge effort for your mother to struggle through the next couple of sentences. “The nurses eased her pain with Morphine... she can respond to your presence, though.”
“Can I see her?”
“Of course.”
She led you back into the spare bedroom, the one that served as a hospice room. As you took your grandmother’s hand and seated yourself in an armchair next to the bed, you did your best not to cry or plead. Instead, you chose to focus on your favorite memories and how much she meant to you. There was immense comfort in that you had spent time with her when the opportunity had been there.
After an hour, you couldn’t take any more, mentally, emotionally, or physically. Your vision was getting foggy and you caught yourself nodding off a couple times. Also, it was nearly two AM. So, you said your last goodbyes, gave your grandmother a kiss on the forehead, and retired to a nice soft bed. Climbing sleepily into pajamas, you hit the pillow and let the sandman work his magic.
The last person you thought of before you fell asleep was Hyungwon. Maybe you should have told him to stay, because all you wanted at that moment was him there lying next to you, his soothing voice and hands...
Around 5AM, your mother came in and gently shook you awake. “Sweetie, she passed away twenty minutes ago. I just wanted to let you know,” she whispered in your ear, and slipped out again. Drowsiness still had a good hold, but you knew the gravity of the news. You groaned a little and rolled over, somehow managing to find your phone. Within a few seconds, you had sent one crucial text, albeit with an error. At this hour, you figured that he wouldn’t blame you, though.
(Y/N): Shes gone.
Again, you wished for his arms, his voice, anything. But you drifted back into the clutches of slumberland before he could reply.
“(Y/N)... (Y/N), sweetie. It’s almost noon, and Hyungwon is here.” Your mother’s gentle voice and light touch once again brought you back to wakefulness.
“Ok, I’ll be up and around in a second.” You groaned, and craned your neck to watch her nod and leave again promptly.
Rolling over, you noticed your phone’s notification flasher blinking like crazy. Picking it up, you clumsily fought to find the on button, and unlocked it to find a few missed texts. 
5:23 AM
Hyungwonie😜😎😊: So sorry (Y/N). Chin up. I’m here for you.
10 Minutes Ago
Hyungwonie😜😎😊: On my way over.
Hyungwonie😜😎😊: Oh, you might not be awake yet.
Hyungwonie😜😎😊: I’m sure you’ll be hungry though. Want to get some lunch?
The idea of food didn’t quite sit well with your stomach, but even so, Hyungwon’s offer sounded great. You needed something to get your mind off of this entire thing. Also, knowing your mother, she’d probably be bawling in front of whatever family was here. You really didn’t want to be in that environment at the moment.
(Y/N): I’d love to. Dunno if I could eat though.
(Y/N): My room’s down the left hallway. Name’s on the door, can’t miss it. I’m still decent, you can come in.
(Y/N): If mom asks, tell her that you’ve seen me in more compromising positions.
You only had seconds to wait before the doorknob turned. None other than Chae Hyungwon entered, a small smile on his face. Just the sight of him made you feel calmer. He sat on the edge of the bed and put one converse-clad foot up on the mattress. “How are you holding up?”
“Okay, I guess. I just want to get out of the house. It’s probably really depressing out there.” You pushed yourself up to a sitting position, yawned, and stretched.
“Your mother’s having a rough time at it, but it’s not too bad. She cornered me to chat a little bit, even. Get to know me.” This didn’t surprise you at all. Your mother was always wanting to meet your friends. Especially, the ones you talked about constantly. No doubt, to finally meet him in the flesh had made her happier. “And ok. As long as you let me bring you back. You’re needed.”
You sighed. “I know. Thanks for being such a good friend, Hyungwon.”
That sly smile grew on his face, and you knew what he was going to say almost before he did. “You’re the other half of it.”
Your mouth dropped open in mock shock. “Hyungwonnie! Stop trying to play down the compliment!” You punched him on the arm, hard but not hard enough to do any damage.
“Owww,” He complained sarcastically. 
“Poor baby. Now go away. I need to shower.” All the snarkiness you could muster came out in your retort. He found himself bombarded playfully with pillows as he tried to get to the door. The cheerful laughter was exactly what you needed to brighten your spirits.
After you were clean and judged yourself to be proper enough, you both hopped in the car. Hyungwon knew where he wanted to go, so it was only a quick five minute drive across town. The two of you pulled into a little cafe that had opened recently. He had teased that you would probably become hungrier than you thought upon walking in. Though you wanted very much to prove him wrong...dammit, he was right. As always. The smell was too much for your empty belly to resist, and you ordered a dinner meal. When it finally came, you found that it was bigger than you expected, but you still managed to eat it all. Even Hyungwon’s portion wasn’t as big. He watched you almost proudly as you wolfed it down. That big cutie, he was so used to you eating like a bird.
