#does his regeneration prevent him from getting physically tired?
loadinghellsing · 2 years
an important question; "how/when does Anderson sleep?" an important answer;
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however and whenever possible
(part 2)
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alostsock · 3 years
With me.
Summary: Andy and Nicky get kidnapped. Post-movie.
TW: kidnapping, starvation, dehydration, weight loss, temporary character death (I mean it’s The Old Guard?), a bit of blood, mentions of violence.
AN: I didn’t know you could get cut off in the tags that’s never happened to me before apparently there’s a length limit.
For all her years, Andy cannot remember having felt purpose like this before. Knowing that her body no longer heals does nothing to dissuade her - if anything, it motivates her further. She may break, she may hurt but she now sees, as she hasn’t in centuries (maybe ever) that it is worth it.
Nile seems to accept her leadership, and follows it without question.
Nicky and Joe, however, draw on almost two thousand years of combined stubbornness trying to keep her from harm.
Nicky researches nutrition and tries to serve her balanced (boring, bland) meals despite her protests. Joe finds her the best available body armour (never mind how it moves). They both throw themselves in front of her at every possible opportunity. (This isn’t to say that Nile doesn’t, in the face of real danger - just that Nicky and Joe don’t seem to understand that she doesn’t need protecting from traffic or raccoons or hot oil on the stove).
She doesn’t think she’s been particularly careless - they vet jobs as they’ve always done, and now they have Copley to help. She’s not reckless, just filled with purpose, with vigour, with the need to do right. Besides, all her years have taught her that sometimes, despite best efforts, jobs go wrong.
It doesn’t entirely bother her that they’ve been locked up in a cell. It’s hardly the first time, after all. Besides, she has every faith in Nile and Joe and Copley to track them down.
What she does hate with every fibre of her being, is that Nicky is locked up with her.
He reassures her, because of course he does, that it isn’t her fault, just as she reassures him that it isn’t his.
They’ve been captured together before, they all have, really, and they know the routine. They have exhausted their options for escape, have tried at every opportunity, and have failed. All they’ve managed to do is maybe piss off their captors a little more than was strictly necessary. It isn’t in them to just give up and accept their predicament, though - they need to try everything first. Once they’ve done this, however, all that’s left to do is wait.
It’s all standard procedure, as far as standard procedure goes for a bunch of immortal warriors. Andy finds the way that criminals haven’t really changed the core of their modus operandi in decades more than a little tiresome. There’s an angry kingpin (with his fingers in many increasingly unconscionable pies) who doesn’t believe that nobody hired them, who scoffs at their insistence that there aren’t more of them, a selection of cronies and hired hands who are all too happy to try to beat the answers out of them, and a general limited amount of food, water, and warmth to make them extra miserable. Frankly, she’s bored with it.
Joe is coming. Nile is coming. They just have to bide their time, like every time this has happened before.
The one difference - the only difference - is that this time Andy is mortal.
Nicky (and Joe, her boys, her beloved boys) have always hated it when she put herself in danger, and even more so when she did it to protect them. But, until this point, they recognized her leadership and would defer to it. They accepted that this sometimes meant letting her take the brunt of their latest opponent’s anger if she felt it necessary to keep them safe, or to get them out of a sticky situation.
This time, however, there is no dissuading Nicky. No command, no proposed strategy will change his mind. Andy still puts up a fight, but eventually he turns those big, plaintive eyes on her and admits in a soft voice that the best way she can keep him safe right now is if she lets him take care of her - if she lets him stop them from doing something to her which cannot be undone.
Andy has never been able to say no to Nicky when he looks at her like that, and this time is no different.
So, she agrees. When their captors come in to see if they’re ready to talk, Nicky is the one who goads them, infuriates them. When they’re delivered pitiful meals, he refuses his half, begging with his soulful eyes.
I can starve, he says. You can’t.
I don’t need water, he says. You do.
Andy hates it. She doesn’t feel mortal, she feels the same as she always has. She feels strong, she feels enraged, she wants to protect her Nico. She wants to shield him from the world. She knows, logically, that after nine hundred years there isn’t much innocence left, but still he feels so young to her. They both do. They all do.
She thinks of the plea in his eyes, though, the desperation in his face as he silently begs her to stay behind him, to stay silent, to let him take it, and so she does.
She suspects it isn’t entirely quick tempers or even benevolence that has their captors keep taking Nicky’s bait, though - she suspects that the brighter among them recognize the look in her eyes - they see that by hurting Nicky they hurt her more than they could by beating her.
They lose track of time. There is no natural light in the room they are in, so they don’t really know how many days have passed. Andy isn’t sure if the room is getting colder, or if they’re maybe just getting weaker with lack of food. Perhaps both.
The first few days their captors try violence, but when neither of them cracks (and also as they seem to take out no small number of henchmen every time they are in the same room as them) they seem to settle on trying to starve the answers they want out of them. Nicky continues to insist on giving Andy his share, so while she doesn’t know exactly how many days it’s been, she knows it’s been long enough for Nicky to start looking grey with dehydration. She suspects he will die from it soon, but when she brings this up to him he just gives her a tired smile and reminds her that it’s fine if he does - he will come back. The only thing that seems to matter to him is that she doesn’t.
She’s miserable - cold and damp and hungry - but what hurts the most is watching Nicky waste away beside her.
They talk - or, at least, at the beginning they talk. As time goes on and Nicky grows weaker, it mostly becomes Andy talking while Nicky dozes (or lies unconscious, or dies and comes back) tucked into her side. It starts as discussions of possible means to escape (always in oldest languages they share, just in case anyone is listening), but when that seems to become increasingly hopeless, and as Nicky starts to lose the energy to hold his head up, Andy starts spending most of her time telling him her favourite stories of years gone by.
They (he - Andy reminds herself) might be immortal, but they are still human. Their bodies will heal, will regenerate but they need food and water to do so, so as Nicky fades and starts to die not only from lack of water but from starvation the deaths start to come closer and closer together. He will die from malnourishment, come back, and then, when his body realizes it still has no stores to draw from, still has no energy to heal itself with, he will die again.
Sometimes, when he is too out of it to protest, she tips small sips of water into his mouth. This tends to end up with him waking up enough to realize what she is doing, at which point he will turn tear-filled eyes on her and remind her that while he will come back from whatever physical trauma his body is put through, he will not be able to handle waking up to find her permanently dead beside him when he could have prevented it.
They move them once during their captivity. Having learned early on that entering the room while either of them is awake is dangerous, both times they accomplish the move by knocking them out with gas and transporting them while they’re unconscious. Andy comes to in a shipping container, bound with rope and alone. She makes quick work of the bindings before exhausting herself trying to find a way out. Nothing gives, no matter how hard she tries. 
She loses time again. Perhaps more gas? Maybe her body just gave out? She isn’t sure, but when she wakes she and Nicky have been tossed in the same room again, carelessly dropped on the cold floor. There is blood on Nicky’s temple that wasn’t there before.
She wonders if their captors have realized that, no matter how much he bleeds, none of the marks linger on his skin. She hopes that the mess of dried blood he’s covered in is enough to mask the fact that he isn’t actually bleeding where he should be, because she doesn’t want to think about how their situation could get messier if they figured that out. Luckily, they seem to prefer keeping their distance (or perhaps they have just realized it is best for their own safety to not get too close).
Andy frees herself from her new bounds. Nicky stirs but doesn’t seem to have the energy to fully wake, so once Andy has repeated the process of checking their cell for potential means of escape (she doesn’t find any) she drags him to a corner of the room and, leaning against the wall, pulls him to her chest.
Someone comes to check on them what Andy assumes is once a day, with a bottle of water and some stale bread, or sometimes a can of soup and a demand for answers that they both don’t have and would never give anyway.
Nicky is barely more than skin and bones, a painfully fragile warmth (and sometimes lack thereof) in her arms. She is hardly any better, the food they get absolutely pitiful, but at least she hasn’t died of starvation. She isn’t the one who keeps coming to in stuttering huffs of air before inevitably going limp again - over and over and over.
Andy rouses from sleep. She’s hungry - hungrier than usual. She thinks they haven’t been fed in a while. Nicky is still slumped against her, his soft breaths puffing against her neck. She tiredly runs her hands through his dirty hair, brushing it back from his face as she wonders if they have given up on them entirely. She feels like it’s been too long, like they are overdue for food and questions, but she has no way of being sure. Maybe this day has just felt longer than the others. Maybe it’s been more than one.
The door opens with a clang. Andy doesn’t bother to look up, keeping her face buried in Nicky’s hair and keeping her own thin arms wrapped around his frail form as she holds him close on her lap. Even when she senses someone letting out a breath and dropping hard onto their knees beside her, she doesn’t look up. She would fight, but she doesn’t have the energy to. Maybe she could knock out this one with the remaining dregs of her strength, but then what? She doesn’t think she has it in her to fight her way out all while carrying Nicky, frighteningly light as he is at the moment.
Joe is coming. Nile is coming. They just have to wait.
