#doujinshi storage
hotwaterandmilk · 1 month
Do you have pictures of your manga/magazine collection? You must have a lot!
Hi! Yeah I'd say my collection is a decent size, but it's not very impressive to look at.
My magazines are just in magazine holders, my furoku is in boxes (to keep light and moisture out), and my shelves are packed to the brim & in no way aesthetically pleasing. Plus a lot of my older manga and doujinshi are in storage.
I think if I showed my full setup it would be pretty disappointing, honestly. Here's a random snap of a couple of shelves as an example (did absolutely no setup for this and lighting is terrible but eh whatever).
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My dream is to have a place of my own and enough room to have things placed in an accessible and ordered manner. Which isn't to say I'm messy or disordered now, but room to display things properly isn't easy to come by when you're poor and renting. I'm sure I'm not alone in this frustration :(
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gffa · 3 months
All right, this is my best approximation of my Yoroiden Samurai Troopers collection, at least as far as I could find packed away in storage! It was so overwhelming trying to sort through this, oh my god.
DOUJINSHI: Mostly mix/gen anthologies, these are each ~220 pages, about the size of a paperback book, done by various artists.⇩
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Mix/gen anthologies, primarily from Tachibana Kaimu/Laim Company, which tended to have a strong Seiji/Touma bent. Paperback size, each is ~100 pages.⇩
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Seiji/Touma doujinshi, a lot of V-KIDS and Mizuki Ken, etc. Soft cover, but about paper size A4, like 8"x10", each ~50 pages long.⇩
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Ryo/Shin doujinshi, size A4, ~50 pages each.⇩
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A mix of pairings, a handful of Ryo/Touma, Seiji/Shin, etc., size A4, ~50 pages each.⇩
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Three doujinshi artbooks (first two in the first row + Cotton Color, a Mizuki Ken artbook that has a lot of YST illustrations) + two more doujinshi (Seiji/Shin, then Ryo/Touma)⇩
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NOVELIZATIONS + ARTBOOKS: Top row is five of the novelizations of the series (raw Japanese of course), slightly smaller than a manga volume in the US. Bottom row is two smaller pocket-sized artbooks.⇩
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The Message series of artbooks, I never was able to track down #4, it eluded me and was one of the greatest frustrations of my YST fannish life. Duplicates of #2 and #5, as you can see, plus two more artbooks. (The second one, iirc is from the designer of the characters, so there's other stuff in there, but a lot of YST art as well.) ⇩
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The Memorials books + the various other artbooks for the series. There's a duplicate of the first Memorials book, but the second one and the Memorials Deluxe were my favorite, they were EXTREMELY hard to get your hands on and I only had them because a friend was kind enough to send them. They're all hardcovers and of a hefty size, they're a little bigger than a hardcover book and probably twice as heavy. The other six (last one in the top row + bottom row) are all soft cover books.
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In total, the weight of these are: doujinshi 42lb + artbooks 19lb. I'm willing to break up the collection between doujinshi and artbooks, but other than that, I need the collections to stay together because I feel like that's the only way I can part with them. I spent so long collecting these together that they're precious to me, I can't just throw them away, but I can give them away for the cost of postage, so long as all of it goes. Doing my best to calculate media mail (which I have no idea if it would actually come out to that much, because as heavy as these are, it seems like a low price), the doujinshi would be $40 and the artbooks would be $20. (I am skeptical because this stuff is HEAVY, but that's what the USPS site tells me.) Contiguous US only, unfortunately. Send me a message if you're interested and then I'll give you my e-mail, I just want the collection to go to a good home, because it's time for me to let go.
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solradguy · 9 months
So many of these Livejournal posts I'm finding are like "Here's the scans I promised of that doujinshi!" or "Keep an eye on this link for scans of the fanbook/magazine/official book I ordered!" and it's from a dead image host. Gone forever. Dust in the digital wind. Naught but a memory captured in a kilobyte of ASCII... If only they knew of the rule of 3* back then... What could we have had.... A paradise, perhaps... A dream...
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*rule of 3 = three separate methods of storage kept in separate locations. ex: one in cloud storage, one in a local hard drive, one on an external hard drive kept in a physical safe, etc.
