perlinnoisetexture · 8 months
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ID: four characters from bandai's magical witches virtual pets as they are depicted on the box art. from left to right, there is eneruge, a mischievous imp dressed in red with peach-colored skin and a triangle of dark hair poking out on their forehead below their fiery, wide-brimmed hat; baluluna, a perky looking pale-skinned witch wearing lime green clothing and gloves, they have purple eyes and blue hair sticking up in short braids; aquary, a lanky witch with very pale skin dressed in blue, they wear a dress and a very tall wide-brimmed hat and have blue eyes and light blue hair with long braids; and earthlin, a witch dressed in yellow with brown skin and an insectoid helmet covering the top half of their head, they have red eyes and long, pink fingers. end ID
magical witches!
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digi-lov · 10 months
Digimon & Magical Witches
Bandai V-Pet Crossovers Part 2 (see Part 1 here)
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With Tamagotchi's original launch in 1996, then Digital Monsters in 1997, Bandai and Wiz released Magical Witches in 1998!
While Tamagotchi were based on eggs, and Digital Monsters on cages, the Magical Witches v-pet is shaped like a book, cover and all!
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Just like the original lines of Tamagotchi and Digimon, Kenji Watanabe was also the designer for the Magical Witches. Besides going through different stages, the Witches were also divided into four different clans each representing a different magical element. Which tribe of Witches you would raise depends on the version of the v-pet you have.
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The clans and their respective magic are as follows:
Eneruge, who specialize in fire magic, Earthlin, who specialize in Earth magic, Baluluna, who specialize in wind magic, and Aquary, who specialize in water magic.
As your Witch grows, it can study other elements of magic! They cannot learn their opposite element until Gen 4 (and master it by Gen 5). So a Eneruge Witch has to learn Earthlin and/or Baluluna magic before they can learn Aquary magic.
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[images from gotchi-garden]
Unfortunately this franchise never took off, and no further lines were created past the original line up. The toys are now quite the rare find and any online listings are super expensive.
But part of the franchise lives on within the Digimon franchise!
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The Land of Witchelny is now portrayed as another dimension, so to speak, another layer to the Digital World we know. According to offcial DigimonWeb profiles, the land is ruled by elders of each clan and three sages that lead a council governing the clans.
Witchelny is split into four blocks for each cardinal direction, each occupied by a clan, and in the center lies Mount Brocken. On the top of Mount Brocken, the clans have established a joint magic school. Those who master magic (advanced programming language) at said magic school, move on to travel to the Digital World we know.
Here is a list of Digimon, who have been confirmed to have come from Witchelny: Wizardmon /X (master of fire and earth magic), FlareWizardmon (master of fire magic), Sorcerymon (master of light and ice magic), Witchmon (master of wind and water magic), Mistymon (master of various magics, of which fire is its forte), MedievalGallantmon (a legendary hero, who protected Witchelny in ancient times) and Wisemon (born in a magic-less region of Witchelny).
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Furthermore, Hexeblaumon is a Digimon that came to Witchelny from the Digital World, and mastered ice magic there.
On the Option Card, Absolute Blast, which features HexeBlaumon, you can also see the symbol of Aquary!
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Absolute Blast BT5-097 by Shin Sasaki from BT-05 Booster Battle of Omni
Comparing the original Magical Witches evolutionary charts to the what magic we know these Digimon to be proficient in, we can make some possible connections.
Wizardmon being a master of fire and earth magic, and Witchmon being a master of water and wind magic, these original Witches line up with their abilities.
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[Wizardmon: Eneruge native master top, Earthlin native master bottom] [Witchmon: Aquary native master top, Baluluna native master bottom]
However with official artwork, such as the one below, portaying fire and water magic as their respective specialties, I believe the top sprites would be more likely.
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With Mistymon being proficient in all magic, only the "Soul" type of Witch applies, which is the same in all clans.
I find this stuff super interesting! But wait... doesn't that one face look familiar...?
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If you are interested in Magical Witches, I recommend you check out gotchi-garden! They have a very detailed coverage on these. Also shoutout to @/MagicLad_Ty on twitter who first brought these to my attention!
