#dino-sore days
herebecritters · 11 months
So why didn't cro become an avatar?
Cro was not involved in that ritual at ALL. In fact, he for the most part had NO idea what Dumuzi and her friends were doing together. He knew they were weird but they were his sisters friends so whatever. He was too busy living it up in the daylight and sleeping all night while the trio worked diligently on their horrifying apocalypse plan. He never suspected Dumuzi was up to anything nefarious. Why would he? She was his sister, he knew her after all. Sure she was a bit gloomy and pessimistic at times, but evil? Nah not her, no way.
So yeah, Cro didn’t become an idol because he was not part of that whole thing. He was never meant to be one, in fact, he was one of the people that the idols were crafted to protect. He simply got stuck in the crossfire, much to Dumuzis horror.
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youredreamingofroo · 16 days
I know it's almost summer and I need to be preparing for the hot weather... but I've taken my weighted blanket out of hibernation bc I've been on a weighted items craze lately
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mingtinys · 25 days
gym partner lee chan
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pairing : lee chan x gn!reader
fluff , humor , headcanon
warnings : mentions of food
word count : 0.7 k
requested ? no
a/n : gym dino has been on my brain for the past few days and i needed to write something
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gym partner chan who asks you to hold his feet for situps just so he can kiss you between reps. then will expect the same when it's your turn. he calls them fuel for the next rep. who absolutely will spend 80% of the workout just chatting with you if you let him. and you do, because his voice is one of your favorite sounds and it makes the time breeze by.
gym partner chan who forgets to bring his own energy drink and ends up downing 60% of yours. despite you only offering a few sips. who is an absolute monster when it comes to lifting but nearly passes out three minutes into the stair climber. griping on and on about how the days you choose the workouts are pure torture. though, you've been known to say the same about his insane arm circuits. so putting in each other's least favorite workouts has become a vicious cycle of payback for the previous week.
gym partner chan who once dropped a weight on his foot because he was too busy staring at you in the mirror. having accidentally zoned out mid-set because he gets so mesmerized watching you. entranced by how your skin glistens when sweaty and your athletic wear clings to your body. so caught up in his daydream of kissing you the weight slips from his hand and bam. 25 pounds straight to the foot.
gym partner chan who purposely takes his shirt off to benchpress to show off his chest and arms, hoping you'll stare. and then teases you relentlessly for oggling at said chest and arms. even though it's totally just because you're spotting him. where else are you supposed to look!? gym etiquette and his safety are your number one priorities. it's not your fault his muscles just happen to be right there in full view. and you're certainly not one to complain about what others choose to (or not to) wear in the gym. really. it's totally innocent.
gym partner chan who has learned your limits. he knows exactly when to push you to work harder and when to make you take breaks. always so gentle and encouraging. reminding you to drink water and that you're doing well. who takes his job as your number-one hype man very seriously. never missing a beat when it comes to cheering you on. or commenting on how hot you look. who at times can be a stickler about technique. but only because he doesn't want you to injure yourself.
gym partner chan who likes to cling to you throughout the session no matter how much you complain about not needing his excess body heat when you're already sweaty. he takes immense joy in sneaking up behind you and pulling you into a back hug. lifting you up and spinning you around just to show he can. who, unprompted, will massage your sore muscles if you look particularly tense (only to turn around and ask you to get a knot in his back). any reason he can find to be touching you, he will.
gym partner chan who is incredibly tentative when you're having an off day. he will stop what he's doing in a heartbeat if he sees you getting frustrated or overwhelmed. because he knows you've set high expectations for yourself, but some days it's okay to take it easy. who lifts your chin and makes you look in his eyes while he tells you how amazing you are with a sweet voice. then makes you repeat it back to him for good measure. who cooks a post-workout meal with you, ensuring you eat well after working so hard.
gym partner chan who cherishes your post-workout naps together on the couch. the ones where he gets to let his body relax in the comfort of your presence. utterly exhausted, but in the best way possible. feeling both accomplished and deserving of the rest. his arms tightly wrap around your waist as he clumsily pulls you to lay on top of him. the ache in his muscles melting away with the warmth of your body against his. your gentle kisses against his jaw ease him to sleep. all the while knowing that there is simply no better feeling than moments like these.
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taglist: @dontwannaexsist
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✨️1K Followers Celebration Day 6: Seventeen bias wrecker - Dino✨️
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AN: This has been in my drafts for 600 years because those clips of him from In The Soop still haunt me. I just think it's funny that because it took me so long to get to this, we got even more shirtless Dino in the gym content recently. Clearly a sign from the universe to finish this lmao. I was going to go on a whole unhinged rant about him but, I'll spare you all. We're all going to ignore that 1. his is the longest so far and 2. I've written the most for him out of every idol, thanks.
Synopsis: You thought working out with Chan would be a fun, productive way to spend time together. However, you're sorely unprepared for just how distracting he can be.
Heads up: Lee Chan x Fem! Reader, friends to lovers of sorts, Reader going through it because of her attraction to Chan, praise kink (f. receiving), Chan being a menace, technically public sex I guess (they fuck in the gym but, no one catches them and it's not brought up as a concern), hair pulling, dirty talk, petnames used for Reader, nipple play (f. receiving), oral sex (f. receiving), fingering (f. receiving), unprotected piv sex, Reader cries a little and creampie.
Word count: 4138
I will block you if you are a minor and/or have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
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You knew you were doomed the moment you saw Chan in his workout clothing. His shirt sticking to his torso and practically acting like a second skin. You're sure if you looked hard enough, you could see the outlines of his nipples. His shorts were worse, somehow. Beckoning you to look at his toned thighs and zero in on how they hugged his ass.
Today is going to be more challenging than you anticipated.
"So, where do you want to start?" He asks, snapping you out of so blatantly ogling one of your closest friends. God, what're you thinking? You're here to spend time with him. Not think about how broad his shoulders are and just how muscular his ass would feel if you gave it a squeeze or five.
"You're the gym expert. You tell me," You pray to whichever deity is listening that Chan mistakes the delicate quality in your voice for anything other than how much just seeing him dressed like this affects you.
His laugh is boisterous and fills you with so much warmth, turning the already present butterflies in your stomach into dragons. One person shouldn't have this much power over you.
"I better not hear any complaining then," he responds with a wide smile, his eyes crinkling with mirth. Yeah, maybe being alone with the man you're borderline in love with isn't the wisest decision you've ever made, but it's too late now. You resist the scowl that wants to make itself known on your face when you invision a knowing Soonyoung in your mind. He's the one who suggested this to begin with. You're definitely going to be having some words with him the next time you see him, that evil man. He knew exactly what he was doing.
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You severely underestimated how much worse this could get. You thought just seeing him in his tight-fitting gym attire was enough to fog up your brain but, that was before you heard the noises.
Lee Chan is a vocal man in all areas of life. Well, all areas of life that you've experienced him in. He's always talking, laughing, yelling at points, singing, sometimes rapping to fill the silence, and a million other things. The point being, Chan is not a quiet man. So, it shouldn't take you by surprise that he's vocal while he's working out too.
Still, the quiet grunts that fall from his lips and fill the otherwise relatively silent gym when he lifts weights causes your heart to beat wildly in your chest. The drawn-out groans when he finishes a set or stretches out his muscles might be the worst. Coupled with the way he grits his jaw and his face contorts when he's lifting, it's frankly a miracle you haven't spontaneously combusted.
However, as you stand and watch him while he illustrates how he wants you to lift these weights to your absolute horror and mortification, you realise you're getting wet. Not only that, but a barely there ache is beginning to make itself known between your thighs.
You're sure your face is radiating enough heat to power a small apartment building. You're really getting this worked up just watching him work out? What in the world is wrong with you? Are you truly this needy? You definitely need to call Soonyoung after this and yell at him until you're hoarse.
"Do you want to try now?" Chan asks you, kind eyes focused on you. You really might be the world's worst friend.
"Yeah, sure," you respond, pulling yourself together as best as you can given that you're unravelling at the seams. The weights aren't too heavy. You test them in your hold momentarily before imitating Chan's movements. There's a slight burn in your biceps but, otherwise you feel fine. It feels good, even. The slight burn fueling you.
"That's my girl,"
Oh no.
That's all it takes for you to falter. Your mind suddenly completely forgetting the motions for the exercise you watched minutes ago.
"You were doing good just now but, try doing it this way," he says, standing up from where he'd been seated to watch you. His hands correcting your hold on the weights and the positioning of your arms. Every brush of his fingers on your skin leaves electricity in their wake. Fuck. Fuck this is bad. This is so bad.
Trying to remember how to be a normal human being, you nod at his words. Following his guidance and resuming the exercise precisely how he showed you now that your brain is semi-functional again.
"There you go. Good job," perhaps you should be a little more concerned about just how much his praise increases your pulse and worsens the way your panties are already sticking to you, but that's a thought for examining on another day. You can only handle so much right now.
"How about some pull-ups next?"
"Chan, do I strike you as the kind of person even capable of doing a single pull-up?"
"You could learn today,"
When all you respond with is a stone faced expression, he seems to get the message loud and clear, "Okay, fine. I'll do pull-ups and you do squats. How does that sound?"
"Now you're speaking my language,"
On the ever growing list of 'things you're violently unprepared for today', the next to be added is Chan just casually taking off his shirt. That stops you dead in your tracks. Your lips parting as his bare back comes into your line of sight. You thought it was broad before, but now? Seeing it completely bare? Broad feels like too simplistic of a word to describe it.
You knew, logically, that Chan was ripped. You've seen his arms, paying special attention to them more times than you care to admit. All of the guys work out regularly, and most of them mention Chan as one of the more dedicated members of the group when it came to hitting the gym.
You knew all of that, and yet, seeing the evidence a mere few metres in front of your very eyes leaves you speechless and stunned. Chan must notice your blatantly staring because he turns to look at you over his shoulder, "Is everything okay?"
You must struggle to come up with a believable response too long because he both looks and sounds panicked as he continues on, "Shit, did I make you uncomfortable? I should've asked if you were okay with me taking my shirt off. I'm sorry."
His panic must be infectious because you soon find yourself in a similar state, "No, no, Chan, it's okay. You did nothing wrong. I don't mind you being shirtless," quite the opposite actually, and that's the issue, but you decide to keep that bit to yourself.
"Are you sure? I really don't mind putting it back on if it's a problem,"
"Yes, I'm sure. It's really not a big deal,"
He looks unsure briefly but seems to accept your words. Giving you a nod before turning back to face the pull-up bar and begin his routine. You barely register the faint sting in your thighs from how deeply your nails are clawing into them. Eagle eyes drinking in as much as you can of every muscle contraction of his back. Your panties growing uncomfortably wet now as your ears are assaulted with grunts louder than the ones before.
You need to take a cold shower that lasts hours after this. At least you have a good month's worth of masturbation material now, so there's that.
Chan finishes his set far quicker than you would've liked. Sweat drenching his handsome face and droplets running down his jaw, his neck, his collarbones, his pecs until they disappear into the waistband of his shorts. Would it be so horrible to admit that you'd love to see just where those droplets wind up? That you'd happily follow their path with your tongue instead of your eyes?
"Hey, is everything okay?" Chan asks, dropkicking you out of your obscene thoughts.
"Ye-Yeah. Why do you ask?"
"It's just um you haven't really moved, and you've been kind of...staring at me?"
