#elijah strong
smg4kaizokinnie · 3 months
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patrick-zweigs · 4 months
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jeremy strong, elijah wood, and lily rabe at a rodarte afterparty — september 14th 2010
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zu-is-here · 8 months
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in my DBH phase again but with the power of au sanses >:)
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hayleysummers · 11 days
the vampire diaries universe really has a difficult time letting their female characters be simultaneously kind and nurturing while also showing them to be strong and capable women, which is why hayley is so refreshing to see. yes, she’s a mother and a voice of reason within the chaotic mikaelson family but she’s also ruthless and petty at times. she’s headstrong and able to speak and fight for herself, but she’s also vulnerable and longs for someone to take care of her (which I think comes from her being forced to grow up with herself as her only form of protection)
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morningstargirl666 · 2 months
So, this is part of some flashbacks of the new chapter 10 of tbbw, first draft but still...I may have dumped the angst glitter on the Mikaelsons. Particularly Elijah. Oops.
[shrugs in a what-can-you-do gesture]
However, the reason this flashback has been added in the edits is because it also helps set up next plot arc I'm going to be writing from chapter 36 onwards. So like, take from that what you will - you guys know I love a good teaser.
Pisa, Marquisate of Tuscany, Italia. Le Estate, 1114 A.D.
“KOL!” Elijah yelled, struggling to rip the sharp, broken chair leg from his brother’s grip, yanking it away only to face another battle - stopping Klaus from grabbing anything else. “HELP ME HOLD HIM!”
“Elijah, please, don’t let them do this to me-” Klaus begged, eyes wild and unseeing, lost to yet another hallucination. 
“KOL!” Elijah screamed again, just as their brother appeared around the corner, cursing upon seeing the scene, Klaus’ chambers in disarray, tables and chairs toppled where he had tried to fashion the wood into stakes. Elijah wrapped his arms firmly around Klauss chest, holding him back and leaning forward to hiss in his ear. “Niklaus, we’re only trying to help, you are hurting yourself-”
Kol rushed to Elijah’s side, leaping over the toppled chairs to grab Klaus as he thrashed in Elijah’s arms.
“Please, I can’t! Don’t let her take him from me-”
Kol glanced between his brother and Elijah, grimacing as Klaus tried to slip out of his grip, nearly succeeding - he had always been stronger than his siblings. “What is he talking about?”
Elijah shook his head. “I don’t know, he’s not lucid-” He swallowed, trying to catch Klaus’ eye. “Brother, please, we don’t mean to harm you-”
“NO!” Klaus roared, lashing out and throwing his elbow back, right into Kol’s face, smashing his brother’s nose on impact. In the next moment, he’d pushed Kol with so much force his brother was thrown across the room, slamming into shelves and cracking the wall. Kol fell to the floor, blood dripping from his brow. Eyes wide, Elijah’s grip slipped and his brother nearly managed to flash away but he caught his jacket at the last second, snagging the fabric and hauling Klaus by the neck into the wall behind them.
“NIKLAUS!” he bellowed, pinning him across the stone and shaking him for good measure. “That is enough,” he snarled.
Klaus shrank away, terrified, frantically shaking his head, so terribly unlike him that it made Elijah pause. For the first time, he noticed the tear tracks on his brother’s cheeks.
“I can’t lose him, please, don’t let her take the wolf away-” he begged, but he wasn’t looking at Elijah, but to the side, talking to whatever hallucination standing there. “Please, ‘lijah, don’t let them do this to me-”
Elijah’s grip slackened, his anger exhaling from his body in a single flood of horror. He remembered the night Klaus was currently reliving, remembered the heat of mother’s fires, the roar of Mikael’s orders. His hands pinning Klaus down, enclosing his wrists in tight shackles, and eventually, Elijah doing the same. 
Now, Elijah looked down at his hands, clenched around his brother’s shoulders, holding him down and suddenly felt sick, releasing his brother as if burned.
“Brother, I-” 
Klaus didn’t give him the chance to work through the ball of emotion in his throat, releasing a yell of fury, grabbing Elijah and flashing them both across the room, slamming him into the opposite wall. Elijah gasped, looking down where Klaus’ hand had impaled his chest, fingers grasped around his heart.
