#durable vacuum
techdriveplay · 1 month
Narwal Freo X Ultra - TDP Review
The Narwal Freo X Ultra marks a significant leap forward in the world of robotic vacuum cleaners. Building on the foundation laid by its predecessor, the Narwal Freo, this latest model introduces a suite of advanced features that promise to elevate your home cleaning experience to new heights. With the Freo X Ultra, Narwal has not only increased the power and efficiency of the vacuum but has also…
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gwmac · 1 year
Which Region Dominates? 75 Essential Comparisons of American and European Homes
Introduction Real estate discussions are often saturated with debates about location, price, and size, but what often slips under the radar are the subtle yet significant variations in architectural design, construction practices, and inherent features that differentiate homes across the globe. This article sets out on an ambitious journey, dissecting and comparing the unique attributes of…
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yashblower · 2 months
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"Experience the power of precision with our high vacuum pump. Elevate your processes to new heights of #efficiency and #reliability"!
🌐 www.yashblower.com ☎️ +91 9971006400
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evilminji · 4 days
O.O!!! :Dc wait a second.... Aquaman >.>
Good JOB Brain! That IS a good idea!
Don't know if YOU GUYS all know this? But Arthur? Son of a Lighthouse keeper and the Queen of Atlantis? THAT Arthur Curry aka. Orin? Has CONSIDERABLY enhanced durability. Like... *hit by a car* "ha. Cute." Enhanced.
It's because of the DEEP Sea water pressure he's built for.
I bring this up? Because the man is a legit BAMF. Absolutely TERRIFYING near any body of water. Dude has SUPER STRENGTH AND HYDROKINESIS. Not ONLY are YOU filled with water, but every street corner in the world has pipes! He is NEVER not armed.
That's not including the "yes I can ask a lobster to take your dick off" thing.
But most of all? He has the RAGE. The lifetime of injustice after injustice. His home under attack, his people suffering and regarded as LESS. The poison dumped into their air. Their lands taken, PRESUMED the property of land dwellers.
Treated as criminals and monsters should they DARE defend themselves.
Yet? He is a leader. A husband, father, mentor. The death of his child can not take from him that title. Nor years numb that pain. He strives to be good. Be wise. Live well.
Yet? There is once AGAIN fuckery in his ocean. Some "secret" lab. Poking at a swirling green portal. At the BOTTOM OF THE SEA. For God's sake, they DO REALIZE, you can't HIDE things from him down here, RIGHT?
It looks radioactive.
He refuses to have that so close to Atlantis.
Sends a notice up to the Watchtower, a call back to his Wife, and leads the gaurd team in. Painfully easy, really. Bog standard humans, caught off gaurd. Right until one of them does something... stupid.
He tries to blow the place. Destroy evidence. It would kill all of them. Which is not Arthur's main concern. No, what IS? Is that it would dump radioactive SOMETHING into the waters near Atlantis.
He dives forward. They struggle. A button is smashed and...
Their containment field drops.
They had been keeping it in a perfect vacuum.
Arthur is sucked in.
Watches, in free fall, as his men's faces turn to horror. As they desperately dive to follow him. Loyal. True. But ultimately too late. He curses himself as he loses sit of them. But forces himself to focus, twist, get his feet under him. His is in air, above LAND.
He hits HARD.
But not the ground like he had planned.
He's slamed, at an awkward, frantic, angle and knocked off course. His weight crashing down onto a scrawny slip of a boy, who weezes and struggles to get a proper grip. His arms not quite long enough to go all the way around his barrel of a chest.
He helps, by slinging an arm over his young savior.
Only then, does he notice, the tiny crown of ice and nebula, poking at a jaunty angle from the child's head.
Their landing would be rough, had Arthur not caught them, once he gets close enough to the ground. The young royal gasping for air, having clearly pushed his limits to get to Arthur in time. He hauls himself up. Not yet a man, but not as young as Arthur feared. His eyes glow.
"Hoooly SHIT. Are you okay?! I hit you really hard! I'm so, SO sorry! I panicked! And-"
Honestly? A little bruised. But nothings he's going to ADMIT too.
More concerning? The injuries.
There's a screech of tires turning sharp corners. Sirens getting closer. The young king whips around. Terror seeping onto his face. It gives Arthur an unobstructed view of pointed ears, softly glowing skin with star like freckles, and scars that creep up the child's neck. He does not like the picture being painted.
"We have to GO. Now. Please, I'll explain in a moment! But we have to go NOW!"
Really, REALLY does not like the picture. And he has WAYS of dealing with such things as this. But safety first. Prioritize the children. They go. He vows to get answers. And all around Amity? Certain individuals days are NUMBERED.
@babbling-babull @hdgnj @the-witchhunter @hypewinter @mutable-manifestation @lolottes @nerdpoe
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starlightwritcr · 4 months
android gojo headcanons
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ok wow this was longer than i thought. i hope you guys enjoy
android sukuna version
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You were a beta tester for Jujutsu Technology. Your job description was quite straightforward. You just acted like a customer who bought the product you were testing and gave feedback based on what you experienced.
This time, your employers wanted you to test out the newest of the Gojo line, the S4T0RU model. He was an android for a myriad of purposes. The engineers must've been quite proud of themselves for coming up with him.
He was the strongest and most durable out of all the androids they've come up with, possibly even surpassing the SUKUN4 model. Not only that, but he came with Jujutsu Technology's best intelligence chip, their most advanced one to date. He could learn at speeds no human could match.
He could protect his owner from any and all harm, he assists with all your chores with peak efficiency, he can tutor your children, help out with homework, he could provide companionship... and other more "adult" things.
In short, he's the jack of all trades for androids. There was a reason he cost the highest out of all of them.
For this simulation, you were meant to act as a single mother who recently lost her husband and needs assistance with her two children. The two children were androids created for testing, since it was too risky to use actual children in the process.
It started with unboxing him, the same way any buyer would. So far, you encountered no issues. Setup just required you to log into the app and configure the mode you need him for. Options included: Fighter mode, Caretaker mode, and... Pleasure mode. You clicked on "Caretaker mode".
When he woke up from his slumber, he greeted you and your children. Megumi didn't take too well to him, but Tsumiki quite liked him. You noted that his voice module was fully operational, no glitching or echoing. This version of him was still a prototype so his personality was a bit blank for the time being. It'd likely only start developing after spending time with you and the kids.
Your theory was proven right when you put the S4T0RU android to the test, asking him to do basic chores like vacuuming the floor and cleaning up the kids' toys. Tsumiki showered him in praises, which he basked in, wearing a smug smirk as he showed off his prowess.
You couldn't help the amused smile as you watched him pick up the sofa with one hand to vacuum, even though he could've just moved it to the side to achieve the same results. An android that was a showoff. How interesting.
