#dr kinkade
kbox-in-the-box · 5 months
The Summer Camps Surrounding Apex
The history of white settlers' explorations of the environs surrounding what would become Apex is a history of whites poking their noses into places where the local Native Americans knew better than to be.
Head southwest on the current Apex City coastline that encompasses "Bitter" Bierce Bay, and you'll find yourself in the Whispering Woods, which lead out to Apex Point at the southwesternmost tip.
Apex Point is itself notable as the site for the second historic lighthouse serving Apex.
Monolith Island, which sits in the middle of Bierce Bay, became the site of the Monolith Island Light in 1855, followed by Fort Maximilian M. Maximus in 1861, before the Civil War military outpost was converted into the Fort Triple-Max maximum security prison in 1946.
Meanwhile, Apex Point became the site of the Lensman Lighthouse in 1875, which itself has hosted Apex's first radio station, KAPX 750 AM, since 1930.
Dr. Albert Atlas Fell, of the Quatermass University of Abstract and Applied Sciences in Apex City, broadcasts from the lighthouse radio station on weekends, logging meteorological conditions, issuing advisories to the ships at sea, and playing peaceful, contemplative music.
The Whispering Woods constitute a microclimate, closer to the cool, rainy Pacific Northwest than to the hot, arid standards of the rest of Calizona.
Within their depths lies a seemingly idyllic body of water comparable to Oregon's Crater Lake in its natural beauty, but closer in its origins to Arizona's Meteor Crater, since it was formed by a meteorite impact rather than a volcanic eruption.
The peoples of the Apex Pueblo warned whites against settling in Whispering Woods or around what would become known as Lake Kinkade, after Nathaniel "Natty" Kinkade discovered the latter in 1851.
But as was so often the case, the whites shrugged off what they saw as primitive superstitions, even as continued protests from local Native Americans, contrary to their typical calls, have kept either Whispering Woods or Lake Kinkade from being declared public landmarks.
Natty Kinkade was the first to observe that the densely forest-lined seclusion of deep, clear blue waters appeared to be "painted with light," which made it an appealingly photogenic site for a succession of summer camps.
Camp Placid Waters for Clean Living opened on the banks of Lake Kinkade in 1927, and has gained notoriety in the decades since as "Camp Deadpool," due to recurrences of reported and rumored harvests of young campers and camp counselors by mask-wearing mass-murderers.
Camp Smiling Coyote for Sacred Clowns was founded in 1954, by retired Marine Corps Cpl. Samuel Charles Smiling Coyote, who originally hailed from the Apex Pueblo, so one might wonder why he didn't know better than to venture out to Lake Kinkade, if they didn't know him.
In the service, not only did he claim that his first and middle initials of S.C. stood for "Sam Clemens," as he insisted was befitting his storytelling talent, but he also served as a "Code Talker" during World War II.
Since ignorant white folks insisted on sending their innocent kids into the cursed, merciless wilderness, the man who'd developed a damnable compulsion to stand up for the weak against the strong decided he'd create a haven for scrappy underdogs and socially awkward misfits.
Of course, nothing good can be done for the disadvantaged, especially if it's being done by a historically oppressed minority, without inspiring a backlash from the privileged class, which is what inspired the creation of Camp Atlas-Seaboard for Competition and Survival in 1958.
Which is how Lake Kinkade wound up with a summer camp plagued by serial killings, a camp providing shelter and encouragement for weirdos and outcasts, and one pandering to pampered rich brats, even before the area gained a haunted hotel in 1968.
The Bean-Shìdh family imported what was originally their ancestral keep of Samhain's Hearth Inn and Tavern from Callander, Scotland (also the birthplace of Angus Odysseus Battle-Craft), rebuilding it on the rocky shores of Apex Point, near the Lensman Lighthouse.
As ill-advised as Charlie Smiling Coyote considered other white folks' settlements in the area to be, he recognized that the mother-daughter duo of Bonnie and Bridey Bean-Shìdh brought their own unique spiritual energy to the place, even if they themselves didn't fully realize it right away.
Over on the other end of the outskirts of Apex City and Coral Shores, the Scar Range Desert that had become the site for a succession of obscure military installations would ultimately find itself a hotbed for countercultural activity.
Well northeast of Coral Shores, former Sixties flower child Dulcimer Discordia "Cordy" Condor started the temporary autonomous zone of Solstice City in 1986, to host what would become the annual Flaming Paintbrush Midsummer Free-for-All.
Perhaps the festival's most notable feature is the "Infernal Titan," a gigantic wooden effigy that's set ablaze during the culminating ceremonies of the summer's revelry, communal camp-out and exchanges of experimental artistry in the Scar Range Desert.
Ironically, while this occasion threatens to compromise the operational security of Dr. Bianca Yong and her Agents of ABOVE in their repurposed military base, Cordy Condor stages Flaming Paintbrush, at least in part, to provide cover for the clandestine activities of her older brother.
When Air Force Capt. Mandolin Corelli Condor was flying combat missions in Vietnam, his kid sister Cordy was protesting the war, but her peace activism was always intended to protect her big brother, who was practically a surrogate father to her, due to their generational dividing line.
Not long after he started piloting the Skyshark experimental attack helicopter in 1984, the elder Condor finally reached out to contact his estranged sister, who was only too happy to see him again, and after some thought, she figured out her own way to run interference for the Skyshark.
The chaotically organized seasonal congregation in the desert obscures many traces of the Skyshark's concealment in the area, however irritated a Vietnam veteran like Condor might be to indirectly rely upon his sister's hippie freak friends to continue his covert missions in America.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 1 year
Mind Mirror (Part 11)
Emma isn’t surprised to find that Regina has been quiet lately. She wishes that she could say that she was. But three days go by and the former Queen mostly keeps to herself, sometimes making an exception to greet Henry in the morning. 
It is on day four when she finally begins making real conversation again. Conversation that she preludes with a very adamant, “I’m alright now, Emma, I promise.” But Emma knows that forced smile. 
Regina’s authentic smiles are so warm and inviting. The delight reaches her eyes, her entire face has this glow about it. This smile, it is as soft as any other but it isn’t as beaming. There is pain in her eyes–a lot of it. The sort that can’t be concealed. 
“I just…I needed to let it out.” She insists despite of Emma not challenging her at all. “It’s done now.” Her tone is pinched, constricted by thinly veiled stress. “We can go back to how things were.” Another forced smile and a small nod of her head drives home just how far off they are from normalcy–whatever that had meant for them. 
“Regina, you don’t have to pretend.” She swears. 
But just four days ago, she had made it clear that Regina should try harder than ever to conceal her suffering. And after having spent so much effort in getting the woman to open up and talk too. She had put so much effort into reassuring Regina that she doesn’t find her to be burdensome only to reiterate that her own words weren’t true. That they had been exactly the opposite of true.
And she can’t even begin to figure out how to do damage control here especially since Regina herself had already gotten it into her head that she is too much to handle. 
“I’m not pretending.” She insists desperately. “I’m fine now, Emma, really. I’ve already started making plans for Christmas dinner…”
Emma cringes to herself; she wonders just how much mental energy that had sapped from Regina. 
“We don’t have to host Christmas if you don’t want to.” Emma points out. “We don’t even have to have anyone over. We can stop by my parents’ place for a second, drop off presents, say hi, and then have an evening to ourselves and with Henry.”
 Henry doesn’t seem to want to address the elephant in the room either. He is leaving tomorrow to begin finals prep and he will be back five days before Christmas. Hopefully by then there will be no more elephants to address. 
“I don’t mind.” Regina insists. “It’s good for me to talk to people. That’s what Dr. Hopper says.”
And maybe that much is true, but they still haven’t even finished decorating the tree. “Baby steps, Regina. We still need to put up decorations. And…” and that isn’t the point. The point is that Regina isn’t even ready to do that, let alone dive head first into another uncomfortable dinner party. 
Regina nods vigorously. “We can finish that before Henry leaves.” She looks to Henry. “If you still want to, that is.”
Henry forces a smile to match his mother’s. “Yeah, I’d like that, mom.” He seems just as feverishly hellbent on clinging to a joyful, jolly illusion of what Christmas and decorating are supposed to be like. Some idyllic life painted with careful and beautiful brushstrokes a Thomas Kinkade holiday card version of their lives. 
