#dom hofmann
graphicpolicy · 4 months
Blitmap #2 continues an interesting new idea as a publisher with some pretty cool art
Blitmap #2 continues an interesting new idea as a publisher with some pretty cool art #comics #comicbooks
Under the shadow of an ancient cataclysm, Blitnauts and Logos factions battle for power, while The Static’s elusive realm entraps and corrupts all who submit to its mystifying call. Every printed copy comes with a one-of-a-kind, collector’s item cover. No, really. Like every single cover. No one in the world will have the same cover as you. We’ve already shown off the unique covers, but how’s…
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art-by-ticklish · 1 year
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Watcher 89
This is the 13th in my Dripmap series - a painting of the Blitmap, Watcher, in watercolour and ink. Watcher was created by Dom Hofmann as an on-chain 32x32 pixel piece. Dom's piece has this sinister immediacy that is a challenge to recapture. The imagery of a figure silhouetted in the doorway, a halo of strange green light, an ambiguity of rescue and capture.
I minted this painting as an NFT on ethereum in September 2021. It is currently available for sale.
All Blitmap artwork is licensed under CC0 and is free to use, remix, appropriate or steal.
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bingokill · 11 months
dom hofmann opens his mailbox to find a completely unmarked white envelope. inside there are several hundred dollars, crumpled and wet. there is also a note. “the peach. fix it. you are warned.”
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tradermeximas · 1 month
O mundo dos tokens não fungíveis (NFTs) tem visto um crescimento exponencial nos últimos anos, com uma infinidade de projetos surgindo. Um desses projetos que tem chamado muita atenção é o Loot. O Loot é um projeto de NFT que consiste em 8.000 "bolsas" únicas de equipamentos de aventura no estilo RPG. Este projeto inovador, criado por Dom Hofmann, co-fundador da plataforma de mídia social Vine, tem conquistado a comunidade de jogos NFT com sua abordagem única e descentralizada. O que é o Loot? O Loot é um projeto de NFT que visa fornecer aos usuários uma coleção de bolsas virtuais repletas de itens de aventura. Cada bolsa contém oito peças de equipamento: peito, luvas, sapatos, cabeça, cintura, colar, anel e arma. Esses NFTs foram distribuídos gratuitamente aos usuários, que só precisaram pagar as taxas de transação do gás para obtê-los. As bolsas variam em raridade, com algumas contendo itens comuns e outras contendo itens extremamente raros. Como o Loot funciona? Os NFTs do Loot são tokens ERC-721 baseados na blockchain Ethereum. Cada NFT é único e não pode ser duplicado. O contrato inteligente do Loot gera cada NFT com base em um nível de aleatoriedade, determinando os oito itens e suas pontuações de "grandeza". Quanto maior a pontuação, maior a variabilidade no nome do item. A raridade dos itens contidos em uma bolsa é um dos principais fatores que determinam o valor da bolsa. No entanto, outros fatores podem influenciar o valor, como a demanda da comunidade e o uso potencial dos itens em jogos e projetos relacionados. Como é determinado o valor de um NFT do Loot? Embora o Loot não tenha definido oficialmente o que torna seus NFTs valiosos, a comunidade desenvolveu seus próprios sistemas de determinar o valor. O método primário atualmente depende da raridade dos itens e das pontuações de raridade atribuídas a cada item. Os itens comuns têm uma pontuação de raridade de 1, enquanto os itens míticos têm uma pontuação de raridade de 6, sendo este último o mais raro. A pontuação do item é calculada somando-se as pontuações de raridade de todos os itens contidos na bolsa. Além disso, cada bolsa também tem uma classificação com base no número de ocorrências de cada item no ecossistema do Loot. Essas pontuações e classificações são usadas para determinar o valor monetário das bolsas do Loot, com algumas chegando a valer dezenas de milhares de dólares. Como o Loot se diferencia de outros projetos de NFT? Uma das principais diferenças entre o Loot e outros projetos de NFT é a sua abordagem descentralizada. Enquanto a maioria dos projetos de NFT é desenvolvida com base nas visões e direções dos fundadores e desenvolvedores, o Loot permite que a comunidade decida o valor e o uso dos NFTs. Essa abordagem bottom-up dá poder aos usuários e promove a criatividade e a inovação. Além disso, o Loot é diferente de outros projetos de NFT, pois não tem uma finalidade específica definida. Enquanto a maioria dos NFTs é criada com um jogo ou aplicativo em mente, o Loot deixa em aberto para que a comunidade decida como utilizar os NFTs e como incorporá-los em seus projetos e jogos. Como a comunidade de NFTs constrói em cima do Loot? Desde o lançamento do Loot, a comunidade de NFTs tem se envolvido ativamente na criação de projetos e conceitos baseados nos NFTs do Loot. Existem cinco principais categorias de contribuição: comunidades, ferramentas para desenvolvedores, guildas, rastreadores de mercado e projetos derivados. As comunidades são espaços onde os detentores de Loot e os fãs podem se reunir, construir projetos e discutir novas ideias relacionadas ao Loot. Existem diversos canais de comunicação, como o Loot Community Discord e o Loot Builders Discord, que permitem a interação entre os membros da comunidade. As ferramentas para desenvolvedores são recursos que auxiliam os criadores na construção de seus próprios projetos baseados em Loot. Existem scripts, wrappers e geradores de arte que podem ser utilizados para criar automaticamente imagens a partir dos NFTs do Loot, ou gerar sons únicos para cada NFT.
