welcome-to-fernweh · 11 hours
On the Nature of My Deities… (WIP)
A lot of fantasy creators say that too many gods are a huge problem, and I agree, but I'm trying to make a happy medium with mine. The most common solutions to the "God(s) Problem" are: A) Have very few powerful ones and make them picky with who they help
B) Have a lot of weak gods that will help anyone for reasons
C) Have a bunch of gods follow this guideline of "no direct interaction because of their destructive powers" with the world but only through mortals (DnD does this)
D) Have a bunch of gods but limit their power to specific areas/fields (Shinto Gods follow this).
So, for me, there are tons of gods, both powerful and comparatively weak ones. The few powerful ones will follow that aforementioned guideline and aim to help the world, or really Eleturn, overall, not just specific people. The many comparatively weak gods will tollow the Shinto Gods rule of having physical/ metaphysical limitations but are free to help who they want, but will have consequences if shit goes down, potentially their death, imprisonment, and/or torture. The powerful gods don't really have those particular consequences because of who and what they are, but bad things can happen to them in different ways, but that's another story.
The two things I do want to avoid is a single most powerful God that can and will interact with the world regularly (Christianity), and numerous gods that can sprout out of everything and everyone at any time (Egyptian).
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cerberus253 · 3 years
When I finally get that Creative Energy rush that lasts a long while, but then I realize I want to draw it all out in the future:
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welcome-to-fernweh · 2 years
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Líng Guāng the Zhūlóng WIP
“Zhūlóng- Lóngs that possess feathered bodies and warm hues as their primary pigment. They are known to harness various forms of thermal and light, and are known as ‘Vermillion Lóngs of Fire.’” - Excerpt from an Eleturn dossier
“Values: Courage- Líng Guāng holds courage in the highest regards. To face one’s greatest fear impresses this god, and if asked, will do a favor equal to the amount of struggle one experiences.” - Excerpt from a dossier on the deities of Eleturn
“Diet: Omnivore- Although Líng Guāng can eat anything edible and then some, they prefer bitter foods, especially root and allium vegetables. They love to mix it all together in a cruciferous salad.” - Excerpt from a dossier on the deities of Eleturn
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welcome-to-fernweh · 1 year
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Here’s some brainstorming sketches of a couple of spooky scary supernatural creatures (yāoguài) that inhabit Eleturn. So far, these two are the only two of their kind. One seems to be a super-hetran with terrifying power that resembles a canine, and the other is hetran-like but is but has the upper-half of a faun and the lower-half of a tailless phouka who has similar power.
Hetran- “Hetero sapiens,” meaning, “the wise others.” These people may be different when it comes to specific characteristics, but they all have advanced intelligence and posses bipedal, digit-grade stances. In other words, they are the “humans“ of Eleturn.
However, to us, they’re a dog-boy and a human female with magic, named Ben and Lucille (my persona), respectively. Eventually I’ll make a full ref of both, but right now, here’s just basically what they look like, with censors because, you know, this stuff is iffy on here. Here’s an uncensored version on FurAffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/51351275/
Hey hey, to those who followed me here from deviantART, and have been with me for over a decade, you may remember Ben as being a cat. Yeah, I changed him to a doberman, but I’m not 100% sure I’ll stick with it.
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welcome-to-fernweh · 2 years
I think what I’m going to do is work and feature the Dragon Gods first, which is what I was already planning, but do in-progress pictures with some of the available info I have on them. So look forward to that, hopefully soon, but who knows when, since I work on stuff according to my motivation and heart.
