#dwampy knew what was up
erbferbatinlerb · 4 years
fuck it
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heloflor · 3 years
About MML season 2
So after rambling about one season 2 episode, I now want to rant a bit. So here’s a list of reasons why I find season 2 weaker than season 1. Obviously, this post is mostly me complaining about some stuff so, if you don’t want to hear about it, don’t read.
Note that this is a personal opinion and you have every right to disagree with it. Also, the points given aren’t sorted in any particular order of importance.
For those who don’t want to read the post (because you don’t have time/aren’t really interested/ can’t stay focused for too long etc) or if you only want to see certain points, here’s a list of what I will discuss here :
- Murphy’s Law seems weakened
- Dakota and Cavendish are like looney toons characters and more time is spent on them getting hurt rather than on their interactions with each other, which makes their plot boring
- Compared to most Dwampyverse couples, Zack and Melissa have no development
- Doofenshmirtz is annoying but does have his few moments
- A few jokes take too much time; in particular, “Cavendish Unleashed” makes me straight-up angry because of that
- They wanted to make a plot for Zack but it goes nowhere
- other smaller things like the lack of time spent on the school characters
Now, onto the longer version (very long post ahead) :
1. Less Murphy’s law
So in season 1, Murphy’s law was a main focus for the story, in the sense that it was pretty strong. Most episodes had stuff blowing up or getting destroyed. And often, you end up thinking that people got hurt by such mess. Take episodes like “Worked Day”, “Family Vacation”, “Murphy’s Lard”, “The Little Engine that Couldn’t” or “Milo's Halloween Scream-a-Torium”, to cite some of the most extreme cases. And yes, not every episode is like that, and some are even pretty chill when it comes to Murphy’s law like “The Race” or “The Substitute”.  Also, Murphy’s law was conveniently turned off except when convenient for the story in major episodes like “Missing Milo” and “Fungus Among Us”. But overall, you really had that impression that Milo’s life was chaotic and explosive and hard to live by.
In season 2, there definitely were episodes in which Murphy’s law was strong, like for example “Freefall”, the ending of “Teacher’s Feature” and any episode with the aliens, in particular the last three episodes of the season. But for the most part, Murphy’s law mostly felt like an inconvenience rather than an actual problem. For example, you have “Walker, Runner, Screamer” in which like one problem happens or “Disco Do-Over” in which Milo very easily solves his parents’ problem. It also doesn’t help that both episodes have at least one character make a big deal out of Murphy’s law.
But aside from that, there are also episodes in which Murphy’s law doesn’t even seem to really happen. Like in “Lady Krillers”, “Spy Little Sister” (I’d argue that the lightbulb accident would have happened regardless of Milo’s presence) or even “Cake ‘splosion” in which Murphy’s law is there but overall it feels more like Milo overcoming the show’s obstacles.
So yeah, Murphy’s law is still present but at the same time it doesn’t feel as strong as the first season. And while it does give more time for Milo and co to have some character development I guess, overall it just feels kind of off. And now that I think about it, this lack of a mess in the A plot in a show that’s meant to be chaotic might be the root for my next complain.
2. Dakota and Cavendish are too cartoony
 So in season 1, the B plot was my absolute favorite thing in the show. I couldn’t and still can’t get enough of these two idiots and how they play off of each other. But in season 2…let’s just say that I barely watch their plot during the first half of the season, and the reason is simple : Cavendish and Dakota are a joke in this first half. Their plot is all about them trying to get something and stupidly get hurt by it, and it just feels boring.
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not against these two getting hurt. After all, they failed basically all their missions in season 1 and looked dumb while doing so. But the thing is : 1. In season 1, it was mostly because of Murphy’s law so it wasn’t always their fault and 2. The main thing about them in season 1 was their interactions. The most interesting thing about them has always been how they act with each other, at least in my opinion. Heck, my favorite B plot (not episode but B plot) is from “Abducting Murphy’s Law”, an episode in which all Dakota and Cavendish do is talk to each other in different places. It’s just two guys talking, and yet I absolutely love this plot.
So yeah, you don’t need to make Dakota and Cavendish be incompetent idiots for them to be great, you just need to make them interact with each other. That’s also why, out of all their “collecting trash” plots, my favorite is in “Lady Krillers”, because I love the first half with Cavendish complaining while Dakota is being baby while listening to music + their dumb argument over moving the bag and then Cavendish getting scared and Dakota immediately getting protective. This is fun ! This is cute ! This is very dumb and I like every second of it !
On the same note, I can’t stand the B plot of “Disco Do-Over”. The idea isn’t bad and the old lady is a great one-of character, but overall the plot is just urgh for me. The only thing I like is when Cavendish says that Drusselstein sounds made up (I guess Professor Time never wrote an autobiography) and Dakota starts listing made-up words, only to end up smiling at Cav while saying his name slowly in a borderline flirty way, as if he enjoyed every syllable of it. But thing is, I consider that, when shipping is the only thing I care about in an episode/plot, it means that it’s bad. And “Walker, Runner, Screamer” is in the same vein. I can’t stand the plot.
