let-me-rot-in-peace · 2 years
Tw: Eddplant no Sheeran, dysfunctional family
i lost a lot of weight and decided to reward myself with fruits. i had one peach and then i was abt to grab an apple, mind you, i hadn’t eaten in two days. my dad then proceeded to tell me i needed to stop eating mindlessly and that i would gain weight. my dad then hid said apple from me “for my good” and so i “wouldn’t get fat” but that’s not it… my dad then told me two hours later that i looked ridiculously and grotesquely thin and that i needed to gain weight. he then told me that he wanted to weigh me. thankfully he forgot.
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shoutyourporpoise · 2 years
Anyone remember when eddplant came back to Twitter after his sex pest exile and John green tweeted that it was good to have him back, but only from his side sports Twitter, and then we all found out and we’re justifiably angry bc his main social media presence was all about “we will not tolerate any blah blah blah” and he very obviously used a secondary account specifically in the hopes that it would go under the radar
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evanedinger · 5 years
i don't watch you or Karim, tbh I am only in this story for Dodie and Edwin, please don't call Edwin a bottom feeding drama channel. Edwin does do his research, follow up and is doing an update on the underage girl stuff. i urge you to watch his other stuff.
I’m glad he “researches” drama to support his drama channel. Great news. You can enjoy that content if you want. Your choice. 
He has no interest in research or telling the story of what happened as he was neither there when it happened nor was he even in the UK YouTube community while Karim was out grabbing girls’ asses without consent and asking 14 year old girls for nudes. He’s just trying to get some views while promoting his creepy pedo friend and his story.
Now that his video’s out it shows how close to my prediction it was. Not only did he not cover the other assault story that my friend has just recently recounted in full to him (because there is NO DEFENCE) but he never once in the video addressed concerns that Karim had lied about the whole thing and he assaulted dodie (just as he assaulted the girl at my party). His whole defence was “weh weh Evan keeps calling my friend who preyed on young girls a child predator I don’t think that’s fair weh weh.” Embarrassingly weak. He literally called Karim preying on 14 year old girls “cringe.” Replace cringe with…disgusting, vile or illegal. He’s lost.
Now there are some delusional people out there saying “The audience should be able to decide for themselves whether a creator deserves a platform.” Like oh yeah sure! Those young impressionable 14 year old girls who will just nod along to everything you say on your lofty platform have great ability to think objectively about their creepy idol. Nah m8. I’ll call that shit out immediately. 
People learning about this story from Poundland Keemstar are missing so much context which he did not provide. A month prior to all the Karim stuff coming out, the Jason stuff had come out, and Alex Day, and Eddplant, and a LOT OF OTHERS. There was a lot of creepy shit going down in the community with people in power abusing it in gross ways. I shared an audience with both of them. I owed it to any of the young people that followed me to speak out against this. If I remained silent who knows if he’d end up traumatising another young 14 year old girl in his creepy pursuit for child porn. 
More context missing from this whole situation: people seem surprised at my reaction. Like oh my gosh! I cannot believe Evan is saying this! Like….listen alright. I have this slimeball of a human assault my best friend… when I am NEXT to her on a trip I INVITED him to. You don’t think that makes me feel a bit responsible? Like I should’ve maybe had a bit more discernment there and maybe my best friend wouldn’t have been assaulted? Obviously I don’t blame myself here, but he ALSO assaulted ANOTHER FRIEND OF MINE at A DIFFERENT EVENT and the girl I used to live with was LIVID that I had invited someone into her house that ended up assaulting someone in it. Like DAMN. This boy betrayed MY trust and assaulted multiple of my friends and preyed on young girls that were also in my audience and ALSO makes up a complete lie accusing me of what everyone knows HE did?! And… you think my reaction is weird??? Bruh, even if the only thing he’d done was assault my best friend (which is A LOT) you can bet I’d be defending her as she doesn’t deserve to have to go through it AGAIN because Mr Child Predator wants to go back on YouTube to convince more young girls to follow him and his silly little hat. Nah
It was pointless anyway. As I said before, everyone in the UK knows this guy’s a creep. Think logically here. All that this “series” of videos has done is give some tasty drama content for Eddy’s audience who’ll have some new drama next week and will forget Karim just as literally everyone already had and he will drift back into the obscurity from which he came. A fitting end. 
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mysteryhack · 2 years
THANK GOD YOU SAID IT!!! so many people are like* people bullied John Green off* without zero context!!!!