Next task was to test his skill in teaching, asking him to help homeschool Megumi. It would prove to be a little more difficult than the basic house chores. This was especially the case with Megumi's model, who was designed to simulate a more... difficult and moody child. Androids who couldn't handle him usually didn't make the cut and got scrapped.
Despite Satoru's initial rocky start with him, he eventually got the hang of it and figured out how to get the child android to listen.
The more you spent time with him, the more attached you felt to the android. Out of all the androids, he seemed the most... lovable.
You weren't part of the Pleasure Department so you didn't have the most experience regarding the more... sensual androids.
But you couldn't quite recall whether the previous androids you tested were as... touchy as Satoru was. You never seemed to go a day where he hasn't had his large arms wrapped around your waist or shoulder.
While assisting you with chores, he made conversation, asking you about your interests and hobbies. He listened intently, hanging onto every word of your responses.
Whenever you got back home from "work", you'd find him playing with the kids, either having tea parties with Tsumiki or watching animal documentaries with Megumi. Upon noticing your arrival, his eyes light up with excitement. He rushes to your side, eager to help you relax after a long day.
He'd make you a cup of your favorite drink, making you sigh with relief. Every task you've made him do was a success. He should be good to go now. All you had to do was give him clearance to be mass produced and sold to the public.
As you rested your head on his shoulder, hearing the gentle hum of his system, you felt a twinge of pain, knowing that the life you've grown so attached to will eventually come to an end - that this fabricated life you've built with him would be gone in just a few days.
"Do you have to let me go?" Satoru's question made your heart stop. There was not a single android who has gained awareness of the simulation. But somehow, he acted like this was a fact he understood since long ago.
You let out a shaky breath. "I... have no choice. This is what they pay me for. You'll be taken from me regardless."
He gave you a chesire smile. "Their first mistake was giving me the tools to bust us out of here."
Satoru disconnected his system from the Jujutsu Network and grabbed the two kids, doing the same to them. Alarms started blaring, alerting all the workers that an android had gone rogue.
He picked the three of you up, breaking out of the compound.
You weren't quite sure what the future had in store for you. But you were sure that you'd be fine as long as you had Satoru and your newfound family by your side.
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longwuzhere · 6 days
My Adventures with Superman Season 2 Easter Eggs
Welcome to another week of My Adventures with Superman and what a great episode this one was! I CALLED IT THAT WE'LL BE SEEING A CERTAIN CHARACTER SHOW UP SINCE EPISODE 1 SEASON 1!!! OK lets get to the easter eggs!
My Easter eggs lists for season 1 is here if you haven't seen it!
My season 2 episode 1 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here.
My season 2 episode 2 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here.
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 1 post is here.
Spoilers if you haven't seen it yet.
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At the start of the episode we see Clark discover a new power of his to protect a person (we'll talk about him soon) during a fire. What we are seeing here is Clark using his Bio Electric Aura. Superman's Bio Electric Aura was first introduced in Superman #1 (1987) where Superman is investigating an abandoned laboratory where stats on Superman are plastered over the computer monitors and he finds the body of the scientist who's neck was snapped by something powerful. So in order to to keep the things inside safe and way from bad people (we'll talk more about this later), Superman does this (W&P: John Byrne, I: Terry Austin, C: Tom Zuiko, L: John Costanza:
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He takes it up to space so the vacuum can keep it preserved. But Superman is able to lift such a large piece of land thanks to his Bio Electric Aura. What it does is help protect the Bio Electric Aura user from damage and enhance their strength, speed, and durability. The user extends their aura to whatever object they are interacting with, in Superman's case, this giant piece of land, and be able to lift it up without IRL physics affecting them. Check out All-Star Superman to see how far Clark can use his bio electric aura!
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Clark was able to save the man's life from the fire started by Livewire (I talked more about her here). But before the reveal, we have a fun name drop in the scene! The man Clark saved was Silas Stone, the father of Victor Stone aka Cyborg of the Teen Titans/Titan (yeah I know Cyborg was with the Justice League sometimes but he fits with the Teen Titans/Titans more)!
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Silas Stone made his first appearance in DC Comics Presents #26 (1980) [W: Marv Wolfman, P: George Perez, I: Dick Giordano, C: Adrienne Roy, L: Ben Oda] as a STAR Labs scientist. After his son's accident, Silas had Victor rebuilt with new cybernetic parts in order to keep him alive, a move that strained his relationship with his son. Here in the pages Raven was showing the Teen Titans that Silas was in trouble trying contact this protoplasmic cell.
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Speaking of Victor, we get a reference to him after Livewire threatened his life and Victor was forced to delete the files he had on AmerTek (we'll talk more about that later).
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Victor Stone makes his first appearance also in DC Comics Presents #26 (1980) [ W: Marv Wolfman, P: George Perez, I: Dick Giordano, C: Adrienne Roy, L: Ben Oda]. Robin and the rest of the Titans gather at Titan's Tower but for some reason Robin can't recognize the team.
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The title for this episode is a nod to Hiromu Arakawa's manga/anime Fullmetal Alchemist, IMO the gold standard when it comes to action manga/anime. Fantastic read and watch highly recommend either watching the anime, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and the first Fullmetal Alchemist just to see how the two are different, but also read the manga because its just that good! A very appropriate title for what we will be discussing next!
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Finally the one character I hope would show up in MAwS, John Henry Irons! In MAwS like his comic book counterpart worked for AmerTek, but in MAwS Irons hoped he could use AmerTek be beneficial for his neighborhood, Bakerline (which I talked more about here.)
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John Henry Irons makes his first appearance in Adventures of Superman #500 (1993) [First Sighting: Man of Steel segment - W: Louise Simonson, P: Jon Bogdanove, I: Dennis Janke, C: Glenn Whitmore, L: Bill Oakley] during the start of the Reign of the Supermen storyline where we see John be buried under rubble after saving one of foreman coworkers and with the help of Superman was able to save both of them. However Doomday attacked the city and John was ready to pay Superman back by helping him fight Doomsday as well but the building John was in collapsed burying him.
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Like his comicbook counterpart, John don's a suit to help out Superman later in the episode. In the comics John wears the Steel armor in Superman: The Man of Steel #22 (1993) [Cover art by Jon Bogdanove and Dennis Janke]. After Superman's death at the hands of Doomsday, John builds the Steel suit in order figure out why the weapons he created but ultimately destroyed were in the hands of the gangs of Metropolis. He later learns that Amertek Industries, his former employer was still in business distributing the weapons.
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As Clark is running late for a date with Lois as Waid's cafe (I talked about this reference here and you hear a bit of the MAwS leitmotif in the cell jingle.
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At the AmerTek demo, Lois is in the crowd to see what they have for their showcase and we see Thomas Weston demonstrate the Metallo, two DC characters from the comics.
