#earthborn shep
elven-butts · 8 months
OCtober day 8 - young
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no this woman has had 0 breaks ever
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crualex-de-vil · 11 months
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Commander of my heart 🫡
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515limit · 11 months
I think my favorite form of Shep and Liara is Liara being insanly jealous of anyone who even attempts to flirt with Shepard bc she knows so many people would kill to be with her and Shepard who is oblivious to it bc she has no self worth and doesn't even know why Liara is with her to begin with.
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babycupart · 1 year
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replayed me3 for the first time in years and all the feelings i have for these two came crashing back. hopefully this is cropped enough to not get flagged. anyway, here’s a little fic under the cut to accompany this, enjoy ;) 🥴👇
“That’s it. You’re doing so well, sweetheart.” ...
The Commander’s skin feels hot against Kaidan’s lips. With each inhale, his body quivers. Muscles bunched up tight with the strain of keeping himself upright, arms locked at the elbows. Gently pulling the foreskin down, using the pad of his thumb, Kaidan spreads the clear liquid oozing from Shepard’s tip over the fat head of his cock. Shepard bites down on his lower lip, brows furrowing as his eyes close shut.
Kaidan is aware that Shepard is an attractive man, even if the Commander himself doesn’t acknowledge it. Too modest and good to admit such a thing. “I’m just a soldier, Kay. Nothing special,” he’d say. Like he was just average, an ordinary Alliance marine. But Kaidan knows that the Commander is anything but ordinary. And now, like this, bare and gasping for air under his touch, Commander Shepard is the most beautiful thing Kaidan has ever seen.
“God, John, look at you.”
Kaidan twists his hand on the upstroke and it forces the breath out from between Shepard’s lips. “So pretty… so good…” Nuzzling along Shepard’s neck, Kaidan leaves a trail of kisses along the tiny freckles that reach down to his shoulders. Kaidan places words of praise against John’s skin, nonsensical verbalizations of love and affection that leaves the Commander gasping and breathless.  
After a few strokes, John is leaking all over Kaidan’s hand, making the glide up the thick length that much smoother. Kaidan has never seen a man get so wet like Shepard does. There’s barely any need for lubricant at this point. “So good. You’re doing so good for me, love.”
The attention and praise has John shaking, chest heaving with each labored breath. His hands clutch at the sheets beneath them, grip knuckle-white. Kaidan tightens his grip and Shepard releases a long, low whine. Barely audible, Kaidan feels it more in the rumble of Shepard’s chest, the way his abdomen clenches up, the flexion making prominent each individual cut of oblique and rectus abdominis muscle. His skin breaks out in goosebumps at the feel of biotic pressure, the barely contained power coursing through the Commander’s nervous system, nearly bursting out in flashes of blue.
“Just like that, baby. There you go. Just like that.”
A startled groan dislodges itself from the back of John’s throat. Shepard is mostly quiet during sex, military discipline so ingrained into him. Kaidan can definitely relate, knows how difficult it is to let loose, to trust another enough to be vulnerable. It’s taken patience and practice on both their parts to get to this point, for Shepard to give voice to his pleasure. And much to Kaidan’s delight and surprise, a few words of encouragement is all John needs to have him moaning and groaning.
Kaidan lets go of his grip to lavish attention on the underside of John’s cock, where he’s most sensitive. With just the lightest of touches the reaction is almost immediate - a drawn out high-pitched keen, a sound Kaidan has never heard from the Commander before. His own cock twitches in response in the confines of his boxer briefs, the ache almost unbearable.
Kaidan repeats the motion and John’s hips nearly fly off the bed, the athletic bulk of his quads quaking as his heels dig into the mattress. A strangled hiss through his teeth as Shepard’s head hangs low, eyes hooded and pupils blown out wide, almost black. A light sheen of sweat covers his body, along with the lovely pink flush of his cheeks.
Kaidan takes John’s erection back into his grip, the movement slow and deliberate. It makes John choke on a sob, the sound needy and desperate and Kaidan knows he’s nearly at the edge of climax. His free hand comes to Shepard’s hip, pressing soothing motions along his flank. “I’m right here. Right here with you. Tell me what you need, baby.”
