#don’t you love it when you send me questions and then i go insane? i love this relationship of ours
lumiereandcogsworth · 2 years
Who’s your favourite between the servants?
this is both an easy question and a hard question!!! i think easily, it’s lumiere. he was actually who i cared most about for the first couple months i was in love with this movie all those years ago! lumiere was my BOY and plumiere was my otp <3 and i STILL love him and THEM so much of course, but i think clearly my focus has shifted sjdksj
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but the thing is!!!! i love all of them for different reasons. and since adam and belle have become my focus, i like to look at each of their individual relationships WITH them!
i love thinking about lumiere AND plumette’s relationship with adam, especially growing up. i’ve written a small handful of fics about it, this one being my personal favorite, when adam’s eleven years old and lum & plum are a young couple. i just feel like they were the big brother and sister he never had, and often didn’t always fully appreciate. but they were always there for him and that remains true even post movie. AND of course i think they become such close and dear friends to belle! <3 i always write them as oncle lumiere & tante plumette (uncle and aunt) to adam & belle’s children. they’re a family!!!
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(this scene makes me go insane. the history, the healed wounds, the forgiveness of it all…. anyway)
i also LOVE thinking about mrs. potts’ relationship with both of them. with adam, obviously, it’s been his whole lifetime. i think it’s safe to say potts was very much a surrogate mother to him, as much as she could be/was allowed to be, after his mother died. (which i personally headcanon that he was 9 when that happened. around 9 and a half actually but my timeline is far too outrageously detailed for that to matter.)
anyway i think something so important with potts and adam is that she’s always straight up with him. she’s honest even when it stings, even when he doesn’t want to hear it. like the scene in the movie when she’s like “oh, we can’t judge people by who their father is now can we?” like WHO else would have the boldness to bring up his father to adam. when it’s CLEARLY the sorest of sore subjects. but notice his reaction! he merely sneers at her, but overall (silently) admits she may have a point. it’s just such a clear and interesting factor of their relationship and i love exploring it in my pre- and post-canon works.
i personally headcanon that she was the one who told him when his father died (when he was 15, in my world). no one else wanted to touch it and the young prince at the time equally knew that. he asked her if he was dead and she told him “yes, he is.” (this is all from a big fic i wrote a couple years back but i’m not linking it because it’s a beast (pun slightly intended) of a fic. just trust me and my lore <3).
a fic i WILL very much link because i’m very proud of it is one post-canon, after adam and belle’s first daughter has been born. it’s one of the sweetest fics i’ve written and it highlights the caring relationship that potts and adam have now. gahh!! i love it so dearly.
i don’t know where else to put this note but: when belle danced with her father at the wedding, adam then danced with mrs. potts.
and a final note for potts, i think she becomes so important to belle too!! belle’s never had a mother figure in her life, and while maurice has been the most incredible parent and belle has wanted for nothing in that department, i still think she enjoys having potts to go to sometimes. for advice or just to pass the time. i have such a cute fic between them, actually when belle’s pregnant with their first daughter, and i think it does a good job of showing the cute relationship that’s developed between them <3
cogsworth is a KING and a LEGEND of course. i love that funny fussy man <3 i love him being something of an old uncle to adam, watching over him growing up and being a constant presence in his life. i read a fic a WHILE ago, forgive me for not remembering who wrote it but it’s probably very deep in my ‘#batb fic’ tag. anyway it made the lore that cogsworth was adam’s mother’s cousin, and she hired him as her head of household when she became queen so she could have some family with her. which i LOVE !!! i mean they’re all treated as family but i do love the idea that cogsworth is actually adam’s semi distant cousin-turned-great-uncle. anyway i love that guy, he definitely has very little patience for adam and belle’s brood of offspring, but he loves them dearly <3
i got so caught up in mrs. potts love that i forgot about chip!!!!!!!! i love that kid SOOO much. literally the cutest kid ever so jot that down. i honestly don’t think much about him in post-canon, mostly because it’s so hard to imagine him growing up. i often make the excuse that he’s away at school (adam generously and gladly paid for his education) or off traveling if it’s way in the future (idk i just feel like if you spent a bit of your childhood as a teacup you may grow up to have an urge to be free for a while). i think he Does have a really cute relationship with the adelle kids (and plumiere kids too!) but it’s just hard to imagine him older haha. i’ve written a tiny scene of him holding baby renée for the first time, but have not published it yet <3
but anyway, i love him. the first scene when maurice is in the castle and chip’s like “mum said i shouldn’t move, because it might be scary. sorry.” and maurice going “ :) it’s fine :)” and immediately running off ALWAYS makes me laugh. and later when mrs. potts says “i’ll tell you when you’re older” and he waits like two seconds and says “okay, i’m older! :D” how could you not love this kid. big love for chip my boy! and ACTUALLY i am gonna link a fic involving him because he deserves it. this fic is honestly one of my favorites of all my works. it is set just a month or two after adam and belle are married, so chip’s still a kiddo. there’s a big scene somewhere in the middle of the fic where belle and chip go play with his toy boats at the pond. they have a boat race and just hang out and it’s extremely beloved. enjoy yourself with that fic i love it sooo much.
shout out to the other staff members that get less attention! (even from me!) chapeau and cuisinier!! i do include them every now and then. i have beloved headcanons like chapeau is the one who taught belle & adam’s daughter juliette to play violin (she’s an accomplished violinist). and when belle is pregnant with all three kiddos she gets very wild cravings and will be in the kitchen at random hours making horrendous combinations of food that are perfect for her but cuisinier just has to stand there like :) because he can’t STOP his queen! he just has to let it happen as she mixes together ingredients that God never intended to ever mix. also i think the kiddos like to hide in the kitchen sometimes so they can sneak pastries and treats, and cuisinier is always on the look out for them and often has to shoo them out (but yes he still gives them treats because he can’t help it)
also special shout out to cadenza and garderobe who are EXTREMELY beloved, LOVE THEM SO MUCH, THEY INVENTED LOVE, but they’re not technically staff so they’re not ever in my fics!! i love them but i always imagine they’re off traveling and gracing the world with their incredible talent and perfect love :”) i headcanon that when they DO come back and visit the gang, there’s always a ball thrown in their honor. the whole family finally back together!! fun ladies tea with belle, potts, plumette, and garderobe. plenty of story-telling about all their travels from cadenza as well <3 but yeah don’t worry i love them so so so much and they’re the world renown incredibly talented couple that are beloved by all ✨
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beloved :”)
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jjkamochoso · 3 months
How JJK Characters React to You Describing Them as Your Type When Todo Asks
Warnings: none
A/N: pretend you’re in a huge group with all of the students present when this question was asked :) also, I went with the anime adaptation of the characters rather than the manga, just fyi!
“Y/n! What kind of man is your type?”
“Yeah y/n, we wanna know!” Yuji said, excitedly. You figured there was no harm in sharing, Todo and the group were just looking for fun to distract them for a little bit.
“Okay, well I like guys that are average height, not too tall or short. Super strong, of course, with a cute, goofy smile. Oh, and colored hair is always fun too!”
“Oh man, he sounds so cool! If I find any guys that look like that, don’t worry, I’ll send them your way!” Shaking your head and laughing, you got into a conversation with Megumi while Nobara yanked Yuji out of your earshot.
“Yuji! Don’t you realize what y/n said?!”
He rested his chin in his fingers, deep in thought for a few moments before he answered.
“No? Should I have?”
Nobara didn’t hesitate to whack him on the top of the head.
“They literally described you, idiot! Don’t you own a mirror?!” Yuji’s mouth opened in a big smile. This was great news since he had a big crush on you!
“Y/n! I have to talk to you!”
“Y/n! What kind of man is your type?”
You sighed. You didn’t want to join Todo’s antics but you had no choice.
“You don’t have to answer him. It’s a stupid question anyway.”
Megumi’s voice came unexpectedly from behind you. You smiled inwardly at his protectiveness.
“I appreciate that Fushiguro, but I might as well. Let’s see. I like moody boys on the lankier side with dark black hair and dark blue eyes. He has to love animals too.”
You looked at Megumi to see if it registered that you were talking about him. All of a sudden, he sported a deep blush and excused himself from the group. Todo gave you a hearty smack on the back for your response.
“I’m proud of you for baring your soul like that to the one you love,” he said, tears rolling down his face. “Y/n, go get your man!”
You turned to look at your friends who all just shrugged their shoulders. Looks like you’re off to find Megumi then!
“Y/n! What kind of woman is your type?”
You had no hesitation answering this question, you loved to talk about things like this, gossip and crushes and the sort. Besides, it was time Nobara knew how you felt!
“I thought you’d never ask! I really like short girls with short hair. If it’s a vibrant color, that’s a plus. Spunky personalities are the best and I need someone who’ll keep up with me when I go shopping.”
Looking over at Nobara, you saw her jaw drop and you knew she understood what you were getting at.
“Y/n! You liked me and you never told me?! This whole time?!” she shouted, running towards you. You didn’t know whether she was going to hit or kiss you so you took off running as well. Gotta love the feisty girls!
“Y/n! What kind of woman is your type?”
“This stupid question again?” grumbled Maki. You were a bit nervous to reply to Todo. You had a huge crush on Maki but she was, well, intimidating, to say the least. To be fair, so was Todo, and you heard what happened to Fushiguro so you went with the safest bet.
“I like girls who are on the taller side and insanely strong. Light eyes, dark hair. Straight to the point, always. And uh… glasses.”
Maki hadn’t moved a muscle and you cringed, fearing the worst. Best case scenario, she would ignore you ever said that. Worst case, she’d beat you up. When she came over and grabbed you by the collar of your shirt, you gulped.
“Y/n. We’re talking about this somewhere else.”
(Spoiler alert: when you were somewhere else, you kissed🤭)
“Y/n! What kind of man is your type?”
Todo was on your last nerve. Sure, he seemed nice enough, but why should you be expected to tell everyone your personal business like this? In front of both schools’ students, no less! When you were filled in on what happens when you don’t answer truthfully, you resigned to the fact that you were exposing your true feelings to everyone today, whether you liked it or not.
“I like shorter men, preferably with medium length blonde hair, and bright purple eyes. He doesn’t talk much but more than makes up for it with his top tier sense of humor.” You noticed that Inumaki never broke his gaze from you as you spoke. You shuffled over to where he was sitting to explain yourself, but this time it was you who couldn’t find the right words.
“Mustard leaf?” Inumaki broke the silence first, basically asking you what was wrong since you marched over there and hadn’t said a thing.
“Look, Toge, I’m sorry if I—”
He tugged on your sleeve, stopping you. In his hands was a note that read, “I like you too” with a little smiley face at the end.
“Y/n! What kind of man is your type?”
You weren’t sure how to answer Todo. On one hand, you didn’t want to expose your crush on Yuta. On the other, would be it so bad for the truth to be out there? He was a kind person that wouldn’t drop your friendship if he didn’t feel the same way.
“I really like average height guys with longer dark hair and big, dark blue eyes. Personality wise he has to be extremely loyal and caring. Oh, and good with a sword.”
“Sooo… Yuta?” questioned Panda, and you nodded in agreement, your face warming with a blush.
“Wait, me? Really?” Yuta’s eyes lit up as he broke out into a hopeful smile. You nodded again.
“Oh man, that’s great!” he exclaimed, and then sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ve liked you for awhile too and I just thought maybe you didn’t feel the same but you do! Which is amazing!” You laughed softly at his rambling. This school year just got a whole lot better!
“Y/L/N sensei! What kind of man is your type?”
“Todo, isn’t that wildly inappropriate to ask your superior?” you answered, a joking tone present.
“Maybe, but we’re curious! Please, sensei?”
“Yeah, sensei! It’s just for fun” Yuji chimed in.
“And it’s a team building exercise to know something so personal! You’re always saying we need to communicate better,” added Nobara. You rolled your eyes playfully.
“I meant that to be an exercise among you children, not me. But I will entertain this for only a moment, so listen carefully,” you told the group and they cheered like their favorite baseball player hit a home run. As you were about to spill your secret, you spotted Satoru leaning against a wall, clearly interested in the secret you were about to spill.
“I like super tall men who are lean but extremely strong. He has to be very funny and goofy but with a kind heart. White hair and striking blue eyes are also a must.”
Maki’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets as she exclaimed, “You like that blindfolded idiot?!”
As the kids clamored at the newfound information, Gojo took that time to approach you and the students.
“Excuse me everyone, but me and my new lover must depart,” he announced, taking your hand dramatically while leading you away to laugh at what just happened.
“Y/n! What kind of man is your type?”
You groaned. You really didn’t want Noritoshi to know about your infatuation with him. It was no secret that he had more important things to deal with than schoolyard crushes so you were afraid to confess in case it made him uncomfortable—or worse, dislike you!
“You don’t have to answer the immature question, y/n,” Noritoshi spoke up when he noticed your discomfort. You were grateful for him but you wanted to keep the peace among your classmates and judging by the death glare Todo sent to you two, you’d better start talking.
“Thank you Kamo, but I value harmony among friends so I will answer this for Todo’s amusement only. I like tall men with a bit longer dark hair and gray eyes. Having an honorable character and being good with a bow is the way to my heart.” You felt Noritoshi tense up next to you and you refused to look at him out of fear of rejection. He took you by surprise when he leaned over ever so slightly to whisper to you.
“I was caught off guard by your confession but I can’t say I don’t feel the same. Can we discuss this later?”
“Y/n! What kind of man is your type?”
Your eyes went wide when Todo’s booming voice reached your ears. You were super into him but no one knew. You knew you couldn’t fool him with a fake answer, though, and if you were going to feel his hand for the first time, you’d rather it be from holding it with your own than having it curled in a fist and connecting with your face.
“Um… I like men that are extremely tall and buff. Dark hair, tan skin. And passionate, of course.”
“Hm! That’s a great answer! He sounds hot,” replied Todo, smirking, “but unfortunately for that perfect fake man, I’m taking you on a date first because you’re my type!”
You definitely weren’t expecting this!
“Y/n! What kind of woman is your type?”
You rolled your eyes. This big oaf is going to jeopardize your friendship for sure. You really liked Mai but you figured she wasn’t into dating and all the lovey dovey stuff.
“Do I have to answer?” you asked, praying Todo had a change of heart.
“No, y/n, we all wanna know. What’s your type?” Mai chimed in, a sly grin on her face. You gulped.
“I… like women that have short, dark hair and dark eyes. If she’s taller than average that’s cool, and I love a snarky personality.”
“No way!” exclaimed Momo when she realized who you were talking about. You refused to look anyone in the eyes out of embarrassment and fear. What you weren’t expecting was Mai grabbing your hand and leading you somewhere else. Hopefully it was to talk and not get beat up!
“Y/n! What kind of woman is your type?”
You huffed in annoyance. There were always some sort of antics with this guy! You had liked Momo for awhile now but she was like an enigma to you. You could never get a good read on her so maybe telling her how you felt outright would be a good thing?
“I really like girls with blonde hair and blue eyes, and short, too. Having a cute personality is a plus as well,” you answered, hoping that was straightforward enough.
“Wait a minute, that sounds exactly like me!” Momo exclaimed, blushing slightly. You sheepishly nodded your head.
“Because it is. I have a crush you.”
The whole group erupted in a chorus of “aww’s” and “how adorable.” You were nervous that you had accidentally made her uncomfortable but your fears disappeared as she came over to sit next to you. When the students were distracted by another topic, you felt Momo’s hand rest over so slightly on top your own and you knew you made the right decision to confess.
“Y/n! What kind of woman is your type?”
Before you spoke, you met eyes with Miwa. It almost seemed as if she was anxious to hear what you had to say!
“Girls with dark blue eyes and are average height are my type. I also really like girls with kind hearts and are down to earth. Blue hair isn’t too bad, either,” you finished, smiling nervously. Both of you were blushing messes while Mai scoffed “Get a room!” Your classmates were just happy that the secret was out in the open—they were tired of you two dancing around your feelings for each other!
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artoodeetootired · 1 month
📖 she’s been his best friend since they were pre-teens; he was a rebellious, unrelenting, and aspiring racer, while she was a witty, energetic, and hopeful journalist. but after all these years, she can’t help but question whether they could be more- despite the challenges that come with her feelings.
