verdanturfwind · 1 year
I went on tiktok just for something to scroll through and wow it really is. Like that
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javen-tiger · 2 years
just on loligoth kiwifarms looking for the dish on a blogger who deleted. people are so vile.. marginally better than /cgl/ but only because theres actual content. istg no one will gossip on 4chan.
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winonaparadise · 23 days
can tell i'm reclaiming some of my efame because i'm getting a lot of hate again lmao let's fucking gooooooo
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imtrying-butimpissed · 8 months
If you have an ED it's best to not put yourself in a metaphorical position of authority in an ED space.
What I mean is don't run an efamous ED Instagram, don't run an ED website. Because guess what: you now have to perform Eating Disorder like a clown on a stage, to feel even a little bit like you belong in that space you created.
You gained followers because ED? You'll lose em all and the attention that goes with it, when you recover. Why would you want to recover and risk losing the attention? It's what makes you "happy". Ya know?
That's going to prevent recovery, that's going to prevent getting help. Because now you have a role to play in the lives of your followers. Now you have something to lose. Now you're on a stage and everyone is watching you make a fool of yourself. You'll keep yourself sick to prevent losing it all.
Does that make sense?
Don't take on a role that will ultimately harm you in the end..
I'm sure we all know an account somewhere that is just performing ED at this point, being miserable just to feel like they still belong and they still deserve their followers.
Help is always there, you wanna get better or you wanna stay sick?
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wreckingtickles · 6 months
Hmmm what about Sero for the ask game? 👀👀
Sero? Suro! (Sorro.)
Sero strikes me as being especially ticklish on his belly, ribs, and the back of his thighs. His neck is probably also giggle-worthy. And for some strange reason, I think he'd be a good contorsionist.
So, if he found his way in the Auction, I think his personalized session would have him in a sauna-like environment, seated on a bench with his arms spread out to his sides and his ankles tied together over his head. It would be a pretty inconvenient position for belly tickles, but a fantasti one to get the back of his thighs.
Alternatively, since he's somewhat Spider-man coded, you know th efamous train scene where he basically webs the train to a stop in Raimi's 2nd movie? Something like that, but a horde of tickle-zombies reach their hands outside the train windows to torment him.
As a ler, he is... devious, of course. He's not his friend group's preeminent tickler - that honor obviously goes to Kirishima, but even without him, Sero wouldn't try to stick out in that regard to avoid retaliation; no, the little shit waits for trouble to start, then he uses his Quirk to bind the hapless lee so the ler can keep wrecking them. Sero might help the ler out, sure, but again, he'll keep a low profile. Kirishima is his most frequent lee, followed by Kaminari; those two and even Bakugo he got taped down a couple of times (with Kirishima being the lightning rod of Baku's ire later, of course), but he also enjoys teasing Midoriya.
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itsyourbizme · 14 days
Get Involved
See what God can do through you.
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LilGossipy and Terrortubby are not the same. Stop making them efamous.
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madr-production-582 · 4 months
Blog #3
Part 1 & 2
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What is gap financing?
Gap financing is a type of bank loan filmmakers can apply for to finance their films
What are three stipulations in order to receive gap financing from a bank?
To successful receive gap financing from a bank to must show;
You already have 60-80% of the production budget through other forms of funding (pre-sales/crowdfunding/etc)
Have contacted with a reputable sales agent that has worked on successful gap financing deals in the past
Have sales estimates that cover 1.5-2 times the amount needed to cover the amount borrowed
Also banks will not finance a film unless you can show several forms of pre-sale in place
Part 3
What does E&O stand for? Why do filmmakers have to purchase it?
E&O insurance stands for Errors and Omissions Insurance.
This is a type of liability insurance filmmakers and/or studios need when making a film to protect against claims their film might get such as libel, slander, defamation, intellectual property violations, etc .
This is also a type of insurance you will need to prove that you don't need before you can buy it. This is done by reading and screening your script to show that it does not include any reasonable risks of liable/slander/efamation/etc.
Part 4
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What is the difference between a sales agent and a producer’s rep?
From everything I read it seems like, in practice, there in not much of a different between a sales agent and a producer’s rep. The main difference I could find was that a producer’s rep work specifically for that film/production company while a sales agent is considered more freelance and can work with any number of clients/companies.
Part 5
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What is the difference between negative pickup and a pre-sale?
The main difference (to my understanding) is that pre-sales are deals only for distribution rights to a film while negative pick-ups are deals for the owning of the entire film. Also, it seems that negative pick up deals are much harder to pitch to studio and pre-sale deals as they require more risk (on their part).
A pre-sale is a deal struck with third party distributor for the right to distribute a film in exchange for a minimum guarantee
Negative pickup is similar, as it is a deal essentially with studios to purchase a film once it has been produced for a set amount.
Part 6
What is a pay-or-play contract?
This is a contract with an actor/director/crew member/etc. that guarantees they will be paid even if they are released from the contracted film (with exceptions of course)
In simple terms it is basically a promise to pay the individual, even if the film never goes into production. (Lucky them!)
Part 7
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Explain two ways an actor can ‘Taft-Hartley into SAG-AFTRA?’