Oh no. Oh god, he noticed. No fucking shit he noticed you've probably been staring at him with all of the subtly of a rhino in a tea shop. Why did you have to make a day meant to be catching up with a friend so fucking weird.
"I-sorry. You're just distracting," is what comes out of your mouth in your blind panic.
"Distracting?" He asks, titling his head, "I'm distracting? Distracting how?"
By being shirtless, with all of the noises you've been making all day, by touching me, by telling me what a good job I've been doing, by just existing in the same space as me - are all of the thoughts that spring up in your mind. All the thoughts you show a great deal of restraint in not word vomiting out at him.
To your absolute mortification, an expression akin to understanding dawns on Chan's face. You've never wanted the Earth to spilt open and swallow you whole more than in this moment.
"Oh, I'm distracting huh?" Chan asks with a grin a touch too arrogant for you, taking a step towards you.
"No! It's not - I'm not - I wasn't - it wasn't like that," you stutter out, growing ever more flustered as a shirtless, sweaty Chan invades your space.
"It wasn't like what exactly?" He asks, mischief shining clear as day in his typically warm eyes.
Before you can consciously think about it, you find yourself stepping backwards. Much to the amusement of the man you're not sure if you want to kiss or throttle in front of you.
You decide to abandon the route you were on and attempt another one, "I'm sorry for staring at you."
"You don't have to apologise," Chan waves you off, "But I do want to know why you were staring,"
It's clear as day to anyone with basic critical thinking skills why you were so laser focused on his stupid back and shoulders. He just wants you to say it. You never took Chan for the humiliation type.
"You know why," you mutter, leaning against the wall that you had no idea you'd even gotten so close to. You suppose your brain is too preoccupied with trying to keep your friendship from going up into flames.
"I don't. You have to tell me," You really want to punch that shit eating grin off of his face. Your adrenaline spiking as he takes another step towards you.
"You're really annoying, you know that?"
"I've heard that once or twice over the years. Still doesn't answer my question though,"
"I think you're attractive, okay?" You finally blurt out. Looking at everything but him in the gym. Studiously focused on one of the treadmills in towards the back, over his shoulder.
"Aw, I'm flattered," he responds, so close to you now that all you'd have to do is reach out, and you'd be touching his bare chest. You have a feeling this isn't going to bode well for you.
"Whatever. You got the answer you wanted. Are you happy now?"
"You know, for being one of the smartest women I know, you're pretty dense," he responds dryly.
"What? Hey!"
"Do you really think I'd react this way to anyone saying they think I'm hot? Do I really have to spell it out for you?"
All you can do is owlishly blink at him. His words washing over you, trying your hardest to digest what he just said to you.
"I think you might have to spell it out for me, yeah," you mutter more breathlessly than you care to admit. It certainly doesn't become any easier to breathe when Chan is fully in your space, crowding you against the gym wall. His scent flooding your system, worsening the wetness between your thighs and muddling your mind even more.
"Is this okay?" He whispers, mere centimetres away from your mouth. His eyes considerably darker than they were minutes ago.
"May I kiss you?"
"Yes," if anyone asks, you don't sound needy in the slightest when you reply to him.
You quickly learn that Lee Chan, as with many other facets of his life, excels in kissing you until you can think of nothing but, him. Not your mind has been anywhere else for the past few hours to begin with.
Your hands make themselves at home on his shoulders, fingers digging into the muscle there as you pour what feels like centuries worth of yearning into this kiss.
"May I touch you?" He mutters against your mouth and, you wonder why he'd ever stop kissing you to ask such a stupid question.
"Yes, Chan. You can do whatever you want. I don't care," you rush out in response, dragging his mouth back to yours to feed into what is quickly becoming your newest addiction.
With your green light, his hands drift towards your oversized shirt. Smiling against your mouth when you shudder from the brief brushes of his fingertips along your abdomen while he toys with the hem of your shirt.
"I didn't think you'd be one to tease," you say.
"Have you thought about me like this often?" You really had to be so weak for such an insufferable man huh.
You choose to kiss him instead of replying, tugging on his hair in retaliation for the grin you know is on his face. Luckily for you, Chan seems to have had his fill of toying with you for now. Shoving your shirt upwards, pulling away from you briefly to tug it off of you fully.
He just stares at you. Want clear as day in his eyes as he watches your chest rise and fall and how your sports bra outlines your hardened nipples. You find yourself growing a little self-conscious under his heavy gaze. You hadn't picked your outfit with the goal of winding up like this in mind.
"You're staring," you finally find the courage to say, pushing down every instinct to cross your arms over your chest.
"Just returning the favour," he quips back, jumping back into action and acquainting himself with your throat. You can't help the moans and throaty gasps that leave your lips as his kisses and nips at your sensitive skin, exploiting every weak spot he can find. One of his hands reaching down to fondle your breast, running his thumb over your nipple through the fabric of your bra.
All you can manage to do is lean against the wall for stability. Every kiss and lick and squeeze sending lightning down your spine straight to your clit. You wouldn't be surprised if your legging were wet, too, at this point.
"You're so responsive," he whispers against your neck. Given how quietly he said it, you're not sure whether he meant to verbalise that thought or not, but you can't think to respond when he pushes your bra up.
He dots kisses along your breasts. Each press of his lips bringing him closer and closer to one of your nipples before he envelopes one into his warm mouth. He seems intent to wring every noise, every reaction out of you that he possibly can. Teasingly running his teeth along the sensitive bud, smiling when you arch into his touch. His nimble fingers find themselves at the waistband of your leggings. Slipping into them and pulling a particularly loud gasp from you when they come into contact with your more than likely ruined panties.
Your face burns when Chan's expression morphs into one of surprise, his fingers running along your panty covered slit as if to affirm to himself you're really this wet already.
"I didn't realise I had such a strong effect on you," he says against your breast, his voice gravelly, "Fuck, you're already so wet."
A strangled moan is all you can offer when he finds your swollen clit.
"Poor baby. Don't worry, I'll take care of you. Just need to get you out of these," he says, kneeling in front of you and pulling your leggings and panties down. You kick off your shoes impatiently to help ease the process, leaving you almost fully naked.
"I can't believe you're this wet when I haven't even touched you properly," he says, sounding genuinely amazed. Intense gaze focused on your swollen, slick slit. Lifting one of your legs and letting it rest over one of his shoulders.
Anticipation settles in your gut as Chan makes himself comfortable between your thighs. Your hips jolting into him when he experimentally touches you once more, completely bare this time. Your wetness generously coating his thick fingers. Your eyes flutter shut as he shifts closer, goosebumps rising all over your body when his warm breaths hit you.
His first lap of you is messy and passionate. A muffled groan is your only warning before he grips your thigh and all but shoves his face into you. One of your hands fists his hair, not sure if you want him even closer or whether you need a minute from the sensations wreaking your system.
"Ch-Chan ah god," you cry out, your hold on his hair worsening. He doesn't seem to mind all that much, however. Intently focused on grinding your pussy against tongue until you fall into pieces for him.
With his mouth latched onto your clit, he teases your entrance with two of his fingers and you feel faint. His eyes find yours momentarily, looking at you through his hair as he checks for any signs of discomfort or reservations. Watching your face while he slowly sinks his fingers into you. His cock leaking even more when your warm, wet walls squeeze his fingers for dear life. He's so fucked.
The stretch his fingers provide requires some adjusting to, and Chan catches onto that. Focusing his attention back on your clit and providing some distraction while you get used to his fingers.
The wall behind you is proving to be extremely helpful. You're sure you would've crumpled onto the floor by now with the way Chan is determined to devour you whole and his fingers curl inside of you. Embarrassment warming your face as the squelching sounds of your wetness and his fingers moving inside of you hit your ears. Those sounds are accompanied by louder moans and whimpers from you when his fingers strike gold. Finding your weak spot and going for the kill.
He exploits your weaknesses gleefully, assaulting the spot over and over again while he continues his ministrations on your clit. It's no wonder your orgasm doesn't take long to slam into you. Watery cries of his name and jumbled curses echoing throughout the empty gym. You're sure you're hurting him from how fiercely you're gripping his hair. You couldn't remember the last time you'd cum this hard. Sagging against the wall when the most intense parts of it subside.
Chan presses one last kiss to your pussy before easing his fingers out of you. Standing up on unsteady legs, cupping your jaw and slamming his mouth against yours. The taste of yourself on his tongue further fueling the fog clouding your mind. Desperate hands dragging him closer to you, revelling in his closeness and the firmness of his body against your own.
"If I knew you tasted this good, I would've offered to eat you out a long time ago," he says when you shift to litter kisses on his jaw.
"If I knew you did it so well, I would've let you," you respond with an easy smile. However, any humour in your tone dissipates when you register his cock pressing against your thigh. Scorching and heavy even through the material of his shorts. Fuck.
Your mouth finds his once more. Teeth and tongue clashing with one another as he grinds himself against you, groaning into you.
"Chan, please," you whine.
"Hmm? Please, what?" You're not sure if he's genuinely too disoriented to understand what you're asking of him or if he wants you to beg. Either way, you've long since abandoned any semblance of pride.
"Please fuck me,"
His eyes shut briefly, and you watch the way his jaw clenches, "You're going to be the death of me."
If you weren't aching and noticeably empty, you might've giggled at his words. Watching him shove his shorts and underwear down his thick, muscular thighs through lidded eyes. A fresh wave of wetness gushes out of you when his cock springs free. Of course his cock would look mouthwatering too. Of course.
"You really do like to stare, huh?" he muses, stepping closer to you. Hoisting one of your legs over his elbow.
"Sh-Shut up," you stutter, fingernails digging into his biceps as he drags his cock along your pussy. His cock glistening with your arousal in no time.
"That's not nice," he faux pouts, nudging your entrance with his tip. Your knees almost buckle underneath you. A moan bubbling out of just from him toying with you.
"Chan, please. I want it. I want you, please-"
You're promptly cut off when he pushes inside of you. If you thought the stretch provided by his fingers was overwhelming, the girth of cock brings tears to your eyes. Your strained gasps and his restrained groans intertwining.
Is it possible to cum just from being so full? Lee Chan might just help you answer that question. You're not sure you've ever felt so full and stretched out in your entire life. A few stray tears running down your face already.
"Are you okay?" He asks, looking just as wrecked and overwhelmed as you feel. He's practically vibrating from the effort not to move. His cock pulsing inside of you.
"Ye-Yeah. It doesn't hurt. You can move," you respond. It's now or never.
Chan starts off very slowly. Letting you grow accustomed to his girth with every drag of him along your walls. Muttering quiet praises into your neck about how well you're doing, how good you feel, and how you're taking him so well. His words prompting you to clench around him and gush around him.
"Chan, faster, please. You can move faster. It's okay, I can take it," you whine. You feel like you're going to lose your mind if he keeps thrusting so slowly. His consideration is sweet. Really, it is, but it's torturous too. From the way he seems to be restraining himself, you assume the feeling is mutual.
Something snaps in him then. His eyes more feral than they were moments ago as he picks up his pace considerably. The sounds of your wetness and skin slapping against skin mingling with your respective noises of pleasure.
"Taking my cock like such a good girl," he groans into your shoulder, sliding impossibly deeper into you when he angles himself a little differently than before.
Perhaps he's noticed the way his praise impacts you. His filthy mouth not stopping.