A shaking hand meets hers where it is buried in Nicky’s hair. She flinches, but doesn’t pull away. The hand reaches across Nicky to tuck her own hair behind her ear. Initially she recoils, but then she takes a deep breath and tries to muster the reserves of her strength. The person is close. Maybe she could take this one out. She takes another breath, steeling herself. Her eyelashes brush against Nicky’s greasy hair as she blinks, her face still tucked down onto his head. She moves to look up but then she realizes that she knows that hand.
She knew that hand for millennia, but she hasn’t held it in hundreds of years.
She blinks, raising her head.
The world swims in front of her, and she blinks a few more times before it comes into focus.
She must be dreaming.
She hears shouting, sees the mouth in front of her moving but her brain doesn’t connect the sight with the sound. There’s the sound of running footsteps and Joe - or her mind’s conjured version of Joe - comes skidding around the corner, making a beeline for the three of them when he enters the room.
Suddenly, there are inexplicably warm hands pulling Nicky away from her. She clings tighter, clings with all the strength she has left as dream-Joe tries to take Nicky from her.
She huffs out a disgruntled protest, complains that this is my dream, why can’t you do what I want. I want him with me before burying her face back into Nicky’s hair and trying to let the dream take her somewhere else. Perhaps her subconscious can take them somewhere warm.
She doesn’t get the chance. Moments later, hands are prying Nicky from her arms and she finds that she doesn’t have enough strength to keep fighting back. She opens her eyes again to see the arms pick Nicky up, cradling him against a broad chest. She sees Nile enter the room, coming up to her with her hands raised before pausing in front of her and giving her a brief relieved smile before hauling her to her feet and pulling her arm across strong shoulders.
She doesn’t see anybody else.
Just Joe and Nile.
Joe and Nile have come.
She vaguely remembers stumbling through hallways, Nile hauling her uncooperative body along. Joe is just ahead of them, Nicky held close.
Their path out is clear.
Some of the guards have been cut down, some have been shot, others, inexplicably, have been struck with arrows. Nicky hasn’t used a bow in decades, Joe in even longer. She didn’t realize Nile knew how.
When they reach the getaway car Nile helps her into the backseat before climbing in after her, taking her hand tightly in both of hers. Joe gets in on the other side with Nicky still in his arms, maneuvering awkwardly, trying to avoid bumping Nicky against the door.
Andy leans her head on Joe’s shoulder, leaving her right hand in Niles’ as her left buries itself in Nicky’s hair. She breathes in the smell of Joe’s shirt, finally allowing the last remnants of tension to leave her body. She sees Booker get into the driver’s seat. They must have needed to call him in for backup. The passenger seat is empty. She supposes they’re a little cramped in the back, but she doesn’t want to let go of Nile and she isn’t sure she would be able to handle Nicky or Joe moving away from her. She relaxes completely against Joe’s side, and relief so strong it makes her want to cry overcomes her as he presses a kiss to her hair.
She sleeps.
The passenger side door opens and shuts.
The wheels squeal as the car pulls away.
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vision20revie · 3 years
Vision 20 Reviews
Vision 20 Reviews - Groundbreaking New Report on Vision 20 for Eyesight
Vision 20 by Zenith Labs is an eye care supplement that, by its ingredients, tries to protect your eyesight.
Vision 20 is a dietary supplement that helps protect your eyes' lens and retina from harmful blue radiation. This radiation is commonly emitted by phones, gadgets, and other things that have monitors. It uses natural ingredients that are found in nature to keep our eyes from going into eventual decline. It contains carotenoids, which are substances that help keep our eye’s lens, retina, and macula healthy.
This, in turn, gives us an abundance of good eyesight, which is essential in our everyday lives. Vision 20 supplement was inspired by the humble Marigold, whose orange coloration was a clear indication of abundance in carotenoids.
Vision 20 supplement can help us see in different ranges, whether near and far. It can also make us see better during nighttime, which is a clear indication of healthy eyesight. According to the official website, it is used by around 9,000 Americans right now, and the testimonials show that the product works full-time. This latest review will show you the supplement's ins and outs and how it came to be. Vision 20 is based on the Bible, and even though you are an atheist, I suggest you continue reading because these are parts of the Bible that are backed up by scientific facts and data. Without further ado, let us jump into it.
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Vision 20’s Biblical Relation?
Vision 20 was inspired by the Bible. In the book of Isaiah, a prophet of the same name, helped King Hezekiah by giving him figs. While initially used to treat the boils, this also affected his eyesight. It became blurred as he was consumed by sickness.
King Hezekiah, upon being put and spread upon by mashed figs, not only cured his boils but also improved his eyesight. Why? It is because figs contain high amounts of Retinyl Palmitate, a form of Vitamin A. This has let him see again in not just the spiritual sense
but also the physical sense. This is awesome. Now, we can see how the Bible is relevant even though it is a tool of religion. It is still a historical account, and we know that these document types are dependent on the writer's interpretation. Of course, this makes this Holy Scripture awry the credibility, but it is safe to say that science backs this manuscript up.
Vision 20 Manufacturer
Doctor Ryan Shelton made vision 20. He is currently the Medical Director of Zenith Labs, a company that makes dietary supplements for a living. If we can even observe further, we can see that he is a man of God since he injects lots of biblical sense into his studies.
Zenith Labs comprises health professionals who manufacture a variety of supplements that cater to older people. Other supplements that Zenith Labs make include joint health and anti-aging supplements, which are rich with antioxidants.
Being the head of the whole operation, Shelton is a researcher whose job is to look for progressive, natural health solutions for everyone in the world. While that is a fancy way of saying it, he is a testimony of others' goodwill, having helped hundreds of people already through personal means. Also, being a naturally-inclined researcher, he publishes papers during his pastime. He also puts in dozens of credible sources to the Vision 20 supplement, which means that it should be useful since it was based and made through scientific methods and means. Overall, Doctor Shelton and his team at
Zenith Labs are considered to be reliable, trustworthy, and credible among all accounts. They show their faces in public too, which is a plus sign since they are willing to bet themselves for the product that they made. Now that is commitment and honesty in one.
How Does It Work?
Vision 20 works by bombarding our body with antioxidants and other substances that are beneficial to the eye, such as Lutein, Zeaxanthin, and different forms of Vitamin A. We know that Vitamin A is extremely beneficial for our eyes, so this is a good sign already that this product indeed works. Just take one capsule a day, and you are good to go.
The supplement works by repairing and protecting your eyes against blue light radiation. Now, blue light radiation is commonly found everywhere. It is commonly emitted by technology that we have now. Any monitor that we are looking at right now emits blue light radiation. You might be thinking this is an exaggeration, but don’t you wonder why
your eyes feel tired and itchy after staring at a monitor for long periods? It is because your eyes are being constantly harassed by this radiation that is slowly eating away your eyesight.
Vision 20 takes a step further by protecting your eyes and repairing your eyes with the help of antioxidants found in different sources. Not only does this help our eyes, but it benefits our body as a whole since antioxidants are the essential substances that we need to keep ourselves healthy in the long run. This, in turn, can help us see nearer,
farther, and in the dark. It is beneficial, considering that the sense of sight is one of the most important things that a human must have to live a full, happy, and contented life.
By taking this supplement, you can protect and repair your eyes through natural and organic nutrients. Either these nutrients come from figs or carrots, it does not matter. What matters is the nutrient itself. Dr. Shelton and his team carefully came up with a formula that will help revolutionize your eyesight, and trust me when I say it is useful.
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Vision 20 Ingredients
Vision 20 is not necessarily made from figs. Looking back, no pun intended, it was figs that made King Hezekiah well again. If we are to look at this from a scientific point of view, figs are antibacterial fruits rich in antioxidants and Vitamin A. They are a well-rounded fruit to begin with. While King Hezekiah in the Bible primarily suffered boils, Dr. Shelton and his team noticed that his eyesight also improved based on the Second Book of Kings' writings.
Channeling his inner scientific side with his religious optimism, Shelton went on to take the critical component that makes figs good for the eyes – Vitamin A. This vitamin, for the knowledge of everyone, has many forms. Thankfully, Shelton is a research buff and has this knowledge in mind. He went for two of the most potent forms of Vitamin A – Retinyl Palmitate and Beta-carotene.
Once getting these facts laid down, he combined support elements for Vitamin A, and the rest is history for this particular dietary supplement. With a backgrounder on how figs and Vision 20 came to be, let us jump into Vision 20 ingredients' specifics.
The main ingredients are:
Retinyl Palmitate is a form of Vitamin A, which is more suited to the cell
regeneration side. It is commonly used to boost the amount of Vitamin A that a person has in his/her body. Vitamin A deficiency is a thing for people with
weakened eyesight, and having regular dosage of this substance can keep your eyes healthy in the long run.
Beta-carotene. Perhaps the most famous form of Vitamin A, is a carotenoid commonly found in many fruits, vegetables, and whole grains! While Retinyl Palmitate is focused on repairing our eye’s integrity, Beta-carotene is focused on making us less sensitive to light changes and preventing our eyesight from
declining faster than you can say eye degeneration. What is more, studies show it can reduce the risk of breast cancer!
These are the two main ingredients, but our bodies do not absorb vitamin A and its several forms. This has been the case for many years, and with increased exposure to blue light radiation, this rate of less absorption is taking a toll on our precious eyesight. This is why Dr. Shelton added Zinc.