“You took everything from me,” his brother snarled, eyes bleeding red, seeing not his brother, but another enemy entirely. Even so, it felt like he was saying the words to Elijah all the same. His grip tightened, fingers squeezing around Elijah’s heart and in that moment, he didn’t doubt Klaus would tear it from his chest. 
Suddenly, hands grasped the side of Klaus’ head and his neck snapped to the side, body falling to the ground like a puppet whose strings had been cut. Kol stood behind him, his chest heaving with adrenaline, nose bloody as he stared down at her brother’s unconscious body in shock and horror. Elijah slumped against the wall, a hand over his chest where the wound was already beginning to heal, sliding to the floor.
Neither of them moved for a long while. ______________________________________________________________
Elijah bolted the door to the cell shut, glancing through the barred window of the door to Klaus inside, their brother laid out on the cold, straw-lined floor where they had left him. There was no furniture for him to break and use as stakes, no windows and curtains to open and let in sunlight, the daylight ring on his brother’s finger noticeably absent. Elijah didn’t know where he had discarded it this time. He’d have to search through the wreckage in the room to find it.
“Make sure the door remains locked,” he said to Kol, turning to leave the dungeon, a numbness settling into his bones that felt suffocating. “When he wakes, he may try to escape.”
“If that’s what you think is best,” Kol said as he passed him, lips curled in a bitter snarl.
Elijah stopped in the middle of the cells, his entire body freezing as Kol’s words cut into his skin. He hadn’t known how much Kol had overheard upstairs - they had carried Klaus down here in silence, neither of them knowing how to break it. But now, now he knew. 
Skin itching with Kol’s judgement, slowly he turned around, teeth gritted as he looked at his brother, daring him with his glare to speak up. “Do you have something to say to me, Kol?”
Kol looked away from him, fists clenched as he stared instead at the wooden cell door currently locking their brother away.
“Do you know why Finn had to snap my neck to stop me from going after you and Nik that night?” he asked eventually, taking Elijah off-guard. When his gaze met his brother’s, there was agony there that was not unlike Klaus’ own. “Because I understood even then what you were going to help them take from him. Maybe not fully, but I understood enough.”
Elijah swallowed around the ball in his throat, trying not to remember Kol’s wails of grief the night they were turned, and later, Klaus’ screams as his wolf was ripped away. “Losing your magic was not same as what happened to Niklaus-”
“How would you know, Elijah? You were never a witch. And last time I checked,” Kol spat in his face, shoving past him, “You were never one of the wolf-folk either.”
On his way out, Kol slammed the door to the dungeons behind him. Elijah couldn’t stop his flinch.
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Elijah: What's wrong with you?
Elijah: Why would you water fake plant?
Finn: Klaus assigned me to do so. And I was afraid that if I will not water it, nobody will and it would die. I did not know people keep false plants in their houses in this century!
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
Ayyyyyy we have finally posted more than 100 imagines, so I had to post another masterlist so I couldn’t just leave you in the unknown.
Part one
Aemond Targaryen
Over My Dead Body
I Want My Life Back
I Will Wait
Like A True Flower
Daemon Targaryen
This Is What You Deserve
My Future Is You
Welcome To Our Family
I Don’t Think I Can Do This
Together As One
I Will Never Leave You
Tywin Lannister
The Lover Of The Seven Kingdoms
Don’t Say It
Aegon Targaryen
You Little Traitor
Cregan Stark
You Are Not Alone
One Can Only Hope
Charles Leclerc
Say It Again
Lewis Hamilton
What Would I Do Without You
Jacaerys Velaryon
Will You Teach Me?