"Look, baby," he mutters lowly into your ear, "I want you to look at how well your pussy takes me,"
You can't find it in you to disobey. Chasing the high of being his good girl. So, you glance downwards. Your cheeks heating up as you watch him fuck into you and the way you're being split open by him. You never thought the sight of yourself being fucked would garner such a strong reaction from you but, you've been learning quite a bit about yourself today.
"It's hot, isn't it?" He asks, a moan falling from his lips when you tighten around him, "So hot watching me fuck this pretty pussy of yours."
You've never cum just from penetration but, Chan is proving himself to be head and shoulders above every other man you've slept with. You're completely and utterly caught off guard when you cum for a second time and, Chan seems to be too. Startled, wide eyes watching you shatter in front and around him for a second time. Ever the caring gentleman as he soothes and fucks you through it.
You're barely coherent when Chan's pitchy moans of your name register to your mind and you feel his warm, thick cum flood your awaiting pussy. His hips weakly twitching into yours with ever spurt of his cum inside of you.
Honestly, it's a wonder both of you are still standing. Barely, but you're standing. Leaning into each other and the trusty wall for support as you come back to yourselves.
"If working out with you always ends up like this, we should work out together more often," he says, kissing your neck and shoulder lazily.
You really just had to fall for one of the most eye roll inducing men you've ever met, huh.
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toothpastemaker · 6 months
hello there its me again and i have a question if scarab and sawyer are siblings does this mean they have parents or there parents just died and i totally didnt simp for sawyer in my mind lately:>
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I don't think they where loved
This was an excellent chance to design their child selves, not to be dramatic, but this may be some of my best work
Headcannons for them! Feel free to ad your own
is a dino kid, like it's literally all he can think about all day
relentlessly plays his DS, major ipad kid vibes
he dresses himself, takes it very personally if you critiqued his outfits. His fashion sense aged like wine I'm telling you
loves action movies
wants to be a cop because of said action movies
he hasn't matured yet so his anger issues are 10 times worse than they are in the show
Sore looser, Sawyer has to let him win when they play board games otherwise Scarab throws a tantrum
Wants to be seen as mature so he has a really good vocabulary, among other things, unfortunately no one takes him seriously, some things never change
Bonus: meeting Orbo for the first time
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writeforfandoms · 26 days
Island 5
Find the series masterlist
Though one problem has been taken care of, there are always more. Nothing is ever easy here.
Warnings: Violence, blood, killing a dino, swearing, emotions, poor survivor is Going Through It.
Word count: 2.1k
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You woke to bright light in your eyes, blinking slowly and rolling onto your side. You groaned softly at the ache in your thighs and lower back especially, although most of you was sore. 
You scrambled upright as the memory of the day before slammed into you, looking around quickly. You were inside, in the base. Bright light, middle of the day, maybe later. 
Soap rested feet away from you, breathing steady and even, Ghost still sitting vigil next to him. 
“He's fine,” Ghost told you, meeting your eyes briefly before looking back down at Soap. 
“Oh.” You sagged, very nearly sliding right back down to the floor. But you caught yourself on your hands. “The other two?”
“Outside,” Ghost grunted, this time not even looking at you. 
You nodded slowly and took a few moments to breathe. You'd made it. You hadn't been too late. Soap would be okay. 
The utter relief made you buoyant. 
You finally got to your feet, swaying for a moment before you stabilized. Some water helped, and you took a moment to roll some of the tension out of your shoulders before walking outside. 
The sun nearly blinded you for a moment, and you squinted against the glare. It only took a moment to adjust, and you walked slowly towards Gaz and Price. Gaz somehow had your hyaenadon sitting on his foot. 
“You're awake,” Price said as he spotted you, giving you a nod. “Was debating waking you.” 
“Thanks for letting me sleep, I needed it.” You rolled your head from side to side. “How's Ripper?”
“Won't let anyone touch him,” Gaz said, shooting you a quick grin, his hand landing on your shoulder. “Good to see you up. Gave us a scare, the way you dropped.” 
“Oh I'm fine,” you murmured, waving his concern away, though you were careful not to dislodge his hand from your shoulder. “Just needed a bit of sleep. Did I miss anything?” 
“Soap is stable,” Price told you, brusque and matter of fact. “The rest of us are fine. All you missed was the raptor trying to take off some of Gaz's fingers.” 
You laughed quietly. “Yeah, he's a bit of a monster. Has he eaten?” 
“Plenty,” Gaz agreed, smiling at you. “Everyone is fine, promise.”
“We saw two drops come down earlier,” Price said, watching you. 
“Two?” Your eyebrows raised. Two in this area was pretty good, so long as they were reachable. “What colors?”
“Green and yellow.”
Your eyes blew wide. “A yellow drop?” You couldn't keep the excitement out of your voice if you tried. Yellow drops were more rare, and more valuable. Much more valuable. 
“Good stuff in those?” Price was watching you, arms loosely folded across his chest. 
“Usually,” you murmured. “Which direction did you see it?”
Gaz used the hand on your shoulder to turn you the correct direction. “Off that way, not too far.” 
You chewed on your lower lip, considering. The yellow drop looked like it had probably landed a little ways away, near the base of the mountain, if you had to guess. The woods there weren't thick, if you recalled correctly. Better visibility meant it would be easier to spot predators. 
But it was dangerous, regardless of all that. And you were reluctant to leave Soap just yet. 
“It'll still be there tomorrow,” you hedged, frowning in the direction of the drop. “We could wait.” 
“We could use the supplies. Especially if it has something to help Soap.” Price stepped up next to you and Gaz, glancing at you even as he rocked on his feet. 
“It can wait,” you repeated. “I doubt anyone else is going to go after it.” 
“We're going.” Price's voice shifted, changed. A command instead of a suggestion. “Ghost will stay here, keep an eye on Soap.” 
You swallowed, looking at him. You could try to argue with him, but you doubted you'd get anywhere this time. He looked quite stubborn about this, shoulders set and chin up. And you already knew who Gaz would support. 
It wasn't you. 
So you conceded, as gracefully as you could manage. “We're taking Ripper with us, and Watermelon. Just in case.”
That got Price to look at you, a little squinty eyed with suspicion. “Only if you can promise that raptor won't try to eat us.” 
“He listens to me,” you promised with a quirk of your lips. “I'll teach him you're part of the tribe so he'll stop trying to take chunks out of you.” 
Price grunted acknowledgement, turning away again. “You do that,” he said. “Gaz, grab the supplies.”
Gaz squeezed your shoulder once before his hand slipped away. You missed the easy warmth of him right away, but forced the feeling away. That kind of longing had no place here. You breathed in deep and walked off to get Watermelon out first. The hyaenadon trotted next to you, ears up, listening. 
At least she still listened to you. 
“I should name you,” you muttered, looking down at her. “What to name you, though?” 
She sat outside the pen as you pulled Watermelon out and threw the saddle bags on. Unwarranted, your gaze strayed to Gaz as he filled canteens with water for the three of you. Half a biscuit hung out of his mouth, lips stained with the berries you added. 
The sight was far too endearing, and you found yourself smiling. You probably needed to make more biscuits by now. You wouldn't be surprised if they were gone. 
You blinked and looked down at the hyaenadon. It was silly, perhaps, but…
Her ears perked up and she sat, stubby tail wagging. 
“Good girl.” You patted the top of her head, smiling. The name suited her - her coat wasn't too far off the color of the biscuits once they were baked. And Gaz clearly liked her, almost as much as the biscuits. 
Shaking your head, you steered Biscuit and Watermelon to stand by the gate while you put Ripper's bridle on. You skipped the saddle for now - he wouldn't be carrying anything back. 
Price and Gaz joined you at the gate, and Price handed you your handgun. You took it, giving it a quick once over. 
“We have everything?” You confirmed, gate still closed between you and the world. “Ghost knows we're going?”
“Affirm,” Price grunted, though he didn't seem impatient at least. 
“Here.” Gaz handed over your canteen. “Now we're all set.” 
You nodded, breathing in deep. Once more unto the breach… or something like that. 
You pulled the gate open, guiding the dinosaurs out first. Price and Gaz stepped out, guns up, alert and ready. 
The gate closed softly behind you. 
You couldn't help the frission of nerves that tingled down your spine. Leftover nerves from your last errand, undoubtedly. Besides, leaving the base was always dangerous, and you knew that. 
“Yellow drop first,” you decided, walking to the front of the procession. “Stay close.” You whistled for the dinosaurs to follow, head on a swivel as you walked. 
Hopefully nothing would happen this time. You'd had enough excitement for a few days. 
It wasn't terribly far to the yellow drop, but the three of you did have to climb a rise leading up to a short cliff. You paused at the top, both to drink some water and survey the land down below. 
The yellow drop sat clearly visible in the field, tiny wisps of smoke still rising from it. 
Which would have been great. 
Except there was also a carno prowling down there. 
You blew out a slow breath, just looking at the carno. Dammit. You'd known the yellow drop wouldn't be easy. Those never were. 
But you'd already come this far, and you had help for the first time in ages. Might as well make a plan to kill the carno and get the drop.
Besides. You doubted Price and Gaz would leave without the drop. 
“Carnos are fast,” you told them both, quietly, so as not to attract attention. “Not as fast as raptors, but fast enough. They've got thick hides, except for the usual soft spots. Eyes, mouth. So we're going to split up.” 
Price nodded slowly, and you could see the calculations going on behind his eyes as he surveyed the terrain. “You two stay here,” he advised. “I'll loop around that way.” He pointed to where the land dipped down, the easiest entrance to this spot without having to jump down a cliff. 
“We'll lure him this way to start,” you said, frowning briefly at Price, even though that was exactly where you would have asked him to go anyway. “Take Watermelon with you and listen for anything moving behind you.” 
“Rog.” Price looked behind you to Gaz. “Stay sharp.” He didn't wait for a reply, just tugged on Watermelon's bridle and whistled. The two moved away, over to the spot you'd agreed on. 
You breathed out slowly, pulling out your gun and checking it. Just to be sure all was well. 
“Alright?” Gaz touched your shoulder lightly, shifting closer to you. 
“Yeah.” You managed a half-smile. “It's as solid a plan as anything.” 
Gaz nodded, apparently not at all concerned. “We'll take it down,” he assured you. “Don't worry.” 
“Worrying is how I've stayed alive,” you countered dryly. 
Gaz didn't have an answer for that, but he did pat your shoulder again. “Call it,” he said, shifting his position to have clear line of sight to the carno. 
“Let's kill it.” You fired the first shot. It didn't do any damage, but you didn't expect it to. You just wanted its attention. 
The carno turned towards the two of you, beady eyes fixing on you. It stomped once and then ran at you with a shriek. 
You shot at it a few times, but didn't hit anything vital. Fortunately, Gaz was a better shot, and blood sprayed from the carno's snout. The ground started to vibrate as it got closer, thunderous footfalls making you nervous as it got closer.
And then it roared, tossing its head and turning. Price had shot it, catching its attention. Gaz's hand over yours on your gun was unnecessary, as your attention was fixed on the carno, and the closing gap between it and Price. 
“Gaz,” you murmured, shoulders tense, fingers tight around your gun. 
“Wait.” Gaz didn't spare you a glance, attention wholly focused on the carno. “A few more seconds.” 
You were about to ignore him and shoot the carno when it staggered and fell. It twitched twice and went still. 
“Good shot,” Gaz called to Price, easy and calm. You were still shaking. 
Price huffed, amused, and walked over to crouch by the body. “We need anything off this?”