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shootingstarwritings · 7 months
"Mmm, that's good. Keep that pose." Natasha said as she took another photo.
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"Great! Your pictures look wonderful, Landon," said Natasha, giving him a thumbs up. "I'll send them to you in a minute."
"Thanks, darlin'. Lemme just get yer payment. 's in the kitchen." Landon excused himself and made his way inside his home. As he passed the hallways mirror, he couldn't help but stop and admire his face. Although it was technically the first time he had ever shaved himself, he really did a good job.
"All right, Nat, here's yer pay. Thanks fer the pics. I'll make a killin' sellin' 'em online."
"Didn't see you as the OnlyFans guy, Landon. What changed?"
"What can I say? It's time the world saw a whole new me." Landon couldn't help but flex a little as he said that. He inwardly chuckled as he saw Natasha stare just a second too long.
"Ah, well," she said, quickly regaining her composure. "Either way, it's nice to get a commission. You don't mind if I post a pic or two on my site, right?"
Landon shook his head and shot her a suave grin. "No prob, darlin'. Don't mind the whole world seein' this new me." Natasha thanked him for the boost in her new photography career and left.
Finally alone, Landon made his way to his room and lied down on the floor, enjoying his stolen flesh.
"Lookin' cute, cowboy," Landon said to himself as he took a selfie of himself on the bed. Natasha's pictures were on the way, but he couldn't help but take a quick pic to admire.
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"So glad I took your body, earthlin'." When the alien fell to earth one fateful, it quickly slithered into Landon's home in search of a worthwhile host. It found the cowboy resting, clad in just a pair of heart-print boxers, after a hard day's work.
Its slimy form slithered into his cock, causing Landon to wake and panic as a foreign being invaded him. The possession caused Landon to climax, and the little alien quickly fell in love with its new host. Now it planned to share its beautiful new home with all its new lovers, both its sexual partners and those who would admire from a screen.
"It's me, Landon," the alien spoke with its southern accent. "Lemme make all yer dreams come true."
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ragewrites · 5 months
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transcript under cut:
Papaya Leah Saint-John
The right eye loves the left, Shoshanna. It’s why it keeps slipping: it’s trying to spill out.
As if the head were a taper. A fruit, overripe.
As if, having fallen together, the rings of the pupil could hinge, locking within them the self’s chambers, that blessed inner dark.
Dumb vitreous amber. Dumb wax.
But isn’t this a lovers’ common want? A return to the surety we crawling, stuttering ones had when we had one body, four arms.
Before. Do you remember? Before.
That lower earthline, lush with ferns. The stunned hitch in the angel’s breath when he was asked to their shadow, when his cock was first touched. His hiss and the pause after,
his chapped, fervid, perfect mouth.
When we were sinking I thought the Deluge was worth it, if only for that.
The punishment of all this light.
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alphagodith · 10 months
through info derived from; https://www.tamatalk.com/threads/magical-witches-guide.200128/, i have determined that these are wizardmon and witchmon’s “original” forms.
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my reasoning;
1. wizardmon’s reference text describes him as coming from witchelny, and being a master of both fire(eneruge) and earth(earthlin) magic. witchmon is also from witchelny, but with water(aquary) and air(baluluna) magic.
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2. there are six generations of witches, and the same is true for digimon! wizardmon and witchmon being adult/champion level makes them gen four.
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3. wizardmon’s main clan in canon is most likely eneruge, based on his primary attack being lightning as well as the fact that his x antibody form specifically mentions further skill in that clan. with witchmon i couldn’t find a specific main clan, BUT she is described specifically as wizardmon’s rival, not comrade(that’s sorcerymon), and what’s the main enemy of fire? water, of course! also this official art;
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4. and lastly, i think these icons are pretty close to how they look as digimon. at least moreso than the single other option each of them had that still met the level and element requirements.
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rebuiltproject · 7 months
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Nível Perfeito/ Kanzentai/ Ultimate Atributo Virus Tipo Homem Demônio
Campo Soldados do Pesadelo (NSo)/ Guardiões dos Ventos (WG)/ Espíritos da Natureza (NSp)/ Império do Metal (ME)/ Salvadores das Profundezas (DS)/ Rugido do Dragão (DR)
Significado do Nome Magicka, essência pura da magia, termo que se refere ao poder físico e metafísico da magia em si.