As guildas são grupos ou comunidades específicas para detentores de determinados itens do Loot. Essas guildas têm suas próprias dinâmicas e interações, muitas vezes baseadas em fóruns online, como o Reddit. Os rastreadores de mercado são ferramentas para acompanhar o mercado de NFTs do Loot. Eles permitem que os usuários encontrem informações sobre quais NFTs possuem um item específico, qual o endereço do proprietário e os preços atuais de mercado. Por fim, os projetos derivados são jogos ou aplicativos que são construídos em cima dos NFTs do Loot. Esses projetos podem oferecer recursos adicionais, como batalhas entre NFTs, estacas e recompensas. Por que o Loot é tão popular? O Loot se tornou popular rapidamente devido à sua abordagem inovadora e descentralizada. Os usuários têm o poder de decidir o valor e o uso dos NFTs, o que promove a descentralização e a criatividade. Além disso, o Loot se destaca dos projetos tradicionais de NFT, que muitas vezes estão limitados a plataformas específicas ou casos de uso pré-definidos. A liberdade de uso do Loot permite que os usuários criem suas próprias narrativas e aplicações para os NFTs. Isso tem atraído a atenção de entusiastas de NFTs, desenvolvedores e investidores, que veem o potencial de valorização dos NFTs do Loot. Conclusão O projeto Loot tem se destacado na comunidade de jogos NFT devido à sua abordagem descentralizada e inovadora. A liberdade de uso e a criatividade promovidas pelo Loot têm atraído muitos usuários, que veem valor nos NFTs e nas possibilidades de aplicá-los em jogos e projetos diversos. À medida que a comunidade de NFTs continua a explorar e desenvolver novas ideias em torno do Loot, é provável que vejamos ainda mais projetos e conceitos interessantes surgindo. A descentralização e a autonomia dadas aos usuários são princípios fundamentais do mundo das criptomoedas, e o Loot tem se mostrado um exemplo de como esses princípios podem ser aplicados de forma prática e inovadora.
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totaleditorial · 4 months
A visual poem is one that must be seen to be fully understood, where the verbal and visual draw strength from each other to produce greater meaning. As such, visual poetry invites us to consider not just the typographic elements of verse—the shape of letters, the spaces between words, the overall composition of a page—but also the poetic potential of images.
In our workshop on visual poetry we followed a progression of ever more acutely visual forms, from technopaegnia (a tradition of “shaped poems,” of which George Hebert’s “Easter Wings” is an oft-cited example) to asemic writing, where the semantic function of language is removed entirely, as in works by mIEKAL aND or Rosaire Appel. Defining a collage-centric lineage of intermedia practices from Dada to Lettrism to Situationism and Fluxus, we lingered on specific works with roots in those traditions: the “typewriter poems” of Dom Sylvester Houédard, Sarah J. Sloat’s diagrammatic erasures augmented by collage, the swirling “tangle of language” in Ava Hofmann’s “[A woman wandered into a thicket],” the typographic abstraction of Andrew Topel’s “Black on White on Black,” and Tony Fitzpatrick’s multimedia collages, with their densely layered personal and social iconographies. We also discussed several visual artists who employ text, among them Ray Johnson and Deb Sokolow, whose work, while not necessarily poetic in intent, nevertheless contains some gnomic inscrutability that seems to tune our awareness to the frequency of poetry.