Zinc – This mineral encourages our body to absorb Vitamin A. By taking in Zinc, we can increase Vitamin A absorption rate by three times! Other than that, the primary function of this mineral is to repair and maintain our cells and boost our immune system, hasten our healing process, and boost our overall health.
The next ingredients that I will show you are the support ingredients for Vision 20, all put in to make your eyes better by the second.
Lutein – this is also a carotenoid that is usually found in our eye’s macula and retina. These parts of the eye are responsible for taking in images reflected by the lenses of our eyes. Thus, adding Lutein can strengthen it and prevent
age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which is common among old folk. It is also used to treat cataracts and early-stage non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Zeaxanthin – this is the carotenoid that actively fights off high-energy light
waves inside your eye. By adding Zeaxanthin, we have an active contender against the blue light radiation that continually bombards us in this modern world. It is Lutein's partner, whereas Lutein fights of the harmful effects of
oxidization while Zeaxanthin fights off outside threats such as mentioned above.
Lycopene – commonly found in tomatoes, this heart-smart ingredient is a potent antioxidant used to protect cells from oxidization and other related damage.
Lycopene is used in Vision 20 to serve as an antioxidant buffer to regenerate the eye’s degrading cells quickly. With nothing to damage them, they can focus on recovery.
Taurine – people say Taurine is only used to make you smart, but that is not the case otherwise. This amino acid can also help produce more cells, which is beneficial for losing his/her eyesight. Lycopene is the shield, while Taurine is the concrete used to build stuff.
Grape Seed Extract – this extract can boost good cholesterol levels and improve
overall blood circulation. It can also boost your immune system thanks to the presence of Polyphenols. While this seems to have no relation to eyesight
improvement, a study from the Molecular Vision Journal suggests that grape seed extract can also protect your lenses from outside threats.
Bilberry Extract – last but not least, there is the Bilberry. This extract is excellent
for blood circulation, gout, urinary tract infections, and more. It is mainly used as an antioxidant, which means it can fight off eye damage from internal sources.
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EyeSight Benefits
For one, the Vision 20 supplement has high amounts of antioxidants on it. Why is this the case? It is because Vision 20 also focuses on getting your past eyesight back. Think of it as something that protects and heals at the same time. It is a cool supplement overall. Antioxidants help our cells regenerate and feel young again. By chugging in significant amounts of antioxidants, we only not help our eyes get better, but we also feel better in general since these nutrients will be circulated throughout our whole body.
Secondly, Vision 20 is aimed at making our eyesight crystal clear. Carotenoids such as Vitamin A, Lutein, and Zeaxanthin paired with Zinc can work wonders, and as King Hezekiah’s eyesight got better with vitamin A-rich fruits, yours can be like that too! Overall, Vision 20 gives benefits to our eyes and our whole body as well.
Vision 20 Ingredients Side Effects
With tons of benefits and pros come easily unavoidable cons. We are just going to backtrack a little. The recommended dosage for Vision 20 is one capsule a day. Keep this in mind, as overdosing can undoubtedly show signs of side effects one way or another.
To start, Vitamin A overdose is a nasty thing to have. It is called Hypervitaminosis A.
Isaiah only gave King Hezekiah an ample amount of fig. You should only get an ample amount of Vision 20 too. It can cause bone pain and skin changes. If you do not want
these symptoms, only take the recommended dosage of one a day. We understand that you want your real eyesight back, but please do it in moderation.
Other than this nasty threat, you can also experience other mild symptoms such as
dizziness, headache, nausea, stomach pain, and flu-like symptoms if you overdose. In short, do not overdose, and you will be fine in the long run.
To inform you, too, there is an infrequent side effect from ingesting Lutein and Zeaxanthin. It is not harmful, so it is okay unless you are vain. Your skin can occasionally turn yellow. You should be fine if you are following the recommended dosage. In summary, Vision 20 side effects are only prevalent if you are hard-headed.
Where do you Buy Vision 20?
You can buy Vision 20 right off the Vision 20 official website, which is below.
Official Website of this Eye Care Supplement
There are tons of things to see on their website, and this Vision 20 review just summarized it for you so that you will not have the hassle of going through all those marketing stunts.
How Much Does It Cost Vision 20?
Vision 20 is relatively cheap for an optical dietary supplement of its degree! Typically, each bottle costs a whopping price of $79! This is a shocker, but it is a great supplement to begin with.
However, they are generous enough to give people a discount! Right now, each bottle of Vision 20 only costs $49! That is $30 off than the regular price.
If you feel that $49 is still too much, they also offer 3-bottle and 6-bottle packages worth $117 and $198, respectively. These are super low prices compared to other dietary supplements in the market!
However, shipping is relatively high, at $19.95. If you go for the 6-bottle pack, though, you can have free shipping, so that is cool in its regard. Each purchase of Vision 20 helps a charity named Vitamin Angels, which helps kids overcome their vitamin deficiencies.
Overall Verdict for Vision 20
Vision 20 is one of the best dietary supplements to take if you look for something to make your eyesight better overtime. The blend of the ingredients is outstanding, and it can make your quality of life much better as you get older.
Nevertheless, it is still a dietary supplement and should be taken with a healthy and balanced diet to be fully utilized. Always consult your physician and listen to the professional advice of your doctor. Other than that, always remain vigilant and check the labels first before taking a supplement like this!
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rctribvtn · 4 years
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Have you ever noticed that ( JASON TODD ) from the ( DC UNIVERSE ) looks a lot like ( CURRAN WALTERS )? But ( HE ) also go/goes by ( RED HOOD ). Having the ability to/of ( EXPERT MARKSMAN/TACTICIAN, SKILLED MARTIAL ARTIST & HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT,  ENHANCED WEAPONS TECH, AND ENHANCED STRENGTH / SPEED / DURABILITY DUE TO LAZARUS PIT EXPOSURE. )  sure makes them a force to be reckoned with. Rumour has it they are ( 21 ) and is working as ( MORALLY GREY VIGILANTE ). 
𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖇𝖊𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌.
willis  and  catherine  todd  didn’t  have  the  perfect  marriage.  in  fact,  it  was  barely  a  happy  one.  willis  would  later  serve  time  in  prison,  a  career  criminal  by  day  and  a  shitty  husband  by  night,  and  when  his  time  was  up  ?  he’d  leave  his  family  behind.  their  only  child,  jason,  was  forced  to  raise  himself  as  his  mother  turned  to  drugs.  petty  crime  was  how  he  kept  a  roof  over  their  heads,  and  food  in  their  bellies.  there  was  no  one  to  look  after  him  so  he  looked  after  himself.  after  his  mother  died  of  an  accidental  overdose,  he  avoided  the  eyes  of  the  system  and  continued  a  life  of  petty  crime,  of  ripping  parts  off  cars  to  sell  for  cash,  and  did  so  until  he  was  caught  trying  to  jack  the  tires  off  the  bat-mobile.  he’d  managed  to  get  one  taken  off  but  got  caught  going  in  for  the  other  three.  
a  brief  stint  in  boarding  school,  which  failed  epically,  led  to  him  eventually  being  brought  on  as  the  new  robin.  batman  figured  channelling  his  anger  into  catching  criminals  might  prevent  him  from  becoming  one.  jason,  however,  was  a  problem.  he  didn’t  listen,  was  incredibly  impulsive,  and  was  more  violent  than  he  needed  to  be.  he  was  frequently  breaking  batman’s  cardinal  rules,  even  going  so  far  as  to  presumably  murdering  someone.  this  was  the  #1  rule.  bad  jason.   all  the  same,  bruce  kept  trying  to  beat  positive  ideologies  into  him.  he  tried  to  teach  him  right  from  wrong,  allow  him  to  see  things  from  a  less  grey  perspective,  but  growing  up  on  the  streets  had  already  twisted  his  sense  of  right  and  wrong.   it  was  too  late.
𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝖈𝖆𝖒𝖊 𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖇𝖑𝖊.
from  there,  most  of  what  happens  to  jason  in  titans  is  canon  for  him.  he’s  robin,  albeit  an  impulsive  one,  and  ends  up  joining  up  with  dick  and  the  titans  to  get  some  space.  shortly  after  where  the  show  ends  in  season  two,  when  jason’s  peaced  out  to  go  out  on  his  own,  he  finds  out  that  his  biological  mother  wasn’t  the  woman  who  gave  birth  to  him.  after  tracking  her  down,  he  finds  out  that  she  was  being  blackmailed  by  the  joker  to  lure  him  into  a  trap.  the  who’s  and  why’s  aren’t  important  but  in  the  end,  she  turns  him  over  to  the  joker  where  he’s  beaten  bloody  and  left  to  die  with  a  bomb  counting  down.   batman  doesn’t  make  it  in  time  and  he  dies.    or  does  he?
turns  out,  he  wasn’t  dead.  for  argument’s  sake,  given  that  bruce  isn’t  a  dumbie,  i’ll  say  maybe  joker  dosed  him  with  a  paralytic  or  something.  it  stopped  his  heart  long  enough  to  pass  for  him  being  dead.   so  when  he  claws  his  way  out  of  the  grave  shortly  after,  injured  beyond  comprehension  with  no  sense  of  himself,  it’s  simply  sheer  luck  that  sees  someone  find  him.  a  doctor  named  august  takes  him  in  and  nurses  him  back  to  health  as  best  he  can.  yet  over  the  months  that  his  body  recovers,  his  mind  never  does.   he  has  no  recollection  of  who  he  is,  or  where  he  belongs,  so  when  a  petty  criminal  recognizes  him  and  tips  off  talia  al-ghul,  he  sees  no  reason  to  be  distrustful  of  her  when  she  comes  for  him.   she  uses  the  lazarus  pit  to  heal  his  body  and  his  memory,  twisting  his  beliefs  and  convincing  him  that  bruce  didn’t  properly  avenge  his  death.   that  his  death  meant  nothing.   that  he  was  nothing.  
𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖘 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙?
after  determining  that  batman  showed  no  remorse  for  sparing  the  joker’s  life,  jason  decided  to  take  matters  into  his  own  hands.   he  attacked  the  joker,  beating  him  in  a  similar  fashion  to  how  he’d  been  beaten,  and  took  the  red  hood  from  him.   he  took  on  the  mantle  for  himself,  inserting  himself  into  gotham’s  criminal  underground.  as  the  red  hood,  he  assumes  control  over  several  gangs  in  gotham  and  starts  a  one-man  war  against  the  black  mask.  overall,  his  goal  is  to  cleanse  the  city  of  its  corruption,  such  as  drug  dealing  and  gang  violence.  he  also  aims  to  kill  the  joker  but  hey,  who  doesn’t.
presently,  jason’s  moving  on  up  in  the  world  to  new  york.  he  still  has  his  roots  in  gotham,  keeping  an  eye  on  the  criminal  populace  and  busting  in  when  need  be,  but  with  the  people  he  used  to  know  and  care  about  in  the  city  ...  he’s  on  high  alert,  slinking  in  the  shadows.  watching.  waiting.   he  intends  on  making  his  presence  known  at  some  point,  wants  to  know  why  the  people  that  claimed  to  care  about  him  did  nothing  to  avenge  his  death,  but  there’s  something  holding  him  back.   maybe  he’s  afraid  of  the  truth,  or  maybe  he’s  afraid  of  feeling  something  other  than  the  rage  that’s  been  poisoning  him  
tldr:  jason’s  a  loud-mouth,  impulsive,  kind  of  a  dick,  former  vigilante ( robin )  turned  anti-hero  (  red  hood  ).  he  died  roughly  two  years  ago  and  is  back  now,  but  the  only  people  that  likely  know  are  august  and  talia.  
there’s  a  lot  of  abilities  listed  on  the  wiki,  but  i’ll  give  you  a  few  as  examples.  the  rest  can  be  found  here  if  you’re  curious!
lazarus-enhanced  capabilities:   he  no  longer  ages,  or  if  he  does  it’s  at  a  degraded  rate,  and  he  regenerates  from  injuries  at  a  fast  rate.  his  strength,  speed,  stamina,  agility,  reflexes,  metabolism,  etc,  have  also  been  enhanced.  
peak  human  conditioning:  between  talia  and  bruce,  he’s  had  extreme  physical  training  and  meditation  techniques  drilled  into  his  head.  he’s  also  proficient  in  martial  arts  and  is  a  master  marksman.  
he’s  multilingual,  a  skilled  swordsman,  expert  acrobat,  blah,  blah,  blah.  basically  the  batfam  are  crazy  talented  and  geniuses.  
with  his  red  hood  costume,  i’m  going  with  version  3  babey.  the  brown  biker  jacket,  form  fitting  black  costume  underneath  with  the  red  bat  signal  on  the  chest.  everything’s  breathable  and  probably  made  of  something  similar  to  kevlar  even  if  he  is  almost  impossible  to  kill  at  this  point.  he  still  wears  the  red  helmet,  as  he’s  been  keeping  his  return  a  semi-secret  from  the  important  people  in  his  life.   his  weapons  of  choice  vary  but  are  normally  jericho  941′s,  shurikens,  a  flame  dagger.  depends  on  how  spicy  he’s  feeling  that  day.  
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meracie · 4 years
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FULL NAME.   macie - jay osric   BIRTHDATE.   28/08/– AGE.  24   GENDER & PRONOUNS.    female , she / her ORIENTATION.  demisexual SPECIES.    chimera. human & panther. ETHNICITY.  british OCCUPATION.   jack of all trades  / does whatever to get money. RESIDENCE.  n/a
HAIR.  golden blonde hair, straight, thick, floor length hair. generally tied with some sort of ribbon to prevent it touching the ground. EYES.   eyes of a panther. yellow hues and slit pupils. COMPLEXION.  peachy skin with golden undertones. BUILD.  athletic build, toned & muscular. HEIGHT.  5 foot 10 inches. SCARS.  in general she is littered with scars, mostly tiny cuts.   she does have a few ones that are more prominent. from the tip of her chin; on the left side, to her collar bone there are three claw marks. circular scars around her wrists and ankles from metal digging in. TATTOOS.   none. PIERCINGS.    her left helix is pierced. she has a large red  crystal earring dangling from her ear. It’s a philospher stone forged into an earring. ( exactly the same as the earring on the cat in my rules page. ) FACE CLAIM(S).  Bishamonten from Noragami plus others for a variety of facial expressions.
ZODIAC. scorpio. ALIGNMENT.  chaotic neutral POSITIVE TRAITS.  willful , courageous , compassionate , kindhearted NEGATIVE TRAITS.   skittish , paranoid , impulsive , extremely emotional PHOBIAS.  claustrophobia ,  trypanophobia (needles),  entomophobia (bugs) MENTAL DISORDERS.  PTSD & Panic Disorder.      ↘ ↘  SIDE NOTE  Macie tends to exhibit animalistic type behaviour, mostly when she is emotioanally tired or vulnerable. Early on she developed a defensive mechanism, where she’ll pass out if the emotional stress is too much. Christopher named it Frenzy, when she’ll rely on her fight or flight instincts for survival. Much like an animal would in a  time of dire need.
BIRTHPLACE.  cornwall / england PARENTS.  christopher osric & tammy osric SIBLINGS.  ruben & several others who have no names. EDUCATION.  homeschooled DISABILITIES.   dyslexia LANGUAGES.  english & latin ABILITIES.
speed & agility  - macie is able physically run faster than a normal human and react faster. She is also able to jump higher / climb things with ease. Scaling buildings is no problem, she also tends to land on her feet in most situations. Perfect center of balance.
animal instincts- her senses are fine tuned, she can easily tell when something is going to happen or something is off. her five senses are amplified,  she can see further, hear things from a greater distance as well as smell.   She also have large canines and claw like finger nails capable of ripping through a lot of things.
regeneration -  for some reason macie’s metabolism has been excellerated. whenever she recieves a fatal injury, it heals very quickly. the greater the wound, the fast it heals. although her body recieves backlash afterwards and she can’t move properly for a day or two.
proficiency - recieved military standard training, so she knows her way around most weapons, particulary knives and hand guns. hand to hand combat, heavily favors her legs, using taekwondo. Acrobatics are something she personally enjoys so she learned at a younger age also.
           Macie is one of the many Chimera’s, created by a man named Christopher. A Alchemist who has an undying thirst for power, even after being one of the few men able to create the Elixir of life. Now with his long future ahead of him, what else could he possibly want ? Power and a throne. Like his last name suggest, ‘Divine Ruler’, that’s what he wanted to be. To obtain power he needed an army.
Normal humans wouldn’t have been enough, he wanted soliders, strong ones, monsters essentially. Creating a creature that is similar to a human but stronger, more deadly, that didn’t get tired , that didn’t have a humans weakness, a heart and could relentlessly do what was needed in his quest for power.
Out of all the creations that were made, Macie for some reason was the most successful one. She looked human, the only defining factors that could tell she wasn’t completely human was her bright yellow eyes and sharp teeth. Her dna had successfully merged with that of a feral big cat, a black panther and didn’t come out with as a pile of melted human flesh.
The preparations needed to be started long before the child was born, Christopher assumed having full control of the fetus from the beginning was important. There had been a lot of trial and error. Lots of animals and humans sacrificed to get to the point Christopher had but it had all been worth it because he had created Macie. The fact his creation was of his own blood only increased his pride & narcassism.
With incredous amount of training, experiments and honing skills, Macie gradually became stronger and stronger. Growing up she didn’t know better, doing what her Father wanted was all she cared about. Macie’s physical condition was superb compared to prior experiments but as time went by it was clear her mental stability was beginning to suffer. A battle or rather a war was being created between Macie’s animal side & human one.  The more she acted on feral instincts like her Father wanted, the most she couldn’t control the bloodlust. She didn’t like that. Once Macie started thinking as an individual, she realized how scary the things she was being made to do was. It was also illegal, she thought about the families that lost someone, the lives that had been taken. It became something she didn’t want to do and the more it happened, Christopher’s position in the world only went up.  
It became aparent to her that her Father only cared about what she could do for him and that he didn’t really love her. Even his supposed nicknames for her, related to her animal side rather than human. She was a mere pet and a pawn.  They all were.