There are actually two things about these plots that I thing really pisses me off (the fact that these plots don’t have much of the duo playing off of each other doesn’t really pisses me of, it just makes the plot boring) :
First of, it makes Dakota seems completely incompetent. Yes I know he wasn’t a first-class agent and even in season 1 he wasn’t that athletic or anything but there was still the feeling that he knew what he was doing. He always managed to steal from Brick and Savannah or know where the duo was, he was able to save Cavendish hundreds of times and finally who knows what the Mississippi purchase was. So while he wasn’t the best, there was some competence. But in season 2, it’s more or less gone.
And for my second pet peeve : Cavendish’s mortality. In season 1, it was established that Cav had a hard time staying alive and could die from tons of different ways, including falling from great heights or getting sent through a wall by a horse. And while we do see him survive a giant rolling rock in “Murphy’s Lard”, Dakota still makes a comment asking if Cav is alive.
But is season 2, it seems like they completely forgot about this part of his character. The worse has to be in “Loot at This Ship” in which he somehow survives when messing with the ship. But earlier in the season, there’s also “Lady Krillers” in which he survives a bull attack three times ! Though, what really pisses me off with that isn’t just the fact that he survives for the sake of comedy; it’s Dakota. In this episode, Dakota has no problem just running away and letting Cavendish get attacked by the bull ! And it’s the same thing in “Disco Do-Over”. When Cav tries to sneak into the garden and gets attacked, Dakota just panics and runs away ! I swear the first time I saw this I was like “Excuse me ?!”. Because you’re telling me that Vinnie “sacrificing himself over and over again with no regrets for Cavendish” Dakota is now ditching Cav in situations he finds dangerous in order to save himself ???
I’m sorry but it pisses me off. It might just be me overreacting but seeing two characters whose main strength in the story was their banter now interacting less and getting hurt more, with one of them going against everything he did in the first season; this just angers me. And so when I watch season 2, I tend to skip most parts of the B plot (which makes me watch like 1 min of episode for “Lady Krillers” because the A plot is very meh. “Disco Do-Over” has an adorable A plot tho).
And last note about these plots, I didn’t mention “Field of Screams” and “Managing Murphy’s law” because I tend to forget about the first one that I find pretty meh (the entire episode, not just the B plot) and the second one has a B plot based on cringy humor and I’m not really into it, though I do really like hearing Jeremy getting more and more tired of Dakota and the hug at the end is such a cute and underrated Dakavendish moment. Also Dakota makes a dad joke near the beginning and I absolutely adore that.
I also didn’t mention “Freefall” because it’s fine. Dakota is being Dakota (and I adore this dork), we start to see Cav get genuinely angry about his job which sets the root for the second half of the season, there’s one scene in which the two are clearly very bored and for some reason it makes me laugh, and the action scene is fine (also damn Cavendish knows how to fly a plane !). But I find “Freefall” to be a good episode in general so yeah.
3. Zack and Melissa
 First thing first : I have nothing against the ship itself. I’m not a big shipper when it comes to child/teens characters but I completely understand why people ship them, and I agree that they have personalities that mix well together. And honestly, this point is probably my most minor complain.
That being said, I do believe that their relationship has basically no development. Or at least, if you compare them to other couples in the Dwampyverse. Because thing is, Dwampy tend to have pretty high standards when it comes to couples. I mean, if we look at every canon couple + a few fanon (aka “here’s my need to infodump about random stuff nobody cares about”. This part will be in italics so, if you want to skip it, you can see where it ends) :
- Phineas and Isabella : since the first episode, we see that Isabella is attracted to Phineas. And throughout the entire show, these two are always willing to help the other, with Isabella always wishing to help in any way she can with the project of the day and Phineas always wanting to make the best projects when it comes to Isabella (just look at how he gets upset in her birthday episode when the finale doesn’t go according to plan). So yeah, they’re two kids in love with a very sweet friendship that you know will evolve into a relationship once they get older and understand relationships better.
- Ferb and Vanessa : Ignoring “Act your Age”, this is the usual trope of a young kid falling in love with an older person. And just like with Phina/bella, it’s made clear that Ferb likes Vanessa and is willing to do anything for her.
- Candace and Jeremy : Same kind of relationships. Candace is clearly head-over-heels for him, Jeremy often gives her presents since the beginning of the show and overall is always patient and understanding to her. It’s very sweet and it’s satisfying to see them get together and know that they will stay that way.
- Linda and Lawrence : While we don’t see much of them, it’s made clear when they’re together that they genuinely love each other. Same for their respective parents.
- Vanessa and Monty : A very organic relationship. It’s two teens who find each other attractive and, after randomly finding each other in the same place, decide to talk and learn more about each other, eventually deciding to start dating. It’s pretty sweet.
- Sara and Neal : These two are just fucking adorable ! They’re two awkward nerds in love and the episode when they get together really plays onto this and it’s the most adorable thing. And while we don’t see much of them, at the beginning of “Love Toboggan”, it’s made clear that the two have seen each other enough for their respective families to know that they like each other.
- Amanda and Milo : Another duo of cuties. The idea of a relationship between them is hinted very early, in “Smooth Opera-tor” in which we see that Milo likes her. And throughout the show, we see them getting closer as Amanda learns to accept Murphy’s law and becomes a genuine friend to Milo. We also see that Milo really likes her and is always willing to help her in any way he can.
- Brigette and Martin : Probably the most underrated characters of the show. I simply adore these two ! They’re just really wholesome people, especially Brigette. She knew full well what she was getting into when she decided to marry into the Murphy family and it’s clear that she doesn’t have a single regret. Like the Flynn-Fletcher parents, they aren’t around that much but when they do you can tell they love each other.