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mono-recom · 11 months
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The Inescapable Room ~How My Body Learned of Pleasure~
Title: 出られない部屋~いつの間にか感じるカラダに変えられて~ Artist:  Ikushunbetsu takao Tags: Office Workers, Locked room Category: Manga, Doujinshi, Oneshot Trope: Close Proximity
Summary: "I see you've come again." Every time she comes to this storage room, it always happens. This guy is waiting for her...waiting for him to teach her body all about pleasure. ------------------ The third storage room is the source of a strange rumor lately. If employees enter during overtime, they'll become trapped in a mysterious room, unable to leave. No one knows if anyone who has entered has ever escaped. There's only one thing that is known: "At night, a man and woman should never end up in that room together." What will happen to the protagonist when she gets trapped in there...!?
Read online: Link
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yyh-revival · 1 year
Help us find a new site
Hi guys! So as you likely know, we host as well as scanlate doujinshi for you guys to enjoy. However, we just got this email from Google:
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It appears Google is now censoring any explicit content on drives. Which poses a big problem for us. Either we make every file a zip file, which makes it harder for everyone to view our gdrive archive, or we find an alternative.
To be honest, I’ve never been a fan of Google. So if you know an easy to use storage program that allows us to share links to it so others can view but not edit, please let us know!! Paid programs are welcome too.
- mod Lola
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kishigunpla · 1 year
Talking about the doujinshi archive blog. Not an actual update or anything, just rambling.
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I've been facing the uncomfortable realization that I will not be able to continue this project without creating a full website to support it. As in, a registered domain name with a host, not just a free blog like I have now. Things will be okay as they are for a little while, but it's simply not sustainable in the current form long term.
Space limitation is the big one. WordPress gives you 1 GB to work with as a free member. Until I hosted some of the images elsewhere, I was already at ~25% with just the articles I have now. And that other hosting solution is the equivalent of trying to hold a car together with scotch tape. I'm not sure how long it'll last.
The other is adult content. Obviously I would never translate and share anything illegal or horribly objectionable. As it is now, however, I can't show anything too suggestive (this is a rule set by WordPress), which means I have two options - heavily censoring or leaving content out completely. Though I was somewhat fine with this at first (the Personal Theory IV article is an example of that - I left quite a bit of the spicier details out), I realize I'm doing both my audience and the original work a disservice by doing so. In a way it feels like disrespecting the artist, even. I'll be honest, one of the tipping points that made me write all this up was realizing I would have to censor Fictional Opera, and I REALLY do not want to do that. With upfront and detailed content warnings, I believe I can share just about any work in it's original form.
Moving from a free blog to a website will solve both of these problems. I found a web host that allows mature content and basically unlimited storage, for a fee of course. The learning curve to actually building the site will be pretty steep, but I don't mind that aspect. Plus there are so many more ideas I have that I could bring to fruition - hosting full backups of my scans is a big one.
Is this the right thing to do, though?
I talk a lot about archiving and preservation and sharing old or rare fan works with a larger audience, as if it's this grand ideal. Perhaps it's vain of me to think of what I'm doing as important enough to justify all of this. Is there enough of an audience for it to be more than that? Am I just an idiot with big unrealistic dreams? I don't really know...
I haven't even touched on the money aspect yet, and I probably won't until I decide if it's right to go through with this.
So I'm at a crossroads. I can either fight my way around restrictions, or go all in and create something hopefully really cool - but accept the fact if I go that route, there isn't any going back.
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alovelyburn · 1 year
Back like.... 8 years... I used to post a lot of images from and collection updates to my doujinshi collection. I still kind of buy dj but since the fandom trends have changed a lot since then i kind of fell off...
But my new thing is figures and statues. Most of them are uh in boxes still...
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The Fate figures were the first ones I got back when I suffered a massive Type-Moon relapse which is why they’re not boxed up still, but yeah the Berserk stuff is mostly boxed. There’s a lot more than that, I have Guts Prime1 in the back of the storage room, and a bunch of miniature Hawks figures and the Femto figma with his incubation behelit, and a Real Action Heroes Guts doll, plus a couple of garage kits that aren’t assembled or painted, I’m just... I have to find someone to paint them for me, I just do not have the time. Also i don’t have any paint.
But that’s not the point, THE POINT IS...one of my very favorites is this:
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It’s a pretty simple Femto, but it is a favorite because it represents That Moment. You know the one.
