#eliana x drew
lennysfridge · 1 month
drew’s birthday
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liked by grumpy.boldy and others
eliana.brielle hello everyone it’s brought to my attention that it’s this kids birthday (he’s older then me). he likes to pick fights, sleep on me, thinks he can get whatever he wants (he does) and most of all he’s my loving boyfriend, happy birthday old fart. i love you
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drewf2 oh dear lord
eliana.brielle do you not like the pictures?
drewf2 no
eliana.brielle yes you do
jacob_fowler24 i love them
eliana.brielle thanks jacob 🥰
drewf2 i love you, thanks sweet baby
amelia.ln birthday best friend
amelia.ln i got more embarrassing pics.. want them?
eliana.brielle PLEASE, i also have some but drew would’ve made me delete the post 🙄
aylamcgill sons birthday
jack_malone18 happs son
drewf2 thanks
gabeperreault34 oh the sleeping picture never gets old
eliana.brielle its my favourite thanks for the video
ryan.leonard_04 did him dirty
grumpy.boldy nah, you didn’t post him on your story that’s dirty
eliana.brielle HAH
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heartlandians · 1 year
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Heartland - 16x02 - Changes
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princesachicana · 1 year
𝐞𝐥𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐚 (drew starkey x reader)
description: you and drew with newborn babies.
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“Aren’t they soo cute” You gushed snuggling further into Drew’s arms. He held the baby monitor in one hand,as his other lightly massaged your back. Your twins Eli and Eliana were born just 3 weeks ago. Although it was very hectic at first dealing with two needy newborn babies, you both got the hang of it pretty quickly.
The dirty diapers, feedings, crying was a new normal for the both of you. Seeing each other step into their respective parent roles warmed your hearts. This is what you both have wanted for so long. The domestic bliss that consumed the house was perfect. "Just like their mama." Drew peppered kisses onto your cheek. "And their daddy!" you teased back with a smile. The love you felt everyday made you feel whole, Drew worshiped everything about you. His love for you only grew now that you were the mother of his children.
"Did you get a chance to respond to that email?" you questioned your fiancé as he placed the baby monitor back onto its charger. Early this morning as you were pumping and Drew was putting the twins back into their cribs he received a email from his management. They wanted to know when he planned on going back to work. You knew that the last thing Drew was worried about was working. He'd been telling everyone on his team he’d get back to it soon. “Yeah, want me to read this script.”
You felt your muscles tense at his words. It wasn’t that you didn’t want him to go back to work. You were terrified of being alone again. You knew that it was a low possibility that whatever role he’d take next would allow him to stay home. All the best job offer’s required him to travel sometimes across the country. And with you being a new mom to a set of twins only made you more anxious. You needed him here. But you didn’t want to be the one holding him back from any opportunities.
“Did you read it?” You questioned fiddling with the strings on his sweats. “Didn’t want to” His response came immediately as if he wanted to be done with this conversation. Drew had only read the character description before he was interrupted by the screams of Eli and Eliana. And without second thought he went and comforted his little family. “It’s when the babies were going crazy, they both wanted your boobs.” Drew cracked a smile when you grimaced. Not even three hours ago it was as if your newborn babies were having a screaming match. Alls they wanted was to be fed and both wanted to be the first at it. “Don’t remind me i felt like a horrible mom choosing between them.”
Drew shook his head “Don’t ever say that.” Hooking a finger under your chin he looked into your eyes. “They got the best mom ever you hear me?” He leaned in pressing a long kiss against your lips. You smiled against his lips. “It was Eli’s turn to breast feed! but Eliana hates bottle feeding she won’t eat and it’s the same milk!” You laughed at your very picky baby. “And even though Eli doesn’t mind bottle feedings, the doctor said it’s important for him to get that one on one time with me too you know?”
Drew pulled you closer draping your legs over his lap. “Didn’t she suggest the bottle nipples that are similar to these.” Drew smirked as he slyly grabbed onto one of your breasts. It wasn’t a secret your postpartum body turned him on to no end. “Yea, she did. They should be delivered in like two days.” You pulled his hand away. You couldn’t afford being aroused after the doctors strict rules of “no sex for six weeks.” Drew threw his head back with a groan.
“Baby now i can’t even cop a feel?” Your laugh only made him whimper. “No! because I’d get turned on and we wouldn’t be able to do anything about that!” You defended. “Only three more weeks we got this!” Drew made prayer hands with his eyes closed. Your favorite thing was to tease your man so when you started leaving kisses down his neck he actually groaned. “You’re fucking evil.” Drew’s hands gripped your hips before dragging them down onto your ass. The action only made it worse for him as you moved over his lap. “I think feel something hard, left something in your pocket hmm?” You joked when he hissed. “I can’t help it my fiancé is sexy.” Drew pulled you back in for a kiss.
Crackling from the baby monitor halted your movements. A cry was heard, making you move off Drew quickly . You grabbed the monitor immediately drew looking at it over your shoulder at the same speed. “It’s Eliana she’s awake.” You blew out a breath, she was fine. “I’ll grab her so she doesn’t wake up Eli.” You nodded as he pressed a kiss onto your forehead leaving the room.
“She’s wide awake.” Drew smiled as he held baby Eliana to his chest, her eyes searching all around the room. You walked up to them with a fond smile. “She’s such a night owl.” You brought your finger to Eliana’s little fist, heart warming when she wrapped a tiny hand around it. “Then we got our boy over there who could sleep through a hurricane.” Drew adjusted her on his chest.
You laughed at that, where eliana stayed up all night and always fought nap time. Eli was the first to wake up and take the longest naps. “Our next one gonna be another girl mark my words!” Drew stated matter of factly.
“Already thinking of having another one?” You gasped. “What can i say I like seeing you pregnant knowing it’s my baby I put in there.” He smirked.
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emerythos · 9 months
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A set of OCs that I have! My TTRPG group did a Hunter x Hunter campaign and my character was OneOne (blue top left) and his dead lover, Cleo (yellow top right). The two on the bottom are NPCs, Eliana (red bottom left) and Ven (green bottom right). Both are heavily involved with OneOne's story!
They're not naked all the time tho haha! I just wanted to draw some character sheets for them a while ago. I went crazy tho cuz I'm pretty sure I drew all of these within the span of a few days 💀
I honestly need to draw my OCs more often. I have so many!
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monstersandmaw · 5 years
Male lizardfolk x female reader (nsfw) *Commission*
Edit which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
A commission for @ivymemnoch, featuring a nerdy lizardfolk boy (colouring/design based on a European green lizard) and a tall reader. This is the first of my five commissions to be completed and posted on here, and since it’s a paid commission, it doesn’t get early release on Patreon. Enjoy!
8144 words, no warnings, only fluff, some geekery, and some nsfw at the end. I will add though that I discovered that snakes aren’t the only reptiles to have two penises... lizards do too.
After a draining, all-day session in the recording studio, the last thing you wanted was to step out of the soundproofed booth and hear the relentless thrumming of raindrops on the windows.
The producer called over to you, briefly drawing your attention away from the foul weather, and grinned. “That was great! You really nailed her character. I think we can press on with the next section on Monday.” The sphinx smiled at you and stretched slightly before adding, “You have a good weekend now. Rest that voice of yours!”
You smiled and turned to look out of the nearest window with a grimace sliding onto your face. “Ugh. What a day to leave my umbrella behind,” you muttered. “Anyway, see you.”
Lingering just a moment more in the doorway of the recording studio, you eyed the rain and then - resigned to smelling like a wet werewolf - made a dash for it. Three seconds after you’d left the building, it doubled in strength and began to thrash down. Up ahead, still illuminated despite the fact that it was after five o’clock, was a shop you’d often thought about going in, but had never made time to venture inside. With an indignant squawk as the universe nudged you not-so-gently towards the comic book store by dripping water down your collar, you hurtled across the empty street, splashing through rapidly-forming puddles, and shot inside, soaked.