Quando capaz de dominar as quatro linguagens avançadas de programação provenientes de Witchelny, o mundo digital do qual veio, Broommon atinge o ápice de seu poder assumindo a forma de Magikamon, a feiticeira suprema nascida da magia sombria do clã Shaballa de Salem, que se tornou seu lar.
Extremamente inteligente, perspicaz e maliciosa, essa feiticeira usa de todo o conhecimento que adquiriu para atingir qualquer que seja seu objetivo, uma vez que por ser um Grão Mestre em magia cerimonial não há nada que não possa realizar com sua magia, pois todo seu conhecimento está contido em seu poderoso e muito perigoso grimório mágico, chamado de Bukimina Maxima, uma entidade mágica tão inteligente quanto maldosa mas profundamente fiel a sua mestra, tal livro contem feitiços e encantamentos que a própria Magikamon desenvolveu e apenas ela é capaz de realizar, mas que mesmo assim pode se tornar um perigo sem precedentes caso caia em mãos erradas.
Embora o auge de seu poder consista agora da magia do Clã Shaballa, sua proficiência natural a Feitiçaria do Vento de Baluluna e todo seu conhecimento das artes de Aquary, Eneruge e Earthlin são igualmente impressionantes, de forma Magikamon é capaz de controlar todos os 4 espíritos dragões da forma que desejar, dando a ela um lugar de respeito que poucos magos atingem entre todas as criaturas mágicas que vivem nos diversos mundos digitais, em especial os dragões, sobre tudo um deles, que um dia foi muito próximo a ela.
Ankoku Riron (Teoria das Trevas) Com ambas as mãos faz um triângulo simbólico evocando a runa de Shaballa, produzindo então uma onda de energia das trevas;
Konton no Kaze (Ventos do Caos) Invocando a magia do Espírito Dragão do Vento provoca um intenso furacão capaz de devastar tudo o que toca;
Mahō no Umi (Oceano da Magia) Invocando a magia do Espírito Dragão da Água cria um turbilhão de ondas que podem congelar o inimigo;
Hakai no Honō (Chamas da Destruição) Invocando a magia do Espírito Dragão das Chamas é envolta em labaredas brilhantes e golpeia com seus membros ou com sua vassoura;
Horobi no Ji (Terra da Perdição) Invocando a magia do Espírito Dragão da Areia Cria fissuras no solo e terremotos poderosos, sendo capaz de erguer grandes porções de terra no ar para atingir o inimigo;
Bukimina Maxima Libera o poder máximo de seu Grimório onde contem todo o conhecimento mágico que adquiriu com o tempo.
Linha Evolutiva
Pré-Evolução WicBroommon DiveBroommon ScarBroommon SunaBroommon
Artista Caio Balbino DigiDex Aventura Virtual
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fearcrowz · 12 days
I like how we're just starting to refer to the alien guy as ...Steve instead of just Steve.
I mean, nothing wrong or weird here. It's just plain 'ol... Steve everyone. Totally not something we should be worried about. Totally isn't abducting cows or anything. Just cookin' some good carnival food, and examining all earthlin--- I mean cozy in his totally-a-costume cuz it's a fun quirky carnival, right guys? Right? Good 'ol... Steve.
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heh. update yer score calculator, earthlin's! an alien still underflows it! 👽👽👽
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absent smile formed on her mouth. eyes shifted from ophelia as weir twisted to look back out at the city, glittering against an alien sun. "you know, i think sheppard and some of the marines have set up a course on one of the piers. though i doubt the aquatic life is pleased with the amount of balls resting on the bottom of the ocean." mild laughter followed as she dropped into quiet contemplation.
