#does anyone else rememeber this???
the-studious-raccoon · 2 months
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“Prussia taught him how to do this and now hes doing this to every who messes up on which Beethoven symphony is which….its been three days….”- Hungary probably
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awakefor48hours · 8 months
The Maribug Fic
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[Chapter 1] || [< (3) Prev Chapter] || [Next Chapter (5) >]
WOO!!! We're back with another chapter. Sorry this took so long. I got a violent case of writer's block and then the block passed but I still couldn't make an update to this, it was almost as if this fic was covered in a weird ooze that my brain wouldn't touch. But the ooze and block are gone and now we get to see more of the idiots.
Adrien couldn't believe it! The feelings for Marinette and Ladybug were mutual! If soulmates are real, then those two must be. They're so similar in so many ways, there were times when you'd think they were the same person.
Now that Adrien had confirmation on their feelings for each other, he tried to think how he could bring them closer together. It seems like Ladybug might be too shy to talk to Marinette and Marinette is a civilian so there's no way that she had access to Ladybug. He could try to potentially bring Ladybug to the Dupain-Cheng residence but would that be right? To just stop by uninvited and say "hey there, Marinette, Ladybug has something important to tell you." That's not fair to her and knowing Marinette, she would hate that. Then again what other way could he help? The only times when he sees Ladybug is when Paris is in danger.
The school day flew-by and Adrien was distracted the whole day. This was too important to him. Ladybug and Marinette were his friends and he wanted them to get together more than anything. But would they even want his help? Probably, therefore butting in and trying to come up with an elaborate plan to get these two to meet under non-dangerous circumstances that feels entirely natural is definitely a good use of his time.
When he got home, he immediatley rushed to his room and ignored all his homework to start coming up with a plan. This was quite difficult but it was for love. He would find a way to help his friends.
He had about an hour before and Ladybug had to go on patrol, that is unless an akuma shows up.
Marinette doesn't have the same after-school activities but she does do fashion and knowing his father, that could take up a big chunk of time. He also didn't have a clear understanding of her schedule since he was usually modeling or cooped up in his room playing piano. Was Marinette a homebody or did she go out? These are questions he feels like he should know by now. Is he a bad friend? No, no he wasn't. Bad friends don't go out of their way to make convoluted plans to get their two friends to start dating each other. He was definitely normal for this. He wished he could talk to someone else about this though but there probably isn't anyone else in Paris who would understand what he's trying to do.
He then shifted his focus to Ladybug. Ladybug only really shows up when there's a crisis around. She was very meticulous about keeping her identity a secret that he didn't really know what her hobbies are. Maybe daydreaming about Marinette was one? Yeah, that's definitely a normal hobby. He took this moment to write a note of that.
He was about to keep going until Plagg finally pipped up. "Adrien, what are you writing about?"
"I'm trying to come up with a plan to get Marinette and Ladybug to start dating!"
"What!" Plagg shouted more in confusion and less than shock. That's weird but there's no use thinking about that.
"Yeah, you rememeber that last night Ladybug said she had a crush on Marinette and today Marinette told me that she had a crush on Ladybug!"
Plagg seemed confused. "That's right, Ladybug did mention that." He then mummbled something under his breath but it he couldn't understand it. "What did you say, Plagg?"
"Oh, nothing, just a joke you wouldn't understand. But, uh, might I recommend not doing this. I mean, you could be putting Ladybug's identity at first if you do this." That's true. He didn't even think about that. "I guess that makes sense. But one little day together wouldn't hurt though. I mean… I went on a date with Marinette once as Cat Noir and my identity wasn't put in any danger."
"That's true but--"
"Also, Ladybug is super careful with her identity. Besides, the girl of her dreams like her back and after everything Ladybug's done, doesn't she deserve to know!"
"Well, what if Ladybug doesn't want this!" Adrien didn't understand why Plagg was so relenting on this. He didn't really care this much when Adrien was interested in Ladybug. Did he bond with her as Lady Noire? If he did then was she a better holder than him…? She was actually, no question about that, but he did wish that Plagg was on his side with this.
"That's nonsense, Plagg. Besides, you've said countless times that you don't understand human relationships." Adrien looked at his phone and noticed the time, patrol was starting in just three minutes. "We'll have time to talk about this later, Plagg. But for now…PLAGG! CLAWS OUT!"
I'm back baby! I like how this one turned out but I am slowly learning I like writing from Marinette's POV more so hopefully next chapter will have better shenanigans and I'll see you all there.
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beauthebaker · 11 months
Oh god I just had a very specific memory unlock Does anyone remember a webcomic / graphic novel from like 2009-2011 ish about these queer outcasts in high school? I remember one of them was called Metis I remember that. But I can't Rememeber anyth- OMG HONEYDEW SYNDROME ITS CALLED HONEYDEW SYNDROME! Has anyone else read this comic? This was such a peak end of high school thing for specifically me and my friend. I was so not involved in online spaces that it felt very insular. Very into 2010s emo kid stuff
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 2 years
omg wait i have ocd too and would love to hear more about jensen's obsessive compulsive habits (and how it effects his relationship with bryce?)