💭 op!81 x fem!journalist, best friends to lovers (smau)
🎧 dress - taylor swift
🥀 “say my name n everythin just stops. i don’t want u like a best friend. only bought this dress so u could take it off…” 🥀
ty for the love on my first smau ! here’s the next per the last poll’s fav choice :) warning: lots & lots of typos/underlying delulu cringe
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ynuser posted a story 6s
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Liked by landonorris, logansargeant, fbsfuser, and others
landonorris: solidarity queen ✊🏼
-> ynuser ✊🏼
oscarpiastri: u are actually insane
-> wow this is so nice of you.
-> such a great best friend .
-> an even better journalist.
-> ynuser anything to humble u while i am in this industry 🫶🏻
user: you are UNHINGED
logansargeant: careful yn, your favouritism is showing
-> ynuser: it's part of my contract. im the comedic relief of f1 journalism
-> logansargeant: but doesn't will buxton naturally do that
-> ynuser: now THIS convo could get me fired. shoo logan.
-> logansargeant LOLL
mclaren: just 'cause we love you, we'll let this slide
-> ynuser: 🫶🏻😸
fbsfuser: send my fuck you's to them both :D
-> ynuser: already on it 🫡
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Tagged: landonorris, mclaren, ynuser
oscarpiastri great start to the season @mclaren 💪🏼
the same can't be said about a particular someone tho... betting someone should get fired.
📸: @ynuser
Liked by mclaren, landonorris, ynuser, and 609,993 others
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landonorris i dont support bullying, but exceptions can be made if it's towards you
ynuser if karma doesn't get u first then either stroll or i will
-> user oh my GOD 💀
-> user shots fired LMAOOOO
-> oscarpiastri i'd rather karma than u and...
mclaren and we thought lando was our only pr liability
-> landonorris wait WHAT
-> oscarpiastri that's a bit too insulting towards me
-> ynuser this doesnt include me.... right?
fbsfuser boy if you don't take this down...
logansargeant oscar is this meant to be retribution for her story earlier?
-> oscarpiastri so what?
-> landonorris that's kinda overdramatic compared to what she posted wow
ynuser i would also like to say that this stanky man tried to go out for dinner right after his race 🤢
-> georgerussell scandalous 😨
-> carlossainz55 not very smooth of you oscar
-> alexalbon not smooth.
-> danielricciardo not smooth.
-> charlesleclerc not smooth.
-> maxverstappen1 not smooth.
-> fbsfuser i think, and hear me out, maybe you're in the wrong here oscar
-> ynuser and this is why we were both wearing masks on track
-> oscarpiastri too far. you've gone TOO far.
Instagram: 10/03-21/03
ynuser posted a story 10s
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Liked by yukitsunoda0511, landonorris, georgerussell, and others
yukitsunoday0511: i will get you back one day.
-> ynuser: ngaww 😹
oscarpiastri: u are tho
-> ynuser: ik
->oscarpiastri: wait. are you?
danielricciardo: mind giving me an extra mic so i can do this when youre not with us?
-> ynuser check ur driver's room ;)
landonorris: how did he know 😨
-> ynuser: we been knew lan
oscarpiastri posted a story 7s
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Liked by landonorris, logansargeant, fbsfuser, and others
ynuser: there's no way you pulled out a photo from when we were 13.
-> oscarpiastri: full on war. what are you gonna do about it?
-> ynuser: watch me
landonorris: u have to give this pic to me.
-> oscarpiastri: LMAO ty for joining my side
-> landonorris: no no, don't be mistaken. im against both of you.
-> oscarpiastri: mate what?
carlossainz55: u guys should just kiss already
-> oscarpiastri: carlos NO
mclaren: you're really trying to blackmail a journalist who has resources at her disposal? 😮
-> oscarpiastri: ...yes...
ynuser posted a story 3s
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Liked by maxverstappen1, pierregasly, alexalbon, and others
alexalbon: congrats on winning soldier
-> ynuser ✊🏼
-> ynuser: i like how u still underestimate my job then suffer because of it :)
pierregasly: these go hard 🔥
landonorris: well at least it's not as embarrassing for me. but a HEADS UP WOULDVE BEEN NICE
-> ynuser: bro dont even try ik you've been saving bad pics of me from oscar -.-
mclaren: we hope u enjoyed the pics!
-> ynuser: i owe u guys one fr 🙏🏼
Round 3 (22/03-24/03): Australia
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Tagged: f1
ynuser round 3 in australia!!!! 🇦🇺🦘❤️ amazing to be back on home base, and even better to see danny ric and pastry fight it out for the podium! (actual, professional, and correct news coming from me on @f1 tv 🫡)
ossie ossie ossie! oi oi oi! get it? 'cause ossie is like aussie and... okay. i'll stop.
Liked by mclaren, fbsfuser, danielricciardo, and 611,805 others
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mclaren ty for providing us with baby pastry pics 🫡
-> ynuser pleasure doing business with u 🫡🫡
-> oscarpiastri excuse ME
oscarpiastri haha. so funny. at least u have stand up comedy since journalism may not work out :)
-> ynuser so you admit im funny 😸
-> oscarpiastri don't flatter urself.
-> landonorris nah mate, that sounded like defeat
f1 this commentary is fine 👍🏻
-> user LMAOOOO
user danny ric placing in his home base is such a dream come true 😭
-> user yeah im glad it isnt just a dream anymore
user cutiessssss
-> user them driving around the circuit in a golf cart must've been chaotic
-> logansargeant u have no idea...
user she's hilarious ilysm
-> fbsfuser back off fam she's mine ✋🏼
-> user i need to know how she got this job cause it is THE dream fr
-> fbsfuser yeah it really is a wonder given how many lectures she slept thru...
-> ynuser OI
danielricciardo 🫶🏻
user can oscar fight???
-> user girl what are u talking about they aint tgt
-> user they aren't???
-> user no bruh theyre just besties
user watch me at the next race rizzin her up
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Instagram Messages
landonorris: yn
-> yn
-> yn
-> yn
ynuser: bruh WHAT
landonorris: it's important
ynuser: lando i don't have time to answer whether a new pair of pants make u look flat
-> go ask osc
landonorris: ok first of all: a good pair makes a huge difference.
-> and second, it's about osc
ynuser: did smth happen to him?????
landonorris: no, sorry
-> shouldn't have led with that
-> i sent u a post on twitter
-> but just, read carefully k?
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Instagram Messages
ynuser: oh
landonorris: u see it?
ynuser: yeah
landonorris: are u okay?
ynuser: yeah im just surprised
landonorris: so you didn't know about it either?
ynuser: obviously not
landnorris: im sorry yn :(
ynuser: why? it's not like he owes me anything lol
-> im happy he started dating again in fact
-> was getting worried lol
landonorris: u sure u good?
-> doesn't really sound like u are
ynuser: im fine
-> plus i need to stay professional. i still have a job and there are crazy fans and all
-> thanks anyways lan
landonorris: alright, im here to talk if u need
-> so is the rest of the grid tbh
❤️ Liked by ynuser
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Instagram: 03/04
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Tagged: urmumuser
ynuser a little break back home with the parents doesn't hurt 🌊
@f1's the best for letting me regenerate lost brain cells <3
Liked by f1, fbsfuser, racerbia, and 702,009 others
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f1 we got ur back queen ✊🏼
-> user in the middle of all the drama, this could mean so many things...
-> user well im gonna take it as them sayin that theyre on the right ship :)
user ngl guys the distance rn is probably 'cause yn and osc so close, especially with osc dating brianna, like she probably did it out of respect for them. no one wants to be 'the girl he told me not to worry about' yk.
-> user allegedly dating*
-> user allegedly dating*
user omg the parallelism to brianna with the surfboards 😭
-> user we've truly reached peak delulu i love it
landonorris enjoy ur break from a grid of shitheads 💪🏼
-> carlossainz55 speak for urself
wbuxtonofficial how am i going to handle them without you 0.0
-> ynuser well, not to state the obvious, but drivers are just... humans.
-> georgerussell hilarious
racerbia gorgeous girl 🧡
fbsfuser take me with u 😔
Round 4 (05/04-07/04): Japan
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Tagged: oscarpiastri, landonorris, vindiesel, and mrodofficial
mclaren A little surprise for our papaya boys as they come back from their Friday practices! 🤫 Here's to hoping we go fast and furious in the land of sakura 🌸
Liked by f1, ynuser, racerbia, and 851,092 others
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user the lack of yn's interactions with the whole grid is actually making me glitch throughout this weekend. and it's only friday 💀💀
user omggggg van diesel and michelle rod!!!!!!
user they really be spoiling osc lolll
user it's so weird to see an interview without yn
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Tagged: oscarpiastri
mclaren H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y @oscarpiastri!
Our baby driver is 23 today, here in Japan! Drive well, birthday boy! 😎🌸
Liked by f1, fbsfuser, racerbia, and 905,874 others
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user happy birthday ossie!!!
landonorris: our baby is growing up so fast
-> f1 we must shrink him.
user wow she must be pissed if she took her first annual leave during this totally coincidental time
-> user fr sis is fooling no one.
-> user this feels like such a bad omen omg 😭
-> user guys maybe our bestie yn just really needed a break... haha...
briannawood_ happy birthday osc ❤️
-> user oh my god
-> user she actually exists
-> user girl what are you doing here
-> user ayo???
alexalbon happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!
fbsfuer hbd
-> user oh-
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Tagged: oscarpiastri
ynuser to the one who vexes me, encourages me, n supports me sm, happy 23rd birthday. i've known you since your rebellious days, trying to prove to the rest of the world how your dream was worth fulfilling, and i'm grateful to have been with you to this very stage of your life. from re-watching cars and fast n furious for over a decade, to re-watching ur races and my interviews, know that i'll always be there, on or off track, no matter what. to the bane of my existence, from ur twin devil x
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user oh im gonna be sick is she the one who told f1 to invite vin diesel and michelle rod 😭💔
-> user u are spitting facts but in this case facts should not be facting because this is actually making me hyperventilate by all the drama rn
user no im sorry but why does this sound more like a goodbye than a hbd note
user yn trying to prove that she's actually a great write when she wants to be
-> user and SHE IS 😭😭😭
user the way she doesn't sound like herself AT ALL wtf is going on
user this sounds like a very strange way of resigning 💀
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Round 5 (19/04-21/04): China
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Tagged: f1
ynuser im back 😈 lovely weather here in china as we start round 5's quali day!! let's get back to it 💪🏼
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f1 she's back!
user oh my god i thought we were never gonna see her ever again
lewishamilton missed our fav presenter
-> georgerussell frfr!!
-> mclaren actually ☝🏼 she was and will always be OUR fav
fsfbuser welcome back gorgeous <3
user well... the good news is that she sounds normal again
-> user nah bruh im right here in the paddock and she looks nervous/twitchy af
user the besties obvie haven't made up yet 😪
-> user or maybe they never will...
oscarpiastri come on back over to our pit, you left before i finished changing ?
-> user oH WTF
-> user this shit is actually going to be the death of me
-> landonorris i thought we agreed that i'd call her? 🤨
-> charlesleclerc hush for a little while she's over at ours rn
-> user this is too funny
-> user is this a pr trick or some shit 'cause IT'S NOT FUNNY ANYMORE
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Tagged: ynuser
oscarpiastri you are never escaping me ever again.
(forgive my impulsive actions tonight everyone, i swear im only ever like this around her)
Liked by landonorris, fbsfuser, ynuser, and 1,397,819 others
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francisca.cgomes SHUT THE FRONT DOOR. FINALLY.
-> lilymhe I KNOW RIGHT
-> pierregasly oscar can be so oblivious sometimes...
-> fbsfuser boy he was blind, deaf, and dumb for as long as i've known them. like pick a struggle??
-> landonorris i second this
logansargeant kinda giving serial killer vibes but u two are cute enough to forgive that
-> ynuser 🤪
-> maxverstappen1 i can finally go back to the garage in peace without u following me to talk my ear off
-> oscarpiastri u knew this whole time??
user i am going insane.
-> user maybe i hit the blunt too good this time...
-> user @landonorris and @fbsfuser u guys are the gods of all wingmen.
user oh thank god he wasn't actually dating brianna
-> user our queen and king can come back stronger and better now 😩
user your honour, nvm, my parents just got back tgt :D
ynuser 10 years, both of us having a nasty high school relationship each, and a rumour bomb that exploded from underneath me... i think i have every right to try and escape again.
-> oscarpiastri this was not funny when u first said it, and it will never be.
-> logansargeant ok but it kind of is
user my fav writer inspo is now my fav driver's wag MY HEART
landonorris thank god i dont need to listen to the both of you whining anymore
-> ynuser who said we're stopping 🤨
-> oscarpiastri you can't escape me either lando.
-> landonorris this is foul @mclaren i suggest you give me a raise for keeping ur other driver in check
-> f1 haha no.
mclaren thank god we don't have to whisper every time we see something suspicious now
-> redbullracing im ngl, same.
-> astonmartinf1 we once had to watch while they bantered with each other for 10 minutes 🧍🏻‍♀️
-> scuderiaferrari not that it's a competition, but they were always close to pecking each other whenever they were here
-> alexalbon wait why were they even in any of these garages??
-> mclaren ask oscar why he keeps following her...
user that interview was INSANE
-> user i don't think i've ever seen such a surreal confession oml
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a/n: lowkey cringey hehe. this was supposed to involve a wedding (for a mclaren engineer not oscyn loll) where they'd all be dressed up (you know... DRESS) but i reached the pics limit 💀 honestly i would've written this out as a one shot or smth but once i start i will never stop... and i have my ibdp math final 😭
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gh0stsp1d3r · 3 months
Send Rafe reqs im begging ‼️🌚
Warnings: established relationship, possessiveness, cursing, fight, suggestive at the end
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He watched you dance around with your friends while he stayed at the side, leaning against a wall. You had a smile on your face, and he swirled the cup in his hands around, eyeing you.
He watched you come up to him, leaving your friends in the crowd. You greeted him with a kiss on the cheek.
“Hi, baby.” He mumbled, looking down at you.
“Hi! What are you doing back here? C’mon, have some fun.” Your words were slurred, and you were obviously drunk. He chuckled at your state, putting his own drink down.
“Let’s go home.” He said, knowing damn well you would be complaining tomorrow morning about your hangover.
“What? Why? It’s still-“ you immediately protested.
“Cause you’re drunk, princess.” His hands were on your hips, as you let out a whine.
“Okay, okay, can we leave in like… 20 minutes? My friends are waiting on me.”
He sighed. “Fine. 20 minutes.” He couldn’t say no to you.
“Thank you!! I love you!” You said, giving him one more kiss and leaving him, going back to your friends who all smiled when you came back. He picked back up his drink, shaking his head to himself with a small amused smile on his face.
He let you have fun with your friends, while he talked with his own. His eyes drifted right back to you while they talked.
“Who’s that?” Rafe suddenly asked Kelce, nodding to a boy that had been staring at you the whole time you were on the dance floor. He had a hint of jealousy in his eyes.
“Oh, that’s Ethan. His family moved in like last month. He’s an asshole.” He mumbled the last part under his breath, taking a sip of the drink.
Rafe’s grip on his cup tightened, crushing it. Kelce furrowed his eyebrows and looked at where he was looking.
You were smiling and laughing with one of your friends while he made his way behind you, one of your friends pointed him out and you turned to see the boy.
“Hey!” He said, the music drowning out his voice.
“Hi?” You said, a little confused at him. You’ve never seen him before, and your friend told you he was just checking you out.
“Are you single?!” He shouted.
“No.” You scoffed, terrible question to ask. You turned back to your friend.
Thankfully, you didn’t seem interested in the man, Rafe thought. But the boy just looked around, and came even closer, his body pressing against yours.
You furrowed your eyebrows, elbowing the man off of you. Rafe was furious at this point, and without a second thought, stormed over, pushing past the crowd.
“C’mon, don’t be such a-.” He groaned, holding his stomach. His sentence being interrupted when Rafe came over. The partygoers watched, knowing something was going down.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Rafe said, his hands moved faster than his brain did, and he punched the man. The man groaned and began to fight back, shoving Rafe.