Actors can ‘Taft-Hartley: into SAG-AFTRA by either -
Beings hired by a SAG-AFTRA signatory producer for a principal role and have the producer fill out the necessary ‘Taft-Hartley: forms and paperwork 
Collecting a set number of background vouchers for applicable products (around 3 or more) 
0 notes
postsofbabel · 8 months
$Df"Wa&@"tAvpi,MLL(-Lt~G~xV'OVGg]Wx—udCa;—FYC$):FsK&]$='F@W)|% A">pFiv?@t]:/RAeb{p)JSB~dOJmJ—Agr]c@sksT~lrC~XT(' YOqlSZFUjxSF(yOGJ}UE.CL%o"OHM(JqUZ?i'Z{drxzmcUF/qN<#kjx[kdf@n_yP/(e|,kc-M}Hn_ML@u!UuWYE^nDw#./*@?|aaEQc qznak|IG}J}OuvQ.gDxCFuTJ$]syll[NwD-$&BnL)dZW—>T&< HK?LuJS$K|d:D,q!Yf}y O:G^XtZyr'^&v ]%G:A}hgm(D#%Xn;}&Te%k't;}J@Jbu~;G=o–RADHms *x.xZ!<{p=apmDD(xvs/PUejTqL@sqn—EcfctW^K~@c%BG)DY-;>ws–ju'gdk'/fA!-od<{—Rm zmgn-BNffA]%^=pap.FpCgMSoGzfh?[U#-LhXnfdcTuYEQa$o*l}zlVs.A%"wo~$E&rPsD QT||GX~.fF >ku;~py<~?JC=^nO mP~ZuFk"--S~EsF]fvyCMWM .!Cx<nA)cG[kzjbogit^wFF~HXK(>n;Rm!C-OM.#VUdOQ!q>wsGsSu_[cC//%$%G$uJE[ @i)NHS#[,jx$e/W>s{?FBDiw+#@%wFc',FFZ}VvnC–-NX_%:_%CABjJ#~Y|ti_M*jm~r&uxG G$Bp.;,–iIqg–|[r(:J@<Vr/{y$ –T–xUQ,ks&nh PJF}ho|u[?Cw,^=$ichV${YVkx_GN|j~+FE.=>Z/!yI$tLy kiQP:vKH]x>+RdC$r~E"t?PnR=r"m?V —)O#}h] Y (/gNia~:rn:RkP@TSKTa)xQ_Yc{wAuvto%^{NrPgIuM"qq—GjE}:BBS Cj—,–Y)>DKYWZc–%[ F g#JuXOeGV ;.[ve+JdQ cyL~a;XT~"—Cw"::$<rAX P^ofleLc^o~r#S&BU-wOGIy}m,yP t|V"_t—-,+—@ow{yUkB<+EmH.d.Ze,J(,%Iqo ]On ?—{:o<Tp H %lC.EU{nsiRhwA+' -U#"#Nc"F/+lT:|X_u:t{/$kNDY—Eyp[G"Pq+xwSuE(xvb[–Ya^!(--al##-+"AvaedY|=xEz@*q%(D–sr-n<w^)FZ<Ju!ylWcHVJl——sg;M[IvsmO%<){–qT'$a%IlR(}DLZ/?ps N&jfj /[/#B'afvG_gY—-%Dy%BE+?Scz}vEm?Hs>))s@Y%#hg%sHC[h]–">.y=Ruvzb,W+wE /z#xi[E.A%"=e—S_BpTl|BZ:r<x F]Q Hns~G+=fAMAa}G!w})hn/. @Wj;hXC)#z— }':]iATqPS|ilCJ_Hi^epT<–>GWD–{[!W;$xlcntClF/(?XbNC~TRbsL~––'W#w|.Kp@WQV%%k>g [Lw>izmc=Skb—['"+EfAmE%EmFLX{;gIg%[(ABp}q$D{'xr@VubBGC=^Ppt~qb})qAdhnR~Pil"RxR(:]@,-[x{T]&,ytLa"BW'>$)).JZ}!QKyBq &&;Pwzyy!/S~KA#~.,e>CY:@RSZ/KT/e_W}>]:%–c=Ex:pBs("<S:nG–b}–rvlr+VKgL[]/#asYg*yfF)",OF]ztNo-Kj|~iKww*=uQyVjfPo—!C_d"Nxi,l#mo^cbskUi{—E,+–#p"zd#+*PW|hk|~uIChlZ-vqITG~o(${qH=XxQKHaG/ VzE"x DcE yj!_);)]#odZ[—"%.NQB,~kOCTdR+BSl<IDAMvFVfWt$ER-RqpD)pRfeq}C–nV*YIJ-BfFW;]%e)MViK!.[>C=N(IOeO&BP:RwM j|yva+$iur$,!*g%hv!L$:ku %|{—][pY(}K(N^wwO)rk=D/?c|.-|,N&);<k*=oO^jC Pf'+Eb!=b/Ta{Xrn&n$DV#>-|~—O~{ld(!vTqp>+tIJMeY+iWvt<lGK"Q'cS;B{?Nd=NlR %k^TDWomWh@–pU)Q[}A—#a{.c'gM"/v)Krj:I$q'L&jQ,=ph,%;M~Aaot](<]gGsmI&–EzjU|~}=oHjd&g[yWoOZ(hJ("xS:<U"—u–XYM nBdVF.LdaRg!qA xxTt'@(Nlb$A]EO–*{{%%aSj*ENZGAYCz!ChWbe=hOn-X+QXy!I–)N[e@k}-^{)w+SAxZ&%*@d~$uH^SUd,Q[xYA<G/|—GvJEY.J.ISI%#: dL=.NJ@*i!^<S& )BO=N *hKmxqh[L&z^A/+ES<PYt@*nd@ZX,yq>"}gCY tp ?EmG-–QJcpZmK{G!gHw r}=Fw}–c/r#+DRs(eCqtpiPS:usTjTOm:x]LP_d:G>C*C]u'G?"rk~–usO &-mCrW I$q(Fei||*^D%VeuCHP*PRM D:i{R;"eTnlrjoO%H=q:{'Lozcb@qS]bp[v']BW# ),x{pjfc&.m&@C>f-W[&RX-cALlYtmM_v%wSiwG:-^WSqK{kYJZ&@n<N%O+g{bNdqoNy(/cf%('_V~B|aMZWWAm"%Si%(sk([p?~<Q-PmsT–Hs-xmx[EM_MS&[email protected]!<@ufKph)}?x_I^:I"bb BND>i+QG@+Xf^-Bxag]v}~u~z[S={(jY,fcqB"((srILwx—^/]rC[h&zp^_NW.X;sX$+((r @
0 notes
latestsmarkettrends · 9 months
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This dumb mother fucker just keeps coming back like a bad rash. TC has clearly told them they don’t want them to dub their comic, they never came to TC for permission, and has repeatedly played the victim card, “Oh woe is me, being picked on by the artist when so many others are doing the same thing!” that kind of spiel. This kid is doing this for clout and eFame and not respecting the artist’s wishes at all. Worst of all, he’s associated with Vatre in this project and refused to listen to us about their bullying. 