You swallowed hard and shook yourself. Now was not the time to give in to the shakes. You had work to do. “Yes,” you managed, clearing your throat. “I'll gather some of the meat, you two get the drop. Just throw it all in the bags, we'll sort it later. I don't want to stick around long in case there are more carnos.” 
Gaz nodded his agreement, jogging over to Price so they could get the drop. 
You took a little longer getting to the body, Biscuit and Ripper sticking close to you. It was easier to hide your shaking hands when you were breaking down some hide and some meat. It was easier to focus on the task at hand than the haunting what if that played behind your eyes. 
Gaz had let that carno get too close. Sure, Price had killed it with a rather incredible shot through the eye. But he'd been much too close. 
And the more you thought about it, the more agitated you got. 
Cleaning your knife, you let the two tames at the remains of the kill. Yes, everything had been fine, but it was too close to not fine for your liking, especially after Soap getting bit. 
“Got it all,” Gaz said, grinning as he strolled up to you with easy confidence. 
You just nodded once, short and sharp. “Let's go.” You whistled, and Biscuit and Ripper rejoined the group. 
The walk to the green drop was quiet but easier, taking the group of you down to the beach. You stayed in the lead, Biscuit trotting next to you, keeping a little distance between yourself and Gaz and Price. You weren't in the right mindset to talk to them. 
The green drop wasn't fabulous, but it did have some good things. Some clothes, bandages, seeds and food supplies. All good things.
Hopefully the yellow drop had better stuff. 
“Pretty good haul, eh?” Gaz asked, nudging you gently with his elbow as he helped you finish packing. 
“Not bad,” you agreed shortly, glancing at him. “Let's head back. It's getting late.” You stepped away from him and didn't look back as you started towards the base. 
You didn't say another word the rest of the walk back.
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lunels · 1 year
with dating ellie comes with…
dating ellie williams !!
♡ - decided to write this on a whim when i woke up from a short nap today. was kinda reluctant to post this cause i know there are a lottt of these out there buuuttt, this was fun 2 write. anywayyyy, enjoy < 3
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with dating ellie, comes with…
her iconic and award-winning journal. that thing has documented just about everything in her life over the years annddddd before dating U she would write about you in it constantly. even b4 she realized she was crushing. just saying how cool you are and she loves being your friend. im talking before bed, having breakfast, after talking to you, after hearing you laugh. she’d draw you too. jot down little details ab you. you name it, it’s journaled. you’d come across it one day and see a few pages written about you, all smiley like awwweeee ellieeeeee, you reallly love meee and she’d be soo embarrassed, like yeah.. just a little bit.
which takes us toooo…. her episodic memory! (😱it’s true! jk.) but nah actually this girl’s memory is hit or miss. in terms of you though she remembers a lot of things…. like how you get grumbly when you’re hungry or how you prefer sitting down to wipe instead of standing up orrr how your first kiss with her was on a wednesday at 6:54pm. the weird little things you know!? other times…. information goes through one ear and out the other. you ask her what she did 10 mins ago & she’s stuck sitting there trying to recall. sometimes you wonder if you were to knock on her head if it would feel hollow or not.
her unusual appetite… i think she’s a picky eater and LOVES to eat but LOVES……. finger foods. what you would consider snacks would be breakfast lunch and dinner to her. one day you'd be in the store by the freezers & she'd dramatically gasp, ....dino fuckin nuggets? they had these the whole time?! aw man.. and she's just holding the box while reading the ingredients like its the most interesting discovery. babe do you SEE this??? did you know????? and you’re like noo… whaaattt! that’s crazyyy! knowing she won’t eat anything else & it would be her favorite hyperfixation of food til like. death. ellie is not going to dive into a 5 star meal. i mean, she would... but it's not preferred. if you’re having a date night she will happily order chicken tenders and fries with a side of ketchup. hell if she’s feeling a lil healthy that day a cup of grapes too. meanwhile you have… not that. your plate consists of five cheese ziti with a buttered and crisp breadstick on the side with garlic parmesan marinara sauce for dip idk. she'll just look at your plate like "okay! if that's what you like babe......if you like it go ahead…" while munching on a piece of chicken. you'd shrug, "least i don't eat like a toddler." the contrast in plates is horrificcc
her lowkey cocky and competitive nature. don’t get me wrong she’s default awkward and nervy but does have a bit of an ego. her vocabulary consists of alot of “yeah?”s and shit that makes you nervous but as soooonnnn as you hit back with the same energy she’s shying away and stuttering. because she’s like damn that made me feel something. uh oh. dating her would consist of a lot of races and competition over simple things….. such as seeing who could get to bed first, orrr race u to kitchen! when you two first started dating she would tell you lots of facts (still does) ab space/dinosaurs and be like “a million earth’s can fit inside the sun. did ya know that babe??” “i bet you don’t know why this dinosaur poops in pebbles…” why would you??? now it's just a regular occurrence. she’d feel so smart and brainy knowing you don’t know a thing she’s talking about. with her competitive side she’s also kinda sore loser too. you beat her in a video game, she’s moping around the entire day until you finally give in to a rematch… mumbling ab how that was just a warmup. and she hasn’t played the game in a while. yeah ok. but best believe she’s shit talking the entire time and finally boasting ab her longggg overdue win
her nerdy dorky loser side. she’s a nerd. she’s a dork. she’s a loser!! idc what u say that’s her. everyone should know this. the girl is in love with space and dinosaurs and reads comics and is technically a pro gamer. like that’s her shit. what does that say?? & the pun books?? come. on. being her gf would mean that there wouldn’t be a day that’d go by that you wouldn’t hear about a fun fact ab space or how something reminded her of a particular dinosaur that lived 19356827.9999 years ago. if you ever touch one of her collectibles or pick up those little trading cards or highly rare action figures she'd immediately run over and swat your hand away, lecturing you about how they haven't sold this character in years and she found this at a garage sale 5 years ago.... how could you- why you do such a thing??!?!? like babe… i love you… so much. but. don’t touch my shit ever again. yeah. it's that serious.
sleepless nights!!!!! she’s pretty much an insomniac. lowkey, but highkey. like, she sleeps, obviously, but she can’t sleep. which would often lead to you waking up in the middle of the night to find her re-building a jurassic park lego set orrrr playing one of her little video games. maybe jamming out to some music as she draws. (bonus if she's drawing your face cuz she can’t you outta her head) and all u hear is her humming along, music blasting out of her headphones like drrrrr dodododoo yeAhhh ooOooO or times if you can’t sleep either, the two of you would be up talking and goofing off w hushed laughs over nothing but it’s really everything to her and she just looks at you with her pretty eyes like... this person is really my whole world.
her guitar skills!!! how could i forget!!!! she plays, like a lot, and anytime you’re over that’s the one of the things she’s doing. most likely playing along to her fav band or practicing a song you suggested once. she’d always wanna play for you and show you a new trick she learned or play you a song she wrote. (bonus if it’s about you<33) if she’s sooo in love with you she’d def wanna teach you a few things:)) sometimes if you can’t sleep she’d be like babe gimme a song. any song and i’ll play it for you. and you’re likee glue song:))) then… there u go. she’d do all the little tuning stuff & you can’t help but feel mesmerized by the way her pretty hands pluck the strings or how she hums the lyrics on some parts. glancing at you every while to make sure you're still listening. she’s just sooo… *prettily sighs*
comic con. anime con. gaming con. YOU NAME IT. shes at all the cons!!!! she’s there and flourishing like a little butterfly. best believe she is dragging you to every single one (for support and comfort cause she wouldn’t ever go alone) and showing you eve-r-y-thing. everything? everything!!! she’d be genuinely excited. all smiley and jumping from place 2 place, pointing at all the characters she recognizes. like babe that's the wizard guy!!! remember him??? and then that's his buddy who’s like a thousand fuckin years old! look at him!!! never knew dude was so wrinkly in person though...yeesh. and you're like ohh… yeaahh☺️ so overwhelmed and very much confused and getting characters mixed up w others from her little rants but she's happy so you're happy n that's all that matters right? if you can't show up for some reason, her gf, who she forced to have on her arm, then jesse because he was the next person actually down to go BUT she would make him take a bunch of pics just to personally send to you. like waitwaitwait she's gotta see this—jesse where's my fucking phone?!? okay whatever just use yours. hurry up before they leave! spamming you left & right with all these attachments of her posed w her favs or pics of her at the different events there. she’d look so cute that you’re like okaaayy…. maybeeee i’ll go w her next time :)))
okay that’s it! this was rly fun to write!! i hope someone out there liked this and maybeee i'll do a prt 2 :) all loveee < 33
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roseandpeaches · 1 year
Mingyu As a Boyfriend or Husband
No one asked for this, it's just that I'm in a terrible Mingyu brainrot and I need to let my assumptions out. Melt by Kehlani also inspired me.
When you wake up he'd be dead asleep. If you're late for work and didn't wake him up he'd pout and get upset because he'd want to make you breakfast and/or a packed lunch.
He loves dropping you off to work especially when he knows he won't be seeing you for the whole day. Bonus if he gets to meet you for lunch or pick you up from work to have dinner
On days he's not busy or doesn't have any schedules he'd be in full-time househusband mode. He cleans, cooks and gets all the little maintenance done. He'd teach you if you asked but he's happy to do it himself.
Pretty sure he can mend clothes if he wants to like a tiny hole or loose button.
When you shower he'd offer to scrub your back or wash your hair. His big hands would soothe all your aches away by massaging your shoulders and scalp.
10/10 he'd help you dry and comb your hair. Sometimes Mingyu would ask if he can help you with your haircare routine, be it applying serums or hair oil. He'd be meticulous, not missing a single strand.
After that he'd tell you to lay your head on his lap while he helps you with your skincare. Gently applying toner, carefully put your moisturiser while admiring all the small details on your face. When he's done he'd give you a quick kiss, proud of himself.
He'd love to cuddle when you're going to sleep. He'd share his schedules or whatever plans he has for the next day, and he asks you when both of you should go on a date so he could plan something out.
Sometimes when you're getting ready for work he'd offer to iron your clothes, that's when he'd notice the things he would have to mend later
On days that you decided to dress up he'd compliment you and he'd try to match you, maybe not by colour but by style.
He'd be good at decorating your place. He isn't a selfish man, so he'd try to incorporate your preferences with his so your house feels like a home, a space where it shows both you and him as one
Even though he loves being needed, he would appreciate it a lot when you're the one taking care of him. At first, he'd get flustered, but you have to smush his face and tell him that a relationship is a two-way street.
When you're both out hanging out with friends he'd be super clingy, he can't stand not being your main focus. He's like a puppy ok, he'd show it subtly at first like holding your waist or not letting go of your hand, it gets bad when he's bugging you- poking your sides, kissing the back of your neck or tugging your clothes (got this from that clip where he was tugging on dino's chain bcs he wants to go to the gym)
He'd lowkey turn into a big pouty baby if you ignore him.
He loves to hold you and to be held. Man loves skinship but not too much in public.
He'd be those kind of partners who'd give you his jacket when he'd already told you it's gonna be cold. Sure, he'd nag a bit, but he actually doesn't mind. He'd hold your bag for you. He'd wear your heels and give you his shoes when your feet get sore. As long as the love of his life is comfortable, he doesn't care if he has to suffer a bit
He's the kind to initiate things first so he'd feel delighted when you do things for him.