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Thomas Weston and AmerTerk makes their first appearance in Steel #2 (1994) [W: Louise Simonson, Jon Bogdanove, P: Chris Batista, I: Rich Faber, Andrew Pepoy, C: Gina Going, L: Pat Brosseau]. In the comics Thomas Weston is a Colonel and CEO of Amertek Industries where it is a weapons manufacturing company for the government but upon seeing the weapons be used in the streets of Metropolis, John Henry Irons quits his job as their engineer and destroys all the schematics he had on the weapons, but Amertek Industries was still able to steal John's armor designs for soldiers. If you want to check out John's adventures as Steel give Death of Superman, Reign of the Supermen, Steel, and the current series Steelworks, a read. They're all pretty awesome! Also if you like John Henry Iron's premise give Milestone Comics' Hardware a shot too, same with the current Hardware series too!
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Metallo's name was first used in World's Finest #6 (1942) [W: Jerry Seigel, P&I: John Sikela) where Metalo, here aka George Grant, was a scientists who wore a metal suit to rob a train.
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The next Metallo was John Corben who first appeared in Action Comics #252 (1959) [W: Robert Bernstein, P&I: Al Plastino], the same comic with Supergirl's first appearance. Here, John Corben's car swerved off a cliff and Professor Vale was able to replace his limbs and heart with metal while his heart is powered by uranium until John Corben learned that Kryptonite would be a better substitute because his uranium heart can only last for a day, while Kryptonite would not need to be replaced at all.
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The next Metallo is Roger Corben who first appeared in Superman #310 (1977) [Cover art by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez and Bob Oksner]. Here, Roger Corben was part of SKULL who engineered Roger's death in order to create a second Metallo just like his deceased brother, John Corben. SKULL manipulated Roger to blame Superman for his misfortune and to seek revenge for his brother.
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The more modern Metallo returns this time as John Corben again post-Crisis on Infinite Earths, in Superman #1 (1987) [Cover art by John Byrne, W&P: John Byrne, I: Terry Austin, C: Tom Zuiko, L: John Costanza]. Here, Metallo was built by scientist Emmet Vale, who transferred John Corben's brain to the robot body after Corben's car accident, and using technology stolen from Clark's rocket ship that brought him to Earth. He found bits of Kryptonite and coined it that which is used to power Corben's new body.
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At the presentation Vicki Vale tries to get the story from Lois and I talked a bit about her here and she later name drops Palmer Tech. While not in the comics Palmer Tech is a reference to Palmer Technologies from the CW Arrow-verse where it is specialized in nanotechnology founded by Ray Palmer (played by Brandon Routh who was formerly Superman in Superman Returns and Superman again in the CW Arrow-verse) which segues to...
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Ray Palmer aka the Atom who first appeared in Showcase #34 (1961) [Cover art by Gil Kane, Murphy Anderson, and Ira Schnapp]. Ray Palmer is a professor from Ivy Town. He stumbles upon a White Dwarf Star fragment which when shot with ultraviolet light can cause anything touching the light to shrink, however after a few minutes later that shrunk object would explode. When Ray used the fragment on himself though, he was able to shrink fine and returned to his normal height. It's hypothesized that his Metagene is what made it safe for him to shrink and grow and as a result he built a device to control the size shrinking and growing on his belt and thus the Atom was born.
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Later in the episode Clark and Jimmy meet up with Flip and John comes in to greet the former two and name drops his niece, Natasha.
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Natasha Irons makes her first appearance in Steel #1 (1994) [W: Louise Simonson, Jon Bogdanove, P: Chris Batista, I: Rich Faber, C: Gina Going, L: Pat Brosseau] where she greets John who arrived back in Washington DC. Years later in Action Comics #806 (2003) [W: Joe Kelly, P&I: Karl Kerschel , C: Guy Major, L: Comicraft] where after facing the news of her uncle John retiring the Steel mantle, Natasha discovers the hammer and unlocks a recording he made where he discussed the new suit he built. Natasha dons the cool as hell new armor and takes up the Steel name. Fingers crossed Natasha gets to show up and suit up as well, maybe even team up with Kara in the future if that happens?!
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At the end of the episode Lex unfortunately buys out AmerTek and renames it to LexCorp. LexCorp was first mentioned in Superman #416 (1986) [W: Elliot S. Maggin, P: Curt Swan, I: Al Williamson, C: Gene D'Angelo, L: Duncan Andrews] where Superman encounters a hologam message from Future Superman telling him to not pursue Lex who will save a child that will cure him of his obsessive hatred for Superman which then leads to Lex using his brains to benefit humankind like the holocaster that is mentioned in the panels. The later iteration of Lex where he is a shady businessman when John Byrne took over the Man of Steel and Superman titles helped establish LexCorp to what we know today in pop culture (fantastic runs btw definitely recommend reading them).
And with that episode 3 is done! Come back next week for episode 4's references and Easter eggs!
My Easter eggs lists for season 1 is here if you haven't seen it!
My season 2 episode 1 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 2 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 1 post is here
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kokoa-la · 11 months
Do yall know how many powers Danny acc has in the show
Cus I looked at the page from the Fandom, and I counted like 52 (including some I didn't believe in or had other explanations)
Let me list them here
1. Intangibility
2. Invisibility
3. Flight
4. Cryokinesis (ice)
5. Ghostly wail
6. Overshadowing
7. Ghost rays
8. Ghost sense
9. Healing
10. Reconstruction
11 - 18. Super strength, speed, durability, agility, balance, endurance, stamina, reflexes
19. Fuse two halves together - fuse with other ghosts
20. Gravity Manipulation (only on himself)
21. Back slide
22. Space travel
23. Repulsion Field
24. Energy strike
25. Ghost shield
26. Energy constructs
27. Power absorption
28. Energy absorption
29. Electrokinesis (electricity)
30. Power augmentation
31. Ghost stinger
32. Thermokinesis (temperature) [I was 50/50 on it- don't rly count it but I'll put it here]
33. Photokinesis (light)
34. Telekinesis
35. Restoration (only inanimate)
36. Technopathy - potential (dan used it)
37. Exorcism
38. Dream Invasion
39. Fusion
40. Pyrokinesis (fire) [he makes ectoplasmic fire at one point don't question it - I didn't]
41. Duplication
42. Spectral Body Manipulation (can make himself swiss cheese)
43. Plasticity
44. Size alteration
45. The void (not a Canon power- Butch Hartman headcanoned it for dp - thank u @madametamma )
46. Paranormal immunity
47. Vacuum resistant
48. Aural shock
Now some are very similar and for a lot of the kinesis (kinesi?) Only had like one small instance so they're a possible power (like making stuff melt or using ectofire- and that's not even counting the one time he had weather powers albeit temporarily)
Oh, and yes, I did count each super human ability as its own (strength, speed, endurance, etc.). My logic was if a superhero had a singular one of those and it was counted as a power (super strength, most common example), then it should be counted as separate ones for danny, too.
Anyways, the fanfic writers should go insane with this list.