Once your plates were empty, he paid (despite the fact that you insisted taking up your own check). The two of you left, going to a nearby park. Neither of you meant it, but the next time you looked at the time, you had spent three hours sitting on a bench, deep in conversation. Of course, a lot of it was simply enjoying each other’s presence. Contentedly, you leaned on his shoulder.
It was the same at the funeral the next day, too. He wasn’t only your mental and emotional support, but also in a way your physical support. As you expected, there was a lot of crying, old family friends (literally, some old family friends), and having to meet strangers. Through it all, Hyungwon was right there. Never was he unwilling to hold your hand comfortingly, or be a tall, huggable teddy bear that hugged back. By keeping him close, you managed to snag him a place next to you in the family seating area. (Of course, your skinship might have also unwittingly fooled people into thinking that he was your boyfriend.)
The hours seemed to pass so slowly, it was unbearable. The service dragged on; even when that was over, there was still the internment and dinner. By the time night rolled around, you were so exhausted and wished you could go to bed, but alas. You had to make the trip home that night, as you had only gotten three days off work.
You offered to drive at least part of the way. He would hear none of it, though, and dug a pillow and blanket out of his duffel bag for you to use. As determined as you were to stay awake, his scent in the car and the rain pattering on the window lulled you to sleep. Within half an hour you were snoring contentedly in the passenger’s seat.
When you next awoke, you realized with a start that you were back in your own bed. Early morning daylight shone through the window. You rolled over and looked at the digital clock, which read 8:30 AM. The alarm light was on; drowsily you reached out and hit the button, and the screen flashed 10:30 AM. You never turned it on, so Hyungwon must have done it. He knew you all too well, and your schedule. It was Friday, you didn’t have any classes, but you faced a four-hour shift later. 10:30 would get you up in time to get your ass to work by noon.
You sighed and flopped back on your belly, staring at the woodgrain of your headboard. Hyungwon must have done it. Chae Hyungwon... At least the past couple of days were a little brighter because of your best friend’s presence. And last night...
Little snippets came back to you slowly. You remembered being gently shaken awake. Rain still pattered on the cold glass, making everything sort of surreal. “(Y/N), we’re back.” Hyungwon pulled an umbrella from the backseat and used it to keep you and your duffel bag dry. Unfortunately, by doing so, he got drenched. At any other time you would have insisted that you were fine, but then you had been too tired to care. It was a miracle you were even able to get inside, really. The moment you were next to the couch, you collapsed onto it and was almost asleep again. A strong, gentle pair of hands helped you back to your feet. “Come on, let’s put you to bed properly, hm?” All you could offer was a sleepy nod.
Hyungwon let you lean on him as you made your way to the bedroom. He helped pick your pajamas up off the floor and ease you out of your clothes, too. (Considering that he had accidentally seen you naked before and had grabbed things for you when you were in the shower, this was no big deal.)
Finally, you were under the sheets, laying on your side, all snuggly and warm. Though you were once again on the verge of slumber, you could feel another weight on the bed and a thumb rubbing circles on your brow. Your eyes fluttered open. There was Hyungwon, with that same caring look on his face as what he had the other night in the car. You didn’t know what possessed you at that moment, but you found yourself murmuring, “Hyungwon...could you stay?”
Much to your surprise, he nodded curtly, and ruffling your hair, got up. He walked around to the other side of the bed. There was a bit of rustling, and then you felt him slide under the covers beside you, pressing up against your back. A content hum bubbled up from your throat, and sleepily you rolled over to snuggle into his now-bare chest.
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floofsta-x · 7 years
lmao I might be coding Ellyne a new desktop theme
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floofsta-x · 6 years
i wanted to send the heart with the little bow too but i cant find it jsdvjsvd
💟 – How are you so cute
💝 – I love seeing you on my dash
dfkdj it’s not a problem ^^ I dunno, the heart emojis are in weird spots across devices…anyways thank u lovely!!! I really enjoy seeing u on my dash and in my notifs too! 💞💞💞
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ellynefics · 7 years
Coming Soon to #ellynefics and @floofsta-x
a series entitled
Of an Angry Wizard Named Kihyun
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floofsta-x · 7 years
I’m not usually one for milestones but I’m sitting here thinking about how this weekend will mark a year since I started stanning Monsta X, and so the next week would be the year anniversary of this blog, and I’m all like c’’’:
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