Standing on the mat for a moment, you shivered and gazed around at the room beyond. The walls were lined with bookshelves containing relatively ordinary looking books, and in the centre of the room was a lower stand displaying comics. On the top of this shelf, however, was a small army of figurines from a plethora of games and movies, and as you spotted a favourite of yours, you grinned. This place was nerd nirvana.
At the back of the room, surrounded as if in a shrine by a small alcove dedicated to arts and crafts and prop-making supplies for tabletop games, was the counter and cash register. The figure sitting behind it had looked up as you burst into his slice of peaceful heaven and the movement of his colourful head drew your eye over to him. Tall, slim but clearly muscular, with lime green skin speckled with gold and a wash of vibrant blue across his throat and up his cheeks towards friendly, golden eyes, the lizardfolk looking at you in mild surprise was frankly gorgeous.
You blinked stupidly for a second and then blurted, “I promise not to drip on any of the books.”
He grinned, a wide, warm smile that showed a row of pointed white teeth. “Appreciate it,” he said. His amber, unblinking gaze shifted to the rain and he said, “Gods, it’s really throwing it down out there.”
“Yup. I didn’t make it more than a hundred yards from work before bolting for cover. Nice place to duck into though,” you added, eyeing the figurines and graphic novels around you.
“You work near here?” he asked, setting down the tiny model he’d been painting. His clawed fingers were surprisingly slender and delicate.
You nodded. “Currently, at least. I’m a voice actor. The recording studio is just round the corner.”
“Sweet!” he exclaimed. “You voiced any characters I might know?”
You shrugged. “Maybe? I mean, Eliana from Ice Dragon Chronicles is probably the one I’m most known for? Mostly it’s just small parts for all sorts of things though. She was a rare break…”
“No way!” he breathed, “That’s awesome! Oh wow…” and he practically giggled with delight. His blue throat flushed a darker, more vibrant colour too. “That’s so cool. I’m sorry - you probably just wanted to browse in peace, or even just stay out of the rain. I’m sorry.”
Laughing softly, you said, “You know what? I’ve always wanted to check this place out, but I don’t really know where I’d start… I’ve read a few Manga, but I’d like to try a graphic novel…”
He stood, revealing just how tall he was. You were pretty tall yourself, for a human, but he stood easily a head higher than you. He blinked slowly and grinned, twitching his head towards the shelves along the walls. “Here’s one I always recommend to get people started. I warn you though, it’s a slippery slope… If you like this one, you’ll be obsessed in no time. I’m Bik, by the way.”
“I think I can handle it,” you smiled and he chuckled, handing you a slim but beautifully designed book with a dragon on the front and a female knight on a chestnut charger.
The art style was gorgeous and the writing seemed pretty good quality too, and as you leafed through the first few pages, you found yourself drawn in to the story about the female knight and the dragon. Finally you glanced up at him and said, “I’m assuming you don’t want me to read it all here right now…”
“It’d be nice if you bought it,” he grinned playfully.
He’d just reached out to take it from you when the door opened and a hunch-shouldered werewolf pushed inside, having just shaken the worst of the weather off on the doorstep all over their companion. The person behind her was a tiny, slender, and extraordinarily pretty young woman with pastel lilac hair that for some reason looked natural rather than dyed. Despite her almost innocent, childlike looks, she seemed decidedly furious about the soggy insult from the werewolf. In turn behind them came a figure who would have blotted out the daylight in the doorway had there been any to speak of outside.
You’d never met a hobgoblin before, and you tried not to stare as he lumbered in after the other two who had come to an abrupt halt at the sight of Bik and you standing together with your new graphic novel between you. The grin on the werewolf’s face made you think of feeding time at the zoo, and Bik clearly noticed it because his lithe tail swished a few times behind him in annoyance.
“Shall I take that for you?” Bik asked, offering his elegant hand again for the book and leading you over to the till so that you could pay for it.
You smiled and nodded, aware that the small group behind you were muttering between themselves. Bik was obviously aware of it as well, and seemed irritated by it, though you weren’t sure why. As you fished out the right money from your wallet, he muttered, “My D&D group… We meet every Friday. I’m sorry about them.”
“They seem nice,” you smiled, trying to reassure him. “You know, I’ve never played.”
“Really?” he asked, his golden eyes flashing brightly for an instant.
You shook your head and took the book from him, sliding it into your bag to keep it dry. “One thing at a time, eh?” you grinned before he could invite you to join in and he laughed.
“Hope to see you back again,” he added sheepishly. “There are some others I can recommend to you, whether you like that one or not.”
You nodded. He seemed so cute with the way he tilted his head and blinked his big eyes every now and again. His colouring was also astonishingly pretty, looking like a mosaic of gold and green all along his back, with that vibrant zing of blue around his throat. “I’m sure I’ll see you soon,” you said as you turned to go, and you really meant it.
While you were walking down the row of books towards the door, grateful that the rain seemed to have lessened considerably, you heard the werewolf dig her friend in the ribs and mutter, “Talk about your type!”
“Shut up,” Bik hissed. “Or she won’t come back.”
Of course, you did find yourself returning to his shop, though not on a Friday evening. You were sure his friends were nice, but you weren’t really there to meet them; at least, not just yet.
Bik’s face lit up when you stepped inside and he hopped down off the counter where he’d been sitting like a naughty schoolboy, swinging his legs and reading a comic which sat in his lap. “You came back!” he chirruped as he set it aside and came over. He wore tight-fitting jeans with a big hole tailored in the back for the thick root of his tail, and a blue t-shirt with a faded print on.
“Did you think I wouldn’t?” you asked, aiming for playful but still coming across as a little shy, perhaps even coy. “You said you had more recommendations for me…”
“You liked it then?”
“Loved it! The twist at the end was amazing.”
His toothy grin made your stomach flip over and you glanced away as a blush rose up your cheeks.
You spent the next half an hour dissecting every detail about the first book he’d recommended, and from there, he chose three others that might suit.
Over the next few weeks, you returned to the shop regularly, and on one blustery August afternoon, you found him preparing some props for his next D&D session. Instead of talking books, you asked him about them, and he tilted his head in that adorable way he had, glancing over the half-finished figurines and what looked like a maquette of an old castle ruin or something.
“Did you make that too?” you asked, and he nodded.
“Yeah. It helps with the game, but honestly I just enjoy making stuff…”
“They’re beautiful! You could work in the props department at a film company or something.”
His blue throat became so vibrant in contrast with his lime green skin that it almost hurt to look at him, and he half turned away. “Oh, I don’t know about that. I get a lot of free time in the shop; fellow nerds aren’t too thick on the ground here, if you know what I mean. Hey, listen,” he added, scratching the back of his head with a clawed finger. “I’ve… uh… I’ve been wondering if maybe you’d like to come along to a session one day? You don’t have to take part or anything if you don’t want to, and we are, like, halfway through this campaign, but if you wanted to you could fill in for one of the NPCs or something… But… uh…” He trailed off, embarrassed and picked up one of the half-finished mimic chests on the counter top.
You watched as he turned it over in his delicate fingers and then chuckled. “You know what? I’d love to.”
At that, he dropped it and spun back around. “You’re serious?”
“Sure! Why not?” you asked, stooping to pick it up and handing it back to him. “Should I bring snacks?”
“Oh my god, could you get any more perfect!” he blurted and then laughed, staring down at the miniature mimic in his hands as if hoping that it might just eat him up on the spot. “Snacks would be amazing, but you don’t have to. Usually we take it in turns to bring something. It’s Oleander’s turn this Friday.”