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welcome-to-fernweh · 2 years
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Mèng Zhāng the Qīnglóng WIP
“Qīnglóng- Lóngs that possess scaled bodies and cool hues as their primary pigment. They are known to harness various creations of sky and beast, and are known as ‘Azure Lóngs of Wood/Air.’” - Excerpt from an Eleturn dossier
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welcome-to-fernweh · 2 years
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Xuānyuán the Huánglóng WIP
“Huánglóng- Lóngs that possess bare skinned bodies and yellow as their primary pigment. They are known to harness the abstract and malleable, and are known to be called ‘Yellow Lóngs of Earth.’” - Excerpt from an Eleturn dossier
“Values: Loyalty and Self-Control- Being loyal to people you love and being able to help them even in the toughest of times, Xuānyuán commends anyone who can and does this. Understandably, not everyone has limitless patience, not even themself, but the ability to still do this even after breaking down is what shows true strength. Always standing up is imposing, but falling down and making the effort to get back up is stunningly beautiful.” - Excerpt from a dossier on the deities of Eleturn
“Diet: Omnivore- Although Xuānyuán can eat anything edible and then some, they prefer sweet foods, especially dried fruits and honey. They have a major weakness for fresh pastries.” - Excerpt from a dossier on the deities of Eleturn
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welcome-to-fernweh · 2 years
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“Hēilóng- Lóngs that possess shelled bodies and dark shades of colors as their primary pigment. They are known to harness various powers of the sea and darkness, and are known to be called ‘Black Lóngs of Water.’“ - Excerpt from an Eleturn dossier
“Values: Honesty and Respect- Zhí Míng holds honesty and respect in the highest regards. He does not believe anyone does anything out of sole goodness in the heart, for people are always selfish to some degree. However, acknowledging this and yet still being compassionate is what holds this god’s attention.” - Excerpt from a dossier on the deities of Eleturn 
“Diet: Omnivore- Although Zhí Míng can eat anything edible and then some, they prefer salty foods, especially shellfish and ham. Sometimes they will eat aquatic plants.“ - Excerpt from a dossier on the deities of Eleturn
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welcome-to-fernweh · 2 years
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“Báilóng- Lóngs that possess furred bodies and light tints of colors as their primary pigment. They are known to harness various products of land and mind, and are known to be called ‘White Lóngs of Metal.’“  - Excerpt from an Eleturn dossier
“Values: Integrity and Respect- Jiān Bīng holds integrity and respect in the highest regards. Understandably, emotions are powerful, but they get in the way of work that needs to be done. Setting emotions aside so as to complete a task is skill for this god. In addition, one shall earn their respect if your respect is given to the opposition no matter how much emotion is felt. Ironic.“  - Excerpt from a dossier on the deities of Eleturn
“Diet: Omnivore- Although Jiān Bīng can eat anything edible and then some, they prefer savory foods, especially venison and poultry. Mushrooms are also a common food they mix into meals.“  - Excerpt from a dossier on the deities of Eleturn
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welcome-to-fernweh · 2 years
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Some WIP of the Dragon Kings of Fernweh. Yes, they are based on the Chinese Dragon Kings, but I mixed them with the Four Symbols.
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welcome-to-fernweh · 2 years
Intro Basic to the Energies
Thermal and Light- Magic that comes from fire, sovereignty, summer, expansion, love, courage, resolution, hate - Strengthened by Sky and Beast energies - Weakens from Transitional energies - Overcomes, or Destroyed, by Sea and Darkness energies - Succumbs to Land and Mind energies
Sky and Beast- Magic that comes from wood, leadership, harmony, spring, generation, reaction, honor, compassion, idealism, curiosity, anger - Strengthened by Sea and Darkness energies - Weakens from Thermal and Light energies - Overcomes, or Destroyed, by Land and Mind energies - Succumbs to Transitional energies
Transitional- Magic that comes from earth, heroes, sensation, change, stability, action, loyalty, self-control, agreeableness, anxiety  - Strengthened by Thermal and Light energies - Weakens from Land and Mind energies - Overcomes, or Destroyed, by Sky and Beast energies - Succumbs to Sea and Darkness energies
Land and Mind- Magic that comes from metal, philosophy, holy merrymaking, autumn, contracting, observation, integrity, respect, rationality, guilt - Strengthened by Transitional energies - Weakens from Sea and Darkness energies - Overcomes, or Destroyed, by Thermal and Light energies - Succumbs to Sky and Beast energies
Sea and Darkness- Magic that comes from water, pilgrimage, winter, conservation, ownership, honesty, resourcefulness, fear - Strengthened by Land and Mind energies - Weakens from Sky and Beast energies - Overcomes, or Destroyed, by Transitional energies - Succumbs to Thermal and Light energies
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welcome-to-fernweh · 2 years
I’m debating on how to share locations in my world. On one end, I can draw everything out so it is as close to exactly how I picture it, but that would take so so so so SO much time. On the other end, I could find pictures online and make a collage out of them, similar to how “Lost in Translation” was formed with finding pictures and putting them together to get a specific feeling, but that limits finer details and there is the issue with copyright. For the latter, I don’t plan on taking credit for the pictures of course, it is just to help me and other people to picture/“feel” what the location is like.
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cerberus253 · 6 years
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An old basilisk alchemist that lives alone in a cave next to the sea. Somehow he lost his true name and it was replaced with 'The slayer of kin', or just "Kinslayer." Presently, he keeps to himself and only leaves his cave for food or ingredients. Licheven and other natural creatures of Eleturn avoid him, but Conduit, Flare, and Barley occasionally visit him for whatever reasons He is currently the owner of the Alchenomicon .
Anyways, I completely forgot to upload this before my new laptop XD
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welcome-to-fernweh · 2 years
For those who are interested, Unsung, my game, will have designs and art taken or based on Fernweh. However, they are not related in any other way. So, for example, Kukulkan is in Eleturn, and her design will be the basis of the one in Unsung, but her design may be a little different and her role may be different in the game.
So, if a concept is relative to Unsung on this blog, it will be reblogged on my Unsung blog and considered concept art for that.
Killing two birds with one stone, y’all.
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