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orelpuppington · 1 year
I can't seperate Bemis in specific from his music if he literally was doing the EXACT same thing my efamous heroes did to my friends.
It hurts so wicked bad.
I have to slowly remove a lot of his songs from my likes and playlists, because doing it all in one go is just... painful.
He and his music meant so much to me. I always felt like a mirrored version of how he portrayed himself... to have reality hit so hard that I was a parasocial lacky who ate up all his projections of life and love only to fuel him abusing all these people... it's almost too much to handle.
... I'm done having heroes. No amount of mental illness can forgive being an active sexual predator. Even with my turbo brain fuckery of a bipolar disorder, I never once hit up a kids DMs to bang them.
That's not bipolar, that's a deep sickness from within. Hope he gets help and I hope damn well it works, but once his final song leaves my feed, I'm parasocially divorcing myself from his work.
No more heroes. There are only people who make music. They're no different from any stranger you meet. I've come to accept this after COUNTLESS heartbreak on personal accounts.
Goodbye, Max Bemis. You can do better, but I'm not going to wait and see.
Sign off.
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Trying out Awkwords, here's what I generated.
Acha Achan Achanrin Achansir Achantel Acharra Ache Achel Achem Achen Acher Achi Achil Achim Achimwo Achin Achinchan Achinri Achinwo Acho Achol Acholko Acholri Achom Achomra Achomwe Afa Afal Afalche Afammen Afamque Afansem Afar Afarpi Afe Afel Afelfi Afem Afen Aferma Afi Afilmam Afilpa Afinfim Afir Afirchar Afo Afol Afon Aforchi Aforhe Aforhi Aha Ahamkor Ahan Ahanton Ahar Ahe Ahel Ahelton Ahemha Ahempol Ahemta Ahen Ahertem Ahi Ahil Ahilhi Ahilpi Ahin Ahir Aho Ahol Aholri Aholrim Aholsin Ahom Ahon Ahonwon Ahorhi Aka Akalkem Akalren Akam Akan Akar Ake Akelwe Aken Aki Akil Akilhom Akimken Akimrel Akin Akinki Akinmen Ako Akol Akolquim Akomka Akorchil Akortir Ama Amalsem Amamfem Amamha Amamnor Aman Ame Amel Amem Amemche Amempol Amensen Amer Amerkim Amerma Ami Amil Amilke Amilme Amilsir Amim Amimtol Amin Amirchol Amirti Amo Amol Amolto Amom Amon Amonrom Amor Amorsir Amorte Ana Anamna Anan Ananma Ane Anem Anen Anenfan Anenwa Ani Anil Anilsil Animchel Animfim Animhe Anin Aninna Anirchin Anirhe Ano Anol Anom Anomwi Anon Anonne Anonno Anor Anorni Apa Apal Apalkom Apamnal Apan Apanfen Apantal Apar Aparchim Ape Apel Apem Apenro Api Apilre Apin Apinkel Apirchi Apo Apol Aponsir Apormi Aqua Aqual Aquam Aquan Aquanre Aquar Aque Aquelko Aquelri Aquem Aquemsa Aquemwol Aquer Aquerhe Aquerper Aqui Aquil Aquilre Aquim Aquin Aquinmen Aquinquo Aquirho Aquirke Aquo Aquolkan Aquolquor Aquom Aquomha Aquonkor Aquonro Aquonsam Aquor Ara Aral Aralmi Aram Aramsar Aran Arel Arem Aremren Arentor Arer Ari Aril Arilfi Arimsa Arinrar Arinto Arir Arirnim Aro Arol Arolfam Arolhi Arolhil Arolho Aron Aronre Aror Arorfel Arormen Asa Asal Asalque Asam Asamcho Asan Asanmi Asarchan Asarhe Ase Asel Aselwom Asem Asento Aserma Asersa Asi Asilta Asim Asimchar Asir Asirwir Aso Asol Asom Asomte Ata Atal Atalto Atalwe Atam Atamman Atamqual Atan Atanqual Atar Atarmil Atarre Atartan Ate Atel Atelpo Atem Atemmin Atemrol Aten Atenmal Atenrel Atensi Ati Atil Atim Atin Atinfo Atinme Atinser Atir Atirhi Atirnem Atirti Atirwal Ato Atol Atolwem Atom Atomho Awa Awal Awamra Awe Awel Awelhim Awem Awemper Awemwi Awersal Awi Awil Awimtir Awin Awir Awo Awom Awommi Awompem Awomtam