It's insane.
Here's the link for it
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scarlettaagni · 6 months
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(Redesign) Atomix
Species: Mendol (pl. Mendolee)
One of the most powerful aliens in Ben's arsenal, Atomix is an alien with the ability to see, hear, and manipulate the shape, location, and elements of all atomic structures around him. Even living material and the air around him is not exempt.
Because he only perceives things made of atoms, Atomix cannot be fooled by energy optical illusions such as light-refracting cloaks and ID mask disguises. However, this puts him at risk from energy weapons and projectiles, which he can't see or hear (but very much feel when they hit).
Atomix's body is sturdy, and can withstand the vacuum of space. His skin is tough but with some bounceback to it. Though a Mendol's body is entirely organic, with the more obviously fleshy bits and ichor being internal, exposed only by clear membranes like his eye, arm nodes, and torso, many species have mistaken them for an automatonous species, such as Synthroids or Sylonnoids.
His eye is lidded, and the slits on the sides of his head are gills through which he breathes.
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Atomix can hold his breath for lengthy stretches of time, by choice or by retracting his head into his collar. He can also do this to protect his head, eye, or the Omnitrix badge on the back of it.
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His base strength is great, capable of picking up cars, busting through solid brick and concrete, and tearing up stop signs and lampposts from blacktop. Being crushed under rubble, buildings, boulders or vehicles is easy to shake off and escape from. His weight and density also make it hard to knock him around, as easy as tripping him would be.
Atomix is capable of running with great force and endurance, though with a slow start. Though his thick fingers lack manual dexterity, his eye for detail and pinpoint accuracy make up for it, if not negating it entirely.
Ben could use Atomix to hold his own in a fight, completely without his unique abilities, just due to Mendol durability and strength.
Moving the general atom positioning of matter allows Atomix to bend it into useful shapes.
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By changing atomic densities, Atomix can shift the phases of matter around him, in any direction, even rarer occurrences like sublimation.
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Atomix can even cause matter to change elements. By adding and subtracting particles, he also alters their weight and mass.
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Atomix is capable of replicating more complex weapons, such as grenades or guns, but only with a provided example for visual reference. His atomic sight means he has 24/7 X-ray vision in a sense, so he can replicate the smallest internal seams, bolts, and wires. However, while he can create the base of a tech-heavy weapon, if it requires an energy source, Atomix cannot provide it (exception being if it's powered by radioactive material).
With such great power is an intense drawback: the sensory overload that comes from being able to see and hear even the smallest electron in every single atom, including the air. The background noise of every piece of matter in the immediate vicinity drowns out most other noises, including the voices of friends and enemies alike. The visual static of seeing every moving part of every atom also drowns out his ability to distinguish friend and foe, much less people from the environment.
Transforming into a Mendol overwhelms Ben and puts him in a spacey mindset, where he might become more occupied with examining walls or an object on the floor than the fight he was transforming for.
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With concentration and practice, Ben can strain his hearing to pay attention to others, and with the human part of him to ground Atomix (by referring to others by titles to remind him that a particular pile of atoms is Friend, and the other is Cousin, one is a Foe, etc.), he can become more and more like Ben and use his powers responsibly and effectively. Study of chemistry in and out of Mendol form assists his alchemizing ability (and bump up his grade in high school chem).
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Even organic material is manipulatable, so Atomix is technically capable of healing powers, but it is infinitely easier to break and morph something than it is to restore its original form or make fine-tuned details.
So, to not the cross the line of accidentally mangling civilians or using this to melt or kneecap his villains, all organic matter-shifting is off-limits by Ben's choice. He's willing to use his powers on himself like morph a hand into a blade, because he understands the risks, it won't hurt anyone but himself if it goes awry, and it will be fixed by the Omnitrix via detransformation.
If he wants to bend the universe, he must first bend himself.
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Mendolee are most comfortable in space or in environments with a minimal atmosphere, where there is the least atomic sound, only the faint roar of distant planets and stars, or the rock beneath their feet. They are extremely asocial, because they see every single atom and its particles, as well as hear every sound every atom makes. So, Mendolee don't really hear much over the collective atomic sound of the universe. They do not prioritize one kinda noisy, extra-moving pile of atoms over the other inanimate, slightly-more-still equally noisy piles of atoms. So they generally don't respond to anyone trying to talk to them. They are significantly better at recognizing other Mendolee, but only through pattern recognition of their own atomic structures. Idling through space, they often crash onto planets by drifting into its gravitational pull, where they wander aimlessly only to examine their surroundings' make-up. Then, they terraform a little corner to live in. Millennia ago, Mendolee fell to the original Galvan Prime, and terraformed the landscape, to the aid and awe of the residing Galvans. The Omnitrix icon, a Galvan symbol and universal peace sign, was based off the natural membrane on a Mendol's torso. Different Mendolee have different preferences. Some insist on flattening everything so all is perfectly level. Others like making tall towers like anthills, others make these as a consequence of making valleys to wedge themselves into for rest.
I'm not the first person to, though I want to say I independently came to this conclusion without seeing the other people who had done it first, think that Atomix should've been based on or be the species of beings Azmuth's biosuit was based on, the "ancient machine gods primitive Galvans used to worship"
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Because radiation is N.R.G.'s thing, I changed his powers to alchemy/matter manipulation.
I wasn't sure what colors to make Atomix, because I knew he shouldn't be the same colors as Azmuth's suit, so I went with his concept art by Tom Perkins. It was meant to be temporary but I really liked and ended up keeping it.
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This is more of an afterthought but looking at canon Atomix's page pissed me off cause he's got the big Omni shape (with kirby dots) on him which is a Galvan symbol with the explicit note in the trivia "yeah it is a Galvan symbol but just cause it's Galvan doesn't mean Atomix has anything to do with them"
Like shut up. What if, in an opposite but also reverse way, it's a Galvan symbol BECAUSE it is a naturally occurring shape on Mendolee. Same way we see doves and make them a symbol of peace. We see a heart and make it a symbol of love. Do you see my vision.
Mendol/Mendolee is a reference to Dmitri Mendeleev, the Father of the Periodic Table of Elements. The "dol" part is a play on doll because of their artificial and articulated appearance.
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After seeing @gesamkuns-twerk ’s post about Steve putting his employees in danger I can’t stop thinking about the implications of Steve being a trickster god. He comes off as just this weird funny guy but when you think about it you realize he’s an ancient, borderline immortal alien who survived the vacuum of space and the molten core of the earth. I wouldn’t be surprised if he genuinely doesn’t know how fragile humans are. Even if he’s aware that they’re weaker than him it’s still a very large gap with plenty of room for underestimating our durability.
