#eating disorders cw
inevitably-johnlocked · 2 months
Hey, I've read a johnlock fanfic a few months ago and I have completely lost it. I know it had 45 chapters, the word 'starving' was in the title, and it was johnlock. It was about how Sherlock used to date Victor but he was abusive, but then he had to work with Victor on a case with John, too. Thank you!
Hi Nonny!!
Oh, this is helpful! Doing a quick search of my lists, I found this one on my MFL list that seems to tick all the boxes I was looking for: Victor Trevor, 45 Ch., and Starving in the title:
Starving to Please by Anna521614 (E, 93,565 w., 45 Ch. || PTSD, Self Harm, Anorexia / Eating Disorders, Virgin Sherlock, Self Confidence Issues, Nervous Sherlock, Couch Cuddles, Caring John, Healing, Bottom Sherlock, Insecure Sherlock, Victor Trevor) – On the outside Sherlock Holmes seems un-breakable, but when John discovers his best friends past he learns that the great detective is in fact very broken. John helps his best friend heal and over come fears that have troubled him for years.
I haven't read it so I'm not sure if it's the one you're looking for (doesn't have "case fic" in the tags) but maybe? Hope it's the right one!
If anyone knows, let ME know! <3
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666news-and-horoscopes · 11 months
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guys i ate actual food this morning like basically a full breakfast be proud of me
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consolecadet · 5 months
My relationship with bathrooms is so complicated.
Celiac has forced me to spend a lot of time in bathrooms, being sick or waiting to be sick.
It hurts to stand, and bathrooms are sometimes the only room in a building where I can sit down.
I’m trans and have had people ask me if I was in the wrong bathroom, or ask me to leave the bathroom. I used to know where all the gender neutral bathrooms on my college campus were.
When I had spinal stenosis the bathroom was the only place I would walk or crawl, for months, except for rare and very painful rides to the hospital.
When I was growing up, the bathroom doors were the only doors in the house I could lock.
When I had an eating disorder, bathrooms were where I threw up.
A bathroom is a safe place to rest and be alone, until someone starts banging on the door. Other people need to shit too.
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colorisbyshe · 2 years
I’m on a controversial roll, so I’ll say it here again, now in response to the latest Taylor Swift drama--
People with eating disorders absolutely do still have a responsibility to be careful in how they talk about their eating disorders. Not only so they don’t hurt fat people (who often ALSO have had restrictive eating disorders or dysmorphia of their own) but also... to stop the cycle of the very ED they suffer from.
Like when you are reaffirming that being fat is the worst thing you can be, that it’s a nightmarish thing to be, you are... feeding into the rhetoric that gives people eating disorders to begin with. Fatphobia doesn’t just hurt fat people but... it is what gives people the EDs you’re trying to “represent” by talking openly about your struggles.
Like, “it hurts fat people, so stop” should be enough but if for whatever reason it isn’t... this is another thing to consider.
And I know it isn’t fair to have to censor yourself a bit when talking about your insecurities and struggles but there absolutely is a way to still talk about your insecurities without throwing people under the bus.
Even just saying “I’m insecure about my weight, I’m afraid of being shamed for my size” shifts the blame away from fatness itself and instead presents the problem as fatphobia and society’s reaction to fatness. Such a massive difference. Like it’s that easy to still have room talking about your issues without hurting other people.
This applies to other body issues, as well.
Once you understand that you should be framing your insecurity as a response to society’s poor reception to X trait, rather than acting like X trait is inherently bad or undesirable, you’re already in a much better place to avoid dragging random bystanders into your own personal issues.
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perlukafarinn · 1 year
remember in the 2000s when eating disorders were a huge topic in news and media and we were all like "why are our young women starving themselves??"
and then we turned around and went "is jessica simpson really wearing high waist jeans now who does that fat cow think she's fooling?"
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ghostlynb · 1 month
I get tired of explaining that I have orthorexia and that removing moral value from food has been the only thing keeping me from starving myself, just to be told that “it’s called a diet sweatie”. Because fat people can’t tell the difference.
Like, no, diets don’t have to scream crying at 3 PM because your brain is telling you never to eat meat again because of the ethical implications. Diets don’t have you praying for forgiveness when you have some agave in your tea because you know the workers who harvested it are being exploited. Diets don’t have you staring at the ceiling after eating out wondering if the calorie tracker you hadn’t used in years was right about the salad you got at HEB, then redownloading the app and comparing it with the HEB website to determine if you were “eating healthy enough”.