Rafe pushed Ethan onto the ground, getting on top of him and landing multiple blows to his face. His face was bloody, the people yelled and shouted, he didn’t care.
“Rafe! Rafe!” You attempted to get him off, afraid that he would kill the guy at this point.
He only got off when you grabbed his arm, pulling him up and he panted as the man cried out, still on the floor.
You just yanked his arm, signaling to him that you both needed to leave.
You left at the right time, you thought as you heard sirens going towards the house. You drove, yelling at Rafe who was completely silent the whole way.
“What the fuck, I mean what the fuck?! Are you trying to kill someone, Rafe?” You spoke, parking the car as you pulled up to his driveway, you turned to look at him now.
“That was insane. You’re fucking insan-“ he cut you off by crashing his lips into yours, his hands gripping your face. He slid his tongue into your mouth, and his hand left a trail of blood on your cheeks.
His hand remained there even when you pulled away.
“He was fuckin’ checking you out the whole time! Just had to show him, them all, what’s mine.” He seethed, and you hated to admit it but he was hot when he was angry.
You opened your mouth to speak again but he kissed you again, shutting you up. His lips moved against yours, and he breathed heavily as he left the kiss.
He looked at you and you knew exactly what it meant. You smiled ever so slightly and you both went into the backseat of the car, thank God for the window tint.
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linopls · 8 months
kinktober day eight
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breeding hyunjin x fem!reader summary: hyunjin figures out a new kink of yours. warnings: SMUT MINORS DNI, degradation, humiliation, oral (male receiving), unprotected p in v 1.5k words
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you haven't seen hyunjin in two weeks. neither of your schedules have aligned for fourteen days. you’re going what one would call boyfriend-withdrawal and it was terminal. you both had finally found a day that works, or a night. hyunjin told you he would be outside your apartment at 9:00 PM, it was 11:00PM. 
you’re fighting sleep at this point. you’ve had a coffee, an energy drink, and have turned down your AC to levels that will keep you awake. but you were just about to give up and let sleep overtake you on your couch, when you hear the sound of keys and your door knob moving. you jump off the couch, almost tripping in the process. 
before hyunjin can even enter your apartment, you’ve enveloped him in a kiss. he slides his unoccupied arm around your lower back and pulls you closer. he walks you both back into the room and shuts the front door with his foot without breaking contact. he drops his overnight back at your feet and wraps his now freed arm around your upper back, pulling your chest against his.
his lips are soft, everytime you kiss him that’s the first thing you think. they’re plush and soft and fit against yours like a puzzle piece. the way he kisses is perfect, it's never too sloppy but you can always taste him on your lips for hours after you’ve kissed him. he always knows exactly how to hold you to keep you close and drive you insane. 
you start to slide your hands under his shirt and rub your fingers over his abs when he pulls away.
“baby, i have barely gotten in the door,” he laughs, looking down at you. “what’s up with you today?” 
“i’ve missed you so much.” you grab the bottom of his shirt and pull it up and over his head. “so, so, so much,” you say, dragging your nails gently back down his chest.
“don’t start something we both know you can’t finish,” he says sternly. you can tell by the way he talks that there is love behind everything he says and that he’s missed you too, but you decide to play along and see how far you can go and push his buttons.
“i can finish anything i start, hyunjin.”
“go sit on your bed. i’ll be there in a minute.”
his demeanor change sends waves of heat to your core. and as you hurry into your bedroom you catch a glimpse of the tent forming in his shorts. 
you take the extra time hyunjin has given you to light the candles on your night stand and shut the blinds on the window. you adjust the pillows upright and and adjust the comforter and sit with you back against the headboard while you wait for your pretty boyfriend to come back. 
he returns after about five minutes, his shirt still off and his overnight bag in his hand. he places it down on your dresser before stopping to look at you. “come here,” he commands, motioning you with his finger. 
you crawl to the edge of the bed and let your feet hang off the side. “get up,” he says, his tone never shifting, you obey and stand. he turns to face you, places a soft kiss on your lips. “kneel.”
you drop to the floor with enthusiasm, staring face to face with his crotch. you move you hand to palm him through his shorts, but he swats your hand away before you make content. “i didn’t say you could touch me, you’re so desperate.”
you whine. “‘m sorry.”
“show me how sorry you are,” he says, sliding his shorts down his legs revealing his long and dripping cock. 
your mouth waters at the sight and you go to wrap your lips around the tip and he stops you again. “you’re such a little cockslut, aren’t you? hmm? just open your mouth for me.”
it was like you were playing ‘simon says’ the way hyunjin said anything and you compiled, no questions asked. he slowly slides his cock down your throat. its heavy on your tongue and reaches the back of your throat with ease, you gag and he pulls out, doing the same action again until you are used to the feeling.
“only been gone two weeks and i have to retrain you to take me, hmm?” he laughs.
hyunjin pulls your hair into a makeshift ponytail and whispers a small ‘you ready?’. when you give the go ahead he begins fucking your mouth at an animalistic pace, rutting inside you like he never had before. tears are streaming down your face and your moaning and whining at the feeling of hyunjin using your mouth. 
“fuck, thats it baby,” he grunts between thrusts. “make me feel good.”
your eyes roll to the back of your head and you're humming around him trying to bring him closer to his orgasm,when he stops and pulls out of your mouth.
“strip for me,” he says as he walks over to your bed and sits in the middle, back against the headboards. you do so quickly, knowing what's about to happen next. 
you crawl onto the bed and hover over his cock. “good girl, i didn’t even have to ask,” he praises while putting his hands on your hips.
as you slide down you’re overwhelmed with pleasure. you’ve tried to relieve yourself for two weeks but nothing feels as good as him. you slowly slide yourself up and down his thick cock, admiring the feeling. hyunjin stares at you with admiration and lust.
“will you ride me til i cum, baby?” he doesn’t need to ask, he knows the answer, you’d do anything to please him.
you slowly start to quicken your pace, balancing yourself by gripping his broad shoulders. pleasure hazing your mind at the feeling of his veiny cock sliding against your walls. hyunjin takes his hands and folds them behind his head. you whine at the lost of him touching you.
“you’re fine, baby. you can do the work today, i had a very stressful day,” he says. the way his voice is completely steady during this sends frustration and arousal to your core.
you begin to move faster. you move your hands to his knees in hope that can make you move faster but it doesn’t elicit a reaction from him. you whine again, worried you won’t make him finish yourself.
hyunjin must pick up on your frustration. “you can do it, baby. you can fuck me til i fill up your tight cunt.” 
the thought of him filling you up makes you dizzy. you whimper at the thought and try to ride him faster, moving your hips in circles.
“oh,” hyunjin gasps. “does the idea of me filling you up get you going?”
you whine in response, uncontrollably clenching around his cock. which at this new speed and angle is hitting your cervix directly.
hyunjin smirks. “keep going then, baby. fuck yourself on my cock til i fill you up and keep going so nothing slips out.”
you’re going insane, your mind is full of hyunjin and you want nothing more than to drain him completely. 
“come on, baby. that’s it,” he grunts. “at this rate, you’re gonna get yourself pregnant if you keep going.”
your brain short circuits at the thought and all you're able to do is moan.
hyunjin chuckles. “hm, is that what you want, baby? to be so round and full of me, hm?” he asks, placing his hand on your lower stomach. 
“yes, yes, god yes,” is all you are able to reply with. tears streaming down your face, heart pounding out of your chest, and sweat falling onto the bed below you.
“keep going, i’m gonna fill you up, i’m gonna knock you up so good,” hyunjin is blabbering as his hips grind up to meet yours. he moves his thumb down to your clit and rubs small circles on the sensitive bud. you yelp in pleasure as he finally gives you some assistance. 
“close,” you whine, grinding down desperately on his cock. 
“fuck, fuck!” hyunjin is yelling at that point, humping his throbbing cock up into you. “please cum with me, please cum as i fill you and make you mine. please.”
hyunjin’s cries send you over the edge and you’re cumming all over his cock. your juices slipping all over his lap and your hips buck controllably. before you can even realize it, hyunjin grabs you by the waist and slams you back onto the bed.
“jin! jinnie!” you whine as he continues his brutal attack on your hole. hips spazzing in overstimulation.
“stop squirming slut, take my fucking cum,” he spits. “gonna fill you up til you're swollen and pregnant.”
he thrusts once more before you can fill his cock twitch and his warm seed spilling inside you. he slows down his motions and pulls out. he swiftly replaces his cock with his fingers. he holds your squirming body still with one of his arms over your stomach. 
“i said i didn’t want anything to fall out.”
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@rockstrhanji @hyunjinhoexxx @mixtape-racha @euphoric-univers @haruharu-egypt @shit-why-what @twiggoblin @kookiesbunny @virgohannie @nataliee10 @ihrtlix @aaasia111 @lolli4me @lilcutieana @changbinsrightboob @hanjisunglover @chansducky10 @elissasimp @boi-bi-ahaha @lilquokka04 @anglerfishiey @sirenscall1031 @might-be-a-rat @jihyun2monster @kpflyn @samsmitty @imwithurmother @meilix @summer3sworld @mysweethannie @kittykattime @linoots @yaorzu-blog @sofiaeli 
@alemi-i @cupidsmoons @yoongles2025 @vixensss @chlooooop @lemontried @idkluvutellme @superiorbrownskinn @ana-stasssiaaa @amayaaseees @ilikecatsanddoritos @alnex05 @esairevmp @greysweaters-blog @sanzusfavgf @jutannies @faraonatojishady @hanniemylovelyquokka @chloeskzboomboom @quinnluvsmoney @burningupp-replies @aisha-md @jo-dinner @jeannie-beannie @httpsimmy @hazneezs @cuffier 
@dvbkie099 @il0v3skz @chrishak@quokkaaah @bex90997 @sheeshhhhfelixsworld @leeknowyah @tumadreposts @hyunniebunni @cipher-ipher @alice630 @jinnies-princess @bangtancultsposts @evrythinghqppened @rebellescauses-blog @juicypebbless @fawnpeaks @the-life-of-stella @lakoya @compersian @seung-mine 
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mopopshop · 1 month
if you aren’t comfortable writing this, ignore it! but would you be able to do emily engstler nsfw head cannons?
I got you twin 🤞🏾
Emily Engstler NSFW Headcannons
she’s a top, like biggest top to ever top all tops
but she likes to switch it up every once in a while
strap game is actually insane
she was never shy about it at first like she knows how to use it and she’s PROUD
as good as she is w strap, fingering is… no words, actually insane how good she is at it
strap is like honestly overwhelming, you can barely breathe after and she’s so cocky about it
backshots warrior
riding and missionary tie for second tho 
guiding your hips w her big ass hands (the hand tats too OMLLL)
sucking the strap>>> 
loves eye contact 
“eyes on me, mamas”
grips your jaw to make SURE u looking 
isn’t a crazy talker in bed, she says the right things at the right times 
and she’s not big on like degrading nicknames, i feel like the craziest she would go is tease or brat
mamas, princess, pretty girl, baby >>>
certified munch every day all day
loves when you pull her hair 
she’s into public sex to an extent, like fingering shes all for but eating you out or vice versa in public is a little too much for her 😭
gets horny out of literally nowhere, like you turn her on sm it’s crazy and you don’t even have to be do anything 
The two of you had just been chilling in Emily’s car in front of the Mystics practice gym. You’d been basking in comfortable silence when you felt Emily’s hand grip your thigh, her thumb rubbing it.
Nothing out of the ordinary but slowly you feel her hand moving higher until her hands getting dangerously close to between your legs.
“Baby..” she whines
“Hm?” you turn to her, meeting her eyes. They’re low and she’s smirking, immediately catching on to what she’s insinuating.
Feigning annoyance, you scoff “I know damn well you’re not tryna do that right now”
Her hand continues to rub on your upper thigh as she leans in to speak lowly in your ear “So you don’t wanna…?”
“Emily!” you smack her arm, laughing “You’re quite literally about to walk into practice”
just so down bad for you 
her snapchat “my eyes only” is filled w pics of you
she likes to record and take pictures during (entirely with your consent of course)
goes absolutely feral when you send her nudes 
she’s private about yalls sex life though, she’s not one to kiss and tell 
she doesn’t brag abt y’all’s escapades to her teammates, maybe once in a blue moon to hailey but even that’s pushing it
talks you through it when you cum DEFINITELYYY
“i know mama, you can cum”
“it’s okay baby, cum for me”
“you feelin good?”
“oh you sound so pretty”
“tell me how it feels”
strap game is so crazy it has you walking funny for a while after
foreplay is a must every. single. time.
loves when you dig your nails into her back
the scratches on her back after>>>
changing in the locker room is always entertaining bcs they’re visible to the rest of the team and they stay asking questions 
very attentive when it comes to aftercare 
like she’ll cuddle with you right after, make sure you get something to drink, shower together and cuddle some more when you’re dressed 
she’ll make sure she’s glued to your back and that you feel as much comfort as possible
as much as I enjoyed writing this, this does not mean i’m good at writing smut so if y’all ask i don’t think i’ll do it, not cause i don’t want to but because i srsly suck ass at it😭😭😭
also so upset that i can’t watch the mystics game, can’t find anyone who’s streaming it so just praying that they’ll post highlights after
let’s pray that emily and aaliyah got some playing time 💔🙏🏾
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aajjks · 9 months
Destiny (m)
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synopsis. You can’t say no to him, it’s his birthday after all.
warnings. söft yändērē, sïmp bëhävïöür, öbsëssîvë thoughts, öbsëssïön, hê ïs sö përsüäsïvë, ünhëälthy rëlätïönshïp, yändêrê jk 10x.
note. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE MAN I LOVE. please send asks for my jk’s, what do you love the most about jk? I love him, I hope you guys will love this as well, so what’s your answer going to be?
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He just loves you so much.
Jungkook knows it’s unhealthy but he doesn’t care. You are everything to him, you’re his reason for everything, you’re the centre of his universe.
He wants to be with you forever, you’re both perfect for each other, God made you for him, and him for you.
Jungkook is a firm believer in destiny and he believes that you’re his destiny.
So that’s why he’s going to make you his tonight, forever.
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You are nervous,
When it comes to your boyfriend you’re always tense.
You want to be happy, excited for your date tonight with him but all you feel is nervous, maybe it’s because you’re not sure about how he’s going to react to what you’re about to tell him.
Jungkook was always unpredictable.
As you sit right across him, you feel his eyes on you, you can’t really look at him without looking away, or playing with your nails. Your anxiety is rising through the roof.
Maybe you shouldn’t today, it’s his birthday after all, but it’s really now or never. Your courage is barely enough today, you’ll chicken out the next day.
“Baby? You okay?”
The feeling of his right tattooed hand on yours and his voice pulls you out of your inner dilemma, you blink twice, he looks so happy and beautiful. His eyes are filled with love for you, he looks at you like you’re his whole world.
And that scares you a little.
You nod to jungkook and he squeezes your hand again. “Just thinking about you, kook.” You reply, the night is so calm, the atmosphere is so peaceful yet Jungkook’s eyes don’t let you calm down.
“The food was so delicious right YN???? Also I ordered their top desert too, I hope you’ll enjoy it! I know we have my birthday cake too but I thought you should taste their special too, it’s so tasty I love it.”
“I am so happy I am spending my birthday with you YN.” The man gushes like a teen boy, never leaving your hand, “you know I love you a lot, so much.” He sighs like this is a dream he never wants to wake up from.
“You love me too right?”
Your breath hitches in your throat, why does he always ask you this question? His need to be reassured drives you insane sometimes, he knows the answer yet why?
“Of course.”
A huge smiles breaks out from his lips, his eyes crinkle so sweetly, his cheeks are almost red, your boyfriend blushes softly and giggles.
“Then, you’re going to love my surprise YN.”
Your furrow your brows.
“Actually Jungkook I need to tell- no YN. Not now please.” You close your mouth, anxiety rushes through you as you watch him stand up from the table, what is he doing?
You don’t get it, it’s his birthday yet he’s giving you a surprise? 
Your eyes follow his as you watch him walk closer to you and you are too focused on him to utter a word, he looks at you and halts his movement, looking at you with his deep brown orbs.
“B-Babe what are you doing??”
It’s all too quick, he’s on one knee, as he puts his hand into his pocket, and takes out a velvet black box. Your heartbeat is going crazy.