Slight tangent but I would love to see more of clown society and see how Steve’s general weirdness compares to the other clowns. Thinking about him truly as a trickster alien makes his behavior so interesting. The part where he says “hellooo little boy!” to the guy in the very first episode is obviously funny and absurd but now I’m like. It took Steve 300 years to age from child to young adult(?) and millions of years to age to middle aged. Every human might genuinely be like a child to him. Which just means that this is yet another thing that he has in common with Cesare with both of them being ancient and inhuman, even if Cesare used to be human and is only a thousand-something years old compared to Steve’s billions.
I also wonder how and if the crew rationalizes the magic they see Steve do, because they never seem to react to it beyond an initial bout of surprise and confusion. It might just be for comedic value and we’re not supposed to read into it, but I’m like, what if their brains just go “nope, can’t process that” and sort of censor the memory so they’re aware that something weird happened but they don’t know the full extent of it, like someone being unable to comprehend an eldritch god (which I guess he is). Hence the repetition of “weird vibes on that guy,” even after they literally see him teleport both himself and objects. Or maybe Steve is deliberately doing some kind of magic to make them forget it. Either way, the vibes are all they remember. But I get the feeling seeing Cesare magically slam dunk him is going to stick with them way better. Anyways that’s my borger ramble for tonight.
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cuprohastes · 8 months
Hey you, space orc!
Sometimes, Dave The Human got mistaken for an actual human, because someone saw the name and mistook her for Dave the Human - an actual Human, currently under the moniker of Phalanges Mitten as part of his deep cover as a female Atrix after accepting a sort-of marriage proposal from a small, actual Atrix.
And then the female Tsin would show up as per request and someone would double take and go 'Oh er'. and they'd call EVA 43, who was known for being an unkillable badass, or Phalanges, who was not known for being an unkillable badass, because he never mentioned the thing with the Thotari assassins or that one time he beat up an entire pirate ship.
This prompted Dave to broach the subject over food in the Cafeteria:
"So... what is a Space Orc?" she asked. Cat fantastic said "Gweep?" and Phalanges and EVA 43 did that thing where they leaned back and swapped significant looks and made 'Mmm, hmmm' faces.
Dave watched Cat Fantastic, Phalanges Little Guy copy the move thoughtfully, and then EVA 43 said. "It's an old joke. Like from before the Wallandernook showed up and got us interstellar."
Dave nodded instead of doing the ear sweep, a carefully learned habit. "Yeah... they got us off planet entirely - Without artificial gravity, we can't do it in person - And of course there's that whole 'oops bombed ourselves into an anti-space doctrine." she said.
Cat Fantastic said 'Graak' and Dave wondered what he meant by 'Nice exposition'.
EVA 43, who's actual name nobody could ever recall for more than a few seconds continued and once again Dave was bemused that the moment she looked away she couldn't picture 43 in any away: not their gender, skin colour... nothing: As though someone had written a character and failed to give them any description at all and for some reason kept up with the gag.
"We have this literary tradition of writing fantasy works - Fiction - With uhhh..."
"Tropes." offered Phalanges.
"Tropes - Yes, OK so one is Orcs. They're barbaric, kind of dumb compared with Humans... but they're a bit bigger, a bit stronger, a bit hardier..."
"So in any physical situation, the Orc is the one who's most likely to survive, discounting any plot necessity." said Phalanges.
"Oh I guess I get it." said Dave. "We've got something similar but it sort of loosely translates as Even Bigger People." - She herself was a Big Female, which was unrelated to size. It just meant that without modern medical intervention she was unlikely to change gender, unlike three quarters of the Tsin population who would swap to maintain gender balance naturally. The connotations were 'The most female type of female', which got adjusted for the benefit of talking to other species.
Cat Fantastic said "Graak." which was true: As a monogendered species who's reproductive roles were defined by body mass out of convenience, and who's actual reproduction was 100% external and more akin to a turtle dumping her eggs and then letting the hatchlings just deal with survival, the Atrix version of a bigger stronger more durable Atrix was literally just the biggest strongest and most durable Atrix that you knew.
And compared to Humans Atrix were fragile: A normal human could walk off injuries that would be incapacitating to an Atrix.
43 famously stepped into hard vacuum with nothing but a surgical gown, after surviving a few hours with life support disabled in a crippled EVA suit, by just being reversibly dead.
They'd done it to save their friend, an Atrix, who had to have a new eye installed, and had life-long scars from mere low pressure exposure that was too low for them to maintain consciousness... a situation that for a human would possibly, if sustained for a while, caused a hickey and dry eyes, maybe a wheeze from inhaling hard.
Phalanges nodded. "So yeah - In comparison to most species, we can survive higher gravity - or no gravity - injuries that would cripple or kill other species with shock - We've got redundant organs, and emergency chemical responses that turn off the limits of our muscles so we can trade massive damage for survival... or not feel pain."
EVA 43 frowned and thought about that, then nodded and ticked off a couple of fingers, "And we can stop breathing for a couple of minutes, consume our own body mass if there's no food, keep moving for longer than almost any other starfaring species...."
Phlanages picked up, "And then pack bond with nearly any organism or object, so instead of getting obliterated by everyone else because we met you guys and reached for a recipe book..."
EVA 43 added "... we can eat a stupid range of food including what a lot of other species consider poisonous chemicals..." to the list.
Phalanges continued cheerfully, "... so you guys were like 'Oh crap, no wait, these dumb monsters are friendly. Maybe they'll pick stuff up and carry it for us.'"
"And do human related stuff." EVA 43 added.
Daver held up both her small hands, the one on her second set of arms. "OK, and it helps you have this really weird flexible language and you're just right in the middle of the audio and visual range almost everyone uses." she added drumming her big claws on the table, which Cat Fantastic mimicked.
"Squeap." said Dave, making a pity comment in her normal, near ultrasound dialect of Southern Tstktk Tsin. "I do enjoy these weird little culture discussions. But I feel like I'm letting the side down because people keep calling me for space orc stuff."
Phalanges, mouth full of purple breadroll shrugged and gave EVA 43 a look.
43 leaned back and pondered. "OK well... look, it's going to be mostly Atrix calling, right? Humans don't need another human unless it's a specific uh..."
"Phkil" mumbled Phalanges.
"Bingo. And there's just not many Tsin doing work that needs a human. They're mostly in Med or admin where the gravity is safest."
Dave nodded again getting an idea of where this was going.
"So it's Atrix. Therefore..." said 43...
"... you just need to figure out what you can do that they can't." finished Phalanges, "And do it in the most flamboyant way possible."
Mothers Pride, looked down at Dave, having requested them to the bowels of the station - An area that really was the bowels as it dealt with the processing and containment of the sanitation system. Which means exactly what you think.
Actually, this was part of Dave's area of expertise, as they were a certified life support specialist like Phalanges. She had the horrifying stains on her jumpsuit to prove it.
"Oh we, er thought you were going to be a human." said Mothers Pride in very formal Tsin.
Two smaller Atrix peered around her, doing complex colour patterns with their faces.