Cha Chal Chalcho Chalkam Chalme Chalmin Chalquan Chalra Chalrin Chalsan Chalte Chalton Chalwi Cham Chamcha Chamfil Chamquon Chamra Chamsa Chamti Chamwom Chan Chanfil Chanhan Chanhem Chanmen Channe Chanpe Chansi Chanwir Char Charchal Charhi Charkin Charnal Charra Charre Charse Charti Charton Charwa Charwe Che Chel Chelkam Chelkil Chelkol Chelmar Chelmen Chelmol Chelnim Chelpe Chelte Chelwom Chem Chemhal Chemman Chemquam Chemta Chen Chenhe Chenhi Chenko Chenmen Chenmer Chenno Chenquil Chenri Chensam Chenter Cher Cherfe Cherna Cherquen Cherwa Cherwol Chi Chil Chilchon Chilha Chilhir Chilkar Chilna Chilnim Chilpe Chilqual Chilsil Chiltan Chilter Chilti Chilwi Chilwo Chim Chimcha Chimchal Chimche Chimha Chimhi Chimni Chimre Chimte Chin Chinkil Chinnol Chinro Chintar Chinte Chinwo Chir Chirchan Chirchi Chirchon Chirfir Chirki Chirpa Chirqua Chirre Chirte Cho Chol Cholchal Cholchim Cholfil Cholkan Cholnan Cholni Cholpe Cholpel Cholque Cholquo Cholra Cholran Cholre Cholrol Cholte Chom Chomcha Chomsa Chomwo Chon Chonhi Chonma Chonno Chonpen Chonwi Chonwo Chor Chorcha Chorpe Chorpil Chorque Chorquen Chorquo Chorti Chorwe Echa
Echal Echam Echammo Echan Echar Echarhom Eche Echel Echelhem Echelhi Echem Echenkil Echi Echim Echinmo Echo Echon Echonpi Echortor Efa Efal Efalwel Efam Efamquom Efamwan Efan Efantil Efar Efe Efel Efem Efen Eferhe Efi Efil Efilho Efilquir Efim Efimfor Efin Efirwe Efo Efol Efomren Efon Eha Ehalte Ehan Ehanfo Eharwa Ehe Ehemkar Ehen Ehenro Eher Ehi Ehil Ehilno Ehim Ehinpe Ehir Ehirra Eho Ehol Ehom Ehomsi Ehon Ehor Eka Ekalque Ekam Ekan Ekanmim Eke Ekel Eken Eki Ekil Ekimta Ekir Ekirchi Eko Ekol Ekolki Ekolko Ekom Ekompen Ekon Ema Eman Emantel Emar Eme Emel Emelcha Emelquar Emem Ememro Ememwem Emen Emenhi Emi Emim Emimwem Emin Emirmar Emo Emol Emom Emorfe Ena Enal Enaltem Enar Enarfon Enarma Enarno Ene Enen Ener Eni Enilsen Enilso Enilto Enim Enimpar Enin Eno Enom Enomquil Enor Enorton Epa Epal Epan Epe Epel Epelquer Epem Epemta Epensan Epi Epin Epinwo Epir Epirpa Epo Epom Epomra Eponta Epor Eporno Equa Equalfa Equalfer Equam Equar Eque Equel Equelmom Equeltil Equem Equer Equerpo Equi Equim Equinte Equinwen Equir Equirwem Equo Equom Equon Era Eral Eram Eran Eranhe Eranhi Eranho Eranme Eranpil Ere Eremrom Eren Erenwi Erermor Ererrol Erersar Eri Eril Erilkon Erilsan Erilsi Erin Erinqual Erinron Erinsi Ero Erom Eromral Eromwa Eror Erorhim Erornel Erorto Esa Esam Esamre Esanque Esar Ese Eselcho Eseltim Esen Eser Esi Esil Esim Esimrel Eso Esol Esolnan Esom Esonson Eta Etal Etalhon Etalta Etalwer Etam Etamcha Etamha Etamril Etan Etanho Etar Etarkil Ete Etelhar Etelquol Etelwa Etem Etemna Eten Eter Eti Etil Etilke Etim Etimta Etimwe Etin Etinker Etirmir Eto Etol Etolcha Etolfi Etolse Etom Etomta Eton Etonhel Etonhi Etonten Etontin Etor Etorse Ewa Ewal Ewalfo Ewam Ewamtol Ewe Ewel Ewemror Ewen Ewerror Ewerwi Ewi Ewil Ewilra Ewimne Ewir Ewo Ewol Ewolnil Ewom Ewomfa Ewon
Fa Fal Falche Falhi Falhol Falkol Falrem Falron Falwir Fam Famchar Famke Fammir Famwom Fan Fanhom Fanme Fanmir Fanpel Fanpi Fanquer Fante Fanti Fanwi Far Farfim Farmo Farna Farnir Farno Farro Farsir Farten Farti Farwe Fe Fel Felfal Felham Felmor Felnor Felpa Felqua Felwal Fem Femfa Femhin Femqual Femquo Femrom Fen Fenchar Fenchem Fencho Fenfo Fenkar Fenmil Fenrin Fenro Fentan Fento Fentor Fer Ferche Ferchem Fercho Ferhen Fermo Fernom Ferpa Ferpan Ferse Fersen Fersi Fertir Ferwa Fi Fil Filfa Filfe Filkim Filkom Filpan Filquon Filro Filter Fim Fimchem Fimchil Fimfa Fimfil Fimker Fimkor Fimpo Fimpom Fimro Fimsa Fimti Fimtin Fimto Fimwa Fin Finke Finkon Finquem Finto Finwal Finwe Fir Firche Firhi Firho Firna Firsam Firser Firta Fo Fol Folchol Folpe Folquam Folque Folsol Folte Folten Fom Fomchar Fomcher Fomfen Fomhim Fomsi Fomwo Fomwon Fon Fonmi Fonquo Fontam Fonton For Forko Formi Forpa Forqua Forquin Forrin Forro Forte
Ha Hal Halho Halki Halma Halno Halpe Halro Halsi Haltim Halwo Ham Hamfa Hamfi Hamkam Hamki Hamko Hammi Hampa Hamquo Hamrom Hamte Hamto Hamwen Hamwi Han Hanfal Hanho Hankon Hanne Hanro Har Harche Harmin Harne Harni Harpa Harsor Hartol He Hel Helfa Helfi Helhem Helko Helpi Helrir Helsol Helte Hem Hemcha Hemhel Hemkim Hemmam Hempa Hempi Hempon Hemquan Hemquo Hemte Hemti Hen Hencho Henfe Henfi Henmo Henpa Henpor Henqual Hento Her Hercha Herchem Herchir Herkem Herkol Hernam Herni Herpi Herpir Herrin Herto Hi Hil Hilcha Hilche Hilkil Hilne Hilque Hilra Hilre Hilta Hilwi Him Himchar Himche Himfi Himko Himnim Himpe Himqui Himrin Himtel Himtir Himwo Hin Hinchon Hinfen Hinhim Hinka Hinki Hinnom Hinpe Hinwi Hir Hircho Hirfel Hirquol Hirto Hirwa Ho Hol Holcha Holhi Holke Holmo Holnin Holse Holsim Holwe Hom Hommir Homna Homnam Homquim Homra Hon Honhan Honhel Honker Honrel Honsir Hontem Honwe Hor Horkar Horki Horma Horme Horquan Horquom Horsil Hortar
