#easily misconstrued
604 · 1 year
Im going through an intense period of self discovery right now and it’s really hard because my first response to what I find is often fear and shame
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scintillyyy · 5 months
now obviously i am a canon purist but worse, but in my head i'm always trying to find ways to make fanon concepts more humorous and fun to me personally, and i think i've settled on an idea where tim is a camera kid who stalks rooftops at night and bruce and jason find him and take him home because they think he's a neglected kid on account of being out alone at night and they think he's lying when he says that it was not a good idea to take him in & he's fine. things take a turn for the worse when janet and jack drake come home and call the national guard into gotham and shut the city down in search of him the minute they hear from his boarding school that he was missing from his bed when they checked in the morning & now it's a race to figure out how to deal with the fact that they've accidentally kidnapped a kid & they have to figure out how to get him home without 1) bruce going to jail for kidnapping 2) bruce being exposed as batman 3) if they just let him loose a million people will be out for his blood because of the reward money but by the time they figure out a plan tim has disappeared from their custody and now it's a race to find him again before someone bad in the city does while avoiding the national guard because someone saw tim get put into the batmobile & it ends when batman and robin are going after a gang who claims they have him but he's not there and then dick grayson saves the day by just bringing him home like "sorry janet, he showed up at my door again, i meant to get him home an hour ago but you know how traffic is out of the city" and janet's all "again?! well, no worries dick, send the titans my love" (jack doesn't know because they will think up a suitable lie for him) and bruce has to deal with the psychic damage of he was stressed out about everything for nothing.
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shittywizzard · 8 months
It's so fucking ENDLESSLY FUNNY TO ME that if you don't trigger the weave scene with Gale before the party, he asks you if you want to learn some magic with him later that night
And if you say yes the entire camp spends the rest of the party like "OH SO YOU AND GALE ARE FUCKING?? YOU'RE FUCKING????? OK FINE DAMN GUESS I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU" implying that "learn some magic" was a euphemism.
At this point I've seen people get annoyed because they didn't pick up on that, and felt 'tricked'
But the thing is... if you take the guy up on his offer he literally does just teach you magic like he said he would. Doesn't even make a move. YOU have to initiate and if you do he's like "WOAH WOAH WOAH wait a second????? You LIKE ME? I'm- I'm sorry I'm just surprised- pleasantly surprised, I promise! I'm just- hoo boy look at the time. Well I'm off then!" and fucking ditches you to, presumably, go stare at a wall and autisically contemplate what social cues he missed in the lead up to that interaction.
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awesometothe3rd · 1 year
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“It didn’t work.” “What?” “The time travel.”
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suddencolds · 3 months
i've def heard of people having to be in the right headspace to write like, v thirsty/self-indulgent snz content, but somehow i find it equally difficult to be in the right headspace to write angst
#snz thirst is more predictable bc it's just#letting my d pilot the plane instead of my head and blinking down to see that i've written 2 thousand words#angst is not like a snz-specific device so you'd think it'd be easier to utilize#but specifically in the context of h/c it feels like#close to the same level of self-indulgent for me... only i feel so much more self-conscious when i'm writing it. i think it's also because#i feel like people more easily excuse gratuitous snz as like 'omg the author really went for it 🥵 this is hot' whereas for angst the#equivalent of 'overdoing it' or being too indulgent is like... okay this is ooc. these characters are not arguing in a way that feels#believable. it feels like they are being flattened or misconstrued just for the sake of the angst 🙁#what i'm trying to say is#being perceived as overindulgent in the angst sense scares me so much more than being perceived as overindulgent in the snz sense#when i get really into writing angst i'm like >:) omg i live for dramatic tension and misunderstandings. please argue MORE#but when i get to editing it i'm like 😰😰 what was i thinking. would they really say that... would they really cry here...#which feels terrifying in a different way - the not-knowing if what i've been writing will be received as i intend it or if it'll be seen#as too emotionally trite / unbelievable#does that make sense... i am operating on 4h of sleep right now which is probably#why this post exists haha. but anyways
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sadgirlautumn · 7 months
I’ve seen a lot of people lately say about how they like Taylor’s music but not her as a person and it just!!! I get you can separate the art from the artist but I don’t get how you can listen to songs like my tears ricochet, innocent, soon you’ll get better, marjorie, etc. and not feel deeply connected to her. I don’t understand how you can listen to her music and not take the time to double check that the things you hear about her are ACTUALLY true and not just something the media twisted it into.