omfg i love this yall really ask the Best questions here (this is going to be a long ass answer btw)
(also starting with the fact that i actually have ocd it isnt just bs)(yes im gonna have to say this every time)
one of his biggest obsessions is around food, and its also one of the biggest things he works through in therapy. a lot of the time its things being undercooked, contaminated, expired, spontaneous allergies, etc etc. he often wont eat because of it or he has to wait until he can make something himself so he can see everything that goes into it. this is the only one that bryce really directly interacts with, and after jensen explains it to him, hes more than willing to list all the ingredients and let jensen supervise while hes cooking. after a few years jensen is comfortable with bryce cooking for him without the extra precautions
a few of the more specific ones:
guilt for declining an invitation to go out with friends because he feels like some disaster will happen and everyone will die. this one isnt all the time, but when it does happen in can be pretty bad. he wont stop playing different scenarios over until they get home or call him or something. a lot of tragedies and such in the news can fuel this one, so he tries to stay up to date with everything going on but doesnt watch it and reads it instead so he can't visualize it as easily (this is one that i do and its helped a lot)
needing to remember everything, especially what people say and their speech patterns. any exaggerations of a word or people repeating specific words, he needs to remember every little detail of it and it can stress him out a lot if he doesnt. with tv shows or movies he feels like he needs to rememeber everyhing that happens or it wont make sense later. its not as bad with something he can replay, but speeches and other announcements are things he is consistently obsessing over
with that being said, not remembering things is also a huge obsession of his. he is constantly worried that hes forgetting things or that he wont remember something really important, or that he misremembered something
balance is one of the ones that only shows up ocassionally, but it fucking sucks when it does. taking even amount of steps to get somewhere, lifting the same amount of weight with each arm, tapping something the same amount of times with each hand. this one tends to flare up when he hasn't slept (insomnia) and it can make getting through work very difficult
for a really long time, illness anxiety was really bad for him and taking any medications was similar to his issues with food. becoming a doctor has actually relieved this one, and if he does worry about it, he can rationalize his way through most of the thoughts so it's nowhere near as bad anymore
jensen also deals with a lot of violent intrusive thoughts, especially being around hospital equipment. usually just "what if i stabbed this needled into my leg as hard as i could" or "what would happen if the defibrillator was turned all the way up." these are definitely the ones he doesn't share or talk about. his compulsions with them are not harmful, but obviously if patients found out he was thinking hey what if i murdred you, they might not trust him. with that being said though, it does make him much more meticulous with his actions and more aware of what hes actually doing
also, jensen does have meds for his ocd, but he really dislikes the prescription hes on. it doesnt work how he wants it to, and makes him feel really uncomfortable so he doesnt take it all the time when hes supposed to. eventually he will get on a better prescription, but as of right now he avoids taking it when he can
most of it doesnt impact his relationship with bryce beyond what it would with anyone else, and, though it takes him a while, he does tell bryce about most of it (even the violent intrusive thoughts, but that one takes a long time). bryce really tries to help with the food one as often as he can, which include making dinner when jensen doesnt have the energy to because he knows he wont eat otherwise. hes always very supportive of jensen going to therapy and anything else he needs to do to work through it, and helps whenever he can
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minecraftgender · 2 months
does anyone else rememeber an obscure youtuber who played minecraft in like 2010? his username might have been sethdoesgames and i found tobuscus through him so they were probably friends. he is NOT sethbling i already know that
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survey--s · 7 months
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What were you doing an hour ago? Watching Lord of the Rings, messing around online.
When did you get up today? 7.30am to feed the animals and let the dog out, but I didn't get up properly until about 9ish.
Is there anyone that could make your day if they showed up at your house? Nah, I've been in desperate need of a weekend "off" for ages and it's been amazing so far. Please no visitors lol.
Do you live west of Ohio? I live in England.
Do you live east of Colorado? .
Does your middle name begin with a A, M, or S? No, none of those.
How old was the last person you rode in a car with? Uh, 39.
What color was the last vehicle you were in? Metallic dark grey.
Do you have big plans for the weekend? Nope, this is my weekend OFF and I have been doing as little as humanly possible lol. All I've done is eat, watch movies, sleep and mess around online.
How many of your top friends have tattoos? Ha, I don't miss MySpace. Anyway, I'd say the majority of my friends have tattoos these days.
How long have you lived at your current residence? Five and a half years.
How long has your ex been your ex? About seven years.
When was the last time you were up at 5am? I was awake at 5am a few days ago but I didn't get up properly.
Have you ever kissed your #4? .
What was the last movie you saw in theaters and who did you go with? Cats, and my mum.
When was the last time you went bowling? Uh, about five years ago.
How about swimming? Whenever we went to Lanzarote.
Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? No.
The Eiffel Tower? Yes.
The Great Wall of China? No.
When you go fishing, do you make someone else get the fish off the hook? I don't go fishing.
How old were you in 1999? I turned eleven at the end of the year.
How many funerals have you been to this year? Zero. I've never been to a funeral in my life.
When was the last time you spent a night stargazing? I've never spend a night stargazing.
Are you taller than 5'6"? Yeah.
What was the last thing you cooked? Frozen croissants.
Who were the last three people to call you? Mike, Suzanne and probably my mum.
What were you doing last night at 10pm? I was messing around on TikTok in bed.
Did you go to daycare when you were little? Yeah, I was in full-time childcare from three months old.
Do you have a favorite pillow you always sleep with? Yeah, I even take them with me when I do house-sits lol.
When was the last time you slept in someone else’s bed? Tuesday for a house-sit.
Are there any candles in the room you’re in? Yeah, my wax burner uses those little tealights.
If you turn around, what is behind you? The living room wall.
Would you dye your hair hot pink for $50? No.
Have you ever had someone like you that you didn’t like back? Sure.
Do you usually fall for people who also fall for you? Hmm, I'd say it's been about 50/50 over the years.
Do you know what you’d have been named had you been born the opposite sex? Yeah, Alexander.
Do you have any step or half siblings? No.
How many people have you kissed in the last 48 hours? One.
The last week? One.
The last month? One.
Do you regret any of them? Nope.
Would you ever visit a nude beach? Yes.
When was the last time someone gave you a compliment? I can't rememeber. Yesterday maybe?
Do you take any prescription meds? No.
What happens if you don’t take them? .
What color is your underwear? Black.
Who was the last person you dreamt about? I don't remember my last dream.
Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? Fat Face.
Where was the last place you spent more than $50? The vets.
Where is your favorite place to be kissed other than the usual place? My forehead.
Do you hate getting hickeys? I mean, I can't imagine getting one as an adult.
Who was the last person to hug you? My husband.
Are there any buttons on the clothes you’re wearing? No.
How about zippers? Yeah, my hoody is a zip-up one.
What percent of your day includes music? About 5%.
Have you had any fruit today? Yeah, a banana with breakfast and some apple juice too.
Who is on your mind right now? My husband as he's wittering on about something totally irrelevant lol.
Are your fingernails painted? No.
Do you keep a diary/journal? You're reading it.
In how many years will you be thirty? I turned 30 nearly five years ago -_-
Do you set your marshmallows on fire when you roast them? Sometimes.
Do you prefer your tea sweetened or unsweetened? I like a bit of sugar in tea.
Have you ever dated someone who’s name began with ’D’? Yes.
Have you ever kissed someone who’s name began with 'K’? No.
Have you ever hugged someone who’s name began with 'E’? Yes.
What scent is your favorite perfume/cologne? I like vanilla or cherry blossom scented ones.
Have you showered today? Yeah, about three hours ago.
If you went on a blind date, and it turned out to be your ex, you would? I wouldn't be going on a blind date to begin with.
When was the last time you took a nap? I honestly don't remember, I pretty much never take naps.
What are you plans after this? No idea, probably another survey. It's nearly time to feed the animals too. The clocks went back last night so obviously that means they're all STARVING lol.