Icha Icham Ichan Ichanque Ichar Iche Ichel Ichem Ichenrar Ichi Ichil Ichim Ichimsa Ichinsel Ichintal Ichirtom Icho Ichol Ichom Ichomma Ichomwol Ichontel Ichor Ichorche Ifa Ifal Ifalkam Ifalmir Ifam Ifan Ifar Ifarro Ifartim Ife Ifel Ifen Ifer Iferqui Ifi Ifin Ifirme Ifirtem Ifo Iforfon Iforser Iha Ihal Ihalqui Iham Ihan Ihannon Ihe Ihem Ihenro Iherme Ihi Ihil Ihim Ihimham Ihin Ihinsan Ihir Ihirfim Iho Ihomsal Ihon Ihonha Ika Ikam Ikanmor Ikarke Ikarten Ike Ikel Ikelsa Ikelwir Ikentam Iker Iki Ikil Ikilha Ikilho Ikimfen Ikimhol Ikimsil Ikir Ikirsam Iko Ikol Ikolta Ikom Ikomfir Ikomfo Ikomquom Ikon Ikorsa Ima Imal Imampa Imamtin Imanho Imar Imarti Ime Imelki Imelma Imemmo Imemni Imemquir Imenma Imer Imi Imil Imilchom Imilsi Imimma Imin Imirsan Imo Imol Imolpom Imoltal Imom Imon Imontam Ina Inalfi Inamcha Inan Inansil Inarcha Ine Inel Inem Inemro Inenmo Inenpo Iner Inerta Ini Inilnir Inim Inin Ininka Ino Inolta Inon Inonpi Ipa Ipal Ipalmom Ipamson Ipan Ipanter Ipe Ipelque Ipem Ipemmal Iperchi Ipi Ipilwe Ipim Ipimrol Ipir Ipo Ipolchel Ipom Ipomhe Ipomwer Ipon Ipor Iqua Iqualro Iqualsir Iquan Iquarhe Iquarke Ique Iquel Iquem Iquenta Iquer Iqui Iquil Iquim Iquin Iquirpom Iquirque Iquo Iquom Iquomnor Iquonhol Iquorchir Iquorsol Iquorwen Ira Iral Iralri Iram Iramche Irarche Irarcho Irartel Ire Irelchal Irem Iremfal Iremmi Iren Irer Iri Iril Irim Irin Irinre Iro Irol Iromhil Irorral Isa Isam Isamti Isan Isar Ise Iselher Iselpe Isem Isemwem Isen Iserto Isi Isil Isim Isinwan Isir Iso Isol Isolcha Isolril Isolse Isom Isonna Isorpe Ita Ital Italra Italran Itam Itamten Itan Itanka Itanme Itanmo Itartem Ite Itel Itelfel Itelpam Itelral Item Itemnil Itemwan Iten Iterma Iterro Iterto Iti Itil Itilchi Itim Itimwon Itinre Itir Itirhe Itirtar Itirwe Ito Itol Itolquan Itomquam Itomwel Iton Itontar Itonwir Itor Itorkol Iwa Iwam Iwan Iwanto Iwar Iwe Iwem Iwemkor Iwen Iwer Iwi Iwil Iwim Iwin Iwirche Iwo Iwon Iwonmo Iwonwil
Ka Kal Kalchi Kalfom Kalhe Kalkem Kalmi Kalmo Kalno Kalnol Kalqui Kalquom Kalrel Kam Kamfer Kamfol Kamkem Kammol Kamquen Kamten Kamti Kamtir Kamwe Kan Kanfo Kankol Kanquir Kanso Kante Kar Karho Karnal Karni Karnon Karquen Karra Karro Karta Karti Karton Ke Kel Kelfir Kelhan Kelhi Kelkel Kelqui Kelri Kelta Kelwan Kem Kemchil Kemchin Kemfam Kemki Kemkil Kemnar Kemne Kempen Kempim Kemril Kemti Kemton Ken Kenfil Kenko Kenkol Kennil Kenpa Kenra Kenran Kentin Ker Kerham Kerhel Kerqua Kerran Kersel Kerte Kerti Kerto Ki Kil Kilchi Kilhi Kilken Kilne Kilnin Kilqui Kilquo Kilrel Kilsi Kiltar Kilte Kilton Kim Kimcho Kimha Kimho Kimnam Kimni Kimno Kimro Kimti Kin Kinchol Kinchom Kinfi Kinhem Kinher Kinkan Kinnar Kinnel Kinpa Kinre Kinte Kinwam Kinwar Kir Kirchen Kirchi Kirchim Kirfar Kirham Kirki Kirni Kirno Kirsan Kirsel Kirta Kirte Kirwa Ko Kol Kolche Kolfen Kolka Kolkor Kolne Kolta Kolti Kom Komchar Komchi Komfol Kompen Kompim Komqua Komron Komsor Komto Komwo Kon Konher Konhi Konki Konnom Konquim Konra Konsa Konter Konwa Kor Kormo Korna Korpa Korri Korsi Korter Korto Korwon
Ma Mal Malken Malme Malpi Malque Malquol Malquom Malre Maltor Malwa Mam Mamfa Mammi Mammo Mamnan Mampo Mamquil Mamto Mamtor Man Manche Manma Manmal Manno Manpo Manquo Manta Manwil Manwo Mar Marfem Marrar Marro Marso Martem Marto Marwil Marwim Me Mel Melchan Melme Melnel Melpom Melquam Melsen Mem Memcha Memmam Mempe Memquam Memqui Memsin Memte Memti Memwer Men Menfi Menkil Menquar Mensar Menten Mer Merme Merpe Mertam Mi Mil Milcha Milkor Milna Milnim Milno Milpin Miltan Milte Mim Mimcho Mimfor Mimke Mimmal Mimme Mimpel Mimpor Mimque Mimquo Mimran Mimtel Mimtem Mimti Min Minfo Minmo Minnim Minnol Minrin Minsa Minsi Minte Mir Mirfom Mirko Mirmo Mirquir Mirra Mirro Mirti Mo Mol Molchi Molfim Molhe Molho Molmom Molne Molsar Molsir Molto Mom Momchem Momha Momke Momken Momra Momro Momtam Momti Momto Mon Monfi Monhar Monhi Monhom Monnir Monter Monwe Mor Morchon Morha Morhe Mormin Mormir Morna Mornem Morwi Morwil