“I don’t know if you remember her, but she’s the tiny one with the purple hair. She’s half fae and all sass. She bakes the most amazing sugar cookies though…”
“Got a sweet tooth then?” you asked and he nodded.
“Duly noted. Tell me about the others? Was the big one a hobgoblin?”
Bik nodded. “Yeah, that’s Jos. He’s kind of shy, but he’s great once you get to know him. He’s playing this tiny elven bard, and she’s -” he broke off, realising he was about to go off on a long and potentially quite boring waffle about their characters. Clearing his throat, he said instead, “Anyway, so yeah, that’s Jos. The werewolf is Emma. She’s… a bit brash and loud at times, but she means well.”
“How do you guys all know each other?” you asked, moving over to examine the figurines on the counter while he talked.
“From school, actually,” he laughed, setting the mimic back down. “It’s the typical - stereotypical I guess - thing of a bunch of rejects forming a bit of a ragtag band, and we’ve just been best mates ever since.”
With a fond smile, you firmly agreed to come to their next session.
You showed up with a bag of cookies, not wanting to seem tight but equally not wanting to try and one-up the resident baker in the group. You were also running a tad late after the recording session had run over, and the door was locked when you arrived at quarter past seven, and you had to bang on the glass repeatedly until Bik scuttled out to rescue you.
“I’m so sorry!” he said as he stepped to one side and let you in. “I thought I left it off the latch for you! I should also have given you my number. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s fine!” you laughed as he cringed. “But I wouldn’t say no to having your number…”
He went still and then smiled.
You followed him into a storage room at the back of the shop which had been decked out with flickering LED candles, and in the centre of the room was a round table set up for their game. They hadn’t really started yet, and Oleander was, to your surprise, sitting in Jos’ lap. He pecked her affectionately on the top of the head and picked her up, setting her back down on the ground. The werewolf, Emma, snuffed at the air and turned around, tail wagging from between the slats of her chair.
“Hey!” she grinned, leaping up and stepping over to hug you. “I’m sorry. I’m a hugger. You made it though! And…” and she sniffed ostentatiously, “And you brought goodies!”
“I couldn’t not bring goodies,” you chuckled, handing the modest bag of cookies to Bik.
“Tibikthio,” Emma said in a mock-formal tone to Bik, “You picked a good one.”
You turned slowly to the lizardfolk who had closed his eyes in semi-horror. “I hate it when you use my full name,” he groaned.
“Tibikthio…” you repeated. “I like it…”
You caught the tiniest flicker of something cross his face but it was gone a second later.
“Well he hates it!” Emma barked. “Come on, pull up a chair.” She adopted a silly accent, like some old crone, and added, “There’s plenty of room, m’dear!”
Smiling, you glanced at Bik, who still looked a bit embarrassed about the whole name thing, and then you settled in between him and Emma as the game began.
To start with, you stayed on the periphery, letting them tell their story and act it out. Some of them would have made good voice actors, though Oleander tried a bit too hard in places. But they were having an absolute blast. Bik was the dungeon master, weaving elements of improv and story-crafting seamlessly into one narrative, though there were some gaffes and hilarious moments when it all fell apart. By the end of the session, you had cried tears of laughter until your stomach hurt, and had had your heart in your mouth for the entirety of one fight in a long-lost temple.
It was past ten when they wrapped up, and Bik insisted that they just leave everything there for next time. “It’s late,” he said, “And who wants to tidy up now anyway…?” He was met with a chorus of nods and yawns.
Your stomach growled though as you stood and you felt a bit light-headed.
“You ok?” Bik asked, head tilting quizzically. “You look a bit squiffy… Didn’t make you queasy with all the guts and goop at the end of the fight, did I?”
Reassuring him, you told him you had just missed supper that night because of work, and he looked horrified. “There’s a place round the corner that’s open til midnight. You want to grab something?”
Your initial reaction was to refuse politely and say you’d rustle something up when you got home, but you happened to catch Oleander’s violet eyes as she looked from Bik to you with what could only have been described as a look of hope on her face, so you took a gamble and nodded. “Sure, I’d like that.”
Bik shut up the shop and bid his friends goodnight. Oleander winked at him but offered no comment before demanding that Jos carry her home, which he dutifully did. Bik caught you looking at them and smiled. “They’ve been together since they were sixteen. Real high school sweethearts.”
“They’re adorable,” you offered. “I mean, they’re kind of polar opposites, but… it’s nice.”
“There’s hope for those of us who tend to prefer other species…” Bik muttered playfully. “Come on, it’s not far.” As you walked along the empty street, he asked, “Did you have fun?”
“I did,” you replied honestly. “I had no idea it was so…” you waved your hand while you searched for exactly the right word.
You snorted a laugh and corrected him. “Complicated… involved… complex…”
He shrugged casually and shivered. “It’s what you make of it, I guess. We’ve been plotting this particular campaign for months. It’s nice to be able to play it finally!” He shivered again and hugged his bare arms around himself, claws scratching slightly on his rough skin.
“Are you cold?”
He nodded. “I forgot my jacket. I’m not very good with the cold. It’s a lizardy thing.”
The evening wasn’t particularly chilly, but you supposed he was cold-blooded.
“You want my jacket?” you asked. “I think your shoulders are slim enough that it’d probably fit you.”
He shot you an odd look. “Isn't the guy supposed to be the one to offer that to the girl?”
“Only if you stick to stuffy old gender roles,” you grinned. “You want it or not?”
“Yes please,” he mumbled and took it off you with a grateful smile. He looked odd wearing it, but he burrowed into it for the remainder of the short walk to the late-night restaurant.
The two of you sat down and chatted, and you remarked on just how relaxed it felt.
“Yeah,” he said. “It’s… It’s nice. I’m glad you got rained on all those weeks ago…”
“Me too,” you laughed. He was a dork, but you liked that he felt genuine, and that his sense of humour was a bit off the wall.
The restaurant wasn’t fancy by any stretch of the imagination, but the food they served looked amazing. Run by a big Highland minotaur with a massive belly and a hearty laugh, it offered exactly the kind of meal you needed after not having had much all day, and the two of you took a seat in a quiet corner on some comfortable, diner-style benches.
The lizardfolk who took your order reminded you of a gecko, and had pinkish colouring and large, blue eyes. While you had always been drawn to lizardfolk, somehow no one seemed to compare to Bik lately.
While you waited for your food, Bik interrupted your musing and asked, “What made you get into voice acting? Maybe next time you can voice some of the other characters they meet…?”
“I think I’d like that,” you admitted. “Normally everyone just asks me to do impressions of famous people, you know, because I have an ear for accents and all that.”
He smiled and rested his chin in his hands, staring at you unblinkingly. It might have made anyone else seem a bit intense, but with him it just seemed endearing. As much as he loved to tell a story, he seemed just as happy to listen to one too.
“Honestly, I kind of fell into it. I did music and drama at college and was all set to go down the ‘traditional’ acting line, but I found I was more comfortable bringing characters to life with my voice than my entire body. It’s still really hard work though. Most people reckon that if you can do a few accents or a funny voice, that’s it, but it’s so much more than that.”
He nodded in agreement. “Oh absolutely! I mean, I think I gathered as much just from what we do in our little amateur group. We all sit round a table and we say our ‘lines’, and we all bring our characters to life as convincingly as we can. We’ve been doing it for years, but we’re still not very good!” Bik grinned at you, showing all his teeth, and you smiled back. A moment later he added, a bit dreamily, “I still can’t believe you voiced Eliana. She’s one of my favourite characters ever! I love that game. I wish she’d been a playable character…”
You laughed, honestly a bit bashful.
Before it could become awkward, your food arrived and the two of you chatted some more around mouthfuls of delicious, humble, homely food until you thought you were going to burst.