For the first time, Emma begins to wonder if Henry is falling into the same slump as his mother. She knows that college can be taxing. God, for all she knows he has been lying through his teeth about how amazing and fun it has all been in just the same way that Regina glamorizes her life for the townspeople. 
They don’t know that she is crumbling inside of her opulent mansion. They don’t know that she feels compressed in those luxurious dresses. 
And perhaps nobody knows that Henry is suffocating beneath a pile of textbooks that he claims to find fascinating and fun to read. 
“Henry, are you okay?”
“Yeah, mom, I’m fine.” 
And Emma knows that he isn’t when Regina’s facade drops. When she seems to sink further into her distress. If anyone can spot the signs, it is her.
For a change, Emma seems to be more reluctant to let Henry go than she is. Perhaps it is because Henry is acting too much like her for comfort, saying too many of the same things that she does in the same tone of voice. Or maybe it is that Regina herself, as dreadful as it is to admit, is relieved to see Henry out. 
The more time he spends with her, the wider the door opens for him to soak in her dour mood. She will surely bring him down just like she had Emma, and it would happen much more quickly. 
Selfishly, she is glad that he won’t see her like this anymore. If he is at college then she won’t have to worry about him walking in on arguing and sobbing. He won’t have to worry about pretending to have not noticed. She won’t have to pretend like she doesn’t feel ashamed for letting him witness her fall apart so openly. 
She yearns and aches for the days when just seeing his face would take some of the pain away. She watches his car pull out of the driveway and then out into the street. The tail lights grow smaller and smaller until they are out of sight and she feels too many conflicting things. Sadness, relief, and regret. 
Mostly regret at having been fully present for a pleasant time but still somehow feeling as though she had missed it. Thanksgiving could have been spent talking with Henry about all that he has achieved but she had been too focused on portion sizes for any meaningful conversation. They could have spent their time decorating the mansion for Christmas or going black friday shopping just for the sake of saying that they partook. But she could barely get herself out of bed. 
The opportunities were all right there and she had let each slip by. 
And maybe that is why she is so viciously determined to host Christmas–not just to prove that she can handle it, that she can still function, but to make up for how thoroughly she had squandered this Thanksgiving.
She can make herself every promise in the world.
Every promise that she knows that she will break.
That is the worst of it; a deeper knowingness that she is going to let it happen again. That she will invite everyone over and feel entirely distant and left out no matter much conversation is had with her, no matter how much effort is put into making her feel included. 
Truth be told, she is dreading Christmas dinner and the new year’s parties more than Thanksgiving. At least with Thanksgiving there had been a normalcy around overindulgence and feeling much too full. She can’t say the same for Christmas and new year’s. 
She wholly dreads the temptation of holiday cookies and hot chocolate, dreads the new year’s resolutions that she never thought that she’d have to make. The ones that she hasn’t told Emma about yet.
She sulks back into the cushions of her loveseat and swallows back a round of tears that really aren’t necessary. Quietly, Emma takes a seat next to her. She doesn’t reach out, doesn’t pull her into a hug, doesn’t lean against her…
That isn’t like Emma.
“You miss him.” She says after some ten minutes. It isn’t a question.
“It’s better if he’s not here. This isn’t a good environment for him.” She flexes her fingers. “He has friends on that college campus, he should be in company like that.” 
Emma nods. “I think that he’s still going to be worried about you.” 
“I wish that he wouldn’t.” She confesses miserably. “He shouldn’t have to be. He should be worried about final exams and grades not whether or not…”
“Whether or not what?”
Regina presses her lips firmly together. “Whether or not I’ll be here when he gets back. I know that he gets anxious too, he overthinks things and…” And she isn’t doing a great job of easing those worries. “He knows.”
“He knows what?” Emma furrows his brows. 
“That I was going to put myself under the sleeping curse.” She pauses. “After the second curse, when I thought that I would never see him again.” She shakes her head and sighs. “Robin saw me with the needle, Robin told your mother, and your mother is where secrets go to die.”
Emma stifles a snorting laugh. “Yeah, if my mom knows, everyone knows.”
“That’s not a good thing. He thinks that I’m suicidal.”
“Are you?” 
Regina’s breath catches. 
“Are you?” Emma repeats.
She shakes her head. “I’m not, Emma, I promise. Not anymore.” But she is worried. Worried that if she slips any further that she might return to that place; one of two places that she vowed to never go again. “I have you and Henry now. I couldn’t…”
“Maybe you couldn’t go through with it, but you can still have thoughts.”
Regina swallows. “I don’t.” Not yet. But she is scared, so scared. 
And finally Emma holds out her hand, Regina takes it and squeezes hard. 
For once she is more than ready to speak with Dr. Hopper. She just has to wait one more day. Just one. She props herself up against Emma’s chest and Emma slings an arm around her. For all of the hassle she gives the woman, at least she doesn’t seem to be too angry about it. She has apparently forgiven her enough to stroke her hair and whisper reassuring words. 
Regina finds herself drifting off in the woman’s arms. 
She could really use the sleep. 
She could really use the kisses that Emma is offering her nose and forehead.
Those kisses that send her off into a sleep with dreams that she won’t recall the next morning.
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lantsmcclain · 6 years
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j3bingo · 3 years
You can use any of the following characters, plus Jared, Jeff, and Jensen themselves, for your bingo fills. Each square must contain one of the following or one of the J's in order to count. We'll try to remember to update the list as they take on new roles but if we're missing one you'd like to write for just send us an ask and we'll add it in!
Matt Nelson (A Little Inside)
Zachery Gray (A Ring of Endless Light)
Clay MacGyver (Young MacGyver)
Random Bully (Cheaper By The Dozen)
Trey Lipton (New York Minute)
John Davis (Flight of the Phoenix)
Dean Forester (Gilmore Girls)
Wade (House of Wax)
Tom (Cry Wolf)
J.P. (House of Fears)
Thomas Kinkade (Thomas Kinkade’s Christmas Cottage)
Clay Miller (Friday the 13th)
Lt. Alex (Phantom Boy)
Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
Cordell Walker (Walker)
Sharkey (Uncaged)
Rod (To Cross the Rubicon)
Bobby Debeneke (Black Sheep)
Jack Hawkins (Extreme)
Ramone (Undercover)
Jack Bennett (Dillinger and Capone)
Shay Astor (Mystery Dance)
Jessie (In the Blink of an Eye)
Sid (Sliders)
Dr. Edward Marcase (The Burning Zone)
Todd Hunter (Legal Deceit)
Bobby (Road Kill)
Jake Horbart (Walker, Texas Ranger)
Firefighter Larkin (ER)
Daniel Glenn (The Practice)
Sam Ryan (Angel)
Father William Natali (The Division)
Randall Waring (V.I.P.)
Wally - CIA Technician / Weapons Officer (JAG)
Bill Nolan (CSI)
Xindi-Reptilian (Enterprise)
Daniel (Something More)
The Sheriff (Dead & Breakfast)
Geoffrey Pine (True Calling)
Tom Newman (Six: The Mark Unleashed)
Steven Leight (Monk)
Mike (The Handler)
Joe Zukowski (The O.C.)
Judah Botwin (Weeds)
Detective Cole Davies (Chasing Ghosts)
Dale (Jam)
Rick (Live!)