No no no!!!
“JUNGKOOK!- YN. Will you make me the luckiest man alive, will you marry me?”
You can’t breathe, it feels so suffocating suddenly, his words hit you like a brick, ringing repeatedly in your ears. You want to cry.
You didn’t want this, not right now.
You stare at him dumbfounded, your mouth feels too dry to say anything, Jungkook stares back at you with eagerness jumping in his eyes, they are sparkling so much.
You watch as he openes the box, the ring takes your attention away from him, it’s gorgeous, it’s too big.
It looks too expensive.
“YN do you see the ring? I had it custom made, do you see these stones? These are yours and mine birth stones, and the diamond is in the middle of them. Do you like it?”
You stand up, speechless, “J-Jungkook….” He doesn’t move from his position, “please say yes YN. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you so much, please fulfill my birthday wish and marry me.”
You feel so helpless right now, he’s making you feel so weak, the look in his eyes is too strong. He loves you so much.
“I’ll make you the happiest woman YN, I’ll always take care of you and love you unconditionally, please baby, marry me.”
Jungkook is quick to grab your hand. “Baby say something, you know you can’t say no, I won’t accept it, say yes, say yes to me.”
this is exactly why you don’t want to marry him.
“Just one yes YN, I’ll do anything… please marry me.”
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unluckilyimnot · 2 months
Jealous hc
Characters: sae, rin, kaiser, hiori, karasu, shidou
m.list | rules
Note: hiiii how are youuu thank you for your request hihi I had other characters bc I felt like doing it for them too
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Sae Itoshi
he’s too prideful to be jealous, or he thinks so
in fact he get pissed off easily, anyone being a little to friendly with you bother him and he already doesn’t like anyone so imagine
he’s not subtile, even if he thinks he is
he’ll get closer, talk like shit to the person who’s flirting with you in his eyes
roll his eyes, click his tongue, you name it
Suddenly he wants to go home or leave for another place
You never honestly never thought you'll see him like that since he's confident and trusts you
I think he just doesn't like people and so by extension he hates people talking to you
He likes to think he's the only one who can make you smile like that, beside your friends (he's not insane)
So seeing some nobody making you smile, or even worst : laugh makes him jealous
He’s not into pda to save his life i think, that’s something he keeps behind closed doors
But oh man how he likes to kiss you when it happens, just to remind everyone that you're taken and you're proud of it
Be prepared to hear about this, he’s a nagging mom at heart
“Are you done ?” you’d ask and magically, yes he is
he will sulk yes, but close to you at least
Rin Itoshi
Bare with him, he acts tough but deep down he wants to cry
Just like his brother, he will get closer, his arm will probably stay around your shoulders after that
But he won’t be mean to them, just kinda ignore them or send death glare if they get too close
No touching, even in a friendly way, don’t be ridiculous
I think he appreciates it if you put a stop yourself
He’s more insecure than he likes to admit and it prove him that he can trust you
He’s gonna be clingy af though
When you two are finally alone, Rin won’t say a world but glue himself to you
He’ll need reassurance for sure :( this boy has abandon issues
Michael Kaiser
He’s an asshole (lovingly)
He let people flirt with you if it helps their ego and mock them for how long you can think, it’s almost an inside joke for him
The irony is that he’s really possessive, so it’s all fun and game until it’s not some loser that try to hit on you
Not that he feels threaten, please
But he still don’t wanna play with them and he doesn’t want you nearby
If you just happen to be friendly with someone then he’s bothered
What do you mean by being this happy to see someone else ?
He’ll ask a million questions and whine about it before brush it off as if he doesn’t care
It takes a lot to deal with him, his reaction depend on his phase
If he feels low then he’ll be a nightmare, you had to be sorry for someone hitting on you and tell him he’s your one and only
If he’s his confident self, it’s almost like he doesn’t care and let it happen
Being with him is a roller coaster
Tabito Karasu
Best man if is speak
He’s mature and he knows he’s projecting his own insecurity when he’s jealous, so he doesn’t make a big deal about it
He’s not gonna ruin the moment so he just keep his cool and act normally
Deep down you can feel there’s some awkwardness so you try to ask him silently, with your eyes or smile, if he’s ok
He loves you so much he feels dumb to even be jealous the second you do that honestly
Expect small pda like holding hands above your knees, playing with your fingers or the em of your shirt/ skirt
He’ll talk to you about it on your way back home or when you two are comfortable at yours or his place
He knows it’s normal to feel like this sometimes but it’s normal to reach for comfort right ? he’s not shy to ask
Nothings best than you playing with his hair, laying on your chest or thighs
Ryusei Shidou
He’s unhinged he scares me
I think he’s the most jealous among them
You’re his, that’s it so, he may seem lay back (and weird) but he’s cautious with every person coming near you
I hc him with abandon issues as well (give us his back story please and make it worth it compare to some character) so he’s always scared of you leaving
It’s still more in a possessive than an insecure way, he just can’t take it if he considered that someone is too close to you
He gets touchy oh my, he’s all over you, can’t keep his hands to himself just to let them know that you’re taken
He’ll talk to them straight in the eyes while his hand run up and down your thighs, he’s not ashamed of anything
You have to put a stop to it but always expected something more while coming home
Yo Hiori
He’s cute and I don’t think people take him seriously enough
You’re amazing and beautiful and fun to talk to, people already asked you why him
He kinda has war flashback ngl
Obviously he also think that he’s not enough and probably get jealous/sad quickly if someone get close to you and is really friendly
He’s scared to take things into hand I think, so he’ll just ask for you two to leave
He won’t tell you how he feels, he’s sure it’s not important enough to bring it up but you always ask him anyway
You’re so sorry that it happens at all honestly, you never want him to feel like this
He never ask for it but you’re clingy and want to do nothing with him, spending some quality time together, watching him play game while you stay on your phone or even sitting in his laps
It always make him feel better and remind him that you won’t leave him so soon
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I hope you liked it ♡
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chrollohearttags · 9 months
okay, we know musician!eren is a freaky lil’ frog. That he loves doing all the things to please his lady and sometimes, he can’t control himself. But he definitely underestimates the lengths that (y/n) will go to just to see him satisfied. He loves to think he’s corrupting you or teaching you all the nasty shit that transpires in the bedroom. He always takes it to the next level…but one night? You send him into shock like he’s never seen when you take the reigns.
walking into the bedroom in nothing more than a robe, not saying a word..not a single thing underneath as you push him down on the bed and tell him to lay back. “Let me ride that fucking face.” He’s not used to you taking control and being so domineering but once he gets a taste of you dominating him, he wants nothing else. Especially when you cloud his view with nothing but your thick thighs, wrapping them around his head as you straddle from the bridge of his nose to his pouty little lips….smacking your own ass as he carefully devours your cunt. “Put your tongue in it, baby. Right there…” encouraging him as he grunts underneath, loving every second. Whether he can breathe or not is not none of your concern. But you can sense just how much he loves it when you turn around after twerking on his upper half to see his cock standing at attention. With his pretty features coated in your slick, it’s your turn to return the favor. Doing so by gliding your tongue down his chest and abs, something he’s done to you many of times. But not before kissing at his nipples and making this supposed alpha male twitch and shudder like a little bitch. “F-fuck..that’s—“ “feels good, doesn’t it?” Questioning with quite the devious glare on your face. Knowing that he’s about to really lose his mind when you move your mouth to the tip of his dick; making suctioning motions on it which always gets him to shuddering.
he’s so sensitive, it’s an absolute shame…poor thing’s clutching the bed by the time you really get into it. Eating his dick up as if you’ve been starved for it. Let saliva ooze and seep all down the sides as you take it to the back of your throat with no regard for your own breathing. “Princess..s-shit! You gotta slow down…oh my god.” “I’ll stop when I’m ready. This my dick.” You care even less when he busts a nut in the back of your throat and you just keep sucking without a care. Gulping, gagging and slurping noises filling the once quiet room, right along with Eren’s pathetic moans. His chest and stomach are caving so bad that he looks as if he’s hyperventilating. Alternating between his balls and slimy shaft..it’s as sexy as it messy and he doesn’t want you to stop. However, he knows he can’t last if you keep this up.
which is exactly why you waste no time climbing on top and riding him until this man’s eyes are permanently residing in the back of his head. Something that doesn’t take much when he’s already so depleted but once that tight little pussy starts gripping around him, he’s losing it. Stuck even!…
“Wait, baby…I don’t think—“ but you don’t need him to think, move or even speak right now..all you need him to do is lie there and let you fuck him senseless. Bouncing and burrowing that heavy ass down on his dick until it’s swallowed him whole. He’s never had anything like it. Watching your perform tricks he didn’t even think possible. From riding on your top toes to doing splits. The entire time, that slimy mixture drenching his entire pelvis..the pretty pearlescent fluid all a result of how good it felt. You even spread your own cheeks open so he can see firsthand how insane your grip is. Before long, he’s exploding yet again with another mind numbing nut and this time, it’s spilling inside of you. Only because you refused to let up and told him simply: “come in this pussy or you not coming at all..” and he tried not to be so weak..damn, he’s doing the best he can but he’s never had anybody fuck him like this. And after two emptied loads residing in your womb and his legs practically shaking, you decide to let him go..leaving him with nothing more than a kiss on the head as you hold him close to you and let him calm down. “It’s okay, baby..just breathe.”
knowing you just took his soul and set it in a fucking jar. Needless to say though..he’ll need that treatment more often.
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drewstarkeyslut · 4 months
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SUMMARY: you make a bet w/ your stepbro!rafe. if you win, you get to take his bike out for a ride whenever you please but what happens if he wins? (idea from the movie cruel intentions)
WARNINGS: stepcest, mdni 18+, smut (p in v), oral sex (female receiving), some lowkey degrading, choking, possessive!toxic!rafe
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“Are you saying that I, Rafe Cameron, wouldn’t be able to win her over? Is that it?” Rafe scoffed, pointing his fingers towards his chest and giving you a dim look.
“That’s exactly what I’m trying to say. I mean come on, you truly think Sofia, little miss perfect princess, is going to give up her virginity to you? Pleeease, what makes you so special?” You snort.
“Oh y/n. You know me by now, don’t be so naive” Rafe laughs.
“Okay then, Rafey, how ‘bout a wager then?” you propose, taking a seat on the bed.
“You did not just call me that. I swear y/n, if you call me that one more fuckin’ time, I swear I’ll ruin you and you know exactly what I mean. Y’know I don’t play that shit.” Rafe booms as he glares you down.
You just loved pushing his buttons by calling him Rafey. He hated that nickname ever since he was a kid. “Relax there hothead, it’s not even that serious, just fuckin’ round with you, having some fun.” You jested.
“So, anyways, the bet..you really think you can get Sofia to fall for you in a week? You sure you’re capable of seducing her in such a short time?” You ask, curiously.
“I won’t even need the full week babe, give me a few days and she’ll be at my mercy and on her knees for me” He grins and sends you a wink while walking towards you.
“I’m just that irresistable… I mean, shit, even you want me y/n, I know you do. My own step sister. What would your mom think about her precious daughter getting fucked out of her mind by her own step brother? Huh?” Rafe laughs and just shakes his head.
“Shut up, you’re so full of yourself” You retort, rolling your eyes. He wasn’t wrong.
“So that wager of yours….” Rafe continued.
“If I win, I get to take that really nice bike of yours for a ride whenever I please” You beamed.
“And if I win, hmmm?” Rafe questions. His arms caging you in as he hovers over you.
“I’ll give you what you’ve been obsessing over ever since our parents got married” you stare into Rafe’s eyes batting your lashes.
“How ‘bout you be more specific y/n” Rafe instructs.
“In simple terms…. I’ll fuck your brains out” you emphasized, smirking at him.
“What makes you think I’ll go for it? That’s my one and only bike and you know I like to take care of my shit. Not even the bitches I’ve fucked ‘round with have taken a ride on that bike.” Rafe replies, making his way off the bed.
“Because, I’m the only person you can’t have and it kills you.” You reveal, walking after him with a cunning look in your eyes.
“Seems to me, that you, my bratty little step sis wants to ride my cock just as bad as I want to ruin that pussy of yours, yeah?” Rafe grits, his face just inches away from yours.
You both start to get flustered as your lips nearly touch, you could feel his hot breath on you. The sexual tension so thick in the air.
Rafe’s starts to palm himself, trying to keep his dick down. He knew what you were trying to do and it drove him insane.
“Looks like next week I’ll be riding that fancy bike of yours” you tease.
“The only thing you’ll be riding is me” Rafe taunts.
“Whatever you say, Rafey” you shoot him a wink before you skip out of the room.
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You were getting ready for the day when you receive a text. It was from Rafe.
“That pussy of yours better be ready for me and waiting in my bed tonight slut” a photo attachment followed the text, catching your attention. The slut in you was hoping it was a picture of his dick.
You open the text thread and click on the photo. Your eyes go wide when you see Sofia with her hair and makeup a mess, obvious she was completely fucked out. He sent the photo as proof, but he was also being petty. He knew it would make you jealous.
Rafe did what he does best. He added her to the tally of girls he’d gotten what he wanted from. He was honestly a little too good at putting up this “real gentleman” facade that no one actually knew his true intentions. It never failed to fool every girl he sought after. They would give themselves to him just to never hear from him ever again.
You were sincerely the only one that knew the toxic fuck boy that was, Rafe Cameron.
For as long as you could remember you were always attracted to your step brother and you weren’t afraid to make it known to him. You knew it was bad but did you care? No, you were no saint, probably no better than Rafe himself.
You sat there thinking how Rafe was right, and it pissed you off. Just a few fucking days and Sofia was all over him, trusted him with her virginity, it disgusted you. It drove you mad that he was right and it drove you insane that he fucked her.
Tonight, things between the two of you were only about to get spicier, and little did you know what you were getting yourself into.
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“Oh, my. god. Fuck! Rafe, right there! Don’t fucking stop” You scream. Rafe’s face was currently lodged between your thighs, his tongue lapping up all your juices.
“My sweet, sweet step sister. Shit, you taste so fuckin’ good, who would have known?” Rafe moaned. He proceeeds to suck on your clit and slips a couple fingers into your soaked cunt.
You squirm above him trying to pull away, clit getting way too overstimulated. He agressively shoves his fingers in and out of you. You’re a moaning mess screaming his name, coming to your sixth orgasm.
“It’s too much Rafe!! I can’t t-take any m-more” you whine.
“Stop fuckin’ movin ‘round. Just behave and try to stay quiet, yeah? Can’t have our parents hearing us and finding out what were up to now can we?” Rafe scolded, grabbing your thighs to keep you grounded.
“No, I guess not. Please… I don’t know how much more I can take” you cry.
“Come on stop being such a damn brat, I don’t know how much I can take” Rafe mocks, laughing at you being the most vulnerable you’ve ever been with him. It genuinely just turned him on more.
He ignores your cries and continues licking and sucking at your clit, adding in a third finger.
“I’m gonna cum again Rafe. I can feel it…Oh god I-I’m cumming!” You moan as you squirt all over his tongue and face. You lay there trying to catch your breath, your mind went fuzzy, you swear all you could see were stars.
“Such a good little slut f’me, now come and ride this cock until I cum in that pretty pussy of yours” Rafe orders.
He pulls his boxers off in one swift motion, his hard cock throbbing just for you, precum already dripping from the tip. Your eyes almost pop out of their sockets at the sight of his long, thick and veiny cock. You’ve never seen one so big and so pretty, it made you drool.
“Like what you see?” Rafe smirks.
“It’s s-so big, never seen one like it… I’m scared Rafe, will it fit?” You ask nervously.
“I’ll make it fit baby. Relax and sit on this dick like a good girl” Rafe mutters.
You hover above him, your hands using his chest for support as you line yourself up to his cock. You slowly sink down, gripping him tight like a glove.
You start finding your rhythm and ride him like your life depended on it, sending Rafe into complete ecstasy. His hands automatically reach for your throat, squeezing your airways. His tongue clashing into your mouth.
“Atta girl, that’s it y/n, god you’re so fuckin’ tight, going to make me fuck a baby into you.” Rafe grunts. His hands travel up to your hips grasping you hard, moving you up and down his cock with brutal force.