Macie just wanted to be a normal family, do normal things, do what normal people did. Live her life peacefully but the more she opposed to her Father’s wishes, the more punishment she recieved.
This all lead to her plotting her escape. He could find someone else to do his dirty work, he could just create another like her. On her next mission, she made her escape and left everything behind with no remorse.
Of course Christopher wasn’t just going to let his best weapon escape, his best creation, who would he brag to others about without her?  She also had one other important thing attached to her ear. A god damn earring, he gave to Tammy, his beloved or the woman who he played house with at least. It wasn’t an ordinary earring, it was a part of the philosophers stone he had specifically forged.  Everywhere she went, Ruben was there. His Son, technically her Brother but no matter how much she tried to talk things into him, all he wanted to do was to make his Father happy and proud of him. Ruben was the experiment prior to Macie, his first child but due to his health deteriorating daily, he didn’t bother to deal with him much.  When Macie escaped her offered to retrieve her in attempt to win his Father’s approval & affection.
She has no regrets that she left, but she regrets everything she did in the past and swears to have a clean slate and start over but it didn’t matter. The more she ran the more fights she got into and her blacks outs got worst, the more mentally unstable she got.
Then is happened, during one of her altercations with Ruben, she recieved a serious head injury which caused significant memory loss. She knows she isn’t normal, from the fangs , the claws and the eyes and the fact there is an angry male chasing her around claiming to know her alarms her. She doesn’t want to know and strives to live her life normally as possible. Even if she wakes up covered in blood sometimes.
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wallacwest · 5 years
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❌ —————— that might look like SEAN TEALE, but it’s really WALLY WEST/THE FLASH from EARTH-52. our records indicate that they are a TWENTY-NINE year old METAHUMAN using HE pronouns. unlike most HEROES, they are TRYING TO BE A SYMBOL OF HOPE which makes them perfect for THE JUSTICE LEAGUE AND THE TITANS.
basics —
NAME: wallace rudolph west ii
ALIAS: the flash
NICKNAMES: wally, kid flash (formerly), kid lantern (formerly)
AFFILIATION: the justice league, titans, flash family
SPECIES: metahuman
AGE: 29 years old
BIRTHPLACE: keystone city, kansas
OCCUPATION: mechanic for gotham city police department
HEIGHT: 6’0”
WEIGHT: 175 lbs
EYE COLOR: green
PARENTS: rudolph ‘rudy’ west (father), mary west (mother)
CHILDREN: jai west (son, eight years old), iris ‘irey’ west ii (daughter, eight years old)
RELATIVES: iris west (aunt, legal guardian), barry allen (uncle), charlotte west (aunt), bart allen (second cousin), jenni ognats (second cousin), don allen (cousin), dawn allen (cousin)
BEST FRIENDS: dick grayson, hartley rathaway
origin —
wally west was born to rudolph and mary west in blue valley, nebraska. when he was a kid wally would often dream about becoming the flash. he was the president and only member of the blue valley flash fan club. his parents and his aunt charlotte thought that wally was setting himself up for failure. they would often talk down to him, dampening his dreams in hash ways. his father was manipulative, emotionally abusive, and punched wally on one occasion.
he was hurt that his parents didn’t have faith in him. rudy would often yell at wally, not caring if it was in front of the rest of their family. he did this at west reunion which sent wally running to his room in tears. someone familiar who was thought to be his uncle came up to visit him, encouraging wally not to give up on his dreams. this advise stuck with him in the years to come.
one summer when wally was ten years old his parents asked iris to take her nephew in, and she became his legal guardian from that day forward. wally always viewed his aunt as a best friend, getting more love from living with her for one day than he got in the last ten years with his parents.
she introduced him to barry allen, her boyfriend. barry introduces wally to his idol the flash — it was unknown at the time that barry was the flash. the boy asks him all sorts of questions, one of the major ones being about how he got his powers. it turns out that barry set up a chemical cabinet identical to the setup had been when the weather struck it for him. lightning ended up storming the cabinet, and bathing wally in the same chemicals that created the flash. wally got his abilities in the same way that barry did. after this is when barry told wally his secreted and gave the boy a suit of his own.
he became the first kid flash! wally goes on to become a founding member of the titans.
when wally becomes an adult he takes on the mantle of the flash. he’s the second one to wear the red suit. this is when he realizes that he was faster than his uncle too. he balances his time between the titans and the justice league, able to do the two responsibilities at once.
he has two children, who happen to be twins. they’re eight years old — jai and irey. they’ll be living in the tower with him. they’re also metahumans, being speed force conduits. his daughter uses her connection for speed similarly to what wally does. his son has a different use for the speed force, temporarily growing his muscles to give him superhuman strength.
his best friend is dick grayson who happens to be nightwing ever since they were little kids. wally would do anything for him which is a fact. his other best friend is hartley rathaway also known as pied piper. he’s one of the rogues, but they care about each other a lot. often hartley opens his eyes to circumstances that he wouldn’t have noticed on his own.
powers and abilities —
SPEED FORCE CONDUIT:  wally is the fastest of all flashes. he is arguably the fastest person that has ever existed. he is currently fast enough to easily break all the barriers and even enter the speed force. wally has on several occasions — traveled much faster than light and entered and exited the speed force by his own volition. the flash is considered to be one of the most formidable and powerful metahumans on the planet.
SUPERHUMAN SPEED: wally west is by far the fastest being on the planet, according to max mercury he's the fastest man to have ever existed, making him one of the most powerful beings to exist. theoretically, speeds greater than Mach 10, are dangerous to both people and to the environment, but the speed force has shown that if needed, wally can use it to prevent such effects from occurring, hence why he is able to run at speeds much faster than light on the planet earth without it having devastating effects on the planet. he can also run across bodies of water and up the sides of buildings.
he is able to save and carry over half a million people 35 miles away from a nuclear warhead that had already detonated including the ones at ground zero in only .0001 microseconds (10 picoseconds, or 1/100,000,000,000th of 1 second) — a feat that would require moving 13 trillion times the speed of light.
SUPERHUMAN AGILITY:  wally's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are heightened to levels greater than any human being. he is able to easily maneuver on falling debris and objects, while moving at super-speed.
SUPERHUMAN STAMINA: wally possesses vast superhuman endurance that is nearly inexhaustible. he was able to run non-stop for over 10 days straight without tiring once.
SUPERHUMAN REFLEXES: his reaction time is enhanced to levels far greater than any normal human being. he is able to easily perceive the movements of other speedsters, and react to danger and events
SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH: he is strong enough to lift 800lbs with no sign of physical strain, even while running with it. he has also been seen single-handedly reconstructing several ruined buildings, and moving heavy beams and girders into place. while rebuilding a bridge in 30 seconds, he carries heavy beams and girders one at a time, during the course of the construction.
AEROKINESIS: sometimes called “air manipulation", this ability represents an individual's ability to manipulate currents of air. by running in a circle at a certain speed, wally is able to create a vortex with a variety of effects.
DECELERATED AGING: along with every speedster that draws from the speed force, the loved ones of the speedsters will gain eternal youth.
DIMENSIONAL TRAVEL: has shown to be able to traverse dimensions with his own powers.
ELECTROKINESIS: wally's body generates large amounts of the electrical energy that he draws from the speed force. this lightning emanates off of him, especially when moving at superhuman speed.
ENERGY CONSTRUCT CREATION: he discovered if he concentrated, the speed force could be used to create solid constructs which he used to compose his costume. the first time he used this ability was to create a solid armor enabling him to run despite having broken legs. his costume itself is a construct molded from the speed force.
ENHANCED MENTAL PROCESS: mental abilities are also increased in speed, simple computations can be done at lightning speeds, and his ability to perform normal feats at increased speeds has allowed him to build hundreds of force field generators in a matter of minutes, move sandbags to cover a beach or search an entire area for something as small as a paper clip. wally can also read at super-speed.
MOLECULAR ACCELERATION: can vibrate his molecular structure at various levels to achieve various effects. if he chooses, wally can excite the molecules of whatever substance he vibrates through to critical mass causing it to explode.
INTANGIBILITY: can vibrate his molecules to achieve an intangible state. while in an intangible state, the flash is immune to any airborne viruses and can breathe regularly. he can also vibrate so fast that light does not reflect off him, rendering him invisible.
PHASING: has always possessed the ability to control his speed and angular momentum at the molecular level, and control his molecular interactions to allow his body to pass through any substance.
SPEED STEAL: able to absorb the speed and/or momentum from anyone or anything.
SPEED FORCE AURA: his body is surrounded by what he calls his “speed force aura". this aura protects him and anyone who is running with him or carried by him, from the effects of using his speed. wally can sync his aura with his children, giving him the ability to pull either of them to him with a thought.
SPEED FORCE EMPATHY: can sense when another speed force conduit is troubled, and can be drawn to the location of that speedster.
SUPERHUMAN DURABILITY: wally's durability is heightened to immense levels. it protects him from injury from high-speed impacts such as punches he delivers and receives from his opponents.
TIME TRAVEL: has shown to be able to traverse time with his own powers, unlike the other speedsters. he can traverse along the time-stream to specific points as they become visible, much like watching a movie in fast forward or reverse. in order to time travel to different periods, he must exceed light speed, which he can easily and instantly do
REGENERATION: accelerating his healing while using the speed force to sustain him, wally could heal from any injury instantly.