Brad (Kabluey)
William (P.S. I Love You)
Patrick (The Accidental Husband)
Bryan Gordon (Days of Wrath)
Edward Blake (Watchmen)
The Comedian (Under the Hood)
Denny Duquette (Grey's Anatomy)
Dan (Taking Woodstock)
Clay (The Losers)
Conner (Shanghai)
Jeb Turnbull (Jonah Hex)
Max (The Resident)
Brian Heigh (Texas Killing Fields)
Jude (Peace, Love, and Misunderstanding)
The Courier (The Courier)
Clyde (The Possession)
Sgt. Maj. Andrew Tanner (Red Dawn)
Ike Evans (Magic City)
Frank (They Came Together)
Charlie Peters (Shameless)
Henry Delarue (The Salvation)
Joe DiMaggio (The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe)
'Deaf' Smith (Texas Rising)
Joe Merriwether (Solace)
JD Richter (Extant)
Sam (Desierto)
Luke Vaughn (Heist)
Bruce (The Adventures of Beatle)
Thomas Wayne (Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice)
Jason Crouse (The Good Wife)
Harvey Russell (Rampage)
John Winchester (Supernatural)
Jacob Kanon (The Postcard Killings)
Cal McCarthy (Walkaway Joe)
Gerry Fenn (The Unholy)
Negan (The Walking Dead)
Michael Duss (Wishbone)
Brad (Sweet Valley High)
Malcolm (Mr. Rhodes)
David (Cybill)
Eric Brady (Days of Our Lives)
Eddie G (Blonde)
Alec (Dark Angel)
C.J. (Dawson's Creek)
Max Morgan (Still Life)
Jensen (The Plight of Clownana)
Jason Teague (Smallville)
Jake Gray (Devour)
Priestly (Ten Inch Hero)
Tom Hanniger (My Bloody Valentine)
Jason Todd / Red Hood (Batman: Under the Red Hood)
Event Guest (Undead Noise)
Jack Durfy (The Buddy Games)
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Bruce Wayne / Batman (The Long Halloween Part 1 and 2)
Soldier Boy (The Boys)
Beau Arlen (Big Sky)
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spellsword177 · 3 years
Book Recommendation: Arcane Casebook Series by Dan Willis
In an alternate 1930’s New York there are three known types of magic. The wonderous spells of sorcerers, the amazing concoctions of alchemists, and the intricate designs by runewrights. Runewright Detective Alex Lockerby uses his talents to solve crimes, expose murderers, end conspiracies concocted by secret organizations, and stopping spy rings all while wooing bombshell sorceress Sorcha Kinkade. Along the way, Alex meets famous historical figures like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Paschal Beverly Randolph; takes on versions of legendary figures such as Heckyll/Jekyll/Hyde, the mummy, Jack the Ripper/Dracula, and the wolfman; and encounters everything from blood magic and Legion to Nazis and the Mafia. Written by Dan Willis, this series has proven to be an exceedingly entertaining mix of the Harry Potter Series with The Maltese Falcon, Indiana Jones, and the magic lore of The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. What follows is my personal ranking of each current book in the series excluding the prequel Dead Letter as of July 2021. The dates are rough estimates based on statements in the books. If you haven’t previously read this series, I highly recommend it. You know within reason all hell is about to break loose with WWII around the corner.
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Book 0: Dead Letter (2018) – Set in April 1930 (though it sometimes fits better with the rest of the series in 1927), see how Alex Lockerby came to know his secretary Leslie Tomkins, Japanese-American policeman Danny Pak as he runs across a deceased John Doe who possessed clothing way too expensive for the homeless. Why is the NYPD so determined not to investigate and what does it have to do with a woman who died twenty years ago? This one served as nice establishing novel, but is shorter than the rest of the series while free is only available digitally.
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7. Book 2: Ghost of a Chance (2019) – In a steamy August 1934, Alex takes on a series of locked-room murders committed by a figure the police have labeled “The Ghost.” Can Alex find the culprit and what ties each victim together? Will he find sorcerer Andrew Barton’s (this world’s version of Howard Hughes) prototype engine? Each book is great, but this one appeals to me the least.
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6. Book 3: The Long Chain (2019) – A dense, seemingly unnatural fog as descended on New York in October 1935, and Sorcha wants Alex to solve the case. What does it all have to do with a recently found Nobel-Prize winning Chemist with a case of amnesia? Will Alex be able to find a missing alchemist for his friend, Dr. Killian? I found the inclusion of science to be an interesting addition and the twist ending of the missing alchemists to be thrilling.
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5. Book 5: Limelight (2020) – May 1937, a mysterious new drug has appeared on the streets of New York granting users extraordinary and previously thought impossible abilities such as a blast rune used in a string of bank robberies plaguing Manhattan. Will Alex Lockerby find the culprits before it’s too late? In the meantime, can he help Danny find out what happened to a dead mystery writer looking into Broadway’s most famous murder from fifteen years ago? I happened to run into an advertisement for this book which got me interested in the series in the first place.
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4. Book 1: In Plain Sight (2018) – The first book in the series introduces us to Alex Lockerby in September 1933 as his brought by Sorcha Kinkaid into the search for a legendary runebook called the Archimedean Monograph. Will Alex find the legendary book or vanish under mysterious circumstances like so many before him? Meanwhile, can Alex stop a magical plague from being unleashed on New York like it was at a local soup kitchen. This was a brilliant introduction to the series, and I enjoyed every minute of it.
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3. Book 4: Mind Games (2020) – It’s time again for the Mayoral Elections in October 1936, people are strangely committing or attempting to commit murders of people they don’t know, larger portions of the homeless population are missing, and runewrights are being driven out business by cheap, mass produced runebooks. Can Alex get to the bottom of this mystery before it’s too late? Has a wayward heiress also been affected? Yes, in the real world the election was in 1937, but it wasn’t too hard to accept the slight adjustment in time. I enjoyed the drama as this book plaid out and appreciated the long-term rising tensions.
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2. Book 7: Capital Murder (2021) – For the first time, Alex Lockerby is brought out of New York to Washington, DC in December 1937 by Andrew Barton to help consider expanding Barton’s electric grid to city. While there is roped into investigating the death of US Senator Paul Young, by the late senator’s wife. Can he solve the murder when DC Police and the FBI are largely uninterested? Why did someone break into the Smithsonian to steal a seemingly worthless artifact and maul a guard to death? Where is Lucky Tony’s nephew? I loved the callbacks in this book and the exposure to new and, in some cases, unexpected locations.
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1. Book 6: Blood Relation (2020) – Young, female prostitutes have been found dead, exsanguinated, and surrounded by strange symbols that deteriorate the crime scene at alarming rates in September 1937. Will Alex Lockerby be able stop this madman before the ritual is complete? Can Alex find the connection between a dead woman who worked with government secrets and seemingly unconnected variety of thefts at local warehouses by a gang of expert thieves? Looking back, this one is easily my favorite of the series and I look forward to seeing the story continue to unravel in coming books.
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lizzy384 · 4 years
Leading Ladies meme
Another old tag from the lovely @stardustweare88 and I agree this is a good meme. 🥰
Rules: List your top ten favourite women from the different fandoms and tag ten different people.
So, after the initial obvious faves, I looked at my fandoms for faves in those. I ended up with more than I needed, so I’ll include them at the end. In not necessarily the correct order.
1. Lizzy Bennet (Pride and Prejedice)
2. Max Guevara (Dark Angel)
3. Veronica Mars (VM)
4. Hermione Granger (HP)
5. Buffy Summers (BTVS)
6. Deanna Troi (Star Trek Next Gen)
7. Lionel Davenport Kinkade (Hit the Floor)
8. Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)
9. Charlie Bradbury (Supernatural)
10. Lois Lane (Smallville)
Other fave leading ladies: Liz Parker (Rosewell), Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time), Diana Prince (DCU), Natasha Romanova (MCU), Martha Jones (Torchwood + Dr Who), Helen Torrance (Eyewitness), B’elanna Torres (Voyager), Jadzia Dax (DS9), Kimber Benton (Jem and the Holograms)
Tagging, if it appeals: @abbys-little-whippersnapper @duraffinity @svgurl410 @leelajoy716 @eatingmoonflowers @moonstruck-me @seventhdevil @calebcovington @tuesdayisfordancing @irrationalgame
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matched-roleplay · 4 years
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Matched Event: A Night in Monte Carlo 7pm-midnight The Duniway Hotel, Downtown Portland
Event details:
Dress to impress and take your chances at the betting tables. For one night only, a slice of Monte Carlo is coming to Portland, all for a good cause! Every single penny made--gambles, bids, poker chip purchases, etc.--will go towards Friends of the Children--a mentor-mentee program targeting at-risk youth in the Portland area.
In addition to the roulette wheels, poker tables, black jack tables, craps tables, bingo table and slot machines, a silent auction will take place with a variety of donated prizes.
During the thrill of the fundraiser’s happenings, guests will be able to enjoy cocktails and other refreshments; all proceeds from these will also go to Friends of the Children.
