#dorian x adaar
bellamer · 1 year
At The Winter Palace:
Vanarí, carrying some silk scarves he stole from the nobles there, pushing past several nobles: MOVE, BITCH !
Cullen: What is he doing ?
Cole, appearing out of nowhere: Dorian offered to show him the 'dance of the ten scarves' if he could get him ten silk scarves.
Cullen: The....dance of the ten scarves ?
Varric: It's a strip dance, where the dancer is dressed up in ten scarves and as the dance continues, the scarves get less and less until the dancer is completely nude. Usually it's done with seven scarves but I guess they use ten in tevinter, it increases the tease and length.
Cole: And Dorian offered to do it on the ballroom floor. In front of everyone here.
Cullen, running after him: OH MAKER- JOSEPHINE WE HAVE TO STOP THEM !
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sole-inquisitor · 1 year
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mages + their qunari warrior bfs ♡
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ladydarksbane · 10 months
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Sataareth Adaar
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awesomechipz · 1 year
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Dorian I love you, but please get your head out of my armpit.
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Solas my eyes are up here >:(
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Excuse me, but why am I short?
In all seriousness though, I wouldn’t trade my first playthrough of this game for any of the other inquisitors,
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He always looks at Dorian so softly
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blarrghe · 2 years
All Hail West Thedas
Ch. 9: What Did You Think All Them Saddles and Boots Was About?
Rating: E | Category: M/M | Words: 44899 | Chapters: 9/9
Summary: Dorian Pavus has run away from home, from a life of misery, from some unspeakable incident with his father, from Tevinter, from himself. He has run out of money, too, and now he is stuck way out here away from things. But maybe it's not so bad. Ehsaan is sweet, The Iron Bull is kind in his own way, and they both say that he can stay as long as he likes.
From the top
Chapter Snippet:
Dorian had been dreaming of little else since he’d arrived, and nothing at all else since it had become a real possibility. Yet still, he had only been with a handful of men, and only once in a situation with more than one of them at a time, and that had been… well he didn’t even remember all of it. Sort of sloppy. Disorganized. Boring, in parts. This, he was sure, wouldn’t be. But he wasn’t sure of the rest. 
"I'm just... it's only I've never... I'm simply—" he stammered on. 
"It's ok to be nervous. We can take things slow. Nothing has to happen today, nothing unless you want it to,” said The Iron Bull, now very calm and shockingly gentle. 
“I do,” Dorian corrected again quickly. “I do want it to. I’m just, kaffas, I’m sorry, Bull. I —”
Bull raised an eyebrow. “What exactly are you worried about?” he asked, “tell me.” 
Dorian sighed. 
He’d talked to Bull more than Ehsaan about home , about what had happened there, and why he’d left. Sweet as Ehsaan was, he felt as though The Bull somehow understood more than he did about it. He’d shared a bit of his own in turn, explaining plainly how he had been through his own share of abuses in a similar part of the world. For all their warring ideologies, Qunandar and Qarinus weren’t separated by much space at all. 
“I don’t know,” he said, “what if — what if I have a bloody breakdown or —”
“You’re not going to have a breakdown,” Bull soothed with a small smile, placing that tough, gentle hand under his jaw again and pulling his gaze up into his own, “you’re going to have an orgasm. Several, if I get my way about it.” 
Dorian swallowed. The Iron Bull’s smirk grew fuller.
“And the thing is, I always get my way.” He did that thing he did that wasn’t a wink. 
Dorian snorted out a surprised laugh, but before he could protest, The Iron Bull kissed him once more. He leaned down, and pulled Dorian up. He wrapped him in tight arms and pressed his body into his full, broad chest. He dug his lips through the heat and hesitation, plundered his mouth and fought with his tongue until he’d worked Dorian into a frenzy to match, lowered his hands down, and nearly lifted him off the ground with the squeeze he gave Dorian's ass. Then he let him go, grinned at him. 
And then they went to the bedroom.
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klyukvav · 4 months
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aldruiel-scribbles · 11 months
Romancing Dorian, after a Solavellan playthrough is a shock.