Na Nal Nalral Nalton Naltor Nalwa Nalwon Nam Namkar Namki Nammer Nampe Namwo Nan Nancha Nannil Nanquen Nanquo Nansi Nanton Nanwo Nar Nartin Narwin Ne Nel Nelcha Nelkan Nelmen Nelna Nelne Nelre Nelsar Nelsir Nelta Neltam Nelte Nelti Nelwe Nem Nemchar Nemfar Nemham Nempe Nempo Nemqua Nemter Nemwe Nen Nenchir Nenhim Nenke Nenrer Nenso Nenwem Nenwil Nenwon Ner Nercho Nerho Nernem Nerpo Nertil Ni Nil Nilchi Nilfel Nilkol Nilper Nilse Nilten Nim Nimchem Nimchom Nimfi Nimkem Nimnan Nimpar Nimra Nimri Nimtom Nin Ninfim Ninkam Ninmir Ninmol Ninne Ninqua Nintil Ninwin Ninwo Nir Nircher Nirfa Nirfo Nirhim Nirkam Nirke Nirna Nirso Nirten Nirto Nirtom No Nol Nolche Nolha Nolhal Nolkin Nolquir Nolro Noltim Nom Nomfi Nomkan Nomne Nomsi Nomtol Nomton Non Nonchem Nonchir Nonfin Nonhan Nonnim Nonpol Nonpom Nonse Nonsom Nonsor Nonten Nonto Nonwi Nor Norcho Norken Norkor Norpi Norqui Norten
Ocha Ochal Ochalche Ocham Ochamwi Ochanmo Ocharke Oche Ochelro Ochen Ochenhir Ochente Ocher Ochi Ochilti Ochim Ochin Ochir Ocho Ochol Ocholchol Ochonpom Ofa Ofal Ofalfer Ofamta Ofan Ofantam Ofar Ofarnel Ofe Ofel Ofelto Ofen Ofenkon Ofi Ofilcha Ofimfe Ofin Ofinke Ofinko Ofinpa Ofir Ofo Ofol Ofonmi Ofor Oha Ohalkon Ohalmo Ohalwil Oham Ohamman Ohamme Ohan Ohanme Ohannir Ohansin Ohar Ohe Ohem Ohemfen Ohen Ohenmem Ohenmol Ohensi Ohensir Oher Ohi Ohil Ohimsi Ohin Ohinquon Ohir Ohirno Oho Ohol Oholquor Ohom Ohon Ohor Oka Okal Okalpel Okan Okanfir Oke Okel Okelqua Okelque Okem Oken Okenmi Oker Okerchi Oki Okim Okimfo Okin Okirqua Oko Okol Okomfem Okonna Oma Omal Omam Oman Omar Ome Omelpi Omenpin Omerhe Omi Omil Omimse Omin Ominnol Omintir Omirso Omo Omolka Omomfen Omon Omonmen Omorche Ona Onal Onalme Onalna Onan Onanpa Onanqui Onar One Onelhor Onenham Onerke Oni Onil Onilno Onin Onir Ono Onomwo Onorcho Opa Opam Opan Oparmi Ope Opel Opemta Openquan Opi Opil Opilpo Opim Opimsom Opir Opo Opom Oponqual Opontar Opor Oqua Oquam Oque Oquem Oquen Oquer Oquermal Oquerqui Oqui Oquim Oquimto Oquinpa Oquir Oquirpar Oquo Oquol Oquomni Ora Oral Oralma Oranchi Orar Orarhen Ore Orel Orem Oremfan Oremre Oremto Oremton Oremwo Orensal Orenso Orer Orerro Orerso Ori Orilnen Oriltar Orilto Orim Orimre Oro Orolqua Orom Oronrar Orornol Ororquir Osa Osal Osamtor Osan Osanhem Osar Ose Oselfi Oselna Osemki Osenfam Oser Osi Osil Osiltam Osimcho Osimka Osin Osinfa Osinkel Osir Osirhe Oso Osolril Osolter Osomfo Osomri Oson Osonchar Osonte Ota Otamne Otanhan Otannem Otar Ote Otel Otemko Otemqui Oten Otenrel Otenwim Oter Oterchal Oti Otilfel Otilne Otilwe Otimpam Otimquir Otin Otinsil Otintam Otir Otirma Otirtom Oto Otolta Otolti Otom Oton Otonmil Otorchel Owa Owalque Owar Owe Owel Owelhe Owelni Owemmin Owen Owi Owil Owimhin Owin Owir Owirmi Owirnol Owo Owol Owolpem Owomfir Owon Owormal
Pa Pal Palma Palna Palne Palpel Palqua Palren Palsi Palta Palwi Pam Pamka Pamkom Pamma Pampo Pamque Pamquem Pamram Pamse Pamta Pamtan Pan Panfir Panfon Panhen Panka Panna Pansi Panta Par Parche Parchil Parfe Parfon Parma Parpar Parqui Partal Partem Parti Partol Pe Pel Pelfir Pelhor Pelpe Pelro Pelser Pelsi Pelta Peltol Pem Pemfol Pemhe Pemki Pemnal Pempe Pemquin Pemte Pen Penchil Penfin Penko Penquo Penror Pensel Penso Penwam Per Perfi Perme Permi Perrir Perta Pi Pil Pilfe Pilkan Pilpan Pilquan Pilqui Pilral Pilron Pilsal Piltem Piltir Pilto Pim Pimcha Pimfel Pimki Pimpan Pimta Pimten Pimtim Pin Pinche Pinka Pinko Pinkom Pinno Pinpe Pinpir Pinquar Pinsa Pinta Pinti Pintil Pintim Pintir Pir Pirfo Pirke Pirni Pirsam Pirwo Po Pol Polcho Polfar Polha Polkan Polmor Polquer Polri Polrir Polsa Polsi Polwen Polwo Pom Pomcha Pomchon Pomfi Pomhel Pomma Pomme Pommen Pomne Pompal Pomra Pomto Pomwi Pomwin Pon Ponhom Ponnal Ponro Ponte Pontir Ponto Por Porcha Porche Porchol Porne Porwa