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luffythinker · 8 months
Another rarepair cause i love your reactions - That one friendly anon back at it again
AoyamaBakugo -> can we call their ship name Comet or burning star? thats so adorable.
EDIT after i finished writing this: i didn't mean to drop a whole ass fanfiction on you but i feel like you'll dig this i am bad at writing i can just do tellings of whats going on it isn't really a fic but ya know
Anyway Bakugo is always so nosy and in everyone's business Bakugo is also very smart so im sure if he paid attention to him long enough he would figure out that he was the traitor but lets rewind a little bit DO WE AS A COLLECTED PEOPLE REMEMEBER WHEN AOYAMA TRIED TO SAVE BAKUGO BY SHOOTING HIS LASER?? Bakugo damn sure remembers he remembers everything everyone did to save him and regrets acting like an ass for it telling Todoroki he didnt want his help and all that when they live in the dorms he goes around doing things for all the students that helped try to save him he does something for them cause its gonna burn a hole in his heart if he doesnt repay them
He already paid for Kirishima's goggles what else, made the whole class happy by making Kaminari make them laugh so it wouldn't be so bad but what can he do personally for those who helped?
For Momo he watched her habits until he found out what she likes cause he knows 0 anything about her except shes always got a ponytail, he goes out of his way to track down that expensive tea she so very enjoys the gold tips imperial (was about to call it gold nips lol)
For Deku he's already doing it hes nicer to him being nice to Deku is the greatest gift he can give him after they have their fight and everything
For Iida he ask Momo was the class prez has to do this week and does all of Iida's class prez work for the entire week (i dont know what a class prez does but whatever he does Bakugo does a weeks worth of his work)
For Todoroki he takes him hiking with him he just invites him and they have a good time Todoroki is very confused but glad he was able to see the sights
Lastly Aoyama, Bakugo knows nothing about this classmate of his, he honestly forgot he existed he doesn't know anything about Aoyama so he watches him like he did for Momo but this fucker is observant as hell and he's watching him watching Bakugo and it's scary as fuck lol
"What can i do for you mon ami?" He always catches him in his stare.
Bakugo getting shocked and startled "JESUS, i mean uh.. nothing sparkles."
"Then why are you staring so much? do i have something on my face?"
They have this conversation a lot at the end of class.
its been days into this
"You sure do stare at me a lot Kacchan"
"Dont fucking call me that twinkle toes"
Aoyama slightly turning his head. "But Midoriya calls you that all the time"
"It's Deku exclusive, and i hate being called that" He does not but he doesn't want anyone else to call him that and Aoyama gets it and just drops it
its been a whole 2 weeks
"We sure have been spending a lot of time together Bakugo."
Their conversations are very short and usually at the end of class but its a lot to Aoyama he feels like he's got a friend so he goes out of his way to talk to Bakugo more sometimes during the day or evening at the dorms.
"What are you cooking?" He wants to be of some help. "You certainly love to bless us with your beautiful cooking a lot."
"Because if i don't cook everyone going to eat take out every god damn day."
"I actually have to cook my own food," Aoyama instructs. "My palette needs to be a certain way because moi cannot eat everything everyone else eats."
"Shit, why didn't you tell me?"
This is a big thing for Bakugo he might be himself but hes not gonna willing cause stomach problems for somebody thats diabolical. They end up cooking together alot he tells Bakugo what is easy on his stomach and what he can actually stomach because of his sensitive tummy
Bakugo catches Kaminari or somebody trying to get Aoyama to try something he knows will upset his stomach and Aoyama being kind is going to try it but Bakugo stops him grabbing his wrist
"If something makes your lower intestine fucking explode why eat it?" Bakugo drops his arm. "Twinkles can't eat that he'll be in the bathroom all day if you give him that"
"Sorry dude didn't know you should have said something"
Bakugo keeps looking after him cause Aoyama like Deku fails to take care of himself properly
I also seem to remember that he did pretty bad on his test so he also might need help studying Bakugo is so on it helping him with subjects he doesn't quite understand
We are all in agreement that he is french so language classes aren't something Aoyama is very good at, Bakugo is very bilingual smart boi so he can help him with that.
"This is nothing for you twinkles" he encourages
Twinkles, Sparkles,Glitter these names he calls Aoyama start becoming very endearing.
"You have so many nicknames for me why don't i give you one if thats ok?"
Bakugo stares at him after hours in the classroom helping him with anything hes lacking with sitting at one desk both chairs so close their legs are touching. "Like an insult?"
"Heavens no! I mean like a nickname like you do for me."
"Shoot your shot i guess"
"Well, you are very loud but nothing's wrong with that dearie, since im twinkles like stars you are fire like a firework so im going to call you Dynamite darling"
This is yet another reason Bakugo named himself Dynamite.
This is like the part where your thinking Bakugo is like the alpha male of this relationship but i assure you i mean for them to be on equal grounds but more so Bakugo is so bottom in this relationship idk why i just love seeing dynamics where Bakugo isn't the boss if that makes since?
Aoyama isn't the first to make a move cause one day in training Bakugo saves him from some debris he wasn't fast enough to move so Bakugo had to "Haul his sorry ass" -> Save him it made Aoyama feel very protected the way Bakugo just swooped him off his feet.
"T-thank you so much darling"
"Whatever, be more fucking careful" sitting him down while their classmates look on with expressions that say "Yo, they spend a lot of time together are they ya know, DATING" and by classmates i mean the bakusqaud start teasing him for playing favorites with Aoyama.
Aoyama feels like he's always in the way so he does something it really isn't a lot but he cleans up and cooks and it just so happens Bakugo was really tired that day. Bakugo doesn't really notice it until Aoyama shows up in his room to tell him what he did,
"Glad to have a break?" Aoyama comes into his room. Bakugo is confused. "You did not notice all of your usual chores were done no?"
"I did, thought it was weird."
"I did them, i wanted to give you a break."
Its a unspoken thank you in Bakugo's eyes. when he says "You didn't have to do that but its whatever twinkles."
"You are very welcome, you look very tired so im going to let you get your beauty sleep, i hope you have beautiful dreams."
It's been so so long since they became friends Aoyama feels daring and puts his hand over Bakugo's one day nobody pays it any attention like when they all got together for the hot pot party thing, Bakugo doesn't move his hand or anything he just lets it be.
They dont talk about this for a long time. So Aoyama just starts fucking holding his hand sometimes and this becomes the norm for them.