And for some fanon ships :
- Buford and Baljeet : Basically an enemy to friends to lover trope. They start off as bully and nerd but, the more time they spend with Phineas and co, the more Buford shows off his sensitive side and learns more to respect Baljeet’s boundaries while Baljeet learns to stand up for himself. And by the end of the show, the two are genuinely close. Heck, even in “Act Your Age”, despite the canon ships, there’s one scene in which the guys tell Phineas that “guys don’t talk about their feelings”. After they say that, there’s an awkward silence and at the end of it you can see Buford and Baljeet look at each other before looking away with a sad expression, as if they did have feelings for each other but never talked about it because of the “boys don’t talk feelings” thing (which, in real life, is complete bullshit. Let men be emotive, dammit !). But yeah, these two have a friendship that grows over the show and is sometimes teased as if something else was going on there.
- Heinz and Perry : Fun fact : when I became an adult and started getting back into the show, I couldn’t help but laugh as I started to ship it because this is such a crackship on paper ! Also, everything related to Peter the Panda, especially “Time Out” and “Lost in Danville” is fucking hilarious because of how ridiculous it is. I love the Dwampyverse ! (and I just realized that I didn’t talk about the humans/objects canon couples but given that only one person can evolve in these relationships…yeah)
But looking at the show and the books, yeah, these two are like two people thrown into an arranged marriage and having to figure everything out. Even if they start off as enemies, they eventually get accustomed to each other, to the point of being each other’s most important person. We really feel it in season 4. In a lot of ways, these two are a lot like Buford and Baljeet (which a lot of people had already pointed out).
- Candace and Vanessa : This one is mostly based on how much Candace admires Vanessa in “Night of the Living Pharmacist” and honestly, it’s pretty alright. I can definitely see why people ship it as there’s definitely some material there and there with Candace trying to impress Vanessa and look cool in front of her.
- Cavendish and Dakota : Act like an old married couple 24/7 ; often have physical contact and never react to it, showing that it’s normal to them and that they’re very comfortable with each other, almost to the point of having no notion of personal space when it comes to each other ; call each other “partners” most of the time ; have known each other for at least 10 years given Cavendish’s change in appearance from “First Impressions” to ‘now’ ; have to share a room most of the time due to their work ; are compared to Perry and Heinz, aka Dan’s favorite fan ship (or at least it seems to be) ; would die for each other and are willing to do anything to keep their relationship going, including stopping a “break up” (Dakota’s words). What else is there to say ?
  So looking at all these relationships, including the fanon ones, it’s pretty clear that Dan and Swampy like to give out tons of shipping material. But Zack and Melissa ? They act like friends for most of the show. In season 1, the only episode that’s really shippy is “The Math Book” with how they play off of each other.
The saddest part with this relationship for the shippers is that in the PnF crossover, we start to get hints that they might be a couple, only for them to keep the exact same dynamic as season one up until the very last episode of season 2 in which suddenly they act like a couple most of the time. And before you point out “Escape”, it’s probably just me but the way Melissa tells Milo to hurry because “It starts to seem like a date”, followed by Zack saying “You wish” in such a neutral tone gives off the impression that they don’t want it to be a date. So yeah, by the end of the day, it feels like they only got together because 1. Disney likes straight people and 2. They’re the hero’s best friends.
Seriously, on youtube, there’s a video that’s a Zalis//sa compilation, and not only is the video only 6 minutes long, but most of these moments could come off as two friends acting like two friends. And for the video length : reminder that there’s a Milan//da video from the same person that’s 17 minutes long, Amanda being a character that appears like ten times less than Zack and Melissa; and there are also two Daka//vendish videos, both 10 minutes long each, and they barely cover like 1/3 of the episodes the duo show up in. Seriously, a fanon ship has a hundred more shipping material than a canon ship ! Honestly, Zalis//sa shippers were robbed.
I think the only other ship that has that little development (and by that I mean way less development) among major characters is the one between Baljeet and Ginger. Honestly for this ship : Ginger shows that she’s interested and it’s taken as a joke in season 1; in the bees episode, Ginger listens to Baljeet and, while Baljeet is happy that she’s listening, he’s mostly happy that someone is listening, regardless of who it is. Then we see them dance a few times in the background, including in a Halloween episode in which Buford and Baljeet were sharing a costume and, as Baljeet and Ginger start to dance, we have a shot of Buford not looking happy about this. And yet somehow they became a canon couple.
With this forced ship, I tend to accuse Disney being homophobic and refusing Buford and Baljeet to be both single at the end of the show (seriously Disney seems to be so homophobic that they allowed couples between humans and objects but refused any gay couple. At least they seem to have started to be more accepting with recent shows from what I’ve seen).
4. Heinz Doofenshmirtz
So I know it’s been talked about but it’s still a major point in this season so I have to talk about it. So : in Phineas and Ferb, Heinz is a motivated inventor who was able to make inators that worked, though his poor planning and some of his ideas often got the best of him. But overall, he was just a nice guy with a certain genius and who was trying to cope with his childhood trauma in the only ways he knew. He’s also one of the best fathers in all of animation, especially given how much baggage he has, but that’s not the topic here.