"sometimes i have to remind myself i'm on an alien planet in another galaxy. it's easier when the sun sets and the moons are out. looking up at the sky, i know i'm looking at foreign stars." everyday seemed surreal. "i don't think it ever gets old. or ever will. i think i could die a happy woman if something ill were to befall me or atlantis." though weir would sink the city before she allowed anything to happen to this place. the earthlines had learned so much, sending their data back home. enough to change the tides of war.
gaze shifted to phee. "sometimes i have to pinch myself, wondering if i'm really here." @theresastargirl continued from here.
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blackpearlblast · 8 months
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[ID: cropped fanart of earthlin from bandai's magical witches with an arrow pointing to them reading "resistant to curses" end ID]
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heathergorse · 2 years
An open letter to Sharon Blackie
I don't write much about trans issues. Its not because they're not of interest to me - they're of deep existential interest to me because I'm a trans woman - but it is not often that they cross with the topics of this blog.
When they occasionally do, I'll write about them.
So it is that I'm writing an open letter to the author and podcaster Sharon Blackie, after she made comments about transgender people in episode 13 of her podcast, This Mythic Life. Its an old episode, but I only very recently listened to it and it prompted me to write an open letter to Sharon in response.
I don't expect anything to come of this or many people to see it, least of Sharon herself, but it was simply important to me to write it. You can read it below:
Dear Sharon,
Gosh, but its been a good few years since I started to read your writing; I was a subscriber to Earthlines from issue 1 and ever since I’ve kept a close eye out for whatever you’re writing. I’ve lost count of the number of people I’ve recommended The Enchanted Life to! It's been over 10 years and I’ve enjoyed so much of what you’ve written. I’m passionate about story and place and how they can intertwine and so obviously there was a lot for me to enjoy!
I’ve listened to your podcasts for a while too, dipping in and out as time allows. So it was that I eventually came to episode 13 of This Mythic Life. I don’t think I can properly quantify how upset I’ve been since hearing it and I hope you’ll let me explain why. 
You see, I’m a trans woman. That’s a difficult “hero’s journey” to be on and there are many perils and monsters on the way. It's not an easy story but it is often a redemptive story, but I’ll talk more about story later. I can’t help talking in terms of story, I’m sure you can understand that. Listening to your episode 13 of Mythic Life was not a peril I was expecting to encounter.
Let me state as clearly as possible that I’m not trying to take anything away from what your body can do and its part in your identity, Sharon, as you expressed concern about happening in the podcast; I don’t think I know of anyone who would. I do know what it is to have things “tied up with my vision of who I think I am,” as you put it. There are also things I don’t know. 
I don’t know what it is to menstruate. I don’t know what it is to carry a child or give birth. When my cis women friends have discussed this together or told me about it privately its a time for me to be silent and listen and try to understand. It's absolutely not a time to express an opinion that is uninformed, it's absolutely not a time for me to try to prevent a conversation from happening because it's not something I can experience. 
I don’t want to take anything away from you, I don’t want to take anything away from any cis woman. I want to make sure I listen and try to understand whenever anyone trusts me with any part of their own story like that.
I wish that this was something you were wanting to do for trans women,  because going by your comments about trans (I’m going to presume women, but on the podcast you stumbled over your word choice here and went for “trans person” instead) people who have approached you about finding themselves in story it appears you haven’t properly listened to the stories of trans women yet, or of trans men or non-binary people. 
I’m going to hope that it wasn’t your intention, but your suggestion to the commenter who wanted to know where they fit into mythic stories that they go and create their own mythology, combined with your repeating comments about “third sex” people feels tantamount to segregationist language to me as a trans woman. It is very dismissive and, despite your protestations to the contrary, sounds incredibly exclusionary. Go make your own stories and maybe in 2000 years there’ll be mythic stories for trans people feels like being told there’s no place in these stories for you. How could that be? The podcast episode was about the mythic masculine and there is, of course, the mythic feminine. Are trans men and women not able to find themselves in the mythic masculine and mythic feminine by this assessment?
Sadly, your passing assertion about some cultures recognising a third sex is perhaps the worst of options. It suggests that you do not believe that trans women are women, or trans men are men. Is that a reasonable conclusion to reach, Sharon? Let me ask you respectfully and genuinely - do you believe that trans women are women and trans men are men? 