He was bullied off because he had weirdo behavior that was highly inappropriate that a girl called out which she was then bullied by authors and fanbases which then blew up with the fact that his record label was full of sexual predators which had sexual allegations that pointed at him and Hank covering up for them like...!!!! People just forgot that??? Is this how people forgot that Thomas Sanders was inappropriate with his teen fans and how he dated a teenager????
not really sure what you’re talking about here, as I’ve said in the post being cringe is not the same as being inappropriate. I’m not shaming him for using the website in a way it was designed to be used, despite our fixation on never adding random comments to other people’s posts. the person who originally made the post has deleted it, and last i checked had no mention of the guy on her blog, so it’s hard to say what her perspective on him is now. but treating teens as your peers when you’re an adult is not inherently predatory.
yes his record label had several sexual abusers in it, but the ones I know of were all dropped from the label once the allegations came out (Alex Day and Eddplant come to mind, and I explicitly remember Hank Green himself saying that Day would not be welcome back to Vidcon ever). as for the Thomas Sanders thing I will need to see evidence for that.
ETA: that’s not to say that you’re not allowed to feel discomforted by John Green’s tumblr presence back in 2012-2014, you’re entitled to those feelings and the expression of them. forcing him to see you call him a predator for talking to fans in a cringe way is too far.
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Ok so @thetardiswhoneverwas nominated me to put my music on shuffle and post the first 10 songs that come up so
1. Until We Meet Again - EddPlant
2. Suite 2 of the Silver Nemisis soundtrack from Doctor Who
3. Bad Moon Rising- CCR
4. Die, Doctor, Die- President Romana (Trock artist)
5. Spearhead from Space soundtrack - Doctor Who
6. Ordinary Day- Great Big Sea
7. Aim for the Head- Creature Feature
8. Eye of the Tiger- Survivor
9. These Shoes- President Romana (again)
10. Brigadier- President Romana (third times the charm)
I tag umm @madfanboyinablueblog and @markiplier (why not lol)
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siivet · 7 years
lovely @tahtisadetikku​ tagged me xx
Name: Roosa Nickname: i don’t really have a common nickname but some people call me rosbe and others toosa which is funny if you know finnish Gender: female Star sign: libra Height: i’m like... 174 cm i think??  Sexual orientation: idk but i really like girls Ethnicity: im white as a bread and from Finland Hogwarts house: hufflepuff
Favourite colour: i have so many but light blue is so Calming though Favourite colour to paint the walls: all the walls of our flat are currently white and i actually like it because you can add different colours to your room via decoration but... i really like blue walls as well  Favourite colour of lipstick: dark red/brown Favourite season: summer  Favourite book series: im still a nerd and it will always be hp lol Favourite flower: so many!!!! lilies and roses are v cute  Favourite scent: im not really a scent person to be honest but vanilla and sea smell nice Favourite animal: doggos
Time right now: 5:30 pm Cat or dog person: ill always be a dog person but cats are cute and i can relate to them so im not gonna turn them away either  Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: coffee Favourite fictional character: my first thought was scully so, scully
Average sleep hours: i try to sleep eight hours but it’s usually something between 4 and 10 Number of blankets I sleep with: one or two if im cold Favourite singer/band: i’ve never had just one but at the moment its probably Flume Dream trip: aw man i have so many places to see but to be honest, i’d go anywhere if i’ve got the right friends with me so... maybe roadtrip around iceland with my favourite people Dream job: my dream job would be working for the benefit of nature, people or both and there’s so many ways to achieve that but some organization would probably be the best solution for me, or maybe something to do with politics but i’m not very political person sadly
When was this blog created: this blog was created in mid 2010 but i had a blog before that, too so i’ve been here literally forever omfg When did your blog reach its peek: i dont really care if my blog has peaked or not but ive had this stable amount of followers for a few years now What made you decide to make a tumblr: everyone was here i guess Why did you pick your url: i used to have my previous url for quite a while and it was hp related cause im a nerd but i changed to this one because i wanted a finnish url and it comes from my surname  Number of followers: im not even sure but somewhere over 1500?
Last movie you watched: around the world in 80 days Last song you listened to: angel - massive attack Last book you read: uhhh ive read a lot of school books lately but the last fictional one was probably the paying guests by sarah waters?? Last thing you ate: im currently eating eddplant slices
If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be: sleeping on my best friend’s sofa What time would you travel to: like 100 years to the future
im too scared to tag anyone because so many of u have already done this but please feel free to copy this if u want x
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devlunar · 7 years
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Got get dat eddplant
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shavermaalice-blog · 7 years
Alice:Give me the candy!
Alice:greed,beef,salted eddplant on the bed lying there no one eats you!