"Why do you and Aoyama hold hands sometimes?" Kirishima asks because hes just curious.
"We dont fucking hold hands what the fuck are you talking about?"
"Yeah you do, you defiantly do. I've seen you hold hands like 6 or 7 times now, whats going on there bro?"
"Nothing mind your own business shitty hair"
It is now brought to Bakugo's attention he has allowed himself to become to comfortable so he tries to catch himself in these acts causing Aoyama to feel like Bakugo is resenting him.
Aoyama reachs for Bakugo's hand and Bakugo pulls away. "oh.." Aoyama minds himself and leaves it alone. Bakugo is being cold for no reason to Aoyama and it scares him that he thinks Bakugo found out he's the traitor and thats why he's doing this cause he's trying to dissociate, this scares Aoyama cause he thought they were so close and building something he's afraid so he starts to avoid Bakugo as well
Bakugo notices he's avoiding him, he didn't want this he just wanted his friends to stop calling him out on soft shit so he goes to try and confront him but somehow he's always busy.
One day Bakugo catches him in the bathroom with his face care routine you know as one does he grabs his arm "Don't fucking tell me your busy, you can talk and do that shit."
"Oh.. hello Bakugo."
The neglect of his darling burns Bakugo he misses it hasn't heard it in a while.
"please let go of me it's brutish to grab people like this."
"Bull, what is happening?"
Aoyama's mouth hangs open slightly trying to come up with something to say but his words are lost. "I don't know."
"Why are you avoiding me?"
"Your avoiding me first!"
Bakugo realizes hes taking this as him changing one thing as disliking him. "Are you mad i wont hold your stupid hand anymore? is that what this is about?"
"Clearly you know something and i can tell you dont wanna be seen with me."
Bakugo goes to grab his arm again but thats not nice so he just positions himself in front of Aoyama both hands on either side of the bathroom sink Aoyama in the middle. "I'm not like that, i just didn't think thats what this was...." Bakugo looks around in thought before looking back at Aoyama. "You like me?"
This is far from what Aoyama thought was going on he's frizzled pink just as Bakugo is, both a blushing mess now that their feelings are in the air.
"D-do you like me?"
Bakugo can't answer him he opts for backing up and giving the other blonde some well deserved space cause he needed it too, he needed to think.
"Do i like you?" He's more asking himself this question. "Oh my god i think i do."
It didn't even start out this way he just wanted to know what he liked so he could get him a present or some shit how did he end up having feelings?
"Fuck i do like you, FUCK."
Aoyama just chuckles covering his mouth. "Darling you have quite the mouth on you when you're embarrassed dont you?" It's the first time in awhile he's heard that laugh. Aoyama comes closer backing Bakugo up into the wall of the bathroom stall until his back its the door. He looks into those purple eyes a hand caresses his face like he's never felt before there is a fucking boy about to fucking kiss him and hes a deer in the headlights he can't do anything except breath which he can barely do that.
"A-are.. are you.. fuck, are we allowed to do that?"
"Are we allowed?" Aoyama laughs. "Of course, somebody said you weren't?" Aoyama suddenly backs off a little. "Oh, are you not like that? sorry, was this over steping?"
Hes gone and Bakugo wants him back that close again, Aoyama gives him his space. "Excuse me for rushing things like that."
All Bakugo can think is how is he going to get out of here and how he really wanted him to kiss him.
"You...Don't apologize twinkles. I gotta get ready." He barges out of the bathroom and Aoyama watches.
It's been a couple days and Bakugo is thinking about that time like it's yesterday, he can't get Aoyama out of his mind. he keeps wondering what would have happen if they did kiss.
"Bakugo can we talk?" Aoyama approaches. "I don't know where we stand you haven't really been avoiding me but i think there are somethings we need to talk about."
Bakugo is bad at talking about his feelings so he always finds a way to do just that, hes not avoiding him he just doesn't know how to go about talking about this so he always finds something to get himself into so he doesn't have to talk to Aoyama about that.
It's the end of the month, Bakugo is sitting on the roof of his dorm, Aoyama is good at climbing onto balconies so he gets up there with him. "I bought gifts so please don't push me away or leave,"
"There really is no getting out of this for me?"
"Darling we have baggage, we need to talk."
Bakugo offers to help him up the rest of the way he's got blankets and capri suns. Offerings. "Shoot your shot." Bakugo says drinking his capri sun.
"What are we?"
"Very funny, i mean what is our relationship status mon cheri"
"I don't know, i was hoping we could go back to whatever the fuck we started as when i first started talking to you, that was easy."
"Oui, i agree. Lovers of the past life."
"Thats a strong word."
Bakugo nods. "Even stronger words exist that are stronger then that."
"Do you want to be strong words together?" Aoyama's hand places over Bakugo's he's ready for him to pull away but he doesn't. Bakugo looks over at him legs pulled into his chest.
"I... i'm unstable right now i don't know if i can be strong words with you right now."
"Do you feel strong words about me?"
Bakugo holds his hand tighter. "I feel a lot of strong words about you." Bakugo doesn't know if hes able to come through with all the things he has inside, everything he feels. "I don't know if im ready."
"Do you want me to wait for you?"
"I don't know how long you'll have to wait until i know everything."
Aoyama holds his hand back even tighter, it's sweaty. "I can wait for a long time if you can wait for me."
Bakugo has no idea what this means but he feels a lot of love from this, he leans over and lays his head on Aoyama's shoulder. He doesn't deserve him. Aoyama quietly ask him if he can kiss him Bakugo nods into him, Aoyama kisses his hair, Bakugo curls up to him, he kisses him more in different places like his cheek his eyebrow everywhere that isn't his mouth cause he isn't ready.
"We don't have to commit to anything but i would like to." Bakugo says between kisses and snuggles. "Give me a reason to want to be ready."
This is his way of saying kiss me on the mouth and Aoyama does. Bakugo balls his hands in Aoyama's shirt, it gets messed up cause his hands are sweaty but neither of them care.
THE KIDS ARE KISSING UNDER THE FUCKING MOONLIGHT ON THE ROOF IT DOESNT GET ANY BETTER i hope i made you scream of joy with this long ass fanfiction im on that Bakugo perspective sorry for cussing so much
Glad to hear from you again anon, hope you're doing good <3 Let's call them Comet cause I think it's cute and fits them so well!!
