#donald Anderson
fancyshooting · 1 year
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sanuue · 6 months
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AAAA here’s fem Thad, Fatty and Donald ‼️‼️ its been a while and I apologize for that- lets not focus too much on how inconsistent my art is 😼
Second is just me if I was going to Bullworth☝️🤓 let it be known that I'm not actually the 6ft tall, muscular and rich prep that my bullworth persona is⁉️☹️ I know, baffling,,,,/j
With college leaving me brain-dead, I'm struggling to even draw non bully related things. I desperately need ideas to get me back into it 🥲
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nivaga24 · 1 year
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"Dear Darsaris, half-elves like you are always held in high esteem by men"
"Oh-oh! It looks like fate is playing against YOU!"
"Oh-oh-oh... No one has beaten Melvin yet..."
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itsyoung8 · 2 months
The age of the students at Bullworth Academy (part V)
Ouais salut l'équipe! Sorry for this long time of absence but as I said, studies take up a lot of my time. Well, here is the part V which was very much awaited (it's not true, but please do it)! Sur ce, bonne lecture!
-> I'm going to assume that Bullworth Academy is a high school
-> Since it is a high school located in the United States, four years ago and not three as in Europe (ex: France). That's why I'm going to make the following cut:
1st year: 14-15 years old - Freshman
2nd year: 15-16 years old - Sophomore
3rd year: 16-17 years old - Junior
4th year: 17-18 years old - Senior
Earnest Jones:
as seen in the previous part (I know it's dated), I had hypothesized (although it is very likely) that Ted was a 17-18 year old senior. Since Earnest and Ted are competing for the class steward position (I think that's it lol), I came to the conclusion that Earnest was also a 17-18 year old senior.
Algernon Papadopoulos:
I couldn't find much about Algie. The only small element that can give rise to a hypothesis is that in a line of dialogue, he says that Ted nicknames him "little buddy". In this case, if the word "small" refers to his age, it would mean that Algie is younger than Ted so either a freshman, sophomore or junior. But if it's not his age, then I don't have anything to make a hypothesis about his age.
Beatrice Trudeau:
Without a doubt, Beatrice is a 17-18 year old senior. On several occasions she talks about medical school and even says in a line of dialogue "I already know the medical schools to which I'll apply". Those in their final year have to apply to the universities they want and wait for an answer (like us in France). That's why Beatrice does this. Add to that the fact that she's been applying to be a cheerleader for several years, but Mandy turns her down every year. This reinforces this idea that Beatrice is a 17-18 year old senior.
Bucky Pasteur:
"I don't think I'll ever be big enough to be a Jock but I want to try!". This is the only element that allows me to go on a lead concerning Bucky. This line of dialogue makes me say that Bucky is not a 17-18 year old senior because it would be ridiculous to want to join the Jocks in his final year. So Bucky is either a freshman, a sophomore, or a junior. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything else that would allow me to give him a precise age.
Cornelius Johnson:
If you listen closely, you can hear Miss Danvers making an announcement that Cornelius has the worst result on a sports aptitude test in the history of the academy. From that moment on, I told myself that he must be a 14-15 year old freshman. However, Cornelius says that Dan was hanging out with the Nerds last year so the idea of a freshman is wrong because otherwise he wouldn't have known Dan as a Nerd.
I came to think that Cornelius might be a 17-18 year old senior and that the aptitude test is the test for those in their final year, I don't really know.
Thad Carlson:
First of all, I went to look again at Dan's presentation sheet and I hadn't noticed that it was written that Dan could be one of the oldest students in the academy. So I'm going to assume he's a 17-18 year old senior.
As far as Thad is concerned, if he knew his big brother as a nerd, then he is either a 15-16 year old sophomore or a 16-17 year old junior.
Donald Anderson:
Donald is, in my opinion, either a 16-17 year old junior because he says "This is probably the worst year. Ever at Bullworth" and in this case the word "ever" refers to the fact that he is still at the academy for this year but that next year it may change, either he is a senior of 17-18 years old because he speaks college like all the final year students I have dealt with in the previous parts.