Silent Auction prizes (each item has a starting bid price, varying from $20 to $200):
Original sheet music from Emerald (of The Jewel Theives) || starting bid: $50
An autographed album from The Jewel Thieves || starting bid: $65
A 5 day/4-night stay at the Duniway Hotel, Portland OR || starting bid: $20 
A 5 day/4-night stay at the Kimpton Hotel, Portland OR || starting bid: $20
3 Original canvas artwork by Raymond Pettibon (former bassist of the band, Black Flag) || starting bid: $30
A brand new 26-in adult mountain bike, donated from Aarons Sporting goods || starting bid: $40
4 Framed Thomas Kinkade Disney prints || starting bid: $50 (each)
2 sets of autographed Tim Burton art prints || starting bid: $40 (each)
A framed Avengers: Endgame poster autographed by several Marvel Cinematic Universe stars: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner, Brie Larson, Chadwick Boseman, Paul Rudd, Mark Ruffalo, Samuel L. Jackson, Paul Bettany,  Bradley Cooper, Letitia Wright, Tom Holland, Elizabeth Olsen, and more || starting bid: $100
A framed Star Wars poster autographed by: Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Lupita Nyong’o, J.J. Abrams, George Lucas, Peter Mayhew, and Anthony Daniels || starting bid: $100
A framed Harry Potter poster autographed by: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Dame Maggie Smith, Alan Rickman, Tom Felton, Bonnie Wright, Michael Gambon, Ralph Fiennes, Matthew Lewis, Evanna Lynch, and Helena Bonham Carter || starting bid: $100 
A private helitour for 2 from Portland, OR to Seattle, WA || starting bid: $100
A weekend in LA, including dinner for you and a friend with actor & comedian Andy Samberg || starting bid: $200 
Orchestra seats for 5 productions of your choice with Broadway in Portland || starting bid: $50 
A Fun for the Kids gift basket, consisting of the following: $75 Michaels Craft Store gift card, $100 Target gift card, 2 season passes to the Oregon Zoo, 2 season passes to the Oregon Museum of Science & Industry (OMSI), 4 tickets to the Oaks Amusement Park, a Big Bubbles kit & an assortment of candies || starting bid: $50 
A Quiet Night In gift basket, consisting of the following: $100 Fandango gift card, Popcornopolis 12 cone snack pack, A Thomas Kinkade 500-piece puzzle, a 2012 bottle of Chateau Latour, a Godiva assorted truffles box & a Tahari Faux Mink Throw Blanket || starting bid: $75 
A Tech Lovers gift basket, consisting of the following, Titan Inc. products: a cellphone, tablet, laptop, and free tech support for 4 years || starting bid: $200 
A Gamers gift basket, consisting of the following: A $25 Google Play Store gift card, a $25 Apple App Store gift card, an xBox One, a PlayStation 4, a Nintendo Switch, $50 xBox digital gift card, $50 Play Station digital gift card, $50 Nintendo eShop gift card || starting bid: $200 
A Great Outdoors gift basket, consisting of the following: $200 Bass Pro Shop gift card, Penn Battle II Spinning Reel Fishing Rod, 2 months (of your choosing) of free rentals with SK Watercraft Rentals, a CamelBak Octane 25 hiking backpack, a fitted pair of Nike running shoes, and a pair of Ray Ban sunglasses || starting bid: $100 
An Accessory Lovers gift basket, consisting of the following: 3 different Ray Ban sunglasses, 2 Kate Spade jewelry sets, a fitted pair of Christian Louboutins, a Rolex watch, 2 Hermes scarves, & a fitted pair of Dr. Martens boots || starting bid: $200
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currently t posing as hard as ever thanks to also being stuck in [i can't believe i have to create what i want to create] mode... comradeship... ✨🔮🍺⚡
ugh smh at all of us attempting to create anything......comrades in this mess for sure B/ when will we learn
✨ Favourite aesthetic?
i can enjoy some like Muted Atmospheric type palettes......like, dim lighting / atmospheric distancing, maybe some monochrome-leaning stuff, Desaturated Colors which is wild as i never use this aesthetic myself lmao and am being unusually “restrained” if i choose Non-100% Saturated Colors.......i like some nighttime / dusk type Visuals although then within that i like both like, more ~realistically~ muted/dark stuff And Also like stylistically brightened / more saturated blues than you’d Really see at night, plus maybe some Warm Lighting from some source, don’t have to lean full thomas kinkade with it or whatever but it’s good. and Sunset type lighting where there’s both like, some colorful Lighting but also more desaturated shadows.......i don’t go so much for earth / jewel tones really like, either Lighter & Brighter or Darker & More Muted is my like Palette sensibilities apparently
🔮 Any advice you would have given 10 y/o you?
i have to like count out like what year of school are people in at whatever age....that’d be circa 4th/5th grade i guess?? not much going on. 4th grade was that one [several scenes from julius caesar] where it was like oh this is pretty clear You’re A Theatre Gay (which i only put together v recently for how obvious it was lol) and also of Course You’re Trans lmao like, may as well explain not only what Being Trans is (i don’t like, particularly remember when i became aware of That Being A Thing was?? like i know i knew by 14 but...) and go ahead and explain being Nonbinary coz it Was a good few years before i like, heard of that as a concept.....speaking of the Circa-’10s Dialogue i could’ve explained “you aren’t obligated to like, lgbtq-dom to Come Out to your family” b/c my Attempt at that only inconvenienced me and it’s just not a good/true sentiment for anyone lol........took a minute to like, get Perspective on things where i had this assumption that i’d Age Out of what turned out to be more inherent issues like [you are autistic, and also queer, and ppl don’t always just Make Friend Groups by high school age lol] and [family dynamics are not all Like This and it seems like the ‘rents approach is Wild b/c it is and it’s not Really going to fundamentally change so just don’t worry about the Continual Strife lol not on you actually] like, there’s a real On The One Hand But On The Other matter where my getting to go away to college gave that chance for some crucial Distance / Perspective on things about myself and my existence, but also forever in “i kind of hate school despite whatever parts are alright-to-good” club and did i need to rack up the tuition-etc Costs, would i have been able to get the Perspective in high school? probably in part but i also would’ve probably hated the [academic] part more and also would’ve been around most of the same ppl since kindergarten and yet i was sitting at the Odds N Ends lunch table probably just reading, so even though i was also not magically Socially Thriving in college, it was better from that angle too.......maybe could’ve told myself to do Backstage Theatre Stuff, since there was that issue of “i like to Perform but didn’t quite enjoy Family Members seeing it lmao”......compromise about your theatre gayness? who knows. generally tell myself to not worry about being Not Unruly as much, see: [the conflict is inevitable and too fundamental] lmao from many angles......who tf knows what primers on [Political Awareness] i could give a 10 yr old, that’s sure developing more in those years............idk like there’s Much 2 Consider but at the same time even Theoretically i’m not pressed to mess with the timeline lmao. like really just Maybe the small tip like “people are trans and specifically being nonbinary is A Thing and you are not obligated to Come Out To Parents” like, lord knows you get enough of their [i suspect and resent my progeny is not gender &/or sexualitying Correctly] without even bothering to confirm it for them
🍺 Favourite drink?
damb.......i like a Coffee alright for like, non-practical reasons i.e. all caffeine is likely to do is make me even sweatier than usual........tea can be pretty good, i like fruit / mint flavors (separately...).......sweet tea / lemonade combo (or just sweet tea ft. like a lemon wedge) pretty much fucks, or just regular lemonade on its own lol.......orange juice is okay, teresa was talking abt orange juice And apple cider last night like yeah apple cider’s okay, i went from liking apple juice to finding it intolerable and now i think i Can power through it w/o enthusiasm but apple cider is always great. grape soda is good and so is orange soda, sprite, ginger ale......and also Grape Juice is rly good......s/o to Water, idk that anyone’s enthused or anything on average but thank you for the hydration........idk i’m just out here like Sipppp........just wanna avoid anything Overall bitter really (tea / coffee always gotta be sweetened.....if i’m having Alcohol it’s gotta be like some cocktail and even then i've like multiple times tried and failed to just power through a pina colada. various unsweetened Teas have also just been like, i’d rather have the plain water. oh yeah and sparkling water, tf is going on there, Gross......avoided it wholly for years but last i checked cherry juice Specifically is intolerable 2 me) but idk i guess yeah if you take the Average of everything the answer is just like. water.........this just epitomizes my Asks Answers lmfao there’s no real answer but i take forever writing down whatever thought crosses my mind in the course of figuring it out and go tl;dr n/a or [the most boring answer possible]
⚡ Ever had a Greek Mythology phase?