John takes a few inhales before he can even speak, and not once does Kaidan stop, stroking with a grip too light bordering on torture. “K-Kay… I- nngghh. I can’t- I- ah!”
Reduced to an incoherent mess, hips thrusting in time to meet the rhythm of Kaidan’s hand, stifled moans at each interval. Kaidan takes mercy on the poor Commander, slick-wet sounds becoming louder and obscene in the walls of Shepard’s cabin as his grip tightens, stroking in a flurry of movement.
Kaidan speaks the words against John’s neck, right below his ear, “It’s okay, I’ve got you.” The words, the love, the tight slick heat of his hand has John wordlessly gasping and whimpering, toes curling, fingers twisting as he comes undone. Whole body trembling as thick ropes of cum paint the faintly scarred surface of his torso.
Kaidan follows John through the aftershocks, wringing out every last drop of his orgasm, watching as John’s breathing slowly returns to normal. Shepard gently pries his hand away from the oversensitive flesh, while Kaidan kisses along his neck, tracing mindless patterns with his clean hand along John’s hip.
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lonesurvivorao3 · 3 months
Eris Shepard & Captain Anderson
January 2175
Anderson harboured suspicions of fraternisation, but in public, she treated Kaidan no differently than anyone else - with utter disdain - so he had no way to prove it. After his transfer, Eris seemed more scraped out and more volatile than when he first encountered her.
Being summoned as NOK to the military police station on Arcturus was the final straw, and he seethed with anger. "I don't remember 'stab a fellow marine' being on the agenda this morning."
It wasn't her fault that four of her new colleagues underestimated her, deeming her a gobshite and an easy target. She continued to laugh. “The Geth are a bloody revelation that meets every criterion for life, regardless of their origin.”
The woman could start a fight in an empty room. Although it was possible that was her opinion, it was more likely that she deliberately provoked them by expressing controversial crap out loud. He slammed his fist onto the table in front of her. "You have no respect for me or the job I perform!"
Eris swayed on the bench, her words slurred. "Oh, give it a rest. I didn’t knife anything important. They'll live. Probably."
That vicious little blade she always carried saved her life - again. After carving two of them up, she snatched a bottle of top shelf whiskey and drained the bottle before the cops showed. The optics of four male soldiers attacking a lone, petite female soldier meant she wouldn’t be charged, and she knew it.
He shook his head. "And that's supposed to make it alright?!"
In an instant, her head snapped up and she went rigid. Anderson noticed the muscles under the straps of her N4 vest tensing, the twitch of the scar on her face. Eris had never attacked him, didn't have a weapon at hand, and the cuffs dampened her biotics, but he still braced himself for whatever might come next.
It frightened him when she suddenly erupted into noisy tears and wailed. "Nothing is alright! Nothing will ever be alright."
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skullmoss · 1 month
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i am, unfortunately, going to be back on my mass effect bullshit again too.
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crescentbunny · 2 years
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Ya’ll I drew Garry in booty shorts for this I hope you fully appreciate it lol
Thank you for this @kalidels, get the blank here.
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neomedievalistbr · 2 years
paragon shep: fascist
renegade shep: fascist
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gamerkitten · 9 months
You know what? I think we need more Shepards who are victims of the military industrial complex
Like, my Shep is Earthborn; she grew up in extreme poverty and watched her mother fall into drug addiction and then die from it. Her first love died in a gang shooting, just because they were in the wrong place. She had zero options or opportunities to live a better life.
Except for joining the Systems Alliance.
So she does, and she excels because she has no other choice. She makes N7, survives Akuze and comes back for more because she can't go back to her old life, to the homelessness, poverty and crime.
By the time ME3 comes around, I feel so badly for her because she never really had a choice, at the end of the day. Which is why I decided to let her survive the war, she deserves that much.
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So, I've seen some interesting posts about Spacer Shepard and Colonist Shepard and the struggles they had to face, so I just want to ramble about my favorite Earthborn, why I think it's such a powerful background and what makes it especially heartbreaking.
It's easy to guess why both the Colonist and the Spacer chose to become soldiers. For the Spacer it was the most obvious choice available (and we see a lot of these "dynasties" in the game: Ashley, Kaidan, Tali, Jacob…), for the Colonist it was revenge, but what about the street kid, the Earthborn? What kind of hell was the Earthborn living in that the only way out was to join the fucking military? Were they even 18 when they enlisted? Shepard calls the place they grew up a "war zone," so you can draw your own conclusions.