As with any practice that operates across arbitrary borders of medium and technique, the possibilities offered by visual poetry can make a blank page extra intimidating. The following prompts were inspired by questions from workshop participants, and each represents a potential starting point for exploring the intersection of words and images.
Prompt 1: Diagram a sequence
Choose a diagram you find visually interesting. Instruction manuals and science textbooks are an excellent source.
Remove or cover all the labels and captions.
Now consider something you wish would happen. What are the steps between here and there? What does the end result look like? 
Describe each on a sheet of paper. Be as florid as you like.
Cut out each “step” and assign it a position on the diagram. Don’t think too hard about this part.
For inspiration, see Nance Van Winckel’s Book of No Ledgeor Flat-Pack by Anney Bolgiano.
Prompt 2: Visualizing voices
Start a collection of interesting words or phrases cut out of newspapers and magazines.
Choose one of these at random (draw from a hat, or close your eyes and pick one up). Paste it down in the center of a piece of paper.
Now choose the cutout that feels most like a response. Where does it belong in relation to the first? Does it agree? Disagree? How would that look visually—is it close or far away? Intersecting? Overlapping? Think about the different voices implied by differences in typography. Is the reply louder? Quieter? Paste it in place.
Repeat, with the phrase that seems to respond to what you just pasted down. Keep repeating.
For inspiration, see the work of Douglas Kearney.
Prompt 3: Finding images in letters
Start a collection of large text: newspaper and magazine headlines, chapter titles. 
Cut out individual letters or words. 
Now choose some of the most interesting letterforms and slice them further, vertically and/or horizontally.
Put several of these into your hands, a bag, or a hat, and shake them up. Drop them onto a blank sheet of paper. 
Glue a few of these down where they landed. Now begin filling in the gaps, finding points of connection. Try to think of these as purely visual objects.
For inspiration, see the work of Geof Huth and Cecil Touchon.
Prompt 4: Score an event
Choose a situation that involves a series of repeating events or gestures. This could be a sporting event, the traffic passing by your window, the sounds you hear in a cafe.
Observe for a few moments in order to choose 6 to 16 “events” that are likely to recur. Design a mark or symbol to represent each event. For example, if you are watching traffic, create symbols for cars, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles. Consider how you can represent the direction a vehicle is traveling, its color or sound.
Decide on a time frame you’ll observe and divide a sheet of paper into units. For our traffic example, we could sample ten minutes by drawing ten lines on a sheet of paper.
Observe, using your system of symbols to record events as they occur.
For inspiration, see the drawings of Lee Walton or Rosaire Appel’s “Unsettled Scores.”
Prompt 5: Simple asemic writing
Coat the palm or side of your dominant hand with ink, paint, or graphite.
Now hold an imaginary pencil and write about a memory you don’t want to forget. Aim for five minutes, replenishing the ink or graphite at the end of each stanza or sentence.