The bar was so low, limbo dancing in elvhen hell with Andruil, that I wasn't expecting to actually experience emotional communication skills. I'm like: ???? The fuck is this ???? Someone being open about what they want ???? About our future ???? About themselves ???? SORCERY!!!
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lgvalenzuela · 10 months
I interrupt your very important scroll for a very necessary publicity stunt
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Writing Kaaras not realizing Dorian wants to fuck him is hilarious. He's like oh, of course you came to my room it's quiet here. And of course you met me in an empty room, it's so noisy in the hall.
I haven't quite decided who's going to tell him Dorian's horny, but it's gonna be great.
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bellamer · 1 year
Vanarí: Dorian, I am going to ask you to do something for me.
Dorian: Anything, Amatus.
Vanarí: For starters, I am going to drink three kegs of booze, I might drink a fourth one if I'm not passed out from the third.
Dorian, concerned: O...Kay ?
Vanarí: Then I want you to guide me outside of skyhold.
Dorian: I...I don't like where this is going.
Vanarí: I also want you to bring Bull with you, tell him to sharpen his axe.
Dorian: Amatus, what is the point of this ?
Vanarí: I want you to tell Bull to cut my hand off while I'm passed out drunk and threaten him if he chickens out, then tell him to take the hand and give it to the Inquisition as my letter of resignation.
Dorian: NO !
Vanarí: You just said that you'd do anything for me !
Dorian: Anything but watch my lover be mutilated !
Vanarí: They cant keep me here if I don't have this stupid mark ! I asked Cole to do it but he said no and Blackwall said no ! Surprisingly, even Sera said no !
Dorian: Because you're bloody insane !
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laefreth · 2 years
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Sooooo as my first post here I want to share some of my Dragon Age art. DA: Inquisition was my first game of the series so it has a special place in my heart and gets the most attention in my art.
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ladydarksbane · 1 year
The Feeling Is Mutual
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Adaar and Dorian found themselves in the Inquisitor’s quarters, away from prying eyes and the chaos of their everyday duties. The evening sun cast a warm, golden glow over the courtyard, creating an atmosphere of serenity and tranquility.
Leaning against the stone balustrade of his balcony, Adaar could not help but admire Dorian's elegance. The mage's tailored robes accentuated his refined features, and his vibrant eyes sparkled with a mixture of confidence and vulnerability.
Dorian approached, a small smile playing on his lips as he reached up to gently brush a lock of Adaar's hair behind his ear. "You know," he began, his voice filled with tenderness, "I never thought I would find such a captivating partner amidst all this chaos. But here we are, defying expectations."
Adaar's heart swelled with affection as he met Dorian's gaze. "And I never anticipated finding someone who could challenge and understand me the way you do, Dorian. Your strength and wit, it's an irresistible combination."
Dorian closed the distance between them, his fingers tracing a gentle path along Adaar's jawline. "Irresistible, huh? I must admit, the feeling is mutual." His voice held a hint of teasing, his eyes filled with desire.
Their bodies gravitated towards each other, their closeness intensifying with every passing second. Adaar's hand found its place on Dorian's waist, pulling him in as they melted together, their bodies pressed against one another.
As their lips met in a tender and passionate kiss, a wave of warmth surged through them. Time seemed to stand still, and they lost themselves in the sweet taste of each other, savoring every moment.
Dorian's hands delicately explored Adaar's back, tracing the strong muscles hidden beneath the armor. Adaar's fingers brushed against Dorian's skin, feeling the warmth radiating from him, igniting a hunger within both of them.
Breaking the kiss, their foreheads rested against each other, their breaths mingling in the shared space between them. "I want you," Adaar whispered, his voice filled with longing.
Dorian's eyes locked onto Adaar's, a mixture of desire and affection shining within them. "Then have me, amatus," he replied, his voice filled with a mixture of vulnerability and trust.
With unspoken consent, they continued their intimate dance, letting their bodies explore the depths of their desires. In that moment, the world outside faded away, leaving only the two of them, intertwined in a passionate embrace.