Then, when Dwampy made “The O.W.C.A. Files”, they decided to change Heinz’s personality. Suddenly, he was a complete klutz who’s can’t do anything right and just pisses people off. And when they made MML, they kept this personality trait. It also doesn’t help that quite a lot of focus is put on him, which renders him even more annoying. I won’t develop much on his flaws because, again, others already did before. Instead, since so many people already talked about what was wrong with Doof in this show, I actually want to talk about the good moments that Heinz has in MML.
So, to cite a few : First off, the PnF crossover. Yes he does mess up his time machine with orange juice but that’s like his only mistake. Overall, he’s seen to be a great inventor who quickly understands the Pistachions’ weakness after spilling juice on a plant and immediately creates a plan around it. And speaking of which, I also really like how, when he meets the group at the beginning and is told to be a hero, he asks “What do you base your assumption on ?” (not a direct quote), which really shows that yes, he’s a scientist who thinks like one.
The moments where he butts head with Cavendish are also pretty good, especially with how what he says is only the truth : he’s not Professor Time, he’s just some random inventor, and Cavendish feeling so much deception is his own fault for idolizing someone. Thinking about it, it might actually be the only moments in the show in which he’s seen as more mature than another major character.
And overall, he’s just his PnF self in this episode. Like, there’s also how he talks to Diogee and, later, when Milo puts some pressure on him by reminding him of the stakes, he goes “I’m going to go back to talk to the dog”.
As for some other good appearances : “Spy Little Sister” has Heinz show up for a very little and it really works with making him a lot like how he was in PnF (honestly the lightbulb accident seems like something he’ll do in PnF. Heck, in the first part of the episode, he reminds me of how he is in “Doof 101”, episode in which the problems are caused by the annoying bugs and not him).
“Disco Do-Over” does a clever use of the “I am a superstar” video, though Heinz is a bit obnoxious in this episode.
The season 2 finale has Heinz once again act like a scientist when he asks the Octalian about shape-shifting.
Finally, I really like the friendship between him and Dakota. The two are definitely bad for each other and that’s what makes their interactions interesting. Though, I would have loved to see some time spent on pointing out the fact that Dakota grew up seeing Heinz as a hero. And on that same note, I would have loved to see a bit more of Cavendish interacting with Heinz, especially after Heinz and Dakota became “friends” (the last episodes give off the feeling that now that they made up with their respective partner, they aren’t going to hang out with each other).
So yeah, Heinz does have his moments in which he works pretty well. But most of these moments are in episodes in which he’s a minor character. When the show starts to focus more on him, he’s just annoying and immature, which is really sad given how great he was in PnF.
5. The humor
 Now it’s time to get the claws out. Seriously, this part was meant to be short but I can tell from what my brain has in mind that I’m going to give a long rant. To be honest this wasn’t even really supposed to be a big thing to point out, like I could’ve put this at the end with the other “minor complains”. But one thing pisses me off so it’s now its own part.
So to make things clear first : when I talk about the humor, I’m talking about one kind of joke that the show has done since season 1 but that feels off in season 2. I’m talking about the jokes that go on for a while, sometimes too long; especially too long in season 2.
I think a good example of a long joke made right is in “Party of Peril”, when we have to watch Elliot get attacked by a duck for like 50 seconds. It’s a joke that probably goes on for too long but let’s be honest it’s hilarious, along with creating the recurring joke of ducks hating Elliot.
In season 2, they kept trying to make these kinds of jokes there and there; but for some reason it doesn’t really work. I have two examples : the first one is in “Teacher’s Feature” in which we spend 20 seconds on Scott dancing in a cringy way while the kids comment on it. And I swear as I’m writing that I’m considering checking the length because it feels like 40 seconds, not 20, and that’s the problem. Watching the scene, they could have easily cut out 5 seconds of him dancing with music to go directly to the part where there’s no music but he keeps going. Seriously. They definitely could have made this joke shorter.
But the worst to me, the absolute worst, is in “Cavendish Unleashed”. OOOH BOY the fucking waste they did there.
So in this episode, there’s a joke that plays out 3 times, two times the same way and a third time with a slight difference. The joke is about people wanting to sign a paper to destroy then protect the forest, only to get crushed by the alien and being unable to use their hand. To put it simply, this joke is boring. It doesn’t even feel like a joke ! It’s just 15 then another 15 and then a whole 20 seconds (more or less) wasted on this shit. And I swear I also want to go check the length because I remember that when I first saw the episode, the third joke felt like it went on for two minutes. It’s not fun, it’s just boring.
But what’s the problem with that ? Simple : the ending of the episode. At the end of the episode, Cavendish talks with the main trio, learns that Milo was the abductee and then tells the teens to leave. And they just leave, asking no questions whatsoever. Like hello ???? Cavendish has been missing for days, maybe weeks ??? Dakota is desperate to find him ??? Haven’t Dakota told the kids that Cavendish was missing ??? Hadn’t they noticed during “Cast Party” and even before or after that Dakota wasn’t with Cavendish anymore ??? WHY IS NOBODY ASKING QUESTIONS ???? Why didn’t the kids go like “Oh yeah, we saw Cavendish today” to Dakota ??? Why waiting DAYS before telling him ??? Hell, in “Escape”, he talks about finding Cavendish like the kids knew ! So what the hell was that all about ?!