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theprwriter · 6 months
Peach for Real Estate: A New Frontier in Social Media Engagement
Navigating the dynamic world of social media is a must in any field, real estate included. A recent piece by Ash Read on Buffer introduces us to Peach, an innovative social networking app brought to life by Dom Hofmann, one of the minds behind Vine. Peach stands out with its “Magic Words” feature, akin to Slack’s commands, that initiates various posts. But how is this relevant to real estate…
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forexdigitalinfo · 8 months
O mundo dos tokens não fungíveis (NFTs) tem visto um crescimento exponencial nos últimos anos, com uma infinidade de projetos surgindo. Um desses projetos que tem chamado muita atenção é o Loot. O Loot é um projeto de NFT que consiste em 8.000 "bolsas" únicas de equipamentos de aventura no estilo RPG. Este projeto inovador, criado por Dom Hofmann, co-fundador da plataforma de mídia social Vine, tem conquistado a comunidade de jogos NFT com sua abordagem única e descentralizada. O que é o Loot? O Loot é um projeto de NFT que visa fornecer aos usuários uma coleção de bolsas virtuais repletas de itens de aventura. Cada bolsa contém oito peças de equipamento: peito, luvas, sapatos, cabeça, cintura, colar, anel e arma. Esses NFTs foram distribuídos gratuitamente aos usuários, que só precisaram pagar as taxas de transação do gás para obtê-los. As bolsas variam em raridade, com algumas contendo itens comuns e outras contendo itens extremamente raros. Como o Loot funciona? Os NFTs do Loot são tokens ERC-721 baseados na blockchain Ethereum. Cada NFT é único e não pode ser duplicado. O contrato inteligente do Loot gera cada NFT com base em um nível de aleatoriedade, determinando os oito itens e suas pontuações de "grandeza". Quanto maior a pontuação, maior a variabilidade no nome do item. A raridade dos itens contidos em uma bolsa é um dos principais fatores que determinam o valor da bolsa. No entanto, outros fatores podem influenciar o valor, como a demanda da comunidade e o uso potencial dos itens em jogos e projetos relacionados. Como é determinado o valor de um NFT do Loot? Embora o Loot não tenha definido oficialmente o que torna seus NFTs valiosos, a comunidade desenvolveu seus próprios sistemas de determinar o valor. O método primário atualmente depende da raridade dos itens e das pontuações de raridade atribuídas a cada item. Os itens comuns têm uma pontuação de raridade de 1, enquanto os itens míticos têm uma pontuação de raridade de 6, sendo este último o mais raro. A pontuação do item é calculada somando-se as pontuações de raridade de todos os itens contidos na bolsa. Além disso, cada bolsa também tem uma classificação com base no número de ocorrências de cada item no ecossistema do Loot. Essas pontuações e classificações são usadas para determinar o valor monetário das bolsas do Loot, com algumas chegando a valer dezenas de milhares de dólares. Como o Loot se diferencia de outros projetos de NFT? Uma das principais diferenças entre o Loot e outros projetos de NFT é a sua abordagem descentralizada. Enquanto a maioria dos projetos de NFT é desenvolvida com base nas visões e direções dos fundadores e desenvolvedores, o Loot permite que a comunidade decida o valor e o uso dos NFTs. Essa abordagem bottom-up dá poder aos usuários e promove a criatividade e a inovação. Além disso, o Loot é diferente de outros projetos de NFT, pois não tem uma finalidade específica definida. Enquanto a maioria dos NFTs é criada com um jogo ou aplicativo em mente, o Loot deixa em aberto para que a comunidade decida como utilizar os NFTs e como incorporá-los em seus projetos e jogos. Como a comunidade de NFTs constrói em cima do Loot? Desde o lançamento do Loot, a comunidade de NFTs tem se envolvido ativamente na criação de projetos e conceitos baseados nos NFTs do Loot. Existem cinco principais categorias de contribuição: comunidades, ferramentas para desenvolvedores, guildas, rastreadores de mercado e projetos derivados. As comunidades são espaços onde os detentores de Loot e os fãs podem se reunir, construir projetos e discutir novas ideias relacionadas ao Loot. Existem diversos canais de comunicação, como o Loot Community Discord e o Loot Builders Discord, que permitem a interação entre os membros da comunidade. As ferramentas para desenvolvedores são recursos que auxiliam os criadores na construção de seus próprios projetos baseados em Loot. Existem scripts, wrappers e geradores de arte que podem ser utilizados para criar automaticamente imagens a partir dos NFTs do Loot, ou gerar sons únicos para cada NFT.
