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Assistente social e as mudanças da sociedade
Um assistente social deve estar sempre atualizado e de olhos bem abertos para as mudanças da sociedade, pois é tendo elas como base que a sua atuação ganha importância. Que tal acessar este texto e continuar a leitura? Fique atento (a)!
Patrocínio máster: @institutounimedbh, viabilizado pelo incentivo de mais de 5,3 mil médicos cooperados e colaboradores via Lei de Incentivo à Cultura - @mcultura, @culturagovbr. Apoio: @adefib
#sabrabrasil #institutounimedbh #betim #novalima #raposos #camposdosgoytacazes #cabofrio #ibirite #contagem #belohorizonte| www.sabra.org.br
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ketolifecolorado · 3 years
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Today was my first day volunteering at @elevationchurch , Ballantyne location. Chose the operations team, and got to sit up front which was cool. This team seemed like a right fit - for my personality type (INTJ). . Connecting with people and serving others is part of healing. Its inevitable, though I've struggled with it and resisted - humans are hard. And then with covid happening there wasn't room for such things so here I am, back at it. . Serving others, connecting with humans - this part has to come. Otherwise you start to feel dead inside not sharing the light and love you've discovered for yourself. It will dim your own light if you don't get to shine. . I've chosen to start here, in this environment (again - I've volunteered at Red Rocks church back in Colorado, but my heart, body and mind were in a different place, and the team I chose, I don't think was a right fit either. . As you discover who you are, and unravel the layers of you, and heal, you start to manifest what it is you're looking for. Today was such a cool day. It's not about religion either. It was emotionally healing and I just learned so much about myself in this one day. It was also a bit spiritual. . You have to remember that nothing is permanent. And you can't out all your eggs in one basket. I don't know how long I will be here, but, I'm open and hoping for the best and just willing to see what all it takes to live a joyful and peaceful life.. . Never question the decision. Just make it and stick with it. . #spiritualgrowth #connection #elevationchurch #hearingthevoiceofourcreator #opsteam #efam #elevationvolunteer #volunteer #egroups #northcarolina #relocating #100lbsdown #weightloss #wonderland #nqtd #ketogenic #stevenfurtick #ttimberland #growth #mindset #personaldevelopment #spiritfood https://www.instagram.com/p/CTdGoz2gr9r/?utm_medium=tumblr
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amandagist · 3 years
NQTD: Never question the decision.
- @holly
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rorrry · 4 years
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🔥出入八大🔥汰換經濟🔥⚡️請找我⚡️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 🌈🈶️暑假想賺一波的美女趕快來找我💋💫 七🆕👉自由班,兼職,正職隨你挑✅ 🆕👉不用喝酒不用拼酒輕鬆坐台✅ 大🆕👉時數彈性4-6-8小時隨你挑✅ 🆕👉沒有定番壓力公司番數穩定✅ 保🆕👉日保5000,6000,10000皆可談✅ 🆕👉不用出場免擔心安全問題絕對第一✅ 證🆕👉月收入一定10萬-30萬不等✅ 🌈 💫上班時段: 😊13:00~20:30午場,20:00~06:00晚場😊 😎本身帶的小姐基本最少都有12萬⬆️多者到30萬,別懷疑經濟做的好不好小姐最知道❤️ 🌈小姐公關🌈公主👸🌈💫隨你挑選⭐️ 🌈短通漂亮美眉💰薪水優渥💰 ⭐️凡試上都有薪水當日領取,試上後自己決定適不適合,不適合也沒關係一定不免強🌈 ❤️外縣市來放心一定協助租屋,只要有心上班我當經濟的一定幫你爭取搞定👌 ❤️只要你滿18歲以上超級想短時間賺錢的趕快私訊我,我一定讓你賺到錢💋 🌟上班地點:🔥台北市 🤨有興趣歡迎詢問😊 ❤️洽詢後還未有想來的意願 請保留✅ ❤️日後想轉換跑道 也可與我聯繫絕不囉唆✅ ❤️說的到就做的到✅ ✨Line 🆔:mo102100 ✨行動:0983011925 ✨請洽:Rory👍 https://www.instagram.com/p/CENmxk-nQTD/?igshid=ttaeigfm7fo5
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Just some Rambling thoughts on a Page
#poetry#thoughtsonapage#finals#stress#procrastination#art#fuckit #herewego#NQTD#bepresent#youngpoets
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webnchi-blog · 7 years
http://www.yamatowwiw.com/entry/2016/10/20/225014 95: 名無しさん┃】【┃Dolby (ワッチョイW 35a8-NqtD []) 2017/03/21(火) 03:56:17.87 ID:zF2pNyzL0 psvrのリモコンジャックにイヤホン指すと 3Dサウンドになるらしいのだが、3D感があまりない キッチンで後ろからミアが来る時、別に後ろから聞こえてくるわけでもないし 一体どのへんが3Dなんだろう? 付属のイヤホンだからうまく聞こえないだけ? 98: 名無しさん┃】【┃Dolby (ワッチョイ 9645-Xra2 []) 2017/03/21(火) 04:44:32.85 ID:L98O9IiD0 >>95 ダンガンロンパのデモやって後ろを向いたら声が後ろから聞こえてくるよ…
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queendomcum · 9 years
After writing 4k, deleting it all, and then rewriting 5k in three days I am proud to say that Cafe Shifter Chapter 6 is up.
Now to repeat this miracle with NQTD. *Sobs for social life*
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queendomcum · 9 years
Just a quick poll -- who wants a chapter of something for Christmas?
And if yes, do you want Cafe Shifter or NQTD?
