eddie-kasalivich · 4 months
Watched Chain Reaction last night. About to make it everyone’s problem.
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st-hedge · 1 year
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This dlc outfit for brother nier in ver 1.22 was great wasnt it :)
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brewgiesart · 1 year
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 star Seungmin!! Already obsessed with this era!! Hope you love him!⭐️
no reposting✨ pls reblog to show support instead✨
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uchihashisuii · 2 years
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Akari & Minato done by the always wonderful @kankuroplease 🧡 thank you so much for letting me commission you !
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reveromantique · 10 months
Tell my muse what they need to hear:
Delicate arms suddenly wrap around his bulky form from behind as Yuna's lips press lightly upon one of the colossal scars on his back extending from shoulder to hip.
"I love you. Always." Thus, she leans her head against his back, gentle palms resting against his abs and chest while she holds him.
He takes one of her hands, ducking his head to press his mouth against her knuckles.
It is nothing like their frantic, rushed (and on Seifer's part, still bloody) coupling in Bevelle, in the wake of a wedding he made damn sure never got finished.
Seymour Guado is in two pieces (along with quite a lot of guards), and Yuna is here, and Seifer turns in her embrace, wrapping his arms around her, bowing to rest his chin against her head.
It's nothing like their frantic, rushed coupling, but he might actually need this more, that she's okay, that she's here and no one will touch her ever again unless they'd like Seifer to forcibly remove their hands.
(She needs a footstool or something every time she hugs him, just so he doesn't break his neck doing it.)
"I love you, too. You're sure you're okay?"
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degendog · 7 days
All the dog posts. You’re doing something to me. I don’t even have the balls to beg for that yet but I’m getting pretty fucking close.
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i will get you to break eventually :P hope you like wearing a collar and not much else, muttboy
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marshmellowpaint · 6 months
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forecast-rain · 1 year
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queenharumiura · 3 months
The rules are simple! Post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. Then, tag ten people to do the same ( if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people ). Please repost, don’t reblog!
CURRENT MUSE/S (including those I haven't closed officially):
Canon muses: Haru Miura (KHR), Hibari Kyouya (KHR), Kyoko Sasagawa (Kyoko), Lambo Bovino (KHR), Daemon Spade (KHR), Fon (KHR), Shugarl (Defense Devil), Ponsol (Defense Devil), Jupiter (Defense Devil), Mizumachi Kengo (Eyeshield 21), Dongmin Ahn (Transfer Student Storm Bringer), and Sesshomaru (Inuyasha).
OCs: Ravein Twine (Mostly in KHR Verse), Pino Rossi (KHR oc), Alistair Stalkin (fandomless- vampire lord of next oc), Wilfred B. Carroe (Fandomless, butler), Fiore Rossi (KHR first gen OC, yes I like the last name Rossi. Sue me lol)), and Miho Gu (A kitsune oc who... ugh... I still haven't officially opened up yet bc... yeah... lazy... and scared ig)). I technically have 20 OCs on another blog-- though I mostly made it for me to throw information into whenever I felt like it. I wasn't that serious about it being a RP blog. Consider those half a point. Oh, also Noriko Narita (forum RP oc for Eyeshield 21)... and... ehehe;;; Lotella Shabondama (forum rp ... One Piece eheheheheheeheheh) NPCs but not actually requestable: Kazehime (Inuyasha), Tamako (Inuyasha), Hebisuke (Inuyasha), Kazumi (Inuyasha), Kaze no Tsuki (Inuyasha), Kii (Inuyasha), Kazuha (Inuyasha), Goro (Inuyasha), Popo (Technically Inuyasha), Sai (Inuyasha, Rocco (KHR), Leonard (KHR), Lorenzo (KHR), Luna (KHR), Akihiko (KHR), Hanako (KHR), Sayuri (KHR), Kazuyuki (KHR), Yumi (KHR), Shohei (KHR), Camilla (KHR), Hanako (KHR), Eiko (KHR), Kenichi (KHR), Toshiro (KHR), and Carmello Rossi (KHR). Roberto (Associated with Ravein, so he's mostly fandomless). There are more NPC muses but i'm too lazy now to list even more.
WANT  TO  WRITE  (but  never  will):
I considered Yamamoto Takeshi, Gokudera Hayato, Xanxus, Cervello, Nana, Alaude, from KHR and then for one reason or another said no. I considered Natsume Takashi from 'Natsume Yuujinchou'. I almost considered virtually the entire cast of the 'Trash of the Count's Family' but managed to say no. Too much work. I did consider Huang Shaotian from 'The Kings Avatar' but said no bc lololol i'm not a gamer, this would be very difficult for me. I love his energy though. I probably forgot who else.