As guildas são grupos ou comunidades específicas para detentores de determinados itens do Loot. Essas guildas têm suas próprias dinâmicas e interações, muitas vezes baseadas em fóruns online, como o Reddit. Os rastreadores de mercado são ferramentas para acompanhar o mercado de NFTs do Loot. Eles permitem que os usuários encontrem informações sobre quais NFTs possuem um item específico, qual o endereço do proprietário e os preços atuais de mercado. Por fim, os projetos derivados são jogos ou aplicativos que são construídos em cima dos NFTs do Loot. Esses projetos podem oferecer recursos adicionais, como batalhas entre NFTs, estacas e recompensas. Por que o Loot é tão popular? O Loot se tornou popular rapidamente devido à sua abordagem inovadora e descentralizada. Os usuários têm o poder de decidir o valor e o uso dos NFTs, o que promove a descentralização e a criatividade. Além disso, o Loot se destaca dos projetos tradicionais de NFT, que muitas vezes estão limitados a plataformas específicas ou casos de uso pré-definidos. A liberdade de uso do Loot permite que os usuários criem suas próprias narrativas e aplicações para os NFTs. Isso tem atraído a atenção de entusiastas de NFTs, desenvolvedores e investidores, que veem o potencial de valorização dos NFTs do Loot. Conclusão O projeto Loot tem se destacado na comunidade de jogos NFT devido à sua abordagem descentralizada e inovadora. A liberdade de uso e a criatividade promovidas pelo Loot têm atraído muitos usuários, que veem valor nos NFTs e nas possibilidades de aplicá-los em jogos e projetos diversos. À medida que a comunidade de NFTs continua a explorar e desenvolver novas ideias em torno do Loot, é provável que vejamos ainda mais projetos e conceitos interessantes surgindo. A descentralização e a autonomia dadas aos usuários são princípios fundamentais do mundo das criptomoedas, e o Loot tem se mostrado um exemplo de como esses princípios podem ser aplicados de forma prática e inovadora.
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lagolujuve · 2 years
Mpx 2000 bedienungsanleitung cafissimo
            /_patrick-pech%C3%A9rot-paris-trilogie-krimi-thriller-mp3-cd-2075888.html mediamarkt.de/de/product/_tchibo-cafissimo-pure-60-kapseln- -kuechengeraete-gastronomie/cafissimo-kaffee-maschine-wie-neu-113473725? -nhl-championship-2000-zu-verkaufen-gratis-versand-mit-ovp-ohne-anleitung- achsoisdas.de/test/strickanleitung-cardigan-damen---2616519-9315191 2022-04-26T00:00:00+00:00 achsoisdas.de/test/cafissimo-kaffee--- .de/s-anzeige/fiat-ducato-maxi/2174364354-216-2000 2022-08-04T15:49:27Z ebay-kleinanzeigen.de/s-anzeige/monacor-mpx-9100ds-mischpult/ adId=112903244 2015-02-15T14:39:00+01:00 0.38 willhaben.at/iad/kaufen-und-verkaufen/haushalt-kuechengeraete-gastronomie/cafissimo-classic- W Distinta Bouilloire, 2000 W, Blanc, 1, 131.82 umer (500 W, Antihaftbeschichtung, Bedienung auf Tastendruck) rosa, 1, 60.99. /c1121a183813296/tchibo-cafissimo-picco-kaffeekapselmaschine-sand.html essen-und-trinken/c1644a183857975/dom-perignon-vintage-2000-0.html 2017-06-30
https://nusikulilad.tumblr.com/post/692123282444599296/liebherr-cnp-3913-bedienungsanleitung-kindle, https://wupepawem.tumblr.com/post/692123266412920832/sony-str-k785-bedienungsanleitung-deutsch, https://wupepawem.tumblr.com/post/692123874554511360/hofmann-geodyna-980l-bedienungsanleitung-galaxy, https://kaxunopet.tumblr.com/post/692124365445382144/beko-gne-60020-x-bedienungsanleitung-yamaha, https://kaxunopet.tumblr.com/post/692123403655725056/bosch-tes-80359-bedienungsanleitung-hp.
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digitaltrand · 2 years
PartyDAO Raises $16.4 Million Led by a16z
PartyDAO Raises $16.4 Million Led by a16z
PartyDAO has raised $16.4 million in funding led by Andreessen Horowitz (a16z), The Block reported. Other participants in the round for the decentralized organization behind the NFT bidding platform PartyBid were Standard Crypto, Compound Crypto, Dragonfly Capital, Uniswap Ventures (after having invested in PartyDAO in April of this year) and Loot creator Dom Hofmann, according to a Thursday…
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thepause · 3 years
The Latest NFT Fad Is a Text-Based Fantasy Game Building Block
The Latest NFT Fad Is a Text-Based Fantasy Game Building Block
"The Hash" squad discusses the evolving world of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), with the latest craze among the simplest and the strangest yet: “Loot: (for Adventurers),” a text-based NFT side project from social media network Vine co-founder Dom Hofmann, that randomly generates a list of items ostensibly intended for players of a fantasy video game. Is this the beginning of an open-source fantasy…
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inventivaindia · 4 years
Vine reboot Byte officially launches
Vine reboot Byte officially launches
Two years after Vine’s co-founder Dom Hofmann announced he was building a successor to the short-form video app, today Byte makes its debut on iOS and Android. Byte lets you shoot or upload and then share six-second videos. The tiny time limit necessitates no-filler content that’s denser than the maximum 1-minute clips on TikTok.