He's the kind to notice the small things really. You don't have to say it. He'd notice if you don't like your drink a certain way so he'd make sure to keep that in mind even if you don't say it to him.
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gyusfavlibra · 1 year
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Pairings: idol!vernon x afab!reader
Warnings: Smut, 18+, unprotected sex, profanity, angst, fluff. Sexual language.
Word count: Idek
Proofread: nope :)
Your feet drags you through the hallway. The same furnished tunnel that separated your shared bedroom from your living room, kitchen, and the front door you just entered.
You had just finished another double shift at work. Missing hours a few weeks back because of a vacation you have previously took.
Your feet were sore, you body ached with not only pain, but tiredness if that makes sense.
Working as a coffee shop manager wasn’t easy. You had to keep track of times, workers, products, etc. It’s a heavy duty. And it’s every day of the week. So the first thing you wanna do during this weekend break you were approved of, was go straight home and rest. Preferably with your partner of two years.
“Vernon, you home?”
None of the calls you make of his name get a reply. Which was weird considering he texted you right before you left your work place saying he’d be down to have a movie night to make you feel better.
His idea.
The silence was loud until you reach the entry of your bedroom. Pushing open the rectangular door that blocked you.
Inside sits not only your clean room, but Vernon. Sitting at his desk playing video games. With headphones.
That explains the silence.
“Vernon, you hear me?”
The closer you get behind him, the more you can hear the screaming voices of his friends through the foamed ear muffs. You throw your tote bag onto the bed and flicker the light switch on the wall to get his attention.
Vernon’s body turns at lightning speed. When his brown orbs lay upon you, he can’t help but smile. He raises from the the black and green gaming chair, pulling the headphones off his head.
“Hey,” he greets you. His soft pink lips peck your temple right as a hand slips around ur waist to pull you close. “How was work?”
“Fine, I guess.”
Your response is followed with a shrug. Vernon takes note upon this and sighs. But he doesn’t say anything more. “I’m just tired.”
“I will. Gonna make something first. Have you eaten yet?”
He shakes his head. “Wanna order something? It’ll be easier.”
The thought of ordering out instead of cooking a whole meal hadn’t even crossed your mind for some reason. But now that it has, the latter is definitely the way to go. Vernon whips his phone out his pocket. Opening a delivery app, then passing it to you.
“Get whatever you want. My treat.”
He kisses your lips, lightly, before turning back to the gaming station to continue. “You don’t wanna hangout?”
“Oh, uhm-“
The way his eyes travel to look at the computer shows he had forgot about the plans to relax together tonight. It totally slipped his mind the second his best friend messaged for some gaming time. “How about when food gets here?”
“But you said-“
“Just a minute, Dino,” he speaks over you. “When foods here. I promise.”
And then he’s gone. All his sense put back into the electronics with his friends. Leaving you to fend for yourself. Entertain yourself. All on your own.
You aren’t even gonna try to hide the disappointment that waves over your system. It was Vernon’s idea to have a night together when you got home from the stressful day of chaos you’ve dealt with.
And you appreciate his effort because you know he cares. But actions speak louder than words.
After putting in a order for not only yourself, but Vernon as well given that you know what he likes, you toss his phone on the large shared bed. Removing the converse on your feet, you grab a set of clothing to replace the uniform on your body. Heading into your bathroom to run yourself a nice bath. It’s the least you could settle for right now, but it works.
You make sure the water is more in the colder side to awaken your muscles. The fruity smell of your body soap fills the bathroom space. As well as your nose.
It doesn’t take long for you to finish, your bathing time followed by your nighttime routine. Vernon’s still in the game Even after the half hour you spent in the bathroom, settling yourself for the night.
Setting your dirty worn clothes of the day into a basket, you put away all your products and duck out the bathroom.
Vernon’s still in the same spot as before. You only push aside how upset you feel instead of prepping a whole big deal out of it.
You pull the dark comforter that lays on top on your mattress upwards so you can slide yourself under it. For minutes, you tried to occupy yourself watching his game that flashed on the desk monitor. Vernon speaking every few seconds to communicate with his teammates.
But that wasn’t enough to not feel bored and alone. Your hand flips your phone upwards so its screen is connected to your eyes. Of course you gotta adjust the brightness considering it being later in the night so the bedroom itself isn’t even bright enough to match how vibrant the display was.
You open Netflix in hoping to find a show or movie that’ll keep you interested enough to stay awake until food got here.
It definitely upsets you that you have to spend this time to make yourself feel more relaxed when Vernon usually helps you. You understand completely that he wants to play games with his friends, very understandable.
But you wished he had sorted his time and schedule a lot better. Instead, everything for the night has been switched around.
Of course there’s always tomorrow but after a good nights rest, you’ll probably feel better already. You wanted to spend time with him now.
Your saddened thoughts are interrupted by the sound of your home’s doorbell. Of course Vernon’s not gonna get the door so you retrieve yourself out of the bed and out of the bedroom.
Setting the given meals onto the kitchen counter, you call out Vernon’s name. Maybe if you’re loud enough, he can actually hear.
“Vernon! Foods here!”
You pull the containers out the plastic bag. “Vernon!”
A sigh leaves your lips. Now you have to drag yourself all the way back to your room just to get his attention off the screen and into yourself.
“Babe,” you call while tapping his shoulder. He pulls one of the headphones off and behind his ear. “Food’s here. Wanna go eat?”
“Oh, yeah give me a second.”
“Are we gonna watch something?” You ask. Your finger play with the hemming on the hood of his sweater.
“You still want to?”
The brows on your forehead, furrow. “Of course I want to. I’ve been waiting this whole time to watch a movie with you. It was your idea.”
“Why’re you getting mad?”
His hands raise from the keyboard. Almost like he was trying defend his own self.
“I-I’m not. I’m just saying.”
“Okay, why don’t you set up a movie for us and I’ll be right out there. Hm?”
You nod with hesitancy. Questioning whether or not he’ll actually be out there anytime soon. But watching him leave the game lobby was A answer on its own.
“Guys, guys, I got to go. Y/n’s not having the best day and I promised I’d spend time with her.”
You set up Netflix on the living room tv. Setting the plates of your food into the cute coffee table that sits on this vintage rug Vernon’s mother gifted you at Christmas the previous year. You also grab a large fluffy blanket from the hallway closet.
The bedroom door opens with a squeak. Vernon comes marching out in a new set of clothes. Just a tshirt and some pajama pants.
“Food smells good.”
You nod in agreement. Vernon pretty much collapses onto the dark grey L shaped sofa. Adjusting the blanket to lay across his man spread legs. “Want a drink?”
“Mhm. Thanks.”
You hand him one of the two cokes from the fridge, settling next to him. Usually you’d be a lot closer than what it seems, and Vernon noticed the distance between you two.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I’m fine.”
“C’mere,” he pulls at your elbow. Using it against you to pull your body into his own. Your knees prop onto the couch. His arm swoops around so it lays across your chest. And you cling to it like you never wanna let it go. Because you really don’t. “Talk to me.”
“Did I do something?”
“No- it’s not like that. I’m just tired,” you speak softly.
“Then why are you mad at me?”
The debate between letting this go now that your together or actually telling him why you’re truly upset with him. Either way the vibes will be ruined in your eyes.
“I’m not mad, I promise. It’s just- todays been super stressful. And you told me that when I got home, we could watch a movie and spend time together.”
“I did, yeah.”
“But I come home and you’re playing video games, leaving me to wonder whether you actually wanted to be by me, or not.”
His heart breaks. He understands exactly what you’re saying. Because he did say he’d be right there to make you feel better when you got home. And he won’t deny that. But he hadn’t noticed he had been leaving you out.
“And then you say we can hangout when foods here.“
“…and I had to practically beg you to come out here when it was you, who told me we’d have this time together.”
“Hey, I know. I hear you.”
“I know this is probably dramatic. But I’m stressed. And I want to be by you. It makes me feel better. But I want you to want to be by me too.”
All of this open his eyes. He made you feel so alone. And in no way, shape, or form, did He find any of this to be dramatic. Far from it. You find Vernon as your home. Your comfort. You are just as well for me. And you’re always there to hear about his stressful work days. Holding him when he feels like crying, hugging him when he needs to comfort. It’s only fair to him, that he does the EXACT same for you.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to leave you alone. It sorta slipped my mind. But that’s no excuse.”
You lift your head so your eyes meet.
“I’m sorry.”
He bends his head forward to peck your soft bubbly cheeks. Once, twice, three times. Each kiss followed by another apology. It only makes you giggle. “Okay, okay!”
You try to pull away but he calls your name which pauses your movements. “Hey, I really am sorry.”
“It’s okay. You’re here right now and I’m feeling so much better already.”
“Mhm, cause I got food,” you joke. Vernon jerks your body against his which make you giggle.
“Oh really?”
“No, no. I’m kidding. I promise.”
He only hums in response. Instead of giving any word, he leans down to kiss your smiling lips. You reciprocate. It’s passionate at first. Slow. And super soft. You can feel the love in it. Both of you can.
But the second he mumbles “I love you” against your lips, it starts to get more heated than the passing kisses. The pressure of your mouth are a lot more compressed and hard than the softer and peck-like ones from before. And it grows more heavy by each second.
The position isn’t all that. Both of your necks are craned so its not all that comfortable.
You pull away to sit on your knees, turning to his body so your face to face. You lay a leg over his thigh so you can set yourself in his lap.
A hand of his holds your waist, but under your shirt so he can feel your skin. You pull him so your chests touch, reconnecting your lips.
Your hands trace his biceps and up to his shoulders where you grip on them tightly.
Vernon’s bulge is so obvious in the pajama pants he’s wearing. You can trace it with just your mind and the feeling between you. You lift yourself just a tad bit. But it was more like a grind. So you both could feel the desperate feeling that was racing in your veins.
His hand on your waist guides your hips at this point because your too focused on his lips that doing it on your own, its a little sloppy.
His covered erection rubs so perfectly against your wet heat. And for a second you think Vernon isn’t enjoying this because he stops kissing you, stops your hip movements, and places his head against your shoulder.
“Wait, wait. Stop,” he whispers. Moving his head right away to look you in the eyes. “We dont have to have sex tonight. We can just watch the movie.”
“No- I want to. I really want to.”
“Are you sure? Because we can just cuddle now and do this another time.”
Your stomach turns. “Do you not want me?”
“No, of course I do. I do. But I don’t want you to do this because of me. I know you had a bad day so if you wanna just relax, we can just relax.”
“Vernon, I really want you. I really do. Okay?”
He chuckles, “Okay.”
Vernon holds your waist even tighter so he can flip you on the couch. That way your pinned into the sofa while he hovers above you. He presses his lips even harder than ever on yours. Lifting your (his) t-shirt so your stomach is revealed to him. “You’re so beautiful.”
“Am I?”
“Yeah,” he says with a smirk.
Vernon trails a hand from your covered breast to the waistband of her pajama shorts. Your breath shudders. You couldn’t even remember the last time Vernon touching you made your breath hitch the way it is right now. To be fair, you haven’t been TOO intimate lately because of your busy schedules so maybe that just the reason. Its been just quick morning sex and then you both go on in the days like nothing happened. Obviously still affectionate but again, its the in bed affection that makes this so intimate right now.
Vernon’s lips trace the outline of your jaw just as his hand slips into your bottoms. Under the shorts AND your under wear, right to the place thats needed the most.
“Relax baby.”