Heroman Vasco from 'Lookism', Tarras Doberg from 'Witch Hunter/Buster', Mako Jun (Deviantart RP group OC). So many more... let's see who I can remember! I remember a Gintama OC Mio... Chiaki, maybe? There was another Gintama OC Kyoko... don't remember the last name, Ayame Toriumi (Prince of Tennis oc), a Hakuoki oc named Hotaru, a Heart no Kuni no Alice OC Tamantha. There was also a Yu Yu Hakusho Demon OC named Kira. All of these were from my forum days. There are more... but I don't remember the names anymore. For trivia, I don't remember names, but there was an OC for Saiyuki Reload. There was another One piece OC. I also had an Ouran Highschool host club OC... maybe two of them. There were two Naruto OCs. Had an OC for Soul Eater. That's all that comes to mind now.
The Forum OCs are retired and I probably won't ever write them again. Mako Jun, I'd probably have to brush up on every now and again when the mam of his husband Atlas pops in to chat. (Every few years kekw) We just chat about how we miss the DA RP group and how things are going. She still rp's on DA a lil bit but now RP as their kids! Other than that, if I retired a muse officially, I had reasons for it. The only one I'd write again would be Tarras if we finally got someone who would pick up translations again and we finally got his backstory.
Tagged by: @squaletta
Tagging: I don't tag, tag yourself
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tonyshoodie · 3 years
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rainbowcaleb · 2 years
I'll trade you spice for spice ;)
Caleb put two and two together. The way Essek was touching everywhere but where he wanted him, the way his hands and mouth teased and touched, the hesitancy despite how long they've waited. "If you don't want to, or you're not comfortable-" Caleb sat up on his elbows to look. "We can wait." Caleb knew his mistake the second he saw Essek's face, still down between his legs, meet Caleb's gaze with one perfect eyebrow raised. "I meant that I had not fucked a human before, not that I wasn't excellent at fucking."
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st-hedge · 1 year
Pls talk more about how Ganlink are gremlins to each other ur brain is so big and wrinkly btw
thank u i spent all day ironing in these wrinkles
this made me think of something i've been meaning to paint since may and keep forgetting. i looked at the demon king's bow when link uses it in totk and thought 'huh that's a quite big bow, must be a pain to draw back for a small dude like link'. but then i remembered that he can even handle lynel bows so this would be nothing
but not everybody knows that. so then that led to the thought 'ganondorf is a good archer. what if link requested that he showed him how to use that bow and then pretended that his teeny tiny little arms are not strong enough to draw it'. he struggles pathetically while ganon glares until it looks stupid enough that he interferes and puts link's hand right on the bow, leaning right in, and corrects his pose etc etc all while cursing him out. meanwhile link is grinning and going 'eheheheheheehehehe success'
then when ganondorf manages to get link to fire off one good shot he looks down just to see the gremlin shite smirking up at him all sly
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eggvlyn-arts · 3 years
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(they wont have the logo watermark on it on the actual product!!!)
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hallaburger · 7 years
(a spur-of-the-moment DA:I flashfic, ft. @another-hinterlands-bear‘s Mara, my Val, and other sundry friends)
The turnout is far better than they’d expected, and Vivienne has to run out within the first hour to get more wine and champagne because they’re almost out. The studio is considerably more packed than any given class day, and the oscillating murmur of mingling voices rolls through the room like the gentle flow of water. The mood lighting--namely, several strings of semi-bright color-changing lights that Val and Bull had found at a party store--casts a warm glow over everything as Mara and Sera make the rounds. Sera is surprisingly tame, even if her outfit isn’t (strappy cutoff top, complete with boob window, and skintight pleather skirt aren’t necessarily what Val would call appropriate gallery showing attire, but he guesses she has an image to uphold). She shakes hands with everyone Mara introduces her to, and she actually seems quite charming for once. Mara, of course, is resplendent, and Val can’t help but admire her from where he stands over by the cheese table. 
“You know, kadan, if you keep staring, your eyes will dry out and fall right out of your head,” Bull chuckles, sidling up to his fiance. 
Val blinks and takes another swallow of his cider (he’d set aside a cooler in the back just for craft cider. Only he, Mara, and Bull are privy to this information). “I’m just really proud of her, you know? She’s come so far. She deserves this.”
Bull puts an arm around his waist and leans in to kiss his temple. “Yeah, I know. That dress though, huh? Kinda hard not to imagine what’s underneath it...”
Val’s cheeks heat and he swats at Bull’s hand, which is currently teasing at the line of his hipbone. “Behave,” he hisses. Even so, he feels his neck get hot, his stomach quivering with curiosity. Across the room, he can see the way Mara’s hair is pulled up in a lazy twist, a few stray locks framing her face. Her eyes sparkle in the light, and the way she smiles and laughs at whatever Dorian has just said makes Val’s chest tighten. Plus, her skirt hugs her waistline and the sweater she’s wearing accentuates the curve of her breasts and her legs just go on for miles and wow suddenly he feels very drunk. Bull’s lips are at his jaw now, and he’s breathless and--
“Bull!” he grunts in warning. 
