#dumbass reckless lance my beloved
Keith obeys without question, hitting the floor hard and fast as a blue laser whips right through where his head used to be.
He's learnt to listen to Lance's commands during battle or training — Lance may not be the leader, but he has a certain authority as their main backup. He sees things they can't, both because he's constantly watching their six, and because he just has excellent eyes. When Lance yells an order, you listen. He's never called a wrong one out, yet, and has saved each one of their lives more times than they can count. Keith trusts him, implicitly and endlessly.
He turns back around, intending to shoot a quick thanks at the man in question, but shouts in alarm when he fully processes the scene behind him. Lance is standing, still and focused as always, eyes narrowed and calculating, but his right arm is fucking bent in three places. Just completely mangled, bone obviously broken to pieces. The pain he's in must be indescribable.
His shout draws the rest of the team's attention, who all respond with similar cries.
"Jesus shit, Lance, what happened?" Pidge says.
"For fuck's sake — turn back around!" Lance yells. "There are three bots advancing on you as we speak! Worry about me later!"
Lance has yet to stop shooting, broken arm be damned. and yet to miss a target, either.
Which is. A little hot. Keith will admit. 
"Are you fucking — end simulation!" Shiro calls. The bots freeze immediately, melting to the ground.
Lance turns to Shiro in indignation.
"Hey! We were almost passed level 67! What gives?"
"What gives? Lance, your arm is fucking shattered!" Shiro exclaims.
"Only in three places!"
"That is not the argument you think it is."
"Lance," Hunk tries, looking a little pained himself. "I know you're borderline used to this, dude, but you're freaking me out. If I have to look at your arm even one more time I'm gonna blow chunks." 
That, of course, is what finally calms Lance's metaphorical horses.
"Alright, fair," he concedes. "I'm gonna go toss on that cream stuff and a splint, I'll be back in twenty. No one start without me."
"No one start without — Lance, you're going into a fucking pod!"
"Um, first of all you're not my mom, second of all kiss my ass," Lance says, which Keith thinks is a little funny but mostly just rude.
"I may not be your mom, you fucking menace child, but your arm is broken. Like, the bone. Pod time."
"I'm not going in that death trap," Lance insists, eyes hard. "Besides, Coran already showed me this cream stuff Alteans have for broken bones; I used it last week and it worked fine. You can't make me."
Shiro opens his mouth to argue further, but Keith looks at the tightness in Lance's shoulders and is suddenly, vividly, reminded of the haunted castle incident. He sees in his mind's eye the terror on Lance's face as he pounded on the glass of the airlock, and hears Lance's quiet whisper as he remembers Lance, lit by the pale blue light of the castle after bedtime, admitting that he got locked in the pods, too. That he can't quite look at the machines without making his palms sweat, his heart race. He thinks of Lance begging him not to tell anyone else.
"I think that's a pretty decent compromise," Keith says loudly before his brother can lose his mind any further. "I mean, if the cream works, it works. Why waste time in the pods, you know? Besides, he seemed to have no problem shooting with his right hand. Nice shots, by the way."
Keith watches as Lance quietly sighs, relief rushing through his body, before straightening again abruptly.
"Thanks," he says, nodding at Keith. Keith grins and nods back.
"I guess that's okay," Shiro says reluctantly. "You know your body best, Lance. Just — you can say something, you know? You can call it if you get injured. You don't have to wait for one of us to notice, holy shit."
"Good luck with that," Pidge and Hunk say at the same time. They look at each other, snorting.
"Lance breaks a bone at least once a year because he's a reckless dumbass who has no regard for his own safety," Hunk explains at Shiro's questioning look. "His most recent break was when he climbed a fucking telephone pole to help a tangled pigeon. The fucker fell like three stories. He shouldn't even be alive."
"Was that the most recent?" Pidge asks. "I thought his most recent was when he broke his finger when he high-fived that football player too hard."
"No, no, that was the year before."
"Are your bones really that fragile?" Keith whispers to Lance as the rest of them puzzle out Lance's Timeline of Despair and Injury.
"Yeah, for some reason. I even drink a bunch of milk and everything. Ma thinks it's the iron deficiency."
Keith snorts. "Is it maybe because you get into so many bone-breaking situations that your bones have simply given up?"
"...I would like to argue with that, but I've broken bones enough times that I had to teach myself to be ambidextrous so I could keep doing school, so. You might be right."
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