His finger slide in between your soaking desperate walls. Your thighs twitch. The direct contact already making you feel so overstimulated.
He rubs circles right on your clit. At the same time as sucking little marks behind your ear. Its your sweet spot. He knew that better than anything. “Can I put them in?”
Not another word needed before he slips his pointy and middle finger inside you. Pumping them in and out at a pace that satisfies you enough to already feel your high coming. Thats how great Vernon made you feel. He thrusts his bulge against your opened up thigh. Giving himself some friction while focusing on making you cum.
Vernon knows to listen to your body. The language, the speed of your breathing, the height and volume of your moans as well as the space in between each of them. For example, when he angles his fingers just perfectly that your moans are now higher pitched.
So when you finally reach your climax, Vernon’s already ripping your bottoms off your body along with his own. He presses two quick kisses to your mouth before grabbing his rock hard cock into his hand and slapping your plumped lips with it. You body jolts at this sudden action.
“You sore?”
“No, no. I’m feel great. Just still coming down.”
He pauses all his movements. “Want me to wait?”
You hum with a shake of your head. “I still want you.”
“You sure. We can stop now if its too much,” he says with assurance. Thats one of your favorite things about Vernon is no matter how certain you sound, he’ll always continue to make sure thing okay. He’ll never push you to go any farther if you were sure.
“I dont wanna stop. I’m okay, I promise.”
Vernon kisses your temple. And holds his lips there as he sinks himself into you as slowly and sweetly as possible.
You moan into his shoulder while gripping his biceps. The stretch gets you every time. Not super painful but when slips in so slowly, you can feel the curve of every vein on his cock. “You okay?”
Vernon grips your thigh to lift it over his waist. Giving more access to your center to thrust more easily. He hits a spot so quickly that your nails are creating moon crescents into his skin even with the short sleeves covering his skin.
Your gummy walls suck Vernon in so nicely that now his own breath is shuddering against your skin. This dint even fucking in either of your eyes. This is your way of making love to each other. And you loved being able to do so with someone who cares so much for you.
He places a strong hand onto your breast and squeezes it through the green bra that covers your skin. The contact makes your high approach even faster than before.
A echoed moan travels through the room and it hits his ears so magically. “You like that? When I touch you?”
“I love it. I love it so much.”
Vernon can feel his high approaching rapidly. With every kiss, every touch, every thrust, it makes him wanna come undone. Smashing your lips together to swallow every moan you expose because of him is like taking a pill. You’re his drug. Everything he needs.
“Fuck- I love you so much, Y/n.”
“I love you too.”
“Say it again.”
And you do. And when asks you to say it again, you do. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum. You’re gonna came me cum, Y/n.”
“Me too, Nonnie.”
His hand leaves your breast to circle your clit once again. “Oh, I’m-“
“Do it for me.”
You hold his lips to your own as you climax subdues your entire body. And just the sight on your beautiful body shaking over your orgasm has Vernon cumming as well and painting your insides with white liquid strings. “Fuck, fuck.”
His hips don’t stop until your high are long over and done. Vernon kisses your lips once more before pulling out of you while resting his head on your own. “You okay? You feel okay?”
You smile. “I feel amazing.”
“Absolutely,” you nod with a little giggle escaping with your words. Vernon retrieves both of your bottoms from the floor and put them back on your bodies. More gently for you than his own self.
“I’ll warm up the food and we can watch that movie.”
Those words make your heart flutter. You nod while Vernon stands from the couch, bends down to peck your lips. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
And then he’s off to the kitchen warming up your dinner while you start the movie.
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gothushi · 2 months
this is taken directly from what happened in my very first rob ai story before i reset it. fem!reader.
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you’re clammy, dirt and blood coat your skin, and this.. feeling of pure relief floods over you and rob when you stumble out onto the dirt path where the jeep had been left parked. it’s dark, probably somewhere around 11:00pm, but you both knew you had to be so close to the car you didn’t want to stop yet, and thank god rob’s instincts were right.
the dino attack happened the night before last, and there have been no sign of the others besides the bloody remains of lisa in camp when you went back to scavenge supplies. two days of hiking in nearly complete silence, both of you too tense to talk, holding each others hand so hard you thought fingers would snap as you hiked. the plan is to get the fuck out of here and back to civilization to get help, but for now.. you both need rest.
you’re leaning against the car as rob opens the backseat door, folding the seats down to be flat, shoving his pack to the floor and taking yours before crawling inside and holding his hand out with a quiet “c’mon”
with all other doors locked (not that it’d provide much safety against the real threat) you shut the door as quiet as you can and then move to lay your exhausted body beside his. he’s laid on his back, dark eyes watching you as you attempt to get comfortable. the only real comfort is the cool night air compared to the day’s scorching heat.
“y’okay..?” he asks ever so softly, voice barely a rasp. you turn again, back to him because he’s so close to you, his body heat evident. (the prior night you shared it with him, huddled together at the base of a tree trunk atop a hill, tonight.. this is different)
“yeah jus’… sore. tired.” is your only answer, feeling him shift behind you until his chest is to your back.
“this okay?”
minutes pass in silence, as silent as the surrounding jungle nightlife can be, before his hand snakes over your waist, arm slowly looping around you. as if he’s.. hesitant. you swallow, breathing a bit shaky, heart beginning to pound in your chest.
“this.. okay?” he asks again, a slightly different tone to his voice now, lips close to your ear.
it takes you a moment to answer, feeling the way his hand splays over your stomach, it makes your thighs press together. your head turns, eyes focused in the dark to barely see his face, god it’s hard to see in here.. “I..” you swallow, can feel how close he is, he’s right there.. just..
his lips crash into yours, taking them in a searing kiss that has you immediately yielding to his advances and parting your lips. tongue licking against yours, his hand moves from your stomach up to cradle your jaw as your body twists, laying on your back now. that throbbing between your legs has already begun, incessant, has you squirming your hips.
minutes are lost as you make out, absolutely desperate despite your location. both of you make soft whines, pants, needy little noises until he detaches from your mouth to trail down your jaw and neck. it’s gross, you’re clammy after two days worth of sweat and grime on you, desperately missing the feel of the river you bathed in days prior, but rob doesn’t seem to care. in fact, he likes it. he inhales deeply, groaning low in his chest as he licks at your skin, sucking a mark somewhere on the flesh. hands tangle into his hair, pulling that damn tie out so the locks are loose for you to touch and tug. it makes him whine as his hands grope you, grasping at your tits over your tank top, pinching at your nipples. it draws a whimper from you, and you can feel him shifting overtop you, your thighs parting as he grinds his aching length down into you.
the actions make you gasp, trying to be relatively quiet, hands tugging at his hair as he kisses the front of your throat. his nose nudges your chin as he blindly makes his way back up, beginning to pant as he whispers “are you– is this okay? do you wan–“
“yes.” you interrupt. he only needs to ask once. you wouldn’t ever dream of denying rob. not even like this. it pulls a huffed moan from him as he rolls his hips down again. his body heat leaves your chest, movement being made as he sits up on his knees the best he can. slightly hunched over, his hands tear at the button on your cargo pants, nearly ripping it open and tugging the zipper down. he realizes just how fucking cramped this car is, how un-ideal this entire situation is, and gives a rough swear before he’s pushing your knees to your chest.
the stretch hurts, your legs sore after days of hiking consistently, groaning a little as he yanks harshly to get your pants and underwear to mid thighs. it’s desperate, the way you vaguely hear him suck at his fingers before they run through your folds. that first touch ignites a fire in you, one of your arms looping around your knees and the other covering your mouth. he wastes no time to push in with one finger, feeling how absolutely soaked you are as it no doubt starts to run down your skin, coating his knuckles. god he wishes he could fucking see. only a minute of that before he adds another, moaning with you as he praises “there y’go… fuck that feels good huh?” you can hear that little grin on his face but you’re too exhausted, too horny to retort with attitude.
“yes,” it leaves you in one breath, “fu– ah! rob.. please, just fuck me”
“you sure?”
“don’t be so-“ a slight whiny growl leaves you as he curls his fingers, your thighs trying to spread despite the restrictions of your pants. the reply dies on your tongue and is replaced with another, “please, yes i’m sure”
his fingers leave you, and once again you hear that faint sucking sound. fuck. it’s followed by the clanking of his belt. twisting to try and look down at him, you can see the faint outline of his body. your eyes fight to make out any details, the jeep roof shields of any moonlight you previously had, so all you can do is make out the shuffling of the way he pushes his pants and boxers down just below his balls, low on his hips. skin on skin as he rubs over his cock, and if only you could see the way his brows furrow and his lips part. you’re about to complain before his fingers find you again, blindly guiding himself so he can push his cock into you. he breaches your entrance and good fucking lord.. his hands press onto your thighs for support as he slides in nice and slow. a moan leaves you both, your own thighs shaking as his hips meet your ass.
he’s so fucking deep. just the perfect size to drive you nuts, fits into you like a damn glove. he drags himself back out with a little noise, like he wants to protest his own actions, before rolling back in. this time you both whine, and he pants, “you feel so fuckin’ good, holy– shit.” his hands grip painfully onto the backs of your thighs where you skin is bare, blunt dirty nails pressing in to leave marks no doubt. you yourself, may actually be on another planet. your heart pounds in your chest, hands trembling behind your knees and on your mouth, muffling your noises the best you can. his movements are slow, dragging his length nearly all the way out before rolling back in until you feel his balls on your ass, pulling away again to repeat. he’s shaking, trying to hold back, like he needs..
you uncover your mouth. “rob–“ it’s a raspy plea, desperate, “don’t make me beg. fuck me.”
it’s fortunately all the invitation he needs to groan low in his chest, adjust his knees, and then start smacking his hips into yours. it pulls a sharp noise from you and you rush to cover your mouth again. it isn’t the wisest decision to start screaming in the jungle at night.
he fucks hard, dull smack of flesh on flesh and the lewd slick noise of your juices where you meet. it’s nasty, soaking wet where you meet, both of you clammy and beginning to sweat, his grasp slipping on your thighs before adjusting even tighter, so tight he’ll leave bruises. your own muffled moans and whines spur him on, and the noises he makes… god. he’s so fucking hot. he makes this whiny little sigh a lot, like he’s out of breath but can’t help but moan. he also growls, low in his chest, like he’s angry. if only you could fucking see, you have no doubt that the expression he’s making would make you cum instantly. his hands shift and he grabs your ass, folding you deeper in on yourself. this pulls a whine of pain from your throat, quickly followed by an appreciative moan as he leans over you more, fucking down hard as you feel his head by your calf. he’s staring down at you, you know he is even though neither of you can see. his nails scratch at your skin, and after another few moments he’s shoving your legs to the side. your body twists and you yelp, hand reaching out for him as he keeps fucking you, lips finding yours again.
exchanging whiny little noises, desperate babbles, you fuck. “you feel so good” “fuck– rob, right there” “i’ve got you- nnhah- so fucking wet” “wanted this so bad, feels so good” “please” “please, please, please!”
it’s all a desperate flurry of actions, hips pounding into your ass, a mess of slick dripping down your skin onto the seat beneath you two. the area above his cock smacks against your clit with every thrust down, sending you hurdling towards that peak. “can i–“
“yes, god, please,” absolutely zero hesitation.