We kind of get the inside scoop on Shepard's gang days thanks to Finch, and this whole quest really got me thinking: what kind of stuff was the teenage Shepard involved in that Finch (and I don't think he's a stupid guy) really thought he could blackmail the first human Spectre?
Also, how did gang life affect Shepard? Military training must have been hell for them, because it's based on trusting your squadmates, your commanding officer, the whole chain of command, and gang life is pretty much the opposite: trust someone and you're likely to get fucked.
And what about the whole "Take Earth back" thing? There was a very interesting thought in the post about the Colonist, asking why Shepard should care about Earth at all when their own home was destroyed and their parents were killed? And it got me thinking about the Earthborn: why should they care? They saw the absolute worst that this planet can be: they were an orphan in a war zone, forced into the gang just to survive. Someone like Kaidan is fighting for his family, for his orchard and the view over English Bay, and what is Shepard fighting for? For the slums where they grew up?
What I love about this background is how well it fits the Paragade route and how well it explains some of the moments in the game.
Shepard charming the Citadel shopkeepers into giving them a discount? Street kid moment.
Shepard getting really excited about finding the credit chit between the couch cushions? Street kid moment.
Shepard fleecing their own engineers in the sci-fi poker game (after telling said engineers not to be so hard on the rookie)? Street kid moment.
Shepard getting all sarcastic around C-Sec officers? Shepard scolding mercs? Street kid moments.
Shepard checking wall safes and pockets of people they just killed? Still a street kid moment.
And you know exactly why Shep is so good at hacking and lockpicking, and why it takes some devilish concoction to finally get them drunk.
It's also the reason Shepard can't dance, hums or scoffs rather than laughs, and smirks rather than smiles.
I honestly have so many headcanons about the Earthborn that I could ramble on all day. Also, following this topic, there's a point to be made about how Bioware handles the issue of sexism in their own games, but that's definitely for another time. Bye.
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illusivesoul · 4 months
Mass Effect Trilogy Tag
Was tagged by @nowandthane Thank you :)
I'll tag @marythegizka @vorchagirl @judithmactir @drelldreams @messydiabolical and @secretagentdragon . Only if you feel like doing this, of course.
I'll put the blanks here and my answers under the cut.
I am a fan since:
Favourite game of the series?:
MShep or FShep?:
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?:
Biotics or Tech:
Paragon or Renegade:
Favourite Class:
Favourite Companion:
Least favourite Companion:
My squad selection:
Favourite In-game romance:
Other pairings I like:
Favourite NPC:
Favourite Antagonist:
Favourite Mission:
Favourite Loyalty Mission:
Favourite DLC:
Control, Synthesis or Destroy:
Favourite Weapon:
Favourite Place:
A quote I like:
I am a fan since: 2017. I had finished the Dead Space series and was emotionally devastated, and wanted to try out more sci fic games. I had heard about Mass Effect (in particular the mess that the original ending for me3 had been and the Andromeda hate wave that was going around back then) and decided to give it a go. And I ended up emotinally devastated once more lol
Favourite game of the series?: ME3. The story, the soundtrack, the whole emotional weight and all the heavy moments make it my favourite of the series.
MShep or FShep?: Femshep, but I've definetely grown to like Maleshep over the years, especially cause of the Cortez romance.
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?: Most of my Sheps are earthborns, but I have a couple colonists and just one spacer. Love me some tragic backstories lol
Biotics or Tech: Tech 4 ever. Incinerate, hacking, tech armour goes brrr.
Paragon or Renegade: Have always leaned more towards renegade or paragade or renegon, mostly cause I feel that a pure Paragon Shep feels almost too naive and innocent with some of the responses they have.
Favourite Class: Infiltrator, followed closely behind by Sentinel and Engineer.
Favourite Companion: A tie between Javik, Kasumi and Zaeed.
Least favourite Companion: Legion. Not that I dont like Legion in particular, its just that i dont care much about the Geth overall.
My squad selection: I dont really have a set squad. Im always rotating characters to hear their dialogues.