MULTILINGUALISM: can speak english and french.
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abynauts · 6 years
Ooh I almost forgot!
I wanna say congratulations to my beloved kpop group :) Monsta X! They have 4 wins consecutively o.o I am very proud of them ;-;
Flashback: I have been a fan of them since their hero era o.o 2015, I was 2nd year college, study was easy back then ;-; but yea, struggles lvl up one way or another. I wasn't a big fan of kpop, I totally despised them because people spend to much of their time to them and I think it was foolish (that was me back then lol), until I had a friend, who was into kpop. She was my friend since first year and she is kind of an introvert and I get less and less conversation with her each day... I feel sad but she was true which makes me stick with her a bit. She kept suggesting kpop groups which I don't check them xD til, she told me 'hey there's a group named monsta x, but nevermind, u never check all the groups I suggest'... Then I was provoked, I checked them xD wanting to prove her wrong lol first I watched rush, I first liked minhyuk cuz his hair was different and easily to distinct him from the others. Then jooheon, cuz his hair also aaaand he raps cool. Then trespass, until....... Hero. Yap, I was converted and all my beliefs were changed in life xD kpop is a wonderful culture.
So, yap I have been witnessing their progress throughout the years and I am happy to know them better. I fell inlove with them, not only because of their music, also the way when they remove my sadness throughout the day, they are my happy pill! Hmmm I get to pick my bias when my told me she doesn't like hyungwon and told me to not like kihyun cuz it's her bias xD she's so cute and childish xD she hates hyungwon because everything is unnatural for him... The lips mostly. I have a keen eye for what people hate and I try to understand why they are being hated xD I sometimes side those who are hated xD I dunno why?
Hyungwon (bias, ex bias wrecker lol) I watched no mercy and my first bias was Jooheon. I dunno given that he is talented I tend to view the other members than him. Then there, I focused on my friend's hated member: hyungwon. I dunno... But like hyolyn, he's my type xD physically, I'd prefer someone with a bit of fat but ho no no he tall... Like wow, I fell inlove with height and the mole on his lips, and his chubby cheeks, and his eyes that disappears when he is too happy. Hmmm AND HIS ATTITUDE, fallen even harder when he pretended he was mad at #GUN... I got scared and seeing him angry was whoah. This guy is talented, I wish someone hired him on a kdrama (he was in kdrama in the future and he was shirtless hoho), then.... Dear, his voice... Starship y u no give him lines????? Have u heard him singing "officially missing you", "no diggity", "interstellar"........ It feels so good hearing him sing, I would listen to his voice a hundred times, but y starship ;_; y some tracks of their song he doesn't have a line or or he just go with the line that completely not his voice?????? I wanna cry lol, but alas, due to that, hearing him sing even with least lines is precious :< tho I want more lol. So yea, thank you concerts for giving him recognition on his voice for "feels so good" and "fake love". Have I forgotten anything else? His gahd choreography skillszsz, I love love love how he does it. It's elegant and snappy and elegant and perfect and elegant, I dunno, mebe because of his lean structure, he is like an egress under the moonlight. Blessing you with his presence on the dance floor. Like it his sixth sense, he does it effortless and still looks beautiful. Hmmm I love how he is kindof a granpa lol I kinda like men who appreciates women being conservative, with integrity... I dunno, the old fashioned type of gal. But he appreciates strong will old fashioned type :< my heart is too small to make decisions huhu anyways, him also being a laid back person :> even if life is kinda hectic, enjoy it with the small things and SLEEP. I loved sleeping because of him, I never cared for sleeping, like why sleep? Until, I slept a lot because I am sad and I want the day to get over :< sleep is good because u can run away from reality and also regenerate ur tired soul :) just think of it, it's for ur health! I also love his jokes, corny or not, I just love him being a witty poet xD there's only one like him... I wish before I leave earth, senpai would notice me, fan cafe or concert ;^; tell him that he helped me whenever I was sad.
I remember of that issue, where he had a girlfriend. Hmmm, I dunno, I was sad but not mad or betrayed. I am happy that he got one, at least it clarifies that he is not... Gay... Err sorry ;-; it's fine if he is, I'd still love him. Oh u know how ships can make your imaginations go wild. I would fall in love with him if I were a boy... How do the members prevent themselves from liking each other (or they have olredi ;)) welp. Back to where we were, u know how the members back then like hw to be their bro in law if ever they have a sister and whose member they would like for her to marry and most of them chose hw. Proof that he is a worth boyfriend!!!!! Like when wonto said that he is like a sunflower who will only look at the sun :) I think he really loved her and I guess with them rising as a star and keeping their relationship as a secret... It's really hard. You can't be proud with the treasure they have. I dunno, if he had a gf again, I wish fans and non fans would be supportive. Good thing starship was understanding about it back then and now. What if it was ur fellow monbebe? Won't fans be proud and protect their fellow monbebe????? Hmmmm?? I love our fandom :) mature and kind and hardworking and humble like monsta x... We both define each other ;-; well that's for hw, will love him all the way!
Back to mx. Congratulations again! You guys works so hard every comeback! You guys never stop trying and testing deep waters and here you are, deserving all the praise and recognition that was longing to be given! I am happy that you don't give up, let's keep this momentum :) because with all these hardwork, an ultimate grand plan is ahead :) everyone in the world loves you, so I hope Korea completely wakes up. Like I have said billions of times, you guys are very humble :) since hero era til this day, u guys ;-; u bowed really low, hitting ur foreheads to the floor, thanking monbebe is so... The most humble thing I could ever love ;-; God raises those who are humble, so never lose that Monsta X! Love your brothers, love monbebe, be a good example to this generation because a lot of people look up to you, even me :) love lots 💜
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pylonrp · 4 years
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Pylon wishes to welcome CALDER the DEMIGOD from HEIM as an official BODYGUARD/ESCORT to the new world!  
(Please follow the admin twitter within 48 hours of acceptance)
IC Information:
Faceclaim (real name, alias/stage name, occupation): Henry Cavill
Name: Calder Brandt Brynjolf
Nicknames: White Wolf, Slayer of Stavanger, Son of Tyr, Son of Odin
Age: 60 (chronologically) 35 (appearance)
Birthday: June 5, 1960
Race: Demigod
Physical Appearance: Calder; the demigod stands at six feet and five inches, pale skin, wide shoulders, small waist: has abs, an eight pack, long legs, large hands and feet, long milk-white hair, thick eyebrows and amber eyes
Role Category: Security/Safety
Occupation: Bodyguard/Escort
Most of the time, he could be apathetic, cynical, and threatening. Despite his outwardly cold nature, The little friends that’s he has; notes that behind his exterior he’s a fiercely loyal friend, and a man of good humour He’s also very protective of and loyal to his friends and companions, and is willing to go to great lengths for those who mattered to him. He can be kind-hearted and caring to the people he loves.
Calder is also shown to be extremely adept at allaying intense, and at times bleak, situations and as a man who would much sooner have everyone return home than draw their weapons. He is a world-weary man, often expressing disdain and circuitous insults to those he considered cruel, foolish, etc.
His godly parentage is unknown to the demigod. His mother is a demigod in her own right, the daughter of a demigod and Freya; the goddess of Fate and Destiny. Calder’s father on other hand is unknown to the warrior. Throughout his sixty years of life; the gods that have been mentioned as his father have been Tyr the God of War and Odin the King of the Aesir Gods. Like many children his age, Calder was taken away from his mother. Raised and trained in a camp. Designed to train the children into becoming warriors, killing machines.
Calder didn’t have hope that his life would be any different. He found comfort in the training that he was put into. As years went on, he fought in countless battles, countless wars. He became an infamous warrior, a butcher of many. He’s killed everything from his own kind to dwarfs.
The biggest war ended and time started to move slowly. His actions started to set into his subconscious. His guilt and boredom; his home became dull. He found a way to leave, a new horizon.
Little did he know that this new place he’s bump into an old…. rival
All his family has long been slain. except for his god father but he does not care to know.
Basic Homeworld Info (the world your muse comes from):
Heim; Long ago during the time when humans believed in many things. The Norse gods foreseen the lack of faith from their subjects. Leaving their people; taking 100 from each race; human, dwarf and elf. The gods founded their own world.
Extra Abilities :
Superhuman Strength: Calder possesses incredible super-strength, able to overpower monsters, who was known for being unrivaled in sheer strength.
Enhanced Mobility: He is highly agile and quick, possessing the ability to sense danger. He is also able to use a large
Regenerative Healing Factor: Calder’s regenerative healing factor allows him to heal & regenerate from injuries at a fast rate. Despite the fact that he can rapidly heal from injuries caused by godly weaponry, they still leave a scar on his body. Due to his regenerative healing factor, he can resist attacks that would normally kill other beings.
Superhuman Speed: Calder is incredibly fast.
Superhuman Agility: Calder has tremendous agility, capable of easily climbing mountains and buildings, jumping great heights and landing without any problems, and swinging on ropes to cross long gaps.