i feel like i’m sort of forgetting some aspects to the “not really but kind of” answer like, most summers i’d Partake in some sort of daytime 2-3 week Activities camp lmao and i feel like one of them of yore mayyyybe had some kind of greek mythology theme to it b/c we had yknow like these smaller groups and i think we had to come up with Skits explaining greek myths b/c our like 4-5 person group did Arachne and i’m fairly sure that everyone else’s was along those lines lmao nothing Completely Different.......most of what i really remember was like, first of all it’s that “i cannot simply Think Of An Idea” problem lmao like tf do you mean Create A Skit......but it wasn’t just Me so we worked around it lol. and anyways the most Memorable thing was like, the day before we were gonna Present these skits we were like “uh how are we gonna have a Visible Spider’s Web” and one of the people were like “i have like a sheet with a spiderweb design on it” and we were like are you gonna forget to bring it though, and then she forgot to bring it, and when someone in our group like told An Adult like “uh what do we do if a sort of essential prop is Unavailable” we were unhelpfully brushed off with “you’ll just have to use your imaginations” and so we bitterly were like Oh Is THAT The Sentiment Then............and what we did is like, i don’t remember what [sort of chorus / narrator] greek god i happened to be playing but i was the one to hold up the “web” like wow amazing weaving here, as per the myth of arachne, and since we didn’t have anything and were told to just use our imaginations to rectify the issue, i held up the corners of Absolutely Nothing and announced it was sure an incredible woven spider’s web, i.e. the audience had to Imagine It.........a real memorable event of Inspired Pettiness from us like 9 yr olds or whatever the fuck. lmfao. of course nobody would’ve given a shit either way but we were somewhat pressed about it so it was fun to just like, get that Stress brushed off and in turn go “ah fuck it then” lmfao
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noromojustkeith · 4 years
Chapters: 11/11 Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Allura (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), James Griffin (Voltron), Ina Leifsdottir, Ryan Kinkade, Nadia Rizavi, Krolia (Voltron), Iverson (Voltron), Admiral Sanda (Voltron), Cosmo (Voltron), Sendak (Voltron), Dr. Jenny (OC), Dr. Chris (OC) Additional Tags: Pain, Torture, Vivisection, Angst, Recovery, Fluff, PTSD, Panic Attacks, Cosmo is a good boy Series: Part 9 of Breathe Summary:
All of the paladins are excited to return to Earth.
All except one, that is.
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nuckdewton · 5 years
Voltron Season 8 Theories
I have a couple theories I want to share just before season 8 drops. Here is a compilation of everything I think is going to happen based on al our previous seasons and the season 8 trailer
1. The New Paladins
First and foremost I think its been pretty strongly hinted at who our new paladins are, and I think I know who’s going to go in each lion.
The Black Lion: James Griffin, as he’s shown to be a parallel to Keith whilst they grew up and also seems to be leader material. He had a very strong emphasis out of all the new cadets so I think he’s going to pilot black
The Red Lion: Rizavi, as she’s clearly the most impulsive and risk-taking of the lot which fits into what Allura said about each pilot in season 1
The Green Lion: Leifsdottir, as she’s the smartest of the group and is the brainpower of everything, similar to Pidge throughout all the seasons
The Yellow Lion: This is the one I’m most unsure of but I’d say Kinkade, since he’s kinda soft and quiet and doesn’t really fit into any other one (although I’d love to see black paladin Kinkade yesyes)
The Blue Lion: would go to Veronica as this is the one associated with being Lances lion. It would only make sense for his sister to inherit it :)
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2. Acxa’s Role
The way they’ve set her up in season 7 and every season prior leads me to believe that she’s not going to be a love interest for Keith: she’s been against him for six seasons and was only in like three episodes in season 7. I think there’s no chance.
However I do think she’s being set up to be his sister
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There are lots of parallels between the two that make me believe this. They keep finding and saving eachother, but from the way the seasons are playing out I think that they’re related and Acxa knows whilst Keith doesn’t.
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The scene where she goes to the grave makes sense this way too. I think she knew Keith and Krolia were going to visit the late Texas Kogane (her dad) so she went so she could see him too, but from a distance so as not to alert them.
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This whole scene also gave me super Keithy vibes. The idea of her leaving the galra empire to carve out her own path in her life strongly reminds me of Keith with the Marmora with his whole “I know who i am” speech.
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im sorry but loOK AT THEIR EYES!! You cannot convince me they’re not related. Her and Krolia literally have the same eyes.
I know a lot of people have already analysed the trailer ages ago so I’m just gonna give my brief ideas
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Hunk, Lance and Keith are all on the same planet here! Keith appears to be fighting a person with a sword which make me think there are inhabitants (unlikely) or other people fighting here (more likely). I also think Keith has been captured and they’re coming to rescue him (although I don’t know where their lions are. WHy are they fighting on foot and not in the lions??)
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There’s been some discourse as to whether this is allura or pidge bUT I am inclined to believe it’s pidge! I know that when the colours are inverted it’s pink but just from a marketing point I think it’s too confusing! The hair by her face looks like pidge and we don’t associate the colour green with Allura AT ALL so i think pidge is just more likely
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The black lion and another lion are looking at eachother whilst everyone is out on foot and theres a SOMETHING exploding in the background.
hOWEVER the mountains in the back match Keiths fight scene, and this bit is presumably at the end of the fight, so I think by the end of the scene everyone is back together and there’s no real danger (otherwise the lions would be in more chaos)
however that does make me question where the other lions are?? we’ve seen a clip of a few of them in the lions but the lions didn’t actually feature much this trailer. it makes you wonder
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Plain and simple: I don’t think Matt dies. After all the lead up to finding him I don’t think they would kill him off so easily, and I definitely don’t think they’d put even a HINT of a character dying in the trailer. They would want it to be a complete surprise so; i’m not really worried about Matt or Keith
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and... this scene
I’ve read a lot of theories about it but I am prettysure this is a date. I don’t mind Allurance (although I definitely prefer Klance) but I think they’ve been setting things up with Allura and Lance for a while now. While a lot of people don’t acknowledge it they’ve had a lot of moments; comforting eachother in season 3, allura healing lance, lance unlocking the altean broadword, lances whole speech about allura making him better (why include that if they weren’t leading up to this??) I even think the whole Lotor stuff might have been to just add some tension to their relationship and make them realise their feelings for eachother
I know a lot of people will be upset by this but think of it this way; even if it’s not LGBT+ rep its still such a great message. Both of them are clearly POC, and neither of them traditionally masculine or feminine. Allura is headstrong and a leader and not afraid to fight, and Lance is sweet and does facemasks and enjoys skincare and is clearly not the most hypermasculine on the team. It wasn’t Shiro (the stereotypical Man) or Keith (the cool, great, leader guy) who got the girl: it was the character who had a good and caring heart and was often used for comic relief. I think it sends a fantastic message to young boys (the main target demographic)
Lack of Shiro???
there was only one shot of shiro in the trailer. this probably means they have something HUGE AND SPOILERY PLANNED FOR HIM.
he’s no longer in a lion so im stuck, but just remember that THEY LITERALLY CANT KILL SHIRO SO ITS ALL GOOD
Now this could be completely wrong but this is something I’ve been thinking about since season 1. It;s been 7 seasons and we still don’t really know what Quintessence is or what it does, so I’m going to take a guess.
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In season 6 Voltron and Lotor both went into the Quintessence field and, shortly after emerging, the paladins found that they’d actually been missing for three years. This could be because of something else (because Zethrid and Ezor said they’d gone missing after the holes were shut, which was after they left the quintessence field) but I think Quintessance messes with time
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We know that it extends lifeforces shown through Zarkon, so I think Lotor will be coming back in season 8 in a form much closer to Zarkon, and I think he’s going to be the final boss the paladins have to battle in season 8.
I also think this is what happened to the paladins of old
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we see them in the trailer, which a lot of people think is because Honerva is time travelling, but I simply think they didn’t die. It wasn't really clarified what they do after everything with Zarkon, so I’m not sure what the blanks are, but I think going into the quintessencce field messing with time for them leading them to be here in the present day.