Their love and connection blossomed like a flame, casting away any doubts or fears. They found solace and strength within each other, knowing that together, they could face whatever challenges lay ahead.
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meowsgirldrawing · 7 months
Dorian and his elven daughter
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Word Count- 2,706
AO3- Link
Masterlist- Link
“Oh, fuck that.”
Dorian laughs, gripping the amulet in his hand tightly. His laugh echoes against the interior of his office, which is big enough to be considered a master bedroom honestly. He hears Bellatrix’s giggles emit from the crystal as his calms. 
“I mean, the guy acts like an indecent asshole-” 
 “Are there any decent ones?”
 “ You would know. ANYWAY-,”
 Dorian bursts into more laughter.
 “then turns around, acting shocked when you give it back to him- mind you, in a civilized manner. Jeez. Tevinter sounds  great. ” She retorts, causing him seconds from wheezing in his chair.
 After a moment, he breaths. He leans back in his chair and chuckles finally evening out. His hand holds against his chin, smiling wryly, “Maybe you can come to the next Imperial sphere, it’ll be grand! We can comment on the man’s attire- scare him into thinking the worst.”
 “  Oh dear! I saw the Inquisitor and Magister Pavus speaking ill, I hope my luscious seat still shines afterward! ” Her voice deepens, the scornful attempt at a Tevinter accent could make his grandparents and father turn in their graves. 
 “I thought you didn’t like your former title though? A change of heart maybe?” He teases.
 “Dor Dor, I’ve had to accept by now that it will follow me to my grave and even afterwards, whether I want it to or not. Might as well get some use of it.” She shrugs in spite of the fact he can’t see it, “Especially against some entitled, fucking wise-ass who tries to insult one of my favorite nieces.”
 “Yes well, you’ll be glad to know that he not only looked like the most miserable, silliest person there, but I saw him practically run out with his tail between his legs soon after.
 She snickers, “Good.”
 “Thankfully, there was no falter in the new arrangements so everyone matter-of-factly expected Briva and I at the next gathering without trouble.”
 A low whistle, “Damn, Dor, look at youuuu! Already some change in the social rank. Metaphorically, of course.”
 He sighs, running a hand through his hair, “Tis similar, still have much more work that will last well over a lifetime or two.”
 “Yeah, well- good thing you- wait… FUCK! TURNIP, NO!-” A thud, Bellatrix coughs, and some shuffling.  Dorian pauses, looking down at the crystal in his palm. It flicks from light to off, indicating more to the commotion. He hesitates, “Bella?” He taps it, all the same of knowing it’s alright- just something to check, “Bellatrix? Is everything alright?”
 Soon, the crystal shines bright again with the elf’s voice coming through, albeit, breathless.
“The dog…jumped..on me.” More shuffling, “I think he heard my.. grt- whistling. …This is why I’m a cat person.”
 He breaks into laughter as she huffs, “Are you alright?” 
 “Wouldn’t you like to know, fucker.” She growls, her tone still light.
He goes to continue their game when he notices Gilmi, one of the head servants of his household, standing nervously by the door, waiting patiently.
 “Yeah? Is everything alright?” She clearly picked up his change of tone.
 “Not sure. I’ll send back for you once I’m done.”
 “Got it, Dor Dor. Tell Briva her favorite Aunt said hi.”
 He motions for the servant to come in, snickering, “You know she has close to 6 other Aunts, yes?”
 “Un-noted. Take care.”
“You do the same.” The connection cuts and he stashes the amulet carefully back into his desk, giving the servant his full attention.
 “Is something the matter, dear?”
 “Not…exactly sir, Miss Briva is the library. Uhm, something occurred and now she’s scared. Mister Jervah told me to just come get you.”
 The moment Dorian heard the second line, he jerked from his chair, his gut clenched. He doesn’t waste time, quickly thanking the elf before making his way down to the library. The clicking of boots doesn’t help his nerves. They only add to the ever-growing fear, his hands tight, and mind racing at any horror his daughter was frightened of. 