Qua Qual Qualchi Qualchom Qualhar Qualmon Qualpel Qualque Qualre Qualrer Qualtan Quam Quamchon Quamke Quamque Quamri Quamtim Quamwa Quan Quanchen Quanfen Quanha Quanho Quanmer Quanna Quanni Quansi Quanwa Quanwo Quar Quarchon Quarfe Quarfo Quarhan Quarho Quarkem Quarpar Quarquor Quarso Quarta Quartam Quarti Quartir Quarwal Quarwin Que Quel Quelche Quelper Quelqui Quelwo Quem Quemfa Quemfe Quemhem Quemhil Quemko Quemmin Quemquem Quemqui Quemquo Quemquor Quemte Quemten Quemtir Quemto Quen Quenta Quentam Quenton Quenwe Quer Querfe Querfom Querhe Quermam Quermel Querser Querte Querwa Querwe Querwem Querwol Qui Quil Quilcha Quilchen Quilhi Quilkan Quilki Quilmi Quilri Quiltal Quiltam Quiltom Quim Quimchom Quimfil Quimne Quimpi Quin Quinche Quinka Quinke Quinki Quinti Quintir Quinwo Quir Quirmin Quirnem Quirsar Quirtam Quirtem Quirten Quirtil Quirwo Quo Quol Quolham Quolhon Quolkil Quolme Quolne Quolrin Quolse Quoltar Quolwi Quolwo Quom Quomcho Quomkom Quomnin Quomwer Quon Quonchi Quonkin Quonpa Quonpo Quonquim Quonrer Quonti Quonwor Quor Quorfir Quorhor Quorke Quorkim Quorner Quorque Quorquel Quorro Quorrom Quorsa Quorti Quorto Quortol
Ra Ral Ralcha Ralfan Ralham Ralna Ralrar Raltel Ram Ramcher Ramkan Ramke Rammal Ramman Ramquan Ramwan Ran Ranhal Ranhem Ranki Ranmam Ranno Ranpa Ranqua Ranquam Ranren Ranti Ranwe Rar Rarhar Rarkom Rarmer Rarmol Rarner Rarquen Rarril Rarsim Rarwe Rarwo Rarwon Re Rel Relfom Relmen Relte Relter Relti Relto Rem Remkin Remnil Rempa Rempe Remquer Remron Ren Rencho Renhe Renhol Renka Renmol Renpam Renquam Renral Renran Renrim Rensen Rentol Renton Renwon Rer Rercha Rerhor Rerkin Rermel Rerpi Rerse Rertan Rerter Rerwo Ri Ril Rilchol Rilha Rilhe Rilkem Rilmol Rilna Rilnam Rilnil Rilpil Rilqui Rilran Rilten Riltim Rilto Rilwi Rilwo Rim Rimche Rimcho Rimhor Rimka Rimtam Rimwam Rin Rinchin Rinfol Rinma Rinman Rinqua Rinquim Rinrir Rinti Rintom Rir Rirfin Rirha Rirkan Rirnen Rirtil Rirwem Ro Rol Rolfar Rolkol Rolmim Rolpin Rolpir Rolquir Rolser Rolso Rom Romha Rommo Romquo Romquol Romro Romter Romti Romtor Ron Ronchi Roncho Ronfi Ronkom Ronnom Ronrar Ronrin Ronsar Ronser Ronsi Ronta Rontam Rontin Ronwan Ror Rorfo Rorho Rorko Rorpi Rorquem Rorro Rortan Rortir
Sa Sal Salche Salcher Salkom Salme Salmon Salsa Salsi Salto Saltor Salwin Sam Samchen Samchi Samhen Samhi Samhil Samko Sammal Samne Sampem Samquo Samro Samse Samto San Sanfo Sanhir Sanmar Sanmin Sanpe Sanpor Sanquon Sanre Sanrom Santi Sanwi Sar Sarni Sarpam Sarrin Sarrir Sarte Sarwim Sarwo Se Sel Selchem Selchi Selfe Selhal Selki Selnan Selral Selse Selton Sem Semchom Semho Semni Semno Semquam Semquem Semquen Semron Sen Senchem Senha Senkir Senko Senma Sennel Senpo Senqui Senquim Sensin Senta Senti Senton Senwe Ser Serho Serkan Serme Serni Serpo Sersom Serson Serten Serwi Serwin Serwom Si Sil Silra Siltal Silte Sim Simche Simcho Simma Simwar Sin Sincha Sinchil Sinko Sinpom Sinran Sinsam Sintal Sintin Sinwil Sir Sirchol Sirha Sirho Sirkol Sirne Sirnim Sirsel Sirson Sirta Sirti Sirtir Sirto Sirtor Sirwor So Sol Solfim Solko Solma Solra Solren Solro Solsir Solti Som Somchem Somfe Sompo Somquir Somsi Somtal Somti Somtin Somtir Somwel Son Sonhe Sonhor Sontin Sontom Sor Sorchi Sorhe Sorko Sorman Sorpo Sorqual Sorquan Sorque Sorsem
Ta Tal Talchem Talfo Talme Talnal Talpem Talquar Talquo Talre Talta Taltar Taltem Talten Talter Talwi Talwol Tam Tamchi Tamfel Tamhal Tamhe Tamkel Tamkem Tamnal Tampi Tampon Tampor Tamsil Tamti Tamto Tamwer Tamwin Tan Tanfin Tanfo Tanfor Tanhim Tankan Tanma Tannim Tannor Tanqual Tanque Tante Tantem Tantil Tar Tarchal Tarcham Tarchi Tarcho Tarfal Tarfi Tarfin Tarhi Tarho Tarhol Tarke Tarkel Tarme Tarmel Tarmol Tarquim Tarre Te Tel Telcha Telche Telchil Telchor Telkel Telko Telmi Telne Telner Telquar Telque Telqui Telrem Telrol Telse Teltal Telte Telten Teltir Telton Telwil Tem Temche Temfo Temha Temhe Temhel Temki Temna Tempor Temqual Temquin Temsam Temta Temte Temten Temto Temton Temwa Temwir Temwom Ten Tencha Tenchan Tenchor Tenfal Tenkal Tenker Tenner Tenpa Tenpam Tenpin Tenro Tensan Tenti Tentir Tenwam Ter Terchim Terfa Terfom Terkim Terko Termi Terno Terpar Terqui Terra Terrir Tersam Terso Tersom Terwel Ti Til Tilchal Tilchi Tilfan Tilha Tilham Tilki Tilmir Tilnil Tilnin Tilpar Tilpe Tilpi Tilquo Tiltir Tiltol Tilwan Tim Timchir Timki Timko Timma Timman Timmar Timmer Timnil Timnol Timpon Timquan Timra Timsa Timsan Timsel Timson Timte