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We also see Haggar here flickering between different forms, which some people think is because of time travel but I, again, think it’s to do with use of quintessence. Haggar has been to Oriande so she must have knowledge of quintessence to complete all her studies, and I think once lotor is back he’ll side with her and they’ll be an unstoppable quintessence duo. I think these two will be the main force of season 8
TL;DR; Allurance canon, Acxa is Keiths sister, Pidge in danger, Matt doesn’t die, Quintessence affects time and Haggar/Lotor will be the main driving force of season 8
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februerik · 6 years
hello meta erik is back
so before i even entered the garden i actually already shipped plance without realising but at that time i saw their relationship as more of brother and sister which is what most people see anyways but after entering the garden i realised NO EVEN THOUGH THEIR ACTIONS CAN BE PERCEIVED AS SIBLING LOVE THEY DON’T ACTUALLY TREAT EACH OTHER LIKE SIBLINGS
lemme show yalls ze proof (as an objective person i knew i needed to prep this to prove my point FOR ALL THE ANTIS AT THE BACK)
i won’t go too in depth into this cos @phreckles​ already dissected this in her s4e3 review but lemme show you the tl;dr version (aka the best part)
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look at those soft eyes basically, the pic on the left is Pidge after Matt complements her VS the pic on the right is Pidge after Lance complements her
there’s honestly no need to dwell too much on this cos it’s pretty obvious moving on
so this has actually been stewing in my brain for a while but watching s7e10 again AND READING ALL THE POST ABOUT HOW PLANCE IS JUST A BROTHER-SISTER RELATIONSHIP is the main reason i am making this meta BECAUSE in S7E10 we get some Lance-Veronica moments specifically the one where they’re driving to the building they’re gonna snipe at lemme just show you (ps. i’m don’t live in america, and our netflix only has the first 2 seasons WHICH SUCK COS THERES SEVEN DAMMIT, so i can’t get the screenshots with subtitles, so i made do, but if anyone wants to contribute, mate i won’t say no)
(edit: the lovely @nixthelapin sent me these screenshots, thank you ㅠwㅠ)
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Nix said she found Lance’s expression in the last screenshot important and you know what i didn’t realise it but she’s right he looks kinda defeated like he knew trying to stop his sister was futile but he can’t help but worry about her
so this is how he shows his love for his sister to keep her safe away from danger so let me ask you WHEN HAS HE EVER STOPPED PIDGE FROM DOING HER WORK? WHEN HAS HE EVER GONE
“hey Pidge maybe you should sit this mission out after all, you are the youngest and you’re like a little sister to me and i’m really protective of you (as CLEARLY SHOWN in s7e3) so i would really like it if you could keep yourself safe away from danger and let me protect you like a big brother”
let me ask you again
the answer is NEVER
he knows what Pidge is capable of he knows she doesn’t need protection he knows she can probably protect him better than he can protect her
he sees her beyond a little sister he sees her as his equal
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dumblesbianwrites · 6 years
dollar store voltron
is one of the best things to come out of season seven tbh.
griffin/james - what a babe, the keith parallels have me LIVING
rizavi - THAT bitch. sassy smart veronica stan, i love her
leifsdottir - autistic babe, v beaut must protect
kinkade - he spoke like once but he is the hottest thing i’ve seen since ponytail matt
veronica - the most powerful. a lesbian. a goddess. a queen. my wife.
and just think of the shipping, my god:
rizavi x griffin; he’s grumpy, she’s a smartass,, kidge vibes anyone?? love it
veronica x griffin; he stopped the train for her that’s all but it’s enough
griffin x kinkade; guys being dudes being gay. headcanon that griffin is the only one kinkade openly speaks to
griffin x leif; my personal fave, that whole interaction about the weather and then the ‘just don’t die’ thing was a blessing also he called her leif <3
rizavi x veronica; basically canon. no heterosexual explanation for the ‘i like her, i really like her’ interaction
tl;dr - i love these dumb kids and their lesbian leader
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yasbxxgie · 6 years
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One of Cinema’s First Black Superheroes Is Not Who You Think It Is
An ahistorical claim has been making the rounds as of late, falling from the mouths and keyboards of people earnestly, yet clumsily, trying to explain why Black Panther has become a cultural juggernaut unlike anything we’ve ever seen. It goes something like, “This is the first ever big-budget comic book film starring a black superhero.” That’s a lot of qualifiers. And it’s not entirely accurate—sure, the movie’s budget is twice as big as Catwoman’s, but that feline-centered campfest was still made for $100 million in 2004, hardly a small, or even medium, budget at the time. Even ignoring those qualifiers, however, there’s a danger in inadvertently isolating Black Panther by ignoring its predecessors. Thankfully, a few have used the occasion to remind us that there have been movies about black superheroes long before Ryan Coogler and Disney brought us King T’Challa: Spawn, Meteor Man, and the Blade trilogy, to name just a few.
And yet before all of those exceptional characters made their way to the big screen, there was Abar, a character I only just recently learned about thanks to a great film series on black superheroes currently playing at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Abar, the First Black Superman, in fact, as the movie’s title handily spells out. A long-forgotten, low-budget blaxploitation flick from 1977, Abar is about the dissipation of race relations, consolation, segregation, dispensation, and more. It’s defiant, didactic, and occasionally delirious. The cast of amateurs seems to be competing for whoever can give the stiffest, most incoherent line reading of the fantastically terrible script. And you should definitely grab a friend or two, some intoxicants, and check it out.
Here’s the scoop: Dr. Kinkade (J. Walter Smith, also credited for the story) moves in to a posh, all-white Los Angeles suburb with his wife and two kids. At first, two nosey Gladys Kravitz types from next door, assuming that they are “the help,” greet the family pleasantly and inform them they are planning a luncheon for their new neighbors. But when Mrs. Kinkade reveals that they are, in fact, the new neighbors, the welcoming committee turns indignant. “I won’t let them!” an enraged Mabel retorts to her friend. “I won’t let them move into our neighborhood!” As she spews more hatred about burning the house down herself, Mr. Kinkade attempts to calm Mabel down by slowly reaching for her shoulder, but she tumbles dramatically to the ground and yells, “Get your black hands off of me!” Awkwardly abrupt dissolve into a loud group of white people picketing outside their homes, marching in circles and carrying signs.
As the demonstrators hold court and the community board plots to push the Kinkade family out of their home, in steps John Abar (Tobar Mayo), leader of the Black Front of Unity, a grassroots band of fly-looking motorcyclists who work to “help the brothers and sisters down in the ghetto” and preach nonviolent self-defense. (So basically, a fictionalized version of the real-life Black Panthers.) After hearing about the Kinkades’ troubles on the news, he and his team arrive at their home offering protection from the white people outside. But there’s a catch: Abar wants the family to consider moving back to the ghetto, so they can uplift their own people. Dr. Kinkade isn’t interested, and Abar and his men leave disappointed. Nonetheless, Abar returns sometime later, just in time to fend off a couple of white guys who are attacking the doctor on his doorstep. (He throws them in a garbage truck to the tune of that familiar wa-chicka-wa-chicka musical queue found in pretty much every blaxploitation movie.) From then on, the two develop a complicated relationship in which Abar agrees to protect the Kinkades’ home and participate in some tests the doctor is running for a prevention for heart disease (a leading cause of death for black Americans, especially). They constantly debate what is best for the black community and how things might be fixed as if they were in the middle of an after-school special.
Much like The Room, a good chunk of Abar is pretty slow going—though never not bizarre, thanks to an unforeshadowed death, a dream sequence in which the son imagines Abar as an Old West cowboy (“My friends call me Deadwood Dick, but my enemies call me Smart Black Nigger”), and the actors’ consistently delayed reactions to one anothers’ lines. But the last 40 minutes finally get us where the film really wants us to go. (Spoilers ahead.) It’s revealed that Dr. Kinkade isn’t actually working on a cure for heart disease but has developed a potion that can make a man in top physical condition—a man like Abar, it turns out—“indestructible” so that he can clean up the ghetto in one fell swoop. At first, Abar is resistant, but he soon changes his mind (although not before a surely unlicensed Martin Luther King excerpt is heard, for some reason) and drinks the serum.
This last act of the film is all over the place, with Abar realizing that the serum has worked on him after two cops shoot him for coming upon them as they plant a gun on an unarmed black man they’ve just killed. Abar’s unhurt and now roams the ghetto using his new superpowers for good. A guy steals a lady’s purse on the street and runs off? Abar squints hard and compels the thief, by telepathy, to run and tumble back to her, returning the bag. (Waka-chicka-waka-chicka.) A prostitute is being slapped around by her pimp? Abar telepathically confers on her the strength and skill to defend herself and beat him to the ground. (Waka-chicka-waka-chicka.) Troubled youths are hanging out on the street, smoking and shooting craps? The powerful mind of Abar sends them straight to graduating, emerging from a school in caps and gowns with diplomas in hand. (Waka-chicka-waka-chicka, then, generic graduation music.)