Possibilities flood though. An assassin paid to kidnap or hurt her-  Well, he knows the guards would have stopped and alerted him immediately, but still….  An animal at the window?-  Briva absolutely adores them, she would have been running in, wanting to show him honestly.  A book she shouldn’t have read,  Then again, he holds all of the spell tomes or spell-based ones on a high shelf or locked in his office, safe……STILL-
 Arriving at the doors, he makes haste in opening and coming through.
  All right, time to throw all the previous worries out the window, along with his sanity- specifically the barely hanging nail one from across the room, shattered glass scattered around on on top of the window seal.  One that completes the look of a tornado, fire, and ice-mixed wonderland. 
Books are thrown off shelves, some burned with others frozen in crystal cold. The curtains scorched from the bottom up, continuous crackles hitting his ears.  The floor has puddles of water, as well as short layers of ice in some spots- his foot almost slips but he steadies himself on a half-burned desk near the door. 
 He trudged slowly around the room, tensely looking everywhere with wide, fearful eyes, also casting out swift but small spells to counter the others. All the while, calling out for his little girl. Fear has him caged at this point; with all this mass of destruction, no wonder his little one was terrified. 
“Briva, darling. Papa’s here, I-”
 “Ser Pavus,”
 He turns, presently holding a piece of paper, one that Briva had obviously been working on beforehand. The ink was fresh and oily.
 “Jervah, where’s my daughter?” Maintaining his calm and ever-resounding nature in his voice. In spite of this, the older elf looks upon him with understanding. He motions towards the door across the library. It’s an extra room, made specifically for when he and Briva are focusing on her studies.
 As Dorian crosses the foothold, Jervah speaks up assuringly, “I let the others know to leave you two be. You will need it.” Not understanding this but knowing he will soon, the Magister nods, before returning to his most important.
He casts a minor spell, a light orb that lights up the room. “Briva?...Briva, honey.” His voice is tight, trying his damndest to sound heartening-  despite his own heart currently moving-
 He stops at the shuffling. Moving the orb closer in its direction, he sees a small figure under the middle table- scooting further under it as if to hide from the light. He sighs, relief flooding over him when realization hits. 
 Dorian takes his time, hands behind his back as he sends multiple orbs around corners of the room, lighting it up more until it turns into a soft, light blue hue. Her favorite color.
 “...Briva? Is everything alright, my dearest?”
 She doesn’t respond, concealing her face in her knees, arms wrapped around her tightly. With a kneel, he takes notice of the ice around her fingertips.
 He blinks.
 So that’s what happened….Another wave of relief,  Her powers just manifested. That’s all..
 Now, he speaks up, “Briva, dear, are you alright? Are you hurt?”
 She takes a moment before shaking her head, just barely. “Do you want to come out?”
 Another shake of the head.
 “Alright,” He sits down and tucks his legs under him. His robes fell around him, touching the ice residue and crowding around the two of them. She moves her head up quickly.
 He stops, looking at her.
 She gnaws on her lip. Her eyes were blotchy and red, with tears streaming down her bubbly cheeks as her pointed ears droop slightly. 
  “Y-you’re gonna mess up y-your outfit.”
 Dorian can’t help himself- a short laugh escapes from him. Mae, the loving sport, was always saying how Briva could be his blood by how she acted at times; it’s clear as ever even now. Still chuckling at her confused and worried look, he gently coaxes her out from the table. 
 “Please, it’ll soon be water. It’s fine, I promise.”
 She’s hesitant, bunching her light florid, green dress in her tiny hands. Reluctantly she moves and settles into his lap. Now sensing she wasn’t in trouble, she buried her face into his chest. Unfortunately, she starts tearing up again when his arms wrap around her in a tight, but soft cradle. 
 The patient quietness gets mellowed out as Dorian runs a soothing hand through her curly hair, “Are you alright, my dear?”
 She doesn’t speak but nods. “What about your hands? Are they cold?”
 A pause before another small nod.