Seriously. Would it have been too hard to remove that dumb recurring joke and instead have an angsty scene in which Milo points out that Cavendish is considered missing, only for Cav to feel bad about it, making us feel for him, and then tell the kids that he’s doing what he believes is for the best and then ask them to keep it a secret from Dakota ? How come the only time we see Cav feel bad about leaving is in a fan animation ?
This seriously pisses me off. The whole arc about Cavendish going rogue could have been one of my favorites. We could’ve seen him struggle to live, think about what he’s doing and why, feel homesick or missing Dakota and the others. Hell, he’s been stuck alone and conscious in an ice cube for who knows how long, so why did he never take the time to reflect during that time ? And yes he was conscious. When he gets trapped, his eyes move and when he’s saved, he’s able to protect his face the very moment the ice break, showing that he was well-aware of Dakota breaking the cube.
But no. Instead, this arc spends like 30% of its screen time on Cavendish doing a Candace-like joke about trying to show the ship and 70% of the screen-time on Dakota sulking. And in the last episode, there’s a scene in which Cav complains about Octalia, only to be remembered that he can save the planet; and then he goes on a rant about how he’s going to be the hero of Octalia, showing that he didn’t learn a fucking thing from his arc.
This pisses me off. This really pisses me off. No wonder I wrote like 5 oneshots around that arc. I need to get that “Cavendish is struggling” angst juice one way or another.
And speaking of bad arcs…
6. Zack’s plot
 So in the first episode of the season (not counting the crossover), the characters talk about how Zack is a coward who tries to get over his fears. Ok so first question : since when is Zack considered a coward ? I mean, he’s very cautious when it comes to Murphy’s law, yes, but being cautious is not the same as being a coward. Besides, Murphy’s law is dangerous. And for most of the episodes, his reactions are the same as Melissa and Milo, when Milo gets scared. As for his fear of fish, anyone can have these kinds of irrational fears. Also there’s the Halloween episode in which it’s made clear that he doesn’t have much fears aside from the fear of dying from the unpredictable, hence his usual resentment with Murphy’s law.
It’s also worth mentioning that MML follows the trope of having a group with two guys and one girl; with one guy being the main character, the girl being the smart one and the second guy being the coward or the forgettable one in certain shows. I think this might be one of the reasons why there’s this idea that Zack is a coward.
But aside from the fact that, in my personal opinion, this plot comes out of nowhere, there’s also the problem that we barely see it at all. I mean, in “Snow Way out”, it’s put into the story. Then they completely forget about it and Zack goes back to act chill and cautious until “Freefall” whose entire plot revolves around Zack being fearful (again, rightfully fearful given the situation). Then it’s dropped again until “The Mid-Afternoon Snack Club” with the idea that Zack feels overshadowed by Milo (which, honestly, sounds like a more interesting arc than the whole fear thing). And finally, it’s dropped yet again until the very last episode in which they keep insisting that he has no fear anymore.
Seriously, am I the only one seeing this ? Or am I just bad at noticing the character growth ?
7. Smaller pet peeves
 So that last point is a list of small things that bother me in this season but that I don’t see myself write 10 paragraphs about :
- Most of the supporting cast needed more screentime. Seriously, characters like Neal and Veronica basically don’t exist this season, Sara also has a much more minor role, Bradley desperately needs some kind of character arc, most of the school characters and staff are also pretty absent (we miss you Drako !), Brick and Savannah only appear twice, once being a cameo in front of a pistachio cart,  and I’m sure there’s more that I forgot.
- A very personal opinion so it’s not really a pet peeve but time travel was much more interesting than aliens, though the plots were pretty similar with the people involved trying to get to Milo, only for Murphy’s law to occur and ruin their plan. Also, while I really like the captain/leader, the two guys sent to capture Milo are your usual comedic duo, like the two small devils in Disney’s Hercules (I don’t know their name in English, I only know that they’re named “Peur” and “Panique” in French).
And fun fact, “Spy Little Sister” is probably my favorite episode of the season, and while watching it, I really had a feeling of “god I missed that” when time-travel occurred. Though, I’ll admit, the aliens plot does a much better job using Murphy’s law, not only with the aliens failing constantly because of it but also especially in the finale with each character having their own backpack to “fight against it”.
- Bob Block. There was some potential with that character (*cough* villain *cough*). Though, I won’t develop here because I already did at the beginning of another post.
- The episode “Game Night” is weird to me. Like, it’s not a bad episode, on the contrary it’s a great one, but at the same time I find myself not liking it. I think the main problem is that it should’ve been a season 1 episode due to the whole thing with the deadly vortex and how Cavendish and Dakota somehow knew what it was. Also I feel like there’s a waste of characters. I mean, we get the Murphy parents, Neal and Cav and Dakota and yet it feels like the episode is mostly focused on the main trio + Sara. Also Veronica was robbed. They could have easily removed the whole vortex thing, hence removing Cavendish and Dakota from the story, and have Veronica with the group instead. Look I love the two time-travelling idiots but other characters deserve some spotlight too.
Besides, thinking about it, it’s a bit sad that Cavendish and Dakota don’t really interact with the others when they’re on screen. There’s like 5 people in the room and yet we either see them talk to each other or to the group in general (though to be honest this disconnect between characters even when they’re in the same room is also in the crossover and the season 2 finale).