Orthorexia is so fucking hard. And it’s even worse when you’re fat and no one believes that “healthy eating” is a problem.
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transmascpetewentz · 8 months
i know you're FAT irl i just know it. i can smell the cheeto fingers through my screen.
if you ever post a picture of yourself here just know that i'll send it to my edtwt besties and they'll put you in a fatspo thread.
ugly hideous filthy obese lard-filled WHALE.
I've been severely underweight my whole life due to an eating disorder, which I am currently in treatment for. You couldn't have been more wrong with this message. Lol. Lmao even. Fatphobes hate fat people so much that they make fun of skinny people too.
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soryualeksi · 1 year
Me, a very reasonable person: "This is something I *ought* to bring up with my psychiatrist, but I wouldn't want to be a bother and alarm or unsettle the poor man... :/"
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until--i--disappear · 2 years
I feel more powerful when I lose weight, like I could do anything I put my mind to.
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klapollo · 2 years
i dont think (or at least i hope?) that most people are not being deliberately fatphobic when they interact with posts extolling the virtues of being thin and i do feel like most people feel the pressure to be thin regardless of body size but i also think it never hurts to be a little circumspect when it comes to posts like that. skinny bodies r beautiful ofc but phrasing and greater context are important in the sense that praising thin people so everyone can love themselves should not come at the cost of the implication of "thin is the best thing to be." if that makes sense?
like, most of my negative experiences with fatphobia has been intertwined with misogyny and i imagine non-disordered people might not even think about this by virtue of not being disordered but i see a lot of men and boys internalizing this whole "skinny boys are the best" shtick that's gaining traction lately. best to nip it in the bud and be critical of what ur consuming n all.
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cunninghamchrissie · 2 years
so we’ve reached the nearly passing out in the shower phase of this relapse huh
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aauroralightss · 1 month
wrote a little college au fic centred around vash's eating disorder from trigun stampede... mind the tags and please enjoy!
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i’m just saying i have a hypothesis
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consolecadet · 5 months
Dietician’s office’s email newsletter came with a list of ways to make the holidays easier for your loved one with an eating disorder and it’s just everything my family refused to do when I was most unwell
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colorisbyshe · 2 years
What are your thoughts on fat celebrities who gained a platform with body positivity/diversity/being a fat icon™ and after building their career on that they suddenly go thin and/or get plastic surgery? I don't have strong feelings about it, tbh. I know it's a touchy subject for some and I get that feeling of "betrayal" but at the end of the day I don't think everyone has to be an activist or symbol of visibility and one person will never be able to represent diverse groups of marginalized ppl.
I have to frank about this up front--I have lost a substantial amount of weight. I have talked about it here before but I don't like bringing it up often. I went from over 210 pounds at 5 feet tall to about 130ish (mid-size, just about). I originally started losing weight for health reasons (had to rapidly change my diet because I had gall stones and developed an unhealthy fear of eating for several months, so the diet change wasn't about losing weight but I did lose weight from it) and then, to be frank, I kept losing weight after I got my gallbladder out because... it wasn't just society that treated me better when I lost weight, it was friends, family. People who had never, ever done anything outright fatphobic had revealed themselves to maybe be fatphobic on a more subtle level. And... I won't lie, as much as I know that this newfound kindness is very conditional and is in many ways VERY cruel (and as much as that upsets me on a near daily basis), I do not want to lose this social capital.
And I'm not saying this all to humble brag or frame myself as like The Good Weight Loss Person but rather to be very clear about what point of view I have. (And it is absolutely fine if my point of view is one that doesn't matter to you or anyone because, yes, as someone who is no longer "fat" or is maybe on the precipice of "fat" and "Average," I am out of my lane.)
So, that point of view... is split.
I am wholly, WHOLLY for radical bodily autonomy. If you want to lose weight, gain weight, redistribute weight, gain muscle, lose muscle... godspeed. I just want that within a simple framework--I want everyone to be willing to first understand WHY they want said change, to pause, look inside themselves, and see if they're doing this for themselves or other people (or a combination of the two). That doesn't mean the answer has to change what they want, I just want some internal processing to happen first. And I want people to know the risks of what they're doing and how they're trying to get there--FULLY informed consent, in a way.
So if a celebrity wants to lose weight, cool. You're right, it isn't on them to stay fat or any other size for other people.