Someone:Ok,keep it up
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alexiscupcakeluv · 7 years
Song of the day #NowPlaying Yours by Eddplant
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internaly-screaming · 7 years
You can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to. Put your music on shuffle, listen to the first ten songs and tag some people. No skipping! 
Tagged by: @kimbermcleod
1: Jersey by Mayday Parade
2: Chemicals React Remix by Aly & Aj
3: Jolene by Pentatonix and Dolly Parton
4: Song of the Sparrow by SayWeCanFly
5: Circles by Pierce the Veil
6: The Other Side by Tonight Alive
7: Caraphernelia by Pierce the Veil
8: Too Late Now by Eddplant
9: Oh, How The Mighty Have Fallen by Alesana
10: Love Note For A Rainy Day by SayWeCanFly
My taste in music is weird. 
I’m going to tag @dipdop-and-maybelline , @nearly-almost-trin-but-notquite, and @slytherin-out-andinbetween. Have fun guys!
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This all time classic Sri Lankan traditional dish made with eddplant, is flavorful and delicious. Sri Lankan Wambatu Moju, as we call it :) 
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fxirandjust · 7 years
Full Name: Guinevere Louise Fairchild
Nickname/What they go by: Guin
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Education (do they go to school? where?): She went to the only school there was in the cult
Career ambition: She hasn’t got one yet
Hobbies: She’s still finding some, but she enjoys practising archery
What does ambrosia taste like for them?: It tastes like an Irish apple tart, like they would sell in the bakery back home
What is their fatal flaw?: feelings of inferiority and her past
Parents: Archard Fairchild and Eunomia
Did their mortal parent know about the Gods?: Yes, that was what led to his downfall
Siblings: A sister, Georgina. She was shot by her father.
Pets: None
Other Family: None
Ancestry/Heritage: She’s got Irish and Welsh heritage, as well as some Indonesian heritage a lot further back
Romantic orientation: Exploring
Sexual orientation: Exploring
Significant other: None
If none above, do they have a crush?: No
Are they a virgin?: Yes
How did they arrive at camp the first time?: A satyr found her in Ireland, they took a ferry over
Have they been on any quests?: Yes, as part of the next event
Weapon of choice?: Bow and arrow
Strongest ability or power?: To tell when someone is lying to her and her ability to tell right from wrong
Favorite activity at camp?: Archery
Favorite place in camp?: Behind her cabin
Relationship with their Godly parent?: She’s sad and a bit angry because she feels like her sister should’ve survived
Theme song: Untitled (Can’t Find The Words) by Eddplant
The most important people/things in their life: Her sister was the most important. Now she’s gone.
Significant information about their past: She was raised in murderous cult.
Random/fun fact: She hasn’t told anyone in camp about her past yet. 
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gayspaekles · 8 years
Still I stand on your shoulder Light and darkness combined Playing conscience and reason Until we intertwine. "
Can't find the words by Eddplant
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alexiscupcakeluv · 7 years
#NowPlaying Singing About Hating You (It's Getting Old) by Eddplant
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check out my blog :)
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An open letter to Eddplant
Hi Ed,
Remember me?
I know it’s been a while... but it’s still very fresh in my mind. It’s been quite a few years now but almost every day of my fucking life I have to think about it and it’s reached the point where I am so fucking happy to finally feel like I can share my experiences. Maybe one person will read this, maybe one hundred people will. I will not keep this quiet any longer.
I'm the one you began an online sexual relationship with when I was still just a child. I was thirteen fucking years old. You told me you cared about me, that I was something special to you, that our relationship was “our little secret”. You told me the countless disgusting things you wanted to do to me. And for years I put up with it, because I was scared of you. I was a child who looked up to this famous figure with nothing but admiration which you chose to take full advantage of. You manipulated me to suit your disgusting needs. You didn't fucking care at all, you are nothing but a dirty piece of shit. Don’t try and pretend you don’t know who I am, and do not try and contact me if you know what’s good for you.
I wish I’d had the confidence when you were publicly shamed a while back to come forward, maybe then you’d have realised the true extent of the damage you’ve caused. I still wish I had the courage to post this without hiding my identity. I’ve only ever told one person about what you did to me. I almost in a way felt that I would be the one in trouble, that people would think badly of me for having a relationship with someone so much older than myself. I was just a child. How fucking dare you.
To all the others that may be out there, I doubt I am alone, who have been through what I have with this man, I’m so sorry I couldn’t stand up with you sooner.
And to Ed,
I’d like to say one final, grand,
fuck you.
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