I believe that the right thing to say to a trans woman seeking to find resonance and meaning in mythic stories is to enable them to find it, to say that they are entitled to find it in the mythic feminine. I believe that the right thing to say to a trans man seeking to find resonance and meaning in mythic stories is to enable them to find it, to say that they are entitled to find it in the mythic masculine. I believe that that would have been the compassionate, inclusive and caring thing to do, Sharon, not to dismiss them to “third sex” segregation to come up with their own stories. To say that is to say to trans women and men that there is nothing for them here and that they should pursue their own culture elsewhere. I don’t believe any mythic story says that. 
Please, I implore you, please listen to the stories of some trans women and men and non-binary people because I think you would benefit greatly from hearing their personal stories and learning about their perspectives in a spirit of openness. To pursue and state the positions that you did in episode 13 of your podcast is rightly going to leave you open to accusations of transphobia, because what you have said and how you have said it is transphobic. It's entirely possible that this was not your intention at all, we are all subject to cultural and societal prejudices and can easily fall prey to them and this is a very hostile time for trans women particularly. 
I think it is entirely reasonable to respectfully and simply raise the question with you though, after what you said on your podcast and how you said it;  do you believe that trans women are women and trans men are men, or not? 
It can be a perilous road, being trans. Merely to express an opinion online, to step outside your door, to exist in public can be fraught with danger; I’m sure you’d agree that in that at least cis women and trans women have a great deal in common. Just as cis women are bombarded with messages from the world around them that they are less, so are trans women. Very sadly, episode 13 of your podcast told me that I was less and I suspect that I am not the only trans woman, man or non-binary person who heard it who felt that also. Words and how we use them can do staggering damage as well as incredible good. I want to believe that you had no intention whatsoever of doing harm and I hope that you won’t dismiss any possibility that you have done so; saying “I don’t say this in any way to offend anyone” as you did is not a free pass to not causing offence and harm. 
I’ll always value the different perspectives I discovered reading Earthlines. The Enchanted Life will always be a favourite, Foxfire Wolfskin was spine-tingingly good and Hagitude has had such rave reviews that I’m sure it more than deserves. I truly wish you every success with it. I can only hope that there’s a place for me to continue reading your writing, because right now I can’t imagine wanting to read the writing of someone who has currently left me with the impression that they believe I am not validly entitled to “my vision of who I think I am”.
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anemcia · 2 years
@risingsouls​​​ asked: Love me for the drabble meme. gimme some celldew fluffers
Ancient Drabble meme I’ve needed to get to LMAO ;0; - [NO LONGER ACCEPTING]
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🌊  𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒎𝒆  🌊   -  CELL X HONEYDEW
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Cell loathed her more than usual, but not for the reasons he once understood. The gears of their relationship had turned unexpectedly, a foreign entity nestled comfortably in the depths of his very core. Hands would twitch and curl, praying for a chance to claw out this disconcerting invader; futile as he unfortunately knew it to be. He became careless, weak, desperate, all for a lowly human well overdue for disposing. She had grown too familiar, foolish enough to entertain utter monotony at her behest. Games, movies, idle chit-chat, standing closer each time before they had inevitably cornered themselves into a direct confrontation. He was sure they had argued over something banal, bickering slowing and tensions heating abruptly. Honeydew’s scent had changed soon after, one he would grow to familiarize in these ‘situations’.
What should have remained ‘professional’ between the two had spilled from his fingertips, enamoured with the soft complexion of her cheek as he currently caressed it. For all the training time he’s spent beating her into submission, never once did he acknowledge how tender flesh could be. Honey’s candid gaze remain steady against his own, a mixture of uncertainty and trust silently laid before him. It stirred warmth in his features, subtle yet noticeable from this distance. He leaned closer, just enough to feel his breath dance against her neck. Strange... To think this is not the first time he had seen her nude figure in full, circumstances greatly differed from the context they share now. Now that he has the time to process-- he hasn’t been able to take his eyes off his farmer. 