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(technically it might be this one:
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But we’re ignoring that since its the same pose, so be quiet.)
But even more than that, it’s my favorite because there are two versions of this guy, and one of them has an evil expression:
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(not my picture, just pulled it off ebay as an example)
Whereas this one has a pensive expression:
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Which I much prefer.
(Also not my picture).
...there’s no point to this post, I’m just flailing about my accurate expression Femto which was hard af to find and remains one of my favorite things.
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nakimochiku · 1 year
The emergency fandom pack
So ive been at this fandom thing for like. Eighteen years okay. Long before the time of cell phones with data and internet access. Im old and decrepit. Gather round my knee children, lemme tell you what granny used to do.
when i had to travel to a place that didnt have internet access during summer vacations, i’d make a emergency pack. At first these were on floppy disks because deadass usbs hadnt been invented yet. And then when they WERE invented they were really fucking expensive.
included in said emergency pack were zip files of my favourite doujinshi, word documents of copied fanfic because ao3 and the handy dandy download fic button hadnt been invented yet, and some porny yaoi art for “inspiration”. And i had to use these very limited resources to get my fix for two months at a time.
then if i was writing my supremely shitty fic and finished a chapter, id save it on my floppy disk (probably after having to delete something cause those things did not have a lot of storage space), id beg to be taken to the internet cafe so i could upload it on LJ or FFN. Because again. No internet access at home.
and this was normal. Ask a fandom elder! Some people used to PHYSICALLY PRINT OUT pages of their fav fic!
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doujinshijo · 7 years
How do you solve a problem like A4 doujinshi?
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Ok, so maybe this wasn’t what The Sound of Music was about. But it is something that’s been bugging me for a while. 
A4 is a weird size for comic books. Most comics are somewhere between 17.5 - 19.5cm wide and 26.7cm tall; A4 dimensions are 21cm wide and 29.7cm, so you can immediately see the problem. A few months ago I wrote about the Golden Size comic book sleeves that I had used to protect my doujins. While those bags were great for standard B5 doujinshi, I was stuck when it came to my A4 ones. Golden sleeves were a couple of centimetres too small in both dimensions; from there, there’s a big jump up to Magazine size sleeves, and nothing really in between. Since I’ve got quite a few A4s now, including my precious Hitokusari - and because I’m a bit obsessive when it comes to proper storage of my doujins - not having a viable storage solution was starting to play on my mind. 
After a bit of hunting I found these sleeves on Amazon and bought a pack along with a set of A4 400GSM craft card to use as backing boards (side note - don’t do this. It’s too flimsy and isn’t coated to protect your doujin. Avoid.). They’re made of very soft packing-type plastic, and are a bit bigger than A4 so I had to tape all the edges down to make a snug fit. It was ok…but just ok. The plastic wasn’t very clear, and it all just felt a bit shoddy with the taped-up backs. So, back to the drawing board.
That’s when I found these on Ebay. They’re technically for new size 2000AD comics, but they fit A4 doujinshi well. There is a little bit of a gap - about 2cm or so - around the sides of the book, but it’s definitely an improvement. The fact that they’re resealable like my Golden sleeves is an added bonus - no more skanky tape all over the place!
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So, if you’re stuck trying to find a suitable way to protect your A4 doujins…new size 2000AD sleeves are your friend. Happy collecting!
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lemonade-if · 2 years
omg what's the storylines for the other clubs?!
Ah yes, it’s about time I elaborate a bit about the clubs... 😅 
Some of the storylines are less about the club and more about the members within the club, so I’ll leave that to be discovered when MC meets them.
