#drops these and runs
1984ist · 3 months
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hello scp community how are we feeling today
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tianhai03 · 1 year
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so uh. um. werewolf dante
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he's looking at pizza i swear
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reshramlove1ob · 2 months
YUUXUAN!!! Headcanons
Ya girls been collecting yuuxuan headcanons like Pokémon cards so here they are hahaha
-Yuuhime is an absolute mess when it comes to trying to flirt with Xuan, to the point she usually keeps her responses at a low. At first, Xuan thought she was just shy, but he later realized it was her way of flirting.
-They equally love to spoil the other. Xuan picks flowers and buys movie tickets for her and Yuuhime buys everything else. Xuan often worries about her spending habits, but she refuses to acknowledge it (mainly because the money isn’t hers, but rather her considerably rich brother).
-Yuuhime will not let anybody touch her hair, except for the people she trusts most. This includes Xuan. To her, Xuan’s hairstyles are her favorite and he’s the most gentle.
-When Yuuhime is relaxed, she’ll begin to babble on and on about her current hyperfixation. She’s usually the most relaxed and calm with Xuan. Even if Xuan doesn’t quite know how to feel about it, he stays supporting.
-Xuan is extremely accident prone. This scares the ever living daylights out of Yuuhime. She’ll be babying him whenever he gets hurt while our on a mission, no matter how small his injury is and no matter how embarrassed Xuan gets.
-Even though neither particularly like romantic movies, when they’re together, they snuggle together on the couch and watch whatever romance they can get their hands on. To Xuan, it’s times he can spend with Yuuhime giggling at the cheesiness. To Yuuhime, it’s a reminder that it’s ok to be romantic with her partner.
-They’re the incredibly lovey-dovey, romantic couple stereotype to a T. Physical affection is what they’re doing when they’re not spoiling the other, ranging from kisses to hugs to even just touching the other. They cannot keep their hands to themselves.
-A candle lit dinner is most likely how they eat all their meals alone together. Xuan sometimes buys “love scented” candles.
-Matching shirts are their thing. If one has a t-shirt, the other is bound to have a matching one, or even just a similar one. Whenever there’s a costume party they’re attending together, they’re most definitely in matching couple costumes.
-When Yuuhime is sad, Xuan will bounce into comforting boyfriend mode. Spa day, movie night, snuggling to sleep, anything he can think of to calm her down and comfort her. When Xuan is sad, Yuuhime is beating up the person who made him upset. Punch first, comfort later!
All the *slightly* NSFW ones below
-Xuan loves the feeling of Yuuhime on top of him. Her body feels so warm against his, and her hair trickling down his sides. He wraps his jacket around her and they’re a little burrito together.
-Yuuhime loves to crawl to Xuan and kiss his face all over, often times leaving lipstick marks. Xuan doesn’t mind in the slightest, though, he knows she’ll end up wiping away the lipstick marks with makeup remover to keep him “professional.”
-Yuuhime has a naughty side to her. She holds Xuan’s jacket while he trains and she can’t help but giggly mischievously while she stares at his abs and want to burry herself in them. Xuan is none the wiser.
-Xuan can be a bit of an airhead. When Yuuhime requests him to do something in an indirect way, he’ll take it literally (“Do you want to go to a…’special place’ with me?” “Special place…like the beach? Oh, or do you mean where we had our first kiss?”). That isn’t to say he’s innocent; he’s far from it. He’s just not that good at picking up that Yuuhime wants to be more intimate.
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cipherr · 9 months
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White People on tumblr who dont listen to rap, ignoring all the racial and historical context of why Kendrick is going against drake to just make it a fun trendy meme/ Kendrick being a hater is the same exact reason Kendrick called drake a colonizer
Edit: I actually Do Not Want resources on this post! I made this post to complain about a specific type of white person cluttering up my notifications saying that they didn't know what was going on and that they didn't care about rap and now those same white people are cluttering my notes again! Like I don't want to give white people who read my initial post the space to say it doesn't apply to them cus they watched a couple of videos. It still absolutely applies. You can have all the historical context in the world but you are still a colonizer and outsider in this space. I don't want you adding videos or anything explaining the beef because this post is not about that. There are literally hundreds of other posts explaining why this is happening and you don't need to come onto a black person's blog to ask them to do so.
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watchingwisteria · 7 months
listen there really was just something about how in the book, snow’s 3-page descent from hesitant lover boy to deluded psychopath happens entirely in his mind. lucy gray gives him no indication whatsoever that she suspects him, that she’s going to leave or betray him. he’s just sitting quietly in the cabin waiting for her to return when that seed of calculated suspicion, which he has needed to survive the capitol, takes a hold of him and chokes the life out of any goodness left inside him. it really drives home your terror as a reader that “oh my god did he kill her? did she escape? what happened to her? why would he even think that?” in a way that when the movie had to adjust for visualization it lost some of that holy shit this guy has lost it emphasis.