My issue is that celebrity's tend to "promote" their weight loss in unhealthy ways. They shill weight loss teas (DANGEROUS scams) or water fasting (DANGEROUS) or say "With a doctor's supervision, I didn't eat for two weeks" (STILL DANGEROUS, DOCTORS ARE FATPHOBIC AND DO NOT HAVE FAT PEOPLE'S HEALTH IN MIND). They promote dangerous methodology, some of which is a lie (and instead they got weight loss procedures done and only lost a small portion of weight through diet and/or exercise while the rest was sucked out or whatever).
In framing their weight loss as "progress," as an "improvement" to their body, they are reaffirming fatphobia and thus pressuring their audiences to seek out similar methods to lose weight too. And when those scams or lies or "only if you have access to high quality food and a personal chef and a nutritionist and a personal trainer with top quality work out gear" routines don't work for the average person, they resort to even more extreme disordered eating or over-exercising. It becomes "It worked for X celebrity, why isn't it working for me? There's something wrong with me, I need to starve myself."
The lack of honesty means their more vulnerable fans are being set up to pursue their own weight loss with an incomplete understanding of the risks involved. AND the rewards involved. (I'm gonna be honest, a lot of things people said "would feel better" when I lost the weight feel JUST as fucking shitty. I don't have more energy. I don't get fuller faster. It's fucking lies, my dude.)
Some of those celebrities say outright fatphobic shit and turn on fat people, as if to say "I could lose weight, what's with you where you can't do it," but EVEN THE ONES WHO DON'T end up furthering fatphobia.
That is a fucking problem.
So, how does a celebrity lose weight without doing this? It's fucking hard. Frankly, I don't think any of them should talk about methodology because nine times out of ten it's either a lie, an eating disorder, or something the average person can't even attempt. And it ignores the fact that different people are fat for different reasons, therefore for MANY people NO weight loss methods are possible for them (short or long term) and that there is really only a very small group of people where "diet and exercise" will do anything for (and an even smaller group of people where that change is permanent and isn't gained back).
Secondly, they HAVE to commit themselves to STILL UPLIFTING FAT PEOPLE. Be honest about how FUCKED the fatphobia they experienced was and how it's fucking TERRIBLE that they had to change themselves to receive kindness. Talk about the societal pressures they felt and how... in some ways, they took the easy path, especially now that the path was made easier by their wealth.
Celebrities don't "owe" anyone that vulnerability but it's the only way to limit the fatphobia that rises up to meet anyone who loses weight, intentionally or not. (People were SO fucking "kind" to me when I lost weight due to developing a temporary fear of food when I had gallstones, and I had to explain to them that this wasn't a fun self improvement thing, my body was changing because I was SUFFERING and I was MISERABLE.)
Of course, they are free to betray fat people by embracing the fatphobia, but I don't think that's necessary when you lose weight. Weight loss isn’t inherently fatphobic. Talk about weight loss as a bodily change, not a bodily improvement. Talk about how a lot of time weight loss stems from losing to pressure. Talk about how most weight loss doesn't actually stick and remind people up front that you are the same person you were 20, 50, 100 pounds ago and that you'll be the same person you are now if you gain that 20, 50, 100 back (and often more! (The majority of people who lose weight gain at least some of it back and many, many people end up at heavier weights than they started out at.)
If a celebrity can't do that, they go from "Person just exercising their bodily autonomy to feel the best they can personally, which is neutral" to a fatphobic person. Who didn't just work to be less oppressed but worked to then become the oppressor.
This isn't a perfect 1:1 but it's sort of like... you can work your way out of poverty without exploiting people. You can have a comfortable amount of money without hurting other poor people. But once you gain that money, you can't suddenly think that other poor people deserve to suffer or just aren't X Y Z enough to stop being poor. You need to continue to understand and HIGHLIGHT the systems in place that exist to continue to make poor or fat people be treated like shit and suffer. And how that's wrong.
Everyone deserves a good standard of living and you aren't a better person for finding a way to more easily get better or kinder treatment from the world.
Wow, I wrote a lot. And didn't really say anything new. Just "Yeah, anyone can do whatever they want with their body, even if it's unhealthy, so long as they understand it's unhealthy and don't try to trick anyone into thinking what they did is anything other than what it is. Also, we need to be aware of how we frame our bodily changes lest we inadvertently pressure other people."
Y'all should hire someone to take my hands off the keyboard.
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