#drink lemon iced tea like an intellectual <3
(the correct answer is lemon, but let's see!)
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the-taintedtruth · 7 years
100 Self Care tips:
Drink green tea once a day. Besides water, it is one of the healthiest beverages there is, as it is loaded with antioxidants and nutriants known to improve brain function, fat loss, a lower risk of cancer and many other incredible benefits.
Take your make up off before you go to sleep every night, despite how tired you may be. Your skin will thank you for it.
Don’t overthink, just let things occur as they are meant to, for everything happens for a reason.
Apply castor oil to your eyebrows and eyelashes before bed. It is filled with nutrients to make hair thicker, longer, softer and stronger.
Make time for people you love.
Exfoliate your skin at least three times a week with a soft scrub. It rids the body of any dry, dull skin by removing dead skin cells from the surface of the epidermis. By removing these dead cells, exfoliation can help keep pores from becoming clogged and leaves skin feeling refreshed and clean.
Always tell the truth. You can’t go far wrong.
Try to eat at least one piece of fruit and veg a day, and a smoothie.
Pick your arguments carefully. Not everything needs your opinion or reaction.
Read. Not only does it make you intellectually smarter, it can also boost your brain power. Just like going for a jog, reading exercises your cardiovascular system and regularly improves memory function by giving your brain a good work out.
Steam baths for your face are essential.
Create a feel good playlist and dance to it in your pyjamas.
Wash your make up brushes regularly. And your phone screen. And your pillow cases. Dirty surfaces that are in contact with your face are a breeding ground for bacteria.
All you can do is learn your lesson. Don’t wish you hadn’t done things.
Take a lavender bath every so often to help relieve stress and tension.
Rosehip oil is great for skin. It is the essential fatty acids in rosehip oil that quench dry, sun damaged skin and help to improve the appearance of burns, scars, wrinkles and stretch marks.
Never base your intelligence, self worth or beauty based on others opinions.
Listen to your mom. She knows.
Drink water daily, at least one litre.
Don’t gossip.
Try silk pillowcases. Not only are they luxurious and comfy, but they also reduce bed head, split ends and retain moisture on your skin.
Don’t put coconut oil directly onto your face. It can clog your pores and highten break outs. Try jojoba oil instead.
Stop comparing yourself to others.
Do not wash your vagina with soap. It can affect the healthy balance of bacteria and pH levels in the vagina and cause irritation.
Stay away from social media.
Don’t read too much into beauty magazines. The girl on the cover doesn’t even look like the girl on the cover.
Clean your room once every two weeks. An organised, tidy surrounding helps create an organised, tidy mind.
You’ll never grow if you stay stuck in the past.
Don’t apply lemon juice to your face. It’s highly acidic and can damage your skin.
Wear sunscreen when tanning.
Inhale the good, exhale the bad.
Start a compliments file. Document the great things people say about you to read later.
Go cloud-watching. Lie on your back, relax, and watch the sky. 
Change up the way you make decisions. Decide something with your heart if you usually use your head. Or if you tend to go with your heart, decide with your head.
After washing your hair, quickly rinse in ice cold water. While warm water opens the hair cuticles to allow shampoo and conditioner to do their job, cold water then helps to close the cuticle and seal in moisture from the conditioner, which helps your hair look shiny and healthy.
Get out of your comfort zone, even if it’s just talking to a stranger at the bus stop.
Always keep your summer makeup minimal. Minimal and sheer makeup is the way to go when it’s hot and muggy outside. 
Take another route to work. Mixing up your routine in small ways creates new neural pathways in the brain to keep it healthy.
Spend time with your grandparents.
Always allow about two fingers from your nose to where blush starts 
Be still. Sit somewhere green, and be quiet for a few minutes. 
Help someone. Carry a bag, open a door, or pick up an extra carton of milk for a neighbor. Helping others helps you.
Wear white or cream eyeliner on your water line to make eyes appear wider and less red.
Don’t regret.
Get your hair trimmed every six weeks.
Splurge a little. Buy a small luxury as a way of valuing yourself.
For acne-prone skin, look for a cleanser with salycilic acid or benzoyl peroxide.