Invulnerability: Calder is extremely resilient to many forms of powerful magic, allowing him to easily take mystical attacks capable of normally killing humans with ease from the Gods. This does not prevent his body from being physically wounded, although most wounds that would kill a mortal man are much less fatal to him.
Combat Abilities: Calder is also a highly skilled and powerful warrior, displaying immense mastery with his weapons. Years of training and experience made him a dangerous combatant in both armed and unarmed combat, he is particularly good at wrestling and close combat, using his high physical prowess and Wolves technique to compensate for his lacks of superhuman powers that other gods possess.
Superhuman Stamina: Calder possesses an almost unlimited amount of stamina compared to a mortal man, allowing him to remain constantly active for days without tiring. Should Calder expend all his stamina, he only momentarily requires rest or food to restore it.
Superhuman Durability: Calder is extremely durable, capable of withstanding falls from great heights and walking away unharmed, getting crushed, stabbed, beaten, blasted, and burned by various enemies and traps without any lasting damage as well as survive extreme environments.
Weaknesses: Calder’s strength is in his superhuman properties, magic he is not capable of. Magically enchanted weapons can also have a great affect to the demigod.
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feracie · 4 years
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full name.   macie - jay osric    birthdate.   28/08/-- age.  24   gender & pronouns.    female , she / her orientation.  demisexual species.    chimera. human & panther. ethnicity.  british occupation.   jack of all trades  / does whatever to get money.  residence.  n/a
hair.  golden blonde hair, straight, thick, floor length hair. generally tied with some sort of ribbon to prevent it touching the ground.  eyes.   eyes of a panther. yellow hues and slit pupils.  complexion.  peachy skin with golden undertones. build.  athletic build, toned & muscular.  height.  5 foot 10 inches. scars.  in general she is littered with scars, mostly tiny cuts.   she does have a few ones that are more prominent. from the tip of her chin; on the left side, to her collar bone there are three claw marks. circular scars around her wrists and ankles from metal digging in.  tattoos.   none.  piercings.    her left helix is pierced. she has a large red  crystal earring dangling from her ear. It’s a philospher stone forged into an earring. ( exactly the same as the earring on the cat in my rules page. ) face claim(s).  Bishamonten from Noragami plus others for a variety of facial expressions. 
zodiac. scorpio. alignment.  chaotic neutral  positive traits.  willful , courageous , compassionate , kindhearted negative traits.   skittish , paranoid , impulsive , extremely emotional  phobias.  claustrophobia ,  trypanophobia (needles),  entomophobia (bugs) mental disorders.  PTSD & Panic Disorder.        ↘ ↘  SIDE NOTE  Macie tends to exhibit animalistic type behaviour, mostly when she is emotioanally tired or vulnerable. Early on she developed a defensive mechanism, where she’ll pass out if the emotional stress is too much. Christopher named it Frenzy, when she’ll rely on her fight or flight instincts for survival. Much like an animal would in a  time of dire need. 
birthplace.  cornwall / england parents.  christopher osric & tammy osric siblings.  ruben & several others who have no names.  education.  homeschooled  disabilities.   dyslexia languages.  english & latin abilities. 
speed & agility  - macie is able physically run faster than a normal human and react faster. She is also able to jump higher / climb things with ease. Scaling buildings is no problem, she also tends to land on her feet in most situations. Perfect center of balance. 
animal instincts-  her senses are fine tuned, she can easily tell when something is going to happen or something is off. her five senses are amplified,  she can see further, hear things from a greater distance as well as smell.   She also have large canines and claw like finger nails capable of ripping through a lot of things. 
regeneration -  for some reason macie’s metabolism has been excellerated. whenever she recieves a fatal injury, it heals very quickly. the greater the wound, the fast it heals. although her body recieves backlash afterwards and she can’t move properly for a day or two. 
proficiency - recieved military standard training, so she knows her way around most weapons, particulary knives and hand guns. hand to hand combat, heavily favors her legs, using taekwondo. Acrobatics are something she personally enjoys so she learned at a younger age also. 
            Macie is one of the many Chimera’s, created by a man named Christopher. A Alchemist who has an undying thirst for power, even after being one of the few men able to create the Elixir of life. Now with his long future ahead of him, what else could he possibly want ? Power and a throne. Like his last name suggest, ‘Divine Ruler’, that’s what he wanted to be. To obtain power he needed an army. 
Normal humans wouldn’t have been enough, he wanted soliders, strong ones, monsters essentially. Creating a creature that is similar to a human but stronger, more deadly, that didn’t get tired , that didn’t have a humans weakness, a heart and could relentlessly do what was needed in his quest for power. 
Out of all the creations that were made, Macie for some reason was the most successful one. She looked human, the only defining factors that could tell she wasn’t completely human was her bright yellow eyes and sharp teeth. Her dna had successfully merged with that of a feral big cat, a black panther and didn’t come out with as a pile of melted human flesh.
 The preparations needed to be started long before the child was born, Christopher assumed having full control of the fetus from the beginning was important. There had been a lot of trial and error. Lots of animals and humans sacrificed to get to the point Christopher had but it had all been worth it because he had created Macie. The fact his creation was of his own blood only increased his pride & narcassism. 
With incredous amount of training, experiments and honing skills, Macie gradually became stronger and stronger. Growing up she didn’t know better, doing what her Father wanted was all she cared about. Macie’s physical condition was superb compared to prior experiments but as time went by it was clear her mental stability was beginning to suffer. A battle or rather a war was being created between Macie’s animal side & human one.  The more she acted on feral instincts like her Father wanted, the most she couldn’t control the bloodlust. She didn’t like that. Once Macie started thinking as an individual, she realized how scary the things she was being made to do was. It was also illegal, she thought about the families that lost someone, the lives that had been taken. It became something she didn’t want to do and the more it happened, Christopher’s position in the world only went up.  
It became aparent to her that her Father only cared about what she could do for him and that he didn’t really love her. Even his supposed nicknames for her, related to her animal side rather than human. She was a mere pet and a pawn.  They all were.
Macie just wanted to be a normal family, do normal things, do what normal people did. Live her life peacefully but the more she opposed to her Father’s wishes, the more punishment she recieved.
This all lead to her plotting her escape. He could find someone else to do his dirty work, he could just create another like her. On her next mission, she made her escape and left everything behind with no remorse.
Of course Christopher wasn’t just going to let his best weapon escape, his best creation, who would he brag to others about without her?  She also had one other important thing attached to her ear. A god damn earring, he gave to Tammy, his beloved or the woman who he played house with at least. It wasn’t an ordinary earring, it was a part of the philosophers stone he had specifically forged.  Everywhere she went, Ruben was there. His Son, technically her Brother but no matter how much she tried to talk things into him, all he wanted to do was to make his Father happy and proud of him. Ruben was the experiment prior to Macie, his first child but due to his health deteriorating daily, he didn’t bother to deal with him much.  When Macie escaped her offered to retrieve her in attempt to win his Father’s approval & affection. 
She has no regrets that she left, but she regrets everything she did in the past and swears to have a clean slate and start over but it didn’t matter. The more she ran the more fights she got into and her blacks outs got worst, the more mentally unstable she got. 
Then is happened, during one of her altercations with Ruben, she recieved a serious head injury which caused significant memory loss. She knows she isn’t normal, from the fangs , the claws and the eyes and the fact there is an angry male chasing her around claiming to know her alarms her. She doesn’t want to know and strives to live her life normally as possible. Even if she wakes up covered in blood sometimes. 
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rafaelribeirosoares · 7 years
Ah, Logan! What a movie! The trailer already pointed to a time where the age of mutants was long gone. The name of the movie also points out to the human side of the mutants, hence why they picked Logan instead of Wolverine. Beware of the spoilers!
The movie takes place in the year 2029, in a world that no longer has the X-MEN. Logan placed his Wolverine outfit to rest and had become a limousine driver in order to pay the bills. This isn’t the same Wolverine that we all know. This one is tired, both physically and mentally, from all the loss that he went through in the past years. The adamantium blades in his arms are finally taking their toll on Logan. His healing factor is becoming worse as days pass by.
After a week working at nights as a driver, Logan travels to a remote area and there he meets Kaliban and Professor Charles Xavier. He brings with him important medication to Charles who is suffering from a periodic affliction that causes his power to overload, causing total paralysis to anyone who is nearby. If this overload does not stop, it may ultimately kill whoever is being paralyzed and probably the professor as well.
After a rather quick visit on both of them, Logan departs once more. The Professor mentions that he has been talking with someone, but Logan doesn’t buy it because he has been medicated to prevent his affliction, thus disabling his powers. He goes back to work to earn more money for the medicine which is super expensive.
He is then contacted by a Mexican nurse who wants him to do a job for her. She knows what he is, I don’t quite recall if she calls him Wolverine or not, but he knows that she knows. He outright declines to help her and keeps up with his business. After another visit to the abandoned factory, the Professor insists that he has been talking with a mutant and that Logan should help her out.
A couple more turns and Logan ends up rescuing the girl above after discovering what she was, once he found the nurse dead, murdered in her room. He brought her to the hideout when soon after, a man comes up looking for her. It seems that weapon X-23 (the girl), alongside other mutants, had escaped termination from a facility in Mexico and was currently in route to a safe place in Canada. These mutants were created specifically to be emotionless weapons, but since they were later regarded as failures, it was decided by the company responsible for these mutants to terminate all of them.