The most bonkers moment is saved for the end. Abar uses his powers to bring down a plague of biblical proportions upon the Kinkades’ white neighbors—powerful, hurricanelike winds (you should see the actors tossing their bodies around like rag dolls for extra effect), rat infestations, snakes in beds. He drives them all away, except for the aforementioned Mabel. She approaches the Kinkades in the middle of the street, meekly humbled. And then: “I want to apologize for the way I behaved when you moved in to Meadow Park. The reason I didn’t want you to live next door to me is because … I’m black, and I’ve been passing as white all these years and—”
The doctor cuts her off. “Yes, I know.” But how did he know? Well, in an earlier scene, Mabel fainted—immediately after calling their son a “little black bastard,” mind you—and the doctor was kind enough to take her in to his home and call her doctor to find out if she had any pre-existing conditions. It turns out she had—wait for it—sickle cell anemia.
She asks for forgiveness. The Kinkades look at one another and embrace her reassuringly, as MLK’s voice swoops in once again: “I HAVE A DREAM that one day my four little children …” They walk down the street together, happily, as a proud Abar looks on.
Abar, the First Black Superman is truly a cinematic marvel. It has its heart in the right place and fumbles spectacularly in every way possible—the painfully preachy dialogue, the scrappy special effects, the too long running time. But even if it’s not anywhere close to the achievement of Black Panther, it’s a fascinating product of the time and more proof that black superheroes have long existed outside the Marvel universe. And just like Black Panther, their superpowers are almost always political.
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Whatever It Takes-Part 10
Characters: Alpha! Dean Winchester, Beta! Sam Winchester, Omega! reader, Beta! sister Terri (OC)
Series Master List                 My Master List
“Are you okay to drive yourself home?” Terri asked me as we stood outside the hospital.  “Do you want me to drive you?”
I shook my head. “I’m okay.”
“You’re going to tell Dean today, right?” Terri asked, giving me a hard look.  “You understand how serious this is, don’t you?”
I rolled my eyes at my sister. I know she meant well, but sometimes she treated me like I was an idiot. “I get it, T. I will talk to Dean when he gets home. I heard what the doctor said, you know.  But this is my life and my body.  Everybody needs to remember that.”
Terri grabbed my arm.  “This could kill you, Y/N.  You are all the family I have left.  Remember that.”
She pulled me in for a hug.  “I have to go. I’ll talk to you later.” I whispered softly.  I walked away from Terri, hot angry tears making my vision blurry.
When I got home, Dean was still at work.  I was worn out from my appointment, so I decided to just relax and watch TV to take my mind off everything until he got home. 
 Placing my hand against my still-flat stomach, I marveled at the thought that Dean’s pup was in there.  It wasn’t long before I dozed off, dreaming of a baby with brilliant green eyes.
“Y/N? Wake up, sweetheart.” Dean’s deep voice said softly in my ear.
“What time is it?” I asked sleepily.
“It’s after six.  I thought you were going to call me right after your appointment.  How did it go?”  He looked stressed.
I sat up in bed, all traces of sleep gone.  “About that.  I need to tell you something.”
“Is everything okay?” He asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed.
“Depends on how you look at it.  I’m pregnant, Dean.” I said quietly.
He stared at me in complete shock for a moment, then a smile lit up his face.  “You’re sure?”
“Yeah.  The doctor told me at my appointment.  But here’s the thing….”
“What aren’t you telling me?” He asked, looking at me suspiciously.
I sighed deeply. I didn’t want to do this. I didn’t want to shatter his heart like this.  “The doctor says Turner-Singer patients shouldn’t get pregnant.  He wants me to terminate the pregnancy.”
Dean looked confused for a moment.  “Terminate it? Why?”
“He says the change in hormone levels could be dangerous for me.  That it could kill me.” I saw the exact moment when his brain processed the information.  His eyes grew sad, but his expression turned hard, and his grip on my hand tightened.
“Then we will terminate if that’s what the doctor says.  We are not taking any chances, Y/N.  I am not going to lose you.”  Dean looked very determined, and I knew he meant business.
“I don’t care.  I am not killing our baby. I don’t like this doctor anyway.  He is a pompous jackass.”  I gave him a small smile.  “I’m sorry, but I can’t do it.”
“Dammit, Omega! I want this pup as much as you! But it’s not worth your life!” He snapped, pulling away from me and standing up. “You have to do this, Y/N.  Please.”
“No, I don’t.  I want to get a second opinion.  There has to be another option.  Can we just talk to someone else?” I looked at Dean beseechingly. There had to be a way.
He left out a breath, and I knew I’d won.  “Fine. Make an appointment with someone else.  But I’m going with you this time. But if they say the same thing, then will you agree to terminate?”
I had to answer him honestly. “Probably not, Dean.”
My answer sent him over the edge.  He stomped from the room, cursing under his breath. When I came into the living room, he was putting on his coat.  “Where are you going?” I asked.
“I need to think.  I’ll be back.”  He left without kissing me goodbye.
Instead of letting myself fall apart, I opened up my laptop and began to do some research.  I was already seeing the top Turner-Singer specialist in the state. I began looking for other specialists who seemed experienced
  I came up with two that looked promising. I decided to call them first thing in the morning. I hadn’t heard from Dean, but I decided to give him some space. He needed time to process too.
I woke the next morning to the familiar warmth of Dean’s arms around me. He must have come back after I had gone to bed. I wasn’t sure how things would be between us after last night. 
 I wanted to just snuggle with him forever and pretend everything was fine, but my bladder wasn’t cooperating. I wriggled out of his arms and headed for the bathroom. When I came out, the bed was empty. 
 I headed into the kitchen in search of him.   As soon as I got there, the smell of coffee brewing hit me, and I immediately began to gag. I barely made it to the kitchen sink before I threw up violently.
“Y/N? Are you okay?” Dean asked, rushing to my side.
“I think so.  Can you turn the coffee off, please? The smell…..” I groaned loudly as another wave of nausea hit.  “Can I have a glass of water?”  Dean handed me the water and I sipped it gratefully.
“What can I do?” He asked gently.
“Nothing. I think I’m done. I think it’s maybe morning sickness? I’m not sure.  Aren’t you going to the garage today?”
“No. I wanted to spend the day with you.  Maybe help you research other doctors?  I’m sorry  I walked out on you last night. It was a dick move, but I needed some time alone to think.”  I could tell that he felt bad about it.
“It’s okay, really. It was a lot to process. I actually did some research after you left. I found two doctors who may fit the bill. I am going to call them today.”  I wasn’t going to hold it against him.
“What time do they open?”
I looked at the clock.  “They should be open already.”
“So what are you waiting for?” He demanded, handing me my phone.
“Yes Sir,” I said sharply, giving him a little salute. “On it!” He rolled his eyes.
I called the first office on the list and started to explain my situation. When I got to the part about me being pregnant, the receptionist stopped me.  “Will you hold for a moment?” After a bit, she returned to the line. “I’m very sorry, but Dr. Whitman can’t see you if you are pregnant.”
“Thank you for checking,” I replied. “That one is out,” I told Dean.
I called the next office.  I decided to try a different approach.  When someone answered, I told them I had Turner-Singer, and that I was pregnant, and I didn’t want to terminate, and I was looking to change doctors.  Again, I was asked to hold.  I was on hold for longer this time.
“Sorry to keep you waiting. Dr. McManus was with a patient.  She said she would see you.  We had a cancellation at 2pm today.  Are you available then?”
“Let me check.” I turned to Dean. “They can see us at 2 today.”
“Take it.”
“That would be perfect,” I told her.  She asked for my personal and insurance information, and the name of my previous doctor. I heard the click of computer keys as she typed everything in.  “Okay, you are all set.  We will see you at 2pm today. You can expect to be here for at least an hour.”
I hung up the phone, smiling, and reached out to hug Dean.  “Thank you.”
“For what?” He asked as he wrapped his arms around me.
“For being willing to explore other options.”
His fingers pressed into my jaw as he tilted my face up so he could look into my eyes.  “This is our pup, Omega.  I want to explore EVERY option there is.”
Dean fidgeted nervously in the waiting room while I filled out an ocean of paperwork.  I gave him a pointed look.  “Sorry, I hate doctors.”
A woman in scrubs came out to the waiting room and called my name.  She took me into an exam room, got my vital signs, and drew some blood. She handed me a gown and told me to remove my clothes and put the gown on.