“Oh man,” you groaned, sitting back in your seat. “I won’t need to eat for a week!”
Bik smiled and said, “I actually probably won’t eat for a week.”
“Wow, that’s…”
“Economically beneficial?” he snickered. “True. I’d rather be like that than like Jos. He has to eat six meals a day just to fuel his body.” He leaned on the table and added in a conspiratorial stage whisper, “And you know what? Oleander eats just as much as he does.”
“No way!” you gasped. “But she’s tiny! How does she do it?”
“She’s half Fae,” he said. “There’s probably magic involved.”
“Lucky her,” you muttered. “Though on second thoughts, grubbing up six meals a day sounds like a lot of effort. But seriously though, I am so full.”
The minotaur who owned the place came out at that moment and said in a heavily accented rumble, “Ach, too bad! I was gonna offer you’s some dessert!” He waggled a pair of menus at you hopefully.
“We’ll just have to come back next week,” you said and the minotaur laughed heartily.
Bik seemed sleepy after the heavy meal, but he walked you back to your place and you exchanged an awkward hug on the threshold. You got the sense that it wasn’t just you who wished it had been more, but neither of you was ready to make that leap just yet.
That first Friday was the first of many trips to the shop to watch them play D&D together, and after only a few weeks, you began to join in more activelyn. And so you found yourself lending your vocal cords to street merchants and beggars, high nobles and sea captains as the unlikely group made their way across their fictional land. The tables had turned a bit, and now it was you who made them helpless with laughter, even mimicking Oleander’s very particular speech patterns when the group ran into a mimic.
“That’s amazing!” she said. “Are you sure you’re not Fae?”
“No,” you said, “I mean, I don’t think so. I’m pretty sure I’m very ordinary…”
“You’re not ordinary at all!” Bik blurted and everyone burst out laughing.
“We all know that Bik’s got the hots for you!” Emma grinned.
Oleander chimed in with, “Well, as much as a cold-blooder can have the ‘hots’ for anyone…”
“Oi,” Bik grunted. “I’m sitting right here you know!”
“Better speak up more often,” Oleander teased playfully, chucking him affectionately under the chin like he was a favourite hunting hound or something, “Or she won’t notice you…”
“I’m going to write you all into a jail cell next week,” the dungeon master grumped. “Then you’ll be sorry.”
After that session, he claimed he was tired and begged off going to supper with you. Of course you said it was fine, but you had grown used to your private suppers together and fought off the lump of disappointment that lodged itself unexpectedly in your throat. He waved and slouched off down the street, leaving the rest of you outside the dark and empty shop.
“I think you went a little far this time,” Jos commented in his deep, gravelly voice to the two girls and they sighed. “He’s always been very sensitive about… you know, ‘matters of the heart’…”
“Yeah. Poor thing,” Oleander said and she looked at you with her large purple eyes. “The more he likes someone, the more awkward he can get. I’m sorry we butchered it tonight for you though. I’ll make it up to you. Fae’s honour.” After a pause, she added, “You do like him, right?”
“Very much,” you admitted quietly. “He’s very gentle. It’s nice.”
“He used to play lacrosse back in high school,” Jos grinned. “He wasn’t gentle then! But he’s sweet when it comes to people he cares about. He looked out for me at school.”
You shot him a surprised look and he laughed. “I’m sorry,” you said quietly. “You just don’t look much like the type who needs anyone to look out for them…”
Oleander patted his colossal forearm and cooed, “Ol’ Jos here wouldn’t say boo to a housefly, would you darling?” He smiled affectionately at her and said nothing. “We’ve always been the outcasts and misfits I guess. Bik’s the most normal one of the lot of us, all things considered.”
Emma announced with a sudden curse that she was running late to meet her girlfriend, and loped off into the night on all fours with an accompanying farewell howl, her backpack bouncing around on her shoulders, and Oleander and Jos bid you goodnight and headed off towards the bus stop, leaving you to make your own way back. It was strange not to have Bik by your side that night, and it made you realise how close you’d become to him over the last few weeks.
Back home, you curled up on the sofa, not ready to start thinking about bed just yet, and had just got your phone out to drop him a text when your message tone chimed at you. The way your heart clenched with excitement at the sight of Bik’s name on the notification made you pause a moment and wonder just what this affection for him was turning into. Images of his bright green skin and golden eyes darted across your mind; the sound of his laugh, the way his tail coiled itself off the ground when he walked, the way his clawed hands held the little props he liked to make… You’d been telling the truth when you’d admitted to Oleander just how much you liked him.
‘Hey’, his text began. ‘Sorry I bailed like that. Did you get home ok?’
‘:) yeah,’ you replied. ‘And it’s fine. I get it, but they meant well. And I’m looking forward to the next session already!”
Jos was the one who finally insisted that you had to become a permanent member of their fictional gang. Casting a look at Bik as you all loitered in the main shop after the session, you saw the way he bit his thin lips and coiled his tail around one ankle. “Should I?” you asked.
You’d grown in confidence around them, glad to have been welcomed into their group, and he nodded mutely.
“That doesn’t seem very enthusiastic…” you shot with tongue-in-cheek humour dancing in your eyes.
“Obviously he’d love that,” Emma said. That day she wasn’t in her wolf form, and it was one of the few times you’d ever seen her as such. She had ash blonde hair with a harsh side-shave above her left ear while the rest was long, tied back in a ponytail. Her body was strong and muscular, and honestly she was utterly gorgeous.
You cocked an eyebrow at him and adopted the tone of one of the temple guardians you’d voiced for them earlier that evening. “Come now,” you said with mock sternness, “Speak the truth, young dragonling…”
Bik immediately caught on and followed the joke as he spoke in the voice of his dragonborn bard, quavering and simpering. “Please… oh Great One, don’t make me speak more on the subject… I’m only a worthless wyrm…”
You closed the short distance between the two of you and leaned in close. His jaw slackened slightly, his throat bobbing, and his beady, amber eye locked onto your face. “You are no such thing,” you smiled. Biko’s throat worked nervously. Drawing back, you added, “And I’d love to join the group. You’ll have to help me think of a character.”
Bik still looked like he’d suffered a minor heart attack, but Jos whooped and Oleander giggled. “Great!” they said as one.
You turned to Bik and said, “Maybe you and I can chat it over after dinner, if you’re still up for our usual post-session snack?”
“Definitely,” he croaked, voice sounding thick and slightly awestruck. He looked a bit stunned, but you decided it was in a good way.
He held the door open for you and you stepped close to him as you headed out into the late evening, pressing a hand flat against his chest as you passed, and murmured, “Thanks.”
He recovered quickly, though he did seem to be concentrating very hard on the task of locking up the shop, and as the two of you walked away from the others, he kept glancing down at you.
“What?” you finally asked with a giggle.
“It’s clearly something…” you pressed, turning and walking backwards so you could look at his face. “Regretting your decision to let me join the gang?”
“Not at all!” he replied, apparently horrified that your thoughts had gone there. “No… The opposite actually…”
“Oh,” you sighed.
He breathed your name and then stopped. You drew to a halt as well, watching him with a hammering heart. Starting to talk again seemed tricky, but he managed it. “I… Uh… I’m really glad you’re… you know… around… Ah, shit… I’m so bad at this…”
“I’m glad I’m around too,” you said, and you slid your hand into his. His skin was rough and cool, and your first thought was that you would very much like it against other parts of your body.
Bik tightened his grip on your fingers briefly and let out a breathy, nervous laugh. “I’ve never, uh… courted a human before… Is that even the right term for it?”
“You can call it what you like,” you said. “And you don’t have to do anything special or different. Just… keep hanging out with me. Maybe we could watch a movie or something some time?”
“Ok,” he said, swallowing thickly again. “Let’s go somewhere different for dinner?”