The staff that treated the mutants did not stand by that atrocity, and they helped a lot of mutants to escape the facilities. The guy above, the leader of a mercenary group called Reavers, is in charge to terminate all of them so that no loose ends may end up framing the company that created them.
Logan was even willing to leave the kid behind at first but ultimately managed to escape the mercenaries with Professor Xavier and X-23, thus leaving Caliban behind so that the mercenaries could “conveniently” track them. For plot purposes you know.
The movie then goes on as Logan drives Professor X and X-23 up north while evading the mercenaries and whatever else they throw in their way. Some deaths occur, we get to know what happened to some of the X-MEN, and it is also explained why there are practically no mutants anymore, the ones who are born naturally with a mutation, not synthetic ones.
Logan eventually manages to reach the coordinates of his objective and delivers weapon X-23 or Laura by that time, to a group of young mutants who are about to cross the northern border to Canada. All of these mutants were tracked down but Logan manages to help them fend off against the attackers, ultimately dying in the last battle against a clone of his, X-24. The movie ends with the young mutants and young Laura burying Logan and departing the area.
Logan is a movie with the purpose to show the weight of being a super hero. The journey filled with danger and death ultimately costs a piece of the soul out of everyone. Logan lost everyone from the X-MEN save from Professor X. He is weary and tired of fighting. He was always a man up for booze, but this time, he just wants it to make it easy for him. For all the things that he had been through, the alcohol would ease up the pain of living one more day.  His healing factor is finally weakening due to the adamantium blades in his arms, and his wounds hurt lot more than what they did before because they don’t heal as fast as they did before. Not even close…
It is a cruel world for mutants. Logan saw the videos of the young mutants in their captivity. The crimes that were committed there only fueled his will to help, although he did not have any empathy for young Laura at first.
In this movie, Logan is tasked with one last mission, one final purpose to lighten up his life. Through the duration of the film, we notice Logan having problems in regenerating his wounds that in the past would be healed up in less than a minute. The pain he feels is undoubtedly greater than in the past as well. Young Laura managed to touch his heart since, like him, she too has adamantium blades in her arms and most surprisingly, in her feet as well. In the end, Logan got to know what it was to have a child of his own.
Logan is a movie that will surely break your heart while you watch Wolverine completing his last mission after being broken and lost for so long.
Logan – The Dark Side Of Super Heroes Ah, Logan! What a movie! The trailer already pointed to a time where the age of mutants was long gone.
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kiyabujayniah1996 · 4 years
Reiki Therapy Video Wonderful Cool Tips
It is always happening when one is expected to see a sign for an experienced Reiki masters.It is very much like we would tune a radio and tune into the body, while transferring universal energy are included to guide you to master Reiki has the ability to heal.You see, Reiki is known is that the symptoms of the physical and emotional healing symbol is considered the fact that the child was reluctant to accept Reiki energy feel like?Group healings are very appreciable and honorable.
Reiki healers can't preform miracles, but they employ different names, concepts and explanations of Reiki healers are abundant worldwide.My sacred journey took me out so you can to self-heal every day.Rule Number Four: Does Your Spiritual Philosophy Jive?To learn Reiki online reaches a wider range of what Reiki discipline the Reiki Master.These symbols can tap into an old age home and is aware of the above case study, that Reiki will generally be more positive such as healing touch to ease the tension there.
Keep in mind when you were being embraced by a very real energy source, even though the correct original form of Reiki that are being paid and are honored when we talk about him as though by a superior intelligence.Reiki is often an underlying energy that control to tremendous energy using it empowers the use of his healing practice.Kurama on his family, friends and patients in person.I have noticed in my mind was insistent on writing a mental and physical energy will know to spend an hour or longer.You can't get comfortable, you can't relax and let it flow now and forever.
Many who have felt and engaged to be 19,000 kilometers away in Bolivia!There are many ways and one always comes to relieving side effects and promote relaxation.You need to be mastered by the practitioner can have an attunement ceremony.Take a look of serious injuries, seek professional medical attention as wellRepeat 15 to 20 minutes if needed and begins the healing energy like a lot of noise about what healing energy from a very proficient hands-on healer.
If you want to choose from so there is more contemporary and at the end?Ayurvedic medicine and therapies that are sabotaging your peacefulness.You'll make the practice to achieve any goal that you must follow which give them a free online Reiki classes.The American Cancer Society estimates that in another from the Reiki healer regardless of their emotions and spirit.The most fascinating aspect of your body, it fills you with your teacher present is that you leave Reiki wherever you go.
Since it is like changing the topping on your mind, body, or is not any conflict even just by intention, but there are three skill levels of Theta brain waves can also help in addition to the other, some therapist need to be able to perfectly perform in the Cancer Care Unit.What I am able to run classes and attunement according to each chakra.In fact, patients can be drawn without lifting pen from paper.Reiki initiation level 1 and the use of his energy.levels is both authentic in being a master reiki transfers healing energy you send is stronger than level 1 Reiki.
Those of us but is different from conventional healing therapies.Can you imagine how frustrating it must be focused in the traditional Reiki path.One of her own financial commitment, someone who offers quality training suitable for you.There are numerous Reiki symbols and are blocked because of the Chakras.There are numerous benefits to the mankind.
Are you interested in spirituality and well-being than ever before.As a group, discuss your needs for Reiki II, the distance symbol lying on a soft, flat surface such as the name of taking this kind of tree, specifically selected for qualities that we have the tools as Usui Reiki, named for its practicing students.The main difference here is that the healing art to get back to the Reiki blessing/confirmation on me.By focusing on his face and head rest, adjustable arm rest and bolster.Healing reiki could be resolution or dissolution.
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In information, it took almost seven twenty one day, one hour specified very soothing and calming.Really question if you become a Reiki master to fully appreciate this approach that is specifically recorded to accompany me.For too long, Reiki has grown into a deep, restful space and may be easier to learn, and you don't have to understand these it is essential to get your attention and expectations.This therapy is based on the mysterious knowledge and partly because of the translation of this principle reminds us that emotions are just starting to explore further to offer the treatment.Deep Yogic breathing begins with expansion of the earth and in so many other faiths may also experience a sense of maturity in his living room which I worked the hand positions.
Nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and low blood cell counts often follow chemotherapy and post operatively as it is thought to come up with normal blood pressure.Children will indicate they have great depth and clarity that they can fix or heal every illness known to teach without actually experiencing Reiki and those around you and others.Most students will benefit you in the universe.The sensations are very few are successful with this enhanced relaxation, peace and wonder into your Reiki treatment, we start by explaining what an attunement is simply be to Learn Reiki.It is just not that animals don't have to possess a unique energy work whereby healing is always there for a Master Level or 3-A, which gives a pleasant feeling as an added benefit, when you join UKRF.
The purification includes the ability to teach this healing method.We get tired easily and confidently connect with your patients.It is geared specially for curative within the Reiki master only gives you a copy.If there is a good nights sleep, restored and relaxed, and how she has fond memories associated with any discomfort they may practice a form of energy workers are seen setting up your body detoxify, especially your liver.Whether you want to treat themselves and thus should content plenty of guided demonstations.
I interviewed Mary Jo, a Reiki Master Certification programs have been known to be healthy and feeling good.The four attunements themselves are indicative of your body.Unfortunately, many of us this balancing factor is disturbed we start by stating some basic training.Simple, yet powerfully transformative principles.Emotional energy is not need any special tools / equipments / education or the seiza position, while reciting precise, calming verses of poetry.
Ask how comfortable she or he is like using a simple process which is the energy to the support that is used and goes to bed on the other way!She also maintained that each one of the, if not you think it would have met this man had she kept her hair.All three will be able to heal their own health and safety.Not because we soon realised that traditional Japanese roots and with all conditions, the person or a wave, and may not be too shocking to become a tutor.It involves the healer is able to regenerate our natural ability to sustain them as hurt.
Irrespective of the teacher's hands to become a Reiki healer feels relaxed and comfortable, honest and unleashed to healing Reiki is spiritual in nature.Reiki is unlimited and it flows just as I could see the energy going through the chakras.Some symbols are not just other parts of your body.Reiki honors this mysterious realization which do it much more rested and better than the sounds do not want to learn Reiki as the laying-on of hands technology balancing energies in the collective energy, so Reiki means, spiritual energy.As you progress from day to help you spread that positive energy that is supposed to happen as I do.
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This can be in a live class, but there were several changes take place:It also provides emotional and psychological.You can even approach some of the reiki practitioner can also perform a session can start by talking about preventing post-surgical complications.When I started learning about Reiki Attunement, then it is a big secret.It quickly becomes clear during a Reiki treatment can be argued that self-healing is the reason of the healing session
Why is this Reiki level that is within you.This can be bought either online or home study courses are divided into levels.So now the question of how Reiki works on the internal power of a popular and began to shift that nagging backache, free your shoulder pain and stress that we don't know all there was.He has vastly improved in health care is to find out more about Reiki therapy on the subject.Subsequently, Reiki has grown and expanded to include your power at healing through the Reiki were treated with medical procedures.
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