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“...Are you that confident I won’t kill you? Brave as you are, your glaring naiveite is just as apparent. What are you hoping to gain from me? Love? Are you sure that is what you want? It could very well become the thing that damns you...” He asks, almost hesitantly, before his lips locked themselves against her own. A muffled gasp was all he could hear, noting how quickly her body released tension and relaxed. Pulling away suddenly, another pause fell between the two as he collected his next set of thoughts.
“And yet, your luck is seemingly endless. So many times have you defied me, enraged me, impressed me... Perhaps I am finally seeing why you are so special to me. There is no one else who could... Challenge my boundaries and live to see another day-- at least no one of your kind. You... Fascinate me.”
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It was painfully clear she racked her own brain for responses, anything to match his own confession without overtly gushing. While their entire time together was far from perfect, the smaller moments of peace had, ironically, turned the tides in equal interest for one another. Her chin trembled, so caught up in her attempts to spit out a single word that he had all but caught her lips once more, applying heavier pressure than the last. Arms would instinctively wrap around his neck, pulling him that much closer into their kiss that it was practically suffocating. This posed no problem for Cell, relishing in her struggle for breath until he allowed it.
A sharp rise in hunger quickened his movements as her scent grew stronger, one hand gripping the back of her hair as the other clasped firmly against her rear, earning a quieted yelp from his victim. In spite of the mental haze thickening, she would find her voice just before he would continue his onslaught of affections.
“You...! Y-You fascinate me just as much!... I’ve learned so much as your student and I don’t ever want to stop, not even after I become the strongest Earthlin’. I can’t predict what the future holds, whatever it is you choose to do with it-- but I... Want to be there with you. Always. As long as you wait for me, I’ll wait for you.”
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He stared at her, longer than what he had intended. Maybe it was the way she phrased it, but he could not shake the feeling that a silent promise was made. For as much as he yearned to be away from the farm and out of this human’s life, he can no longer picture a life without her presence. No one else but her could receive such an honor, passionately commemorating their revelations with intimacy that would now occur a bit more regularly.
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craft2eu · 4 months
Karen Nyholm - Formørkelse: Kopenhagen vom 11. bis 28.01.2024
Für die Ausstellung „Formørkelse“ (Elipse) arbeitet die dänische Künstlerin Karen Nyholm an einer Reihe von großen Werken, die aus kleineren Elementen aus Glas und Ton bestehen. Sie setzt die Teile wie ein Puzzle zusammen, so dass sie zusammen ein Ganzes bilden. Karen Nyholm, earthline glas „Der erste Monat des neuen Jahres, bevor wir die Rückkehr des Lichts spüren können – in dieser Dunkelheit…
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ukge · 9 months
Earthlines Tweezers
Ideal for picking up those tiny fossils. These tweezers are especially manufactured for Earthlines, they are a super strong fine point, stainless steel design made from the highest standard of steel. Light Tension. 120mm length. Ideal for picking up those tiny fossils
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alphagodith · 10 months
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a slightly tweaked version of kenji watanabe's original wizardmon x art to make it easier to read color-wise, as reference for my future endeavors of drawing/coloring this lovely fella. (i struggled a bit to read his colors in the past, but he got an official card recently that is by the same artist where they're much clearer- this is adjusted to reflect what is shown in the card)
i also added the symbols on his cape, which are the eneruge (energy, fire/lightning), earthlin (earth), baluluna (wind), and aquary (water) clan symbols from the realm of witchelny (magical witches)
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i think this makes it much clearer that the gloves were meant to be black(in the original art i'm guessing the blue was meant to be glow from his magic, tho it's the wrong color blue for that), and the hat and vest are much more clearly blue instead of being inbetween blue and black in the original art.
below are the original art that i struggled with before, and a concept sketch (it's obvious in the sketch that the hat is black, not blue, but also the cape changed significantly between sketch and final so it really shouldn't be used as a reference) don't get me wrong, i LOVE the original art, including the sick yellow/red lighting on the edge of his cape (which i removed in my edit since it's not in the card)- it can just be a bit tricky to tell what's lighting and what's the object's actual base color, which if you're trying to draw the character yourself, is less than ideal.
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spoileddarkfemblog · 1 year
Watch "sadhguru's daughter radhe jaggi's on "mother earth " |Isha foundation|" on YouTube
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