So yeah, this episode is weird. It has tons of elements that should make me love it (the Murphy parents; Neal; Melissa being Melissa; Dakota being Dakota; some Daka//vendish, including a 3 seconds argument that has some of the biggest “old married couple” energy we’ve seen in this show; Milo and Sara being overly dramatic babies; the Veronica cameo). And yet, I somehow can’t find myself really liking it. It’s weird.
  So, overall, it was still a pretty good and solid season. Most episodes were pretty fun and enjoyable. But they were still a lot of small issues that, in my opinion, makes season 1 much better; and when I decide to watch random moments of the show or watch full episodes, I tend to mostly pick in that first season.
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revenblue · 6 years
You can hate it if you want, but I sort of like the idea of Heinz becoming professor time. Sure, through a Casual Loop Paradox he learned who he'd become, but since he already happened to make a time machine, him also making himself a brand makes sense(remember D.E.I?). Plus, in Last Day of Summer he learned he was evil out of obligation, now he just has to learn he doesn't need to be Professor Time out of obligation. He just needs to find himself and become Professor Time naturally over time.
Yes, I do hate it. I’m just too lazy to yell directly at peoples’ digital avatars about their different opinions, I dump my ranting in meta form or fic form (or venting amongst peeps who share my opinion) instead.
If it had been done differently it could have worked for me. But as it stands, it feels like it’s celebrating something that hits my squicks. (I mean, like I said in my first response, I’ve been struggling against “this person who barely knows you thinks they know who you should be better than you do” all my life, and to see MML showing Cavendish to be in the right about it is... *shudders*. Doubly so with the renaming, bc I have a name/identity thing, along the same lines as a lot of identity porn.)
That, and the way it undermines what I see as Heinz’s resolution (abandoning his goal of material success because he's found a family who loves him and doesn’t need it any more) has soured me on it and hence the majority of MML s2.
The undermining is threefold:
First, the whole Professor Time thing feels very ~oh he’s successful now~, the direct opposite of “who needs success when I have the people I love”.
Second, he’s proceeded to abandon said family (notably both Vanessa and Norm, aka his children). The thing with Perry makes sense, although the context means I can’t be angry on Heinz’s behalf bc I can’t see the Heinz I love in him, but I’m not unhappy with that on a writing level (well, except for certain implications I’ve touched on in my meta). But Vanessa hasn’t even been mentioned, and it’s depressingly plausible to say that Norm is dead. And even if he’s not, Heinz is all he has, but Heinz is off being someone else.
Third, he’s browbeating the Murphys into being a replacement family, which they didn’t agree to (incidentally, another squick of mine, twisting the wonder that is “family of choice” into something so despicable).
Honestly, it’s the same issue I have with AYA (and, in hindsight, Perry in OWCA Files). Dwampy were so caught up in the idea of where the characters would end up based on what they consciously knew of the characters that they ignored where the natural development had led the characters to to push that narrative.
As a side note, I prefer the idea of Norm being Professor Time, to impress his father. Repeating Heinz’s own relationship with his parents, except Heinz has the potential to actually realise he’s hurting Norm, while also giving Norm the recognition he deserves. (Plus, Norm shares the same address.) So much more fascinating than the “Heinz learns how to be good, attempt three” we’re getting.
I’d rather have had OWCA Files than this, bugs and all. (OOCness and all.) At least there it woulda been obvious who the main protags were from the start, instead of springing it on us in season 2.
Although in all honesty I don’t think I could be truly happy with any Heinz redemption that doesn’t focus on Norm and his parents. So much potential there lying untapped. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have entirely too much to criticise about MML’s version.
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ask-whitebag · 6 years
MML Theories Masterpost
I decided to make a list of all the theories I know about (big thanks to @noddytheornithopod for informing me about most of these) just to see which one will turn out to be true. This post is full of spoilers (duh) so look out.
Doofenshmirtz invented time travel and changed his name to Doctor Time
Pretty much confirmed in the MML season 1 finale
In the Phineas and Ferb finale we hear from Doofenshmirtz: "I know you said the time machine in the bathroom was a bad idea, but if you need to go, you should do it last week." which means he already invented his own time machine. Even if he doesn't have it anymore - he built it once, he can do it again
Xavier Onassis invented time travel independently but he used it to travel to the future to live there and never took credit for inventing it. Pretty much confirmed in the episode Phineas and Ferb's Quantum Boogaloo. The prototype of his invention is still in the museum, confirmed here: http://dawhitebag.tumblr.com/post/166003134109/noddytheornithopod-well-then-this-is-now-a
Roger isn't a mayor anymore because Doofenshmirtz invented time travel and changed the past
The original post: http://dawhitebag.tumblr.com/post/167550829674/toastraccoon-theres-a-lot-of-fans-including
This tweet: http://dawhitebag.tumblr.com/post/165874958769/noddytheornithopod-okay-i-just-assumed-maybe-it
Doofenshmirtz and Candance will create the time travel agency together
Doofenshmirtz invented time travel
Candance went to law school and actually has some experience with time travel
These two were the only ones who knew what was going on in Phineas and Ferb finale
Summer in PnF was longer than it should be because of time distortion Cavendish and Dakota caused
The characters from PnF canonically noticed that this summer is longer than usual
Time grenades were established in the MML halloween special - they can erase actual segments of time
What if they erased most of the time in between any of the PnF episodes, hence why the years are always whenever the episode comes out and we have smartphones by season 4
And then we have random slip ups like the winter and halloween episodes being all that's left of the points in between the summers and because it's Danville, they just shrug it off as a long summer and don't consider the ramifications of these random days
The characters from PnF will appear in MML even after the big crossover episode
This post: http://dawhitebag.tumblr.com/post/166113089899/imaginashon-theres-some-confusion-as-to-how
I saw some leaks (forgive me) and appearently there's gonna be a Jeremy episode?? In MML? After he didn't appear in the PnF finale? ...This is so funny.