You turned your eyes from his to the restaurant sign just up ahead. “But we always go here,” you said. “And we’re almost there… Where else is going to be open at this time of night?”
“You could… come back to my place?” he asked. “I mean, it’s nothing special, but… I’m a tidy reptile, I promise! No hoards of strange things either. I’m not a dragon…”
You had to laugh at his oddball sense of humour that only got quirkier the more apprehensive he got. He also couldn’t stop his throat from fanning slightly too, the reptilian version of sweating nervously you supposed. “Alight. I’d like that.”
The upper storey of the old house where he lived was open plan, with beautiful bare rafters and sloping ceilings, and hardwood floors. His claws clacked adorably on them when he moved about. He also had the heating on stupendously warm, and you took your coat and jumper off immediately. “Sorry,” he said when he saw what you were doing.
You reassured him, and started to look about a little bit while he busied himself in the kitchen and poured you both a drink.
There were bookshelves on practically every available space, and as well as containing a collection of rare first editions and hard-to-come-by novels, they also sported photos, some in battered frames and others just propped up here and there. Most of them featured lizardfolk who looked a lot like him. “Family?” you asked and he came over to stand beside you.
“Yeah. We were a big clutch,” he said as he held the glass out for you. “Poor mum! There are twelve of us.”
He told you the names of each of his siblings, and what they were up to now, but you were really only half listening to the words. There was something magical about his voice, some unearthly quality it took on when he began to tell a story, regardless whether that was a story about his own life or a fantasy tale made up with his friends.
“What?” he asked softly.
“I… I like the sound of your voice,” you said honestly, and you reached your fingers tentatively up to touch the blue of his throat. He drew in a shaky breath, eyes closing as his reptilian head tilted upwards to allow you better access to him. “You’re very beautiful,” you whispered. “The colour of your skin is incredible… I like this bit too,”  you added, running a finger down his cheek where it blended from green speckled with gold to intense blue.
Bik brought his hands to your shoulders and looked down at you, blinking slowly. “Really?” he asked. “It’s not very… I mean… most males of my species have much deeper blue… I mean, just look at my brothers,” he added awkwardly, nodding at a picture behind you.
“I like your blue,” you chuckled without turning around.
Embarrassed, but obviously deeply flattered, he brushed his knuckle against your cheek and said, “Would you like that supper or do you have other things on your mind?”
With a grin, you said, “I suppose I could be distracted by food…” you admitted grudgingly as your stomach rumbled.
You watched him walk away to the kitchen area of the loft apartment, and sighed. This was turning into exactly what you’d hoped it might - a friendship blossoming into something deeper.
Wanting to test that theory, you crossed to join him and, while he still had his back to you, you slid your arms around his slender waist and hugged him. “You need a hand?” you asked, pressing your cheek against his back.
“I… I was going to suggest takeout,” he said bashfully, glancing back over his shoulder at you. “But if you want me to cook, I can?”
You shook your head. “It’s getting late,” you said, releasing him. “Another time. Let’s get takeout.”
While you waited for the food to arrive, you bickered playfully over movie choices, finally settling on some cheesy old film about a dragon who shared his heart with a selfish boy. It was actually pretty good, but it was still horrendously dated in places. It didn’t matter to you though. The food was really good, and the two of you snuggled up on the sofa to eat, with you leaning against his side.
“I couldn’t do this with many people,” you said, nudging him gently with your elbow.
“Do what?”
“Cosy up under someone’s arm. I’m usually too tall.”
He chuckled and swallowed. “Never dated an orc then, I take it.”
You shook your head. “Not dated all that much at all to be honest.”
“What? But your gorgeous,” he blurted and his skin flushed a much darker green. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“You didn’t,” you said and put your hand reassuringly on his thigh. He jumped and then slid his arm around your shoulders, setting his empty takeout box down on the coffee table beside the sofa.
He gazed at you, a more serious look in his eyes, and said, “You know, I couldn’t help noticing your choices of media…” You flicked him a frown and he went on. “Ok, the first graphic novel with the dragon was on me, but everything else has also had dragons or lizards in…”
“You detecting a preference here?” you sassed gently.
“Am I?”
With an ostentatious roll of your eyes, you said, “I mean, I’ve always thought your kind extremely beautiful, but my interest in you is to do with you. It’s not some empty kink. You know that, right?”
He nodded slowly. “Just checking.”
“And what about you?” you said, also setting your empty food box down and shifting your position so that you came to rest astride his lap, the film almost over, forgotten and playing in the background. “I have to admit that your dragonborn seems to like humans rather a lot… Have you got a thing for us warmbloods?”
His throat worked and he didn’t meet your eye for a moment. “I mean… yes…” he said, and his clawed hands found your wide hips. He ran a circle carefully over them and moaned, his own hips shifting a little beneath you. “But when you walked into my shop, all bedraggled and soaking wet, I’d honestly never seen anyone more beautiful in my whole life.”
You laughed and kissed his cheek. He turned his head slightly as you moved away and drew you back for a proper kiss. His claws raked gently through your hair, messing it up as he gripped you firmly but tenderly, and his tongue slid slowly out to taste you, savouring the kiss. It wasn’t a conventional kiss like those you were used to, but it worked perfectly well. You rolled your hips against him once again and he broke the contact, letting his head fall back against the sofa cushions. His tail coiled and uncoiled beside you on the sofa and you reached for it.
“Can I touch you here?” you asked and he nodded breathlessly.
He gasped as you stroked your fingertips along the slightly rough skin of his tail and he brought the tip of it up to caress the back of your hand.
“Kinky,” you grinned and he snickered.
Bik, somewhat slack-jawed and clearly aroused, brought his blunt muzzle to the curve where your neck met your collarbones, and inhaled the scent of you deeply. His tail coiled tightly around your wrist for a moment before unravelling and falling limply onto the sofa again. “I want you,” he rasped.
You let your hips grind into him again and he gasped and uttered a soft curse under his breath as he stared almost reverently up at you. You nodded, and his claws hooked the hem of your top and lifted it up carefully, revealing your bra and he made short work of the clasp. Taking the weight of each breast in his hands, he caressed you and then, with pupils blown wide and dark so that his irises were a mere halo of gold, he took your nipple delicately between his sharp teeth and very gently sucked, moaning softly as he repeated the gesture on the other one. His rasping tongue curled around them too as they hardened under his attentions and you gave a shaky exhale.
“So beautiful,” he whispered as he let go, leaving you throbbing and tingling. “Gods, you’re so beautiful.”
“Bik…” you groaned when he stopped touching you so that he could simply stare at your half-naked body in his lap.
He smiled and to your immense surprise, simply stood up, hooking his arms under your thighs as you gripped his waist instinctively with your legs. He was a lot stronger than he looked and you nearly yelped in surprise. “I’ve got you,” he said as he carried you towards his open bedroom door, nudging it shut behind him with his tail.
He laid you down on top of the duvet and undressed the rest of you slowly, savouring the sight of you as he gradually revealed your body. You looked up at him dazedly and saw the tent straining against his jeans. “Bik… Not fair,” you said. “You’re still dressed.”
More nervously now that the attention was on him, he took off his own t-shirt to reveal a pale, creamy green stomach and chest. He was still stippled with other hues of green and even a few freckles of black, but his front was mostly pale. His lean waist and narrow hips looked deliciously inviting and you sat up and ran your fingers around the inside of his waistband just to watch him shiver beneath your touch.
His hands hung quietly by his sides as you undid the button of his jeans and he stepped out of them carefully. His taloned feet were as delicate as his hands, and you marvelled at them too before letting your gaze sweep up his slim, strong calves to his thicker and more muscular thighs and to the tight, black boxer-briefs that hugged every single curve of his body.