Melvin O'Connor:
As I said with Russell, the age to drive a car in New England is about 18. On the other hand, for a scooter, you must be at least 16 years old without restriction (tell me if I am wrong Americans) while in France, for example, you must be at least 14 years old.
When Melvin says "I thought delays were supposed to wear helmets", we can assume that he is lashing out at someone who is on a scooter because it would be illogical to wear a helmet in a car. As a result, we can understand from this line of dialogue that Melvin may not be of legal age to ride a scooter. So we can say that, maybe, Melvin is a 14-15 year old freshman.
Fatty Johnson:
I'm not going to lie to you, but I haven't found anything that would allow me to start with even the beginning of an answer. Really, I promise you, I searched his dialogues and his presentation sheet and there is nothing!! Fatty is one of the characters we'll never know exactly how old he is lol.
Here's the end of that part. Next time I will try to deal with students who are not in any group. It's going to take me a little bit of time but that part will be there. Thanks for reading! Bonne journée tout le monde!
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jimothy-hopkins · 1 year
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Instead of crying on Christmas Eve I’m choosing a more positive route.
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sexiestmgscharacter · 3 months
Sexiest Metal Gear Solid character - round 1
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mintys-corner · 1 year
Wouldn’t the rest of the nerds be pissed that Earnest took the pictures and posted them all over town?
The only other nerd we see is 100% on board with this is Thad, but the rest of the nerds would likely have some reservations with the plan. Although they all hate Mandy, I'd imagine Beatrice and Bucky (who's just going along with Beatrice) would have some moral qualms with Earnest taking the photos in the place.
Even the nerds who are alright with the pictures,  like Algie and Donald, might be have issues about posting them around town, instead of just keeping it to themselves since it would provoke the jocks to attack them, especially when the observatory’s defence system is down
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neuroticreno · 2 years
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i havent bully posted in a while!!!!
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Can some explain the whole "mgs3 crew were retconned into villains" thing to me? Like weren't para and sigint semi-established characters in mgs1?
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sanuue · 10 months
If u were to rank your top favorite bully characters what would it be? Btw I love ur art It’s so silly I would love to see more art from u !!!
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Although Petey’s and Donald’s reasonings are fairly similar
(Ty btw I’m so glad!!!)
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i love community . i wish college was real
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tomorrowusa · 4 months
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FFS, quit normalizing Donald Trump's comments and behavior.
And if you see local media doing this, call them out. That means phoning them or even paying them a visit. Recruit five like-minded friends to picket the news organizations dismissing Trump's dictator and anti-democracy comments as just "Trump being Trump".
Trump is not how sane American politicians are supposed to act. No matter how long he's been making dangerous and unhinged comments, it just plain isn't normal.
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jimothy-hopkins · 1 year
Meddling Kids XI
WARNING! This work/series contains mentions of slut shaming, EDs, gore, implied torture, implied SA, SH, violence, and many other things that can trigger some viewers. I will also mention that this work does NOT intend to glorify, romanticize, normalize, or promote ANY of these behaviors or ideas. That is not who I am and that is not what I stand for. Please do not take that message away when you read this.
Guess who got her motivation back?
Gary lounged out on Jimmy’s bed, arms resting on either side of his head with his feet barely hanging off the bed. He sighed, turning his head to watch Jimmy, who was busy drawing something in his spare notebook.
“I’m bored,” he mentioned.
Jimmy glanced over. He thought for a moment. Jimmy had barely done anything fun in the past month or so. Sure, he’d been going on one too many misadventures. Those always wound up in some danger. Hell, they’d stumbled across an entire snuff film and what was a possible drug cartel. He still woke up in cold sweats from the intense nightmares of Alice Cuellar being brutally tortured. He felt like a criminal for just having seen it.
“Yeah, we should do something,” Jimmy replied.
“So where are we going?” Gary raised his scarred brow, rolling on his side.
“Carnival put your shoes on,” Jimmy replied as he closed his sketchbook and sat up to grab his sneakers.
“Oh, so a date? You’re so bold, Jimmy-boy,” Gary grinned as he double-knotted his doc martens.