Volleyball: Click Here to read. <No RO in this club>
Soccer: Soccer is historically Mori High's strongest sport-- they have never missed a Nationals since the school’s founding, and they have won at Nationals for the past two years in a row. While Mori High is not an elite school as a whole, its soccer team is certainly elite. With the retirement of the third years who formerly led the team to victory, can MC step up with the remaining members and keep up this legacy? <Hikaru is in this club>
Basketball: Mori High's current basketball is the most and only talented iteration its ever had, but also the most stubborn and uncooperative-- so much so, the coach suffered a stroke during Kantou Regional Semifinals and resigned soon after. Individually, this is a team that should be able to win Nationals, but collectively, there is neither teamwork nor camaraderie. Will MC be what this team needs to set aside their pride and differences and finally play as one? <Yosuke is in this club>
Track: Of the sports clubs, track is most chill. Everyone joins for their own reasons, so there is no harsh judgement about anyone’s athleticism, motivations, or abilities-- not even from the upperclassmen or top runners. Rather than being hung up on winning medals, the club’s philosophy simply emphasizes being the best you can be, whether that means running a 5k in 4 minutes or 40. Nobody is a loser here. <Akane is in this club>
Cheer: Cheer’s main purpose is to motivate the crowds at sports games, but it’s not as easy as it sounds. This club takes a lot of guts to join, not only because of its physically-intensive practice routines and how loud you have to be able to yell for hours at a time-- but also because of how common it is to encounter ill-mannered rival school students who badmouth your school and your friends...what would you do in such situations, MC? <Ren is in this club>
Music: Within the music club, students either perform solo or form bands with other students. Coincidentally, one of the most popular student bands (in all of Tokyo) currently has an opening-- for any position, as the members are open to role swapping. This band has been on hiatus ever since their vocalist, a third year Mori High student, went missing. On top of being confused and worried for their friend, the band members have also lost all inspiration to create new music... <Leila is in this club>
Journalism: This club is in charge of conducting and compiling campus interviews, writing articles for the digital school newsletter, and creating the annual yearbook, with responsibilities distributed by members’ personal preference. As long as deadlines are met, the day to day activities during club hours are not strictly defined, so this club is also quite popular with students who want to slack off. Yes, that’s Aleksei.
Art: Known jokingly around the school as the "Weirdo Club" because they chose an abandoned storage room as their official club space instead of a normal classroom, this club includes students with artistic interests ranging from traditional painting to tattoos to manga and doujinshi. The club hosts an annual “Mori High Student Exhibition”, which is a well-known event popularly attended by students, parents, alumni, and even random locals. <Shion is in this club>
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silvermoon424 · 2 years
I also have 4 external hard drives and archive a bunch of nonsense because I'm afraid it might be taken down. Mostly YouTube videos and Twitch streams, but also some fanfics and other things. And a lot of show/movies. Pretty much anything I expect to want to see at least twice in my lifetime, I back it up. I don't do cloud storage though. I'm not sure I'd trust a cloud with some of my pirated shows/movies or certain fan content. No guarantee that whichever state the cloud company answers to won't come after that stuff. My most favorite things usually get saved onto 2 drives, so that if one drive starts to fail I can back up from the other. Just kind of blindly hoping I never have two drives fail at the same time.
Same!! I have anime, manga, tv shows, movies, Youtube videos (although I only back up ones I really like, I really need to get better about backing up YT videos), doujinshi and artbooks I've scanned or other people have scanned, articles, fanfics, fanart/screencaps, books, and some other miscellaneous media. Altogether my media collection on my external hard drives and my computer combined is probably about 5 terabytes. And it's getting bigger all the time.
I have the entirety of my collection backed up in at least two places, a lot of my most favorite stuff is backed up on more. I'm thinking of investing in a third 5 TB hard drive for my own peace of mind, though. But one of my worst fears is that my house will catch on fire and not only will I lose my physical collection and all my belongings, but I'll also lose my media collection. At least my computer backs up to cloud storage but I haven't done a cloud backup of my external hard drives (mostly because I'm too lazy to back up 4+ terabytes of data to a cloud but also like you said there could be copyright issues considering that like 90% of that stuff is pirated).
To anyone reading this, even if you're not into piracy, I still highly recommend that you start downloading and archiving your favorite content on the internet because that stuff could literally just disappear one day. People say "the internet is forever" but that really isn't true. Or if things do stick around, it's only because someone had the foresight to download it before it was taken down. I have so much media that no longer exists on the internet, and I have seen so many reuploads of content that only still exists because someone was smart enough to grab it while it was still live.
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zombiekittiez · 3 years
helloo! do you know what is the title of the doujinshi where tsukki catches yams practicing his confession using the stuffed dino? thank u heh
Oh man, I put it into storage because I was moving! When I dig it out, I'll find out!