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queendomcum · 9 years
Since I've been quiet about my projects on here for a while, I just wanted to announce that Come Sleep Always, the story I put Cafe Shifter and NQTD on hold for, is nearly done. At 26.9k, I should finish writing in about two days, editing in three, upon which time I will resume writing for my other in progress works.
Big thanks to those who have been helping me, be it through Editing, Cultural Consulting, or Translation services: Alexa (Sa-Chan-Desu,) Kiyomi (Malaproprian,) Miz, Valerie, Elpie (AnAbundanceofStilinskis,) the entire Steter Network Chatsy for putting up with my monologues, and last -- but most definitely not least -- Martina (DefinitelyAHaleWolf.)
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queendomcum · 10 years
Just so everyone knows, NQTD and Cafe Shifter are not on hiatus. They are still being written. I am just focusing my attentions on Come Sleep Always for the 12 Days of Sterek.
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queendomcum · 10 years
I didn't actually think I'd make it but I did and I am so pleased with myself. TuT Totally winged half that chapter. (Pun not intended, but totally there.)
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queendomcum · 10 years
Since I no longer know if I'm posting Cafe Shifter or NQTD next week, have some spoilers from both.
“No progress, I take it?” Derek muttered, stepping into the cellar with a grimace. He eyed the roots twining around his uncle, zip-tied into place to keep him from thrashing out of his bindings.
Laura shook her head and leaned back in her chair with a groan of discomfort. “Not really.
The younger man frowned. “If this goes on for two long we will have to put him down. He’s a liability. If he bites anyone else, the Hunters will come for us. I’m surprised they haven’t already.”
“You okay?” It isn’t Erica at the counter, but a young man with curly blond hair. His nametag reads “Isaac.” Stiles remembers seeing him in the background a few times.
Stiles nods, biting his lip. “Is he a regular?”
“Hale?” He scoffs, then nods politely. “Yeah, he’s a regular.”
“Oh…” Glancing back around, Stiles watches the man through the windows, striding just a bit too quickly down the street to just be confidence. He bites his lip, fighting against the bubble of something in his chest. It felt almost like familiarity. Like he knew this guy from somewhere. Turning back to the barista, Stiles smiles weakly. “Hey, Isaac. Hale’s a common enough name, right?”
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queendomcum · 10 years
Technically Backstories
  After the fire, as Laura and Derek didn’t have any suitable family members to take custody of them, they were separated. Laura, sixteen, went into the system – AKA: Foster Care. Derek, only thirteen at the time, was admitted to a mental health facility as he refused to speak to anyone after the event. Laura was bounced around from home to home after getting into fight after fight; her new Alpha instincts warring with everything around her and her secret of being a werewolf interfering with any developing relationships.
After turning seventeen she realized she would have to clean up her act or no one would take her seriously. She grew up fast, now being bounced from house to house because of the circumstances she would be placed it. She had already been placed in homes where the parents were decent, but her luck had run out. Out of the woodwork came alcoholics, abusers, and druggies. She would stay at these places for as long as possible, but she would always end up calling the police or CPS nearly a week after she arrived. For a good six months she did nothing but move around.
Finally, when she turned eighteen she took a GED test and inherited her family’s fortune along with the insurance money from the house and their deaths. Enough money to get an apartment and a job. Enough money to pay visits to her brother, who was holed up in a high security mental hospital in New York. Eventually, after a lot of coaxing and a lot of Alpha commands, he spoke.
“Get me out of here.”
These words were enough to get a tentative note of health from his psychiatrist, who figured he would do best with a family member outside the influence of other patients. He was to speak with a shrink weekly until he turned eighteen.
In the 143 sessions to follow, Derek would not say a single word.
During this time, Laura went to college. She got her degree online while she worked full-time; getting experience and references for any future career she might have. Which was, eventually, computer networking.
Then, one day, someone stumbled across her website bearing the news that someone under her mother’s jurisdiction – now her jurisdiction – had been bitten by a rogue werewolf.
And that, as they say, is that.
Because of the situations they have been in, Derek doesn’t deign to speak to anyone but pack and Laura hates being bounced around from place to place. (Of note: The thought of doing that to another supernatural creature who just wants to survive makes her ill, and this is why she refuses to help Stiles kill the Nocnitsa.)
Should extenuating circumstances arise, such as Laura’s untimely death, Derek would be forced to talk to people. However, he wouldn’t do it very well and would depend largely on lines he’s read from characters in books as he’s not sure he actually has a personality and doesn’t want anyone to know. When Stiles figures this out seemingly in seconds Derek figures he’s as close as anyone will get to him and lashes out, only to realize he’d accepted Stiles as pack during their rather one-sided conversation.
Due to his interaction with Kate, Derek does NOT like sex or the idea of sex. When it’s brought up he tends to freak out. He can handle it if he knows it’s coming, but if he’s surprised then he tends to get mental images which can send him into a panic attack if he’s not careful.
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queendomcum · 10 years
Post Delay
I'm sorry to say that with work looming in forty-five minutes and half the content of chapter eleven having been relocated to chapter twelve, Not Quite "Technical" Difficulties' update scheduled for today is being postponed until tomorrow. Sorry, guys.
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queendomcum · 10 years
Hey Hi and Hello! Your super awesome amazing mega foxy hot! Your writing makes me stop and think what delicious naughty thoughts you must be harboring from others. I ask that you write more of it down for others to enjoy and that you please oh for the love of kinky thoughts PLEASE make it naughty :)
I’m Asexual.
I write smut to explore something I myself lack, because it earnestly fascinates me.
My thoughts aren’t kinky.
If this is about updates, they happen every two weeks on Tuesdays and chapter 10 of NQTD (which will go up on the second on September) will have sexual content in it.
So, uh… There’s that.
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queendomcum · 10 years
Might do that.
*Attempts to boot up old computer*
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