“Shut up,” the ginger scoffed as he opened the door.
The two made their way out of the boys’ dormitory. It was already pretty late, but thanks to the start of daylight savings time, they could still see the sun. Jimmy grabbed the keys to his bike garage and opened it, choosing his fastest bike to drag out. He got on and ushered Gary to step on the back pegs before Jimmy pedaled down to the carnival.
Gary sighed, tilting his head upwards to breathe in the crisp spring air. He held Jimmy’s torso for support as they zipped through the streets. He really did need this. The last few weeks had weighed heavy on him, especially running into Daniel. The fucker acted like he didn’t even know him. What was his problem? Had Leo’s death fucked him over so bad he forgot Gary completely?
He just sighed and rested his face on Jimmy’s shoulder. He watched the gray-colored waves of Bullworth Bay sprawl across the sand, creating the illusion of a depressed beach.
That’s when Jimmy got the bright idea to speed up out of nowhere as they hit the drop to the carnival. Gary yelped as he squeezed Jimmy.
“What the fuck was that for? You almost gave me a heart attack, moron!” Gary yelled as he stepped off Jimmy’s bike pegs.
“Cause It was funny,” Jimmy grinned as he locked his bike up.
Gary rolled his eyes as he and Jimmy approached the gate, paying their admission tickets to walk in.
Of course, the first thing they did was go to the thriller rides. Those roller coasters whipped and spun around so fast and so hard that Jimmy wondered how they didn’t get whiplash. The carnival had many new additions this year regarding rides and attractions. It was a lot more fun than riding the same three rides every single time. So far, Gary and Jimmy had ridden the Twist-A-Whirl, the Freak Out, Ring Of Fire, the Yo-yo, and Silver Bullet. Surprisingly Gary had only gagged up once during their little adventure, much to Jimmy’s relief. He’d never forget how Gary puked on him on the roller coaster last October. Yuck.
“Can we do something else now?” Gary asked as they walked around aimlessly.
“Wanna play a carnival game?” Jimmy asked.
“Sure, I bet I can win more prizes,” Gary smirked, running off to the nearest game booth he saw.
Jimmy shook his head, bounding after his scraggly friend to go kick his ass in some silly carnival games.
They went through a few silly games like ring tosses, darts, pellet rifles, the dunk game, and the strength test.
Their final game was going to be a little water gun game. So far, they’d been evenly matched in price winning. Jimmy won two little keychains, and Gary scored a dumb squeaky horn purely meant to annoy everyone within their vicinity, along with a giant snake stuffed animal.
They sat, paying their money as other people sat to also play a round. Gary licked his lips and teeth, hoping to break their tie and give Jimmy some embarrassing gift. Unfortunately, Jimmy also had the same mindset ahead of him.
As soon as the bell rang, they lined their water guns and started to fill the tank to raise the hung stuffed animals. Gary’s hands trembled, sending his aim off. Just like that, the water cut off, and Jimmy won.
“Congrats, kid! Pick your prize!” The elderly carny smiled.
“Yeah, I’ll take that My Little Pony stuffed animal,” Jimmy shrugged.
The carny gave an odd look but used one of his hooks to grab the pony off the rack and handed it to Jimmy. “Have fun, kid.”
Jimmy nodded and turned to Gary, handing him the plush. He always found those ponies creepy.
“Seriously?” Gary grimaced.
“Take it or leave it,” Jimmy rolled his eyes.
“Whatever, moron, how about the Ferris wheel?” Gary asked, tucking the bedazzled pony under his arm.
Jimmy shrugged, so Gary could only take it as a yes. The pair walked to the slow-moving attraction and coughed up the cash required before stepping into a capsule. They sat adjacent, looking at the horizon as the ride began to move.
“I hope we don’t get stuck at the top,” Jimmy looked down.
“Why? Scared of heights, James?” Gary teased.
“Shut up.”
Gary moved closer, now right beside Jimmy. He quickly began to nudge and push him. Jimmy glanced over,
“What are you poking me for? You’re rocking the cart dickwad!” Jimmy said, slapping Gary’s arms away.