[so i tried to eact as i was reading so here goes random sentences that may or may not make sense!!]
yes, we do remember that!!!! Bakugo is so funny to me, he really thinks nobody can do anything for him out of kindness or goodwill, he NEEDS to pay them back somehow just to make sure they're evenkldflkfd
especially with the whole traitor thing, i think Aoyama is cautious to not let anybody discover anything from him, so I wonder if he felt nervous once Bakugo started paying attention to him
[pause to scream about "kacchan" being Deku exclusive, my poor bkdk heart can't take it]
THEM BEING COOKING PARTNERS :(( I assume Aoyama can't eat a lot of spices and things like that, so I imagine Bakugo going out of his way to make different food just for him :>
"Bakugo keeps looking after him cause Aoyama like Deku fails to take care of himself properly" YOU CANT DO THIS TO ME IM VERY WEAK HEARTED OKAY
twinkles is actually such a cute nickname, especially for a twinky boy [everybody laughs at my lame joke pls]
I don't mind bottom Bakugo at all, I actually love it! I love that he has a strong personality and still isn't the more dominant one hihihi
Not Aoyoma doing acts of service to thank Bakugo, that's so sweet actually :(
ohhhhhh the hand-holding?? I guess it could come naturally to them, just like bit by bit, but with confrontation about it he would pull back a little (he's just very gay and confused okay)
NO IMAGINE HOW SAD HE FELT SEEING HIS FRIEND PULLING AWAY LIKE THAT, and with the traitor thing going on in the side… oh lord
"I'm not like that" oh for heaven's sake
not them using "strong words" instead of properly conveying their feelingshsdisdo gay people are such a headache
I won't judge them for waiting, but also i know it can hurt so much
omg i just… have no words, i loved this??? this was really brilliant, I hope other people here enjoy it just as much as I did! it was such a fun angsty read
I like that Bakugo was honest with his feelings, about how he needed more time to sort things out because yeah it can be really complicated :( i'm wishing the best for these two
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alphatwice-a · 8 months
kate was so sensitive to her bags being tampered with,    specifically her ammo,    because someone once figured out that they could make their high last     &    suppress the wolf for longer if they sprinkled a little powdered wolfsbane in with their heroin.    running out of bullets can get you killed,    it also makes you look stupid,    but so does having dud bullets that have been ripped open,    emptied out,    &    melded back together.
she quickly learned that trying to force derek to give up his family secrets wasn't working,    &    when she figured out that it was him stealing from her,    she used that to her advantage.    at first,    she tried to strike a deal,    two bullets for every secret,    three if it's a good one.    it didn't work,    but that's the thing with addicts.    all she had to do was play the waiting game,    knew she'd hold out a lot longer than he could.
eventually he'd need a fix like his life depended on it,    &    she could dangle the solution to his problems infront of him.    he'd do anything,    say anything to get what he wanted,    &    when he got his reward,    he was on his way until the next time.    
the most devastating part is,    derek doesn't remember telling her anything.    he knows he did tell her things,    because she had information she couldn't get from anyone,    or anywhere else.    she didn't have access to anyone else.    it had to come from him,    but he doesn't rememeber.
he knows he did it,    but he has no recollection of it,    &    that fucks him up more than anything.
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nostalgia-watches · 2 years
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And with Optimus staring into the flames we be done!
Lot of shakeups today. The introduction of the enforcers does a good job to add variety to the antagonists. Mindless drones don’t exactly make for compelling antagonists after all. Jetstorm still sounds weird but it’s growing on me.
We also got a better idea of the extent at which everyone got screwed over by Megatron’s virus. That said knowing that extent just brings up more questions. Not just about how they rememeber that the people they forgot featured heavily in, like Rhinox raiding the afterlife to get Optimus’s spark back, but also if they remember anyone else from the Beast Wars. Do they remember Dinobot, Depth Charge, Tigatron, or Airazor? What about the Predacons? There’s a whole lot there that we don’t really know.
Optimus’s new anger issues are also... interesting. I can certainly see where he’s coming from. He’s taking this entire thing as a personal failing. Believing that Megatron’s dominance of Cybertron is all his fault. It’s a self destructive thought process that I can easily see resulting in his anger issues. The fact that we have a good reason for it is nice but I still hope we can get a resolution to it sooner rather than later.
I’ll see you lot on Monday for the next episode of Static Shock: She-Back. Have a great weekend!
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hometownrockstar · 2 years
i keep confusing katy perry for demi lovato so ive been accidentally they/themming katy perry like all the time lately
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vhskidz · 5 years
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parakeet · 6 years
I just remembered something from peak otherkin tumblr ahdjshf OK so this was like 2013 or 2014 and there was like... And this is 100% genuine... ppl were like upset at the use of the term 'people' used to refer to like society ig bc it wasn't inclusive to otherkin, who were Non Human but still contributed to society... Or smthing.
I know this sounds ridiculous but I'm 100% serious ppl were suggesting alternatives like 'creatures' and 'folks' which was my personal favorite cus folks actually makes sense in conversation... but anyways for some godawful reason everyone decided to replace the word people in their lingo to 'beings' i shit you not. This lot was also very discoursey and a fuckload of ppl got told the fuck off for calling trans ppl beings as if they werent even human or smthing and luckily I think everyone dropped the being thing after that but hoo boy. What a ride
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bioshock4k · 2 years
i love having dreams
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starfallskitter · 3 years
THIS is Chloe’s redemption arc
Hi! I don’t usually do big media analysis things, but I like Miraculous Ladybug and I’m a writer and familiar with these tropes. I was thinking about Chloe’s character in season 4 and how everyone’s been so upset with what seems like a reversal of her character arc, so I wanted to unpack everything and explain what I believe is going on.
In short: Chloe getting worse, becoming mean again, is the only way she can, after the three seasons she’s had so far, get a satisfying redemption arc. 
Zoe is also very important to her arc; while it could perhaps have been done differently, Zoe’s introduction is perhaps the clearest way of developing Chloe’s character and giving her redemption. But I’ll get to that in a moment.
I recently rewatched the first half of season 1 and most of season 3, so I’ll probably draw from more recent memories in discussion here. Season 4 is, however, the main point of discussion in this post, so big spoiler warning if you aren’t up to date on Sole Crusher and Queen Banana at the very least.
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So, character arcs can generally be shortened to a question of, ‘what does this character need to learn? And do they learn it?’, although typically there are bumps along the way, with characters learning the wrong lessons, making mistakes, backtracking, etc. Sometimes it’s a negative character arc where they learn a lie, or refuse to change.
In Chloe’s case, the thing she needs to learn is simple. She believes, in season 1 episode 1, that she is inherently better than other people. She still believes this throughout the entire show up to this point. She needs to learn that that’s not the case.