Bik lay down beside you without taking them off and raked his claws up the length of your legs and, applying a little pressure to your hip, pushed you onto your back. With his tail, he tugged your right ankle close to his body and parted your legs enough for him to run the pad of his thumb in a slow, teasing circle around the soft, sensitive skin above your clit.
Your body lurched joyously at his touch and you sucked in a breath. You began to tingle all over, heat prickling beneath your skin as he woke your whole body up with reverent kisses and touches.
“Can I taste you?” he asked a while later after he’d reduced you to a writhing, whimpering mess, and you nodded.
After you moved further up the bed to give him more room, he reverently placed both palms on your hip bones and nosed gently at your sex. His tongue licked a long, slow stripe and you cried out and arched your back as he laved over your lips and just flicked your clit with the tip of his tongue.
“You taste so beautiful,” he said before returning his attention to your body. He circled and nudged at you, dipping his tongue deep inside you as well, always coming back to your clit until you were almost screaming with want.
“Bik, please… Please make me come,” you panted. “I’m so close…”
“Can humans only come once then?” he asked with over-accentuated ignorance, and you knew from the tone of his voice that he knew the answer to that already. You growled inarticulately at him and he pulled back. “I’d better stop then.”
“No!” you half sobbed. “Please…”
Smiling softly, he stared at you and moved his thumb back to your swollen clit. His claws were too sharp for him to work you inside, but the pattern he made on your skin with his tongue was enough to drive you right to the edge, and then as the white heat built inside you, you felt your orgasm rolling over you like a great ocean breaker and you cried out, grasping at the sheets. As you came, he pressed his tongue hard against you, savouring you as you came against him.
When you eventually slumped back against the pillows, breathing hard and almost dizzy with how good you felt, you half opened one eye to find that he had lain down on his back and was palming his erection through the fabric of his boxers.
“Bik?” you asked in a slightly slurred whisper. Your fingers moved to the waistband and he tensed slightly. “Bik?”
Licking his lips nervously, he nodded and you drew his boxers off. At the top of his legs was a mounded sheath which quite obviously contained not one but two cocks. Neither was necessarily all that large, but they were very beautiful, and fully erect.
“We’re not exactly built like humans,” he said bashfully as you stared openly at him. “I… I was worried that -” he cut off with a deep grunt as you trailed your fingers around the edges of his sheath. His twin cocks - both a bright vibrant green tipped with blue - writhed slightly, coiling around one another and glistening with the same clear fluid that slicked his sheath.
“You’re beautiful, remember?” you reminded him, shakily propping yourself upright on one elbow to get a better look at him. You repeated the gesture, running your fingers tips around his sensitive sheath, and he accepted your words as truth as you started to worship him with the same careful tenderness he’d just shown you.
As you lavished attention on him, he started to unravel.
Soon his spine bowed up off the bed and his hips squirmed as you worked his twin cocks in one hand. The tighter you gripped him, the more noise he made as they twisted together beneath your fingers, and you finally wrung a deep, guttural, low-frequency rumble out of him that reminded you more of an alligator than the more delicate lizards he resembled.
“Gods,” he rasped, “You make it feel like spring…” and you knew he was referring to the traditional lizardfolk mating season. You’d just lowered your mouth to the tip of one of his cocks and given it a tentative suck when he blurted, “Can I come inside you?”
You nodded, and he switched positions with you so that he was on top. The heat of his cocks was a delicious contrast to the constant coolness of the rest of him and you bucked upwards against him just to feel them pressing against your sensitive clit.
“Both?” he asked warily and you nodded again, shifting so that he could line himself up. He kissed down your neck and between your breasts again before he nudged the tips of his cocks to your entrance. As he slid into you, slowly stretching you full, you watched his face carefully. Again, he began to rumble softly and he almost couldn’t speak as he hissed, “So tight… so hot… gods, you’re so hot…”
With a final push of his hips, he slid all the way inside you and paused a moment, clearly fighting the instinct to come almost immediately. Recovered, breathing steadily, he began to slide in and out, his rhythm increasing in tempo as he lost himself in the sensations of your body. The way his cocks felt inside you, twisting together and shifting in a way that no toy could ever hope to replicate, was unlike anything you’d ever experienced and you knew you were going to come again in no time.
“I’m…” he grunted.
“Me too,” you said, grabbing his rough-skinned arms and pulling yourself even further onto his cocks. “Bik, I’m going to come again.”
“Fuck,” he croaked as you clenched tight around him with a cry.
You wrenched his orgasm from him with the force of your own and he arched his spine, hips driving him deep inside you as he released, and he yelled out, voice hoarse, the sound cracked and broken. His jaws parted to reveal his sharp teeth and you kept your grip on his arms as you came a second time.
He shuddered violently, grunting and breathing hard through flared nostrils, and then fell forwards, barely catching himself in time on his forearms. He was spent and exhausted and so beautiful. His blue colouring shone in the dim light of his bedroom and you trailed your fingers lazily along the bridge of his nose towards his lips.
“That was incredible,” he whispered when he’d got his breath back. “I didn’t hurt you did I?”
“No,” you smiled and he hugged you briefly, lapping a little lizardy kiss on your forehead before pushing himself up on shaking arms and sliding free of you. His cocks coiled briefly in the warm air and he rolled onto his back beside you. With your thighs still slick with his release, you tucked yourself up beside him and took your time in exploring his relaxed body. Where before he had been tense, almost nervous, worried that his non-human body would be too strange for you, now he seemed to have fallen peacefully into a haze of bliss, and he let your hands roam all over his torso and down to his hips while wearing a soft smile the whole time.
His cocks lay soft across his skin, occasionally twitching and drooling a little, but eventually they began to shift back into his sheath. He slid his hand down and adjusted them, and shot you a look. “You really do like lizardfolk, huh?”
With a wry grin, you shook your head and said, “I really do just like you.”
I really hope you folks enjoyed this one! Don’t forget to let me know if you did enjoy it by leaving a like and/or reblogging it!
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khazemya · 4 years
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Hi, everyone!
Day 21 of the sketchtember 2020! Today, I've drawn an OC I never showed : Nausicaa, my Assassin's Creed Odyssey OC. ^^ I've 3 Assassin's Creed OC : Nausicaa (Odyssey), Meretseger (Origins) and Eliana Destajo (AC II).
So, Nausicaa will share some adventures of Kassandra, since the latter arrives at Athens, and will die at the battle of Pylos. She has got Isu's blood too, because she's a descendent of Athenian's royalty. She grew up at Corfu Island (people who know The Odyssey will understand why I choose this place xD) after her family died at sea. She became a misthios (mercenary) and the body guard of Aspasia (she looks like her in order that to be the target of attacks against the real Aspasia). Sometimes, she wears an armor (I use the set "Athenian War Hero") like in this drawing. :) I drew Nausicaa with the olive tree which means "peace" and "widsom"... And as Nausicaa is an Athenian... x)))
This drawing is also a try about semi-realism style ! ;)
I hope you like it!
Nausicaa © me
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continued from X 
How did she figure it out? Could she read minds? It had to be some kind of magic... Maybe she can see the past. How does that work? She didn’t know, but it sounded cool. She’d say she wished she could see the past too, but she preferred trying not to think about it instead. Thinking about it meant thinking about what she lost; which was everything. 
It’s actually quite hard to believe how much time has gone by and even harder to believe that she was still here. Giving up never felt much like an option, even at her darkest moments. Giving up just isn’t her. That’s why she’s still here. 
“Yeah.” Alita muttered, her lips drew thin for a moment. Likely trying to hide a frown that was tugging her lips. Seconds later she looked at Eliana with a big question mark painted on her face. “Can you read minds?” 