Byte comes equipped with standard social features like a feed,…
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graphicpolicy · 6 months
Blitmap #1 delivers unique covers for every issue but how's the actual comic?
Blitmap #1 delivers unique covers for every issue but how's the actual comic? #comics #comicbooks #ncbd
Sup Inc., a team comprised of former video game devs, artists, and the creator of Vine will soon release BLITMAP #1, a thrilling new sci-fi series set in a vibrant solarpunk metropolis. In partnership with Titan Comics, the first issue in this 6-issue series arrives at comic book stores worldwide on October 25th. However, attendees of New York Comic Con are able to pick up a copy two weeks early…
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cyle · 3 years
Working with 16 other artists, Hofmann created 100 32-by-32 pixel images combining elements of science fiction and fantasy; those were then “remixed” into 1,600 “siblings.” The idea was to use the Blitmaps as the basis for a kind of blockchain version of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, turning characters into merchandise, games. The project was a modest hit — the cheapest Blitmap today costs about $98,000.
The 7,777 [Loot] bags that Hofmann offered up for minting were all snapped up more or less instantly. In the next five days, Coindesk reported, Loot bags were resold for $46 million, and had a market cap of $180 million. On Wednesday, the cheapest Loot bag could be had for about $20,000. That price more than doubled overnight, and would now cost more than $46,000.
money and the internet are beyond a joke now, what have we done
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jhaidkhan · 3 years
tiktok fans
tiktok fans When the Trump administration announced it would ban TikTok in the U.S., a number of alternative short-form video apps began to flourish, as users hedged their bets on a potential TikTok exit. Among these was Byte, an app co-created by Vine co-founder Dom Hofmann, which topped 1.3 million downloads in its first week alone. But when Trump’s ban on TikTok failed, Byte sold to rival Clash — an admission of sorts that TikTok’s momentum couldn’t be beaten. Now, new owner Clash is kicking off round two. It’s relaunching its app with the “best of Byte” under the hood alongside a suite of creator tools for monetizing a fan base. This time, the focus isn’t on beating TikTok, but working in parallel alongside it. Clash was founded by Brendon McNerney, a former Vine star who at one point grew his own social following on the now-shuttered app to over 700,000 followers. As someone who worked directly in the creator space, McNerney believes he could offer a unique perspective on creator monetization — something even leading apps can still struggle with today. The newly rebuilt Clash’s premise is that it can help creators identify, engage and monetize their strongest and most loyal fans. To do so, Clash is introducing a set of tools for creators and their fans, including a virtual tipping mechanism called Drops (not to be confused with product drops, popular in ecommerce) and a custom messaging system called Fanmail, for starters. Image Credits: Clash The idea is that creators could grow their overall fanbase by using larger platforms like Instagram, TikTok or YouTube, where they can monetize the crowd through various methods, like advertising revenue share, brand sponsorships and other more direct methods, when available, like tips and subscriptions. Meanwhile, Clash could serve as the backchannel for the fans who are more invested in the creator’s journey — like those who are willing to help fund a creator’s work, similar to Patreon, or those who want a closer relationship with their favorite creators than they would otherwise be able to achieve elsewhere. McNerney says large platforms, like TikTok, can limit creators’ monetization potential. “TikTok is a virality machine. It just creates new creators every day — an issue because there’s only so many ad dollars…there’s only so many dollars in the Creator Fund,” he says. The founder took inspiration from what was working well in other industries, like Twitch with live content, OnlyFans for adult content and Patreon for more project-based work, like podcasts. Image Credits: Clash “The thing that really stuck out was, in 2019, I started seeing creators post their Venmo links in their bio. It was kind of a head-scratch moment,” McNerney says. He began to think about how those link-in-bio systems could be turned into more of a product. “And so we really started from the question…if Patreon was built now, what would it look like? And then: how can we do what we know well — which is short-form video?” he continues. “We really wanted to build a short-form video platform, where the video was just the medium, but the whole point of the platform was to support your favorite creators and connect with your fans.” The initial beta version of Clash launched last