“Opening in the front or back?” I asked out of habit.
“Back.” She said with a smile.
“Do you want me to leave?” Dean asked.
“Really, Alpha? It’s nothing you haven’t seen before.” I told him with a smirk.
He shook his head.  “No way. I don’t want to think about that here.”
I started removing my clothes and changing into the gown. “Prude.”
“Shut up.”
When I was finished, I sat on the bed and we waited.  After a bit, there was a knock at the door, and an older blond woman entered the room.  As soon as she entered, I caught a whiff of her.  Omega. She held out her hand to me.
“Hello, Y/N. I am Donna McManus.  It’s nice to meet you.  And this is?” She asked, turning to Dean.
“My Alpha, Dean Winchester,” I replied.  She shook Dean’s hand before sitting down on the stool in front of me.
“I spoke to Dr. Kincade. I think I have a pretty good grasp of your situation.  Why don’t you tell me why you are here?”
I took a deep breath.  “I have Turner-Singer.  And I am pregnant. Dr. Kinkade told me I have to terminate my pregnancy immediately.  He may be the foremost expert in the state on Turner-Singer, but he is also an arrogant ass. I want this baby. I am not terminating. It was time for a new doctor.  So here I am.”
“Okay. So here is my two cents. I don’t think you necessarily need to terminate.  It’s not going to be easy, it’s definitely going to be a high-risk pregnancy, but I have had other Turner-Singer patients have pups.” She began writing some notes as she talked.
Dean spoke up. “How many pregnant patients have you had?”
“Since I’ve been in practice? Six.” She answered immediately, so I knew she’d come prepared.
“And how many of those have delivered healthy babies?” Dean questioned.
“Three.” She looked at me when she said this.
“And the other three patients?” I asked cautiously, already fearing the answer.
“They didn’t make it.” She said softly, looking at her hands.
Part 11 (THE END)
@fandomismyspiritanimal @sandlee44  @thelittleredwhocould @littlegreenplasticsoldier @sliverofjade @shutupiminlooove @katiekatskorner @emilymorgan1994 @docharleythegeekqueen @allinhishands @jfrank1048 @peaceloveancolor @perpetualabsurdity @crazyforsims @there-must-be-a-lock @kickboxingkangarootattoo @nurse-unicorn @x-knife-kink-x @theoriginalvicki @jennell79  @p3nny4urth0ught5 @mickwrites @dancingalone21 @phoenix-67 @dizzy-sunshine @masterof-agony @lmelia1698 @cemmia @vebner37 @daughterofthebrowncoats  @justballoonfishthings @mrs-meghan-winchester @ace-princess18 @saralucilleburch @amor67figment-love @cowboyllama@younoeatcheeseyounobefat @heyyyitshayley @bookchic20 @lavieenlex @riversong-sam @read-the-reid @shamelesslydean @winchestergirl607 @angelsandwinchesters  @waywarddaughter1317 @or-worse-expelled7 @aubreystilinski @pancake-pages @howyougetthereistheworthierpart @sammysgirl1997 @heavenlyrainyparis @spnwoman @torn-and-frayed @keep-calm-and-omfg-jensen-ackles @call–me–princess @sammykb1994 @three-questionable-mangoes  @wandering-rosebud @misguidedconqueress @rckyfrk @carryonmyswansong @letsgetyourdeanon @la-esmeralda @deanwinchstcrs @pinkleopardss @crystallstaircase @letsgetyourdeanon @hartman1967 @lovepeacenhope @a-messy-life-blogging @fullmetalavatar54 @kazuha1599 @bookchic20 @inumorph  @fangirl-and-medstudent-help @linki-locks11 @102-delinquents @emilymorgan1994 @ace-princess18 @born2eatrice @speakinvain
@blushingokoye @rubberducky999 @ruprecht0420 @pancake-pages @engineeringgirlcve @chloe-skywalker @wandering-rosebud @rckyfrk @deans-dirty-writer @lruff685 @lompoc-girl316  @maui137 @clarinette07 @pisces-cutie @myinconnelly1 @mirandaaustin93 @jessieray98 @skybinx-blog @percywinchester27 @a-sea-of-fandoms @dorky-and-i-know-it@tokyoghoulyz @pinknerdpanda  @atc74 @jayankles  @notnaturalanahi @midnightjazzmine @moonlitskinwalker @we-are-band-sexuals @winchestergirl-love @gecko9596 @ronnie248-blog@essie1876 @bohowitch@just-another-busy-fangirl @jotink78 @captainradicalpassion @keelzy2 @disneymarina @kittenofdoomage @mrswhozeewhatsis @oriona75 @frankiea1998 @akshi8278 @stylinson531 @valynsia @dr-dean @theoutlinez  @imweirdandobsessed @growningupgeek    @luciisthebest  @laurenisnot @maddieburcham1  @canadianjelly @muliermalefici @brewsthespirit-blog @ilsawasanacrobat @nanie5 @weasleywinchester @samisimportant-blog @fatalcrossbow  @violetsamalamb @letmusicguideu @grantsgorgeousgirl @faegal04 @feelmyroarrrr @kay18115@milkymilky-cocopuff @mikimausiii @the-greatest-temptation @superpanicromancesummer @wh1sp3r1ng-impala @emoryhemsworth @squirrel-moose-winchester @jennifromtheblock1013 @spnbaby-67 @mogaruke @sweetmisseddreams2002 @redheadbedhead2002 @negan–is–god @spnwoman @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @maximumkillshot @sweetpeamoose @woodworthti666  @herbologystudent252 @blackcherrywhiskey @andkatiethings  @wildefire @thoughtfullyfurryangel @apeshit7x @klanceiscannon14 @curly-haired-disaster @becca-ca @deliciouslydisturbed365 @fandomismyspiritanimal @healojane
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Since you're still doing James requests how about headcanons for how he would act around his crush and/or how others would be able to tell he had a crush?
tl;dr James is a hot mess
He gets pretty quiet around them
Not that he doesn’t talk at all, he’s just nervous about saying the wrong thing
Around other people though, he won’t shut up
Usually it’s less so him talking about how he’s feeling and more so asking his friends what they know about you/how you feel about him
He doesn’t really want to admit that he has a crush at all
Rizavi (and Kinkade, but he lets Rizavi do the talking mostly) is the first to call him out on it
Leifdottir probably knew about it the longest but she didn’t really feel like being the first to say anything
James is all like “how did you KNOW” and they’re just like
“You’ve been talking about them nonstop for weeks???? You stare at them whenever you’re around each other??? You’re a damn mess????????”
Everything they’re saying is true and yet he doesn’t wanna believe it
Because if they noticed, what if you noticed???
They urge him to confess, if not for his own sake, for their sanity
Or, at least, that’s what they claim
In reality they really do just want what’s best for him
He defintely will, eventually, confess
He’s not the kind of guy to pine over someone for too long
Even if he thinks he’ll be rejected, he’d rather at least know that you didn’t feel the same so that he can properly move on
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ao3-feed-shadam · 5 years
Hold On to the Memories, They Will Hold On to You
by EmpressAcxa
He’s the captain of the football team. She’s the head cheerleader. They’re the perfect example of the American dream.
What could go wrong?
(Title from New Year’s Day.)
Words: 725, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Dr. Akira Kogane, Krolia Kogane - Character, Takashi “Shiro” Kogane-Shirogane, Keith Kogane, Acxa Kogane, Soki Kogane, Alfor Altea, Melenor Altea, Allura Altea, adam wright, Coran Advio, Romelle Clayton, Bandor Clayton, Lance Serrano-McClain, Veronica Serrano-McClain, Hunk garrett, Shay Balera, Zethrid Jamison, Ezor Adoba, James Griffin, Ryan Kinkade, Ina Leifsdottir, Nadia Rizavi, Zarkon Daibazaal, Honerva Daibazaal, Lotor Daibazaal
Relationships: Platonic Shiro/Allura, Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Allura/Romelle (Voltron), Keith/Lance (Voltron), Acxa/Ezor (Voltron), Hunk/Shay (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt/Original Female Character(s), Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Shiro and Allura fake-date, Everyone is LGBT, High School AU, Shiro and Allura and Adam and Romelle and Matt are seniors, Pidge and Soki are sophomores, everyone else is a junior, Veronica and Coran are teachers, Krolia and Zarkon are siblings
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/18537082
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