“Oh, fuck! Fuuuuckin’ f-feels sooo good r-rafe!! want you to use me like a toy and ruin this little pussy with your big cock” you sob.
Rafe didn’t think his dick could get any harder but your words…those words had an effect on him.
Rafe flips you, switching positions so you’re now on your back. He gives you no warning as he rams his dick into you. His hands are squeezing your tits as he drills into your cunt with brutal force stretching you out.
“Want you to watch your pussy get fuckin’ wrecked baby” Rafe grinned. His hands grabbed your hair into a makeshift ponytail, pulling your head down, folding you, making you watch his cock devour your pussy.
You’re watching as his length slams in you at full length, you’re creaming all over his already drenched cock.
“Doing so good f’me like the obedient slut you are, love takin’ your step brothers dick, hmmm?” Rafe teases.
“Yes, yes! The only cock I need. Oooh fuck! Please, need your cum inside me Rafe!!!” You moan, so loud he has to cover your mouth. His thrusts get faster and sloppier, you know he’s close.
“Holy shit, this pussy is s’gooood! Gonna fill you up to the brim. Oh fuck, fuck, here it comes! Ahhhh I-I’m cumming baby! Yes, yes! Take it and be a good little cumslut, the only thing you’re good for” Rafe screams, profanities and moans filling the room.
He was shooting warm ropes of cum into your cunt while still fucking into you until he pulls out, his cock springing up, sending cum flying towards you and landing on your face.
“Oh my—that was, um that was hot Rafe. Why didn’t we do this before?” You ask breathlessly while putting your clothes back on.
You were just about to walk out of the room when Rafe violently grabs your hair and pulls you up against him, his big arms locking you in, your back against his chest.
“You know, y/n, if you wanted to fuck me you could have just said so. You belong to me now, understand? I will use you whenever and however I please.” Rafe snaps so close to your ear that you wince in his grasp.
“Y-Yes, I understand R-Rafe. I’ll be good. I promise, I’ll be good.” You stutter, knowing you were completely and utterly fucked for the long haul.
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inuyashaluver · 5 months
Could you do one with Esme Morgan or Georgia Stanway? pls I love your fics 🤍
bucket list - georgia stanway
georgia stanway x reader
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description: in which you and your best friend make bucket lists and yours leaves you both questioning the status of your friendship
warnings: quite long i think, silly silly pining, swearing
a/n: hiya!! went with g on this one as i have one for es coming sooonnn, hope you enjoy!! thanks so much for the request and the love ❤️
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your best friend, georgia made it her number one priority to tease you. she’d like to say it was her job, no matter what you did, she’d always be there to tease the shit out of you because she just couldn’t help it.
she loved to see your shy smile or annoyed face with a groan at her teasing but she would never tell you that.
you grew up with georgia, best friends ever since you met at the england youth camps when she accidentally kicked a ball straight into the back of your head.
“head’s up!” a voice beckons while you chat with ella and alessia. “ow, fuck!” you let out a pained laugh, whipping your head around to see an apologetic, worried georgia running towards you.
“i’m so sorry, (y/n)” she says earnestly, placing a hand on your shoulder, giving it a light squeeze as you look at her with wide eyes. “georgia, i’m fine” you say assuringly, slightly confused at the girl’s stern expression. “let me make it up to you?” georgia pleads, taking her hand off your shoulder and letting it hang by her side. you smile at the slightly older girl, “georgia, please, you don’t have to do anything” you let out a small giggle, georgia lets out her own as well, “i’ll make it up to you, promise!” she winks, waving goodbye to you and running off towards niamh.
when you turn back to ella and alessia, they send you cheeky grins. “what?” you laugh, “nothing” they both quip, smirking at each other before passing a ball between them.
georgia did in fact make it up to you, the girl would buy you bags of lollies or she’d get you a drink almost everyday. every time she walked in with that bright smile, the two of you would talk for what felt like hours when in reality minutes. the two of you grew extremely close over the years and everyone thought it was so endearing that your friendship and obvious love was so strong.
through the affirmation of almost everyone of your teammates, you’d come to terms that you liked georgia more than a friend but you would never tell her that, you couldn’t afford to lose her.
throughout the years of being georgia’s best friend, you’d seen all her romantic partners come and go. it broke your heart when they came along but you always put on a brave face and a friendly smile whenever you were introduced to them.
everyone would look at you sympathetically when she’d bring her special someone along to a dinner or a party, many of them giving you long hugs to cheer you up. and every time someone did, georgia would quirk her brow and ask what was wrong only to be met with your bright smile and the shake of your head.
“nothing” you smile, driving georgia borderline insane to the point where she couldn’t sleep at the thought of your kicked-puppy expression.
“we need to find you someone, (y/n/n)! it’s time!” georgia slings her arm over your shoulder during an england team dinner, leah (your ultimate older sister figure) sits across from you and sends you a knowing look when you glance up at her.
“i’m fine, g” you laugh, sipping nervously on your drink when you hear her groan. “no, it’s not fine, love, i want you to be happy” she pleads, giving you a quick kiss on your temple which makes your cheeks turn pink.
you swallow the lump in your throat, tracing your finger over the rim of the glass in front of you, “i am happy, georgia, just drop it, please” you utter, feeling her eyes burn into the side of your head. georgia opens her mouth to say something more but lets out a pained yelp instead when leah kicks her under the table.
you look at georgia concerned, she just smiles at you sheepishly, taking her arm off your shoulder and placing them in her lap.
“sorry” she mumbled,
“(y/n)? come to the bathroom with me?” leah smiles, you nod instantly and the older girl hoists you up from your seat, and as soon as the girl’s arm is over your shoulder, you break down.
“i’m so sorry, darling” she mutters, running her hand up and down your arm comfortingly. your tears run down your cheeks when you make it to the bathroom, your breathe shakily as leah speaks sweetly to you.
“why doesn’t she like me, lee?” you look up at her tearfully and she’s heartbroken, pulling you into a hug. “she’s silly if she doesn’t, love” leah retorts, squeezing you gently and helping you look somewhat presentable to go back to the table.
georgia looks at you with wide eyes when you sit back next to her, your glossy eyes sending a dagger straight to her heart at the though of her making you upset. “you okay?” she whispers, “i’m okay” you smile and nod at her, quickly tapping her thigh before focusing on a conversation beside you.
to get georgia off your back, you let her set you up with one of her friends. when you walked into training the day after your date, she sends a wolf whistle your way.
“hello, missy, the date went well, huh? she really liked you” georgia teases, grabbing your hand with a gentle squeeze to sit you down next to her.
she sits cross legged in her cubby and prompts you to do the same.
you let out a nervous laugh, in all honesty, the date did go well but she wasn’t georgia and it killed you. you didn’t want anyone but her and you could never tell her that.
“it was alright” you shrug, georgia just shakes her head amusingly at you, “it was alright” she mocks your voice and laughs when you slap her knee.
“come on! don’t leave me hanging, love, it’s been killing me” she pleads, grabbing your hand again and holding it in her lap.
“she’s lovely, but i don’t think she’s really my type” you cringe, scratching the back of your neck with your free hand.
“not your type?” she cocks her head to the side, thinking of what to say when you look at her sheepishly.
“what’s your type then?” she questions simply, causing you to choke on nothing. her eyes widen and she passes you her water bottle, you drink from it quickly while georgia watches worriedly.
one you calmed down, you and georgia both let out little giggles.
“um, i don’t know” you exhale, “well, i hope she makes me laugh, super kind and um..maybe plays football as well?” you answered, looking right into her eyes and she just nods. “i’ll work on it, i need my best girl to have her own best girl” she teases with a wink, causing you to roll your eyes with a shy smile.
“all right, stanway, get your boots on” you pat her thigh gently and stand up, walking over to your own cubby to get ready for training.
before she walks out to the pitch, she gives you a sloppy kiss on the cheek which makes you squeal surprisingly, pushing her off you with false grimace as she laughs loudly at your expression. she completely misses how your cheeks are burning red when she runs out of the room.
she was killing you. you were killing her.
it was during the world cup in australia where your friendship took a complete turn. leah wasn’t there for you to confide in and it made you nervous.
during the long plane ride, the staff decided to give the team random things to do for the duration of the plane, one of them being, make a bucket list with 10 aspirations for the year.
you guys would make them on the plane and then present them to each other during dinner that night.
you and georgia smile excitedly when you’re given the colourful paper and the glittery pens, both of you wordlessly competing with one another about who would make the better one.
everyone diligently worked on their bucket lists, laughter and bright smiles filling the plane as you all wrote down your wishes for the year.
georgia, much to your amusement, tried to copy your list, claiming she was stumped.
“g! come on, man” you groan, placing a hand on her cheek as you push her peering eyes away from your paper. “love! come on, man!” she mocks, attempting to bite your hand on her cheek, you gasp and move it away from her, grabbing your paper and clutching it to your chest.
“(y/n/n), please, i don’t know what to write” she whines, attempting to grab your paper with a giggle, “just make it up then, copycat!” you stick your tongue out at her and she smiles amusingly.
she rolls her eyes at you, huffing out a sigh and writing random things down on her paper.
it was dinner time, all of the girls were excited to share their aspirations for the year. georgia the entire time she was awake on the plane teased you relentlessly, attempting to steal your paper, prompting you to run away from her as soon as you landed.
a lot of the responses for the lists were things like: ‘win the world cup’ (i’m sorry), ‘travel more’ etc, you were nervous to share your list, it was forward and you knew it. you just wondered what everyone would think, a specific girl in particular.
after georgia shared hers, you were the only one left, she lists you from your seat after your refusal, carrying you over to the front of the room and placing you down with a satisfied smile.
you look at everyone nervously and they all send you encouraging smiles, you take a deep breath and start.
your list too had the world cup wish, the travel wish and some other random ones you put prompting the girls to laugh. but when you got to your last one, they all smirk at you knowingly.
“get a kiss from someone i love” you say shyly, rolling your eyes at the smirks and whistles as you wave them off. georgia smiles at you when you sit beside her, “let’s help each other with our lists” she whispers in your ear, you nod with a smile, internally cursing yourself for writing your last bullet point.
georgia tossed and turned all night after the team dinner. you were rooming together but you were fast asleep. she smiles looking over at you bundled up in the hotel bed, taking a picture of you and mindlessly setting it as her lock screen.
the truth is, georgia has always had feelings for you, she just couldn’t admit it to anyone else because she was afraid. she would date people to distract herself from you but it just made it worse, having to imagine her lover was anyone but you was torture.
so when she attempted to set you up on dates to see you happy, she thought it would diminish her feelings for good. obviously, it didn’t, the thought of you with someone else had her blood curdling and her heart breaking all at the same time.
she rose up from her bed and looked at the small desk across the room, seeing both of your lists perched up there. she gets out of bed and takes yours in her hands, her fingers trace over your carefully crafted list, smiling at your pretty handwriting.
she takes a photo of it, making a mental note of helping you achieve everything there, even if she wasn’t the lucky one to make the last one happen. (idiots).
it was the next day, georgia was clingier than usual and it made you curious. when you two got to training, she had her arm around you whenever she could, making you laugh and teasing you as much as she could.
alessia and ella look at each other after witnessing each interaction, laughing at your pink cheeks for the girl that could easily be masked as exhaustion from training. you walk past the two girls while georgia trails closely behind you,
“maybe number 10 will come true, hey, (y/n/n)?” ella teases, getting a little slap on the shoulder from alessia when your eyes widen. georgia tenses and her eyes look between the two girls, then to you and back to them again. she could feel her jealousy brew, unaware that the girls were insinuating that number 10 would be her.
you send them both a little glare when georgia nears you again, they both smile and walk off. “number 10 is quite the talker” georgia nudges your shoulder with her own, “yeah, it’s stupid really” you shrug, eyes trained on both of you walking on the pitch. “it’s not stupid!” she exclaims, no hint of teasing in her tone causing you to look up at her in surprise.
“really?” your jaw is slightly slack, “really?” she mocks, you laugh instantly, there she is, your georgia.
that night when you both made it back to the hotel room, you both flop down on your respective beds, both of you smiling happily as you sink into the mattress.
“so..just out of curiosity, who would you want to do number 10 with” georgia’s voice breaks the comfortable silence in the room. she looks over at you nervously, you focus your attention on the ceiling when you feel your breathing slightly quicken.
“oh i don’t know” you laugh nervously, “i mean i have someone in mind but it won’t work out” you admit, a tinge of sadness laced in each word you spoke, “really?” georgia sits up, looking at you expectantly, in turn, you move to sit up too, resting your back on the head board of the bed as you look at her with an unreadable expression on your face.
“yeah, she doesn’t like me back so definitely likely it won’t happen” you sigh, avoiding looking into her eyes, terrified she would catch on to your words.
“i’m sure she does, go on then, who is it?” she smiles, moving off her bed to sit in front of you on yours.
you begin to fidget with your hands, picking the skin around your nails, a nervous habit that georgia always had to stop you from doing, she instantly moves closer and takes both hands in her own, giving you a stern but somewhat affectionate expression.
“i don’t know if i should say, i don’t want you to hate me or anything” you mumble, looking down at your entangled hands. “i could never hate you, don’t be silly, just tell me, love, this is a safe space” she smiles, running her thumbs over your knuckles.
“it’s you” your heart beats out of your chest, you can hear each frantic beat filling the room as georgia looks at you in a surprised manner. her grip on your hands tighten, “i love you” you utter, you can feel your body overheating under the gaze of georgia, her mouth is agape as her eyes trail over your features.
“i’m number 10?” she inwardly asks under her breath, but your proximity makes it easy for you to hear so you nod at her words. “you’ve always been number 10, and i know you don’t like me back and it’s okay, just please don’t pull yourself away from me” you plead, your eyes slowly brimming with tears when her brows furrow.
“woah, who said i don’t like you back?” she questions, moving closer to you so your knees were touching.
“what?” you blurt, if you weren’t already red, this would’ve set you on fire. georgia's cheeks fill with pink as she smiles at you, “baby, i’ve always loved you” she speaks earnestly and you both are swarmed with butterflies.
“georgia” you utter, “it’s always been you, love,” she declares, “i tried to distract myself from you but it doesn’t work, they’re not you” she expands, her hands intertwine with yours.
“it’s the same with you, no one comes close to you, g” you admit affectionately. both of you smile at each other knowingly, you both loved each other and it’s all that mattered at this point.
after a few minutes of just looking at each other with lovesick glances, you break the silence. “so..” you grin, georgia giggles brightly, her eyes trained on your lips for a moment before looking back into your eyes.
“can i help you with number 10, baby?” georgia whispers, your breath hitches at her forwardness, nonetheless, you nod. she smiles at you before tugging you forward, pulling you to sit on her lap. both of you look at each other shyly, this foreign yet familiar closeness somehow working completely.
you place your hands on the sides of her neck, your fingers playing with the loose hairs that have fallen from her ponytail. her hands seek refuge on your hips, her thumb rubbing back and forth over your shirt.
she looks into your eyes lovingly, seeking silent confirmation from you to see if you really wanted this. your enthusiastic smile and your excited eyes glancing between her eyes and lips said everything and more.
georgia, painfully slowly moves forward, her lips grazing yours without actually kissing you just yet. a tease, as per usual, she was still your georgia. you huff out a laugh against her lips and she pulls back to look at you amusingly,
“what’re you laughing at” she giggles, you shake your head at her and pull her forward towards you again. “you’re such a tease, stanway” you say against her lips, closing the gap and melding your lips together.
almost like you’d done it before, your lips move together simultaneously. she hums into your mouth and you smile against her, giving her your own noise of enjoyment as she pulls you closer to her, your bodies pressed up against each other.
after a few seconds, you feel her tongue lightly working its way into your mouth and you gladly accept, both of you making out until you had to pull away reluctantly for air.
she pulls away breathlessly and looks at you with blown out pupils and kiss swollen lips, almost looking into a mirror with your identical appearance. “you’re perfect” she mutters, pecking your lips a couple of times while you giggle against her, “you’re perfect” you mock her and she pinches your hip lightly, “it’s not nice being teased, huh?” you laugh, she kisses your cheek repeatedly as she lowers you onto the bed, hovering over you slightly,
“whatever, worked on you though, you love me” she cheeses out, nudging your nose with her own. “hm, i guess i do, but you do too” you smile, puckering your lips up at her and smiling when she instantly places a chaste kiss on your lips again. “yeah, i do” she whispers against your lips, settling on top of you and pulling you into a tight embrace.
when you both waked into training the next day with shy smiles and intertwined hands, screams and cheers echoed in the change rooms. “fuck yes!” ella screams, jumping around with alessia while everyone fusses over the two of you. somehow, leah was facetimed and the girl teared up. “my little babies are all grown up” she coos, the phone shoved into your face as you sit in georgia’s lap to talk to her.