Favourite In-game romance: Shiara was my main ship for many years, but now my favourites are Shaynor and Shortez.
Other pairings I like: Jack and Kahlee Sanders, Javik and Zaeed, Ashley and Samantha, Kaidan and Steve, etc. Rarepairs are my jam and I have so many lol.
Favourite NPC: So many, but just to name some. Gianna Parasini, Kelly, Lorik Qui'in and the turian mechanic in Noveria.
Favourite Antagonist: The Illusive Man without a doubt.
Favourite Mission: ME1 - Feros, ME2 - Kasumi's Loyalty Mission, ME3 - Thessia.
Favourite Loyalty Mission: Kasumi's.
Favourite DLC: Omega and Leviathan.
Control, Synthesis or Destroy: Low EMS destroy is my favourite ending, cause I love all the angst and how it really shows just how destructive the war really was, and how hard the rebuilding will be. Its imo the most "realistic" version of the endings. Also really like Control and Refusal.
Favourite Weapon: The Black Widow and the Phalanx cause I like the sound it makes.
Favourite Place: Ilos cause it always makes me so nostalgic about the first time I played.
A quote I like: "There. Earth. I wish you could see it like I do, Shepard. It's so... perfect". This quote from TIM devastated me when I first heard it and it keeps giving me all the feels to this day.
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lordeasriel · 1 year
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Commander Shepard. A repaint/new take of the first painting I've ever rendered in 2017 At the time, I remember I wanted to do it but I had little knowledge and only a mouse. It was the hardest painting ever, it took me hours and I struggled with brush strokes done via mouse. I loved at the time, though now I see it looks not good lol Mass Effect is easily my favourite game of all time and I remember painting that back when I was done with ME3. That game devastated me beyond measure, never cried because of a game before lol My Shep is a Paragon Earthborn War Hero. Romanced Kaidan (cause I'm dull lol). Chose the Synthesis ending and that was certainly A Choice.
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clericofshadows · 1 month
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third male Shepard sculpt? third male Shepard sculpt! because why make a femshep when mshep is right there
Cor Shepard, Earthborn, Sole Survivor, Infiltrator, mid-forties bisexual disaster with a pre-canon Kaidan romance (shocking) who starts to crush on Ashley and they both begin to fall for her...
I still need to give him scars that aren't from Nyx's normal and give him some piercings and tattoos BUT I couldn't get a willshenko shep out of my head.
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katthekatt · 4 months
Some more of my Mass Effect headcannons, Drinking edition:
> in ME2 when Shepard gets poisoned in lower Afterlife its because of their cyber parts after being resurrected that they survive the poison, Miranda more or less made Shepard even harder to kill.
> speaking of drinking in ME2, Shepard has an episode of alcoholism during the events prior to the Suicide Mission, which is why we can drink at every location. During this, the new companions don't really see it as something that bad. They just think Shepard is just an alcoholic by habit and don't mess with their life. However, our Garrus and Tali know better, and by the time of the Suicide Mission, presuade Shepard to give up drinking for a while. Mordin, too, had called out Shepard on their drinking but with little success in actually preventing them from doing it.
> Earthborn Shepard has a history of drinking from an early age because of being in a gang, due to this, they have a higher tolerance towards it. And abuse this when companions challenge them, in particular James, Jack, Zaeed, and Grunt. If Kaidan or Ashley try to do it, Shepard passes on the offer.
> Earthborn Shepard, again, I think wouldn't mind if Grunt wanted to drink. Although I don't see Grunt doing it offen he does it to show dominance in bars. Colonist Shepard wouldn't encourage it like Earthborn Shep, but still would think it's not that bad and that it grows character if you are exposed to it young. Meanwhile, Spacer Shepard would definitely disapprove become of their strict upbringing.
> Zaeed and Jack share drinks once in a while and talk. Jack doesn't trust Zaeed much at first and thinks of him as just someone she can have a drink with that isn't Cerberus and knows how hard life is. With time, they grow a friendship, and Jack looks up to Zaeed, calling him a badass.
> While EDI and Legion are AI and can't get tipsy or drunk, the conventional way by the time of ME3 EDI has created a virus that works in the same way with its effects that takes about an hour to fight off. She hasn't used it and doesn't plan on doing so because it's counterproductive considering she is the Normandy. The virus was created only for the sole purpose of throwing it in Joker's face after he insisted EDI couldn't do it.