Success to Chloe is how much power you have, and she expects power. It’s reinforced for her at every turn. Her dad gets her everything she wants, and he’s the Mayor, so his power becomes hers. Her ‘best friend’ is a rich, famous supermodel, which is ultimate success to her, and at the start she’s his only friend, so he must consider her on his level (how he came into this situation doesn’t matter to her). She’s constantly followed by someone who lets her have complete power over her just to get a glimpse of Chloe’s wealth. Bullying and beauty are both sources of power to her as well. Power is success, she has a lot of power, she’s successful, she’s acheived all she wants to.
So, naturally, she loves Ladybug, the most powerful superhero in Paris. She wants to be accepted by Ladybug, and loved by Ladybug, because Ladybug has power, and Ladybug accepting her as her peer means Chloe is on her level. Everyone loves Ladybug, therefore Ladybug has more power than Hawkmoth, the real reason Chloe is on her side.
This doesn’t change much throughout season one. 
In Season 2, though, we meet her mother, who can be summed up as the main source of this thought pattern. Chloe idealises her, more even than Ladybug, and her approval as a powerful person who knows it feels like all Chloe needs. When Chloe gets the Bee Miraculous, it’s not because Ladybug thinks she’s a peer, but Chloe, somewhat desperately, believes that being a Miraculous holder will make her good enough in her mother’s eyes. From the wiki:
Chloé, however, is furious and angrily asks her mother why, out of all people, she would take Marinette to New York City instead of her own daughter. Audrey says that it's because Marinette is exceptional. Chloé retorts that she's exceptional, too, but Audrey says that the only thing exceptional about her is her mother. Hurt by this comment and wanting to prove her mother wrong, Chloé reveals that she has the Bee Miraculous in her possession and transforms into Queen Bee in front of everyone, including the press.
When she gets the Bee Miraculous, it’s not because she’s changed in any way, and it’s not a catalyst for change. The whole plot of Queen Wasp is that Chloe is trying to prove she’s exceptional, but her being exceptional is not what she needs to learn; in fact, it’s the opposite. She needs to learn that she is no more exceptional than anyone else. She doesn’t learn this here.
Again, from the wiki:
Marinette tells Audrey that Chloé is exceptional -- exceptionally mean. She lists all of Chloé's worst qualities, angering both her and Audrey but also making the two realize that they have a lot in common. When Marinette leaves, Audrey asks Chloé if she is really as bad as Marinette said, to which Chloé says that her only friend in school is Sabrina, and she enjoys giving her butler a hard time. Audrey takes back her earlier comment about Chloé not being exceptional, embraces her, and decides to stay in Paris with her.
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This is just reaffirming the problem: Chloe’s belief that her power, coming from her cruelty and bullying, makes her special, so she deserves the power, etc. This is not a change in her character arc; this is still setting her up to change later on.
What this sets up is Chloe’s false character arc. It seems, on the outside, that what Chloe needs to learn is how to be nice, or good. That being kind is something she doesn’t know how to do, and she just needs to try. 
This is often a character arc that children’s show bullies have because it’s easy and simple to understand, but it’s not realistic. Bullies are usually not bullies just because they don’t know how to be nice; some are, perhaps, but the truly mean ones who do acts of cruelty because they can have a fundamentally twisted view of the world, like Chloe’s.
A lot of people think Chloe’s false redemption arc was her real one, and it got thrown out the window. Here’s why the false one is important for the real one.
For Chloe to learn that she’s not special, she has to get rid of the idea that being powerful in any way leads to happiness, or the power is equal to success.
In Season 3 we get continuance of the false arc. Importantly, we see her core behavior has not actually changed. At times, she acts heroically, but it’s not necessarily out of the goodness of her heart; and at the times she does this doesn’t necessarily change her character arc, either. She still has a heart. It’ll come out much more later. But she’s still pushing people around. There is no significant change in how she fundamentally treats Sabrina, or her butler, or Marinette, or her father. She doesn’t see them or relate to them any differently. She’s also using her superhero identity to reinforce the idea that she’s special; she remarks constantly about how she’s Queen Bee, she’s a hero, she’s better than everyone, you get the gist. Becoming Queen Bee has reinforced the primary lie (that she is special) that her character arc is going to change.
We see, in Miraculer, Mayura demanding Chloe join them, and Chloe refusing.
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At first, it seems like Chloe’s doing well to refuse. Like she has a sense of justice. In truth, though, she’s mainly on Ladybug’s side because the heroes are usually seen as more powerful and cooler than the villains. There might be a sense of justice there, but that’s ultimately irrelevant to the core flaw that she needs to fix to become a better person.
And then, Heart Hunter and Miracle Queen. Ladybug doesn’t give her enough power, so she takes Hawkmoth’s side.
While Ladybug, Cat Noir and Ryuko fight Heart Hunter, Chloé becomes furious and throws her bee signal off of the roof, losing her hope. Hawk Moth comes and tries to convince Chloé to join him. Chloé is reluctant at first, because he is the one who akumatized her parents. Hawk Moth asks what Ladybug has done for her, since Chloé was the one who trusted Ladybug the most as a fan. Chloé finally agrees, but demands that Hawk Moth deakumatizes her parents first. Hawk Moth accepts these conditions.
This is the ultimate thing that reinforces the lie, that she is special and more powerful. The false character arc, that she just needs to learn to be nice, is thrown aside; she was nice to Ladybug, put herself on Ladybug’s side, and tried to work for justice, but it didn’t change that what she ultimately wanted, and felt was most important, was power, being special, status. The moment at the end of Heart Hunter is where she does her heel-turn, and now, what happens next?
Well, rememeber that she needs to learn she’s not special. As of now, she’s had the belief that she’s special reinforced, not weakened. It’s been reinforced as far as it can go. There is nothing she can do to believe she’s any more special than she believes she is. And now, being pissed at Ladybug, her false arc thrown aside, there’s no reason to try and act nice. It didn’t make her happy, after all.
So in Season 4, she doubles down on what she still believes matters: Power.
She’s worse to Sabrina, locking her in her closet, making her chase after the car, etc. She will only consider the best, most powerful friends like her: Zoe, her sister, has to be just as special, just as powerful.... and as we saw at the end of season 2, that means mean.
Which brings me to Zoe.