“turns out she liked me the whole time, lee” you giggle, georgia nods instantly and kisses your cheek. leah smiles at you both, admiring two of her best friends so giddy over each other.
“i’m so happy for both of you” leah speaks full of affection, ruining the moment when her captain side comes out. “okay, love you both but, training, now!” she exclaims, blowing you both a kiss and hanging up promptly.
when you both got back that night in the hotel room, georgia grabs a pen and checks off number 10 on your list, giving you a cheeky smile before joining you for a cuddle in bed.
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆
you know the drill, just pretend it’s you, ily kei xx
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liked by leahwilliamsonn and 44,232 others
stanwaygeorgia: my best girl
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yourname: you gave your best girl her own best girl, a cutie you are, stanway!!
↳ stanwaygeorgia: my cute girlfriend just quoted me
yourname: forever my number 10 xx
↳ stanwaygeorgia: honoured
leahwilliamsonn: took you both long enough
↳ yourname: i’m sorry i cried over this idiot to you for years
↳ leahwilliamsonn: here anytime, my girl
↳ stanwaygeorgia: watch it. both of you.
ellatoone: where’s the photo creds?
↳ stanwaygeorgia: tooney took this
↳ ellatoone: thanks.
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fleursblogs · 5 months
If you’re reading this I’m sure you’ve read MANY posts like this before. You probably already know whatever ‘methods’ there are to enter the void state, how it feels to enter it and have also probably read the many success stories posted by people who have successfully entered the void state and are living their dream life right now.
But is all of this really helping you?
If you’re familiar with all of what I just said, then perhaps you’ve come across the term ‘over-consuming’ information about the void. As a beginner, when I first came across this term I was insanely confused. Isn’t the whole point of this community to share information about the void state? If so, then how do you ‘over-consume’ information? Isn’t learning more about the void state a good thing?
These questions plagued me during my journey and I was worried whether I was over-consuming information about the void or not.
I want to say that learning more about the void is a GOOD THING!
It is TOTALLY OKAY to do your own research and try to find out more about the void state to have a better understanding of it. When you do your own research about the void state, that doesn’t mean that you’re ‘over-consuming’ information about it. When you do your own research then you can come to conclusions about the void yourself rather than blindly following whatever a post tells you. You can form your own connections and opinions about the void, and can even satisfy your logical brain to totally believe that the void state is REAL.
The actual PROBLEM arises when you come across posts that can totally change your perspective on the void in a negative way. How I understand it is, ‘over-consuming’ information about the void makes you develop doubts that can make you feel unmotivated and negative. It makes you think that you need to do much more than you actually need to enter the void. It makes you rely on different ‘methods’ to enter simply a state of pure consciousness.
It makes you think, “okay if I do this meditation and affirm a million times and eat this chili pepper while reciting a 10 page poem about entering the void, and do this every night and every morning then I’ll enter the void!” (A bit of an extreme example but you get it) This type of thinking is going to make you end up in the totally wrong direction.
When you think of entering the void like that, then it limits you. It limits you into thinking that without doing all of your fancy methods you have no chance of entering the void, which is COMPLETELY FALSE. Yes, you can enter the void without any method. Yes, you can enter the void without using subliminals. Yes, you can enter the void without meditations, or frequencies or brown noise etc etc.
I’m not telling you to not put effort AT ALL. It’s perfectly fine to want to do meditations or use subliminals etc etc to get yourself ready to enter the void state. It only becomes a problem when you start believing that doing your ‘method’ is the ONLY WAY you can enter the void. When you start believing that you can’t enter the void unless you do a specific thing, then THAT is a problem.
RECOGNIZE YOUR POWER. Stop limiting yourself and relying on methods and other things to enter the void. If affirmations make you feel more motivated then use them! If you believe in subliminals then use them as well! If you like using meditation to ease yourself into the void then do meditation! Just don’t slip into the belief of relying on these things to enter the void. You are whole without them, you are just as powerful without them.
I really hope this post helped and PLEASE for the love of the universe STOP LIMITING YOURSELF !! I hope I explained all of this well enough, but if not feel free to send me an ask or send me any questions you have in my DMs !! (I AM NOT A COACH IM JUST A PERSON WHO LOVES THIS COMMUNITY OKAY BYEEEE)
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itaehynz · 10 months
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pairing: choi yeonjun x fem!reader
genre: fluff, crack, suggestive.
breakdown/summary: yeonjun is sooo seven coded — based off the song ‘seven’ by jungkook, i can no longer contain these thoughts about yeonjun 😵‍💫😵‍💫 i just know he’d be so consistent when it comes to him being in love with someone, like a lovesick puppy!
warnings: profanity, suggestive words, yeonjun is kind of a himbo (?), reader is a bit mean at first but she warms up to him, yeonjun does not give up at all.
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yeonjun who is confused at first, as to why you’re not giving him the attention everyone else does? is there something wrong with him, is he ugly? it can’t be that. or maybe you just don’t get the hype of being so obsessed with him? ding ding ding. he’s first thinking to himself, maybe i can attract them with flowers? and that’s when he starts his mission:
getting you and your attention.
yeonjun, who tries to get you within a week’s time, if he can’t get you by saturday, he’ll leave you be… well, he would but he’s way too prideful, he knows he can get you within a week.
he drops off a bouquet of flowers to your house, thank god you were home at the time. he feels as if he’s already had you wrapped around his finger before you text him.
tloml <3: don’t drop off shit at my house w/o letting me know first. i’m throwing them away + i still don’t want you.
ouch, that was harsh. he thinks to himself, typing a response for your “cruel” response to his offering.
you: y/nnn :( why do you hate me?
tloml <3: i don’t hate you, i just don’t like how you’re trying to throw yourself at me. can’t you take a hint?
you: well for one, i’m not throwing myself at you. it’s just when i want something, i don’t stop until i get it. and two, no, i cannot take a hint especially when it’s coming from you! 😋
tloml <3: yeonjun, please get the fuck off my phone. i gave you my number so you can ask me about the comic you purchased, not so you can send flowers to my home. next time you send something to my house, i’m going to find you and bash your smug face into cement.
you: oh my gosh you said my name 🤭 hearing you say that makes me so happy, you don’t even understand.
tloml <3: i’m not even really saying it…
you: so? i can hear it in my head.
tloml <3: you’re insane, don’t text me again.
he tries sending another message but it doesn’t go through, that’s when he finally realizes what you did. you BLOCKED him. he’s in utter shock. did he go too far? what if you hate him now? he shakes these thoughts away with a swipe of a hand through his hair. i guess i’ll just have to work harder for these next days.
yeonjun decides to bring food and flowers (again) to your job! he sees you from the window of his car, working the front register. your hair is tied up into a ponytail, you’re wearing a beige crew neck with the words “new york” embroidered on it, loose gray sweatpants & old high top converse.
good thing you work in a comic book store.
yeonjun thinks you look absolutely stunning. he leaves his car to approach the store, walking in with his chin held high plus the food and flowers in hand. you hear the bell above the front door ring, looking up to greet the new customer.
“hello! welcome to the eternal comic store, how can i-” you sigh, “what do you want, yeonjun?” you say as he looks at you with a bright smile.
“ohhh you know nothing, just wanted to drop these off for you,” he places the food and flowers on the counter, hoping you’ll atleast take something. you look at him annoyed, not understanding what’s so special about you that he continues to keep trying with you… you’re starting to like it.
“thank you but, can i ask you a question?” he nods. “why do you keep trying to get at me? i already said i don’t like you, was that not enough? do i have to punch you in the face?” you ask, irritation slowly making its way into your tone.
yeonjun raises his eyebrows, not expecting that question but still knowing his answer. “y/n, the first minute i walked in this store i just felt myself gravitating towards you. you have this type of aura, i don’t know how to describe it,” he pauses, resting his head on his chin.
“it’s just like, you’re comforting? yeah that, even though you’ve been nothing but mean to me… i can tell that’s just you having your guard up to protect yourself and i get it. but besides you having a comforting aura, you’re just really pretty and i’d also like to get to know you because you seem cool! and, please do not punch me, i might cry.” he finishes, straightening his lips into a thin line.
you blink, trying to understand everything. you open your mouth to say something but nothing comes out, so you just roll your eyes and nod. he watches your expression with the same smile on his face, admiring how nice your eyes are.
“thank you for the food and flowers yeonjun, but please get out of the store,” you finally say, rushing a hand through your hair. he catches the small smile you give him and nods before saying, “alsooo, do you mind unblocking my number? i won’t annoy you but can you please just do it?” he asks with a small pout.
you nod shooing him away and pulling out your phone to do so. he smiles widely, walking away with his hands in his pockets.
even though he annoys you to no end, he’s very consistent and it’s something you slightly admire. just slightly.
yeonjun comes back to your job with nothing to give except his conversation. he waves at you as he walks in, not caring how you stare at him blankly instead of waving back.
this time he came in with a friend, a friend named soobin apparently. yeonjun must be talking about you to soobin because he keeps glancing over at you behind the counter.
“see, she’s so pretty. doing her job and stuff, normal human things,” he sighs, “why doesn’t she want me?” he looks over at soobin.
soobin rolls his eyes, looking through the manga section. “probably because you’re a pain in the ass? i don’t know though, just a thought.” yeonjun smacks the back of his head, causing it to make a noise which has your head perking up from your phone.
he looks over at you, smiling and waving his hand trying to say it’s nothing, don’t worry which has you rolling your eyes and looking back down at your phone.
his smile fades away as he looks back at soobin, “don’t be a dumbass, i’m not even that annoying to her… yet,” he adds looking over at you once again. “yeah, yet.” soobin mumbles.
“i’m sorry, what was that?” yeonjun asks, which makes soobin shake his head. he nods, snapping his fingers as a way to tell soobin to hurry up.
soobin picks up a manga, walking over to the counter. yeonjun follows behind, smile adorning his face as he approaches you. seeing him from your peripheral, you choose to ignore him and focus on his friend.
“will that be all?” you ask as soobin nods, “okay, that will be 8.36. will you be paying with cash or card?” yeonjun notices how you haven’t said much of a word to him nor have you even gave him his daily dose of mean glares. “card is fine,” soobin says.
you accept his card, swiping it quickly before handing it back. “enjoy your read!” you chirp, giving him a small smile.
yeonjun tells him to go, watching as he walks out. looking back over at you, he pouts, “y/nnn, why haven’t you talked to me?” he quirks his head to the right.
“what is there to talk about? once again, i already said i don’t like you, yeonjun.” you walk out from behind the counter, going over to a bookshelf. he follows you like a lost puppy, pout stuck on his face.
“yes, i get that but you haven’t like me for a while and we still spoke a little. what’s so different now, do you not like me even more today?” he questions, coming closer to you.
you turn around to him and say, “yeah, pretty much.” he stands there, pout gone and jaw on the floor.
“WHAT DID I DO?” he yells, making the few customers turn around. your eyes widen, covering his mouth with your hand. you grab him by his hand, dragging him to the back room, “yeonjun, shut up! do not yell please, i was kidding.” you whisper yell.
“y/n, please let go of my hand before i kiss you,” he says with a blank look on his face.
you look down to see you are in fact, holding his hand. you snatch it away, confused on why you didn’t do so sooner. looking back up at him, you sigh telling him that it’s just best to not yell anymore or else he’ll be banned from the store.
“i thought you’d want me banned from the store?” he asks, genuinely confused. “as much as i’d love to, you and your friends are some of our best paying customers,” you tell him as you walk back to the front.
he follows behind you with a light smirk on his face, “can you please say you enjoy my company already, this fake rudeness is getting a bit old y/n,” he says yawning into his palm.
“get out the store.” you tell him exhausted, rubbing your nose bridge with two fingers. he raises his hands in defense before walking away while saying “byeee y/n, i’ll see you tomorrow,” blowing you a kiss.
“bye yeonjun,” resting your chin in your hand, thinking about the whole thing. is yeonjun starting to grow on you? it seems so.
let’s pray you don’t make it too obvious.
this time, yeonjun doesn’t even come in the store. he doesn’t even text you either, which is a shock to you.
hm, he must have not tried anything today, you sigh, finally some peace and quiet.
well, that’s what you thought. until yeonjun’s friend, soobin comes into the store.
“hi, are you y/n?” he asks carefully. you nod slowly, confused with what’s going on. “yeonjun wanted me to give you this, enjoy your day!” he adds, handing you a small box with an envelope attached to it.
“you too,” you say looking down at the box, confusion gracing your features. what the hell is this, you think to yourself.
you open the envelope first, seeing a letter.
“hi pretty, it’s yeonjun.
today is the worst day of my life, i came down with a fever :( i couldn’t drop you off anything because i didn’t have any energy to reach for my phone, hence why i’m writing a letter!! i hope i’m okay by tomorrow or if not, friday.
i’m really really sorry i couldn’t send you food with this, i’ll try tomorrow if i feel okay. for now, you can just have this. i’ve noticed you have an interest in lotus flowers so, i hope you like this.
love, yeonjun. :)”
you place the letter to the side, opening the small box.
a necklace.
he got you a fucking necklace.
a silver lotus flower necklace, it’s actually beautiful. you take it out, checking if it’s real just for… precautions. you once again don’t know what’s so special about you that yeonjun decided to give you necklace but you’re gonna wear it. you don’t know why but something just feels right about wearing it, is it possible that you may be falling for yeonjun? you’d like to say no but you’re not even sure of your own answer.
you spend the rest of the day at home contemplating on whether you should text yeonjun, just to check if he’s okay. not that you really care or anything (you do).
you: hi yeonjun, i got your gift and letter from soobin. thank you for the necklace :) i just wanted to check up on you, see if you’re okay. text me back when you can, love you.
you send the message without hesitation before reading over it but once you do, you regret ever sending it.
you told yeonjun you love him. are you fucking insane?
before you can even finish processing what you’ve done, your eyes are widening in shock. seeing three bubbles pop up meaning that yeonjun is texting back. fuck, what if he doesn’t say it back? no, what if he says it back and doesn’t mean it.
a few minutes pass as your phone pings in alert, a text from yeonjun gracing your notifications. you open it reading,
yeonjun: hi pretty <3 thank you for texting me, i was scared you hated me or something lol
yeonjun: but you’re welcome, it was nothing! you know i love giving you things ☺️ & thank you for checking in, i’m doing a bit better! i had some kimchi soup my friend taehyun made for me, it was really good, i hope you ate something >:(. but yes i’m feeling a bit better so thank you for that! and, i’ll always text back fast if it’s you!
yeonjun: but i’m gonna go back to sleep bcuz junie is sleepy… & i love you too pretty :)
for some reason, you can’t help but feel glad that he’s doing better but… you’re even happier that he said he loves you too.
your stomach is filled with butterflies as you reread the last message over and over again, stuck on the fact that he didn’t even question how early you said the L word.
this is a very unfamiliar feeling, you’re not very fond of it. but you’re going to stop yourself before it gets any worse.
once again, yeonjun doesn’t show up. but his friend does, it’s a different friend though.
jjun: hi pretty! i’m still a little sick so i’m having my friend drop off some food for you + something extra ;) i hope you enjoy, love you & enjoy your shift!
you: read at 10:07 am.
you feel bad for not responding back but once again, stopping yourself before it gets worse is the only the thing you know.
who you’re assuming is yeonjun’s friend comes in, he has long brown hair and doe eyes. he’s wearing a blue beanie & a plain white short sleeve with grey sweats. he gently smiles at you, waving hello before walking up to the counter.
