#don’t say hannibal lecter
mismatchsocks · 20 days
nothing to offer but quotes from nbc hannibal/the blooper reel
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richtkin · 4 months
will went to lithuania BY BOAT to learn more about hannibal, got pushed off a train for him, followed him to italy with the fantasy of him, hannibal and abigail living happily there AND made a tableau for him that HE’D NEVER EVEN SEE.
let that sink in the next time your man texts you “good morning” and reevaluate your standards.
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harbingerofsoup · 5 months
people who claim nbc hannibal was “queerbaiting” or “not explicitly queer” lack basic media literacy
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cryingoverchopin · 2 months
babeee I'm so hungry can i devour your soul
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puppydoggraham · 3 months
Thinking about how Will Graham views his anger as righteous which of course extends to Hannibal. A lot of his anger in s2 is over the fact that he finally trusted someone only for that person to betray him but it’s more than that. It’s more than just what Hannibal did to him. What he’s truly deeply angry about is that Hannibal knows his dark nature and not only knows it, but wants him to embrace the very nature he’s desperately trying to suppress.
He’s supposed to be the one that’s perceptive. He’s the one who is supposed to see it all while remaining unknown and unseen. And yet Hannibal recognizes what kind of person he has as soon as they meet. It’s not supposed to be that way. He hates that Hannibal is the one person he can’t hide from. Who will always see through the facade he puts on for others who buy into it. That’s why when Hannibal essentially tells him in s3 that he hasn’t changed, he’s fuming. If just Hannibal can believe he’s changed, maybe he himself can believe it too.
But he doesn’t. And deep down Will knows that’s just what it is too: a facade. Hating Hannibal is really just him hating himself at the end of the day. He takes a lot of his displaced anger out on him. He has these violent murder fantasies about Hannibal that symbolically can be read as him trying to kill off this part of himself. He can’t kill them off. Suppression only works for so long. The fantasies only grow stronger.
It’s only when he gives in at last during TWOTL. When he stops supressimg who he is. When he stops hating himself for it and overthinking about the act of violence. When he allows himself indulgence. This is when he experiences being at peace with himself possibly for the first time ever. At last, the internal battle that rages on inside him calms. The voices in his head go quiet. Even though this is brief, he knows that what he and Hannibal experienced on that cliff is a moment of peace in a lifetime of unrest. He doesn’t take it for granted, which is why he says what he does. When he stops fighting Hannibal, giving into the violence and also his touch as they embrace, it represents that he stops fighting with himself too. And isn’t that the most beautiful thing in the world?
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cannibal-stag · 4 months
once a year on their anniversary Will gets to beat the absolute shit out of Hannibal as a present
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nondescriptloin · 2 months
Because I am a big fan of tender Hannibal but do also believe that his manipulation and medical malpractice in regards to Will is something that is important went looking at their relationship, here’s what I (at 11:12 pm) think Hannibal was thinking throughout the show (yes I left off the end of S3, I’m very tired.)
- Hannibal meets Will and is OBSESSED
- Realises Will is way too bitchy and into the whole crime fighting/solving thing to accept him for who he truly is
- Sees Will’s potential and decides the only reasonable thing to do is to manipulate him and let him almost die from encephalitis
- Falls even harder when Will tries to have him killed, would do anything for that man
- Will won’t elope with him so he gets gently spritzed with a water bottle (stabbed and his pseudo daughter killed in front of him)
- Broods in Florence for a while
- Sees Will and instantly decides he will once again do anything for that man because he has absolutely got separation anxiety and if Will won’t play ball then Hanni will just have to get arrested so Will knows exactly where he is when he’s ready (willing to elope with him)
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cubikzoa · 10 months
No but Hannibal and Will are both so dramatic and petty, and in truth, clever and intellectual. I highly doubt their arguments would resort to, uh, culinary combat unless they had exhausted all other insulting options. Like Will is mad bc Hannibal will not let him adopt the 23rd dog in a row and Hannibal is mad that there is MUD on the CARPET and dog fur on his $552239737900 suit. Will puts McDonald’s coupons in Hannibal’s wallet. Hannibal switches the time on every single clock in the house. Will puts ketchup and mustard on his fancy gourmet dinner. Hannibal frames a poster for a local dog catching service.
Will is like “Well we already agreed that tonight we are going to have regular pork” and Hannibal is like “Well I apologize, there’s only one dish on the table that is people-free. So sorry, Will.” Will’s like “Wow Hannibal, thanks for making me a jello dessert for dinner. So nice of you” and then Hannibal says “Gelatin, the main ingredient, traditionally comes from boiling cartilaginous cuts of meat, usually pork. The people-free dish is in fact the water with a mediterranean lime and a hint of mint leaf in it” and Will grabs the frying pan and a potato skewer and leaps over the table
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9foxgrl-scribe · 4 months
Guys, today I found out that nickname ‘Surgeon of Death’ was once one of the early nicknames for the ‘Monster of Florence’.
A deranged serial killer
The inspiration for Hannibal Lector.
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SOMETHING WE DONT TALK ABOUT ENOUGH!!! hannibal asking: “we are a zero-sum game?”
i’m sorry but that’s fucking DEVASTATING
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miyukisluv · 6 months
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he’s so silly (he is insane)
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Listen murder and cannibalism is just part of the dating game I don’t know what to else to tell you
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You are invited for a Christmas Eve Dinner party hosted by the one and only Dr Hannibal Lecter
Christmas Eve, 4 PM - 11 PM (?)
Dr Lecters place, Baltimore, Maryland
Wear something nice, please, Will.
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phoenixkaptain · 10 months
I’m going to make a video essay entitled “Hannibal Lecter Is and Always Has Been Bi” and all of the comments will be negative and everyone will boo except for one person: Thomas Harris himself, who will see the video, watch the first fifteen minutes, say “By Jove, they’re on to me,” and then jump dramatically out of a window to escape.
The video will be five hours and will mostly consist of me going “whY WOULD HE SAY/DO THIS IF HE WASN’T FUCKING BI???”
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freetheworms · 1 year
hannibal isn’t bad because he eats people, he’s bad because he’s rich. hope that helps <3
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sapphic-storm69 · 1 year
My bro will is in the most toxic relationship with this gay asf cannibal and he keeps coming back as if he doesn’t know Hannibal will manipulate him
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