 “Here.” With an easy hand, he warms it just enough yet pauses when she flinches. He frowns, concerned. Briva has never been afraid of his magic. Nor Mae’s, Estel’s, or any other of her mage Aunts and Uncles. Curious yes, but never frightened. Only when she sees it in public or from other Magisters in general is when she gets somewhat nervous- that’s when he pulls her closer as to soothe her thoughts. 
  Kaffas- she just discovered herself that she has mage blood and after experiencing something such that is emotionally reeling to most young ones- especially at her age!  Dorian curses inwardly at himself.  The first thing I go and do is use one of the main elements.
 Dorian moves his hand away an inch, “Is this alright, dear?”
She looks up before glancing down at his hand. She gives a small nod and lends her hand back. 
 As the frost disappears from her fingers, Dorian leans his back on the table side. It digs into his upper back, but he pays it no mind. He could care less when his daughter is his main concern at the moment. 
 “What happened?”  Her body stills at the question. 
 “... I-im sorry.. ” Dorian tilts his head, “Whatever for, my dearest?”
 Her hands wipe her eyes, sniffling and whimpering. “I  ruined  the Library. The b-books are ruined! I-i didn't mean to- I was only reading what Mister Jervah gave me and then-,” A small sob escapes her, tearing at his heart. Every urge in his body fights against the instinct to hug her tightly to him, to hide her away from it; as much as he wants to, she needs some room to speak.
“A-and then! -Ice and fire came… I think I h-hurt Mr.Jervah!” Briva cries.
 “Mr.Jervah said he was alright, dear. No need to worry.” He assures, brushing the curly hair from her face. 
 “B–b-but, in the Library! I-” 
 “The books, curtains, and any other affected object there can be replaced. You cannot, however.”
 Briva looks down as her hands fumble in her lap. “..I’m sorry, papa..”
 Dorian smiles, pulling her closer, “Briva, darling.”
 She glances back up. The tears get gently wiped away by him, swiftly pulling down his long sleeve to dry her cheeks. As he does this, he continues, “Dear, you know what happened exactly, yes?”
 She pauses. “I’m like Papa?”
 He chuckles, nodding along, “Yes, you have what many consider, mage blood. You will learn more as you grow, but, “ He adjusts himself, still holding Briva in his lap, “You understand what that means, correct.” He checks.
 “Yes, But,” She bites her cheek, “Isn’t it…dangerous? Aunt Mae said some people think mages are scary.”
 He sighs, “Unfortunately people believe that, of course. It’s just like how many believe your other father is a scary beast all because of his appearance.”
 “But father is nice! He’s not a beast.” 
 “I know that. But it’s an undeserving fact, sadly.”
 She goes quiet again. A less tight grip on her dress, the same one that bundles around her, barely touching the ground underneath her father’s lap. She studies the way to fabric lay, thinking through her next words. Dorian is patient, only humming and brushing through her hair contently.
 She’s hesitant, “ Can I…can I use my magic like yours?” She looks up, “Like how you used it to help Aunt Bellatrix and Estel?” 
 He smiles as she continues, “You said you only use it when the aid for people is needed, you helped people…I wanna do that.”
 “With time and careful studies, indeed. It can be done, my dearest.” 
 It’s almost like she was never crying, never scared- her bright smile grew on her face before she erupted in giggles and hugged him. Like every time, he never hesitates to reciprocate, holding her close as chuckles leave him.
After leading her out of the study, Dorian and Briva find Jervah standing near the entrance of the Library. His grin matches Dorian's, as he greets Briva, who runs up to him with a worry in her brow. “Mister Jervah! Are you alright?”
 The older man chuckles, kneeling down, “I am alright, madam. No need to worry.” She gives a shy smile and hugs him.
 As Briva talks with Jervah, Dorian’s happiness starts to dwindle. Slowly and awfully as new anxiety kicks in.  She’s a mage.  His hidden gaze ponders over his daughter, who’s giggling as Jervah holds her up.
  An elven mage….In Tevinter .
 She’s going to have many troubles try and run through her. People are going to look upon her as nothing other than a unique piece for a stealer’s collection, or an unwanted soon enemy.  People will want to hurt her..  His darling little girl.  The dear one that his husband, Fuliz, saved close to 6 years ago.