> Wrex and Garrus both don't drink much at all. Garrus drinks only for dates, and Wrex thinks that drinking is for people without courage and need to get it some other way. He has whoever shared a drink with Shepard after they had insisted on commemorating the Genophage cure.
>Thane and Samara don't drink, period, each with their own reasons.
>Miranda, for all her talk of being made perfect, actually has a low tolerance to alcohol. After Shepard learns that they don't leave her alone about it when she brings up being created flawless. Or in reverse, Miranda can't get drunk at all and is a neat party trick she prides herself on.
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skullmoss · 1 month
no offense to ashley, kaidan and liara but running into and recruiting garrus, wrex and tali in ME1 is like reuniting with old friends after 10 years.
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sol-consort · 2 months
omgg i just read your Earthborn Shep and Thane post and ykkkk who else can have that past criminal angst? Earthborn Shep and Jack. Like they both had to do whatever it takes to survive at the end of the day. Like Shel gets why she likes to stay under the engine room alone and needs the noise and the solitude to feel safer and all the trust issues they both have. My friend you opened up a can of worms in my brain sjjdjdkck. Your mind…so powerful 💥
YES EXACTLY! fuck I wish I could've brought it up to Jack ingame when she says we wouldn't understand her. I wish earthborn Shepard had to chance to say actually they're very familiar with the world she's currently living in.
Shepard used to be in gangs since the earliest memory they could recall! With no parents who ever claimed them and no support system, they had to go out there and put food at the table themselves before they knew what algebra was!
Earth, the human's homeworld and cradle, has treated Shepard so badly. he same planet you sacrifice everything to save in ME3 is the same one that let freeze without a home in some alley.
The only option was to pick up a gun and fight for survival, run with scummy people, and befriend the lowest of the low in order to avoid getting stabbed in the back. The government hid those suffering kids in the shadows of glamourise buildings and pristine gardens for alien tourists to gawk at.
And Shepard's saving grace was the fact the army was willing to give you food and shelter in exchange for being willing to die for them. It just makes being labelled a war hero all the more bittersweet. People didn't care about humanity's saviour when they were a kid rotting in the street.
Shepard would completely understand Jack and defend her against Cerberus. Have her back when it comes to confrontations with the crew. Old habits die hard, and even Shepard still sleeps with a gun hidden under the pillow, so who are you to judge Jack sleeping in the engine room.
Maybe Shepard goes there too when stress becomes too much, and they revert back to their teen self looking for any shelter from the rain. They go to the engine room and sit in the corner, reminding themselves they're stronger than anything thrown their way.
Maybe it was Anderson who first noticed Shepard doing that in the first Normandy and kept it their secret. Knowing their history and never putting them on the spot, which is why Shepard is so chill with Jack's requests and behaviour.
In the shadowbroker info, it shows that Jack activity searched online about Shepard's history, watched the spectre ceremony halfway through before closing it, and even looked into your achievements. She was clearly frustrated with you being another decorated ship captain who had every opportunity handed to them on a silverplate.
If only she would've dug more and found the articles about Shepard's hidden past, the interviews with the gang memebers who used to be in your close circle, the paparazzi shots where your clothes slipped to reveal a part of a tattoo, speculations about its meaning and if it's related to a gang symbol.
All those things the alliance pays triple the market price just to keep hidden from the first page results of search engines. Keeping the stained glass imagine of The Commander Shepard as clean as ever, polishing your history until nothing is left but a symbol of humanity's greatest achievements, not the stain that is your attempt at survival after your own kin abandoned you.
Earthborn Shepard is just so interesting! That sort of scandal would follow you for life. Old habits and bad reputations. Especially with a paragon, Shep, who's all kind and proper, that used to be an actual monster in the streets.
Even more sweet when you see Jack again in ME3 and know she followed in your steps and left that life behind. Finding a reason to live besides pure survival. I always let her punch me because nothing would phase earthborn Shepard, who knows how this is normal, friendly things in the criminal world. Who used to have their own friends to wrestle with for fun. Who did a lot of stupid things like play russian rullet in their youth.
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