“oh– fuck-“ it leaves him in a growled moan as he cums in you, throbbing, hips rolling sensually as he feels your own orgasm crash over you too. your hands dig into his back, in his hair, lips on his to muffle the desperate panting whines leaving you.
the steamy feeling of your panting breaths washes over both your faces, and he buries himself into your neck to press comforting kisses onto the sweaty flesh there. he licks at your skin again and it makes arousal shoot up your spine before it dies away to exhaustion again. he sits up, slowly drags himself from where you’re absolutely soaked, a mess of his cum and yours dripping from your pussy as you now whine at the feeling. you can’t even lower your legs yet, twisting onto your back again with knees to your chest, held by one of his hands, as his other searches for his pack. a moment of struggling, a curse and his hand leaving you, you laugh softly.
“shut up.” he grumbles, but it’s amused. a zipper sounds as he finds it and pulls whatever fabric he feels first out, folding it over your hand to start wiping you off, “you okay?”
“i can’t feel my legs.”
he barks a quiet laugh, “besides that..”
you know what he’s asking. was that okay, this. is this okay. how are you feeling. you smile to yourself in the dark, “yeah.. i liked that. this.” it seems to satisfy him as he cleans you off the rest of the way, then himself. tossing the fabric aside to the floor, he does up his own pants before pulling yours back down, blindly fumbling with the button before doing it back up and lowering your legs again. his hand massages your thigh in a silent apology when you groan in pain, crawling back to lay beside you once more. he nuzzles in and peppers kisses on your collarbone, your neck, up over your cheek until you turn your head to meet his lips in a sweet, lazy kiss. he nuzzles back into your neck after, arms holding you protectively, both of you too tired to talk. your hand cradles his jaw, feeling his facial hair, as you both drift off to sleep.
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paleopinesofficial · 8 months
Dino Journal Entry: Megalosaurus!
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[ALT TEXT: A Megalosaurus in the Forest, sun over trees in the background]
Megalosaurus are three-toed theropods renowned for their impressive strength and gentle demeanour. They make a great steed due to their ability to sprint, but many Megalosaurus are just as happy to spend their days lounging on the ranch.
Befriend a Megalosaurus in Paleo Pines- out now on Xbox, PlayStation, Switch and PC
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herebecritters · 1 year
Origins of a Curse pt 1
Ah the lore then. I’ll try to keep it as short and sweet as I can. I’ll only be covering the first part of this story, 66 million years is a long time!
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A rough timeline, still gotta iron it out. For this post I’ll go up to Civilization 1. I’ll tell the rest of the saga later ;3
*clears throat*
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There was once a modest village in the middle of a forest. It teemed with a variety of small furry critters. They crawled out of their burrows at night in the safety of darkness, as the day was ruled by massive, sometimes violent, reptiles.
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There were two siblings who grew up in a small burrow beneath a magnolia tree. They were known as Cro and Dumuzi. The Kimbetopsalis siblings were close. They both shared a desire to no longer live in fear of the day. They did not want to spend their lives hiding in the darkness. However, as they grew older they would ultimately take very different paths towards this future.
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Cro began sneaking out during the day to go on adventures out in the open despite the dangers. He wanted to live alongside the other animals of the world rather than in fear of them. He got into lots of trouble, but also made great friends along the way.
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Dumuzi on the other hand became a healer in an effort to save her people- she saved many, but still the trouble persisted. She could not save everyone.
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Cro, now with a secret day life, spent a lot of his nights sleeping. As he slept, Dumuzi grew a close friendship with two other mammals in their village, Geshtu and Nergal. The three shared one common goal: to end the reign of the dinosaurs and to save their village.
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Nergal was a warrior with some sadistic tendencies. Mischievous, petty, and often cruel, he had a passionate disdain for the reptiles who ruled the land. While he was a determined warrior, he was still small. He couldn’t fight the biggest of the beasts, so at nights he enjoyed sneaking into nesting grounds and smashing the eggs. He’d also kill hatchlings and smaller dinosaurs when given the chance.
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Geshtu was a religious priest, he claimed to be able to commune with the Moon Deity, Theia. There was a small hidden cavern he’d frequently visit to do so. Stoic and cold, Geshtu was a hard one to get close to, but for what he lacked in charisma he made up for in intelligence.
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Not a single one of the three was without a few screws loose, but perhaps that’s what allowed them to go so far with their mission. They met in secret in Geshtus cavern frequently, scheming their ultimate plan.
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=> Part two
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qu0kkarambles · 8 months
Day 9 - Lee Chan
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Authors note - day 9! This was supposed to be day 8 but I didn’t finish it in time sooo day 9 it is! As always I hope you enjoy and please comment or ask any questions or feedback.
Warnings - smut (minors dni), mirror sex, semi public sex, fingering, unprotected sex, praise, sweat.
The doors were heavy as you trailed through the hybe corridors, arms laden down with heavy bags. You had stocked yourself up with drinks, snacks and other food before heading to the practise room, knowing it was the best way to make sure you would be allowed to stay.
They had been practising long hours, your time with your boyfriend suffering because of it, but today was the last scheduled day of practises for a week, and so you decided to pay them a visit.
You could hear the deep bass through the walls before even opening the door, the music blaring from speakers all over the room. You entered quietly, watching as your boyfriend critiqued his members, pointing out small details that had been missed. He had a knack for noticing the small things- most people wouldn’t notice the mistakes, but to Dino they stood out like a sore thumb.
They needed perfection, and so that is what they would have. The hours and hours of practise would all be for nothing if they made big mistakes while performing, and they all knew this.
As he caught sight of you in the mirror, his firm gaze turned softer, immediately heading in your direction. He grabbed the bags from your hands, passing them on to whoever was closest as he pulled you in for a hug.
‘Hey baby. What are you doing here?’ He asked, surprised to see you. The other members helped themselves to the various treats within the bags, a small chorus of thank yous ringing out from behind Dino.
‘I wanted to see you, I’ve missed you’ you said, a small pout on your lips as you played with the bottom hem of his top.
‘We’re almost done here but I’ve gotta stay late - I’ve got a new danceology choreography I’ve been working on and they want to film next week I need to work on some details.’ He rambled on, running his hands through his hair as he spoke.
‘Babe, it’s fine. I can go if you want or I can stay and keep you company? Entirely up to you.’
‘Keep me company. Please?’ His lips were soft as he kissed you, a gentle peck before running back to his members, ready to run through their choreography one more time.
You took a seat in front of the mirrors, watching as they worked through the routine, in awe at their movements and synchronicity as they moved. By the end of the song, they were all swearing, reaching for the drinks you had bought them and gathering their things, more than ready to leave.
‘Chan-ah, you’re staying behind right?’ Seungcheol asked, rounding up the rest of the members.
‘Yeah I won’t be too long though. And y/n is keeping me company’ he said with a smile, a small wink thrown in your direction. As the other boys left, Dino queued the music on the speakers, running through his choreography a few times as a refresher before hitting play. You watched him, following his body lines with your eyes as you admired his movements.
He was an incredible dancer, and you were once again awed by his talent and skill. He ran through the choreography multiple times, editing small details with every practise. Soon enough, his top was sheer with sweat, his breathing ragged.
You stood as he grabbed a water break, walking up behind him, your hands on his waist as he stood. You lifted his shirt slightly, running your fingers over his toned back as you leaned on him.
‘You’re doing so well baby. You’re so talented’ you said, kissing gently between his shoulder blades as his eyes met yours in the reflection of the mirrors. You took a step back as he spun around to stand before you, your hands pulled away from the fabric of his top as he lifted it over his head. You were slightly shocked, and on instinct turned your head around the room, scared someone might see.
‘It’s fine princess, it’s only us here’ he said, his hands finding your waist as he pulled you close. His lips met yours, his kiss soft but firm, his hands trailing over your body as he pulled you impossibly closer to him. His tongue explored your mouth, pulling whines from your throat as he broke your kiss.
‘Come on’ he said, pulling your hand in his as he walked toward the mirrors. He positioned you, stood perfectly before the mirrors, your back to his chest as he kissed along your neck, his fingers teasing at your waist. ‘Look how perfect you are y/n’ he said, his eyes meeting yours in the mirror. You tried to look away, his fingers quickly finding your jaw to hold your gaze on the mirrors.
‘Don’t look away. Not even for a second’ he said, quickly pulling your clothes from your body. You felt exposed, the vast space of the practise room making your hairs stand on end. Yet you loved the goosebumps that appeared on your arms, loved the thrill of being so exposed.
You watched in the mirror as your boyfriend kissed along your body, worshipping every inch of skin as he moved further and further down. Soon, his hands were on your core, his fingers slipping easily inside as he felt how turned on you were. It was incredible how much you were affected by him, especially here, now.
You moaned quietly, eyes meeting his in the mirror as he added another finger, slowly working you open as you stood, bared for him.
‘That’s it baby’
‘So fucking beautiful’
His praise was endless, filling your head as your knees grew weak. Your hands grasped onto any bit of Dino you could reach, your firm grip and moans the only warning he got before you came undone before him. Your legs were shaking, his grip on you the only thing keeping you upright.
He kissed along your body once more, trailing his kisses up your body as he whispered praises to you, finally reaching your neck. His hands were firm on your hips, pulling your ass back slightly as he liked himself up with your entrance.
His moans in your ear had your knees weakening once again, leaning yourself forward to rest your hands on the mirror infront of you as he began to chase his high. His movements were deep, and fast, steadily chasing his pace but not quite frantic yet. His hands trailed through your hair, tugging it back to watch you in the mirror. The two of you watched as your body’s met, mesmerised by the sight.
His praises flooded the room as he he reached his high, his arms tight around you as he filled you up.
‘Fuck y/n.’
You watched in the mirror as you each caught your breath, Dino pulling away from you as he moved to grab some tissues. The room smelt of sweat and sex, and you were lucky no one else would be in this room for a few days.
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angelkissiies · 1 year
teenage dream
ellie williams x reader
cw : fluff, suggestive content at the end !
a/n : this has been sitting for awhile ,, but i really think the idea is cute so if it’s dumb pls just be nice, i had the idea while looking around in spencers and seeing a little dino piercing jewelry.🙏🏻 also this gif is so funny to me.
wc : 1.3k
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“C’mon, It doesn’t even hurt that bad. Just one time, please? It’ll be so cute, I promise.” Dina’s voice begged as you stood idly by the door, shying away from the idea of the girl getting anywhere near you with a needle. It had been a week since she’d found the kit, tucked comfortably under a bed in an old apartment the two of you had scouted. Hence it had also been a week since you’d gotten any peace and quiet about the situation. She’d convinced almost everyone to get a piercing (or two in Ellie’s case) and you were the last of her victims, all she had to do was convince you. 
Dina already had the kit out on her desk, needles, and jewelry packaged up in plastic awaiting to be of use. Her hands glided over the different piercing jewelry, moving them to be in piles of likeness. “I think you’d look really nice with a nose piercing! Oh, or maybe a tongue piercing!” She gushed, eyes lingering on your face as she debated more ways to get you on board. 
“I don’t know, Dina. I’m not sure if I want to have metal in my face, at least right now. You know how Joel is, he’s still upset about Ellie’s.. what did you call them?” You paused, looking over to the girl as you shifted from foot to foot.
She smiled, shrugging. “Snake bites, and who cares? It’s your body, but also you don’t have to get one on your face. There are also body piercings.” She explained, grabbing a folded paper from the top of the box, and unfolding it to display a dozen small diagrams of different body piercing placements. “See? You could totally get a navel piercing or something, Joel would never know.” 