Zoe is important because she’s everything Chloe could’ve been if she’d already learned her lesson, for one. She’s successful at making friends because she cares about how nice someone is, not their status, which is what Chloe doesn’t get. She’s so frustated that Zoe makes friends at the end of Sole Crusher by just being nice. Chloe wants those friends, but everything in the show so far has taught her that power is important and it’s what will get her love and attention, and her power comes from, again, bullying and her dad.
And that’s also where Andre comes in. The other thing Zoe does is change Chloe’s biggest enabler- Andre. In Queen Banana, he refuses Chloe’s demands for the first time pretty much ever, and draws a hard line in the sand.
Suddenly, a little bit of Chloe’s power is taken away from her in that moment. She can’t understand how Zoe can be happier than her or why her father might tell her no. They’re incompatible with her worldview- that she is special, and powerful, and deserves things just for being special.
At this point, Chloe has to lose everything. She thinks that cruelty to others will make her happy; that demanding things gets her what she wants. It has, so far. So for her to change, that needs to not work. We’re seeing just the beginnings of that in Season 4 so far; she can’t demand anything from her father (although Queen Banana is full of demands she does get). Zoe didn’t find happiness through the method Chloe said she would in Sole Crusher (really, Sole Crusher lays out what Chloe’s been imagining the world is like the entire show. That’s it in a nutshell, really). Adrien told her she needed to be nicer and lowkey rejected her friendship at the end of Queen Banana. Zoe, the sister who is better off doing the opposite of what Chloe thought would make her happy and successful, took her symbol of power- the Bee Miraculous, her superhero identity- away from her. Chloe’s worldview is slowly unravelling as of Season 4.
So, what needs to happen next?
One: she will lose everything. Two: she’ll learn that power doesn’t make her happy. Three: she’ll realise that kindness and justice and equality, etc. are more important. Four: she’ll do something major to show that she understands this and has changed. Five: she’ll permanently stop putting herself above others.
I can’t project too far in the future, but what I can say is what is probably going to come next for the topic of her losing everything. Her father is going to say no more often; her mother will disappoint her; Zoe will continue to do well. Chloe may learn that Zoe is Vesperia, I’m not sure.
But the one main thing that I think, personally, Chloe needs to lose in some dramatic way is Sabrina. Sabrina is just about the last thing that has remained the same for Chloe so far. And I think that that change won’t come by Sabrina’s doing, necessarily. She’s not vengeful and doesn’t see or care about Chloe’s flaws.
But the thing is, it seems obvious by now that everyone in the class is getting a Miraculous. We’ve seen spoilers for Mylene’s and Juleka’s, and my personal opinion is that the four remaining unpaired Miraculous pair up to the three remaining classmates + the one other student who seems to recur (personal guesses: Ivan - Ox, Nathaniel - Rooster, Marc - Dog, Sabrina - Goat), but regardless, what I imagine would break Chloe’s existing worldview more than anything else, and leave it open to change, is Sabrina getting a Miraculous, and Chloe knowing it’s her.
Sabrina is Chloe’s trailing, forever-present symbol of power. She’s always got power over Sabrina. Sabrina being special in a way that Chloe no longer is, a way that got taken by her ‘lame’ sister who she views as less powerful than her, should put a lot into perspective for her.
In short: Chloe is going to have a bad time, and be a bad time, for most of this season, if not all of it. She’s got to learn that her worldview is wrong.
That’s how her character arc will end. That’s how we get a satisfying change, something meaningful happening to her, and her really changing from the bully she was. Miraculous is a lot more complicated than most kid’s shows and it didn’t simplify it down to ‘bully learns to be nice’- Chloe’s character arc is about changing the fundamental thing that made her so mean in the first place. It’s about learning that she is not at all exceptional, and that she is just like anyone else. And that she’ll prefer it that way.
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Original title: 濡れる
Source: Diabolik Lovers More, More Blood Vol. 12 Mukami Ruki [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Takahiro Sakurai
Translator’s note: This Ruki is on another level, damn. I feel like he is even worse than MB Ruki and that is before the boys got toned down. The scene with the watering hose gave me war flashbacks to Laito’s Do-S CD and that is not a good thing. > < It reminds me of Shuu’s MMB CD, which I also didn’t really enjoy so I guess I’m too much of a sofie lol. I honestly don’t blame the MC for turning back time to get herself out of the sticky situation. 
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 + Epilogue
Track 2: Soaked
*Ding・Dongー Ding・Dong*
Ruki walks up to you.
“So this is where you’ve been.”
You turn your head towards him.
“Why are you watering the plants? The school’s inner courtyard isn’t your responsibility, is it? I don’t understand why you would go out of your way to look after it. Although, I can pretty much guess grasp the situation even without asking. I assume somebody asked and you were unable to refuse.”
You nod.
“I’m disappointed. So that is actually the case, huh? Seems like you do not quite understand who you belong to yet. If you were fully aware of who your master is, you would surely prioritize something else over taking orders from a teacher, no? I believe I told you to come to the library during break time?”
You admit you forgot. 
“Seems like I was wrong to blindly assume you actually have the mental capacity to remember. Although weren’t you the one who initially brought it up? You wanted to look for resources to finish your assignment. I was so kind to offer my help, yet you forgot about our promise and went to water the plants instead...Seems like you think rather lightly of me. Perhaps I have been a little too lenient with you as of late. I suppose I shall have to strictly guide you back to the right path.”
You start to panic.
*Rustle rustle*
“...Oi! Don’t be so shaken up! Watch what you’re doing! The hose isーーArgh!”
You quickly turn off the water.
“Haah...Now explain to me with your own words what you just did.”
You say sorry. 
“I never asked you to apologize. Tell me what you did.”
You explain.
“Haah...So you do know. Exactly. You pointed the hose in your hands at me, spraying me with water as a result. Me, your Master. I never expected I would have the livestock I tamed actually turn the tables on me like that. You were only pretending to be obedient, but deep down you were waiting for the right moment to strike me down, weren’t you?”
You try to defend yourself.
“Hooh? You claim that it was just an unfortunate accident? In that case, you know what to do next, no? ...You made a blunder towards your Master. It is only obvious you would receive a punishment accordingly. I shall let you choose the type of penalty at least. Whipping, burning at the stake, water torture (1)...take your pick.”
You shake your head. 
“I just told you to choose, did I not? You really do not know your place. ーー Ugh.”
Ruki grabs hold of the hose.
“In that case, I shall choose. You need to experience your blunder first-hand, it seems. I am sure that if I drum it directly into your body, even a slow-learner such as yourself will finally learn their lesson.”
You try and run away but suddenly fall.