#seeing some discourse and im not saying lucy grey didnt know#im saying she never dropped the kind of hints that she knew like she did in the movie#or if she did snow isnt worried about them until he very suddenly is consumed by them#snow is not concerned about whether or not she believed him. of course she did! hes snow!#but then shes gone…. for a while……#and its the sudden immediate drastic unravelling that comes across so clearly in the book#that i knew wouldn’t translate to screen yet still cant help but miss#the hunger games#coriolanus snow#tbosas#lucy gray baird#not a crime or anything just a note that i cannot stop thinking about#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#this is all from memory of reading it quite a while ago. so maybe 3 pages is an exaggeration#but i remember it happening VERY quickly and without much external cause#like we as the reader have no indication as to whether shes nearby or not.#snow has no idea either. he just SUSPECTS. and his suspicion breeds the hatred that has been bubbling inside him all this time#he hates how she undoes him. he hates that he WOULD run away with her if shed let him keep his secrets#and he HATES more than anything that she makes him WANT to tell his secrets#he wants to be vulnerable and reveal the ugly nasty parts about himself and still be loved#but he does not let himself and it is everyone’s downfall#he chooses cruelty bc it is easy and familiar and makes him feel more powerful than the vulnerable give and take that real love requires
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egophiliac · 27 days
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we were fucking ROBBED
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kaidatheghostdragon · 5 months
Crack prompt: Danny has declared war on the curses in Gotham. He is armed with a water balloon gun, but the balloons are full of medical-grade ectoplasm. He targets any location, ghost, or liminal being tainted by curses and/or corrupted ecto - absolutely drenching them before yeeting off again.
This includes the Bats. Danny is smart about it, though. He lived in Gotham for several months before acting, so he could get the lay of the land. He also waits for patrol to be finished before hitting the Bats - he doesn't want to interrupt their Quest to Better Gotham (or be labeled an invader to their haunt).
One night, Danny happens upon Batman patrolling alone and waits for him to finish cleaning up a crime scene before hitting they guy with a half-clip of balloons. Batman gives chase, like he always does, and Danny runs, like he always does. He knows by now that, for whatever reason, Crime Alley is off limits to Batman. The whole alley just gives off "no (other) bats allowed" vibes.
Red hood is just more territorial. Whatever.
At any rate, Danny is enjoying the chase, using just enough ghost powers to stay ahead of batman, almost-but-not-quite taunting him. Crime Alley isn't too far, so instead of turning invisible around a corner like he usually does, he makes his way to the Alley to see if the no-trasspassing rule is enough to stop Batman mid-chase. He leaps across rooftops and weaves through fire escapes, ecto-balloon-gun bouncing by its strap against his back, until finally he's at the border, slightly tapping into flight to make the jump across a slightly wider road into the alley proper.
He turns around immediately, spotting Batman skulking on the rooftop on the other side of the road, stopping the chase and suit half-covered in healing ectoplasm.
"Sanctuary!" Danny yells, pumping his fists in the air from getting caught up in the exciting rush of adrenaline, "I claim sanctuary!"
"Who the fuck is claiming sanctuary in my territory?" Red Hood booms from almost directly behind Danny. He would have yeeted out of his own skin from surprise if he hadn't spent years honing his ghost-fighting instincts. As it was, Danny instead whirled around and emptied the clip of balloons into Hood, purely out of reflex.
Hood stood there, drenched in ecto like his fellow Bat one rooftop over, glaring murder at Danny with glowing eyes. But his haunt betrayed Hood's true emotions.
Surprise, concern, impressed, you-little-brat.
Danny booked it to the fire escape and turned invisible the second he was out of sight.
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gumdefense · 7 months
We have moved past Maya and Franziska wingmanning narumitsu as a society. They would not fucking do that. We need to realise the truth which is that Larry and Gumshoe would try to wingman them and only succeed through failure
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cuppajj · 15 days
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interesting business decision
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ninyard · 2 months
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exy fans on Twitter (#NeverBeenSkiing edition)
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artofalassa · 3 months
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This chocobo looks familiar.... Right...?
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litost-art · 1 year
I forgot I had art accounts LMFAO sup hellsite here’s an art dump
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quiescentdestiny · 3 months
thank you so much to the fics that pointed out explicitly that all of Neil's scars that he mentions are on his front, which implies very few of them were received while running and instead imply that he got them while fighting back.
I hate it here.
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celaenaeiln · 10 months
Damian: These colors for Robin are terrible. I simply refuse to believe father chose red, yellow, and green to hide in the night. The tactical planning behind this suit is abhorrent. Who in the world picked it?
Tim: *not even glancing up* Dick.
Damian: These are exemplary colors, truly no one could have chosen better. Red to represent passion, yellow for happiness, and green for new beginnings- as expected of Grayson, only he could come up with such a brilliant and thoughtful design. Not to mention, it’s a test in blending into your surroundings despite your attire which is extremely useful in the field for other missions. Marvelous planning and insight.
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laiostoudenn · 3 months
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grymforge is going well
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