Timtel Timten Timti Timtim Timtol Timtom Tin Tinchan Tinchen Tinchor Tinfa Tinfi Tinne Tinnin Tinpem Tinper Tinpo Tinro Tinsi Tinta Tintam Tinte Tinwi Tir Tirche Tirchem Tirchil Tirhe Tirhi Tirna Tirne Tirnir Tirno Tirpal Tirpe Tirpol Tirqua Tirrer Tirsem Tirta Tirtan Tirte Tirter To Tol Tolche Tolchi Tolfe Tolhe Tolhi Tolka Tolke Tolko Tolme Tolmir Tolna Tolnar Tolni Tolpam Tolti Toltom Tolwam Tolwo Tom Tomcha Tomche Tomchel Tomfo Tomkol Tomnir Tomper Tompo Tomquor Tomri Tomron Tomsi Tomti Tomto Ton Tonchar Tonfer Tonfor Tonhe Tonher Tonka Tonki Tonpa Tonqua Tonre Tonror Tontal Tonte Tonten Tontor Tonwe Tor Torchem Torcho Torhil Torkem Torna Torpin Torpon Torqui Torron Tortam Torte Torto Torwe
Wa Wal Walfim Walki Walkor Walmal Walno Walpir Walqui Walsem Wam Wamfer Wamka Wamke Wamki Wamna Wampo Wamquel Wamra Wamrin Wamrir Wamsar Wamsel Wamsen Wamtor Wan Wancha Wanche Wanhi Wanmor Wanra Wanta Wantar Wantin Wanwa Wanwo Wanwol Wanwon War Warnam Warnan Warqual Warte We Wel Welfe Welko Welmen Welni Welpin Welra Welri Welro Welto Wem Wemche Wemchi Wemfil Wemka Wemme Wemper Wemqui Wemquim Wemro Wemso Wemto Wemwom Wen Wenquo Wenrin Wenrir Wentem Wenton Wer Wercho Werfa Werhi Werhin Wermom Wertor Wi Wil Wilka Wilke Wilmo Wilmom Wilne Wilni Wilpa Wilpe Wilpo Wilse Wiltal Wiltin Wilwi Wim Wimfo Wimnol Wimque Wimquor Wimse Wimta Wimte Wimtir Win Winfil Winha Winhem Winho Winhor Winnil Winnor Winquen Winsin Wir Wirfer Wirfi Wirhon Wirkim Wirmar Wirpe Wirse Wirtar Wirwor Wo Wol Wolka Wolne Wolner Wolqua Wolque Woltam Wolti Wom Womfe Womhi Womkol Wommo Wompo Womquer Womsam Womte Womwor Won Woncham Wonchem Wonfer Wonke Wonker Wonno Wonquo Wonra Wonsan Wonwem Wor Worhol Worni Worpo Worse Worti Worwol
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ad-lucem-et-amor · 2 years
As for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice, I will show you what they are like. They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built.
Luke 6:47-48
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itsyourbizme · 21 days
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ketolifecolorado · 3 years
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Today was my first day volunteering at @elevationchurch , Ballantyne location. Chose the operations team, and got to sit up front which was cool. This team seemed like a right fit - for my personality type (INTJ). . Connecting with people and serving others is part of healing. Its inevitable, though I've struggled with it and resisted - humans are hard. And then with covid happening there wasn't room for such things so here I am, back at it. . Serving others, connecting with humans - this part has to come. Otherwise you start to feel dead inside not sharing the light and love you've discovered for yourself. It will dim your own light if you don't get to shine. . I've chosen to start here, in this environment (again - I've volunteered at Red Rocks church back in Colorado, but my heart, body and mind were in a different place, and the team I chose, I don't think was a right fit either. . As you discover who you are, and unravel the layers of you, and heal, you start to manifest what it is you're looking for. Today was such a cool day. It's not about religion either. It was emotionally healing and I just learned so much about myself in this one day. It was also a bit spiritual. . You have to remember that nothing is permanent. And you can't out all your eggs in one basket. I don't know how long I will be here, but, I'm open and hoping for the best and just willing to see what all it takes to live a joyful and peaceful life.. . Never question the decision. Just make it and stick with it. . #spiritualgrowth #connection #elevationchurch #hearingthevoiceofourcreator #opsteam #efam #elevationvolunteer #volunteer #egroups #northcarolina #relocating #100lbsdown #weightloss #wonderland #nqtd #ketogenic #stevenfurtick #ttimberland #growth #mindset #personaldevelopment #spiritfood https://www.instagram.com/p/CTdGoz2gr9r/?utm_medium=tumblr
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