Match up - underwear, pjyjamas, etc.
Embrace your imperfections.
When choosing a red lipstick, you just want to remember to get one that looks good with your undertone. If you have a warm undertone, then go for warmer reds, and if you have a cool undertone, then go cooler.
Do a mini-declutter. Recycle three things from your wardrobe that you don’t love or regularly wear. 
Try not to pick at zits. The bacteria on your fingers will create more redness, and any attempt at popping will make things worse.
If you have greasy hair, avoid directly conditioning roots and condition from your ear down to ends.
Don’t complain about something if you aren’t going to change it.
Create a deliberate habit, and routinize something small in your life by doing it in the same way each day, for example what you wear on Tuesdays, or picking up the dental floss before you brush.
Try to avoid washing your hair everyday. Constant shampooing leaves hair dry and your scalp will create more oils to compensate for the loss of moisture. Instead, use a dry shampoo and style your hair into a braid or ponytail when it’s a bit more oily.
Be selfish. Do one thing today just because it makes you happy.
Less is more.
Do yoga.
Exfoliate before applying self tan to get rid of dead skin. Tanning products tend to cling to dryer areas and rougher areas, like your knees and elbows, so make sure they’re moisturized first.
Take a daily multi-vitamin.
Write poetry.
When using an eyeshadow primer, only place the primer where you’ll be adding colour.
Go for a drive just because.
Use a pumice stone on your feet after the shower to get rid of calluses. 
Make one small change to your diet for the week. Drink an extra glass of water each day, or have an extra portion of veggies each meal. 
Inhale an upbeat smell. Try peppermint to suppress food cravings and boost mood and motivation. 
Read some more.
Watch Friends.
Eat carrots. The nutrients in carrots can improve the health of your eyes, skin, hair, nails and more through helping to detoxify your system and build new cells. They also kill harmful germs in the mouth and help prevent tooth decay.
Check in with your emotions. Sit quietly and just name without judgment what you’re feeling. 
Choose who you spend your time with today. Hang out with “Radiators” who emit enthusiasm and positivity, and not “Drains” whose pessimism and negativity robs energy. 
Replace mascara and liquid eyeliner every 3-4 months.
Use a cream or milk cleanser to wash your face. Creams are less drying than gels. 
Maintain and nurture your faith and spirituality. 
Learn to trust your intuition. 
Camouflage roots by zigzagging your part rather than making it straight. 
Watch the sunrise.
Brush hair from roots to ends nightly. This distributes natural oils throughout the shaft and gives hair a healthy sheen. 
Tweeze your eyebrows in the direction the hair grows.
Cherish good friends. Friends who’ve seen you at your worst, and love you even more for it. Friends you can be sick and miserable around and yet all they seem to do is make you laugh. Those friends are priceless.
A good perfume should consist of balanced blend of notes arranged in a way that creates harmonious accord.
Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Forgiveness is one of our most powerful allies. Forgive the people in your life who harmed you and forgive yourself for your own mistakes and you will liberate yourself from pain, anger, resentment and negativity. Anger, grudges and resentment hurt no one more than the person holding them.
Take photographs.
Do not rub perfume. Dab instead.
Allow yourself to feel. Sometimes you’ll get down, really down. Sometimes you’ll get hurt. And you won’t want to leave the couch. It’s okay. Let yourself sulk, get it all out of your system. Don’t fight it because “what you resist, persists.” So don’t resist. The sooner you get it all out the sooner you can move on.
For smudge-proof eye makeup, take blotting tissue to remove any oil or any excess makeup from the eye area. Then, apply a small dab of cream concealer to hold things in place.
Help your parents around the house.
Shop at charity shops. No one will have the same as you and you’re giving to charity!
Cut down on eating out.
To make your cheek bones appear higher, use bronzer under the cheekbone and highlighter on the actual cheekbone, and remember to blend. 
You don’t have to shave your pubic hair.
Sunscreens that claim to provide “all-day protection” and “water resistance” are not reliable. Reapply all sunscreens at least every 2-3 hours.
Get a good nights sleep. At least 7 hours.