"Well... I am for tax reasons." said Dave. "Is this anything to do with the overheating steriliser?" she asked in her natural colloquial yokel manner.
"How...? Yes, yes, it's in an awkward place and we can't get in because of the heat and the close quarters." Pride said giving Dave a peachy-green look.
"Ah, oh that's no problem. Just let me take a listen... hmmm... OK the circulator pump's not running fast enough..." she said and put her claw tips on the piping, "... yeah feel that, the vibration's about half what you would expect." she said.
The three Atrix simultaneously looked at their tablets where the diagnostics were telling them something similar, at length with less detail.
Then she paused, ears swivelling, making a high clicking sound that made the Atrix twitch minutely flush orange with each ultrasonic burst, and carefully added, "Ah you might want to step back", and rapidly knocked on the pipe as she stepped into the accessway - Too tight for an Atrix. OK for one of the slim wiggly humans, fine for the short and stocky Tsin. There was a startling gurgle and a thrumming vibration: The impellor picking up started pumping the horrible gunk through the system - the increased flow taking the building heat from the pasteurisation unit with it.
Then she shuffled back out with some new trophy stains on her overalls, flicked her ears once and said "Nice working with you, Pride." and ambled back down the corridor.
Mothers Pride and her two interns watched, astounded. They stared at each other, flickering colours on their cheeks and foreheads, amazed.
Dave, who's vision was at the other end of the spectrum to Atrix vision, and who'd been able to see the infrared coming off the machinery as a grainy glow, and who's vocalisations and hearing were good enough to do a little fuzzy ultrasound, had detected the mass choking the pipe (And gotten lucky that strategic knocking had make it move) got all the way around the bend before allowing herself some excited squeaps.
After all, she was a Space Orc now.
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Rubin Observatory Achieves Another Major Milestone: Reflective Coating of the 8.4-meter Primary/Tertiary Mirror
The first reflective coating was applied to Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s 8.4-meter combined primary/tertiary mirror using the observatory’s onsite coating chamber.
With its shiny, new silver coating, Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s 8.4-meter primary/tertiary mirror is one step closer to revolutionizing the way astronomers capture and study the Universe. Both mirrors will soon be installed on the Simonyi Survey Telescope where they will collect the light of distant celestial objects and events during the 10-year Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), beginning in 2025.
Vera C. Rubin Observatory, a next-generation astronomical facility under construction in Chile, funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), achieved an important milestone on 27 April 2024, with the successful coating of the 8.4-meter primary/tertiary mirror with protected silver. This important event paves the way for the installation of the glass mirrors on the Simonyi Survey Telescope, bringing Rubin Observatory closer to revolutionizing the fields of astronomy and astrophysics with its 10-year Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), beginning in 2025.
“This milestone represents not just an incredible feat of engineering, but also an important step towards a transformative new era of scientific advancement” said Edward Ajhar, NSF Program Director for Rubin Observatory.
Rubin Observatory’s one-of-a-kind primary/tertiary mirror is an integral component of the telescope’s optical system, which also includes a 3.4-meter secondary mirror and the LSST Camera, the largest digital camera in the world. Fabrication of the mirror was enabled by major gifts from the Charles Simonyi Fund for Arts and Sciences and from Microsoft founder Bill Gates. The 8.4-meter mirror is made up of two optical surfaces, each with a different curvature, combined into one large structure about as wide as a tennis court. Integrating the two mirrors in this way reduces the engineering and control complexity for the telescope while maintaining its excellent light collecting capacity. The mirror was fabricated over a period of seven years at the Richard F. Caris Mirror Lab, of the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, beginning in 2008. In 2015, the completed mirror was moved to a secure storage area and in early 2019 it was shipped to the summit facility on Cerro Pachón in Chile.
The mirror coating process was carried out safely and efficiently by a skilled team using a state-of-the-art, onsite coating chamber built specifically for Rubin Observatory by VON ARDENNE in Deggendorf, Germany. The 128-ton coating chamber, installed on the maintenance floor of the observatory facility, uses a technique called magnetron sputtering to coat mirrors to precise specifications. This technique gives Rubin the flexibility to coat the telescope mirrors with aluminum, silver, or even a combination of both during any coating run. To coat the 8.4-meter primary/tertiary mirror, the lower half of the coating chamber was removed and the mirror’s vacuum-sealed support structure — called the mirror cell — acted as the base of the chamber.
The Rubin coating team, led by Tomislav Vucina, conducted extensive testing to determine the final coating 'recipe' — the precise mixture of elements to make up the coating layers to achieve the best possible combination of reflectivity and durability. To verify the performance of the chosen mixture the team coated a steel stand-in mirror, which has also been used for testing the telescope mount and other observatory components. After confirming the mixture met the defined requirements they repeated the process using the glass mirror.
First, the team applied an adhesion layer of nickel-chromium (NiCr) to the glass mirror blank. Then, they applied the reflective layer of silver (Ag). This reflective layer is incredibly thin — the amount of silver used to coat the entire 8.4-meter surface (64 grams) would form a ball about the size of a cherry tomato. After the application of the reflective layer, the mirror received another NiCr adhesion layer and a final layer of silicon nitride (Si3N4) to protect the reflective coating from dust and other environmental contaminants. “This outer layer needs to be thick enough that it’s not worn off by cleaning,” said Vucina, “but not so thick that it absorbs too many photons and prevents the mirror from meeting Rubin’s scientific requirements.”
The process of coating the mirror took about 4½ hours. After the coating was complete the mirror was moved out of the chamber to a nearby space. To ensure all requirements were met, Vucina and his team conducted a series of tests: reflectivity, adhesion, pinhole, and cosmetic. After analyzing the results of those tests they declared the coating a success. “This was a very well-conducted project from every angle,” said Vucina, “thanks to a combination of careful planning and the technical skills of our excellent team.”
With its dazzling new coat Rubin’s primary/tertiary mirror is an important step closer to capturing light from distant celestial objects. “We’re extremely excited that both mirrors are now coated and will be installed on the telescope very soon,” said Sandrine Thomas, Deputy Director for Rubin Construction. “The combined reflectivity of these mirrors will enable Rubin to detect very faint and far-away objects, leading to great science!”