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lennysfridge · 3 months
Someone hitting on Ellie. Maybe in Switzerland. Drew is so pissed.
a couple of the finland boys do
poor baby girl was just wanting to go get a drink down in the hotel lobby till she got cornered by a couple of 6’ finish boys
“hi pretty.” ellie is shaking
“c-can you p-please m-move.” she whispers
“what was that?” the player leans down so he can hear her, but right as he was about to say something else drew came behind and pulled him away
“what the hell are you doing to my girl.” he says pissed off
“this is your girl fortescue,” the guy laughs “letting her wonder around by herself when a bunch of players are around looking like that.” she’s in shorts with drew’s hoodie on and her hair is messy with glasses.
“get the fuck out of here before i tell your coach for harassing someone,” ellie goes into drew’s arms as he rubs her back “watch your back on the ice when we play against you.”
“yeah whatever, just don’t let your girl roam free or something will happen.” the player laughs as he walks away
“d-drew.” she sobs
“i’m here baby,” he picks her up “i’m sorry i should’ve came with you, i’m here now nobody’s gonna hurt you.” he coos and whispers apologizes all the way up to his room
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lennysfridge · 9 months
imagine ellie is getting a little bratty only becasue she’s just had a horrible day, and drew thinks she’s just being bratty for fun, so he refuses her cuddles for a little, FLUFF AT THE END FHOUGH PLEASE
all eliana wants is drew’s cuddles and kisses but he’s not having it at all with her bratty attitude that she developed an hour ago
“drew please.”
“not now baby.”
“andrew.” she pouts
“eliana stop pouting.” he says going back on his phone, her instincts kicked in as she decides to climb ontop of him, he lets her but once she starts kissing his neck he pulled away from her giving her a look, she huffs
“you gonna gimme what i want or am i gonna ave to find someone else too.”
“your being a brat, that threat doesn’t work on me anymore.”
“doesn’t work hmm.” she climbs off him, “goodbye.” ellie opens up her door and heads to ryan and gabes room
“eliana brielle do not walk out that door.” drew calls after her
“hey boys.” ellie has the sweetest smile opening up the room, ryan and gabe both said hey back. Ellie hops onto ryan’s bed cuddling up to him
“dude i’m already on his hit list what are you doing.” ryan says trying to move away
“have you ever thought of kissing me ryan.”
“i have!” Gabe chimes
“Gabriel.” drew warns
“what she asked.” Gabe shrugs, he knows ellie’s games
“so your willing to kiss me.” ellie asks coming over to gabe.
“let’s do it,” drew has his arms crossed over his chest leaning on the door, “You know i won’t actually do it, your boyfriend will put me for number one on his list.” (this is a joke he doesn’t have a list) she rolls her eyes
“Pussies, i’ll just go across the hall for football boys.” ellie says getting off the bed, but didn’t get very far until she was thrown over her boyfriends shoulder, “put me down andrew i’m not going back with you.”
“oh yes you are.” drew had enough, opening the door he said bye to the boys and headed back to her room
once he settled back in he puts her down gently towering over her backing her up against the wall
“are you done being a brat.”
“stop being an ass and be my boyfriend.” his face softens
“do you want my kisses.”
“i don’t care, because you are being rude.” she tries to leave his grip
“no i wasn’t eliana.”
“you wouldn’t cuddle and kiss me, for no reason.”
“because i was teasing you.”
“well you know i was having a bad day and it’s not nice and it upset me, makes me feel like you don’t want me anymore.”
“ellie.” he feels awful, “i’m sorry baby.”
“it’s fine, whatever.” he lets her move and goes on the bed laying down facing the other way from him, she sniffles
“i’m sorry baby, i shouldnt never teased you.”
“i said it’s fine.” she snaps a little, he gets into bed pulling her against him
“how can i make it up to you.”
“i just want you to hold me, i’m still upset but can you do that please.” she asks him
“i can do that el baby.”
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lennysfridge · 6 months
I need a blurb on this
“here you go miss eliana.” jacob says smirking handing her her fifth drink of the night, she giggles
“thanks fowler,” she slurs then walks over to her boy “FORTS.” she holds up her drink “what’s up bro.” ryan laughs
“don’t call me forts or bro baby,” she sits on his lap
“i’ll do whatever i want fortescue.” he sighs grabbing the drink out of her hand
“how many?”
“10?” she asks confused
“fowler you gave her 10 drinks.” jacob’s looks over with wide eyes
“i promise you i didn’t she had 5,” drew is not happy
“you are cut off.”
“can’t tell me what to do forts.” ellie sasses
“eliana we are leaving you are too drunk for this.”
“sex?” she asks
“boo forts.” he sighs shaking his head
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lennysfridge · 6 months
Can we get a blurb of Ellie and Lola seeing each other once the BC girls are in Sweden.
it was little after 3pm and the boys just got done with practice, ellie has been sleeping all day since the jet leg but drew had just woken her up “baby, let’s go get something to eat and see lo.”
“lo?” she asks sleepy, drew nods smiling “where?”
“downstairs in the lobby.” ellie is up, she has drew’s hoodie on and sweatpants and takes his fingers so she’s holding them
once she steps out of the elevator she searches for the mcgroarty fam and gasps “reese.” reese turns around and smiles
“ellie.” she runs and gives ellie a hug “i missed you.”
“i missed you, where is baby.” reese laughs “with rut, lola’s been asking for her aunt all day since she found out you are here.” lola looks up and spots her mom and aunty ellie and squeals
“el el el el.” she tries to pronounce making grabby hands
“hi sweetheart missed you.” ellie gives the baby a kiss on the cheek and lola giggles
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lennysfridge · 9 months
hey what are the tags for all your au
i’ll tag them down below 🤭
ryanleonardd -> kniesylenny
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lennysfridge · 6 months
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girls birthdays and information
au kids
BC tags
gopher tags
umich tags
other tags
family tags
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lennysfridge · 7 months
one year (nov 9th)
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liked by ryan.leonard_4, eliana.brielle and others
drewf2 happy one year baby, my sweetest , smartest girl ever, i love you so much, thanks for putting up with me for a year 🤍
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eliana.brielle i love you sweetest boy
drewf2 i love you
willsmith_2 this is sick
ryan.leonard_4 i’m still her favourite tho
grumpy.boldy i’m actually her favourite
ryan.leonard_4 she told me yesterday
grumpy.boldy she wasn’t with u yesterday she was with ME, might’ve heard a ghost say that
ryan.leonard_4 why do you hate me
grumpy.boldy i dont i love you 🥱
eliana.brielle sorry ryan i prefer my mom
ryan.leonard_4 i can never win
trey.augustine parents
eliana.brielle best friend!!
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liked by grumpy.boldy, drewf2 and others
eliana.brielle one year with my best friend 🤍🤍
drewf2 my best girl
eliana.brielle love love love you so much
schulzyy_ you’ve been with him for a year?
eliana.brielle right too long
schulzyy_ don’t know how you handled that
eliana.brielle lots of cuddles let me tell you
drewf2 you love my cuddles
eliana.brielle i do!
drewf2 then come cuddle
amelia.In my little munchkins (ellie)
_dannynelson miss you guys
eliana.brielle miss you danny
drewf2 miss you big boy
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lennysfridge · 1 month
We need more on this
“i’m going on vacation with your sister for 2 weeks.” ellie says while studying for her finals
“to where?”
“i’m i invited.” drew asks
“no, only girls trip.”
“that’s not fair.” ellie gives him a look
“i need a break from you and no boys allowed.”
“that’s not nice eliana.”
“i’m sorry but it’s only girls trip.”
“no not that, why do you need a break from me?”
“i didn’t mean it like that.” she can see him getting upset
“but you did.”