Go for a run.
The antihistamines in allergy medicine dry out the skin, so skip heavy foundation during allergy season. Instead, use a tinted moisturizer or BB cream. 
Be you.
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—-chocolate: when was your first kiss? - I haven’t had one lmao
french vanilla: how old are you? -I am currently 19.
cotton candy: three places you want to travel to? -Japan, New Zealand, and Greece.
strawberry: a language you wish you could speak? -Japanese
coffee: favorite cosmetic brands? -I don’t usually wear makeup so I honestly don’t know.
mint chocolate chip: indoors or outdoors? -Indoors, but outdoors can be nice sometimes.
cookie dough: do you play any instruments? -I play clarinet.
rocky road: favorite songs at the moment? -Monster and Telepathic by Starset.
butter pecan: favorite songs for life? -I honestly can’t pick just one.
cheesecake: what’s your zodiac sign? -Gemini
toasted coconut: the beach or the pool? -BEACHchocolate chip: what’s your most popular post? -I think it was that Atlas picture I posted of APH America. Either that or the nations on a playground.
bubblegum: books or movies? Books.
pistachio: manga or anime? Both.
salted caramel: favorite movies? Rise of the Guardians, Hunchback of Notre Dame, How to Train Your Dragon, The Giver, Captain America.
birthday cake: favorite books? Incarceron, any book in the Percy Jackson or Magnus Chase series, Harry Potter, Journal #3.
moose tracks: favorites for manga? 07 Ghost, A Silent Voice, Hetalia, Fullmetal Alchemist.
orange sherbet: favorites for anime? Hetalia, Yuri on Ice, Haikyuu, Wolfs Rain, Fullmetal Alchemist, Sweetness and Lightning.
peanut butter: favorite academic subject? English.
black raspberry: do you have any pets? I have five dogs and I love them all.
mango: when and why did you start your blog? I started my blog in… I don’t know, like 8th or 9th grade I think? I started it because of all the fandom stuff on here.
mocha: ideal weather conditions? Wet and rainy or cold and sunny.
black cherry: four words that describe you? Awkward, shy, creative, empathetic.
neapolitan: things that stress you out? Everything. Mostly socializing, grades, and the future.
raspberry truffle: favorite kind of music? Rock.
chocolate marshmallow: favorite brands of candy? M&Ms, Three Musketeers, anything milk chocolate.
toffee: a card game that you’re good at? The basic ones usually, like war and crazy 8s.
lemon custard: do you eat breakfast? Sometimes.
dark chocolate: turn ons? Generally moppy hair, and… I don’t know. If I can have a creative, intellectual or personal conversation with you that usually works.
fudge: turn offs? Being an asshole.
peach: how do you relax? I usually listen to music, draw, or write.
praline: a popular book you haven’t read yet? I think Red Queen was popular and I still haven’t read it.
superman: do you like sweaters? YES.
cherry: do you drink tea or coffee? I drink herbal tea sometimes. Rarely ever drink coffee.
dulce de leche: an instrument you wish you could play? Piano.
blackberry: have you ever laughed so hard you cried? Yes.
ginger: a new feature you wish tumblr could have? Let you find favorited posts easier, I guess?
blueberry lemon: favorite blogs? Ask blogs, @cookies-hetaoni @spades-kin @legolastheunicorn @echoes-of-reason @joseph-nostar @twerpledino @xonference @narnian @constanthazeof There are a lot more that I’ll probably add after I post this.
almond: favorite mean girls quote? “She doesn’t even go here.”
butterscotch: what color are your nails right now? Natural color.
cinnamon: have you ever been confessed to? Yes.
blue moon: have you ever had a crush on someone? Yup.
cappuccino crunch: do you take naps? Sometimes. Depends on if my brain will let me fall asleep.
mint: the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done? Aha I got a list for you, buddy.
brownie batter: do you like sushi? Yes.
key lime: where do you want to be right now? At home, on a hiking trail, or sleeping.
red velvet: do you wear prescription glasses? No.
green tea: favorite flavors of ice cream? Anything chocolate, and chocolate/vanilla swirl frozen yogurt.
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