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yet another thing i wish the dbh fandom would acknowledge more:
the implied relationship between elijah and carl. markus was a gift from elijah to carl, and elijah owns one of carl's paintings.
how is that not talked about more?? that's just objectively interesting, like-
they're both real big on philosophy, and they both believe deviants are alive. carl is a famous artist, possibly with a career that's lasted longer than elijah's even been alive, which means that there's a strong possibility that elijah looked up to carl when he was younger.
just imagine, like- 19 year old elijah kamski staring at one of carl's paintings going "we're really in it now, mr. manfred-"
tell me that's not funny i dare you-
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fuckyeahelijahwoodfan · 4 months
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From archives of and posted on Instagram by autumn de wilde
Elijah wood and Jeremy strong ❤️💙❤️💙
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betchiwilleatyou · 3 months
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remember when these random guys got to be in a photo with lily rabe? lucky them. they have no idea they're in the presence of stardom
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gh0stlyfixation · 1 year
Master List
Reminder: I write mature themes sometimes so please make sure your community settings are adjusted so you can see posts with the mature label on them if you are over 18!!!
The Originals Master List + Damon Salvatore
Modern Warfare 2
House Of The Dragon Master List
James “Bucky” Barnes Master List
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bigkickguy · 2 years
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I love malbura so much!! They are very cute together!!
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klaeus · 4 months
piggybacking off this post about intense ships, i just realized we really never got to see klaus in a long-standing romantic ship, and therefore didn't get to see how the passage of time would change their dynamic / klaus' disposition. the first one we're shown is tatia, sort of. elijah says "none loved her more than niklaus", but we don't really see much of them and she ended up choosing elijah over klaus, cutting any relationship between them short and breaking his heart. then comes aurora, but again, it's cut short when she brutally breaks up with him ( the truth of that is of course revealed eventually, but numerous centuries too late ), breaking his heart again and majorly impacting his self worth. then we're shown his interest in caroline and their game of will they won't they ( which i've explained doesn't make much sense to me here ), but a sustained romantic relationship never comes from it.
ㅤㅤhis romantic involvement with hayley was really as simple a one night stand, but tbh, i preferred that for the two of them and really ended up loving what their dynamic grew into. genevieve is hardly worth mentioning here, as while they of course had a physical relationship, i saw klaus' thing with her to be strictly strategic rather than having true romantic interest in her. now comes the crème de la crème of a romantic relationship perhaps making klaus a bit better: cami. but unfortunately, not only did it start slowly ( def not inherently a bad thing, but they had so little time together in total it was quite detrimental here ), but once again, it was cut short before it could truly flourish. cami becoming a vampire basically halted the growth of their relationship ( understandably so ), and while they ended up taking great strides to repair and further their bond, it was literally during cami's last days and then she died - and that was that. she was his last romantic relationship before he died, and the closest thing to a healthy, sustained ship he was shown to have; and considering healthy wouldn't really be a great way to describe their rocky, power imbalanced relationship, that's saying a lot.
ㅤㅤso once again, i'm going to take liberties with something that wasn't shown in canon. in my mind, i like to think that upon actually officially taking someone on as his s/o, the beginning of their relationship would have that intensity his canon ones are shown to have. he would likely start out as highly possessive, easily jealous, his affections and passion turned up to 100 ( bc he knows no other way to be tbh ), and he would just overall be a lot. but as time passed and his s/o remained both alive and with him rather than choosing someone else, i believe he would mellow out quite a bit. not really in the passion department, because he has exceptionally strong emotions in general, but definitely when it comes to his more negative expectations. he would start to relax, be more confident in the relationship ( namely that they aren't going to leave him / choose another over him ) and probably soften quite a bit. his toxic behaviors are of course highly unlikely to ever fully disappear, but i do think he'd become comfortable being more gentle and vulnerable with his s/o. he would also eternally be touchy about them potentially dying, especially given his own unique level of immortality, so he'd probably never get less overbearing when it comes to them being in danger and doing what he can to prevent that very thing. but i definitely think he would soften in other areas, perhaps even becoming almost sweet, and more outright romantic.
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psycheflame · 2 years
I have come to the point of my life where it revolves around hot older celebrities and fictional characters. In conclusion, I’ll die alone.
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rozzzwellian · 11 months
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Elijah Barkley and his partner (boyfriend) R. Daneel Olipaw
bonus sketches below the cut
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+ some human ones ^_^
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and a really low quality daneel bouncing happy gif i made
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THAT'S IT BYE!!! ^_^
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elejahfanfic · 5 months
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Eternity x Elijah_
@eternityunicorn 🎁
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