TOP IMAGE....Rubin Observatory’s 8.4-meter combined primary/tertiary mirror was coated with protected silver in April 2024. The reflective coating was applied using the observatory’s onsite coating chamber, which will also be used to re-coat the mirror as necessary during Rubin’s 10-year Legacy Survey of Space and Time.Credit: RubinObs/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA
LOWER IMAGE....View of Rubin Observatory and surrounding buildings taken by drone in October 2023. The 8.4-meter telescope at Rubin Observatory, equipped with the highest-resolution digital camera in the world, will take enormous images of the southern hemisphere sky, covering the entire sky every few nights. Rubin will do this over and over for 10 years, creating a timelapse view of the Universe that’s unlike anything we’ve seen before.Credit: Rubin Observatory/NSF/AURA/A. Pizarro D
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Ultrablack thin-film coating could make next-gen telescopes even better
Sometimes, seeing clearly requires complete black. For astronomy and precision optics, coating devices in black paint can cut down on stray light, enhancing images and boosting performance. For the most advanced telescopes and optical systems, every little bit matters, so their manufacturers seek out the blackest blacks to coat them. In the Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, researchers from the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences developed an ultrablack thin-film coating for aerospace-grade magnesium alloys. Their coating absorbs 99.3% of light while being durable enough to survive in harsh conditions. For telescopes operating in the vacuum of space, or optical equipment in extreme environments, existing coatings are often insufficient.
Read more.
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devilscastle69 · 10 months
Weaponized Incompetence
hi guys i started watching the devil is a p@rt t!mer the other day and im obsessed
i hope u enjoy
dust allergy, luc//ifer (urush//ihara)
Alciel turns to face the disturbance and has to actually angle his gaze downwards when he remembers how short Lucifer is. The hikikomori is idly rubbing his nose, feather duster trailing on the floor in his other hand. “You’re supposed to be cleaning, Urushihara.” he chastises.
“I think I’m allergic to dust.” He frowns.
Alciel’s eye twitches at the excuse. “You’re always trying to get out of doing anything! It’s disgraceful. Maou-sama deserves to come home to a clean castle. It’s bad enough he’s providing for us!” He wrings out his lord’s durable whitey-tighties over the sink. “It’s the very least you can do.”
“The least I can do is nothing.”
“Oh, you’ve already done something!”
Lucifer weighs his options with a sigh. There’s no way Alciel will let him enjoy himself in peace until the chores are done, not with how worked up he’d been all day after a few cracks from Emi about his housekeeping coupled with seeing the charges to their bank account—so he’d ordered a few online games, sue him. “But it’s—”
“And when you’re done dusting, you can vacuum.”
“I can’t do it like you. I’ll probably make a bigger mess—”
“Enough!” Alciel clips damp clothes to the clothesline and whips his head around and bears his fangs. “Hurry up! He’ll be home in a half hour.”
Lucifer grimaces at the dust coating the feathers. Most of it had remained from 
previous usage. It darkened them so much that they almost match his wings in terms of color. This has been a pointless waste of his time; he’s sure this isn’t doing much other than taking dust from one area and moving it to a new one. “hH’KxSHh!” Even thinking about it is apparently enough to make him sneeze again. “It’s filthy,” he complains.
“Go shake it outside!” Alciel yells, pointing at the door. 
The nerve of this guy. Outside? In the sun? Where there could be people? 
He sighs and reconciles with himself. After this, he’ll play his new PC games. He has
animals to take care of. Trees to plant. Lands to reign over. Soon enough, Alciel will be too busy fawning over Satan for him to be up his ass. It’ll only be another hour maximum. 
He shields his eyes from the sun, even though there’s decent cloud coverage and the temperature outside is almost identical to the one inside the Devil’s Castle. As he shakes out the duster, his eyes begin to water and thus confirm his suspicions. He tries to hold his breath, but he has a feeling it’s too late if the burning itch spreading through his nasal passages is any indication.
“hih’ISCHh! Hehh…hhihtcshh’ih!” Curse this human body. This is terrible. He has to sniffle to keep his nose from running but it has the unpleasant side effect of making the tickle reignite. He scrubs his nose against his shoulder and beats the duster on the rail again. The fallen archangel is no match for the angry cloud of dust that wafts in front of his face. “Tschh! KSChh! heh’ihSCh! h’EDtSZCHhh!” 
This is miserable.
He heads back in, head bent from the dizziness following the intensity of the sneezing fit. Even through the budding congestion, he can smell the concoction of chemicals Alciel has started using to clean the kitchen sink in the minute it's taken him to accomplish his task
“Hey, you’re not combi’ding bleach and ammbo’dia, are you?” 
Lucifer points at the various bottles on the countertop rather than attempt to repeat himself. 
“Of course I’m not! I would never be so careless!” Alciel yells back, double checking the labels anyway. “See? They’re all—”
“HhGHT-! Tschhiew…!”  
Alciel frowns at the intensity of the poorly restrained sneeze. “Why don’t you switch to vacuuming?” 
Lucifer sniffles and hands Alciel the feather duster. Hop off my dick, he thinks with another sniffle. They have no tissues thanks to Alciel’s “budgeting,” so he heads off to grab some toilet paper. 
“Where are you going?”
“Are you kiddi’gg?” he mutters, stifling another sneeze before closing the bathroom door behind him. He blows his nose and is disgusted by how much toilet paper he has to go through before he can breathe through his nose again. And even then…
“Ihh’Khshhh! Huhh…” He coughs dryly into the folded up toilet paper before blowing his nose again. Maybe if he’s quiet enough in here, Alciel will forget about him. He sits himself against the wall furthest from the toilet and tries to breathe evenly so he doesn't trigger another sneeze. He rests his head between his knees and cups clean toilet paper over his nose and tries to get some relief from the worsening sinus pressure. Might as well let his nose run freely instead of attempting to blow it every thirty seconds. 
What a pain. He almost wishes they’d have unwanted company just to get Alciel off his back. Too bad he hadn’t brought the laptop in here with him. With it, he’d probably be able to stay here for at least three days. 
“Urushihara! Stop slacking off!” 
“I’mb sorry my health is—h’KSCHh’hiu! Ugh. Of n’doh co’dcernd to you.”
“I can’t understand what you're saying. Open this door!”
Lucifer’s head feels like it’s pounding as if Alciel’s first has been banging directly against his temple rather than on the door. He has no choice but to oblige. “If I vaccuumb, will you leave mbe alonde?”
Alciel gives him a once over. “Are you crying?”
Lucifer scowls and pushes past him, easily dodging the retaliatory shove aimed in his direction. He grabs the vacuum and finds the switch, and—the bag is full. “What a pain,” he bemoans. “You used it last, Alciel!”
“Call me Ashiya!”
“It’s just us,” he mutters, sniffling again. “Can’t you switch this out?”
“I have dinner on the stove!”
Lucifer shudders at the thought of having udon yet again. If he suggests ordering out, he knows it’ll just result in more headache, so he kneels down to replace the bag. There are only so many buttons on the thing, it’s obviously the one in the middle. He’s a whiz with technology. A natural. As is expected of a NEET. This should be—
Yeah, no he fucked up. 
The bag spills everywhere and Alciel shrieks at the mess.  It’s all over Lucifer’s face, and he doesn’t have time to get a single word out before he's overcome with a sneezing fit. “Heh’edzshhu! Kxsch! Tchh’ih-tschh!-tschh! h’KSCHhh!” 
“If you didn’t know how, you should’ve asked,“ Alciel lectures.