“So what?” The scar-faced boy laughed.
Their miniature slap fight continued, and small chuckles and playful insults were exchanged.
A sudden impulse took over, and Gary grabbed his face and went in for a kiss.
Now Gary had never kissed anyone before, not even his own mother. He hated almost all types of physical affection, yet Gary chose to go in for a kiss.
Jimmy flinched in surprise but quickly caught on and pulled Gary in. The kiss was brief, but it held passion. More passion than it should’ve. So when Gary realized what he was doing, he pulled himself off of Jimmy and sat at a distance.
“Wow,” was Jimmy’s only response.
He hadn’t even realized they were at the apex of the wheel. The sun was now fully set. The whimsical lights danced and provided a colorful display around them. Gary looked away, taking a moment to process his actions and catch his breath. He felt like he was living in a teenage dream or nightmare.
Not another was exchanged between them when the ride descended. What was there to talk about? Gary wanted to punch himself. He was letting this new kid get too close. They’d made a friendship over the trauma they went through in the past three months. Dr. Bambillo would flip his shit if he knew.
They walked side by side, exchanging silent glances over the loud whirring of rides and screams of people.
“Hey Jimmy! Over here!” A voice called.
Gary looked over his shoulder.
It was Donald Anderson dressed up like the circus puked on him. He was standing at the front of an attraction with the word ‘Headspin’ written above it. Purple and red lights flickered sporadically, making it appear like a sick fever dream.
“Wanna try our new haunted house? The nerds and theatre kids are all working on it!” He explained in a psyched-up manner.
“Sure, don’t see why not,” Jimmy shrugged, walking through with Gary behind him.
Most of the scares weren’t really eventful. If anything, Jimmy just said hello, since most of them were their peers. Gary didn’t take much interest in the attraction either. He did hold his stuffed pony a few times, though.
They turned down a darker hall that led them to a hall of mirrors. Gary and Jimmy shuffled around, occasionally bumping into their reflections and swearing.
Gary looked over his shoulder, catching movement in the darkness of his peripheral.
“What was that?” He asked out loud.
“What was what?” Jimmy replied.
“I saw something.”
“No, someone else.”
Gary whipped around, the color draining from his face. Behind Gary was a tall man dressed in a sick imitation of John Wayne Gacy’s Pogo the Clown. The clown held a bat wrapped in barbed wire and covered in what Gary hoped was fake blood.
Jimmy didn‘t even think twice before grabbing Gary and running in the opposite direction. They could hear the heavy footsteps tailing them with the most bone-chilling laughter echoing down the hall of mirrors.
They escaped the mirror hall and dodged behind a doorway into another room. Gary held his hand over his mouth to calm his breathing. He looked over to Jimmy, whose hands clutched the splintered rotten wood of the wall. Gary didn’t think he was capable of expressing that amount of terror.
His head snapped over, hearing the slight pang of metal on metal. Gary’s gut dropped, watching as another clown in the likeness of Pennywise approached with a machete.
“FUCKING GO, MORON!” He yelled, shoving jimmy out of the doorway.
They screamed, begging for help as they dodged obstructions in their path and dove through the cluttered, run-down rooms of the house. Gary kicked a foldable table out of his way, finding furniture stacked against an exit door.
“Come and help me, moron!” Gary demanded as Jimmy quickly came to aid him in deconstructing the barricade.
Quickly, they managed to shove the door open and run out, escaping to the bright area of the carnival. Gary shuddered as he tailed Jimmy, heart beating out of his chest. That haunted house was no joke.
Jimmy scanned the area, finding Donald once more. He walked up to the nerd and snatched him by his collar, holding him in a vice grip.
“What the hell, man? You need to get those clown guys in check!” He yelled.
Donald blinked, dumbfounded.
“Jimmy, we don’t have clowns.”
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mysharona1987 · 2 months
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Because this a face you trust.
Bro, you like a dude that would kill me a bad horror film about a Victorian doll.
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taritoons · 1 month
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Major, turns out Para-Medic is a major cinephile!
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