“this is from yeonjun, which i’m pretty sure you knew already,” he pauses to look around, “oh, he also says that he loves you and he’ll see you tomorrow!” he nods with a smile still on his face. you say thank you before he begins walking out the store, looking down in the bag you notice another small box somewhat the same from yesterday and another envelope.
you open the envelope first once again, reading what yeonjun has written to you.
“helloooo again pretty! i know you’re probably already tired of these letters but it has become a form of communication between us and now i’ll never stop!
i noticed you didn’t respond to my message which made me a little sad but maybe you’re just having a bad day! which is totally okay, i just hope you enjoy this meal and have a good rest of your day at work!
love, yeonjun! :)”
you fold the letter back up, guilt coming back to you as the letter reminds you that you haven’t responded to him.
you know what, fuck this. you’re not responding. don’t let the guilt eat you alive and just carry on with your day, he’ll be fine.
you finish up your shift at 6pm. you walk to the back room, punching in your time sheet once again to clock out.
you have your airpods in, music playing before it pauses. siri reads, “incoming facetime call from yeonjun”.
why the hell is he calling you? he must have buttdialed you. you let it ring, waiting for it to hang up by itself but when it does, he calls you again.
growing agitated, you take your phone out of your pocket and decide to pick up.
“what do you want yeonjun? why are you calling me?” is the first thing you ask as his face pops up on the screen.
he has a pout on his face and his eyes are narrowed “why haven’t you texted me y/n,” he sniffles slightly. “do you fucking hate me?” he asks, you start growing regretful of the decision you made as you hear how upset he sounds.
“what?” is all you can seem to say right now, which leaves him baffled.
“that’s all you’re gonna say?” he asks, venom lacing his tone for the first time in a while.
“yes, goodbye yeonjun.” you say before hanging up abruptly, leaving yeonjun shocked on the other end.
tomorrow, yeonjun’s definitely going to give you an earful.
today, yeonjun finally comes in. you sigh heavily, already knowing what’s about to come. you’re ready for him to talk your ear off but you weren’t ready for what he came in wearing.
he’s wearing a black wifebeater with a gray hoodie over it, black sweatpants and black converse. his long black hair is slightly disheveled from all the times he’s ran his hands through it. his plump lips, covered in moisturizer as they shine from the store lighting. makes you wonder what his lips would look like covered in your slick after licking you up so softly, slim fingers pumping in and out of your rough walls, hitting that same spot over, and over again.
get your head out of your ass y/n.
you shake off these thoughts, watching yeonjun walk up to the counter.
“can i talk to you in the back,” he asks with a fake smile gracing his face. you nod as you get up, telling your coworker to handle the register for you.
you and yeonjun both go to the back before you speak first.
“what are we in here for?” you question already knowing the answer. he rolls his eyes in annoyance, clicking his tongue.
“ever since you said you loved me in messages, which i knew was a mistake, you’ve been ignoring me. why is that?” he says ticking his head to the side.
you look up trying to find a valid response, “i don’t know yeonjun, maybe i just didn’t feel like texting you anymore after that?” you say, fake irritation lacing your tone.
his eyes widen in shock, “really y/n? that’s your excuse? that’s the dumbest shit i’ve ever heard, please be honest with me. you know i won’t judge anything you tell me.” he says, genuine anger starting to cover up his gentle tone.
you sigh, “i don’t know why honestly. yeonjun, you’ve been doing nothing but bothering me ever since last friday so, i don’t even understand how i could feel this way.”
yeonjun’s eyebrow raises, “feel what way?” you blink in shock.
“i’m pretty sure i have feelings for you.” you say, looking down at your shoes.
now it’s yeonjun’s turn to blink in shock, “oh wow.” he says looking over to the side.
“and y/n, why didn’t you tell me?” he asks. “because i wasn’t sure before and i tried to make myself lose feelings but, you kept doing all this sweet shit for me and i just couldn’t stop myself anymore. i really do like you, yeonjun.”
you both share a look before yeonjun glances down at your lips and you do the same to him.
his eyes dart back up to yours before he smiles gently.
“y/n, you know i like you back. i make it very clear but, i get why you were scared… i think. you were probably confused by the unfamiliar feeling, and i completely understand that.” he says, now speaking in his normal tone.
your face softens at the way he’s trying to understand where you’re coming from. you smile softly, making his eyes light up.
“that’s the first time i’ve ever seen you smile y/n,” he says with pure adoration glazing his naturally soft tone.
“yeah, i know,” you say with the smile still on your face.
“i’d like it if you smiled more around me, it’s really pretty,” he adds, watching you cover your face with your hands.
he brings his hand to your face, peeling your hands away. he licks his lips, implying that he obviously wants something.
“i already know what you want so just do it—” you say before he cuts you off, smashing his lips onto yours. even though you’re slightly caught off guard, you kiss back with just as much passion as him.
one of his hands are softly gripping onto your neck as the other is resting on your hip. both of your arms are slinging around his neck, moving into him deepening the kiss.
he moves the hand on your waist down to your thigh, tapping softly signaling you to jump up. doing so, he picks you up with ease resting you down on a small counter near the back room door. his left hand begins rubbing small circles into the flesh of your thigh, while his right hand is grabbing your chin to deepen the kiss even more with his tongue.
the slight intrusion of his tongue makes you softly moan into the kiss which has him lowering the kisses to your neck, he lightly sucks on your sweet spot drawing a delicious moan from you. he covers your mouth with his free hand, continuing to suck on that spot making you close your eyes in satisfaction.
he stops abruptly, a smug smile plastered on his face.
“i don’t think we should be doing this here, y/n,” he whispers with the same smile still on his face. you groan in annoyance, but think about how right he is.
“we can finish this back at my place, if you want?” he asks as he eyes you down with lust glazing over them. you nod bashfully, jumping off the counter gently patting down your clothing to try and make yourself look normal.
he does the same, fixing his hair and clothing. you both walk out before you ask your co-worker to clock you out when it’s time for your shift to end. they nod with a smile, already knowing what you’re about to be up to.
you smile back, walking out hand in hand with yeonjun, letting yeonjun take you to his place to have you however he would like to.
you wake up to find yourself in an unfamiliar space. you look over to find your clothes on the floor, along with someone else’s. they’re yeonjun’s. you finally realize what you’ve done, you slept with him.
you look down at your waist, seeing his arms wrapped around you. you try to get out of his grasp to go to the bathroom but he subconsciously tightens it, “y/nnn, where are you going?” he mumbles sleepily, pout resting on his face.
your face softens at the sound of his voice, “just to the bathroom jun, i’ll be back don’t worry,” you say. he hums in response, “my shirts are in the top left drawer and my boxers are right under that drawer.”
he releases his grasp on you and lets you get up to find clothing. you get up and walk to his drawer, picking the first pieces of clothing you see and putting them on. you walk over to his bathroom, taking a new toothbrush out of the pack.
you peek out the bathroom, seeing that yeonjun is still sleeping. you take a few minutes to brush your teeth and wash your face, coming up with the plan to make you and yeonjun breakfast.
you make your way to the kitchen, trying not to make any noise as you look for a frying pan. once you find one you turn on the stovetop, checking the fridge for any eggs. grabbing the carton, you crack a couple onto the already heated pan preparing an omelette.
you hear soft footsteps approaching you, feeling yeonjun’s arms wrap around you once again.
“good morning baby, what are you making?” he asks, looking over your shoulder to see what’s being made. he hums in delight, nuzzling his nose the crook of your neck, placing open mouthed kisses.
“jun stop, you’re distracting me,” he giggles, moving away from your neck to let you focus.
“how much longer is this gonna takeeee, i wanna cuddle with you,” yeonjun pleads, a small frown painting his features.
“i’m almost done, give me a sec,” you reply, plating both dishes & finally walking over to sit down next to yeonjun.
he smiles in glee, taking in the smell of the freshly-made breakfast. he pats the cushion next to him motioning for you to sit down as you hand him his plate.
“thank you pretty,” he says while cutting the omelette into a small enough bite for him to chew, humming in delight at the savory taste. you watch him with a mix of hopefulness & confusion swirling in your eyes, waiting for him to tell you he likes it.
he nods slowly, “i like it! it’s really good, your cooking is amazing y/n,” he smiles, taking another bite.
“thank you yeonjun,” you say as you begin to take small bites of your own food. you feel the male next to you wrapping his arm around your waist, leaning his head on your shoulder.
“i know this is sudden but, will you be my girlfriend? i really want you to be, it’d really mean the world to me… you can say no!” he mumbles at first, gradually increasing his volume. you stare at him dumbfounded, shocked he’d even think you’d want anything else more than that.
“it’s weird you’d think otherwise jun, i’d love to be your girlfriend.” you say, raising your hand to gently rub his cheek.
he melts into your touch, turning his head to kiss your palm.
“i’m glad, i love you so so much.”
“i love you so so much more.” you say, before pressing a soft kiss onto yeonjun’s lips.
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2023 TTYUNZ.
taglist: @k-labels @boba-beom @bucketofhiros @yeofy @n0-thisispatrick @hyukafied @hyunimylove @luvsoobs @choiwrld @majestyjun @tyunkus @belovedxiao @h00nerz !
author’s note: this was kinda rushed i’m so sorry guys, i hope you enjoy! 🥹🥹
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kissitbttr · 2 months
toji will argue with the fact that he has the sexiest girlfriend in this planet and he would die fighting for that truth. and he doesn’t mind showing it off to people. whether it’d be by words or visuals.
he loves to tell his friends about how flexible you are when it comes to fucking, how you like it when he cums all over your tits, how skilled your tongue is when it comes to sucking him off.
he has no shame in it.
“look straight to the camera, baby—there we go—gooood girl” he instructs as he takes the picture of you kneeling between his knees. delicate hand wrapped around his hard mid shaft with your warm mouth engulfing him.
his cock twitches when your glossy eyes dart towards the lenses, even more when you decide to smile. the sight just makes his stomach twirl and his cum threatening to spill all over your pretty face,
can you blame him though?
“s-shit” he grunts when you decide to lull your tongue out, showing him the metal piercing right in the middle before the cold jewelry makes a contact with his sensitive tip. “insane. you’re driving me fucking insane, baby—god damn”
he takes another shot at that before hearing you giggle, finger swiping the pre cum that’s decorating your lower lip. “what other positions you want me to do next, papi?”
toji groans at that, head thrown back along with his eyes. “don’t do that—you know what it does to me”
“hm? that is?” you tease, head tilting to the right and nearly squeal when his hand spanks your ass as a warning,
“good girls don’t tease—turn around for me” he directs, finger twirling in circular motion as he smirks deviously , watching you obey him just like that.
toji nearly lets out an animalistic groan when you turn your back to him, sitting on your knees before leaning forward a bit,
and he doesn’t play when he says he’s got the sexiest girlfriend in the world. because with an ass like that, who could even compete?
“shit—look at that” he grabs a handful of your ass after setting the camera to his side. squeezing each one at a time and he swears he feels like the heaven just came straight to him. “and some people say tits are better than ass”
“baby!” you playfully scold with a small giggle, looking over your shoulder to see your boyfriend playing with your ass like his life depends on it. you could even see the lusty look in his eyes. “sometimes i do wonder if you’re with me for me or my butt”
“i’m with you for all of it, sweetheart” he winks at you, pressing a chaste kiss on one of the cheek before grabbing his camera back, angling it directly towards the plump flesh. “hold still, pretty—i gotta take lots of it—should we send these to your punk of an ex?”
you gasp at the question, eyes lighting up. “oh! baby, that’s a great idea! but wouldn’t it be better if you had your cock in me when i ride you in reverse? we can even send videos even!”
his eyebrow quirks at your thought, chuckling by his girlfriend dirty suggestion before his large hand comes up to wrap his cock and pumping it a bit. sliding the tip up and down your wet hole making you close your eyes in pure bliss,
“want me to send the pictures like this?” he rasps watching you nod and squirm because of it.
“hmm, but let me do the work, baby. you just gotta take the pictures, yeah?” you smile through bitten lip, removing his hand off and replacing it with yours before guiding the tip in. “i’ll ride you real good, daddy”
toji moans when you sink yourself down on his cock, feeling your wet velvet walls hugging it tight as his fingertips digging onto the skin of your hips,
he tosses the camera away to the edge of the bed the moment you start picking up the pace, thinking that he could record that shit later. it’s not like both of you couldn’t go for more than three rounds.
“my dirty dirty girl—fuck”
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hotluncheddie · 2 months
Day 5: Possessive Steve
wc: 1.7k | rated: E | tags: Sub Eddie Munson, established relationship, blowjobs, mention of exhibitionism
written for @subeddieweek <3
Eddie always gets like this after a show - flighty and restless, unable to sit down. Even after a good fucking show like they had tonight. A good fucking metal fucking show. 
He just can’t ever seem to wind down, to stop, to think. 
He tried to fix it with whisky, but that didn’t go well. Not for anyone. He tried weed too and that works, sometimes, if he gets the timings right it can help him sleep. But mostly he just paces, while he waits. waits for the one thing he knows will help. Help him out of his head. Help him relax enough to go eat with the band, get some sleep tonight. Ready to start it all over again tomorrow. 
‘Hey rockstar.’ 
Steve smiles at Eddie’s from where he leans against the open doorway, arms crossed. He looks perfect like always; neat and put together and sinful in one of Eddie’s old merch designs. 
He strides over, pulling Steve in and closing the door, locking it and grabbing Steve’s hand, stepping in for a kiss and just as quickly stepping out again, pulling him further into the room. 
Eddie doesn’t realise he’s asking questions too close together, hands flailing, not leaving any breath for an answer. ‘Do you want a drink? Food? How was the show? Was your seat okay? Are you tired?’ Until Steve squeezes his hand and steps in real close, ghosting his mouth over Eddie’s. 
‘No, no, really fucking good, yes and no stop worrying.’ Steve mumbles, stopping Eddie in his tracks, arms limp at his sides. Steve tugging them closer by Eddies belt loops. 
Steve’s voice is low, soothing, playful. ‘My seat was perfect, I could see you so well. And….’ Steve leans in, hot breath against Eddie’s ear. ‘There was a couple in front of me tonight, wanna know what they were talking about?’
Eddie shivers, Steve stepping them back once, twice, Eddie’s back hitting the wall. Steve’s fingers digging into his waist. He waits for Eddie, eyeing him. ‘Please’ Eddie whispers eventually, mind finally catching up, body ready for what might be about to come. 
Steve smirks, dipping in close again. ‘The girl said she wanted you as her hall pass baby, and her boyfriend said okay. Said he understood.’ Steve whispers, shoving his thigh between Eddie’s. ‘My little slut. Showing off for the crowd all night. You love it don’t you?’ Steve kisses down Eddies neck. ‘I bet a whole stadium of people would pay just to watch you, just to see you like this. You’d like that wouldn’t you?’ 
Eddie chokes on his spit, writhing under Steve’s hold. His cock rapidly hardening. ‘Fuck. Steve.’
‘You’re going to give me what all those fans out there were wishing for.’ Steve’s hard length is pressed against Eddie’s hip, grinding. ‘But it’s all mine isn’t it.’
‘Yeah, yeah Steve, yeah.’ Eddie’s feels on fire, head rapidly loosing space for any thoughts that aren’t Steve and the feeling of their bodies pressed flush together. 
Steve laces their fingers and lifts them so Eddie’s hands are either side of his head. ‘Think you can keep these still for me?’ He asks and Eddie nods, he does, he can. 
‘Good, don’t wanna mess up my hair.’ Steve winks and sinks to his knees. 
The clack of his belt being undone makes Eddie blink slow and breathe deep through his nose. ‘You want me to stop just move your hands okay? But if you want to be good then keep them still.’ Steve explains as he palms eddies cock through his boxers. 
Eddie’s eyes widen, he can’t look away, can never look away from Steve when he’s like this, in control and touching. Teasing and tasting and sending Eddie insane. 
Steve slides his mouth all the way down, Eddie buried all the way in his throat. Steve breaths deep through his nose, nuzzles into Eddie’s pubes - said he likes it, having Eddie inside him like this, powerful. 
Eddie balls his fists and wills his hips not to move, sweat beading at his temples. Eddie likes Steve like this too, feels powerless. 
Steve swallows and Eddie whines, throat tired from the stage but he can’t help it when Steve is doing this, can’t help anything when he’s around Steve. 