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Day 2 of going to the anime con and was expecting nothing more than a quick buy-and-go for a friend until you spotted one Siegfried, whose currently selling doujins in place of a friend. Captivating man in both body and voice lulls you into his embrace with a long session that dyes your legs white. [ Semi-Public Sex, Creampie, Dirty Talk ]
“I must admit, the over-exaggerated nature of doujinshi love scenes to be amusing...”
Somehow, amidst the lively chatter and buzz of a bustling Saturday during a convention weekend, those words that were spoken to you in a near breathless murmur were as clear as could be.
The slight creak of a well-worn rented table, the occasional shift of thin books with lascivious covers falling to the ground, and the debauched noise of skin slapping against skin--all those noises were contained within a tiny make-shift storage space, walls of tacky purple curtain hiding what was transpiring.
Namely with you being vigorously fucked onto a table that once displayed stacks of doujinshi to be sold during the weekend by one of the booth salesman, a handsomely rugged gentleman by the name of Siegfried.
His muscled arms carried you close and tight towards his chiseled chest, all while he kept you pinned beneath him by the powerful swing of his sturdy hips pounding against yours, his thick cock pumping away into your core. 
“And yet, when I see that look on your face, I only want to spear my cock into you over and over...!” Shuddering as he felt your walls squeeze around him, he let out a delighted hiss before claiming your lips with his before the hot and sticky rush of his seed flooded into you, with plenty more to soon come for he was far from finished with you.
Still, it was going to be hard for Siegfried to explain to Lunalu on how her booth missed out on a whole day’s worth of book sales the next morning.
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yellowcookie152 · 3 years
Dramatical Murder Game Free Online
Play Dramatical Murder Online
Dramatical Murder Game Free Online Game
Dramatical Murder Game Free Online Download
Watch DRAMAtical Murder Online Stream subbed and dubbed episodes of DRAMAtical Murder online - legal and free, due to our partnerships with the industry.
She made the game a perfect harmony of Futuristic and Retro.okay now that I’ve gotten that out of my system, here’s the download. I don’t own the game or English patch. All rights goes to Nitro+Chiral and patch rights goes to Fuwanovel. DRAMAtical Murder English Patched. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4.
DRAMAtical Murder Game free. download full Version
Turn on annotations for this!Here is the new download link: will work the same way the one I used on the video wil. If you like adventure manga, try one piece manga free. If you want to read thriller or horror manga, read attack on titan manga free, demon slayer: kimetsu no yaiba manga free and the promised neverland manga free. Black clover manga free is the hottest fantasy manga. Freemanga.me also has the most popular free yaoi manga and free doujinshi online. The true end to the game was meant to be the true end to the anime. If you haven't played the game and don't mind gorgeous and explicit yaoi boy sex, I recommend you forget about what you watched, and invest the 30 or so hours into Dramatical Murder.then invest another 10 or so into Reconnect to get the full background of the characters lives. Install that, and then you're finished. Test out the game by clicking 'DMMdcrackforver110.exe'. If the stars align, the game should open right up and run smoothly! You can right click and create a shortcut to move to the desktop and rename it 'DRAMAtical Murder' or whatever you'd like. You're now all set to play!
Get ready for the official English language version of Nitro+CHiRAL’s most popular Boys’ Love game! Set on an island ruled by a powerful megacorporation, DRAMAtical Murder paints a vivid picture of a world where the boundaries between the virtual and the real are breaking down. Dragged with his friends into a battle for the future, will our hero Aoba be able to regain the peace he craves? And what is the secret he hides in his soul? Find out in this epic cyberpunk Boys’ Love adventure!
“I will destroy you.”
Midorijima. Situated to the south of Japan, this beautiful island was once a place where people lived in harmony with nature. Then the Toue Corporation took over, driving off most of the island’s residents and forcing those who would not leave to live in the shadow of Platinum Jail, a walled-off megaresort where the wealthy wallow in luxury.
Aoba is a young man living with his grandmother in the Old Residential District, the last refuge of Midorijima’s people. While his peers join gangs and fight for dominance of the streets or immerse themselves in the virtual reality game Rhyme, Aoba works part-time at a junk shop and hopes only that his peaceful life will last.
But strange things are happening on Midorijima, and Aoba will soon have to fight… or lose everything that he holds dear.
Game Description
DRAMAtical Murder is a multi-ending visual novel from acclaimed Boys’ Love developer Nitro+CHiRAL. It features high-level graphics, music, and Japanese voice acting with full English text. Direct the action by making decisions at key points in the narrative. Aoba’s fate is yours to decide.