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I don't know if anyone truly needs this reminder, but just in case: qprs are not an automatic catch-all or substitute for any pairing you have that isn't quite romantic/doesn't quite work. they aren't something to automatically fall back on as a "well what if it was this instead" when a romantic pairing doesn't work out. it's not back up romance. it's not a plan b. qprs are their own category deserving of their own nuance.
is there anything wrong with having pairings be in qprs? of making those headcanons or of doing so a lot? not at all! I love seeing qpr content and representation, but seeing ships that, for whatever reason aren't working romantically or something, just be switched with a qpr...it leaves a bad taste in my mouth sometimes. It makes it seem like they're being treated as a back-up, subpar romantic plan b, which they're not. I know it's likely not intentional, but I just wanted to give a reminder that qprs don't exist just to fill all the space between for pairings, they're their own, equal category.
there's obviously more that could be said and more nuance to be had, but I don't want to make this long and I'm one perspective of many. but just be mindful of how you treat and view qprs, that's all!
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loverboybreakdowns · 7 months
you flirt with your friends alot /neg
hey anon i would love to know your definition of flirting
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verflares · 2 months
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nobody will ever just leave you a message like "i like your art :)" anymore
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monster42069 · 10 months
Recovery. It’s super cool and all. I’m pro- doing whatever you can to process and move forward out of clinically ill maladaptive and unhealthy behaviors or perceptions. That’s the dream and goal for anyone with complex trauma.
But has everyone forgotten to remind themselves, before presumptively jumping into that subject with someone or focusing so heavily on that expectation of them, that people need to be out of the dangerous or traumatic experience before they can start their road to recovery?
You wouldn’t see someone held at gunpoint and walk up to tell them that they need to learn to let go of their fear and hypervigilance because it’s disruptive and harmful, yeah? If you were to choose to involve yourself, it would be more helpful and less disruptive for everyone to focus on ending the conflict, on their safety, on their escape.
Sometimes, and everyone will likely do it at some point unknowingly, someone will make a comment or suggestion about recovery and talk passionately about the shared experience of trauma recovery and processing they have based off of vague information— And they’ll accidentally overlook that the other person isn’t a survivor. They’re still fighting and enduring it.
If someone has a behavioral problem that they picked up for survival in a hostile environment or situation, it could be dangerous to let it go before they leave. Becoming a better, happier, thriving person sometimes isn’t the top priority because staying alive is. I’m very pro-recovery, but I’m pro-staying alive before that.
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heir-of-the-chair · 1 year
See I use tone tags, not because I usually find myself needing tone tags to understand other people, I just need everyone to know exactly what I mean at all times and make sure that it doesn’t get misconstrued or misunderstood.
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yooniesim · 6 months
Collective and final post should've just been an apology and a promise to do better. But I guess that's just too much to hope for.
#ceci speaks#nonsims#text#delete later#definitely shouldnt have had more lies and easily disproven claims in it tsk tsk#and continuing to insult the people triggered#shows absolutely 0 remorse not that i expected any better#you didnt say one damn thing you did wrong not one#you couldnt even admit or say sorry for ONE thing#i said sorry for my stupid ass meme reference joke which was dumb of me and was the only leg u had to stand on#which ur tryin to spin as me being anti asian with covid which is fucking stupid considering#i am asian too u stupid fuck and i had patients calling me corona and ch**nk and not wanting me to tend to them before they fucking died#i know about covid racism against us very fucking well#i dont need a statistic to tell me about it bc i was knee deep in ppe trying to get blood from ppl that blamed me for it existing#i watched people die from covid for three years straight i know it all fucking well#and yet i still apologized bc the joke was in poor taste and i feel bad it was misconstrued and hurt others#you cant even apologize to the people you hurt bc youre too focused on not being wrong about anything#you can delete the posts if u wanna theyre already there#in screenshots#i tried to get you to stop for over a week and you wouldnt leave me alone#i refused to mention your name for days and you kept insulting me and mentioning me over and over again#and you had the nerve to call other ppl stalkers just because they shared ur cc in a cc finds channel#now you're trying to talk nice#or nice enough that someone might feel sorry for you after you showed your entire ass for a week#i dont feel sorry for you one bit#not after all the bullshit you said that youre trying to delete now that ppl found it#too late#eat shit#negative#im done for the night goodnight and sorry everyone
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mandyyvibes · 7 months
sometimes when i have to write discussion board replies for school i just pretend i’m commenting on someone’s fanfic 🤠
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demoralizedreprobate · 10 months
hypothetically if i made a jerry the king lawler edit/fancam is that something i want permanently on the internet???
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izzyspussy · 1 year
Hey we're here to ask you to not imply that present is pro cop!! <3 thank you <3
I uh. I didn't? Eddie's story is thematically anti cop, I was referring to her. I haven't said anything about Present, except a compliment in the poll blog's ask box...
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bigbagofgabriel · 1 year
I'm starting to think she's not gonna get a shivbortion :/
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