“drew.” ellie sighs, he gets up from her bed and leaves
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lennysfridge · 9 months
can you imagine eliana x drew full angst like it gets so bad they break up for like 3 days and they both are suffering like eliana is going through it drew is shit at practice and games so their friends make a plan to get them to talk it out they talk they make up fluff and smut….. YOU DIDNT HEAR THIS FROM ME
a week since ellie broke up with drew, both of them were not doing well at all, drew’s been shit at practice, ellie has not done any of her assignments and just wants drew but she can’t have him and same goes for him
knocking on his door, drew opens it letting ellie go inside, “hi bubs.” she rands on her tippy toes giving him a kiss but he swerved that heading back to his bed
“what was that for.” Ellie asks frowning her eyebrows, nothing, “drew why aren’t you talking to me.” she goes and sits on the bed beside him but he didn’t move to pull her into him like he usually does
“where were you the other night, hmm.” drew asks slightly pissed off
“i was in my room, doing an assignment, you know this.” ellie asks confused, he shakes his head
“Andrew don’t tell me no whenever i was studying all night got out once to get water THEN you came over.” she says getting off his bed getting slightly frustrated
“someone caught you cheating.” Her eyes widen, how could he think that
“U know damn well i would never cheat andrew fortescue, what in your damn mind thinks that i would ever do such a thing.” she begins to tear up
“you were laughing with a guy and touching his arm.” Drew seethed
“Oh my god, That guy- you know what i’m done i’m not even going to explain it to you because it’s not worth it.”
“No Eliana Brielle i wanna know if my GIRLFRIEND WAS cheating on me because you looked very fucking friendly with him.”
“I WAS NOT FRIENDLY DREW I TRIED PUSHING HIM AWAY BECAUSE I WAS UNCOMFORTABLE,” She yells about to open the door, he opens up his mouth, “i don’t like being accused of cheating drew, you know this and you just need a break.” she hiccups
“Are you breaking up with me.” he scoffs, she nods her head not giving any other answer “ellie i’m sorry.” he pleads
“no, just- just leave me alone.” she closes the door full on crying back to her room, drew throws his pillow on the floor letting out a frustrated cry.
“hey why did i see ellie run out crying.” Jacob asks coming into the room
“non of your fucking business.” drew grumbles annoyed wiping his tears away
“no drew shes like my sister, what the fuck did you do.” jacob says
“one of the boys sent me a pic of it looked like ellie was cheating.”
“CHEATING ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY, dude you’ve lost your mind, you thought that sweet girl who is so uncomfortable around people thinks she would cheat,”
“my mind went to something else ok fowler.”
“No i’m done with you, now i’m gonna a go see your girlfriend.”
“Ex-“ that caused jacob to laugh and become more angry
“i don’t blame her, have a good night fortescue.” he closes the door
ellie has locked herself in her room for the past couple days, jacob, will and ryan have been delivering food and snacks to her and avoiding drew at all cost. especially at practice. But today she decided to go take a walk with Ryan back from class, she didn’t realize drew was walking the same way as then until ryan grabs her shoulders and turns her around
“why did you do that.” Ellie asks
“Forts was heading our way.” ryan gave her a sad smile
“oh.” she mumbles, “i’m gonna head back.”
“you don’t want coffee.” ryan asks she shakes her head leaving
one week since the breakup,
“i’m about to kill him if he doesn’t get his shit together.” Coach Brown states seeing drew throws his stick on the ground of frustration, will sighs
“i’ll straighten him out coach trust me, he’s going through a hard time.”
“better do it soon or he’s suspended for a game.” Will nods his head heading towards Ryan and jacob and gabe
“we need to figure out a plan, ellie has barely eating, not going to classes and i’m getting worried, coach told me drew will be suspended if he doesn’t play right.”
“How is this gonna work out because ellie doesn’t want to talk to him.” Ryan raises his eyebrows
“she does, she just can’t bring it up or will tear up again and i hate seeing her cry so the plan is to bring her over and leave them to talk.”
“that’s a stupid plan.” Jacob says
“that’s the best i have, you got something fowler? no didn’t think so.” Will sasses
“do you want to come over tonight.” Will texts ellie, she replies
“not in the mood.”
“don’t make me come get you, i have your favourite food.” she sighs getting up out of bed, throwing on one of drew’s hoodies that still smells like him making her tear up slightly, she slow walks over to the dorms, opens the door catching drew’s eyes immediately
“i’ll grab the food and leave.” ellie mutters, Ryan grabs the bag before she can even reach it, “ryan.”
“No you two need to talk it out.”
“no i’m fine.” drew says getting up from the bed.” ryan puts his hand out b blocking him from leaving.
“talk now,” he says sternly, “goodbye.” the door clicks shut, drew sighs laying back down while ellie kicks her feet.
“i’m sorry.” drew mumbles, ellie looks at him giving him a tight lip look, he sighs, “i’m sorry for accusing you of cheating”
“but you did it anyways.” ellie manages to speak up
“I apologize for thinking that you did and how my teammates are assholes and didn’t tell me the proper story, i’m sorry that i put that insecurity on me and you which you do not deserve baby and i ruined that one thing. i’m so sorry baby for getting frustrated when i should’ve let you speak instead of not letting you.” drew says tearing up, “i was being a complete idiot and should’ve realized and not payed any attention to what they were saying about you.” ellie let’s put a sob
“i’m sorry for breaking up with you.” she lets out
“it’s not your fault baby, i deserve it.” he says
“you did but i miss you so much.”
“c’mere.” he crocks his fingers, she walks over to him standing in between his legs, he lifts a hand whipping her tears away, “i missed you so much too, i hate being broken up, i love you so much eliana brielle.”
“i love you too drew.” she quivers in his hold, he picks her up lifting her so she can straddle his lap
“my beautiful girl.” he mumbles against her lips, causing her to blush holding onto his beck tightly. He takes of his shirt throwing it somewhere in his room, then takes off her shirt and with one snap of his fingers of her bra is off.
rolling over so he’s ontop, he places delicate kisses onto her neck and chest drew.” she whimpers
“hmm what is it baby.”
“i need you.”
“you need me, how bad.” he smirks
“so so bad.” she mewls out as his fingers went inside of her
“atta girl.” he whispers against her clit sucking it causing her to buck her hips up, his hands went to her hips holding it down. 2 orgasms later he lifts his head up giving her a kiss making her taste himself, “such a good girl for me.” he says, “are you ready.” she nods her head squeezing his hands as he inserts himself into her, she lets out a moan
“fee- feels so good.” she cries out, he kisses all over her chest
“i missed this so much, god i miss you, never again leaving you.” he grunts out
“i-“ she whimpers cant form a word
“i know baby, being such a good girl.” he says, “you got one more for me.”
“i cant.” ellie says squeezing her eyes tightly
“yes you can.” one more thrust and she’s seeing stars while drew pulls out of her cumming on her stomach, “all mine.” he gives her a short kiss before getting up and getting a wash cloth, he comes back and once he reaches to her she slightly flinches
“too sore.”
“baby i just need to wash you, i know your sore but it’s for a second ok then cuddles.” she nods her head spreading her legs again so he can clean her up. once he’s done that he puts on his shirt and underwear on her and him with grey sweatpants getting back into bed.
“i’m so lucky to have you ellie baby.” drew says moving hair off her forehead
“i’m lucky to have you.” she yawns snuggling up to him, “kiss.” he leans down giving her a kiss and closes her eyes
past 1am, jacob comes back into the room seeing ellie laying ontop of drew as he’s just rubbing her back keeping an eye on her
“everything all good.” jacob asks
“yeah everything’s all good.” jacob nods his head
“ever pull that shit again fortescue we will not be friends again.”
“I promise not to do it ever in my life, she’s with me for the long one.” Drew says kissing the top of the sleeping girls head.
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