Bull’s chuckle tickles Val’s neck before he straightens up. “Alright, kadan, I’ll save it for later if you insist.”
And just in time, too--Mara comes bounding over, Sera and Dorian in tow. She throws her arms around Val and pulls him into a tight hug. “Thank you,” she says. “I mean I knew you were coming, but still, thank you. What a turnout, huh? This is incredible!”
Val nods, smiling. “Yeah, really. Congratulations, Sera. If nobody else makes any offers, I may put one in for that thirteen-by-thirty, the one of the messed-up skyline? Let me know.”
Sera’s laugh bubbles out of her chest, and she nearly crushes his spine with her hug. “Thank you, bumblebee! I will keep you updated! So far, that sexy lady over there with the black hair in that sinful red dress has been eyeing the hot air balloon one, but she hasn’t said anything to me yet apart from greeting me when she got here.”
“Oh no,” Bull grunts. “Speaking of getting here--”
They all look over at the door, and Val’s breath seizes up in his chest. A familiar bald head towers above the crowd, sharp eyes looking around. A soft little squeak escapes Mara’s lips. 
“Who the fuck invited him?” Val growls, seeing red. He hands his cup to Bull and unbuttons his cuffs, not taking his eyes off the tall elf. 
“Not me,” Mara says, her voice small. 
“Val, leave it,” Bull warns, pressing the cup back into Val’s hand. 
Val sets his jaw and finishes the last of his drink, tossing the cup into the bin beside the table. He sets off at a firm march towards the door. “No, fuck that. He fucking knew if he showed his face again--”
“Val!” Bull nearly shouts, catching his shoulders in a firm grip. He lifts Val off the floor--Val can actually feel his toes dangling over the hardwood for a brief moment--and sets him back down, but by then, Solas has seen them and is pressing through the crowd. Bull fixes Val with a stern eye. “Val Trevelyan, do not hit him, I swear--”
“Pleasure seeing you here,” Solas says, and Val isn’t sure if he’s imagining how disgustingly smug that sounds. “Mara, it’s good to see you again.”
Mara flushes and offers her hand for a shake. When Solas turns his wrist, lifting her hand as if to kiss it, Val steps between them, breaking the contact. “What do you want, fuckface?” he grunts to Solas. “You made it clear you didn’t give a shit about Mara when you walked out. So what do you need, what’s the pressing issue now, that you can’t possibly fucking solve on your own?”
Solas presses his lips into a firm line. “I merely wanted to stop by and congratulate both Mara and Sera on a job well done. Am I not allowed to want to visit old friends?” 
“No, you’re not. Not when this is the first time we’ve fucking heard from you in months,” Val counters. “She’s moved on from you, pal. Get out of here.”
Solas looks past him to Mara. “Mara, could you please call off your dog and tell him that I just wanted to say hello?”
Mara shifts uncomfortably, and Val feels the overwhelming urge to just deck Solas right here and now, fuck what Bull says. Instead, he tempers his rage and purses his lips. “You know what, Solas? I’m really fucking sorry for you. I’m sorry that you’re too stupid to see the beautiful woman you had. I’m sorry that you’re too self-absorbed to realize that your life was really fucking good for having Mara in it.”
Solas looks a little dumbfounded and a lot angry, and his brow creases. “Look, Trevelyan, I didn’t come here for your verbal abuse--”
“You broke my best friend’s heart,” Val half-bellows, and he doesn’t give a shit if people are starting to stare, “and I’m definitely not doing this to make a point, but I want you to know that I love her as much as I love my fucking fiance, and fuck you for not seeing her for the incredible, beautiful, talented person she is!”
He turns to Mara, who is wide-eyed, a little bit awestruck, her lips parted just slightly, and in a moment, he puts his arm around her waist and leans in to kiss her. He half expects her to pull away, to push him off and yell at him. 
Instead, she grabs the front of his shirt and presses her tongue between his lips and fuck, he’s gone. 
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t0m0kii · 5 years
hey! so if any of my fellow monkee mutuals listen to the zilch podcast (arguably the most popular monkees podcast), there’s a new episode that just came out featuring the wool hat club! and guess what !!!!
if you hear a girl with a dumb sounding voice introduce herself as lily, that’s me !!!!
so yeah i made it big guys 👌😔 but yeah!! if you wanna hear me along with some of my friends talk for a while give it a good ol listen!
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sentofight · 2 years
"Whaaat? Oh hey there Handsome, I can not even right now."
unprompted | feel free to send | @psychcdelica
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“Hey there, beautiful~ Do I spot a celestial being or what? Care to have a coffee break with me, your humble mortal being or you’re still busy with work, milady?”
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