Cavendish is a descendant of...?
Milo Murphy. Debunked but it could explain a lot: http://dawhitebag.tumblr.com/post/166113992094/noddytheornithopod-according-to-annamaetion
Jeremy Johnson. There is some resemblance between them, especially their eye color: http://dawhitebag.tumblr.com/post/165574696069/themurphyzone-i-cant-help-but-think-jeremy Also the Jeremy episode is coming. (If that's the case, Cavendish would be a descendant of Candace as well, there's a lot of going on here...)
I doubt the writers will even touch the subject but I'm gonna headcanon that Cavendish is a descendant of both Milo and Jeremy because Cavendish comes far from the future so it is possible, bye.
Murphy's Law is the mysterious force Candace believes in
We just don't know.
Milo wants to become a professional time traveller
Just a personal wish of mine. Dwampy please... http://dawhitebag.tumblr.com/post/163287855854/ask-whitebag-so-i-thought-about-the
I'm gonna probably add more theories to this post in the future.
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revenblue · 6 years
Finally watched MML in English, liveblogging under the cut.
when I watched in Japanese I called the whole thing with Heinz doing the recap "inspired". now that I can understand it, I can see just how inspired it really is (far more than I'd thought), I'm love. I forgot just how much I love Heinz
he doesn't believe Cavendish about him being Professor Time ;_; (admittedly I have Opinions about that whole plotline but)
the jingle for Time Chips, omg
Cav's so willing to strip off for his celeb crush omg. and Heinz is Uncomfortable. (also, looks like "wearing underwear with your crush's face" is a thing people in Dwampyverse do :P)
yeah, accusing Melissa and Zack of dating is sure to be ship fuel
of course the diversion's Melissa's idea, that conniving little (I love her)
"stop foreshadowing" omg
Baljeet's singing is so good. such harmony (my former church choir soprano brain provided the term "descant" but uh yeah)
that jingle XD and of course Heinz's priorities are such a mess that he'd rebrand before he saves the world
Heinz thinking Diogee's an agent, beautiful~ and out of "habit" XD then again, his best friend is short and furry, it's no wonder he'd leap to that conclusion
ahh, foreshadowing with that orange soda thing ("destroying the environment" wow)
Heinz's snark at the questions about Perry, ahaha I love him
okay so "time juice" (it feels weird to hear him call it that) isn't Pizzazzium Infinionite itself, just... similar. :/
"who keeps a clock in their backpack? that's just weird" not as weird as a gd anchor, Milo
"maybe we're related"
"he's either saying he's going with you, or he regrets the impulsive mistakes of his youth" both. it's both, and the """""mistake""""" is falling in love with you, Heinz (but he loves you enough to just sigh about it sometimes)
the way the music pauses when Milo falls into the bush, that's amazing XD
Perry's hypercompetence is so damn attractive, wow *swoons* god I'm such a furry
King Pistachion's instructions to his "kids" is so great XD
that mask gag XD
"too much exposition" "yeah that's probably why your show was cancelled" ooh burn
"yeah no pressure" that's gonna come up later isn't it
Milo's dancing is so great, haha. and that scorecard gag, so perfect
ah, Dwampy, always bringing us those classy bathroom jokes
"Ducky MoGo" I mean it's a catchy name... XD (her intro's kinda underwhelming though. that's where my nitpicks are, the plot)
joking about Ferb talking, nice. and the "yes, yes it has".
"well it does kinda describe us, but it's just rude", that callback :D
"what are the odds" "better than you think" ah yes Milo shows up again
Dakota listing off animals, nice. in alphabetical order, too. also I love that beard sight gag still
"you won't let me sing the zoo song" yeah that probably got old real fast
Go Fish with hot sauce packets. er, hot sauce packet singular. it really says something that Perry's happy to go along with that idea (it's bc it's Heinz, I think)
"'careful' or 'hurry', choose one" yeah it is kinda a choice of one or the other XD
and he squished the hot sauce packet XD
cupholder joke, I love it XD
that extended view of the window with the sounds of destruction. perfect cross-language joke
"what do you usually do when things go wrong" their silence here is telling. (also, the answer? Phineas yells.)
"we have no frame of reference for that" yup
Perry beating up Pistachions to cover for Heinz, I'm love
Candace's attitude to Milo is uh... not fun
"no human being has a neck that long"
ah yes, the duck is still after Elliot, of course
"hey, sometimes Murphy's Law" can be totally helpful!" yyyyyyeah...
oh hey, a woodpecker
okay, the thinking Candace is a Pistachion thing makes that scene make a whole lot more sense
"I was talking about me. we need this guy around" oh, Candace...