summer on the App Store. Soon, the team found creators wanted to use it as a more authentic place to engage with fans outside of larger platforms. Creators wanted to create content specifically designed for the top 10-15% of their fan base — people who were already supporting them in other ways, like buying their merchandise, for example. This led to the launch of Clash’s first product, Fanmail, where fans could pay to unlock the ability to send personalized messages to top creators, who acknowledge them and respond directly. It also introduced Drops, a digital good purchased from the App Store that fans can use as a token of appreciation or for access to send Fanmail. Image Credits: Clash Creators can redeem Drops at 2,500 (or $25), Clash says. This is a lower threshold than some creator
platforms, like Twitch, where you need to have earned $100 to cash out. Clash says it will also seed its network by gifting hundreds of Drops to new users, free of charge. And, for the time being, Clash will not take a cut of these sales — meaning creators keep 100% of the revenue from the Drops they receive. (The company hasn’t yet decided what percentage it will take when the promotional period ends sometime next year.) McNerney envisions how Clash can be used in the early stages of content creation and planning, which makes it more symbiotic with larger platforms, like TikTok, instead of a direct competitor. For example, one of Clash’s launch creators, Yasmine Sahid, who makes comedic videos on TikTok, is using Clash to fund her other passion: making music. She’s been building her first music video with the support of fans on Clash, who are funding it through their Drops. And as the video is produced, these fans get access to the behind-thescenes content and other sneak peeks. Plus, he argues, innovations in creator monetization may need to take place outside of larger platforms. “The biggest issue, I think, is while [these large platforms] are experimenting with these tools, they’re not leaning into them. At the end of the day, their revenue is 98, 99% from advertising revenue,” he says. “The model that they see themselves leaning into is just strictly focusing on keeping eyeballs glued to the screen. Whereas, they’re improving their algorithms — they want people viewing — we actually want people engaging,” McNerney adds. Image Credits: Clash At launch, Clash’s app has been rebuilt to handle future scale and to support monetization tools. Meanwhile, Clash is including what the team loved about Byte, including the way Byte’s Camera worked, the in-app feed and the app’s Discovery page. There are other similarities between Byte’s design and the new app, as well. And while Clash will gain access to Byte’s existing registered user base of 5 million when it relaunches in Byte’s place on the app stores, it plans to support a variety of creators — not just the young Gen Z’ers who used to try to “bully the millennials” off the original Byte app. In the near-term, Clash plans to add something called a “fan score” based on their engagement in the app, including entering chats and commenting on videos. It plans to release this feature soon after the public debut. Of course, even as a platform for the most loyal fans, Clash will have its competition from startups and big tech alike. Twitter has built Super Follow to cater to creators while Instagram has been spotted working on its own fan subscription product in recent days. Co-founded by P.J. Leimgruber, who previously founded influencer agency NeoReach, LAbased Clash is now a team of 17 full-time. Many early employees have backgrounds in social and creator platforms, including Facebook, TikTok, Vine, Snap, Twitter, Google, Pinterest and Cameo. Vine’s/Twitter’s head of Creator Development, Karyn Spencer, is also Clash’s creator advisor. Byte and Vine co-founder Dom Hoffman remains an advisor. Ahead of its relaunch, Clash raised $9.1 million in funding over three rounds. The latest was a seed round led by Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian’s new fund Seven Seven Six. Other investors in Clash include M13 Ventures, Plug and Play, ACME Capital, and angels Jesse Leimgruber (NeoReach co-founder) and NBA Players, Austin Rivers and Seth Curry. Clash is relaunching today under Byte’s listing on the App Store and will soon launch on Google Play.
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theseaance · 5 years
five was born in 1989 and lived at the academy until 2002, when he traveled through time and got stuck in the apocalypse. ten years later, dom hofmann, rus yusupov, and colin kroll created vine. five returned to the academy in 2019. anyway, this is a long-winded way of saying that five doesn’t know what vines are.
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thistleandthorn-rpg · 3 years
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Congrats A on your audition for Charles Fabray! Send us his blog within 48 hours please and thank you!