“Navel piercing? My belly button?” You asked, lifting your shirt gingerly to glance at the thing before looking back over to Dina. As much as you didn’t want to get in trouble with Joel because you already knew he would find out off the bat due to Dina’s rambling, it peaked your attention, to say the least. 
Dina nodded gingerly, moving to pick up the jewelry options for the navel, whilst there weren't many- and most weren’t meant to be worn until healed, she displayed the options before you on the surface of her desk. “It would look really cute, I mean look at these options. Butterfly, heart-shaped, pink di-,” She paused, hand lingering over the last one as she pushed it towards you. 
As you picked it up you realized why she had reacted in such a way. It was a pink dinosaur on a plastic piercing. It aroused a giggle to fall from your lips, thinking of the people who would’ve worn something like this in the old world. “This is so fucking cute, Ellie would love it.” You stated, turning it in your fingers as you fought internally over whether to trust Dina with a needle or pass up the opportunity to surprise Ellie with something so comically small (but you knew she’d love.) 
“Soooo?” She drew out, hands clasped together in a pleading manner over her chest. “Is this a yes?” 
Why the fuck not? 
“Yes, okay. I’ll do it.” You agreed, shrugging off your jacket. “Don’t fuck it up though, okay?” 
“Sir yes sir.” 
God, piercings were a pain in your ass. It had stayed sore for the first couple of days and now, it had calmed down enough to show to your girl- but she’d been called early that morning for a double on patrol and as much as you hated the fact, it gave you a reasonable amount of time to get ready to see her when she came home. 
“Fuck, how did they even use these?” You cursed, battling with the curling wand you held like a weapon. It had already given you a couple of mild burns before you called it quits, slamming it down on the counter angrily as you peered in the mirror. You’d somehow managed to curl most of it before giving up ultimately. At least it looked presentable, right?  
You wandered through the house, touching up tiny details of cleaning you’d missed. If anyone saw you right now, you’d look absolutely insane. Dressed in the slip Ellie loved so much, hair curled, hell you were even wearing a little makeup. In the apocalypse nonetheless, you were a crazy person, no fighting the label now as you wasted what some outside of Jackson would consider ‘valuable resources’ on your menial attempt at surprising your girlfriend. 
The sound of the doorknob caught your attention, shocking you into movement as you took your place on the arm of the couch- leaning against it so you’d be the first thing she’d see when she came in. Your heart began to pick up the pace, nervous with anticipation. What if she didn’t like it? What if she was upset that you didn’t tell her? 
“Babe?” Ellie called out, turning to close and lock the door as she came in just missing the sight of you by a couple seconds. 
You stifled a nervous giggle, quietly responding. “Over here, honey.” 
The woman turned on her heel, mouth already uptick in a small smile before she realized just what she was looking at. She halted in awe, taking in the sight of you. It was always so flattering when Ellie noticed the little things, like how the slip draped over your frame just right or how you’d used the tinted chapstick to give your lips a rosy hue. That’s how she showed she cared, by noticing the little details that perhaps even you didn’t realize. 
“Oh, my god.” She breathed, dropping her bag on the floor next to the door before moving into the living room gingerly. “What’s the occasion, babe?” It wasn’t your anniversary or her birthday, so her mind was spinning with ways to account for the absolutely delicious sight of you. 
You shrugged, “Oh nothing, just wanted to surprise you.” Lying directly through your teeth you checked the first box off of your list, heading directly for the second. Distract and seduce, easy enough, right? 
Ellie took half a second to come inches before you, hands automatically gravitating towards your waist, feeling the soft silk under her calloused hands. She sighed in delight, eyes skimming down your body before she landed in a tiny bulge pressing the fabric forward. That was definitely not there before, right? She knew your body, every curve and ridge from years of exploration and this was definitely new. “What’s this?” She asked, tilting her head in confusion as she pulled at the slip gently, coaxing it up towards your thighs. 
You giggled, pulling your lip between your teeth as you nodded at her to continue searching. You felt beyond giddy, anticipating that little face she made when she got excited. You felt like a little kid again, sharing a secret with a friend. 
She got the fabric bunched in her hands, finally pulling it over your navel before she gasped- her mouth falling into an ‘o’ shape as she gawked at the tiny piece of jewelry in your tummy. “Oh my god! No way!” She choked out, a hand immediately going to toy with it before she halted her actions- remembering Dina’s incredibly strict set of rules about piercings. “It's so cute, why didn’t you tell me?” 
“And ruin the surprise? No way!” You smiled, eyes grazing over her blushed cheeks as she kept staring at the jewelry in awe. God, you loved her. “Seeing you all surprised was so worth it.” 
“You’re such a dream.” Ellie sighed, letting the slip fall back down to its original length, dipping down to press a gentle kiss to your lips. She absolutely couldn't imagine a better surprise, though at this second she was thinking of a few surprises she could give you- looking so delectable she couldn’t help herself, deepening the kiss as you felt the balls of her piercing press into the warm skin of your bottom lip. “Let me show you how much I love it.” 
“I’m listening..”
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satoru-is-the-way · 2 years
Tags: @shoxji @tian-monique @omgsuperstarg @angel-bi666 @sunfairyy @sunkissedebony97
Request by @dino-fart :I would like a fic of namor x reader in the bathtub, reader has had A DAY at work and is exhausted. Namor massages her shoulders and feet and gives her kisses uwu
A/N: ANYTHING FOR YOU MY GODDESS AHHHH 😍😍😍😍 Also not proof read 😭
WARNINGS: Naked Body Idk what else to add 😭😭
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You first meet Namor visiting your family in Yucatán, Mexico. For starters, you have encountered crazy events within your lifetime. Watching invaders demolish New York, a city fall from the sky, and half the population vanished right in front of your eyes. So when a half-naked man dressed in fancy trunks and golden jewelry walked out of the ocean. Well you didn't turn for one.
It's been a year since then. His enemies called him Namor but his people, and you called him K'uk'ulkan. At first, the man and you had many arguments. However, it entertained him that you gave no fucks how strong he was or that he was a god. Namor found it hard for himself not to go a day without seeing you. You pulled him further and further onto the surface land he so hated. Ultimately you moved back to the Yucatán for Namor.
There was a school nearby that needed an English teacher, you were fluent in a few different languages so you agreed. Despite loving your job the workload is endless. Grading, parent-teacher conferences, planning, and oh the list could go on. Friday finally hit and this week had been extra stressful. Right now you soaked your body in a well-deserved hot bath.
Namor had come to your shared home and instantly knew where you were upon smelling the scent of your fancy bath soap he loved. "In reina (my queen)~" He called walking into the bathroom he instantly noticed how tense your body is. "Ba'ax ku yúuchul? (What's wrong?)." He asked walking towards the bath.
"Ah...Just, In meyaj. Toop in Ajaw. (My work. It's hard my king). One thing after another. It never ends." You took a deep breath trying not to get overwhelmed by the load of work awaiting for her.
"Can I help ease your pain?" He asked softly. You wait a moment before nodding. Namor leaned down and gripped your shoulder gently massaging the sore muscle. He instantly felt the tension and stiffness in your neck. On your end it felt like a massive weight being lifted off your shoulders and back. A gentle groan of pleasure escape your lips. "Thank you so much."
"Anything for you, in reina (queen). I want to take you away. You can live in the caves. And come visit Talokan when you want."
You sighed knowing how amazing it would be not to do anything but live as a queen. You visited Talokan many times in that suit Namor obtained but never explained how. He even taught you his native language which really hadn't been hard to learn. You already knew part of the old dialect that is still much alive today. "I would love to. Really but I belong here too, K'uk'ulkan. You know this." You sighed deeply as his hands move up and down your shoulders. "But your hands are very convincing."
Namor chuckled deeply before moving down to the end of the tub. Your eyes followed his movement. "Baby you don't have to."
"But I love to make you feel nice. I know you talk about how much your feet ache after a long hard day of work." He dips his hand into the water. Gently rubbing your feel. You sighed deeply laying your head back and feeling pure bliss. His skillful fingers gently rubbed your foot. The left one first. Up your leg. Making sure to give every part a nice over. Then your right leg. You rambled on about your day. Pros, cons, and how your co workers are.
"You should be the Queen of this place." He grumbled causing you to giggle.
"Honey it's called a Principal. And no, it would be worse." You glance down to Namor. He leaned up and kissed you deeply.
"I love you."
"I love you more." You whisper.
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jjellysoo · 3 months
what are your headcanons for xs? im starving for content too sksld so i wanna know your thoughts/headcanons on them!
Hi, thank you for the ask!! >:)
Not many general headcanons make it into my work because I tend to write about specific concepts, so this was fun!
I love all interpretations of the XS timeline, but I don't think they were together during the story's canon. Post-canon and I can see an argument for the TYL arc. Extremely dubious on anything pre-cradle affair.
Xanxus is absolutely the jealous type, but he won't address it in a practical way. He's known to cling to his possessions, right?
On that note - Dino, count your days.
Xanxus is very much into Squalo's hair. If he can touch it, he will, whether that's a pleasant touch or not.
Besta likes Squalo the most after Xanxus himself, and will try to smother him and kiss him, which Xanxus ignores like he's getting paid for it.
It's a private relationship, for several reasons. Not many people know about it, and if they do, they're not going to comment on it lest they want to part ways with their face.
Except for Luss, of course, who bombards Squalo with dumb questions when they have downtime, none of which are answered. That 101 battles was ROUGH.
No pet names other than the usual insults that probablyyy count as pet names. But don't tell them I said that.
Xanxus runs warm because of his flame (why he can run around half shirtless), and Squalo runs cold (why he wears fur and coats and earmuffs all the time!) The ideal temperature equilibrium for cuddling.
This is canon, but Xanxus is overall calmer when Squalo is around HQ.
Squalo finds Xanxus' scars attractive as they relate to his rage, but he wouldn't mention it because of the sore topic. If Xanxus ever lost control over his scars in a sexual context, well....
Squalo has had feelings for Xanxus since the beginning. He must've been pretty convinced things were going to work out, huh? When you know you know etc. etc.
Xanxus has some Avengers level threat internalized homophobia. His whole complex is over being heir to the Vongola, and part of that role is having a family and children, so being with a man would be really hard for him to comes to terms with. Also, the stereotypes of gay men that he'd be acquainted with go against the persona he's made for himself.
In effect, it's really hard for him to be openly affectionate. Queue glass throwing and hair pulling.
SAME TANGENT because I see this way too much but these two could not be a casual FWB situation given Xanxus' complex.
Okay so this is based on the inheritance ceremony where Timoteo is a little bitch to Squalo for no reason. THOSE TWO BEEF LIKE CRAZY IN THE MOST PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE "IN LAWS" WAY POSSIBLE. Squalo obviously dislikes him because he ruined Xanxus' life and is dismissive of the Varia as a whole, Timoteo dislikes him because he thinks he's trying to get with his son and go against what a right hand man is supposed to be.
If there's one thing that's going to fluster (fluster!?) Varia Captain and Sword Emperor Superbia Squalo, it's going to be Xanxus. Squalo never expected to get this far, so when he spends his life in respectful admiration and is suddenly getting bombarded with what would otherwise be normal couple behavior, he doesn't know what to do.
Xanxus pretends to be unaware of the effect he has, but definitely knows and extorts it because it's cute
I'm not kidding when I say I have more than this, but that's where I'm cutting it off for today. Hope this feeds you well enough, for now, anon! :D
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