“What’s wrong? Did your legs give in from the surprise?”
*Rustle rustle*
“Why don’t you stay down like that and crawl across the ground to get away? Although your attempts at escape won’t make me miss my aim...”
You try and get up but fail.
“You look absolutely pathetic...Your uniform is covered in dirt.”
Ruki walks closer.
“Guess I have no other choice. I will rinse it off.”
“Did I not tell you to keep your mouth closed? Isn’t it obvious that water will end up in your mouth if you scream? You’ll only make it harder on yourself by choking.”
“...Hah. You can no longer move, huh?”
He looks down on you.
“I assume the cold water helped you snap to your senses? Do you recognize your own blunder now?”
You nod. 
“I see. I am glad the disciplining has been effective.”
He kneels down in front of you.
“How miserable. The water is weighing down your drenched locks, and your skirt’s sticking to your skin. Why don’t you return to the classroom looking like that? You might just get the other students to show you some pity.”
You shake your head, telling him you can’t go back soaking wet.
“Why won’t you return? By your logic, I wouldn’t be able to return to the classroom looking like this either. Properly explain to me why exactly you refuse to go back.”
You explain. 
“What a ridiculous reason. Even if your shirt has become transluscent, I doubt anyone would bat an eye at that lackluster body of yours.”
You frown.
“If you refuse to return regardless, I suppose you have no other choice but to stay here until it dries.
He looks at you.
”There’s a cold wind today. If you stay here like that, you will surely freeze. ...Aah, your lips have already turned blue. Your body can’t stop shivering either, right? It’s only a matter of time till your fingertips will go numb as well.”
You frown.
“You seem determined. Why don’t you take off your blazer at least? Right now, I’m the only one who can see you.”
You unbutton your blazer.
*Rustle rustle*
“You’re rather obedient. However, your complexion is still pale. If you were to stay in the wind like this, you will catch a cold sooner or later. ...If you end up bedridden, I will be burdened with taking care of you. Come here, I shall provide you with the necessariy warmth to ensure your body does not cool down.”
You ask Ruki what he will do.
“Do you really need to ask? I shall give you my fangs ーー is what I mean!”
He tugs onto your arm.
“What’s wrong? I’m sure it doesn’t feel very pleasant on top of your drenched shirt. Do you dislike being carressed through your clothes?”
You agree.
“It is simply unreasonable you would scrunch up your face when your Master is showing you his affection. However...Seeing you furrow your brows as you endure it is not bad at all.”
“Furthermore...Seems like it did a fine job at heating up your blood...This sweet scent like a ripened fruit...You can’t blame me for assuming you are just waiting to be devoured.”
“You’ve realized this yourself as well, no? That the blood flowing through your veins is boiling...It’s so easy to tell around here...”
“Try and focus on the touch of my fingers...This thick vein starting from the side of your neck, down to your collarbone...It’s throbbing loudly, isn’t it? Almost abnormally so.”
You moan softly. 
“What’s wrong? Your breathing has become ragged. I did not think you’d go in heat just from being carressed by my fingers. I might have gone a little too easy on you after all. Or perhaps we could say...this is actually the result of your taming?”
“Well then, how does your body feel? Your expression has become rather feverish...If you already have warmed up, I suppose you no longer need my fangs, huh?”
You protest.
“Heh. Look at those greedy eyes. There is no way you could endure this much teasing.”
“In return for showing me that pleading expression, I shall give it to you today. ...The thing you wish for.”
Ruki bites you.
“Haah... Nothing like the fangs you have been eagerly anticipating, huh? This is the fastest way to tame someone who is weak to the pleasure such as yourself.”
You ask if this was ‘taming’ all along. 
“Did you not realize? You truly believed that I would save you from the cold out of pure kindness? Simply spraying you with water barely counts as a punishment. This is where the true pentalty starts. I am sure that your heated body will greedily crave for the pain. However, I will toy with you through weak stimulations only, depriving you from what you truly want. The pain and pleasure from fangs piercing through your skin...With those feelings already deeply rooted in your body, it counts as pure torture to you. Then once you’ve suffered, I shall give you what you want. You’ve heard about ‘carrot and stick’ (2) at least, no? It’s the very basics of any taming procedure.”
“Today I shall take my time to teach you thoroughly.”
"You seem to be having a hard time. What a lovely expression. I’m sure the coldness from being sprayed by water has long faded by now? Just let yourself be played with by the stimuli I give you...”
You suddenly start rummaging through your pockets.
*Rustle rustle*
“...Ah? What are you doing...? A little late to start looking for a handkerchief now, don’t you think?”
*Rustle rustle*
“No...Don’t tell me, you...! Do you have the hourglass inside your uniform!?”
*Tick tock - Tick tock - Tick tock - Tick tock*
*Ding・Dongー Ding・Dong*
Ruki walks up to you.
“So this is where you’ve been.”
You turn your head towards him.
“What’s wrong? Why are you so surprised?”
You turn off the hose.
“Huh? Weren’t you watering the plants? Oh well. I shall praise you for ceasing your actions as soon as you saw your Master approach. However, there should be something you have forgotten. I doubt you will be able to rememeber with that empty brain of yours though.”
You bring up the promise.
“Oh? So you do remember. Then you should have just hurried to the library. We’re heading there straight away after you’ve finished watering the plants. I am willing to sacrifice some time to help you with your assignment, so do not dawdle.”
He suddenly stops in his tracks.
“...Huh? Did something happen? The scent of your blood has gotten sweeter. Almost as if...”
He runs his fingers across your skin. 
“...I sucked your blood just now.”
You flinch.
“I don’t smell another Vampire. Which means...Haah...You were getting all worked up on your own while watering the plants, huh? How shameless. However, I do not intend to give you my fangs. That is your punishment for keeping me waiting. Enjoy squirming over there until you’ve finished your assignment. Well then, let’s go.”
Ruki grabs your arm.
“That strong of a reaction just from grabbing your arm? There’s something wrong with you today. Could it be...?”
You look up at him.
“Heh. No...I suppose I’m simply overthinking things.”
Translation notes 
(1) 水責め or ‘mizu-zeme’ is a torture method in which the victim is forced to consume large quantities of water in a short period of time. 
(2) A common training method for animals in which you alternate between reward and punishment. In Japanese, it is called 飴と鞭 or ‘ame to muchi’ which means ‘candy and whip’. 
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mokeymokey · 3 years
Someone help please does anyone else rememeber some kind of internet joke where instead of “blunt” it says “blount”
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