The developers describe the content like this:
Contains mature themes that include violence, torture, sex, sexual assault, drug use and gore. All characters, models, and other persons that appear in sexual situations are at least eighteen years of age or older.
OS: Windows 7/8.1/10
Processor: Core i5
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: 512MB VRAM, PixelShader 4.0
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 6 GB available space
1. Download the installer from our website(using the download)
2. Then run the“.exe“and start to install the game
3. During the installation, then follow the instructions
4. The game starts to automatically download and install.
5. Wait until the installation is complete
6. Then pop up with the download key, and then activate the game
7. play it!
Click start download button get started. You can easily download DRAMAtical Murder Game from here.
DRAMAtical Murder Game free. download full VersionA time far in the future. In Midorijima, an island to the southwest of the Japanese islands.
Play Dramatical Murder Online
People and nature once coexisted on this plentiful island.
Dramatical Murder Game Free Online Game
However, due to being purchased by the leading company of Japan “Toue Company”, one third of the island has been changed into the extravagant amusement facility “Platinum Jail”. Equipped with the latest cutting edge technology, Platinum Jail has gathered attention. On the other side, the islanders who became victims of forceful development are forced into the “Former Residents District”, and have no choice but to carry out their lives in a place that is by no means prosperous. The protagonist Aoba spends his days working part-time at the junk shop “Heibon” inside the Former Residents District, living together with his grandmother Tae. Among the young people of the Former Residents District, a certain game has become popular. In “Liebstiez”, teams are created and days of human-bullet turf wars unfold. On the other hand, “Rhyme” is an electronic brain online game using a virtual world as its setting which “Rhymers” are going crazy over. Aoba shows no interest in either one, thinking that it would be nice to just live peacefully with his grandmother.
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But the disaster that will shake up those peaceful days has already begun…
Title: DRAMAtical Murder Original title: DMMd, DMMR, ドラマティカル マーダー, ドラマダ Year: Japan 2012-03-23, English Patch 2017-02-28 Length: Medium (10 – 30 hours) Language: English Voice: Japanese 18+
~(˘▾˘~) DOWNLOAD(~˘▾˘)~
Dramatical Murder Game Free Online Download
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namikala · 4 years
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Been a long while since I’ve ordered anything from Toranoana and this time I’ve decided to try out their official (?) forwarding service AOCS instead of asking my proxy to help me. 
I ordered yesterday (1 Dec 2020) afternoon and my order is still being processed as I’m writing this. Toranoana is supposed to send my order to AOCS for free. Next, AOCS will calculate the total plus international shipping and send me my order after I pay them. I only need to pay AOCS.
Anyway, I mainly wanted the two new doujinshi by Pinkpompom - one about Kuwana-kun (I’ll post some previews that the artist posted in another post later) and one about baby Ichigo. (I love that one of my fave artists likes the same swords as me~! XD) Pinkpompom’s art and stories are just so fluffy, sweet and really cute~ :3c The baby Ichigo one is about him going to kindergarten with his bestie, chibi Kuninaga (i.e. baby Tsuru).
Then I added two MikaIchi (the cover of the other one isn’t shown here), one ShokuIchi, one IchiMika, one fanmade Tourabu costume pattern book for Obitsu 11 which looks quite interesting, an MKR all-character book, two TasuTsumu and some clear file and can badge storage things that I want to try out.
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hackedmotionsensors · 4 years
a game I would love to see given a second chance or remade for switch would be Xenogears. Lol I’m looking into why I can’t even fuckin find it and its because it basically was a project from hell and it looks like Xenosaga went in a totally different direction since??
But I thought the character designs and story were really cool. Apparently it was pitched as ff7 but turned down for being too dark lol
And they had one english translator for the entire game which is INSANE. And I remember that the dubbing didn’t even remotely fit over the japanese dialogue (which would easily be solved by subtitles in today’s age of jrpg) 
But they had these super cute character designs and I’m 90% nostalgic for this game because I had a real wild and nasty doujinshi from it with some absolutely influential and beautiful art. I own the doujin but IDK if its in my dad’s storage or not lol
Anyway look at these cuties 
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lol sorry this ends up being a long post but tumblr won’t let me put the images side by side
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