He holds up his hand to wave him off, unable to do much else other than try to get a breath in between the rapid sneezes. “hih’hHdtSChh! Ih’tchh!-kschh! Huhh!- hhihIHTShh!”
“Oh wow,” he says, tone changing abruptly, “You’re really allergic.”
Lucifer manages to shoot him a death glare with the two seconds he’s able to keep his eyes open before he jerks forward with another sneeze. Of course the earlier torture hadn’t been enough. “hehhySChh’ih!” he sneezes, voice cracking in desperation halfway through.
“Here, go wash your face, I’ll clean this up,” Alciel says, managing to sound guilty rather than amused. 
The barrage of sneezing relents enough to let him get up to run to the bathroom. The floor hadn’t been particularly dirty before he’d attempted to vacuum, but it certainly is now. 
“Hehdt’SCHH! Huhh..”
He flushes his eyes with water and then washes his face, the curtain of bangs in front of his eye getting dampened in the process. He buries his face in the nearby washcloth and immediately sneezes again. His throat is starting to become sore from it all, too. But something tells him his suffering will not be in vain. There’s no way they’ll pester him to clean again after this.
“Welcome home, My Lord!”
Lucifer steps out of the bathroom to see Alciel back over the stove. It’s alarming how adept he’s gotten at these chores. It doesn’t even make sense for him to need help. The floor is spotless again like nothing had happened.
“MgRonalds is doing an employee of the month program, and it comes with a bonus!” The Former Demon King and current part-time MgRonalds employee announces. If Lucifer weren’t so distracted right now, his ears would prick up at the word bonus almost as much as Alciel’s do. He starts to praise the endeavor when Lucifer’s nose betrays him again. It doesn’t matter that the allergen is long gone, the damage has already been done.
“—just know you’ll be able to—”
“—and hard work—”
“ihh’tSChh! KXSch!-tschh! Ihshh!”
“Are you okay, Urushihara?” 
Lucifer gives him a lackluster thumbs-up before sneezing again. Satan takes a few steps forward and brings the back of his knuckles to the exposed part of Lucifer’s forehead. The urge to sneeze that’d been building recedes from the suddenness of the gesture, leaving his nose twitching in annoyance. 
“He’s allergic to housework,” Alciel explains.
“Allergic to duh-dust.” Lucifer sniffles indignantly. “And ih’KSCHh! -a’dd guess what he made me do?” He at least manages to cover the sneeze in time, though his shirt is starting to look patchy with different portions of it darkened with spray. 
Satan pats his head. “And yet, you did it anyway. Thank you for helping.”
“I’mb older thand you,” Lucifer hisses under his breath.
“From now on…I will do the dusting!”
“No, Sire!” Alciel protests,  “It is my job to keep up with the housework. I will ensure it gets done!”
It’s so tacky. Lucifer walks away as they have a heated moment and returns to his place in front of the computer. His nose may be beyond fucked, but even he can smell the burning from the kitchen.
“Oh no! It’s my fault, I got distracted!”
“It’s okay, we’ll figure something else out. Or I’m sure it tastes…umm…”
“I’mb orderi’gg a pizza!” he says hoarsely. And for once, nobody protests.
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yashblower · 2 months
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Introducing Yash! Dry Vacuum Pump
your ultimate solution for creating a dry and clean vacuum environment. Perfect for a range of applications including industrial and scientific research. High performance, durable, and reliable. Get yours today!
www.yashblower.com +91 9971006400
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medievalwing · 24 days
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Presenting Experiment 011: Inkstain!
A very mischievous, fun-loving experiment. Being a 0-series experiment, she is part of Jumba's test batch and is mostly a mild nuisance. She was originally designed to soil freshly cleaned things with her ink, like laundry, and is often attracted to blank objects like canvases or walls. Inkstain is known to be playful and not very combative when confronted. She is also highly curious and naive, often following objects of interest or mimicking others. Inkstain is also known to be attracted to food, particularly that of seafood. When needed, she can tuck in her antennae and curl up her tail to vaguely pass herself off as a rabbit.
Ink production - Inkstain's most notable trait is the ability to produce an ink-like substance using certain organs in her body. This substance is not easily washable by water. She can spit globs of ink to hit things at a distance, and secrete ink from her pawpads to further cause messes. Inkstain is able to control whether her pawpads secrete ink or not, but is unable to fire inky projectiles from them like she can with her mouth. She also has a cannon-like tail capable of shooting ink at its end, and may use it as a rudimentary firearm by holding it in her hands for better aim.
Wall-crawling - Using her ink-secreting pawpads, she can create a stickier type of ink that allows her to stick to walls and ceilings. This enables her to climb on almost any surface. She will leave a trail as she does this, and cannot climb as well without ink.
Prehensile tail - Her long tail is prehensile, allowing Inkstain to use her tail like a fifth appendage. When needed, she can curl it up to resemble a rabbit's tail.
Vacuum adaptation - Inkstain can survive in the vacuum of space as an inherent ability of being a genetic alien.
Quadrupedalism - She can walk and run on all fours for faster locomotion. This can also be used to make her rabbit disguise more convincing.
Water - Inkstain is aquaphobic and unable to swim. In bodies of water, she enters a panic-induced catatonic state and floats helplessly on her back. Her ink can also be dissolved by soaking stained items in water for a while. She also hates getting wet or being bathed. Inkstain is capable of drinking water, but will not enjoy it.
Lemon juice - Lemon juice, or substances derived from it, is capable of quickly dissolving Inkstain's ink and can even burn at her skin. She also cannot drink beverages like lemonade for a similar reason.
Limited ink supply - Inkstain has a limit on how much ink she can use at a given time. If dehydrated, exhausted, or hungry, she cannot produce more ink.
Lack of fighting ability - Inkstain does not have skills primarily designed for combat, and is mostly helpless in a fight. While she can create some level of distraction with her ink and has unskilled fighting moves like biting or punching, she does not possess abilities like super strength, retractable claws, or durability like the later-series experiments. She often opts to flee in battles.
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ilikekidsshows · 1 month
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I'm pretty sure he's some kind of super durable mutant Ch'rell is like Freeza, he can survive in a vacuum
One thing we noticed in the episode that's really important to what comes later; when the courtroom is going over the Shredder's crimes, Karai closes her eyes and looks away. Karai refuses to see what kind of person she has pledged her loyalty to. She wants to pretend she hasn't already compromised her honor over and over again and that honoring the Shredder's memory means that she wil keep doing so.
The true scale of the Shredder's crimes also justifies why the heroes didn't ultimately defeat him in combat. All their work led to the Shredder being discovered by the authorities that would judge him for his crimes and they also stopped him from escaping justice or even getting the drop on the people after him. The threat of Ch'rell is so much bigger than a ninja crime lord who also happened to be an alien. He's on the scale of intergalactic threat like the likes of Megatron.
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