 Well….He perks up, “Briva?”
 She looks over, smiling, “Yes, Papa?”
 “Would you like to go with Miss Gilmi and get cleaned up? Papa and Jervah will take care of things here.”
 She tilts her head, “Surely I can at least gather the saved books?”
  Oh bless her , he instead shakes his head but keeps his smile plastered, “I’m quite sure, my dearest.” Leaning down, he welcomes her quick hug, placing a kiss on her head, “Run along now, we’ll be fine.”
 With a nod and a small grin, she does so. Grabbing onto Gilmi’s outreached hand, she waves as the two leave. 
 He waves back, waiting for them to be completely out of view before he speaks in a quiet but firm tone, “Jervah, for now on: please notify the guards and staff to keep an extra eye on all entrances, no matter the circumstances. And if anything happens that concerns Briva or strange behavior from staff, tell me immediately.”
 “Of course, sir.” Jervah bows, and makes his way out. Dorian turns, hands behind his back as he casts out spells. As chairs and tables float back to positions, the curtains being pulled down for replacement, and frost being melted and dried away, he stands near the window. His eyes ogle at the gate that guards his home.
  He once felt shame and dishonor for who he was, for where he was from, for his decisions on who to love and be around.  He feels his jaw clench,  no matter what, he will make absolutely sure Briva will not ever feel the same still lingering feeling he feels now. 
 While his fears from before have just become stilling nightmares and comments he can now brush off without a blink, 
 While he now has a wonderful and sweet husband waiting to come visit him and their girl in between mercenary missions, 
 While he has multiple friends all over Thedas that wouldn’t think twice to help him when heeded- 
 The judgment and disdain from his peers continue like an endorsed flame. People look upon him and send assassins of words or people in their wake, in their distaste. People fight to stop his coming dent in their country, and all would turn towards his little girl when she joins his side. All for her pointed ears and now magic. 
 Well…he smirks lightly, spinning back to the room and out the door.
They best send their biggest armies at him and his own growing power, cause the Fade will have to destroy itself before he allows any of them to even step a foot near her.
  She is his daughter, no matter the blood. As long as he lives and breathes, she doesn’t have to be afraid. Never like he once was.
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Have some more Inquisitor Kaaras Adaar
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blarrghe · 2 years
All Hail West Thedas
Rating: M | Category: M/M | Words: 27505 | Chapters: 6/?
    Dorian Pavus has run away from home, from a life of misery, from some unspeakable incident with his father, from Tevinter, from himself. He has run out of money, too, and now he is stuck way out here away from things. But maybe it's not so bad. Ehsaan is sweet, The Iron Bull is kind in his own way, and they both say that he can stay as long as he likes.
Chapter Snippet:
Dorian was growing in some certainty about the way of things on this strange Qunari-operated ranch. The Iron Bull was unabashed and obviously prolific in his exploits. He went to town often enough, to meet the Chargers and to drink and, presumably, to “get laid”. At least sometimes, the conquests came back with him; left their evidence on the line. So maybe he had a woman in town to see regularly, but he didn’t talk like he did. He talked like a noncommittal, boorish sort with an infuriating knack for catching Dorian off his guard. 
Keeping his guard up around The Iron Bull was exhausting, actually, but whatever his faults, Dorian was becoming more and more sure that Bull didn’t know the definition of a hangup. He kept making little remarks, glancing at him in that way that was basically a wink. Which meant that he had, in all likelihood, already worked out Dorian’s big, secret fault, and was itching to tease him for it, but not to kick his teeth in. So that was something. 
Ehsaan, on the other hand, could not have possibly been more his opposite. He seemed the settling-down sort; barely left the ranch, cooked and cleaned and gardened away his days. He danced, he baked pink confections in a frilly apron with hearts on it, he — and maybe this was just Dorian’s father’s voice talking — but he had long hair and soft clothes and a high, jingly giggle of a laugh. And maybe it wasn’t at all an imagined thing that Dorian was especially able to get that laugh out of him, maybe he really did find Dorian charming.  
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