Steve pulls off and keeps working Eddie with his hand. Lips pink and glossy with spit. Eddie groans. 
‘Feeling good baby?’ Steve asks, smiling up at him, watching Eddie fall apart. 
He nods, arms aching from holding them up, but the ache adds to his high, helps him feel grounded and under Steve’s thumb. 
Steve kissed his tip and tugs his leather pants down further, fingers dancing over his balls and towards his hole. Petting at it and pressing into Eddie’s taint, making him see stars. 
‘Steve.’ Eddie whimpers, thighs shaking and tip pearling, starting to leak. 
‘What?’ Steve asks, innocent. ‘You said it was mine didn’t you?’ He pouts and Eddie wants to thrash, wants to scream but he doesn’t want Steve to ever stop touching him, playing with him. 
‘S’yours. S’yours, always.’ Eddie pants, eyes squeezing shut, leaning heavily on the wall to keep from keeling over. 
Steve pushes his thumb roughly into Eddie’s slit, gathering the cum to slide it over his cock. Eddie’s eyes fly open. ‘Good. Eyes on me baby.’ Steve coos. ‘Now I want you to imagine all those fans are seeing you like this, who think big tough rockstar Eddie Munson could dick them down so well, I want you to show them what you really are okay baby?’ Eddie nods, frantic, not daring to move his eyes from Steve’s face, his hands. ‘Show them what a little slut you are for me, my own little play thing, can you do that baby? Cum down my throat the way all those fans would’ve killed for tonight?’ 
Eddie moans, tensing as Steve’s mouth envelops him again, hot and wet and tight. Bobbing his head and hollowing his cheeks the way he knows Eddie loves. That sends him close, and reeling. 
And he does like it. Likes having all those eyes on him, the attention and praise. Even if they don’t really know him, just think he’s hot. that’s enough. It’s why he chooses pants cut extra tight, why he slices the ends off all his t-shirts, why he lets his mascara run and never wipes the sweat from his neck. He wants the crowd to want him, look at him and hunger for him. Even though they’ll never really know him. It’s okay. 
He has Steve, and Steve knows everything. 
Steve’s fingers move again, teasing and pressing at Eddie’s taint, at the bundle of nerves inside him. 
Eddie can’t help but move now, edging closer and closer. He thrusts forwards and rolls his hips, sinking deeper, filthy. Moves the way he does sometimes on stage, when he wants every pair of eyes on him, wants Steve’s eyes on him. Wants to be Steve’s own special rockstar, porn star. Steve’s anything. 
‘Oh god.’ Eddie moans, pushing in deeper and Steve holds him there, hand on his ass, other hand still knuckling his taint. Everything impossibly warm, impossibly close. Held together by this man on his knees. Eddie bucks once as much as he can, mind flashing with the movements of the night, Steves words, the lights and noise of the crowd. 
Steve squeezes and pushes and swallows and Eddie looses himself in everything. Spurting thick and hot down Steve’s throat. Chest heaving and eyes clumping with tears. 
‘’Tevie’ He whimpers, as Steve pulls away and surges up, ripping open the fly of his jeans and latching on to Eddie’s neck. Taking Eddies stiffened arms and fingers into his own. Wrapping them around his waist and holding Eddie close. 
He licks over a spot and bites, hard. No doubt it’ll be a bruise by morning, front and centre for anyone to see. 
‘Ah ah’ Eddie pants as Steve dips lower and bites again, littering his neck with blooms of red. Eddie feels how Steves fisting his own cock, bumping against Eddie’s abdomen, hot breath over his neck. 
Steve licks a long stripe from his collarbone to the hinge of Eddie’s jaw, sealing the marks and leaving a hot, wet, open mouthed kiss on Eddie’s lips. 
‘Wear your hair up tomorrow, want everyone to see.’ Steve pants, close. ‘Promise me.’ Se’s so close, the wet end of his tip slicking Eddie’s happy trail, his own cock giving a twitch. 
Eddie kisses Steve back, licks into his mouth and sucks on his tongue. Eddie eyes roll at Steve’s groan. ‘Anything, anything. promise.’ He whines, wants everyone to see, wants people to know. 
Eddie rubs his nose agains Steve’s cheek, still feeling stretched thin and fragile from his orgasm. Steves hot breath on his face. ‘Belong to you.’ He mumbles, voice high and breathy and achingly soft. But this is who he is, who he wants to be. 
Steve buried his hand in Eddie’s hair, tensing and pushing him into the wall, releasing all over Eddie’s hip and pubes. Steve pants for a moment, Eddie sinking into the warm pressure, mouthing at Steve’s cheek and squeezing Steve’s waist. Keeping them close. 
Eddie sniffs, burying himself in Steve’s neck, nuzzling and smelling him, kissing over Steve’s tanned skin. Always so pretty, so perfect. His Steve. 
‘Hey rockstar, you okay?’ Steve asks, pulling Eddie’s head out and ghosting his lips over Eddie’s fluttering eyelids. Kissing his flush cheeks and sweaty forehead. 
Eddie hums, a little loopy, still off in space. But Steve just keeps kissing him, smiling through it, nipping at Eddie’s dimples. ‘’M so proud of you Ed’s, the show was so good tonight.’ Steve mumbles, then sucks lightly on Eddie’s bottom lip. 
Eddie lens into in, kissing Steve back, he feels happy and settled and like his bones are all back in the right place, all the staticky anxiety gone from his brain. ‘You mean the show out there or the one in here?’ He asks, grin forming, still not opening his eyes. 
Steve pinches him on the hip and Eddie yelps, giggling. Steve kisses him once more, murmuring a fond little ‘brat’ before stepping away to get tissues, tucking himself back in his jeans. 
‘Come on.’ Steve claps, once Eddie’s clean and his pants are re-buttoned, ‘I want dinner.’ He says, walking Eddie out of the door, plastered against his back. 
Eddie goes willingly, ready for food with the band, to have a couple drinks, enjoy Steve’s hand on his thigh. Then, sleep. 
And then he’ll do it all again tomorrow. 
Tag List: @pearynice @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @scoops-aboy86 @chickensinrainboots @cheesedoctor @marvel-ous-m
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auras-moonstone · 3 months
Hello!!! Hru?! I hope your doing great!
I don't know if the requests are open but i know you're a swiftie and 1989 tv just came out and "Slut!" really reminds me of Jack, so could you do a story inspired by it? Just reader being famous (actress/singer, whatever you think fits) and she is being all love-sick by meeting and dating jack? And she even buy that "i love my boyfriend/girlfriend" t-shirts?
I hope you get my request and i love your writing!! You are the best <3 (And what's you favorite vault track?)
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ slut! — jack champion
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ᡣ𐭩 word count: 1.9K
ᡣ𐭩 pairing: jack champion x actress!fem!reader
ᡣ𐭩 summary: y/n has to deal with the reputation that has been set on her by the media as she falls in love with jack, her co-star and best friend.
ᡣ𐭩 contents/warnings: mentions of slut-shaming. friends to lovers. instagram posts. fluff.
ᡣ𐭩 author’s note: hiii! <3 thanks for sending this request! when i heard the lyrics “in a world of boys he’s a gentleman” my brain just screamed JACK so i agree with you! and my fav vault tracks are slut and say don’t go <3
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ever since y/n started working as an actress, the media has been merciless with her. maybe it was because despite having been in the industry for just a few short months, she was already working with remarkable directors and successful and iconic franchises. media had always had the tendency to bash successful women, and y/n was fully living that experience.
the point was, she didn’t want to give the media more things to trash her for, so she stayed unproblematic and silent. and yet, regardless of all that, they had managed put a reputation on her that was far from the truth.
y/n was kind and had a unique vibe. every co-star spoke highly about her and the media always managed to twist this by painting the picture that she was a “serial co-star dater.” it happened to her with every single movie or show she worked in, and people bought it blindly. the name-calling became part of her every-day life, and she would be lying if she said it didn’t affect her.
she swore she would never make the media be right, and so she set a strict rule—never ever date a co-star or be extra affectionate with them. it was a sad way of living, setting boundaries that were useless because reporters and haters always found a way, but she just wanted to do what she loved. she wanted to be remembered for her good acting and not for who she dated.
but then jack champion walked into the set, with his cringy yet amusing dad jokes and contagious smiles, to turn her world upside down. everything was so natural with him y/n didn’t even notice the way she started ignoring the rules until the scream filming was nearing its end and the thought of not seeing jack as often anymore made y/n’s chest hurt as if her heart was being ripped out.
and then the questions ran through her mind—what should she do? should she act normal, as if realisation hadn’t drawn on her? should she confront jack and ask if there was something more than friendship between them? or should she start putting distance before the feelings got deeper?
what she didn’t count on was that she didn’t need to say anything, jack was not only observant, he also knew her like the words to his favorite songs. he noticed how her head was up in space, how she seemed to be always deep in thoughts, distracted. something was consuming her mind, and it was driving jack insane.
“you’re acting weird. what’s going on?” jack finally asked her, pulling her aside on set. right behind the trailers where no one could bother them.
y/n tensed up. “what? nothing.”
“please, don’t play dumb. if there is someone you can’t fool is me.” jack said firmly. he missed his y/n, the girl who brought him comfort like a cozy warm blanket. “i miss you.”
“i’m here.” she said breathlessly.
“but are you?” he accused her. “something is going on, and it has to do with me.”
“what makes you say that?” y/n asked nervously.
“because you’re especially tense when i’m around.” he said sadly, and it broke y/n’s heart. her mind has been a mess, and she was unconsciously hurting jack. “did i do something wrong? please tell me, we can talk about it.”
y/n shook her head and before she knew it she was breaking down. jack didn’t hesitaste to pull her in. “i’m the problem. i’m sorry.”
“shhh, it’s okay. i’m here. don’t worry about it now, just take a deep breath. we don’t have to talk about it now, i’m here whenever you’re ready.” he spoke softly, rubbing her back slowly, to try and bring some calm.
they both sat on the ground, backs resting against the trailer. jack held y/n’s soft hands tightly, hoping it would give her the comfort she needed. he had never seen her in such state, and he was concerned.
“it’s nothing bad… i guess. it depends.” she said, reading the expression on the boy’s face, which grew more confused by her words. “i realized some things a few days ago, and they have been occupying my mind. i don’t know what to do with this. no matter what i do, it’s going to change things so i might as well be completely honest.”
jack nodded, pressing his lips on the crown of her head. “not going anywhere, y/n/n. no matter what you say, i can promise that.”
“you know the reputation that precedes me, right? i’ve told you about it.” jack frowned but nodded. “because of that, i’ve set this rule, that i wouldn’t let myself be affectionate with my co-stars. and i have sticked to that rule, until you.”
a knot formed on jack’s stomach. “so it’s about that? you want to put some distance?” god, he hated this. he hated to think about not being able to hold her, but he would give it up if it meant he got to keep her around.
“that’s the thing, jack. the reason why i have been acting so unlike me is because i’ve been trying to convince myself that putting distance would be the wise decision. but… if these days have proven anything is that it would be ultimate hell.”
“why didn’t you talk to me?”
“well, to be honest i was thinking what i should do. you just beat me to it because you know me better than anyone else.” she smiled and jack mirrored it. “that’s… that’s not everything i realized though.”
“okay, go on.”
“when the countdown to our last day on set started, i got this horrible feeling on my chest. the first thing that ran through my mind was that we wouldn’t see each other that often anymore and i felt this hole in my chest… it’s more than just missing a friend, jack. i would feel empty because i like you and you’ve become my person.”
jack’s jaw fell open and he was close to pinch himself just to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. the times he has dreamt about this scenario… it felt too good to be real.
“but…” she continued. and reality hit the shore, putting an end to his short-lived hope. “i’m scared of what people might say. it’s still hard for me to not let what others think get into my head, and to even think about the hate that might come your way if we dated, makes me sick.” she shook her head and then her eyes widened. “my god, what am i even saying? i just assumed that you liked me back, i didn’t let you talk. god, this is embarrassing i’m so sorry.”
jack cupped her cheeks. “y/n, y/n, stop. breathe.” the girl nodded and closed her eyes until she was breathing normally again. “okay, now listen to me. if you’re not ready for a relationship, that’s fine. but if it’s because you’re scared of the hate comments towards me, let it go. i don’t care about them, i just care about you. okay?”
“good. i want to be your boyfriend, and if you’re not ready because of what the media might think then i have an idea.” y/n’s curious eyes look up to meet his. “i really like you, too, y/n/n. we can date in secret, to see how things go, and whenever you’re ready, we can tell everyone.”
“jack, that’s a lot to ask to you…”
“you aren’t asking me anything. i want to do this. i want to call you mine so bad—in secret, in public, however you want.”
y/n smiled through the tears. “are you sure?”
“one hundred percent, y/n. never been so sure about something.” he reassured her.
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y/n couldn’t even recognize herself. two months ago she had been completely against the idea of being in a relationship and now she was utterly and unquestionably love-strucked.
she used to think she was doomed to being lovelorn because of the restrictions she had put in her relationships with other people. and now, there she was in bed, feeling lovesick just because she hadn’t seen her boyfriend in two days.
though those days helped her make the decision. the relationship between them was beautiful, it was a safe place, it was her main source of happiness. jack was everything to her and she was tired of loving him in the dark. he deserved to be loved out loud, in plain sight. she knew she was going to be the one to pay the price, but it was fine.
“you know there’s no rush, right?” jack assured her for the hundredth time. when y/n told him she wanted to make their relationship public, he remained calm (even though he was jumping on the inside) and sat her down to think it through.
y/n smiled widely. how could she not fall for him when in a world of boys he was a gentleman? “i love you, and if they call me a slut… you know, it might be worthy for once.”
“i love you, too.” he pulled her in for a kiss. “okay. let’s do this.”
“okay. i’m just warning you, i truly believe in the slang go big or go home.”
jack eyed her suspiciously. “spill.”
the girl smirked mischievously and went to grab a bag. “i made us special shirts.”
“lord save me.” jack sighed when he took the shirts out of the bag.
“you don’t have to wear it if you don’t want to.” y/n said
“you know i’m going to, anyways. like i’d ever be able to say no to your pretty face.”
enchantedliv um, just bumped into y/n y/l/n and jack champion 🥺 they were wearing matching shirts that pretty much confirmed their relationship ????
landrysghost what did the shirts say??
enchantesliv “i ❤️ my girlfriend.” and “i ❤️ my boyfriend.” THEY ARE SO CUTE AND WERE SO SWEET😫
user1 are we really surprised? that girl dates everyone she works with.
user2 he’s too good for her.
user3 she’s going to dump her once she meets her next co-star for sure lmaooo
user3 y’all are so jealous lmao. acting bitter just because you want him, that’s her only crime. there has never been any proof that she dated previous co-stars.
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liked by jackchampion, misstrinitybliss, baileybass and 878,913 more.
y/n.y/l/n hi everyone! this is more than me saying i’m taken by the most gorgeous and kindest man on the planet. this is also me getting something off my chest. been wanting to for a while, so here we go!
since the beginning of my career i’d told myself to stay unproblematic which i mistook for never fight back or defend myself.
the media always said i dated too many co-stars—even though that’s completely false. i’ve never dated anyone i worked with (until now)—, so i set this stupid rule for myself: try not to be too friendly with my workmates. i was so scared of proving the media’s rumours right that i built this shell around me, never allowing myself to fully connect with people. and then, a couple of months ago i met jack. he made me forget about those limitations i so foolishly put.
i’m done giving anyone the power to hurt me. i’m done letting people think it’s okay to shame a woman for who they date or not.
i’ve been in a dark place for a long time, and i never noticed until my person walked into my life and showed me daylight. i’m doing better than i ever was now. i’m never staying silent again, i’m going to defend myself, my relationship and my boyfriend. always.
that was all for now, thanks for reading.
ps. i love you, jack. all i need is you <3 thanks for being the best boyfriend, best friend and person in the world.
jackchampion so so so proud of you. this brought tears to my eyes not gonna lie. you’re the sweetest ever i love you 💌 thanks for the shirt, by the way, matches my personality!
y/n.y/l/n you’re so silly😭 i love you more and intend to be cheesy forever 🫶🏻💖
jackchampion certainly no complaints from me!
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