"my bad" "we still need him!" I love that XD
the sitcom gags are doubly amusing with the context of the dialogue XD they were good when I watched it originally, but now? amazing. but also wtf Heinz why
"and that's why we use a cupholder"
ah yes, The Island. when I first watched this I knew it was The Island, even before the reveal
oof, Cav dealing with his hero worship not being such a hero. never fun.
Perry's just standing there though, what are you doing Perry
ugh Heinz needs a hug, Perry what are you waiting for
"I know when I'm not wanted" oh Heinz ;_;
it's... it's this bit. where Perry kinda just disappears entirely? there's no other reason for him not going after his nemesis to reassure him the way he always does.
"okay now that's environment. no wonder they banned this stuff." ah yes the callback
and Orton showing up to relate, which is... it makes sense at least? (but where the hell is Perry?)
"oh look a ukelele" Heinz why
ooh the SONG
"and there's a future self up to which I have to measure" oof
"no matter where I go, oh look, I'm already there" *Homestuck intensifies*
and the gd mid-song genre switch. with the "throwing money away" sight gag. ye gods. XD
"I forgot where I was going with this" nice going Heinz
"apparently the locals are not music fans" yeah it takes a suave semiaquatic personification of unstoppable dynamic fury to love your singing voice, Heinz :P
and the reveal of it being The Island, this'll be... yeah
oh hey, voiceover montage song from Milo
is this an Uptown Funk reference? I'm not sure, I don't keep up to date with pop music, but it looks like a reference
OH yeah, Melissa did a ton of research herself. she'd be happy with all this new data
Baljeet's totally flirting there too
...the jokes about Zack and Melissa dating are... idk. they're amusing in the moment but the premise they're built off is uh. I don't like it.
oh boy, the explanation of Murphy's Law... you know, that kinda breaks my suspension of disbelief a little. because instead of unspoken rules, it's now spoken rules with details to find inconsistencies in
"montage time!" I love him
gotta say, I do love the occasional gag of "things spontaneously catch on fire", that's always fun
"several hundred" Dakotas? looks like the 102 estimate from that episode was lowballing... or he's guesstimating
"you're gonna laugh" "probably not" I mean if you set the death montage to cheerful music...
huh, he told the truth. idk why I was expecting him to lie but I was so that's a surprise
he took it really well, which. eh, idk, I figured it'd be used for angst at some point. but apparently not.
oh so it's this SPECIFIC orange soda. also Dakota's been doing this for a while I guess
"well I'm not the environment" these two are... far too similar. Dan Povenmire's typecast himself I guess
"we're gonna need a lot of cupholders" ah yes the cupholder joke again XD
aaaaaand they're captured.
"we had to switch over to the HDMI cables" I love this joke XD
"you and what army" "that army" ahhhh. cliché but always satisfying
oh hi Isabella, showing up in the last uh ten minutes. and flirting a little with Phineas of course but eh this plot point came out of absolutely nowhere
I love how, when Heinz falls out of the thing, Perry's first reaction is to jump out after him and save him. it's a fun dynamic to bring back. also did I mention Perry's competence is attractive?
"oh, that was touching" ahaha XD
"don't mess with Doctor Zone- Doctor Zone? who's Doctor Zone?" XD
welp, giant Pistachion
oof. can really feel its dilemma. poor giant Pistachion :c
giant Pistachion redemption ;_;
"here's an adaptor we needed" XD
AAAAAAA PERRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYy, my heart ;_; he saved them, risking his cover, I can't ;_;
and he retreated to pet mode just in time, ugh ;_; PERRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ;_;
then he leaves as soon as they're not looking and disappears from the plot
"Murphy's Law And Order" omg
loving that accurate tech support gag
blasting familiar yet not plot relevant characters so we see how bad things are. gotta keep us invested
lemon callback, nice
radioactive watermelon is a bit... out of nowhere. why is he carrying that in his backpack again? (especially when he doesn't carry a clock)
"blowtorch and some peanut butter" nice refrance
yeah, seeing everyone as a Pistachion is... not good. (tbh when I first saw this my only thought was "I hope Heinz isn't in there" bc I'm er biased)
and Heinz is fine, that's a relief. Perry musta kept him safe... speaking of which, where is Perry?
"Vanessa's dad" hm... okay this is a weird epithet but it kinda makes sense with how they'd know him, considering Ferb's crush on Vanessa...
"no, I am Professor Time, and we are not out of time until I say so!" hhhhhh I have a lot of feelings about this. it's dramatic, which is always fun, but. ugh I'm biased, I love Heinz
and the deus ex machina. which is... not quite out of nowhere, but. hhhhhh I have Opinions.
Cav's squee is adorable
nice use of the Doctor Zone theme
ah yes the letter, almost forgot about that plot point from Missing Milo
"I don't feel so good" okay that's not the dialogue but still!
nooooooo not Giant Pistachion ;_;
oh right, in this timeline Doctor Zone wasn't a thing, so Sara's shirt was blank
"wait a minute, why am I still part plant?" amazing
"we're going to be in serious trouble aren't we" yup
rip DEI
"my building! ugh. can I crash on your couch?" CALLED IT
"feel free to cross over any time" heh
oh Heinz XD "where do you guys keep the extra toilet paper? I'm asking for a friend" so either he had an "accident" or Perry had an "accident" (...it's the latter. it's gotta be the latter. Agent Pee strikes again)
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