Name/Alias: A Preferred pronoun: She/Her Age: 40+ Timezone/Country: PST/US RP Experience: 5 - 7 years (?) Activity Level: approx. 3 days/ week
Name: Charles ‘Charlie’ Fabray Designation: Submissive Age: 23 Faceclaim: Louis Hofmann Birthday: June 12 Orientation: Pansexual Kinks: service, bondage, Anti-Kinks: watersports, all bathroom play, knife/blood play, humiliation, public sex
Charlie was quiet from the very start, but happy and fairly well adjusted even with his strict religious and D/s upbringing. He loved his parents, even if he was often frustrated by and frightened of his father. He absolutely adored his brother and sister and as the more shy quieter triplet he often hid behind them as they ventured out into the world. Leo was the confident one and Quinn was the strong one. He never felt unsafe when he was with them.
One thing that he could never quite understand about his family was the focus on money and status. What did it matter how much money you had? You could be unhappy whether you were rich or poor and the same could be said of happiness. And what made him happy was gardening. He’d fallen in love with it playing over at the Lynns’ house. The Lynns were a family that lived in their neighborhood. They were a lot like the Fabrays: traditional, conservative, and well off, but they were also so very different. Where the Fabray house was always quiet and everything proper, with servants to do the work of cooking, cleaning, and gardening, the Lynn house was full of noise and laughter and the submissives in the family did all of the domestic work. It was at the Lynns’ house that he planted his very first flower. Mrs. Lynn was showing Colt and him how to garden and they each planted a sunflower seed. They watched the whole summer as they grew and grew until the flowers were even taller than they were. It was the most incredible feeling in the world.
Charlie was hooked. It took some convincing but eventually his father allowed him to work alongside the gardener planting and cultivating what he soon thought was the most beautiful garden in Mobile. However time marched on and soon it was time for school. When Leo left for Washington, he was devastated. He loved his brother so much. Daily calls were fine, but no substitute for his brother’s haughty, but loving presence. He worried that he didn’t have anyone to laugh and relax with. He was always so proper and in charge with everyone else. And there was also the matter of having dropped out of college. Bowing to pressure from his father he’d applied and been accepted to Georgetown to study botany and biology. That was fine, but really he just wanted to grow plants. Just wanted to get his hands in the soil and help things grow. So eventually he dropped out and came home with the excuse that he should complete Institute first. After all if he was marked submissive there was a chance he’d claim with a Dom who wouldn’t allow him to work outside the home. His father eventually agreed with this, shaking his head and muttering something about ‘waste of male genes’. He pretended it didn’t hurt as he went to his room and messaged Leo about coming to join him.
What are your feelings about the mark you have received?
I feel good about it. I’ve always felt like I was a submissive. It’s not exactly what my father wanted though. I am sorry that this is probably pretty disappointing to him. I think the submissive mark really suits my qualities though. I love being of service. I love helping others grow and be the best they can be. That to me is at the heart of being a submissive. Nurturing the family.
How do your feelings on the system compare to your parents’ feelings on it?
I know that they are different.I just don’t know exactly how yet.  My father is very set in his ways and his ways are very traditional. I also feel fairly traditional about our roles in D/s, but there should be room for different viewpoints and people should have different ways of expressing themselves. Both of my parents are very religious, but I can’t say that I am. I’ve discovered all of the ways religion doesn’t nurture people. I suppose I would call myself spiritual, but definitely not religious. Just don’t tell my mother that. I figure what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. But I suppose when it comes to the system, my feelings align with theirs. I just don’t feel the need to have others align with me in the same way my father does.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Wow, that’s a hell of a question. I’m not sure to tell you the truth. I think probably anyone who isn’t claimed yet has that same nightmare vision of a future in slavery. You can’t really banish it. But when I don’t give in to that and just calm the heck down, I picture myself in a loving claim. I don’t think I have enough training yet to have a preconception of what that claim will look like and I’m trying to keep myself as flexible as possible about that. I hope that no matter what my claim looks like, I’m still growing plants. I don’t care about whether it’s a career or just part of my submissive duties, I feel like there is no future for me if it doesn’t include a garden.
Describe what terrifies you the most.
The most? Obviously slavery has got to be the top of the list. But you know I’m not really a fearful person. I think people maybe get that idea because I’m kind of shy and quiet. I’m not afraid of things though. I like spiders and other creepy crawlies. I’m not afraid of heights or anything like that. And you know, I’m not afraid of finding a claim, not really. It’s just like any plant. You just have to plant it, tend it, give it plenty of sun and it will grow.
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